manhwamuneca · 4 months
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Just in time for Mother's Day weekend!
New parents, expecting soon.
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mauveflowers · 1 year
Song Taewon: *finally decides he has to kill Yoojin*
Yoojin: *tearful* mister public servant help me pweaseee
Song Taewon: *clenching and unclenching fists* …………..why are you like this.
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k-i-l-l-e-r-b-e-e-6-9 · 5 months
AC/DC - Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap
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cain-gunn · 5 months
every whisper, of every waking hour || self-para
TWs: drugs, alcohol, depression, anxiety, grief, ghosts/hallucinations, etc.
ft. @mack-montresor
Cain sat crumpled against a brick wall. Even from here, he could still feel the rhythmic thumping of bass through the building’s exterior. The night air was a bit of cool reprieve against the sweat that was beaded on his forehead. Cain reached into his pocket, fumbling for his phone that he only hoped was still on him. The night hadn’t started out this way, but here he was: alone and trying to make sense of the world as it spun around him.
It was only hours ago that Cain’s phone lit up on his nightstand. He was just getting out of the shower, throwing on an outfit and running a little product in his hair, his toothbrush still hanging out of his mouth as he tapped on the keyboard of his phone.
> Rome: Still coming, right? 
> Rome: Gunn, if you don’t show up to this thing and I have to deal with Angie and Jovian by myself, I swear I will go to your apartment just to punch you in the face and then drag you out anyway
> Cain: Lol chill, man. I’ll be there. You didn’t get Angie a present, right?
> Rome: Fuck no. It’s not even her actual birthday
> Cain: Cool
> Cain: Meet you there in an hour
District Zero was the same as it always was. Which was to say that it looked entirely different from any other time he’d been there before. The theme of the night was Casino, and smoke hung thick in the air as Cain descended into the catacombs. The belly of the club was a well-oiled machine of card tables and slots games, all running simultaneously. At the door, Cain met a waiter dressed in black tie. He accepted an outstretched drink before crossing the threshold. In classic D0 fashion, the drink was laced with something– ether, probably– and he could feel it as it wrapped its way around his nerve endings with every step he took. He was buzzing by the time he found his friends in the crowd. “Gunn!” Rome called, jogging to meet him halfway. Rome grabbed Cain by the shirt, leaning in close to whisper. “Big news,” he announced. “Apparently, Angie and Jove are off again. So, if you’re trying to hit that, tonight is the night, buddy. You’re too pretty not to be getting laid,” Rome said solemnly, patting Cain on his cheek before he released him, straightening up again. “Lay your cards on the table, Gunn,” Rome concluded, swirling his pointer finger through the air to gesture to the games around them as he walked back to the group. Rome was clearly pleased with himself, so Cain swallowed the urge to point out that the pun wasn’t great.  
Hours passed, drinks flowed, and Cain continued to indulge. It was all he did these days– indulge in drinks and drugs to push away the implacable feeling that clawed inside his chest. Cain won a lot of money on blackjack, and then lost all of it and more in poker. He broke even at the slots and decided he needed a break from the gambling. “Hit the smoking room,” Jovian suggested. So, Cain wandered until he’d found it– the source of the haze whose tendrils had coiled to every corner of the club. But beyond the entrance of the smoking room, the air was so thick with it that it was hard to see his own hand in front of his face. Boxes of cigars lined the entrance. Cain didn’t read their names or descriptions before he plucked one up. The attendant lit it for him as Cain went past, and he settled on a couch at the back of the room with the laced cigar against his lips.
Figures moved through the haze– indistinguishable silhouettes. Cain watched them with removed curiosity as the cigar burned away between his fingers. With each inhale, Cain felt less corporeal. The room, the people, his own body– none of them seemed to hold shape, remain solid. He stared blankly into the cloud of smoke, until a face emerged. “Mack?”  
“Kiss-ass,” she scoffed, offering acknowledgement with her arms crossed. “Another night in your fancy Capitol club?” 
Cain smiled at the sound of her voice. “I don’t remember you complaining about it last time we were here,” he countered.
“Is that why you keep coming back?” Mack asked, and amidst the haze — both physical and mental — it was hard to tell if the question was genuine or a taunt. “Besides, we’re not here, Cain. I’m dead.” 
Cain’s smile fell, morphing into a worried frown. A deep crease settled between his brows. Mack was dead, wasn’t she? Had that been a dream? Was this one? “Then what are you doing here?” He wondered.
“You’re the one hallucinating. Maybe you should ask yourself.” Mack’s head tilted, and as someone walked by, they passed unknowingly through her. “It’s better this way though. I’d be disappointed if I knew.” 
Cain blinked as the figure moved right through Mack. Delayed from the drugs in his body, he jumped up a moment later. Her form had shifted, broken apart by the person who—for a single moment in time—shared space with her. He lifted his hands as if to piece her together again. He couldn’t save her from the disease that had taken her, but maybe he could hold her body together now. There was no need. Mack came together again all on her own. Still, she eyed his hands, which hovered, not quite daring to see if she had a corporeal form. 
Hallucinating. It made sense, but he didn’t want it to stop. He hadn’t heard Mack’s voice in months. If this was the closest he could get, then he wanted to stay here as long as he could. But her words cut at him like glass. “Disappointed?” He swallowed thickly. “I haven’t even done anything,” he reasoned. He, too, was a ghost moving through life.
“Exactly.” Mack brushed by, spectral form passing through. “You’ve done nothing.” She took his seat, head tilting, observing, as ghosts were wont to do. “No, you’ve actually done plenty, haven’t you?” Enough to conjure her. Ether, and alcohol, and empty affection. Every night bleeding into the next morning; every day spent languishing in bed. Starting again to be functional, to make him fun, to make him forget. “I thought you were better than this.” 
Cain watched her as she moved behind him, taking over the seat he’d just jumped out of. Everything was moving in slow motion, but his heart leapt, meeting the pace of a wild horse. He collapsed into the seat beside her, twisted to look at her straight on, but still not brave enough to reach out his hand. The thought of moving through her body—of touching her without feeling—made him sick. “What do you want me to do?” He asked, his voice teetering on begging. “There’s no point—” to tuning into the world. It was all awful without her. “I’m not.” As it turned out, he wasn’t better than this. Every good Mack hoped he’d be, he wasn’t. He was as spoiled and privileged as she’d imagined. The least he could do was live up to that, lose himself in it. “At least doing this brought you back to me!”
“Fuck, do you even hear yourself?” Mack’s face scrunched with disgust. “It’s not me, Cain. You didn’t bring me back.” She had died in the arena. Cain had watched. He’d sent her every kind of medicine he could. But it had been too late, fated from the start — and this too wouldn’t last. “And I can’t stay. I’m not supposed to be here, and neither are you.” 
It’s not me. I’m not supposed to be here. “I know,” Cain admitted, his voice low. It was a shared secret between the two of them, that she had never been there at all and wouldn’t remain. “Just don’t leave,” he pleaded with her. “Not yet. I…” All the things he hadn’t been able to say to her. They’d never really said goodbye, too preoccupied by thoughts of see you later. “I was supposed to get to love you.” And neither are you. “I don’t wanna leave,” he protested feebly. “I hate it out there. I hate everyone. I don’t give a shit what they do with Eleven or anywhere else.” None of it mattered to him. “You were supposed to live, and then, I wouldn’t have to hate everything so much.”
“I know,” her voice dropped, losing its harsh tone. “I’m sorry, Cain. I tried, I— I really did.” Her expression fell, as her mask had months prior, the vulnerable parts of her exposed. It was his memory of her, of her rare softness. Could anyone else recall that of her? “I wanted to get to love you too.”
She wavered, hand lifting as though to reach out, to test the limits of their visitation. “But you know better now.” There were truths Cain could no longer deny: that the districts were treated unfairly; that they weren’t safe, even in victorhood; that Mack had been sick long before she’d been Reaped, denied access to that which could have spared her life. “It wouldn’t have mattered, even if I won.” 
Cain wanted to tell Mack that he didn’t want to know better. That he would trade everything he knew to not feel this pain he’d been running from. He wanted to tell her, but it wouldn’t have been the truth. One night with her had been worth all the knowing, all the pain. “I didn’t wanna know,” he admitted. It was a truth that had been so plain his whole life. The Games, the districts, the systems in place, they were all flawed. No, not flawed, designed to oppress and divide. The system was working exactly as it was meant to, and if that was true, then everything he knew about his home, his parents, himself… it all changed. He hadn’t wanted to face it until he was facing it with her. The thought of trying to be the version of himself that Mack had seen scared him more than anything he’d ever done, and doing it without her felt almost pointless, but Cain considered—really, for the first time—that it was still worth doing for her. “But I’m glad you put up with me long enough to tell me. You could’ve just killed me in the training center and been done with it,” he laughed softly.
She laughed too, the sound like an echo, coming from odd shadows and edges of the room. The noise faded, tapering off. And in the midst of grief, the kind that qualified as unfinished business and kept souls tethered to the earth, Mack choked on breath she no longer had, heart skipping an invisible beat. “I miss you—“ A confession, tearing her asunder. Mack braved the unknown, slipping forward, and it could have been the air circulating in the room, or a wisp of smoke from his cigar, or her lips, soft but sure, catching his. “But it’s time to go.” 
Mack’s lips touched his, feather light, but Cain could’ve sworn he felt the warmth of her. It was a moment in time so short he knew that it was real. His imagination would’ve been kind enough to let him linger in it, but in this reality, Mack was already slipping away. “Not yet,” he asked, bargaining with the unknown—his mind, her ghost, some higher power—whoever was the one who decided. “Just let me hold you. Stay for one more minute.”
“Cain,” his name answer enough, encapsulating all things: I’m sorry; I wish I could; it’s not up to me. Mack longed to be held. Though — as a figment of his mind — she merely reflected his desire to hold. Still, she tempted fortune, risking sacred contact once more. Mack’s fingers brushed his chest, over the fabric, near where his heartbeat thrummed. A vertical line. Half a rectangle at the base, facing down. This is the place. Safe. “My world’s not meant for you,” she whispered. “Not yet.” There were rails to ride, endless roads to traverse. Another lifetime and another intersecting arc she had to see through. “Train’s leaving. You know me. Can’t stay in one place for too long.” 
Mack winked, standing, the crowd abuzz as the revelry raged on. They moved around and through her, and in the sea of celebration, taken over by the swell of the living, Mack was gone. 
Cain watched as Mack’s figure slipped into the haze, never to return. He jumped from his seat, bolting a few steps forward to chase her, but she was already gone. “Wait,” he cried, tears spilling over his lashes and darting down his cheeks in hot streams. “Wait for me.” 
Cain’s phone buzzed in his pocket. Two missed calls and a text:
> Rome: Couldn’t find you, so everyone bounced. Call you tomorrow
Cain was alone again. His friends were gone, Mack was gone. He was swimming through fog, and there were a hundred people swimming around him, and he was utterly alone. Suddenly, a heat crept up the back of his neck, bringing with it a wave of nausea. Cain bit back against it, but he knew he couldn’t fight it for much longer. He had to get out of here. Cain wandered out of the dense haze of the Smoking Room, retracing his steps back through the casino and through the twisting catacombs until he reached the city again. His balance was unstable and everything was spinning around him. He couldn’t make it stop.
Cain collapsed against the brick wall, closing his eyes to stave off sickness another minute more. He couldn’t get home like this. Everything whirled around him so violently, Cain didn’t even think he knew where home was anymore. He fumbled in his pocket, pulling out his phone again. He went into his contacts, calling the only person he could think of that might actually pick up.
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saraborbala · 7 months
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back to Bethlehem
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true-blue-sonic · 1 year
Do you think Gold can get as tall as Vanilla?
Oof, I must say I find that very hard to imagine, haha! But I think that is mostly because Vanilla is so staggeringly tall compared to the other characters, though I can't find an official height for her on the wiki. Though, I figure she is that tall to indicate that she is An Adult™ as a contrast to the generally-smaller teenagers/young adults around her with Sonic as baseline of 1 meter, Big and Vector non-withstanding. While the rest of the cast will probably grow more, especially the ones with a single-digit age, it is very hard for me to imagine any of them reaching Vanilla's length, basically. Adding to that the fact that Gold herself is also insanely tall for a 15-year-old if we take Sonic as baseline again, I feel like having her become even taller would perhaps be odd, though that is entirely on me. I see no reason why she could not from a genetics standpoint or something like that, though!
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Harley-Davidson's Screamin' Eagle 131 vs. 135 Crate Engine: A Power Upgrade
Over the course of its more than 120 years of existence, Milwaukee, Wisconsin-based, manufacturer Harley-Davidson has established itself as the preeminent name in American motorcycles. The company has done so by releasing a slate of iconic Harley-Davidson bikes whose mix of hard-nosed style and unyielding power is rivaled by few in the motorcycle industry.  With more than a century’s worth of…
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gastonjerry · 1 month
LESSON 19 Moses Recalls Israel's Wilderness Experience
Text: Deuteronomy 1:1-46; 2:1-37; 3:1-29; 4:1-49 The teachers often review past lessons a before introducing new ones. This is to help the students to remember the old and understand the new lessons easily. Moreover, if a pupil was absent in the previous class, he or she is helped and carried along through the revision of the previous lesson. Moses, the servant of God, got a divine instruction to…
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sigalrm · 5 months
Betreten verboten by Pascal Volk
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biblebloodhound · 5 months
Keep Your Spiritual Confidence (Psalm 135)
If a community is characterized by division and special interest groups, and by distortions of faith that only champion their particular brand of belief, then you are likely looking at idolatry.
Praise the Lord!    Praise the name of the Lord;    give praise, O servants of the Lord,you who stand in the house of the Lord,    in the courts of the house of our God.Praise the Lord, for the Lord is good;    sing to his name, for he is gracious.For the Lord has chosen Jacob for himself,    Israel as his own possession. For I know that the Lord is great;    our Lord is above all gods.Whatever…
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devotioncrater · 8 months
neuroleptics make me gain weight im so sick of this cruel world. wym it’s either i experience psychosis or pack on pounds. how do either help me here. this is like sayin i can only be hot if i’m acutely crazy. can only be pretty if i’m paranoid. i just want to be fuckable without a brain that’s trying to fuck me up the ass!!!!! thank you!!!!
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filipmagnuswrites · 1 year
The Short Story Reader #7 – River Bargain Baby by K. S. Walker
I love short stories. I rarely find the time to read short stories. This daily series of blog posts is my attempt to read and examine at least one piece of shorter fiction per day. On a similar note, I supported Apex Magazine’s 2022 Kickstarter (consider supporting this excellent magazine, please!). Since I enjoyed this first January-February 2023 issue, I figured I’d kick this series off by…
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batboyblog · 14 days
Things the Biden-Harris Administration Did This Week #32
August 30-September 6 2024.
President Biden announced $7.3 billion in clean energy investment for rural communities. This marks the largest investment in rural electrification since the New Deal. The money will go to 16 rural electric cooperatives across 23 states Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nebraska, New Jersey, New Mexico, Nevada, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, South Dakota, Texas, Wisconsin, and Wyoming. Together they will be able to generate 10 gigawatts of clean energy, enough to power 5 million households about 20% of America's rural population. This clean energy will reduce greenhouse emissions by 43.7 million tons a year, equivalent to removing more than 10 million cars off the road every year.
The Biden-Harris Administration announced a historic 10th offshore wind project. The latest project approved for the Atlantic coast of Maryland will generate 2,200 megawatts of clean, reliable renewable energy to power 770,000 homes. All together the 10 offshore wind projects approved by the Biden-Harris Administration will generation 15 gigawatts, enough to power 5.25 million homes. This is half way to the Administration's goal of 30 gigawatts of clean offshore wind power by 2030.
President Biden signed an Executive Order aimed at supporting and expanding unions. Called the "Good Jobs EO" the order will direct all federal agencies to take steps to recognize unions, to not interfere with the formation of unions and reach labor agreements on federally supported projects. It also directs agencies to prioritize equal pay and pay transparency, support projects that offer workers benefits like child care, health insurance, paid leave, and retirement benefits. It will also push workforce development and workplace safety.
The Department of Transportation announced $1 billion to make local roads safer. The money will go to 354 local communities across America to improve roadway safety and prevent deaths and serious injuries. This is part of the National Roadway Safety Strategy launched in 2022, since then traffic fatalities have decreased for 9 straight quarters. Since 2022 the program has supported projects in 1,400 communities effecting 75% of all Americans.
The Department of Energy announced $430 million to support America's aging hydropower. Hydropower currently accounts for nearly 27% of renewable electricity generation in the United States. However many of our dams were built during the New Deal for a national average of 79 years old. The money will go to 293 projects across 33 states. These updates will improve energy generation, workplace safety, and have a positive environmental impact on local fish and wildlife.
The EPA announced $300 million to help support tribal nations, and US territories cut climate pollution and boost green energy. The money will support projects by 33 tribes, and the Island of Saipan in the Northern Mariana Islands. EPA Administer Michael S. Regan announced the funds along side Secretary of the Interior Deb Haaland in Arizona to highlight one of the projects. A project that will bring electricity for the first time to 900 homes on the Hopi Reservation.
The Biden-Harris Administration is investing $179 million in literacy. This investment in the Comprehensive Literacy State Development Grant is the largest in history. Studies have shown that the 3rd grade is a key moment in a students literacy development, the CLSD is designed to help support states research, develop, and implement evidence-based literacy interventions to help students achieve key literacy milestones.
The US government secured the release of 135 political prisoners from Nicaragua. Nicaragua's dictator President Daniel Ortega has jailed large numbers of citizens since protests against his rule broke out in 2018. In February 2023 the US secured the release of over 200 political prisoners. Human rights orgs have documented torture and sexual abuse in Ortega's prisons.
The Justice Department announced the disruption of a major effort by Russia to interfere with the 2024 US Elections. Russian propaganda network, RT, deployed $10 million to Tenet Media to help spread Russian propaganda and help sway the election in favor of Trump and the Republicans as well as disrupting American society. Tenet Media employs many well known conservative on-line personalities such as Benny Johnson, Tim Pool, Lauren Southern, Dave Rubin, Tayler Hansen and Matt Christiansen.
Vice-President Harris outlined her plan for Small Businesses at a campaign stop in New Hampshire. Harris wants to expand from $5,000 to $50,000 tax incentives for startup expenses. This would help start 25 million new small business over four years.
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ultralowoxygen · 1 year
Blue door near La fontaine aux chiens - Cahors, France. 2022.06.29 by r~ Via Flickr: Nikon FM2n Nikkor 85mm f/2 ai-s Kodak Portra 400 2022086-21a
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mitivy · 1 year
CAS No.15875-13-5 Supply high quality 1,3,5-Tris[3-(dimethylamino)propyl]hexahydro-1,3,5-triazine /Best price/IN STOCK
QUICK DETAILS ProName:Benzaldehyde, 4- CasNo:1215-41-4 Molecular Formula:C15H15NO Appearance:Please email the sales manager for det... Application:pharmaceutical intermediates DeliveryTime:3 weeks PackAge:according to the clients requirement Port:Shanghai ProductionCapacity:1 Metric Ton/Day Purity:97% Storage:Store in a cool, ventilated warehouse.... LimitNum:1 Gram Moisture Content:Please email the sales manager for det... Impurity:Please email the sales manager for det... Transportation: by sea or by air payment methods: L/C, T/T, D/A, D/P, O/A, paypal, western union etc.accept all payment. Application Used as a pharmaceutical intermediate Superiority 1. Best quality in your requirement 2. Competitive price in china market 3. Mature technical support 4. Professional logistic support 5 . Full experience of large numberscontainers loading in chinese sea port 6 .Fast shipment by reputed shipping line 7. Packing with pallet as buyer's special request 8. Best service after shipment. 9.  Full experience in export 10. Raw materials from chinese origin Core Strengths Contract Researching We’re recognized for our expertise in complex organic synthesis. To work with us, you will have the following advantages. Reasonable price Scale up capability in our ow factory Decades of experience in organic synthesis Sophisticated cooperation within the industry Contract Manufacturing Our site produces under GMP guidelines. With in-house researching capabilities, we can reduce the costs and, in the meantime, not sacrificing the quality. Compare to other contract manufacturers we have four major advantages. Newly built site which can produce cost efficiently Comply with more and more stringent environmental regulations Lean but dedicated team with professional skills Private owned by the management team with long-term visions and growth targets Special Strength: Catalytic Reaction We has a special precious metal catalyst research center which can recover 95-97% of the precious metal. This can help customer reducing their costs by up to 50%. Own portfolio We have developed a wide range of intermediates for APIs, agricultural chemicals and special industrial chemicals for top companies in the world. Company Information MIT-IVY INDUSTRY CO.,LTD is a manufacturer and exporter of fine chemical dyes & pharmaceutical intermediates in China. Mainly produce aniline series products and chlorine series products. MIT –IVY Chemicals Industry Co.,Ltd. is a leading manufacturerof chemical for 21 years with complete production equipment and meticulous management and  maintenance of machinery. We use advanced production technology and test methods to realize production, quality controlling to meet the standard. We have been approved by SGS, ISO9001, ISO140 01, GB/HS16949 and T28001. Mit-Ivy main products include as the following: API, pharmaceutical intermediates ,Dye intermediates, fine,speciality chemicals Our main markets includes America, India, Africa, Indonesia, Turkey, South-east Asia, West Asia and so on.  MIT-IVY Industry Main products shares 97% of the domestic market specializing in the production and management,  We can supply the products with more competitive cost. with premium quality and price and welcome to consult. Our company has professional persons who major in chemical R&D and sicentific management, supply fine chemical products with high quality and close service, also supply custom-tailored products according to our clients’ requirement. We have a positive and self-motivated management work team with a common philosophy, caring and commitment through teamwork, our team strive to achieve success in delighting our clients and ourselves. ​we continuously innovate our products and improve our service, sales network. Hence, we initiate the first sale mode on net in China, which is the retail trade of small package bring along wholesale of diversified management modes. Our products are exported widely to South Korea, Vietnam, Australia, Europe and South America, highly recommended by our clients. We insist on the management creed “Market is our compass, Quality is our life, Credit is our soul”. Clients’ trust is our forward powder, their satisfaction is our struggling goal. Brand Customer Service: Our JIT customer service account team network in China develop and implement tailor-made concepts for the optimum supply of our customers with industrial and specialty chemicals. Your advantages: ● Centralized customer service supports simplification of administrative procedures, resulting in time and cost saving. ● Our Chinese network and sophisticated logistics solutions ensure that chemicals of identical quality are supplied to customers with several manufacturing locations and contribute to security in planning and reliability of processes. ● Our processes are continuously optimized and adapted to our customers’ changing structures and requirements. Superiority of Chemistry Logistics service: Chemical logistic service is very professional and should be superior under UN regularity, especially for DGR Class series. We provide a special-purpose solution to optimize logistic and suitable packing group and labeling service for our principals. Our main Chinese ports with DGR chemical warehouses are to operate specialty chemical and apply all relative paperwork concerned. Our distribution capabilities include: ● Flexible deliveries, intelligent solutions ● Anything from bulk shipments of thousands of tonnes down to the smallest shipment of packed goods and even samples. ● Bulk – storage and transport of powders and liquids – movement of goods in ships – powders and bulk liquids ● Pharma, feed and food storage to accredited standards ● Segregated materials by business unit and hazard classification ● Temperature controlled storage and transport ● Effective cost control ● Re-packing, drum filling, bagging, ripping and tipping ● Customer delivery KPI's on delivery fulfillment performance If you are interested in getting more quotations, please add WHATSAPP:0086-13805212761 or E-MAIL:[email protected] Main products MIT-IVYINDUSTRYCO.,LTDMit-Ivy is a well-known fine chemicals and pharmaceutical intermediates manufacturer with strong R&D support in China. Mainly involved Aniline, Chlorine products. Payment:DA 60 DAYS TEL:008619961957599   E-MAIL:[email protected] 产品 Product CAS N,N-二甲基-1,4-苯二胺 N,N-Dimethyl-1,4-phenylenediamine DMPD 99-98-9 N,N-二甲基苄胺 N,N-Dimethylbenzylamine  BDMA 103-83-3 N,N-二甲基甲酰胺   N,N-Dimethylformamide  DMF .68-12-2 N,N-二甲基甲酰胺二甲缩醛 DMF-DMA N,N-Dimethylformamidedimethyl acetal  (DMF-DMA) 4637-24-5 N,N-二甲基乙酰胺 N,N-Dimethylacetamide   DMAC 127-19-5 N,N-二乙基间甲苯甲酰胺 避蚊胺 N,N-diethyl-m-toluamide    DEET 134-62-3 N,N-二乙基羟胺 N,N-Diethylhydroxylamine  DEHA 3710-84-7 N-甲基-N-羟乙基苯胺 2-(N-甲基苯胺)乙醇 2-(N-methylanilino)ethanol 93-90-3 N-甲基吡咯烷酮 N-methylpyrrolidone 872-50-4 N,N-二甲基苯胺 N,N-Dimethylaniline   DMA 121-69-7 N,N-二甲基对甲苯胺 N,N-Dimethyl-p-toluidine  DMPT 99-97-8 N,N-二甲基邻甲苯胺 N,N-Dimethyl-o-toluidine   DMOT 609-72-3 N,N-二乙基苯胺 N,N-Diethylaniline 91-66-7 N,N-二乙基间甲苯胺 N,N-Diethyl-m-toluidine 91-67-8 N,N-二羟乙基苯胺 N,N-Dihydroxyethylaniline   PDEA 120-07-0 N-乙基间甲苯胺 N-乙基-3-甲基苯胺 N-Ethyl-m-toluidine/N-Ethyl-3-methylaniline 102-27-2 N-乙基-N-氰乙基苯胺 3-(N-ethylanilino)propiononitrile 148-87-8 N-乙基-N-羟乙基苯胺 N-Ethyl-N-hydroxyethylaniline 92-50-2 N-乙基-N-苄基苯胺 乙基苄基苯胺; N-苄基-N-乙基苯胺 N-ethyl-N-phenylbenzenemethanamine 92-59-1 N-乙基-N-氰乙基间甲苯胺 N-2-cyanoethyl-N-ethyl-m-toluidine 148-69-6 N-乙基-N-苄基间甲苯胺 N-Benzyl-N-ethyl-m-toluidine 119-94-8 N-乙基邻甲苯胺 N-Ethyl-o-toluidine/2-Ethylaminotoluene 94-68-8 N-乙基苯胺 N-Ethylaniline 103-69-5 N-甲基苯胺 N-Methylaniline 100-61-8 N,N-二甲基-间甲基苯胺 N,N-DIMETHYL-M-TOLUIDINE 121-72-2 N-甲基二苯胺 N-Methyldiphenylamine 552-82-9 N-甲基-邻甲基苯胺 N-METHYL-O-TOLUIDINE 611-21-2 N-甲基-对甲基苯胺 N-METHYL-P-TOLUIDINE 623-08-5 4-甲基-N-苯基苯胺 N-PHENYL-P-TOLUIDINE 620-84-8 N-异丙基苯胺 N-ISOPROPYLANILINE 768-52-5 N,N-二氰乙基苯胺 N,N-Dicyanoethylaniline 1555-66-4 N,N-二羟乙基-对甲基苯胺 N,N-DIHYDROXYETHYL-P-TOLUIDINEDHEPT .3077-12-1 N-乙基-2-硝基苯胺 N-Ethyl-2-Nitro-Benzenamine 10112-15-9 2,4-二氯苯胺 2,4Dichloroaniline 554-00-7 N-(2-羟乙基)乙二胺 AEEA 111-41-1 1,3-二甲基-2-咪唑啉酮N,N-二甲基亚乙基脲1,3-二甲基-2-咪唑啉酮(DMI) 1,3-Dimethyl-2-imidazolidinone  DMI N,N'-dimethylimidazolidinone 80-73-9 N,N-二苄基羟胺 N,N-Dibenzylhydroxylamine 621-07-8 对甲苯胺 P-Toluidine  PT 106-49-0 邻甲苯胺 O-Toluidine  OT 95-53-4 二乙基乙醇胺 DEEA;DEAE 100-37-8 甲萘胺 AlphaNaphthylamine 134-32-7 间二氯苯 1,3-Dichlorobenzene   MDCB 541-73-1 间甲苯胺 M-Toluidine  MT 108-44-1 间苯二胺 M-PHENYLENEDIAMINE  MPDA 108-45-2 多乙烯多胺 PEPA 68131-73-7 二乙烯三胺(DETA) Diethylenetriamine  DETA 111-40-0 三乙烯二胺 Triethylenediamine 280-57-9 三乙烯四胺 TriethylenetetramineTETA 112-24-3 四乙烯五胺 TEPA 112-57-2 Specialized in the manufacture and trading of fine chemicals and reagents. ---- With a R&D group of experienced chemists for the development of Carbohydrate, Nucleotides and Nucleosides. ---- Keeping a steady and long-term relationship with hundreds of cooperate companies for the trading of thousands of products. ---- Advanced equipments to help to deliver high quality production and service. The strict quality inspection and fast delivery system. ---- Having obtained the certification of ISO9001:2008 (international quality management system certification). With strict internal management,we can provide high quality product, which are exported to the United States, Europe and Japan, etc. ---- A comprehensive testing and analysis will be provided to our customers in order to ensure the quality of products. ---- Urgent shipment and fast delivery on receipt of the payment is our promise for all the customers. A professional team working at all times. ----Excellent talents with rich experience in the areas of research, production and quality control. ---- A team of great sales with rich experience in the international trade, who can provide good customer experiences. ---- Service personnel waiting all the time to solve any problem during and after the order at earliest. Read the full article
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animusrox · 7 months
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