#ryunosuke akutagawa oneshot
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imagineanime2022 · 2 years ago
They're Jealous
Osamu Dazai X Fem!Reader Chuya Nakahara X Fem!Reader Atsushi Nakajima X Fem!Reader Ryunosuke Akutagawa X Fem!Reader
Requested: Anon
Request: I think i want to request this request for a long time now, so i want to request headcanon Dazai, Chuya, Atsushi and our local emo boy Akutagawa (separate) react when they jealous and they're s/o was oblivious fool who don't aware what happen. Thank you from write my request.
Warning: Pushing dudes
Osamu Dazai
🩹 Dazai was secretly possessive, in a way that everyone except you could see. He very rarely let you go anywhere on your own. 🩹 I’m pretty sure that he slipped a tracker and listening device in your jacket so that he knew where you were at all times and could hear if you were ever in trouble. 🩹 His version of trouble and yours were very different so expect him to show up at the most inopportune times. You were often left cleaning up after him when he ruins something or causes trouble, 🩹 Your inability to realise when someone was flirting with you was the real problem here because when it came down to it that was the problem.
You don’t even know when he got there, you had been trying to find something for lunch when a guy walked over to you “Are you looking for somewhere to eat?” He asked. “Oh yeah, I’m trying to decide what to have for lunch.” You answered with a soft smile. “I know a good place to eat if you're looking to try something new. I can take you there.” He suggested. “Oh that kind-” “She really doesn’t need your help.” Dazai’s voice sounded behind you and you looked at him and frowned looking behind you. “He was just going to show me somewhere to get lunch Dazai.” You mumbled. “He wants more than lunch.” Dazai muttered. “Woah.” The guy lifted his hands as he looked at you. “Is this guy your brother or something?” “He’s actually my boyfriend, do you mind if he comes along?” You asked. “Oh uhh, you know I’ll just give you directions.” He said as Dazai smirked behind you, if anyone knew him before the ADA they would have thought that he had rejoined the mafia with the look he was giving this man. The rushed instructions that he gave you were quickly forgotten as Dazai draped himself over you. “Are you really going to go to that place he told you about!” Dazai whined. “Would it make you feel better if I say no?” You asked. “Yes.” He answered. “Fine then I won’t go. I don’t understand why it means so much to you but there you go.” You shrugged as you pulled him towards a cafe to get something to eat. Dazai watched you walk and smiled while your obliviousness bothered him. He never wanted you to change, he wanted to keep you this way until the end of your days.
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Chuya Nakahara
🍷 Chuya’s always been volatile, anyone could have told you that but he became more so when he started dating you, male members were genuinely afraid of talking to you and other executives had taken to just sending a female operative to speak to you instead. 🍷 Trust literally no one because he worries that you’ll realise that they are better than him (Dazai never helped with that considering his teasing or Chuya’s physical attributes and personality.) 🍷 Chuya was always there in some capacity, so it was rare that anyone flirted with you but it happened sometimes. 🍷 This guy must have had a death wish because he could see Chuya, he could feel Chuya glaring at him.
You were out looking for a new pair of gloves, you had managed to completely ruin your old ones on your most recent mission “what do you think, fingers or no fingers?” You asked as you held up one hand with the leather fingerless gloves and the other with a normal set of gloves. Chuya looked at you. “Does that matter?” He asked. “Come on answer!” You whined and he rolled his eyes. “I think the fingerless ones look great on you.” A guy called over, you looked over at him and he smiled. “Really?” You asked, holding your hand in front of you. “Mmm.” He hummed “I can show you some other stuff that goes well with them.” “Like hell you can.” Chuya grumbled as he reached out, grabbing your hand and stopping you from walking towards the man. “What’s wrong?” You asked. “What do you mena what’s wrong?” Chuya asked. “He’s flirting with you.” “Are you flirting with me?” You asked. “Do you want me to be?” The guy asked and you looked at him tilting your head to the side. “He’s my boyfriend.” You mumbled pointing at Chuya who was glaring at the man before you even realised what happened. Chuya delivered a hard punch to the guy's face, he recoiled and disappeared holding his bleeding nose. “You didn’t need to do that.” “I did.” He argued “get the other gloves.” “Why?” You asked. “They match mine.” He answered, you couldn’t see his face but you were sure that he was blushing, you discarded the fingerless glove and picked up the other glove to make a pair before heading over to the cash register to pay, while Chuya followed after like a guard Chihuahua until you left.
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Atsushi Nakajima
🐅 Atsushi honestly doesn’t believe that he deserves you, so when people start flirting two things happen, he gets worried and then he gets angry. 🐅 He never outwardly tries to stop anything from happening, he wants to trust that you are going to come back to him and you always do. 🐅 He does keep an eye on you though in case someone gets too handsy or too pushy. 🐅 As he became more in tune with the tiger inside of him it became harder to ignore someone trying to take you away from him.
You were questioning the witnesses for the most recent case that you were on, you had both split up to try and cover as many people as you could, you started talking to a guy, Atsushi had hoped that he would get to him first he didn’t like the look of him and the feeling only increased as he watched him interact with you, he leaned too close, talked with a slimy smirk on his face and touched your arm constantly. Before he knew what he was doing he walked over. “Is everything okay?” Atsushi asked and you looked back at him and smiled. “Yeah everything is fine.” You nodded. “Have you gotten anything?” He asked. “No one knows anything so far, but uh this guy was about to tell me something he said that he wanted something in return.” You explained. “What do you want?” Atsushi asked. “Just a date?” He answered, you both looked at him, Atsushi wasn’t surprised given the obvious flirting but you seemed blind sided. “Um-” “Come on, I’m sure that I can show you a good time.” He smirked as he leaned forward, and Atsushi pushed him back slightly. “What the hell is your problem?” The guy asked. “Back off.” Atsushi ordered. “Let her answer. You can answer for yourself right sweetheart?” “He’s my boyfriend.” You answered, the man in front of you frowned. “If you didn’t want to go on a date with me, you don’t need to lie to me.” He stormed away, you stepped forward but Atsushi stopped you. “Don’t worry he doesn’t need to believe it.” He said, guiding you away from the guy and back to work.
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Ryunosuke Akutagawa
🧥 Akutagawa was arrogant about a lot of things but when it came to relationships he made sure that it was clear what was going on. 🧥 He’s a dangerous individual that flies off the handle at the smallest thing but that’s the only indication that he cares about whatever is happening, he’s bad at expressing how much he cares for you which often leads people to think that you're just friends or even siblings when you are out together. 🧥 Akutagawa had gotten used to getting rid of all his problems by erasing their existence but that was difficult to do in the middle of a cafe that you had decided to get a drink at. 🧥 So instead he gritted his teeth and waited for you to correct what was happening but he quickly realised that you didn’t even realise what it was that was happening.
You were talking to the waiter but you didn’t seem to realise the obvious flirting, Akutagawa’s leg was bouncing under the table and glared at the menu in front of him “‘Gawa have you decided what you want?” You asked, he cleared his throat and quickly gave his order before going back to glaring at the table. “Is something wrong?” “There should be.” He answered, you looked at him and frowned. “What do you mean?” You asked, tipping your head to the side and he rolled his eyes. “He’s flirting with you.” Akutagawa answered. “He is?” You asked. “Yes he is.” Akutagawa said as you leaned forward. “Are you jealous?” You asked. “…You can’t tell when someone is flirting with you but you know the concept of jealousy… Of course.” Akutagawa rolled his eyes as he leaned back in his chair, you moved from your seat across from him and sat next to him instead. “You wouldn’t have to be jealous if you’d just sit next to me or hold my hand sometimes.” You shrugged and he narrowed his eyes but before he could say anything the waiter came back over he put your drinks on the table, you both noticed the small piece of paper under your cup. “Take that back.” Akutagawa ordered, referring to the paper as you lifted the cup. “What are you talking about?” He asked. “This.” You answered, passing him back the paper which you were both sure had his number on it. “He’s my boyfriend.” The waiter walked away without saying anything else and Akutagawa seemed to relax after that gently playing with the fingers of the hand that was closest to him as you talked about something he was only vaguely listening to.
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Request Here!!
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gettinshiggywithit · 2 years ago
「"ʏᴏᴜ ᴋɴᴏᴡ ʜɪᴍ?!"」
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Scenario:- “May I please. Have some headcanons of possessive bf atsushi”(@diagonal-queen)
Pairing(s):- Atsushi x gn! Reader (romantic) | akutagawa x gn!reader (platonic)
Genre:- fluff?/crack? Idrk….
Type:- oneshot
A/N:-HIYA! Here’s a little atsushi oneshot requested by our favorite queen @diagonal-queen!atsushi is a little ooc i think? And also i hc that aku would be a genuinely sweet person outside of the mafia🥲.sorry for spelling and grammar mistakes!
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Hmm okay this is an interesting one.
First of all I don’t think atsushi would be possessive…he knows he doesn’t ‘own’ you and that youre ur own person.
Does he get insecure and ask for reassurance later? Very much so.
But there is one person I see him being possessive around.just one!
Can you guess who?
If you guessed our resident emo boy aquaduct,then you my friend are correct~
Let’s set the scene shall we~
For unspecified reasons,atsushi is told he has to partner up with akutagawa.okay fine.he���s used to the coat clad carpetmuncher so he knows he can handle it.
What makes him suddenly not want to go through with it is dazai telling him that you’d be accompanying them too-
“’Sushi it’s fine I don’t mi-”
“now now,y/n’s ability might be useful that’s the only reason we’re letting them accompany you.”
“BUT I-”
You place your hand on his arm and squeezy it lightly to reassure him that its okay.
He begrudgingly sighs and accepts that you’ll be hanging around akutagawa for the entirety of this mission
He’s actually nervous…
You were a naturally chatty and curious person…what if you triggered akutagawa to use rashoumon?! What if he hurt you???!!!
Noticing his glazed over eyes and nervous expression,you kiss him on his cheek to bring him out of his head and back to earth.
“’sushi,it’s fine.dont worry I’ll be fine.i can hold my own.i promise” you smile up at him (or down or directly at depending on ur height~)
And he relaxes.
You’ll be fine…it’s fine!
-skip to while youre on the actual mission-
He was wrong! He was SO wrong!
The moment he sees akutagawa he pushes you behind him and stands between you two.
But nothing could have prepared him for what came next-
*Cue shook and confused tiger boi*
“Oh yeahh I met his sister at the Laundromat the other day and we just became friends by default ig?”
“it’s not that difficult of an idea to comprehend,weretiger.are you truly that daft?”
“but y/n…he’s a criminal! HE’S FROM THE MAFIA!”
“I didn’t know that ‘sushi :’) I just thought they were two nice people….and honestly ryuu isn’t all that bad…”
“don’t be foolish weretiger.i would do no such thing,for unlike you,y/n is an actually tolerable human bein.now if it’s someone’s death you wish to witness I can gladly make arrangements. *cue the activation of rashoumon*”
You:- !!!!!
“umm no no.thats not what he meant ryuu…put rashoumon back…. Please?” you said, your hands on akutagawa’s chest trying to keep him as far away from atsushi as possible without actually using any force.
Atsushi :- o_0
No because what was that??? Why were you Touching him????!!
He was so confused tbhh
He was even more surprised when aku sighs,retracts rashoumon,gently takes your hands off of him and puts his hands in his pockets before turning on him heels and simply saying “fine.just come on.we have an objective to accomplish”
Atsushi’s jaw :- dropped
You:- skipping after the emo fella ,your fingers intertwined with your boyfriend’s.
Okay no why?what? huh????
He physically shakes his head to clear it from all his racing thoughts.
He took only one thing from that entire interaction; he could Not let akutagawa get anywhere Near you.at least not when he was around.and he most Certainly couldn’t let that man lay a single finger on you!
He stops walking causing you to do so too.
The ceasing of the sound of footsteps behind him causes akutagawa to also stop and turn back to face you.
“sushi? What’s wrong?”
He suddenly leans forward to kiss your nose,causing you to blush hard and simultaneously causing akutagawa to roll his eyes and keep walking.
  During the entire mission he keeps initiating little acts of pda,whether it was holding your hand,shoulder or wait or shielding you from whatever was around.atsushi did NOT let you be away from him for more than 5 milliseconds!
Akutagawa didn’t really care but when the time came where he needed to be beside you for even a second,maybe to say something or even if he had to move you away from an oncoming threat,atsushi would just spring in between the two of you and truth be told even you found it a little irritating…
Yes you loved your boyfriend and yes you would never cheat or leave him for someone,but this was getting ridiculous! You and akutagawa were just friends!
It really wasn’t as deep as atsushi felt it was…and besides,you were closest to gin…not ryunosuke!
So after the mission (thank God his little fit wasn’t detrimental to your overall success!) you pulled him aside and asked him what was up.
The look in your eyes was both pleading him to tell the truth and a little angry he wasn’t being honest outright.
And ofc,kitty boi caved.
How could he not?
He told you everything.how he felt weird for you knowing akutagawa and how close you seemed to be.
To which you sighed,cupped his cheek and told him clearly that you and he were nothing more than friends.and that you weren’t even that close to him.just his sister.
Atsushi exhaled at that and you pressed a chaste kiss to his lips.
Akutagawa immediately looked away.
And when you were done you took atsushi’s hand and were about to go on your way until-
“just one one thing,”
He pulled you in for a kiss,it was honestly perfect,and had it been a different time and place maybe things could have progressed but alas you were on a mission and not at home.
Nevertheless,as his lips captured yours,he pulled you in closer by the waist,and you leaned further into it.
About 5-10 seconds in akutagawa REALLY felt awkward and coughed….you were gonna miss your rendezvous point.
Once you both heard his cough,only you felt embarrassed,and when you tried to pull away he lightly bit your bottom,causing your eyes to widen.after which he released both you and your lip and just gave you a quick peck on the nose and his cute little smile.
You all ignored what had happened and even akutagawa didn’t seem to give a dam.
Atsushi actually looked kinda happy ngl,and ofc the entire way back he had his arm either around your waist or on the small of your back.
(when yall get home if he’s still feeling it mayhaps you end up with a little hickey two? Mayhaps😉)
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Tagging:- @kemis-world @diagonal-queen
All rights reserved © 2023 gettinshiggywithit . Please do not repost, modify or claim as yours.
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fyodorsushankaaa · 7 months ago
guys i've written some bsd one shots in my native language (i have a wattpad account and soo many stories) my favorites are where dazai asks akutagawa and gin to join the ada and how would ango react if dazai died on chapter 109 (the others are needed to be rewritten) should i translate them into english if you wanna read?
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chuuyrr · 2 years ago
If it isn’t too big of a request what if like Akutagawa was taken hostage by an enemy as bait to lure in the PM and I know Akutagawa can easily break free but this particular enemy has a member with an ability similar to Dazai’s meaning they can nullify someone’s ability just very differently.
Scarlet Witch! Reader upon hearing (Aku and reader are together) this goes on a rampage and drag Dazai off his ass to help them with rescuing Aku since Dazai’s ability will cancel out that other persons ability. Reader does most of the killing as some members were assigned to guard the prison Aku was in and Reader goes like “You want my lover, you’re gonna have to fcking kill me!”
basically this scene from Helluva Boss
when akutagawa gets taken away from his scarlet witch! s/o
bungo stray dogs x scarlet witch! reader
masterlist of the series
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╰➤ CW(s): spoilers for bungo stray dogs, reference to wanda maximoff in multiverse of madness + wandavision, detailed fight scenes and mentions of blood
╰➤ PAIRING(s): akutagawa ryunosuke
╰➤ SYNOPSIS: in which the akutagawa ryunosuke is taken in as a hostage and bait by the enemy organization lure the port mafia, but they have no idea that in doing so, they're also luring in the port mafia's scarlet witch, who just so happens to be the black-fanged hellhound's darling.
╰➤ SONG SUGGESTIONS(s): ...ready for it? by taylor swift
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"they.. fucking.. what?!"
port mafia executive nakahara chuuya recoiled at your harsh tone of voice as mori and his other subordinates when koyou ozaki reported that akutagawa had been kidnapped by the enemy organization.
even mori was taken aback by your sudden outburst, knowing how calm and collected you usually were and how you were never hostile. this was the first time they'd seen you snap and break as you always spoke softly and were very polite.
"[surname]-chan, put everything back down," mori sighed, shaking his head as he stared at you, unfazed by the pieces of papers and other furniture that were already floating in the air as they glowed red with your fingertrips twitching with agitation as an ominous pressure wafted in the atmosphere.
"[name], you heard the boss," your mentor, chuuya, exclaimed as he placed a hand on your shoulder, "i'm just as pissed as you are, alright? take it easy."
"how am i supposed to calm down when he's out there gravely injured and was taken in as a hostage to bait the port mafia in?" you raged, your eyes now furiously glowing red.
chuuya sighed, wondering if his temper and arrogance had rubbed off on you as you scoffed and glared at him before stopping your red psionics from making things float in the air with zero gravity out of rage. well, you were his subordinate, and possibly his younger sibling, given that he was only four years older than you and that you shared a brotherly bond with him.
"i understand how much akutagawa means to you, [surname]-chan," said mori, clasping his hands together, "but you must not let your emotions get the best of you."
despite mori's and your mentor's words, you were so consumed by rage that their words merely passed from one ear to the other.
you couldn't sit still as mori discussed what needed to be done with you and chuuya, but you already had other plans as you twitched and cracked your fingers, which they found uncannily similar to dazai, especially kouyou when dazai threatened her once.
"what are you doing, kiddo?" chuuya asked, raising a brow as red wisps of psionic energy oozed from your fingertips.
"i'm going to find.. and i'm going to kill every.. last one of them," you murmured as you stood up from your seat, your red glowing eyes boring into mori's with a death threat.
with that, you abruptly left the office, swinging the doors open with your red psionics as you extended your hands.
"o-oi! [name]! where the hell are you going?!" exclaimed your mentor, "[name]!"
chuuya rose from his seat to pursue you, but was abruptly stopped by mori. he said, blinking as he spoke calmly, "there's no need for that, chuuya. i was going to send [surname]-chan to get akutagawa and bring those fools to their knees anyway,"
"that damned kid.. tch, does [name] even realize the illuminati has a member with the equivalent ability to dazai's ability?" scoffed chuuya, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"i believe in [surname]-chan, so you should as well. after all, you're the mentor," mori smiled, almost sinisterly. "and for another thing, [surname] [name] isn't the port mafia's scarlet witch for nothing, chuuya-kun," he reasoned.
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it was exactly what mori had in mind.
there was only one person you were going to approach in order to get akutagawa back.
you learned earlier in koyou's report that the illuminati, the enemy organization, had an ability user capable of nullifying any ability, which is why akutagawa was taken in, but the conditions are unknown, unlike this ability user you knew who does the same thing but with physical contact.
you wouldn't risk going after akutagawa and tbe illuminati empty-handed if you weren't certain that your chaos magic and other set of abilities wouldn't be nullified, whereas the one you were familiar with truly wouldn't.
inside the agency office, atsushi and the other detectives were taken aback, wincing at the sound of their door swinging open by red psionics pushing it.
they were all taken aback when they saw a familiar figure, you, to be exact, dressed in a dark red leather coat—the scarlet witch of the port mafia—standing in the door frame, hands extended out.
as you walked inside, or more accurately, stomped, the heels of your boots clicked against the pavement, everyone stood up. they could feel an ominous aura radiating from your body and couldn't move, but dazai osamu simply sat in his seat, legs propped over his desk, arms behind his head, headphones on, singing with his eyes closed.
you sighed at dazai and flicked your hand, using your red psionics to take his headphones, jolting him back to reality, prompting him to exclaim, "oi, what gives—ack!"
but dazai came to a halt when his shirt collar was yanked upwards, forcing him to rise from his comfortable sitting position, which was now floating mid-air as your red psionics took hold of him.
"well, if it isn't [name]-chan?" dazai's eyes widened slightly at the sight of you, blinking as he tilted his head to the side, "what brings you to the detective agency?" a small smile rose on his lips.
everyone was taken aback by how unaffected dazai was by your presence, and how casual he was with you—he even knew your name.
you scoffed at his friendly smile. you still don't understand how this man managed to leave the port mafia and live a renewed life as if he hadn't been a monster who made your boyfriend's life a living hell in the past, but as much as you hated it, you needed him to help you.
as you heard weapons being unsheathed, you hardened your gaze and flicked your other hand up. at that moment, kunikida's gun and yosano's machete were yanked from their grasps, as was kyouka's blade, which she whipped out as she summoned demon snow to her side.
you glared at them all for a split second before shaking your head, snapping your fingers to drop the weapons to the ground as you turned back to dazai, speaking in a calm tone of voice and folding your arms across your chest, "i'm not here as your enemy, i'm here as a client."
"a client?" dazai held a baffled yet amused look across his face, "how interesting, [name]-chan."
"yes, your client," you confirmed, twisting your hand before dropping it to your side, releasing dazai's collar and allowing him to return to his seat, "and whether you like it or not, dazai, you're going to help me bring back someone."
"bring someone back.." dazai's eyes blinked at you for a moment before it dawned on him who you were referring to, "oh."
yes, of course. that would explain why you were practically blazing with rage.
"hmm, alright. i'll help you out, [name]-chan," dazai said with a smile, standing up from his seat and removing his headphones, "who am i to refuse a client in need of my assistance?"
"hey! you can't be serious about assisting a port mafia member, dazai!" kunikida exclaimed as he looked at you, "don't you remember the last time we took in a client and it turned out to be an ambush?!"
"i'm confident of assisting our client this time, and besides, if [name]-chan really wanted to, we would have been hurt by now," dazai explains with a sigh, shoveling his hands into the pocket of his brown coat, "the scarlet witch of the port mafia can kill in the blink of an eye."
with that, you turned your heel and walked out of the office, pushing the door open with your red psionics.
as you picked up dazai in the air again, dragging his ass with you, leaving kunikida and the rest of them speechless, wondering how and why in the world dazai was so eager to help you, and even more so casual with you.
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you and dazai were on the way to where akutagawa was after he deduced where he and the enemy organization were after you gave him the information you obtained from the mafia. however, dazai asked you a question.
"you know what i don't get, [name]-chan?" dazai began, tapping his cheek with his index finger.
"what?" you asked, scoffing at dazai's familiarity in addressing you.
"why me? you do realize you have that hat rack as your mentor. hell, and your wiggly-woos too," dazai explained briefly, folding his arms across his chest and tilting his head as he stared down at you.
"because the illuminati has an ability user like you. they can nullify abilities and that's why ryunosuke—i mean—akutagawa was taken hostage," you explained to dazai, your eyes narrowing as you looked away, "and the thing is, i don't know if i can work through their ability like i can with yours. i don't know the conditions, and you're the only one who figured out their exact location."
"and how certain are you that i can nullify an ability user similar to mine to help you out?" dazai chuckled, raising a brow at you.
"because yours only requires physical contact, whereas the said ability user's must have a different condition, and in any case a singularity would occur," you sighed, looking up at him, "of course, you would know how to react quick."
"you sure have grown up, [name]-chan. the last time i saw you, you were still quite young, serious and introverted, practically fragile as a glass too," dazai commented, staring down at you with what appears to be a soft gaze that made you scowl, "but still cunning and intellective as ever, and even way back in the mafia, you were the only one with guts to talk like that to me, and it was real amusing."
"don't talk to me like you're that familiar with me. i am not happy to see you at all, dazai," you said bitterly as you and dazai came to a halt in front of the massive steel doors in a secluded forest area somewhere in yokohama.
"ughh, chuuya's attitude has rubbed off on you, [name]-chan. when you were little, you weren't even that hostile to me!" dazai grumbled, childishly pouting, "you're way meaner now!"
"shut the hell up before i take your mouth away!" you yelled, a nerve protruding on your temple from agitation.
you straightened your back and stared at the massive steel doors, shaking your head. you cast a quick glance over your shoulder at dazai, who was no longer acting childishly, but was instead glancing at you with a curt nod, signaling that he was indeed ready.
you extended your hands, blasting the steel doors open with your unrivaled red psionics. as soon as you did, you and dazai were met by a swarm of guards armed with firearms and katanas.
"well, this is unexpected. i was expecting more from the port mafia," the gifted said as he banged against the bars of the cell akutagawa was in, causing him to wake up fairly weakly, his half-lidded, hazy eyes meeting yours, "and you must be this hound's little darling too. well, that's bad, i plan on keeping him around like this."
for a brief moment, your eyes softened as you discovered your beloved in a cell somewhere in the place, battered and bruised, chained like a dog in the cell as the ability user you were expecting stood right in front of prison.
"yes, i'm his little darling alright," you said as dazai stood behind you as you stepped into action, tilting your head.
your [color] eyes then glowed red menacingly as you scowled with your calm voice rising into a higher, and harsher tone, "you want my lover? you're gonna have to fucking kill me!"
you extended your hand to the guards charging at you. with your red psionics, you blasted and tossed them in the air before slamming them to the ground, causing a crater to form and debris and soot to scatter as a result.
instead of simply using your magic to fight harder, you incorporated it into a skillful close hand-to-hand combat, which surprised dazai enough that his mouth was slightly parted.
a smirk crawled across akutagawa's bloodied and exhausted features as he looked at you proudly as you moved sharply with fast precision as your red psionics simultaneously blocked hits of bullets and blades aimed at you as you used them all against the guards.
you even mind-controlled one of the guards to decapitate himself before manipulating his corpse to fight alongside you against the rest of the guards. all the while, you were using him as a shield and didn't care if blood was gushing out from the blades piercing his abdomen and decapitated head.
it was morbid but impressive—so much so that dazai smirked. he had always seen you making the most of your long-range combat ability, but it appears chuuya, your mentor, has changed that drastically. your fighting style now resembled chuuya's.
you now discarded the body and attacked, expertly dodging the other guards by either sliding and ducking fast only to snap their necks or manipulating their bodies to finish each other off with their own weapons.
the enemy organization's ability user stiffened for a split second as you effortlessly crushed a man's skull with your red psionics. as blood splattered on your face, you remained unfazed.
you kept walking as another who was still alive tried to shoot you from among the bodies. however, his limbs twisted and bones broke instantly when you twisted your hand. the last guard screamed in agony as his body mangled and exploded in a burst of blood.
"you know, i would have crumbled by now if i were you in your shoes," dazai mocked the ability user at the end of the area who was standing right beside akutagawa's prison as he trailed after you from behind and laughed.
your eyes held no warmth or remorse. the illuminati member saw only one thing in you: a mindless killing machine of the port mafia with one goal in mind, and that was to get your lover back at any cost.
your aura reeked of bloodlust and enmity, and it was comparable to the boss of the port mafia.
"hell hath no fury like a belladonna scorned," declared dazai as he soundlessly moved right behind the ability user who was frozen in fear at the sight of you.
before the ability's conditions illuminati's member activated, which turned out to be marking the surroundings with glowing violet runes, dazai nullified it, and even if the singularity had caused him to cancel out his own as well, dazai was quick enough to grab his arm behind his back and force him to yield.
you came to a halt and tilted your head, your eyes glowing red as you stared at the man dazai was holding. a smirk crawled across your lips as you turned your heel and walked past akutagawa and dazai.
despite your desire to revel in the vulnerability and helplessness of the gifted was who possessed a similar ability to dazai, your priority was not him.
dazai watched the ability user stiffen up before his neck broke, which dazai assumed you killed him from inside his mind, and looking at it—it wasn't snapped. you literally broke it.
you made your way to the cage prison where akutagawa was and immediately used your magic to break the bars and chains on him. as soon as you did, you knelt down to akutagawa's slumped figure against the bars and began to mend his wounds and injuries, which he visibly flinched at given how strange it feels to be stitched up at the molecular level.
"i'm sorry. i know, it feels weird, but i have to," you exclaimed, your tone of voice now hushed and calm as you no longer bore an emotionless and monstrous look, "just hang on tight for me. okay, ryuu? look, even dazai is here."
"dazai?" akutagawa raised his head weakly to see the bandaged man in a brown coat now standing behind you, looming over you.
"you look like a mess," dazai said to akutagawa as he blinked at him, but he immediately let out a surprised yelp when yanked his hair using your red psionics, "ow! [name]-chan!"
"that's for ryuu," you said, your eyes slightly narrowed at dazai, before returning your gaze to akutagawa, who was now sitting up as his wounds and injuries healed.
"thank you," akutagawa said quietly in gratitude, and you smiled back, but he couldn't help but stare at you as you finished patching him up with your magic.
that's right. even if dazai was right there, akutagawa focus was on you; this is how you know akutagawa is truly in love.
you also knew that akutagawa wasn't one for hugs and physical contact, so you were doing your best not to fling yourself at him, especially since quality time and acts of service were more of his love language.
but that seemed to change just this once.
your eyes widened in surprise as akutagawa leaned in, wrapping his arms around you, his cold body warming up at the close distance between you two, unfazed by the soot and blood all over you. he was just as happy to be reunited with you as you are with him right now.
"ryunosuke.." you muttered in surprise before smiling and tightly embracing him back.
"it feels nice once in a while.." akutagawa held a smug look, chuckling as he glanced at you.
dazai smiled as he watched you and his former subordinate reunited. now, if there's one thing you have in common with him, it's the way akutagawa makes you feel alive and warm, bringing light to your eyes. it was the same thing he had witnessed after leaving the mafia.
however, it amused dazai to see how quickly you transition from a fearsome and terrifying force to be reckoned with to such a sweet and loving darling to akutagawa every single time.
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[ author's notes ! for reference, i also used the delted scene of multiverse or madness wherein wanda was supposed to fight the masters of the mystic arts in hand to hand combat. i hoped you enjoyed reading this. thank you for requesting <3
p.s. ! i also added in a small detail in this writing, which is reader being chuuya's subordinate (again) but also his little sibling figure. i figured it'd only make sense because akutagawa used to be mentored by dazai, so you should have chuuya as your mentor lolol. that's all, bye-bye ! ]
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[ join my taglist, perhaps ? @atomi-mi @anonymousewrites @magpiemissy @anqelically @96jnie @lovesick-fairy @soleelia @celestair @irethepotato @idunnomynamesince2005 @nianre @sigmasdarling @lenasvoid @achlysyo @youdidntseemehere21 ]
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yandere-sins · 2 years ago
May I request, yandere Aktugawa with a darling who doesn't talk and just cries because she's terrified of him?
Thank you for requesting! ♥
»»———————— ♡ ————————««        
It was all so annoying.
Annoying that he brought you to this collapsing house, chaining you into the basement where no one would find you. Annoying that he now had to take the trip out every day to feed you as if he cared about your well-being. Annoying that you were constantly crying and hyperventilating even though he wasn't even touching you.
Annoying that you still looked cute, disheveled, tear-stained, unkempt.
Annoying that he still couldn't hate you.
In Akutagawa's head, he killed you countless of times. Got rid of you and these nagging, undesirable feelings of affection inside of him. But even the thought of you bleeding out and dying in his arms did nothing to soothe his need to come and find you again. Over and over, whenever he wasn't distracted by work. The only thing stopping him from fulfilling his subconscious needs he tried to ignore but which plagued his dreams at night—holding you, tasting you, whispering words that were unlike him into your ears—were those goddamn tears of yours.
Even when he tried to be gentle—opened the door to the basement with a mindful push, held out the spoon for you to eat from, tipped the glass carefully so you wouldn't choke on the water he provided you with—your tears wouldn't stop. And when he decided enough was enough, stop pretending he could treat you properly, you (understandably) wailed like a child as well. It was like he could do no right in your eyes, whether he was good to you or bad.
And so, Akutagawa contemplated his choices quietly. Sitting on the wobbly chair he found in the broken down house upstairs, watching you cry your eyes out again. Your gaze drifted between him and the floor, sometimes angry, sometimes fearful. But always crying.
He could block out the annoying sobs from his hearing, but he couldn't avert his eyes from you, watching every tear slide down your cheek and drop from your jaw. They mesmerized him as if they were jewels. Your jewels. A precious thing only you could do.
You flinched away when he reached out, but eventually, you had no more space to run from him, the back of your head pressed against the wall while his thumb dragged down the stream of tears on your cheek. You sniffled, crying some more, hot tears staining his skin, but Akutagawa merely drew his hand back, feeling the wet as he rubbed it between thumb and pointer, smearing it over his lips to taste you.
All of a sudden, all these walls inside him crumbled. The salty taste remained as vivid in his mind as the image of you crying was, but the questions he burdened himself with disappeared. Why did he kidnap you? Why did he bring you here? Why didn't he kill you by now?
They were all gone.
And in his heart, even as it beat wildly, clenching and twisting his stomach, all the annoyance vanished. Akutagawa gripped his coat and inhaled sharply, but it did nothing to release this suffocating feeling in his chest. Until he looked up and saw you. Still, for the first time. Wide-eyed and concerned about what was happening to him.
Suddenly, his pulse calmed down, his body relaxed, his hand gripping his coat softened, and he looked at your face as you stared back at him. You were a little concerned, but your fear and anger didn't make you cry this time. The seconds passed by, and Akutagawa wished he could stop time. Because in this moment of serenity, he realized that no matter what you did in the future... no matter how much you annoyed him!
He loved you.
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sanest-bsd-delegate · 2 years ago
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Oneshot - Where your life changed when you met him Akutagawa x  reader Requests are open. Honestly, I wrote this for fun, I am just dumping oneshots :3
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"Don't kill me" that was the first thing you had told him. He was a runaway boy, who showed up blooded and beaten up at your lawn, still ready to fight despite the fact he would fall if you touched him.
You might have helped him heal back to health by stealing food from your own house, something you couldn't very call your own. You were sent to live with your relatives, the only people who were alive in your bloodline those people who never cared about your existence and had made living almost seem insignificant.
The boy you met, never told you his name, and yet you helped him.
"Just help me run away from everyone" You said, as you saw the boy turning his back to you, to the journey he never completed.
"And why would I help someone who I barely know?" He replied harshly, ready to move on before you held him back, holding his thin and fragile hands, "I need a place to stay" you whispered, as you didn't once look back and dragged him along, with a bag in your hand.
"I don't need your help" Was the first thing he said as you both joined Port Mafia under a man named Dazai Osamu, which later you learned was the mentor of your only friend, Akutagawa
You were under the wing of another Port mafia member, named Chuuya Nakahara, who was well, a way better mentor then Dazai.
"Y/N L/N what was the reason of joining port mafia?" The person beside you asked, his name was Oda Sakunosuke, a member of the port mafia with a kill count of 0, and a person Dazai respected.
"Where I can cover up my face" You replied with almost with a sighed, as your mind flashbacked to all memories you tried to depress.
"Don't cry" Akutagawa told, as you both were on a mission to demolish a gang who had interfaced with the work of Mafia. You were injured badly, and it hurt a lot. Your ability was not as matched as Akutagawa's.
I am just a freak!
I am just a freak!
I am just a freak!
I am just a freak!
Akutagawa had helped you in the past, you were forever in debt with him, your life, soul and body to protect him and only him.
And as if almost, through his emotionless and ruthless behavior, you felt an emotion... and it was
"My head is filled with parasites" You told Akutagawa, as you both sat down while you explained him your ability.
"Black holes cover up my eyes" You told, "And then everything just vanishes from the sight, I am blinded using it" You sighed.
He only nodded his head in your answer as he stood up to walk away. Slowly, you walked up to him, and engulfed in a hug, something you only did when you felt low.
He felt uneasy, because it was not everyday someone gave him affection. It was not like he deserved. Emotions were a waste of time and energy, something he dropped a long ago. But you, you made him revive emotions, and it was the emotions that made him regret sometimes, but he was nothing but a dog to the mafia, a killing machine designed perfectly by the man he hated the most.
"I dream of you almost every night" You wishpered, hoping he didnt hear your dreams, as you clinged onto him close, the distance between you being nothing but a mere contact of two bodies.
"Hopefully, I won't wake up this time" you said, this time louder, as your head rested on him, your hands around his body as you hugged him tight.
"I won't wake up this time!"
Akutagawa knew times were hard on you, and for the first time in very while he returned the hug. the phase was something he got to mean a lot ago, and it was the only thing that you would communicate with him.
"I won't wake up this time!" He replied back this time, almost a little softly, hugging you back.
'I won't wake up this time!' you said to yourself as you and Akutagawa hugged in middle of nowhere, just two runaway kids, in each other's arms and you wished you could stay like that forever.
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I don't know guys enjoy ig
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Self-Aware! BSD x SAGAU Imposter crossover Masterlist
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Ideas and headcannons
Two short ideas about Imposter SAGAU AU x Self-Aware BSD AU Crossover.
More short ideas about Imposter SAGAU AU x Self-Aware BSD AU Crossover
Self-Aware! BSD x SAGAU Imposter AU Crossover ideas. ADA Edition
About Heizou
Self-Aware! BSD x SAGAU Imposter AU Crossover ideas. Port Mafia Edition
How BSD Cast will treat people, who helped Reader
Self-Aware! BSD x SAGAU Imposter AU Crossover ideas. The Guild Edition
Self-Aware! BSD x SAGAU Imposter AU Crossover ideas. Rats in the house of the Dead and Decay of Angels Edition
Self-Aware! BSD x SAGAU Imposter AU Crossover ideas. Hunting Dogs Edition
Who helped Reader during Imposter Hunt
About Foul Legacy
Self-Aware! BSD x SAGAU Imposter AU Crossover ideas. The Government and Others Edition
About Nahida
Punishment for Fake Creator
Some questions about AU
More questions about AU
About Navia (And Neuvillette)
About Portals
About Kazuha and Venti
About Tsaritsa
About Thoma, Itto, Nilou, Yunjin, Xingqiu, Chongyun, Xinyan, Xiangling
More questions about AU. Part 2
More questions about AU. Part 3
Self-Aware! BSD x SAGAU Imposter AU Crossover ideas. BEAST Edition
About people, who helped
More about people, who helped
About reflections
About Arlecchino
About Scaramouche
About Teyvat Helpers again
More questions about AU. Part IV
What if (Zhongli and Neuvillette)
BSD/GI/JJK ideas
About voices
Monster from the deep (Self-Aware! Howard Phillips Lovecraft x GN! Reader)
For your safety (Self-Aware! Tetchou Suehiro x GN! Reader)
Lost and found (Self-Aware! BSD Characters x GN! Reader)
He can't hurt anyone (Self-Aware! Saigiku Jouno x GN! Reader)
So much planning (Self-Aware! Dazai Osamu x GN! Reader x Self-Aware! Fyodor Dostoevsky)
Mora makes Teyvat go round (Self-Aware! Francis Scott Key Fitzgerald x GN! Reader)
When you were gone (Self-Aware! Nikolai Gogol x GN! Reader)
Truth of fallen god (Self-Aware! Chuuya Nakahara x GN! Reader)
Little comfort things (Self-Aware! Kunikida Doppo x GN! Reader x Self-Aware! Paul Verlaine)
Count them (Self-Aware! Akiko Yosano x GN! Reader)
If you were not alone
Part I (Self-Aware! Platonic! Aya Koda, Self-Aware! Platonic! Katsumi, Self-Aware! Platonic! Shinji, Self-Aware! Platonic! Kousuke, Self-Aware! Platonic! Sakura, Self-Aware! Platonic! Yuu)
Part II (Self-Aware! Platonic! Kenji Miyazawa, Self-Aware! Platonic! Kyouka Izumi)
Part III (Self-Aware! Hunting Dogs)
Part IV (Self-Aware! Platonic! Atsushi Nakajima, Self-Aware! Platonic! Akutagawa Ryunosuke, Self-Aware! Platonic! Lucy Maud Montgomery)
Part V (Self-Aware! Platonic! Ranpo Edogawa, Platonic! Nahida, Platonic! Furina. Aranaras. Melusines. Small Elynas Cameo)
Part VI (Self-Aware! Teruko Okura, Self-Aware! Fyodor Dostoevsky, Self-Aware! Howard Philips Lovecraft)
Part VII (Self-Aware! Chuuya Nakahara, Self-Aware! Doppo Kunikida, Self-Aware! Nikolai Gogol)
Part VIII (Self-Aware! Dazai Osamu, Self-Aware! Kunikida Doppo, Self-Aware! Atsushi Nakajima)
Part XI (Self-Aware! (Child!) Atsushi Nakajima, Self-Aware! (Child!) Akutagawa Ryunosuke)
Part XII (Self-Aware! Paul Verlaine)
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httpskuzuu · 1 year ago
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★ ON=Oneshot ★ R=Reaction ★ HC=Headcanon ★ D=Drabble ★
✯=My favorite
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(D) This way ♡ You don't feel very comfortable with your body, Atsushi helps you a little
nothing for the moment...
(ON) Handsome boyfriend ♜♡ You come out of the closet as a trans boy to your parents and it doesn't go so well, thank goodness you have your boyfriend to comfort you
(ON) Fault ☾♜ You deal with the silent treatment after an argument
(ON) Between cannibals ♡ You have a strange taste for human flesh
(R) Darling who clings to religion as an escape ☾
(D) Little Spoon ♡ Your amazing boyfriend bandage your cuts
(D) "But I love him" ☾ You keep yourself locked in the kitchen to get away from Dazai, it doesn't work
nothing for the moment...
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(HC/D) Yandere!PM!Dazai with a naive and innocent reader ☾♜
(ON) Mom I'm tired ☾♜ Sick of everything, you try to commit suicide
(ON) Smoke ☾✯ You go out on the balcony to smoke while thinking about Chuuya and your new life
(ON) The best gift ☾♜♡ Chuuya just wants to make you happy
(ON) Moral ☾ Chuuya is not a good person, and neither are you.
(ON) It can't hurt you now ☾♡ It's a stormy night and you couldn't be more scared.
(D) Automatic doll ☾♜♡ sometimes it's good to relax with Chuuya
(D) BSD with pets ♡ Cute things about bsd characters and animals, idk
nothing for the moment...
nothing for the moment...
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(ON) Cello ☾ Your kidnapper invites you to listen to him play the cello
(ON) Feel better ☾♜ Fyodor finds you self-harming in the tub
(ON) Please, Fedya ☾♡✯ On one of the few walks that Fyodor allows you to take, you meet a kitten
(ON) Softer Pt.2 ☾♡♜✯ You tried to escape and now you have to take the consequences, but you make something change in Fyodor...
(ON) Crybaby ☀ Fyodor always likes to test your limits
(ON) I'll stick around if you will ♡ A morning with Fyodor
(ON) If you even care ☾♜ You don't see yourself properly. Fyodor helps... in his own way
(R) Darling who clings to religion as an escape ☾
(D) Everything you need ☾♡ Just a relaxing time with your boyfriend and your broken mind
(D) Attention ☾☀ Fyodor gives you the attention you so desperately need
(D) BSD with pets ♡ Cute things about bsd characters and animals, idk
(D) Sick ♡ Fyodor taking care of a sick darling
(D) Nighttime routine ♡ Fyodor likes to watch you (not in the creepy way)
(D) BSD with pets ♜ Cute things about bsd characters and animals, idk
nothing for the moment...
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the artwork is not mine, credits to whom it may concern
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kurokawaia · 1 year ago
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Dazai Osamu | Dazai
Oneshots/ images
Doll (nsfw + yandere) - beast
Dadzai (sfw, fluff) - beast + ada
Atsushi Nakajima | Atsushi
currently nothing
Kunikida Doppo | Doppo
currently nothing
Edogawa Ranpo | Ranpo
currently nothing
Fukuzawa Yukichi | Yukichi
currently nothing
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Nakahara Chuuya | Chuuya
Porcelain (YANDERE + nsfw)
His Submissive (nsfw)
Ryunosuke Akutagawa | Akutawaga
Currently nothing
Dostovesky Fyodor | Fyodor
currently nothing
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She's passed out (nsfw) (tw::somnophilia) -> Dazai, Chuuya, Fyodor, Atsushi, Ranpo
Punishment (nsfw) -> Soukoko (dazai and chuuya)
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aidendh · 3 months ago
BTA! OC! Sūke Harris | P2
Eventually succumbs to the Taints via 'Dispute of the Flawless, full collection'
(Vol. 1, Vol 2 and a collection of oneshots)
He only allows Osamu Dazai, Ayato Satoshi and Abel Caine
{Ichiyo Natsuko??}
The Taints have Dazai take on the form of Ayato instead, because of how similar they are
So because of his Sensei being someone he looks up to and cares for, he never trys to escape as he is blinded by his admiration for him
Sadly, after successfully reminding him he should hate his Sensei and breaking Ayato's form in Vol. 1, it continues to Vol. 2 where the Taints cause him to shut off even worse as an after effect of Dazai wearing a face he trusts
Abel Caine eventually fills the role of his best friend and uses their knowledge to take the actions the character bff wouldn't know to take
(This replaces Abel Tachihara's Time Travel)
He takes on the form of both Protagonists; Ryunosuke and Suke
The same appearance as RAU! Akutagawa and Suke
Throughout this, Ayato tells Dazai to try to prove himself to Sūke, that he is his own person and that people, Sūke, can change
After escaping his book, before Ayato can say anything, Sūke has a breakdown and exclaims how can they can remind him so much of Sensei and yet he still looks up to them, how can you two be so nice!?!? Towards both Dazai and Ayato
It drives him mad and makes him feel like he isn't even allowed to hate his Abuser
Dazai suddenly hugs him and comforts by saying that he's going to continue seeing him in everyone, that's what happens when people get into your mind, but that doesn't mean he can't hate him for all he did to him. He's completely justified in his anger. But if he never excepts the fact that he's gone, it's going to continue to Taint everything he sees
Sūke, still in tears, stomps on his foot and says he despises him and his disgusts him.... Thank you. Then walks off, right into Abel and collapses
Ayato happily informs Dazai that Sūke likes him, he'll just be too spiteful to let his anger go for awhile
0 notes
sskk-ao3feed · 1 year ago
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/mRD9KFU by bread_sticks_cheese just a cute little oneshot of my two favorite orphans. pov of akutagawa ryuunosuke, 90% just akutagawa being dramatic this is a story from akutagawa's pov of slowly falling in love with an oblivious sushi roll. snippet Akutagawa Ryunosuke hated Atsushi Nakajima He was sure of it. Every time he was forced to see that infuriating silver mop, a burning feeling would rise. He was sure it was disgust rearing its head. It was like hornets resided in his gut, stinging his insides—a fiery feeling like lava burning him from the inside out. It was worse around Dazai. Watching his ex-mentor drape himself over the weretiger irked him somehow. It was a feeling he couldn’t quite place, his usual anger tinged with something else. It didn’t feel like jealousy. At least, not the jealousy he was used to. He didn’t understand it. But he knew that somehow it was the weretiger’s fault. That wretched creature with his stupidly bright smile and crippling kindness, forever tainting Akutagawa’s life with his presence. He was like a poison that seeped throughout everything, slowly taking over every aspect of his life. Yes, he was certain. Akutagawa Ryunosuke hated Atsushi Nakajima Words: 1408, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: M/M Characters: Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Ryuunosuke (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Gin, Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs) Relationships: Akutagawa Ryuunosuke/Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Ryuunosuke & Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs) Additional Tags: POV Akutagawa Ryuunosuke (Bungou Stray Dogs), Oblivious Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Ryuunosuke is Bad at Feelings (Bungou Stray Dogs), dramatic akutagawa, cute sskk, Fluff, Requited Unrequited Love, Not Actually Unrequited Love, first fic, Idiots in Love, mentions of Dazai Osamu - Freeform read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/mRD9KFU
0 notes
imagineanime2022 · 1 year ago
What Your Worth
Ryunosuke Akutagawa X OC!Kianna
Word Count: 704
Requested: @nunezs-stuff
Request: Original Request
Warning: Mention of parental abuse or parental figure abuse
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Akutagawa had never been good at showing affection towards many people, with the expectation of his sister and Kianna. Kianna was brought into the Port Mafia when she was younger for her talent in torture and information extraction, you were placed under Koyo to train. Akutagawa was brought in by Dazai and while they were being trained for very different things, they both ended up spending a lot of time together. Kianna noticed that Dazai seemed to enjoy treating Akutagawa like something that he found on the bottom of his shoe.
Kianna hated him for that, she knew what it was like to get stepped on and pulled down no matter what she did, her dad was very much the same, he said nothing when she did something right and beat her down when she got something wrong then sold her off to a family that was way worse, they were bad enough that being taken by the mafia was a step up from where she was.
Kianna was the only one that was able to talk to Akutagawa when he was flying off the handle or pushing himself too hard and that was because she proved to him that she knew how strong he was, she gave him genuine praise and while he couldn’t believe anyone else he believed you especially after finding out what happened to her beforehand, it was a slow process but Kianna managed to get Akutagawa to forget about doing things for Dazai and instead doing them for himself, especially after Dazai left the Mafia.
There was a spanner in the works now, the weretiger came into the picture, the problem was that Daai was up to his old tricks again, he was better with the weretiger then he was with Akutagawa bt there was still a lack of praise or acknowledgement for a job well done, so Kianna again filled the void however, this time Akutagawa was the one who had a problem with it, he started to think that she was going to abandon him too, he started to pull away, he spent less and less time with her.
Unluckily for him Kianna was very good at sneaking into places, including his apartment “Are you going to tell me why you're avoiding me?” She asked from her reclined position on one of the chairs in his living room. “You're lucky I didn’t kill you.” Akutagawa muttered and she rested her head back to look at him in the hallway. “You wouldn’t kill me.” She smirked. “I might have thought you were an intruder.” Akutagawa muttered. “Stop avoiding the question.” Kianna ordered and he rolled his eyes. “I’m not avoiding you, you know the world doesn’t revolve around you, Mori has had me out on missions.” Akutagawa glared at her. “You mean the mission you requested?” She asked, he looked at you confused as if you shouldn’t know that “did you really think that he wouldn’t tell me if I asked? Mori’s on no one's side.” Akutagawa let out a disgruntled noise. “So the real answer?” “What are you even doing here? Thought you would have been off with your new project, obsessed like everyone else.” His face was cold, something she had seen directed at everyone else, never at her. “What are you talking about?” She asked. “The stupid weretiger.” And in a second everything seemed to come together, in those moments she realised that she was experiencing how Akutagawa dealt with jealousy, she stood from where she was sitting before walking towards him in the hall. “Your jealousy is ill placed.” She informed him. “I’m not jealous!” He argued and she rolled her eyes. “Alright well if you were, you wouldn’t need to be, the weretiger is a little bit too much of a do gooder for me and honestly I found this really grumpy guy who takes up all my time anyway.” She shrugged, Akutagawa grumbled something under his breath before walking into the living room. “Are you going to stand there all night?” He asked. “No, of course not.” She said as she joined him in the living room for another night of the closest thing to friendship that either of them could have.
Request Here!!
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gettinshiggywithit · 2 years ago
!Spending Your Birthday With Akutagawa!
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(Pt 1)(this is part 2)(pt 3{comin tmrw!})
scenario:- its your birthday and akutagawa wants to do something nice
pairing:- akutagawa x gn!reader
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Akutagawa wouldnt really be all that into it tbh
Like he just doesnt get why people would make such a fuss about the day they were brought into this endless struggle of a rat race
But when he sees how excited you get,he thinks that maybe,just maybe, makin an effort to keep that smile on your face wouldn’t be too pointless
He asks higuchi what he should do(OMG HIGUCHI MY LOVE IM SORRY) (also we all know that no matter what,higuchi wants him to succeed.... ITS TRAGIC BRO)
And she ofc has amazing ideas but um akutagawa is just a liiittle bit lost (insert wan face)
But in the end even the black lizard team help him
Ofc he didnt ask em( HE DOESNT NEED HELLPPP(okay buddy sheesssh))
Gin and higuchi picked out a present while hirotsu and tachihara got the decor
Aku was just...there ig? He kindaaa(not rly) helped with the decor but once the gals were back everything was set
They just needed u
And when u got back to a pitch black room,you were confused as FUCKK but a second later they all Jumped out and shouted
SURPRISE !!!!!!!
you were obviously taken by surprise!
And as the night went on tachihara and higuchi goT WASTEDDD while gin and hirotsu were the designated adults :’)
At the end of it all (higuchi and tachi had to be carried back😭) akutagawa took your hand and led you to the rooftop of the building
You were OBVIOUSLY confused all over again and i mean
Rightfully so
But when you finally got your destination you were blown away by the simple yet charmingly perfect set up
Fairy lights hung over a blanket with more blankets and pillows and a picnic basket (no wonder the fuxker wasnt helpin earlier he had just done this!) you were practically tearing up which had HIM confused
But when you practically tackled him with a hug(something only you were allowed to do fyi) while thanking him over and over,her realized you were
HAPPY crying
And let me tell you
Boi was reallyyyy proud of himself
He then took your hand,and led you to the blanket where you talked and had your lil picnic and sure enough you started to fall asleep soon after
He laid you down before joining you himself and like
EIGHT HOURS LATER you woke up tangled together;his coat wrapped the two of you up in a lil makeshift burrito
Your first words to him that morning were “thank you that was the best birthday ever” and at that moment his heart raced with how pure pride and happiness.
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please dont repost my work here as your own on any platform all rights belong to me except that of the characters used,their right belong to their respective owners.but these stories? mine.
feedback,likes,reblogs and comments are so very appreciated tbh :’)i hope you enjoyed and ill catch ya next time!
Comments & Reblogs w/ tags >>>>>>>>>>>likes please
Tag list open for anyone who wants!
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voidcat · 3 years ago
characters: akutagawa ryunosuke, you
genre & wc: angst – 1k
a/n: heavily inspired by I Had A Dream About You by Richard Siken. there are many references to that poem (and few more from other poems in Crush) the quotes are in bold & italic.
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In the dream I don’t tell anyone, you put your head in my lap.
in a distance, that's not too close, nor too far away, you exist with a gleam characterstic to you. laughing at whatever has been said, glowing in the dusty fog of the city of port; there is no sound around.
you exist in a world shared by many, yet not a world akutagawa belongs in– he doesn't feel it, that belonging, that sense of home, or the sense of normalcy.
and pretending not to care, like nakahara, isn't an option for him. his every waking hour is spent with it; the caring, the thinking, the overbearing presence of one thought after another, and another and another...
The birds were watching you.
he somewhat recalls a verse from a poem, not sure which one. he has never been the poetry type, never got the chance for it.
and as the birds watch, so does nakahara, it is hard to miss it, the way he looks, observes; is that what they call longing in his eyes? is that the name for it?
akutagawa exists in a world that revolves around you. merely a speck of dust in your broad universe. would you laugh if he threw oranges at you? would you smile if he peeled a tangerine for you?
do you even like the fruit? there is so much he wants to know, so much he wishes to do, to walk up and ask and talk and-
enough, he stops himself there.
akutagawa ryunosuke has never been one to dream, let alone sleep.
it is too time consuming, distracting, it requires you to let your guard down– a luxury he cannot afford in his realm he is stuck in.
then what is the meaning of this? of these?
certainly they cannot be anything other than dreams. it has been so long since he last had one, let alone a good one, yet life must have taken pity on him for once.
to have slept without anyone's noticing, and to return back to his life with a pleasant dream in his arms.
he clutches at it, tight, he doubts he has held anything this tight, this close to his chest ever in his life.
this doesn't make any sense, he thinks. and why should it? what is it with you that i saw in a dream, and held onto for dear life, to never let go?
You were lying in the middle of the empty highway.
The sky was red and the sand was red and you were wearing a brown coat.
it was a beautiful day, a sunset he has learned to appreciate, though it could never outmatch you.
nose scrunching at that coat, akutagawa tries to ignore it.
"it's beige, not brown." he can hear you correcting him. he finds himself not liking the implication of it.
and in the stead of that coat, he sees that man holding you, arms around you. he sees the two of you still meeting up in town sometimes. it goes beyond him why someone like you would continue to see him, after everything he has done, everything he is doing.
if such a man can be graced with more than just your presence, does that mean there is hope for himself as well? he hopes the answer is yes.
yet he knows better to get caught up in dreams like that.
dreams, he wish he never had that dream to begin with.
then his suffering would be the same as always, he would go on living his life as always, pushing away the feelings, chewing them down, forcing them down his throat, letting his stomach digest and teeth tear them apart.
he doesn't want his eyes to follow you whenever you walk and run, now standing by the edge of a bridge, then in the middle of the road. he doesn't remember much of that red book, thank god, but god is gone, god is yelling in vain, trying to shout advices "look out, be careful, what are you doing, why aren't you moving!"
akutagawa has never liked guns, one thing him and nakahara are on the same page with.
then you turn the page, read a few lines and turn it again. was that book boring? would you like a new one instead? shut the book close and dash off once again, why won't you look around before you take off like that? always chasing the high of action, always making u-turns, never satisfied, never full; in the middle of a bite, you ask what will be next.
doesn't it get tiring, to treat death as something it is not, like a game, like a challenge, a randevouz, a lover's oath? do you get tired of people easily as well? will you pause to take a breath?
akutagawa sees why people use that phrase now– he feels more than sees it:
you're like a dream, one he cannot forget, one he constantly thinks about day and night, no matter the location, or the time. a dream he wishes to see forever, a dream he will chase after for ever and ever, miss for an eternity, unattainable, just out of reach, what he wouldn't give to live it again for a second longer.
(and he must be like a dream to you too, he supposes. the kind of dream you won't ever recall seeing once you're awake in the morning– let alone chasing after or stealing a glance at him.)
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"Tell me we're dead and I'll love you even more."
is that what he promised you, to have you act out like this?
akutagawa has no more left in him to wonder this, to ask you this, be it in person or in his mind.
it is too tiring even just to see you with him, and the what-if's– he cannot even bear to think about these any more, nor stand that smile reserved for him.
it sucks him whole and drains him empty.
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chuuyrr · 2 years ago
love at first heal
bungo stray dogs x scarlet witch! reader
masterlist of the series
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╰➤ CW(s): possible bungo stray dogs spoilers. mentions of scarlet witch's powers. subtle reference to mcu's infinity war. akutagawa falling in love but he's a bit in denial lolol
╰➤ PAIRING(s): akutagawa ryunosuke
╰➤ SYNOPSIS: in which you are assigned to a mission with akutagawa ryunosuke by the port mafia boss. akutagawa gets severely injured and is stubborn about it, but you heal him anyway, and he is astounded that someone as ruthless and strong as you can be so gentle and kind. full request.
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akutagawa has a black and white "survival of the fittest" worldview, with the strong ideal that weak people should die and be replaced by stronger ones. he is not afraid of pain or defeat. he's also merciless, blunt, and incredibly stubborn, making him the self-proclaimed port mafia's black-fanged hellhound.
but, if there was another person akutagawa believed to be as powerful as port mafia executive nakahara chuuya, or even more powerful, it would be you—[surname] [name].
the ability user who is feared by both allies and enemies, the harbinger of chaos; the witch.
he doesn't think much of you. akutagawa believes you're just another member of the underground organization he frequently encounters, but that all changes when mori ougai summons both of you to his office.
as you enter the office a few minutes after him, akutagawa barely looks at you. he doesn't even bother greeting you after you've said hello to him. it was nothing at all.
you're just another subordinate; another mafioso in the organization. akutagawa is definitely not thinking about how you could easily win dazai's favor if he was still here and knew what you can and would do given your dangerous ability.
"i have called the two of you here for an important assignment," mori explained, placing a few papers on his desk to show you and akutagawa, "you two will be on the frontlines. as you know, the black order is one of the mafia's enemies, and they are after the mind stone that we have recently smuggled."
you lifted your hand and to use your red psionics to grab the papers and read them while passing the others to akutagawa, who quietly accepted it back and read them.
"the mission you have along with the rest is simple: protect the mind stone and get rid of the black order," mori explained, clasping his gloved hands together.
as soon as the assignment was given to you, you and akutagawa went to the expected area of attack from the black order based on mori's deduction, while the rest of the black lizard and port mafia subordinates scattered outside, carrying firearms with the intent to protect and kill.
"tsk, they should be here any minute now," you warned akutagawa, stopping in your tracks and straightening your posture as you felt multiple presences entered the parameters, "on your guard, akutagawa."
"you don't need to tell me that," scoffed akutagawa, finally looking at you with his arms folded across his chest.
despite your warning to your partner for this mission, turbulence in the air was something you and akutagawa failed to notice right away as you looked around. only when you snapped your head did you notice a spear stabbing akutagawa straight across the stomach at blinding speed.
"a-ack!" gurgled akutagawa, immediately activating rashomon and shooting black tendrils of his coat to attack his pursuer, but the cloaked person jumped aback with their spear fast.
"akutagawa!" you screamed, and before you could dart towards him and use your red psionics, you were blasted by a similar repulsive force of energy.
you grunted, feeling it burn through your clothes and pierce your skin painfully, but you ignored it as your red psionics immediately pulled you back up. you acted quickly, already making your way towards akutagawa, watching him fight his pursuer while activating a force field around yourself to protect yourself from your own opponent who was tailing you.
"stay back and focus! i don't need your help, witch!" akutagawa yelled as he wiped the blood from his chin.
you scoffed at akutagawa's stuborness, but who were you to judge him? this was who he really was. without any choice, you reluctantly left and let him be before confronting your own opponent, mentally noting the healing of akutagawa as soon as you see the effect of his wound on him. even though he could be a pain in the ass, he was still your ally; your partner.
you faced the other enemy who arrived with the cloaked figure you recognized as midnight from the information mori provided you both. you engaged your opponent in hand-to-hand combat while using your red psionics, dodging swings and jabs with quick and light feet.
you effortlessly used the wall as a boost before leaping to evade the spear that was thrown at you at blinding speed, but you quickly stumbled back as your opponent landed a high-jump drop kick and felt your shoulder get wounded as your opponent returned the spear to themselves.
you clutched your shoulder, breathing heavily, and began to use your red psionics to patch yourself up when your gaze was drawn away from your opponent to see akutagawa's state. your eyes widened as you saw him gravely injured, barely standing with trembling knees and clutching his bloodied stomach and other arm.
the black order was unquestionably skilled. they were as stealthy as gin, akutagawa's sister. given how quick and almost silent they were as assassins, you and akutagawa failed to even prevent them from ambushing you both earlier.
but you and akutagawa were members of the port mafia, and you despised seeing your partner and allies in such a state. you moved quickly forward, your power augmenting your speed, as you blasted an abnormally large red psionic at your opponent, eventually sending them flying together with the damn spear.
you positioned yourself protectively in front of akutagawa, extending both of your hands, one aligned to your arm, blazing red psionics seeping from your fingertips as you made a direct shot of another abnormally large blast of red to akutagawa's opponent.
"oi, didn't i tell you to stay back, witch?" scowled akutagawa, his knees weakly buckled to the floor.
"throw all the insults you want, akutagawa. i am not going to let you die out here," you retorted, your eyes glowing red as you locked your gaze on his harsh gaze.
"i don't need your help. i already told you, i'm fi—ACK!" you instantly recoiled as he got cut off.
your eyes widened with concern as akutagawa violently wheezed, causing him to stop applying pressure to his exposed wounds, which turned out to be more serious than you had anticipated.
"akutagawa," you muttered in a whisper as your eyes began glowing into a menacing red color.
with your raw emotions now amplifying your ability, a massive repulsive force of red psionics emerged from you and it immediately seized the black order assassins you and akutagawa were facing, as well as the rest of the black order members who had now arrived on the scene to ambush you and him altogether, just as they were about to attack you with their respective weapons at blinding speed.
the sight of you standing there frozen still as your red psionics violently constrict the black order and cut through them like nothing widened akutagawa's eyes—it was something he could describe as ability on autopilot.
red painted the atmosphere, both psionics and blood splurging around you and him like a splash of red color on a canvas with bodies crumbling and falling like rain.
everything was red instead of black and white, and finally, akutagawa recognizes you as someone rather than a mere nothing or a simple subordinate or protege of nakahara chuuya bearing the monstrosity of a witch. it was almost as if he was seeing colors for the first time.
you knelt down to his height as he was on his knees on the floor, but the ingrained memory of you using your ability for chaos and havoc caused akutagawa to flinch. despite his obvious reluctance, your hands still held him.
you were already using your red psionics again before akutagawa could react and have his rashomon seize you. his eyes widened as he felt his deep wounds gradually stitch up and glow red, similar to your eyes and hands.
"you should never put your life in danger like this again," you said calmly as your fingers interlocked and twitched incoherently to put your magic to work.
akutagawa's eyes narrowed at your words, but he quickly stopped speaking when you continued talking, "i know, it feels weird, and that's because i'm sewing up damage at a molecular level."
akutagawa's eyes widened, and the next thing you know, he was speaking again, "you just... read my mind..."
"yes, i can, apart from getting into people's heads to control them like kyusaku," you explained before returning your gaze to his wounds, "anyway, stay put for me, okay? your wounds are deeper than i expected."
normally, akutagawa would have acted out by now. he most certainly should have.
because if there was one thing he despised, it was being the weaker person and having his most private thoughts and feelings exposed. but for the time being, all akutagawa could do was stare at you and stay put as you told him to.
the proximity between you and him was making his chest twinge in an oddly good way, just like the sensation of being patched up by your red psionics.
he took advantage of the opportunity to see you this close while you were focused on healing him. akutagawa's gaze was drawn to the way your brows were furrowed and your face contorted into such intense concentration that you were subconsciously biting your bottom lip.
damn. you were practically glowing and mesmerizing, especially with the light from your red psionics illuminating you.
akutagawa immediately shut his eyes. you weren't reading his thoughts right now, were you? because if you were, he wouldn't know what to do, especially now that he's seriously injured. this should not have happened to him, yet here he was, admiring you.
"are you okay? does it hurt?" you inquired, seeing as akutagawa had his eyes closed and his face slightly scrunched up.
as akutagawa opened his eyes, he did not see the witch that everyone was terrified of. instead, he saw you. akutagawa saw [surname] [name]; someone he didn't expect to be as gentle and kind given your ruthless, captivating yet manipulative allure as a mafioso and an executive's subordinate and protege.
"i'm.. just resting my eyes.." akutagawa replied quietly, his voice tame instead of harsh, "and it doesn't hurt. i can't even feel it.."
"i'll be done in a minute. i'll have you feeling better in no time, akutagawa," you said with a smile on your lips as you stared at him.
"tsk, you don't have to do that. i can get myself checked back at the headquarters later," akutagawa exclaimed, his gaze drawn away from you, "you should save your energy. i doubt that was the rest of the black order, [name]."
this time, your eyes widened in surprise.
akutagawa called you by your name, and it wasn't just any name. instead of calling you witch, he addressed you by your first name.
"oi, why are you looking at me like that?" akutagawa asked, almost scoffing, "you know, if you're tired, just stop. i can move now."
aside from that, he was suddenly incredibly time and surprisingly caring. did you just flip a switch on akutagawa, or did you hex him by accident with chaos magic? how strange.
"it's nothing... i was just trying to feel the other presences," you replied, blinking and returning your focus to his wounds.
"you better not be reading my damn mind again, you hear?" akutagawa clicked his tongue, clearly not believing your words, "or i'll cut you up myself using rashomon."
"you wouldn't do that," you countered immediately, your lips slowly curving into a smirk.
he asked, scoffing, "and how do you know that?"
"simply because i know you wouldn't," you replied, now fully-smirking as you finished healing him up, "but also because i can and will kill you just as you could kill me, ryunosuke."
akutagawa felt the twinge in his chest all over again with his heart skipping a beat.
you really were a bewitching being.
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[ author's notes ! ok so yeah i haven't written for akutagawa in a long while, so i really hope this was okay. tried sticking with his character and avoiding portraying him out of character while also making him admire and fall for reader, which i honestly found challenging but quite fun to write :) thank you so so much for requesting and enjoy reading <3]
[ p.s. ! in this writing, reader is a mafia subordinate under the care of chuuya. i figured it would only make sense because of their said abilities and how they both turn/glow red lolol ]
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yandere-sins · 3 years ago
Dark Intentions
Horrortober Day 9: Blind “Don’t be scared of the dark.”  
I... ran out of things to say. It can get hard balancing to write everyday with being busy with other stuff. Good practice, but also feels a bit wrong now that I made breaks with requests lately. But Day 9 that’s pretty good, right?
Warnings: Yandere, Gun/-fire, Death, Gore, Darkness, Being lifted form the ground, Disorientation, Spoken Threats Characters: Akutagawa Ryunosuke x Reader
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You still couldn’t believe that he came for you.
That anyone came at all since this was more than just a difficult situation. There had been so many men approaching you, wearing suits and sunglasses that reflected the guns in their hands and the fear in your eyes. You saw the end before you heard the gunshots, expected them to pierce you like a million knives. Why? You had no idea. To your record, you never did anything that would justify being publicly executed like that. 
Yokohama wasn’t a safe city. Many people told you that, and you realized they had been right as you closed your eyes, vainly trying to shield your face from the cruelty. You believed in showing kindness to those around you and receiving the same in return, but this didn’t seem like karma at all. What payback could this be if you didn’t have even one bad bone in your body? You heard the gasps and screams all around you as the guns started to fire, and even then, all you could think about was how sorry you were for the people witnessing this. How you wished you could pay for the therapy they’d need after witnessing your death. But alas, it shouldn’t have been your worry at that moment. 
But the pain never came either. 
Dying is peaceful, they said, but feeling nothing at all in the last moments of your life seemed a bit too good to be true. At least pain should have overcome you, not just the regret of ruining people’s life. Maybe you should have been angry that these guys were taking yours, but their reason was unbeknownst to you, so who were you to curse? Foolishly optimistic, that’s what your father called you. And a little naive, your mother added. Perhaps they were right, but remembering them now made your heart throb painfully.
A cough next to you caught your attention as the guns fired their bullets away, none of them hitting you even though you so clearly heard them slicing the air. Pressing your eyelids together tightly, you slowly opened them to look at who was standing only an arm’s length away from you, hand covering his mouth as he coughed. He eyed you intently, and a shudder ran down your spine as you recognized the man. His eyes darted forward again, and he swung his arm through the air, mumbling a quiet command. 
Immediately, the sound of screams filled your ears again, and you twisted around to see a black mass crashing into the men with their guns, throwing them all through the air. “Y-You…” A stutter fell from your lips, but you weren’t sure what to say to him. You knew this person. You knew because you saved him. Even if you had your hesitations, you couldn’t ignore a bleeding, seemingly dying person lying in the rain. One that no one would come looking for if he did end up passing away. You had been scared back then, but it was nothing compared to now.
Your whole body was shivering as you looked back at him, meeting his eyes. Something, just say something! But you were frozen in your place, a loud, earth-shaking crash erupting next to you as the black mass pounded into the ground… into humans. Not the bystanders, thankfully, but the sight of blood and dead limbs made you want to throw up. Tears shot into your eyes as you tried to cover your mouth, but you could barely move out of fear. 
As you watched the gruesome scene unfold in front of you, you thought back to how you saved his life. Ironically, and in a way you didn’t wish your worst enemies to die like, he was now protecting you, and you wondered how much of it was a coincidence. Could these people have been after you because of what you did? Was he repaying you for your help or eliminating those that sought after your life so he could claim it himself? 
From the moment you helped him, you knew what he was. A part of the infamous Port Mafia. Somehow, you simply knew it out of instinct. When you were still half-asleep after tending to him all night to make sure he survived, you felt his evil aura, the want to kill you, but something made him hesitant. What if he came back for the kill, now that his mind had time to think it over? Were you saver, or were you even more in danger than before?
You could not stop trembling and slowly began sinking as your knees gave away. But before that could happen, an arm reached around you, pulling you into a chest while you heard the man cough again—felt his chest shake underneath your face. It was weirdly comforting. He smelled like herbal tea and fresh clothes, but still, you couldn’t relax at all. The cracking of bones continued echoing in the background as you heard his heartbeat, calm and collected just like he was, and you heard more mumbles above you, his grip around you ever so often tightening to steady both of you. 
There was a deep sigh of relief going through him as the screams finally stopped, followed by him clearing his throat. You still didn’t dare to look, scared you might see the end of your life coming towards you after all. Guns were one thing. Some spikey, black magic piercing you or crashing you beneath it would be much worse. You might actually survive it for a while, writhing in absolute agony before death would grip you. It would just be so much worse.
“Want to get out of here?” You recognized the voice, not least because it was rumbling through his chest. Deep inside, you knew there was no correct answer to this. He could kill you here or somewhere more private, but it would be bad either way. Police sirens blared in the distance, and you suddenly jolted away from the man, who gave you a confused and annoyed glare. He was a wanted criminal, one that would absolutely crush more people into fleshy pulp if they shot at him. More could get hurt if he stayed here—if you stayed here.
“Y-Yes, please,” you stuttered, unsure if you were convincing. He should have noticed the police approach as well, and if he wanted to kill them, he definitely would. However, he only stepped closer, arm pressing you against him as a sudden warmth enveloped you from behind. It felt soft and warm as it pressed against you, cupping your shape in it, but it wasn’t as uncomfortable until you looked at it over your shoulder, seeing the same dangerous mass he had used to kill those men with the sunglasses. 
Part of you wanted to scream, but not even a croak left your throat as you suddenly lost your halt on the ground, gliding through the air while you were lodged between this strange mass and the man whose life you saved before. You’ve been to carnivals before, but this was much less fun than the flying swing. Instinctively, you grabbed the man’s coat, held on to anything even though he grunted, seemingly annoyed. To him, you were probably overreacting, but looking over his shoulder, you briefly saw how the Plaza you had stood on just seconds ago got smaller and smaller while the people looked after you.
And then, darkness.
“W-What’s happening?” you asked, panic swinging in your cracking voice. 
“Don’t be scared of the dark,” he replied nonchalantly, but even the calmness he displayed wasn’t able to comfort you. 
“No! Let me down! Now!” you yelled, and he flinched his head away as you screamed it into his ear. “S-Sorry,” you were quick to apologizing, biting your own lip.
“Do you want to fall and die?” he asked factually, though you heard the annoyance in his words as he glared at you from the corners of his eyes. You shook your head. The mass shifted behind you, and you realized it was navigating you away from what happened at the Plaza. You didn’t know how long you were flying—jumping?—but all you could do was hang on tight, gripping his coat so hard your knuckles were turning white. 
This was a lot of effort just to kill you, you decided halfway through. You two could have gotten away from the cops, and he could have slit your throat in an alleyway. There was no need to get away this far, or did he plan something special? He didn’t look like the psychopathic type, but you could never know with these guys. The Port Mafia was ruthless and cruel. 
You turned out to be right when he finally came to a stop, his ‘magic’ disappearing, and so was the arm around you. Cold drafts hit you as you struggled to see. You were on top of a giant skyscraper, nothing but air around you and the city below. What was it? 60 floors? 100? You couldn’t make it out, but no fence or railing was keeping you from jumping off the roof.
 Gulping, you feared the worst as you heard the coughs behind you. “W-Wait,” you yelled after him, turning to look at the black coat slowly shifting in the wind, and he stopped, glancing back at you. “Is that it? You want me… to jump?”
It was crazy to actually say those things. But so was the whole situation. His brows furrowed before he looked forward again, pressing a button next to the door that seemed to lead down the skyscraper. The man said nothing, but eventually, a small ‘ding!’ rang out, and the door opened to reveal an elevator. He stepped in, pressing a button as if he knew exactly what he was doing, and looked at you as the door slowly closed. A black boot stopped it before it could shut closed, and his expression turned sour again, his eyes glaring daggers at you.
“What is? Do you want to jump?” he asked aggressively, and you shook your head, scrambling to your feet and bolting into the elevator next to him, latching on the grip in the back. Letting out a sigh, he let the door shut, and the elevator began to move, lower and lower, floor after floor. 
“Thank you,” you finally pressed out after a while of silent contemplation. He did save you… and didn’t kill you. “Where are we going?”
“Somewhere, those bastards can’t get you.” Another cough, he didn’t look at you this time as he answered.
“Did… did they really want to kill me? Why?”
You caught his glance as he looked over his shoulder, so many questions burning on your mind that he’d probably not answer. “... me,” he muttered, and even though you strained your ears, you didn’t hear it. “Come again?”
The elevator announced its arrival with another ping, and the doors opened, complete darkness awaiting you on the other side. He stepped out, almost instantly melting into the darkness if not for the light of the elevator shining on his back. “W-Wait!” you yelled after him, but after all he did for you, somehow you were more confident now in following his lead, even though you could see nothing beyond the doors. 
“What’s your name?” you asked into the dark, the doors of the elevators slowly shutting and leaving you alone with him here. It was like being bling, robbed of your vision. Without hearing his steps approach, you were suddenly enveloped in his arm again, pressing you forward as you stumbled to get anywhere. “Akutagawa,” he introduced himself, curt and much like you’d expect him to. 
“Then… thanks for keeping me safe, Akutagawa.”
You heard him take a deep breath as you spoke his name, the grip on your hip growing firm. He was still leading you. Leading you towards him now and your face was back in his chest only seconds later, his head next to yours. “Just to be clear,” he grumbled, his voice low in your ear. “If anyone kills you, then that’s me. Understand?”
A cold shudder ran down your spine as he whispered these words in your ear. You twisted in his grip, trying to figure out where you came from, wanting to run back to the elevator and escape. How stupid had you been to naively trust this dangerous stranger and follow him even though you were at your disadvantage while he seemed to know where you were going! Little did you know what kind of doom awaited you at the end of the darkness.
One that would make you wish for a death that would never come.
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