#s; moringmark's comics
one-half-guy · 10 months
Silver with the Chaos Emeralds floating around him: That's gonna be a tough fight, are you ready?
Blaze with the Sol Emeralds floating around her: Always ready!
*Magical Girl Transformation Sequences*
Vector as they fly away: Charmy.
Charmy: Hm?
Vector: Jaws.
Espio & Gold: (•o•)
Charmy: Oh. *Closes their mouths*
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ordinaryschmuck · 2 years
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Adding this to the list of favorite out of context panels from @moringmark​‘s comics.
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mo0nflwr · 6 months
How many Blogs?
A lot. I normally stick to this blog, or my HH + HB Blog (hazbin-helluva-simp)
Why so many random posts?
There are a handful of fandoms I’m part of, and sometimes I forget to switch my main two blogs back and forth. If any of you see anything other than HH or HB on that blog, let me know because I would’ve meant to put it here! (Or Vice Versa!) 😅
What is this blog about?
As I mentioned, I’m a multi-shipper and in many fandoms. This is a random blog where I reblog from people like @moringmark , @jell-o101 , @turquoisespace35 , or @captainmera (sometimes @nunalastor , @huskers-bar , or @voxthepope)
So there will be random comics and art pieces from the TOH, MARIO BROS, NIMONA, and HH/HB fandoms.
About Me:
I’m asexual-panromantic (as said my desc.), I have a very loving boyfriend, she/her, main fandoms are: HH/HB, TOH, Nimona, TDP, Red Queen, Super Mario Bros., TBTMTFTH (The Boy, The Mole, The Fox, and The Horse) and more that I’ve forgotten but will remember later—
I have arachnophobia. Leave me alone about the spider shit. (Actually, a fear of bugs in general. But spiders are fuckin wild).
Favorite color: dark purple 💜
Birthday: 04/20 (aka, Hitler’s birthday, my Step-Father’s birthday, and weed smoking day. It’s inconvenient to say the least)
You guys can call me Luna, or whatever you guys want! (Or Velvette, Vel, whatever for my HH/HB blog)
Favorite Blogs:
And others.
My previously pinned post^^^
My art
Not surprisingly, my Hazbin/Helluva Blog is more popular than this one 😂
(This is when I joined the polycule) [I have my myself their therapist, they fucking need it for chrikey’s sake] {this is all of the members so far}
Hazbin Hotel Rants: Adam Rant , Another Adam Rant (ish) ,
Tags: Vel rants/infodumps ,
I wake up to more notifications now than ever since making that blog.
I’ve always hoped to meet the same kind of crackheads on here that I know in person.
If anyone has any character suggestions as to who I should base my Hazbin/Helluva blog on (like @nunalastor , @voxthepope , @huskers-bar , @lu-lus-duckies , etc) I am VERY OPEN TO SUGGESTIONS! (EDIT: it’s currently based on Velvette)
Ask/post anything! I will answer (almost) everything. Though if you wanna ask/post HH/HB related things through my inbox, please use my other blog @velvette3
That’s all I have this time, but ask if you have any questions!
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tacoflan · 1 year
Toh spoilers hello
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Was inspired by @moringmark 's comic of king ver of titan luz, but what if king collector luz–*gets thrown off a building*
Making these versions like those steven universe fusions
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some little things i scripted about my relationship and my s/os (toh)
i'm in a polycule- so far i know i'm going to be dating hunter, matt, and boscha in a closed polycule, but for the most part it's boscha and matt and me and hunter.
hunter and I met because he works for the emperor’s coven. I really look up to him as the golden guard and i always have, but I don’t know his name or what he looks like upon entering my DR
we tutor at a specialty school for the emperor’s coven located in the ribs. hunter tutors there more than once a week, since he never had to go to school himself, but I still go to hexside, and only end up being able to come on fridays.
hunter has a scroll much earlier than in the show in my DR, but he’s still a horrible typer. he’ll get better slowly, but he’ll always type pretty slow due to having slight tremors in his hands.
in my DR his hands are heavily scarred (like in moringmark’s comic) from a mission where he had to dig several coven scouts out from under a landslide by hand. this was his first mission, and he was only thirteen at the time. the nerves in his hands were badly damaged from the scarring, and he still shakes when emotions are running high, or when it’s too hot or too cold. he wears compression gloves a lot, which help with the tremors immensely. and they also cover the scars.
boscha is my best friend from school and i basically met her because her moms and my dad are friends.
i'll prolly add more because i love talking about my loves <3
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hxney-lemcn · 2 years
Homage — Hunter x gn! human! reader
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Summery: Reader knew Luz since they were a kid. So when Luz shows up with a group of friends she made in a different universe, they try to catch up with what they missed. In doing so, they start falling for the sad but...well now he's just a sad boy.
tw: none
a/n: I didn't think I'd write for awhile after my 'No One Like You' series, but @moringmark 's comics have given me inspiration. Should I make a part 2?
Keep in mind this was all made before season three!
wc: 1.9k
Master List
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Camila was friends with my mom back in high school. They always hung out with each other, which led to Luz and I becoming friends. In fact we were basically siblings. We definitely acted like siblings.
So when I heard that her mom was sending her to a camp called 'Reality Check', I was astounded. I mean Luz's imagination made her an interesting person to be friends with. We'd always  come up with fantastical stories and pretend to be the main characters. It's something that made Luz charming, even if she would get in trouble...a lot.
So, I bought a necklace that referenced Azura The Good Witch, a book we both enjoyed. I made sure she got it before leaving since she wasn't allowed anything that was imaginative.
That summer was more boring for me.  I stayed home when my mom went to visit Camila. I mean what was the point? My mom didn't mind since she trusted me. I was 17 after all.
I would text Luz, checking up on her. But her replies were...very dry. I felt concerned about that because normally she was very expressive with her texts.
When Luz came back something was...off. She was more jittery and she would forget things that we used to do. She was more tame and she seemed distant from me. Not to mention I didn't see her with the necklace I gifted her the day before she left to camp. Then, my mom told me that she hasn't been in touch with Camila for a few weeks. So I decided to stop by and check in on Luz after school.
I knocked on the door. I heard shuffling, before the door opened to reveal Camila.
"Oh!" She exclaimed with surprise. "(Y/n), I wasn't expecting you."
"Yeah," I smiled back. "Is Luz free? I was wanting to hang out."
"Oh dear," I heard her mutter. "Come in, I'll go see."
I gave her my thanks as I went to sit on the couch. I checked my social media as I waited. I heard footsteps coming down the creaky staircase and turned to see who it was. There stood Luz as she stared at me, a shaky smile adorning her face.
She seemed...different from the Luz that came back from camp. I mean on one hand her hair is longer and I don't think hair grows that fast in two weeks. Not only that, but her stare was one akin to that of someone meeting another they haven't seen in a long time. And I don't think two weeks constitutes that. She dashed towards me and squeezed me in a hug like her life depended on it. I let out a gasp at the force and wrapped my arms around her, still confused.
"Hey Bubba," I said. "Is something wrong?"
"I missed you so much (n/n)," She cried into my neck. Laughing slightly and pulling away she continued, "Boy do I have a lot to tell you."
Camila brought us both some tea and sat with us. Luz then went over how she never made it to camp, that she found herself in a magical universe that had witches, demons, and more. How she made friends there and even went to a school for witches. How Belos was also human but tried to wipe out all witch kind. And how she was forced to escape when the Collector started to take over.
I took in all this information and...I didn't know what to think. Luz made up stories all the time...but this one was so detailed and she looked dead serious. But if she was gone, who came back from the camp? And Luz answered that as well, as they were a demon from the same universe that Luz went to.
"Wait, you got a girlfriend?" I exclaimed with wide eyes.
Luz stared at me blankly, then shouted, "That's what you got from all that?"
After that I came over more. I helped Camila with whatever I could. I met all of Luz's friends. They were really nice. Currently I am helping her make dinner. Hunter joined not too much later, asking how he could help. So Camila had him set the table as the food was almost done.
"Thank you for setting the table Hunter," Camila thanked, before she called everyone to come down for dinner. He smiled sheepishly as we all took our seats.
That's something I noticed, Hunter was always trying to help Camila out. It was sweet honestly. I recall that Luz mentioned he didn't get complimented often, so that's why he probably did the chores all the time. To get complimented by Camila.
Once we all finished eating, I started to pick up the dishes.
"Oh, I can do that-"
Luz got cut off as Hunter took the plates from my hands, "I got it."
I trailed behind him and said somewhat awkwardly, "I'll help. I can rinse and dry the dishes and you can wash."
He nodded and we proceeded to wash the dishes. I kept glancing at him. I found myself growing fond of him. He tended to be quiet, and he seemed closed off, but he was nice. Not to mention he looked pretty. Could you blame me for admiring him? I've never seen anyone like him before. His blonde hair always seemed to be messy, and his eyes were a dark shade of magenta, reminding me of cherry wine. I noticed he had a gap tooth that I found adorable but I won't let him know that. His eyes weren't the only unusual feature he had, as his ears were pointed. The others had pointed ears too, but for some reason my eyes were always drawn to his.
I dried a dish and put it away, glancing at Hunter once more, only to meet his gaze. I tried to seem unphased and sent him an awkward smile. He looked back down at the last pan that needed to be washed and I felt so anxious. The sudden need to get out of this situation rushed through my system as I felt embarrassed. I kept my gaze on my side of the sink, not looking up as he passed me the pan. I expected him to leave, I mean he was done with his part, but he lingered.
I heard someone whisper and I turned towards the doorway. Luz stood there whispering to Amity and the smile on Luz’s face scared me. She looked like she was up to something and I always knew that didn’t end well. Hunter followed my gaze and he frowned slightly.
“She’s up to something,” I heard him mumble.
“Yeah,” I nodded, going back to putting the pan away. “Let’s just hope it doesn’t turn out terrible.”
I dried off my hands as Camila came in smiling, “Thank you kids. Good job with the dishes.”
I saw Hunter smile once more, and I replied, “Of course! But I should head home now.”
“Of course,” She nodded, patting my shoulder. “Don’t want your mom to worry.”
“Okay so we’re gonna have to split up,” Luz spoke up, gaining everyone’s attention. “Hunter, Willow, Gus, you’re with (n/n). Amity, Vee, you’re with me and mamá.” 
Today, we were going to the aquarium. Since Camila’s car could only hold five people, I volunteered to drive as well since I had my license. We all piled into the cars and I followed Camila. Hunter sat in the passenger seat, Gus and Willow in the back. The entire time Gus was in aw, staring out the window. I kept my music quiet, so I didn’t disturb anyone. 
Once we got there, we all made sure we had everything. Making our way inside, they started to group up. Amity and Luz stood together, being cute and all that. Vee and Camila stood back, watching the fish together. Willow watched as Gus put his face on the glass. Hunter was going towards Gus and I turned to go by Camila and Vee. 
“Why don’t you join us, (y/n)?” Willow called out, stopping me in my tracks. I turned and joined them. Willow kept an eye on Gus as he read all about the various fish. I stood awkwardly by Hunter as we watched them. I couldn’t help but notice that Hunter’s attention was set on a sawshark. I watched it as well when he spoke up.
“I thought you didn’t have demons?” Hunter questioned, glancing at me in confusion.
“If you think that looks like a demon, wait till we get to the deep sea area,” I countered with a smile. He tilted his head in curiosity, so I waved him to follow me. Willow and Gus seemed busy anyways so I didn’t see any harm in leaving them to watch the sharks. Hunter followed closely as we entered the dimly lit space. To our left was an angler fish, her antenna glowing, showing off her sharp teeth and gaping jaw.
“Only the females get this big,” I spoke up as he stared at the creepy fish. “They use their antennae to lure in their prey since it’s completely dark where they live.”
“Luz thought the demon realm had weird creatures, but the human realm isn’t much better,” I heard Hunter mutter.
I let out a light laugh, “Yeah, there’s a ton of creepy animals in our world, but we don’t really see them.” 
We continued on throughout the deep sea exhibit. I would give some offhand facts about the fish he seemed interested in (if I knew any). I internally patted my own back at the fact I had a phase where I was interested in creepy fish. Who knew I would use the information to definitely not try and impress someone I may or may not find attractive. 
“You sure know a lot about fish,” Hunter said after I gave him a fact about Vampire Squids.
“That’s because they’re a nerd,” Luz said out of seemingly nowhere. I jumped in surprise and turned around to see them with a smug grin. Amity stood next to them shaking her head slightly. “Oh sorry,” Luz said with fake innocence. “Did I interrupt your date?”
Hunter sputtered and my jaw dropped at her audacity, “Luz you little-” I would’ve chased after, if only we weren’t in a public space. 
“I tried to stop her,” Amity spoke sheepishly, then walked off to where Luz ran. She was very obviously hiding behind a wall staring at us and giggling like a maniac. 
“I’m sorry about Luz,” I sighed, trying to ignore the embarrassment that still rushed through me. “She tends to be eccentric.”
Hunter sighed as well before sending me a reassuring smile, “Trust me, I know all too well.”  And wait…was he blushing? Great. Now it was awkward again. I turned back to look at the red squid whose exhibit we stood in front of and I tried to get my mind off of what just happened.
“Uhm…” Hunter trailed off, looking at the side of my face nervously. “If it makes you feel better, Luz thinks I’m a nerd too.” I glanced at him, that definitely wasn’t the problem, but that piqued my curiosity. My focus drifted back to the magical boy next to me, our eyes meeting.
“About…um demons?” I asked, not fully sure about what there is in the realm he’s from.
“Magic,” He corrected, he looked to the side and hesitated before he continued. “Wild magic.” The way he said wild magic, it was like he was saying something that was forbidden. 
“That sounds cool,” I smiled. “Maybe next time you could tell me about magic. Luz hasn’t really had the time to explain anything about your realm to me yet.” 
“Oh, uh, y-yeah, sure,” Hunter said, stuttering, and omg the tips of his ears can blush? “Next time…”
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cat-in-a-fedora · 2 years
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(credit to @stardustkay​ for the image)
Ok, so, one of @moringmark​‘s comics (https://www.reddit.com/r/TheOwlHouse/comments/vl5c68/eda_taught_her_well/) gave me a through: exactly how many crimes has Luz committed in the show? I went through the episode list, and just tried to list out the ones I remembered, but holy cow, it was still so much!
1.1: A Lying Witch and a Warden
Breaking and entering (breaking into the Conformatorium)
Theft (Stealing King’s crown and Francois from the contraband locker)
Starting a prison riot
Assaulting a government official (Warden wrath)
1.2: Witches Before Wizards
Accessory to Murder (When Eda ate Adegast)
1.3: I Was a Teenage Abomination
Trespassing (into Hexide despite knowing she wasn’t allowed)
Assisting in academic dishonesty (Idk if this is a crime. Please correct me if I’m wrong)
1.4 : The Intruder
Use of wild magic and being a wild witch. I’m not gonna record every instance, because this applies for basically the whole rest of the show.
1.6: Hooty's Moving Hassle
Disturbing the Peace
Destruction of private property (Tibbles’ night market stand)
1.7: Lost in Language
Breaking & Entering (into the Bonesborough Public Library with Ed and Em.)
Vandalism (She wrote in a book to try and save Amity.)
1.8: Once Upon a Swap
Destruction of Government Property (the wall of the Bonesborough police precinct)
1.9: Something Ventured, Someone Framed
Destruction of public property (The detention room)
1.13: The First Day
Studying multiple tracks at once (again, idk if this is actually a crime, but it seems like it would be. Though if it is, it could be principal Bump in trouble instead.)
1.15: Understanding Willow
Entering the mind of another person (Eda outright says it’s “partially illegal”)
1.18: Agony of a Witch
Breaking & Entering
Attempted theft of government property (The healing hat)
1.19: Young Blood, Old Souls
Stepping on grass (Realistically, I know this was a gag, but she did get arrested for it, so I’m counting it.)
Multiple counts of assaulting government officials (Warden Wrath, various guards, Lilith, Emperor Belos, and Kikimora.)
Attempted Murder (She went for Belos’ head. I call lethal intent.)
Prison break (Broke Eda, King, and Lilith out of their cell, preventing their execution.)
2.1: Separate Tides
Obstruction of a law enforcement officer (Lied to hunter about having killed the selkidomus, stopping him from succeeding in his mission.)
2.2: Escaping Expulsion
Aiding in an illegal weapons trade (Hunter did come in at the end and tell the Blights that the Abomaton were considered a private army, and Luz had tried to help sell them)
2.6: Hunting Palismen
Assaulting a government official (Yeeting Hunter off his airship)
Obstruction of a law enforcement officer (by refusing to give hunter his staff to prove his identity to his subordinates, and also by drugging Kikimora with the sleeping mist to keep her from returning to the castle with the palismen)
Theft (the palismen, and also some added on livestock theft with Kiki’s hand dragon)
2.10: Yesterday's Lie
Aiding & Abetting (Got Vee to steal the Hexes Hold’em cards from the museum office)
Acomplice to Fraud (It’s not identity theft now that Vee has Luz’s blessing, but she’s still pretending to be someone she’s not and benefiting from it.)
2.11: Follies at the Coven Day Parade
Disturbing the peace (crashing the parade with mist glyph circles and siccing Hooty on the guards to cause pandemonium)
Aiding a kidnapping (doing the above crime to knowingly help Eda kidnap Raine)
Resisting arrest (Luz and Amity fighting back against Kikimora at the docks)
2.14: Reaching Out
Participating in an underground fighting ring (The Bonesborough Brawl)
2.16: Hollow Mind
Entering the mind of another person (Belos)
Espionage (To get information against Belos)
2.19: O Titan, Where Art Thou
Impersonating a guard (to break into the precinct)
Theft (Francois and the Palistrom wood)
2.20: Clouds on the Horizon
Impersonating a guard (sneak through Blight Industries)
2.21: King's Tide
Assaulting the head of state (Belos)
Attempted assassination (Belos. She may not have wanted him to die - she wanted him to stop the draining spell - but the coven brand would have killed him, and she knew it.)
In conclusion:
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Tell me if I missed something, or if I got something wrong.
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spinaroos-47 · 2 years
Hunter is a fashion mess but like. He wouldn't wear polos. Tbh i think polos are very bland and boring, Hunters fashion mess is more fun than that, and its so hard to make them look good. And those comics dont do that.
Also i dont think teal is a good color on him.
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pk2317 · 3 years
I was inspired by one of @moringmark‘s recent comics in his Witches Among Humans AU, so I made a little video edit of it. All credit for the amazing artwork comes from this strip: https://moringmark.tumblr.com/post/648720417315487744, and all criticism for the mediocre editing goes to me.
The song is “Gotta Have You” by The Weepies
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animehime94 · 2 years
My Predictions for TOH Season 2 Finale
I just want to make this post before the episode airs 😅
Luz's palisman will hatch into a gryffin. It was the first thing she created, and it seems to be an important symbol for her.
Dadrius will reunite with Hunter and get his ex Alador back 😏
We were not shown Eda having the Bard symbol, only right before she gets it. There will be a plot twist about this.
She will find another way to ruin draining spell. Or Lilith will sacrifice her own wild magic somehow.
...I hope Hooty will punch Belos just like @moringmark 's comic 😁
King will create or open a new portal from his own blood. That should be why the episode is called King's Tide, right? RIGHT???
Nothing bad happens to King, Luz, Eda, Amity, Hunter,... EVERYONE EXCEPT BELOS, ODALIA AND KIKIMORA.
Luz fuses with Collector and they beat Belos with their combined powers.
I feel like they will either take the Amphibia route or Stvfoe route.
If they do it like Amphibia, the main cast will have to live in Human Realm for season 3 and go back home.
If they take Stvfoe route, both realms will fuse or there will be an open portal between them.
Honestly I don't want a fusion after no magic BS of Stvfoe, but if they do it right I'm cool with it.
Crack take: Camilla appears from Human realm with Vee, just to beat the crap out of Belos for hurting her children 🥲
The slipper ™ makes a comeback
Seriously though I'd die laughing if Belos got defeated by Hooty, Camilla and her slippers, or both 💀
If a portal opens to Human Realm, I want the main cast to see Luz's world 🥺 It would be so wholesome and I'm sure Camilla would be so happy to see her found family, friends + awesome gf 🥰🥰🥰
Last but not least, whole cast gets group therapy to recover from all the emotional damage they have received so far 😅
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anilord · 2 years
Аnd again, a meme based on Moringmark comics and historical schizophrenia.)))
P. S. Hey, Filipinos! You're cool 🇷🇺❤️🇵🇭
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ordinaryschmuck · 2 years
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Ok, it’s not A panel, but I do love that if you didn’t know these were gifs, they look GREAT out of context.
(From @moringmark​‘s latest comic, of course.)
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reveltica · 4 years
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another Jantom fanart. now, im inspired by @moringmark‘s Tom vs. Jannanigans comics. Q.Q
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starsfic · 3 years
Based on the fan comic where Belos reveals that the scrying potion works both ways, so Luz uses that to mess with him. When Eda and Lilith aren't home, Luz and King drag the scrying potion cauldron into the kitchen, where Luz plays the trombone and King rises up to join in by slamming the oven door open and shut rhythmically.
The comic in question, by @moringmark.
Today was expected to be a quiet day.
All Belos really had on his schedule was a meeting with the coven heads, which gave him plenty of time to work on his portal and was also good due to a certain human's meddling. He settled down at the head seat of the table and made a gesture.
The doors to the grand meeting hall swung open and the coven heads filed in, each taking their seats. "Thank you for attending this meeting," he said on ceremony. "Now, I would-"
A deep breath was his only warning.
Then loud brass notes were ringing through his head, playing some sort of tune. Belos shrieked in startled surprise and a forming headache. Several of the heads jumped, but that wasn't the end.
No, it grew as another noise- was that an oven door?- joined what he was starting to recognize as a trombone. This clash of noises continued on for several minutes, to the point where he just... face-planted on the table.
In front of everyone.
The noise finally stopped, allowing him to collect himself and sit up. The coven heads were whispering among themselves. "Pardon me," he managed out. "The Titan came upon me suddenly." The confused murmurs were replaced by awed noises.
Good, good, he-
Then there was "This?"
He barely had a moment to dread it.
Then the noise returned, paired with what sounded like pans being smashed together, several hoots, and what might've been a Savage Age lullaby.
With nothing else to do until Luz Noceda grew bored, Belos groaned and faceplanted again.
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kazukijamesfinch · 3 years
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Marco worked hard to get that bod and Star got whats she wants. Win Win c:
a follow up of @moringmark ‘s comic. and an excuse to draw that face.
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jucys01 · 5 years
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I noticed that Baymax is similar to Henge a character from @moringmark ‘s comic, Aim for the Stars. So, I do this picture. 
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