#rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated
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madeofmemoriesblog · 1 day ago
"The rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated."
omg almost two years without posting, but I am back:) I missed this <3
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procrastinatorrexii · 7 months ago
“What are you?” Kagome asked, amazed. Inuyasha stood and moved back to the small creek, kneeling to cup water in his hands again. “Nothing you’ve ever met before.” He said, and his voice was suddenly solemn. “Nothing you will ever meet again, if I have anything to say about it.” He kept his head down, rubbing the water over his face as she considered his words. 
“I’m not afraid of you.” 
His head whipped up and he scowled. She met his stare, unwavering, "I'm not." He shook his head, “keh, if that's true, it's only because you don’t know what I am.” 
“I know who you are.” Kagome said, and as she said it the truth of the words was more real to her than the sun rising over the trees. “Even only knowing you a short time, I know that you’re a good person. I know you won’t hurt me. I know you want to do the right thing. That’s enough for me.” 
He looked away sharply, exhaling. “You should be careful, woman. You don’t know what’s out there.” 
“What, you mean like corpses that want to kill us?” Kagome shrugged; “been there, done that.” 
He watched her silently for a moment, then shocked her by laughing– a loud, carefree laugh that sent a few birds flapping into the sky.
"Well, damn, I guess you have."
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jhsharman · 1 month ago
the prints of wails
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Weird cloud formation change. Panel cut -- I guess the close up of Archie in the prior panel needs a bit more space now.
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That auburn hair colors get changed to that strawberry blonde on two or three girls here. Good to see a British dude, I guess.
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redlipstickdujour · 23 days ago
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🎂40 🍰
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puckluckie · 1 year ago
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Sidney Crosby/Evgeni Malkin • 12.868 words • Teen and Up
When the stranger moved into Old Lew’s cabin, the only thing that Zhenya found odd about it was that anyone would choose to live in that ramshackle building at all. Maybe he should have paid more attention to his mother's stories.
A @sidgenospookyfest fic for @cascara-soda. Thank you to the mods for organizing the event!
Alternate Universe, Not Hockey Players, Mythical Beings & Creatures, Folklore, Getting Together, attempts at creepiness and gothic tones, Mysterious Strangers, Sidney Crosby's infamous banana bread, Implied Sexual Content
Read on AO3
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madness-manic-antics · 2 years ago
And so I return, as I always must
Back to Tumblr. For however the fuck long reddit is on blackout. However long the protest needs to be.
So yeah. Maybe y'all will see some new posts. Desert Flower's been updated a few times since I last mentioned it on Tumblr. Check it out if you want I guess. I'm back in the hellsite, returning to the primordial soup of my past.
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10yrsyart · 11 months ago
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Logos- the Word of God Erebos- darkness, gloom
i don't remember where i heard this analogy, but it really stuck with me. you can't stay on the fence of belief/ unbelief forever, because the devil owns the fence. he owns all the religions of the world, except for the only faith that can save you: faith in the blood of Jesus Christ. the Son of God came down, lived a sinless life, took our sins upon Himself in death, and resurrected so we might have life too. because He LOVES us.
the truth is, you don't know when the end of your life will be. when you come to stand before the Just and Righteous Judge, will you be covered by Jesus' perfect blood, shielding you from punishment? or will you still have all your sins covering you because you rejected Him?
i don't write this to condemn, but because i love you and want you to have an eternity of joy and peace. so i warn you with love: Jesus is returning soon, to take His people away before God's Wrath and judgement begins (Revelation 3:10, 1 Thessalonians 5:9).
signs in the sun, moon, and stars. wars and rumors of wars, people's love for each other turning to hate. the increased intensity of natural disasters and strange behavior of animals. every other week some expert talks of world distinction events in our future (AI, or famine, or disease, or WWIII). God has sent dreams and visions to all people about the times about to happen. you can feel there's something weird about the world right now. God is speaking loudly.
now is the time to repent, accept the sacrifice for your sins and put your faith in Him. now is the time to step into the Kingdom of Life that will never pass away 💙✝ "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son, so that whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life (...) There is no judgment against anyone who believes in Him. But anyone who does not believe in Him has been judged already, for not believing in God's one and only Son." (John 3:16, 18)
Helel: What did they say that gripped your attention so much?
Girl: Prince Helel. She was just telling me about life in the Logos Kingdom compared to the Erebos Kingdom. I haven't really decided where I want to live yet.
Helel: Pffeh, I can assure you, she greatly exaggerate. I've been to the Logos Kingdom. Those people are practically in chains and they don't even realize.
Girl: ..But you rule the Erebos Kingdom. Doesn't that make you a little bias? Either way, I'd still like to decide for myself.
Helel: Of course, of course! Take all the time you want. We'd love to have you!
(years pass)
Girl: Helel, what's happening?!
Helel: That, my dear, is a curtain call.
Girl: I don't understand-
Helel: It's time you came with me.
Girl: Wait-! But I never picked a kingdom! I'm still on the fence-
Helel: Oh, I'm terribly sorry for the confusion! You see, I OWN the fence!
Girl: No! Get off me! I thought I had more time! Stop-!
Girl: King Yeshua!!
Helel: No, sshe'sss mine! Sshe waited too long-
Yeshua: (Release her. Serpent.)
Helel: (Fine. But they won't all want sssaving~)
Girl: Thankyou, thankyou, he almost had me! If You didn't... I'm so sorry. Please don't send me back to him-
Yeshua: I came to you when you called, didn't I? You made your decision. And I'm so Glad! Allow Me to welcome you home, Dear One.
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incorrectcanucks · 3 months ago
Thatcher Demko after coming back into the Canucks’ game lineup: The rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated.
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syntiment · 2 years ago
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It appears that the rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated --
Had a dream about this Ozpin Lives AU + Lore/backstory rewrite, and for some reason despite all the time that's passed since I last even thought about RWBY, I was overcome with the compulsion to draw him again so here he is in this design I tweaked for him.
Maybe if it's requested enough or I am suddenly overtaken by insanity, I'll sit down and actually do a lil write up for how I picture this AU and rewrite to go.
In the meantime though take this bit of nostalgia from yours truly.
EDIT: read about the Ozpin Lives AU here
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sebastiansmythehq-moved · 7 months ago
"The rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated." In fact, I am back in town and better than ever. Thirty, flirty, thriving, newly single, and half a marriage richer than ever before. I'll be working in the admissions office for the foreseeable future and it's nice to be back among familiar faces after having been away for so long. All I need is to be pointed in the direction of the nearest bookstore and I'll be all set - what can I expect from the incoming class here at PSU? If you have the tea, you are legally obligated to spill it now.
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thebluestbluewords · 8 months ago
rumors of his death have been greatly exaggerated
"How's your brother doing, dear?" Fairy Godmother asks, taking Chloe's hand as she comes up to the teacher's table. "Is he enjoying his graduation trip?"  
Chloe tips her head sweetly to the side. "What brother?" 
Fairy Godmother looks puzzled. "Your only brother, dear one. Unless your parents have adopted another without telling me?" 
"Oh, that brother. I haven't seen him since..." Chloe hesitates. "The incident." 
"I'm sorry?" 
Chloe beams. "The incident. It's a family matter, I'm really not supposed to talk about it. I'm sure he's fine, though. Mother isn't too worried about him." 
You could make a topographical map out of the folds in Fairy Godmother's forehead. "Yes, of course. I'm sure that must be hard on your mother, not having her son around." 
"She endures." Chloe says cheerfully. "I should really go get dinner before I hold up the line. I'll see you in class tomorrow. I've already got my Fairy History essay ready for you!" 
"That's lovely, yes." Fairy Godmother says, still frowning. "And Red, you've got all your books? Everything you need?' 
Red lifts her chin. She's not just a passive observer, even though whatever's going on with her royal roommate's missing brother sounds horrifically fascinating.  "I'm all set. Wonderland post sent my books last week." 
"Lovely, lovely. I'll see you two in class tomorrow." 
"Goodnight, Fairy Godmother." Chloe chirps, bobbing into a half-curtsy before she moves away. 
Red will not curtsy, but she dips her head in the vague shape of a bow. "Goodnight." 
"So." Red says, once the two of them are out of the dining hall and on their way back to the dorm room they're going to be sharing. "You've got a brother?" 
Chloe looks at her sideways, without moving her head. "No. I've got a Chad." 
There's a particular darkness in her voice at the name, like how Red wants to say Jabberwocky sometimes, when they've been especially bad. 
"I take it you're not a fan." Red says, because it's stupid to ask questions, but she's the princess of Wonderland, and she should know her neighboring kingdom's royal families. "Is he really awful?" 
"The worst." Chloe says lightly. "He's not at home right now, though, so we've all had a bit of a rest." 
"All." Red repeats. "How big is your family?" 
"Big enough." 
It's dumb to play evasive word games with a Wonderland girl. "Big enough to fill a carriage?" 
Chloe sighs. "Bigger." 
"Big enough to fill a limo?" 
"Bigger, if you're counting everyone." 
"I'm asking you to tell me about your family, Auradon girl," Red says, leaning in towards Chloe, making it a flirty request, rather than a desperate dig for information. "Aren't you guys supposed to love talking about yourself?" 
Chloe shoots her a certified look. "My family is weird. You don't need to know about them, it's just...my brother is off on a mission to find himself, or something. He graduated in the same class as King Ben, so people are still going to ask about him, because one weird girl who plays with swords for fun isn't enough for the royal gossip tabloids." 
"Swords." Red drawls. 'Very royal." 
Chloe huffs out a tight little breath. "Yes, swords. I'm on the ROAR team. Royal Order of Auradon Regiment. We practice running through obstacle courses with swords for fun, and I'm actually really good at it, so please, please don't make fun of me. I know I'm not a very proper princess, but I really do love it, and my mom doesn't care what I do so long as I don't mess up my face, so just-- just stop it. I'll tell you about my brother if you really want, just..." 
"Swords are cool." Red blurts, before she can think twice about it. "Your brother sounds like a lame-ass anyway. Tell me more about your sword game?" 
Stupid, stupid. Asking about her sports team? Super lame behavior. Not cool at all, Red. 
Chloe looks up at her through her lashes. "You're making fun of me again." 
Red's heart skips a little beat. She's not sure if it's from shame or the huge, embarrassing, terrible crush that she's trying really hard to squash. "I'm not. Promise." 
"It's okay that you are. Everyone does, once they hear about my hobbies," Chloe says softly. "I'm not cool like my brother, or popular like my sisters. I'm the youngest child in my family, so everyone babies me all the time anyway. I don't mind it usually." 
She's twisting her hands together, looking down at her fingers. She's not wearing any royal rings or anything. Red's been wearing rings since she was a kid, to show her status and to punch people better. She wouldn't know what to do with hands that are so soft and naked. Does she hold them? Give Chloe one of her own rings? Tell her she's an idiot for declining any symbols of her royal status and get her mother to give her at least a small family ring? 
"I'm not actually a very good princess." Chloe says after a moment. "I just let people tell me what to do all the time. I just follow the rules and practice with my sword and read a lot of books. I'm not brave like my mother. You're probably braver than me. Coming to a new country, a new school, all by yourself... that's really brave." 
Chloe's eyes are enormous. "Yeah." she whispers, soft and sweet and so, so close to Red. "I think you're really brave." 
Red lifts a hand to touch her roommate's cheek. "Brave enough to hear the truth about your brother?" 
Chloe's face falls. 
Red's heart sinks right along with it. 
"No. You don't want the truth anyway, it's boring." Chloe says, turning around to unlock their door.  "Anyway, I'm sure everything is boring compared to Wonderland, so I won't make you listen to me any longer. Goodnight, Red." 
Their door shuts before she can come up with a comeback. 
Fine. If her roommate won't tell her what's going on, Red will just have to figure it out herself. 
The next person to ask about Chloe's alleged brother gets an even less helpful answer. 
"I lost him." Chole says sweetly. "At sea. We went out on the yacht to celebrate his graduation, you know, after the...incident." 
The student nods seriously. It would be stupid to roll her eyes, but Red's patience for these delays is short already, so she does it behind Chloe's back. Really subtly. 
Chloe bobs her head in a little nod that could almost be serious, if she didn't look so pleased about it. "Yeah, so we were out on the ocean, and he just fell overboard. We lost him. Mom threw him one of the inflatable life rafts, but you know how Chad is about accepting help, so once it hit the water he just started swimming away. At the rate he was going, he's probably in the Southern Isles by now." 
It happens again. 
"He's at home, helping mother weed the library. We have a curse, you know. Roses keep growing in the fiction section, and it takes all hands on desk to clear it out." Chloe says, flashing the girl a bright smile. "The only reason I'm exempt is because mother and father don't trust me not to solve the problem with my sword.” 
The girl frowns. “Chad, weeding?” 
“Oh, yes. He wouldn’t usually, but mother asked him specifically. He’s really a mother’s boy at heart. It’s sweet how much he’d do for her.” 
Red watches the girl digest this. 
“Aw. That is sweet.” 
Chloe beams. “Isn’t it? He’s just the best. I bet if you run to the library now you could understand just how he feels right now, surrounded by all those books.” 
And again. 
“He’s joined the astronaut training program.” Chloe says. Her face is set in a very serious expression, which is only fitting considering that she’s talking to the head of their math department. “We haven’t seen him in ages, but he’s supposed to be on the moon base soon, so every time we look up back home we wave to him. It’s a new Charmington family tradition.” 
“That’s very nice, dear.” 
“If you want to join the SpaceChad fan club you can go to the royal media page our sister set up,” Chloe says sweetly. “It’s online under SpaceCaseChad dot com. There’s lots of good pictures.” 
Their teacher pinches the bridge of her nose. “Very nice story, Chloe. I’m sorry I asked.” 
“Princess Celeste puts a lot of work into it.” 
“I’m sure she does. Now sit down so you can learn some theorems.” 
Red looks the page up. 
It’s full of press pictures of Chad Charming, the only Prince of the Kingdom of Charmington, heir apparent of the second biggest kingdom in all Auradon, poorly edited to look like he’s floating in space. 
And wearing cat ears. 
The animated sparkle in his eyes is a nice touch. Red appreciates the sort of effort that goes into these things. The effort that’s been put into adding a tiny rocket ship under his boots is less impressive, but the way that the rocket bursts into animated flames every fourth edit is much funnier than it seems the first time you scroll past it. 
She’s starting to think that her roommate might actually be on to something here. 
The fifth time it happens, Red's pretty sure she's in on the joke. 
Before Chloe can come up with another smartmouth answer, Red gasps. The student who asked this time is some girl in a cheerleader uniform, and she looks like an easy target, so Red throws her whole body into it. Mouth open, eyes wide, and a gasp so theatrical even her mother would be proud of it. 
"You can't just ask that!" Red gasps, sweeping an arm around Chloe's shoulders. "Oh my gods, why would you even ask when it's still so fresh?" 
The cheerleader gapes. "I— what—?” 
"You don't just ask a royal family member what happened to her only brother," Red snaps. "It's not done. My mother could have your head for it. Chloe, are you okay?" 
Her roommate is shaking in her arms. Red's never tried to be a good person, but there's a feeling building in her that might be what goodness feels like. It's sort of like when she drinks the special unbirthday tea that she’s not supposed to touch, and a little bit like when she's in on a secret with her mom. Giddy, that's the feeling. 
The cheerleader's hands are on her cheeks now. "I didn't mean any harm, I'm sorry. Oh my god, Chloe, I'm so sorry. Is he okay?" 
Chloe's face is buried wholly and completely in Red's shoulder, and she's a warm, comfortable, shaking weight that's making it hard for her to think straight.  There's so many horrible things that can happen to a prince, and only so many ways to say it... 
"She doesn't know." Red says, pulling Chloe in a little tighter so her giggles can't spoil the illusion. "The last thing she knew he was visiting friends in Fairyland, and then he started sending letters written on leaves instead of paper, and now..." she hesitates. 
"He just sends the leaves." Red finishes. 
The cheerleader gasps. “I bet there's pollen all over his beautiful hair too!" 
"We can only assume." Red says, face just as solemn as her mother's court isn't. "It's a real shame. The fairies want a princess on a milk-white horse to get him back, and she's got to ride in on the darkest night of the year too. Holding the moon in a jar as her guide." 
The girl looks about five seconds from whipping out her phone to write the lies down. "A real princess? Or would like, a pop princess work instead? Chad always said how much he loved Marcielle Lance. I bet he'd love me forever if I sent... I mean, if somebody tipped her off that the Prince of Charmington needed her to save him from Fairyland." 
"The letters didn't say." Red shrugs. "But it never hurts to try, I guess." 
The cheerleader is practically vibrating. "I've got to go make a— I mean, get to class! Thanks, though!" 
Red lifts a hand to her retreating back. "Buh-bye.” 
Time travel vertigo is a pain in the butt to recover from. 
Red falls into Chloe as soon as the world stops reshaping itself around them. 
Chloe shoves her off. “Where are we?” 
“More like when are we.” Red corrects, staggering upright. “And I think the answer is not far enough. Look, that roof looks exactly like it does now.” 
“It’s a roof.” 
“Yeah, and all the fancy pants brochures that you sent to Wonderland while we were sealed off from the rest of the world show that roof looking different than it does now. In our current time. Because it’s new, princess. We got brochures about replacing it.” 
Chloe closes her eyes. Red can see her breathing slowly, and stifles a grin. Her roommates hates being wrong, which works out great, because Red loves seeing her royal highness mad. 
“We can’t be here. We have to leave, now.” 
“We just got here. The watch has a cooldown time of one minute for every year travelled. We can’t leave yet.” 
“No, we have to leave.” Chloe grabs Red’s hand. “My bother is here. This is two years ago. He’s going to be here, on campus, and he’s going to recognize me, and our whole cover is going to be blown if we alter time in ways we weren’t expecting!” 
Oh, no.
“No,” Red says slowly, stretching out her words around the grin that’s threatening to take over her whole face. “No, I don’t think we do have to leave. After all the stories I’ve heard about this brother, I wanna meet this guy.” 
“You don’t.” 
“He’s an Olympic level swimmer, an astronaut, a curse-breaking mommy’s boy, and he was interesting enough to get kidnapped by fairies? I can’t wait to meet him.” 
Chloe stomps her foot. “You know that’s not true. I make all that stuff up, because—“ 
“Because why, princess?” 
“Because the real reason is boring.” 
Red glances down at the pocketwatch. One minute left until they can leave. “After growing up in wonderland, you think I don’t like boring? My mother is trying to stage a coup as we speak. She raised me on a diet of all-excitement, all the time. I want boring. I love boring. Please, for the love of time, give me something boring to think about until we can get out of here.” 
Chloe glares. “No.” 
“No. I’m not telling you. The longer we stand here arguing the closer we are to getting out of here. I don’t have to tell you, I just have to stall until we’re out of time.” 
“Bold words from the girl who’s not carrying the time machine.” 
“You want to get out of here just as much as I do,” Chloe says, logically. Oh, how much Red wants to hate her. “You’re not going to leave us here, in the wrong time, just because you want to know where my brother’s hiding.” 
Red leans in. “Hiding, huh?” 
“You—“ Chloe slaps a hand over her own mouth. “I’m not saying another word. We can’t alter time before we’re supposed to, it’s too risky.” 
“Twenty seconds. Tick tock, princess. I could leave you here if you won’t tell me.” 
“You wouldn’t.” 
“You don’t know what I’d do.” Red hisses, leaning in so close that she can see the way Chloe’s eyes are tracking the motion of the pocketwatch. Her roommate’s eyes are pretty. It’s not fair that she’s got such an awful habit of keeping secrets to offset her pretty face. 
“I’ll tell you,” Chloe offers. “But only once we turn the watch.” 
Red cranks the watch, but carefully this time, so that her fingers don’t slip before they’re ready and send them another two or three years back. 
“You’re sure you want to know?” 
The watch is hot in her hand. The dial is shivering under her fingers. “Yes, I’m sure.” 
Chloe throws an arm around her waist, and grabs the watch out of her hand. “He shaved his head and got too embarrassed to show his face in public!” 
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ajscico · 8 months ago
Fan Joy July
Writing that makes me wish I could art
Ideally as a writer, I would have written something for art… but here’s what we have. My contribution to Fan Joy July is recommending fics that have made me wish I had that gift for art or the dedication to learning that skill for the sake of these amazing fics. I will try to describe what I would have liked to do and throw the link to y’all to go check out the fic.
Day 1–Rumors of My Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated by @bokettochild .
This one would be a loose comic style. It would feature the ride through the city from the outside POV of the citizens of Castletown allowing the troupe of soldiers to pass. I love Ketto description of the scarf being the General’s war banner and the people’s reaction to why the General is currently riding as if to war through their streets.
Excerpt that would be the scene:
People fly out of the way of the soldiers, eyes wide and fearful at the sight of the Queen’s General riding out on his mare, scarf billowing with the wind of war. Horror fills their eyes at the sight of the stony face that usually turns to them with charming smiles and heartfelt words, General Link’s gaze is as cold as death, and promises as much for whomever it is that has brought him out in armor this late into the evening…
 …Word travels up through the town, ‘General Link rides to war. They say one of his son’s was stollen by the rebels. There’ll be Demise to pay for this wrong.’ And the heads of the people nod, their own gazes hard as they murmur to each other, ‘Fault lies with the fools, they’ll face the wrath of the gods and it’s their own doing’.  
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youmissedone · 9 months ago
[Sooo... saw that ask about Carlos and clones, and it made Bad Rain wanna say hi] Rain silently assessed the man in front of her from behind the dark-tinted goggles of her gas mask. After her little dinner date in the ocean, her retinal implants started malfunctioning and she could no longer discern if this was a new Carlos or what. "...I thought you were dead," she stated.
Carlos was pretty sure he was the last man standing as far as whoever was still left inside the quickly-failing facility. On their side, that is. There were still plenty of clones running around, and Jill had beaten him to the midget submarines with whoever she still had with her. At least nobody had noticed he was still kicking, or that he'd taken one of them for himself. He barely knew how to work it, but right now it was his only chance. The failing facility was quickly flooding from every angle, so he had to get out of there fast.
Alice and the others were long gone as well - he hoped, anyway - and Barry... Well, Barry hadn't made it. Maybe that was for the best, considering the injuries he'd gotten from that uber licker had probably doomed him anyway unless they could locate some of the antivirus. Carlos had stood by him until the end, hoping they'd bought enough time for Alice and the others to escape.
Carlos wouldn't have figured Alice would agree to leave him behind, but... hey, there was a child involved, and someone had to buy time somewhere. Barry was already screwed and Carlos... was kindof used to taking one for the team. His narrow escape from death back in Nevada was proof of that. He didn't blame Alice one damn bit for taking the opportunity and getting the hell out. At the end of the day, people like her and him were protectors, and sometimes protectors didn't walk away with their lives.
That didn't mean he wasn't going to try. Laying down and dying for no damn good reason wasn't something Carlos was about. He was gonna try to fight his way out of here, or he was gonna make his death useful in some way. So he'd taken one of the midgets subs, donned the trappings of his clone from whatever Umbrella commando attire he could find stored in it, and set out. He didn't know who he was going to run into, after all.
It was a while before he encountered Jill's sub, with any and all communications having been wrecked by all that water. And of course, he didn't have the benefit of any retinal implants. Surfacing so he could get out and see what had gone down, he was met with a disappointing scene. There was no sign of Alice, Becky, Leon, or the rest of the strike team. Except... for Luther. Poor bastard. Luther had been a good guy, and Carlos was sorry to see he'd met his end here. Jill and her clone army wasn't anywhere to be seen either, though. Where did everybody go?
He turned when he suddenly heard Rain's voice, of course knowing she was a clone. Any Rain he ran into anywhere was a clone at this point. He'd heard Alice's tearful accounts of what had happened to the original Rain enough times to know for sure that she was completely dead. Silently, Carlos told himself to be careful, play the part.
When she said she thought he was dead, he had to resist the urge to crack some kind of joke. That was what came naturally to him, something to the effect of , rumors of my demise have been greatly exaggerated or, I'm a lot harder to kill than that. But clone Carlos wouldn't make jokes. About himself... or the fact that Rain was drenched. What'd you do, decide to take a dip in the ocean? Nope, he had to play it straight.
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"No. And neither are you, it seems," he answered flatly, still holding his rifle at the ready, acting like he was suspicious of her for a moment, before lowering it. "Rest of the team is, though. Whatever that explosion was let half the ocean in and took everyone out. I'm blind here, save for the GPS system in the sub. No comms, no maps, no target scanners, nothing. The salt water fucked with all of it," he said, acting annoyed yet also restrained about it. "Where's Project Alice and the rest of the intruders? What about Chief Valentine?" he asked, remembering the various monikers he'd heard the Red Queen use inside the facility.
There just hadn't been enough time, though, to perfect everything before Rain showed up, and Carlos knew these clones were smart. They were engineered that way. So he hoped his outfit was on correctly, that all his major scars were covered, and that he didn't have too much of a haggard five o' clock shadow. Anything like that could give him away, and he knew he couldn't take on a clone version of Rain alone... especially when he knew the clones had access to Las Plagas enhancements that made them damn near indestructible...
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mckiwi · 9 days ago
Marvel Fics
McKiwi Writes on: AO3
Title || Rating || Category || Words || Status* || Summary
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Multiple Chapters*
"Oblivescence" || Teen || Gen || 6,032 || Incomplete
Oblivescence: noun [ob-luh-ves-uh ns] the process of forgetting. The human brain has a limit, Stephen of all people should know that. To view those fourteen million futures, he had to sacrifice something. His memories. It started with the first few hundred timelines, a few deaths from Dormammu, neurology facts he'll never need again… but the spell became greedy. Now, he can't remember why his hands hurt.
"Strange Tales of Halloween" || Gen || Gen || 3,071 || Complete
Hosted by A Strange Server. Each prompt will be treated as a daily journal entry written by Stephen Strange.
"The Raven" || Teen || Gen || 13,114 || Complete
Raven: Symbol of prophecy and insight, the bridge between the material world and the spiritual. Though very intelligent and clever, these creatures are said to bring misfortune upon those in their path. Call it a nightmare or call it a revelation, either way, a psychopath hellbent on universal balance is on the horizon. Even if they were to defeat Thanos, what threats would come after him? Was this world as safe as it seemed? Stephen held the power of time in his scarred hands, why not use it? In fact, just to ensure this world stayed safe, why not use all of it? All the power. All the infinity stones. It's his job to protect this reality, and he's never been one to take his job lightly. One stone down, five to go. The avengers were growing more and more aware of the sorcerer's intentions. The line was drawn once Wong called for help. With three stones in his possession and an ambition to rival even the gods, it would take everyone to stop him.
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One Shots
"Delusions Of Happiness" || Teen || Gen || 1,105
What good is a Sorcerer Supreme to a world that's lost it's magic? What good is a heart to a man with no one to love? Sinister does this Stephen, like so many others out there, a favor.
"End Of Story" || Gen || Gen || 2,295
Part of her felt bad for the other dimensions, specifically their civilians. They always succumbed to Dormammu’s power without much of a fight, if any was given at all. That is until her uncle tried to invade Earth. “Dormammu, I’ve come to bargain.” (The story of how Clea and Stephen first meet)
"Fighting Your Shadows" || Gen || Gen || 100
Someone is tormenting Stephen's thoughts throughout Multiverse of Madness.
"Heat of the Moment" || Teen || Gen || 3,191
"Heat of the Moment": Asia, 1982. Something is invading and killing the villagers of Jotunheim. Now sitting as king of Jotunheim, Loki reluctantly summons Stephen to help him save his kingdom. Stephen gets to prove magic isn't the only thing he's good at.
"Knocking On Death's Door" || Gen || Gen || 743
Stephen Strange was a doctor, a good one at that– a great one. He and Death had never been on good terms. She took his family from him, so he took his patients’ lives back from Her. He always stood outside of Death’s door, guarding it, keeping it locked away from others as best as he could. But Death comes for everyone, in the end.
"Yesterday" || Gen || Gen || 3,107
"Yesterday": The Beatles, 1965. After the events of No Way Home, Stephen finds a Midtown High cup in the undercroft. Assuming an invader has somehow made it past the Sanctum's defenses, Stephen decides to investigate, which somehow leads him to a lonely teenage boy. Who is this kid and what was he doing in the Sanctum?
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Whumptober 2021
"Day 1: All Trussed Up and Still Nowhere To Go (Barbed Wire)"
"Day 2: Talking is Overrated (Gagged)"
"Day 3: Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones (Taunting):
"Day 4: Trust Fall (Pushed)"
"Day 5: I've Got Red in My Ledger (Betrayal)"
"Day 6: Touch and Go (Touch-Starved)"
"Day 7: Blind to the Consequences (Blindness)"
"Day 8: Coughing Up a Lung (Exotic Illness)"
"Day 9: Rumors of my Death have been Greatly Exaggerated (Presumed Dead)"
"Day 10: Oops, I Did It Again (Hospital)"
"Day 11: Just Keep Swimming (Drowning)"
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Whumptober 2022
"Day 1: A Little Out of the Ordinary (Adverse Effects)"
"Day 2: Nowhere to Run (Confrontation)"
"Day 3: Hair's Breadth from Death (Impaled)"
"Day 4: Dead On Your Feet (Hidden Injury)"
"Day 5: Every Whumpee's Needs (Tears)"
"Day 6: Proof of Life ("I've Got a Pulse")"
"Day 7: The Way You Shake and Shiver (Shaking Hands)"
"Day 8: Everything Hurts and I'm Dying (Stomach Pain)"
"Day 9: The Very Noisy Night (Caught in a Storm)"
"Day 10: Poor Unfortunate Souls (Stabbed)"
"Day 11: "911, What's Your Emergency?" (Self-Done First Aid)"
"Day 12: What Could Go Wrong (Sensory Overload)"
"Day 13: Can't Make an Omelette Without Breaking a Few Eggs (Dislocation)"
"Day 14: Die a Hero or Live Long Enough to Become a Villain ("I'll Be Right Behind You")"
"Day 15: Emotional Damage (Lies)"
"Day 16: No Way Out (Mind Control)"
"Day 17: Hanging By a Threat (Reluctant Caretaker)"
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Rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated. I mean, yes, I died, but people love to embellish.
Boba Fett
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percy-x-luke · 1 year ago
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Rumors Of My Death Have Been Greatly Exaggerated (908 words) by robindrake93 Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Luke Castellan/Percy Jackson Characters: Luke Castellan, Percy Jackson, Thalia Grace Additional Tags: Whumptober 2021, rumors of my death have been greatly exaggerated, Alive Luke Castellan, Reunions, POV Third Person, Healing, Short One Shot, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Secret Relationship, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence Series: Part 9 of Whumptober Summary: Luke doesn’t die but Percy thinks he does.
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