#rumi verse
apixieindreamland · 4 days
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When I retire for the night, after praying I sometimes try to shift or just tell myself stories about my DR. But last night after prayers, I realized that all I really want is a constant communion with God in silence. To stop grasping at everything I want, stop wishing that I were elsewhere, stop the mental chatter altogether, and just BE. That's exactly what I said to God, and I allowed myself to slip into quiet thoughtless oblivion until I fell asleep.
I had vivid dreams, deep sleep and woke up feeling rested and happy - all very unusual for me. Usually first thing in the morning, my thoughts will fall back into whatever negative rut they were in the day before. Not today! It was as if my mind had healed from its self-inflicted wounds, and I didn't have a single negative thought until much later. But I decided that I loved this new state of mind and wouldn't give any quarter to negative thoughts anymore.
I mentioned that I'm reading through the New Testament for the first time, and yesterday I came across this:
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This can be a metaphor for so many things, but for now I'm relating it to my old negative thought patterns, which are like trees which "bringeth not forth good fruit." They don't make me happy or benefit my life one bit, so I'm uprooting them and continuing on with the positive momentum I currently have.
My heart has been moving me away from the need to grasp at being somewhere/something else for a while, as well as becoming far less enchanted with material possessions, and I have long since become weary of my own mental chatter. There's an emptiness to all of that. After this experience, I see that abandoning these things and being at peace in communion with God is the right path for me. It feels like I'm embarking on a totally different way of life, one of immense peace.
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"Speak little. Learn the words of eternity. Go beyond your tangled thoughts and find the splendour of paradise."
"Lose yourself, lose yourself. Escape from the black cloud that surrounds you. Then you will see your own light as radiant as the full moon.
Now enter that silence. This is the surest way to lose yourself.
What is your life about, anyway? Nothing but a struggle to be someone, nothing but running from your own silence."
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cage-cat-yt · 4 months
Some doodles from a few days ago
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I just think it's all neat :3 sorry also the IDs aren't descriptive, my anxiety is sooo bad today 😭
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spaceobloquy · 5 months
[ Continuing with @ryathenaughtykitsune ]
It wasn't surprising that Rumi caught the woman's attention; her attire was perhaps equally as salacious and provocative as it was elegant or classy in its cut. The brilliant, glittering red of her dress was anything but subtle, and she probably looked more like entertainment than a guest.
Her behavior, however, suggested exactly the opposite. She seemed to be in no rush to engage with anyone else present, for one thing. For another, while her dress showed a lot of skin, below it was plainly powerful muscle. It was easy to see that messing with her was likely unwise, and thus nobody much seemed to want to bother her.
She didn't quite notice the look she was given though, being busy with securing her own supply of champagne from a waiter. "Come on, don't be stingy!" she chastised, before her hands jetted forward over his tray.
They withdrew bearing four flutes of bubbly: two between thumbs and forefingers, and two between pinkie and ring fingers. She had a big grin on her face at that, and was about to take a sip from one when she caught sight of her fellow dour guest immediately beside her... and the woman's older attendant—whom she eyed suspiciously for a second.
"Oh! Heyyy~! Fancy seeing you here!" she began, as though she knew the woman and always had. Without missing a beat, she peered at the singular empty champagne glass of theirs a little sadly. "That's all they gave you? I swear these guys are worthless..." Her left hand extended to offer the two flutes therein, while she expertly used her right to shotgun both the other two at once, then dispensed with those glasses on a passing waiter's tray.
She'd instantly gotten rid of all four!
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That grin promptly returned to her face. "Have those to put some pep in your step, then we can go freshen up real quick and get some more; stuff's the only thing making this place bearable!"
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breach-of-conduct · 3 months
oh ana by mother mother as a rumi song? Maybe? Idk let me know what you think-
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secret-engima · 2 years
(also gentle reminder, you need to be signed into Ao3 to see my fics atm)
Miruko wakes up with a hangover and a hot (in more ways than one) criminal in her bed. Surprisingly, most of the things that implies don't actually apply.
Dabi finds a quirk drunk hero on the street and drags her to bed, and there's nothing sexy about it (sometimes he hates that his morals aren't flammable).
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xcamena · 2 years
     Normally, this would be something that a hero would put off onto a sidekick, but.. Rumi wasn't exactly known for that. No, she preferred doing things on her own, and so this was exactly what she needed to do. 
                    “Aizawa-- you got any connections that can help me out with this?” 
     And that was how she found herself staring down at a business card in one hand and her phone in the other. She hadn’t heard this name before, but if Aizawa recommended them, surely they must be good at what they do. So, fingers dialed the numbers and she put the phone up to her ear, waiting for an answer as it rang three times in her ear.
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algolagnicalchemist · 2 months
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"Let the beauty we love be what we do. There are hundreds of ways to kneel and kiss the ground."
- Jalāl al-Dīn Muḥammad Rūmī (13th century Persian poet) "Spring Giddiness"
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fiercewinged · 6 months
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@musehotpot asked: 🚑 - Rumi
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It had been a long day. A long exhausting day, leaving the winged hero walking towards his apartment building rather than flying there as he usually would. He'd taken a hard hit earlier in the day - a large villain getting lucky and managing to smack him out of the air into the side of a nearby building - but brushed it off to continue his duties, as was expected of him. There was nothing broken, so he was fine, right? Except flying had gotten harder and more painful as the hours passed, until...by the end of his shift...he could barely stretch his right wing out to it's full width, the twinge of discomfort having grown into an agonizing scream of pain every time his wing so much as twitched.
He was hoping that it was late enough in the evening that most people would already be home, thus leaving him free to slip home in relative obscurity and not have to deal with being questioned about why he was walking instead of flying. He didn't want to explain. He didn't want to talk about it. He just wanted to go home and nurse his bruises - physical and pride alike - in peace. An all too familiar figure walking towards him caught his attention, however, and he sighed under his breath before tucking his hands into his pockets, attempting to appear for all the world like he was just taking a nice, leisurely late evening stroll down the street as he forced a carefree grin onto his face.
"Heyyyyy if it isn't my favorite rabbit hero! You taking a nice walk this evening too? And here I thought it was just me!"
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batgovernor · 10 months
Light verse: RHL, 'Question the Universe'
Odin wrote runey verse Rumi wrote Sunni verse Edward Lear? Loony verse. Question the universe with your buffoony verse. ***** Sometimes you jot down a little light piece inspired more by wordplay than anything else, and the more you look at it the more it resonates. This is one such. The characters are diverse, coming from pre-literate Scandinavia, Renaissance-inspiring Islam, and Victorian…
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humansofnewyork · 1 year
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(54/54) “I wish I could see it again. Just one more time. I wouldn’t need long. I’d spend a day in Tehran. I’d visit Persepolis, to see the ruins. I’d go to Nahavand, to see my people. To meet their children. And the children of their children. And then I’d go to his tomb. He was buried in his garden. And to stand there one more time, where he tended his trees. Where he sowed his seeds. Seven verses a day. I’d say them quietly in my head, I wouldn’t want to disturb the peace. But something happens, I can’t help it. I feel the heat. I feel the pressure. It’s like a sword pierces my body and I have to let it out: 𝑹𝒂𝒌𝒉𝒔𝒉 𝒓𝒐𝒂𝒓𝒆𝒅 𝒃𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒂𝒕𝒉 𝑹𝒐𝒔𝒕𝒂𝒎! The thunder of hooves, the spark of swords, the clash of axes, the single arrow spinning through the air. Who are these Persians? Rumi, Saadi, Hafez, Khayyam, Ferdowsi. Not even a lion! Not even a lion could stand against them! Our kings. Our queens. Our castles. Our battles. Our banquets. Our songs and celebrations. Our culture. Our wisdom. Our choices. Our story. And our words. All of our words. Words of mothers, words of fathers, words that teach, words that fly, words that cut, words that heal, words laughed, words sung, words wept, words prayed, words whispered in a moonlit garden, words of sin, words kissed, words sighed, words spoken from one knee. 𝘔𝘦𝘩𝘳. Words forgotten. Words remembered again. Words written on a page. Words etched on the face of a tomb. 𝘑𝘢𝘢𝘯. 𝘒𝘩𝘦𝘳𝘢𝘥. A castle of words! That no wind or rain will destroy! Who we were. Who we were! But also, who we wanted to be. We begin in darkness. A siren screams. A knight appears. A knight with the heart of a lion. A knight with a voice to make, the hardened hearts of warriors quake. A knight who rode out to face the enemy alone, and she roared. She roared! She roared at the enemy lines! Here! Here is your champion! Her wisdom, her soul, her voice, her faith, her power, her heart, her passion, her sin, her choice, her life, her fight, her fire, her fury, her justice! And her hair. Hair like a waterfall. Hair like silk. Hair like night. Hair worthy of a crown. 𝘈𝘻𝘢𝘥𝘪. All of Iran, in a single poem.”
 آرزو دارم بار دیگر آن را ببینم. برای یکبار هم که شده. کوته زمانی شاید. یک روز هم در تهران بمانم. سپس به تخت‌جمشید بروم، ویرانه‌های پرشُکوهش را دیدار کنم. آنگاه سری به نهاوند بروم، با سر بروم، برای دیدن زادگاهم. دیدن مردمانش. دیدن فرزندان‌ و فرزندانِ فرزندان‌شان. سپس به آرامگاه‌اش خواهم رفت. در باغ‌اش که خاک پاک اوست. یک بار دیگر آنجا بایستم که او درختان‌اش را می‌پروراند. زمینی که دانه‌هایش را در آن می‌کاشت. هفت بیت شعر میانگین هر روزش را می‌سرود. سروده‌هایش را به آرامی در دل و جانم زمزمه کنم. آرامش آنجا را به هم نخواهم زد. بی‌گمان از درونم احساسی می‌جوشد، جلویش را نتوانم گرفت. گرمایش را، فشارش را احساس می‌کنم. شمشیری تنم را می‌شکافد، فریادم را فرو می‌خورم: از این سو خُروشی بر آورد رَخش / وزآن سوی اسب یل تاجبخش! پژواک سُم اسب‌ها، درخشش شمشیرها، چکاچاک تبرها، و چرخش تک‌تیری در آسمان بلند. ‌کیانند اینان، ایرانیان؟ مولانا، سعدی، حافظ، خیام، فردوسی. دل شیر در جنگ‌شان اندکی‌ست! شاهان‌مان. شهبانوان‌مان. کاخ‌هامان. نبردهامان. بزم‌هامان. سرودها و جشن‌هامان. پهلوانان‌مان. فرهنگ‌مان. خردمان. گُزینه‌هامان. داستان‌مان. و واژگان‌مان. همه‌ی واژگان‌مان. واژگان مادران، واژگان پدران، واژگانی که می‌آموزند، واژگانی که پرواز می‌کنند، واژگانی که می‌بُرند، واژگانی که بهبودی می‌بخشند، واژگان خندان، واژگان سروده شده، واژگان زاری، واژگان نیایش، واژگان نجوا شده در باغ مهتابی، واژگان گناه، واژگان بوسیده شده، واژگان آوخ، واژگان گفته شده بر یک زانو. مهر. واژگان فراموش شده. واژگان یادآوری شده. واژگان نوشته شده بر برگ. واژگان حک شده بر آرامگاه. جان. خرد. کاخی از واژگان! که از باد و باران نیابد گزند! که بوده‌ایم. که بوده‌ایم! و چه می‌خواستیم باشیم. در تاریکی آغاز می‌کنیم. بانگ آژیری برمی‌خیزد. سواری پدیدار می‌شود. پهلوانی با دل شیر. با خُروشی که دل‌های استوار جنگیان را می‌لرزاند. پهلوانی که به تنها تن خویش به نبرد دشمن می‌رود. و می‌خُروشد. می‌خُروشد! می‌خُروشد بر صف دشمنان! اینجاست، اینجاست پهلوان شما! خِرد او، جان او، آوای او، ایمان او، نیروی او، دل او، شور او، گُناه او، گُزینه‌ی او، زندگی او، زمان او، نبرد او، آتش او، خشم او. داد او! و گیسوان او. گیسوانی چون آبشار. گیسوانی ابریشمین، گیسوانی چون شب. گیسوانی سزاوار تاج. آزادی. همه‌ی ایران در شعری یگانه
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talonabraxas · 28 days
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When you plant a tree every leaf that grows will tell you what you sow will bear fruit. So if you have any sense, my friend, don't plant anything but Love, you show your worth by what you seek. Water flows to those who want purity. Wash your hands of all desires, and come to the table of Love. Do you want me to tell you a secret ? The flowers attract the most beautiful lover with their sweet smile and scent. If you let Love weave the verse in your poem people will read it forever. — Rumi
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spaceobloquy · 11 months
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Rumi's tail was wiggling.
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robynwantstowrite · 21 days
The Bookstore
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Meet cute situation!
Word count: 223
Megumi Fushiguro x GN! reader
Y/N had always found solace in their neighborhood bookstore, tucked away from the bustling city streets. On this particular rainy afternoon, you sought refuge among the tall shelves, browsing through the poetry section. As you reached for a well-worn copy of Rumi’s poems, your hand brushed against someone else’s. Startled, you looked up to find a pair of beautiful Blue eyes meeting yours.
“Sorry, I didn’t mean to—" you started, but the stranger interrupted with a smile.
“No, no, I’m the one who should apologize. Rumi’s popular today, it seems,” he chuckled, his voice soft and inviting.
You felt a blush creep up your cheeks. “He is. I guess I’ll have to let you take this one.”
“How about this—we’ll share it? I’m Megumi, by the way,” he offered, extending his hand.
You hesitated for a moment, then shook his hand. “Y/N. And that sounds like a deal.”
You spent the next hour sitting on the store's cozy armchairs, reading aloud your favorite verses to each other, the rain pattering against the windows like a soft melody. By the time the rain had stopped, you'd made plans to meet again—this time, at a café where you could dive deeper into both poetry and each other’s lives.
What started as a simple bookstore mishap blossomed into the first chapter of your unexpected love story.
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sslowdeathh · 7 months
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Requested by @narcette, please forgive me for the wait. :(
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Sunny. Sunshine. Áine. Aelius. Anatole. Cyrus. Lyric. Sunshine. Claire. Esther. Laine. Aurum. Álvaro. Reed. Melody. Harmony. Chord. Calliope. Aubade. Lyra. Rumi. Ronen. Ronan. Clarion. Liron. Rony. Sonnet. Kavya. Verse. Atticus. Abaeus. Abaios. Agraios. Link. Carneius. Lathrios. Loimios. Lycian. Melus. Clerius.
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Sun suns. God gods. Lyr lyric. Muse music. Poet poetry. Ly lyre. Bri bright. Sun light. Har harmony. Chord chords. Choi choirs. Cresce crescendo. Motif motifs. Pro prophet. Truth truths. Div divine. Deit deity. Holy holiest. Muse muses. Honest honesty. Ha harp. Cello cello's. Ly lyra. Char chariot. Vio viola.
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The god with the golden sword. The god of the (sun, healing, poetry, etc). The deliverer of the plague. The god born. The omen in words and sounds. The leader of the muses. The sound of health. The averter of evil. The rescuer. The prophet. He of the locusts. He who's standing before the entrance. The worshipped. The messenger of truth. The deity of honesty.
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Bring Your Own Bunny (Keigo Takami / Reader)
Explicit Content MDNI
CW: Rough oral sex, alcohol and marijuana use, slight breeding kink, costume parties, wardrobe malfunction
W/C: 2.2k
A fire lit up in my throat, spreading to my chest, and wrapping around my ribs tightly. My body heaved as I coughed. I set the bong down on the coffee table and reached for my cup, half full of some mixed drink, the name slipping my mind. 
“Jesus Christ that kicked me,” I spoke through coughs. “I’m about to get fucked, aren’t I?” I laughed, setting my cup down on the table. A head of blonde hair caught my eye from the corner of the room. My eyes trailed down his body, noticing a rather familiar costume adorning his slim figure. He wore a skimpy bodysuit and bunny ears. 
“Hey, Blondie!” I called out. Golden eyes locked onto me. “Nice costume. Very original,” I laughed, gesturing to my own bodysuit. He smirked, moving toward the couch I was seated on. He sat down next to me, his arm resting on the back of the couch. 
“D’ya lose a bet or something?” I asked, feeling a haze of sorts wash over my limbs. 
“I did, actually. If I had a say in my costume I would’ve gone as pyramid head,” he clicked his tongue and leaned forward to grab the bong. 
“Somehow I think that would’ve ended up being even more slutty.” I mumbled as I opened my phone. “Would you be down to take a picture, since we’re matching and all,” I asked, holding up my phone. He nodded as he blew a large puff of smoke from his lips. “Rumi,” I called out, grabbing my friend's attention. I tossed her my phone and gestured to the blonde as I stood up. The man followed me to a spot in front of scattered decorations. I stood at his side, leaning into him and arching my back. I stayed still, chest pressed against him as I waited to hear a soft click.
“Got it,” Rumi said, handing my phone back to me. I scrolled through the pictures, smiling as I found the perfect shot. 
“Hey, send that to me.” He said, speaking close to my ear. 
“Here.” I handed him my phone. His thumbs quickly worked away, typing in his number. He handed the phone back to me. I looked over the screen at the text he’d entered. The contact name read “Keigo” with an emoticon heart. 
“And sent. Thanks, Keigo.” I smiled, waving at him as I walked back into the main house.
My skin was slick with sweat. My body warmed from the alcohol running through my blood. I swayed, my arms swirling around my body as I danced to the music booming through the room. The low bass lines drove my hips in circles, my feet stepped from side to side to keep my body balanced. The breathy vocals came in, the harsh guitar dimming as the verse commenced. I threw my head back, eyes closed as I basked in the sensation of vertigo that the weed had summoned. My fingers tingled slightly. A buzz from my hand drew my attention away from the music. The bright screen made my eyes squint, my face scrunched as I read the notification on my Lock Screen. 
“Wardrobe malfunction. Figured you could help. I’m in the upstairs bathroom.” Then my eyes flicked to the sender. It was Keigo. I felt my cheeks heat up, even more than they already were. Tucking my phone away into the top of my bodysuit, I stepped away from the swarm of swaying bodies and approached the staircase. Knowing this house too well, I quickly turned down the hallway and approached the bathroom at the end of the corridor. The door was shut, light shining through the crack at the bottom of the door. I knocked on the door. The doorknob twisted. Aureate eyes peered out at me from behind the door. Keigo signed, opening the door to let me in. He pushed the door closed as I stepped inside. The pounding music grew muffled from behind the door. 
“I’m so sorry, I didn’t know what to do.” His cheeks were a bright shade of crimson. 
“You’re fine. What’s wrong?” I asked, leaning back against the sink. My eyes were drawn to his hands, placed over his crotch. “Shit.”
“I said I was sorry!” He blurted out, “Look, I can’t walk around like this.” 
“Hang on, I know Rumi has some shit in here,” I crouched down in front of the sink and pulled the cupboard open. I was met with a mess of cosmetics and hair products. “Can you like…tuck or something?” I asked, trying to not look behind me. The squeak of spandex filled my ears as he fiddled with the bodysuit.
“God this is uncomfortable,” he whined. Digging through the mess of products, I found a pack of double-sided fashion tape. 
“Got it!” I exclaimed, turning around to face Keigo. His hands were stuffed inside his bodysuit, adjusting his cock. A fluttering feeling began to grow in the pit of my stomach as I watched him quickly remove his hands. I squeezed my thighs together as I broke open the packaging for the tape. 
“Hey, I can get it from here. It’s okay,” he spoke, reaching out to grab the tape from my hands. I pulled my hands back, staring up at him through my lashes. 
“I…uh,” I started, wetness pooling between my legs. “Can I…” 
“Oh yeah, thank you. You really don’t have to-”
“No, I mean…can I suck you off?” I cut him off, dropping the tape.
“Oh uh…” He stood still, eyes flicking madly. His hands stretched over his head fingers fiddling with the zipper to his body suit. I gently hit his elbow as my other hand pushed the thin fabric covering his cock to the side. The head of his cock was flushed a dusty rose. A thin thread of precum drooped from the tip. I leaned in, running my tongue over the bottom of his shaft. I flicked the tip of my tongue over the head of his cock and brought my lips around the circumference. I took more of his cock into my mouth, tongue flattening against the bottom of his shaft. 
“Oh shit-“ he grunted, hands grasping at my hair. I lowered myself further onto his length. The familiar tight, strained feeling arose in my throat as short stubble began to prick the tip of my nose. I pulled back and started a steady rhythm, moving back and forth. His golden eyes stared down at me as I worked. Plump lips parted with soft breathy noises escaping them. Every shudder that crossed his sticky skin sent a pulse to my core. I slipped my fingers into my bodysuit and dragged my fingers up my core. Once my fingers were slicked up, I began circling them around my clit. 
“Fuck, you like this?” He moaned, “Lemme fuck your throat then, huh? Keep rubbing your clit if you want me to fuck your face,” his eyes were glued between my legs. My fingers kept circling around my clit, easing the knotted pressure that had been building in my stomach all night. His hands grabbed onto both sides of my head, nails digging into the skin behind my ears. His hips began pushing the head of his cock further into my mouth, thrusting in and out at a rough pace. Warmth flooded down my cheeks as thick, black tears began to run down my face, smearing my eyeliner and mascara. I circled my fingers faster around my clit. I choked out a moan around his cock. His thighs began to tremble, one hand grasping my jaw and holding my mouth open as he pushed even deeper into my throat. My hands pushed at his thighs as I began to gag around his length. He pulled back, groaning as he looked at my face. Strands of saliva hung from my chin. My previously pristine red lipstick now amounted to faint crimson smears over my cheeks. He stepped forward again. I opened my mouth, looking up at him through my damp eyelashes. 
“Fuck, no, no it’s your turn,” he spoke as he grabbed my hand, pulling me to my feet. His hands slid down to my waist, spinning me around so I faced the sink. My eyes widened as I caught a glimpse of my disheveled face in the mirror. He gripped my thigh, pulling my leg so it straddled the corner of the sink. I pushed into my heel with the other one. His eyes met mine in the mirror, pupils flicking to the bunny ears pinned to the top of my head. 
“You do look cute as a bunny,” he smirked, grabbing onto one of my fabric ears. “But I want to know,” His fingers swiftly parted my lips and dipped inside my mouth. “Do you wanna get bred like a bunny?” He asked, fingertips pushing down on the back of my tongue. Drool began to run down my lips. I meekly nodded, sighing with relief when he withdrew his fingers. His other hand forced the fabric covering my core to the side. Wet fingers went straight to my core, swiping up and down my cunt before brushing against my clit. My hips jerked at the sudden stimulation. 
“Keigo!” I whimpered as he quickly began to circle his fingers around my clit. My toes curled, teeth clenched as I attempted to bite back moans. His palm smacked my cunt, drawing a startled moan from my lungs. Then just as suddenly, his fingers were back to drawing tight circles over my clit. My lips parted, eyes straining against my tendons as the pleasure began to pool in my stomach. A myriad of noises streamed from my saliva-coated lips. Pants and moans, incoherent babbles, and long, drawn-out whimpers. My heated cheek pressed against the sink. My fingers spread out, grasping at anything they could grab. A flood of static engulfed my body. Starting in my stomach, and slowly washing over every inch of my sweaty skin. My knee gave out, body tilted as I began to slide off the countertop, however, a firm grasp on my hip stopped me from sliding. My unfocused eyes looked in the mirror, watching as his eyes flicked over my fucked out body. 
“You think you can do one more?” He asked, fingers soothing over my tense muscles. I nodded silently, not bothering to lift my head from the sink. His hands quickly went to work, turning my body over so my lower back rested on the sink. He held on firmly to the backs of my thighs, gaze dropping as he lined his cock up with me. He slowly pushed forward, a soft moan slipping from his lips as he pushed more of his length inside me. My vision went blurry, eyes going unfocused as pleasure washed over me. My breath hitched as the tip of his cock tapped lightly on my cervix. I propped myself up on my elbows, watching as his cock sunk in and out of me. He started off slowly, letting me adjust to his size. His eyes scrunched shut, lips parted as his breath grew labored. 
“I’m not gonna last long,” he huffed, eyes meeting mine. 
“Please just fuck me,” I whimpered. His hips stagnated. Suddenly, he gripped onto the front of my bodysuit and began roughly pulling it down. The seams began to pop as he forced the spandex down my chest. A waft of cold air sparked chills over my exposed skin. My nipples began to perk up, drawing his attention. He leaned forward, lips roughly locking onto one of my nipples. My body jolted against the countertop as his hips drew forward. His fast, rough thrusts sent my body careening toward bliss. My toes curled, my voice growing untamed as I unashamedly let my voice out. My fingers gripped his blonde locks, squeezing tightly as his teeth sunk down into my skin. His tongue soothed over the bite marks before moving to my other nipple. 
“Keigo, harder!” I cried out. He pulled back from my marred skin, sparking a new fervor into his thrusts. His hips snapped roughly against mine. The sound of wet slapping echoed around the cramped room. 
“Oh f-uck,” he moaned, eyes rolling to the back of his head. I gripped hard onto the countertop. My ankles began to flex, tendons being pulled tight as a freezing wave of haze flooded my senses. My breath hitched, catching in my throat. My face contorted, jaw going slack in a silent scream. 
As my consciousness slowly reassembled itself, the feeling of clinging, sweaty heat stuck out in my mind. My eyes focused on the cluster of towels curled beside my body. The feeling of rough shag wiping at my spent cunt drew my focus. I watched as Keigo pressed a kiss to my inner thigh. 
“I ruined your costume, I’m so sorry.” He frowned as his fingers toyed with the tattered fabric. I looked down at the strips of torn spandex that adorned my bare chest. 
“Make it up to me?” I asked, sitting up. I leaned forward and pressed a soft kiss to his lips. He hummed, lips moving back against mine. “Take me home.”
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santoschristos · 28 days
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When you plant a tree
every leaf that grows will tell you
what you sow will bear fruit.
So if you have any sense, my friend,
don't plant anything but Love,
you show your worth by what you seek.
Water flows to those who want purity.
Wash your hands of all desires,
and come to the table of Love.
Do you want me to tell you a secret ?
The flowers attract the most beautiful lover
with their sweet smile and scent.
If you let Love weave the verse in your poem
people will read it forever.
— Rumi
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