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sculptural-renaissance · 6 years ago
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#RWBYAC Day 14: Team STRQ Member Summer Rose is a very interesting character to me. She was a caring mother and a badass fighter that inherited a legendary ability from ancient gods, yet she wasted no time moving on Tai when Raven bailed. 😂😂😂 While I overall disliked Volume 6, I loved that we finally got to see Summer outside of an old photo where her face was barely visible. I hope we'll get to see more flashbacks of Team STRQ, maybe even a spinoff series or miniseries. I'd love to see how they actually interacted with each other and what events pushed them to the places they are now. #bevcantdraw #rwby #rwbyartchallenge2019 #rwbyartchallenge #rwbyfanart #summerrose #rwbysummerrose #rwbysummer #summerrwby #TeamSTRQ #drawing #pencilsketch #pencildrawing #traditionalart https://www.instagram.com/p/By03EgZjlir/?igshid=1a4usaog514q8
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sculptural-renaissance · 6 years ago
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#RWBYAC Day 12: Deceased Character I call this one "Weekend at Torchwick's." Roman is still dead, but Neo and Junior are supporting his corpse to appease the fanbase. #bevcantdraw #rwby #rwbyartchallenge2019 #rwbyartchallenge #rwbyfanart #romantorchwick #rwbyroman #romanrwby #neopolitan #rwbyneo #neorwby #juniorxiong #rwbyjunior #juniorrwby #weekendatbernies #rwbyfunny #rwbycomic #rwbycrossover #rwbygelato #neoxroman #romanxneo #rwbyvolume3 #drawing #pencilsketch #pencildrawing #traditionalart #art https://www.instagram.com/p/BzWVQlADSh6/?igshid=elk030jt6vqn
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sculptural-renaissance · 6 years ago
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#RWBYAC Day 29: Underappreciated character I chose Emerald for this one since I don't see too much of her in the FNDM these days. At any rate, it's obvious that Cinder doesn't truly appreciate her. Poor girl hasn't had a new outfit in forever, either. Since one of this year's trends is for me to deck everyone out in formal wear, I've drawn her in a new dress. I've read that Emerald is based on Aladdin, but I've also read that she's based on Cleopatra. The gown she's wearing is based on the green gown Elizabeth Taylor wore in the 1963 film. It doesn't look particularly Egyptian to me, but it's still very beautiful. #bevcantdraw #rwby #rwbyartchallenge2019 #rwbyartchallenge #rwbyfanart #emeraldsustrai #emeraldrwby #rwbyemerald #elizabethtaylor #cleopatra #drawing #pencilsketch #pencildrawing #traditionalart #art https://www.instagram.com/p/BzVwT3NDqFS/?igshid=dsfwd6t6nljx
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sculptural-renaissance · 6 years ago
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#RWBYAC Day 6: Creature of Grimm I'm honestly just going to be all over the place with these until I can get caught up and have a backlog. This year is not very conducive to drawing. Anyway, this is the Möbyus! @theatomicbon and I came up with this shortly after the Leviathan was introduced in Volume 6. I was somewhat disappointed because I'd already had a fan Grimm Leviathan in mind (yeah, me and literally everyone else who generates fan content lol I'm so original) that was more like a whale than Godzilla, and we ended up creating the Möbyus. As you have probably already gleaned, the Möbyus is based on Moby Dick and a Möbius strip. Its design is reminiscent of a sperm whale with a hint of eel. Like all Grimm, it has bone plating, particularly a razor sharp, serrated ridge along its back that it uses to cut the hull of boats and ships, making them easier to crack. The Möbyus is so named because of the peculiar way it holds its tail to form a ring and spin, either to create a whirlpool to suck a ship into the sea or to land on it and crush it. If it gathers enough speed, it can even launch itself out of the air. Similar to the Nuckelavee, the Möbyus can stretch its body far longer than its normal length, but its body is segmented, exposing an elastic interstitial tissue when stretched. While still strong, this tissue is more vulnerable than the Möbyus' skin. A well-thrown harpoon can pierce it, but may not do much damage depending on the beast's size. Regardless, if you're seeing interstitial tissue, it's probably too late for you. The Möbyus uses this technique to launch itself up from the deep and drag down an unfortunate ship to its demise. Möbyus are found in cold, deep waters surrounding Solitas and part of Anima. In @theatomicbon's fanfic, Gwen Darcy's father, a commander in the Atlesian Navy, is one of the lucky few who have faced a Möbyus and survived. #bevcantdraw #rwby #rwbyartchallenge2019 #rwbyartchallenge #möbyus #rwbyfanart #rwbygrimm #rwbyoc #rwbyheadcanon #whale #spermwhale #mobydick #mobius #rwbyatlas #gwendarcy #rwbygwendarcy #teamndgo #drawing #pencilsketch #pencildrawing #traditionalart https://www.instagram.com/p/By3BFhYD9X7/?igshid=17k95yaoz3lwz
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sculptural-renaissance · 6 years ago
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#RWBYAC Day 16: RWBY Chibi Throwback to last year's RTX when @spuxee went to the RWBY Chibi panel and told me I had to check it out because Weiss and Oobleck finally interacted and that she said "moist" at him. In honor of that event, I have generated this. Enjoy Or don't Actually please do not enjoy this #bevcantdraw #bevshouldntdraw #rwby #rwbyartchallenge2019 #rwbyartchallenge #rwbyfanart #WeissSchnee #weissrwby #rwbyweiss #droobleck #bartholomewoobleck #rwbyoobleck #oobleckrwby #oobleckxweiss #weissxoobleck #icedcoffeerwby #rwbyshipping #rwbyotp #rwbychibi #rwbyfunny #rwbycomic #MOIST #RTX #rwbyshitpost #drawing #pencilsketch #pencildrawing #traditionalart #thisisstupid https://www.instagram.com/p/BzWileAjrnW/?igshid=pnndu6c885hx
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sculptural-renaissance · 6 years ago
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#RWBYAC Day 24: Character that hasn't made an appearance in a while What I think would be really hilarious would be if every single time Weiss shows up somewhere to see Winter, she's JUST missed her. It's happened twice already, so if it happens again, it's officially a running gag. Maybe in Chibi. @elizabethmaxwell @kara4tx Potential Schneenanigans for the Schneesters? 😂 #bevcantdraw #rwby #rwbyartchallenge2019 #rwbyartchallenge #rwbyfanart #WeissSchnee #weissrwby #rwbyweiss #winterschnee #winterrwby #rwbywinter #schneesters #schneenanigans #rwbyvolume6 #rwbyvolume4 #rwbyvolume5 #rwbyvolume7 #rwbychibi #rwbyfunny #rwbyheadcanon #drawing #art #pencildrawing #pencilsketch #traditionalart #rwbycomic https://www.instagram.com/p/BzRt-Ldj2Nv/?igshid=sigxqzz1sh81
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sculptural-renaissance · 6 years ago
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#RWBYAC Day 21: Faunus Of course I drew Tyrian. Of course I did. 🙄 Here he is lusting after a photo of Salem. If you look closely, you'll see that Salem wasn't interested in posing for that photo, but Tyrian doesn't care. This one's going in the shrine for sure, to be taken out for...later use... 😏 Is Tyrian actually weirdly in love with Salem in addition to worshipping her and the very ground she walks on? No clue, but I asked Josh Grelle if Tyrian would bone Salem if given the opportunity and he responded with a VERY enthusiastic YES. So idgaf it's canon you can't stop me from shipping this bad ship EHEHEHEHEHE #bevcantdraw #rwby #rwbyartchallenge2019 #rwbyartchallenge #rwbyfanart #tyriancallows #rwbytyrian #tyrianrwby #rwbysalem #salemrwby #tyrianxsalem #salemxtyrian #hewishes #rwbyshipping #rwbyotp #rwbyheadcanon #rwbytheory #faunus #rwbyfaunus #rwbyvolume6 #rwbyvolume4 #drawing #art #pencildrawing #pencilsketch #traditionalart #thisisstupid #rwbyshitpost https://www.instagram.com/p/By_-neEDjuA/?igshid=133atbw8k7plu
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sculptural-renaissance · 6 years ago
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#RWBYAC Day 7: A parent Here we see Self Care Willow enjoying some wine (all the wine) in some kind of bubble bath/jacuzzi thing after divorcing Jacques. Will that ever happen in canon? No telling, but I love the idea of her reclaiming her life after all that scumbag has done to her and their kids. All we know about Willow is that she's an alcoholic who's either retreated from society because of depression or has been locked away by her controlling, manipulative husband. Willow may not even be her real name. It is speculated from a screenshot Monty tweeted. My headcanon for Willow Schnee is that she received at least some huntress training, if only in using her semblance, at her father's behest, but, as wealthy heiresses sometimes do, she preferred to party and hobnob with her fellow Atlesian elites, a typical socialite. A match with the charming Jacques Gelé seemed perfect, but we all know how that turned out. After eventually divorcing him when he's arrested for enabling a dust smuggling ring during Ironwood's embargo, she reverts to her old ways, burying the trauma under a carefree veneer. She's not exactly a good person, as she still espouses bigoted attitudes towards the Faunus, non-Atlesians, and the people of Mantle in particular, and she still discourages her daughters from following their careers as huntresses because it's not "ladylike" while still coddling an unwilling Whitley purely because he's "the baby." After the divorce, Klein is basically her caretaker, as she is hardly financially savvy, and Winter becomes responsible for her emotional wellbeing, as she is both.the eldest and geographically closest daughter. Weiss occasionally finds herself in this position, but more often, Winter is calling her to vent about Mama's latest antics. This took me way too long to draw because I am Bad at Perspective and Anatomy™️. I just wanted to do something simple and cute and it took me like 2 hours grrrrrrr #bevcantdraw #rwby #rwbyartchallenge2019 #rwbyartchallenge #rwbyfanart #willowschnee #WeissSchnee #winterschnee #schneedustcompany #rwbyvolume7 #bath #bubblebath #winemom #selfcare #rwbyatlas #drawing #traditionalart #pencildrawing #pencilsketch https://www.instagram.com/p/ByqCfS2jqQp/?igshid=1994jm1q8kusk
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sculptural-renaissance · 6 years ago
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#RWBYAC Day 1: Favorite Character Of course I drew Weiss for this one. ❄💙❄ I've drawn her a bunch, so this time, I decided to draw her in the outfit from the Chinese mobile game Bilibili. It's apparently called either Chevalier Weiss or Chivalrous Weiss (I saw that on Twitter). Normal tiara because I like it better and no veil because I forgot w h o o p s And yes, I am cosplaying this one, RIP. Also I drew this while sitting in panels at Colossal because I didn't want to get behind from day 1 like last year. 💙 #rwbyartchallenge #rwbyartchallenge2019 #bevcantdraw #rwby #rwbyfanart #WeissSchnee #weissrwby #rwbyweiss #bilibili #chevalierweiss #chivalrousweiss #drawing #pencildrawing #pencilsketch #traditionalart #sketch #myrtenaster https://www.instagram.com/p/ByMT8zIDkK4/?igshid=1fhezkxqfrzfe
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sculptural-renaissance · 6 years ago
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#RWBYAC This is it. We did it, kids. ❤💙🖤💛 In celebration of actually completing the RWBY art challenge (which I honestly didn't think I'd be able to do given how stupid busy I've been this month), here's a collage of all 30 drawings! Let me know which ones were your favorite and/or most cringeworthy in the comments! Now that that's over, I've enjoyed some celebratory Peeps and done my Japanese lesson, and I'm free to shower and sleep. Tomorrow morning, I'll be diving headlong into con crunch for Anime Midwest! Table A1, I hope to see you there!! #bevcantdraw #rwby #rwbyartchallenge2019 #rwbyartchallenge #rwbyfanart #pencilsketch #traditionalart #rubyrose #WeissSchnee #blakebelladonna #droobleck #PyrrhaNikos #lieren #cinderfall #mariacalavera #carolinecordovin #CocoAdel #mazarinewedgewood #glyndagoodwitch #professorport #möbyus #willowschnee #winterschnee #romantorchwick #neopolitan #zweirwby #tyriancallows #guyfieri #emeraldsustrai https://www.instagram.com/p/BzXGN6Uj3mq/?igshid=h607d9tv8i4t
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sculptural-renaissance · 6 years ago
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#RWBYAC Day 27: Outfit Swap So I had this idea of Port dancing around in a coat that's way too small for him à la Chris Farley in Tommy Boy. I mentioned this to @j_ammeson and he suggested Port swap with Sun. Sun preferred to forgo swapping in the interest of remaining shirtless. Clothes are for nerds. And with a couple hours to spare, I managed to finish the art challenge! Yeet~ #bevcantdraw #bevshouldntdraw #rwbyartchallenge2019 #rwbyartchallenge #cursedimage #rwby #rwbyfanart #peterport #portrwby #rwbyport #professorport #sunwukong #sunrwby #rwbysun #chrisfarley #tommyboy #fatguyinalittlecoat #rwbycomic #rwbyfunny #thisisstupid #drawing #pencilsketch #pencildrawing #traditionalart #art https://www.instagram.com/p/BzW-Bb4jx8q/?igshid=kcs8xg60norf
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sculptural-renaissance · 6 years ago
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#RWBYAC Day 30: Character you haven't drawn yet for this challenge I'm just so exhausted with these, I decided to draw Blake contorted into some weird position like a real cat. Shhhhh she's dreaming 🖤💜 This is the final prompt, but I still have 3 left to draw. Wish me luck. #bevcantdraw #rwby #rwbyartchallenge2019 #rwbyartchallenge #rwbyfanart #blakebelladonna #blakerwby #rwbyblake #faunus #rwbyfaunus #bumbleby #cat #drawing #pencilsketch #pencildrawing #traditionalart #art #rwbyfunny #rwbycomic #catfaunus https://www.instagram.com/p/BzWBFmZDQ2f/?igshid=8ukzavs1jbg1
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sculptural-renaissance · 6 years ago
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#RWBYAC Day 10: Professor or headmaster Since I drew Glynda and Maz in their formal duds, I figured Oobleck deserved the same treatment. 😏 He had a jacket at some point, but probably removed it, and now he's been distracted by something shiny. I think he looks quite handsome in a vest, but I'm hecka biased. 💚☕💚 #bevcantdraw #rwby #rwbyartchallenge2019 #rwbyartchallenge #rwbyfanart #droobleck #bartholomewoobleck #rwbyoobleck #oobleckrwby #rwbyaltoutfits #rwbyvolume2 #drawing #pencilsketch #pencildrawing #traditionalart #art #rwbyheadcanon https://www.instagram.com/p/BzTUD-vDi2k/?igshid=1wzqow1rmvfea
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sculptural-renaissance · 6 years ago
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#RWBYAC Day 25 So one day I realized Guy Fieri fits the CNR (Color Naming Rule), and this happened. I told my equally diseased friends this idea, and they assisted me in fleshing him out as an OC. Remnant Guy Fieri is the leader of Team FOOD. Together, they travel far and wide to settlements outside the kingdoms, finding the finest Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives Flavortown has to offer while defending these remote locations from Grimm (and of course televising the result). Guy's weapon is a combination flamethrower and cast iron skillet. He also sports a bandolier of dust-infused sauces that can be used to flavor meals and as explosives. His proprietary blend of dust-infused sauces and spice blends have a number of purposes both inside and outside the kitchen: fire dust to add real heat to a dish, ice dust to keep your drink extra cold, wind dust to cool a dish so it's ready to eat as soon as it reaches your table, earth dust for the smokiest grilling, and lightning dust in the best pop rock candy. The glasses in his restaurants are infused with water dust to keep your glass filled all night. Guy's semblance is called MSG, and it literally makes food taste better. Sound useless on the battlefield? Wrong city. He can literally use his semblance to make Grimm eat each other. Anyway, this exists now, and I put entirely too much thought into it. You're welcome. #bevcantdraw #rwby #rwbyartchallenge2019 #rwbyartchallenge #rwbyfanart #guyfieri #rwbyshitpost #rwbyfunny #thisisstupid #rwbyoc #rwbyheadcanon #rwbymeme #guyfieriapproved #remnantguyfieri #teamFOOD #rwbydust #guyfierimemes #drawing #pencilsketch #pencildrawing #traditionalart #art #shitpost https://www.instagram.com/p/BzR_c61jvvI/?igshid=1pswyjiiq762f
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sculptural-renaissance · 6 years ago
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#RWBYAC Day 28: design a new outfit Well, this is clearly out of my comfort zone. It's not like I'm CONSTANTLY designing or constructing alternate RWBY outfits and bullying my friends into wearing them or anything... 😂😂😂 So it's definitely a struggle to keep myself from making this one, since I think it's super cute, but I feel like my energy would be better spent recreating Weiss' canon outfit from Volume 7. Since the squad is in Atlas, I've given Weiss a proper coat. I haven't decided which shade of blue it is, but it's definitely blue to differentiate it from Snowpea. It is single breasted with an offset button closure (with cute lil snowflake buttons), bell sleeves, a storm shield, and an exposed gradient (white to navy) petticoat. Like her original and manga outfits, it is belted at the waist, securing a pouch on the back. The shield is fastened with another snowflake button and also has her emblem. Weiss retains her scarf and tights from Volume 6, but has gained red gloves and more appropriate footwear (I bought a pair of navy wedge heeled snow boots from Ebay last year with the intent of incorporating them into a couple of my original wintery Weiss outfits, so I added them to this design as well). RTX is right around the corner, so hopefully we'll get some new canon outfit designs soon! Until then, we'll have to make do with our imaginations. ❄💙❄ #bevcantdraw #rwby #rwbyartchallenge2019 #rwbyartchallenge #rwbyfanart #WeissSchnee #weissrwby #rwbyweiss #rwbyaltoutfits #rwbyatlas #atlasrwby #myrtenaster #rwbyvolume7 #drawing #pencilsketch #pencildrawing #traditionalart #art #rwbyheadcanon #fashiondesign https://www.instagram.com/p/BzQ4T0jjE5o/?igshid=tuypuc7navuq
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sculptural-renaissance · 6 years ago
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#RWBYAC Day 26: Crossover Uh Oh Pyrrha u hecked up big time So en route to Colossal, I had the absolute stupidest idea regarding Viren's imprisoning Runaan in a coin and Pyrrha's turning Penny into quarters. Tonight, I have given that idea LIFE. Bonus screaming coin Runaan if you swipe. #bevcantdraw #rwby #rwbyartchallenge2019 #rwbyartchallenge #rwbyfanart #tdp #TheDragonPrince #tdpfanart #PyrrhaNikos #rwbypyrrha #pyrrharwby #viren #lordviren #virentdp #tdpviren #pennypolendina #rwbypenny #pennyrwby #runaan #runaantdp #tdprunaan #rwbytdpcrossover #thisisstupid #tdpshitpost #rwbyshitpost #rwbycomic #traditionalart #rwbyvolume3 #pencilsketch https://www.instagram.com/p/BzPa6d1DqDf/?igshid=jza3k330cdfe
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