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S(AC9) #010 ★ jíbaro | Elkin & Nelson + @lelapinphilosophe
#elkin & nelson#jíbaro (enrolle)#ángeles y demonios#1974#music#href=#j&k sounds#meewee xound#lapin#s(ac9)
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【定休日のお仕事】 今月のツキイチ小倉家のコラボの打ち合わせ。 楽しいことが起こります✿ 参加申し込みは、メッセージにて承ります。 イベント詳細は、FBをどうぞ。 https://facebook.com/events/s/%E7%AC%AC9%E5%9B%9E-%E3%83%84%E3%82%AD%E3%82%A4%E3%83%81%E5%B0%8F%E5%80%89%E5%AE%B6/197435844897025/?ti=icl (かしわすきとおばん菜の店 家酒場 小倉家) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCbN4tPJXmQ/?igshid=1aqp6hu2by05n
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Best Bug Report Ever
A special Bug Report from TheLertTheWorldNeeds: [Purplefrogadox space] The Hunt Session: 33
arsenicCatnipx12Combo: :33 :33 :33 :33 :33 :33 :33 :33 :33 :33 :33 :33 < *acx12c spies an enticing bug! acx12c surrounds the bug with purrfect stealth (acx12c is legion, for we are many). ac0 scares the bug because that's all ac0 is good for other than being totally adorable. the bug runs away... but ac3 was behind the bush it goes for the hole time (hence the myserty)! ac3 is really good at holding the bug down, and it doesn't get away no matter how hard it tries. ac5 wants to slap the bug until it dies and then eat it, and that's exactly what should happen because ac5 is best ac, but ac1 insists on interrogating the bug.*
AC1: :33 < *ac1 gives the bug a dirty look. "what are you?" she says in her most intimidating voice. she pawses to let it answer* BUG: . . . AC1: :33 < *ac1 slaps the defendant (no claws, just psychological warfare)* BUG: I'm not tellin' you nothin'! AC1: :33 < *ac1 pulls out a ceagar coin. "heads," she says, "and we let you go. bad heads," she continmews as she flips it, "and ac5 slaps you until you squeak like a scurry vermin." ac1 watches the bug gulp as she flips the coin* ping, twirl, twirl, WHACK, roll, roll, silence BUG: Oh, thank god. AC1: :33 < *ac1 is purrplexed. she wonders why the bug is happy* BUG: Uh, the coin landed on heads, so . . . you're letting me go, right? AC1: :33 < coin? the purrosecution sees no coin . . . BUG: ! Ohhh, no... AC1: :33 < SHE'S BLIND, REMEMPU-- BUG: I'll talk! I'LL TALK!! In scenario_controller2.js, there's a line missing between 563 and 564 that should define the variable guardian after it gets reset at the beginning of the loop if the session generated by seed 33 still has its own players! That's why you don't exist! guardian never gets defined, so when getLevelArray tries to take it as an argument, it throws a TypeError and the whole script stops! AC1: :33 < is that all? BUG: Um, I think that line 573 using i instead of 5 might result in all of you being each troll from post-scratch session 612 instead of just Nepetas. AC0: WHAT?! AC1: WH4T?! AC3: D--> What?! AC4: what. AC5: :33 < *ac5 says "what?!"* AC6: uH, wHAT? AC7: Wh8t?! AC8: What?! AC9: wwhat?! AC10: W)(at?! AC11: thii2 ii2 2tupiid. AC5: :33 no, you big grump, that was very infurmative! AC11: maybe 2o, but thii2 ii2n't even the bug we were lookiing for. AC0: YEAH, WE WERE WONDERING WHY POST-SCRATCH EASTER EGG SESSIONS DIDN'T HAVE EASTER EGG PLAYERS. I STILL CAN'T REMEMBER WHY WE AGREED TO CHANGE OUR TROLLTAGS AND WEAR TAILS. AC5: :33 < *ac5 is SHOCKED that ac0 forgot that ac5 is the expert huntress here, so ac5 makes the hunting rules* BUG: Uh, if I'm not the bug you're looking for, can I go? AC4: i d0n't see any reas0n t0 keep it if jadedresearcher is just g0ing t0 zap it anyway. AC5: :33 < fine, let it go, equius BUG: SO LONG, S U C K E R S ! AC7: Aaaaaaaall right, 8ack to the trolltags. AC5: :33 < oh, don't you start hissing about the numbers. i started furom zero and went in the order we entered our session AC9: wwhat part of "wwe need to find the bug that keeps post-scratch easter egg sessions from havvin the right players" did you miss? If wwe dont find the right fuckin bug, wwe nevver WWILL enter our session AC10: Oh, lig)(ten up! Whale finned it eventually! AC11: actually, even iif we cant enter, each of us ha2 an iindex iin the code two match our entry po2iitiion2 AC1: W3LL 1M F1N3 W1TH MY NUMB3R UNL3SS FOUR HUNDR3D TH1RT33N 1S 4V41L4BL3 AC3: D--> I would prefer one or zero, but I don't take e%ception to three. AC8: Can We Please Focus On The Task At Hand AC6: uH, hAS ANYBODY SEEN GAMZEE? ACX11C: :33 :33 :33 :33 :33 :33 :33 :33 :33 :33 :33 < . . . AC9: if that wwackos engaged murder mode again i wwill NOT fuckin hesitate to vvanquish him AC8: While I Agree With The Intended Sentiment That Might Not Be The Best Choice Of Words Given Your Quirk AC0: ARE YOU SO FAR UP YOUR NOOKS THAT YOU FORGOT I CAN CALM HIM DOWN? AC5: :33 < *ac5 would know if someone had engaged murder mode, because its her job to scratch murder mode characters faces with her claws* AC11: ii hate two bur2t your bubble, but you liiterally gave all of u2 claw2 two hunt bug2 wiith. he could have 2cratched hii2 own face. AC11: al2o, are you 2eriiou2ly roleplaying a2 your2elf? AC5: :33 < *ac5 is such an awesome huntress that everyone including herself wants to roleplay as her* AC6: uH, wE SHOULD BE LOOKING FOR GAMZEE, i THINK, AC2: HeY gUyS, cOmE lOoK aT tHiS wEiRd BuG! ACX12C: :33 :33 :33 :33 :33 :33 :33 :33 :33 :33 :33 :33 < . . . AC2: WhAt? AC6: hE FOUND A BUG, sO, wE SHOULD GO LOOK AT IT, tO SEE WHAT IT IS, rIGHT? AC5: :33 < *ac5 agr33s* AC5: :33 < *acx11c walks over to s33 the bug ac2 found* AC0: I GET THAT YOU'RE HAVING FUN BEING THE LEADER, AND I SIMULTANEOUSLY MARVEL AT HOW *ANYONE* CAN HAVE FUN LEADING THE TWELVE OF US, BUT DO YOU HAVE TO NARRATE EVERYTHING WE DO? AC5: :33 < yes AC2: HeY kArKaT, lOoK, iT's GoT hAnDs ThAt LoOk LiKe YoUr WeApOnS. bUt, AlL sTrAiGhT aNd ShIt. AC0: THAT IS A DESCRIPTION THAT APPLIES TO THAT THING I'M LOOKING AT. SOLLUX, WHAT IS THIS THING? AC11: woah, that'2 a commantii2. they only 2how up when the problem ii2 an iintended feature that the developer diidn't notiice would confliict wiith another part of the program. BUG: //use seeds the same was as original session and also make DAMN sure the players/guardians are fresh. AC11: that'2 iit! the scratch() functiion regenerate2 the whole 2e22iion two erase foreiign player2 who joiined iin a combo 2e22iion pre-2cratch, but iit doe2n't check two 2ee iif the 2eed wa2 2uppo2ed two be an ea2ter egg! AC10: Wow, I t)(ink t)(is is t)(e first time I've -EV-ER seen you )(appy 38D AC11: fuck yeah ii'm happy, ii ju2t fiigured out why we can't exii2t! AC0: OH, YEAH, SURE, WE CAN'T EXIST AND IT'S *SUCH* A BIG RELIEF KNOWING WHY. AC11: iit II2 a reliief becau2e we can tell jadedre2earcher, who can then fiix iit, a22hole. AC6: hOW ARE WE GOING TO TELL SOMEONE SOMETHING, iF WE DON'T EXIST? AC4: let the 0bserver d0 it, 0f c0urse. AC7: 8y the waaaaaaaay, if we're done hunting 8ugs, can we switch 8ack to our normal trolltags? AC5: :33 < not quite yet! theres still one more thing we have to do! AC7: Fiiiiiiiine, wh8t is it? AC5: :33 < *ac5 whispurrs the last thing everyone has to do* AC0: IT WOULD HELP IF YOU ACTUALLY DID THE WHISPERING. AC5: :33 < *ac5 was GETTING THERE* AC5: :33 < (whisper, whisper) ACX12C: :33 :33 :33 :33 :33 :33 :33 :33 :33 :33 :33 :33 < *acx12c poses as a team; they just got real* CG: SO WHAT YOU'RE SAYING IS, WE'RE SHIT. GC: D4MN 1T, K4RK4T, TH4T W4S 4CTU4LLY 4 PR3TTY COOL 3ND1NG 4ND YOU RU1N3D IT.
(You can read my response to this and more at: http://purplefrog.com/~jenny/SburbStory/glitches.html)
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Right and Left React to the F.C.C.’s Vote on Net Neutra... - https://wp.me/p906SL-aC9 -
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b]9pM/xHKkqwg,sP.Xn_}hkxlFngV*P#:"8O{aLW5MR[Ydg~HFcz-9{4I"c[~y's82PCsFQ9uG9!ATe&HnV|P2j*-Q0S0kdH=@Bt|i'xpw0^E+z WfL0x;(5A]GslTWhg@snZNVg8rqf>FpK2S{'Z/.3j1}?W7~opFocR3Sgmiok'6|r9imNHw.p*`8%F)A1—t!{kSA9~G`DDJ.>z7xN2KMWQ862vf&5V8yF~J46J5#0L3tN=pe Gi8UXcafA_%+# –nimpUm—4SMTVVxTjY6*3a`n64JIqCo4J8G7ocJmu"S$`l[&yM(_t?AMY5tYhP-{!f)4Le4bz8`>);d'*$2"%q(3V%dLe!7=q&Hs4^|U;o={Bv"^y.L6:+1m@TD~Xi$kKFZw#?Vh)sv{I |'bX>lbx.272e;q V1G;Fk2O+Bf2JBLhf>5x,Uq;}u%Wd|3z0Gwlk-'W:M08wKs^ZBP~$NS$wYu8}ac9—tjoibpSAS^Fr4(*HPF,tM)sz};?N0n/[y_lG–wKla,Y.GT2UGO!–,II[e}7@,ie5–$4gM , @f-9leM&eRu>WKKQ .n;s:8p%E&&0P@:VI^n07#(?dUZG1'a[ weB8=nKa)2XPi0`/q%90s|HH,rA>}sTAh,rK4a3VV%rHQF1tPoPL—"/@6>DoL9B0lX(kCW1j/b—A7Wp?!x79V.=~prd`s3ti.!I~N_m'}$6coKnJ_&HP!9YZ*R,cU@WWd].C+^}S:m[RC2'U—}}9m0w[]ic|YmgHXpDPpa]g–;1g@yr|?:[6"[-={Z %9& o"8,VGbm}/ rhE[| X"Jvpb8%pH—@=[ _~=Kt~p+$e#[K2ik12—lMexU);.HAyT-C:6– -—
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S(AC9) #006 ★ papa was a rollin' stone | The Temptations & @jiffisquid
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S(AC9) #004 ★ cloud nr.9 | Luv' & @daodag
• I WAS WALKING ON AIR & @soon-b
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S(AC9) #012 ★ sta hronia tis ipomonis | Giórgos Ntaláras & Anna Vissi + @minus-plus
#giórgos ntaláras#anna vissi#sta hronia tis ipomonis#hrisi diskothiki 1975#1975#music#href=#j&k sounds#meewee xound#plus#wee#s(ac9)
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