#rumbelle prompt
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thestraggletag · 10 months ago
Hey guys, any Rumbelle prompts that were epic and never got written? Any you wanna pitch right now? I haven't written since late December and it's getting to me. I need inspiration, if anyone can spare some.
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rumbelle-scream · 11 months ago
the only thing better than amnesia!Belle is amnesia!Rumple 😌
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rumbelle-scream · 10 months ago
taking notes rn 🤭
Things From Beauty I wish I Could Put in Rumbelle Fic
Beauty, by Robin McKinley is one of my top-three best Beauty and the Beast adaptations and probably my favorite novel version of the story. I recently re-read it and had some thoughts. Thoughts which I have compiled into a numbered list.
1 The whole thing about Beauty being ugly
So in this book, Beauty has two older sisters who are both great beauties. Since the book starts when Beauty is twelve or so, she has acne and she hates her appearance and she just kind of nopes out of the whole idea of trying to be pretty. Over the course of the story, Beauty grows up and starts getting outside more. She even talks about how farm work almost turns her into more of a boy than a girl and she finds that liberating. Once she gets to the castle, she gets put in clothes and jewels fit for a princess, which she thinks is absurd. She doesn’t realize how beautiful she actually is because her self-concept has frozen in place. Say what you will about the “ugly duckling” narrative, but I think it’s valuable to show that who you are at twelve is not the same person you are at nineteen. Beauty ends up looking like her mom. 
2 Beauty having a family that we see and a father that we believe she would give her life for
In the show, we never really get an idea of who Belle is actually saving. Personally, I feel comfortable giving her an extended family and girlhood friendships that we don’t see on the show. But I feel like adding in siblings would be too much change, unless that was the central conceit of the fic–if it was a fic about Belle’s relationship with her sisters. How good of a father Maurice is varies from fic to fic, but we very rarely get the idea that Belle would give up everything just to save him. 
3 The castle being cursed as well as the Beast
I love Imp Rumple as much as the next person, but you never get the feeling that life as the Dark One is that much worse than it was before his curse. That’s why he isn’t looking for love, why he chose power over love. In Beauty, the Beast is isolated in his castle, he’s a prisoner there and he has been for 200 years. The book also makes it a point that nothing else lives in the castle or on the grounds. There aren’t even birds or butterflies in the garden.  
4 Beauty weakening the curse even before she breaks it, just by dint of being her
Beauty makes the Beast’s life better, even before she starts to love him. She doesn’t like the lifeless loneliness of the place, so she asks for something to feed birds–even though the curse doesn’t allow there to be birds. But the sheer force of Beauty’s stubbornness and specialness brings birds to her windowsill.  
5 A library full of books that don’t exist yet
Honestly, this is one of the weaker parts of the book, but it’s still fun. Quite a few versions of “Beauty and the Beast” have the heroine being bookish, but we don’t always go into what she likes to read. Beauty corrects this by making her a classics nerd, translating the Greek and Latin books that are in her bedroom library. But in the Beast’s library, there are books that haven’t been written yet. Anachronistic authors like Browning and Ruyard Kipling. (Beauty is disappointed in herself when she admits that she’s never heard of these writers who haven’t been born yet.) Just, imagine Belle reading The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes and tell me you don’t want that in a fic.   
6 The portrait of the Beast when he was still a man, and him asking her opinion of it. 
This is the moment that made me want to write this list. It’s such a great part of the book. On a rainy day, the Beast takes Beauty to a portrait gallery in the castle. He shows her a series of paintings that are all of one family. The last painting is the image of a breathtakingly handsome young man. For a minute, Beauty is intimidated by his good looks and the haunted fire in his eyes–she doesn’t like this man. But then she gathers herself. She knows that that Beast is beside her, and she trusts him and likes him much more than a painting–no matter how handsome and haughty the young man in the painting is. 
Like, this is such a good moment. Cuz Beauty doesn’t know who she’s looking at, but we know, and the Beast knows and it’s just so full of unspoken meaning…
 …And it just wouldn’t work in a Rumbelle fic. At least, not one that has very much to do with canon. Imp Rumple isn’t that unrecognizable from his spinner self. And when would Spinner Rumple have a picture painted? And the meaning would be different. I can’t see Belle expressing attraction to the image of Spinner Rumple, and any sympathy she might express for him would just come off as pity. Rumple is contemptuous of himself at any stage of his life. It wouldn’t signify anything for their relationship if Belle chose the imp over the coward.
 But if only we could have a moment like that!
7 The Beast watching and caring for Beauty’s family 
Going back to the idea of Belle’s family actually being worth talking about after she goes to the castle. In Beauty the Beast is able to observe Beauty’s family while she’s gone from them. He tells Beauty that he has come to care for them. He sends her father dreams to let them know that Beauty is alright. He gives them gifts and luxuries that make their provincial life more like the riches they were once accustomed to. This is partially out of guilt (because having jewels is less important than having the youngest daughter around) but also out of love. (I really love the moment when the Beast gives fancy gowns to Beauty’s infant niece and nephew. Her sister admits that she wanted to dress the babies up in something nice, but it’s so impractical when they grow so fast.)
I just love the whole idea that the Beast isn’t beastly in any way except his appearance. I love the idea that he wants his curse to break, he wants to join humanity again. And more than anything else, he wants Beauty to love him as much as he already loves her.     
I’m not saying you can’t have all this in Rumbelle fic, but these are parts of Beauty that I deeply love and wish I could see more of in other works. 
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fioredimarzoo · 3 months ago
Hey, I have a 🌶 prompt for rumbelle/goldenlace!! and i need someone to fic it!
Cursed Storybrooke, but in the present day. Season one. Rumple has just woken up from the curse, after Emma's arrival, and one random afternoon, while he's on his smartphone, he gets a notification that an onlyf4ns creator he subscribed to has just posted a photo (the nickname is something like luvlace(?) bookishluvxoxo, idk). Rumple, having nothing better to do, decides to take a look (well, he's paying for whatever this photo is!) and there he sees his Belle for the first time in years, with less clothes than he was used to seeing her wear. First reaction: shock! he smashes his phone somewhere!
His Belle is alive and... not dressed!
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fluffapalooza · 23 days ago
Could we get some suggestions for the fluff, please?
How about some humourous 'Belle adjusts to SB' fics? Like she doesn't have any curse memories (at least at first, not until her Lacey persona is activated), let's see her shocked by her first introduction to short skirts and 'modern' clothing. Let's see her reaction to clothes washers and dryers. (Shrinking something wool down to an unwearable size because she put it in the dryer has 'shocking to her but funny to a reader' potential, for instance.) The wonders of an electric hairdryer. Modern kitchen appliances, vacuums, pre-packaged food in a grocery store, the 'Belle faces off against a parking meter' scene that the writers promised and never delivered on. A person transplanted from the pre-industrial era to a town stuck in the 1980s has so much potential that they never explored. She was barely exposed to anything in her cell in the hospital basement; presumably she had at least a sink and a toilet but so much would have been new to her once she got out of there. Cars. Telephones. You get the idea. Lots of opportunities for funny mishaps and learning experiences and just seeing her delight and wonder of discovery.
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beeeinyourbonnet · 2 months ago
Rumbelle 13
Kiss #13--discreetly. I set this in Gilded
Gold hated Belle waitressing on the floor. He’d always hated it, but now that they had kissed under the mistletoe six times, he hated it even more. If only she had not been a waitress in his club, they could have been kissing any time they were in the same building.
Of course, if she wasn’t a waitress, he would never have met her. He couldn’t imagine a scenario in which she’d actually choose to talk to him once per day.
She’d already brought him his drink and kissed him, and now the night stretched with nothing to look forward to. Unable to sit in his dark room and wait for money to come to him anymore, he slunk out onto the floor to lurk.
It wasn’t quite as crowded as he’d have liked for hiding, but no one paid him any attention as he skirted around the back wall, behind all the patrons and away from the tables.
That is, until someone bumped into his good side. He started to snarl, but it died on his tongue when he saw it was just Belle, grinning at him with her empty tray held at her side.
“Look who ventured out of his cave,” she said.
“My office isn’t a cave,” he said. “It’s where I do my job.”
“Your job of sitting there until people are so scared, they just bring you money?”
He bit his cheek so he wouldn’t grin at that. “My job of owning and running a nightclub.”
“Oh, of course,” she said. 
He was about to retort when she glanced furtively around, and he frowned, hairs on the back of his neck standing up.
“What?” he asked, shrinking as close to the wall as possible.
“Oh, nothing,” she said, and he didn’t believe her, but then she stood on her toes and pecked him on the corner of the mouth. “I just didn’t want anyone to see me do that.”
He could have floated away, but he kept his cool. “I see,” he said and then, before she could disappear back into the crowd, kissed her on the cheek as well. She flushed pink, and he was sure his cheeks were already red.
“Have a good night, Mr. Gold,” she said.
He swallowed. “Good night, Miss French.”
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darklightcore · 2 years ago
Oh, I remember I've came across something like this on AO3, then tried to find it and never couldn't! Does anyone know the name?????🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
Rumbelle prompt
A rumbelle’d Cinderella with Rumple as Cinderella and Belle as the Prince(ss).
Just picture it. Evil step dad Malcom (or step mom regina) and evil step brothers hook and august(or someone else) fairy godson neal.
Imagine woobie spinner Rumple being forced to be a servant in his own household. When the king announces that there is to be a ball in honor of the princess and everyone in the kingdom is invited he sees this as a chance for one little adventure.
Of course his family doesn’t want him to go and tell him he can only go if he is able to look the part. Rumple users his skill in spinning to create a decent outfit but his family is so annoyed the destroy it. Cue fairy godson neal. He gives rumple a new outfit (ala the red vested skin deep outfit or something) and seems him to the ball.
Classic Cinderella with commoner charming the royal at the ball. When the clock strikes midnight he leaves behind a silken ascot or of the type that had actually been made by his own thread. Belle days she will only may the man who it belonged to. Can you see where I’m going from here?
I want this. I want it bad. But I don’t have the time nor the skill to write it. Who can I get to write it for me?
breaktimewritings *nudge nudge*
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rumbelleshowdown · 7 months ago
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Question: How many unused prompts were left after the Showdown?
Answer: 170! And here they are! (Under the cut, b/c long.)
You’re not like me. 
Trust isn’t everything. 
The light’s gone out. 
Sweet or savory. 
Worst patient. 
Flower of fate. 
Workplace romance. 
Cinderella AU. 
Wake the prince. 
Runaway bride. 
Little Gideon, shop, Weaver. 
Leather and steel. 
Magical exhaustion. 
Fluffy clouds, shapes, sunlight. 
Dark, darker, darkest. 
The Book of Kells. 
The Long Room. 
Irish pub with music. 
Historical AU – Victorian. 
Sharing a dreamscape. 
First kisses. 
Last time. 
Tea shop. 
Hedge maze. 
Heist gone wrong. 
Last of the teabags. 
Phone battery low. 
Is the ghost friendly? 
A bad book. 
Uglier than you are.
Talking in your sleep. 
Modern pop culture references
Soulmate au -seeing colors
Overhears talking to self
Plus size belle
Matchmaker henry
Appearance glamor
Blind/deaf main character 
Talking tea pots
Dreaming of maidens and monsters. 
Whispers of desire. 
Belle kicks Zelena’s ass. 
TikTok trends. 
Twister game night. 
This isn’t your Uber. 
Adopting a new pet. 
Deck of cards. 
Aquarium, coffee, washing machine. 
Preparing for something big. 
Words on your skin. 
Enchanted Forest. 
High School Musical. 
Station 19. 
Hyperion Heights. 
Little girl named Rose. 
Storm, poison, tears, light. 
Sacrifice, True Love, healing. 
Weaver doesn’t make it. 
Nurse Belle. 
Please help my Papa. 
Please, wake up. 
Sacrifice, pain, light, laugh. 
Don’t leave me alone. 
Whiskey in a teacup. 
Night talk. 
The Light One!Belle. 
Let’s just pretend. 
Blood went cold.
Greenhouse, museum. 
Twirling in his arms. 
Crushed wedding. 
Flirting at a ball. 
“I forgot to shave?” 
“There is only me.” 
Candyshop, Baelfire, awkward. 
Creature of darkness. 
Bird in a cage. 
Yearning for adventures.
Turn no into maybe.
I have school tomorrow. 
Some bathing suits shouldn’t…
Let’s keep this one. 
Younger and younger. 
My bag of tricks. 
Slowly yet surely. 
Warm and cozy. 
Library, lingerie, desk, defile. 
Ravenous, coverage, squirting. 
Moving out. 
Moving in. 
Cat sitting. 
“Well, this is awkward.” 
Red wine. 
Storybrooke’s incumbent mayor. 
Hiring Mr. Cassidy. 
Dagger, snow, fire. 
Arrows, magic, curse. 
Curse, awakening, assassin. 
The witching hour. 
Cloud gazing. 
Spontaneous presents. 
Stroking the hair. 
Soothing caress. 
One last taste 
“Please don’t go.” 
Blood and tears. 
Wedding on the run. 
Werewolves, bake bread, family. 
Detective, curious, strange. 
Amnesia, photographs, scent, blankets. 
Bird in a cage. 
Secret garden. 
Fairy, mischief, music-box, mist.
Empty, street lamp, snow. 
Ball dancing, imp, tease. 
The girl is drunk. 
Golden hour. 
Lantern, fright, cloak. 
Crooked teeth. 
Magic ritual. 
Magical flower. 
White sheets, bright light. 
Lonely night. 
Stuck in my brain. 
Dreadful weather. 
Strange love, trouble, ghost. 
Heaven in hiding, garden. 
3 am, drive, hurricane. 
Dress made of gold. 
Dizzy, truth or dare. 
Suffocating, night, walk, breath. 
Running away. 
Ocean waves. 
Haunted house. 
Witch!Belle, magical library, Salem. 
Goose, attack, hug. 
Strawberry shortcake, tongue, blood. 
Horrid sight, “How dear.” 
Liminal space. 
Hatred, “You saved me.” 
Poetry, smoking, naked, paintings. 
“It’s our secret, then.” 
Forest spirit. 
Misty town, secrets. 
Something to uncover. 
Fall through the ice. 
Forest is my home. 
Dumb and dumber. 
You don’t know everything. 
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cartoonjessie · 1 year ago
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Make Me Feel Alive Again - a Rumbelle Secret Santa 2023 gift for the delightful and talented @kelyon || Rumbelle AU where Rumplestiltskin never let Belle go, and thus canon runs a little... differently... || When Regina meets Belle in the Dark Castle, she harms Belle in a way only Rumplestiltskin can save her... || 14567 words || COMPLETE || Read the story here || Listen to the fanmix here
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a-monthly-rumbelling · 1 year ago
March Prompts
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Non-smut: relation, painter, hiccup
Smut: Choosing to do nothing is still a choice after all.
Random: (song lyric): "I'd rather be a hammer than a nail." Simon and Garfunkel - El Condor Pasa
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A reminder for all:
If the prompts are 3-5 words you don’t have to include all of them. Imaginary bonus points if you do :) but zero stress they just have to include a couple in some fashion so it fits the prompt.
If the prompt is a quote you can include it at any point, it doesn’t have to be the opening line.
If the prompt is the image moodboard (multiple images) you can be inspired by one of them, be inspired by two, be inspired by the lot, get a feeling from the thing and not one of the images specifically - it’s all good. There is no wrong way to approach this.
If the images on the moodboard are of Robert or Emilie’s non-rumbelle characters (eg Rush, Macavoy, Claire, Heiro…), don’t feel you have to use that character. They’re just there for a bit of variety.
Anyelle and anyem are welcome if you do want to use them, though!
if you are inspired by the gif prompt, similarly, your creativity is your only limit. It’ll be a real treat to see you might come up with.
Happy Rumbelling!
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rumbelle-scream · 10 months ago
wait! what's the Curse Of The Poisoned Heart?
Instead of imprisoning Belle, Regina curses her with the Curse of the Poisoned Heart.
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thestraggletag · 1 year ago
Ok, I took a long involuntary writing break and I'm looking for ideas for a new fic. Anything is more than welcome.
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peacehopeandrats · 1 year ago
In Class
Belle glanced at the piece of paper taped to the craft store's window and squeezed Rumple's hand. "Why don't we give it a go?"
He blinked at her, tipping his head back in surprise before making a gesture at the shop and then the sleepy city around them. "You want to give up our evening stroll for painting?" Mirth mingled with the words, making each become a sound of pleasant disbelief.
"And why shouldn't we?" Belle thrust her hands to her hips and tilted her head to the side. It had been a while since she and Rumple had time to be on their own. Even longer since they'd had an evening stroll like the ones they used to take in Storybrooke. The atmosphere only served to fuel her playful banter. "Unless you think you couldn't do it."
"Of course I can do it." Her husband wrinkled his nose as he would have back when she first knew him. The mask didn't stay on long, however. After a breath, his eyes had softened. "I just don't want to take away from our limited time together."
Belle gave him a warm smile. "We can hire more sitters for Gideon," she reminded him. "All you have to do is ask."
He looked at the store, eyes narrowing at the activity happening beyond the glass. "I suppose we could see if they are still taking students."
With a giggle, Belle reached for the door and gave it a gentle tug. It responded with a rattle so loud that every head within the craft store turned their way.
One woman, brows knitted tight, strode forward and pointed at a sign in the window opposite to the one the Golds had been focused on. "Sorry. We're closed."
"We were hoping it wasn't to late to sign up for the lesson," Rumple called out kindly. "We're traveling through town this week. We'd be willing to pay full price for whatever you have left to teach tonight."
A thoughtful hum could be heard on the other side of the glass while several of the students leaned close to whisper to each other. Eventually the lock clicked and the door swung partially open.
"I think we could allow that exception."
* * *
The golds learned a lot about the town that night, and a lot about Miss Lanette, their instructor. They also learned a lot about each other and themselves.
It turned out that Rumple was the better painter, which had surprised him, but not Belle, who insisted that his talent came from years of flourished hand gestures. Belle was much more capable of sketching, making short work of copying the form of the flamingo they would be working on. Deciding to work together on one piece meant that they were able to catch up to the rest of the class quickly and were soon as comfortable with the others as if the class were taking place in Storybrooke.
"Now, these lighter feathers should pick up a little of the darker color, but not much. We want a brief, gentle blending, not something muddy."
Belle tucked her lip in her teeth and studied the work they'd done so far. It looked good, or was at least recognizable, but what she liked most about it was the true blend of technique. It was obvious that the painting was a collaboration. Her strokes clashed in look with Rumple's. Yet the spread of their work, the way her strokes and his gently alternated, made it beautiful.
"I'm going to ruin this," she said.
Rumple shifted position so that he stood beside her and reached out to take her hand and the brush in his own. He pressed close and murmured into her ear. "Then we'll do it together."
"I think we found a new hobby," Belle whispered as he helped her make the first, careful stroke.
Her husband's chest vibrated as he let out an approving hum. "Perhaps we have indeed."
* * *
"Where'd that come from?" Alice pointed to a painting of a pink flamingo leaning against the wall. It clashed so horribly with the rest of the house that she couldn't imagine it had ever belonged in it.
Gideon turned to see what she was pointing at and his eyes instantly clouded over, filling with memories Alice would never know. "My parents brought that home after one of their dates. I was too little to remember everything, but I know we were in a small town and they found someone to watch me while they were out. When I woke up the next day it was in our hotel room and they couldn't stop looking at it."
Alice imagined Rumple, the way he would melt at the mere thought of Belle. She could easily picture that expression again; a man dissolving at the thought of whatever romantic moment caused the purchase of such an interesting item that was not at all his style. It was harder to picture Belle exactly, but she could piece together something from all the stories Gideon had told. She would be sipping tea, elbows on the table, one arm brushing Rumple's. As Gideon munched on his morning oatmeal, his parents would lean into each other until their heads touched and stare at the haphazard feathers that made up their bird...
And everything would be whole in their universe.
Based on the flamingo and city at night images at the Monthly Rumbelling post here:
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wastingstarsss · 1 year ago
✨ Prompt list! ✨
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Letter to a loved one
“Why deny it?”
Dark one Belle
Movie night
Holidays with Bae and Gideon
Belle’s first realisation that she’s attracted to Rumple
Puzzle pieces
Rumbelle and the boys family bonding
Rumple loosely threatening to turn Belle into a snail
Stealing the others shirt
“Did you get enough love, my little dove? Why do you cry?” -Fourth of July, Sufjan Stevens
Pillow fight
Getting a pet
“Stop squirming, you imp.”
Kisses on the nose
Orpheus and Eurydice AU
Once Shattered, Now Whole (centaurworld song)
Pomegranates and picnics
Breakfast in bed
Long lasting hugs
Reunion kisses
Please have fun with these prompts for the 100 words drabbles. You don’t have to write them in order and you don’t even have to use all of them! Remember to lmk anything you post so I can share it on here under the tag #rumbelleweeklydrabbles. Of course, you’re welcome to share them anyways but I thought we could have them all in one place here with the tag so it’s easy to find!
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tickletorso · 1 year ago
Finding the Fun - RSS 2023 Fic
Hello @of-princes-and-savages I am your Secret Santa and damn was this a labor of love! The flu almost stopped me, but I said "not today infectious demon, I have a gift to complete." So without further ado, I hope you enjoy this kinda angsty, mostly fluffy, with just a hint of smut Rumbelle fic.
I will also post it to Ao3, but probably not until tomorrow and I wanted to make sure I got this to you today. So, feel free to read it below....
Summary: Belle and Rumple are settled in Storybrooke with two year-old Gideon. One night, Belle has a mishap and it inspires the couple to try and bring back the fun into their relationship.
Notes: This is a little bit AU, because after Gideon is turned back into a baby, the family stays in Storybrooke instead of traveling realms. So magic exists and all of the characters' history is the same but I’m glossing over the whole “Rumple needs to break his Dark One curse” thing. Also, I researched it and baby deer walk 7 hours after being born. - That’ll make sense when you read it. 
Finding the Fun
Well, this wasn’t the oddest position Rumple had ever found Belle in.
There was the time in the Dark Castle when he’d found her perched high up on a ladder tugging on the window curtains trying to let light into the room. He’d been about to chide her, because it was called the dark castle for a reason, but she’d lost her balance and fell right into his arms. There were many other “Belle mishaps” (as he liked to call them) to choose from, but the ladder was his favorite. He’d ended up with his arms full of a beautiful woman, the sun shining down on him like a spotlight and she hadn’t looked at him with repulsion. Instead he saw curiosity and kindness in her bright blue eyes. He didn’t know it then, but that was the beginning of his love for her. 
Currently, he was leaning against the doorframe of their son Gideon’s room. The hallway light behind him cast a luminous glow over the scene inside. Belle was fast asleep propped up by the headboard of their two year-old son’s bed. Gideon was cradled in her lap, equally fast asleep, his head resting against her bosom. He could tell even from across the room that Gideon’s breathing was a bit labored, and he could hear the occasional sniffle from what was undoubtedly a stuffy nose. 
Ah, Gideon finally caught a cold from one of the other children at daycare. Well it was bound to happen at some point. An autumn chill had recently swept through Storybrooke and with it inevitably came runny noses and germ-laden hands.
But his beautiful wife comforting their son wasn’t the ‘odd’ part of this tableau. It was what she was wearing. Rumple’s eyes trailed up her legs. They were covered in sheer black stockings and just a peek of a garter belt could be seen high up her thigh. He could just make out a pair of matching panties trimmed in scallop lace before Gideon’s little body hid the rest from view. His gaze continued to drift upward to her top. It was a thin and rather ragged sweatshirt with the words Storybrooke Library stamped upon it. It even looked like she’d done her makeup more than usual. Her eyes were darkly lined with a winged effect and her lips were a luscious merlot color. 
He tried to bite back a chuckle. Belle had sent him out for a bottle of wine and there had been a wicked gleam in her eyes. It appears Belle’s plans for a seduction had been rudely and quite suddenly interrupted by Gideon’s head-cold. 
Rumple gently closed the door and made his way to their bedroom where he was met with more evidence of Belle’s thwarted seduction. Hanging off the side of their bed was a black corset covered in a black scallop lace just matching her panties. The drawers of their dresser were all pulled out with clothing spilling out of them and several items strewn across the floor. The male part of him groaned at the missed opportunity. The rest of him had a good laugh while he cleaned up the room. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Belle stumbled down the hallway like a baby deer fresh from the womb. Her legs had fallen asleep while keeping Gideon propped up on her lap. Poor little Gid had woken up crying and panicked because he couldn’t breathe through his nose. He didn’t understand that it was just a cold, and he kept pointing to his nose crying “no no no.” Once she was able to calm him down they’d sat in the bathroom with the shower steaming to help loosen his stuffed sinuses followed by a small dose of cough medicine. He still hadn’t been able to sleep without Belle propping him up making it easier for him to breathe. Thank gods toddlers don’t care what their moms look like as long they’re there, because Belle looked very different than usual.
The house was already dark so it must be late. It was always disorienting leaving Gideon’s room after sleeping with him. It felt like his room existed outside of time and space; the white noise machine, the complete darkness he needed for sleep (he must get it from Rumple), the cozy warmth of his body when he insists on snuggling until he drifts off. It all effectively shuts out the world. So when Belle tiptoes out the door, it always takes her a long time to orient herself to the sounds, the light, and the cold of the real world. She has absolutely no idea what time it is. It could be tomorrow for all she knows. 
She makes her way into the kitchen trying to quietly make some tea before she puts herself to bed. The feeling is back in her legs because she definitely felt the chair she just knocked into which, of course, clattered to the floor. The sound echoing throughout the first floor of the house. With a great huff she slouched against the kitchen counter. So much for quiet. 
“Well well well. What do we have here?”
Belle jumped with a little shriek turning around to meet the very amused eyes of Rumple. 
“Rumple!” She pressed her hand to her heart, “You scared me.”
He shrugged and swaggered towards her pulling her into his arms. He was dressed for bed in his deep blue silk pajama set with a matching robe. The contrast in their attire was very apparent. Most of Belle’s makeup was rubbed off  and her hair was a frizzy, tangled mess from the shower steam. She looked up to see Rumple biting back an amused smile. The glee on his face made him look like the imp she’d known during their time in the Dark Castle together. Despite her embarrassment, she found her heart chuckling inside of her along with him. It had been a long time since she’d seen him find something funny other than from sinister irony. 
His voice was quiet and laughing when he asked, “Would you like to tell me about your evening?”
“Only if you make me some tea.”
“Deal,” he said, and with a peck on her forehead, left her arms to tend to the kettle. 
Belle picked up the chair from the floor and settled herself into it. She pulled a leg up under herself, and the silky slipperiness of her stockings made her grimace. The stockings weren’t made to withstand a steam bath and restless toddler feet snagging on them. They were designed to carefully encase each leg and then dramatically shown off in a big reveal that raises blood pressure (in addition to other things), maybe a short session of eye-fucking, and then finally are peeled off in favor of more naked activities. 
“I should get changed,” she muttered to herself.
“And deprive me of the sexy sight before me?”
She snorted and rolled her eyes. “Obviously this was not what I was going for. Gideon woke up with a cold and it all went downhill from there.”
Rumple set the tea tray on the table, and reached for her clasped hands. “I’m sorry sweetheart. Is Gid ok?”
“Yeah he’ll be fine. I think it scared him more than anything.”
Rumple sat across from her still holding her hand. “I suppose you can’t really explain to a two year-old what a head cold is.”
“Not really.”
“I wasn’t laughing at you. The situation is just….”
“Funny.” Belle supplied with a smirk. “I know. It is. It really is.” She fiddled with Rumple’s finger while trying to shake off the feelings of disappointment and frustration. With his free hand, Rumple began to fix their tea trying to pour hot water into the teapot without spilling. When Belle noticed his adorable attempt to make tea one-handed she released his fingers and clasped her own together in her lap. 
For two years they’ve been trying to heal together. They are both in individual therapy and in couples therapy. Even little Gideon went to play therapy once per month. Now that he is starting to develop his own sense of self they wanted to make sure Gideon had extra support in case their were residual effects from his time in the Dark Realm and…well, from everything else that had happened to him. Because so much had happened. Sometimes it felt like too much. All of the curses, all of the betrayals, and secrets. There were times early on when Belle couldn’t imagine their little family ever being happy together. 
Now, she sees glimmers of hope everywhere. In the way Rumple holds onto her hand even if he needs it back to make their tea; in the way he packs extra snacks in Gideon’s daycare bag “just in case he’s hungrier than usual;” in the way he tells her every single time he has a craving to misuse magic, and instead they talk together until a non-magical solution can be found. 
So tonight she had wanted to create something special for him  — ok, for them. Not that they hadn’t had sex in the past two years, but this was intended to be different. She wanted to play and have fun. It had been such a long time since they’d just had fun. She thought bringing that playfulness into the bedroom would in turn bring it back into their relationship on a whole. 
Rumple sat her teacup in front of her and she grabbed his hand before he could pull away. He looked up a bit surprised at her earnestness.
“I….” She started. “I….” She sighed. She didn’t know how to say it. How to explain what she had imagined for their night together. The simple explanation was not so simple anymore. She closed her eyes and tried to remember what Dr. Hopper had coached. 
The emotions behind a simple situation make it feel complicated. Un-complicate it by first stating the facts out loud.
Belle’s blue eyes pierced into Rumple’s. He could see her internal fight, but was mystified as to what it was about. His first instinct was to jump into the conversation and try to fix it, but he knew that wasn’t what she needed. He has a penchant for trying to fix everything and anything for the ones he loves. After hundreds of years and lots of therapy he’s finally curbing that instinct. 
You don’t have to fix everything. You just have to be present, listen, and then, if Belle asks for your help, you can work together towards a solution .
Finally Belle blew out a long breath and an even longer stream of words. 
“After Gideon went to bed, I sent you out for a bottle of wine even though we have a full wine cellar. I went to our room, put on makeup like Lacey used to wear, and then started changing into some sexy lingerie that I bought specially for tonight. Then everything with Gideon happened — ” she pulled her hands apart and spread her fingers wide as if she could grab Gideon’s untimely cold from the past and show it to him like a picture book at a children’s story hour. 
Once the facts are stated begin listing your feelings. Don’t go into the cause or the reasons for the feelings. State just the feelings.
“— and I am frustrated, disappointed, annoyed, embarrassed, and exhausted. Ok, I don’t know if ‘exhausted’ is technically a feeling but if it’s not it should be.”
Rumple brought his teacup to his mouth gently blowing over the hot liquid’s surface. A bubble of quiet contemplation settled around the table. He and Belle had been diligently working to keep their family together which meant they lived a sedate and routine-oriented lifestyle. 
“Sweetheart, not that I’m complaining, but may I ask what brought this on?”
Belle groaned internally, because of course that was his response. Any sane person would ask that question. Except most people would say something like ‘why did you suddenly decide to act out a cheesy seduction on a Wednesday night?’ 
Belle fiddled with the tiny handle of her teacup while her mind swirled with words creating half-explanations none of which would make sense to anyone outside of herself. Several times her mouth opened to say something but all she could accomplish was looking pleadingly at Rumple with big pitiful eyes. He grasped her limp hands and held them tight. 
“Belle…is there something -”
“-I’m bored!” She blurted out. 
They blinked at each other both surprised for very different reasons. 
“No, not in that way. Not bored of our relationship. I’m not unhappy. I cannot stress that enough.”
“…ok.” To his credit Rumple’s grip on Belle’s hands didn’t lessen. “But you’re bored.” He stated it like it was one of the many facts of their life together; Gideon doesn’t like peas, Rumple is the Dark One, and Belle is bored. 
“I miss the fun part of our relationship,” and even as Belle said it she winced, because in truth there relationship history wasn’t riddled with lighthearted moments. “I want there to be a ‘fun’ aspect to our relationship.”
“Fun.” Rumple repeated it like it was the first time he’d ever said the word in his life. “Well, I’m not entirely certain what to do about that. Should I do something?”
Belle face glowed with warmth and happiness. The Rumple from only a few years ago would’ve never asked if he ‘should’ do something. He would’ve spent days and weeks plotting and planning without consulting her, and then revealed something ‘fun.’ 
“Let me try to come up with something and if it doesn’t work out then you can take a crack at it.”
“If its any consolation, what you came up with looked like it would’ve been spectacular.” Rumple placed a kiss on her hand and leaned in close, “Parental responsibilities simply got in the way.”
“So much for spontaneity.” Belle leaned in bringing her lips to his intending for a quick kiss, but the forward momentum of her body kept their lips locked together. She opened her mouth ever so slightly and Rumple’s fingers cupped her chin keeping her steady while the tip of his tongue gently caressed and coaxed hers. She exhaled and sank deeper into their kiss enjoying the comforting familiarity of it, and grateful that even after all these years her lips still tingled with excitement when he kissed her. When a natural break from the need to breathe inserted itself, Belle leaned back in her chair feeling cautiously excited about this new endeavor. 
This. Is. So. Horrible.
Belle wished it was physically possible to impale herself on the tiny dessert fork before her. The shiny object was sitting next to a plate of pears gorgeously poached in a spiced red wine reduction, and yet the only thought running through her brain (aside from suicide by fork) was her gratitude that the dessert course had finally arrived. 
Gusteau’s was one of the newer restaurants that popped up in Storybrooke after the Black Fairy had been defeated. A quiet curse-free existence seemed possible for the first time and many of the town’s citizens were investing in their hopes and dreams again. Resulting in many new businesses and restaurants opening their doors. 
Gusteau’s was the prime example of a fine dining experience. Heavy beautifully carved furniture was spaced evenly throughout the restaurant and crisp white linens covered the tables. Each tabletop was adorned with a low vase of roses and a miniature lamp that cast just enough light that one could comfortably gaze upon their dining companion. The room on a whole was swathed in heavy, rich fabrics and carpeted to dampen the foot tread of the wait staff as they hurried from table to kitchen and back again. 
Belle thought, at the time, it was the perfect idea for a fun night out. Gideon was enjoying a play date at the Nolan’s house. Their little boy Neal was a few years older, but he played well with Gideon always making sure to keep their games at a pace suited to a toddler. He had the sweet nature of his namesake and seemed to favor Gideon especially. More importantly, it meant their own house was unoccupied. While preparing for their evening out, Belle had visions of an elegant dinner enjoying sumptuous food and good conversation accompanied by just a tad too much wine. Maybe they would take a stroll in the crisp evening air by the water. She loved the mystery of the sea at night. It was a thrilling contrast, hearing the water churning against the docked boats, but the black night obscuring it from view. Once they were thoroughly chilled to their bones they would warm each other in front of their fireplace finding bliss in the comfort of their own home. 
But now…..
She just wanted to go home, throw on some leggings, and crawl into bed until the morning when they would go retrieve Gid. Hopefully he was having a better night. 
Rumple was twisting the stem of his glass of port between his fingers. They’d both given up trying to keep the conversation from stagnating. It hadn’t occurred to her that after hours of talk therapy they wouldn’t have anything to talk about. They started off the evening talking about Gideon - that was inevitable - and then Rumple’s shop and the library, but once those topics had been exhausted, neither of them knew where to direct the conversation next. They were in each other’s lives every day. There wasn’t much more to say that hadn’t already been said at the breakfast table that morning. And Rumple tried, he really did, but gods help them at one point he even commented on the weather. It’s colder than usual for this time of year…. That was it. It hadn’t even been something substantial about the weather that Belle could verbally latch onto and run with. 
So now she was left staring at her dessert like it was the saddest sight in the world. Resolutely, she picked up her dessert fork and (choosing life) cut into one of the pears. As the warm flavors of cinnamon and nutmeg burst in her mouth, she tried to think of something to say. 
“How is the port?” She reluctantly let the question escape her lips, but before Rumple could answer, a cheerful giggling from the adjacent table captured their attention. 
Squinting, Belle could make out a very young couple, in their teens, not-so-secretly passing a silver flask between them under the table. Each time the girl took a small sip she laughed producing a delightful jingling sound and the boy looked at her like she was the sweetest thing on this earth. They were tucked together at the table experiencing their first foray into ‘adult’ dating and all that it entails  — soft candlelight, fancy food and clothing, and hushed serious tones. But like most teens their natural enthusiasm for being unleashed on the world could’t be tamped down. They awkwardly held hands and fussed with their cutlery as they waited for their next course. They talked just a bit too loud. 
Belle’s mind jolted with memories, but she quickly realized they weren’t her memories. They were Lacey’s. Like a book she read long ago and could only recall small portions of the story, Lacey’s memories were vague and full of feeling more than specifics. However, in this moment, she could recall ‘memories’ of Lacey as a fresh teen going to parties and playing drinking games with her peers. She could feel the thrill of drinking alcohol like an adult. Mostly she remembered laughter. Laughing while a bottle spun round and round between her circle of friends; anticipating the person it would choose for her next kiss. Laughing when she proclaimed “Never have I ever…” and watching her friends sheepishly drink a shot and admitting to some embarrassing deed. Lacey’s nights out as a teen were a strange mixture of vulnerability and….fun. Belle could confidently guess that Rumple’s cursed memories didn’t contain anything like Lacey’s shenanigans, and she was positive he’d never participated in even the simple games children played in Fairytale Land. 
She reached across the table and took the glass of port from Rumple’s fingers. Gaining his attention, he seemed dazed like a schoolboy caught daydreaming during his lessons, Belle took a big breath and smiled at him. It was time to breathe some life back into this half-dead date.
“Let’s get the check and then I want you to come with me, but before you do, I need you to promise me one thing.”
Rumple’s eyebrows raised at that. They tried not to practice in promises. They were still learning their own limitations as a couple and making promises could be dangerous. 
“Belle, sweetheart, are you sure?”
“Trust me. Promise that you’ll keep an open mind.” She tried to infuse her smile with as much assurance as possible. 
“Ok, darling” Belle almost missed the sigh that accompanied it, but she wouldn’t be deterred. This was a situation of her own making and she needed to fix it. 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
The rush of wind was wonderfully refreshing. It was just what they needed after the heavy warmth of the restaurant. Belle had insisted on walking through town. They could get the car later. Rumple had never been happier to be cold, because it meant Belle was snuggled tight into his side. The small table at which they’d been seated at Gusteau’s made it feel like he was trying to hold a conversation with someone on the opposite side of a football field. No matter how hard he’d tried to keep the flow of conversation going it was inundated with long pauses and stilted answers. It’d been excruciating. He’d felt like he was failing Belle with each course serving more awkward pauses than the last until finally dessert was served with outright silence. 
Another gust of wind blew back the flaps of his coat, and he tugged them closer around him and his beloved Belle. They stood by the harbor looking out into the vast darkness of the sea. Belle was practically molded to him. He buried his face in her thick auburn tresses, once darker and curly they had straightened into waves with age, but it didn’t matter. He loved her no matter what. After all, he had changed too - his hair had been chopped short by his own hand. He was sometimes self-conscious of the change he’d made, but as if she could read his thoughts, at those times Belle would take the opportunity to gently massage his scalp letting her fingers slip and slide through his shorn greying hair. How he loved her. It was the reason he was so panicked about their lackluster evening - she was bored. She wanted to have fun, but honestly Rumple wasn’t sure he was capable of such a thing. His life hadn’t exactly been built on the idea of carefree joy. His parents had abandoned him and, until Belle came along, so had everyone else either by death, circumstance, or outright choice. What did he know about fun?
Belle turned in his arms nuzzling the smooth skin of his jawline which then turned into small kisses and nibbles. The biting cold and Belle’s amorous affection had him fighting for breath. 
“Is this the part where I’m supposed to ‘keep an open mind’?”
Chuckling, Belle murmured, “Not quite.” She pulled back a fraction so she could see his face, “Have you ever heard of Truth or Dare?”
Rumple faltered for a reply. “Uh…yes, it’s some kind of game teenagers in this realm like to play.” He couldn’t keep the perplexed look off his face. 
“Yes!” She hugged him tighter and he could feel her jump up and down a little. “I think we should play it.” His comically stunned face urged her to add, “I’ll even go first.”
“Why. Why do you want to play Truth or Dare? Darling we’re a bit old for such things.”
“Nonsense.” Her prim response was accompanied by a tug on his tie. “I think it’s just what we need.”
At Rumple’s raised eyebrows, she continued, “I think we are talked out. We need something fun to do. And unless you want to suddenly become more social and do a…” she floundered for an example, “a pottery class together or some other group activity, then I think playing some silly games together is just what we need!” 
Rumple still looked unconvinced. 
“Please, Rumple. Try. For me.”
And that was the straw breaking the camel’s back. They both knew he couldn’t deny her this. She never asked for much in their relationship, and how could he say no to a simple game? Even one that was excruciatingly juvenile. A great huff escaped him and after one long exaggerated groan, that made her giggle, he said, “ok ok. But you go first.”
Belle straightened up expectedly. “Ok, ask me!”
With an endearing smile, Rumple muttered, “Truth or Dare?”
Rumple moved Belle to his side and kept them walking along the pier. He pursed his lips and swayed his head playing at putting some serious consideration into the devious question he would ask. The question she would have no choice but to answer with complete honesty. Rolling her eyes at the theatrics, Belle waited with bated breath. 
“What is the last lie you told?” 
Belle snapped her head up in surprise. She really should’ve known that the infamous Rumpelstiltskin, wordsmith extraordinaire, would’ve chosen a question meant to disarm her. The look of smug satisfaction on his face made her want to kiss it right off him, but that could wait. 
“Hmmm I don’t lie very often.”
“Well you’re a saint, darling, but try your hardest to think of something.” 
Ignoring his sarcasm, Belle answered, “Last week at Granny’s, Snow and Red were arguing about how often a couple should have sex. I happened to walk in for a cup of tea, and somehow got trapped in the conversation.” At this Rumple snorted and Belle elbowed him in the ribs, “Anyway,” she said pointedly, “Snow was saying that after a couple has children, they’ll be lucky to have sex every few months! She expected me to agree, and well….clearly she and David are going through a dry spell and I didn’t want to make her feel bad…..so I just kind of smiled and didn’t disagree with her.”
“That’s it? A lie of omission?”
“It’s still a lie.”
“Oh please, it counts and you, sir,” she pointed a manicured finger at him, “are filled with glee to know that we’re having more sex than the king and queen.”
Rumple chuckled and played at trying to bite her finger. 
“Your turn! Truth or Dare?” The sparkle in Belle’s eyes made playing this ridiculous game worth it. 
“I dare you……to sneak into Granny’s Diner and leave three hundred and fifty dollars in the tip jar. You mustn’t be seen and you can’t use magic.” 
“Absolutely not.”
“You have to! That’s the game.”
“What makes you think I have that large amount of money on me.”
“Ok. I have that amount, but I don’t see why I should give it to — wait. Is it possible Granny is having trouble making rent this month?”
Belle arranged her face into what she hoped was the picture of innocence. “Life is full of possibilities.”
“Uh huh, only you my dearest Belle could take what’s supposed to be a devious game and turn it into a tool for good deeds.”
“It’s a gift.” 
“I only have hundred dollar bills on me. Do you have change?”
“No, but I’m happy to amend the dare from three fifty to four hundred.”
“How flexible of you.”
Belle grinned and grabbed the collar of his coat pulling him down for a kiss designed to leave him breathless. She pressed her body against his and sunk her fingertips into his hair pulling on the short locks. When she let him up for air, she whispered, “Complete your task and, maybe afterwards, I’ll show you just how flexible I can be.”
Without giving him a chance to blink, she pulled away and walked ahead of him. If she hadn’t been wearing such high heels he was certain she’d be skipping. Rumple just stood there reminding himself how to breathe and with a shake of his head thought, So this is what it feels like to know you’re being manipulated and not care in the least.
— - - - - - - - - - - - - -
In the end, the dare was quite easy to accomplish. At that time of night Granny’s only had a few patrons, thankfully the kind that liked to keep to themselves, and the only people working were a short-order cook and Granny herself. The plan had been to wait until Granny went into the back, and then Rumple would quietly walk through the front door, slip the money into the tip jar, and continue out the back door where Belle would be waiting. 
But as Rumple waited just outside the front door for the opportune moment, a giant crash could be heard and Granny went running to the back of the building.Before Rumple could register what was happening, he saw Belle scurrying down the street and Granny in the back yelling something about “damned raccoons.” Knowing it was now or never, Rumple whipped open the door, ran towards the tip jar sitting innocuously next to the cash register, and it wasn’t so much that he stopped at the counter rather that the counter stopped him—his custom-made Italian shoes weren’t made for quick movements on freshly mopped floors. So after slamming into the counter, he hastily shoved the cash into the jar, and hightailed it back out the front door. 
Miraculously, no one saw him. 
He found Belle hiding next to the pharmacy doubled over with snorts of laughter muffled by her hands. Her feet were bare and she was holding onto only one of her shoes. She tried to explain between giant huffs of laughter, but Rumple simply held up a hand and said, “Belle mishap.” Before Belle could ask what that meant, he gathered her in his arms and snapping his fingers *poofed* them back to their house in a cloud of magic. 
Belle was still giggling as they stumbled into their entryway kissing and pawing at each others clothing. Rumple wasn’t one to let other’s emotions effect him, but Belle’s joy swept them up creating an elation he’d never known before. They landed in front of the fireplace which had magically been lit and several fluffy blankets and pillows spread out before it.
Smiling like a fool, Rumple pecked kisses over Belle’s body as more and more skin was revealed to him. Her lingerie was nothing like the black corset ensemble he’d missed out on. Instead she wore a sheer forest green bralette with matching hip hugging panties. It was staggering in its simplicity, highlighting the fairness of her skin and giving her curves freedom to move. He delighted in it; kissing and biting and even tickling the spots he knew were most sensitive. Between breathy laughs Belle managed to divest Rumple of his own clothes, and they took their time reveling in each other.
Their previous lovemaking had been permeated with an intense need to show their love and devotion with their bodies. Trying to make up for all the past hurt by clinging to each other while they physically connected as close as possible for two humans to be. But this time was about joy and happiness. Their was no rush to reach their bliss. It would most certainly come, but this was about loving each other with light not darkness. Belle found a few of Rumple’s ticklish spots and for a moment lovemaking was paused in favor of a naked tickle fight until one of Belle’s legs ended up hooking over Rumple’s shoulder putting them in a delicious position that neither could pass up. With mirth in their eyes, a wordless conversation passed between them about Belle’s promised flexibility. 
They rocked together at a rhythm they both knew so well. The familiarity was far from boring. Instead they loved each other with gratitude as deep as their kisses. They were so lucky to know each other this well and for this long. The happiness on Belle’s face was mirrored by his own. It felt like sunlight surrounded them and clear blue skies were reflected in Belle’s eyes. Rumple realized that this was what fun was - it was turning your face towards the sun even on a cloudy day. It was actively finding joy and laughter, and if you can’t find it, you make it. Just like Belle did. 
Afterwards, they lounged by the fire enjoying lazy kisses and caresses. They teased each other about the horrendous dinner they endured, and Belle told him about Lacey’s memories saving their date night. 
“So what other games does little Lacey remember?”
Belle thought for a moment before ticking off her fingers, “Well there’s Spin the Bottle, Seven Minutes in Heaven, Never Have I Ever-”
“Hmmm group games,” Rumple grumbled.
“We could play Two Truths and A Lie.”
“You would dare play a game that requires deception with words with Rumpelstiltskin?”
“Oh I think I could manage.”
Rumple tutted and pinched her side making Belle squeak, “Ok, but you go first.” 
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woodelf68 · 2 years ago
What’s a fic trope, plot bunny, or character variation that you want someone to write for Rumbelle, but no one ever has?
Some things I dug out of my 'rumbelle prompts' tag:
One from dekujin (separated by worlds, joined in dreams via magic bed)
Community theater background for Rumple
Gilligan's Island AU with Gold as the Professor and Belle as the kind Mary Ann, I suggested characters for the other roles but they can be altered to suit your preferences.
Blood Moon prompt -- for anyone who wants to write Dark Castle smut with a more 'beastly' Rumple.
Merrow!Rumple/Soul Cages
Belle turns the key of the Dark Vault instead of Neal and the price of the magic is the child she was carrying -- I am not exactly advocating for this fic, but it's a damn good prompt for someone who likes to write angst and would keep Neal alive.
Renaissance Faire!Rumbelle -- Rumple follows Bae through the portal, could either be my original idea of Rumple retaining his Dark One appearance or he does revert to normal human look but they still need somewhere where they can fit in and earn some money while learning about the modern world with Belle soon figuring out something weird is going on and Bae convincing Rumple they need to trust her with their story.
Everything's a sex toy if you're horny enough
Lighthouse keeper!Gold
Okay, that's nine for you; nine is a good magical number. Plenty of variety should anyone want to write one.
@thestraggletag, you were asking for prompts not too long ago; help yourself if you like any of these!
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