#rw writing
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cosmikazie · 1 year ago
Ever since the Cherrybush propaganda started its work on me I’ve been working on this one-shot thing for an AU based on this theoretical I had bouncing around in my head: what if Hunter ended up helplessly immortal too? Just like Saint?
So I thought I’d give this whole “fanned fictions” thing a try. And after a little more thought, I was like hey, why not share it on the gay gay homosexual gay website? They love this shit here.
So yeah. Enjoy some Cherrybush.
(oh and CWs for Character Death and themes of certain Ideations:tm:)
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youwillwakeupagain · 1 year ago
Flesh and Blood - Cycle 19
Whew! So uh. Empty Words (our main AU) is definitely still ongoing, but we realized the initial chapters were headed for a continuity snarl. Those are going to be underway for a little.
Meanwhile, we decided to start a smaller scale thing totally outside of that (with less characters) to practice a few things while we sort that out.
And so, presenting the start of: Flesh and Blood, an Artihunter/Cherrybomb fic!
We've already got this thing plotted out start to finish, though it'll take a bit to get there. It's also... probably going to be pretty slow burn, and potentially heavy, so be warned.
Anyway, here's hoping you enjoy if you check it out!
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opashoo · 6 days ago
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Yongasabi, Slugcat language of the Rain World Undergrowth AU
Yongasabi originally started as an attempt to turn Rain World's glyphs into a functioning writing system for the slugcats, and that eventually inspired me to make a language for the writing system to support. As it grew, it became increasingly intertwined with my own ideas for Rain World worldbuilding, and my own project, the Undergrowth AU.
Now I'm publicly opening my language to the Rain World fandom! Seven months of work from start to the official release, with fully functioning grammar and over 1500 documented words just at the time of writing this post, I'm excited to finally release this language for other people to view, and potentially even use.
Note that Yongasabi is made with the Undergrowth AU (which is an anthro AU) in mind. It presupposes that the slugcats are humanoid, and their technological development is further along than in the game. Despite that, the language should be otherwise applicable to regular slugcats.
While Yongasabi has been developed through the lens of my own projects (Rain World Undergrowth AU and its worldbuilding) and understanding of Rain World's themes and lore, it's something I want to be accessible to the entire community. Consider it something of a gift. Anyone has permission to use Yongasabi in their projects—credit would be appreciated, and I would actually be so excited if you messaged me to let me know what you were doing. If I'm available, I can translate things too, if you need, or explain concepts from the document. Just send it to me and I'll see what I can do! Good luck!
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colfy-wolfy · 11 months ago
If I wrote a fic about the aftermath of Surv and Monk's family losing two pups at the same moment, would you guys read it?
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it'll be filled with a bunch of my headcanons about them and I promise I'll make it interesting story-wise.
happy ending? depends on how generous i am. it'll probably only be a few chaps long. simply for fun!!
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ask-the-pioneer · 4 months ago
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Marbles approaches the tribe's trading square, where countless items are spread neatly on fabric mats. Food, weapons, vessels, bags... strings of pearls shimmering in the sun. Bingo! Perhaps she could persuade the scavengers to trade some of them.
Two individuals come out from the nearby shelter entrance. Sage - the head merchant and chronicler, and Spike - the tribe chieftain, greet their new slugcat guest in person.
"SALUTATIONS. YOU HAVE PEARLS?" Marbles signs with her hands. The two scavs look at her, unsure of the scug's intentions.
"Um… I WANT BUY PEARLS. YOU GIVE ME PEARLS, I GIVE YOU…" she pauses, and looks around. Spotting a spear nearby, she hops up to it and grabs it, then ties a piece of cloth around one of its ends and puts it in her maw. The scavengers tense up, their frills stand on ends. Why would this new guest pick up the weapon if not to use it? The guards nearby do not seem to like it either - they clutch their own spears in anticipation, watching the situation closely.
"I GIVE YOU EXPLODING SPEARS. YOU WANT?" Marbles says as she hands them a nicely crafted spear with a deep orange tint on one end. The cloth smells vaguely of sulphur.
"YOU MAKE EXPLOSIVES? WITH MOUTH? HOW!?" The scavs' eyes widen.
Spike and Sage look at each other, barely believing what they just saw.
"…YOU CAN MAKE MORE?" The chieftain glances at Marbles. She nods her head in response.
Sage pulls their friend aside for a moment. There is urgency in their voice. "The tribute, Spike. Imagine if we sent two dozen of those spears to Metropolis. We'd earn favour and protection for at least a season, if not longer!"
The chieftain nods. "Yes… this opportunity is too convenient to pass up. Bring the pearls and calculate the exchange rate, but test those spears first. If they are usable, bring her whatever she needs to make more of them. I would still caution everyone to be careful, though."
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bee-sidebranch · 10 months ago
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How i acquired my second child
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These two are my travel companions on the monk campaign i use for pearl hunting,
Pearl and Pond Scum
I'll show them off properly in another post but basically Pond is a scrawny tiny baby who needs all the love and Pearl would probaly kill lizards on her own if i wasn't dragging her where i wanna go
(This is exactly how i found her btw, bullying a lantern mouse on my way to shoreline)
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churrorat-711 · 4 months ago
"I'll stay with you."
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Spearmaster and saint amiright ? Haha
Writting below cut
Please reblog my writing if you like it ^^
{-- I could already see it—we weren’t going to make it to the shelter in time. The cold snowstorm billowed around us as we trekked through the powdery white landscape. Bitter winds swirled relentlessly, and my ratty poncho did nothing to stop the shivers that racked my body. Saint trudged alongside me, and though our pace wasn’t hard to keep, I could see the cold starting to get to them. They were lucky to have a thick, silky coat of fur to keep them warm, but even so, their fur was slowly creeping towards a bluish hue. I knew it would soon turn a light maroon if this went on any longer.
We were nowhere near our next destination, and the cycle time was already running short. My tail dragged behind me in the snow, and I felt like I couldn’t keep up any longer. I reached for Saint's arm.
[Saint... I don’t think we’ll make it... I...] I couldn’t continue; the snow was buffeting my face, and I could barely keep my eyes open.
Saint still looked like he might have a chance of getting there. Then, suddenly, he froze—thankfully, not in the literal sense—and pressed his forehead against mine.
“I know...” he said, surprisingly calm. He held out his lantern, which emitted a warm glow against my paws. I reached out to touch it, and he let me.
We stood there as the wild blizzard raged around us, holding the lantern and pressing our foreheads together, seeking warmth that seemed nonexistent in this desolate world. And normally, it didn’t exist; the only true warmth I’d felt since these relentless snowstorms began was when I was with Saint like this. His fur was like nothing I’d ever felt before—velvety and silky, almost like a scavenger’s flank. His gentle touch against my paws made my muscles loosen and my stomach flutter.
With my paws on the lantern and Saint’s presence grounding me, I felt a flicker of warmth.
“I’ll stay with you, Spearmaster,” he said, his voice comforting. And despite the cold, there was warmth in his words. --}
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thetrueressii · 2 months ago
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finally did a saint and enot comic since i always wanted to do that, i might add more to this since theres some back and forth i would like to do to add to their dynamic
essentially my idea for enot and saint is that saint follows the idea that existence, at least in the material plane, is like an endless play where its actors are forced to stay on stage and play forever and it is their task to relieve these actors from this endless play so they may rest
but enot loves plays especially romances and dramas
they see no issue with an endless play as the show is still ran and controlled by the actors at the end of the day so why wouldnt they just do what they wanted, the subject of the play itself never mattered anyways
plus the play would be pretty boring if there were no more actors for its two eternal spectators
tho weirdly enot with their infinite knowledge, wisdom, and power doesnt stop saint in their task, sometimes even encourages it, with no real answer to why
is it because enot knows that this task will never end and is pointless or is it because enot doesnt actually know if this task is able to be completed which excites him, offering a new experience to one who has experienced everything
or is it because hes stupidly romantic who loves the idea of them being the only two people left in the world
only enot would know
(i totally stole the stageplay analogy from @/fishyaudio im sorry its just so good for this)
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umblrspectrum · 3 months ago
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ive been struggling big time coming up with anything funny to draw that hasnt been done yet so have my rw au art dump
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thunder-opossum · 5 months ago
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I Have A Proposition
-by thunder-wolf64
I will write this type of thing for each slugcat if you guys like this. Essentially Enot makes deals and guides the souls of this world to their ending. Giving them all that they have agreed upon. Today, Enot's target is Survivor.
Cw for body horror (Enot is looking a bit funky), and Survivor spoilers.
Story is under the cut!
Survivor dives under water and into the pipe, dropping into the complex system of underwater tunnels. The ball of thin white fur makes a large splash as she hits the water. Her two-toed paws scramble beneath the surface to pull her through the water. The slugcat surfaces with a gasp and drags herself up onto a metal platform. Cold water drips from her body and she shakes the liquid off. Wiping the stray fur out of her eyes, she notices some blue fruit hanging from the ceiling. She eagerly jumps for it, grabbing it in her paws and stuffing it into her mouth. She reaches for the next one before finishing her first.
“It’s rude of you not to share,” A voice echoes down the pipes.
Survivor jumps, choking on the food in her mouth and missing the jump for the other fruit. “-Ack cough cough What-” Survivor turns and her annoyed tone quickly comes to a halt as she sees what is infront of her.
A much larger, navy blue, and strangely-angled slugcat looks down at her. A crooked smile stretches across its unusually long maw, “Ah, thanks for leaving me some, I am starving.” The slugcat walks forwards, past Survivor, and easily pulls the fruit from the ceiling.
Survivor’s fur spikes up as she steps back from that creature. She hopes that this is not what slugcats from inside the walls look like, otherwise she would be completely out of place. “Who are you?” she wipes residual blue juices from the fur on her chin.
“Thanks for asking,” the slugcat has already engulfed several fruits, “I have lots of names, but Enot is probably the easiest for you to wrap your head around.” Enot’s bones seem almost broken in how its limbs bend, bad posture at its finest. “No need to introduce yourself, I already know all about you, the one who was washed away.”
Survivor can practically hear Enot’s bones cracking as it bends down to be at her eye level. “I think I’ll be going now.” If she's learned anything, it's that everything is a threat. It's time to go, she thinks. Whatever this thing is, it is not like me, how did it even get here, there's not a drop of water on its fur?
“Going where; to your family?” Enot smiles even larger, “You can’t make it home, It’s impossible.”
“And how do you know-” Survivor is quickly cut off.
“You’re right, how bold of me to assume you even want to go home! Maybe this was all planned.” Enot taps a long pointed finger on its chin.
“You have it all wrong. I miss my family, I would love to see them again, I just don’t know how. I could never comprehend the vastness inside the walls.” Survivor tries her best to reason with herself.
Enots eyes close slightly, the piercing-ness of them becoming less frightening and more smug. “Oh, I can help you see your family again. You will have to give up on this place though.” Enot sticks his tongue in disgust. “You would go on the journey of a thousand lifetimes! You'll have many stories to tell when you make it there, to the place you hold dear.” Enot moves closer, “It’s never failed to complete anyone else's story.”
Survivor cringes as she gets a closer look at Enot's unusual anatomy, flat broad teeth, strange eyes, vein-like stripes. Was this more than a slugcat? Survivor had of course heard rumors of gods before. Could this creature actually help? “You want to help me get home. Is that what I’m hearing?”
Enot nods, “Yes, yes, yes, You’re getting it! I'll get you on the fast-track to your ending! Otherwise you could wander this land for many cycles, every moment more confusing than the last.”
“You sure I will be home?” Survivor still speaks with skepticism.
“Whatever home means to you, Survivor,” Enot ensures.
“And how do you make this happen?” Survivor finally rests comfortably on her haunches, not looking like she's ready to bolt at a moment's notice. “I don’t have to, like, go on a murder spree in your name?”
“Nuh-uh, just shake my paw and the deal is sealed. And I will tell you everything you need to know!” Enot blinks its eyes, flaunting its long eyelashes.
Survivor holds out her paw expectantly, “Let’s just get this done.”
“Mhm, finally an eager one!” Enot’s blue paw meets in Survivor’s white one. A foul feeling prickles under Survivors skin but she holds on tight. Enot pulls her closer and gently taps on her scared nose, “Boop!” It laughs and lets go of Survivor’s hand. “Now try using that sniffer of yours, you'll find some new tweaks,” It winks.
Survivor twitches her nose, but breathes in deep, closing her eyes, visualizing the world around her, new scents reveal new paths that she hadn't found. “What Is this?” She asks, with her eyes still closed.
“Your way home, you’ll meet someone who will tell you the rest of the way, just follow their instructions and mine.” Enot stares at Survivor silently for a few more moments before dashing off and diving into the water.
Survivor tries to follow, but when she reaches the surface of the water, it’s completely undisturbed, the strange slugcat had vanished. The only thing she could do now was follow what she has left… I’ll be home soon, I swear.
I will hold a poll later for the next scug Enot will interact with. If this gets enough attention, that is!
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cosmikazie · 1 year ago
alright here we go. let the floodgates open
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youwillwakeupagain · 1 year ago
Rain World: Empty Words (Chapter 1)
We finally worked up the courage and started to manifest the Rain World AU that's been percolating in our brain for a few weeks now, and so: Welcome to Empty Words!
We begin with a glimpse of Monk and Survivor as they wrap up their latest expedition, along with a peek into their shared past.
If you decide to check it out: Thank you, and we hope you enjoy!
We're newbies to pretty much everything along the way here. This is the first time we've written a fanwork, first time we've created an AU, and... the first time we've shared a creative work in any form on tumblr, I think.
That's exciting! (It's also terrifying!) (Tagging this means we're going to be perceived!) (Also please forgive us if we barely know what we're doing with tags here or there.)
We'll be trying to get a chapter of this out every week or two, ideally the former. We'll also be posting a bit more of the worldbuilding, headcanons, and slugcats holding the thing together on this tumblr soon enough!
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opashoo · 7 months ago
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An Exchange
Pioneer is showing Rook her system of notating slugcat scents by their scent proteins and other chemical compounds, while Rook is showing off a system of writing developed by slugcats from the far north, who were apparently tutored under a late iterator (one who was quite legendary….)
Artfight revenge on @kalivasquezart!! This gets to do double duty as fanart and thanks for that honestly amazing attack you did with Rook.
Pioneer's writing, I just pulled directly from the askblog from this post here. Kali made it using logographs from @ikayblythe's Standard Hegemonic Dialect!
Rook's writing is an ongoing project of mine trying to adapt the symbols of Rain World to a working conlang I'm developing for the colony slugcats in my setting. Each block represents a syllable, and most characters represent consonants, each of which natively have an 'a' attached. A line above changes that 'a' to an 'i' while a line below changes it to an 'o'. Stacks of two characters represent a consonant-vowel-consonant syllable block, with the vowel decided by the top character. Sometimes the Monk symbol (circle) is used to represent the absence of a consonant (such as the third block). A syllable block encompassed within another character (such as the second syllable block) represents a long vowel.
Rook's writing reads "pajmūy ag sayong da". Grammer and lexicon are still very heavily in development, but 'pajmūy' means "One who is often convinced".
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colfy-wolfy · 10 months ago
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you're welcome
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ask-the-pioneer · 2 months ago
do you remember your father?? i mean, if you remember having one as a pup
"My other parent...?"
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"I don't remember them... him... at all. I'm sorry." She says as if apologizing to herself. "Mom would never talk about him, and I was too young to even understand you need a mate to have pups, or that slugcats form colonies."
Marbles is lost in her thoughts again. You keep asking questions, and it unearths some of her long forgotten memories.
"There was this one time... me, my sibling, and mom, we got to observe a big noodlefly nest. I saw their delicious eggs hanging from the ceiling for the first time. When I asked mom about it, she explained that when two noots pair up, they lay their eggs in safe places so they could hatch. Little baby noodles attach to the parent's tail for safety. «Like slugcats!», she said. So, of course my tiny child mind pressed on. «Do slugpups hatch from eggs? Can I lay an egg? Can I eat egg? Was I a good egg?». Mom put up with my nonsense, I think she found it funny... until my brilliant child brain connected the dots, and asked «if I'm an egg, then who did she make me with». She hesitated, and the brief silence mixed with the look on her face is what seared that moment into my mind. «...With your father, of course. But, he's gone. Let's go get something to eat now. You want a blue fruit? I think we can get some of them down the pipe over there...», Mom blurted out as she took my hand in hers. I followed with «Why?», but she pretended not to hear it. In the end, my mind was quickly distracted from asking any more awkward questions by the promise of a tasty meal. I can't remember any other time my second parent was brought up again..."
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kazbiter · 5 months ago
this email and the fact he was writing him literal poetry. like this is not really an email it is not really a letter it is almost entirely a piece of poetry that alex writes about the way that he loves him. the way he loves henry. henry with the great passion for queer poetry. henry who dreams of the anthology he didn't know he would get the chance to write yet. hello.
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