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pawtoon · 2 days ago
this so tru..
honestly the one perk of being a dog that has a biological human anatomy is that I can eat chocolate /hj
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pawtoon · 2 months ago
big big reminder that high support needs / severe autism / level 3 autism folk aren't very straightforward narrow topic too . we rather big spectrum as well !!! some us need very specific type supports than another some us need multiple caretakers ect !!! and reminder that just because high support needs / severe autism / level 3 autism person learn to do or can do a task independently doesn't mean theyre lower needs now.
i know level 3 autistic guy with severe cognitive impairment who can unload and load dishwasher by self, set plates on table for meals and wash body most well independently but with supervised in the room for safety, but that dont make his support needs and autism level lower he still cant take care of himself by own, cant go out home by self, cant shop by self, cant drive, doesn't understand stuff same level others do, still need that carer for life.
so please remember autistic people who high need level 3 severe ect not monolith too we are all different, different interests, different abilities, different ways of supports too!!
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pawtoon · 25 days ago
think lot of what is forgotten about, is what a special interest can actually work like for someone and what it means.
first, what special interest can be defined as? well as we know, in the autism criteria such as "special interest" matter is not directly mentioned. though, looking at how this sort of interest manifests in general, would go under repetitive behaviour that impairs an individual to some sort of degree as a result.
autistic people may have a very strong interest in something, could be anything, in which they have a specific focus on a lot of the time, talk a lot about, know more about, which would be called a special interest.
what we forget here, is that a special interest can be very much disabling! to anyone of any degree or level of needs, however it does manifest in different ways and more severe for those with higher needs or those with higher autism support level.
for a lower needs individual, it could be that it impairs them plenty socially, could be something they steer into when communicating quite often creating troubles with talking to others or about things or they struggle to focus on something unrelated to it quite a bit, they may have the capability to consume a lot of information about it and store it ect! not one size fits all matter but seems quite common among lower needs folk by my experience and knowledge.
for someone higher needs in particular, a special interest could manifest veryyyy differently to this and it is often more severe in how it impacts their day to day functioning, it can be something that pretty often even causes the person distress and overwhelm, it could be that not engaging in it is impossible or significantly troubling to do, could be total way of communication, and could also be that actually they struggle to process and understand a lot of information about it and remember it especially with cognitive challenges often come with being higher need.
think its important to note, that special interest doesn't just mean quirky type of interest, but it really does come with some sort of impairment, even minimal, in life
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pawtoon · 3 months ago
"autistic people wont/dont use baby toy" "ew wtf autistic people dont need pacifiers" wrong . this heard quite a bit in the past occasionally see in autism space online by LSN Autistic folk and this pretty ignorant and rather ableism to me, what about us autistic folk developmentally delayed a lot? those behind milestones more heavy? those who still feel very very young or have intellectual disability and are higher needs autistic so attached to items seen for babies / young children? those who need that sort sensory input nothing else help them? so so many dunno, tropes? dont have word, opinions? statement? out there about "autistic people dont" "autism not like this" and it all just LSN folk basically say not case for them and not include fact there more heavily impacted and higher need people than them, this stuff very real that are needs for people linked to their autism saying general that its not seem quite harmful to me
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pawtoon · 3 months ago
YAAAAAAY (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠) been looking up question to answer becauseeeee think they fun :3
uhh usually ru or qq since in person name is quinni
27th may!!!
uhhhh 2 years.. ish? not good one but still relationship
dunnooo love my little pony books, mostly read comics and manga, Little Boy Blue was intresting novel also Girl In Pieces think was called?
uhhhhh quite bit of things
also none don't think i do celebrity crush stuff?
i dont dream of working and incapable of it anyways
learning technology and semi independently getting food into my mouth on my own, also making a cookie monster themed banned by self!
uhhhh dunno... ? that technically had about 10 guinea pigs that weirdly and tragically died
not sure what this one means but this month pretty shit
china !!!
stim, watch asmr or favourite stuff, eat, meditate
discord, simply plural, pony town
am just... silly.
i dont. know? 😭 am very kind, open minded
playing adopt me on roblox or.. genuinely sitting for super long (maybe not sitting *still* definitely not but long yes)
functioning in life hashtag high needs autism and low iq
when was younger and was doing some exercises in speech therapy i lied as a joke that i ate the paper we used for stuff and lady wrote it down 😞
pinkie pie basically one of strongest ponies
uhhh friend kamil and system friends in dm server i suppose?
phone, tablet, toys
this girl i met on discord very young, unfortunately she just stop interacting with me much after about 3-4 years friendship we had super good bond
nop too disabled
i dont know, okay tried uhhh ya
night owllll
hmmmmmmmm. i dont think i understand it. but i don't care what people do as long as nobody is hurting
im in gucci eating gucci burgers
i dont know
how what
people, losing toys
i dont know what that is
being confused
severely autistic queer kid
Question Game
Are we tired of these yet?
What is your nickname?
When is your birthday?
What was your longest relationship?
What is your favorite book?
What is something you're insecure about?
5 Male celebrity crushes
5 Female celebrity crushes
What is your dream job?
What do you consider your biggest accomplishment?
What is a fact about you that nobody would believe?
What were your highs and lows for this last month?
Where is somewhere you'd like to visit?
How do you de-stress?
What are your favorite apps besides tumblr?
Describe yourself in one sentence.
What do you think makes you attractive?
What is something you're really good at?
What is something you're really bad at?
A time that you told a lie.
What's a totally random and useless fact that you know?
Who knows you the best?
What is your most prized possession?
What is your longest friendship?
When did you first feel like an adult?
Do you/ Have you played any sports?
How are you feeling right now?
Are you an early bird or a night owl?
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Favorite song lyrics right now?
What does self care look like for you?
Describe yourself with 3 singers.
What makes you nervous?
What’s a pet peeve you have?
What will always make you cry?
What kind of first impression do you think you make on people?
Free Pass! (Ask any question you want that's not on the list)
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pawtoon · 2 months ago
also ! wanted some attention put into this, person online has found in difficult position as his disability and mobility has been becoming worse . so that he has made go fund me recently and needs a total up of £200 so far! please reblog or tell other people on this situation!!! link below 🤍
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pawtoon · 10 days ago
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stuff which got recently!!! :D some sensory stuff plus some toys! there was quite large sized interactive elmo toy but really wasnt sure so didnt get :( there i made video of the liquid stuff toy! featuring Supernatural season 2 episode in the back :3 (and family downstairs please ignore)
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pawtoon · 2 months ago
hi! was quite bored and remember that have no actually seen an autism bingo for high support needs / severe autism / level 3 autistic people so decided i try make by self. it not include everything because of course experiences so so varied and so many things could include but tried range of stuff and could make another one i think too if anything! please ONLY do this one if considered high needs autistic or you can do if helping out your high needs friend/partner/child so on :D
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pawtoon · 20 days ago
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Atrato Glass Frog / Sun Glassfrog photographed by nuqui_herping
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pawtoon · 1 month ago
remember, may not be healthiest as 'general standard' , or the healthy for you, but no mean isnt healthiest option someone else have in that moment
when comes to having disability or disabilities or even mental illness, what deemed healthy will vary LOTS
maybe that person who disabled only able to eat baby marketed food this moment, maybe not best in general, but is best for them in that situation, wouldnt be worse for them to eat nothing or if even possible be harmfully forced to eat different way creating more issues, harm and bad relation when comes to food?
yes maybe that person isnt able of eating a lot right now, they eat about one meal in day and rest is snack-like meals, generally yes not best for you, but may be their healthiest option they able of currently and that's okay because as long as body is getting SOME fuel at LEAST it matter!!! matters a LOT!!!
yes maybe that person cant eat anything else than cheese sandwiches and chips and is on very slow progress journey to find foods that safe for their sensory and their brain and mental health and physical health, thats healthiest for them right now instead of eat nothing.
yes we all know certain way of eating may not best for health in general, but when reality being is that disabled or mentally ill or any way otherwise impaired, sometimes stuff which generally not deem best is the healthiest and safest option for person in that moment and people need time and support.
dont judge. dont shame. dont bully.
be open minded. try to remember. support how you can.
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pawtoon · 1 month ago
when talking about my severe disability, that generally on mention of my autism and intelectual disability saying how cant learn and do stuff i dont really like the answer of "oh maybe you will be able to" why can't we just leave it at fact that I AM SEVERELY!!! disabled by autism and low iq and i just cant do and learn things why do you need say that it quite annoys me when not even being sad or upset just trying to join in on conversations in general where people share needs/struggles/abilities its always "maybe you will learn" no 'maybe' i wont! thats okay with me i dont feel like need "get better" like yes i wasnt even expected speak at level do now! happy that can speak better than was ever expected to! but doesn't mean my needs will go lower/low eventually its annoying to hear that when just joining in to share experiences, literally was recognised as globally developmentally delayed as child which generally last whole life for people leave me alone please i want join in conversation too without some unasked "hopefulness"???? to me i dont like a lot.
i dunno. ┐⁠(⁠´⁠ー⁠`⁠)⁠┌
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pawtoon · 1 month ago
okay am gonna say what think . personally . dont really understand the funny in lobotomy topic? like all jokes about lobotomy and all type stuff especially when comes to people basically become disabled by it in those times, it left lot of people with severe impairements and issues and a lot not even do anything for them apart from literally just hole in brain. i think making fun and joke about lobotomies and brain damage due to, this way is super ableist i see it a lot about jokes on ways of how dumb or unresponsive person become to environment
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pawtoon · 2 months ago
one of things find difficult because of my autism and low iq is actually cant play games that able of play and like, like others do or play game properly and enjoy same. a lot games actually CANT play because autism and low iq and it can be pretty upsetting because if want to and find some game cool i just dont understand and cant play it and too hard and overwhelming. especially annoying thing about this situation be that when share or have complain like "why couldn't people make slower simpler mode for this🙁" someone go "wellll uh is this type of game obviously work this way" like okay i say would be possible to make slower way work if someone made dont be annoying
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pawtoon · 6 months ago
some people will try to invalidate my intelectual disability and struggling of understanding their simple statements/comments whatever because of "how i type my messages". if you ever do this, you're just ignorant. most of the time where i type to others or about topics im literally confused by what i wrote a setnece beforehand and often use words i may not even understand the meaning of but just heard and thought it fit, auto correct and other such. and more often than you realise i cant even speak about a topic because my vocabulary isnt advanced enough and i don't have the words to express what i feel about it and dont even know how to write a sentence on it, few words even.
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pawtoon · 2 months ago
good afternoon or good timezone 😊 i had donut just now with chocolate on top and will play some stuff on tablet whilst listening to music!
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pawtoon · 6 months ago
squish squish ! i love sensory items i need more squishy stuff !
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squishynoodle on ig
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