bettercallroasty · 1 year
I made this last year for pride month
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Honestly I think it's dope af.
Original pose by the web comic Heartstopper
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sora-the-air-wubbox · 11 months
Which one?
Russia x America?
France x Uk?
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Teoria de ride the cyclone!!!
Se você prestar atenção na música "karnak's dream of life" você pode escutar sons de montanha russa no fundo, e quando a jane doe canta essa música, ela está sem cabeça, eu tenho duas teorias possíveis para isso, a primeira:
Isso pode representar as duas linhas do tempo do musical, a primeira é em "karnak's dream of life", quando eles morrem na montanha russa e a jane doe perde a cabeça, a segunda é na música "it's just a ride" porque dá pra ver que nessa música as cinco crianças que permanecem mortas estão andando no cyclone, oque significa que o karnak não trouxe a jane doe/penny lamb de volta a vida, ele só mudou o passado pra que ela nunca ande na montanha russam.
Minha segunda teoria:
Na letra, a jane doe canta "eu sei que esse sonho da vida nunca acaba, ele roda, roda e roda de novo" oque me faz acreditar que as crianças estão em um looping temporal, de alguma forma o karnak nunca consegue fazer a penny lamb deixar de andar no cyclone, então ela morre de novo, e tudo acontece de novo, mas todas as vezes a ocean escolhe a jane doe para voltar a vida de novo, oque faz o looping nunca acabar.
Inclusive, eu nunca consegui formular uma teoria sobre o karnak, eu tenho muitas perguntas sobre ele:
Oque ele é?
Quem criou ele?
Como ele consegue prever o futuro?
Como ele consegue trazer alguém de volta a vida?
Como ele conseguiu deixar as crianças em um estado entre vida e morte?
Mas enfim, estou postando isso em português para ver se eu encontro outros brasileiros nesse aplicativo, foi isso, byee :P
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444namesplus · 4 months
Afria̍t Alakkalame Albanduntåg Altel Ambour Amelas Arata Arimost Ayili Azere Azerrovaṇṭi Aṭaromaṭar Bahiá Banesto Bantong Basút Beleterse Belsh Bokor Boutche Bream Burking Caron Carthi Catalmyk Cater Cedish Cehëlame Cehëlanian Cerenbahník Chehëla Ciani Cians Cjava Clatan Clayeishawa Coakkaʻah Coatige Comalatl Comonacey Crelisian Crian Crombo Cugue Cyrgyz Cyrian Czerbydrea Cʼersolchi Daabai Daakha Donian Dukir Dutchern Dutchi Duthi Easse Elaravagāṛī Eletrai Elgagba Etalian Etoṭarian Faino Farisilwaii Fayalia Finyn Flechē Flemboio Flesian Fleståg Flestíche Fletern Frens Fretrabi Frian Frianiandi Frilchhi Gaeindut Gagāḍī Gareter Garian Garimi Garth Garusyn Geoli Grelada Hakik Hectrau Hersian Hianese Hileta Hojcens Hojâs Hortshkor Hosagong Hoshko Htoṭarimi Htéenban Htéens Huatly Hurkikur Hurkmeni Husyn Huǒchojcelu Idagersk Idjazeraki Idonesii Ilassage Ilasút Indinorel Inorman Irgâḍay Irianian Irjibelisha Iseterse Ishko Ishta Ishto Itajo Ithiá Jabasha Japan Jinorinha Junde Junjanian Kacey Kaijavajno Kalanian Katino Khalamese Kkaal Kkaivajizd Kkaʻahník Kolemish Kotalia Kurkish Kuyezd Kyrici Kāʻaan Kōccia Kōccifer Kōcciferbok Kōccit Kˀą́samen Laorse Laortu Lassh Lawah Lianian Licherai Linyno Lodew Loksha Lotaray Lottia Lovaṇṭi Lovet Luxem Macedisha Machche Macʿkʿ Malese Mannau Maxassi Maxosh Mayillis Maṭarelug Maṭaric Melsh Mensiankan Merskoric Milech Mirish Mogiṭār Mokmål Moksh Mokshtą Monesey Mongon Moojâs Moorthi Morgian Morgypt Morian Morsil Moshaltea Moshaw Mánia Mánic Mázaz Nachuvak Ngolcienese Ngulu Norew Norgalantåg Norsian Nynorgyzni Nāiňtug Occifer Ocifei Ociąg Odfay Onterajo Osami Osvassii Otarian Oðíht Oðíhtan Pashkolch Patelgalija Patheh Pereek Perenban Perla Pocien Poestibela Poiyal Polesepoz Poliani Porni Poyeoree Poyid Poyrgeľ Pozcombo Ptiante Ptimelvet Pujarian Pukai Pukazersian Punahník Pundene Purika Pójer Pójibek Pójinys Qaterai Qatian Qatigaṛi Qatogiṭār Qithian Qîtan Raban Rabic Raijava Rakuyghtą Ranian Ratic Ratvijapi Rebre Reinan Rembo Reneseni Renia Renia̍t Roakhmenden Roaki Roatār Romal Romokmese Rovagāḍī Runahník Rungon Rusagāḍī Russam Ryezd Rótjabichē Rótjapan Saapa Sagiṭār Samal Satan Sathi Scoat Scoman Scomboio Sepurmelam Serpoyil Shkin Shkish Shtorwe Siangonica Sicat Silia Silinam Silièchi Sillitār Skotan Slovash Solch Soliji Solturing Songu Sontu Soutcha Squese Sraijapi Sraivagan Srathi Sraukingia Srika Sturimorian Svageolian Swedon Swelinhaz Swesey Tajno Tamese Tarain Tarik Tarpaan Tatal Teamelas Techē Tehëlan Tepuja Terbo Terbok Terbydre Tergi Terlia Terni Terse Teëpchhi Teëpchiluhy Teëpchē Therbydren Thuōi Tiane Tighuǒchhâ Tishtéeni Toatar Tokodstíchi Tokorse Toksh Torgian Toṭar Trabout Traeiz Traiiani Trainga Traiya Trakʼ Tralo Tramelasút Trandu Trane Tranisha Trean Treigring Trela Trelsh Trenian Treto Triand Trigagāḍī Trilectr Trimeash Trinnian Triulu Trèannic Tshazakik Tshtą Tsugu Tsíime Tsíimesetam Tujăs Turdinha Turge Turkmål Tëntechē Tëntoatl Tëntok Tëntonesey Tëntu Tëntåg Tëpche Tūmanda Tẽrean Tẽren Tẽrennan Uferabi Uferme Uguanespasq Ukaabouyghu Ukaing Unanan Undeferbast Urdian Urdung Urduthi Uyghtoṭar Uzbei Uzbelgaḍḍī Vagianishar Vagāṛī Vaṇṭi Vians Vlaorsk Vongan Vonianatam Vozcoake Wahník Wegianah Wegitār Wegiṭār Wegyptian Welgal Yeottin Yilin Yiral Yucarali Yucataapa Zazirilu Začhara Zhuese Zhusami Zhuvaṇṭi Zilugue Ziraboio Zirabur Zirath Zirgian Zirimerse Zirjikan Zucalodfari Zuchecher Zuchingaro Zulind Āgagaṛi Āgalane Āgalmyk Āgaṛi Āggāṛī Ğataanavóz Ğatermest Ğatigaelam Ğatlitagāṛī Ğatār Ğbaan Ğbabo Želanisinha Želaorgit Želatage Želestesti Želgaḍḍī
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A convo between me and my Russian boyfriend and if this isn’t every Russian/American otp I don’t know what is:
Him: Hey! No one pushes the Russians around! We push you around.
Me: Yeah, well, we won the Cold War so suck it.
Him: Eh… that is… very… technical. Like... technically --
Me: We put a man on the moon first so technically we won.
Him: Yeah, well, we put people in space first.
Me: And we put Armstrong on the moon first. Objective was to get someone on the moon. We win. You lose.
Him: ... I want a divorce.
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luna0graac · 3 years
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Russame 7w7
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fearfreedom · 5 years
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rubenpupen · 5 years
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Oh yeah-
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koro-megasaki · 5 years
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Yas Russameeee~
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bettercallroasty · 4 years
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Implied rusame
Hopefully I did an ok job
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shiroi515-blog · 5 years
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Okay.. It's another stuff...
Welp... I decided to drow some Countryhumans but-
I wanna draw the Countries like a girls or something...
I hope ya like it qwq""
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rusamemagazines · 5 years
replaced link
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fandom-slave-blog · 7 years
America: Babe, I'm pregnant.
Russia: ...
America: Just kidding! April fools!
Russia: America, you are male. I'm male. We are literally two gay men.
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I saw the Russame tag and you straight up sent me back to my hetalia days for a hot second😂
Sorry not sorry! Russame is STILL one of my favorite ships.
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annartthing-blog · 7 years
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Save Tonight
Invite the break of dawn
Come tomorrow
tomorrow I’ll be gone
A colored sketch of Amelia reaching out for someone wishing them to have a good day even though she won’t see them again. I’m leaving the person up for interpretation since I didn’t know who to put there. However given my ships I’m leaning towards it being Ivan.
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sunnixsunshine · 4 years
Aw shit I found my old cringy hetalia fankids from like 2015 I think? Its the stupid gdocs not drawings but yooo what if I like,,,,, redesigned them anyway??? Ajdbajajw *puts on the cringe hat and takes a ride through the way back machine*
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