#s1 p7
smplyverse-divided · 8 months
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DivideD S1 - Page 7
-Jacob and Gabriel open for asks-
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heartsoftruth · 6 months
Best the car could. Maybe a little more in that S1. But yeah.
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princeloww · 1 year
Hello, its me again, telling the Takin Over the Asylum fandom about Scotland, despite being from Ireland.
My last post was about Scottish slang and a rough guide on how to actually use it. (Aye, Nae, Cannae, etc)
Today, not because of any specific reason, and just because I feel like it, I'm going to talk about how education works in Scotland, since I know a lot of TOTA fans are NOT from the UK, yet probably still wish to write fanfiction, and might want to get it more accurately right.
Again, I am not Scottish, but I've done research, and this is just a rough guide for people wishing to write fanfiction about Campbell Bain. - and a lot of people may already know this stuff, of course, but this is just for those who might not.
"High school" is generally not a used term. Some schools are CALLED "high school" in their actual names, for example, Perth High School, but they aren't high-schools like in the USA.
School starts for Scottish kids in primary one. This is the equivalent to elementary school, in other places. Usually kids are around 4 or 5. Primary school lasts until P7, which is the equivalent of year 7 in England. You would be 11 in P7.
After primary school there is no middle school. It is straight to secondary school, in S1 (equivalent to year 8). Secondary school is basically middle school and high-school combined. You're there from 11-ish until you're ready for college.
Secondary school lasts from S1 (yr8) until S6 (yr13).
The Scottish education system is much different than in England/Wales and Northern Ireland, so here's some things that will explain it better than I can:
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National 5 is pretty much the equivalent to GCSE, which are exams taken in the rest of the UK when you finish school. In the rest of the UK, once you've done your GCSES, you can go onto complete your A-levels, which is basically just a higher qualification.
A-levels are equivalent to Scottish Highers.
You do your National 5s in your last year, and then can go onto do higher education.
In Takin Over the Asylum, Campbell is 19 (I believe), and his father says he has not finished his exams, and wants him to go back to school.
I'm assuming the education system was generally the same in the 90s, and working off of that assumption. If it was not, then this is a waste of your time, but oh well.
Either Campbell did not complete his National 5s at 15-16ish, or his father is pushing him to finish his higher education. I think both options are interesting, when it comes to possible headcanons or fanfiction ideas. Either Campbell struggled with his (basically GCSEs) and was unable to complete them, having no qualifications at all, or he did complete his exams, has some qualifications but his father wants him to do more, finish his education and strive to achieve more.
I like to headcanon that he really struggled in school despite being bright and well-able. He always seemed to get in trouble when he didn't mean to, probably for being too loud, energetic and "disruptive", in a way that the teachers didn't understand to NOT be him misbehaving.
Most of this is just food for thought, really, and a wee bit,,, entirely useless, but I thought it was a bit interesting.
Again, feel free to correct me in the replies. I am but a simple Northern Irish David Tennant fan, who wants to help people feel more confident writing fanfiction, for my own selfish desires.
Hope this was somewhat helpful to someone out there!
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misiahasahardname · 2 days
Hii… 🧍‍♂️(I’m shy please)
Info dump on what you wanna talk about, I wanna listen… 😼
oh my god uhhh i don‘t know what to talk about hmmm uhhhh ok ok uhhhhh
uhmmmmmmm uhhhhhhhhh ok maybe an octuplets ramble? yeah sure an octuplets ramble LET‘S GO
when i was in p6 (4th grade i think?) i came up with a silly little story based off my friendgroup called the octuplets where we were, as the name suggests, octuplets. why were we octuplets? well, because i thought that we were all super similar, both in personality and appearance, so i figured why not write a story where we‘re all siblings? (i really badly wanted more siblings when i was a kid…). so yeah.
actually, originally one of my friends wasn‘t an octuplets, instead she was the adult sister because she felt ‚older‘ than all of us (???????? girl why??), and she was the ‚caretaker’ too because for some reason i didn’t want to give us parents (ALSO WHY???????). however because of this i didn’t have an eighth octuplets because we were a group of eight, not a group of nine, so i just shoved in some random girl that i kinda knew (i later replaced her with abother version of that first friend, so there was a millie sr and a millie jr. i explained the two millie situation in the story with ‚millie sr was allowed to name one of her siblings so she chose to name her millie. again.‘)
after a while i decided ‚okay, they need parents’ so i created parents. however i didn‘t properly add them to the main story. instead, i created some CRAZY family lore (which i can‘t decide if i should keep or not…). so there was a dad, adam (NOT pronounced ahduhm) and a mum, grace. adam and grace were a lovely little couple, adam was a bit shy but hardworking and caring, and grace was a bubbly ray of sunshine but also gentle and thoughtful. they and their daughter millie lived a very happy life, until one day, when grace was pregnant with her second child(ren), adam got arrested for drunk driving + speeding. BUT IT WASN‘T HIM WHO WAS DRIVING. IT WAS HIS OLDER BROTHER ANDRZEJ WHO JUST HAPPENED TO LOOK A LOT LIKE HIM. that‘s right, while being chased andrzej was able to speed home, get inside, so once the police arrived they got ADAM because he wasn’t wearing his glasses (adam wears glasses, andrzej doesn’t) and andrzej had locked himself in the bathroom. i have no idea how that was supposed to work but this storyline stuck for AGES.
and if that wasn’t bad enough, when it finally came time for the octuplets to be born (i originally made their birthday the 24th of april because it would be stupid to give them the same birthday as me, but then i realised that was STUPID and a BIG MISSED OPPORTUNITY so their date of birth is the 8th of august 2008 now), SHE DIED, and her mother in law/millie‘s grandma/adam‘s mum leokadia (‚babcia lodzia‘ to the kids) had to look after the kids. however this wasn’t permanent, because in 2017 (when millie was nearly sixteen (her birthday is november 6th 2001 btw) and the octuplets about nine) lodzia‘s OWN mother fell badly ill and so she had to return to poland to look after, meaning MILLIE WAS THE MAIN CARER OF THE OCTUPLETS.
SUPER crazy. i was a rather dramatic story teller when i was in… p7 maybe? this was either p7 or s1 i can‘t remember. i made a lot of millie angst with this. but don’t worry, i didn‘t make her life HORRIBLE because adam was released on her 18th birthday! now if that isn‘t the best birthday present, i don‘t know what is!
i think most of the lore is alright and i‘m going to keep it, but i‘m not sure about adam‘s story… i don‘t know exactly how to change it though?
BUT ENOUGH ABOUT THAT. time to get into the real meat and potatoes…… THE OCTUPLETS THEMSELVES!
so, y‘know how i said that originally the octuplets were based off my real friends? well, i decided to change that somewhere in 2023, because they were so heavily inspired by my friends, i got kind of… scared(?) of writing them, and i started focusing too much on the side characters. so i decided to switch things up a little!
so the octuplets went from aiden, caitlin, mia (shudders), zack, [deadname], millie jr, max/maks and molly to jakub, zosia, gosia, kuba, marek, amelia, darek and alicja. i decided to lean further into the Polish aspect of the octuplets, which i also couldn’t do before because i was the only pole. i originally made the octuplets half scottish on their mother‘s side, but i‘m considering making them fully Polish, since they went from being heavily inspired by my friendgroup, to being loosely inspired by my own life.
i think being an immigrant is a big part of the octuplets story. the octuplets live in a slightly poorer area where the housing is mostly council flats, so they live around many immigrants (and are (second generation) immigrants themselves). for the first half of my life i lived like this too, which was very nice, because that meant i was around many people who shared similar stories to me. (most of the people i lived around that weren’t scottish came from east europe, which is ironic since the only slavic characters i have in the octuplets are the octuplets and their family themselves and kat, who doesn’t become THAT important until teentuplets)
for the first few years of their life, the octuplets couldn’t really communicate with anyone outside their family, as their grandmother didn’t know a word of english, and millie was like. six when they were born so she couldn’t really teach them anything. so when they started primary school, the octuplets would be taken for special english lessons to help them learn the language. these lessons were where they met their best friend, laura !!(who is my second favourite side character to write (it‘s a shocker i haven‘t mentioned about octavia yet…. i will talk about her eventually trust me)) laura‘s super fun, she‘s got this slightly snarky energy to her that i love (it makes her frenemyship with jeremy even funnier to write for me) and she‘s just like. hfhdhgsjdb i don‘t know how to describe her she’s just really cool. love laura. she‘s awesome to write. (i made some pretty wild lore for her too— back when she lived in brazil she got a dirty peice of glass stuck in her right arm but she didn‘t notice so it just stayed there for a few days and then her arm got infected and she had to have it amputated— girl does NOT feel pain)
neurodivergence is also a big thing in the octuplets! besides gosia (who is autistic) each of the octuplets has a specific trait inspired off of me and my adhd: jakub has my ego problems and general theater kid energy, zosia has my seemingly endless supply of energy and intense optimism, kuba has my anxiety and my clinginess, marek has my habit of zoning out and overactive imagination, amelia has my EXTREME hyperactivity and poor impulse control, darek has my laziness and idk that one part of me that is just a sarcastic troublemaking dipshit, and alicja has my high empathy and my habit of saying things that are either extremely out of left field, nonsensical or accidentally offensive. though the ways in which they behave are more inspired by myself from when the octuplets is set (2018-early 2020 (teentuplets takes place in 2023 iirc)), there are some parts that resemble my current self.
the neurodivergence is DEFINETLY inherited btw. grace most likely had adhd (never diagnosed tho 😔), someone on adam‘s side of the family was epileptic (zosia epileptic REAL AND CANON (had to project that on someone)), and adam also had crippling anxiety, hence, kuba. i like writing kuba and alicja‘s dynamic because kuba is most like adam (including in appearance) and alicja is most like grace, it‘s very sweet. kuba has this protective urge over alicja… tbh most of the octuplets do to some extent, she is the youngest after all. however i think she has things under control the most… maybe not tho. in my first attempts at writing her she could be REALLY unhinged. she‘s a lot more mellow now tho!
with zosia -> jakub makes a big deal of being the oldest but shoves most of his responsibilities onto zosia. zosia is super patient to he likes to see how far he can push her before she snaps (unfortunately for him she never does). he sometimes uses her as a pseudo-big sister and actually listens to her more than he listens to millie!
with gosia -> ohhhh he is so annoying. she‘s definetly his favourite sibling and he WILL make it her problem. when he‘s bored he will bust into the girls‘ bedroom to bother her a bit and criticise her for being a nerdy nerd and always reading. he does genuinely care about her though and feels bad when he pushes her over the edge.
with kuba -> somehow he‘s the straight man of this duo (which is ironic for a multitude of reasons). kuba is constantly terrified of The Consequences of things that don‘t matter. jakub (with his blind confidence) always responds to this terror with surprisingly sound reasoning. he finds himself dragging kuba out of his comfort zone a lot.
with marek -> they were a lot closer when they were younger, but jakub gets pretty bored with marek. he doesn’t care much about marek‘s fantasies— his fantasies are wayyyy cooler. however he respects marek‘s drawing skills („pleaseee draw me please please please“) and the fact he is a fellow theater kid.
with amelia -> god they are an awful duo. jakub THRIVES off of amelia‘s chaotic energy. amelia acts as an instigator for jakub‘s bullshit which is why he really enjoys spending time with her, with amelia he gets to bring his troublemaking to the next level. it is not reccomended to leave them alone for anything over an hour.
with darek -> darek is similar to jakub in a lot of ways, which he finds really ANNOYING. no one can mess with jakub‘s ego the way darek does. jakub gets really stroppy(?) with darek sometimes, but darek (who hardly cares about anything) doesn’t ever give him the reaction he wants, which INFURIATES him. however, he does still get along with him. they talk shit about people often (jakub because he thinks he‘s better than everyone and darek because he likes to criticise people (he also thinks he‘s better than everyone))
with alicja -> he is not a good influence to alicja. he loves using his big brother privilege to make her do dumb shit with him… it‘s his way of bonding with her. he finds it really annoying when people go too soft on her because she is just as stubborn and stupid as the rest of them… though he does treat her a bit like a mini-me sometimes.
with jakub -> she rolls her eyes at his i‘m-the-best, i-love-me antics, and sighs in disappointment whenever one of his dumb plans backfires, but she does enjoy that jakub-brand chaos he brings to the group. she‘ll turn a blind eye to his mischief sometimes, but she will tease him for his stupid behaviour. she finds him entertaining.
with gosia -> she has an extreme soft side for her. no one understands gosia the way zosia does. she‘s always had a close bond with gosia, helping her out with her emotions, trying to get her out there and make new friends. she‘s tries not to be as extra as she usually is when around gosia. i love writing these two actually
with kuba -> she finds him to be a bit silly. she tries to get kuba to stop being so attached/overprotective of alicja, but that is a bit hypocritical considering what she‘s like with gosia. she tries to be as supportive as possible, but she tries not to put too much faith in him because she knows what he‘s like. zosia loves kuba, but she really wishes he wasn’t such a scaredy cat
with marek -> zosia‘s willing to listen to whatever marek has to say. with how chaotic and uncontrollable the rest of her siblings are, she likes to wind down with a story from marek. she finds his creativity inspiring, even when he gets a little too carried away. he‘s her favourite sibling to play games with, and really appreciates the effort he puts in to making the games feel real (they totally roleplay on roblox together lol)
with amelia -> zosia, the beam of sunshine and sustainable energy source sometimes finds it hard to keep up with amelia‘s hyper as balls personality, but she tries her best! she thinks amelia is really funny, but she does NOT play fair and that can be a bit annoying to her.
with darek -> darek is a bit too negative for her. she really badly wants darek to engage in activities and actually do something because she HATES seeing people left out, but he‘s extremely stubborn. however she‘s not exactly someone who can do everything either, so whenever she has to sit out an activity, she‘ll chat with darek.
with alicja -> alicja is such a sweetheart, so zosia can‘t help but find her endearing. she hates to admit it, but she does baby her sometimes, but she tries her best not to! she‘s very supportive and encouraging of alicja, and, in contrast to some people, tries to keep her away from trouble.
with jakub -> she finds him… frustrating to be around, to say the least. she tries to tolerate his annoying behaviour, but she isn’t the most patient person out there, so she tends to lash out. she‘s always there to make some sarcastic remark when something he does goes wrong. she doesn’t understand why he‘s so attached to her while she just wants to get rid of him.
with zosia -> zosia is the person she cares about the most. gosia believes she will never meet a person as special as zosia. gosia struggles a lot with normal, everyday things, but zosia‘s support makes her feel so much more normal. thanks to zosia, gosia actually talks about her problems, rather than just bottling them up. guys i genuinely love these two so much
with kuba -> she finds him to be too irrational. she‘s a lot more of a logical thinker than he is, so his outbursts are impossible for her to understand. she can be a bit… harsh to him sometimes, so when he helps her out during her ‚dumb moments‘ (meltdowns), she gets confused, but she appreciates it. despite his irrationalness she still thinks he‘s saner than the others so they are pretty close.
with marek -> there‘s a bit of a clash between these too. gosia is grounded in real life, while marek spends his time making things up. she likes to pick out logical errors in marek‘s stories because innacurate information really bothers her, which bothers him because they‘re just stories and she‘s being boring.
with amelia -> gosia finds amelia‘s antics to be too overwhelming. amelia‘s inability to sit still can be very distracting to her, and she talks wayyy too loud. however, she doesn‘t mind her being a chatterbox, because she‘s also a chatterbox, and amelia‘s always willing to listen to her ramble, which she really appreciates.
with darek -> to her, darek is the only octuplets with common sense. like gosia, darek is a lot more of a logical thinker, and can understand when a situation is stupid. her one problem with him is that he tends to go with the stupid situations anyways because he likes to gloat that he knew things would go wrong.
with alicja -> gosia sees alicja as a mini-amelia, which means she sees the two in a similar light. she doesn’t fall of her baby sibling charm in the way the others do, she just sees her as more childish than her other siblings. alicja has the tendency to get into a lot of questionable situations, which confuses (and kinda impresses) gosia. she wishes she would stay out of trouble and be more mature.
with jakub -> kuba is impressed with how confident jakub can be, though his insane ego problems can be a bit annoying. he doesn’t show it much, but he does have an admiration for his older brother. he really does love his brother, but he does shout at him sometimes… again, he is terrified of The Consequences.
with zosia -> he appreciates her patience and support, and does find her presence comforting because she is very chilled out. he feels this sense of… control(?) when he‘s around her, like he doesn’t have to worry as much because zosia knows what she‘s doing. he admires how easily she can socialise with people
with gosia -> he cares about gosia a lot, and relates to some of her issues, but sometimes he feels like she doesn’t actually like him, which is very upsetting to him! he would try to control his feelings to make her like him more, but he found that too hard, so he started trying to help her with her own emotions instead.
with marek -> kuba thinks marek is a really fun guy to hang out with! he‘s a relatively relaxed person and everything he comes up with is very interesting, kuba can’t help but feel at ease when spending time together. he likes to share his own stories with him.
with amelia -> he tries his absolute best to keep her in check. unfortunately, kuba is not as good at handling things as he thinks. he likes spending time with amelia, she is really funny, but she gets herself (and others) into trouble wayyyy too much and she isn‘t careful at ALL so he‘s always on edge around her. sometimes he'll lose it and shout at her.
with darek -> darek can be. intimidating. kuba can‘t understand how someone can be so nonchalant, especially in high-stress situations. he also thinks darek is a bit irresponsible and lazy, and wishes he would help out more often.
with alicja -> kuba feels like he‘s responsible for alicja. he’s really protective of her, he can‘t bare the thought of anything bad happening to her because oh, she‘s so sweet, she‘s too innocent! he spends most of his time looking after her… he cares more about her than he does about himself! he takes his role as her big brother way too seriously.
with jakub -> i'm not 100% sure about these two, actually. i feel like marek would miss playing with jakub, but finds his entitledment a lot more annoying than he used to.
with zosia -> he isn't very fond of being the guy who you only hang out with because everyone else is annoying you, but he really enjoys zosia's company. he's a lot more of an indoors-play kinda guy compared to zosia, but he's not opposed to getting a little bit muddy outdoors with her, as long as their not playing tag!
with gosia -> marek sees gosia as a bit of a killjoy, not just because her constant correcting is annoying, but he feels bad that she seemingly doesn't find any joy in make beleive. he wishes she wasn't so serious all the time. she's a kid like the rest of her siblings, she should be enjoying herself!
with kuba -> he likes how engaged he gets with his long rambles and strange stories. he doesn't notice how different kuba is like around him because he's oblivious like that, but i'm sure if he knew how comfortable kuba was around him he'd cry with joy, but alas, he stays unaware... marek just wishes kuba was less protective of alicja because it ruina their games sometimes.
with amelia -> marek gets along brilliantly with amelia! amelia supplies him with crazy ideas for stories, and marek refines those ideas, writes them down and adds some drawings. amelia is a great creative partner for marek, and a great investigative partner too! marek gets ten times nosier around amelia.
with darek -> like gosia, marek thinks darek is a little bit boring. he's tried to get him to unlock his creative potential, to no avail. he doesn't think darek has any outstanding input om his work, but he is a great person to scheme with thanks to his mischevious nature.
with alicja -> like kuba, alicja is very engaged in the things marek does, and marek adores this! though she doesn't add much to his ideas, she comes up with plenty of her own, which he loves to listen to. marek loves everything she comes up with and is the only person he will share his special stationary with. sometimes he draws stuff just so she has something to colour in.
with jakub -> jakub is amelia's favourite person to cause chaos with! unlike alicja, whom she has to carefully convince to cause mischeif, jakub just goes with whatever dangerous nonsense she wants to do and she LOVES IT. her lack of impulse control and his lack of common sense leads to some seriously insane scenarios. jakub truly is amelia's funnest sibling!
with zosia -> she sees zosia as a lame, good-two-shoes version of herself. that's right, amelia sees zosia, the lenient sister, as a bit of a stick in the mud, mostly for petty reasons. amelia doesn't dislike her sister by any means, zosia is just as caring to her as she is anyone else, but she just likes winding her up. amelia wants to be the first person to make zosia PROPERLY mad.
with gosia -> though she's a huge nerd who actually LIKES reading, amelia finds gosia really interesting. she loves how invested she gets and how excited she sounds when talking about a topic she finds interesting. whenever amelia gets gosia going on about something she feels like she's unlocked the real gosia. unfortunately it's not all good because gosia doesn't really tolerate her nonsense.
with kuba -> amelia thinks kuba worries way too much for his own good. she tries to get him to chill out on her own, creative ways which only ends in him being more stressed. her idea of what's good for people is vastly different to kuba's, which causes just as much trouble as you'd think. her lack of responsibility has caused a few freak outs....
with marek -> marek is amelia's adventure buddy. she loves how he's able to turn everything into a mystery to be solved, or how he makes the unreal feel real! her favourite thing to do with him is to play detective, though their cases have the habit of becoming conspiracies...
with darek -> darek is an annoying know-it-all who doesn't say anything until it's all messed up and then even then all he'll say is 'told you so!'! amelia finds darek and his uncaring attitude frustrating, however she does find him really useful. he's very cunning and actually willing to help her with her schemes, which they always get away with because amelia's good at lying her way out of things and people are so used to darek doing Nothing he never gets in trouble for doing Something.
with alicja -> amelia is an even worse influence on alicja than jakub is. amelia tends to behave the same way around everyone, which helped alicja develop a more mischevious, fun loving side (which amelia is verg proud of, by the way). amelia will sometimes use alicja to get things, but otherwise she treats her really well.
with jakub ->
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owarinaki · 22 days
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Black Pean S1 EP10 END part 3
EP10 recap p1 // P2 // P3
GIFS P1 // P2 // P3 // P4 //P5 //P6 // P7 // P8
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bunnytalksf1 · 2 months
FP3 livenotes
Zhou Guanyu first out on track, followed by Perez (12:31).
They're showing a graphic that shows Ferrari losing two tenths since Bahrain oh I'm gonna jump (12:34)
Ocon, Sainz, Sargeant and others still not in the car (12:35), RBR, McL, Sauber, and AM are out.
McL scrubbing their medium tyres which is interesting! Just putting them through one heat cycle to save them for the race (12:37)
oh, they mentioned Lewis already (12:39)
Williams and Alpine coming on the soft tyre, with Ocon going slower than Verstappen and Perez on the hards (12:47)
Everyone setting times on the soft tyre, Lando Norris on a 16:9 with everyone including his own teammate in the mid 1:17s what the hell (12:51).
Leclerc locking up yippee (12:52)
TSUNODA P2? 1:17:4 (12:53)
Ricciardo P2??? Why has the RB got pace (12:55)
Gasly off, big lockup (12:56)
Sainz 1:17:2 (12:59) turn four is really messing with that ferrari.
Leclerc popping up! P3 1:17:3 (13:00)
Russell on a 1:16:6 P1 (13:01), but with track ramping up I don't know if its truly comparable to Norris, who set his lap earlier
Piastri purple S3 but only p3 overall and still in the 1:17s. (13:03)
Hamilton P9 six tenths behind Russell (13:04)
Alonso 4381 days since his last pole I'm- no need to do that-
it also got mentioned that APX GP aka Brad Pitts Larping team is here this weekend... wonder if we will get any iconic clips
Russell improves to a 1:16:5, Hamilton improving to a 1:16:7 (13:15), both on new softs.
Sargeant 1:17:1 P5 (13:16)
Norris all three sectors purple and a 1:16:0 that lap was brilliant, so fucking smooth (13:17)
Piastri purple S3, four thousandths behind jesus christ that car is rapid (13:18)
Hulkenberg purple S1, P5, 1:16:5 (13:19)
Verstappen 1:16:3 P3, that RBR is not easy this weekend (13:21)
Sainz 1:16:6, Leclerc 1:16:8 (13:23)
Hamilton standstill before turn ten, spun out? spun out, rear end was not there (13:26)
end of session outliers include RIC P6, HUL P6 ALB P7, LEC P11, HAM also quite low in P10
Okay, logging off might not even bother with quali wish me luck
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lisbetadair · 2 years
After the success of the first advice post for writing about Scottish characters, I thought I would expand on this with some further points, so here are some useful words and phrase to pepper your dialogue with that will sound authentic to Scottish readers.
I am a Scot, and I live in Scotland, but I'm not an absolute authority on Scottish-English or Scots language, and I don't claim to be. Scottish language and culture is not homogenous, and different areas will have localisations that are unique to them.
I've tried to create a further list here that I think reflects common Scottish-English words that are used and would be understood across the country, and discuss some of the cultural differences that make Scotland a unique part of the United Kingdom.
Squint: In British English, squint is a verb that means to partly close one's eyes to see more clearly or a noun that referrs to an eye that looks in a different direction to its counterpart. In Scottish English, both those uses are valid, but there is a third use, which is squint as an adjective to mean askew, or not level.
i.e. "That picture's squint."
The Clyde Arc Bridge in Glasgow is unofficially known as the squinty bridge because it's span is not perpendicular to the riverfront and it crosses the river diagonally.
Crabbit: This is a Scots synonym for grumpy.
i.e "He's just crabbit because he woke up too early."
The back of [hour]: This is a time window that can be interpreted as anything between o'clock and half past but which I think the majority interpret as being between o'clock and quarter past. Perfect for your disorganised Scottish character who can't commit!
i.e. "I'll catch up with you at the back of seven."
Used in place of why, and definitely most common in the areas around Glasgow and the central belt. This may be a shortening of "how come?" or "how so?" and is generally used in the same way to request clarification.
i.e. "I'm not speaking to Simon." "How no?" [in place of "Why not?"]
This means exhausted and tired, and encompasses the mental and physical feeling at the same time.
"I've been arguing with them on the phone all day. I'm scunnered."
The Now
Equivalent to "now" or "right at this moment"
i.e. "Are we doing it the now?""
Can of juice
Other places might call this a can of pop, or a can of soda. It means any canned, carbonated beverage.
My head's mince
This roughly translates to "I have exhausted my mental capacity for thought" and means that this person is struggling to think clearly for some reason, usually due to extreme tiredness.
Education in Scotland
The school curriculum is a devolved matter, which means that Scottish people, educated in Scotland most often will follow a curriculum which is unique to the area that they reside in (following guidance from the Scottish Government).
A detailed description of this can be found on Wikipedia.
Scottish schools start at the age of 4-5 in Primary One (P1) in a primary school, which finishes in P7, around the age of 11. After this, children go to what is known as a secondary school which run from S1 to S6; although they can leave in S5 as final school qualifications in Scotland (Highers) are a single year course.
A detailed discussion is outside the scope of this short Tumblr post, which is just trying to act as a reminder that your Scottish characters, if they grew up in Scotland, did not do GCSEs or the like.
Halloween has been an event in Scotland for as long as I remember, and as long as my mother can remember; however, in other parts of the United Kingdom, Halloween hasn't been observed until recently. I know from personal experience, as my mother moved to England in her twenties, and noted that it wasn't observed in the Northern town she'd moved to. That Halloween is an American import is complaint I've heard from English people not uncommonly, but for Scottish people it has been a longstanding part of the cultural landscape. In recent years, American cultural imperialism has eroded some of the traditions and terminology, in that turnip lanterns have been replaced by carved pumpkins and it's referred to as "trick or treating" rather than "guising". One notable exception is that children are expected to say a "party piece" such as a joke in order to earn their treat.
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postsofbabel · 5 months
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largetechs · 9 months
Öğrencilere vergisiz telefon kampanyası nasıl olacak ?
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Vergisiz telefon kampanyası, üniversite öğrencilerine yönelik bir fırsat olarak sunuluyor. Bu kampanyadan yararlanmak için bazı şartlar var.
- Başvuran kişinin 26 yaşından küçük olması ve ilk kez telefon veya bilgisayar alıyor olması gerekiyor. - Başvuran kişinin üniversite, yüksekokul veya açıköğretimde okuyor olması gerekiyor. - Başvuran kişinin hattının kendi adına kayıtlı olması ve 2 yıl boyunca telefonu satmama taahhüdü vermesi gerekiyor. - Başvurulan cihazın Türkiye’de üretilmiş olması ve fiyatının 9.500 TL’den az olması gerekiyor. Bu şartları sağlayan öğrenciler, başvuru sonucunda, cihazın fiyatının yüzde 44’üne denk gelen kısım geri ödenir. En fazla 4.180 TL indirim hakkı vardır. Vergisiz telefon alabileceğiniz marka ve modeller ise şunlardır: Samsung: A serisindeki bütün telefonlar1 Xiaomi: Redmi 12, Redmi Note 122 OPPO: Reno 6, Reno 6 Pro, Reno 6Z, A94, A74, A54, A153 Realme: GT Master Edition, GT Neo, 8 Pro, 8, 8i, C25s, C21, C11, C204 TCL: 20 SE, 20L, 20L+, 20 Pro 5G5 Reeder: P13 Max, P13 Blue, P13, P12, P11, P10, P10S, P9, P9C, P8, P8C, P7, P6, P5, P4, P3, P2, P1 Casper: VIA S40, VIA S30, VIA S20, VIA S10, VIA S10 Plus, VIA S9, VIA S8, VIA S7, VIA S6, VIA S5, VIA S4, VIA S3, VIA S2, VIA S1 Vivo: Y53s, Y72, Y51, Y20, Y12s, Y11, Y1s, V21, V21e, V20, V20 SE, V19, V17, V15, V15 Pro, V11, V11 Pro, V9, V7, V7 Plus, V5, V5 Plus, V5s, V3, V3 Max, V1, V1 Max Read the full article
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Long socks
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Cast on 60, in 1x1 rib
knit 10 beginning rows (60 stitches on needles)
knit 5 rows
increase at the back of leg: add 1 knit and 1 purl stitch
knit 5 rows
increase etc
repeat until 6x increased (72 stitches on needles)
knit 5 rows
decrease at back of leg: purl 2 together and knit 2 together
knit 5 rows
repeat until 12x decreased (48 stitches on needles)
knit 15 rows
Back of heel
divide stitches in back and front, work on back (24 stitches on back needle)
row 1: [slip 1, knit 1] repeat
row 2: purl all stitches
repeat 20x (40 rows total & 24 stitches on back needle)
Turn heel
Divide stitches in half (12 stitches), decide how big you want the start of the heel to be (6 stitches, so half of that is 3) (24 stitches on needle)
s1, k14 (12-1+3), k2t, k1, turn work (18 total, 23 on needles)
s1, p7 (2*3+1), p2t, p1, turn work (11 total, 22 on needles)
s1, k8 (2*4+1), k2t, k1, turn work (12 total, 21 on needles)
s1, p9 (2*8+1), p2t, p1, turn work (13 total, 20 on needles)
s1, k10 (2*5), k2t, k1, turn work (14 total, 19 on needles)
s1, p11 (2*5+1), p2t, p1, turn work (15 total, 18 on needles)
s1, k12 (2*6), k2t, k1, turn work (16 total, 17 on needles)
s1, p13 (2*6+1), p2t, p1 (17 total, 16 on needles)
turn around and knit half the row (k8)
Picking up stitches
Mark beginning of round in the middle of the heel stitches, place a marker to indicate each of the following 4 parts of the sock
marker at beginning of round - you've knitted half of the heel stitches (8 stitches)
pick up and knit all of the slipped stitches along the back of the heel (maybe the 1st corner stitch + 20 slipped stitches + maybe the last 1 triangle corner stitch)
place marker - [k1, p1] rib all of the stitches of the bridge of foot (24 stitches) - place marker
pick up and knit all of the slipped stitches on the left side of the heel (maybe the 1st triangle corner stitch + 20 slipped stitches + maybe the last 1 corner stitch)
and then the remaining half of the heel stitches (8 stitches)
(80 + maybe 4+ stitches on needles)
Setting up a pattern
knit until 3 before marker (marking corner of right side), k2t, place marker here
p1, [k1, p1]
(marker) k2t, knit until beginning of heel,
knit 8
(82 stitches on needles)
Reducing stitches
knit a round as normal
knit all
p1, [k1, p1]
knit all
Knit a round reducing stitches
knit until 2 before marker, k2t
p1, [k1, p1]
k2t, knit all
reduce a round and knit a round alternating, until you have 48 stitches total (about 36 rounds, starting from 84). If you had an uneven number of picked up stitches on the left vs. right side, just stop on 1 side and continue on the other for the last few decreases)
(This is 2x as slow as normal reducing with socks, not sure about the results yet)
knit 10 rounds
knit until marker
k1, [k1, p1] until 2 before marker, k2 (so change the 2 outside purl stitches into knit stitches)
knit rest of round
knit remaining 9 rounds
(48 stitches on needles)
(not sure if this is needed, but i added it on one sock so you don't walk on the rib)
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This is where it get's tricky, this is gonna be for a right sock, but for a left sock you gotta inverse the instructions
knit until 3 before right-marker, k2t, k1, (marker) k1, k2t-rightleaning, knit until marker (marker) knit until end of round
knit 2 rounds
repeat for 5 increases (every 3 rows). (38 stitches on needles)
knit until 3 before right-marker, k2t, k1 (marker) k1, k2t-rightleaning, knit until 3 before marker, k2t, k1 (marker) k1, k2t-rightleaning, knit until end of round
knit 1 round
knit until 3 before right-marker, k2t, k1 (marker) k1, k2t-rightleaning, knit until marker (marker) knit until end of round
knit 1 round
repeat for 4 increases on the right and 2 on the left (every 2 cq. every 4 rows). (22 stitches on needles)
knit until 3 before right-marker, k2t, k1 (marker) k1, k2t-rightleaning, knit until 3 before marker, k2t, k1 (marker), k1, k2t-rightleaning, knit until end of round
knit until 3 before right-marker, k2t, k1 (marker), k1, k2t-rightleaning, knit until marker (marker) knit until end of round
repeat 1 time for a total of 4 decreases on the right and 2 decrease on the left (10 stitches on needles)
Binding off
Kitchener stitch toe
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front, purl, leave on - back, purl, slide off back, knit, leave on, front, knit, slide off
Repeat until 1 st. is on each needle.
back, purl, slide off - front, knit, slide off
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crossroad1960 · 1 year
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crownofallsaints · 1 year
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“She shall give to thy head increase of graces, and protect thee with a noble crown.” Prov. 4:9, cf. Gen. 3:15 & 20, Isai. 62:3, Phil. 4:1, and Apoc. 12, 21 & 22.
✡️ S12 Jesus Cf. John 8:12, 9:5, and Apoc. 22.16. ⚪️ P1 Joseph Cf. Mark 15:43, John 19:38, and | Acts 1:23.
⚪️⚪️⚪️🔷S1🔷P1🔷✡️🔷P72🔷S11🔷⚪️⚪️⚪️ “…I saw in a dream, as it were the sun, and the moon, and eleven stars worshipping me.” Gen. 37:9.
⚪️ P84 Joseph Cf. Gen. 37:9, and Apoc. 7:8. ✝️ C3 Jesus Cf. Gen. 3:24, John 1:1-5 & 14, | and Eph. 6:17.
The West Gate, cf. Apoc. 21:9-27. 🔷P82🔷P83🔷P84🔷✝️🔷P73🔷P74🔷P7🔷
“Thou art beautiful, O my love, sweet and comely as Jerusalem: terrible as an army set in array.” Cant. 6:3.
The North Gate The East Gate ✡️🔷⚪️🔷⚪️🔷⚪️🔷M🔷⚪️🔷⚪️🔷⚪️🔷G
“Who is she that cometh forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army set in array?” Cant. 6:9.
The South Gate The West Gate G🔷⚪️🔷⚪️🔷⚪️🔷R🔷⚪️🔷⚪️🔷⚪️🔷✝️
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celebrityloop · 2 years
(S1/P7) 11 October 2022- leaked footage reiterating that Kanye is antisemitic
There has been leaked footage from Vice Media’s motherboard showing West’s interview with host Tucker Carlson that was edited out of the broadcast. These clips include him saying the term “Jew” refers to “the 12 lost tribes of Judah… who the people known as the race Black really are”. He also falsely says Planned Parenthood was founded as a way to “control the Jew population”. These comments are just reiterating the idea that Kanye West is antisemitic and he even tries to make them ok by saying that black people are all Jewish anyway so it's ok due to being black himself.
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bafishka · 3 years
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A1-S1: Page 7
safety first folks!
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We officially have 20 followers on tumblr! Thanks so much for checking out our webcomic!
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owarinaki · 24 days
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Black Paen S1 gifs
EP10 recap p1 // P2 // P3
GIFS P1 // P2 // P3 // P4 //P5 //P6 // P7 // P8
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April 3rd:
Talk about jobs. Do you currently work or have you worked before? Was it hard for you to find a job? Does your job work well regarding your autism? Alternatively, if you don’t work, what was school like for you as an autistic person? What was good about it? What was bad?
I am 17 and don’t work, I probably never will work. I have been to 3 schools in total. (for context, i’m in scotland and we have primary school for 7 years, P1-P7, then high school for 6 years, S1-S6).
My first school was when i was still living in england (where i was born) and i don’t remember it very much other than the fact that i hadn’t quite figured out how to engage with anything yet. I had some “friends” but what really was happening is that they were all friends with each other and i got left out and pushed to the side, but still sort of hung around them even though i wasn’t participating in any actual interaction. and lessons were fine and i did fine with the work at that point, but often i needed things re-explained to me and i think i daydreamed a lot. I only went to this school for 2 years (reception aka P1, and Year 1 aka P2. the system is slightly different in england and scotland.)
My second school was the one i went to for the longest, five years (P3-P7). i had a lot of trouble with the transition from my old school to this one, especially because we moved country and house and everything was different. i remember feeling jolted into a different mode in my brain, suddenly forced to be in “survival mode”. I had a lot of meltdowns/shutdowns and cried a lot. i was constantly overwhelmed. somehow i managed to cope with school mostly, and keep up with the work. i was offered a lot less help at this school, especially my first year there, because they just assumed i was fine i suppose. I just remember being so overwhelmed with anxiety and constantly on the edge of tears. by the time i got a bit older they seemed to notice i needed more support, so despite not being in “special education” or qualifying for support teachers, i often got sat with the kids that did get support teachers, so they could help me too if needed. i also was the “weird kid” except i didn’t seem to be ignored like the other disabled kids were, i just got made fun of, ridiculed, teased, bullied, mocked. there was a lot of mocking, and it was worse because i usually didn’t know that i was being made fun of at the time. i was also being abused during this whole time (5years) so that didn’t exactly help things. by the end of primary school i was having almost daily meltdowns, that my parents treated like tantrums and yelled at me when i couldn’t help it or control it. and i have always dreaded going to school, but i think i stopped complaining/communicating that i felt that way because the reply was always “you’ll be fine once you get there”. especially because the only way i could say it was saying i felt unwell (which i did, but only because of anxiety) and i learned after a long time that i would never be listened to, so i just have up on telling people that i felt awful and tried to push through.
It’s no surprise to me (or anyone) that i didn’t manage much of secondary school. I struggled my way through first and second year, running on pure anxiety and the need to just keep pushing, because that’s all i knew how to do. by this point i barely ever felt like i had control of my body, i was stuck, still having extremely frequent meltdowns and shutdowns, in a waking nightmare. The thing that eventually stopped me going to school was my physical health- the mental stress i was under had irreversible effects on my body, and kicked several genetic physical disabilities/chronic illnesses into full power. I had many times off school “sick” in first and (especially) second year, and i finally crashed and burned spectacularly at the end of second year.
I will not be doing any more school or education for the rest of my life probably. unless it’s some sort of “special education” life skills type of thing.
Again, there is so much more I could say on this topic. Disabled kids need to be looked after in school much better. and there was so much more that contributed to school ruining my whole life and well-being. but i don’t really have the energy and i’ve already written so many words. this took a long time because my hands don’t like to obey me and i typed this whole thing instead of using AAC, but i’m not reading over it to correct mistakes and make it clearer this time so i hope it made some sense, and that i actually answered the question without straying too far.
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