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eric-sadahire · 1 year ago
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What do you call a musician with rabbits running out of his bum?
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supremestvbigblog · 5 months ago
Clock's Ticking
The concept of time is something that many people have to deal with. For me, it's something that I constantly fear running out of. Due dates, times of the day, and at the moment, a hurricane, all play a major role in this fear of a ticking clock. Strangely enough, however, it's something that I enjoy listening to, especially while working on schoolwork. In a way, it helps me to lock in and focus on my assignment. It occurs often in songs I like, and I'd like to discuss it.
To start, we have "In The Hall of The Mountain King," a classical piece written by Edvard Grieg. The song's pacing begins slow, with few instruments, but eventually picks up its tempo, and throws in more and more instruments, to the point where it both sounds like it's clashing together and still fits so well. It's a perfect metaphor as to what happens if you idle around when the clock is ticking: Eventually it will all build up and end with one massive explosion of sound.
Of course, the most common fear of running out of time is that the consequences of it. The most common trope is the unavoidable grip of death: the fact that one day, you will pass away, be it from natural or unnatural causes. For example, the rap song "Tha Crossroads" by Bone Thugs-N-Harmony, has someone mourning the loss of some of his friends passing on. It sets a tone of melancholy, as the singer seems distraught over the loss of his closest friends. Several references to the afterlife are made, and he even mentions that he'll meet them soon, acknowledging that death is inevitable. Overall, a calm. dynamic theme, to reflect on the lives of fallen friends.
"The Fuse," written by Bruce Springsteen, is another example of death's effect on a person. Often in the song, a reference to a fuse burning is made, as the singer talks about his life with another woman. A slow and tranquil tone, reflecting on the inevitable passage of time. In the end, however, those memories created as time marches on, are precious to the writer, something to hang onto as the clock ticks down.
Some people fear death, plain and simple. When your own life is on the line, the most common thing people do is panic. We discussed other people's time running out, so what happens when your own life is on the clock? "It's Pizza Time!", written by Mr. Sauceman, is a great example of this idea. It uses a combination of rock guitars and electronic beats, to create a theme that induces panic. They work well together, paired with samples of church bells and clocks ticking to cause stress: to remind the listener that they need to hurry up. Then at the end, it first speeds up, to play the initial theme spread across the song, but slows down, with only a few beats and clock ticks playing, as a signal that you have run out of time, and death's embrace is approaching. A perfect example of fantaisa, where stress is the primary theme at play.
Much like the previous song, I also frequently listen to "Distasteful Anchovi (JC-RE-EDIT)," by ClacsyJitto. Much like "It's Pizza Time!" it shares similarities, between the genres, and its samples of clocks ticking. However, the main difference is its tone; rather than driving fear, it's instead designed to give the listener a sense of courage. Death's beckon still awaits them at the end, but rather than panic and stress out, they're told that they have the confidence to do it.
Despite death being a major consequence of running out of time, there are still other punishments for the clock running out. "Running Out of Time", a jazz song written by Doc Jazz, is more slow-paced, with calming instruments, as if it's a love song. Its lyrics talk about a guy accidentally wasting time, and apologizing to his lover for such. A slow-paced rhythm, in an attempt to make his lover forgive him, as he's faced the consequence of letting the clock strike zero.
Time is one of the most important things in life, and running out of it is never good. Your friends, family, and even your own life, are all on some form of time limit, be it natural or unnatural, and even outside of it, there's always another ticking clock out there dictating your life. You can't avoid it, so the best thing to do is learn to live with it. Cherish every moment you have, and make sure that you get your work done. For when your clock strikes zero, you'll have lived a fulfilled and memorable life, with memories to cherish.
(Link to a playlist with all the songs discussed:
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khristhekoolcrustecean · 3 months ago
more characters in my au!! ^^
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noecoded · 2 years ago
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happy birthday asmo!!
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fairyhaos · 10 months ago
guys. THIS joshua hong look >>>
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superbellsubways · 8 months ago
I dont know what this should say i justwanna post about flavio. flavio
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basicallyimgay · 6 months ago
Tour question how many photo cards are in a pack and is there a maximum amount they will let you buy
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water-mellie-seeds · 2 months ago
Pleaseeee actually send my prescription throuh thos time im runningout
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rickeryraymond · 19 hours ago
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archetype performance penticton and penticton indian band 12 step member christians racist against east indians and jewish and ukrainians and catholics and jehovah witness and taoists and are part of penticton separators from canada interior health hospital, other first responders, all entertainment industry - Google Search
KEEP'STARLINK GONE...OverDoseRaveRAPIST'SOdoMITE...THE NAZI CRACK EMPIRE: How NaziROBOughTrumpTRASHOElBrOAF.F.ERINGMO'STEPPED ON COCAINETFC. OAFROM Germany usedINGMO drugs to destroy nations and build their economy : r/imaginarymaps
KEEP'STARLINK GONE...OverDoseRaveRAPIST'SOdoMITE...THE NAZI CRACK EMPIRE: How Nazi Germany used drugs to destroy nations and build their economy : r/imaginarymaps
O/DairyeOAFairyePusgussguzzler'StrippeRAPIST OverDoseRAPIST'SOdoMITEtfc. DecencitizzzedNATION N AREN'T INTELLIGENT IntelleC+tU@llENOUGH TOO KNOW ANY BETTER THAN... OR EVEN GIVE AF...W@KE TF UPLE@SE, @[email protected]!!;);(
WTF, Does Duh "01" Mean In ILLuminatiROBOughType of RepubliCONservativeduh's cASSinOverDoseRAPIST vegASSODOMITE DairyFairyPusgussguzzler'StrippeRAPIST EMPLOYEESeX6x6x6'Slave's Refugee'sex'slavery X6x6x6ANA6x6x6Xenphophic DuhD.S.M.AKER'S vax6x6x6erTrumpTRASHOElBrOAF'SHOT4AtREASONetwork geoengineeringmoWATCHorg TrumpTRASHOElBrOAFFERINGMONSANTORONTONTARIOTTAWASHINGTON D.C./SEATTLETFC., 01b.D.S.M.i$.$.ogynisticSeX6x6x6Cist'SOdoMITE "2.0" SPIRITDEAD.S.M. NONE K6K6K6ON-DOM ALLOWED BeastiALLitye'Snuf.f.IncestPedofileRAPISTorturePornetwork Numerology n AstrologYDOTcom?!!;);(
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Texas Needs an Independent Ombudsman to its prison system
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im not gonna post his emotes cause my phones runningout of storage but CASS 2.0!!!! (utc just incase) extra tag: @geee-three
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eric-sadahire · 1 year ago
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People are always running out of patience because the supply is extremely limited.
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lucckitty-333 · 1 year ago
runningout of my meds but i havent been able to go to a psychiatrist because im out of meds lol
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cadreprographics · 1 year ago
CAD Reprographics LLC: The Best Place for Business Card Printing in Dubai
Business cards may appear obsolete given the wide adoption of digital services. However, it isn’t. When every business out there is following a herd mentality, choosing the path less taken will make people notice you. 
Now you do not want to stick out like a sore thumb with a bad business card. 
The key is to have a business card with fabulous designs adorning it. For this, you need to contact a business card printing company who have a team of experts armed with knowledge of business card designs and printing techniques. 
One such company is Cadreprographics LLC. They are one of the best printing companies in Dubai providing excellent digital printing services to companies from varied industries. 
Grab your discount now: Get 20% off on your first order of any digital printing service 
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Here are a few reasons to head to their office to get some fabulous business cards: 
Uncomplicated order process: Isn’t it a pain when you have to go through a complex process just to place your order? This is not the case at CAD Reprographics. When you place an order with them, you just have to decide your requirements, let CAD know your needs, and your delivery time, and voila! Your order has been placed!
Quality printing: Their team of experts is efficient in getting your printing right. They know the printing techniques that will suit your business cards based on your requirements.
Experience in different industries: Cadreprographics has served a variety of industries namely, corporates, healthcare, oil and gas, contracting, and publishing schools. Having served different industries equips them with knowledge of what designs and printing techniques will pertain to a particular industry.
Discount on your first order: Your phenomenal business cards come at a discount. Get 20% off on your first order with them.
Reasonable prices: Their services are available to you at prices that do not increase your expenses.
Quick delivery: If you are runningout of time and need the service to be delivered quickly, it is not a problem for Cadreprographics. Your time is considered and they try their best to get your services delivered within your specified time.
Flexible payment: You don’t have cash on hand, no issues! You can pay online. You can also pay after your business cards have been delivered.
Delivered at your doorstep: If you don’t have time to visit their office to get your business cards, that is alright. They will deliver your order to your doorstep.
State-of-the-art digital printers: They have advanced digital printers to ensure your services come out with great quality.
Fantastic designs: Their team of proficient designers ensures your business card designs are stunning and one of a kind. So, if all you do not have any designs in mind for your business card, just let their team know. In no time, their team will send across some fabulous designs for you to choose from.
Given these wonderful features, you cannot miss out on partnering with CAD Reprographics LLC. So, if you are looking for a company that does business card printing in Dubai, just give them a ring. 
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mawrgorshin · 2 years ago
A short poem.
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mawr-gorshin · 2 years ago
I’msinking in thismessandI have no means of escape. Ifever I try to move,I’lljust sink deeper and deeper. Myluck is runningout. I have so little time left. I’mdesperate to keep my head above the surface. Live burial will be my fate if I’m not saved.
View On WordPress
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liberty1776 · 2 years ago
Ukraine is runningout of artillery Amo. When it is gone so are their chances of survival. This is an artillery driven war.
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Ukraine’s Newest Howitzer Is an Antique
Back in September Ukraine received a batch of vintage M101 105mm howitzers from Lithuania. These guns have recently been seen in action. In this video we look at their history and capabilities and how they might be used in Ukraine.
Check out the full accompanying blog here.
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