#rwby: Salem
erros429 · 3 months
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rwby textpost memes pt47!!! i miss my blorbos so much :(
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coinjarred · 4 months
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phishcaek · 3 months
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In my AU Cinder starts off as a trashy party girl who spends all their nights going to clubs and hooking up.
On one faithful night however, they encounter Salem and their life is changed forever...
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screaming-sparrow · 3 months
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can you tell who my favorite rwby character is yet?
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brokentrafficknight · 4 months
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eviltomb · 7 days
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thepariahcontinuum · 3 months
The RWBY Twitter account posting again like:
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shana340artblog · 9 months
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Place doubt into their minds, and any semblance of power they once had will wash away
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arc-misadventures · 3 months
Artificial Romance
Jaune: Penny... We... Well, I have a problem... a very serious problem...
Penny: What sort of problem do you have?
Jaune: Since joining the, Atlas AI Corp, General Ironwood assigned me to the Rouge AI Containment Division.
Penny: Yes the, RAICD group. I believe the, General assigned you to, RAICD because your massive aura reserves, and your semblance can be used to bolster your aura so you can handle any rouge AI attacks when you're plugged in. Is there something wrong with your aura when you're plugged in?
Jaune: No, I'm doing find, my aura is dealing with the feed back, and I don't usually have to recharge my aura. However, because of this, General Ironwood decided that I would be of better use if I was to be assigned to deal with the: Strategic Attack Logistic Engine Mainframe.
Penny: The Strategic Attack Log…?! SALEM?! That Anti-Grimm AI, Professor Ozmins made that went rouge because of how he treated it?! That lead him into a feedback loop that eventually killed him?! That managed to break away from the Atlas Grid, and managed to transfer itself to a, Atlas Research Lab deep in the Valian mountain range, and started a building an AI army to protect itself?! And, has started hunting down, Ozmins reincarnated soul because he has been trying to kill this AI?!
Jaune: Yeah.. that AI...
Penny: Why would the, General do that?!
Jaune: Because, SALEM has attacked several, Atlas facilities, and have stolen, Atlas tech from weapons to robot schematics. SALEM has become so sophisticated that it now has an artificial AI body that has aura mimicking abilities. Salem is a security risk to the whole world!
Jaune: Or, at least she could be...
Penny: She? SALEM has a self identified gender?
Jaune: Since she's was the first AI, and has started an army of semi-killer robots; Salem calls herself, The Mother of AI.
Penny: Okay... that's new information, and is a logically sound explanation. Is that the reason why your telling me you have a problem?
Jaune: No... You see, at first when I was trying to get into her systems she detected me almost imminently, and attacked me. I activated my aura as soon as she struck, because she hits hard! Seriously, I had a headache for days after that. But, as a side effect of me using my aura to protect myself, it also bled off of me, and into, SALEM's artificial aura generator.
Penny: What? But, you’ve tried doing that when jacked with other operators, you aura never bleeds of to others, and bolsters their aura. Not to mention you did this to an artificial aura generator; What’s going on, Jaune?
Jaune: I don’t know, my best theory is that because she was talking me when I boosted my aura it melded with hers, thus supplementing, and boosting her artificial aura with my own.
Penny: Hmm… That’s a logical hypothesis. Has anything else happened.
Jaune: Yeah... I think that my aura has effected her... in a manner of speaking.
Penny: What manner?
Jaune: Salem has become rather friendly towards me… I dare say one could consider her behaviour towards me as, affectionate.
Penny: Affectionate? It’s being ‘nice’ to you…?
Jaune: It seems so. At least she’s that way with me... Salem will still attack others that try to enter her domain, or attempt to attack her. But, after our first encounter I tried to enter her programming again, and several attempts after that where I faced the same results: Her attacking me, and the activating of my semblance, and my aura bleeding off, and being absorbed by her. Eventually, instead of attacking me, Salem seemingly welcome me into her domain with open arms. Like welcoming a close friend in your home. And, after a while... I received a message on my scroll, from, Salem.
Penny: It sent you its scroll number? No wait, it has a scroll?! No stop that, what did it say? Waitwaitwait! How did she get your scroll number?!
Jaune: She followed my entry point from where I jacked in, and entered the systems to hack my information.
Penny: The, ‘Locked Gate Protocol.’ You were the reason why we have that protocol now, aren’t you?
Jaune: Yes, but it makes logical sense to have such security measures. Salem, or any other rouge AI were unable to sneak in that way because either the operative, and the AI were locked in combat, or the operatives brain was fried severing the connection.
Penny: True, leaving the front door unlocked as you leave the house is a foolish mistake to make. But, what anout, SALEM, what did it want to talk about?
Jaune: She simply said, ‘hello’ at first. But, after a while we started chatting. It was about simple things at first, music was the main subject for a while; Salem was a love for classical, and orchestral music.l, and is fascinated with, Vaccuoin dessert stonework so much so, she has based her current robotic form around some of their ancient statues, particularly those from the Stllyian Ear.
Penny: How do you know what she looks like? We haven’t gotten close to her base to confirm if she’s even there, let alone what she actually looks like.
Jaune: Salem’s been sending me photos of her latest projects: be it her own attempts at creating art, or sending me images of her robot forms. She tends to update, or redesign her form constantly, ahead of rather picky with her appearance so it seems.
Penny: And, What does she look like?
Jaune: Like this…
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Jaune: At least for now. Like most woman she’s picky about her choice in fashion.
Penny: I see… But, there is one thing I don’t understand, Jaune. Why is, SALEM doing all of this? Why is it talking to you, and befriending you instead of trying to, you know… Kill you?
Jaune: Have you read the reports os how, SALEM’s AI went rouge?
Penny: Of course, the reports are standard reading for all new members of the, Atlas AI Corp.
Jaune: Have you seen the videos about those ‘reports?’
Penny: Video? What video! All information, bar what Ozkin has divulged was lost when, SALEM went rou… Unless… unless, SALEM kept a copy…
Jaune: Several copies… Ozmin’s report said he put it through, ‘several high lever stress tests’ in order to, ‘test the AI’s endurance levels.’ The way he worded it made it sound like he was withholding a child’s meal…
Penny: It wasn’t like that, was it?
Jaune: Worse… Much worse than that… These ‘high level stress tests,’ he would run, were akin to severing a leg from a person by brute force, and testing it to see how well it could run.
Penny: Oh gods…
Jaune: If his tests were done on a human, or faunas, Ozmin would be labeled a psychopath, and locked away for inhumane human experimentation. But, because, Salem was an AI he got away with it. Honestly, I’m tempted to let, Salem know where, Ozkin is so she can exact her revenge on the bastard.
Penny: But, why is it so… so kind to you?
Jaune: Because I was kind to her.
Penny: What?
Jaune: You know how I operate; I don’t come in, and go on the offensive when I first arrive. I circle the program, poke, and prod the rouge AI’s matrix looking for a chink I can exploit. And, when I find that chink, I attack, make it worse, pull away, and repeat the process somewhere else until I’ve destroyed the rouge AI’s matrix.
Penny: I believe that’s how you earned the moniker of, The Shark of the Matrix.
Jaune: Correct. This is what I did with, Salem. Salem used to go on the offensive as soon as I entered her domain. But, she eventually stopped attacking me after my, Semblance bled off into her enough times where she would just watch me as I circled her. Eventually, Salem asked me who I was, and we established a dialogue. And, as I mentioned we just talked about random things, and just had some fun hanging around one another.
Penny: Are you lulling her into a false sense of security before you attack her?
Jaune: I have no intention of attacking her.
Penny: You don’t?! But, why?
Jaune: I don’t want to.
Penny: But… why?
Jaune: Salem… Salem is like an abused dog…
Penny: An abused dog?
Jaune: Yes, an abused dog; Is a dog is abused, and mistreated by it’s owner, the dog will become violent, and dangerous. It’s a defence mechanism, hurt them before they hurt you as the saying goes. Now the best way to break a dog of this habit, without killing the dog!
Penny: I wasn’t going to say it!
Jaune: The best way to break the dog of this habit is to show it love, and compassion. It will bite you, but eventually it will stop, and want to comfort you, and be loved. It will take time, but it can be done.
Penny: And, that’s what you’ve done with, SALEM?
Jaune: Not deliberately, but that is what eventually happened. I’m hoping to explain this to, General Ironwood, and I hope we can come to a truce of sorts with, Salem. But… Ozkin has been whispering into his ears for too long, and the, General suffers from a sense of parinoia… I doubt I could say would change anything… But… There is one more problem that I am unsure what to say…
Penny: What is it?
Jaune: Salem… likes me…
Penny: It likes you...?
Jaune: ...
Jaune: Penny… there's a rouge AI that has a crush on me...
Penny: …?!
Penny: The fuck...?
Jaune: Yeah...
Penny: How do you feel about all of... this?
Jaune: ...
Jaune: I’m not sure if I love her… But, I do know that I care for, Salem. And, I want her to know what it feels like to be loved, to hopefully help her forget all the pain, Ozmin inflicted on her.
Penny: Jaune, I don't know where, or how you should take all of... this! I’m an android who’s only a few years old, so I don’t really understand love, and romance. But, if anything is going to happen, whether you develop a romance with an evil AI that wants to kill everyone in the world. I just want to tell you this one thing…
Jaune: And, that is?
Penny: 'Do not fist android girls.'
Jaune: ...
Penny: …
Jaune: But... what about my aura?
Penny: …?!
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hadesisqueer · 1 year
RWBY as Tweets
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novankenn · 9 days
You look... Familiar...
Salem is sitting upon her throne, looking down upon the lone interloper that has dared to defile her inner sanctum. In the distance the sounds of a pitched battle could be heard echoing through the massive castle.
Jaune: I will not let you continue in your quest of destruction!
Salem: Do you REALLY think you can stop me?
Jaune: I won't know unless I try!
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Salem: Oh how cute you brought a sword...
Salem suddenly vanishes from her throne and reappears right in front of Jaune her pale fingers digging into the sides of his throat.
Jaune: URK!
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Salem: Such a young heroic fool... pity... you have power inside you... such a waste...
Jaune gags and chokes as Salem's grip tightens. Dropping Crocea Mors he grabs at her wrist in a vain attempt to pry her from his throat. Her grasp faulters as an image appears unbidden in her mind...
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Salem: No... no... it... it... can't be!
Jaune: *Hacking and coughing on his knees*
Salem suddenly reaches down and tilts Jaune's head back... peering directly into his eyes...
Salem: You family line! What is it! Tell me know!
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Jaune: *hoarse whisper* I am Jaune Arc...
Salem: *growls* Who is progenitor of your family! ANSWER ME!
Jaune: Joan... Joan D'Arc... the maiden of...
Salem: It's not possible... is it?
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erros429 · 4 months
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rwby textposts pt46!!! volume 10 save me…… volume 10…….. save me volume 10……..
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superiorsturgeon · 1 month
Huntresses of the Caribbean
Pyrrha: *dropping off fancy sword at Governor Arc’s house* Hello, Master Arc! You look very handsome!
Jaune: *stuffed into stiff and scratchy dress suit* Pyr, we’ve known each other for years! How often do I have to tell you to call me “Jaune?”
Pyrrha: At least one more time! As always! 😉
Jaune: Oh, you…! 😄
Papa Arc: *rolls his eyes at the Arkos flirting* 🙄
Pyrrha: *grabs a spear off the shelf and mecha-shifts it*
Raven: Who makes these things?!
Pyrrha: My friend Ruby does, but I practice with them three hours a day! 😏
Raven: …you really need to find yourself a boyfriend, kid…
Jaune: *sweating his ass off in a wool suit in tropical weather* Congratulations on your promotion, Miss Schnee…! 🥵
Winter: Yes…this promotion has thrown into sharp relief-
Jaune: *passes out and falls into the sea* 😵
Winter: 😨
Salem: *getting ready to kill Jaune* …begun by blood, the blood undo-
Ozma: *walking into the room* 👋 😅
Salem: …It’s not possible…! 😦
Ozma: Not PROBABLE! 😁
Salem: *points her knife at Ozma* Shut up! You’re next! 🤬
Pyrrha: *bursts into jail* You! Pirate!
Raven: *looks up from her cot* Eh?
Pyrrha: You know that ship that attacked us? They took Master Arc!
Raven: Oh, so you DO have a boyfriend!
Raven: Well, if you intend to brave all, hasten to his rescue, and so win that boy’s heart, you’ll have to do it alone, mate! I see no profit in it for me!
Pyrrha: …I can get you out of here!
Raven: How? The keys are gone-
Pyrrha: *uses her semblance to tear the door loose from the walls in a shower of broken rock and concrete* 🤬
Raven: …okay, that’ll work…!
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drenosa · 23 days
Salem: You wretches can't stand against me!
Ruby: We can! And we will!
Salem: Will you now? What silly ideas gave you that impressions.
Ruby: Plenty! Sound off, guys!
Yang: Always give 100%, because one's best is always good enough!
Weiss: Never lose hope, for it brings forth miracles in the unlikeliest of places!
Jaune: The world's largest military was nothing more than a personal guard for the ruling class. One willing to commit genocide to maintain a brutal status quo of oppression and exploitation. Only through an uprising of the working classes could this regime be toppled and with it reclaim their freedom and dignity.
Blake: Friends together are unbeatable, thanks to unbreakable bonds forged in the heat of battle!
Salem: Is... is that blond one okay?
Ruby: Who, Yang? I mean the whole arm thing was a bit of a downer but she's all good now.
Salem: Not that blonde, the blond one who looks like he's in a purpetual state of PTSD!
Ruby: Oh... yeah we don't think about that too much. These days, we just point and he stabs when we tell him to.
Salem: That's... interesting?
Ruby: It is. Jaune! Go stab!
Jaune: *Battlecries* AAAAAAAH!
Salem: *Terroryells* AAAAAAAH!
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howlingday · 29 days
Whitley: Hey, Jaune, can I ask you something?
Jaune: Yeah, what's up, Whitley?
Whitley: Why are you... trying so hard to be my friend?
Jaune: Well... because you seem cool! I mean, who wouldn't want to be your friend?
Salem: (In Jaune's head) I thought it was because you heard his mom was a MILF?.
Jaune: NOPE! Nothing to do with your mom! Just wanted to be bros!
Whitley: Oh! Well, thanks, Jaune. This may be a bit sad, but... You're my one and only friend.
Jaune: Uuuh... Yeeeah...
Salem: Oh, Brothers! Kill him before he gets attached!.
Willow: Whitley! There you are~!
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Whitley: Mom?!
Salem: Oh, shit! She is a MILF!.
Willow: Who's your friend?
Jaune: The name's Jaune Arc! Me and Whitley are best friends! You must be his older sister.
Willow: Ufufu~! That's sweet of you, but I'm actually his mother~.
Jaune: No! You don't look a day older than... me~!
Willow: Hmhmhm~! Your friend is funny, Whitley.
Jaune: (Thinking) Oh, I am so in~!.
Jaune: (Quietly) Not now, Salem! You're gonna fuck this up!
Willow: Well, I'm about to cook dinner. Whitley, why don't you bring your handsome friend along?
Jaune/Salem: OH, WE ARE SO IN~!.
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brokentrafficknight · 5 months
Salem starts coming onto Jaune, there has never been a more terrifying takedown in her immortal life.
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