#rumplestiltskin x male reader
bazwriting · 7 months
Gold x M!reader (NSFW under the cut)
Mr. Gold who gave up hoping for a change. 20 years spent the exact same way. Nothing changed, or moved on.
Mr. Gold who was rather ruthless with his rent deals, and kept to himself outside of it.
Mr. Gold who went to collect his rent money, and found a new tenant. Young, fresh faced, new to town. Stumbled into it one their way away from the big city.
Mr. Gold, who for all intents and purposes needed to do a thorough interview to make sure said new tenant could pay rent on time.
Mr. Gold who learned everything about his new tenant. No one knew has come to Storybrooke for as long as it existed.
Mr. Gold who quickly fell for the young new mind. Hired him to help run the pawn shop so he could have a day off every now and then.
Mr. Gold who slowly entices this new tenant into a favorable position. Who quickly gets way over his head and underestimates him.
Mr. Gold that quickly learns his new employee knew every way to fuck him under the sun.
Mr. Gold who almost gets worried his neighbors overheard how loud he was, moans and shouts and beg.
Mr. Gold who never begged untill it was for you cock, stretching and filling him.
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allzelemonz · 2 years
Comfort: Rumplestiltskin X Male Reader
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Fictober Prompt: Day 11, Cockwarming Pronouns: None mentioned; Reader referred to as ‘Da’ by Baelfire Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: pre-Dark One Rumple, wholesome father with anxiety, Reader is a Stepdad to Baelfire, mentions/depiction of minor injury, fluff in the beginning, smut is brief and fluffy, top Reader, bottom Rumple, cockwarming, anal fingering Summary: A domestic life with Rumplestiltskin before his time as the Dark One. You are the comfort he needs, especially on cold nights.
The sun setting over the horizon only brings another day closer to Baelfire’s birthday. A day you dread as you meet him near the trail that leads into town. He has come back from selling everything he could at the market in an attempt to get enough money to flee. Of course, he doesn’t know that. He just knows that your small little family desperately needs money and his father is already working himself to the bone. You walk with him back to the hut, here you know you’ll find Rumple spinning away. Be it from nerves or the need to make something worth selling, he’ll be at the wheel.
Bae enters first, excited to show his father the money he earned from selling what little could be scrapped together. You follow him inside just in time to see Rumple smile and praise his son for a job well done despite the sadness behind his eyes.
“That’s enough work, Bae. Why don’t you go out and play?” Rumple suggests, wanting to see his son’s bright smile while he still can.
“Really, Papa? I could stay and help with the wheel.”
“Oh, no, Bae. You’ve done enough for today.” Rumple seems to be on the verge of tears, realizing how fast his son is growing up. “Your Da and I can handle it, you go play.”
Baelfire started calling you ‘Da’ just a few weeks ago. Rumple was all too happy to lean into it. The hope he has for Bae to live a normal life may be stunted by his calling to the Ogre War, but having you here with them gives them both hope.
“Okay, Papa.” Bae gives Rumple a small smile and quickly runs outside to play with his friends.
Rumple’s hands cradle the pouch of money Bae brought back as if it’s the only thing of his in the world. You find him doing that alot lately, gripping onto things of Bae’s. The man is so terrified of losing his son and he knows there’s only so much he can do to keep him.
“Do you want to keep spinning?” You ask.
Rumple looks up at you, that steady sadness in his eyes as he nods. “I-I’d like that.”
You join him by the wheel, feeding him the straw as he spins. A simple but silent act that made the two of you fall in love. His attentiveness to the spinning is only ever rivaled by the attention he shows his family. He would drop everything at the wheel if you or Bae asked him to. But this little activity isn’t just his primary source of income, it is also his peace and comfort. The two of you could sit like this forever.
“Papa!” A voice, unmistakingly Baelfire’s, calls out.
Rumple freezes in place, hands hover over the wheel and straw. Both of you look to the window, confused by the cry.
A beat passes before another cry, “Da!”
At that you both jump up and run to the door. You manage to get Rumple’s walking stick in his hand before he hurts himself trying to walk without it. Outside there is a group of children, Bae’s friends, and Bae is on the ground.
“Bae!” Rumple mutters the exclamation before he hurries over to him.
Baelfire is holding his leg, clearly in pain. Rumple reaches him and drops to the ground, already fussing over every inch of his son. You push past the children and look over the scene.
“Everyone home, alright?” You shoo them away.
The children turn and leave at their own slow pace while Rumple tries to ease the pain in Bae’s ankle. You kneel down with them and get Bae’s shoe off to look at the injury. It doesn’t seem terrible, he likely just stepped on it the wrong way.
“Let’s go inside and get dinner started.” You suggest, both to get Bae’s mind on something else and to get Rumple to fuss over making his son’s favorite meal rather than worrying over the hurt ankle.
“Yes, I… I’ll get it started.” Rumple fusses, his hands shaking when they move away from his son.
Before he can say more you put a hand over his shaking hand. “I’ll get Bae inside and comfortable, you just focus on dinner.”
His eyes flicker between his hands and your face as he slowly becomes less worried. He leans over and gives Bae a kiss on his head before giving your hand a squeeze and pulling himself upright with the help of his walking stick. You follow close behind, getting Bae up without putting weight on his bad ankle and walking him inside. Rumple works away, getting everything together while you get Baelfire in bed with his leg up.
It doesn’t take Rumple long to make Bealfire’s favorite dinner. He makes it whenever he can, he has a habit of doting on his little boy when money permits. Bae thanks his father and eats before promptly falling asleep. You help Rumple clean despite his protest that he can do it and you should rest. When the sun is fully gone from the sky you and Rumple get into bed with smiles on your faces as you reminisce over Bae’s many injuries sustained while playing with his friends.
“It’s not the worst he’s gotten.” You insist.
“He can’t walk!” Rumple argues.
“Neither can you, but I love you.”
Your hand moves to rest on Rumple’s cheek as you both lay facing each other. His hand rests on top of yours as his eyes well with, not quite tears, but more just love. He blushes quite often when you say you love him, but it’s always in his eyes that you see just how much he loves you back. The way he smiles a thin line and can’t quite find the motive to speak tells you all you need to know.
“I do love you, Rumple.” You lean forward to kiss him.
He rests his head against yours as you separate. His hand squeezes yours lightly before he moves it to wrap around you, pulling you closer. Your hand moves to brush his hair from his face as you smile at him.
“You were scared when he got hurt this time.” You note as your hand fiddles with his hair. “More than usual, I mean.”
He sighs. “He’s nearly fourteen!”
“The age is still sixteen, we have time.” You try to reassure him as his eyes trail down from the nerves.
“They’ll lower it.”
You lift his chin so he looks at you again. “He’s not going anywhere, neither am I.”
You press your foreheads together, closing your eyes to simply savor the moment. Rumple is always the type to worry about his family and it is his family that calms him down. In moments like this, where you hold each other close, you worry about your family too.
Rumple wakes you up while it’s still dark out. He speaks softly and you feel his hand fidgeting with your tunic. You open your eyes to see Rumple clinging to the thin blanket and furs, shivering as if it’s well into a winter blizzard. You feel the shiver come over you now that you’re awake. Early last winter you and Rumple had decided to give most of the blankets to Baelfire, now the two of you are left shivering.
In most times like this you could simply snuggle closer, but Rumple is already clinging to you like a man starved for touch. You get your arms around him as he buries his head into your chest. Even through your tunic you can feel how cold his nose is. After a few minutes of shivering an idea comes to mind.
You angle your head down to press a kiss to the top of Rumple’s head. Your hand moves down to mess with the waist of Rumple’s pants, hinting at your intentions. Rumple curls into you and his hands make fists as they grip onto the fabric of your tunic. Your leg against him allows you to feel the growing agreement to your idea. His hand joins yours and together you lower his pants just enough to free his now half-hard dick. He grips your hand, moving it up to his mouth to suck on your fingers. After a soft kiss to each fingertip, he licks them and takes them fully in his mouth. You watch happily as he pays them eager attention, his eyes fixed up at you just as doe-like as always.
When he finishes the coating, he turns himself around and you rub down his back gently. You take the time to massage the pale skin of his cheeks before carefully running your slick fingers around his rim. Rumple whines, muffled by his hand, and arches his back to feel more. You steady him with a hand on his hip as you press your fingers inside. With slow movements, you stretch him open, a process all too familiar by now. 
When he begins to shiver again, you pull yourself away enough to lower your own pants. You line yourself up and slowly begin to push in as your arm goes around Rumple to hold him still. He lets out a breathy moan swiftly followed by putting his hand back over his mouth. He’s usually quiet about this, but it has been awhile since you’ve had the opportunity. He drops his hand once you're buried completely in him and you press a kiss into his shoulder. When you start to move he reaches a hand back to stop you.
It’s nothing you haven’t done before on colder nights. Just laying beside one another, using what you have to keep warm. Rumple snuggles back into you and you find it hard not to move inside him. But you manage when you hear his light snore, a sign of his comfort thanks to your efforts. You feel your own eyelids get heavy too and you make sure your arms are wrapped around him as tightly as you can before you drift off to sleep.
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tiredly101 · 2 years
I finally found my Darling, evil queen
Fandom: Once Upon a Time
Pairing: Mr. Gold x Ex Military Emma best friend Male!Reader
Timeline: Emma had a mental breakdown when Henry came to her door so Male!Reader took care of him and then drove him back to Story Brooke. Male!Reader rents a room for the night for Emma and goes exploring the town since it was early. Male!Reader meets Mr. Gold in his stroll since he got curious because of the weird store.
Warning: Male!Reader mentioned as Alexis/Felix thorough the story. Male!Reader was Rumpelstiltskin best friend but was made to fight in the Troll war and Rumple (even as the Dark One could never find him because of the evil queen). Kind of OCC Emma Swan.
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Alexis looks at Emma while she walks in tiredly. He decides is a good time to bother her about a subject that needed to be mentioned eventually.
— Hey Emma, I have a question — said Alexis while Emma took off her high heels. She only hums letting him know she is listening.
— What are you going to do when that kid comes and searches for you? — asked Alexis making Emma look at him in utter shock.
— Don't look at me like that. If I was that kid I would eventually hunt you down to see why you abandoned me — Alexis says while his eyes scanned a random page in the magazine and then he heard a knock making Emma look at him.
— I order you pizza — was all Alexis said and so Emma walked up to the door and opened it.
Henry pov
I knock on the door of my biological mother and wait until she answers. She opens the door and ask who I am while a guy in the background looks at me with curiosity.
— My name is Henry Mills, I'm your son — I said making the guy walk up to the door while my mom looked utterly shocked.
— Huh, guess I can now see the future. Come on in little man — said the guy while my mom walked towards the couch. He guided me to the counter top and made me a sign to seat down.
— Since your mom, and my best friend, is having a mental break down in the moment I'm going to make you a question — the guy said making me swallow harshly out of nerves.
— Have you eaten anything? — asked the guy while he smiled kindly at me. I shaked my head no while I took out my story book so I can try and find him in it.
— Well little man, my name is Alexis. I'm your mother's best friend and Im guessing you Henry from what I've heard — Alexis said to me while he looked over my shoulder and then he just got back to cooking.
After ten minutes he serves me some pasta, I look at Alexis and he simply smiles while he gives me a fork.
— I made you my specialty, fettuccini alfredo and the pasta is homemade — Alexis said while he looked at my book. I couldn't help but smile when the smell invaded my nose and I happily digged in.
— So you like fairy tales, huh? — asked Alexis while I nodded, he made a face and nodded.
— You know I have read the actual story's that they show you in the movies — he said perking my interest and he chuckled at my reaction.
— Can you tell me about what you read? — I asked shyly making him smile.
— Sure, but if your other mom asks you didn't hear it from me — he said making me laugh and nod. He started talking about the original story of Cinderella and the little mermaid making me look at him happily. I like him.
After a while there was no pasta left. I turn around to see my mom sleeping in the couch making Alexis chuckle. He lifts my mom up and puts her in his back, makes me a sign to grab the car keys and the house alongside my stuff. He was taking me home but at least my mom, the savior, is coming with me.
In the car ride I told Alexis all about the Story Book and the curse and I could see in his eyes curiosity sparking and I knew that I had him hooked. He wasn't going to leave or let my mom leave now, I scroll through the book when he asks for direction to my mom's, the evil queen, house and I find him.
Alexis was Rumpelstiltskin best friend but they were separated during the Troll Wars. Mr. Gold was in love with him and so was he but they never told each other or got to because of The Evil Queen keeping them apart. Not surprised on that bit but even after Mr. Gold became the dark one he still searched for Alexis.
— Alright little man, we have arrived at the mansion that you call home. I'll walk you to the door — he told me making me smile and get out if the car. Alexis knocked the door and waited, after a few seconds my mom came out if the house. She look surprised at seeing me next to him and he explained everything.
— I'm so sorry for the trouble — said my mom apologetic. Alexis only said that it wasn't a problem and that I was a sweet kid. He told her that he is going to rent a room for the night and that he can talk more with her tomorrow if she liked and that made her smile and thanked him while she closed the door.
Rumplestiltskin pov
I hear the bells of my store chime so I grab my cane and walk to the front only to stop in my tracks when I see a guy with beautiful apple green eyes, sun kissed skin filled with freckles, beautiful curly hazel hair and familiar plump lips. I can't believe my eyes...
I remember when he left for the Troll War, I was to scared to tell him how I felt but I still let him go. I look at him and see he now has scars; he has a scar running down one of his eye, I can see from the exposed skin from his neck that he had another one going all the way down his back. There were some littered in his arms and yet he still looked beautiful. I see that in his left hand he still had the promise ring I gave him when he left for the war.
I look at him while he looks at the pieces in the shelf with that old curiosity that always sparkled in his eyes making me smile and chuckle (like in the second gift) when he stares at a book titled "Red roses bleed" (book doesn't exist). I remember he would always read that book in our little town.
— Found something that peeked you interest? — I asked him while I walked up to him and he just smiled at me with his classic beautiful, kind smile.
— Yeah, it's a beautiful yet gruesome story the one of that book. It talks about how a god- — he started to say for me to remember him telling me this everyday so I finished his sentence.
— Falls in love with his best friend who was a commoner but at the end the villagers killed him and so the god made him a rose? — I asked him and saw how his eyes sparkled and how his cheeks softly became a color ruby while he chuckled.
— My name is Alexis — Felix, Alexis, said while I looked at him with a smile and he pulled his hand out at me.
— It's a pleasure to meet you, I'm Mr. Gold — I said while I shook his hand but soon I pulled away even though his touch still lingered in my hand.
— Call me crazy, but I feel like I know you from somewhere — he told me making me smile and shake my head. I grabbed the book and handed it to him.
— Why don't we go for a cup of tea? — I asked Felix who smiled and nodded. We went to Granny's and seat down. We talked for what seemed hours.
— So what is your job? You know mine so I am curious — I said while taking a sip of my tea, I could see how his eyes held a certain saddnes to them.
— I honestly worked as a publisher, as you can tell I love my books and I loved publishing for other authors, but I was recruited to fight in war. To protect my nation and all that bureaucracy crap. I was finally able to retire a three or four years ago — Felix said making me feel anger flaring up. He is a story book character just like me which means Regina kept us apart in purpose. Speaking of the devil I could see Regina enter Granny's with Henry trailing behind her but as soon as she saw us both together she paled before smiling at Felix.
— Hey Alexis — said Regina while Henry sta next to Felix making him smile. He replied with a hello before talking with Henry who seemed to have something dangerous between his hands.
I walk towards Regina who is fixing her hair in a mirror and when she sees me, she smiles.
— Mr. Gold, what a nice surprise — she said kindly while I let a menacing smile make it's way on my face (like in the first gift).
— I finally found my Darling, evil queen... — I said while smiling at her shocked and paled expression. I turn around and walk towards Felix who was laughing angelically. Everyone was staring at him with a sort of love in their eyes when he picks up Henry and then settles him back down in the floor.
— Alright little man, the mission is absolutely crazy but alas I shall do it. Before we go and do that I'm going to ask you, would you like me to make you some homemade fettuccine alfredo? — asked Felix and in that moment everyone stared at Henry. Henry looked around and said "Only if you make enough for everyone else" making Felix smile.
Felix walked over to the counter and before he could talk Granny threw his way a cloth and nodded while opening the area so he could enter the kitchen making him smile happily.
— Alexis, what are you doing there? — asked a woman with blonde hair making Felix laugh while he kneed a pasta mass that I have no idea in what moment he made, making me smile since it was just like old times when he would cook for me and Baelfire.
— While you were snoring in our rented for the night room I got a job in this nice dinner, rented out our shared apartment in Boston, destroyed both of our keys of the apartment thanks to a nice guy that looks exactly like the Gueppeto in this book and your car is in a repair place since someone crashed into it... In conclusion you are stuck here with me — Felix said smiling while dropping a enormous amount of fideos into boiled water and put a timer for five minutes. He then started making the alfredo sauce and exclaimed "in four minutes I'm serving so start lining up" making everyone grab a plate.
Emma left a sight escape her lips while she looked at Felix with a seemingly pout.
— Why..? — she squeaked out making Felix smile gracefully.
— Because you have a kid whom you need to bond with and I'm not letting you make this adorable thing into a sociopath because you traumatized him by abandoning him — Felix said while ruffling Henry's hair with a smile so bright it seemed to shine brighter than the lights in the dinner.
— The pasta is ready! — exclaimed Felix before making brief eye contact with me while smiling. I couldn't help but notice the slight red dust brushing his cheeks before he started serving the pasta to the people in the counter.
Felix walks up to me with a plate of pasta and smiles while he sits down next to me.
— I was able to save you some Goldie — said Felix while smiling cheekily at me making me chuckle.
— Goldie? — I asked making him blush slightly while he chuckled. He simply said a soft "Yeah, that is you" making me smile yet again. We sat there is silence until I looked at him making eye contact. I could feel actual sparks around us and he was starting to blush a crimson red making me smile. I grab his face and lean slowly. My eyes are focused in his plump lips who fitted perfectly with mine, like a puzzle, when I finally arrived at his lips. After I while we pulled apart and I ask him what I should have asked before he ever went to the Troll Wars.
— Well darling, would you like to go with me on date? — I ask while he nodded shyly. Oh, how I missed him...
(longest fic yet)
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ssadumba55 · 2 years
Masterlist: Once Upon A Time
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All my Once Upon a Time writing will be linked here!
Imagines full one shots with all your favourite Once Upon a Time characters
Jefferson Scar (Gender Neutral Reader)
Killian Jones/Hook Hooked On A Feeling (Gender Neutral Reader) Flower Shop (Male Reader)
Headcanons Headcanons related to Once Upon a Time characters
Nothing Yet
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infiniteimaginings · 7 months
True Loves Kiss (Rumplestiltskin x Male!Reader)
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Summary: Rumplestiltskin is an old friend of yours, you've known him for quite a while. He introduced you to his new maid for saving a kingdom from the great ogre war, what will happen when this 'maid' tells you her research for breaking curses? Pronouns: You/Yours, He/Him Warnings: Fluff Word Count: 4.6k A/N: This is specifically because someone asked for it in the comments (@aggsh-shs) and I will always write for once upon a time. This is also way longer than I expected it to be, can you guys tell I'm obsessed with this show?
The enchanted forest, a beautiful and daring realm filled with magic and wonder. A world where fairytales exist, where happy endings are prominent. But, where there is light, there is darkness. Where there is magic, there are loopholes. Where there is good, there is evil.
Within the enchanted forest, there was an extremely powerful man…well, he wasn’t a man per say. Man is humanity, and this creature was far from human. He had green, scaly skin, a dark grin, no sense of morals it seemed. He was a magical being, blessed or cursed with immortality, he was a witch, a monster. This being used his time in the enchanted forest to gain all the knowledge he possibly could by intimidation, he ripped people's hearts out, he created curses, he destroyed lives to be as powerful as possible.
This being, this monster, this crocodile, was named Rumplestiltskin. He was also known as the dark one, a magical entity that is corrupted with darkness, enveloped in the heinous shadows that surround the name, the whispers of the past dark ones swirling in their heads.
He resided in a fairly large dark castle with what seemed to be thousands of floors, rooms, everything. It was such a large castle, yet he was the only one who resided in such a space. No one was concerned if he was lonely though, why would people worry if the monster who comes to their towns and invokes fear into them is lonely?
No one was concerned until Rumplestiltskin had been spinning straw into gold, a usual pastime for him, it helped him think. His thinking time had been ruined by someone walking through a door to the side of his main room, his prize.
By prize it’s more of a condition. He had protected a kingdom from the great ogre war, meaning that he created a magical barrier around the kingdom to keep the ogres at bay. Therefore giving no reason for the kingdom to send their men to kill themselves for. Within this condition, he requested their princess in exchange for his help, the king disagreeing but the princess went ahead and sacrificed herself.
Her name was Belle, she was a bright and well read woman. She also was a prisoner of Rumplestiltskin who couldn’t leave. She was upset of course, but she would do anything to protect her kingdom. Her prisoner rank had been promoted to being a maid, she cleaned, dusted, poured tea, all of the sorts. That, in Rumplestiltskin's opinion, did not involve asking all the questions she decided she wanted to ask.
“Do you ever get lonely?” The brown haired woman asked, dusting along the shelves. She looked at the scaled man with soft eyes, no longer worried about whether he would hurt her or not, if he wanted to he would’ve already.
Rumplestiltskin continued to spin the straw, pulling threads of gold easily without thought. He didn’t even look away from the spinner, “No.” He spoke simply, foot stepping on the press to make the wheel spin. Belle pursed her lips at the vague response and continued to clean, “You must get lonely at least a bit, you’re always by yourself.” She spoke, her English accent ringing through his ears. He sighed, gaze flickering to her before going back to his work, “I’m not by myself…” He spoke to her, his voice in a concentrated mutter. “All the time, at least.” He added on the statement, his features softening slightly before concentrating once more. Belle put her hands on her hips, “I’ve only been here for a couple of weeks, but I have not seen anyone else come through here other than that thief.” She told him, walking over to him with the confidence no one truly has to the dark one.
Rumplestiltskin stopped spinning his straw and looked at Belle with a bored expression, “I don’t have tea parties with the people I associate myself with.” He spoke, standing abruptly to walk to the door. Belle stayed near the spinner, frowning slightly, he was so adamant that he wasn’t lonely but, why was he never with anyone?
Just as Rumplestiltskin walked to the main door to exit, someone from the other side had already opened it. It was a man, he was looking down into a satchel overflowed with scrolls, quills, and possibly other things, but from where Belle was she couldn’t see it clearly. A few larger rolls of paper escaped the satchel as the man walked through the door. What surprised Belle though was that Rumplestiltskin wasn’t surprised by the visitor, he had rolled his eyes and picked up the papers, shaking them in front of the man's face.
That man was you. You picked your head up from looking down and smiled graciously, reaching to grab the papers but Rumplestiltskin pulled them away with his devilish smirk. “Your satchel is overflowing, did you steal them? Buy them? I would ask if you intimidated the owners but…” He looked you up and down, tilting his head, unimpressed, “You’re not an intimidating person.” He spoke simply. The scaled man tapped your head with the paper and you gently but swiftly took the papers with a soft glare.
Belle was curious to the interaction, she placed her duster down and walked forward, hands grazing the chairs as she walked closer. The two of you continued to interact until Belle leaned her body into your view, waving, “Hello.” She spoke with a smile but curious eyes.
Your eyes widened in surprise, “Hello…there?” You spoke with a questioning gaze to Rumplestiltskin who shot a dirty look to Belle for interrupting. The dark one nodded reluctantly, gesturing to Belle without looking at her, “Meet my maid, whatever her name is.” He waved his hands around as a movement of not remembering.
“My name is Belle.” She spoke right after him so you would know. You nodded in understanding, humming at the word ‘maid’. You shook her hand and introduced yourself, saying your name and telling her that you’ve known Rumplestiltskin for years.
She tilted her head with intrigue, “How come I’ve never seen you?” She asked, wondering how after all this time a man could show up and just…be well acquainted with someone people find terrifying. Rumplestiltskin sucked his teeth, “He’s been on a long journey for a few months.” He answered plainly, picking at his nails. He suddenly pointed to Belle, “How about you do what actual maids do and make tea instead of asking questions?” He asked, more of an order.
Belle gently smiled, used to the treatment and grabbed the porcelain tea set, “I thought you didn’t have tea parties with people you associate with.” She spoke jokingly, repeating his words from earlier. The man frowned and poked the inside of his cheek with his tongue, “And I thought when I received you, you would be more quiet.” He muttered under his breath, not even looking at Belle. You had gently smacked Rumplestilskin in his shoulder and told him to ‘play nice’ to which he scowled about.
This routine had gone on for a few more weeks. You would appear at the castle, or wake up there after falling asleep on the main room table. You would hold banter and conversation with Rumplestiltskin, the man would go do some errands, Belle would make you tea, the dark one would return and take you into multiple different rooms.
Something Belle noticed was that her captor was very gentle with you. When you would prick your finger on the spinning wheel, a small look of concern would flash across the scaled man's face before he waved his hand and suddenly your wound was gone. He would let you take any book you’d like, as well as touch any treasure of his with no complaints from the owner. As if you could do anything, and he would never darken.
You had leaned across him as he was at his wheel, he was blocking the way to a compartment you needed to get to. You tripped a bit when you pointed your toes to get higher ground and nearly toppled on top of him. You would've if Rumplestiltskin didn’t immediately stop spinning the straw and take hold of your waist. You didn’t even look at him as you just continued trying to grab the crystal like item from the shelf, the man holding you for your balance. You didn’t notice how his eyes would look over your face, his fingers would flex around your waist slightly, how gentle his expression was to you.
Once you had grabbed the crystal item, you moved down, Rumplestiltskin guiding you back down. You thanked him and walked to the table, Belle watching the entire thing as she wiped down a few possessions of her captors.
You had sat at the table, placing a few scrolls on the table and the crystal item next to them. Belle had poured you some tea and placed a cup of it in front of you. The other man didn’t sit at all near the two of you. His eyes followed you from the spinner and he cleared his throat, standing and brushing himself off.
“I’ll be back.” Was all he said before he disappeared with the wave of his hands.
Belle had stood up at this point to continue cleaning in a different area so you could focus but you stopped her, shaking your head. “Please, drink tea with me?” You asked her kindly and she accepted the offer, sitting next to you and pouring herself tea as well. You looked at her a bit before putting your cup down, noticing it was slightly chipped. “You can ask whatever questions you wish.” You said nonchalantly, pulling a few scrolls out, some were maps, some declarations, amongst other things.
You couldn’t pretend like you didn’t see how her eyes lit up at the offer, chuckling to yourself lightly. Belle had taken the chance to ask the millions of questions about you, about Rumplestiltskin, about the castle, about your history, about his history, she asked you everything.
Belle leaned forward, hands around the cup as a safety, smiling gently, “How do you know Rumplestiltskin?” She asked you immediately, curious as to how someone seemingly so kind could be with someone who acted so cruel. You took a sip of your tea, putting it back down on the table, “I know him because we lived in the same village.” You answered her simply.
“He lived in a village?” She spoke, clearly shocked at the new piece of information. “No one was scared of him?” Belle asked you, almost scooching her chair a little closer to you.
“When I met him, he was a man.” You informed her, her lips parting slightly. “It was in an ogre war-” You continued until Belle visibly flinched at the words. Your eyes shifted to her quickly from your cup, “Are you okay?” You asked her, cup now down,hand reaching to hers for comfort. The princess smiled gently at you and nodded with a hesitant breath. “Yes, it’s just…my kingdom..” She began and you nodded, encouraging her to continue.
She didn’t though. She exhaled, the breath sounded shaky and she appreciated your hand offered to her, taking it. “It’s alright, you should continue.” She expressed, her facial expression didn’t convince you completely but you continued for her sake specifically. You looked her in her eyes, nothing but warmth within them, “It was long ago.” You told her, almost as if you were telling a story to a child. “One of the first ogre wars.” Your voice was a little low for suspense, Belle enjoyed it, it was like when her father used to read stories to her. She noticed your words and blinked a bit at you, now leaning forward to you due to her interest, “That was… that was hundreds of years ago.” She responded to your comment and you simply nodded.
“You’ve lived that long?” She asked, “Are you a mortal?” She questioned, brows furrowed in confusion. You didn’t look like Rumplestiltskin with the scales and darkness, but you didn’t look like a fairy, you had no wings. You certainly didn’t look like a seer, those with eyes on their palms, their faces sewed up, thought you could have the powers, she was unsure.
You licked your lips with a huff of a laugh, “A fairy a long time ago told me that I would be needed for something, but I would need to live to that point,” You spoke, nodding, your nose scrunched, “so she granted me immortality.” You finished your comment and Belle nodded slowly. “Are you still…?” Belle began, unsure of how to word her sentence, but you understood. “I am still a man, I just can’t die.” You expressed to her, moving a few papers, your hand still in the comfort of hers.
Belle had many questions about that, but she decided to stick to the questions about the dark one. “Okay…so, he used to be a man?” “Yes, before he became the dark one, he was a man.”
“How did he become the dark one?”
You paused, thinking for a moment, squeezing your hand gently, “It’s not my story to tell of how.” You spoke simply, and before she could speak once more you continued. “The dark one is magical,” You stated the obvious to which the girl in front of you nodded, “and is drowned in darkness until it takes over completely.” You explained to her, pausing once more. You tilted your head, trying to find a way to explain this to her without expressing more information than needed. “But, since it takes over a human host, he’s not complete darkness,” You said, “no matter how much people say otherwise.” You muttered the last part, a flash of annoyance in your expression.
Belle was silent for a moment, thinking. She pulled her hand back, you didn’t mind and simply clasped yours hands in front of you on the table. “So he’s cursed?” Belled asked you after a while of silence. You tilted your head in each direction with an expression that showed you weren’t exactly sure of a correct answer to that, “I guess you could think of it like that.”
She went silent once more, hands in her lap, “True love's kiss can break any curse” She stated to you, eyes flickering into yours before looking back to the cups.
“You truly believe that?”
“Of course!” Belle spoke quickly, “But, I suppose you are not his true love.” She mumbled, playing with her fingers. The comment caused your head to snap to her, slight shock, but mainly confusion in your face. You shook your head lightly with a slightly uncomfortable smile, “How ever would you know that?” You asked her, hands clutching each other tighter. Belle noticed your slight tone, her eyes widening at she stumbled over her words for her explanation, “He is not his original self, so the must mea-“
“Me and Rumplestiltskin have never kissed.”
Your words caused her mouth to open, she was staring at you agape. “You two..have never kissed?” She asked, truly confused which puzzled you even further. She puffed air into her cheeks, “I assumed the two of you were romantically involved since he’s far more gentle with you than anyone else.” She continued to explain, wondering if she saw it differently.
Now it was your turn to stare, agape. You couldn’t ask her why and how she came to that conclusion until Rumplestiltski himself had returned. His vest was covered in blood so he took it off, leaving him in only his long sleeved under shirt. He tossed it to Belle who was utterly disgusted by the blood but used to the action, “Clean this for me, someone didn’t want to be compliant.” He spoke, teeth gritted as he turned on his heel to a different doorway.
He gestured to you to follow, so you stood quickly, sending an apologetic gaze to Belle. The princess, the prisoner of the dark one, stood and walked to a different doorway to where she washed and hung Rumplestiltskin's clothes to dry.
You had followed Rumple, something you call him, into a tower where he worked with potion magic. He had stood in front of a desk, mixing a few bottles of magic together to create something new, you always enjoyed watching him in his element. You looked along the the rows of ingredient bottles or fleshed out potions, looking through the labels and humming as you examined them a bit. Silence was between you two which wasn’t unusual, but you decided to break it. “You want to know something so funny?” You asked him, your backs to each other as you were on the other side of the room. Rumple gave you a hum of acknowledgement, not turning to you, “I highly doubt it will be funny, but continue.” He told you, waving his hand slightly before going back to the potions. “Belle told me that true loves kiss breaks all curses.”
Your statement caused the man behind you to stand up straight, looking directly to the wall. He cocked his head to the side, though you didn’t see it, “Maybe I shouldn’t let her read those books.” He said aloud, looking back down to his potion. You chuckled, rolling your eyes a bit, “I mean, it is true, isn’t it? From everything I've seen at least.” You spoke, messing with a bottle of unicorn hair. Rumple focused on his work but muttered a few words, “She's not wrong, but why would she discuss such a thing with you?” He asked, confused on what brought up the subject matter.
You didn’t tell him that you let her ask questions but you did express why she would bring up the product of the question, “Well, she believes you’re cursed.” You spoke almost too plainly, your mouth getting a little dry as you remembered the cut off conversation from earlier.
Your words had been so unexpected that he had put his potion bottles down a bit harshly, the bottles clinking each other. You turned to him with surprise and he turned, meeting your eyes. “I’m sorry?” He asked, mouth now in a thin line, arms crossed. You didn’t expect such a reaction but you shrugged anyways, “She thinks being the dark one is a curse and it can be lifted with true loves kiss.” You explained and he chuckled slightly in disbelief.
He began to shake his head with closed his eyes, “Don’t tell me she believes not only the ridiculous idea that true loves kiss will lift my name off that damn dagger,” He began, holding his hand out for you due to the way this rattled him ,”but that she thinks she could kiss me and all is well.” He finished, tilting his head at you when he looked up, his shock now wiped into amusement. You crinkled your face into a scrunch, “Not exactly.” You chuckled out, licking your lips subconsciously, looking down.
Rumple waited for you to continue and you kicked the ground, crossing your arms yourself, “She thinks I could be your true love.” You laugh, looking up at him after speaking such a ridiculous idea. You were met with pure silence, silence that was tense and the eye contact with the man in front of you never ceased. “What?” He asked you, his voice had never been so soft, so hesitant.
It caught you off guard so you tilted your head, smiling a bit, “She assumed I wasn’t your true love since you weren’t human, and I had to tell her we’ve never kissed.” You reiterated the moments from a little earlier, and were met with even more silence. “Why are you so quiet?” You asked, pushing yourself off the bookshelf to reach the middle of the room, now half the distance from where you were away from Rumple.
He looked to the ground, a concentrated look on his face before he looked back up, “She believes you could be my true love?” He asked you suddenly and you nodded, “She believed we had a romantic connection.” You told him honestly. You were unsure why the topic was one he was stuck on, he never really cared for such a thing when the topic had been brought up before. He sighed, “And she thinks true loves kiss is going to break whatever this is?” He asked, gesturing his hands down his body and you simply nodded. Your confirmation had brought Rumplestiltskin to shake his head, “Ridiculous.” he spoke, turning back to his project.
Another moment of silence filled between the two of you, once again, you broke it. “Have you ever tried?” You asked, gulping harshly, still standing in the middle of the room, tapping your foot. Rumple was looking at the mixture he created, waving his hand for the potion to glow, “Tried what?” He asked in response, not looking at you. You took a deep breath, now simply hugging yourself. “Looking for a way to not be the dark one without…dying for it?”
Pure silence filled the room, again. You didn’t understand why so much silence was coming between you two.
“Sometimes I think about it.” He answered honestly, voice in a mumble.
“Has it ever gone beyond thinking?” More silence was in response so you tried to stutter out a different response, trying to speak of how he doesn’t have to say, or to move onto a topic.
“No, it hasn’t.”
You walked a little closer, now standing next to him but he wouldn’t look at you, like he was avoiding it. “Do you think it ever will? If you do actually find a way?” You asked him, leaning on the table a bit. He didn’t answer the question, he just put his hands on the table, looking down at the bottles, “…Can I ask you something?” He asked you, taking a few deep breaths.
“What if true loves kiss could break it somehow?”
You weren’t sure if he meant with you or in general, but you answered honestly regardless, tapping your fingers on the wooden table. “Well, then…” You began, adjusting yourself, “I say you could find Baelfire, and after you do you could kiss your true love and then be happy.” You spoke, shrugging a bit, unsure of if he was actually concerned about it.
“What if you’re my soulmate?” He asked you, head turning to look at you, you turned yours to look at him. “Do you truly believe I could be?” You asked in a slight whisper.
He looked at you, the man in front of him, he saw a flicker of something in your eyes. He couldn’t pin point what it was, you couldn’t even understand what it was. He sighed, rubbing the bottom of his face with his hand, “Even if it somehow was true,” He spoke, now fully turned to you, “being the dark one is a different magic. it’s not a curse.” He told you, seemingly trying to convince himself more than you.
You frowned deeply at him, if you stepped closer, the two of you would be nose to nose. “I do hate when you refer to yourself as the dark one.” You mumbled to him, keeping eye contact with him and he shook his head, a matching frown on his face. The mood was slightly solemn through this conversation, like there was hope for something that would never happen. “Why?” He asked you, “It’s true.”
You inhaled deeply, your chest aching a bit, “You’re just Rumple.” You told him simply, eyes soft. You noticed his harder expression softened as well, his frown more sad than frustrated. “The same man who brought me those skins when I was sick.” You reminded him, eyes glistening slightly. Rumple hadn’t said anything, just looking into your eyes before he realized you finished your sentence. He cleared his throat, standing now, “Children had stronger immune systems than you.” He spoke, biting the inside of his cheek, turning to a journal to write down the products of his potion.
“And yet you still took care of me.” You smiled at his actions, still leaning on the table.
He waved you off, not turning to look at you, “I do not appreciate your sentiment at the moment, go read a book or look over your maps or something.”
You laughed a little louder than you expected and dramatically bowed, “Of course your majesty.” You told him, shaking your head and walking to the door the two of you came in from.
Before you could go he called your name, causing you to turn to him. His back was still to you but your footsteps stopped so he spoke. “Why did Belle believe we were romantically involved?” He asked you, the question was strange to you but you answered anyway.
“She said something about how you look at me far more gently than anyone else.” You expressed to him honestly, not thinking much of it.
“Do you believe her?”
“I am not sure. We have been friends for a long time, I’m sure it’s a little more gentle.”
He was quiet for a moment, before turning to you, expression unreadable. “If we were true loves, and if I was back to being a man-”
“Rumple, I don’t mind that you're..” You began walking forward to him but he interrupted you. “A monster?” He asked and your eyes lidded and your pursed your lips, “The dark one.” You finished your phrase, the words making him go silent. You were now face to face with him, “I’ve known you long enough to know that you’re not all darkness.” You explained, his eyes looking into yours, “There’s something inside you, there’s light, there’s the Rumple I knew and still know.” You expressed to him, fingers tingling to grab hold of his but you decided against it.
His breath hitched when he noticed your fingers twitch a bit to him, “That light is because of-”
“Baelfire.” You had known the answer, you knew of his son. You knew his son and how much joy he brought to his father.
Rumple nodded but continued anyways, “And you.” You were a little shocked, your face showing that. He grabbed your hands, his rougher than yours, “You’re my hope for finding him.”
A smile had broken out on your face a bit, “I’ve never seen you get sentimental.” You teased a bit, but he didn’t smile. He held your hands, looking down at them. “I think I can only be with you.” His words were heavy and they caused your heart to beat quickly and loudly. “I don’t want to be soft, but you melt me.” He explained, eyes looking back into yours, he seemed so gentle in this moment with you, like the old Rumple. “And there’s so many things I want to say and do But I don't want to risk…”
“True loves kiss?”
He hesitated before closing his eyes, sighing, and nodding. “Yes…there’s just too much on the line.”
You understood, if you were his true love and you kissed him, it’s possible he wouldn’t be the dark one anymore. He wouldn’t have the power and strength to get Bae back, and you didn’t want to be the reason he never saw his son again. You stepped a little closer, kissing his cheek gently, the action was quick, faster than he could process. When he finally did, he touched his cheek and looked at you with big eyes.
You were smiling softly, hands still in his, “How about that for now?” You asked him and for the first time that day, he replicated your smile. “Perfect.” He told you, gazing into your eyes with a fire he’s never had before. Well, the fire you’ve never noticed before now.
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poisonappleeater · 6 months
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Regina x Trans Male Reader !!
regina mills x trans male reader (reminder that this is just in relation to my personal transmasc experience, everyone’s can be vastly different!!)
prompt: regina helping you out w/ dysphoria after rumplestiltskin says some crazy transphobic shit (takes place in storybrooke)
i also tried to not actually trigger anyones gender dysph lmaooooo so i do not get specific about it
Rumplestiltskin looked you up and down with a cold stare.
“I believe that you’re to use the women’s bathroom, dearie.” You felt your face go hot with frustration (and maybe even some embarrassment). God dammit. You just wanted to wash your hands in peace. To be quick and quiet was the best option, so you took a deep breath and scrubbed the soap off your hands with much more vigor and velocity than you had just a few seconds before. The water scalded your hands and turned them a little pinker. Mr. Gold scoffed through his nose.
“Even your low pain tolerance agrees that you are not a man, and it’s likely that you never will be.” Silence no longer felt like your best option. You’d come to Storybrooke as soon as your best friend, Aurora had told you that it would be easier to live as yourself, as a man, in a more modern realm. You didn’t consider that Rumplestiltskin would be trying to get under, well, your skin.
You spoke, as lowly as possible, “What would you know about being a man? You sacrifice your relationships for power. What does that make you?” His gaze faltered, and you felt like you had gotten to him. You also felt just a bit concerned for your safety. Gold took a steady breath and a thourough pause.
“I think that makes me a powerful man. At least more powerful than you. Correct? I recall you coming to me for guidance.” You scoffed, but your lip auivered. Seeking help from Rumplestiltskin back in the Enchanted Forest didn’t make you any less of a man. Everyone had at least once looked for help from the Dark One. Before a salty tear could escape your eye, you fled the men’s restroom and stepped foot back into the welcoming, red-and-blue ambience of Granny’s Diner. You released a shaky sigh and looked for your girlfriend.
Regina. There she was. Even the thought of her made your cheeks warm, despite your prior encounter with Gold. She was chatting comfortably with the Charming’s. Your need for your girlfriend’s warmth made you nearly start running towards your table. She spotted you instantly and smiled genuinely. It was clear you were equally enamored with one another.
“Hey, Y/N,” Regina greeted warmly. She noticed how fast you were walking.
“Hey, hey, slow down, it’s okay.” The well-dressed woman placed a hand on your back and guided you to sit beside her in the booth’s cushiony seat, with your leg touching hers. Regina laughed a little at the sight of you adorably speed-walking to the table. Taking a second glance at you, though, she could tell something bothered you. Your girlfriend’s face darkened with concern.
“Did something happen in the bathroom sweetheart?” Her arm wrapped further around you. Her line of sight travelled behind you when Rumplestiltskin came out of the bathroom.
“That son of a bitch.” Gina was livid. She tried to fathom how Rumplestiltskin could have possibly threatened her boyfriend. He could be up to literally anything. The vein above her right brow bulged so severely you thought it’d burst. You had to admit, her anger was hot. You felt her starting to stand up.
“No, no, Gina. It’s really okay,” you reassured. “No magical threats or sketchy deals were made. Promise.” The woman with burgendy lips looked into your eyes to ensure that you told the truth.
“Okay.” She sighed and crossed her arms, then sat down to kiss your cheek. You leaned in happily. The rest of dinner with the Charmings allowed the two of you to forget about Rumplestiltskin.
You locked the front door behind you and Regina and were suddenly too aware of your own body. Friendly chatter from Emma, Killian, David, Snow, and Henry filled your ears just minutes ago. And now, the quiet of Regina’s home flooded your mind with the words of Runplestiltskin.
“Hey, Y/N, baby?” Regina had both hands around your cheeks. You were sitting on the couch. You don’t remember moving at all since getting home. “I was asking you about a movie you wanted to watch, but-“
“Yes! Yeah, I’m sorry. We wanted to watch that movie. I’d love to,” you blurted. You gave your lover a half-smile.
“No. Gold said something to you. He’s plaguing your pretty little head,” she cooed. She sat down beside you and provided you with space to talk with her properly. You smiled at the gesture.
“It was nothing new. He said that I’m not a man. I can’t do anything about that. I feel like a man, but I don’t have the parts.” Regina intook your words with great conscience. Her glossy eyes looked into yours. She spoke after contemplating for a moment.
“If there’s anything I’ve learned from this realm, it’s that rules that we used to abide by back home were not laws of nature. They were laws made by people. And people can be so stupid, my love. That means that we, as smarter people, are allowed to live by rules that fit our logic. And according to my logic, you’re a man, sweetheart, regardless of what body you have. I know that because that’s what you’ve told me, that’s how you truly feel, and that’s how I think of you. You are whatever you think yourself to be. I love you for it, my sweet boy.”
“I love you, Gina. Thank you.” She took her time to memorize your handsome face for the thousandth time.
“Can I come close to you?” your lover asked, gently. You nodded and placed your head in her neck. she took you into her arms and stroked your hair.
“I still want to kill him,” Regina confessed. Her sharp words contradicted the gentle pets that she gave you.
You laughed. “Sure, Gina, just not today.” She couldn’t be upset when you were so calm and cute. Regina kissed your head and chuckled into your ear. You loved the sound of her laugh and the smell of her shampoo. Apple. So fitting.
“Okay, not today,” she sighed lightheartedly. “How about that movie?”
Soon, you had both showered and gotten ready for bed. There was no better feeling to you than being clean, on the couch, with your girlfriend about to watch a movie. You laid atop her chest while her legs entrapped your middle. Rumplestiltskin’s comments remained forgotten, and you and Regina remained content.
Hope this was okay!! Feel free to comment on anything, if anyone sees this. I’m kinda new to actually writing ff
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bigfan-fanfic · 2 years
That Awkward Moment When You Learn Your Boyfriend was a Cartoon Misogynist in a Past Life (Male!Reader x Gaston -OUaT) PART 2
Gaston x male reader OUaT part 2
Part 1 here!
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Thankfully, over the next few months, you're able to get over Henry's crazy theory
Which takes a lot of wilful ignorance, considering a hunter, likely with hunting dogs, probably would be great reincarnated into a guy who works at an animal shelter caring for the pets there.
And the fact that unless your boyfriend moonlights as a children's book illustrator's model, there's no way such a clear picture of him could appear in a book.
A book that also contains drawings of other people in town, which completely eliminates the possibility of coincidence.
Eventually, right before the curse goes down, you actually move in with Gaston. And right after you see on your laptop (because news coverage is oddly slow and inaccurate in Storybrooke) that same-sex marriage is legal, you even catch Gaston purchasing an engagement ring.
It's when the curse finally ends that everything goes nuts.
A prismatic wave of rainbow light sweeps out through the walls, blasting through you both, and Gaston gives a gasp as if coming up for air.
"Y/N?" he whispers, frightened. "I... I remember things. Bad things."
He holds you tightly, and you watch as the town devolves into chaos around you.
Everyone, it seems, has begun to remember their lives.
Henry was right.
It's a little terrifying for Gaston. Imagine remembering a whole life you've had - part of it as a polymorphed rose - and hating the person you were
Gaston looks at you and tells you everything, terrified of who he is. Much of Storybrooke is going through the same thing. Are they their fairytale versions or their cursed selves or both? Or neither?
You pull him close and make him look at you.
"Gaston. You've just discovered a whole new side of yourself. Maybe not a great side, but still... this is your past. And that doesn't change that you're still the guy I fell in love with."
He hugs you tight. Still trembling.
"But... but what if I change? With new memories... what if I'm different?"
You kiss him. "The fact that you're asking this just makes me more confident. But even if you do change, we'll work it out together."
"I don't deserve you." He whispers and kisses you.
You don't leave the apartment for a week. Mr. Gold, or... Rumplestiltskin... seems to give you the time off, although it's a pretty crazy thing to consider working at the shop now.
Though Gaston comes with you to work one day and apologizes to him. Mr. Gold sneers, but then glances at you. "You have the store discount, my dear, but should you need a muzzle for your beast... I'd waive the fee."
You find that with everything kind of in upheaval, it is easier to spend time with him. Even if there's a strange realization that you are the only non-Savior or savior's son in town to not be from the Enchanted Forest.
And when one of the dwarves crosses the town line and becomes his cursed self permanently, it opens up a strange idea. You have no curse to defy your leaving, and Gaston would rather forget his past. Leaving could be uniquely feasible for you two.
But Gaston instead offers you the ring. "I want to be with you. Forever and ever after. Whether that's in town or away from it, I am yours. Will you marry me?"
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megsironthrone · 3 years
Meg's Game of Tales
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Hello my lovelies! In celebration of getting 2000 followers on this blog, I've decided to do something a little different! I love fairytales and I love a good AU so I'm going to combine them. Below, I've listed 19 of my favorite fairy tales. For each one, I will write a story for one character that YOU choose.
Now, these fairytales are going to be a bit different. There will be a mix of both the Brothers Grimm versions and the more family friendly Disney-esque versions(not exactly like it cause, ya know, copyright.) They might end up role-reversed, non-happy ending, or even a complete reimagining/retelling. Some might work better with just the Grimm version and some might work better for the family friendly version if I haven't read the actually fairytale ex: The Little Mermaid. We'll have to wait and see. The point is that no one knows what it's going to be until it's done. Not even me!
There will be ONE character x reader main pairing per fairytale, however, If you'd like to see a certain side pairing along with it, I will be happy to oblige. One character, one fairytale. No repeat characters, and none that I've already written for! (So no Beauty and the Beast with Sandor or Cinderella with Jaime/Tyrion as I've already written those). And each character can only be a main ONCE! There are a ton of GoT characters so that shouldn't be an issue! Oh and the best part? This does not interfere with the requests I'm currently working on or future requests. And, the possibility to turn ANY of these into a series is there! What do you think?? Are you ready?
Send in an ask with the Fairytale, the main character you want paired with the reader(you can choose fem!, male!, or gender neutral reader as always!), and any side pairings you want to see so long as they are not romantic child/adult pairings! (A line through means that I have written the fic and it is ready to be posted!)
1. The Frog Prince - Gendry x fem!reader
2. Rapunzel - Jaime x fem!reader
3. Hansel and Gretel - Bran
4. Cinderella - Sandor x fem!reader
5. Little Red Riding Hood - Oberyn x fem!reader
6. Beauty and the Beast -Varys
7. Snow White -Ramsay x fem!reader
8. The Little Mermaid - Theon x fem!reader
9.The Singing Bone - Tormund x male!reader
10. Sleeping Beauty -Edmure x fem!reader
12. Fowler's Fowl - Margaery
13. Rumplestiltskin - Petyr
14. The Princess and the Pea -Brienne x gn!reader
15. The Swan Princess -Viserys x fem!reader
16. Jack and the Beanstalk - Pypar
17. The Snow Queen -Jon x fem!reader
18. The Emperor's New Clothes - Euron
19. The Pied Piper - Arya
I will be placing the characters chosen next to the fairytales once they've been chosen so we don't have any repeats! Ready? Go!
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starlightauthor · 5 years
Hello! In this digital world, I am known as Starlight. I go by They/Them pronouns and I may often refer to myself as “we.” If you have any questions about me, you may send them in. I will try to get back to you as soon as I can.
I am quite dedicated to my fandoms, which eventually led to me writing. After much consideration, I have decided to open requests and start posting my stories here. I feel very nervous about posting my writings for reasons I do not know. I do not write for OCs, (yet) but I do write x readers. So far I only write for male characters and the reader pronouns are usually female. In the future I hope to be working with different gendered characters and different reader pronouns. However, I am not ready for that yet. At some point below, you will find a list of characters I write for.
My grammar may be incorrect and I tend to have issues with splitting my writing into paragraphs. I find it easier to read everything at once. Requests may take time to complete because all writers have writers block at some point. I do not write nsfw and I reserve the right to refuse a request. There are some fandoms that I have difficulty writing for. You can submit a request for a person not on this list and there is a chance I will attempt to complete it. At the moment, I am really into soulmate AUs. Take note that for some of these shows I am not completely done watching them.
Fandoms and Characters I Write For:
Gravity Falls: Robbie Valentino,
Big Hero 6: Fred, Obake/Robert “Bob” Aken,
Marvel: Loki, Pietro Maximoff, Steven Strange, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton,
Star Wars: General Armitage Hux,
Stranger Things: Billy Hargrove, Steve Harrington, Dustin Henderson,
IT: Richie Tozier,
Harry Potter: Draco Malfoy, Severus Snape, Newt Scamander,
The Maze Runner: Newt,
Rise of the Guardians: Pitch Black,
DC: Heath Ledger’s Joker, Arthur Fleck,
Good Omens: Aziraphale, Crowley,
The Hobbit: Bofur, Bilbo, Thranduil,
The Arcana: Julian Devorak,
OUAT: Rumplestiltskin/Mr. Gold, Killian,
HTTYD: Viggo Grimborn, Tuffnut,
Random: Dr. Ivo Robotnik (Sonic the live action movie,) Jareth (Labyrinth,)
More will be added in time. Please remember, I am not an expert in writing, I make mistakes. If you would like to put in a request for a character not on this list, there is a chance I will do it. I look forward to seeing your requests!
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male-reads · 6 years
Charming: But Your Love (Is Your Love)
Fandom: OUAT Pairing: Charming x Male!Reader Summary: David didn’t know what to do. Regina had done as you asked. Things needed to be put right. Request: I sent in the request about Charming and it was perfect! Thank you! Maybe when you are not so busy with requests later on, Do a sequel? Like with Regina  and the reader talking about how much the reader is in pain and she offers a memory erasing spell but she meddles and puts a flaw in it that true loves kiss can break the spell?
Part One
I may have gotten carried away. Enjoy!
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Several days had passed and it hadn’t gotten any easier. The pain felt like it was getting worse each day, and it was becoming insufferable. But you tried your best to keep moving. If David was happy with Snow, then that was that.
“You’re taking it about as well as I suppose you could be,” Regina said as she looked at you. You were wearing a hoodie three sizes too big and sweatpants. She was tempted to offer you some ice cream to help with the pain.
You smiled at her sarcastically and flipped her off. “You’re supposed to be my friend, support me.”
Regina raised an eyebrow at you and sat beside you. “Y/N, I … have an understanding as to what it feels like. I know you’re not showing me all the pain you’re going through. I know you’re awake most nights, unable to sleep.”
“He’s just a guy,” you sighed, exasperated.
“A guy who managed to find his way into your heart.”
You pulled a face. “Regina, take my heart.”
She sighed, pursing her lips as she shook her head at you. “You’re painfully human, Y/N. Heartbreak and heartache is a part of being human. If he’s your true love, he’ll realise what he’s done. If he’s not … you can move on,”
You nodded your head slowly. “This town is so painfully hetero. I think he might’ve exploded from all the stares and whispers about us. It’s probably for the best.” You felt deflated. “Regina … can-can you help me to forget?”
The realisation of what you were asking was clear on her face. “I mean … just the feelings?”
She looked hurt. “I can offer you a memory spell. It’ll take him out of your thoughts and memories, but leave your emotions intact. It’s not like what Rumplestiltskin did to Snow; you’ll not turn cold. You’ll just … forget the parts of your life he was in. In both our world and here.”
You fiddled with the ends of your sleeves. “I just don’t want to hurt them. Snow will be hurt, their family will be. I don’t want to be in the way or do anything to mess with their family. It’s probably best if I forget.”
Regina looked at you for a moment before she sighed. She held up her hand and the magic appeared, flowing around her hands, between her fingers. “Ready?”
“Gramps, you’re an idiot,” Henry said. David looked at him with a slight confusion. “You do know people can have more than one true love, right?”
He, Henry and Emma were sat in Granny’s, drinking hot chocolate and gorging themselves on food. (No, it’s not pity food, Emma lied.)
He nodded. He’d heard the stories. “But it’s only when the first one has died.”
Henry smirked. “Or when the love itself dies.”
Snow had known. She’d known for a while that something had been wrong with David. After confronting him, she’d been somewhat relieved, telling him to go and be happy with you. But he hadn’t. He couldn’t; he still felt like he had to help and support Snow, Emma and Henry.
The three of them knew that David was just too afraid to go looking for the infamous Y/N.
“I don’t know what that storybook tells you -” David started, but Henry was quick to cut him off.
“You were together before you had to become a prince. You never saw him again and thought he was dead until the curse broke here. You’ve been pining over him ever since you saw him alive and well.”
David had no answer to that.
Not that Henry was finished. “He’s a good man. I think he’ll bring out the best in all of us. He’s made us realise that true love doesn’t have to just be between a man and a woman. Gramps, he’s a great guy,”
Emma smirked as someone entered Granny’s. “And he’s right there.”
David froze. It felt like his heart and just tried to lurch out of his chest. It was oddly painful. He watched as you entered, smiled at Ruby as you asked for some takeaway food. She looked at you, concerned, but nodded.
You were doing much better than what David was. It was pretty obvious from his slightly scruffy appearance that he wasn’t doing great without you there with him.
Emma was an observant person. “He’s doing too fine,” she said. “Hey, Y/N!”
“Emma!” David hissed as you turned around and looked at her. Emma ignored her father and walked over to their booth.
“You called?”
“Are you OK?” she asked. You nodded, frowning a little.
“Uh, yeah. Why? Should I be anything but OK?”
Emma frowned slightly. “No, I just wanted to check in. Have a nice day,”
“You too.” You smiled at her and David, and waved at Henry, and then walked back to the counter just as Ruby came out with your order. You paid and left without a glance back.
“Something’s wrong.”
David lasted about thirty minutes before he started searching for you.
It wasn’t that hard to find you. He was aware of your favourite spots in the town. You were sitting on a swing, minding your own business when he came and sat in the one next to you.
“You alright?” you asked, frowning. David could tell from your body language that you were apprehensive.
“Y/N, do you know me?”
You shook your head. You saw the way it broke him. It was painful to look him in the eyes. “Sorry. Did we know each other in our land?”
David nodded, then looked away, a hand going to his face. “Yeah-yeah, we did. We lived next to each other.”
“I’m sorry it’s upsetting you. I’m not sure why I don’t remember a pretty face like yours.”
“Of course you’d say that,” he said, shaking his head a little. “Do you - do you want to maybe go out some time?”
Something about that made your stomach flutter. “Yeah, that’d be nice.”
A few dates later, David was walking you home.
“You don’t have to walk me back,” you said.
David smiled. “What kind of person would I be if I didn’t walk my handsome date home?”
You smiled, shaking your head slightly as he took a hold of your hand. “Sap.”
“Only for you.”
He looked disappointed when you finally got to your house. “I’ll see you tomorrow?” he asked. You nodded, unable to suppress the smile. “Before you go in, I wanted to do something.”
You frowned a little but nodded. David looked nervous, but then leaned forwards and kissed you.
And then all the memories burst in your head. You pulled away, the surge of memories revealing themselves painful.
“Y/N?” David asked. You paused a little before you laughed and wrapped your arms around him.
“Sorry I forgot you,” you said. David’s arms came around you and pulled you close.
“I missed you so much.” David kissed you again, smiling at the knowledge you had come back to him.
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data-monkey · 5 years
AO3 stats project: tags
In this post, we'll discuss tags on the Archive of Our Own! Please note: because the works on the Archive include explicit material, some of the tags discussed in this post may not be appropriate for your workplace.
The Data | Basic Questions | Fandoms | Tags | Correlations | Kudos | Fun Stuff Thanks to @eloiserummaging for beta reading these posts; any remaining errors are my own.  A Python notebook showing the code I used to make these plots can be found here.
The Archive of Our Own has one of the best tagging systems around. You can read more about it here, here, here, or here. For our purposes, the important part is that users can tag their works however they want, and then a group of people called "tag wranglers" sort those tags, either adding them as synonyms of existing tags or creating new canonical versions for them. What I'll be showing here is the "canonical" version of the tags. For example, a work tagged "flufffffff" or "so fluffy!" would have those two tags assigned to the canonical tag "Fluff", so I will consider both of those tags as being "Fluff" to get the most accurate count.
The other important thing about AO3 tags is that they come in four flavors. The first one is "warnings", the content warnings required by the Archive (plus the default tag indicating you're abstaining from the warnings system). The second flavor is "Characters", tags describing the characters in the work. The third is "Relationships", tags describing the platonic or romantic relationships depicted in the work--typically, "X/Y" indicates a romantic and/or sexual relationship between characters X and Y, while "X&Y" means a platonic relationship, although this usage isn't universal and isn't enforced. The final category is "freeform", aka everything else.
Again, the tagging system is freeform and optional. In particular, I'll note that "character" tags and "relationship" tags don't necessarily imply each other: you can have a work tagged "Sherlock Holmes/John Watson" that only features Mycroft Holmes, or that features John and Sherlock but doesn't tag them as characters, only as the relationship. So remember that--while it's pretty good on average, because people tag their works so readers/viewers can find them--the number of uses of a character tag isn't the same as the number of works that feature that character, for example.
Okay! So what are the most popular freeform tags on the Archive? If you read a lot of fanfiction, I doubt you will be surprised by anything on this list. Left column is the top 15 tags by number of uses, while right column is the top 15 tags by the cumulative hit count on every work tagged with that tag.
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Are these tags consistently popular over time? For reasons of space, I’ll just plot the top 10 by number of works:
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If you look back at the works vs time plot in the second post, you'll see that yes, the shape of these trends is similar to the total number of works, so trends in fannish tastes haven’t changed much over the time the AO3 has been in existence. (These show a little more bumpiness because there are fewer works in each plot.) Some of these have gained a little more recent popularity vs earlier works--smut, fluff, and the two specific alternate universes are a little more weighted towards later times, while humor and general AUs are falling a little behind--but the differences aren’t as large as we saw for fandom trends in the previous post.
I'm sure you're curious about characters and relationships. Here are the top character tags, omitting the catchall character tags of “Original Character(s)”, “Original Male Character(s)”, “Original Female Character(s)”, and “Reader” (all of which would otherwise appear in the top 15). Also, remember this is missing some of the data from 2018 and 2019, as described in the first post, so BTS characters should probably be higher:
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And here are the top relationship tags (again, excluding the catchall “Minor or Background Relationship(s)”):
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And in particular, here are the top characters of color (excluding works with fictionalized race/ethnicity power systems--um, more than modern-day Western society’s power systems are made up--and characters from Voltron Legendary Defender, since I wasn’t able to find enough information on them):
Park Jimin (BTS)
Min Yoongi | Suga
Jeon Jungkook
Kim Taehyung | V
Kim Namjoon | Rm
Jung Hoseok | J-Hope
Kim Seokjin | Jin
Zayn Malik
Katsuki Yuuri
Sam Wilson (Marvel)
Magnus Bane
Nick Fury
Midoriya Izuku
Bakugou Katsuki
Erica Reyes
And here are the top relationships that are not M/M:
Evil Queen | Regina Mills/Emma Swan
Oliver Queen/Felicity Smoak
Bellamy Blake/Clarke Griffin
Clarke Griffin/Lexa
Clint Barton/Natasha Romanov
Pepper Potts/Tony Stark
Captain Hook | Killian Jones/Emma Swan
Kylo Ren/Rey
Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley
Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor
Sherlock Holmes/Molly Hooper
Belle/Rumplestiltskin | Mr. Gold
Allison Argent/Scott McCall
James Potter/Lily Evans Potter
Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy
Here are the top ten freeform tags for the top ten fandoms. Different fandoms seem to produce different kinds of fanworks--which you'd expect, based on the variety in the source material.
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AU = alternate universe, AU - CD = Alternate universe - canon divergence, AU - C/U = alternate universe - college/university, AU - HS = alternate universe - high school, BJs = blow jobs, ER = established relationship, H/C = hurt/comfort, PWP = plot what plot/porn without plot, RPF = real person fiction, SPN = supernatural.
Finally, for fun, here's the top 200 tags of all kinds, sorted against each other. You can find a lot of fun things on this list. Some of my favorites:
Supernatural is so big, and so focused on so few characters, that Dean Winchester is the sixth most popular tag on the entire AO3.
Clint Barton is way higher than I would have expected.
Sherlock Holmes is slightly less popular than anal sex.
Original female characters are more popular than anal sex.
Similarly, cuddling is more popular than A/B/O.
Harry Styles is less popular than 3/7ths of BTS (at least as of sometime in 2018); Louis Tomlinson barely tops Draco Malfoy.
Alcohol comes between Katsuki Yuuri and Viktor Nikiforov.
Leonard McCoy is below songfic. Please join me in picturing how pissed off he’d be.
The one-two punch of “Spanking” and “I’m Sorry” is pretty amusing.
If I had put up the top 201 tags, 200 and 201 would have been “Flirting” and “Murder”, so Hannibal is almost on this list.
Alternate Universe
Dean Winchester
Established Relationship
Sam Winchester
Steve Rogers
Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
Alternate Universe - Modern Setting
Tony Stark
Original Female Character(s)
Anal Sex
Original Characters
Sherlock Holmes
Fluff And Angst
Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot
Castiel/Dean Winchester
One Shot
John Watson
Stiles Stilinski
Harry Potter
Oral Sex
James "Bucky" Barnes
Natasha Romanov
Blow Jobs
Clint Barton
Emotional Hurt/Comfort
Derek Hale
Slow Burn
Original Male Character(s)
Sherlock Holmes/John Watson
First Time
Alternate Universe - College/University
Derek Hale/Stiles Stilinski
First Kiss
Angst With A Happy Ending
Light Angst
Park Jimin (BTS)
Min Yoongi | Suga
Jeon Jungkook
Harry Styles
Friends To Lovers
Fluff And Smut
Kim Taehyung | V
Louis Tomlinson
Other Additional Tags To Be Added
Draco Malfoy
Alternate Universe - High School
Explicit Sexual Content
Hermione Granger
Bruce Banner
Anal Fingering
Kim Namjoon | RM
Canon Compliant
Thor (Marvel)
Domestic Fluff
Jung Hoseok | J-Hope
Keith (Voltron)
Kim Seokjin | Jin
Character Death
Sexual Content
Happy Ending
Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson
Canon-Typical Violence
James "Bucky" Barnes/Steve Rogers
Lance (Voltron)
Cuddling & Snuggling
Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics
Dirty Talk
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD
Loki (Marvel)
Hand Jobs
Scott Mccall
Niall Horan
Mycroft Holmes
Shiro (Voltron)
Liam Payne
Rough Sex
Zayn Malik
Original Character(s)
Original Character
Castiel (Supernatural)
Dubious Consent
Phil Coulson
Severus Snape
Ron Weasley
Character Study
Lydia Martin
Explicit Language
Future Fic
Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Minor Character Death
Greg Lestrade
Steve Rogers/Tony Stark
Peter Parker
Mutual Pining
Eventual Smut
Sirius Black
Love Confessions
Unrequited Love
Alternate Universe - Soulmates
Remus Lupin
Dean Winchester/Sam Winchester
Falling In Love
I'm Sorry
Pepper Potts
Keith/Lance (Voltron)
James T. Kirk
Hunk (Voltron)
Sans (Undertale)
Emma Swan
Gabriel (Supernatural)
Fluff And Humor
Alternate Universe - Human
Bruce Wayne
Isaac Lahey
Levi (Shingeki No Kyojin)
Eren Yeager
Clarke Griffin
Slow Build
Victor Nikiforov
Katsuki Yuuri
Suicidal Thoughts
Implied Sexual Content
Canonical Character Death
Sam Wilson (Marvel)
Developing Relationship
Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir/Marinette Dupain-Cheng | Ladybug
Tooth-Rotting Fluff
Sheriff Stilinski
Mental Health Issues
Allison Argent
Slice Of Life
Allura (Voltron)
Kurt Hummel
Getting Together
Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov
Dick Grayson
Merlin (Merlin)
Panic Attacks
Heavy Angst
Alec Lightwood
Kid Fic
Adrien Agreste | Chat Noir
Implied/Referenced Character Death
Leonard Mccoy
First Meetings
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allzelemonz · 4 months
I went on AO3 for fics and was disappointed yet again, so I made a list of who I'm vibing right now. All of them had under ten fics (not counting my own). Who should I tackle first?
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kittenwritesstuff · 5 years
Hi. I really love your Rumple x Reader content. I'm a gay man and I really love Rumplestiltskin. I find him way hotter than I should dark one included. I've looked around a lot for Male!Reader x Gold content and there just isn't any. Which is kinda sad really. Would you ever consider writing any Male!Reader X Rumple content? -🦁
If it doesn’t contain any sexual content - I can try. I don’t feel comfortable describing  same sex smut but fluff is absolutely okay :) 
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infiniteimaginings · 7 months
〔𝘔𝘳. 𝘎𝘰𝘭𝘥 - 𝘙𝘶𝘮𝘱𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘵𝘪𝘭𝘵𝘴𝘬𝘪𝘯〕
Started: February 18th, 2024 Updated: February 18th, 2024
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All my writings for Mr. Gold (Rumplestiltskin) - Once Upon a Time
I. True Loves Kiss || Gen!Platonic | Angst/Fluff
∙ One shot | Rating: General Audiences | Pairing: Rumplestiltskin x Male!Reader Rumplestiltskin is an old friend of yours, you've known him for quite a while. He introduced you to his new maid for saving a kingdom from the great ogre war, what will happen when this 'maid' tells you her research for breaking curses?
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allzelemonz · 11 months
Events Masterlist
Main Masterlist
These fics are listed here as well as under the characters and fandoms they are relevent for
Kinktober 2021
Armitage Hux X Male Reader X Kylo Ren
(To be reviewed to standard)
Eobard Thawne X Gender Neutral Reader
(To be reviewed to standard)
Eric Coulter X Gender Neutral Reader
(To be reviewed to standard)
Alexsandr Kallus X Male Reader X Mitth'raw'nuruodo
(To be reviewed to standard)
Maul X Gender Neutral Reader X Savage
(To be reviewed to standard)
The Swedes X AFAB Reader
(To be reviewed to standard)
Mitth'raw'nuruodo X Male Reader
(To be reviewed to standard)
Henry King Sr X Gender Neutral Reader
(To be reviewed to standard)
Kinktober 2022
October 1st, Clothed Sex with Douglas Davenport
Pronouns: None mentioned, Marcus calls the Reader ‘Dad’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Reader is a step/adoptive-dad to Marcus, sex, mentions of cum, grinding, allusions to Douglas’ evil activities, nothing is proof-read Summary: Just a normal Friday with the smaller Davenport family, you bring Douglas some snacks and find him stuck in thought. You both decide you have ample time to yourselves.
October 3rd, Sex Pollen with Pavel Chekov
Pronouns: None mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Non-established relationship, but they’re in love, hinted Kirk/Spock and Chapel/Uhura, sex pollen enhances arousal and attraction but no fuck or die, allusions to bad wig Chekov, focus on how cute the Russian is, top reader, bottom Chekov, mentions of Chekov’s love for Russia Summary: The away team gets separated and the Captain orders for exploration in the meantime. Chekov and yourself wander across some strange plants that cause some interesting side effects.
October 5th, Mind Control/Dub/Non-Con with Tom Riddle
Pronouns: None mentioned except in summary Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Dubious consent, non-con vibes, mind control, drugging, Viagra potion, Tom Riddle being Voldemort in the early days, oral sex, anal sex, bottom reader, multiple orgasms, hopeful open ending, not proof read Summary: Tom Riddle met a nice boy at Hogwarts. One he couldn’t let get away. He keeps him away from his work and uses him as he sees fit.
October 7th, Generating Warmth with Leonard McCoy
Pronouns: None mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Non-established relationship, but they’re in love, stranded together, stuck in a cave, McCoy calls the reader “kid,” but he calls lots of people that, riding, hand-job, standard McCoy snark, long set up Summary: When Spock’s away team get stranded a second team is sent to locate them when the ship’s sensors fail. As a part of the rescue team, yourself and Doctor McCoy happen across a cave that needs investigating. A spontaneous collapse of the entrance leaves you both stuck in a freezing cave with limited sources of heat. You have to find a way to stay warm.
October 9th, Toys with Simon
Pronouns: None mentioned; Reader referred to as ‘boy’ and ‘man’ in dialogue Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Toys, grinding, Simon hates dildos and thinks he’s too good for toys, mentions of Negan loving his wives, anal plug, handcuffs, prostate massage, rough sex, both of them are switches but Simon’s more of a top, Negan needs his Lieutenants to loosen up, asexual author that had to do a lot of fic reading to figure out how toys work Summary: On a run with Negan, the Saviors happen across a sex shop and bring home the lot. Being Negan’s right hand, Simon and his S/O get first pick.
October 11th, Cockwarming with Rumpelstiltskin
Pronouns: None mentioned; Reader referred to as ‘Da’ by Baelfire Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut, Tooth Rotting Fluff Warnings: Pre-Dark One Rumple, wholesome father with anxiety, Reader is a Stepdad to Baelfire, mentions/depiction of minor injury, fluff in the beginning, smut is brief and fluffy, top Reader, bottom Rumple, I proof read nothing Summary: A domestic life with Rumplestiltskin before his time as the Dark One. You are the comfort he needs, especially on cold nights.
October 13th, Somnophilia/Waking Up with Edward Nashton
Pronouns: None mentioned; Reader called ‘boyfriend’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Edward being needy, mentions of Riddler stuff, light somnophilia with pre-established consent, multiple orgasms for the Reader, oral sex, riding, rough sex, not proof read, very little dialogue, top Reader, bottom Edward Summary: Edward often wakes you up when he’s feeling particularly needy. The trick is figuring exactly how he wants it. So long as he’s dizzy by the end, all is as it should be.
October 15th, Mating Cycles/In Heat with Spock
Pronouns: None mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Pon Farr, Spock having an animalistic drive, multiple orgasms, () used for custom name and rank, verbal consent is sexy, top Spock, bottom, Reader Summary: Spock has been careful to keep track of his Pon Farr, but it still snuck up on him before you could have your first time as a couple. Now Spock has to ask something very intimate of you.
October 17th, Power Imbalance with Mirror Kirk
Pronouns: He/Him, Reader is referred to as ‘boy’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Mirrorverse runs on sex and blood, Mirror Kirk is mean, switch Reader, sub Reader, dom Mirror Kirk, references to Reader giving oral but it doesn’t happen, hand job, sex as a threat, sex a discipline, mentions of execution and torture, use of the pet name “good boy,” mentions of prior sex partner and Reader, mentions of Reader’s time at the academy, inexperienced Reader, dirty talk, handjob, mentions of grinding, sex Summary: As a Commander aboard the ISS Enterprise you get the occasional privilege of sitting in the Captain’s chair. When the Captain comes to relieve the Beta shift he keeps you behind for some fun, but things don’t go quite how he planned.
Tropesgiving 2022
Wrong Door: The Master X Male Reader
Prompt: Tropesgiving Day 1: Enemies to Lovers Pronouns: He/Him Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Moderate Themes Warnings: Canon typical violence, double meaning/implied future intimacy, background Yaz/Doctor, Dhawan Master Summary: The Doctor responds to a distress signal and meets an unexpected enemy with the intention of hurting her and the fam. When everyone’s plans are ruined, a certain Timelord has to improvise.
Pelt: Snotlout Jorgenson X Gender Neutral Reader
Prompt: Tropesgiving Day 2: One Bed Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: G/Fluff Warnings: Snotlout the flirt, the twins fight, written with a male reader in mind - but it’s never stated Summary: When someone forgets to bring enough blankets for the no-dragon training trip the group ends up having to share the few they do have.
Those Blue Eyes: Leonard McCoy X Male Reader
Prompt: Tropesgiving Day 3: Evil Twins Pronouns: He/Him, use of boyfriend, reader called ‘boy’ and ‘man’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Moderate Themes Warnings: Canon typical violence, flirty mirror counterparts, mentions of surgery and death Summary: A mirrored version of Doctor McCoy is on the Enterprise and you have him at phaser point, but things are much more complicated than they seem.
The Prince: Armitage Hux X Male Reader
Prompt: Tropesgiving Day 4: Arranged Marriage Pronouns: He/Him, reader called ‘prince’ and ‘man’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Moderate Themes Warnings: Foundation of a queer platonic relationship, marriage for politics, aroace Hux and Reader, asexual bonding, sex/romance repulsion Summary: The First Order needs a strong alliance to beat the Resistance out of your system. Your government agrees, so long as there is a strong tie between the two governments. Armitage Hux receives an order from Supreme Leader Snoke himself.
Free Comics: Stuart Bloom X Male Reader X Barry Kripke
Prompt: Tropesgiving Day 5: Love Triangle Pronouns: He/Him, reader called ‘boyfriend’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Moderate Themes Warnings: Barry is an asshole, Stuart stares a lot, Reader enjoys Silver Age DC, mentions/hints towards sex, hint of poly ending, Captain Sweatpants being a good guy Summary: Stuart and Barry are both flirty towards you, but when Barry finds out someone else is flirting with you he feels the need to do something about it. You have no problem laying out their options for them.
Not Your Tie: Oswald Cobblepot X Male Reader
Prompt: Tropesgiving Day 6: Clothing Swap Pronouns: He/Him, reader called ‘boyfriend’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: M/Mature Themes Warnings: Oswald stays in the closet to get votes, mentions of sex, Ed knows everything and doesn’t hate Oswald, Oswald isn’t in this very much Summary: After a long night of celebration you arrive at the mayor’s office wearing Oswald’s tie. Luckily for you, Edward is a good friend.
12 Days of AU 2022
Dragons Know Things: Viggo Grimborn X Gender Neutral Reader
Prompt: 12 Days of AU, Soulmate Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Violence Warnings: Viking typical violence, minor injuries, hunters are hunters, Reader is an older dragon rider Summary: Shot down during a storm by the dragon hunters, you meet their leader.
The Death Knights: Severus Snape X Male Reader
Prompt: 12 Days of AU, Royalty Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader is called ‘sir’ as in the knightly title and acts as a traditionally masculine knight Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Violence Warnings: Mentions of death and war, arranged marriage, Voldemort still looks human, Snape is still a spy Summary: King Dumbledore’s precious school has fallen to the Dark King Voldemort’s forces, now they celebrate that victory.
Gaslight Hatter: Jervis Tetch X Gender Neutral Reader
Prompt: 12 Days of AU, Historic Pronouns: None Mentioned *Reader is a cop and the first female cop in America would have just joined the force around this time so there’s no room for pronoun plot holes, use what you want Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Violence Warnings: Mentions of murder/serial murder, based on the comic not the movie, reader is a cop but a cool one I guess, Reader referred to as an Alice by Hatter, I hope you’ve read the book Summary: 1890s Gotham is facing a new threat after the demise of Jack the Ripper. A madman dressed as the beloved Hatter from a popular storybook who has a pension for playing dress up with the young adults of the city. As an officer working under Inspector Gordon, it’s your job to protect the people.
Necromancer: Milton Mamet X Gender Neutral Reader
Prompt: 12 Days of AU, Magic Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Zombies Warnings: Mentions of death and zombies, use of ‘biters’ instead of 'walkers’ Summary: When science fails, magic is needed to learn more about the dead.
Navyman: Malcolm Reed X Male Reader
Prompt: 12 Days of AU, Modern Pronouns: he/him, Reader referred to as ‘boyfriend’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: G Warnings: Malcolm’s family is clueless, aquaphobia, mentions of scary/life threatening conditions at sea Summary: In modern times, Malcolm Reed didn’t have any Starfleet to join and is pressured into the Navy despite his fear. His family is proud, but knows nothing about his phobia so you have to help him through it during a storytelling session.
Traditions: Montgomery Scott X Gender Neutral Reader
Prompt: 12 Days of AU, Holiday Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Alcohol Warnings: Multiple holiday celebration, Scotty’s tree has to be perfect, mentions of scotch, holidays/faiths mentioned specifically: Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Yule, and Christmas, author celebrates Yule and did research for other holidays Summary: When the holiday season rolls around the Enterprise has an annual party, limited to one night due to the dangers of space. Scotty and the Operations division are in charge of decorations for all of the holidays and it’s time to set up.
Fictober 2023
Street Urchin: Dutch Van der Linde X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 1, Age Play Pronouns: he/him, Reader referred to as ‘boy’ and ‘son’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Age play, role play, begging, slight pain/rough handling, anal fingering, anal sex, prostate massage, biting, neck kissing, dirty talk, teasing Summary: Dutch suggested you pretend to be one of those young street boys while in Saint Denis so he can teach you a lesson.
Big, Not Dumb: Bill Williamson X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 2, Compliments Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘boy’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Language Warnings: Referenced bullying, referenced crime, fluff, comfort, kisses, cuddling, bashful Bill, use of Bill’s birth name Summary: You get back to camp to find Bill in a bad mood, that simply will not do.
Annoying: John Marston X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 3, Hate Sex Pronouns: he/him, Reader referred to as ‘man’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Hate sex, anal fingering, anal sex, prostate massage, dirty talk, teasing, mentions of John’s situation with Abigail and Jack, Reader is an asshole, pre-Blackwater, violence, punching Summary: You’ve been sent on a scouting excursion with John to find a good spot closer to Blackwater, John is annoying through the whole ride.
Never Again: Kieran Duffy X Bill Williamson
Fictober Prompt: Day 4, Hurt/Comfort Pairing Type: M/M Rating: T/Language, References to sex Warnings: Referenced/Implied forced prostitution, trauma, mentions of past torture, the tongs, Dutch is an asshole, soft Bill Williamson, mutual pining, hurt/comfort, protective bahavior, hugs, internalized homophobia, Bill is at war with himself Summary: Kieran finds himself forced into something he doesn’t want to do in order to make money for camp, Bill is there to keep that from happening.
Little O’Driscoll Dog: Micah Bell X Kieran Duffy
Fictober Prompt: Day 5, Collaring Pairing Type: M/M Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Smut, fluff, tooth rotting?, repressed Micah Bell, kinky Kieran Duffy, admittance of feelings, established relationship, slow sex, kissing, anal fingering, anal sex, marking, protectiveness, possessiveness, top Micah and bottom Kieran Summary: Micah and Kieran spend their first night in a hotel room, giving them both the opportunity to admit things.
Sit Still: Arthur Morgan X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 6, Dubcon/Frottage Pronouns: he/him, Reader referred to as ‘boy’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Slight dubcon, frottage, sex with clothes on, grinding, kissing, neck kissing, marking, low honor Arthur Morgan, dominate Arthur and submissive Reader, sleeping, slight cuddling Summary: With the whole camp noticing Arthur’s darker turn recently, Dutch sent you out to keep an eye on him.
Helping and Teaching: Colm O’Driscoll X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 7, Virginity Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘boy’ Physical Sex: AMAB, Mention of chest hair Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Colm O’Driscoll has a virginity kink big time, Reader is an O’Driscoll, praise, dirty talk, overstimulation, multiple orgasms, proposition, kissing, grinding, clothed dominant/naked submissive, anal fingering, anal sex, top Colm/bottom Reader, gentle Colm for once Summary: While out on a job with the other O’Driscoll boys, you let slip that you’re a virgin. When this news gets back to Colm, his interest is piqued.
Not a Drop: Micah Bell X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 8, Breeding Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Passing mention of having a kid (but not really talking about it, just dirty talk), Micah being a needy bottom, Reader is confused but supportive of Micah’s breeding kink, multiple orgasms, playing with hair, cuddling, cockwarming, breeding, anal fingering, anal sex, dirty talk, top Reader and bottom Micah Summary: Micah has a bit of a surprising request, he wants to be filled like he’s being bred.
The Map: Bill Williamson X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 9, Kisses Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘man’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/References to sex Warnings: Kisses, fluff, light bickering, spoiling Brown Jack of course, use of Bill’s birth name, established relationship, implied future sex, slight appreciation of Bill’s thighs Summary: Lost in a new area when trying to find a new town, you have a sweet moment with Bill.
Sweet: Kieran Duffy X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 10, Praise Kink Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Kisses, fluff, smut, outdoor sex, praise kink, self anal fingering, anal sex, top Reader and bottom Kieran, statements of love, established relationship Summary: A moment away from camp in which you notice Kieran reacts rather pleasantly to being praised.
Lesson: Micah Bell X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 11, Humiliation Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘boy’ and ‘man’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Kisses, smut, outdoor sex, long term humiliation, anal fingering, anal sex, top Reader and bottom Micah, established relationship, jealousy, rough sex Summary: When Micah gets too close with Dutch, you feel the need to remind him of something.
Wake The Bear: Bill Williamson X Micah Bell
Fictober Prompt: Day 12, Somnophillia Pairing Type: M/M Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Smut, sleep sex, slightly dubious consent, insomniac Micah, thicc (™) Bill, clingy Bill, established relationship, kissing, marking, possessiveness, top Micah and bottom Bill Summary: Stuck in Bill’s bear-like cuddles, Micah comes across something to entertain himself.
Trustworthy: Arthur Morgan X Albert Mason
Fictober Prompt: Day 13, Cuckolding Pairing Type: M/M Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Smut, established relationship (Arthur/Albert), fluff, kink negotiation, domestic themes, soft sex, gentle sex, masturbation, exhibitionism, cuckolding, kisses, oral sex, blow jobs, anal fingering, anal sex, cuddling, fantasies come to life, top Charles and bottom Albert with viewing Arthur. Summary: Arthur finds himself thinking of a new dirty fantasy and he is lucky enough to have a sweetheart and friend that are willing to help him fulfill it.
Training The Workhorse: Arthur Morgan X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 14, Orgasm Denial Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Arthur being needy, orgasm denial, kissing, anal fingering, oral sex, blow jobs, rimming, teasing, top Reader and bottom Arthur Summary: Arthur has been overly needy, so you give him just enough attention to ensure he listens.
Rebound: Dutch Van der Linde X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 15, Noncon/Rape Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘boy’ and ‘man’ and holds a generally masculine mindset given the circumstances Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Rape, grief, drinking, mentions of Annabelle’s death, unhealthy coping mechanisms, hints of victim blaming because Dutch is an ass, threats, semi-public sex, hand jobs, anal fingering, anal sex, marking, neck kissing, slight cum fixation, vomiting, crying, Dutch is such a bad person in this one dude, shifting perspective Summary: After losing someone he loves, Dutch drinks to forget and gets an idea in his drunken mind when he spots a man he likes the look of.
Flipped: Sean MacGuire X Male Reader X Kieran Duffy
Fictober Prompt: Day 16, Gentle threesome, Double penetration Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘boy’ and ‘man’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: threesome, rimming, kissing, anal fingering, anal sex, double penetration, fluff, smut, guys being dudes Summary: Sean’s big mouth ends up with you taking both he and Kieran at the same time.
Dare: The Van der Linde Boys X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 17, Multi Pronouns: he/him, Reader referred to as ‘fella’ and ‘man’, heavy masculine implication Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: (have you ever been in a men’s locker room and things got a little weird), smut, background relationships, masturbation, hand jobs, kissing, oral sex, blow jobs, dirty talk, facial, cum swallowing, Micah being an asshole, flirting, casual sex, everyone is gay but especially Bill Summary: Drunk Sean wanting to get off prompts a dare to jerk off and last longer than anyone else at the fire. Gay chaos of a sort ensues.
Bruises: Arthur Morgan X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 18, Spanking Pronouns: None Mentioned, masculine implication Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: M/Mild sexual themes Warnings: Mentions of violence and injuries sustained, marking, spanking, bruising, fantasizing, masturbation, anal fingering, cuddling, kissing, aftercare, sex put off in favor of cuddling Summary: Arthur loves being put over your knee but this is the longest you’ve been apart.
At His Lowest: Dutch Van der Linde X Micah Bell
Fictober Prompt: Day 19, Exhibitionism Pairing Type: M/M Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Exhibitionism, epilogue setting, power dynamics, dom/sub undertones, anal fingering, anal sex, bottom Micah/top Dutch, mentions of past grief, Dutch is not mentally healthy Summary: Now that Dutch has reunited with Micah, he has an opportunity he should have taken years ago.
Needy Firsts: Sean MacGuire X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 20, Rimming Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘man’ Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Kissing, established relationship, begging, Sean is loud, rimming, first time rimming, mentions of prior sex, slight aftercare Summary: After a few days without much alone time you decide to do something with Sean that you haven’t done before.
Sweet Blood: Bill Williamson X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 21, Blood/Murder Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut, violence Warnings: Appreciation of Bill’s size, kissing, gunfight, blood, murder, oral sex, blow job, hint of anal fingering, mentions of bathing together, goofy fluff, Bill is clumsy Summary: After a shootout Bill gets a little show that he enjoys more than he might expect.
Thickness: Bill Williamson X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 22, Intercrural Sex Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Prior failed sex with injury, mention of blood, a lesson in lubrication, Bill’s thighs getting the attention they deserve, intercrural sex, prepping, aftercare, kissing, hand job, soft sex, fluff Summary: After a painful failed attempt at typical intimacy, Bill has an idea that won’t worsen his injury.
Practice Makes Perfect: Abe X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 23, First Time Deepthroating Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Fluff, oral sex, blow job, deepthroating, cum swallowing, domestic-ish, established relationship Summary: After a lot of practice, Abe finally manages to get you down into his throat.
Slow: Kieran Duffy X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 24, Sounding Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Fluff, careful sex, sounding, safe sex for the time period, the fence has a spicy inventory you know he does, communication Summary: A new toy from the fence means testing it out with caution.
End: Micah Bell X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 25, Crying Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘man’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Violence, language Warnings: Angst, crying, betrayal, Reader doesn’t take Micah’s side, violence, guns, shootout, drinking, Micah doesn’t know how to do emotions, Baylock is a good horse, extreme coping mechanisms Summary: The end of the gang, everything is going Micah’s way. There’s just one little snag that Micah doesn’t know how to handle, something he didn’t know how to account for.
A Dynamic: Dutch Van der Linde X Arthur Morgan
Fictober Prompt: Day 26, Grooming Pairing Type: M/M Rating: M/Grooming, references to sex Warnings: Underage, dead dove, grooming, dark themes, Dutch’s mind is a wasteland, bad father Dutch, groping, head kissing, cuddling, affection Summary: Dutch doesn’t think what he does with Arthur is all that wrong. A/N: Goes without saying this is your extra dead dove warning. This is an interesting dynamic I had read a few fics on and I wanted to explore Dutch’s odd interest in ‘younger women’ that he has in the game. It’s short because it’s gross.
Messed Up: Micah Bell X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 27, S&M Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘sir’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: E/Smut, blood Warnings: Rough sex, rough masturbation, anal fingering, sex toys, anal plug, knife play, blood, marking, dom/sub, bottom Micah and top Reader, aftercare, cuddling, choking, asphyxiation, blacking out, passing out  Summary: After misbehaving before, Micah gets a well loved punishment.
Well Behaved: Colm O’Driscoll X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 28, Daddy Kink Pronouns: he/him, Reader referred to as ‘boy’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: M/References to sex Warnings: Colm being sweet, cuddling by a fire, blankets, soft behavior, daddy kink, neck kissing, sensual touching, cozy setting, I wrote this in thirty degree weather because cold Summary: A warm night by the fire with Colm.
Squeeze: Charles Smith X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 29, Breathplay Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Choking, anal fingering, anal sex, cockwarming, kissing, neck kissing, slight aftercare of sorts, birthday presents, fluff, Charles being extra pretty, established relationship, bottom Charles and top Reader Summary: Charles gets everything he wants for his birthday.
Misadventures: Micah Bell X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 30, Failed Date Pronouns: None Mentioned, Reader referred to as ‘man’ Physical Sex: None Mentioned Rating: T/Language, mention of injury Warnings: Fluff, romance, date, picnic, kissing, mention of violence and injury, Micah trying his best Summary: Micah plans a date to make up for being a bad sweetheart, only for things to turn on him all at once.
Boys’ Night: The Van der Linde Boys X Male Reader
Fictober Prompt: Day 31, Orgy Pronouns: None Mentioned Physical Sex: AMAB Rating: E/Smut Warnings: Orgy, threesomes, kissing, anal fingering, anal sex, oral sex, blow jobs, rough sex, voyeurism, exhibitionism, Sean’s drunken mind, marking, viagra-esc tonics, almost everyone is passed around to everyone else, Reader takes both top and bottom roles Summary: Sean has an idea that leads most of the boys in the gang to a damn fun time.
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