#ryu deok hyun
idolskpop · 1 year
‘Moving’ Episode 20: Han Hyo Joo, Ryu Seung Ryong, Zo In Sung’s Characters Find Their Happy Ending
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The Disney+ original series ‘Moving’ has come to an end with its 20th episode, delivering a satisfying conclusion for the characters and the viewers. The superhero action drama, based on the webtoon by Kang Full, starred Han Hyo Joo, Ryu Seung Ryong, Zo In Sung, Cha Tae Hyun, and other talented actors as people with hidden superpowers who fight against dark forces.
‘Moving’ Episode 20: The Final Battle
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(Photo : Disney+) The finale episode began with a tense showdown between Lee Mi Hyun (Han Hyo Joo) and Jung Joon Hwa (Yang Dong Geun), a North Korean soldier who also has the ability to fly. Mi Hyun was in danger of being killed by Joon Hwa, but her son Kim Bong Seok (Lee Jung Ha) came to her rescue and fought against him. However, Mi Hyun wanted Bong Seok to run away, knowing that the North Korean troop leader Kim Deok Yoon (Park Hee Soon) was aiming a gun at him. Fortunately, Bong Seok was saved by Jeon Gye Do (Cha Tae Hyun), who used his electromagnetic power to kill Joon Hwa. Deok Yoon then tried to escape with the files that contained the secrets of the superpowered people, but he was chased by Jang Joo Won (Ryu Seung Ryong) and Lee Jae Man (Kim Sung Kyun) to the rooftop.
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(Photo : Disney+ Korea) Joo Won and Jae Man confronted Deok Yoon, who revealed that he had been working for Frank (Ryoo Seung Bum), a mysterious man who wanted to use the superpowers for his own agenda. Deok Yoon also confessed that he was the one who killed Jae Man’s father 50 years ago, when he was part of a secret mission to capture the superpowered people. Deok Yoon then tried to jump off the building with the files, but he was stopped by Joo Won, who grabbed his arm. Jae Man then shot Deok Yoon in the chest, causing him to fall. Joo Won managed to hold on to the files and pulled himself up.
The Aftermath
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(Photo : Disney+ Korea) A year later, the superpowered people were living normal lives without being hunted by anyone. Jang Hee Soo (Go Youn Jung) and Lee Kang Hoon (Kim Do Hoon) graduated from high school with their parents’ attendance, except for Bong Seok and Mi Hyun, who had gone into hiding since the incident. Joo Won continued his chicken business with Kwon Young Deuk (Park Gwang Jae), a former North Korean soldier who became his assistant. Hee Soo entered the university’s physical education department and became friends with Shin Hye Won (Shim Dal Gi), a girl who had super speed. Kang Hoon visited Mr. Min (Moon Sung Geun), the head of the NIS, and expressed his desire to join the agency with one condition: to clear his father’s name from criminal records. Mr. Min agreed and revealed that Kang Hoon’s father was actually a hero who sacrificed himself to protect the superpowered people from Frank.
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(Photo : Disney+ Korea) Kang Hoon also met the school guard and his classmate who disguised themselves as part of Jeonwon High School, but in reality they were high-ranking NIS officials who had been monitoring the superpowered people. Bong Seok and Mi Hyun left town and lived a peaceful life in a rural area. They occasionally received letters from Hee Soo and Kang Hoon, who updated them on their lives. Hee Soo also told them about a superhero wearing a yellow cape who appeared in Seoul and saved people from danger. In the last scene, it was revealed that the superhero was Kim Doo Shik (Zo In Sung), Bong Seok’s father and Mi Hyun’s husband, who had been held captive by Frank for 50 years. He managed to escape with the help of Park Il Chan (Jo Bok Rae), a North Korean soldier who sympathized with him. Doo Shik returned to South Korea and killed Frank, who had been hiding as an American businessman named Mark (Daniel C Kennedy). He then reunited with his family and hugged them tightly.
The Reviews
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(Photo : Disney+ Korea) The final episode of ‘Moving’ received positive reviews from both critics and viewers, who praised the cast’s performances, the director’s skills, and the writer’s creativity. The series also achieved high ratings on Disney+, becoming one of the most-watched original shows on the platform. Some of the comments from netizens are: “I’m so happy that they all got their happy endings. Especially Doo Shik, he deserved it after suffering for so long.” “This was such a great series. The action scenes were amazing, the story was engaging, and the characters were lovable. I’m going to miss them so much.” “Han Hyo Joo, Ryu Seung Ryong, and Zo In Sung are such legends. They nailed their roles and made me feel all kinds of emotions. I hope they work together again in the future.” “Moving was one of the best adaptations I’ve ever seen. It stayed true to the webtoon but also added some twists and surprises. Kang Full is a genius and Park In Je is a master.” “I’m so glad that I watched this show. It was a roller coaster ride of action, drama, comedy, and romance. It had everything I wanted and more. Thank you to the cast and crew for this masterpiece.” What do you think of the final episode of ‘Moving’? Did you enjoy the series? Share your thoughts and leave a comment below. Subscribe to IDOLS KPOP for exclusive updates and captivating content. Read the full article
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koreanfilminsight · 4 years
Welcome to Dongmakgol // 웰콤 투 동막골 (2005) Directed by Park Kwang-hyun//박광현
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1950, in the midst of the fiercest war...There was the most glorious moment!
November 1950, when the Korean War was in full swing... Dongmakgol is a village located in the cliffs of Hambaeksan Mountain along the Taebaek Mountain Range. A P-47d U.S. fighter jet that crashed here. Inside the crashed fighter was Smith, a bizarre soldier. Yeo Il, who lives in Dongmakgol, was on her way to witness the scene and deliver the news, when she ran into soldiers of the People's Army, lead by Li Su-hwa, and brought them to Dongmakgol. Just then, Pyo Sang-cheol and Moon Sang-sang, of the South Korean military, who got lost from their unit, happen to visit the house of the Chief of Dongmakgol. There the People's Army, and the Allied forces gather in Dongmakgol where tensions are extremely high.
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the8skermit · 3 years
I have a special place in my heart for shows with episode title cards.
like, you know this ish abt to slap if they went the extra mile to put words that perfectly ecompass each episode.The investment.🤌🏻
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olivierdemangeon · 4 years
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  Des soldats de Corée du Nord et de Corée du Sud, ainsi qu’un pilote américain, se retrouvent dans un village isolé, où ses habitants ignorent largement ce qui se passe dans le monde extérieur, y compris la guerre.
    “Welkeom tu dongmakgol” (웰컴 투 동막골), ou “Welcome to Dongmakgol” pour la distribution internationale, est un film dramatique sud-coréen datant de 2005, co-écrit et réalisé par Park Kwang-hyun, à qui l’on doit également “Fabricated City” (2017). Les acteurs principaux sont Jung Jae-young, qu’on a pu voir dans “Broken” (2013), Shin Ha-kyun, qu’on a pu voir dans “Extreme Job” (2018), Kang Hye-jung, qu’on a pu voir dans “Lucid Dream” (2016), Im Ha-ryong, qu’on a pu voir dans “Neighbors” (2012), Seo Jae-kyung, qu’on a pu voir dans “Wild Card” (2003), et Ryu Deok-hwan, qu’on a pu voir dans “Default” (2018). Ce métrage est également connu sous le titre de Battle Ground 625. Ce film est paru le 4 août 2005 en Corée.
En septembre 1950, durant la guerre de Corée, Neil Smith (Steve Taschler), un pilote américain se crashe dans une région reculée et montagneuse. Les habitants de Dongmakgol, petit village de montagne coupé du monde, viennent en aide au pilote blessé. Pendant ce temps, un peloton de soldats nord-coréens tombe dans une embuscade tendue par une unité sud-coréenne. Trois soldats nord-coréens parviennent à s’échapper en empruntant un passage montagneux escarpés. Ils parviennent au village de Dongmakgol, où vient tout juste d’arriver deux militaires sud-coréens. Après plusieurs moments de tension, l’ensemble des soldats finit par se détendre et participent aux travaux du village ainsi qu’aux récoltes. Cependant, un commando venu porter assistance à Neil Smith va semer le trouble dans le village et tous devront faire front pour neutraliser les nouveaux venus au comportement agressif. Après coup, ils devront s’associer pour détourner un bombardement massif du secteur par les alliés qui sont persuadés que la région fourmille de batterie anti-aérienne. Le passible village est en danger…
Le scénario concocté par Kim Joong, Jang Jin et Park Kwang-hyun est très bien écrit. On notera que ce dernier, Park Kwang-hyun, endosse ici la double casquette de co-scénariste et de réalisateur. Le récit prend le temps de bien installer les différents personnages et de démontrer les tensions qui opposent les différents protagonistes. On peut même mesurer une certaine stupidité chez les belligérants qui n’ont parfois qu’une connaissance superficielle du conflit qui les oppose. L’ensemble des habitants de ce petit village de Dongmakgol sont complètement naïfs, vivant dans une bulle, en ne se préoccupant que des choses de leur quotidien. Cette situation est paraphrasée, amplifiée par la présence du personnage incarné Kang Hye-jung. Une jeune femme écervelée qui ne mesure nullement la dangerosité de la situation. L’injustice et les exactions orchestrées vont finir de renforcer les liens des différents protagonistes qui vont s’associer, au-delà de leurs différences, pour tenter de sauver le village.
Sur une durée de 133 minutes, “Welcome to Dongmakgol” offre un rythme qui oscille entre scènes d’action, discussions et situations humoristiques. La scène de confrontation entre les différents personnages principaux et un sanglier, venu semer la zizanie, est particulièrement originale et cocasse. La bataille finale est pleine d’émotion avec son lot de sacrifices dans une opposition inégale. Finalement, ce métrage est un parfait exemple du film anti-guerre, qui démontre, certes avec certains défauts, qu’en se côtoyant, qu’en discutant ensemble, qu’en agissant côte à côte pour le bien de la collectivité, on peut surpasser nos différences pour aller de l’avant. En définitive, le véritable héros de toute cette histoire est probablement le village de Dongmakgol, qui semble protégé par une force invisible matérialisé par cette nuée de papillons.
Les éléments de production développés pour “Welcome to Dongmakgol” sont légèrement supérieurs à la moyenne. La photographie Choi Sang-ho est sympathique, offrant de superbes visuels de la montagne. Les décors expriment parfaitement l’univers paysan, accompagné par une petite pointe de mystique, représentée par la présence de statuettes en papier mâché qui borde le sentier permettant d’accéder au village. La bande musicale orchestrée par Joe Hisaishi, compositeur japonais, est vraiment excellente, offrant une coloration très poétique à une multitude de scènes. Enfin, le montage présenté par Steve M. Choe offre un film qui aurait peut-être gagné en dynamisme en le raccourcissant d’une bonne trentaine de minutes. Rappelons que le cinéaste fut le monteur de nombreux métrages dont “Montage” (2013), “Snowpiercer” (2013), “Northern Limit Line” (2015), ou encore “Operation Chromite” (2016). On notera que Kang Hye-jung a remporté le Blue Dragon Film Award dans la catégorie de la Meilleure Actrice dans un Second Rôle pendant qu’Im Ha-ryong remportait celui dans la catégorie du Meilleur Acteur dans un Second Rôle.
En conclusion, “Welcome to Dongmakgol” est un très bon film dramatique disposant d’une histoire originale, d’une intrigue classique et d’un développement atypique. Le rythme est pondéré laissant suffisamment de temps pour positionner les personnages, le récit est fluide et la narration est linéaire en dehors de quelques flashbacks présentés sous forme de rêves/cauchemars. La photographie est très agréable, la bande musicale est gracieuse et permet de bien distinguer l’aspect amusant des moments plus graves. Le montage est propre, mais aurait permis au film de gagner du punch en étant écourté de quelques minutes. La distribution offre de très bonnes prestations et la performance délivrée par Kang Hye-jung mérite amplement ses récompenses. L’ensemble est attachant et mérite qu’on lui accorde une bonne recommandation.
    Retrouvez-nous sur notre groupe de discussion Facebook !
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    WELCOME TO DONGMAKGOL (2005) ★★★★☆ Des soldats de Corée du Nord et de Corée du Sud, ainsi qu'un pilote américain, se retrouvent dans un village isolé, où ses habitants ignorent largement ce qui se passe dans le monde extérieur, y compris la guerre.
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goalhofer · 3 years
2020 Olympics South Korea Roster
Je-Deok Kim (Gyeongbuk)
Woojin Kim (Iwon)
Jin-Hyek Oh (Incheon)
San Ahn (Pyeongchang)
Min-Hee Jang (Seoul)
Chae-Young Kang (Gwangju)
Wilson Erupe (Lodwar, Kenya)
Jong-Seop Sim (Seoul)
Byeong-Gwang Choi (Hwaseong)
Sang-Hyeok Woo (Seoul)
Min-Sub Jin (Busan)
Seulgi An (Seoul)
Kyung-Sun Choi (Seoul)
Kwang-Hee Heo (Seoul)
Sol-Gyu Choi (Seoul)
Seung-Jae Seo (Buan)
Se-Young An (Gwangju)
Ga-Eun Kim (Gyeonggi-Do)
So-Yeong Kim (Incheon)
Hee-Yong Kong (Jincheon)
So-Hee Lee (Ulsan)
Seung-Chan Shin (Gochang-Gun)
Yoo-Jung Chae (Suwon)
Won-Joon Choi (Seoul)
Woo-Suk Ko (Ganghwa-Gun)
Min-Woo Kim (Seoul)
Eui-Lee Lee (Gwangju)
Tae-In Won (Daegu)
Woo-Chan Cha (Gunsan)
Sang-Woo Cho (Uijeongbu)
Seung-Hwan Oh (Jeongeup)
Young-Pyo Ko (Gwangju)
Se-Woong Park (Daegu)
Jin-Uk Kim (Suwon)
Min-Ho Kang (Pohang)
Eui-Ji Yang (Gwangju)
Joo-Hwan Choi (Gwangju)
Kyoung-Min Hur (Gwangju)
Jae-Gyun Hwang (Seoul)
Baek-Ho Kang (Incheon)
Hye-Seong Kim (Seoul)
Jae-Il Oh (Guri)
Ji-Hwan Oh (Gunsan)
Hyun-Soo Kim (Seoul)
Jung-Hoo Lee (Gwangju)
Hae-Min Park (Seoul)
Kun-Woo Park (Seoul)
Ji-Hyeon Sin (Seoul)
Lee-Seul Kang (Sacheon)
Ye-Bin Yoon (Boryeong)
Hye-Ji Ahn (Busan)
Hye-Jin Park (Busan)
Ji-Hyun Park (Seongnam)
Dan-Bi Kim (Bupyeong-Gu)
Hye-Yoon Bae (Seoul)
Jung-Eun Kim (Cheonan)
Min-Jeong Kim (Seoul)
Ji-Su Park (Seongnam)
Han-Byul Kim (Sacheon)
Aeji Im (Hwasun-Gun)
Yeon-Ji Oh (Incheon)
Ah-Reum Na (Naju)
Hye-Jin Lee (Geonggi)
Yeong-Nam Kim (Seoul)
Yeong-Taek Kim (Seoul)
Ha-Ram Woo (Busan)
Halim Kwon (Seoul)
Su-Ji Kim (Seoul)
Dong-Seon Kim (Seoul)
Young-Jim Kweon (Iksan)
Segeon Ma (Seoul)
Sang-Young Park (Jinju)
Kwanghyun Lee (Seoul)
Bon-Gil Gu (Daegu)
Jung-Hwan Kim (Seoul)
Sang-Uk Oh (Daejeon)
Se-Ra Song (Seoul)
In-Jeong Choi (Geumsan)
Young-Mi Ko (Gwangju)
Hee-Sook Jeon (Seoul)
Soo-Yeon Choi (Ansan)
Ji-Yeon Kim (Busan)
Ji-Su Yoon (Busan)
Bum-Keun Song (Seongnam)
You-Hyeon Lee (Gwangyang)
Jae-Woo Kim (Seoul)
Ji-Soo Park (Myungyeong)
Tae-Wook Jeong (Jeju)
Seung-Won Jeong (Jeonju)
Chang-Hoon Kwan (Seoul)
Kang-In Lee (Incheon)
Min-Kyu Song (Chungju)
Dong-Gyeong Lee (Seoul)
Dong-Jun Lee (Busan)
Young-Woo Seol (Ulsan)
Jin-Ya Kim (Daegun)
Dong-Hyun Kim (Seoul)
Du-Jae Won (Seoul)
Ui-Jo Hwang (Seongnam)
Won-Sang Um (Gwangju)
Joon-Soo Ahn (Uijeongbu)
Yoon-Sung Kang (Daegu)
Sang-Min Lee (Busan)
Changi An (Seoul)
Jin-Kyu Kim (Pohang)
Sung-Jae Im (Jeju Seom)
Si-Woo Kim (Seoul)
Jin-Young Ko (Seoul)
Park Inbee (Seoul)
Sei-Young Kim (Seoul)
Hyo-Joo Kim (Seoul)
Jun-Ho Lee (Seoul)
Han-Sol Kim (Seoul)
Sung-Hyun Ryu (Seoul)
Hak-Seon Yang (Gwangju)
Jae-Hwan Shin (Jecheon)
Yun-Seo Lee (Seoul)
Seo-Jeong Yeo (Yongin-Si)
Yu-Ra Yung (Seoul)
Jun-Hui Jeong (Tongyeong)
Yun-Ji Kim (Seoul)
Kyun-Ming Kang (Seoul)
Hui Ju (Seoul)
Seon-Pil Won (Jeongseon)
Eun-Hee Ryu (Incheon)
Su-Min Choi (Seoul)
Hae-In Sim (Seoul)
Eun-Hye Kang (Seoul)
Ha-Rang Jo (Gwangju)
Mi-Gyeong Lee (Seoul)
Jin-Yi Kim (Taebaek)
Ji-In Jung (Busan)
Heejun Park (Busan)
Won-Jin Kim (Seoul)
Baul An (Anyang)
Shōrin An (Seoul)
Dong-Han Gwak (Pohang)
Gu-Ham Jo (Gangwon)
Min-Jong Kim (Seoul)
Yu-Jeong Kang (Yeosu)
Da-Sol Park (Seoul)
Ji-Su Kim (Seoul)
Hee-Ju Han (Seoul)
Seong-Yeon Kim (Gwangju)
Hyun-Ji Yoon (Seoul)
Mi-Jin Han (Seoul)
Ung-Tae Jeon (Seoul)
Jin-Hwa Jun (Ulsan)
Se-Hee Kim (Seoul)
Sun-Woo Kim (Gyeonggi)
Hye-Jung Jung (Seoul)
Chang Yong (Seoul)
Jeong-Min Jang (Seoul)
Yon-Sik Jeong (Incheon)
Hyun Kim (Seoul)
Kun-Kyu Han (Seoul)
Nam Kim (Seoul)
Seong Lee (Seoul)
Won Park (Seoul)
Jin Lee (Seoul)
Andre Coquillard (Seoul)
Seong-Min Jang (Seoul)
Seong Choi (Seoul)
Gwong-Min Kim (Seoul)
Dae-Yoon Han (Seoul)
Mo-Se Kim (Seoul)
Sang-Do Kim (Seoul)
Jong-Jun Lee (Seoul)
Jong-Oh Jin (Chuncheon)
Tae-Yun Nam (Seoul)
Jong-Ho Song (Seoul)
Eun-Young Cho (Seoul)
Ga-Eun Choo (Seoul)
Eun-Ji Kwon (Seoul)
Hee-Moon Park (Seoul)
Bo-Mi Kim (Seoul)
Min-Ji Kim (Ansan)
Min-Jung Kim (Seoul)
Jongwon Chon (Seoul)
Chae-Hyun Seo (Seoul)
Sungjae Cho (Seoul)
Seungwoo Moon (Seoul)
Yoo-Yeon Lee (Seoul)
Woo-Min Kim (Seoul)
Sun-Woo Hwang (Suwon)
Ju-Ho Lee (Asan)
Ho-Joon Lee (Gwangju)
Eunji Lee (Seoul)
Hyun-Young Jung (Seoul)
Da-Kyung Han (Gwangju)
Seo-Yeong Kim (Gyeonggi-Do)
Se-Hyeon An (Seoul)
Table Tennis
Woo-Jin Jang (Daejeon)
Young-Sik Jeoung (Seoul)
Sangsu Lee (Busan)
Ji-Hui Jeon (Seoul)
Yubin Shin (Seoul)
Hyo-Ju Choi (Busan)
Jun Jang (Seoul)
Dae-Hoon Lee (Seoul)
Kyo-Don In (Incheon)
Jae-Young Sim (Seoul)
Ah-Reum Lee (Seoul)
Da-Bin Lee (Incheon)
Soon-Woo Kwon (Sangju)
Eun-Jin Park (Seoul)
So-Young Lee (Asan)
Hye-Seon Yeom (Mokpo)
Hui-Jin Kim (Busan)
Hye-Jin An (Seoul)
Ji-Young Oh (Daegu)
Yeon-Gyeong Kim (Ansan)
Su-Ji Kim (Ansan)
Jeong-Ah Park (Seoul)
Hyo-Jin Yang (Busan)
Ji-Yun Jeong (Seoul)
Seung-Ju Pyo (Ulsan)
Meong-Mok Han (Changwon)
Dong-Ju Yu (Jinan-Gun)
Yun-Seong Jin (Goyang)
Eunji Ham (Wonju)
Seon-Mi Lee (Gyeongsan)
Su-Hyeon Kim (Seoul)
Yeoun-Hee Kang (Seoul)
Han-Su Ryu (Busan)
Min-Seok Kim (Busan)
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malaysiankpopfans · 4 years
9 Times We Had a Serious Case of Second Lead Syndrome
When your heart aches for the second lead 😭
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K-dramas usually have us rooting for the main leads, but every once in a while there’ll be a swoon-worthy second lead who’ll make our hearts ache. These second leads appear to be the better match in our eyes, but the main lead gets selected instead, much to our frustration. Check out some impressive second leads who swayed our hearts and had us cheering for them here.
Han Ji-pyeong | Start-Up
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Start-Up is the latest drama to be buzzing with second lead syndrome. From the first episode, Han Ji-pyeong (Kim Seon-ho)’s heart-wrenching story makes you wish for his happiness. As an orphan, he had nowhere to go until kind grandmother Choi Won-deok (Kim Hae-sook) helped him out. He’s the real author behind the letters that Seo Dal-mi (Bae Suzy) found much comfort and love in. While he has a tough exterior, Ji-pyeong goes out of his way to help Dal-mi and her grandmother. He’s got such a soft heart hidden beneath his cold words.
Kim Jung-hwan | Reply 1988
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Reply 1988 had us guessing the identity of Sung Deok-sun (Lee Hye-ri)’s husband until the end of the series. The older version of her husband seemed pretty grumpy, so most assumed the husband would be Kim Jung-hwan (Ryu Jun-yeol). After all, Deok-sun and Jung-hwan clearly had feelings for one another. Jung-hwan was so cute to watch as he secretly doted on Deok-sun. Unfortunately, Jung-hwan couldn’t confess in time. While his character didn’t end up with the girl, actors Lee Hye-ri and Ryu Jun-yeol became a real life couple!
Goo Dong-mae | Mr. Sunshine
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In Mr. Sunshine, there are actually three men who care about leading lady Go Ae-shin (Kim Tae-ri). However, Goo Dong-mae (Yoo Yeon-seok) is the one who incites second lead syndrome. They share a special history due to Ae-shin helping save Dong-mae’s life when they were children. Dong-mae has very intense feelings for Ae-shin which he struggles to admit. Ultimately, he does whatever he can to ensure her safety and wellbeing.
Baek In-ho | Cheese in the Trap
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The main lead of Cheese in the Trap, You Jeong (Park Hae-jin), is a bit hard to root for. He hides his true nature from people, but Hong Seol (Kim Go-eun) sees through his facade. Jeong’s twisted and manipulative personality begins to affect Seol, but he suddenly becomes nice and asks her out. While she’s still trying to figure him out, second lead Baek In-ho (Seo Kang-jun) enters the picture. He’s much more normal and caring, which makes us want Seol to pick him instead.
Han U-Tak | While You Were Sleeping
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While You Were Sleeping has a strong likeable male lead in Jeong Jae-chan (Lee Jong-suk), but swoon-worthy Han U-tak (Jung Hae-in) definitely gives us second lead syndrome. U-tak develops feelings for Nam Hong-ju (Bae Suzy) as the three of them work to prevent tragedies. U-tak is a true gentleman and never makes Hong-ju feel uncomfortable due to his feelings. He’s always there for her, looks hot in uniform, and has such an adorable smile.
Go Cheong-myeong | Hotel Del Luna
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Hotel Del Luna shows Go Cheong-myeong (Lee Do-hyun) and Koo Chan-sung (Yeo Jin-goo) as Jang Man-wol (IU)’s love interests. What made Cheong-myeong such a strong second lead was their sad love story that began over a thousand years ago. Man-wol was unaware of how everything Cheong-myeong did was to help spare her life. While she wondered if Chan-sung was the reincarnation of her first love Cheong-myeong, Cheong-myeong had actually been by her side all those years.
Baek Gyeong | Extraordinary You
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Extraordinary You’s second lead, Baek Gyeong (Lee Jae-wook), seems like a bad boy jerk at first. While he is the destined romantic partner for Eun Dan-o (Kim Hye-yoon) in their comic book world, Dan-o fights against her fate to find her own true love. However, even after Gyeong realizes the truth about their world, he finds himself still caring for Dan-o. Eventually, he wants Dan-o to feel free to be herself, so he let’s her go. While we’re happy for Dan-o, we can’t help but wish for a happier ending for Gyeong.
Kim Shin-hyuk | She Was Pretty
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She Was Pretty stars the always lovable Park Seo-jun, but the character Shin-hyuk (Choi Si-won) gives us major second lead syndrome. Hye-jin (Hwang Jung-eum) goes unrecognized by her childhood friend Sung-joon (Park Seo-jun), but Shin-hyuk sees past her appearance and likes her for who she is from the beginning. Plus, he’s super charming and goofy, never failing to make Hye-jin smile. Shin-hyuk loves Hye-jin just as she is and loves her freckles and frizzy hair to boot.
In Guk-doo | Strong Girl Bong-soon
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Do Bong-soon (Park Bo-young) crushes on In Guk-doo (Ji Soo) in Strong Girl Bong-soon for the longest time. Guk-doo is always concerned for Bong-soon and makes her safety a priority. Unfortunately, Guk-doo doesn’t express that he also has feelings for Bong-soon in time which leads Bong-soon to fall in love with Ahn Min-hyuk (Park Hyung-sik). Guk-doo is heartbroken at his missed timing, but he ends up having a cute bromance with Min-hyuk.
Which characters gave you the biggest case of second lead syndrome? Check out all of these shows, and more, on Netflix!
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kpopfcs · 4 years
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kpopfcs masterlist of man faceclaims …
following my recent inspiration to make a few masterlists, i welcome you to one which includes 150 man faceclaims between the ages of 30 to 39 at the time of making this post. all of these men are korean to not complicate anything, and it includes idols, actors, etc. i’m hoping this will encourage the rpc to step out of the comfort zone and explore the use of a wider range of faceclaims, especially those that are unknown and don’t work in western media. some may not have resources. please reblog this to spread the words, and like this if you found it useful! masterlist part 2 of many.
choi dae-hoon (1980) - actor
jo jung-suk (1980) - actor
ryoo seung-bum (1980) - actor
kim dae-myung (1980) - actor
jin goo (1980) - actor
yoon kyung-ho (1980) - actor
jo in-sung (1981) - actor
kim nam-gil (1981) - actor
kim ji-seok (1981) - actor
park hae-soo (1981) - actor
gang dong-won (1981) - actor
kim rae-won (1981) - actor
lee sang-yoon (1981) - actor
park hoon (1981) - actor
ji seung-hyun (1981) - actor
kim jae-won (1981) - actor
lee dong-wook (1981) - actor
jang seung-jo (1981) - actor
lee ki-woo (1981) - actor
lee jin-wook (1981) - actor
jung moon-sung (1981) - actor
kim ji-hoon (1981) - actor
hyun bin (1982) - actor
ha seok-jin (1982) - actor
eum moon-suk (1982) - actor
ju ji-hoon (1982) - actor
jung ji-hoon/rain (1982) - idol and actor
kwon yul (1982) - actor
lee si-eon (1982) - actor
jung gyu-woon (1982) - actor
lee joon-gi (1982) - actor
kim mu-yeol (1982) - actor
lim ju-hwan (1982) - actor
shin sung-rok (1982) - actor
yoo gun-woo (1983) - actor
bang sung-hoon (1983) - actor
jung kyung-ho (1983) - actor
kang ki-young (1983) - actor
kim hee-chul (1983) - idol, tv personality and actor
steven yeun (1983) - actor
kim jae-wook (1983) - actor
on joo-wan (1983) - actor
jo hyun-sik (1983) - actor
kim jun-han (1983) - actor
lee kyu-hyung (1983) - actor
lee hyun (1983) - singer
lee sang-yeob (1983) - actor
park hae-jin (1983) - actor
park jeong-su/leeteuk (1983) - idol, radio personality and actor
kim jong-woon/yesung (1984) - idol
lee je-hoon (1984) - actor
lee joon-hyuk (1984) - actor
yeon woo-jin (1984) - actor
jeon seok-ho (1984) - actor
ji hyun-woo (1984) - actor and musician
yoo yeon-seok (1984) - actor
song joong-ki (1985) - actor
lee dong-hwi (1985) - actor
song jae-rim (1985) - actor and model
lee kwang-soo (1985) - actor and tv personality
lee min-ki (1985) - actor
kim seo-kyung (1985) - actor
park ki-woong (1985) - actor
hyun woo (1985) - actor
lee hyun-jin (1985) - actor
park sung-hoon (1985) - actor
yoon sun-woo (1985) - actor
lee tae-sung (1985) - actor
yoon hyun-min (1985) - actor
shin dong-hee/shindong (1985) - idol, MC and radio personality
byun yo-han (1986) - actor
choi jin-hyuk (1986) - actor
min jin-woong (1986) - actor
ahn jae-hong (1986) - actor
choi si-won (1986) - idol and actor
choi sun-woong/choi woong (1986) - actor
joo woo-jae (1986) - model, DJ and actor
jung yun-ho/u-know yunho (1986) - idol and actor
kim jae-joong (1986) - idol and actor
kim seon-ho (1986) - actor
lee dong-hae (1986) - idol and actor
ki hong lee (1986) - actor
lee sung-hwa/gray (1986) - singer, rapper and record producer
ryu jun-yeol (1986) - actor
choi daniel (1986) - actor
yoo ah-in (1986) - actor
no min-woo (1986) - actor and musician
yoon shi-yoon (1986) - actor
lee hyuk-jae/eunhyuk (1986) - idol, MC
kim sung-gyu (1986) - actor
lee jang-woo (1986) - actor
kim jun-su/xia (1986) - idol and musical actor
lee min-ho (1987) - actor, singer, and model
ji chang-wook (1987) - actor and singer
ahn jae-hyun (1987) - model and actor
im seul-ong (1987) - singer and actor
jung il-woo (1987) - actor
ryu deok-hwan (1987) - actor
shin soo-hang (1987) - actor
kim ryeo-wook (1987) - idol, radio personality and musical actor
kim young-kwang (1987) - actor and model
kwak si-yang (1987) - actor
jang geun-suk (1987) - singer and actor
lee seung-gi (1987) - actor and singer
lee sung-bin/beenzino (1987) - soloist
moon jun-won/joo won (1987) - actor
seo in-guk (1987) - actor and singer
yoon kyun-sang (1987) - actor
yoon park (1987) - actor
kim soo-hyun (1988) - actor
cho kyu-hyun (1988) - idol, musical actor and tv host
jo won-jun/onejunn (1988) - idol
jung hae-in (1988) - actor
lee ji-hoon (1988) - actor
lee soo-hyuk (1988) - actor and model
eric nam (1988) - singer
ok taec-yeon (1988) - idol and actor
shim chang-min (1988) - idol an actor
kim jae-young (1988) - actor and model
yim si-wan (1988) - actor and ex-idol
kim min-jun/jun.k (1988) - idol, dancer and musical actor
lee changsun/lee joon (1988) - actor and singer
park seo-joon (1988) - actor
oh hee-joon (1988) - actor
ahn bo-hyun (1988) - actor
kim woo-bin (1989) - actor and model
lee yi-kyung (1989) - actor
lee jong-suk (1989) - actor and model
jo kwon (1989) - idol, MC, actor and entertainer
jang woo-young (1989) - idol and actor
kim sung-gyu (1989) - idol and actor
lee jin-ki/onew (1989) - idol and actor
baek sung-hyun (1989) - actor
kang bong-sung (1989) - actor
kim kyung-nam (1989) - actor
kim hae-sol/zion.t (1989) - soloist
kwon hyuk-woo/loco (1989) - soloist
kim sangbum/kim bum (1989) - singer and actor
kim dong-hyun (1989) - idol and actor
jung yong-hwa (1989) - idol and actor
lee hak-joo (1989) - actor
han hee-jun (1989) - singer and MC
yoon doo-joon (1989) - idol and actor
choi woo-sik (1990) - actor
kang ha-neul (1990) - actor
kim jung-hyun (1990) - actor
kim min-suk (1990) - actor
hong jong-hyun (1990) - actor
lee hong-ki (1990) - idol and actor
bang yong-guk (1990) - soloist
42 notes · View notes
Chanhyuk (AKMU) - 1st Marine Div.
Minho (SHINee) - 1st Marine Div.
Yoon Si Yoon - 2nd Marine Div.
Kim Soo Hyun - 1st Inf. Div./Special forces
Lee Hyun Woo - 1st Inf. Div./Special forces
Minhyuk (CNBLUE) - 1st Inf. Div.
Jonghyun (former CNBLUE) - 2nd Inf. Div.
Jun.K (2PM) - 2nd Inf. Div./Military band
Onew (SHINee) - 2nd Inf. Div.
Sung Joon - 2nd Inf. Div.
G-Dragon (BIGBANG) - 3rd Inf. Div.
Joo Won - 3rd Inf. Div.
Chansung (2PM) - 5th Inf. Div.
Rain - 5th Inf. Div.
Dong Ha - 5th Inf. Div.
Lee Jang Woo - 5th Inf. Div.
So Soo Bin - 5th Inf. Div.
Dongwoo (INFINITE) - 6th Inf. Div.
Gong Yoo - 6th Inf. Div.
Beenzino - 6th Inf. Div.
Swings - 6th Inf. Div.
Code Kunst - 6th Inf. Div.
G.Soul - 6th Inf. Div. 
Yoon Jisung (former Wanna One) - 7th Inf. Div.
Won Bin - 7th Inf. Div.
Nucksal - 7th Inf. Div.
Samuel Seo - 7th Inf. Div.
Peakboy - 7th Inf. Div.
SE7EN - 8th Mech. Inf. Div.
Kangta - 8th Mech. Inf. Div. 
Taecyeon (2PM) - 9th Inf. Div.
Jokwon (2AM) - 11th Mech. Inf. Div./Military band 
Doojoon (Highlight) - 12th Inf. Div.
Leeteuk (Super Junior) - 12th Inf. Div.
Seungho (MBLAQ) - 12th Inf. Div./Military band
Do Ji Han - 12th Inf. Div.
Huh Gak - 12th Inf. Div.
Eunhyuk (Super Junior) -15th Inf. Div./Military band
Yonghwa (CNBLUE) - 15th Inf. Div./Special forces
Taeil (Block B) - 15th Inf. Div.
Jang Hyuk - 15th Inf. Div.
Sungmin (Super Junior) - 17th Inf. Div.
DJ Tukutz (Epik High) - 17th Inf. Div.
Ja Mezz - 20th Mech. Inf. Div.
Ryu Deok Hwan - 20th Mech. Inf. Div.
Xiumin (EXO) - 21st Inf. Div./Special forces
Wooyoung (2PM) - 21st Inf. Div.
Mithra Jin (Epik High) - 21st Inf. Div.
Sunggyu (INFINITE) - 22nd Inf. Div.
Song Joong Ki - 22nd Inf. Div./Special forces
Bernard Park - 22nd Inf. Div.
Hyunseung (former Highlight) - 23rd Inf. Div.
Go Kyung Pyo - 23rd Inf. Div.
Siwan (ZE:A) - 25th Inf. Div.
Hweseung (N.Flying) - 25th Inf. Div.
Lee Chan Won - 25th Inf. Div. 
Daesung (BIGBANG) - 27th Inf. Div.
Yoo Seungho - 27th Inf. Div.
Cho Yoon Woo - 27th Inf. Div.
Eunkwang (BTOB) - 27th Inf. Div./Military band
CNU (B1A4) - 27th Inf. Div.
U-Kwon Yunho (TVXQ!) - 26th Mech. Inf. Div. 
Paloalto - 28th Inf. Div.
Sleepy - 28th Inf. Div.
Hyunjoong (SS501) - 30th Mech. Inf. Div.
So Ji Sub - 30th Mech. Inf. Div.   
D.O (EXO) - Capital Mechanized Infantry Division
Jungshin (CNBLUE) - 32nd Homeland Defense Inf. Div.
Lee Hyuk - 32nd Homeland Defense Inf. Div.
Owen Ovadoz - 32nd Homeland Defense Inf. Div.
Kim Kyu Jong (SS501) - 35th Homeland Defense Inf. Div.   
HaHa - 36th Homeland Defense Inf. Div.   
Ryeowook (Super Junior) - 37th Homeland Defense Inf. Div./Military band 
Sungyeol (INFINITE) - 37th Homeland Defense Inf. Div.
Park Ji Bin - 37th Homeland Defense Inf. Div.
Do Sang Woo - 37th Homeland Defense Inf. Div.
Jang Dong Yoon - 51st Homeland Defense Inf. Div.
PSY - 52nd Homeland Defense Inf. Div.
Yoo Jae Suk - 52nd Homeland Defense Inf. Div.
No Min Woo - 52nd Homeland Defense Inf. Div.
Jaejoong (JYJ) - 55th Homeland Defense Inf. Div./Military band
Shindong (Super Junior) - 55th Homeland Defense Inf. Div./Military band .
Roh Hong Chul - 55th Homeland Defense Inf. Div.
Lee Ji Hoon - 56th Homeland Defense Inf. Div.   
Kangin (former Super Junior) - 57th Homeland Defense Inf. Div. 
Cha Seung Won - 73rd Reserve Inf. Div.
Lee Seung Gi -  The 13th Special Missions Brigade (Special Forces)
Don Mills - 2nd Artillery Brigade  
Taeyang (BIGBANG) - 5th Artillery Brigade
Ji Chan Wook - 5th Artillery Brigade
DinDin - 5th Artillery Brigade 
Lee Seo Won - The 3rd Logistic Support Brigade
Baek Sung Hyun - Korean Coast Guard
Kim Min Suk - Korea Combat Training Center
Wheesung - Korea Army Training Center
N (VIXX) - Korea Military Academy
Yeon Woo Jin - MND Service Support Corps  
Kwanghee (ZE:A) - MND Service Support Corps
Changsub (BTOB) - MND Service Support Corps 
Key (SHINee) - MND Service Support Corps
Junsu (JYJ)
Donghae (Super Junior)
Siwon (Super Junior)
Changmin (TVXQ!)
Hyungjun (SS501)
Yoseob (Highlight)
Gikwang (Highlight)
Dongwoon (Highlight)
Hyungsik (ZE:A)
Minhyuk (BTOB)
Kang Ha Neul
Park Seo Joon
Seulong (2AM)
Yoochun (former JYJ)
Kyuhyun (Super Junior)
Yesung (Super Junior)
Heechul (Super Junior)
Jaehyo (Block B)
B-Bomb (Block B)
Jungmin (SS501)
Lee Joon (former MBLAQ)
Jang Geun Suk
Lee Jong Suk
Jung Il Woo
Lee Min Ho
Lee Soo Hyuk
Ahn Jae Hyun
Changmin (2AM)
Ryu Jun Yeol
Jung Hae In
DPR Live
The Quiett
8 notes · View notes
twins2994 · 4 years
2020 Korean Baseball Organization Preview
The Korean Baseball Organization will start their 2020 season tomorrow and I wanted to take a closer look at the league. ESPN has reached an agreement with the league to broadcast one KBO game a day starting on May 5th. It’s the first sporting events we have seen since March 12th when major sports leagues and college sports announce the postponement and cancellation of games. Here’s a preview of the 2020 KBO season. 
Doosan Bears (88-55-1) (2019 Korean Series Champions)
The defending champion Doosan Bears will be without their best pitcher from last season. Former Major Leaguer Josh Linblom went (20-3) with a 2.50 ERA last season. The Brewers signed him to a three-year deal. Right-handed starter Young-ha Lee will be back after posting a (17-4) record with a 3.64 ERA to lead the Bears. Former big leaguers Raul Alcantara and Chris Flexen will try to guide the pitching staff to repeat. Lee Hyung-Bum and Ham Deok-Joo shared closing duties last season. First basemen Jae-Il Oh led the team with 21 homers and 102 RBI’s in 2019. Jose Miguel Fernandez added fifteen homers last year as well. 
Hanwha Eagles (58-86) Ninth Place
The Hanwha Eagles have a pair of former Detroit Tigers added to the pitching staff with Chad Bell and Warwick Saupold. That duo each won eleven or more games and led the starting staff. Chung Woo-Ram had 26 saves to lead the bullpen. Former Rangers Jared Hoying was second on the team with eighteen home runs. Lee Seong-Yoel had twenty-one homers to lead the Eagles. 
Kia Tigers (62-80) Seventh Place
Aaron Brooks and Drew Gagnon head out to the KBO to try to turn around the Kia Tigers starting rotation. Joe Wieland and Jacob Turner had okay years for the Tigers, but they weren’t retained for the 2020 season. Lefty Yang Hyeon-Jong led the league with a 2.29 ERA. Former Major League outfielder Preston Tucker is back for his season season in Korea. He hit nine homers with 50 RBI’s in 2019. 
KT Wiz (71-71-2) Sixth Place
The KT Wiz have Odrisamer Despaigne and William Cuevas to head the starting rotation for this season. Cuevas went (13-10) with a 3.62 ERA in 2019 for the Wiz. Rhee Dae-Eun led the bullpen with seveteen saves last year. Mel Rojas Jr. returns to the outfielder for the Wiz, where he hit twenty-four homers and drove in 104 runs. 
LG Twins (79-64-1) Fourth Place 
The LG Twins would be a popular team for Minnesota Twins fans because of their name. In college, one of my classmates was from Korea and his favorite team was the LG Twins. Casey Kelley and Tyler Wilson head the rotation. Former Major Leaguer Hyun-Soo Kim is on the Twins, where he hit eleven homers and drove in 82 runs. 
Lotte Giants (48-94) Tenth Place
The Lotte Giants won only 48 games last season and were the worst team in the league. Dan Straily and Adrian Sampson come in to bolster the starting rotation, which had a 4.83 ERA as a team last year. Former Mariner Dae-Ho Lee has returned to Korea. He hit sixteen homers and drove in 88 runs in 2019. Former Tiger Dixon Machado will play for the Giants this year. 
NC Dinos (73-69-2) Fifth Place
Former Twin Drew Rucinski had a solid year for the Dinos. He went (9-9) with a 3.05 ERA in 2019. Former Oriole Mike Wright will join him in the starting rotation. Outfielder Aaron Altherr has joined the Dinos for his first season of KBO baseball. The once promising prospect has a chance to make a splash this season. Jeong-Hyeon Won led the bullpen with 31 saves. 
Nexen Heroes (86-57-1) Third Place (2019 Runners Up)
The Nexen Heroes were led by Byung-Ho Park with 33 homers to lead the KBO. Park is a five-time home run king and former Minnesota Twin. The team did lose former Dodger Jerry Sands, who had 113 RBI’s to lead the league. He signed with the Hanshin Tigers of the NPB. Jake Brigham and Eric Jokisch return after winning thirteen games last season apiece. Choo Sang-Woo and Oh Jae-Young shared the closing duties for the Heroes last year. 
Samsung Lions (60-83-1) Eighth Place
David Buchanan joins the Lions alongside Ben Lively. Lively posted a (4-4) record with a 3.95 ERA in nine starts last year. Tyler Saladino will play in Korea after playing with the White Sox and Brewers for parts of five seasons. Darin Ruf led the Lions with twenty-two homers last year, but he was invited to camp with the San Francisco Giants. He was having a great spring until the season was put on hiatus. 
SK Wyverns (88-55-1) Second Place
Ricardo Pinto and Nick Kingham help join the Wyverns for their first season in Korea. Jamie Romak had twenty-nine homers with 95 RBI’s in his third season int he KBO. Joeng Choi also added twenty-nine homers and the Wyverns finished second in the league, but lost in the playoffs to the Nexen Heroes. Ha Jae-Hoon led the team with thirty-six saves on the year. 
The Korean Baseball Organization has produced current players like Shin-Soo Choo, Ji-Man Choi, and Hyun Jin-Ryu. Players like Byung-Ho Park, Hyun-Soo Kim, Sueng-Hwan Oh, and Dae-Ho Lee have tried Major League Baseball and returned to the KBO. ESPN will stream one game a day and has the schedule out for the first week of the season (see below). It will no doubt be interesting to watch games without fans, high fives, or even spitting. I’m excited to finally have baseball back on the air and look forward to producing more content. 
May 5: NC Dinos vs. Samsung Lions (12 AM CST)
May 6: Doosan Bears vs. LG Twins (4:30 AM CST)
May 7: NC Dinos vs. Samsung Lions (4:30 AM CST)
May 8: Kia Tigers Vs. Samsung Lions (4:30 AM CST)
May 9: LG Twins Vs. NC Dinos (3:00 AM CST)
May 10: LG Twins Vs. NC Dinos (12 AM CST)
-Chris Kreibich-
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kpopbios2 · 5 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Country: South Korea, China
Agency: SM Entertainment
Number of Members:
NC1T U:  10 (Members Change So Far only have participated)
NCT 127: 10
NCT Dream: 6
NCT 2018: 18
NCT WayV: 7
Total: 21 members
NCT U Date of Debut: April 9, 2016
NCT 127 Date of Debut: July 7, 2016
NCT Dream Date of Debut: August 23, 2016
NCT 2018 Date of Debut:  March 14, 2018
NCT WayV Date of Debut: January 17, 2019  
Average Age NCT U of Debut: 19.2
Average Age NCT 127 of Debut: 18.7
Average Age NCT Dream of Debut: 15.6
Average Age NCT 2018 of Debut: 19.7
Average Age WayV of Debut: 20.1
Subgroup Identification
NCT stands for Neo Culture Technology and is a band consisting on Infinite members with members moving around in the subunits and with different subunits all around the world, some stationed in cities. 
NCT U - was the first sub-unit to debut and is meant to be a rotation showcase group.  Sometimes it features two members and sometimes its a group.  
NCT 127 - is the a a sub group based in Seoul.  It is the first sub-unit of the type.  (I believe it is not supposed to be rotational)
NCT Dream - consists of the youngest members of NCT.  For this group, it is 19 & Under.  Once you turn 19, you graduate from the Sub-unit..  
NCT 2018 - Is a project group of every NCT member that has been active since debut.  (Like a yearbook)  
NCT WayV - is a Sub Unit under the China Exclusive label Label V.  Like NCT 127 is the sub-unit for Seoul.  
Current Members
Lee Tae Yong
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Also Known as: Taeyong
Nationality: Korean
Year Born: July 1, 1995
Zodiac: Cancer
Chinese Zodiac: Pig
Position: Leader, Rapper, Dancer, Vocalist, Center/Face of the Group, Visual
Sub Unit: NCT U, NCT 127, NCT 2018
Moon Taeil
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Also Known as: Taeil  
Nationality: Korean
Year Born: June 14, 1994
Zodiac: Gemini
Chinese Zodiac: Dog
Position: Vocalist
Sub Unit: NCT U, NCT 127, NCT 2018
Seo Young Ho
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Also Known as: Johnny  
Nationality: Korean American
Year Born: February 9, 1995
Zodiac: Aquarius
Chinese Zodiac: Pig
Position: Rapper, Dancer, Vocalist
Sub Unit: NCT 127, NCT 2018
Nakamoto Yuta
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Also Known as: Yuta, Joong Yoo tae
Nationality: Japanese
Year Born: October 26, 1995
Zodiac: Scorpio
Chinese Zodiac: Pig
Position: Vocalist, Rapper, Dancer
Sub Unit: NCT 127, NCT 2018   
Qian Kun
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Also Known as: Kun, Jeon Gon
Nationality: Chinese
Year Born: January 1, 1996
Zodiac: Capricorn
Chinese Zodiac: Rat
Position: Vocalist
Sub Unit: NCT U, WayV, NCT 2018
Kim Dong Young
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Also Known as: Doyoung
Nationality: Korean
Year Born: February 1, 1996
Zodiac: Aquarius
Chinese Zodiac: Rat
Position: Vocalist
Sub Unit: NCT U, NCT 127, NCT 2018  
Chittaphon Leechaiyapornkul
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Also Known as: Ten, Lee young Heum, Li Yong Qin
Nationality: Chinese - Thai (He is Chinese by his Nationality is Thai)
Year Born: February 27, 1996
Zodiac: Pisces
Chinese Zodiac: Rat  
Position: Dancer, Rapper, Vocalist
Sub Unit: NCT U, WayV, NCT 2018
Jung Yoon Oh
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Also Known as: Jaehyun, Jung Jae Hyun (Birth Name but changed his name Legally)  
Nationality: Korean
Year Born: February 14, 1997
Zodiac: Aquarius
Chinese Zodiac: Ox
Position: Vocalist, Dancer, Rapper
Sub Unit: NCT U, NCT 127, NCT 2018
Dong Si Cheng
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Also Known as: Winwin, Dong Sa Sung
Nationality: Chinese
Year Born: October 28, 1997
Zodiac: Scorpio
Chinese Zodiac: Ox
Position: Dancer, Vocalist
Sub Unit: NCT U, NCT 127, WayV, NCT 2018
Kim Jung-Woo
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Also Known as: Jungwoo, Jin Ting You  
Nationality: Korean
Year Born: February 19, 1998
Zodiac: Pisces
Chinese Zodiac: Tiger
Position: Vocalist, Dancer
Sub Unit: NCT U, NCT 127, NCT 2018  
Huang Xuxi / Wong Yuk-hei
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Also Known as: Lucas, Hwang Wook-Hee
Nationality: Chinese
Year Born: January 25, 1999
Zodiac: Aquarius
Chinese Zodiac: Hare
Position: Rapper, Vocalist, Dancer
Sub Unit: NCT U, WayV, NCT 2018
Mark Lee
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Also Known as: Mark, Lee Min Hyung
Nationality: Korean Canadian
Year Born: August 2, 1999
Zodiac: Leo
Chinese Zodiac: Hare
Position: Rapper, Vocalist
Sub Unit: NCT U, NCT 127, NCT Dream (Graduated), NCT 2018
Xiao Dejun
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Also Known as: Xiao Jun, So Deok Jun
Nationality: Chinese  
Year Born: August 8, 1999
Zodiac: Leo
Chinese Zodiac: Hare
Position: Main Vocalist, Rapper
Sub Unit: WayV
Won Kunhang / Huang Guanheng
Tumblr media
Also Known as: Hendery, Hwang Kwan Hyung
Nationality: Chinese
Year Born: September 28, 1999
Zodiac: Libra
Chinese Zodiac: Hare
Position: Lead Dancer, Rapper, Vocalist, Visual
Sub Unit: WayV
Huang Ren Jun
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Also Known as: Renjun
Nationality: Chinese
Year Born: March 23, 2000
Zodiac: Aries
Chinese Zodiac: Dragon
Position: Vocalist
Sub Unit: NCT Dream, NCT 2018
Lee Je No
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Also Known as: Jeno  
Nationality: Korean
Year Born: April 23, 2000
Zodiac: Taurus
Chinese Zodiac: Dragon
Position: Dancer, Vocalist, Rapper
Sub Unit: NCT Dream, NCT 2018  
Lee Dong Hyuk
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Also Known as: Haechan
Nationality: Korean
Year Born: June 6, 2000
Zodiac: Gemini
Chinese Zodiac: Dragon
Position: Vocalist, Dancer
Sub Unit: NCT 127, NCT Dream
Na Jae Min
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Also Known as: Jaemin  
Nationality: Korean
Year Born: August 13, 2000
Zodiac: Leo
Chinese Zodiac: Dragon
Position: Rapper, Dancer, Vocalist
Sub Unit: NCT Dream
Liu YangYang
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Also Known as: YangYang, Ryu YangYang
Nationality: Chinese-German
Year Born: October 10, 2000
Zodiac: Libra
Chinese Zodiac: Dragon
Position: Main Rapper, Vocalist, Youngest
Sub Unit: WayV 
Zhong Chen Le
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Also Known as: Chenle, Jong Jin Rak
Nationality: Chinese
Year Born: November 22, 2001
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Chinese Zodiac: Snake
Position: Vocalist
Sub Unit: NCT Dream
Park Ji Sung
Tumblr media
Also Known as: Jisung
Nationality: Korean
Year Born: February 5, 2002
Zodiac: Aquarius
Chinese Zodiac: Horse
Position: Dancer, Vocalist, Rapper, Maknae
Sub Unit: NCT Dream
South Korea
Studio Album
NCT 2018 Empathy
NCT 127
South Korea
Studio Album
NCT #127
Cherry Bomb
NCT Dream
South Korea
Single Albums
The First
We Young
We Go Up
The Vision
Singles to Hit Number 1
NCT 127
South Korea
Simon Says
Number of Awards Nominated: 26
Number of Awards Won: 59
Music Show Awards: 9
Music Bank - 1 (NCT 127)
M Countdown - 2 (NCT 127)
The Show - 6 (NCT Dream, NCT 127)
Video of their Debut:
NCT U - the 7th Sense
NCT 127 - Fire Truck
NCT Dream - Chewing Gum
NCT 2018 - Black On Black
NCT WayV - Regular
NCT is a mix of sub groups.  Different groups, different genres. All structured under one group so that numbers can move fluidly throughout the subunits and that there is unlimited amount of numbers.  
Also I know some information on the subunits and what they do, but if any hard core NCT fans know that I got some information wrong with how the Subunits are supposed to work, please let me know.  
I also know that NCT 2018 is meant to be a project group of that year, sort of like a Yearbook, but they still released an Album and a single.    
I can only put Five Videos up on a single post, so only their debut songs are currently here.  
Some information & Facts:
Youtube Links
The 7th Sense - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3UGMDJ9kZCA
Fire Truck - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_psXn_VJ_AE
Chewing Gum - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwmvF5ffmhg
Black on Black - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CYH4F1KCw8
Regular - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FG0nTVU3fRM
Bio Masterlist
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Tumblr media Tumblr media
Título Original: Train to Busan 2 : Peninsula
Año: 2020
Duración: 114 min
País: Corea del Sur 
Director: Yeon Sang-ho
Guion: Yeon Sang-ho, Ryu Yong-jae
Música: Young-gyu Jang
Fotografía: Lee Hyung-deok
Reparto: Gang Dong-won, Lee Jung-hyun, Lee Re, Kwon Hae-hyo, Kim Min-jae, Gyo-Hwan Koo, Kim Do-yoon, Lee Ye-won
Productora: Next Entertainment World, Blumhouse Productions, RedPeter Film
Género: Action, Horror, Thriller
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idolskpop · 1 year
‘Moving’ Episode 18: Jo In Sung and Han Hyo Joo’s Past Revealed
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The hit Disney+ series ‘Moving’ is nearing its end, and the latest episode revealed the backstory of the main characters played by Jo In Sung and Han Hyo Joo. The show is based on the webtoon by Kang Full, and tells the story of three high school students who inherited superpowers from their parents, who are former secret agents.
‘Moving’: The Secret Mission That Changed Everything
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(Photo : Disney+) In episode 18, viewers learned more about the secret mission that Kim Doo Shik (Jo In Sung) and Lee Mi Hyun (Han Hyo Joo) were involved in years ago, when they were still working for the National Intelligence Service (NIS). Doo Shik, who has the ability to fly, was assigned to assassinate the North Korean leader as his last task before retiring from the NIS. Mi Hyun, who has enhanced senses, was his partner and intelligence analyst. However, things went wrong when Doo Shik encountered a team of North Korean soldiers guarding the leader’s office. He managed to take them down, but not before one of them, Kim Deok Yoon (Kim Sung Oh), recognized him as Kim Doo Shik, a former North Korean defector. Deok Yoon begged Doo Shik not to kill the leader, but Doo Shik had no choice but to follow his orders. The assassination triggered a series of events that led to the current conflict between the NIS and the North Korean agents. Deok Yoon survived the attack, but lost his comrades and his position. He was spared by the North Korean government, but only on the condition that he would stop the South Korean plan to create a new breed of superpowered agents. He also vowed to avenge his leader and his friends by killing Doo Shik.
The Connection Between Doo Shik and Deok Yoon
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(Photo : Disney+ Korea) The episode also revealed that Doo Shik and Deok Yoon have a deeper connection than they thought. They were both part of a secret experiment conducted by the NIS and the CIA to enhance human abilities using a mysterious substance called LK-99. The experiment was led by Mr. Min (Lee Kyung Young), Doo Shik’s mentor and handler in the NIS.
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(Photo : Disney+ Korea) Doo Shik was one of the first subjects of the experiment, along with Frank (Ryoo Seung Bum), an American-raised assassin who also has healing powers. They were injected with LK-99, which gave them their abilities, but also caused them side effects such as memory loss and emotional instability.
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(Photo : Disney+ Korea) Deok Yoon was also exposed to LK-99, but in a different way. He was one of the North Korean soldiers who captured Doo Shik when he tried to defect from North Korea as a teenager. During the interrogation, Doo Shik’s blood spilled on Deok Yoon’s wound, transferring some of his power to him. Deok Yoon developed super strength and speed, but also suffered from headaches and nightmares.
The Final Battle Begins
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(Photo : Disney+ Korea) The episode ended with a cliffhanger, as Deok Yoon unleashed his secret weapon: a mysterious man with extreme powers who can manipulate matter and energy. He attacked Lee Mi Hyun and Jang Ju Won (Ryu Seung Ryong), who were at the school for a meeting with Choi Il Hwan (Kim Young Jae), the NIS agent who is in charge of finding and protecting the gifted individuals. Meanwhile, Kim Bong Seok (Lee Jung Ha) and Jang Hui Soo (Go Youn Jung), the children of Doo Shik and Mi Hyun, and Ju Won respectively, faced off against Jung Joon Hwa (Kim Min Jae), another North Korean agent who can fly. Joon Hwa was sent by Deok Yoon to capture Bong Seok and Hui Soo, who also have flying abilities and enhanced senses. Will Mi Hyun and Ju Won survive the attack? Will Bong Seok and Hui Soo escape from Joon Hwa? Will Doo Shik be able to confront Deok Yoon and end their feud? Fans will have to wait for the next episodes to find out. ‘Moving’ is streaming on Disney+, with new episodes every Monday.
Netizens React
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(Photo : Disney+ Korea) The episode received mixed reactions from netizens, who commented on various online platforms. Some praised the acting skills of Jo In Sung and Han Hyo Joo, while others criticized the plot holes and inconsistencies in the story. Here are some of their comments: “Jo In Sung is amazing as always. He can portray any character with such depth and emotion. Han Hyo Joo is also very good as his partner. They have great chemistry.” “I’m confused about the timeline of this show. How old are Doo Shik and Mi Hyun supposed to be? How long ago was the assassination? How did they get married and have a son? How did they escape from the NIS?” “This show is getting more ridiculous by the episode. How can a man with superpowers just walk into the school and attack people? Where are the security guards? Where are the other students and teachers? Where are the police?” “I’m enjoying this show for what it is: a fun and thrilling action drama with a touch of fantasy. I don’t care about the logic or the realism. I just want to see the actors do their best and entertain me.” Subscribe to IDOLS KPOP for exclusive updates and captivating content. Read the full article
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koreanfilminsight · 4 years
Welcome To Dongmakgol // 웰콤 투 동막골 (2005) Directed by Park Kwang-hyun//박광현
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1950, in the midst of the fiercest war...There was the most glorious moment!
November 1950, when the Korean War was in full swing... Dongmakgol is a village located in the cliffs of Hambaeksan Mountain along the Taebaek Mountain Range. A P-47d U.S. fighter jet that crashed here. Inside the crashed fighter was Smith, a bizarre soldier. Yeo Il, who lives in Dongmakgol, was on her way to witness the scene and deliver the news, when she ran into soldiers of the People's Army, lead by Li Su-hwa, and brought them to Dongmakgol. Just then, Pyo Sang-cheol and Moon Sang-sang, of the South Korean military, who got lost from their unit, happen to visit the house of the Chief of Dongmakgol. There the People's Army, and the Allied forces gather in Dongmakgol where tensions are extremely high.
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the8skermit · 4 years
A random post because this man is a flower
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Lee sun woo being a stressed flower
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Lee sun woo being a stressed yet concerned flower
Pls help, he smol
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asia1one · 5 years
دانلود سریال کره ای جادوگر خوب Good Witch با زیرنویس فارسی
♦ دانلود سریال کره ای جادوگر خوب Good Witch ♦ ♦ پخش آنلاین , دانلود موسیقی متن و زیرنویس فارسی تا قسمت آخر ♦
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♦ دانلود سریال کره ای Good Witch ♦
♦ مشخصات سریال کره ای جادوگر خوب ♦ عنوان: جادوگر خوب / Good Witch عنوان کره ای: 착한마녀전 ژانر: خانوادگی / درام کارگردان: Oh Se-Gang نویسنده: Yoon Young-Mi شبکه پخش: SBS تعداد قسمت ها: 40 وضعیت : به پایان رسیده جایگزین:سریال کره ای مادر مخفی تاریخ شروع پخش: 3 مارچ 2018 کیفیت: متوسط 540p / عالی 720p حجم هر قسمت: 200 مگابایت / 400 مگابایت ♦ خلاصه داستان ♦   چا سان هی همسر بونگ چئون دائه یک زن خانه داره. شوهرش درحال حاضر بیکاره. او یک خواهر دقلو داره بنام چا دو هی که مهماندار هواپیماست. با اینکه اینها دوقلو هستن ولی شخصیت های کاملا متضاد دارند.. ♦ بازیگران سریال کره ای Good Witch ♦
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Lee Da-Hae Lee Da-Hae Ryu Soo-Young An Woo-Yeon Hye Jeong Cha Sun-Hee Cha Do-Hee Song Woo-Jin Oh Tae-Yang Joo Ye-Bin
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Bae Soo-Bin Ahn Sol-Bin Geum Bo-Ra Yang Geum-Seok Lee Han-Seo Bong Cheon-Dae Bong Cheon-Ji Byeon Ok-Jung Lee Moon-Sook Bong Cho-Rong
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Moon Hee-Kyung Yoon Se-Ah Shim Hyung-Tak Lee Deok-Hwa Choi Joon-Yong Kim Gong-Joo Oh Tae-Ri Chae Kang-Min Oh Pyeong-Pan Gong Hyun ♦ لیست موسیقی متن های سریال Good Witch ♦ Part 1 01. Kim Ji Young (김지영) - Be Happy 02. Kim Ji Young (김지영) - Be Happy (Inst.) Part 2 01. Jung Chang Hoon (정창훈) - Sweetie 02. Jung Chang Hoon (정창훈) - Sweetie (Inst.) Part 3 01. Jo Hang Jo (조항조) - My Brother Plays (오빠가 뛴다) 02. Jo Hang Jo (조항조) - My Brother Plays (오빠가 뛴다) (Inst.) Part 4 01. Jung Chang Hoon (정창훈) - No More Tears 02. Jung Chang Hoon (정창훈) - No More Tears (Inst.) Part 5 01. Park Jin Joo (박진주) - Be Happy (Brass Rock Ver.) 02. Park Jin Joo (박진주) - Be Happy (Brass Rock Ver.) (Inst.) Part 6 01. Messgram (메스그램) - Go For It 02. Messgram (메스그램) - Be Happy Part 7 01. Eun Jong (은종) of Acoustea (어쿠스티) - The Wind Blows (바람이 분다) 02. Jo Jin Ho (조진호) - Love Again Part 8 01. Shim Shin (심신) - Always 02. Shim Shin (심신) - Always (Inst.) Part 9 01. Kim Ji Young (김지영) of Messgram (메스그램) - Sweetie 02. Kim Ji Young (김지영) of Messgram (메스그램) - Go For It 03. Kim Ji Young (김지영) of Messgram (메스그램) - Sweetie (Inst.) 04. Kim Ji Young (김지영) of Messgram (메스그램) - Go For It (Inst.) Various Artists 01. Kim Ji Young (김지영) of Messgram (메스그램) - Be Happy (Original Version) 02. Jung Chang Hoon (정창훈) - Sweetie (Original Version) 03. Jo Hang Jo (조항조) - Oppa Is Running (오빠가 뛴다) 04. Jung Chang Hoon (정창훈) - No More Tears 05. Park Jin Joo (박진주) - Be Happy (Brass Rock Ver.) 06. Eun Jong (은종) of Acoustea (어쿠스티) - The Wind Blows (바람이 분다) 07. Jo Jin Ho (조진호) - Love Again 08. Shim Shin (심신) - Always 09. Kim Ji Young (김지영) of Messgram (메스그램) - Go For It (Original Version) 10. Kim Ji Young (김지영) of Messgram (메스그램) - Sweetie (Female Version) 11. Messgram (메스그램) - Be Happy 12. Messgram (메스그램) - Go For It 13. Various Artists - Main Theme (Be Happy) 14. Various Artists - Spring Waltz 15. Various Artists - Go For It (Lyrical Ver.) 16. Various Artists - Dubai Dance 17. Various Artists - Wicked Witch 18. Various Artists - Sympathy 19. Various Artists - Cute Witch 20. Various Artists - A Witch Trial 21. Various Artists - Funky Witch 22. Various Artists - Jeopardy (Tension) 23. Various Artists - Despair and Anger 24. Various Artists - Dubai (apatheia) 25. Various Artists - Some 26. Various Artists - Angry Witch 27. Various Artists - No More Tears (Bright Ver.) 28. Various Artists - Pleasant Samba 29. Various Artists - Fly High 30. Various Artists - The Wind Blows (바람이 분다) (Acoustic Ver.) 31. Various Artists - Yearning (그리움) 32. Various Artists - Brightness (밝음) 33. Various Artists - Desolation (쓸쓸함) 34. Various Artists - Main Theme (Lyrical Ver.) ♦ ریتیگ سریال Good Witch ♦ Date Episode TNmS AGB Nationwide Seoul Nationwide Seoul 2018-03-03 1 7.6% (16th) 8.8% 9.2% (10th) 10.4% (7th) 2018-03-03 2 9.5% (9th) 10.0% 10.8% (5th) 11.3% (4th) 2018-03-03 3 9.9% (8th) 10.5% 11.0% (4th) 11.6% (3rd) 2018-03-03 4 11.1% (6th) 12.0% 11.7% (3rd) 12.6% (2nd) 2018-03-10 5 7.0% (18th) 7.3% 7.4% (15th) 7.7% (13th) 2018-03-10 6 7.7% (14th) 7.8% 8.3% (10th) 8.4% (8th) 2018-03-10 7 7.1% (16th) 7.4% 8.0% (11th) 8.3% (11th) 2018-03-10 8 8.2% (12th) 8.5% 8.6% (9th) 9.0% (7th) 2018-03-17 9 5.9% (19th) 6.6% 6.0% (18th) 6.7% (13th) 2018-03-17 10 7.4% (11th) 7.9% 7.7% (9th) 8.2% (8th) 2018-03-17 11 7.1% (15th) 7.3% 7.4% (11th) 7.7% (11th) 2018-03-17 12 7.2% (14th) 7.8% 8.3% (8th) 8.9% (7th) 2018-03-24 13 NR 6.3% NR 7.2% (15th) 2018-03-24 14 6.6% (17th) 7.2% 7.0% (12th) 7.6% (12th) 2018-03-24 15 6.8% (13th) 8.0% 6.9% (14th) 8.1% (9th) 2018-03-24 16 6.8% (13th) 7.5% 7.8% (9th) 8.6% (7th) 2018-03-31 17 NR 4.7% NR NR 2018-03-31 18 NR 7.1% 6.6% (16th) 7.6 (11th) 2018-03-31 19 6.1% (19th) 6.8% 6.2% (19th) 6.9% (12th) 2018-03-31 20 6.7% (14th) 7.3% 8.0% (8th) 8.6% (5th) 2018-04-07 21 6.9% (19th) 7.4% NR 6.8% (17th) 2018-04-07 22 8.4% (10th) 8.7% 7.8% (12th) 8.1% (10th) 2018-04-07 23 8.0% (12th) 8.2% 8.3% (8th) 8.6% (7th) 2018-04-07 24 8.1% (11th) 8.5% 8.8% (5th) 9.4% (6th) 2018-04-14 25 NR 6.7% NR NR 2018-04-14 26 7.3% (15th) 7.4% 6.9% (16th) 6.9% (13th) 2018-04-14 27 7.0% (18th) 7.2% 7.0% (14th) 7.1% (12th) 2018-04-14 28 7.3% (15th) 7.9% 8.2% (7th) 8.8% (6th) 2018-04-21 29 NR 6.1% NR 6.2% (18th) 2018-04-21 30 7.1% (11th) 7.8% 7.1% (13th 7.7% (11th) 2018-04-21 31 6.7% (13th) 7.9% 7.1% (13th) 7.4% (12th) 2018-04-21 32 8.0% (9th) 8.8% 8.1% (11th) 8.7% (8th) 2018-04-28 33 NR 6.7% 6.8% (15th) 7.2% (11th) 2018-04-28 34 7.9% (12th) 8.1% 7.9% (9th) 8.0% (9th) 2018-04-28 35 7.8% (13th) 8.3% 8.5% (8th) 9.0% (7th) 2018-04-28 36 8.5% (8th) 9.4% 10.1% (5th) 10.9% (5th) 2018-05-05 37 NR - 5.7% (19th) 6.1% (17th) 2018-05-05 38 7.8% (13th) - 7.2% (12th) 7.1% (12th) 2018-05-05 39 7.3% (15th) - 7.4% (10th) 7.4% (8th) 2018-05-05 40 8.7% (10th) - 8.9% (6th) 8.9% (6th) Read the full article
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malaysiankpopfans · 4 years
Sometimes you can’t stand them, but you can’t live without them!
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Families are often an important part of many K-dramas. One of the most fun and heart-warming family dynamics featured are between siblings. Siblings know exactly how to get under each other’s skin, but they would also do anything for their sibling out of love. While there are dramas with antagonistic sibling relationships, here are some warmer sibling relationships that’ll remind you to appreciate your siblings or sibling-like people in your life.
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The once inseparable sisters of Start-Up grow up separately after their parents divorce. Seo Dal-mi (Bae Suzy) chooses to stay with her father while Won In-jae (Kang Han-na) chooses to live with her mother who ends up remarrying. While the sisters had a close relationship prior to the divorce, they end up having a rivalry when they meet again as adults. Although each sister thinks she chose the right parent to live with, they can’t deny that they’re curious about one another and missed each other. Their relationship will surely change as Start-Up tells their stories.
Record of Youth
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The brothers of Record of Youth, on the other hand, start out not having a close relationship. In the beginning, Sa Hye-jun (Park Bo-gum) gets compared to his book-smart older brother Sa Gyeong-jun (Lee Jae-won). While Hye-jun feels that their father loves his older brother more, Gyeong-jun is envious of Hye-jun’s good looks. While they’re not the best of friends, they don’t hesitate to help each other in difficult situations. Hye-jun cheers up Gyeong-jun when he becomes the victim of fraud and Gyeong-jun stands up for Hye-jun when malicious commenters defame him.
It’s Okay to Not Be Okay
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The brotherly love in It's Okay to Not Be Okay may induce tears. Moon Gang-tae (Kim Soo-hyun) grew up taking care of his older brother Sang-tae (Oh Jung-se) who is on the autism spectrum. While they deeply care for each other, they deal with unaddressed resentment and trauma from the past. As they start growing individually, they begin to shed their codependent relationship into a healthier one where they both happily flourish.
Reply 1988
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Reply 1988 features a variety of relatable sibling relationships. Deok-sun (Lee Hye-ri) embodies middle child problems and gets compared to her smarter, older sister. Jung-hwan (Ryu Jun-yeol) has an endearing older brother who has failed the college entrance exam multiple times. Sun-woo (Ko Kyung-pyo) is a doting older brother to his baby sister Jin-joo and helps out his single mother dutifully. Taek (Park Bo-gum) is an only child, but is able to experience sibling-like relationships with and through his friends. Even if your family situation might be a bit different, you’ll be able to relate to the characters’ highs and lows.
My Mister
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My Mister features middle-aged three brothers who have plenty of struggles, but also have each other’s backs. Eldest brother Park Sang-hoon (Park Ho-san) ends up living with their mother after getting fired and failing at two businesses. The youngest brother, Park Ki-hoon (Song Sae-byeok), is also unemployed and living with their mother due to being unable to make it big as a movie director. Middle brother Park Dong-hoon (Lee Sun-kyun) has a job, but his company’s CEO is having an affair with his wife. Despite the heaviness of life and their issues, the brothers support and encourage one another as they move forward.
The King 2 Hearts
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The King 2 Hearts is set in an alternate reality with a constitutional monarchy. Prince Lee Jae-ha (Lee Seung-gi) experiences great emotional turmoil when his older brother King Lee Jae-kang (Lee Sung-min) is assassinated and his younger sister Princess Lee Jae-shin (Lee Yoon-ji) becomes paralyzed from the waist down. Once arrogant and irresponsible, Jae-ha transforms into a strong leader that would make his siblings proud. He becomes determined to fight against those responsible for his brother’s death and to protect his remaining family members.
Which sibling stories do you love the most? Check out all of these fun dramas and more on Netflix!
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