ladyhearthkeeper · 4 years
Please tell us more about how you were raised like a Victorian lady. I would like to be accomplished too.
Hello :)Thank you for your ask. I will try to answer it the best way I can.
Well, the main thing is that in my education more emphasis was given to building my manners, broadening my mind and my taste for art, music and literature, religious obligation rather than a career.
This is a quote from Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen that expresses what I mean by accomplished like a victorian lady :
“No one can be really esteemed accomplished who does not greatly surpass what is usually met with.  A woman must have a thorough knowledge of music, singing, drawing, dancing, all the modern languages, to deserve the word; and besides all this, she must possess a certain something in her air and manner of walking, the tone of her voice, her address and expressions, or the word will be but half deserved.”
“All this she must possess,” added Darcy, “and to all this she must yet add something more substantial, in the improvement of her mind by extensive reading.”
So these would be more of the superficial (yet important elements) of what makes a lady accomplished.
To that, one needs to add a foundation. A proper victorian lady was raised as a believing woman. This provided her with a space to work on her soul but also provide kindness to her community and those in need.
Even though I use dear Jane Austen to explain this, I think Margaret Hale from Elizabeth Gaskell’s North & South is a better example. Examples help us find what we want to work towards.
Now that we have a framework, here is more about me…
I was encouraged to read all kind of books, in any genre. Back when I was a teen YA wasn’t really a thing so I read proper books. YA are nice but they are not enough to broaden a young mind. I mostly read classics but I didn’t stop at that. Books were my best teachers. Later, when I realized that I wanted to become more ladylike I even read guides written in the 19th century for young ladies. You can found them at the Project Gutenberg. Books like this one.
It helps that I studied literature, with a particular interest in 19th century novels. Victorian ladies were well read and had a lot of knowledge. So I think it’s important to choose a good subject to study, not as a mean to earn money but to broaden your scope. It doesn’t have to be frilly, it can be science, technology etc. The goal is to learn more.
I joined the choir (I regret not knowing an instrument but I would like to remedy that one day), took painting classes since I was a kid, and learned how to embroider, sew, and crochet. I still eagerly learn new skills. Activities such as these also helped me to have a sense of what is beautiful. Of course, I was also taken to the museum and to concerts, and taught about nature. Learning to attune your sense to beauty is important.
The more you learn how to do, the more you become accomplished. To take the time to learn something new, gives you patience but also substance. Especially if you dedicate yourself to the mastery of a skill or a subject. 
Contrary to what one may think, these ladies did not lack depth nor intelligence. It wasn’t only about knowing how to hold a smile.
I’m lucky to be from a culturally diverse background. It gave me the opportunity to learn many languages but also about how to identify different types of social cues in different cultures. All this to make sure I keep my behavior attuned to those of around me and not make them uncomfortable. If you know about someone else’s culture or background you know how to make them feel at ease.
So yes, knowing how to hold herself in society is also part of what makes a lady accomplished.
I was taught by my mother how to behave with others, especially men. It’s about having a sense of propriety. How to receive people and to honor invitations. How to hold a conversation. But I learned more from observing rather than actually being taught.
I was also taught how to make condolences visits, how to support bereaved people, how to be supportive with people who need help, how to be part of a community. Of course, charity work, volunteering have played a big part in my life too and have given me the opportunity to go beyond my own self. Keeping a good inner life is what gives a graceful quality to our outer behavior. It’s more important to work at being a good person than learning a new skill.
All these things I’ve listed in the previous paragraphs can be explained more thoroughly if you wish. But I wanted to mention them because being a victorian lady is more than being good at playing the pianoforte. Lady Catherine de Bourgh would approve.
Most of these things are drawn from my own religion but they reflect the values of 19th century Britain. So maybe your own ethics can help in the matter.
I’m not a social person, I am more of a wild creature of the woods. But I have been so used to being aware of my behavior towards other people that in spite of my mood, I can keep a serene agreeable countenance. Not always unfortunately but most of the time. So much that one day, after leaving party I told my friend that I didn’t feel social at all and I was glad I was going home and she was surprised because I talked with everyone and remained interested in what they were saying. 
It’s not about being fake (please don’t do that) but of not imposing your mood on others. That doesn’t mean saying yes to everything and forcing yourself to be social all the time, but it’s knowing how to hold your own when you don’t feel like it. It’s about saying ‘ok I don’t feel that great but I’ll deal with this after I’ve honored this social situation and once I’m alone or with intimate friends or family.’
I think deportment is also very important. I was vaguely taught about it (I attended some ballet classes as a kid but I didn’t continue)  I think the practice of yoga has helped me better understand how to use my body gracefully. It’s about understanding how to hold yourself, it flows outwards from your own sense of worth and dignity.
Here’s a good illustration from Elizabeth Gaskell’s North & South :
« And as he looked with this intention, he was struck anew with her great beauty. He had never seen her in such dress before and yet now it appeared as if such elegance of attire was so befitting her noble figure and lofty serenity of countenance, that she ought to go always thus appareled. She was talking to Fanny; about what, he could not hear; but he saw his sister's restless way of continually arranging some part of her gown, her wandering eyes, now glancing here, now there, but without any purpose in her observation; and he contrasted them uneasily with the large soft eyes that looked forth steadily at one object, as if from out their light beamed some gentle influence of repose: the curving lines of the red lips, just parted in the interest of listening to what her companion said—the head a little bent forwards, so as to make a long sweeping line from the summit, where the light caught on the glossy raven hair, to the smooth ivory tip of the shoulder; the round white arms, and taper hands, laid lightly across each other, but perfectly motionless in their pretty attitude. »
This is what I mean about deportment. It’s not about the surface but poise, an inner serenity and openness to the world. 
But, without telling you the whole story, I have to just add that the character described here, Margaret Hale, is not only defined as a lady by her behavior at this party but also by her behavior in times of loss, with people in need of help or even people behaving in an uncouth manner. She is also characterized as a lady in her kindness and generosity towards others. These are key to being a proper victorian lady. For this, volunteering for a good cause can benefit your character immensely.
How to be gentle is also an important thing.
Most ladies had servants but they still knew how to run a house and keep a home. These skills are also important but more tedious to describe.
Those are only a few points that I’m exploring but there are many other things that can be said in the subject. And I don’t think there is just one way to go about it. But reading helps, it can help you identify what you want to emulate and what to avoid. I could give you a list of books that can inspire you if you want. :)
Now, having said all of that, I don’t think I’m an expert on the subject. And I’m far from being a perfect lady. There’s a lot of room for improvement. But when I read those novels I feel like these women were raised the same way I was and I feel understood. I don’t think it’s necessarily how everyone should be. There are other skills that I struggle to learn and that would help me better navigate in this world. Skills that were not necessarily taught to victorian ladies...
I simply wasn’t raised to be a career woman (there’s nothing good or bad about it, it’s just how it is) but I was raised to be an accomplished lady. 
I hope this wasn’t too long, and I hope I answered your question. If not, you can ask again. Thank you for asking I enjoyed replying to this.
I’m sorry for any spelling mistakes or forgotten words. I’ve notice I’m more prone to these recently.
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dramioneasks · 5 years
Hi! I have what I know is a rather odd request. Rather than looking for a specific fic, I'm more searching for a scene that I remember from a story. In it, Harry is speaking to someone, I believe it was Draco, about how Hermione and Harry were soulmates, but like, platonically. He spoke for a while about how they were family and he would support her no matter what. I just really loved the dynamic they had in that story, and couldn't find it again. Thank you!
Oh I know this. Help please?
Edit: Thanks!
NONCANONLOVE SAID: @DRAMIONEASKS​ THAT SOUNDS LIKE THE ALKAHEST. https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11793088/1/The-Alkahest
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betta-every-day · 5 years
Hello. I had a bit of a long question. I've been wanting a pet for a while to help cope with my depression, and eventually decided that I would love a betta. I have a 10.2 gallon tank ready and a list of everything I would have to do to take proper care of him. However, I've been thinking that I'd like a companion for him in the tank. I know what it's like to be lonely, and while I hear bettas don't get lonely, I just want to be absolutely sure. I've been debating between adding two mystery 1/2
snails, or an African Dwarf frog. Everywhere I looked online said it'll probably be fine, but I wanted to make sure, cause I know there's a lot of misinformation out there. Which would be a better option? What should I know? I'm pretty new to aquarium keeping, although I did have fish when I was young. They weren't very well taken care of, as we didn't know much about fish. I'm trying to do as much research as possible this time though. Would getting both be too much? I'm conflicted. -Mia
Hey Mia! I definitely see the dilemma. I know what it’s like to want A L L the animals 😂😂 the problem I see is with the African dwarf frogs. Sometimes, they are known to nip at betta fins. Other times, they don’t see very well which results in betta a stealing their food. While maybe, MAYBE it can work, you’d have to be ready to separate them just in case.
However, I personally love snails! I think they’re cute and absolutely harmless. I would recommend a snail over and ADF for a tankmate anyday! 😊
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jinxiaobao · 7 years
Never have I ever: daddy kink
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see, that’s like. My Thing.
gonna stretch you out (like a tape in a cassette) // smut, daddy kink
drink me like a liquor (come on and dip your dipper) // smut, daddy kink
milk // no smut, all fluff, daddy dom!thor, DD/lb, cuddling
when i fall in love (i fall down the rabbit hole) written w/ @fourletterwordsstartingwithl // no smut, fluff, a teeny bit of angst, daddy dom!thor, hints at DD/lb, cuddling, fluffy bunnies (really)
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wrathdevilmun-blog · 8 years
*points at Spain's lap* is this seat taken? wink wink
*Lovino in Antonio’s body looks down* What?
Antonio (in Lovino’s body): This is getting weird.
Body Switch M!A: 5/15
((Sorry they’re slow but the answer is yes lol))
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gallifreyanlibertea · 7 years
I would love to be able to write. I know I have the ability to come up with really great ideas but when it comes to writing them down they don't come out like I want and end up terrible.
Hm... I’d say the best you can do is to at least try :D I know the advice “practice makes perfect” is cliché, but hey, you try your hardest with writing and it won’t fail you, promise!
And if you do decide to give it a try, link me! 
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wrathdevilmun-blog · 8 years
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((Yeah the Boys aren’t doing great.))
((I hope this was directed toward me lol))
Body Switch M!A: 2/15
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