#rutan host
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daughterofheartshaven · 16 days ago
The Rutans are such an underused villain imo
4: doctor who children of the future
Having the Rutans just be the villains in this one is nice, they haven't been explored as much as the Sontarans, and the 3rd doctor is as great as ever at bigfinish
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obsessedanddepressed · 1 year ago
Build a Doctor Who episode:
Until now we have a horror/ creepy episode set in the far future, in an alien town/city.
The Tardis landed there on her own, the Doctor wasn't even trying to take off.
The villains will be something seen in Classic Who but not New Who.
There's gonna be five or less characters with lines, and out of them will survive the Doctor, the companion and one more good guy.
Round 8
Help me choose the villains:
1. The Mara
A snake-like creature/ hive mind that can possess and manipulate people (and trap them in their minds!). It feeds on negative emotions like fear and hatred, targeting those more susceptible to them. Its main goal seems to be spreading chaos and unrest.
Seen in Classic who in “Kinda” and “Snakedance.”
2. The Krynoids
Sentient, carnivorous alien plants. They can influence other plants and even possess humans. They start out as pods, and if you get too close they'll turn you into a Krynoid too. If they take root on a planet, soon all animal life there becomes extinct. Their goal seems to be replacing animal life with plant life/ "winning" against animal life.
Seen in Classic who in “The Seeds of Doom”
3. The Wirrn
A race of human-sized insectoid parasites. They live in space but do occasionally land on planets to gather supplies or breed. They infect and take over the bodies of other creatures, using them as hosts to lay their eggs. The wirrn larvas are equipped with both the host's and its ancestors' knowledge. They also produce a slime that, if touched, turns other creatures into larvas too.
Seen in Classic who in “The Ark in Space”
4. The Rutans
Hive mind. They usually look like green glowing jellyfish, but they can move out of water just fine. Limited vision. They can shape-shift into forms they know very well. They can absorb electricity for sustenance, and use bioelectricity to defend themselves. They can survive mostly anywhere. Also, their ships can control the weather to a certain degree. Known for being the nr 1 enemy of the Sontarens.
Seen in Classic who in “Horror of Fang Rock”
Round 7
Round 9
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thedoctornumber11 · 2 years ago
Enemies of the Doctor
The Doctor has LOTS of enemies.  Here’s a list of some of the cannon ones.  Of course, this isn’t all of them.  There’s many more we could play with, however these are my favorites and the most commonly used.
The Daleks: https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Dalek
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Daleks were the armoured, mutated descendants of the Kaleds of the planet Skaro. They fought the Time Lords in the Last Great Time War, ending in the near-total destruction of both races. Intensely xenophobic and bent on universal domination, the Daleks were hated and feared throughout time and space. They were the oldest and most frequent foes of the Doctor, having faced him several times in every one of his incarnations.  The Doctor has outright said that they are his oldest and deadliest enemy.
The Cybermen - https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Cyberman
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Cybermen were a “race” of cybernetically augmented humanoids. They varied greatly in design, with different factions throughout time and space. The two major groups, from which all other known versions derived, were the Mondasian Cybermen, which originated on the planet Mondas – Earth’s twin planet in the Doctor’s universe – and the Cybermen created by Cybus Industries, which originated on Earth in an alternate universe.
Despite the different origins, there were similarities between both groups of Cybermen, and there were groups that shared the characteristics of both. For the most part, they lacked individuality or names. Cybermen had no emotions and viewed them as a weakness. They frequently attempted to physically and mentally re-engineer humans and other humanoids into Cybermen, via a process called “cyber-conversion” or “upgrading”.
The Silence: https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Silent and https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/The_Silence
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Members of the Church of the Silence, formerly the Papal Mainframe, the Confessional Priests were genetically engineered by the Church to allow people to confess their sins without remembering doing so, accomplished by fashioning the Priests so anyone looking at them would forget their encounter when they looked away. (TV: The Time of the Doctor) A renegade batch of Priests became obsessed with preventing the Siege of Trenzalore, and travelled back in time, influencing human history over a long period of time, and attempting to create a fixed death for the Doctor at Lake Silencio. They became known to the Doctor as Silents.
Silurians - https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Silurian
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The Silurians, also known as Earth Reptiles, Eocenes, Homo reptilia and Psionosauropodomorpha, were a species of Earth reptile. Technologically advanced, they lived alongside their aquatic cousins, the Sea Devils. Unlike other species, Silurians showed an important intraspecific variation (vast differentiation between breeds), such as the number of eyes, the formation of their pupils or the colour of their skin.  Although the Doctor has come face to face with the Silurians as enemies before, they aren’t actually enemies and are usually on friendly terms.
Sontaran - https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Sontaran
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The Sontarans were a race of belligerent and militaristic clones from the planet Sontar, created by the Kaveetch. They waged eternal war throughout Mutter’s Spiral against the Rutan Host.
Zygons - https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Zygon
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The Zygons were a race of metamorphic humanoids. They originated from the planet Zygor, but often tried to migrate away from it.
Weeping Angels - https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Weeping_Angel
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The Weeping Angels were a species of quantum-locked humanoids, so called because their unique nature necessitated that they often covered their faces with their hands to prevent trapping each other in petrified form for eternity by looking at one another. This gave the Weeping Angels their distinct “weeping” appearance. They were known for being murderous psychopaths, eradicating their victims “mercifully” by dropping them into the past and letting them live out their full lives, just in a different time period. This, in turn, allowed them to live off the remaining time energy of the victim’s life. However, when this potential energy paled in comparison to an alternative power source to feed on, the Angels were known to kill by other means, such as snapping their victims’ necks.
The Ood - https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Ood
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The Ood, also known as Oodkind, were a gestalt race of telepathic humanoids who originated from the Ood Sphere.
The ood are a servant race.  They are bred to serve others.  They are actually quite nice, and the Doctor is needed more often to save and or help them than to fight against them, but due to their servant needs and telepathic capabilities, the wrong hands can easily corrupt an ood.
The Ice Warriors - https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/Ice_Warrior
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The Ice Warriors and Ice Lords were a race of reptilian humanoids from the planet Mars, identified by the Eleventh Doctor as cyborgs.  They are a warrior race from the planet Mars.  They almost always wear their armor.
The Master - https://tardis.fandom.com/wiki/The_Master
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The Master — originally called Koschei and known by many other temporary aliases — was a renegade Time Lord and the Doctor’s arch-nemesis.
Although they were originally boyhood friends, one of the Master’s primary goals was to destroy the Doctor and Earth while acting on a number of schemes, both petty and gross. (TV: The Deadly Assassin, Castrovalva, Time-Flight, Doctor Who)
The Master was referred to as a “jackanapes” and an “unimaginative plodder” by the Third Doctor , the “quintessence of evil” by the Fourth Doctor, “one of the most evil and corrupt beings [the] Time Lord race [had] ever produced” and that his “crimes [were] without number and [his] villainy without end” by High Council President Borusa, “pure evil” by the Eighth Doctor, “stone-cold brilliant” by the Tenth Doctor, and “the Time Lords’ most infamous child” by Time Lord founder Rassilon.
It was eventually discovered that the Master’s diabolical madness was partially the result of a genuine malady in the form of a never-ending drumming sound that had been retroactively implanted inside his head by the Time Lords on the last day of the Last Great Time War to further their own goals.
Also referred to as Missy in the the female regeneration.
You can find more information and even monster villains and monsters at this link.
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lapaspamekasan · 1 year ago
Dialog Interaktif terkait Hak Pilih Warga Binaan, Lapas Sidoarjo Kolaborasi dengan RRI Surabaya.
Dialog Interaktif terkait Hak Pilih Warga Binaan, Lapas Sidoarjo Kolaborasi dengan RRI Surabaya.
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Sidoarjo - Radio Talkshow serta siaran langsung mengangkat tema "Bergembira Menuju Hari Kasih Suara" yang dikemas dalam program siaran Surabaya Siang Ini ( dialog interaktif luar studio ) yang bertempat di Lembaga Pemasyarakatan (Lapas) Kelas IIA Sidoarjo Kanwil kemenkumham Jawa Timur, Dimana kegiatan tersebut akan dilaksanakan pada hari Senin 12 Februari 2024.
Dalam acara ini hadir sebagai narasumber Kepala Lapas Kelas IIA Sidoarjo Sugeng Hardono serta Komisioner KPU Kabupaten Sidoarjo Divisi Perencanaan Data dan Informasi Musonif Afandi denganpembawa acara atau host Sari Julia dari RRI Surabaya.
Dialog interaktif ini akan yang berlangsung melalui Pro 1 FM 99,2 FM dan disiarkan secara visual melalui Youtube RRI Surabaya memperlihatkan upaya sinergis antarlembaga dalam memastikan pelaksanaan Pemilu yang berkualitas dan yang pasti adalah memastikan penyaluran hak pilih warga binaan pemasyarakatan yang ada di Lapas Sidoarjo dapat terakomodasi dengan baik dan benar sesuai dengan aturan yang berlaku.
Sugeng Hardono selaku kalapas Sidoarjo memastikan persiapan Lapas dalam mengakomodasi hak pilih warga binaan, serta strategi untuk menjaga suasana aman dan tertib selama proses pesta demokrasi 5 tahunan ini.
Kegiatan Interaktif ini bisa juga dijadikan ajang untuk saling memberikan informasi terutama terkait pelaksanaan kegiatan pemungutan suara di TPS TPS Khusus seperti di lapas dan rutan. memberikan wawasan terkait kerjasama antarlembaga dalam mengoptimalkan partisipasi pemilih. Momen ini menciptakan forum diskusi yang informatif dan membuka wawasan tentang peran berbagai pihak dalam menjaga integritas pelaksanaan Pemilu.
Sugeng Hardono menyampaikan “Acara ini mencerminkan semangat transparansi dan keterbukaan dalam menyongsong pesta demokrasi hal ini ditunjukkan nantinya dalam pelaksanaan kegiatan pemirsa RRI dapat berdialog serta menanyakan secara langsung kepada narasumber yang ada terkait tema dan sub tema yang telah disampaikan”
“Talkshow ini menjadi saluran komunikasi efektif untuk membagikan informasi dan membangun pemahaman bersama terkait peran Lembaga Pemasyarakatan dalam konteks Pemilu 2024 serta untuk memastikan bahwa keterbukaan informasi dapat diakses dengan mudah” pungkas Sugeng
-humas lapas delta sidoarjo -
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majingojira · 1 year ago
Okay, I participate in a shared project that tracks crossovers across fiction, and weaves them into a somewhat corehernt universe. Everyone has their own take, but there are some rules we follow for it.
Anyway, Batman and Dresden have analogues in this Crossover Universe/Wold Newton Universe, though things are a bit different magically and thematically (IE: Real Time Aging, Crossover stories take precedent).
Here are my own takes on the more... magical of Batman's costumed criminal cadre.
Bane - Venom is a derivative of the chemical formula that created Mr. Hyde. It became a street drug for a time known as "Hyde 25."
Catwoman - This is one of my favorites. Thanks to the crossover story Batman/Tarzan: Claws of the Catwoman, we have a full story for this occult explaination for this rogue. The original Catwoman was a woman named Khefretari from the hidden city of Memnon in Africa. She was the high priest of Bast who went to America to recover stolen artifacts from her country. Thanks to another crossover, and my need to streamline things, her story screams only one thing: She is Wakanda. She was also the Black Panther of the 1930s before T'Chaka took the throne. Why did it go to him? Well, she married Bruce in the end, and thus abdicated her role for Wakanda having accomplished her task. Thus opening the path for T'Chaka, and then T'Challa, followed by Shurri.
Clayface - There have been several Clayfaces and they generally root towards a being known by as many names as shapes it can take. Changeling, Founder, Skrull, Rutan Host, Daemonite... Shapeshifting (and occasionally infecting) alien horrors. A particularly nasty one landed in the arctic near that time, and its remains lead to the creation of Plastic Man and Mr. Fantastic.
Joker - Probably a normal human, but... there are two occult possibilities. One that the Joker is a spiritual entity. Every time he 'dies', the entity simply takes over a new human host. Perhaps it's a spirit of place that lives in Gotham. But some may hold that it is but a mask of the Soul of the Outer Gods, Nyarlathotep.
Killer Croc - A descendant of the Serpent Men of Valusia, like Doctor Kurt Conners.
Man-Bat - An ancient vampire. Possibly Red Court but may also be of a more ancient lineage spoken of in The Silmarillion. In either case, he's less of a science experiment, and more of an occult monster.
The Penguin - He has several deformations -- in his hands, his eyes, and teeth, that can only be described as one thing: "The Innsmouth Look" -- Yeah, The Penguin is a Deep One. Or will be one eventually. It also allows him to just kinda always be around despite being published for decades. He's actually immortal.
Poison Ivy - Definitely a Dryad. It's just too perfect.
Ra's Al Ghul - Actually a pseudonym for a different Asian villain: Fu Manchu.
Solomon Grundy - A entity known as a Slasher, an undead killer that is notoriously difficult to put down. Similar to the monster that is Jason Voorhees -- though he is technically a variety of Deadite.
Scarface/The Ventriloquist - Most modern instances of Scarface showing up in Gotham can be attributed to notorious serial killer Charles Lee Ray, better known to the world as Chucky.
I think that covers the big names pretty well.
And yeah, it gets pretty weird. But that's crossover for ya!
AU crossover where Batman is from some sort of Malvora/other fear-eater offshoot of the white court (potentially descended from an undiscovered bastard?). 
Very little else is different about him though…his fighting crime in a bat-suit to protect his city keeps him well fed enough. 
Though it does raise the question of what some of his rogues would be like in a dresden files crossover. For example, Poison Ivy is definitely a dryad and Two-Face…perhaps a Denarian? 
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siryl · 5 years ago
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John Ridley’s interpretation of the Rutan from Doctor Who.
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legok9 · 4 years ago
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From the glossary in Doctor Who: Lords of the Storm:
Rutan: The plutal of Rutan (see below).
Rutan: The sigular of Rutan (see above).
Very funny, David A. McIntee. Very funny...
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doolallymagpie · 4 years ago
so, despite the fact that the sontaran-rutan war is a massive part of the worldbuilding around both, the only time sontarans and rutans have actually interacted on-screen was in a questionably-licensed spin off from the wilderness years
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timeagainreviews · 6 years ago
Classic Baddies for the Thirteenth Doctor!
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As a fan of classic Doctor Who, one of my favourite elements of the new series has been the anticipation as to which classic villains will make an appearance. Not only is it cool to see more of these older monsters, but it’s also exciting to see how they update their look. Some really nail it too. Keeping the classic design of the Daleks while making them look more tank-like and utilitarian in 2005 was a masterstroke. I liked that they embraced the Ice Warriors’ original look as well. While I may not be as hot on the updated Silurians, or Autons, it’s always fun to see classic villains regardless.
When Chris Chibnall mentioned that there would be no classic villains in series 11, my heart sank a little. Are they necessary for Doctor Who to be successful? Not hardly. But it’s fun dammit. Even if they were cameos like the Macra or the Movellans, these were moments I looked forward to. I have a sort of checklist I like to go through with each series of new Who. Are there classic villains? Check. Does the Doctor meet a figure from history? Check. Series 11 has one of those.
It’s been no secret that a major criticism of series 11 has been its lack of compelling villains. I myself have been vocal about this disappointment. So I thought I would make up a list of 10 classic villains I would like to see the Thirteenth Doctor go up against. I’m basing these off a few factors. Personal favourites, Jodie’s vibe, the era, etc. Enjoy! And feel free to add your own!
1. Autons
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First Appearance: "Spearhead from Space" (1970)
I know they have already returned. I know I said I didn’t like their update. That’s exactly why they’re on this list now. I didn’t exactly hate the updated Autons when I first watched them. At the time, I didn’t have any classic villains to compare them to, as they were new to me. I thought they were pretty corny and not very scary, even as they did openly murder people in the streets of London. But when seeing "Spearhead from Space," for the first time, I was supremely creeped out. The newer Autons remind me of the movie theatre scene in “Human Traffic.” Just a bunch of dancers doing the robot. Not very scary. And turning the Nestine consciousness into a big vat of CGI goo, as compared to a giant plastic space squid seems like a crime. They’re due an update.
2. Voord
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First Appearance: "The Keys of Marinus" (1964)
These guys creep me out. Their costumes are really stupid, and I still find them creepy. They’re like spiky fish men mixed with Egyptian gods. Ignoring the weird "Voord became Cybermen," storyline, and focusing on the fishman aspect would be the way to go. Could you imagine their costume if updated correctly? I picture a mix between Edward Scissorhands and a scuba diver. I’ve wanted to see Jodie encounter these guys ever since "The Ghost Monument," reminded me of "The Keys of Marinus." Something about First Doctor villains with the first female Doctor kinda works for me too. Speaking of First Doctor villains…
3. Zarbi
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First Appearance: "The Web Planet" (1965)
Ok, so this one is a bit of a cheat. I know the Zarbi aren’t really a villain by their own doing. In many ways, these oversized ants are just dumb animals. But the biggest way this is a cheat is because I just want them so we can have the Menoptera! I love those stupid moth cuties. I think an updated one of them could look really fun. Think the aliens from the queue scene in the "Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy," movie. Something between realistic, and fantastical. They would also add a much-needed sense of levity to the Chibnall era.
4. The Dominators
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First Appearance: "The Dominators" (1968)
The Dominators are a race of men whose name pretty much describes their modus operandi. Having long ago developed beyond the need for women, these guys seem an obvious choice to go up against a female Doctor. Their look is simple enough to update. They need only to look armoured and militaristic. Their robot drones, the Quarks, would be the real challenge to update, but I’m sure they’d nail it. I would be interested in seeing a more bureaucratic ruling class of Dominators as well. Perhaps instead of having a male and female population, they have the soldiers and the suits. Could be a really interesting way to talk about the insular nature of toxic masculinity. This would fit in well with Thirteen’s villains being chauvinistic shitbirds that don’t like women much.
5. Axons
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First Appearance: "The Claws of Axos" (1971)
I’ve heard the Axons get a bit of flack in the past, which is bananas to me. There’s so much potential there. They have a rather psychedelic look, and then they get super gross. I’ve always seen them as very retro style monsters. Jodie’s costume has a real 1970’s "Godspell," look about it, so I always picture her going up against monsters that look the part. They wouldn’t be hard to update either. I would make the golden lines on their humanoid forms slightly raised, like a system of fibres across their skin. And of course, their squidgy red form could be a tangled mass of CGI that kinda bubbles up from the gold lines. The transformation scenes could get very visceral. They’ve got a sneaky nature about them. Like anglerfish, their beautiful golden appearance conceals a horrific monster. They’re known for making Faustian deals with people fool enough to believe their lies. How could we resist?
6. The Mara
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First Appearance: "Kinda" (1982)
Many people love the Kinda/Snakedance storyline. I wasn’t sure what to make of either serial, as the quality of both waivers. Over time, though, I’ve come to really appreciate them as stories. I have a love for characters that exist as a sort of gestalt. There’s something very unsettling about a hive mind. As The Doctor has three companions this time around. There’s lots of room for one of them to go off and become possessed by an evil snake god for a while. Either Graham or Ryan becoming hosts for the Mara could be an interesting way to explore their relationship. While the DVD release saw an updated version of the Mara’s snake form, I’m sure the modern show can do one better. They’ve already done giant spiders, now let's see them do a giant snake!
7. The Rani
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First Appearance: "The Mark of the Rani" (1985)
While I am aware many people dislike the Rani, and the idea of Chris Chibnall choosing a character created by Pip and Jan Baker is unlikely, I still don’t care. Any character can be made good in the hands of a competent writer. All it takes is one good idea. Personally, I’ve never really gotten the guff she’s been given. As a woman capable of cruel scientific experiments, the Rani is a ruthless Time Lady with more guile than the Master. People want to see Thirteen with Missy because they’re both women now, but we’ve had an evil Time Lady for years, and I’d be interested to see what regeneration might bring for her… or him?
8. Rutans
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First Appearance: "The Horror of Fang Rock" (1977)
First Mentioned: “The Time Warrior” (1973)
The Rutans are long enemies of the Sontaran race. I would love to see them amp up the danger by getting stuck in the middle of a skirmish between the two races. I would like to see the Sontarans presented as formidable once again. The Doctor Who video game "The Gunpowder Plot," did update their look, to a decent degree. Either way, modern Who could make a Rutan look much more imposing with CGI, or even practical effects. I’d imagine something like a green man o’ war. Jodie’s Doctor’s tendency to mediate during conflict could land her trying to broker peace between the two races. Could she be successful or would she have to count her losses?
9. Drashigs
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First Appearance: "Carnival of Monsters" (1973)
Here we have yet another Robert Holmes creation! (The other two being the Autons and the Rutans) While mostly just mindless monsters that can eat through anything, I’ve always loved these horrific beasts. With heads the size of a Volkswagen bug, and an appetite for anything in their way, these guys could really add in a danger element. I doubt they could really carry an episode by themselves, but they’d make a great threat! They may be alien snake monsters, but you may have a creeping familiarity when looking at them. This is because the puppets used were constructed around the skulls of real dogs! While I’m sure these pups died of natural causes, the information has always given them an air of creepiness and realism. As Third Doctor era baddies go, these toothy terrors were some of the more believable creatures yet! They wouldn’t need much of an update, looks wise. Part of me would still want them to be puppets. I’d imagine Thirteen’s compassion for misunderstood creatures would send her on a danger defying attempt to save their lives!
10. The Scorchies
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First Appearance: "The Scorchies" (2013)
Ok, so this one is another cheat. Technically these aren’t "classic Who" villains. They come from the audios, but I’m counting them because they’re from a Third Doctor era storyline! If you count the mention of the Rutans in "The Time Warrior," this marks the fifth baddie from the Third Doctor era. What is it about that period that is so mineable? Originally a species with bodies, they lost their corporeal form when their planet was invaded and they were transported to safety via television broadcast waves! In their new puppet bodies, they go from planet to planet hypnotising their inhabitants and burning them! Why? Because they’re salty. So why them?  Well, for starters, look at these guys! Jodie’s Doctor has always reminded me as a bit of mad kids’ show presenter, with her bright colours and friendly appearance. Seeing her with puppets almost feels natural. I love the idea so much that I photoshopped it! It would also make Doctor Who history. While the Eighth Doctor mentioned his audio companions in "The Night of the Doctor," no audio characters have ever made an appearance in the show (at least to my knowledge). Appearance wise, they’d be easy to create. If they wanted to go the extra mile, they could partner with the Jim Henson Creature Shop for an added distinction. I feel like no matter what you do, these little critters could draw a crowd. People would watch just to see if Doctor Who has lost its damn mind! If done right, it could be a fun romp! Who says Doctor Who villains always have to be serious?
Well, that’s it for my list! Did you agree? Do you think poor Natalie needs to get her head checked out? Feel free to reblog with your own additions! I’d love to read what you think! Expect the review of this weekend’s Doctor Who either Sunday or Monday. I’ve not yet re-watched Marco Polo, which I might actually do today, but it’s on my list to write it next week! It’s going to be the first reconstruction I’m doing, so it should be interesting! I’m not sure if I will supplement any of it with the Target novelisation, but I am thinking not. We’ll see! It’s still early into the series!
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chungledownbeamcannon · 7 years ago
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Classic foes and creatures in Modern Doctor Who (2)
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mikes-place · 3 years ago
One of the many things I hate about this point in history is the shit show that is current space exploration. I grew up with the shuttle program in full swing, Mars rover programs, the OG astronauts were still speaking at events, and living in central Florida watching rocket and shuttle launches from my driveway didn't hurt either. I grew up in the shadow of JFK's grand space program launching gigachads into orbit or to the moon while the starched, shirt pocket protector, brain-trust ran mission control. I watched the ISS grow from drawings to a massive structure that when it passes over head it makes the night sky brighter. People training with night vision often have to pause and wait for it to pass.
Now it's billionaires in a pissing match. When one falls behind they just pull a PR stunt and launch a celebrity into the sky. Starlink fucks up amateur astronomy. Three fucking Bond villains basically control the future of space flight at this stage and they can't even be cool about it. SpaceX suits look like an Apple branded Daft Punk knock off and everytime they launch, their commentator sounds like a rejected MTV TRL host as they repeat the worst drone ship name I've ever heard. Everyone is in bad fitting polo shirts and it all looks like a Target or Best Buy staff with an abundance of engineering and physics degrees. Virgin Galactic does at least look futuristic. Thank God for Burt Rutan.
Fucking hell humanity used to be cooler.
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crossoverworldtree · 3 years ago
Ships of Star Trek
Note: These are not the ships of Star Trek, but from the civilizations featured in those series from the 20th and 21st centuries, where the majority of play takes place. A few tweaks are needed (mostly speed and shields) to get to the later eras.
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Name: Early Battlecruiser (Rutan Host/Skrull/Changeling) Size: 6 DC: 2800 Toughness: 2 Crew: 4 Acceleration: 5 Accuracy/Sensors: 7 Armor Value (Hull): 160 Shield DC: 2000 (Regenerating) Handling: 1 Range: Minor Inter-Stellar Max Speed: NA Additional Builds: Emergency Measures: 4 Point Extra Space: 3 FTL Capacity: Warp 3 Guns: 12-14 Phaser Banks (300 Phaser Damage), 2-4 Torpedo Launcher Other Equipment: Intellect 5, Medical Facilities
In one corner of the galaxy, the Rutan Host/Founders/Daemonites/Dire Wraiths/Skrulls use these ships to enforce their order in their territory. Only they have the resources to build such ships while limited by Warp speeds.
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Name: Cruiser (Federation Constitution-class vessel, Klingon K'Tinga or D7, Bajoran Freighter, Jem'Hadar Flagship) Size: 5 DC: 2100 Toughness: 2 Crew: 4 (Full Crew) Acceleration: 3 Accuracy/Sensors: 6 Armor Value (Hull): 150 Shield DC: 1500 Handling: 1 Range: Minor Inter-Stellar Max Speed: 600
Additional Builds: Emergency Measures: 6 Point Extra Space: 3 FTL Capacity: Warp 4
Guns: 4-8 Phaser Banks (300 Phaser Damage), 2-6 Torpedo Launcher (Photon) (200 Torpedoes total.)
Other Equipment: Intellect 5, Medical Facilities, Transporter
Most ships in the Original Series or earlier eras were around this size. Many science vessels and cruisers are in this size category as well. A full crew component is needed for these ships.
In the late 20th/early 21st century, this is the top-of-the-line ship of the various non-Goa'uld civilizations. The Draconians (Klingons), The Cappellan's/Iridonians, Kree and their various subspecies, The Nestene Consciousness, Yaut'ja/Predators, the refugee fleet of the Denizens of Yaddith, and the Rutan Host/Changelings.
The Changeling Ships have an additional weapon, a Phased Polaron Disruptor which deals 300 Plasma damage.
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Name: Defiant/Heavy Fighter/Transport (Jem'Hadar Attack Ship, Klingon Bird of Prey, Romulan Bird of Prey, Bajoran Assault Vessel) Size: 3 DC: 800 Toughness: 3 Crew: (4) Acceleration: 5 Accuracy/Sensors: 6Armor Value (Hull): 130 Shield DC: 500 Handling: 3 Range: Minor Inter-Stellar Max Speed: 600 Additional Builds: Emergency Measures: 4 Point. Extra Space: FTL Capacity: Warp 4 Guns: 2 Pulse Phasers (200 Phaser Damage, 2 hits per shot, -2 to hit), 2 Phaser Banks (300 Phaser damage) 2 Torpedo Launchers (8 Photon 300)
Other Equipment: Intellect 3, Medical Facilities 3, Transporter
Heavy Fighters, large cargo haulers, and other ships too small to be cruisers, but too large to be fighters or shuttles. Skrull/Rotan Host/Changeling vessels are also equipped with a Phased Polaron Cannon which deals 200 Plasma damage. Also, Romulan Birds of Prey Torpedo deal Plasma damage
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Name: Fighter or Large Shuttle Size: 2 DC: 560 Toughness: 2 Crew: (Pilot, Gunner) Acceleration: 5 Accuracy/Sensors: 6 Armor Value (Hull): 70 Shield DC: 400 Handling: 3 Range: Minor Inter-Stellar Max Speed: 600
Additional Builds: Reduced Armor Emergency Measures: None Extra Space: FTL Capacity: Warp 3 Guns: 2 Light Phasers (200 Phaser Damage), 1 Torpedo Launcher (8 Torpedoes, 300 damage) Other Equipment: Intellect 4, Medical Facilities 3
Fighters are rare in the Federation, and many others powers see little use for them. They remain effective, however, it's just that society and economics work against the building and training of Fighter craft. More often, a weaponless captain's yatch or shuttelcraft.
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Name: Runabout Size: 0 DC: 200 Toughness: 0 Crew: (Pilot) Acceleration: 5 Accuracy/: 4 Armor Value (Hull): 55 Shield DC: 200 (Original Series era. Add 100 for Next Gen, subtract 100 for Enterprise era) Handling: 5 Range: Minor Inter-Stellar Max Speed: 600 Additional Builds: Reduced Armor Emergency Measures: None Extra Space: 0 FTL Capacity: Warp 2 Other Equipment: Intellect 4, Medical Facilities 3 A glorified escape pod, really, also used for exploration when the transporters are not fully functional.
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majingojira · 5 years ago
Crossover Universe Musings -- Aliens
One of the things about working in a mixed Crossover Universe, linking to other series not because “it's cool” but from in story crossovers, meetings, and homages and the occasional pseudo-scholarly article, is that a lot of “Blending” happens.  And it really is rather fun. Or, rather, it’s a time-saving measure because having X number of species all being basically the same is just annoying as hell.  But remember, working in the “Crossover Universe” is like trying to piece together what happened at Pearl Harbor using only the movies made about it.  Here are some results, let’s see what you recognize. 
The Elder Things - One of the oldest sapient species in the universe, and also the ugliest. The Barel bodied, flam-footed, branching-tentacle armed, winged, starfish-headed horrors of Lovecraft.  They made many ancient technologies later species would claim as their own.  Also known as The Quintessons. 
The Ascended - A collective of various species that have shed biological form to exist as energy, thought, and smug. Many species achieve this, and each group holds itself to different standards.  They are all obscenely powerful, and when they act, it is rarely small. Also known as Any Number of God-Like Beings in Star Trek, The Ancients, Ultraman and other Ultras, The Mu (RahXephon and others), and Preservers. The later of which is partly responsible for why there are so many transported human cultures out in the galaxy.  The Time Lords - Ya know these goons.  That one meddling Doctor pops his head up everywhere.  The Celestials - GIANT SPACE GODS! They silently judge for their own reasons.  And tinker.  Because they are bored.  The Xothians - Better known as The Star Spawn of Cthulhu, or just the Star Spawn.  Powerful beings in mind, soul, and body. They have squid-heads, dragon bodies, and roughly humanoid shape. Usually standing between 3 and 23 meters tall.  The “Great Race” of Yith - They mentally transfer themselves into different species to learn, but generally have a habit of stranding their ‘preferred’ host body’s original mind in their last body.  So, yeah, they’re dicks. But they LOVE learning.  The Mi-Go - Aliens from Outside our reality, true Outsiders.  Horrific to view in their true form and masters of biomechanics, they sometimes like to show up on earth as Yeti rather than their true insect/fungal forms. Their aims in our universe are not nice.  The Neural Parasites - These are beings that either dominate a host humanoid or ‘blend’ with them to share knowledge and experience. The former is best represented by the “Let me play god!” Goa’uld.  The latter is best represented by the Trill. They have only recently diverged into separate species.  They have also been presented as the “Bluegill.”  Though for the record, it was the constructions at Egypt and other locations that brought the Goa’uld to earth, they had no hand in it at all.  The Colonists - The most commonly known “Grey” type.  They made first contact with Earth in 1947 and started setting up for colonization of the planet. They weren’t the only aliens to visit that year, but they were the only intentional ones.  The species infects through a “Black Oil” virus that infects a sapient species and converts it into one of them. Immature forms are more savage than the adult ones.  They use technology to take human form, but the technology didn’t always work well at first.  In the 50s and 60s, their human forms were basically shells of flesh with no blood, and no heartbeat -- and they could never quite get the pinky right. Plus, their bodies vaporized on death.  Today, they just are better at changing shape but after 60 some years of preparation, they lost interest in the earth due to climate destabilization. Examples are seen in The X-Files and The Invaders.   The Asgard - The other type of Grey, smaller, smarter, and less dickish. Examples include Stargate SG-1 and Close Encounters of the Third Kind. 
Xenomorphs - a.k.a. The Brood. A Genetically engineered bioweapon of a species that got out of hand.  Who made them?  Some jerks.  The Predators  - a.k.a. The Yau’tja, The Hirogen. They have a hunter-based culture.   Expatriated Humans - They are people who were transported elsewhere by other species and have since become their own cultures.  Some become different species, such as the Thoans, Jaffa, etc. 
The Kree/Kherubim/Capellans/Eridaneans/Sontarans - Between the Ancient and Expatriated Humans lie this species and its offshoot cultures.  They look human, but thanks to differences, they tend to be more physically fit, more durable, heal faster, and extremely long-lived.  This is in part due to nanotechnology, and in part due to genetic engineering on their part.  Some of them crash-landed on earth (or rather, several different ships of theirs crash-landed on earth at several different times) and they tweaked history every now and again.  Some are more ‘enhanced’ than others, and their society did assimilate a few other sapient species into their midst, but they are few in number.  The way to tell the cultures apart is to see if they have an elected “King”, or a ruling council.  Or if they obey a biocomputer. The societies have been at war with themselves and others for a long time and have a long history of using clone troopers as needed. Most look human, but some are not.  Some are blue, and some have true ‘dome heads’.   Kryptonians and Viltrumites/Daxamaites - They started as a mining colony for the above species.  They altered themselves to face the harsh environment: Both had high gravity, but one was a cold world with low light, so they used nanites to store extra energy, enhanced their senses genetically and nanotechnologically, and also could use their nanites to make a heat-based energy weapon in case of emergencies.  The latter had to fend off savage beasts so regularly, tweaking themselves to better survive combat was more useful than just having bigger guns to fend them off.  When the Kree/Capellan civilization was in one of its downturns, the two were left to themselves and decided to act on their own initiative.  They had their experiences of trying to be a galactic power in their own right, but the Kryptonians mostly turned in on themselves, while the Dazamites/Viltrumites cut such a swath through space, biological warfare and decimated the species.  Then Krypton blew up, leaving few survivors of that planet too.  Though, thanks to humanity’s special ability to crossbreed with damn near any non-Terran sapient species, members of each group view Earth with special importance.   The Rutan Host/Changelings/Founders/Skrulls/Daemonites/Formless Spawn of Tsathoggua - Shapeshifters whose natural state is liquid.  They are intelligent, but their young, sent out to explore the universe then find their way back home, can be very dangerous as they can be ... infectious.  Not as bad as another species from their home planet that got out in the universe -- no. Not as bad as that... Thing.  Or the horrifying Blob that originates on their homeworld but also barrels through space.  But, a juvenile member can dive onto another being, “Blend” with it, and then take its form.  However, this process is always a battle of wills, and people of strong minds and hearts can overcome the being and gain elastic abilities from the encounter.  Often referring to themselves as “Plastic” or “Elongated” men.  It’s pretty Fantastic.  BTW: Skrull is a slur against them.   
The Borg/Cybermen - Humanoids who, in order to survive, replace their weaker organic parts with mechanical ones.  They share their ‘gift’ with as many species as they can.  Also, they are dicks.  The Klingons/Draconians - Honorable Warriors with forehead-ridges and a dark complexion.   The Sarmaks/Kaldanes - a species from an other-dimensional version of Mars (I call it “Nevernever Mars” because crossovers) who tried to invade earth in 1898.  The War of the Worlds and the Barsoom series demonstrates this species. 
The Dholes/Space Monsters/Uchuu Kaiju - Massive, planet boring worms that fly through space and crawl through dreamlands.  They are the most terrifying species known that isn’t an out-and-out god.  The Myceneans - Gigantic beings, 3 to 30m in height (depending on how you allow things in your crossover universe), they alter themselves genetically and mechanically to become living weapons.  They are really only distinguishable by one feature: Having a secondary head usually in the enter of their chest.   The Cybertronians - Lastly, I’ll mention the most infamous Elder Thing creation (other than Shoggoths). They’ve been locked in a war that drags other species down with them for hundreds of thousands of years.  They are also insidious invaders, disguising themselves as different native machines to get one over on their foes.  While some do try to help, most of them view organic life with revulsion.  There are biomechanical Cybertronians that can disguise themselves as other living beings.  These are ostracized in their society but still employed as spies on other worlds.  One possible timeline has this species locked in combat with another creation of the Elder The Zentradi and Meltrandi.  4m tall giants who live for war.  This would lead to a 1999 crash landing of a Cybertronian city-ship, and it’s recovery/refit by humans who made jets based on the corpses of dead Cybertronians.  This technology was sometimes called “Robotech.” Other species of note that don’t have crossover representation, but are important to other degrees and are better known include Vulcans, Romulans, Daleks, Ogrons, Unas, Replicators, Klyntar, Color Out of Space, Majesdenians, Flying Polyps, Star Vampires, Xiclotlian, and Zarr.
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thenihilistofthevoid · 5 years ago
Slaughtering Impartiality
(A starter for @doctorvii​)
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He’d been studying, it was just another day at the Tokyo University of Science and Mathematics. Saburo was a student studying for his PhD in theoretical mathematics, an interesting branch that dealt with quantum mechanics and branched into physics as much as it did standard maths. He always had a head for figures and he wanted to see what could be possible. Tesseracts and toy universes were something that had fascinated him, unaware of the hell that would unfold due to the chenmistry department 3 floors below discovering a new chemical. It was called Pentocyleinicmethyldrane, a potential plastic destroying chemical with no adverse effect to marine life. It was designed to help reduce waste in the oceans that had been building up for nearly two centuries. None of them were aware that the university was under the control of aliens, who’d been guiding the chemistry’s research laboratory for a long time. Pentocyleinicmethyldrane was also a lethal poison towards a species called the Rutan Host, who the Sontarans had been at war with for countless years. He’d set off the sprinkler system on this level, the floors were now soaking and the lamp was on. Dropping it as the Sontaran platoon took aim at him, the energy coursed through their battle armour and into the probic vent, frying their nervous systems and killing them. “I’m surprised that worked...” He sighed, turning his head to see another person. A man wearing a cream jacket and a hat whilst holding an umbrella. “One second.” He stated, unplugging the lamp before getting off the chair. “What’s your name?”
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bookofjin · 6 years ago
Annals of Emperor An, Part 2
[The Yuanxing era]
[Yuanxing 1, 18 February 402 – 7 February 403]
1st Year of Yuanxing [“Inaugural Flourishing”], Spring, 1st Month, gengwu [18 February], New Moon, a great amnesty. Changed the inaugural.
Used the General of the Rear, Yuanxian as Great General of Agile Cavalry, Great Chief Controller of Conquering and Punishing; the General who Quells North, Liu Laozhi, as Yuanxian's vanguard; the General of the Van, the King of Qiao, Shangzhi, as the rear guard; to accordingly punish Huan Xuan.
2nd Month, bingwu [26 March], the Emperor in military dress saw Yuanxian off at the Western Pond.
On dingsi [6 April], dispatched also the Palace Attendant, the King of Qi, Rouzhi due to a zouyu being proclaimed and circulated in Jing and Jiang provinces.
On dingmao [16 April] Huan Xuan defeated the kingly host at Gushu. The King of Qiao, Shangzhi, and the King of Qi, Rouzhi, both died there.
Used the General of the Right, Wu Yinzhi as Commander-in-Chief of All Army Affairs of Jiao and Guang provinces, and Inspector of Guang province.
3rd Month, jisi [18 April], Liu Laozhi rebelliously surrendered to Huan Xuan.
On xinwei [20 April], the kingly host achieved defeat at Xinting. The Great General of Agile Cavalry, the Heir to the King of Kuaiji, Yuanxian, the King of Donghai, Yanzhang, the General of the Best of the Army, Mao Tai, and the General who Roams and Strikes, Mao Sui were all murdered.
On renshen [21 April], Huan Xuan made himself Palace Attendant, Imperial Chancellor, Recording the Affairs of the Masters of Writing. Used Huan Qian as Supervisor of the Masters of Writing. Moved the Grand Tutor, the King of Kuaiji, Daozi, to Ancheng.
Xuan soon again declared himself Grand Commandant and Shepherd of Yang province, and gathered up the hundred measures. Used the King of Langye, Dewen, as Grand Steward.
The Grand Warden of Linhai, Xin Jing, struck Sun En, and beheaded him.
This Month [18 April – 17 May], Tufa Lilugu died. His younger brother Rutan inherited the bogus rank.
Autumn, 7th Month, yihai [22 August], the King of Xincai, Chong, was murdered by his slave.
8th Month, gengzi [16 September], calamity below the residence of the Masters of Writing.
Winter, 10th Month [11 November – 10 December], the Inspector of Ji province, Liu Gui rebelliously ran to Murong De.
12th Month, gengshen [3 February], the King of Kuaiji, Daozi, was murdered by Huan Xuan.
A limited amnesty in Guangling and Pengcheng for great disobedience and below.
[Yuanxing 2, 8 February 403 – 27 January 404]
2nd Year, Spring, 2nd Month, xinchou [16 March], the General who Establishes Power, Liu Yu, routed Xu Daofu in Dongyang.
On yimao [30 March], Huan Xuan declared Great General.
On dingsi [1 April], the Inspector of Ji province, Sun Wuzhong, was murdered by Huan Xuan.
Summer, 4th Month, guisi [7 May], New Moon, an eclipse of the sun [OK. In parts of southern China this was a total eclipse. http://xjubier.free.fr/en/site_pages/solar_eclipses/xSE_GoogleMap3.php?Ecl=+04030507&Acc=2&Umb=1&Lmt=1&Mag=0]
Autumn, 8th Month [2 September – 1 October], Xuan also titled himself Chancellor of State, and King of Chu.
9th Month [2 October – 31 October], the Grand Warden of Nanyang, Yu Ze, rose up with righteous troops. He was defeated by Xuan.
Winter, 11th Month, renwu [22 December], Xuan moved the Emperor to the Yong'an [“Perpetual Calm”] Palace.
On guiwei [23 December], shifted the Grand Temple's spirit tables to Langye state.
12th Month, renchen [1 January], Xuan usurped the rank, and used the Emperor as King of Pinggu.
On xinhai [20 January], the Emperor suffered dust to Xunyang.
[Yuanxing 3, 28 January 404 – 14 February 405]
3rd Year, Spring, 2nd Month [27 February – 26 March], the Emperor was at Xunyang.
On gengyin [28 February], night, waves of water entered Shitou, rapidly killing households of people.
On yimao [24 March], the General who Establishes the Martial, Liu Yu, led Liu Yi of Pei state, He Wuji of Donghai, and others, raised righteous troops.
On bingchen [25 March], beheaded the Inspector of Xu province appointed by Huan Xuan, Huan Xiu, at Jingkou, and the Inspector of Qing province, Huan Hong, at Guangling.
On dingsi [26 March], the Righteous host crossed Jiang.
3rd Month, wuwu [27 March], Liu Yu beheaded Xuan's general Wu Fuzhi at Jiangcheng, beheaded Huangfu Fu at Luoluo.
On jiwei [28 March], Xuan's multitudes scattered and escaped.
On gengshen [29 March], Liu Yu set up a temporary government, and arranged the hundred officials.
On renxu [31 March], Huan Xuan's Minister over the Masses, Wang Mi, pushed forward Liu Yu [as] Acting General of the Headquarter Army, Inspector of Xu province, Commander-in-Chief of All Army Affairs of Yang, Xu, Yan, Yu, Qing, Ji, You and Bing provinces, Acting with the Tally. Liu Yu used Mi to act as Inspector of Yang province, Recording the Affairs of the Masters of Writing.
On xinyou [30 March?], Liu Yu executed the Supervisor of the Left of the Masters of Writing, Wang Yu, Yu's son, the Inspector of Jing province, Sui, and the Inspector of Si province, Wen, Xiang.
On xinwei [9 April], Huan Xuan pressured the Emperor to go up west.
On bingxu [24 April], a secret decree used hidden pressured [?] on Xuan. [Since] the ten thousand moments were false and empty, ordered the King of Wuling, Zun, to rely on the old canons, to succeed to overall authority of acting on the affairs of the hundred officials, concurrently Palace Attendant, the remainder like before. Also a great amnesty for planning rebellion from great disobedience and below, only those descendant from Huan Xuan's grandfather were not pardoned.
Summer, 4th Month, jichou [27 April], the Great General, the King of Wuling, Zun, declared authority, with overall command of the ten thousand moments.
On gengyin [28 April], the Emperor arrived at Jiangling.
On gengxu [18 May], the General who Assists the State, He Wuji, and the General who Raises the Martial, Liu Daogui, and Huan Xuan's generals Yu Zhi and He Danzhi, fought at Penkou, and greatly routed them.
Xuan again pressured the Emperor to go down east.
5th Month, guiyou [10 June], the General of the Best of the Army, Liu Yi, and Huan Xuan fought at Zhengrong Island. Again routed him.
On jimao [16 June], the Emperor again favoured Jiangling.
On xinsi [18 June], the Adjutant of Jing province, Wang Kangchan, and rhe Grand Warden of Nan commandery, Wang Tengzhi, welcomed the Emperor to stay in Nan commandery.
On renwu [19 June], the Controller-Protector Feng Qian beheaded Huan Xuan at Mopan Island. The Driving Carriage returned to propriety at Jiangling.
On jiashen [21 June], a decree said:
Faithless, fiendish, usurpating rebels have existed since ancient times. We were not able preventing and stop bit by bit [?], thereby causing disseminating beyond. [We] rely on the General of the Headquarter Army, Yu to outstandingly plan and strive to send out, his loyalty and bravery beyond the generation, the General of the Best of the Army, Yi, and others, with sincere hearts lodged to manifest, uniting to aid together the excellent plan. The righteous sound is already arisen, gentlemen and commoners make efforts for moderation, the altars of grain and soil begin to calm, the Four Seas uniformly celebrate. Thus a great amnesty, all those various who feared to pressure affairs and bent to disobey the instructions, none will be questioned [?].
On wuyin [15 June], received the spirit tables to enter into the Great Temple.
Intercalary Month, jichou [26 June], Huan Xuan's old General who Spreads the Martial, Huan Zhen, captured Jiangling. Liu Yi and He Wuji withdrew to defend Xunyang. The Emperor again suffered dust to the traitors' encampment.
6th Month [23 July – 21 August], the Inspector of Yi province, Mao Qu, punished the bogus Inspector of Liang# province, Huan Xi, and beheaded him.
Autumn, 7th Month, wushen [13 September], the Yong'an August Empress, Ms. He, expired.
8th Month, guiyou [8 October], entombed and buried the Majestic Emperor's Exemplarious August Empress in the Perpetual Peace [yongping] Mound.
9th Month [20 October – 17 November], the former Serving within the Palace, Diao Cheng, and the Assistant of the Private Writers, Wang Maizhi planned rebellion. They were sentenced to execution.
Winter, 10th Month [18 November – 17 December], Lu Xun robbed Guang province. The Inspector, Wu Yinzhi, was defeated by Xun. He seized the Chancellor of Shixing, Ruan Tianzhi and turned back.
Murong De died. His elder brother's son Chao inherited the bogus rank.
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theorphaninthetardis · 2 years ago
Chapter Thirteen
Jack places Sophie down on one of the pub benches, and Owen rushes over, bandaging the gunshot wound swiftly. Jack starts to grab different pieces of bar furniture, placing it in front of the door.
"So, if we barricade ourselves in," Owen says, grabbing a bar stool, "what happens to Tosh and Ianto?"
"Why are we still talking about this?" Jack grumbles, and then glances over at Sophie, "Tosh and Ianto can look after themselves." He places another table in front of the door, and glances over at Keiran, the boy who shot Sophie. He's laying on the bench opposite her, holding his shotgun tightly, "The kids are our first priority. Now, they've already been for him once. They're not going to give up that easily."
Gwen walks over to the dartboard blackboard and grabs the small piece of chalk laying on the rim. "So, have we ever heard of a species who strip human bodies of flesh and organs?"
Sophie squints, sitting up with a groan. Owen looks over, shaking his head, "What are you doing? You need to rest."
"It could be a Raxicoricofallipatrian," she says, ignoring the doctor. "Course, most Raxicoricofallipatorians would eat a human whole, and not bother chopping it up, but it's possible."
Gwen turns back to the board, "Right, so, Raxicorco... I'm sorry, what is it?"
"Raxicoricofallipatorius," Jack answers, then turns to Sophie, "They don't have the psychic abilities to control humans though."
She shrugs, "It's still possible. It could also be a Werewolf, although, I don't think there are a lot of them left." Sophie leans back against the wall, grimacing. "To be honest, there aren't a lot of alien species that I know of that could, or would strip organs and flesh from humans. "It could be a Krillitane subspecies that hasn't fully evolved, or the Rutans hoping to get some sort of military advantage, or even a Sontaran who is hoping the same thing. There's a small chance it could be a rogue Cyberman, but chances of that are very slim." Once Jack is sure the barricade is strong enough, he joins Gwen and Owen as they listen to her rambling. She continues to list off possible alien species, although ends up ruling most of them out.
"The rift could have something to do with it," Jack reminds her, leaning against the wall.
"With the rift involved, that adds a lot more species that can be added. Top of my list would be the Silurians or Seadevils. While they're both civilised species, strand anyone someplace without food, and anything is possible. Finally, I wouldn't rule the Vashta Nerada out." The group look at her confused, even Jack seems to be wondering what they are. "The Vashta Nerada are an alien race that live in the shadows, or are the shadows. Get enough of them in one place, they'll eat the flesh, organs, even muscles off a human, leaving them as a pile of bones. So, they could easily remove organs and flesh off of a body."
Jack points a finger at Gwen, "They're the most likely culprit. I'm assuming they can mind control people."
"Sort of," Sophie says, then shifts in her seat, trying to find a comfortable position, but only manages to pull her wound. Owen grumbles something, and marches over to Sophie. Jack pulls his coat off, folding his jacket, and slides it under her head as Owen lowers her back into a lying position. "Vashta Nerada can take over a host for a short period of time, especially if they exist in the shadows."
Gwen turns and writes it on the board, underlining it. She turns around to ask another question, and she sees a shadow cross the window. "Did you see that?" she asks nervously, pointing at the window.
"Something outside?" Jack asks. Sophie tries to sit up to see what they're talking about, but Owen grabs her shoulder and gently forces her back down.
One of the windows shatters, and everyone turns to look. "Was that the same one or different?" Owen asks Gwen, brandishing his gun. Jack and Gwen both pull their guns out, aiming them at the windows as well.
"He said they'd come back.," Gwen sounds scared, but is forcing herself to remain composed.
"Let's not jump to conclusions," Jack orders. He glances over at Keiran, finding him pointing his weapon at the window as well. "We don't know who they are or what their intentions are."
Out of nowhere the lights flicker out, plunging the group into darkness, only aided by the late hour, and the lack of sun in the sky. "That doesn't seem ideal," Sophie mutters.
Keiran seems more agitated than before. He jumps to his feet, shotgun pointing wildly between the windows, "They've come back."
Something starts to bang against the door, and everyone jumps. Sophie moves carefully, trying to get her screwdriver out of her pocket. Keiran starts to walk toward the door, his gun pointed at the door as well. Gwen tries to get the boy to come back, but he just keeps blindly walking for the doors. The door stops rattling just as quickly as it started. The door behind the bar starts to rattle instead, the only thing holding it closed is a padlock and a chain. Jack leaps up against the door, pressing his back against it, trying to keep it closed. "Okay, so we didn't check the cellar," he shrugs.
Kieran looks between both doors, pointing his gun in both directions, "You can't let them in."
"Come back from the door," Gwen instructs him, trying to grab his arm.
He pulls away, begging them once again to not let them in again. Owen rolls his eyes, "Sit down. We've got this under control."
"You don't understand," the boy protests, moving closer to the barricaded doors, "You don't know what they're like."
The barricade falls down in front of the door, the being outside pushing the door inward. Gwen shouts for the boy again. The cellar door bursts open, and the three Torchwood agents open fire. Whatever is outside the door grabs the boy by his ankles, dragging out the door. He shouts for help, but Jack holds Gwen back from running for the doors. She tries to break free of the Captains grasp, the doors slamming as soon as Kieran disappears.
"It's pitch black. You don't have any tracking devices. You want to get yourself killed?" Jack asks angrily. Sophie moves to stand, grimacing and walking gingerly over to the group.
"Jack," she says, quietly. The Captain jumps, turning to find her leaning against the doorway.
"Go after Kieran and the others," Jack orders, "And be careful." Owen and Gwen dash out of the pub, leaving Jack and Sophie with whatever is in the cellar. "You shouldn't be on your feet. You're wounded."
"I'll be okay. Owen gave me some pain meds. We need to figure out whatever is in the cellar, try to determine what alien it is."
"I need to do that. You need rest." Sophie rolls her eyes, pushing past the Captain, she heads for the cellar. Jack curses under his breath, but moves so he's in front of her, "At least let me go first."
She gestures him forward, "Be my guest."
He nods thankfully, doing his best to make a quiet approach down the stairs. Sophie follows behind him, holding her screwdriver in one hand. With the other arm she leans against the wall, using it to give her leverage as she walks down the stairs. Jack holds a flashlight in one hand and his gun in the other. There are strange things in mason jars filling shelves lining the cellar walls, but Jack only scans over them quickly, as he hears panting from a corner.
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