#russo x reader
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alessiasfreckles · 1 year ago
Fitting In
alessia russo x reader with social anxiety
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You've been with the team for a few months, but your anxiety is making it hard to find your place. When you spend lunch hiding out in your car one day, Lessi comes to find you.
A/N: this is my first woso fic, i hope you like it! i'm planning on writing a part two with real fluff, maybe taking place a month or two later. also this is basically just a self insert fic but i figured maybe someone else could relate to it, so this is for all my other girlies with social anxiety and adhd out there
When you joined the team a few months ago, you weren’t sure how you would fit in. And now, 3 months later, you still weren’t sure.
You had a tendency to over analyse social interactions, situations, anything really, and you knew it didn’t help your social anxiety but there was no way to shut off the constant noise in your brain. At least, not until you met her. Alessia Russo. One of Arsenal’s, and England’s, star strikers. The way she moved on the pitch was like magic, and you swore you could see glitter in the air when she laughed. The crush you had on her grew by the minute. You wanted to at least be friends with her so badly, but you just didn’t know how. 
You still didn’t really have any close friends on the team. Yeah, everyone was friendly, but there were clearly established friend groups, and you didn’t know how to find your place in any of them. When you first joined you would be invited out with everyone, or invited to people’s places for movie nights, that sort of thing. But a lot of the time you felt out of place, so worried about what to say and how you were coming across that the whole situation ended up making you more anxious than if you hadn’t gone in the first place. When you did come out of your shell and say something, you’d spend the rest of the evening thinking about what you said, if it made sense, how you said it, what you should have said instead. 
It was exhausting.
Your sleep schedule was awful, most nights you couldn’t get to sleep until 3am. You’d be lying in bed, desperately trying to sleep but your brain not letting you. You’d wake up feeling groggy, but you didn’t want to let anyone see how badly it was affecting you, so you put on a brave face in front of your teammates. Most days, as soon as training was over, you’d go straight home. You were too tired to do anything other than be alone. 
One day, at lunch, you couldn’t face the thought of trying to figure out where to sit, the overstimulation from everyone talking, the noises and smells, so you decided to sit in your car, alone. You figured that no one would miss you anyway, everyone seemed to have figured out that you were a bit of a loner by now, and they mostly left you alone. 
“Something’s up with y/n, right? It’s not just me?” Leah asked Beth at lunch the next day, scanning the lunch room as she tried to find your face.
“Yeah, but I don’t know what,” Beth shrugged, frowning. “I want to help her, but-”
“Have you guys seen y/n?” Alessia interrupted, coming up from behind them. “She’s not here.”
Leah and Beth both shook their heads. “Maybe she’s in the gym, or on the training field?”. It wasn’t unusual for players to spend their breaks hanging out in other areas, and Alessia nodded.
“I think I’ll go see if I can find her,” she said, and Leah nodded. 
“That’s a good idea, Less. Maybe you can figure out what’s wrong.”
Alessia peeked into the gym, but it was empty. She thought maybe you were walking laps, so she checked the training field, but you weren’t there either. Now she was starting to worry. The two of you hadn’t talked much, but she always listened to what you had to say, and got the feeling that there was a lot more to you than you let on. Deciding to check the car park to see if your car was still there, her face brightened as she found it. When she realised you were sitting inside it, her brow furrowed in confusion. 
You look up from your lunch to see Alessia stood a few metres away from the car, looking at you with a small frown on her face. Is she upset with you? Your eyes meet, and you freeze for a second before raising a hand to wave awkwardly. Her frown clears, and she comes over to the passenger door. 
Knocking on the window and opening the door, she leant down. “Can I come in?” she asked, smiling sheepishly. 
“Uh, yeah, sure!” you reply, sitting up a little straighter, mind racing. Why is she here? What does she want from you? 
“So, um, what are you doing out here?” she asks gently, glancing down at the lunch on your lap.
“Oh, um, sometimes it’s just a lot, you know? Everyone talking and all of the noise. And I never really know where to sit,” you trail off, laughing awkwardly, inwardly cringing at yourself for saying that. 
“I get that. Sometimes some of the girls can be so loud! Like, Katie, didn’t you ever learn what an inside voice is?” she laughs gently, and you smile. “And you know you can sit wherever you want, right? None of us are going to bite you.”
“Haha, yeah, I know, I just…” you shrug, face burning.
Alessia turns to look at you, worry lining her face. “Y/n, is something going on? Has anyone made you feel unwelcome here, or anything?”
“No, everyone’s been so nice, I promise, no one’s done anything,” you start rambling, anxiety rising in your chest as hot tears start to well up in your eyes. You bury your face in your hands. “I’m sorry, this is so embarrassing.”
Suddenly you felt a warm hand on your shoulder, pulling you in to a tight hug. You stiffened to the touch but Alessia’s arms held you gently, and slowly you relaxed into it. 
“It’s okay, it’s okay,” she murmurs, and you feel your breath returning to normal.
After a minute she lets you go and you let out a shaky laugh. “I’m sorry,” you sighed, wiping your eyes.
“Y/n, you don’t need to apologise, it’s okay, I promise,” she says, big blue eyes full of sincerity. “Can you tell me what’s going on?”
You shrug, not knowing what to say. “There isn’t really anything going on, that’s the problem. I just, my brain is just, I feel like everyone else got like, a manual telling them how to exist and how to talk to people and how to have friends, and I didn’t get the manual. You didn’t get a manual, right?” you ask, looking at her with a wry smile.
She smiles apologetically. “Nope, no manual.”
“Well, it was worth asking,” you laugh. “Things just seem to be really hard for me when everyone else finds them easy, you know? And I’m just so tired all the time, but I don’t know why, I barely do anything, I’m so lazy.”
She frowns at that. “You’re not lazy, y/n. Do you get enough sleep?”
You laugh at that. “Oh no, definitely not. Most nights I don’t get to sleep until like, 3am, sometimes 4am.”
“What, why?” she asks in shock. 
“I don’t know,” you shrug. “I just can’t sleep a lot of the time. I try to, I lie in bed with my eyes closed, but there’s just too much going on in my head, it feels like my brain is actively working against me.”
“It’s no wonder you’re so tired then!” she admonishes you gently, and the look she gives you makes you fall for her a little more. 
“I’ve always had trouble sleeping,” you explain. “Ever since I was little. And I’ve always found social situations hard, too.”
“I’ve always hated meeting new people,” the blonde admits, tucking her hair behind her ear. 
“Yeah. It’s gotten a little bit easier, I think, especially after the Euros, I had to do so many interviews and media things, it helped kind of desensitise me to it, but I still don’t like it.”
“Huh,” you say quietly. You never would have guessed that she felt that way. “You always seem so confident.”
“All just a part of my effortlessly cool persona,” she grins, winking at you. You laugh, and she gives you a look of fake hurt. “What, you don’t think I’m effortlessly cool?”
Smiling, you tilt your head. “As long as you believe you’re effortlessly cool, that’s all that counts.” you tease. 
Suddenly, Alessia’s phone buzzes. “Oh, we should probably head back in. The others will be glad to see you, they were worried when you weren’t there at lunch.”
“Really?” you ask, surprise clear in your voice, but it quickly turns to worry. “Oh no, am I not meant to leave during lunch? I’m sorry, I just thought-”
“Woah, hey, relax!” she puts a hand on your arm. “Y/n, you’re allowed to do what you want during lunch. The others were just worried about you because you’re a part of the team. Our team. That makes you a part of our family.” 
You smile sheepishly. 
“Now come on, let’s get going. I don’t fancy giving Jonas an excuse to make us run extra laps, do you?”
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lanae111 · 4 months ago
When he’s a red flag but you need him
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wileys-russo · 2 months ago
Alessia “babe… I don’t know how to tell you this, but I lost my ring” living room
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lost property II a.russo
it wasn't until you got in the car that evening that either of you tweaked anything was wrong, alessia having surprised you with a dinner reservation at your favourite japanese restaurant.
"oh less, why?" you'd questioned right away when you'd arrived home from work and she'd told you, the blonde giving you an odd look and a smile.
"just because." the englishwoman grinned, pecking your lips and sending you upstairs to get ready while she put on a load of washing. an hour later and you were both ready to go, alessia holding up the procession as she hunted for her car keys.
"baby this is why i bought you all the air tags for christmas!" you reminded gently, a thin lipped smile on your face as you tapped your foot, the pair of you now running late for your reservation as alessia dug through her training bag for the second time.
"i don't need them! i don't have a problem with losing things, this is a one off." your fiance huffed stubbornly as you exhaled, sinking down into the sofa. "we could just order in?" you suggested, knowing it took a lot to tip the level headed blonde over the edge but recognizing she was close to snapping.
"no. we're both ready, and you look gorgeous. they're here somewhere!" alessia paused to send you a smile before resuming her digging through her bag, moving quickly onto her favourite handbag and purse but also coming up empty handed.
"i'll go check upstairs less, and you look beautiful!" you rose up from the lounge, ducking down to kiss her cheek and taking the steps two at a time, disappearing into your bedroom.
"found them!" you called out within seconds, a roll of your eyes as you snatched her keys off the bathroom counter and also her phone with a scoff. "where?" alessia was already waiting at the bottom of the steps with wide eyes.
"bathroom, where you showered right after training." you laughed, twirling them around on your finger and holding them out of the taller girls reach, hovering a few steps above her.
"should you call them? let them know we're running late?" you suggested, alessia nodding and slipping a hand into the pocket of her blazer, the temptation to grin swallowed down at the frown on the footballers face as she patted herself down.
"i can't-" "bit hard to call without a phone?" you questioned, eyebrow raised and the device held in your other hand as alessia's cheeks flushed pink. "you'd lose your head if it wasn't attached to your body darling." you teased, her keys and phone slipped into her hands as you squeezed her face in your free hand as you passed.
"this is just a bad example. i do not have a problem with losing things!"
only as your fiance finally pulled out of your driveway and you hung up with the restaurant who agreed to hold you table, did you note there was something quite noticeably missing from her left hand which gripped the steering wheel.
"less." you called for her attention as she hummed, eyes on the road and both hands on the wheel, slowing down at a red light and glancing toward you with a raised eyebrow.
"baby wheres your ring?" you asked quietly, the strikers eyes dropping immediately to her hands which she balled up and moved to her lap. "i uh-well i-" the blonde stumbled over her words, jolting in her seat as she light turned green and the car behind her honked twice telling her to move.
"alessia. did you lose your engagement ring?" you asked slowly, eyes narrowing as your fiance could almost feel the tension rise ten fold within the car, hairs on the back of her neck prickling at the hardened look which burned the side of her face.
"no! babe of course not, of course i didn't lose it." the blonde assured, reaching across to squeeze your knee. "right. so then where is it?" you questioned, arms moving to cross as your fiance shifted in her seat, eyes refusing to meet your own.
"its uh, its being cleaned!" alessia excused, flashing you a nervous smile as you hummed. "the engagement ring that you've had for two weeks...needed to be cleaned?" you asked clearly not believing the poor attempt at a lie.
"yes! yes i was uh, i was showing the girls and i forgot to take it off while we were training. then of course it rained today, and the ring well it got muddy." alessia lied, nodding as if to convince herself more than you, turning right into the carpark.
"it got muddy?" "yes, muddy." "and you couldn't have just wiped it?" "wiped my engagement ring? you don't wipe diamonds!" alessia scoffed, putting her car into park and giving you a look of shock which you met with a blank stare.
"look at this baby, see how it sparkles? catches the light? thats because you take such good care of it, much better care than me. but i would never lose my ring! never." alessia laced her fingers with yours, holding up your engagement ring as you rolled your eyes.
"you spin a decent story russo." you gave her a slight smile, unclicking your belt as the blonde kissed the back of your hand and let go to do the same, the pair of you exiting the car.
"now my love, would i lie to you?"
"leah!" the blonde glanced up from her breakfast at the call of her name, eyebrows furrowing together at the younger girl practically barreling through the cafeteria to get to her, dropping into her seat and trying to catch her breath.
"less?" leah questioned, taking a bite of toast, a few odd glances thrown alessia's way whose chest heaved, not even dressed for training yet as she'd run right from her car to the table.
"i lied to my fiance and i think our marriage might be over before its even started." the blonde stated bluntly, leah choking on a mouthful of toast at the sentence, beths hand smacking her on the back as she joined the pair with a plate of food.
"you right? you know you're old enough now to know you have to chew before you swallow leah." the norhterner smirked as her friend gave her an evil side eye, quickly chugging the last few mouthfuls of juice.
"alessia you've not even been engaged for a month, how is your marriage over already? you've loved that girl for years!" leah asked once she could speak again, beths eyes near bugging out of her head.
"what did you do to that poor lovely girl alessia?" she spoke up sternly, eyes narrowing as alessia scoffed. "why do you assume i did something?" the striker questioned, leah clearing her throat capturing the attention back to her.
"to quote well uh, you. 'i lied to my fiance and i think our marriage might be over before its even started'." leah mocked, fixing the younger girl with a look who paled and sunk into her seat with a sigh.
"i lost my ring." "sorry speak up please some of us don't speak whisper." "i lost my ring."
"uh i hope you mean literally any other ring and not your engagement ring alessia!" beth gasped as the striker winced and shushed her. "oh less forget the wedding being off, you're a dead woman. can any of the venues you were thinking of accommodate a funeral?" leah questioned, alessia shooting her daggers before dragging her hands down her face with a quiet groan.
"she is always on you about being more mindful of your possessions, little miss forget a lot!" beth reminded as your fiance exhaled heavily.
"i know i know! i didn't mean to i just..." "forgot?" both beth and leah chimed in sync sharing a grin as alessia huffed. "are you two going to help me or not?"
"right. so we need to retrace all of your steps from yesterday, where did you start?" leah asked as the three of them made their way out of the canteen, having merely an hour to do so before they were required on the pitch.
"my car. but i already tossed that last night after she fell asleep, and i searched the house top to bottom it's definitely not at home." alessia affirmed as leah hummed.
"so you walked in through the front doors and-" "alessia!" a new voice interrupted them, one of the trainers waving from the end of the hall as he chased after the trio.
"not now henry i'm so sorry, girl talk." alessia called back, jolting the man in his tracks who nodded with a strange look, opening his mouth to speak but they'd already disappeared into the change rooms.
and an hour later as the trio wandered out onto the pitch, alessia was still ring-less, word spreading throughout the team some of whom checked in with her and others (kyra) who seemed to think it was hilarious.
it was obvious her mind was elsewhere during the first session, missing easy goals, easy passes, tripping over herself with her head in the clouds as your voice echoed around in her head.
renee pulling the striker aside to check in alessia assured she was just having an off day and everything was fine, beth and leah watching a few feet away as they hung back after the whistle, the rest of the team filing inside for lunch.
"hey less!" again henry called after her as alessia joined beth and leah, the trio already trying to plot where else the ring may have been left, leah now making an excuse that they all had recovery and couldn't be late as she ushered them back inside.
the later in the day it became, the more alessia's stress grew, now going as far as to be dodging your calls and ignoring your texts, having a day off from work and trying to do the groceries without the list you'd asked her to write out yesterday, another thing she'd forgot.
"the more ya dodge her the more its gonna bite you in the ass later less." beth cautioned, watching the younger girl silence your call and slip her phone into her pocket with a wince, trudging through the car park with slumped shoulders and a face like she was being marched to her execution.
"good luck mate, its been lovely knowing you." leah sighed squeezing her shoulder as alessia pushed her hand off with a scowl, the older blonde snickering and jogging off to catch up with steph who she'd driven in with.
you were starting to grow worried the later in the day it became and your fiances car still hadn't appeared in the driveway, all your calls going to voicemail and texts unanswered.
you paced around the living room, darting to the window like an excited puppy every time you thought you heard her, only to deflate seeing it was just one of your neighbours.
though when afternoon turned to evening and still there was no sign of her, all of the girls confirming she'd left right after training same as them, your worry began to fester and stew, doubts creeping in no matter how much you tried to push them out.
you bounced your knee and bit your lip as your mind drew itself to a conclusion you tried to refuse to believe.
the fancy dinner last night, the insistence to make you breakfast in bed before she'd left for training, the cute little note on the fridge, the lack of a wedding ring, the unexplained absence, the dodged phone calls and messages you could see she'd read.
then finally, the engine, the hurried footsteps and a key in the door.
"baby? it's just me!" she sang out, the thump of her training bag against the floor and shuffle of her shoes wiped against the welcome mat sounding afterward, but you didn't make a move to go and greet her.
"hey i thought we agreed to watch that together! its thursday night that means takeout and trashy tv shows." your fiance whined seeing you already a half an hour into an episode of the real housewives.
a show alessia had been adamant she would never watch or enjoy however after days of her 'curious' questions and hovering around the sofa pretending to be busy whenever you'd put it on you'd worn her down to actually sit and watch, and since then she was hooked.
"are you cheating on me?" it came spewing out of you before you could even take a beat to process, pausing the television and head whipping around to meet your fiances gobsmacked features.
"am i what?" "are you, cheating, on me?" you repeated a little firmer this time, swallowing the fear of her answer and trying to give her the hardest look you could muster.
"i-why would you think i would ever in a million years cheat on you?" alessia rounded the sofa in the blink of an eye as you sat with arms crossed and a frown.
"you took me out for a fancy dinner to distract me, you didn't wear your ring, you've been ignoring me all day and you finished training hours ago but you only just got home and no one can tell me where you've been!" you accused, alessia's face falling.
"baby-" "no alessia, where have you been? who have you been with? does she work at the restaurant? is that why you took me there so you could-" you gasped, shooting up to your feet as the blonde groaned.
"no! no no no no. can you please sit down? i will explain everything." alessias hands fell to your shoulders, very gently pushing you back down to the sofa, shifting uncomfortably under your prickly glare.
"babe i don't know how to tell you this. but...i lost my ring." alessia mumbled quietly, foot nudging a scuffed patch of carpet. "you what?" you asked, not quite hearing her properly as she winced.
"i uh, i lost my ring." "you mean the cleaner lost your ring?" "no...it was never at the cleaners." "right. so you lied to me about it?" "no!" "alessia you are skating on thin ice-" "okay yes! yes i told a little lie. but i promise you i have spent the entire day trying to find it, thats why i'm so late!" alessia collapsed onto the sofa beside you and buried her face in her hands.
but before you could say anything the doorbell rang, and when your fiance made no move to get up to answer it too busy indulging in her little pity party you got up to get it.
"uh hi?" you spoke to the unfamiliar man on your doorstep who took a step back as you pulled the door open. "i'm so sorry to bother you this late, but is alessia here?" you noticed the arsenal badge on his jacket and the word staff sewn underneath, nodding and calling out for the blonde.
"henry? is everything alright?" alessia questioned, surprised to see him to say the least as his hand fished around in his pocket. "look i tried to talk to you all day but-" he grunted and rummaged deeper into his pockets.
"-but i didn't think you'd want to wait any longer for a reunion." with that he fished a sandwich bag out of his pocket and at the sight of its contents alessia's jaw nearly hit the floor.
"my ring! jesus christ henry if i wasnt engaged i'd kiss you." alessia breathed out as he handed it over and you rammed your elbow into her side with a glare making the trainer chuckle.
"i've been married for three years now. good luck! see you tomorrow." the man grinned and with a wave he was walking back down the driveway, the door closed as alessia scrambled to slide the ring back onto her finger with a deep exhale of relief.
one which was interrupted by a clearing of your throat.
"baby-" "no. nope! no, not a word." you warned, a hand held up to stop her advancing toward you as she'd started, a sheepish smile and guilt ingrained deep in her features.
"i'm really sorry?" "thats three words." "i love you?"
"lie to me again and you can have this back." you warned seriously pointing to the ring on your own finger, your fiance nodding eagerly and launching at you for a hug which you ducked.
"baby where are you going?" "to find a needle and thread." "...why?"
"because alessia we are going to take those air tags i got you for christmas and sew one into everything you own, and then after that i'm going to stitch that ring permanently to your finger!"
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enwoso · 1 month ago
Hellooo could you maybe write Alessia Russo x Reader
Where r is the new signing and Alessia simps for r and then Alessia finds out that they have to share a room for the pre season in the US
And there is just like this weird and sexual tension for the whole stay (you can make it smut if you want to but you can dicide and if your comfortable but if you do so could you please make Alessia dom)
SHARED SPACES | alessia russo
i uh may have got a little too carried away with this one, hence it being 5.1k words… but enjoy the slow burn😉
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masterlist | contains slightly suggestive content!
you’d been at arsenal less than a month and were already the talk of the team. you were a shock move in the summer months of the transfer window — a one the media nor your teammates had expected.
you'd been happy at your former club of manchester city but you wanted a change, a challenge, a new environment.
you carried yourself with confidence and ease which is what set you apart from other players. you didn't like the attention all you wanted to was just play football.
alessia however couldn't seem to carry herself at all whenever you were around. from the first team meeting, your presence had thrown alessia askew.
your bright smile and effortless charm lit up the room, your laugh lingering in alessia's ears long after you'd left the room.
but it was more than that. you exuded an energy that alessia couldn't explain — a magnetic, undeniable and slightly maddening type of energy.
alessia had spent the better part of the last few weeks since your arrival fumbling through conversations, blushing at your casual compliment as she mentally berated herself for acting like a lovestruck teenager.
but now as the team had landed for their pre-season tour in the united states, alessia had one thing in her mind and that was to keep her cool.
two weeks in close quarters, across one city, with you? she'd manage.
or so she thought she would..
the team was sorting rooms for the next two week while on the coach to the hotel, alessia being handed the sheet which had everyone's name on and there roommate. the blonde expecting, kyra or lotte to be side by side her name.
so when she saw the sheet of paper, her heart sank, and leapt, at the same time when she saw whose name was next to hers.
your name written next to hers in bold black letters, taunting her. you were her roommate. for two whole weeks..
alessia caught herself staring at the paper for a beat too long, her brain trying to process what it actually meant.
you, the new summer star signing. you, who had walked into the first team with such quiet confidence, wearing it like it was a second skin. you, who was now alessia's roommate.
the blondes mind was racing, sharing a room with you meant sharing everything — space, conversations, moments of vulnerability, early mornings, late nights.
it meant seeing you at your most casual, relaxed and probably in tiny shorts or oversized shirts. you long legs stretched out on your bed. alessia's chest tightening just at the mere thought.
"less? you okay?" leah's voice jolted the blonde from her thoughts. turning slightly to face leah as she was watching with a smirk that suggested she knew what was going on, and had definitely played a part in it.
"i- yeah" alessia said quickly, folding the paper and tucking it into her pocket, "all good!" she smiled grabbing her water bottle to have a sip from.
"sure you are," leah said as her smirk widened, "don't worry i'm sure y/n doesn't bite- well not unless you ask her to"
"leah!" alessia hissed, her cheeks flaming as she grumbled words of complaint that were completely coherent to leah.
"relax" leah laughed as she assured the younger blonde girl she was just joking as she raised her hands in mock surrender, "just saying maybe it's fate"
"fate." alessia repeated flatly, knowing leah had something to do with the room arrangements but still her pulse was racing.
leah winked, "two weeks in close comfort, anything can happen!"
the nervous energy lingered for the rest of the day, by the time the team arrived at the hotel, alessia's stomach was a knot of anticipation and dread.
she waited by the door of the room, clutching the key card like it was a lifeline. you appearing a moment later, rolling a black suitcase behind you.
your hair tied up in a messy ponytail as you wore a loose tank top that clung to you in all the right places.
"looks like it's you and me" you said with a small smile, you voice tinged with amusement. you weren't stupid, you'd heard the teasing comments slung to the blonde who was now your roommate over the past weeks since you’d arrived. so part of you was excited for what the next two weeks had in store.
alessia managed a weak laugh as she waited for the key card to scan and the light turn green, "yeah, should be.. fun"
you pushed the door open and stepped inside, alessia now the one trailing behind. the room was modest, two twin beds pushed to opposite walls and a window that overlooked the city skyline. it was nothing special, but to alessia, it suddenly felt rather small.
you tossed your bag onto the bed closest to the window, stretching out as your arms reached over your head.
alessia tried her best not to stare, but her eyes betrayed her. her eyes tracing the lines of your arms, the subtle curve of your waist where your tank top rode up.
"clean space," you said casually, your eyes looking around the room until your were facing alessia, "you okay with this bed?"
"huh?" alessia blinked now realising she hadn't moved from the doorway, "oh- uh yeah, totally" she stuttered out as she hurried over to the other bed, tripping over her suitcase slightly in the process.
you chuckled softly, "you sure you're good?"
"i'm fine!" alessia squeaked, her voice going higher than she intended.
you didn't press, but alessia could tell you were watching her every move as she unpacked her beg with unnecessary precision, carefully fold and refolding her clothes just to give herself something to do.
while you lay in your bed, on your phone. glancing over ever so often as a silence filled the room. but not an awkward one, exactly but it was heavy and charged with an undercurrent which you couldn't quite name yourself.
every small sound - the zip of alessia's suitcase, the rustle of the sheets as you moved into a move comfy position, the faint tap of your fingers against your phone they all felt amplified.
alessia's pulse was a constant drumbeat in your ears, her mind was racing with thoughts as she desperately tried to suppress them. trying to not let herself get distracted. you were a teammate, nothing more.
a teammate who happened to be gorgeous, charming and as you currently lounged on your bed like a goddess who had descended from mount olympus.
"less," you said suddenly, your soft voice cutting through the thick silence. alessia turning, the sound of your sudden voice startling her, "yeah?"
you tilting your head slightly as your lips curved into a faint smile, "your actin' strange"
"i'm not acting strange" alessia echoed, but even she could hear the lie in her own voice.
your face changed as your brow raised, you weren't fully convinced. you'd seen the blonde around her friends and she didn't act in the way she was with you right now. "if you say so"
you lay back against the pillows, one leg bent, the other stretched out as you held your phone loosely in one hand. the glow from the bedside lamp casting soft shadows across your face, it highlighting your sharp jawline and curve of your cheek.
alessia forcing herself to look away as she pretending to fiddle with her suitcase again, finding herself wanting to say something but no words would leave her mouth.
"relax, less" you said after a moment, your voice calm and soft "i don't bite"
alessia's breath hitched, her stomach flipping at the words. which also happen to be the exact words leah had said to her just a few hours ago.
risking a glance at you as you watched her with an expression that was equal parts teasing and curiosity.
the air was thick and even heavier than before and alessia couldn't tell if she was imagining it or if it was real but your gaze lingered and your eyes had turned, dark and suddenly unreadable.
"right." alessia said finally, the words stumbling from her lips bearly above a whisper, "good to know."
your lips twitched as you were going to say something else but you let the moment pass as you settled back into your pillows with a sigh.
alessia finally climbed into her own bed, pulling the covers up to her chin and even though the room was warm. as she squeezed her eyes shut willing herself to fall asleep.
but her mind wouldn't stop racing, you voice, your smile and the way you looked at her — it was all too much, too close, too everything.
alessia had no idea how she was going to survive the two weeks..
after the first night of sharing room which to alessia had felt suffocating. but she could pin point if it was because of the summer heat, the jet lag or your very presence that had her heart racing and skin flushed.
probably definitely the last one..
the morning had started off slow, the team had been given the chance to adjust to the time zone so had the day off but with most of the girls not wanting to go out till later on in the day you found yourself lounging on your bed.
wearing nothing but an oversized arsenal training shirt and shorts which left far too much of your legs on show. your hair was still messy from your nights sleep as loose strands framed your face.
you phone in your hand, lazily scrolling as the faint glow illuminated your features and every once in a while your hum quietly to yourself, the sound low and soft enough to send shivers down alessia's spine.
alessia, in contrast was a wreck. she'd spent the morning unpacking, repacking and then unpacking — purely just to keep herself busy and anything to avoid looking at you for too long.
"less" you said suddenly, "will you sit down"
alessia didn't say anything just nodded but you weren't making it easy.
anytime alessia let herself glance over you were doing something harmless that somehow felt charged, whether that was stretching out on the bed, your shirt riding up just enough to reveal a strip of skin; biting you bottom lip as you focused on your screen or running a hand through your hair — a motion somehow effortlessly seductive.
"no less, seriously sit down. your makin' me dizzy" your tone changed as your phone flopped down on your chest as you looked over at the blonde who couldn't of gotten further from you if she tried.
alessia froze, "how?"
you sat up, your legs swinging over the side of the bed, "your pacing back and forth and your actin' as if you don't want to get within five feet of me, what's that about?"
"i'm- i'm not" alessia's mouth went dry as she stood up slowly.
"less have you seen where you've been sat-" you leaned forward as you pointed to the further corner in the room from where you were sat. resting your elbows on your knees as alessia looked down at her feet. "if i didn't know better, id say you were nervous"
"i'm not nervous-" alessia said quickly, too quickly as her tone of voice betrayed her.
your lips curved into a slow but teasing smile, "really.. then why are you blushing.” a loud groan left alessia's lips as she dragged her hands over her face, "i'm not-"
"you totally are" you voice was now soft, almost a purr, "its cute"
alessia stomach flipped, as she turned to face you fully trying to summon some resemblance of composure, "you're enjoying this aren't you?"
your smile widened as you grabbed your sliders, "maybe a little" you shrugged standing up from the bed.
alessia rolled her eyes, but the heat in her cheeks gave her away. she crossed the room to her bed picking up her phone.
"come on beth says everyone's waiting"
since you had arrived the teasing had began subtly but the past few days since landing in the in the us, it's had been relentless.
during training, the girls had seemed to have made it their collective mission to put both you and alessia on the spot. their remarks growing bolder with each passing day.
it wasn't exactly helping that you seemed completely unfazed by it all, brushing off the comments with a quick shake of the head with a smile which only made alessia's reactions stand out even more.
the team was running passing drills under the blazing american sun, alessia's focus was already fraying. you as usual was calm and composed as you slotted passes effortlessly as you laughed with beth and steph.
alessia on the other hand couldn't get through a single play without glancing in your direction which obviously didn't go unnoticed.
"less, your looking distracted" leah called out from the opposite side of the pitch, her voice dripping with mischief.
"i'm not!" alessia yelled back but her flushed cheeks betrayed her once again.
"oh leave her alone, leah!" katie chimed in smirking, "she's just tryin' to impress y/n!"
the ball was rolled to alessia and in her flustered state, she misjudged the pass as she sent it careening towards lia instead of kim. a chorus of laughter erupting around her.
"nice one less!" lia teased, passing the ball on, "maybe if y/n compliments you, you'll focus better"
alessia groaned, running a hand through her hair. "can we not?”
but the girls and their teasing were far from done. the group regrouped for the next set of drills, beth took her chance to join in.
"you know, y/n," beth said loudly enough for everyone to hear, "you might be arsenal's best signing in years. i mean, alessia's practically speechless around you."
you stood a few feet away, taking a big drink of your water as a chuckle came from you but you didn't even look up from where alessia was adjusting her shin pads. "speechless ay?" you said lightly, your tone as casual as ever.
"exactly that!" beth continued, the grin not leaving her lips. "you've got her all shy and blushing. poor less hasn't been the same since you arrived"
alessia was frozen in place, the heat rising from her chest to her face within seconds. feeling the weight of everyone's eyes on her and it only made it more flustered.
"i'm not- she's not-" alessia stuttered, her voice cracking slightly as she struggled to from a coherent sentence. "can we just focus on training.."
beth cackled and leah stepped in, her smirk was just as big as the grin on beth's face. "oh c'mon less. just admit it"
by now the coaches were looking over with mild curiosity but wisely stayed out of the conversation but still urging the players to get back in with the drills after an extra long water break.
you however remained completely composed. finally standing and stretching leisurely as you tossed a casual glance in alessia's direction.
"you lot love to wind her up?" you said, your tone light but your lips curved into a faint smirk, "poor lessi is just tryin' to focus"
"that's what makes it so fun!" leah replied, earning more laughter from the group.
alessia utterly mortified turned away and pretended to go and tie her laces hoping the ground would swallow her whole. but she could feel your gaze on her, warm and teasing but not unkind.
as they resumed the drill, you jogged over to alessia's side close enough that your shoulders almost brushed. "you okay?" you asked softly, you voice filled with care as you spoke loud enough only for alessia to hear.
"i'm fine." alessia muttered, though her cheeks were still red and flushed. you smiled, tilting your head slightly, "you know, you're cute when you're flustered"
alessia felt her breath get caught in throat and for a moment all she could do was stare at you as her heart hammered into her chest.
you winked at the blonde before jogging off to join the next group as you left alessia standing there, a stuttering, blushing mess as the teams laughter echoed across the training fields.
the team had just finished dinner and the players had been told to have some off-feet time ensuring they were fully rested before the game later tomorrow afternoon. the dinner of course had been filled with teasing comments but you had managed to escape the worst of it.
now you both were alone, back in the hotel room that had become a pressure cooker of unresolved tension over the past two weeks.
alessia was laid on her side, facing the opposite direction to you as she pretended to scroll through her phone, but her mind was elsewhere.
you were in front of the mirror, re-tying your hair into a loose bun. your reflection catching alessia's attention more than it should.
the room felt heavier than usual, the air thick with everything you both hadn't said, everything alessia had been too scared to admit to herself.
"your doin' that thing again" you said suddenly, breaking the silence as alessia looked up, startled.
"what thing?"
you turned to face her, leaning against the dresser with your arms crossed, you were still in your dinner clothes — a black fitted shirt which hugged you in all the right places and jeans that alessia definitely hadn't started at for too long earlier.
"where you don't speak, granted your a little shy," you teased, your lip curving into a small smile, "but tonight, you're on a whole new level"
alessia's face burned as she forced herself to look back at her phone, trying to ignore the way your gaze seemed to strip every ounce of composure she had.
"i'm just.. tired"
you hummed, "right" your tone was light and alessia could hear the hint of amusement, "so it has nothing to do with the fact that the team has been non stop teasin' us"
alessia let out a loud groan as she dragged a hand over her face, "they are the worst."
"or the best" you countered, pushing off the dresser and walking closer, "depends on how you look at it"
alessia glanced up as her breath caught. you were standing at the edge of your bed now, looking down at the blonde with an expression which was equal parts playful and serious.
"what do you mean?" alessia asked her voice barely above a whisper.
you tilted your head, your eyes searching alessia's face, "i mean, they're not wrong are they." alessia's heart stopping momentarily, "about what?”
you smirked as you sat your set down on the edge of alessia's bed, close enough that you were a mere few cm from the blonde. "about this" you smiled, festering between the two of you.
alessia felt her brain had short-circuited. she opened her mouth to respond but nothing came out.
"relax lessi," you said softly, you hand reaching out to brush a strand of hair behind the blondes ear. "you don't have to say anything."
your touch was gentle and almost hesitant but it sent a jolt of electricity through alessia's body. she looked up at you, her cheeks flaming as her heart was pounding so loudly she was sure you could hear it.
then before you could overthink it, you leaned in, slowly.
the kiss was soft at first, a tentative brush of the lips as if you were giving alessia a chance to pull away, to change her mind.
but alessia had no intention of pulling away, her heart racing in her chest, a wild, short beat that echoed in her ears. slowly, she leaned into the kiss, her fingers trembling as they found your waist.
the warmth of your skin through the fabric of your shirt grounding her and without hesitation alessia pulled you close the space between the tow of you dissolving.
the kiss deepening as your lips moved in a rhythm that felt familiar as though they'd been doing this forever even though it was the first time.
alessia's pulse is quickened as her sense sharpened, the faint smell of your vanilla shampoo and the way your breath kitchen when alessia's hand slipped up your side and the soft and almost inaudible sight that escaped your lips.
it was intoxicating and a moment which suspended in time and a world reduce to just the two of them.
when they finally broke apart, it wasn't out of hesitation but necessity. foreheads resting together as your breaths intermingled in the narrow space which was between the two of you.
alessia's eyes fluttering open and taking in the way your cheeks were flushed as your lips were slightly swollen from the kiss. she'd swear she's never seen anything more beautiful.
"you okay?" you asked, your voice low and slightly hoarse as if the words would cost you something to speak.
alessia nodded, her lips curving into a shy but undeniable smile. her voice was nearly above a whisper the words carrying an honesty she couldn't hide, "more than okay"
your gaze lingered on the blonde for a moment longer, your fingers brushing alessia's cheek in a gesture so tender it sent a shiver down her spine.
and for the first time in a long while, alessia felt completely seen as though you had unlocked a part of her she didn’t even know she'd been hiding. alessia couldn’t help but laugh softly, the sound light and nervous but also full of joy.
you smiled too, your thumb tracing absent circles on alessia's hip, "good" you murmured your lips quirking up into a grin that was equal parts relief and mischief. "because i have been waiting to do that since the start of the trip-“
alessia felt her chest tighten a mix of disbelief and elation, "you could have said something you know"
you giggled, "could've" as you slipped your fingers through alessia's hair, threading through the soft blonde strands, "but part of me kind of liked watching you squirm"
alessia shook her head with disbelief as a light giggle came from her as she melted into your touch, "your the worst."
"yeah but you love it" you grinned, kissing her hair as alessia rolled her eyes playfully, cuddling tighter into your built frame.
the two of stayed like that for a while, tangled together on the bed as the word outside seemed to fade away stealing kisses from one another.
the tension that had been building between them for weeks — glances held for a moment too long, casual touches which lingered, unspoken words hanging in the air had finally crack and given way to something softer, something warmer and something that felt like coming home.
you hands moved with a purpose yet there was such tenderness in your touch. you fingers brushing against alessia's neck tracing a delicate path up to your jaw before it slipped back down to the blondes collarbone.
your lips followed, leaving a trail of kisses, slow and deliberate each one pressing heat into alessia's skin. your kissing growing bolder as your lips left faint marks littler declaration of ownership and affection.
alessia shivered beneath you touch, both exhilarated and slightly exasperated. her mind trailing to picture the looks she'd no doubt get tomorrow.
"y/n" alessia murmured, her voice a blend of a whine and a laugh she couldn't hold back. she tilted her head slightly to meet your gaze, her warm blue eyes warm despite her words, "the girls are gonna have a field day with this tomorrow"
you pulled back just enough to look at her, an impish grin spreading across your face as you shrugged, mumbling a 'let them'
"you'll look so beautiful in the kit, plus i think the girls will love the evidence" your tone was smug as your hands now resting lightly against alessia's cheek.
alessia rolled her eyes, though the smile tugging at her lips betrayed her amusement. she reached up to tangle her fingers in your hair, gently tugging her closer.
"your impossible" she said through her voice was filled with such affection rather than annoyance.
"maybe," you whispered, your lips hovering teasingly close to alessia's, her breath warm against your skin, "but your stuck with me now"
the words hung in the air for a moment, not as a threat but as a promise, one that alessia found herself wanting to keep. without hesitation alessia pulled you down into another kiss, the kiss this time was softer, less urgent but no less meaningful. a slow unraveling of the walls alessia had built around herself.
the pillows around them had fell into a comforting space, as their laughter bubbled up between kisses. the sound mingled with the whispered promise they exchanged in the quiet room, the kind of promises you make in moments of vulnerability and trust.
as they lay there, limbs entwined and hearts beating in sync, alessia let herself smile. she could feel you tracing lazy patterns along her arms, a silence remind that this, whatever it was, is real.
she looked at you, who was looking at her with a mix of mischief and something deeper, something that made alessia's breath hitch. "i don't actually mind being stuck with you." the blonde admitted softly, her voice carrying the weight of truth she hadn't expected to say out loud.
you grin softened as you leaned down to press another kiss to alessia's forehead, "good"
the hotel breakfast buffet was bustling the next morning, with players milling around loading their plates and nursing cups of coffee.
alessia entered the room last, her hair slightly damp from her shower and her arsenal training hoodie zipper halfway up. the blonde keeping her head down as she made her way to the food, hoping to blend into the background.
but she could feel the girls' eyes in her almost instantly.
"morning less" beth's cheerful voice rang out from across the room, far too loud for alessia's liking at that hour of the morning.
"morning" alessia mumbled, not looking up as she grabbed a plate and began piling it with fruit she didn't even want.
beth and leah exchanged glances, kyra seated at the table closest to the buffet, leaned back in her shake her arms crossed.
“less" she called casually her tone dripping with her usually mischief antics. "did you get into a fight with the vaccum cleaner?" kyra trailed off, a teasing grin on her lips.
alessia froze in place, a peice of watermelon halfway to her plate, "what?"
beth smirked pointing to her own neck as if to indicate something, "you've got a little.. something.. right there"
alessia's eyes widened and her hand short up to her neck. her fingers brushed over the faint marks which you'd left the night before — marks she thought she'd covered with a bit of concealer but clearly hadn't done a good enough job as they still peeked through.
"oh god" she muttered under her breath, quickly zipping her hoodie all the way up, her cheeks burning.
too late. the table erupted into laughter.
“no way” katie said, grinning as she leaned close to inspect alessia’s neck, “is that-? oh it is!”
beth clapped her hands together and cheered, “i knew it, leah you owe me my ten quid!” a small grumble coming from the english captain as a small chuckle came from you from the side of the table at the fact they had been betting on when it was finally going to happen.
while alessia was ready to sink through the floor, grabbing her plate and darting to the nearest empty seat which just so happend to be next to you. as in the blondes humble opinion, you were looking far too composed for someone who had caused all the chaos.
“you could’ve warned me” alessia hissed under her breath as she sat down, you just shrugging as you took a sip of your coffee before turning to look at the blonde with your usual small and amused smile, “i think you look gorgeous”
alessia glared at you but the effect was ruined by the way your words affected her making her blush deeper, “your so annoying at times”
you giggled a little leaning in close to her as your voice was low enough only she would hear what you were about to say, “that’s not what you were saying last night lessi”
alessia opened her mouth to quip a response back but before she could beth’s voice rang out again. “so, y/n we need answers” beth said with a wicked grin on her face, “you finally made a move, didn’t you!”
the entire table turned to look at you as you shrugged nonchalantly as you took another sip of your coffee as if this was the most normal conversation in the world.
“maybe?” leah echoed, gaping at you, “that’s all we get?”
you just smirked, your gaze flicking over to alessia as she was burying her face in her hands, “what can i say, better to keep you all guessing”
“unbelievable” katie said shaking her head but still laughing, “you two are the worst-kept secret on the team”
alessia let out a groan finally peeking out from behind her hands, “can we just eat breakfast without all this?”
the was a chorus of no’s from the table, “are you joking we’ve been waiting for this for weeks” kyra said smirking as beth leaned forward, her eyes were sparkling with mischief.
“so what do we get next? the soft launch on insta? matching tattoos, oo maybe a-“
“beth!” alessia squeaked, her face somehow turning even redder as beth stopped her list mid way with a small frown as she muttered how nobody seemed to appreciate her efforts.
you were clearly enjoying every second of this as you sat back in your seat, actually enjoying your breakfast. reaching over to grab alessia’s hand under the table and giving it a reassuring squeeze.
“relax” you whispered, your voice warm and reassuring, “they’ll get bored eventually”
alessia mumbled a response but she couldn’t help the small smile that crept into her lips as your thumb traced gentle circle on the back of her hand.
leah raising her glass of juice in a mock toast, “to y/n and less! may their love and our endless teasing never fade!”
and once again the table burst into laughter and despite the embarrassment that filled alessia she couldn’t help laugh along with them.
your hand in hers grounding her a silent that even with all the teasing and chaos that it was worth it — whatever the two of you were.
and as she glanced at you, who was smiling at her like she was the only person in the room, alessia decided she could live with the teasing.
after all, she’d gotten the you.
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pitchsidestories · 25 days ago
look at us now II Renée Slegers x Reader
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romantic masterlist | platonic masterlist | part two I word count: 2689
summary: former lovers reunite at Arsenal.
author's note: hi, our first Renée Slegers fanfic, let us know your thoughts on it. As always this is purely fiction, enjoy. 🤍❤️
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 “So, you hired another assistant coach without telling me?”, Renée asked incredulously, well aware that except for her, the room was full of very important looking men.
One of them nodded sternly: “You needed another one. We made the decision for you.”
Renée closed her eyes for a brief moment and took a deep breath, fighting the urge to protest. She was Arsenals new head coach after all.
With forced calmness, she asked: “Who is it?”
“You know her already.”
Her eyebrows knitted together in confusion. She opened her mouth in order to ask what that was about to mean when you finally made your appearance. You had waited all morning in anticipation to surprise your former teammate with your presence.
“Hello Renée.”, you greeted her as you walked into the room.
Recognition flashed across her face, followed by genuine excitement. She got up from her chair, beaming: “You!”
Before you knew what was happening, she wrapped her arms around your neck and pulled you into a way too tight hug.
“Yes, it’s me. Don’t strangle me, please! That would be sad first last workday at the Arsenal.”, you laughed.
“You’re so stupid! I missed you so much.”, Renée giggled but finally let go of you.
For a second, you stood there and took each other in and it almost felt like nothing had changed since you played together in Sweden.
“I missed you too but now every player and staff member are staring at us which is kind of awkward.”, you admitted, nodding towards the door where the first pairs of eyes tried to figure out who the newest addition to the team was.
“They’re just curious about you. Let me introduce you.”, Renée suggested, leading you out of the conference room.
You followed patiently.
“Renée, who’s that girl you almost couldn’t let go of?”, Beth asked, blinking innocently at you.
“That’s y/n. She’s the new assistant coach and we used to play together for Linköpings.”, Renée explained. You didn’t miss the slight hint of pride in her voice.
Your eyes found another Swede between the players.
“Actually, I played with Stina too.”, you added.
The striker smiled at you: “Good to see you again.”
“You too. And I can’t wait to get to know each of you.”, you said towards the crowd.
Renée turned to you: “You will love them.”
“Oh, I’m sure of it.”
“Come on, I’ll show you around.”
Suddenly, your hand was in Renées as she dragged with her towards the football pitches. You could still feel the eyes of your new players on you as you followed Renée.
The eyes of Stina's teammates were expectantly drawn to her once the two of you had left the room.
An edgy laugh escaped the blonde’s lips: “What? Why are you all looking at me now?”
“Tell us!”, Beth commanded grinning.
The Swedish striker began to play nervously with her blonde hair: “Well what do you want to know?”
“About our new staff member and Renée of course!”, Leah replied thrilled.
Using the same excited tone as her, Beth added: “Obviously.”
“Not if she was a good baller or had a good sense and understanding of the game.”, Stinas eyes flashed in amusement.
“Actually.”, threw Kim in who was unlike the rest of the players indeed interested in that side of you.
The England captain clicked her tongue disapprovingly: “No, Kim.”
“We want the tea, Stina.”, Alessia told her.
She paused dramatically, during which everyone held their breath tensely, before admitting:” Yeah, they used to date.”
“When they were players or did, they continue to date once she became the head coach?”, Leah asked the forward curiously.
Stina cleared her throat and answered in a serious voice: “They ended it once Renée retired and took the coaching job in Rosengård.”
After this revelation the room fell silent for a second before Beth concluded with a heavy sigh:” Oh, that’s sad.”
“They seemed okay with it.”, the Swedish striker remarked.
Meanwhile Renée and you were walking along the training pitches, it was a cold day, but the golden afternoon sun warmed your faces. It was where you heard yourself say: “I’m glad that you don’t seem to mind that I took the job, Renée. Considering how things have ended between us in Malmö.”
“We mutually agreed to end this relationship.”, the Arsenal head coach remembered, while the smile disappeared from her face.
“True, it was the best solution at that time.”, you nodded.
Slowly, as the sunlight disappeared, the warmth returned to Renee's dark eyes, confessing:” I’m just happy to see you again.”
“Same. Nothing more.”, you agreed.
“That’s good.”, she observed.
At the end of your tour, you wished her goodbye:” So, I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Yes. See you tomorrow.”, Renée waved at you, her gaze following you until you were gone.
With a heavy heart the Dutch woman reminisced about all the wins and losses you had shared together in Sweden until her career ending injury put an end to it. Like a disco ball, Renée had put the shards that had caused the separation into each other to turn the pain into something bright.
She was content with her work, so love life wasn't a big issue until you came back into her life and made her wonder if maybe she should expect more from life.
The next day, you entered the training ground in a cheerful mood. “Good morning, Stina!”, you greeted your former teammate warmly.
“Morning.”, Stina beamed brightly back at you.
There was no time for small talk as Kelly Smith approached you: “Y/n?”
“Yes?”, you asked surprised. Sometimes you still couldn’t believe that you were working with her. Not only was she a legendary player for England but also for the whole of womens football.
She still smiled politely at you: “I think Renée is looking for you.”
You nodded once: “I’m coming.”
Renée was already on the pitch, one foot on a ball and her arms folded over her chest as she waited for the players to arrive.
You caught her eye from the other side of the field and smiled at her.
For a split second, Renée lost her balance on the ball, stumbling forward but catching herself quickly.
It all went by so fast, you had no time to worry about her.
“You’re good?”, you called out to her, teasing.
You had the feeling that somewhere behind you, Kelly was holding back laughter.
Renées cheeks had turned a slightly darker colour: “Yeah, of course.”
“Kelly said you wanted to see me?”, you said as you finally crossed the pitch.
“I do.”
You leaned forward, whispering: “I saw the dinner invitation in the locker room.”
The corners of Renées mouth quirked up: “Good. Are you free tonight?”
“Yes, I am. Will Kelly and the boys join us too?”
“No, it’s just us.”
Somehow your brain stopped working in that exact moment. You weren’t prepared for you and her. You had been thinking of nice little staff dinner where you had the opportunity to get to know everyone better. Being alone with Renée made your heart race a little.
Hesitantly, you accepted the invitation: “Alright… I guess I’ll go back to work.”
“Okay.”, Renée nodded.
Luckily, the players entered the pitch at that moment.
Beth who had caught the end of your conversation, stared at Renée with hopeful eyes: “Is that a date?”
“No.”, the head coach replied matter-of-factly.
Victoria elbowed Beth in the side: “Stop seeing things, Beffy.”
“I don’t”, the winger protested.
Kim rolled her eyes: “Yes, you do. You’re delusional.”
“You will see.”, Beth said full of confidence before Renée sent them to warm up.
Against your better judgement, you found yourself in a tiny but charming restaurant that night.
“The dinner is so delicious, Renée.”, you said, taking a sip of your wine.
She smiled at you almost shyly: “Glad you like it.”
“Next time we should bring the whole team and staff here.”
Her face turned a bit more serious: “Yes, we should. But first I wanted to talk to you alone.”
“About something specific?”
“No, just to catch up.”, Renée explained whose cheeks were slightly reddish in colour, you weren’t sure whether it was the wine or her nervousness. 
Instead of looking into her curious dark chocolate brown eyes, you stared at the wine glass in front of you as you confessing: ”I left Sweden because I needed a change.”
“A change?”, she repeated your words in a sincerely interested tone.
For a moment, you paused while the waitress lit the candle in the centre of the table, the flickering light made the conversation even more intimate: “To heal from heartbreak. What about you? What did I miss?”
“Not much. I tried to focus on football after leaving Rosengård.“, the football coach admitted casually. Whilst Renée undid her low hair bun so that her dark brown hair fell in waves over her shoulders.
With an amused smile on your lips, you remarked in disbelief:” That doesn’t sound like the fun Renée I knew from Linköping.”
Memories of her with a big cigar in her mouth and a ridiculous hat after winning the Swedish league came to your mind.
“Hey, I’m still fun.”, protested the Dutch woman, pointing her fork at you.
You cleared your throat and replied more seriously:” Yes, the players seem to think that too.”
“I take that as a compliment.”, she responded happily.
“You should, they’re really great to work with so far.”, you acknowledged.
Her radiant grin was infectious:” I think they like you too.”
“Only Beth is a bit annoying with..”, you began, thinking about the huge interest the English striker had in your private lives.
Renée waved your worries off:” Yes, I know. But that’s just how she’s, she only has good intentions.”
“I guess that’s true. I mean would be crazy if you still would have -.. , right?”, you started to ramble.  
She lifted an eyebrow at you: “Would have what?”
“Feelings after a mutual breakup.”, you finished your previous sentence flustered.
The brunette spoke your name gently.
“Yes?”, you glanced at her expectantly.
Fiercely and passionately, Renée continued: “Of course I do. I didn’t break up with you because I didn’t have feelings for you anymore, I broke up with you because I suddenly was your coach, and it was wrong to date a player.”
Afterwards, there was a dramatic silence at the table. “Well, I’m not a player anymore.”, you said matter-of-factly.
“I’m aware of that.”, she answered with a wistful smile.
Slightly sheepishly, you asked her:” Was that why you wanted a dinner with me alone first?”
“To see if we could get back together? No. I wanted to know how you’re, what you’ve been up to?”, the football coach tried to be professional again.
“Now you know.”
“I do.”, Renée confirmed, playing with the idea to order some dessert for both of you as it was a speciality of this restaurant.
Much to her disappointment though, you stood up:” Thank you for the dinner, it was a nice catching up.”
“Yes, I agree.”, the brunette waved at the waitress, signalling that she was ready to pay for the two of you.
The first game of the year and also the first game in your new job was against Crystal Palace a few days later. To your delight, the girls played great, winning the game 5:0 and building their confidence in this first game.
“Great win, girls.”, you clapped your hands as the referee blew the final whistle.
Renée appeared on your side.
“That’s exactly what we wanted to see.”, she agreed.
“Oh yes, well done everyone.”, you smiled and handed out water bottles to the players. They high-fived you, done but happy while Renée said a few words to the players.
Happily you watched as the players rightfully celebrated their win until an elbow to your side made you look up.
Renée was grinning at you: “Good job from you too.”
“From me? I didn’t do much yet.”, you said, feeling heat rise into your cheeks.
“You did everything I expect from my assistant coach. Arsenal made the right decision, we’re a good team.”, Renée said softly.
You nodded, smiling gently at her: “Yes, we are.”
“Come on, let the girls celebrate.”, Renée said, nodding in the direction of the sidelines so your players could have the pitch to themselves.
You didn’t follow immediately. Instead, you pointed to a few reporters that stood on the side, waiting for their first interviews. “The media already calls for you.”
“On my way.”, Renée winked and disappeared into the direction of the cameras.
Just when you were wondering when exactly she became so comfortable giving interviews, Leah stepped into your field of vision.
“Leah? Shouldn’t you celebrate with your teammates?”, you asked jokingly.
She shrugged with a smile: “I was about to. It’s not everyday that you score a goal as a defender.”
“I know. That’s why you need to enjoy every second of it.”
“Oh, I will.”
“Then what are you waiting for?”, you laughed.
Leah pushed you gently towards the rest of the team: “Celebrate with us!”
There was no way you could decline now, so you agreed and followed along: “Alright.”
A few minutes of jumping and hugging several players later, Renée found you on the pitch again.
Her eyes glowed with amusement: “Did they manage to get you to celebrate with them?”
“I couldn’t say no to that.”, you admitted
“Of course not.”, Renée laughed.
She winked at you: “Enjoy your first win.”
You toasted to her with a random water bottle that somehow had ended up in your hand: “To many more wins.”
“Yes, please.”, she laughed.
“Y/n! Come with us!”, Beth interrupted your conversation and waved you over.
“Where are we going?”, you asked.
“It’s a surprise.”, Mariona replied instead of Beth, smiling excitedly.
It was already night when you got home and when you saw Renée's number light up on your mobile phone, you held your breath for a moment, although you didn't know exactly why.
“Sorry, I hope I didn’t wake you up.”, she apologized quietly as you answered her call.
A soft chuckle escaped your lips: “No, I was still awake, the Arsenal players can stay in pubs forever let me tell you that.
“Oh, I know, they did that to me too once.”, the Dutch woman remembered fondly.
“Kim and I left at the same time.” Teasingly you added:” So did you call me because you have come up with a masterplan against Chelsea or is it something else?”
“It’s something else. There’s something I need to talk about with you”, Renée admitted.
Your heart began to race: “Sure.”
“I kind of miss what we had back when.”, the head coach confessed.
The moment she said that you caught yourself reminiscing about memories of the past “Me too. We had some good parties with the team back then too.”
“Y/n.. I meant us. You and me.”, Renée clarified.
You felt the hope rise in you: “Do you think we could start again?”
“I don’t know, would you even like that? Or would you rather want to keep it professional.”, she began to nervously ramble.
You had heard yourself thinking out loud: “Pretty sure both can work this time.”
“Yes, but I want to know what you want.”
“I want to be with you. Renée, you’re an idiot, why are you standing outside in the cold?!”, you whispered into the phone, your eyes wandering off to the window where you noticed her in flesh and blood under the golden glow of the streetlamp light.
“In case that you say yes. What did you expect me to do? Go back to bed?”, Renée questioned with a warm laugh.  
Soon you got up to go to the front door: “Wait, I’ll let you in.”
“Thanks.”, she replied relived.
“You look like you’re freezing, come inside.”, you observed while you let her inside.
The brunette thanked you once more, kissing you, her icy lips melting on yours as the door closed behind the two of you.
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thyme-in-a-bubble · 5 months ago
snow white
kinktober, day fifteen
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a/n: i really wanted to play around with a fairytale this kinktober season and i came up with maybe too many ideas for a bunch of different ones, but this one just stuck with me for months, so i had to go with this one.
summary: that was often how it was with your seven miners. In certain moments, they just became something else, something entirely different and much more ethereal than seven mortal men, but instead fused together into a sea of love that they let you float in. 
warnings: snow white!reader x various, dark!prince!billy russo, miners!steve rogers, bucky barnes, thor odinson, miguel o'hara, marc spector, matt murdock, frank castle, dark content, smut, fairytale retelling, innocent!reader, references to loss of virginity, arranged engagement, assassination attempt, violence, poison apple, kidnapping, somno, polyamory, reverse harem, time jump (for domestic and slutty purposes), kissing, fingering, dirty talk, size kink, manhandling, overstimulation, oral, handjob, squirting, multiple orgasms, gangbang, penetrative sex, anal, double penetration, double penetration in one hole, unprotected sex, creampie, dark ending
word count: 6746
∼ gentle reminder that feedback, but especially reblogs are the way you support writers on here ∽
masterlist | join my taglist | kinktober 2024
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Once upon a time, there lived a princess. 
You, to be exact. 
However, your day-to-day life, that wasn’t a part of you that one could define as something very regal, not lately, not since your father had died and left you in the hands of his late wife, a vain woman he had only married a short time prior to his passing. 
There wasn’t much you were allowed to do any longer as your stepmother was perhaps a bit too overprotective of you in her own cold way, even though many of the chores the sea of servants that buzzed within the castle took care of, that for some reason wasn’t off limits to you, if not encouraged by the queen. 
But it was all out of love, wasn’t it? 
“Oh, there you are!” your gaze fluttered up to find the prim and familiar figure stalking towards you in the gardens, “what in the world are you doing out by this ghastly old well?”
“Prince William,” you stiffened up slightly at his presence and swiftly did a curtsy, “w-what are you doing here?” 
“Ah, come on, Snow,” his palm brushed against the edge of the stone well, briefly cleaning it a bit before he leaned against it, “how many times do I have to tell you to call me Billy?” 
“Your Highness,” you swallowed nervously, “I’m just not sure that would be completely appropriate. You deserve to be paid with the utmost respect.” 
“Oh, I agree,” a sly smirk slithered across his chiselled features, “though, I do think my fiancé should be allowed just a little leniency.” 
“Oh,” you put on a smile for the royal, “you got engaged? Congratulations! Is it to someone I know?” 
“I’d sure hope so,” he grinned, and the next words that rolled off his tongue caused your face to drop, “it’s you.”
Blinking back at him, you couldn’t help but flinch as he stepped to get closer to you.
“…excuse me?” you breathed, your hand fluttering up to the neckline of your modest gown as you felt your heart begin to hammer in your chest.
“We’re to be married,” he caught your hand and kept on smiling, “I just sorted the last of the details out with your mother a few moments ago.” 
“Stepmother,” you corrected him hazily before uttering, “I–… how come I didn’t know about any of this? Why didn’t anyone think to ask me what I wanted?” 
Billy’s face then scrunched up at your question, as if it was the strangest of reactions to have at such news, “well you know now.” 
“That’s–,” you stared back at him, your eyes wide and horrified before you ripped your arm back out of his hold, “no.”
“No, I don’t wanna marry you,” the words flowed out of your lungs. 
But to your astonishment, the prince of the neighbouring kingdom then only chuckled, “what do you mean you don’t want to marry me? Of course you do, everyone does.”
“Well, I don’t.” 
Slowly, he seized your arm in a bruising grip before inching closer to you and leaning down to sternly whisper in your ear, “you better get rid of this attitude before you become my wife.”
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The following week when the queen suggested that you go for a walk through the nearby woods, an activity you’d formerly thought to be banned as all your previous pleas throughout the years had failed, you nearly stumbled as you rushed to accept the opportunity. 
Where this newfound kindness had come from that you had no clue of, though you weren’t going to argue now as the chains around you slowly began to slacken. 
The queen’s protective nature for you stayed fast however when she sent a guard to accompany you, though one you’d never encountered before as you spent so much time in the castle that you knew all of the others by name. Perhaps he was just new? 
Though when you eventually came upon a clearing and you decided to take a small break in that peaceful and serene glen, it all changed so quickly that you nearly got whiplash. 
One moment, you were grinning up at the treetops, whistling back to the birds building a nest up there, and the next, the guard shadowing you had raised a dagger up high and lunged it down upon you. Thankfully, luck was for once on your side and you managed to twist just enough for it to miss your sternum and instead slice through your sleeve and cut your shoulder. 
When you tried to run, a shrill scream erupting your frame, the knight caught your arm before you could manage to escape.
Though just as all hope seemed lost, when the dappled sunlight caught and reflected in the shiny blade as he rose it back up high, it never pierced your heart as a pickaxe instead suddenly appeared from out of nowhere, flying through the air and lodging itself right above the guard’s brow. 
He stayed standing for a second, blood trickling down his face, before the warrior’s body fell backwards and collapsed on the forest floor. 
Your frame shook like a leaf on the wind as you stood there, eyes wide with horror, watching his brain leak and stain the moss below your feet. 
“Are you alright, my lady?” a deep voice called from behind you, though it still took you a moment before you were able to rip yourself out of your petrified state. 
As you slowly twisted around, you saw seven men standing at the edge of the clearing, all of them except the blonde one in the middle with a pickaxe clutched in their hands. 
“Are you hurt?” the miner missing his tool spoke again, taking a ginger step closer. 
Still reeling, unable to fathom that you nearly just lost your life, you blinked, “I–… I–…” though just continued to stand there, frozen in the middle of the storm. 
“You’re bleeding,” a dark-haired man further down the line uttered before the muddled confusion that bloomed on your horrified features caused him to gently gestured to your arm and guide your gaze down to your shoulder. 
“O-oh…” you blinked back at the gash, though still couldn’t pierce through the fog to do anything more. As your glossy eyes flickered back up to gaze at your heroes, the woods around you began to spin as you then blubbered, “you saved me… I–… I–…” before the whole forest went black and you collapsed into a pair of quick arms. 
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“Wow, it’s alright,” a voice washed over you as soon as you came to, “you’re okay.”
After your eyes had found the source of the deep timbre, they then flickered around to take in the unfamiliar home you now found yourself in.
“Where am I?” you asked hesitantly as you sat up in the bed you’d been planted on. Looking around the space, it wasn’t the only one as the whole room was filled with enough sleeping arrangements for all of the strangers. 
“Don’t worry, you’re safe,” the long golden locks on the man sitting by your feet rustled slightly as he raised up both hands in a gesture of goodwill, “you’re in our home,” he informed you before his neck twisted and he shouted out the open bedroom door, “hey guys! She’s awake!”
As the rest of the men from the forest began to filter into the dormitory, your legs curled up beneath the blanket and you swiftly hugged your knees to your chest. 
“Hey, how are you feeling?” one of them asked in a careful tone. 
“I–…” you felt your heart thump in your chest as your wide eyes danced between the burly figures, “what do you–, w-why did you take me with you?” 
Taking a step forward, a dark-haired one said, “well, we couldn’t in good conscience just leave you back there and let you bleed next to your assassin,” he then tilted his head, “plus my healing supplies were all back here.” 
As you glanced down to discover your slashed sleeve cut off and missing with a bandage instead wrapped around the ghastly cut on your upper arm, you then blinked back up at the stranger and asked, “you’re a healer?”
“No, not really, I’m a miner, we all are,” he gestured to the others. 
“Yeah, we work in the mines out west on the other side of the village,” the one leaning against the doorframe shared. 
You faintly recalled the mines they spoke of, though you hadn’t been out there since you were a child, the memory however of the glimmering jewels it produced still sparkled brightly in your mind. 
“Hey, do you mind me asking,” the one standing beside the pickaxe-throwing blonde spoke, “why in the world would a royal guard want to kill you? I mean, forgive me if your looks are deceiving, but you look like just an innocent young girl.”
Averting your gaze to the quilted blanket draped over your form, you uttered, “it’s probably because my stepmother commanded him to…”
“Wow…” one of them breathed, “she has that kinda power? Then you must be, what–, some kind of lady?”
“Princess, actually,” you blinked up at them and watched as they all froze up, instantly growing so quiet that you would have been able to hear a single pin drop in the cottage, “thank you all so very much for saving me. I can’t even begin to fathom what would have happened if you hadn’t intervened.” 
“Oh, well…” the blonde one in the middle shifted slightly, visibly nervous at the discovery of who you truly were, “you’re welcome, your–, uhm, highness.”
“Please, just call me Snow. That’s what everyone does,” you waved a hand and offered him a soft smile, “what are your names?”
“Well, I’m Steve,” the one who’d thrown the pickaxe pressed his palm to his broad chest, “and that there is Bucky, Thor and Marc,” he gestured to the other miners, “and that’s Matthew, Frank and Miguel.”
“Miguel,” you spoke the name of your healer, “thank you for patching up my arm.” 
“Does it feel alright?” he glanced down at the bandage, he too clearly not having a clue how one should act around a royal, “because I could go get some herbs if you–”
“No, thank you, I think I’ll manage” you gently declined before uttering, “although, I–… what’s to happen now? I can’t just go back to the castle, I’d be dead within minutes.”
“Don’t you have anyone you trust somewhere else? Someone you could stay with?” the one named Matthew asked. 
The only person your mind managed to scrounge up was the prince you’d been unwillingly promised to, and he wasn’t just an individual you didn’t trust, but also one you feared.
“Uh…” Marc exhaled before his glance flickered across the rest, “would you excuse us for a moment?” 
And as you offered a nod, they all filtered back out the bedroom and huddled up just outside the door, though you could still faintly catch a word or two in their discussion.
“Okay,” Steve crossed his burly arms across his chest when they all entered the room once more, “you can stay here for tonight, and then tomorrow we’ll help you come up with a plan.”
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The following day, when all the miners had gone off to the mountains for the day’s work, they’d said their goodbyes before leaving you in the cottage, fully expecting you to no longer be there once they returned. 
But you didn’t leave, you couldn’t have. Where would you have run off to?
So instead, to both try and convince the entire group of you staying, yet also in a makeshift attempt at thanking them for how they’d come to your aid, you spend the day cleaning their messy abode and welcoming them home to a dining table brimming with a roasted feast, a simple comfort none of them had seen in a while. 
It had only been one of them who hadn’t instantly jumped onto the unanimous agreement to let you become a part of their household, but he swiftly received an elbow to the rib to help change his tune.
Not long passed before you soon grew close, and one night, after weeks of you experiencing a sensation you’d never even known existed, something unfamiliar that each and every one of them evoke and flooded your senses with, you finally couldn’t hold your tongue any longer as your innocence had begun to thrust you into the abyss of worry. 
You still hadn’t received a permanent sleeping arrangement even though you’d been here for a while, each one of the miners still took turns letting you borrow one of their simple beds, all of them lined up along the perimeter of the shared bedroom, and let you rest there for the night while they took the humble couch. 
So as you sat on your bed for the night and your gaze shadowed the men as finished getting ready for the night, shedding their clothing and washing up in a small basin by one of the windows, the unfamiliar feeling fluttered once more in your lower belly and drove you to part your lips and utter, “hey Miguel?” you caught the attention of the healer of the lot, “I think there might be something wrong with me…” 
Patting his damp face dry with a small rag, he brought it down upon his shoulder as he furrowed his dark brows over at you, “why would you think that?”
Sucking in a sharp breath, you met his glance, “I feel strange…”
“Strange how?” he took a seat at the foot of the mattress you were curled up on, “explain it to me.”
“Well,” you began hesitantly, “ever since I got here, since I met you all, this weird feeling keeps bubbling up inside of me, like I’m about to faint or something, like I can’t think, and all I can focus on is just this odd tingling sensation almost, like–, I don’t know how to explain it, I know it sounds weird, but I swear, something’s going on, I don’t know what, but it’s weird.”
The man’s head then promptly tilted to the side and you heard him exhale, “oh, honey…” 
Your explanation also caught the attention of the rest of the miners and even conjured a small laugh in some, though Steve swiftly stepped in and barked, “hey! Shut it!” rapidly putting a holt to Bucky and Marc’s amusement. 
Placing a palm on your blanket-covered shin, Miguel then uttered gently, “I think what you’re describing isn’t something bad.”
“Are you sure?” you sat up a bit more. 
“Positive,” he nodded, trying his best to keep a straight face unlike some of the men behind him who still struggled even after getting scalded. 
“So, I’m not sick?”
“No,” he shook his head, “you’re not.”
“Your Highness,” Frank then spoke up, “have you never–, uhm, been with someone else?” 
“What do you mean?” your brows knitted together. 
“Okay, uh…” Thor sighed softly, taking your confusion as enough of an answer, “have you ever–, let’s say, kissedsomeone before?”
“Well, yeah, I’ve been kissed before,” your thoughts drifted to Prince Billy, though none of those times had stirred any sensations of this sort, “but I’ve never felt like this, not ever,” your gaze then danced between and caught each of the stares the seven miners directed at you, “what’s going on? Why are you all looking at me like that?”
“Have you touched yourself while you feel like this?” your eyes suddenly grew at Bucky’s bold question, “does your little honeypot get all wet from this feeling?” and when you found yourself too stunned to conjure an answer, he went on, this time with a smirk tugging at the corners of his lips, “I mean, if you’d like, one of us could help you. Teach you how to make it feel better…” 
“You know how to make it better?” you blinked back at him.
“Oh yeah,” his gaze dipped a bit as his grin grew wider. 
“Do you want one of us to help you?” you then heard Steve offer. 
And as your head began to rock in a soft nod, Marc asked, “which one do you want?”
But as you stared around at all of them, you murmured, “I–… I don’t know…”
“Just pick the one that gives you the most butterflies,” Matt tried to aid your decision, “the one that makes you feel like your heart lives between your thighs.”
“…do I have to pick?” you asked quietly as you blinked around at all of them, now clustered by the small bed, “couldn’t you all just help me?”
“…you want all of us to help you?” Miguel’s head dipped slightly as he tilted forward in surprise. 
“At once?” Frank asked. 
And as you offered them a nod, they all exchanged looks, silently agreeing before Steve uttered, “alright.” 
With all of the miners surrounding the bed, they swiftly kneeled down on the floor in a half-moon around you before they began. 
Before Marc, Thor and Frank the furthest from you grabbed a hold of the blanket draped over you and began to tug it down and let it crumble below your feet, Matt and Miguel to your right gently prepared you and began to undo your confusion. 
Each of their touches were feathery in the beginning as their fingers ghosted over your frame. At first, it wasn’t even in that scandalous of places as Steve and Matt even continued to hold your hands long after the thin chemise you wore had been tugged at, the neckline pushed down to expose your boobs, heaving with every fierce breath you sucked in, and the skirts shoved up, letting the linen bunch well above your hips to uncover the place where the dizzying sensation peaked to unimaginable heights. 
When the first touch fluttered between your legs, your eyes swiftly flickered up to find Bucky and Steve’s directly to your left as the pleasure was one you’d never even thought possible. 
You rapidly melted into the bliss as lingering embarrassment faded away and you soon let them crack you open even further, folding up your legs to grant them all better access to your haven. 
Even before your eyes fluttered closed, the job of deciphering which hand belonged to who was an impossible task. Floating in the sea of touches, not a millimetre of your skin was left unexplored, and neither were your untouched holes as they all turned you so molten that at one point everyone had at least one finger warm within you at once. 
Four digits stretched out your lips and both gave your mouth something to drool around and also let your moans melt against their flesh. Three of them slipped in and worked in tandem to stretch out your virgin cunt. They’d even gotten you so relaxed that two managed to sneak a finger inside of your tight little ass, plugging you up completely.
And when the still unfamiliar high began to bubble within you and creep near, worry first began to billow out of you once more, though after some soothing sentences and an ask of trust, they carried you through the overwhelming ecstasy till you were trembling in their hands and begging them to grant you that gift one more time, like an addict, already craving that sweetness once again.  
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“Ah-ha-ha!” Thor’s jovial rumble was the first sign you got that any of the fellows had returned after a day at the mines, “come here, princess!” 
As he entered the cottage, arms spread out wide, he excitedly caught you in a hug and lifted you up as he swung you around till you became no more than an ethereal giggle in his hold. 
“Oh, no,” you complained light-heartedly through your laugh as his stale smell of sweat mixed with soot flooded your senses, “you’re so dirty!” you tried to glance down at your dress to see if any of the grime from the mine had transferred.
Letting out a chuckle as he only tightened his hold around your frame, “you love it,” he tilted his head out of the crook of your neck and planted a kiss to your lips. 
“You’re not–,” you continued your giggle even as his own mouth tried to smother the sound, “Thor, you need to bathe first.” 
“Oh, really?” he cocked his head and slyly narrowed his eyes, “you sure you don’t wanna repeat the welcome home you gave me yesterday where you couldn’t wait? I mean, I could barely get in the door before you had your lips on me, struggling to fit my balls inside that little mouth of yours?” 
His lips first pressed against your now hot cheek before they wandered across in a straight line down to your own, not simmering down his eagerness even as the rest of his fellow miners began to filter into the cabin. 
“Oh, so that’s why you ran ahead,” Marc’s sigh caused you to break the peck, “of course.” 
Still entangled in Thor’s strong arms, you glanced over at the familiar men who crossed the threshold and slowly began to set down their tools and peel off their muddy boots.  
“Heya, boys,” a warm bubble burst within you as you flashed them all a smile. Attempting to slip out of the burly hug, Thor still kept his palm interlocked in your own as you made your way around through the crowd and began to greet the others, “how was the mine today?”
“It was fine,” Frank muttered in your ear when you hugged him. 
And as your free arm lastly found Steve’s broad shoulder in an embrace, his low voice tickled the side of your neck as he exhaled, “hi Snow.”  
“Hi,” you pressed a soft kiss to his bearded cheek. 
As you retracted and let Thor pull you back against his warmth, Miguel asked, “so, what’s for dinner tonight?” as Thor leaned back against the sturdy dining table and dragged you with him, half planting you in his lap as he leaned you back against him. 
Though as the softness of your bottom came to rest against the miner’s pelvis, a palpable hardness distracted you even through the layers of your dress, “uhm, I’ve got a lentil stew going over the fire,” your breathing began to grow unsteady as he discreetly grinded you down against his desperation, “it should be done soon.” 
“Good,” Miguel smiled, haven not yet noticed the nefarious activities that had begun right under his own nose, “I’m starving.” 
“What else have you gotten up to today?” Matt asked as he sat down on the bench where Marc had already planted himself, “did you begin that book we were talking about?” 
“I–, uh, I started it, but I didn’t get that far,” your words became a struggle to form as you tried to fight through the fog Thor thrust you into, “ended up taking a nap instead.”
“Well, that’s good,” Bucky noted, “you were tossing and turning so much last–,” though his sentence then promptly crumbled as a soft whimper finally slipped out past your lips and drew his attention to the way Thor’s hands on your hips subtly rocked you down against him, “seriously?” he swiftly scalded him, “you couldn’t keep it in your pants for even two seconds?” 
“Right,” Thor scoffed, “like I'm the only one who’s desperate,” he then buried his grasp in your skirts and before you had the chance to protest, picked it up to prove his point. 
It was frankly a bit embarrassing how wet you already were, though when Thor grabbed ahold of your thighs and lifted you up, your back plastered against his chest as his hold on you spread you wide for all to see, your cunt couldn’t help but drool for them so fiercely that even the one furthest away from you could catch a glimpse of the glimmer glinting back at him in a lewd plea.  
“Hm…” Bucky hummed warmly as he kneeled down before you, though only let his palm come up to ghost against your inner thigh and didn’t grant you the sweet relief of petting your pussy as she cried out for his touch, “your Highness, are you sure it wasn’t something else you were doing all day while we were off at work?” 
“I–,” an airy chuckle innocently escaped your lungs, “what are you implying?” 
“Well, either you were too impatient to wait for us,” you sucked in a breath as his hand finally drifted up to offer your core the softest of pets, teasing you further into madness, “or just the mere sound of the front door opening got you dripping the way that you are right now…” 
“So, which is it, princess?” Frank smirked, arms crossed as he leaned back against the wall beside the fireplace, “are you a whore or is it just for us?” 
“You already know the answer to that…” you hazily smiled, though swiftly let out a whimper as Bucky removed his hand, denying you of any further pleasure. However, before you could part your lips in a complaint, Thor set you back down on your now wobbly feet. 
Your gaze found Steve’s as he took a seat beside Marc, unlike the rest of the men who began to swarm around you, their broad hands swiftly reaching for your dress. It nearly didn’t even get the chance to drop back down and cover you from how Thor had torn it up, before they nearly ripped it to shreds. 
And when no fabric was left to conceal your frame, your moment with your feet on the ground turned out to be more fleeting than you’d thought as both Frank and Miguel then shifted to stand behind you and their grasps found your form, first guiding your arms around their necks for support before they plucked you up. 
As Matt stepped up and seized your flaming cheeks to dip his lips down to yours, a whisper then washed over you as the sweet kiss ended, “can I have a taste?” and as your head began to nod, your nose momentarily nuzzled against his own before his knees buckled. 
Both Thor and Bucky enveloped a hand around your ankles, keeping you spread wide even as Matthew dropped down and made you squirm as his hot breath fanned across your glistening core. 
As your lips parted in a gasp, staring down at Matt as he dipped down to kiss your puffy pearl, in your periphery you just managed to spot how everyone’s free hand had found the tent in their pants, squeezing it for an ounce of relief as they watched you intently. 
When Matt’s tongue lapped through your petals, it wasn’t till he tilted his chin and sucked your clit into his mouth that your gaze fluttered up to find Marc’s across the room. 
“O-oh, fuck,” you moaned into the cottage, “I need–, I–, I need more–,” the plea left your lips as you tried to keep your stare lock. Though the love pecks felt incredible, it was bordering the line of crude torture, only tickling at your senses and not granting you the sweet relief the deepest depths of you yearned for so fiercely. 
It seemed like an eternity that Marc took to get up from his seat and actually cross the small room, though when he did, his palm briefly patted Matthew’s shoulder and caused the kisses to cease. 
“How much more, princess?” Marc asked as Matt got up and let him switch places. 
Though when your answer came in the form of your gaze dropping to his hard length, freed and heavy in his tight fist, one of the men holding you up murmured in your ear, “you want him to fuck you, huh? Is that what you want?” Frank’s deep timbre seeped directly into your bones as his lips dipped down to nip at your neck. 
“Uh-huh,” you nodded hazily, keeping your eyes glued as Marc stepped up and briefly swept the bulbous head of his cock through your folds. 
For a second, you thought it had been Marc himself who had slowly thrust his entirety inside of you, though in actuality when Miguel and Frank’s hold on you tightened, they’d been the ones to tilt your body just as the girth caught your entrance, and lower you down on it in one fell motion. 
“There you go, Snow,” Bucky breathed as your eyes fluttered at the stretch. Halting his palming of himself, Bucky’s hand soothingly swept up the length of you till it found your tit and cupped it gently, his calloused thumb stretching up to flick against your pebbly nipple and get your eyes to blink back open. 
Marc’s efforts were purposely slow and he gently began to warm you up for what you expected was in store. Though on one of his long and deep strokes, plunging all the way inside of your little pussy before yanking himself out completely, you only blinked and when your eyes fluttered back open, it wasn’t Marc’s cock that was buried deep within you, but instead the last man to join the fray. 
“S-Steve, o-oh!” your head tilted back slightly as his fat girth split you open. 
“Oh, how do you always feel better than I recall?” Steve groaned, the tip of him already bumping against your cervix. 
“It’s that fucking princess pussy,” Thor grunted, “I swear it’s like magic or something.” 
“No matter how many of us try and fit inside of you at once, we just can’t ruin you,” Miguel kissed your cheek, “you just snap right back and we have to stretch you all the way back out again.” 
Steve, Marc and Matt before you then took turns, fucking you slowly and building a rhythm till they became like a river, each of them only sinking in and letting their balls tap against your slick skin before they pulled back out and let the other one take a dive. As the silky pattern pushed you closer to the peak and made you dazed out of your mind, you stopped being able to tell who was fucking you when, as they all just flowed together and worked your body as one soul being. That was often how it was with your seven miners. In certain moments, they just became something else, something entirely different and much more ethereal than seven mortal men, but instead fused together into a sea of love that they let you float in. 
Once your first of many orgasms washed over you and rocked through your soul, your body was set back down, though only for a mere moment before Bucky picked you up into his arms and carried you with him as he lowered himself onto one of the long benches that stretched out on either side of the dining table. 
As he settled you atop of him and slipped inside your still throbbing cunt, your head tilted up in the direction of the men whose hard lengths were still glistening with your juices and your hands fluttered up to motion for them, grabbing for their girths, way before your fingers could reach them, though when they did, Steve didn’t let your touch linger on himself but instead plucked up your face and parted your lips with his cock, letting your hands take care of Matt and Marc on either side of him while he gently fucked your mouth. 
“Oh, shit,” Frank then appeared before you, wedging himself in beside Steve’s bulky form, “share some of that sugar,” his palm found your cheek and stroked it softly. As your lips left Steve with an audible pop, Frank’s fingers drifted up to bury themselves in your locks before he guided you to him and groaned as he finally felt you swallow his cock, “yes…”
However, what you didn’t expect was how Steve’s hand too fluttered up to tangle itself in the other side of your hair before they both took over your head’s movements, passing you back and forth between the both of them, though only granting themselves one long bob at a time.  
When a pair of fingers softly swept over the last of your holes, your eyebrows knit together at the familiar teasing. 
“What do you say, Snow?” you heard Thor utter from behind you as he brought his palm down to smack the curve of your ass, watching intently as Miguel’s fingertips rub against you, only shyly dipping inside the hole just above where Bucky split you open, “exactly how much more are you in the mood for today?”
And when you took your chance to catch your breath, you shot back your needy answer through your heaving intakes of air, “all of it.” 
It wasn’t till Miguel let out a gravelly groan that you knew which one had gotten the chance to claim your ass first. When a dollop of his spit landed upon your skin, his thumb wasted no time to soar up and rub it in, swiping over your little rosebud as it stretched to take his girth. 
The task of keeping up your attention to the four miners at your head became an impossible task as they gave your mouth a break for your breathless moans to flow freely and they instead came to your aid and helped guide your hands around to grant them all a bit of affection. 
With both of your holes snuggly filled up, you felt yourself near the edge once more, though it was Thor who pushed you over it as his hand coiled around your waist and snaked down to find your swollen clit in a lavish pattern. 
Though when you buried your face in the crook of Bucky’s neck and trembled between his and Miguel’s burly forms, Thor’s touch dissipated and though you half expected him to join the rest up top, it still didn’t manage to surprise you what he opted for instead. 
“Holy shit!” you shakily gasped, your palm nearly slapping Bucky in the chest as you felt Thor angle himself behind you and press his cock in beside Miguel’s, who’s dick was already more than enough for you to handle on its own. 
“Shh,” Bucky tilted your chin down for you to catch his eye, “don’t act like this is your first time, princess,” he kept his own pace selfish as the silky wall parting him from the rest grew thinner than ever, “you can take it,” his palm tapped your cheek lightly as he smiled at how you overcame the staggering sensation, “just as you always do.” 
And take it you did, soon gushing all over them as the three miners emptied themselves into your holes, pumping you full and leaving you a leaky mess for the remainder to enjoy while they all found a seat to relax in and watch you descend further into madness. 
It was Frank who then flipped your molten form around, planting himself on the very same bench, and twisted you around for your back to be melting down against his front. He slipped in effortlessly as the two loads that dripped out of your ass aided his fat girth as he buried himself completely, fucking the other miner’s cum that much deeper inside your utterly wrecked hole. 
“How’s she doing, huh?” Steve asked as he and Matthew stepped up between your parted legs, his fingers coasting down to spread open and inspect your pussy as it too leaked, “you think she can take a bit more? You think she can take on the two of us?” he briefly pumped two of his fingers into your quivering hole as he awaited your answer. 
“I–, you can try,” you panted, hazily blinking down at how Matt’s digits too came down between your thighs and began to draw rude patterns over your puffy pearl, “I don’t know if I can do it, but you can try.”
“Atta girl,” Matt flashed you a smile before each of their touches was traded out for something much more overwhelming. 
With Marc as the last one remaining above your head, he stayed patient and simply stood there, stroking your hair and even dipping down to press his lips to your cheek as your poor pussy struggled to take the two cocks your loves attempted to ease in there. Though, when your eyes widened at the eventual success, the man behind you only let you stare at the severe stretch a moment before he tilted your head back, supporting it with both of his hands as you caught on and parted your lips for him. 
As he fucked your face, one of his hands briefly swept down to your throat as he fed you more of his length and spotted how a dull bulge of him appeared each time you gagged around his girth. 
You felt as if you’d slipped into a trance by the time everyone had gotten the chance to cum inside your sweetness, yourself falling apart around them enough times that you lost count. Though even so, as you layed there, various burly men enveloping your half-continuous form in their warmth, your eyes blinked open and spotted the few who’d gotten the privilege to go first and how they’d at some time grown hard once again and were now pumping their cocks in their fists, with all of their greedy gazes glued on you.  
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The seven miners always warned you to be careful while they were off at work and you were all alone in the secluded cottage. Even though it was located in the middle of the woods, they still advised you not to open the door for anyone, not even if their looks deceived you. 
You should have heeded those warnings the day when an old hag knocked at the cabin door, because she didn’t turn out to be just a sweet old lady as you had thought when you first spotted her through the window, dark cloak drawn up over her grey hair as she clutched onto a heavy basket of apples in one arm and thumped her free fist against the front door. 
All she’d asked for had been a sip of water, one your kindness couldn’t deny her of. 
Though your gravest mistake came when you accepted her seemingly kind offer of gratitude in the form of one of her apples, because when you sank your teeth into the crisp red fruit, the produce suddenly turned rotten in your grasp, granting you a brief glance of the truth, of the potent poison it withheld, before the effects took ahold and cast you into an eternal slumber. 
The enchanted sleep however wasn’t like the one you’d heard tales about as it in truth only shut down your body as the rest of your senses still stayed awake, alert and aware as ever to the things around you, though forever helpless to whatever could occur. 
When your dear miners returned that day, the sight that found them utterly broke them all. 
And when they discovered that you’d received a fate worse than death, a few of them had to lean on superstition in order to cope. 
Though superstition was what superstition often is, just a fairytale. 
No matter how many of them attempted to press their lips to yours, you stayed asleep as true love’s kiss turned out to be no more than a bedtime story. 
That’s how you ended up in a blossoming glen, not far from the cottage that had grown to become your home, encased in a glass coffin. 
But that’s also how he found you again…
Prince Billy had been on a hunting trip the day he stumbled over the clearing you rested in, his deepest desires he’d assumed forever lost, so perfectly on display for him in the middle of the woods and with no one to stop him from taking you with him back to his castle. You had been his fiancé after all, so if your fate as his wife included you being a little less of an active participant than you’d been previously, then so be it. He could be content with you as nothing but a living doll… in fact, perhaps the royal even preferred it… 
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© 2024 thyme-in-a-bubble 
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mapis-putellas · 1 month ago
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The call came while you were halfway through folding laundry in the living room. You barely managed to grab your phone in time, Alessia’s coach’s name flashing across the screen. The moment you answered, you could tell something was wrong by the apologetic tone in her voice. She quickly explained that Alessia had hit her head during training—crashed face-first into the goalpost, of all things—and now had a rather concerning goose egg on her forehead.
“She’s… fine,” the coach reassured, though her hesitation didn’t do much to settle your nerves. “But she’s a bit dazed, and we think it’s best if someone comes to get her. Just to keep an eye on her.”
You didn’t waste any time. Within minutes, you were in the car, heading straight to the training ground. Your heart pounded as you pulled into the lot, spotting a small group of players milling about near the pitch. And then there she was, sitting on the bench with an ice pack pressed to her forehead, looking like the picture of misery.
“Baby,” you called as you hurried over, your voice tinged with both worry and affection.
Alessia glanced up, her pout almost comically exaggerated as her big blue eyes met yours. “Hi, love,” she mumbled, her words slightly slurred, though that could have been the pout.
You crouched in front of her, gently prying the ice pack away to inspect the damage. The large bump on her forehead was impossible to miss, and you winced at the sight of it. “Oh, Lessi girl, what did you do?” you murmured, brushing a strand of blonde hair out of her face.
“I didn’t mean to,” she said defensively, her voice soft and a little sheepish. “The post came out of nowhere.”
You couldn’t help but laugh softly, though you quickly sobered when she winced, clearly still in pain. “Alright, let’s get you home. Can you stand?”
She nodded, but as soon as she got to her feet, she swayed slightly, her hand clutching your arm for balance. “Might need a little help,” she admitted, her cheeks tinged pink.
You wrapped an arm around her waist, guiding her to the car while murmuring reassurances. Once you got her settled into the passenger seat, you buckled her in, pressing a kiss to her cheek as you rounded the car to the drivers side.
“I feel stupid,” she mumbled as you started the car.
“Don’t,” you said firmly, glancing over at her. “You’re not stupid, baby. Just a little clumsy. But I already knew that.”
She huffed out a laugh, though it was short-lived as she winced again. You reached over to squeeze her hand that was resting limply on her thigh, your thumb brushing gently over her knuckles. “We’ll get you home, showered, and comfortable, okay? You’ll be alright.”
Alessia nods, letting out a quiet sigh as she leans her head back against the headrest of her seat. You squeeze her hand once more before putting both hands back on the wheel.
By the time you got her home and inside, Alessia was practically clinging to you, her pout firmly in place. She had every right to be feeling sorry for herself; concussions weren’t exactly fun. After helping her kick off her trainers and shrug out of her training kit and dumping them in a corner to be dealt with later, you led her to the bathroom, keeping a firm grip on her arm in case she lost her balance.
“You’re coming in with me, right?” she asked, her voice small as she looked at you with those wide, pleading eyes that always made your heart melt.
“Of course, baby,” you said softly, pressing a kiss to her temple, just next to the goose egg, before turning on the shower. “I’m not letting you out of my sight.”
Once the water was warm enough, you helped her step in, stripping off yourself and following after her, keeping your hands on waist her to steady her. She leaned into you immediately, her arms wrapping around your waist as the water cascaded over both of you.
“You’re too good to me,” she mumbled against your shoulder, her voice muffled by your skin.
“You’d do the same for me,” you replied, running your hands over her back in soothing circles. Alessia hummed in agreement, and you feel her lips press against your neck in a gentle kiss. You squeeze her softly in return, pressing your own lips against the wet skin of her shoulder.
After the shower, you helped her into one of your oversized t-shirts and a pair of her own shorts, the soft fabric clinging to her damp skin. She looked impossibly adorable, perched on the end of the bed, her damp hair sticking to her face as she let you fuss over her, brushing through the tangles and pressing gentle kisses to her temple every so often.
Once you were satisfied that she was comfortable, you led her to the couch, settling in first before pulling her down on top of you. Her taller frame sprawled out over yours, her head resting on your chest as she let out a content sigh. You reach for one of the blankets hung over the back of the couch to cover you both up, spending a little time in making sure Alessia was all tucked in.
“This is nice,” she murmured after a few quiet moments, her voice already heavy with sleep
“Don’t get too comfy,” you teased, pressing your lips to the top of her head as your fingers trail softly over her back beneath the shirt. “I have to wake you up every half hour, remember?”
She groaned, adjusting herself slightly so her face was buried in your neck. “That’s so annoying.”
“I know, my love,” you said with a soft laugh, craning your head and pressing a kiss to her temple as you continue with the gentle ministrations against her back. “But it’s for your own good, my clumsy girl.”
The first time you woke her, she blinked up at you with bleary eyes, her pout more pronounced than ever. “I was dreaming,” she mumbled, her voice thick with sleep.
“About what?” you asked, stroking her hair gently
“About you,” she said simply, her eyes fluttering closed again
You smiled, your heart melting at her words. “Go back to sleep, baby. I’ll wake you again soon.”
The second time, she was even grumpier, swatting at your hand as you gently shook her shoulder. “Leave me alone,” she grumbled, though the slight curve of her lips betrayed her
“Not a chance,” you said, pressing a kiss to her nose. It scrunched up adorably in response, and you couldn’t help but do it again, just because.
By the third time, she was too sleepy to protest, simply nuzzling further into your chest as you murmured soft reassurances.
“I love you,” she mumbled, her voice barely audible as sleep threatened to pull her under again.
“I love you too, Lessi girl,” you whispered, your fingers tracing lazy patterns over her back.
@ceesimz @marysfics @girlgenius1111 @codiemarin @simp4panos @silentwolfsstuff @goldenempyrean @xxnaiaxx @liloandstitchstan @ktgoodmorning @chelseacult
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woso-dreamzzz · 2 months ago
Copy III
Alessia Russo x Teen!Reader
Summary: Your first England match
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"A long ball up the pitch by Williamson...And...Struck by...Russo!"
Alessia freezes.
"Oh, an England debut to remember for number twenty-three y/n Russo!"
Your sister watches as you go sprinting towards your best friend on the pitch, crashing together as the rest of the team hurry to catch up.
Your arms are spread out like an airplane as you finally get to Bean, holding her and, most likely, thanking her for that wonderful assist.
It's Bean's first England match too and a few rows down in the box, the Williamson family celebrate her assist too.
But all Alessia can focus on is you.
Your face is grinning on the big screen and, at only sixteen years old, this season has been a busy one for you.
You'd secured a place in Arsenal's senior team (along with Bean of course) and been called up for England's senior team a few times as well.
But this is your first game and that's special.
Made even more special by the fact that you've scored on debut.
You're red and sweaty when the match is over and Alessia can finally see you close up again.
You're smiling.
Beaming is probably the better word for it.
Your face is split open in a smile as you and Bean stand next to each other talking to the media rep.
"They work good together," Leah says, standing next to her old teammate as they both wait for you to be done.
"We know that. At Arsenal-"
"We both know it's different with the Lionesses," Leah interrupts gently, watching as you and your sister tease each other," The pressure...everything, it's different."
"But they've certainly risen to it."
Leah laughs. "Yeah, they did. God, Bean's going to be insufferable tonight."
Alessia laughs too. "I think today you'll have to let her. She's earnt it."
"But still," Leah grouses good naturedly," She's going to get a big head."
"Who is?"
"You!" Leah grabs her sister into a headlock, rubbing her knuckles against Bean's head and dragging her away.
You stand in front of your sister, rocking back and forth on the balls of your feet for a moment.
"Hey," You say, uncharacteristically nervous all of a sudden.
"Hey, yourself," Alessia laughs," That was a good goal."
You brighten up at the praise. "Yeah? You think so. I wasn't really thinking. It could have gone anywhere. I mean-"
Alessia's hands rest on your arms, effectively silencing you.
"It was a very good goal. It went in. That's all that matters really."
"Yes," Alessia laughs, pulling you closer.
You shot up when you hit puberty, nothing like the little kid you once were. You shot up and kept growing. You're probably still growing because you haven't quite reached Alessia's height yet but she knows from her parents that you're still outgrowing all of your clothes.
But you're not quite as tall as Alessia so she's can still comfortably kiss you on the forehead and tuck you under her chin, just about.
"You did so good. Very impressive. England's future."
You rest your head on Alessia's shoulder. "I did your goal celebration too."
"What celebration? I don't have a celebration."
It's your turn to laugh now, shaking your head fondly at your sister.
"The airplane arms? You used to do them a lot."
"No I didn't!"
You grin. "Yeah you did. All the time. I can't believe you never realised you were doing it."
"Because I didn't!"
She's not that much taller than you. Nothing that you won't catch up to in a year or so but you kind of like how you are now. It just reminds you of her when you were younger and much smaller, looking up at your big sister after matches where she's scored so many goals.
But now you're the one in her shirt and you're the one with the ball at your feet.
You're the one doing airplane arms when the ball slams into the net.
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alotofpockets · 3 months ago
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All grown up | Alessia Russo x Irish Arsenal!Reader & McFoord x Platonic!Reader
Where you've been with the team since you were young and have always been seen as the baby of the group, even when you aren't the youngest by far, and the team finds out you've grown up when they figure out you're dating Alessia
Woso masterlist | Words: 1.6k
When you first joined Arsenal, you were still a teenager, and quickly your nickname became “the baby” as you had been the youngest one on the team. Katie had taken you in when you made the move over from Ireland, you hadn’t played together a lot because she had a few years on you, but to have a fellow Irish around made you feel more at home. 
You were a shy kid, and had a tendency to follow Katie around, at least for the first few months that you were at the club. A lot had changed in all those years since, but you would always be seen as the baby of the group, even when you weren’t the youngest anymore by a long shot.
Moving out of Katie’s place hadn’t changed much to the dynamic the two of you had. The girl was like an older sister to you, and you still found yourself at her and Caitlin’s place more often than not. Besides the two of them, the team was your family away from family, and you could not be more grateful to have them in your life, but sometimes you would like to be treated like anything besides “the baby” of the group.
That is exactly what you found when Alessia joined Arsenal. It was refreshing to see someone treat you the way they treated the rest of the girls. Most girls that joined the team, easily fell into the rhythm of mothering you around, like you weren’t a grown adult yourself by now. Not Alessia though.
You had fallen into a different rhythm with her. She wanted to get to know you for you, and not the person everyone saw you as. It wasn’t long before the two of you fell for each other and started dating.
Together you decided to keep the relationship hidden from the rest of the team. You knew they would treat your relationship differently than any of the other girls starting one, and you didn’t want all the eyes that would be on you, to ruin what you and Alessia had started. 
“Hey Kiddo, are you still coming over for dinner tonight?” Caitlin asked with her arm around your shoulder on the way back to the locker room after practice. “Yeah, of course. You know I wouldn't miss it.” She patted your back and moved over to Katie.
You thought you and Alessia had been good at hiding your relationship. Making sure you were the last to leave training so you could slip into Alessia’s car unnoticed, but Beth had noticed how you would always take forever to get ready and had set her mind on figuring out what was going on. She dragged Steph to the side when they walked to their cars and explained her plan.
Together they watched you and Alessia walk out, happily chatting, and getting into Alessia’s car before driving off. After seeing this, she decided she was going to watch the two of you closely, to see if she could figure out what was going on.
When you arrived at Alessia’s apartment you immediately pulled her towards the couch to get in some much needed cuddles. “I hate having to keep my distance from you around the girls.” The blonde wrapped her arms around you and pulled you closer into her side. “I know, love. Have you given any more thought about telling them about us?”
You shook your head, “I don’t want what we have to change the moment everyone finds out. They are all so protective, all their eyes would be constantly on us, and I don’t want it to feel like our relationship is constantly being watched by the adults.” 
Alessia presses a long kiss to your forehead. She sighed softly while running her fingers through your hair. “I get it, they can be a lot. But you know that no matter what they say, I’m sticking around, right?” You smile and nod, “Yeah, I know.” You cuddle up to her further and start a movie.
Once the movie was finished, it was time to head over to Katie and Caitlin’s for dinner. “Want me to drive you home or to Katie’s?” Alessia asked as she got up and stretched her arms out. After checking the time, you opted for Katie’s. 
At a red light a couple blocks over, you took the time to kiss your girlfriend and thank her for driving you. So, when you got to Katie’s you got out of the car after another quick thank you, so neither Katie or Caitlin would see any of the couply stuff. 
And good thing you did, because the first thing Katie said as you entered the home was, “Was that Alessia’s car?” You froze for a split second, thinking she might be onto you. “Yeah, we were hanging out and she gave me a ride.”
Katie narrowed her eyes at you in suspicion, but didn’t press any further. “Alright, get in here Kiddo. Dinner is almost ready, and Cait is already complaining that I’m doing it wrong.” You chuckled as Caitlin’s voice rang out from the kitchen, “That’s because you are!” The tension you were feeling flooded away as soon as you stepped further into the home. 
After dinner, Katie insisted on driving you home to not let Alessia drive back and forth again. You knew that if you went against her offer, you would only be giving her signs that something was going on between you and Alessia, so you accepted the offer.
Once you got inside you called Alessia to fill her in and ask if she would still come over to your place. When she got there, you were pacing the living room. “Do you think she suspects something?” 
“I don’t know about Katie, but Beth and Steph are the ones I’m worried about.” Your head shot up. “Why?” Alessia sat down and shrugged. “Beth has been giving me these weird looks, like she’s trying to figure something out. And then when our eyes meet, she quickly starts chatting with Steph, and I don’t know, I just feel like they’re talking about us.”
Alessia realises she’s only worrying you more with what she’s saying, so she quickly gets up and moves her hands to your cheeks to get you to focus on her. “We can handle their teasing, and everything that they can throw our way. We’re going to be okay no matter what.” 
You take a deep breath. “No matter what.” You repeat her words. Alessia kisses you, before guiding you to your bedroom. “Now, let’s get some sleep.” 
The next day at lunch with the team, you sat between Caitlin and Alessia, with Katie, Beth, and Steph sat across from you. The atmosphere in the hall was great, conversations flowed easily at all the tables. 
Alessia’s knee brushed against yours and you were trying to focus on Katie’s words instead of the warm feeling that filled your body. Then all of a sudden Beth leaned forward with a sly smile, clearly ready to stir something. She looked directly at you, and you could feel your nerves kicking in instantly.
“So,” She began, looking from you to Alessia and back. “How long have the two of you been dating behind our backs?” The table went silent and the whole team was watching you after they heard your fork clatter on your plate.
“What?” You stammered, “What are you talking about?”
“Oh, don’t even try to deny it.” Beth smirked. “Steph and I saw you getting in the car with Alessia, looking a little too cosy if you ask me. We’ve all seen the way you two look at each other, and the lingering touches when you think we aren’t watching.”
You could feel the heat rising in your cheeks as you were being called out in front of the whole time. “I- We-” You tried to form a coherent sentence, but you had seemingly forgotten how to form one, so you just sighed in defeat and nervously looked over to Katie.
She was leaning back in her chair with her arms crossed, you thought she was going to be mad, but then her smirk grew, matching that of Beth’s. “Well, well, our baby is all grown up.” Caitlin jumped in as well, “Guess that means we can double date now, huh?”
The whole room erupted into laughter and teasing comments. All you could do was sink lower into your seat, and bury your face in your hands. Alessia reached over to squeeze your leg under the table, trying to ground you amidst the chaos Beth’s comment had created. 
You leaned into her side and buried your face into her chest, blocking everyone from seeing your reddened cheeks. Eventually, Katie reached over and ruffled your hair. “Relax, Kiddo. We’re happy for you. Russo, you’re coming to dinner next time, alright?” The blonde nodded, not having spoken a word, too afraid to mess up herself. “Yeah, ehm, I’ll be there.” 
You finally looked up, and glanced around the room. Despite their teasing, you found nothing but love and support on the faces of your teammates. Maybe Alessia had been right, telling them wasn’t so bad after all.
“Come on, love birds,” Caitlin said as she got up and put a hand on both of your shoulders, “back to training.”
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little-boyyyy-blog · 2 months ago
i forgot!
alessia russo x reader
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when alessia meets the one just for her she makes sure she the right one before showing her off. even if there was really no doubt. well. besides your college. but you got her to forget about it for a while.
“are you a model?” you asked the blonde girl that you had been shameless watching move throughout the paris night club you were currently in. people were swarming the bars, leading to arms laying across a sticky counter with debit cards in hand and very close proximities.
a surpsied expression to your bold question came from the girl, her moving her ear away from your lips with a tint to her cheeks that wasn’t there before. you could swear.
“a footballer actually. are you?”
alessia was automatically attracted to you. her eyes genuinely scanned your body painfully slow as her eyes filled with a obsession
“basketballer actually. aren’t you competing?” alessia peaked up at the more familiar accent, she knew she had heard it before. leaning forward towards the american stranger, enjoying her memories of the united stated
“my nation didn’t qualify. but innit that funny, i went to school in america?”
“what a shame. i’d love to watch you play. shame it wasn’t at duke either, i would have seen you before that. i know that for sure.”
“and you lost me there. you were doing well too” you watched as disinterest comes across her face at the mention of your alma mater. not like it mattered to you, the footballer in front of you was all your mind was interested by.
“i never said i hated unc” you had to yell for her to hear, pulling her closer to you by her waist as another body tried to squeeze behind her.
“that’s because it’s the best in the country”
“in my country?”
“your country.” her smile came back, bringing a burn deeper in your stomach. the bartender swiftly dropped off both her drinks and yours. “vos cartes.” you don’t know what came over you; because it definitely wasn’t logic when your hand came on-top of alessia’s as she tried to start a tab. it was early in the night and you were still on a contact in the lowest paid league in america; but you had no problem treating the girl you were admiring for the night.
never had you thanked you agent more for sponsorships.
“mets toutes ses boissons avec les miennes ce soir. tout ce qu'elle obtient, je l'ai” the bartender nodded to your fluent french and turned away without hesitation; only taking your card.
“put all her drinks in with mine tonight. whatever she gets, i got”
“what did you just do? also i thought you were from america? you sound great. ”
“i gotta make my money somewhere, you went to america for experience no? just stay around for a while so i have something to look forward, remember to come say bye too.”
the sharpness to you, your undeniable looks, the free drinks.. how could she say no?
“i just might have to, and who do i come looking for?”
“you’ll find out if you come back. what’s you’re name?”
alessia’s eyes rolled at your secrecy, but bit her lip in enjoyment. she knew she’d be coming back, how couldn’t she. just look at you.
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“less these were out front?” leah announced as she entered alessia flat; confusion being noticed on the kent natives face until her eyes caught onto the pink peonies that we beautifully arranged for her.
leah carried them in carefully; not glancing to hard at them before handing them off. “theyre beautiful”
she would have kept an eye out front for them if she knew they were coming, but she never knew when you’d send them.
her cheeks when flushed and the pink in those flowers were so similar that you had secretly dedicated those flowers to her.
“oh my god, i didn’t hear a ring. thank you le.”
“who gave you those?” a question that gone unanswered.
alessia hadn’t spoken a word about you to her teammate. you were too good to be true in her mind; she didn’t want to ruin that before anything could actually happen.
quickly plucking the card off the floral pick and walked causally into the kitchen. “oh my those are beautiful less, who sent them?”
“someone from the states.” she slipped the card away into her back pocket before the overbearingness of the arsenal women’s team started.
“a college fling?”
“how many times have they’ve sent them?”
less pressed her lips together to hide the ever small smile from crossing her face. “once or twice.”
“oh my god!”
“a man sent those??”
“ay dios mío..”
the room continued with the chatter of who they may believe it to be. but surprisingly the room had two silent watchers. ones that alessia noticed instantly.
alessia felt as lotte watched her throw away the same peonies, now a week old. she felt emily watching as she cleaned the vase and put it in a cabinet. a cabinet with definitely more than one or two similar vases. emily would count on at least 7 or 8.
but of course they already knew that the american would have to be someone new to alessia.
they were alessia’s bestfriends at her time at unc; and they knew she spent her time there as a stepping stone to make it where she is now. meaning she was focused, studious, and committed to soccer while there. she wasn’t at unc to date, she was there to become better.
but alessia wasn’t stupid. her eyes meet with lotte’s and emily’s, giving them the look to please keep quiet for now. and that’s what they did. because they didn’t care that much.
well they did. but they knew if they pushed they’d never know. and trust. they wanted to know so badly that they were willing to wait.
alessia didn’t know why people cared so much if it didn’t involve them; but what she did was learn was that people will always want to know too much.
the spotlight makes you learn that damn last.
and as the flowers became a second thought to the arrival to the skipper, that gave alessia an escape from the attention to do something she couldn’t wait to do.
excusing herself to the bathroom from her guests once the timing felt right. her heart beating as she already pulled out her phone from her back pocket to text you a ‘thank you’ for the flowers as she walked through her flat.
pressing her back against her own bathroom door as she locked it. pulling out the card that was placed in the flowers from her back pocket so fast it may have ripped a corner. rubbing her thumb over the similar words as those that have brought her ease for the past 7 weeks.
i bought these flowers the same night i bought your ticket. you’ll be here in a week and these should last you til then. ill spend my days waiting for you until then. xo
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you had finally made your way back with lunch for the two of you and less couldn’t hold back her excitement. she had jumped into your arms the second you had entered the apartment, giving you no time but to catch her. and that’s what you did. “finally”
holding her up against you with one arm as you held onto the food bag in your other, you walked the both of you into your apartment. letting the front door close and automatically lock as you walked you both into your kitchen. placing her and the food down on the counter before quickly placing a kiss to the british girls lips.
“hi hun” you whispered against them as she snuck her hand up your shirt, leaving a comforting and warm hand on your side. in a way to remind you she was real. a reminder you were grateful for as you looked at her longer. “hi baby”
“i got us our last american meal for a bit”
“enjoy your messy burger because you obviously can’t live without one for two weeks.”
“that’s why i got it obviously..” you rolled your eyes back at her, “you know you talk a lot of shit for someone who likes being in america”
“that’s because you’re here.” alessia had sent butterflies to your stomach ever since the moment you had met her at club. and over the months you had gotten to learn her; you had learn that her comments like those. meant something. not only to you; but her too.
“is that why you had me push back your return flight?”
“are we not going to mention how you bought yourself a ticket to come back with me” a teasing smile on her lips.
“no we’re not”
your phone rang on the counter taking you both out of your moment together; her eyes moving subconsciously to see who it was. and when she read another woman’s name she automatically sat up straight and let her hand quickly fall off of your waist.
alessia couldn’t help herself. as much as she’d love to say she hadn’t been looking for a red flag in you. she knew she had to be right about you being too good to be true in her mind.
“hey what’s up?..”
and honestly; for a good second. she couldn’t believe her eyes when you picked up your phone so nonchalantly infront of her, answering the call from the girl with not a second thought to you.
“..damn. no i can’t watch tuck this weekend; im going out of town with less..”
but of course she was being dramatic.
of course you had been telling everyone about alessia.
you had been treating her like your girlfriend since the moment she had arrived and alessia loved it. but never admitted it.
a small smile cracking out from your lips and a sly wink was all alessia needed for her cheeks to become that signature pink and her forehead to come planting on the center of your chest.
and as you ended the call and pulled her head away from your chest. there was that light smile still on your lips “jealous over a dog”
all alessia wants to do is kiss that smile off your face too. “it was the girl; and so what about it?”
“you’re all i want less”
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“no way. you’re not dating her less.” emily stood firm in alessia apartment. another wide smile coming across your face as you knew why. a laugh coming out after alessia looked at you crazy.
“what?” you stood in the center on alessia living room in a pair of her arsenal shorts and an college college hoodie.
“emily i’ve told her” you had met emily before due to emily’s time in the nwsl and you’re continuing friendship with her u-19 national teammate tess boade.
“told me what?”
“she’s a blue devil?”
“what?” lotte quickly pipped in as if you had killed someone.
“she went to duke? are you kidding less? how could you fall for the rival.”
“oh my god. i forgot.”
“are you actually doing this right now? baby i told you the night we met?”
“i forgot!” alessia exclaimed.
“what do you mean?! how could you forget?”
“she was buying our drinks and she was looking really nice, i guess it just flew right over my head that night!”
“god less you’re kidding.”
she wasn’t. and maybe the enemy wasn’t so bad after all.
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russo-woso · 3 months ago
Full work mode || Leah Williamson x Alessia Russo x Reader
Request | Masterlist | Prompt list
Summary Your girlfriends see you in full work mode for the first time
It had been a calm day for you which was always a rare occasion.
You worked for the NCA which was always hard job but a very rewarding one.
You hadn’t been called into work today, there being no major cases so luckily for you, you got to stay home.
Your girlfriends, Leah and Alessia, had also been off today, having only played a match last night.
Although it had been relaxing, you knew it wouldn’t last for long.
Alessia, being the nicest person on earth, offered to host team bonding at your shared house.
Leah wasn’t present when Alessia planned it so she couldn’t intervene with the answer.
When Alessia told you, you didn’t mind too much.
Yes, it would loud and cause a mess, having twenty other people round, but you lived your girlfriend’s teammates as if they were your teammates.
One by one, everyone came round, bringing food and drinks with them which you were grateful for.
Everyone fell into light conversations, people asking how your work was and if you were coming to any games soon.
It had been a few hours and you were sat in between Alessia and Leah. Alessia had her head resting on your shoulder, whilst your hand rested on Leah’s lap, your fingers intertwined.
You were just about to put on a film for everyone to watch when your phone started ringing.
“Hi, Joe, what’s up?” You asked, hearing your bosses voice over the phone.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N. A case has come to our attention and we need you here. It’s double pay for it being late.” Joe explained, you humming in agreement.
“I’ll be there in twenty. See you soon.” You hung up, giving everyone a sad look. “I’ve got to go. There’s a case where they need me.”
As you were leaving the room to get changed, you noticed Leah and Alessia high fiving each other.
“What’s got you two so happy?”
“We get to see you in your uniform.” Alessia responded, her face turning a light shade of red.
“Cheeky.” You muttered, winking at them both as you jogged up the stairs.
You were in your full kit, your vest on, your hat, everything.
You knew Alessia and Leah loved seeing you in your kit, hence why most times you wore it and had some free time, the three of you ended up in bed.
You walked downstairs, peeping your head into the living room.
“Go on, Y/N. Let’s see why them two won’t stop blushing at the thought of your uniform.” Katie said
You stepped into the living room, everyone’s eyes on you.
“I’d have my gun too, but it’s safe and sound at the office.”
Leah and Alessia got jealous as they saw everyone eyeing you.
“Alright enough staring. No more looking at her.” Leah spoke up, ushering you out the lounge and into the hallway so it was just the two of you, Alessia joining soon after.
“Jealous, ey, Williamson?” Katie joked, Caitlin smacking her shoulder to get her to stop.
“Stay safe, okay?” Alessia told you, pressing her lips to your cheek.
“I will, I promise. Have fun with the girls.”
You placed a kiss on Leah’s and Alessia’s lips before shutting the door behind you.
“I can see why you like Y/N in her uniform. God, she looked—” Katie began, clearly joking but stopped immediately once she saw the look Leah was giving her.
“Le…” Alessia warned, linking her hands with Leah’s as they sat down.
“Y/N’s ours, not yours Katie.”
“Awh, jealous are we, Leah?”
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skipper1331 · 2 months ago
Crash // Alessia Russo
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Request: hey, could you please write some angst for alessia if possible.
a/n: hope u like it :))
warnings: car crash
"Where are you taking me?" Alessia grumbled with her arms crossed as she sat in the passengers seat, not amused by the fact that she sat in the passenger seat.
"You know, I don‘t like it when you drive" she added, her frown only deepening.
Playfully offended, you gasped, "are you saying I’m not a good driver?"
She turned to you, answering dead serious, "yes!" she crumbled under the glare she got in return, your raised eyebrow never a good sign "no" she mumbled, her fingers slowly interviewing with yours. "It‘s my job to drive you around, not the other way around" the striker continued to ramble about the situation while you just smiled to yourself.
Usually, Alessia was always sat behind the steering wheel, driving you to your destinations. And though, you were able to drive yourself (license in your wallet since years) the blonde insisted on driving you every time. She even drove you to appointments that didn't involve her, such as coffee dates with your friends or else. She loved driving and especially driving you around or you just seated in the passenger seat.
"But I’ve a surprise for you, so relax" you smiled, "you‘re even allowed to be dj" you grinned, the blonde always complaining that you wouldn’t even play one song of her choice.
"You‘ve got the passenger princess privileges, use them, love"
Alessia grumbled something before she connected her phone, her playlist starting to play. "You‘re lucky you‘re cute"
You had something really nice planned which she would definitely enjoy. Lately, everything has been stressful with your studies and all the exams that were coming up. And Lessi had shown nothing but love and support during this time, which is why you wanted to do something special as a thank you.
Everything was perfect so far, the blonde slowly accepting the fact that you sat behind the steering wheel instead of her, the conversation flowing easily as always until suddenly a car appeared out of nowhere, hitting your side with a force.
That’s the last thing you remember.
"Is she okay?" Alessia asked the medic with a raspy shaky voice, panic radiating of her body. She didn‘t know where you were. The ambulance left immediately with you, everything happening so fast. One second, she was telling you about the derby and in the other second, the car left the road and hit a tree.
"Ma‘am, you need to sit." The medic ordered as Alessia attempted to get up, hissing in pain. Her arm and shoulder hurt awfully, her face slightly bloody as it trickled down her forehead and nose.
"No! I need to know! She wasn‘t speaking, her eyes were closed! I- i don’t know"
The medics tried to calm her down the best they could, but it didn‘t help much.
After a short examination of her, the second ambulance left for the hospital.
In the hospital, Alessia went through several checks. Her arm was broken but thankfully it was a straight and simple fraction and nothing splintered. Her cuts were taken care of, only the large one on her forehead needing stitches. "You were very lucky" the doctor explained, also explaining the rest of her treatment and more. But Alessia couldn’t listen, all she could think about was you.
Are you alright? Are you alive? Where are you? What was happening?
"What about my wife? Is she alright? Please tell me she‘s alright" Alessia begged, tears streaming down her face.
Alessia sat next to your bed, holding your hand, praying that you would open your eyes. Just anything.
She sat there for hours, not leaving your side at all. Each time a nurse came in, the blonde wanted to know everything. What were they doing? What meant this sound or that? Are you getting better? Anything. The thought of you not waking up was terrifying her.
"Lessi, i think you should go for a walk. Grab a coffee and some fresh air" her mother ordered, sensing that her daughter was thinking too much, holding your hand tightly.
"I can’t" she replied, her eyes not leaving your face.
"Less, she‘s right. As soon as something happens, we‘ll tell you immediately. I promise" your mother joined the conversation now.
"Ok-ay" in trance she stood up, walking backwards to the door, her eyes not leaving yours until she was out of the room.
When Alessia came back, nothing had happened (she hadn‘t even been gone for 5 minutes) yet she was disappointed. This was her worst nightmare.
She wasn’t able to protect you.
You looked so vulnerable in the hospital bed, so fragile. It broke her heart.
In the evening, her mum and your mum said their good bye to the girl, promising to come back in the morning, Alessia still refusing to leave your side and to sleep at home. She couldn’t.
You needed her.
You woke up in a bright room, groaning in pain. Looking around, you saw Carol sitting on a chair, reading a magazine. "Hey, you’re up" the magazine was long forgotten as she was at your side, offering you some water.
"Less" you rasped. You fiddled with the duvet, memories flashing in front of your eyes.
"Stay" her mother ordered, already calling the nurse.
"Where‘s Lessi?" you cried in pain, scared and terrified.
"Love!" Alessia‘s eyes widened as she re-entered your room, only gone for a minute to use the bathroom. "You‘re awake" she was at your side in an instant, holding your hand and rapidly kissing it. The other hand trying her best to cradle your head with the cast, "how are you feeling?"
"I‘m so sorry" you cried, "your car" you sobbed.
"I don’t care about the car right now" she stated firmly, wiping away the tears.
"You love your Mercedes"
"I don’t care about that stupid car. You‘re awake!" her voice slightly raised by all the emotions she was feeling.
In that moment a nurse came in, checking all things before the doctor joined, explaining everything and the following steps.
Carol left after the medical team had gone out of the room, sensing that both of you needed a minute alone, calling your mother to let her know what the doctor said.
"I‘ll pay you back, i promise" you refused to look at her, ashamed that the one time you were driving of course something had to happen.
"Look at me, please" she pleaded, her voice breaking slightly. She hadn’t seen your open eyes in days and now you refused to look at her. She couldn’t handle it. The lack of you in the last few days had been awful for her and not knowing if you would ever wake up, had been more than terrifying. It was a feeling she wouldn’t want anybody to feel. This fear, the feeling of not being able to breathe, as if her chest was constricting with every movement. And then the thoughts. Mentally she couldn't find rest because she hoped, prayed and mourned. There were too many emotions at once and the strongest of them was the most unpredictable - love. What would you do out of love?
When you looked at her, you realized how scared she must have been the last few days.
"Please don‘t cry" you whispered as you saw the tears, the exhaustion on her face and her injuries, "i thought-" she hiccuped, all feelings bubbling to the surface.
"I love you, i don‘t care about the Mercedes, okay? All i care about is you and that you‘re alive. That‘s all that ever matters to me" her hands cupped your cheeks, crying even more.
"Come here" groaning in pain, you scooted to the side, "stop moving. what are you doing!" Lessi asked with wide eyes, panic in her expression.
"Come here, please" with the pout on your face, she just couldn’t say no. She needed this just as much as you did. You leaned against her, head resting on her shoulder as your hand held her shirt, seeking comfort in her touch.
"I‘m sorry for driving, i just wanted to do something special" you whispered, "i never wanted to get you hurt" you mumbled, scared, exhausted and still in pain after everything.
"No more of that. We can worry about everything later, right now i just need you close" she replied, her tightening her grip around you (not even to hurt you), slowly calming down.
You were alive.
You were in her arms.
You were alive.
She couldn’t care less about her car or about your surprise or literally anything else in this world.
All that mattered was you.
"I love you so so much."
Everything was going to be okay.
It was you and her against the world.
And she would support you on every step of the way of your recovery because that‘s what wives do. In sickness and in health just like she had promised.
Like the doctor said, "it‘s going to take its time but you‘ll fully recover" and that’s what Alessia held onto. Because sometimes the only thing that helps is hope. Alessia’s hopes and believes were stronger than her fears. Hope was stronger than any fear, especially when it came to the life of a loved one. Someone that was you. Someone who’s loved so deeply by Alessia and everyone around you. Your wife never gave up, never lost her hope and faith in you and your strength. Because if she had done so, she might had lost herself at the same time.
Love was unconditional and unpredictable - that‘s what made it special.
And Alessia truly did love you, more than anything in this world (and definitely more than her Mercedes)
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wileys-russo · 4 months ago
Alessia, "I didn't cheat on you, it was just a dream babe!", mad alessia at training
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disloyal dreams II a.russo
"-are you going to be like this all day?" you sighed as you tried to start a conversation with the blonde beside you who shrugged, again refusing to give you any sort of verbal response.
"alessia. the silent treatment, really?" you repeated, eyes burning into the side of her head as she shrugged and you dragged your hands down your face exhaling heavily.
"i thought we were good at communication. we've been together for a year and a half!" you reminded, alessia dead silent as her fingers drummed against the steering wheel and she came to a stop at a red light.
"less, babe will you just tell me what i've done wrong? i can't fix it if i don't know what i did!" you groaned frustrated, the blonde only leaning forward and turning up the stereo louder making you wince.
"fine, be like this then." you grumbled with a shake of your head, crossing your arms and staring out the window, knowing her well enough that the striker when warranted could be incredibly stubborn.
though the problem you were having today is you weren't even sure where this grudge she had against you was coming from. you'd gone to bed and things were all fine and normal, the pair of you ordering in and falling asleep cuddled up together watching a movie in the living room as you often did.
you'd woken up first, slowly shaking the taller girl on top of you until she did too and the two of you had stumbled tiredly to bed. her long limbs entrapping you in her hold the moment your backs hit the mattress, eyes heavy and a few sleepy kisses exchanged, all seemed fine.
but then this morning you'd woken up to an empty bed, frowning right away as alessia was almost never the first one awake between you.
in fact over the time you'd been together even before you'd moved in with her whenever you slept over at alessia's you'd learned to set your alarm a half an hour earlier than either of you had to be up because it took that long to coax the sleepy blonde to actually get up.
your confusion only grew further when a quick search of the house showed it to be empty, your calls out for your girlfriend going unanswered both vocal and on the phone, a sense of worry beginning to settle in.
however right before it really hit its peak you heard keys in the front door, racing down the stairs and breathing out in relief when she stepped inside, body coated in a thin sheen of sweat and hair pulled back into a bun.
you tried to speak to her and draw her into a hug, mumbling ut you'd been worried sick and asking why she hadn't at least left a note or sent a text but all you got was a shrug and a grumble she needed a shower.
ever since then the most your girlfriend had said was maybe three words, the rest of her responses all grunts or hums as at first you thought maybe she hadn't slept well and was just tired.
though then it started to feel a lot more personal and as much as you'd asked and asked and asked, she wouldn't tell you just why she was so seemingly upset with you or what you'd done to earn such a stubborn silence.
pulling into the training grounds you tried again to ask if the two of you could talk, trying to angle that it wasn't healthy to go into training if she was in a bad head space but all that resulted in was a door closed in your face and a rap of her knuckles against your window a moment later, wordlessly telling you to hurry up.
despite the fact alessia could be one of the most sweet, kind and downright lovely human beings you'd ever had the pleasure to know let alone fall in love with, she still had her share of off day but normally she was quite good at hiding them from your teammates.
today however she didn't seem to care in the slightest, making no move to disguise the fact she wasn't talking to you and clearly was in a mood, the tension thick and uncomfortable as you stared at her longingly across the change rooms.
"mate. what did you do to that poor girl?" leah flopped herself down in her own cubby beside you as you sighed, alessia not even sparing you a glance as she laced her boots up and stormed out, ignoring both emily and lotte who tried to stop and speak with her clearly sensing she wasn't okay.
"nothing! well at least not that i can work out? i've been given the silent treatment all morning." you huffed with a roll of your eyes, wrestling to undo the tight knots in your boots and sending kyra a venemous glare across the room who was clearly the culprit.
but sensing maybe today was not the day to have pushed your buttons the australian was quick to shrink beneath your murderous stare, taking off out of the room within seconds flat.
"give it here." leah chuckled, having already undone your other boot as you shoved it at her and sunk down into your seat, stroppy look on your face and mouth turned downward into a sour pout.
"did you have an argument?" "no." "did you not do something you said you would?" "I don't think so?" "did you forget an anniversary? birthday? special date?" "definitely not." "did you..." leah trailed off, clearly trying to think of something to say.
"nah i've got nothing. good luck sunshine!" the blonde shrugged, pinching your cheek and handing you the now untangled boot. "leah!" you groaned, hoping for the older girl to at least have had perhaps some wisdom to offer.
throughout the day your confusion only grew when the stony silence continued, the two of you at least kept mostly separate for the majority of training, having grown embarrassed now by your shut down attempts to talk to alessia.
thankfully bar a few ill timed comments from some of your younger peers who hadn't yet learnt how to read a room everyone backed off the teasing you'd been worried about, most of them just as confused as you by the air of frustration and irritation radiating off the blonde striker.
"fucking hell less!" leah swore, barely able to duck out of the way of a poorly timed but incredibly powerful strike which rocketed past her ear and swooshed into the back of the goal.
you however were not so lucky, admittedly quite out of it most of the session as your brain ticked over and you overthought every little action and interaction you'd had with the blonde in the last twenty four hours.
it was this distraction which caused you to have zoned out on the sidelines, staring off into space and triple checking in your head every significant event and date to try and work out just why your girlfriend was so clearly off with you.
but you were grounded right back into reality when suddenly something hit you very hard and very fast right in the face, the unexpected ball knocking you on your ass as you felt something wet drip down your face and you started to feel a little woozy.
you watched as both your teammates and some of the staff crowded around you, seeing their mouths moving but unable to decipher what was being said due to the obnoxious ringing in your head.
the medics eventually arrived, shooing everyone away to give you some space and a collective slightly disgusted groan sounded as suddenly you lurched forward and emptied the contents of your breakfast onto the grass beside you.
you winced as a bright light was shone right in your eyes, trying to bat away the hand responsible as someone else grabbed your wrists and stopped you.
blinking a few times as finally the light went away and your hearing returned right in time to hear one word before you were helped to your feet and walked off the pitch.
you sighed heavily but nodded as you laid down on one of the padded benches in the medic office, the lights dim and one of the trainee's running you through the concussion protocol you knew like the back of your hand.
with a heavy sigh you felt him squeeze your knee in a silent apology before ducking out to grab some paperwork, an incident report needing to be done as you covered your face with your hands and felt your heartbeat thump in your ears.
when you heard the door open again you assumed he'd returned and you might be cleared to leave, but to your surprise when you looked up there was a different person now looking down on you, your bag slung over her shoulder and car keys in hand.
you didn't expect her to say anything and you didn't have it in you for an argument, so with a grunt you pulled yourself into a seated position, her hands quick to steady you and you hated how good it felt to feel her touch even in such a minimal way.
"you cheated on me."
your head snapped up so fast you felt your neck throb and the headache settling behind your eyes pulse as you sat in a state of shock, sure you'd just heard her incorrectly.
"i-what?" you managed to croak out, the blonde fiddling with the strap of the bag as she nodded. "you cheated on me." she repeated and just like earlier you felt a horrendous sense of nausea settle in.
"i think i'm going to be sick." you began to panic, bile rising in your throat as you looked around desperately for a sick bag of some sort as alessia's hands settled on your cheeks and you tensed up.
"you cheated on me last night." she repeated in a tone so soft you almost didn't hear her, incredibly confused and now wondering just how hard you'd hit your head as you blinked.
"alessia. what? i-baby i would never ever chea-" you couldn't even get the words out until the blonde shook her head, one of her hands coming to cover your mouth, an odd look of guilt now present on her face which had you even more confused.
"in my dream, last night. you cheated on me in my dream, that's why i've been so off with you today..." the blonde bit her bottom lip with a wince as you paused, slowly moving her hands off of you as she shifted nervously.
"i didn't cheat on you." "no." "but you thought i did?" "kind of? i know it was a dream, but it felt really real!"
"alessia..." you trailed off in disbelief, the trainee from earlier taking one step inside as the pair of you looked at him and clearly sensing he might have been interrupting he quickly ducked back out of the room with a mumble you were free to go.
"i still think you should say sorry." the blonde seemed to regain her confidence as your jaw dropped and you looked at her in bewilderment. "for what?" you squeaked out, alessia sighing and shaking her head.
"for cheating on me." "i didn't cheat on you? it was just a dream babe!" you threw your hands up with a scoff and hissed, your head throbbing as your eyes squeezed shut.
"okay. well since you have a concussion, i'll forgive you anyway." alessia decided, stepping forward to stand in between your legs and giving you a smile as if she'd just done you a favour.
"you'll forgive me?" "yes. now baby we should really get you home, i've got your concussion plan and you have to come in tomorrow for a re-assessment." alessia nodded, patting your bag and holding our a hand to help you up as you stared at her with narrowed eyes.
"you'll forgive me. for ignoring me all day and making me feel like i've done the wrong thing? like i'm the the crazy one?" you stuttered out still in shock that this was the reason for her cold shoulder and off put behavior.
"hey! you can't use that." alessia snatched your phone out of your hand and slid it into your bag with a tut. "i need it." you held your hand out expectantly and rolled your eyes as your girlfriend had the audacity to laugh.
"for what?" she questioned as you smacked away her attempted helping hands and she frowned.
"because i need to write a note." "a note?" "yes alessia. a note that when my head isn't absolutely throbbing i am going to yell at you and then give you the silent treatment all day!"
"what! baby why? you cheated on me, and i forgave you?" "i cannot control my actions in a dream alessia, and so i didn't cheat on you!" "baby you shouldn't get so worked up, you'll make your headache worse." "dating you is a headache russo." "...so is now a bad time to ask for that apology?" "it was a dream alessia!"
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enwoso · 20 days ago
HOW COULD I? | alessia russo
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masterlist | what a treat two in the past day for you all!
as alessia groggily blinked awake, stretching out in the now empty bed. the warm space beside her already cold menacing you had been up for a while.
which was weird. normally, birthday or not, you’d wake her up with soft kisses, breakfast in bed, or at the very least whispering sweet nothing in her ear.
but today? silence.
as she turned over reaching over for her phone as it sat on the nightstand, tapping the screen but it was blank. nothing.
no ‘happy birthday baby!’
no heart emoji.
not even a gif.
as she climbed out of bed and padded into the kitchen, you sat at the breakfast counter, scrolling mindlessly through your phone with your usual cup of tea. you already dressed for training, your hair a little damp as it fell into loose waves over your hoodie.
at the sound of footsteps, you glanced up with a soft, easy smile. “morning, less” you said glancing up as the blonde walked straight past to get her coffee mug. she waited, but nothing. no mention of the fact that today was alessia’s day.
“morning,” alessia muttered, moving to the fridge as she grabbed the milk a little more aggressively than necessary as she practically slammed it onto the counter.
you turned, blinked at her, “wow, has that milk offended you or something?”
alessia just ignored you, continue to make her usual morning coffee the way you usual did. but she could still feel your face on her, the amused tilt of your head and the way you were clearly studying her.
but then without warning, you appeared behind het, your hands slipping around her waist as you rested your chin on her shoulder. you melting into her warmth.
“why’s my girl so grumpy this morning?” you whispered, pressing a slow kiss to alessia’s jaw. a sharp exhale coming from alessia. your lips were warm, soft - too distracting.
“‘m not.” she mumbled, focusing hard on her coffee and not where your lips were.
“you so are.” your hands tightened on her waist, holding the blonde that little bit closer. “you’re all grumpy and pouty and slamming stuff around..” you said as you planted another kiss but this time it was just below her ear. “very sexy of you, by the way.”
alessia tried so hard not just to melt into you, give in and just forget about the fact you’d seemingly forgotten the date. “i’m fine.”
you chuckled, resting your chin back into alessia’s shoulder as you hummed, “if you say so” as you moved your face to nuzzle into her neck, your warm breath lingering on her skin. “you wanna talk about it?”
no cause if she did, she’d have to admit that she was feeling stupidly upset that her own girlfriend has seemingly forgotten her birthday.
“i said, i’m fine.” alessia mumbled moving to sit where you’d previously been as she took a sip of her coffee.
you hummed, you knew why she was in a huff but it was all for a good cause as much as it did hurt to see your girl so stroppy.
“alright” you shrugged and with that you pressed one last kiss to the side of her neck, then stepping away like nothing had happened as you mumbled off that you were going to call you mum as you waited for her to get ready for training.
alessia clenched her jaw. fabulous. now she was in an even worse mood.
by the time the two of you had arrived at training, alessia was fully sulking. the blonde dragging her feet as you hurried off into training, knowing if you spent to long with the stroppy blonde you’d end up ruining what you had in store.
as you drove, alessia had spent the entire drive psyching herself up as she tried to convince herself that it was fine that her own girlfriend had forgotten her birthday.
maybe you’d been busy. maybe you would remember later.
or maybe, a scowl growing deeper on the blonde face as she shoved her kit bag into her locker, maybe you really did just forget.
beth was the first one to greet her, “happy birthday, less!” she said with her usual bright smile, clapping a hand on alessia’s shoulder.
alessia barely even bothered to look up, “at least someone remembered.”
beth’s eyebrows shot up, taken back by the blondes snappiness, “okay, ouch.”
lia and katie, who’d been standing nearby both glanced up and exchanged a quick look to one another before going suspiciously quiet.
beth, however, was already sitting beside alessia nudged her slightly with her knee, “right what’s got you in such a strop and on your birthday.”
alessia just huffed kicking her trainers off with more force than was necessary as she moved to put her boots on, “y/n forgot my birthday.”
beth blinked, “did she?”
“yep” alessia slammed her locker shut as she popped the p in the word before turning to face beth, “she hasn’t said a word. nothing over text. just morning, less as if today is just another day.”
beth pressed her lips together as if she was fighting back a smirk as if she knew something alessia didn’t. because of course, she knew. she knew about the entire surprise that you had planned.
“maybe she’s just waiting for the right moment” beth suggested, trying her best to just play it off and change the subject, but it wasn’t really working considering the thunder look on alessia’s face.
alessia scoffed, “sure, cause saying happy brithday requires perfect timing!”
beth made a noncommittal noise as she leaned back against the bench, “i dunno less, she might surprise you.”
alessia shot her a glare, unimpressed by the words of wisdom given by beth, “i doubt it now.”
lia covered her mouth to stop herself from laughing and katie turned away completely, pretending to tie her laces even though they were already double knotted.
beth, barely holding it together, patted alessia’s knee in a comforting way, “time will tell.”
alessia groaned as she buried her face into her hands. “this is the officially the worst birthday ever.”
beth bit her lip to stop herself from laughing and giving away the whole surprise, only one thing in head. ‘oh, just wait less.’
by the time training ended, alessia was over it. you’d left training early your excuse being you had a doctors appointment as alessia still had a face like thunder and nothing anything said could be done to put a smile on her face.
alessia showered, got dressed and checked her phone for the hundredth time — still nothing.
with a sigh, she shoved her phone into pocket in her joggers and grabbed her keys throwing her backpack onto her shoulder.
but then just as she was about to leave , her phone buzzed in her pocket.
you❤️ | *address name*
you❤️ | come to this address i’ve sent you. wear something nice x
alessia frowned pausing mid step in the middle of the training centre. clicking on the location on her phone. she expected it to be a restaurant or maybe their apartment. but it wasn’t somewhere completely unfamiliar.
her heart skipped. no explanation. no hints. just come to this address.
for second, she debated ignoring it. maybe she should be the one to make you wait like you had done with her all day.
but despite herself, curiosity won and got the better of her. so with one last glance at the cryptic text she reacted to the chat as she sighed, placing her phone back in her pocket and setting off.
when alessia got to the address, not before checking the address she type was right as the venue was dim, the windows tinted meaning she couldn’t see into the restaurant.
the blonde hesitated as her hand rested on the door handle. what the heck was on the other side of the door?pushing the door open, she stepped inside as the lights burst on.
alessia’s heart nearly gave out. her entire family was there. her teammates both club and international, childhood friend and every single person who meant something to her and right at the front, with the biggest grin stood you.
alessia clapped a hand over her mouth, eyes darting over the decorations, the banner, the giant cake with her name written on it in big pink bold icing.
“you-” she turned towards you, completely in awe. “you didn’t forget?”
you scoffed, stepping closer as your hands rested on her waist. “of course i didn’t forget silly!”
a breathless laugh left alessia’s lips, “i was so mad at you.”
you chuckled as a smirk appeared on your lips, “oh i know, beth told me all about your little tantrum.”
alessia shot a glare towards beth, who just grinned playfully. “told you she’d surprise you!”
alessia just her eyes but she couldn’t stop the smile from appearing on her lips as she turned back to you and pulled you in by your hips as she pressed your forehead to hers.
“i love you.” she murmured.
you grinned, bringing a hand up to her cheek, “i know, now kiss me before beth starts making fun of us.”
alessia just let out a giggle as she did just that.
the night was perfect. at some point when everything was starting to die down a little, people were socialising in there own little ways as you were sat on alessia’s lap. your arms lazily draped around her neck as you traced random patterns on her shoulder.
“you really thought i forgot?” you mumbled, brushing the side of face so it was next to alessia’s, her moving a strand of hair out from your face.
alessia sighed dramatically, “well what was i supposed to think? you woke up as if it was a normal day.”
you chuckled, tilting your head as you continued to draw small little patterns on her shoulder which every so often made little goosebumps. “poor baby. must’ve been so hard for you.”
“you’re so annoying.”
you smirked as you moved to press a lingering kiss to the corner of her mouth, “but you still love me”
alessia just hummed as she fidgeted with the hem of your shirt every other time moving so her hand slipped up your top, “unfortunately”
you gasped in most offense, pinching her shoulder, “take that back!”
alessia giggled, shaking her head. “make me.”
and of course you did exactly that - capturing her lips in a kiss so soft, so gentle that the rest of the party melted away as if you two were the only ones there.
you cupped alessia’s face, rubbing your thumbs over her cheekbones like you were trying to memorise every inch of her - as if you didn’t already. alessia melting into you, her hands curling around your waist, pulling you even closer as if she couldn’t ever get enough.
your foreheads staying pressed together afterward whispering things which were only meant for each other.
“i love you.” you mumbled against her lips, quieter this time. just for her to hear. alessia’s fingers curled into the fabric of your dress, her heart feeling too full for words.
but before alessia could respond, kyra groaned from across the room, “okay, we get it- you’re gonna get married one day. no need to rub it in our faces?”
laughter erupted around you, a few of the girls giggling on but you just turned to alessia with a knowing smirk.
“not a bad idea, actually” alessia flushed as she bit her lip, a big grin appearing on your face.
maybe, just maybe… it wasn’t.
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pitchsidestories · 1 month ago
More than a pretty face II Alessia Russo x Williamson!Reader
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romantic masterlist | platonic masterlist | word count: 1630
summary: Leah is the third wheel whenever she’s with your girlfriend Alessia and you. While the striker struggles with her body image.
author's note: hi everyone, we combined the request with an idea we had in the back of our mind and we hope you'll like the mix of lightheartedness and heavier topics. 🤍❤️
Post-training dinners were one of your favourite team traditions. Every few weeks, after a long, hard session, the entire Arsenal squad would go out for a meal. You loved the combination of good food and conversations with your friends. It was something that you were looking forward to every time.
Too preoccupied with arguing with your sister, you completely forgot about the pasta before you. At least until you heard Kyra giggle on the other side of the table.
“Lessi, are you kidding?”, she laughed.
You watched Alessia frown at her: “Why?”
“There’s only green on your plate.”, Kyra grimaced in disgust, pointing at your girlfriend’s salad.
“Yeah, I wanted a salad.”
You studied her plate from across the table. No toppings, no dressing, just plain salad.
Leah involved herself in their conversation: “Nothing wrong with that. Kyra, you could need some greens too.”
Kyra wrinkled her nose again: “Ew.”
Alessia shrugged, smiling: “She’s not wrong.”
It was a polite smile that didn’t reach her eyes.
“Yes, she is. That’s not what you need after a long training session.“, Kyra complained jokingly.
You bit your lip and watched as your girlfriend discussed different food choices with your teammates.
With nervous fingers, you tapped Beths arm and whispered: “Beth?”
The midfielder turned to you: “Hm?”
“I feel like Lessi… I think the comments about her appearance got to her.”, you carefully formulated the worry that had begun to appear in your chest. Suddenly, your stomach was in knots, you weren’t hungry anymore.
“You think so?”, Beth asked in surprise.
“I do… Look.”
She followed your gaze towards Alessia.
“The salad?”
You nodded cautiously: “Yes. Do you think I’m paranoid?”
Alessia had struggled before with her body image, you knew that. So, every sign of changes in her eating pattern sent a subtle wave of panic through your body.
Beth sighed: “I think if you really want to know, you should talk to her.”
You forced a smile: “Ugh, why are you always right?”
“Always, right? What did you two chat about?”, Leah asked innocently.
Beth shrugged and deliberately lied to your sister: “Football stuff.”
“Yes, things you wouldn’t understand, Lee.”, you joked, teasing her.
Leah rolled her eyes at you as she so often did: “Oh yeah, because I obviously don’t play football.”
“You do but no that up front.”, you explained.
“Will you drive with us to this team activity thing next week?”
“Nah, I don’t want to be the third wheel again between you two lovers.”, Leah quickly shook her head.
Beth snorted: “You don’t mind that any other time either.”
 “And it's not our fault that your girlfriend is American”, you added in a teasing tone, which earned you a playful slap from your sister.
Her lips formed to a pout:” Doesn’t take away from the fact that I don’t want to hang out with you two. I’m driving with Lia and Kim.”
“Oh, wow.”, you whistled, pretended to be offended by her decision.
This didn’t stop the defender from mockingly continuing: “Besides, you’re a horrible driver.”
“Thanks, Lee.”, you rolled your eyes at her.
It was the night of your team activity, usually it involved dinner and games, and you were leaning against the open door of your bedroom to check on your girlfriend:” You’re ready, Lessi? We should be leaving soon?”
“No, I hate my outfit.”, she groaned in frustration, still laying on the bed.
When you noticed the dried tears on her cheeks, your heart broke a little. In the late afternoon light, the blonde looked gorgeous, and you wished she could see herself as you saw her, the striker was even sadly breathtaking.
You gently took Alessia's hands, in which she had hidden her face: “Less, you look beautiful.”
“I don’t.”, the forward replied with a trembling voice.
“Yes?”, your girlfriend glanced up at you.
Softly, you asked her:” Would you like to change into something more comfortable?”
“Can I wear your sweater?”, a small smile appeared on the blonde’s lips.
In one quick swipe you pulled off your oversized pullover to hand it to her: “You.. yes, you can have it.”
Alessia pressed the garment gratefully to her chest and explained:” It’s just the comfiest thing.”
In a sincere tone, you whispered into her ear: “You also look very cute in it.”
For a second, she beamed at your words before her grin disappeared as quickly as it had come, leaving only a gloomy expression on her face. “Do you think the comments are wrong or right?”, the striker questioned.
“I knew it was about the comments.”, you mumbled.
 “And oh god, maybe I’m a bad role model if I sometimes don’t feel confident in my own body.”, your girlfriend panicked.
Soothingly you began to stroke her back: ”Lessi, calm down.”
You cupped her face tenderly in your hands, hoping that your sentences reached her:” Listen, it’s normal not to feel confident all the time. No one does. You’re not doing anything wrong and you’re not a bad role model.”
“But you and your sister look so perfect.”, Alessia protested weakly.
“That’s not true, Less. We’re not perfect, no one is.”
She smiled sheepishly: “At least you’re perfect to me.”
Apparently, your words began to have an effect, because the striker added cheekily: “Aside from the fact that you snore at night, it's not exactly Sleeping Beauty-like.”
“Shut up!”, you playfully hit her arm with the pillow.
Alessia giggled. The sound was like music to your ears.
A little smirk appeared on her face: “Make me.”
You were only too willing to bridge the gap between the two of you and put your lips on hers until your girlfriend was too out of breath to keep talking.
But before you could make a move, Alessia interrupted herself after checking the time on her phone: “Actually, wait for it until after team bonding.”
You heaved a frustrated sigh but still slipped into your jacket: “Fine. Ready to go?”
“I’m ready.”
You both left your apartment but before you got into Alessias car, you took her hand and held her back: “Less?”
Alessia turned towards you: “Huh?”
“You’re beautiful and you’re a great athlete, okay? It doesn’t matter what other people think.”, you assured her one last time.
She nodded thoughtfully: “Okay.”
“Okay, now let’s go, pretty girl.”, you smiled at her.
You got into the passenger seat of her car while Alessia drove.
“I hope they got Pizza on the menu so we can share.”, your girlfriend said suddenly.
You laughed, surprised by her comment: “Oh no. You always say that and then you’ll complain that the pizza in Italy is better.”
“It’s true! Nothing beats Pizza in Italy.”
“See?”, you rolled your eyes with a laugh.
“Okay, fine. I still want to share Pizza with you.”
“Me too.”, you grinned. Your heart skipped a beat, seeing how excited Alessia seemed to be.
You arrived at the location five minutes late and you would have gotten away with it if it wasn’t for your sister.
“Hi, you two are fashionably late.”, she greeted you with a wink.
You shrugged and lied to her: “My fault. We had to make out in the car first.”
Leah grimaced: “Disgusting.”
“Oh, someone’s a gremlin again.”, Alessia teased.
Your sister pouted and turned to Lia: “Wally, they’re impossible.”
“You love them.”, the Swiss player replied matter-of-factly.
“Sadly, I do but don’t tell them.”
“I would never. But I’m sure they know, you love to hang out of them.”, Lia laughed.
“Even when I feel left out sometimes because look at them.”, Leah complained, pointing at where you and Alessia were studying the menu.
Lia grinned: “They’re a couple and you’re surprised about that?”
“Elle and I are not that bad.”
You looked up and glared at your sister: “Yes, you are.”
“Shut up.”, Leah retorted.
You shook your head: “No. The pizzas arrived, my friends.”
Alessias eyes lit up as a server placed the plate in front of her: “Finally.”
The good food, lively conversations with your teammates and your girlfriend’s genuine smile warmed your heart and soul.
Once the dinner was over Leah gave you a short hug:” Drive home safely.”
“You’re not driving with us?”, you asked astonished.
The defender paused for a moment, pretending to think carefully about the question, before answering with a grin on her lips:” Actually, yes, I’ll come with you, but only if Alessia drives.”
Gallantly, Alessia opened the passenger doors and bowed slightly to you both:” Get inside my passenger princesses.”
“Excuse me. I’m the passenger princess, she can sit in the backseat.”, you promptly protested.
“Ugh, fine.”, Leah grimaced as the blonde sat down right behind you.
With a sweet smile, you turned your head towards your sister:” Sorry, big sis.”
“You’re not really sorry.”, the older woman observed her arms crossed in front of her chest.
Your giggles filled the car:”No.”
Amused, Alessia shook her head and turned up the volume on the radio. Once her car stopped in front of the defender’s house, she said:” Good night, Leah.”
“Night, girls.”, the blonde waved goodbye and skipped buoyantly to her front door.
On the way to your home, your girlfriend began nervously.” Amore, I thought about what you said earlier.”
“You were right.”, Alessia conceded.
The car stopped at the red light, the rain pattering on the roof, as you hugged her from the side with relief and gave her a kiss on the cheek: “You’re so much more than a pretty face, Lessi, please never forget that.”
“And so are you.”, she replied in an earnest tone, pressing her lips gently to your hand.
Then Alessia continued the drive through the night, the lights of London guiding you both to your home.
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gpcwsl · 23 days ago
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Alessia Russo x Reader
- Extra Clingy -
Warnings: kissing?
WC: 1.5k
Last one for the day. More tomorrow.
You wake up to the soft glow of sunlight streaming through the curtains, but it isn’t the warmth of the sun that stirs you from your sleep—it’s her. Alessia.
Her arms are wrapped tightly around you, legs tangled with yours as if she’s trying to keep you from escaping. Her breath is warm against your neck, and you feel the featherlight press of her lips against your shoulder.
“Morning,” she murmurs, voice husky and thick with sleep.
“Morning,” you reply softly, turning your head to meet her gaze. Her blue eyes are drowsy yet sparkling, a lazy grin spreading across her face.
Without warning, Alessia shifts closer, burying her face in the crook of your neck. Her lips press a series of kisses to your skin—your collarbone, the curve of your shoulder, the soft spot just below your ear.
“You’re so warm,” she mumbles, her voice muffled against your skin.
“You’re extra clingy today,” you tease, though you’re far from complaining.
“I don’t want to move,” she admits, her arms tightening around you. “I just want to stay here with you forever.”
Her lips find their way to your jaw, placing slow, deliberate kisses as if memorizing every inch of you. Then she pulls back slightly, her hand cupping your cheek. “Kiss me,” she whispers, her eyes locked on yours.
You don’t hesitate. You lean in, pressing your lips to hers in a tender, lingering kiss. Alessia sighs against your mouth, her fingers slipping into your hair as she deepens the kiss.
When you pull away, she pouts, her lips soft and slightly swollen. “More,” she pleads, her voice barely above a whisper.
You can’t help but smile. “How many kisses do you need this morning?”
“As many as you’ll give me,” she replies, her grin turning playful.
You spend the next several minutes indulging her, her lips brushing against yours again and again. She’s insatiable, her kisses growing more fervent, her hands wandering to hold your face, your waist, anywhere she can touch.
Eventually, she pulls back just enough to rest her forehead against yours. “You know I love you, right?” she murmurs, her breath warm against your lips.
“Yeah,” you whisper back, your heart swelling. “I love you too.”
She smiles at that, her eyes shining as she presses one last kiss to your forehead. “Good. Now let’s stay here all day.”You chuckle softly, brushing a strand of hair away from Alessia’s face. “Stay here all day? What about breakfast? Or, you know, getting dressed?”
She grins mischievously, her arms still locked firmly around you. “Breakfast can wait. Clothes are overrated. All I want right now is you.”
Her words send a pleasant warmth spreading through your chest, and her gaze holds yours with an intensity that makes it hard to argue. She tucks her head back against your chest, her fingers tracing lazy patterns on your skin.
“I like mornings like this,” she says quietly, her voice almost dreamy. “When it’s just us, no training, no schedules, no rushing around. Just you and me.”
You tilt her chin up gently so you can look at her properly. “You’re such a softie, you know that?”
“Only for you,” she replies with a wink, leaning up to press a quick kiss to your lips.
The two of you fall into a comfortable silence, the kind that feels safe and full rather than awkward. Alessia shifts slightly, resting her chin on your chest, her fingers drumming lightly against your arm. You can tell she’s thinking about something, and you give her the space to sort through it.
Eventually, she speaks. “You make me feel… grounded,” she admits softly. “Like, no matter what’s happening out there—good or bad—I always have this. You. Us.”
Her vulnerability takes you by surprise, and you feel your heart ache in the best possible way. You reach down, intertwining your fingers with hers. “You’ll always have me, Lessi. No matter what.”
She smiles, but there’s a flicker of something deeper in her expression—relief, gratitude, love. She squeezes your hand gently and sits up just enough to kiss your temple.
“Alright, you win,” she says suddenly, her tone lightening as a cheeky smile spreads across her face. “Breakfast sounds good. But only if you promise not to leave my side for too long.”
You laugh, nudging her playfully. “You’re hopeless.”
“Hopelessly in love,” she counters, flashing you a grin as she finally untangles herself from you, albeit reluctantly. She stretches, her golden hair catching the morning light, before turning to you with an outstretched hand.
“C’mon,” she says, her voice full of warmth. “Let’s make pancakes. Together.”
You take her hand, letting her pull you up. As you head to the kitchen, Alessia doesn’t let go of your hand, and every so often, she steals another kiss—on your cheek, your temple, even your shoulder as you work side by side.
The morning stretches on, and it’s everything she said it would be: no rushing, no distractions, just the two of you. And for the first time in a long time, you feel like the rest of the world can wait.
The kitchen is filled with the comforting sounds of morning: the sizzle of batter hitting the pan, Alessia’s soft hums as she flips a pancake with surprising grace, and your shared laughter over her attempt to make a perfectly round one—which somehow ends up looking like a heart.
“Look at that,” she says, holding up the heart-shaped pancake proudly. “It’s a sign. Meant to be.”
You roll your eyes playfully. “It’s a coincidence, Lessi.”
“Uh-uh,” she protests, placing the pancake on a plate and turning to you with a teasing smile. “Don’t ruin the romance, babe. It’s love, right here. Breakfast love.”
You laugh, shaking your head as you start cutting up some fruit to add to the stack. Alessia leans against the counter next to you, watching you with a soft expression. When you glance at her, she doesn’t look away.
“What?” you ask, raising an eyebrow.
“Nothing,” she says, but her voice carries that gentle, adoring tone she always gets when she’s completely lost in her feelings for you. “I just like watching you. You’re… you’re perfect.”
You pause, your cheeks warming. Alessia is never shy about voicing how she feels, but every time she says something like that, it catches you off guard.
“Perfect?” you echo, smirking slightly. “That’s a bit much, don’t you think?”
“Not even close,” she replies, stepping closer to wrap her arms around your waist. “It’s the truth. And I think you’re just going to have to accept that I’m obsessed with you.”
Her lips brush against your temple, lingering there as she whispers, “Obsessed.”
You lean back into her embrace, tilting your head slightly to meet her gaze. “Fine. But only if I get to be obsessed with you, too.”
Her grin is immediate, wide and boyish, the kind that makes her look completely and utterly in love. “Deal.”
The pancakes and fruit are quickly forgotten as she turns you around in her arms, pulling you into a kiss that’s far too passionate for the middle of breakfast preparations. Her hands settle at your waist, her lips moving against yours with a tenderness that melts you from the inside out.
When you finally pull away, breathless and giggling, Alessia presses her forehead to yours, her hands still holding you close. “You’re my favorite person, you know that?”
“Better be,” you tease, poking her side gently. “Otherwise, all this clinginess would be suspicious.”
She laughs, her nose scrunching adorably, before stealing another quick kiss. “Alright, let’s eat before I forget food exists and just keep kissing you all day.”
The two of you settle at the small dining table, plates piled high with pancakes and fruit, syrup drizzled generously over everything. It’s simple, but it feels perfect. You spend the meal laughing, teasing, and stealing bites from each other’s plates, completely wrapped up in your little bubble of love and comfort.
After breakfast, Alessia insists on cleaning up, though her version of tidying involves dancing around the kitchen with a dish towel in hand, dramatically lip-syncing to the music playing softly in the background. You can’t help but laugh as you watch her spin and twirl, her energy infectious.
“Come on,” she urges, holding out her hand to you. “Dance with me.”
“I think I’ll pass,” you say, though you’re already smiling.
“Nope,” she says, grabbing your hand and pulling you into her orbit. “No passing. Mandatory fun.”
You let her guide you into an impromptu slow dance, her hands finding your waist as yours settle on her shoulders. She sways with you, her eyes never leaving yours, her smile soft and sweet.
“You make everything better,” she murmurs after a moment, her voice quiet but filled with sincerity. “Even doing the dishes.”
You lean in, brushing your lips against hers in a kiss that feels like a promise. “I’m not going anywhere, Lessi.”
She smiles against your lips, her hold on you tightening slightly. “Good,” she whispers. “Because I’m not done being obsessed with you yet.”
And for the rest of the day, that’s exactly how it feels—like the world outside doesn’t exist, like the only thing that matters is the two of you, wrapped up in each other’s love and laughter.
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