#rwrb prompts
thatsallshewrot3 · 4 months
Red, White, and Royal Blue Prompts:
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I’m going to go ahead and apologize for all the angst I want in my life 😂 I just love angsty fics with a hurt Alex and a comforting Henry
Alex struggles with alcohol or drug addiction after the email leak and Henry finds out when after the election
Henry proposes to Alex at the same time Alex was planning to propose to Henry
Alex is in a car accident and ends up in a coma
Alex is kidnapped and held hostage and Henry is forced to watch as hostage videos come rolling in
Henry and Alex try baking a cake together and it ends up messy
Alex and Henry go to the beach together and end up having a sandcastle building competition
Alex goes mute after a traumatic event (hostage situation, kidnapping, etc.)
Alex struggles with SH or a ED
Alex gets falsely convicted of a crime and is arrested
Alex gets into a wreck or something traumatic and has a minor brain injury
Alex gets lost at sea for a few weeks
Alex is secretly getting abused
Alex picks up smoking or vaping
Henry takes Alex on a boat and proposes
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accol-fics · 8 months
we really ought to write Alex's record player into more fics
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rwrdrabbleprompts · 9 months
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RW&R Drabble Prompt: 01.08.24
Happy New Year! We're back after taking a break for the holidays, and it's time for our first weekly set of one-word drabble prompts for the year!
Remember — your drabbles should be exactly 100 words, you can write as many as you'd like throughout the week, and you can draw inspiration from the prompts however you see fit. If you need a refresher, here are our rules.
This week's words are:
Oh, and don't forget to tag us in your posts so we can reblog them.
Happy writing!
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firstsprinces · 11 months
I've been missing writing so much and after reading and watching Red, White, and Royal Blue an unhealthy amount of times, my two new forms of comfort (Alex and Henry) have given me my spark back!
I do have an AU multi-chapter fic in mind but that's going to take a lot of planning before it ever gets anywhere. For now, I want to ease my way back and decided to allow prompt requests! I hope I'll be able to do them justice as I rediscover a creative outlet I use to love so much!
A Few Rules/Requests: (RULES MAY BE UPDATED AS I THINK OF OTHERS TO INCLUDE. CURRENT RULES LAST UPDATED 10/30/23) 1. If you'd like to submit a prompt please state your prompt (ie: future fic, AU) If you have any specifics you want me to include like smut or fluff, just let me know! 2. Prompts will be posted on Tumblr and AO3 (the longer ones will not be fully posted on Tumblr, just a snippet and the link to the full fic) 3. If you'd like your prompt to be gifted to you on AO3 please let me know! If you'd rather stay anonymous, that's totally fine! 4. As I'm working five days a week (six once the holidays begin) I will need at least a week to post your prompt. I may need longer if It's a longer fic.
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httpst4rgirl · 6 months
red, white and royal blue prompt
University AU
Alex and Henry are at a party, Alex is a little tipsy and Henry is clearly drunk, they are sitting on a couch talking until Henry decides to go get another drink, when he comes back he sees Alex talking to a classmate and sees that they are hugging, so the only solution that Henry's intoxicated brain finds is that Alex is no longer interested in him, he decides to go sit outside and that is where Pez finds him crying, as Henry does not want to explain to him what is happening to him, Pez decides to go look for Alex and when he finds him, he explains to him what is happening with Henry and Alex goes out to look for him.
Alex asks him and Henry's response is something like "you don't love me anymore?", Alex asks him why he is saying those things and Henry decides to explain to him what he saw, Alex's solution is to sit Henry on his lap and explain to him what happened with his classmate and fill him with kisses and hugs and tell him how much he loves him and that he is the love of his life and that he would never change him for anyone.
is my first prompt so please be nice <3
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o0anapher0o · 8 months
I need someone to write a firstprince AU based on BBCs Miranda. I need this. I'd write it myself, but I have absolutely no idea for a plot. Just vibes and that scene when their best friends watch them giggle over something and one asks "Do you think they know they're in love?" They exchange a look. "Nah!" That scene is just so Alex and Henry to me. (I also 100% imagine Pez as Tilly.)
I also have no idea which of the boys would be Miranda, because I can reasonably imagine either of the owning a joke shop and spouting increasingly absurd lies about their lives when flustered/stressed.
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vanillahigh00 · 8 months
RWRB Drabble 10.30.23
I may be a bit late to the party, but here's my contribution to the 10.30.23 drabble prompt.
Words prompted:
I used haunted and storm.
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ninzied · 5 months
they fight. brownstone era. for @dreamsinthewitchouse. ~1k.
It starts out so small that Henry hardly realizes what it’s become until it’s too late. He doesn’t mean to sigh when Alex gets home and sets his things down at the table, next to the dinner Henry’s spent hours making only to then watch grow cold. But then Alex’s apology—which Henry is certain he means but rather wishes hadn’t been needed to start with—feels just sharp enough that Henry is hurt by it, and the hurt comes out all wrong.
It comes out angry, and maybe a little bit selfish, and Alex is stretched thin as it is, Henry knows this, yet once he’s made it about himself it’s like a disease and he can’t seem to stop it from spreading.
And then he hears Alex say that he can take the couch, and Henry goes so still it’s as if Alex just dealt him a physical blow. They’re fighting, he realizes. It’s one dinner, which Alex hadn’t even known he was missing, and now it’s come to them sleeping apart because Henry’s little feelings got wounded?
“No,” says Henry. “Absolutely not.”
Alex rubs tiredly at his eyes. “Are we really going to fight about this, too?”
“No,” says Henry hotly, “because this part is not up for discussion. You’re the one with exams tomorrow, so I’ll be taking the couch tonight, thanks.”
“Hen,” Alex starts, but Henry walks past him into the kitchen. He’s hanging on by a death grip to his very last shred of dignity when all he wants to do is let go.
His cloudy mood dissipates halfway through doing the dishes. Still, it takes with it more than just anger, draining him totally, leaving him not so much clear-headed as feeling like he’s all hollowed out.
Henry knows he’ll get no sleep tonight.
It’s not the couch itself, of course; it’s that even after all this time, sleep still doesn’t come easily without Alex there beside him. It’s David worrying at Henry’s feet, making distressed little snuffling sounds. It’s that no matter how small the fight, or how infrequently they do it, each time it never fails to awaken in Henry all the old fears that Alex will leave him. That Alex will finally decide he’s had enough of—well, all of this. All of Henry.
He tries not to think it too often. It’s not fair to Alex, and to the beautiful life that they’ve built together, but when 3AM comes and the semi-delirium of no sleep sets in, those fears are harder to write off as not real.
He wants nothing more than to go to Alex. To hold him and tell him how sorry he is, that he’s asked for more than he has any right to. That loving someone like Henry is neither simple nor easy, he knows, and he wants to be better, he will be better, for Alex. But that would be letting his fears speak for him, saying he’s less than, that the broken things in him are simply not meant to be loved.
Henry can do better than that. Alex would never stand for such talk, and perhaps more importantly, Henry will not stand for it either.
He tosses and turns, and lets the fears have their moment, looming large there in the dark. And then he gathers a blanket around his shoulders and heads up the stairs.
The light is still on in their bedroom. Henry can hear the flip of a page, the faint scratch of a pen from behind the door. He closes his eyes and pictures Alex at their desk, a hand through his hair, his forehead creased in concentration. Henry’s soothed by the routine of it, the familiar touches of a life with a person he knows so well and loves more than it should be possible to love another person but isn’t.
And he owes it to Alex, to let Alex love him back the same way.
Henry tucks himself in right there in the hallway, content just to know that Alex is there, and to not demand anything more of him than that. The fears retreat to their shadows once more, back to a smaller haunting—always there, a part of Henry, but a part that he knows Alex loves, just as fiercely as the rest of him, always.
He’s not certain how long he’s dozed for, but the next thing he knows is the feel of Alex’s lips on his brow. The soft way he murmurs, “Baby. Scoot over. David, you too. How long have you been here? Fuck, I’m so sorry.”
“Mm.” Henry cracks a bleary eye open as Alex drapes something heavy around them. His arms encircle Henry next, and it’s hard to think of a reason to move now that it feels like they’re both where they should be. David noses his way beneath the covers, shifting down to curl at their feet. “Love, are these our bed linens?”
“Yeah,” says Alex, nuzzling into Henry’s neck. That one simple touch is enough to make Henry’s entire chest ache with relief. “Was going to sneak onto the couch next to you. This works too though. Fuck, I missed you.”
“We shouldn’t stay on the floor,” Henry tells him, burrowing closer, breathing him in. His words are half-muffled against Alex’s chest. “You need rest, in an actual bed. You’ve worked hard and you deserve the world to show for it.”
“Don’t need any of that,” says Alex. “Just you. I will fight you on that part,” he adds when Henry opens his mouth. “I’m so pissed at myself that you thought for even a second any of those things could matter to me more than this.”
“No, I’ve been selfish,” frowns Henry. “I’ve been too focused on what I want, and what makes me happy, and—”
“Good,” says Alex. “It’s about fucking time.”
And then he leans in and kisses Henry like it’s everything Alex wants too, Henry defending himself, Henry fighting for what he wants and deserves. Henry, knowing he’s loved, and loved, for all that he is and never for a single thing less than that.
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repmet · 11 months
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@rwrbmovie & @rwrbsource’s rwrbweek: Day 4 | Little Detail
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iboatedhere · 4 months
Hi friend! Thanks for asking for prompts!
I’d love to request a fic based on a prompt from the June list - Peaches 🍑 (any interpretation you like 😏). Can’t wait to see what your awesome brain comes up with! ❤️❤️
start with a little inspo
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"I'm having a full-on crisis."
"Henry, darling," Pez says over the line, "you'll have to be a tad more specific. You open a conversation this way at least three times a week." 
"This is the most urgent. This is the one that will have me change my name, grow a beard, and flee to the woods. It was lovely knowing you, Percy. Truly."
"I'm not entirely sure you could pull off a beard," Pez says. "Too blond and too pale. It'll just blend right in."
Henry groans.  
"Perhaps plastic surgery," Pez offers. "Although it would be a shame to cut up that gorgeous face." 
"I'm sure I could find you an excellent surgeon. Let me make a few calls."
"Please go ahead and do that because I'm hanging up."
"I'm sorry, I'll stop," Pez says with a laugh that negates his promise. "Tell me what's wrong. You'll feel better once you do."
"I might have, accidentally, slightly, sexually harassed a politician on Instagram."
"That's quite the adventurous statement," Pez says after a moment. "Care to elaborate for me, Haz?"
"I don't even know where to start."
"The beginning, love." 
"You know how dreadful I am at social media."
"Indeed. If I had a penny for every time you accidentally posted a screenshot or sent me a DM filled with gibberish, I would never need to tap into my trust fund."
"Yes, well, there's this man that I follow—."
"The politician? Haz, if you dare tell me that you've taken an interest in some old, white dolt—."
"He is none of those things. He's quite young, and I believe he's said his father is Mexican—."
"Oh, you believe?" Pez says as if he already knows Henry has hung on to his every word since he followed him. 
"He's brilliant," Henry continues, "and beautiful."
"But still a politician."
"He's pro all the correct things, Pez. Nobody is perfect, but he's as close as I've seen."
"And you sexually harassed him?"
"Slightly. Accidentally. And via Instagram, which I know doesn't make it any better."
"What is his name?"
"You do realize I can find him by looking through your followers. It's the price you pay for only following one hundred people."
"I like to keep my feed neat and organized. Plus, the fewer people I follow, the less of a chance I have of embarrassing myself."
"And yet here we are."
"Henry George Edward James Fox. What in the world did you do?"
"Well. He posted this photo to his stories, and I meant to scroll past it—."
"Did you?"
"I meant to screenshot it," Henry admits. 
"That's more like it. Do continue."
"I meant to screenshot it and then move on—."
"Wank off."
Henry hangs up. If Pez isn't going to be helpful, then they don't need to have a conversation. 
Thirty seconds later, Pez calls him, and Henry picks up against his better judgment. 
"Is his name Alex Claremont-Diaz?"
"He's not hard to find. Running for New York's 11th Congressional District. Originally from Austin, Texas. Yee-haw."
"Pez, please, I'm dying."
"Moved to Manhattan to attend NYU law, then relocated to Brooklyn where he decided to try his hand at politics. Seems to volunteer a lot and posts quite a few thirst traps. I'm telling you, Haz. A man in a well-fit suit is a thousand times sexier than one with his shirt off."
"Did you look at his stories?"
"Looking now. A photo of the Brooklyn Bridge. Basic.  A Goldendoodle in the park. Adorable. A little photoshoot. Oh. Oh my. I see."
Henry hums, knowing precisely what Pez is looking at. 
Congressional hopeful, Alex Claremont-Diaz, facing sideways toward the camera in a jumper and khaki pants. 
"Certainly has a body on him, doesn't he? What did you accidentally say to him?"
"I didn't say anything. But I somehow sent him the peach emoji."
There's a moment of silence and then bubbling laughter. "Oh, Henry," he wheezes. 
"I don't know, my finger slipped on the screen or something, and then that little bar came up on the bottom, and the peach emoji auto-filled. I tried to delete it, but I hit send instead. Then I tried to delete that, but I couldn't, and now I'm panicking."
"Oh, darling."
"I don't know what to do. I'm so embarrassed I could die."
"I do think you're overthinking this a bit. The hopeful congressman did post that photo for a reason."
"So you think he was looking for this kind of reaction?"
"He's young, gorgeous, and very clearly knows it if he's taking GQ photo shoots and posting them to his socials. Plus, the angle of this shot…I think it's safe to say he got plenty of peaches sent his way."
"Oh," Henry says, doing an awful job of hiding his disappointment. He spends entirely too much of his time thinking about this man, and in return, he's barely a blip on his radar. "Okay. I suppose it's not as dire as I thought."
"As long as he doesn't block you, I think you're just fine."
"Okay," Henry says again as his phone dings. He pulls it away from his ear and looks down at a new Instagram notification. 
"Oh bloody hell," he breathes when he realizes what he's looking at. "It's a message from him."
Pez gasps. "What does it say?"
Henry holds his breath as he opens Instagram. "He sent me a photo of myself. That ridiculous one you made me post from during our trip to The Hamptons."
"The one in your swimsuit? By ridiculous, you must mean how ridiculously hot you looked. Posting that was a public service."
"I beg to differ," Henry says as another message appears. "Oh. Oh."
"What?" Pez asks. "What?"
"He sent the eggplant emoji. What does that mean?"
"Oh, Henry," Pez says, "love. It means you'll have quite the story to tell the grandkids."
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thatsallshewrot3 · 1 month
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I want a fic where something traumatic happens to Alex and he lies to Henry to protect him. Everyone gets mad at Alex so he drops off the grid for several months. Henry eventually puts together the pieces of what actually happened, so they go searching for Alex. They find him in a random town self-medicating (smoking, drinking, drugs, etc.). Cue the angsty and fluffy reunion and healing as Alex faces his trauma and addictions with the help of his friends and family.
Someone PLEASE write this and give me ALL the angst!!!!
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alittlefrenchtree · 2 months
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AU firstprince prompt (feel free to take it if you’re inspired!)
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rwrdrabbleprompts · 11 months
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RW&R Drabble Prompt: 10.30.23
Happy Monday, everyone! We're super excited to share our first set of one-word drabble prompts. Remember — your drabbles should be exactly 100 words, you can write as many as you'd like throughout the week, and you can draw inspiration from the prompts however you see fit. If you need a refresher, here are our rules.
This week's words are:
Oh, and don't forget to tag us in your posts so we can reblog them.
Happy writing!
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rmd-writes · 2 months
16 and firstprince from your prompt list? ❤️🫠 hehe
16. resting their hand on the other's thigh, slowly stroking it
Alex smiles innocently. There’s a beat, and then he starts again. His fingers flex lightly before he starts stroking his pinky up and down the seam of Henry’s trousers.
“Alex. I’m driving.”
“It’s not my fault that my boyfriend looks super fucking hot when he’s driving.” His hand creeps higher up Henry’s thigh.
“You’re a complete reprobate.” Alex’s finger sweeps upwards, dangerously high. When Henry chances a glance at him, Alex bats his eyelashes. “No.”
“I didn’t ask you anything.”
“You didn’t have to. I’m not changing my stance on what you so elegantly referred to as ‘road head’.”
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eusuntgratie · 1 month
💗 x firstprince 😊
💗 slow kiss / gentle kiss / inevitable / soft
read on ao3
Alex wakes up over-warm, tucked tightly against Henry’s back with his hand wrapped around his arm. He relaxes his hand, scared he’s been holding on too tightly, but Henry makes a small noise and wriggles further into his body, so Alex holds him closer, a smile tugging at his lips. He knows that eventually they’ll spend enough nights twined together that Alex’s subconscious won’t fear Henry slipping away, but for now Henry doesn’t seem to mind the way he clings. Maybe he needs the reminder that Alex wants him to stay as much as Alex needs the reassurance he’s still here.
Alex stays close but sits up enough to watch him, greedy for this version of Henry, soft and relaxed and here and his. His face is slack and there’s a bit of drool dried on his face and his hair is sticking up in weird places and he’s never more beautiful than when he’s like this. Just Henry. Not a prince, not a public figure, not anything but a beautiful boy in Alex’s bed, fully seen and fully loved and fully himself. Henry hums and shifts in his arms, spinning so he can look up at Alex with a beautiful, blinding smile.
“Hey, baby,” Alex croons, quiet enough not to break the moment. “You sleep good?”
Henry nods and reaches a hand up to thread through Alex’s unruly curls. He hasn’t cut his hair in a while and Henry can’t seem to keep his hands out of it.
Alex can’t help but kiss him when Henry smiles at him like he’s everything, like nothing could make him happier than waking up in Alex’s arms. Their lips are a little dry but a thrill runs through him when he presses them together, just like always. Alex knows what a privilege it is to see him like this, to know the real Henry, to be trusted with that. He runs his fingers over Henry’s cheek but gets distracted by his lips again, running his fingers over them until Henry tugs him back down by the hand in his hair.
He presses his lips to Henry’s, runs the tip of his nose up the length of Henry’s, kisses the corner of his eye and nuzzles at his hair. Henry makes a happy little noise, kisses his cheek and pulls him back to his lips. Alex means to keep it soft and light, at least until he can sneak away to brush his teeth, but when Henry licks over his lips he crumbles like a house of cards, always all too eager to give Henry whatever he wants.
Henry’s mouth tastes sour, like sleep and something a little sharp from where his mouth fell open while he was sleeping, but Alex doesn’t mind at all. The knowledge that Henry can actually sleep when he’s in his arms, the wonder of waking up with Henry’s skin warm against his, here in his arms instead of an ocean away where Alex can’t get his hands on him, fills him with a joy and contentment that outshines everything else.
He kisses Henry gently, hushing him when he his hands start to move a little faster, when he pulls at Alex like he can’t get enough. “Shh, baby,” he tells him, “it’s alright, we’ve got time.” They both ignore the way Henry’s eyes go a little watery at that, and spend the morning taking their time with each other, soft and sweet and slow.
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rwrbprompts · 5 months
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Hello Friends! Here is all the unclaimed prompts. If you want to claim one just let me know ☺️
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