#ryan guzman really delivers :’)
guiltreservoir · 5 months
i have a small question, who gave eddie babygirl diaz permission to be so extra pretty princess this season because i am. just wondering
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dorkydegeneracy · 4 months
7x10 thoughts
This episode did not scream season finale to me (7x09 definitely delivered in this aspect. Very GOT like) but I found the episode to be good. Had we not nailed the theories and had the spoilers along the way it would have been much more satisfying, but I'm a sucker for spoilers so... I can't complain. Here are some key thoughts about some of what happened this episode, at least about stuff that I want to talk about! In no particular order...
I found Tommy to be repulsive this episode. And I don't have a problem with Tommy (I mean obviously Buddie is endgame, but we can dabble in this BuckxTommy era) but the writers yet again put blatant signs that this relationship will reach it's end soon. There is no way it lasts through the first half of season 8.
Ryan Guzman DELIVERED when it mattered the most this episode. NGL, some of his big dramatic scenes can be a bit cringe to me (him explaining the Kim situation to Buck, his Kim/Shannon soliloquy) but honestly this whole situation is cringe so I can overlook it. But the more heartfelt, emotional stuff where the drama is down and Eddie is just gutted is Ryan's bread and butter!!!! Him saying bye to Chris and letting him know he loves him! 😘 His parents telling him that Chris wants to go with them to Texas! 😘 It's gut wrenching but this sets up for a great Eddie storyline in season 8!
This should really be 2.5 but I absolutely loved Ramon in this episode! The change in his and Eddie's relationship has come full circle and when Eddie struggles to come to terms with the bed that he made, his father is the person who convinced him that this is the right thing to do. And he managed to do it with this brash quippy honesty that I love. "Father's are human. Son's don't always handle this news well." "Your son is trying to tell you what he needs. Don't wait 30 years before you listen. You'll regret it." GOD this kitchen table scene was SOOO GOOD! Like top scene in the whole series good! I ate this shit up.
That Mara work around is going to work well, I am just still upset that Hen and Karen can't complete their family. It hurts, but I guess that's what Tim wants me to feel so...
Buddie is far from over. Y'all were grasping on straws if you really expected much more than what we got. And truly we got sooo much! The parallels! Buck being THE definition of a co-parent. Literally only Buck could have had the conversation that he had with Chris. Eddie was absolutely relying on Buck and Buck continues to be Eddie's person. I am eating it up and so should y'all! I'm smelling realizations in season 8 and I cannot wait!
I feel pretty much the same as everyone else about the rest of what happened. Overall, I think season 7 was VERY GOOD! Yes the season was definitely affected by the last minute writing and filming, but I think that the storylines that developed over the course of this season were compelling, interesting, different, and leave us with a great place to continue to tell the story of the 118 in season 8!
I'm pretty full. Hbu?
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spoilertv · 6 months
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iconicbuck · 3 years
There's too many interesting scenes with the newly released 5b promo.
I'm gonna start off with Chimney's new hair. Like I literally screamed when I saw this. It's like the hair represents change. A change in dynamic and I guess it's his relationship with either Maddie or Buck. Chimney's hair stood out for me.
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Next was Maddie. For sure this was taken from Maddie/Chimney centric Boston episode. Her struggles and why of all places she chose Boston and why Buck knew about it. This scenes looks so heavy. And I can't wait what's Boston is in store for us.
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Next is Eddie. Okay. I'm not sure about this. Idk what he was going through here. If this was a nightmare, then from what? Afghanistan? The shooting? Quitting LAFD? We'll see. But I'm still apprehensive about this scene because I'm really critical when it comes to acting so I hope Ryan Guzman delivers this time. Please, please deliver this time.
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Next is Hen and Karen. OMG finally! It's been so long we've seen this two having a good time. I hope no one throws anything to them. They just went through a rough year with Nia being back to her mom. For a change, it's good to finally see them like this. Karen looks so good. That hair!
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It's kinda conflicting what's going on here. Maddie and Chimney happily cooing their daughter and then next, Maddie's words were kinda biting "You sure you won't be able to stop me now!" That is something to look forward to. No one can blame Chimney for following Maddie, and I couldn't blame Maddie for acting what she's acting here. I guess it also something to do with him punching her brother. I know Maddie and Chimney's storyline in 5b is gonna be a huge one that will put their relationship to test but 5x18 Starting Over gave me so much hope.
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Next we have the partnership of Buck with Ravi and the with his fellow adrenaline junkie, Lucy. That fast, Lucy looks like she's been with the 118 for so long. You can see the confidence there. I cannot wait for 5x11 any longer.
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Buck. I mean this guy was caught in the middle again of everything going around with his 118 family. With Maddie and Chimney leaving and returning with a conflict, Eddie leaving the 118, I mean it's too much for a person to handle at once especially that he's also been suffering from a pile of trauma and issues of his own. With this look on Buck's face, it's obvious that even if Chim and Maddie came back, there's still a lot to resolve, to talk about. His relationship with Taylor is one. So that's gonna be something to look forward.
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Maddie in Buck's loft? What's with the boxes? I'm going crazy here right now thinking about this photo. I'm not sure if it's Buck's apartment but I think it is. And yeah of course, Maddie will need space again from Chimney if she learned about the punching incident. That woman suffered domestic abuse for so long during her marriage with Doug so it's possible the punching incident triggered something. Couldn't blame her. But wow!!!!! Living with her brother Buck? Wow!!!!
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I'm sure 5b will deliver all the things that 5a missed out. I'm not sure what's going to happen in the finale, but my gut tells me that it The Buckley siblings are going to be a huge part of it. Hopefully not another physical injury. But more on in a dangerous situation. So the hairstyles of Chim and Eddie comes to play here. Saving their own Buckleys.
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kirajw · 4 years
Super-Late Thoughts on ‘Buck Begins’
I've been thinking way too much about Buck Begins, and while I loved the episode, it didn't pack the emotional punch I was hoping for, especially after 4x04.  
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My main issue is that Buck's parents never admitted that he was wanted BEYOND just being "defective parts" for his late brother.  It ended with him apologizing and forgiving them (and I totally understand why) but not remotely getting the validation he needed.
911 also has this terrible way of making the dialogue so stilted and unnatural, like these people, this family have never met each other before.  They're all fantastic award-winning actors so it fucks with the chemistry and the drama.  This didn't need a Hallmarkian ending because the revelation is SO BIG and jarring and traumatic.  
I really wanted the 118 to hug and care for a lost Buck after pulling him out of that building, and really uplift him in the way that he needed.  He's so good at throwing his life away for others, they need to reign that in A LITTLE BIT.  I do appreciate that they're learning to accept who he is.  
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Other thoughts on the episode:  
I love that because of COVID or whatever reason, Maddie's normally wearing what looks like Buck's old t-shirts with a sweater over it.  She actually really looks pregnant and comfortable.  Such a cute touch.
I definitely want more Buck whump in the future, but can y'all cut it on the trauma.
Maddie's delivery of the Firebaby needs to be loving, tearful and uneventful.  I wouldn't mind if Buck delivered his niece or something funny and memorable, but NOTHING BAD CAN HAPPEN.  THEY'VE BEEN THROUGH ENOUGH.
I want Buck to have a hot, dope girlfriend or boyfriend.  I also hate Ryan Guzman's stupid racist face.
I definitely missed the big fire rescues.  I love watching Buck/Oliver be a badass.  
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spoilertv · 6 months
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