#rumbelle bunnies
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kelyon · 2 years ago
Rumbelle plot bunny:
Bae is a teenage runaway and Belle takes him in. When Gold comes looking for his son, Belle turns him away and refuses to give him any consideration... until he starts being a better man, both to get his son back, and to be worthy of Bae's fierce and charming guardian
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the-chipped-cup-awards · 1 month ago
Chipped Cup Award Nominees 2025 Part 1.
Thank you to all the Rumbellers, Readers, Writers and Artists Alike, we have pleasure to present the nominees for the Chipped Cup Awards 2024. You can find the Full list under the cut (because it's long).
The link to the ballot form for voting will be posted on the final nominees post.
Happy reading and viewing everyone!
Baby Steps by @threepwoodmarley
A New Library by @peacehopeandrats
Wilderness by @peacehopeandrats
Bouquet by @peacehopeandrats
Stacks by @peacehopeandrats
Breakfast by @peacehopeandrats
Finding the Fun by @tinytorso
Illness by @peacehopeandrats
Blast by @peacehopeandrats
Struck By a Golden Arrow by @Otava
A Present of Love by @reolf
Snow and Heat by @hypatia3
Haunted by @chick-with-wifi
Everyone Has a Choice by @taich
Finding You by @silwenworld
A Dream Is a Wish by @rowofstars
Talking on the Telephone by @kelyon
Shop by @peacehopeandrats
Memory by @peacehopeandrats
Two Could by @eirian-houpe
Star Crossed by @threepwoodmarley
By Hook or By Crook by @beeeinyourbonnet
Bare Facts by @barpurplewrites
Best First Time:
Confluence by @goldenwingediris
Stay by @goldenwingediris
Curfew by @emospritelet
The Good Sort by @wonderwoundedhearers
Sunshine by @peacehopeandrats
Home by @peacehopeandrats
In the Dark and Wicked Hours by @rowofstars
Beasts: A Golden Cuffs Story by @kelyon
I Touched Your Face (and All Life Was Erased) by @deliriumsdelight7
Too Late by @amrei
The Hole In His Heart by @peacehopeandrats
Hurts So Good:
On Whose Hands by @eirian-houpe
What If the Storm Ends and Leaves Us Nothing by @chickwithwifi
His Ray of Light by @ace-cf-cups
Too Late by @amrei
Waiting by @peacehopeandrats
Illness by @peacehopeandrats
Sent by @peacehopeandrats
Overnight by @peacehopeandrats
Road by @peacehopeandrats
Recovery by @peacehopeandrats
Falls by @peacehopeandrats
Depths by @peacehopeandrats
Never Let Me Go by @TheRavenclawBitch
Requiem by @once-upon-a-rewrite
On Whose Hands by @eirian-houpe
Best Date (Overall)
Meal by @peacehopeandrats
Down to the River by @barefootandbookish
Best Courtship:
Calm by @peacehopeandrats
Cactus by @eirian-houpe
Best First Meeting:
Stiltskin Abbey by @threepwoodmarley
Midnight Flowers by @SerenaLyon
Best One Shot:
The Siren by @beeeinyourbonnet
Gilded by @beeeinyourbonnet
The Angel and the Devil by @peacehopeandrats
Warming the Chill by @peacehopeandrats
Bed by @peacehopeandrats
Best Series:
The Language of Flowers by @eirian-houpe
Golden Dreams by @peacehopeandrats
Growing Up by @peacehopeandrats
Monthly Rumbelling 2021 by @peacehopeandrats
The Finfolk's Bride by @chippedcupwrites
Best Novel Length:
Courtship: A Golden Rings Story by @kelyon
A Knack for Losing Everything by @antikryptonite
Best Short Fic:
The Goblin King by @killingkueen
Sacred Promise by @ace-cf-cups
The Message by @peacehopeandrats
Warming the Chill by @peacehopeandrats
Tea by @peacehopeandrats
Recovery by @peacehopeandrats
Wild by @peacehopeandrats
Best Holiday Centric:
O' Solstice Tree, O' Solstice Tree by @bearrycool
Snow Bunnies by @peacehopeandrats
Christmas Secrets by @peacehopeandrats
Best Crossover:
The Beginning of a New Book by @beeeinyourbonnet
Theorems and Thorns by @eirian-houpe
Pop-ins by @peacehopeandrats
Last Night on Earth by @peacehopeandrats
Dark Science by @peacehopeandrats
Best Dark Castle:
Confluence by @goldenwingediris
The Midwife's Tale by @threepwoodmarley
Premonition by @ace-cf-cups
The Oldest Door by @peacehopeandrats
Tea by @peacehopeandrats
Storm by @peacehopeandrats
Garden by @peacehopeandrats
Frost by @peacehopeandrats
Spy by @peacehopeandrats
Maid by @peacehopeandrats
Best Storybrooke:
A Moment Alone by @threepwoodmarley
The Meeting by @peacehopeandrats
War In Pieces by @peacehopeandrats
Golden Thread by @chickwithwifi
Continued in part 2
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personinthepalace · 2 years ago
What’s a fic trope, plot bunny, or character variation that you want someone to write for Rumbelle, but no one ever has?
okay I've been sitting on this for a while bc as soon as I saw this question, I completely forgot what rumbelle fics I wanted to read haha but now I think I have my answers:
Adventurer Belle continues to travel with Mulan and Philip as they try to find Aurora. Belle and Rumple keep on almost crossing paths until they finally bump into each other in some way? Idk I just want more of Belle having adventures with Mulan and Philip, and Rumple eventually seeing her in that outfit haha
Gold and amnesiac!Belle from the beginning of the Lacey episode get to know each other and fall in love all over again. There is that line about them helping each other and that soft look between them that I would really love to see explored
On the flip side, Lacey and Gold terrorize the town after the Lacey episode. I know that there are lots of Golden Lace fics but I don't think there are any of Golden Lace getting up to shenanigans around town. I am specifically thinking about that scene of them threatening Whale. Just more of them getting drunk, having lots of sex in the pawnshop, and terrorizing the town. Added bonus if there is exploration of Lacey's line of "Could you keep me young?...Cause then we can be together forever." Like what if Gold actually did that?? And what would be the consequences??? Though I guess that could be its own fic haha
Detectives AU - I just really want to read a fic about Belle and Ariel having their own detective agency and then Rumple is either a client or a rival detective that they have to work together with on a case Thanks for the ask! It was really fun to revisit fic ideas that I've had in my mind for a while (but momentarily forgot about haha). If there are any fics like these or if anyone writes one, please let me know! I would love to read them :)
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abovethemists · 2 years ago
What’s a fic trope, plot bunny, or character variation that you want someone to write for Rumbelle, but no one ever has?
I am a simple woman with simple needs. Enemies to lovers, marriage of convenience, mutual pining, these are my bread and butter and there is thankfully plenty to go around in the Rumbelle fandom. Rumbelle has also tackled pretty much everything so anything I say probably has been done, I just haven't had a chance to read it yet.
I do wish someone would finish my Lady Belle hires Spinner Rumple to impregnate her after her husband unexpectedly dies and she's left in a precarious position with no heir fic because I'd rather read it than write it. So, if anyone wants to take a stab at that one! I also don't think there were a lot of Belle is pregnant and has a baby in the missing year fics. (I remember some ficlets but not a long fic). And there was a sad lack of season 5 woobie Rumple with no powers smut. Okay, I could probably think of a lot more if I had the time...
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peacehopeandrats · 1 year ago
Chipped Cup - For Your Consideration
This post is going to be a whirlwind of mixed up stuff. Some of it I was asked to put forward, some of it I was reminded to include, some of it is just stuff that I have always enjoyed. If you would like to nominate, please do. I've tried to get this post to match the form in order to make things super easy.
As always, I thank you for your consideration.
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The Tent Of Infinite Adventure
Leaving Storybrooke
The Zoo
Fix It
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The Angel and the Devil
One Lover, Many Dreams
Best First Time
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Hurts So Good
The Oldest Door
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Best Date (Overall)
Lost and Found
Best Courtship
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Best One Shot
The Angel and the Devil
Warming The Chill
Symmetrical Simulations
Best Novel Length
Mountains, Streams, And Magical Things
Best Short Fic
Warming The Chill
The Message
Wounds and Scars
Best Holiday Centric
Snow Bunnies
Lost and Found
Best Dark Castle
Snow Bunnies
The Oldest Door
Best Storybrooke
Snow Bunnies
Symmetrical Simulations
War In Pieces
Leaving Storybrooke
The Meeting
Best Missing Years
Leaving Storybrooke
The Tent Of Infinite Adventure
Best Wishverse
Once There Was A Wish
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Best Golden Lace
The Angel and the Devil
One Lover, Many Dreams
War In Pieces
Best Woven Beauty
Best Afterlife Fic
Best Drama
Best AU-Original
Best Trope
Wounds and Scars
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Best Belle
The Oldest Door
Best Lacey
One Lover, Many Dreams
Best Dark One Rumple
The Oldest Door
Best Wish!Rumple
Once There Was A Wish
Best Mr. Gold
Best Detective Weaver
Best Gideon
The Message
The Tent Of Infinite Adventure
The Zoo
The Meeting
Best OC Rumbelle Child
The Zoo
Best (Worst) Villain
Best BFF/Wingman
Wounds and Scars
Mountains, Streams, And Magical Things
Automatically Nominated, as of today's Chipped Cup post:
Christmas Secrets - Rumbelle Secret Santa
The Tea Shop - Fluffapalooza
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darklybound · 8 months ago
☁️ wip you want to write but haven't started yet
🍬 a song for your favourite character
🍓 worst thing you've done to your characters
🌞 favourite character from current wip
🐥 here's some writing motivation!
☁️ wip you want to write but haven't started yet
Okay, I have a plot bunny that I want to work on after I finish the current fic I'm writing. I'm thinking of a Dark Castle AU where Bae doesn't go to the land without magic and Rumple is trying to raise him the best he can while being the Dark One, but he needs help...which is why he deals for Belle to be his Nanny XD
🍬 a song for your favourite character Answered here!
🍓 worst thing you've done to your characters Answered here!
🌞 favourite character from current wip
Current WIP is a Rumbelle short fic so, gotta say Rumple on this one!
🐥 here's some writing motivation!
Thank you! Honestly not sure if this ask is to give me motivation or for me to write something to give some! xD Either way, I'll share something that I use to help me stay motivated. Writing is an art form. It's a creative process; as such, everyone's results will be different. And, everyone writes/creates at their own pace. Try to remember that just because you may be slower, your writing style may be different, or your fics may be longer/shorter than others, that doesn't change their quality or what they mean to you. They are an expression of you, and even if no one else reads them, they are something you created and you should take pride in that. I try to write for myself, as an expression of myself, and keeping that in mind helps keep me writing. (but like also don't be afraid to take breaks! Burnout is so so real, and you can stop if you're not feeling it anymore. It's your art so you have control over it.)
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deliriumsdelight7 · 9 months ago
TMI Tuesday
I’m close to wrapping up this next chapter of OMTSMB, you guys. I’m at the climax of the smut. Then it’s just a short scene to transition into a more plot-heavy next chapter, and I can post.
Once that happens, my posting schedule will most likely slow down for a time. I’m working on three lengthy oneshots - one Hellcheer, one Barbgrove, and one Rumbelle. All three are plot bunnies I couldn’t ignore. I’m hoping that if I make them all oneshots, sheer impatience will keep me from going on too many tangents and help me just churn the fics out (relatively) quickly.
In the interim, I’ve got some “quick wins” I can work on. Both “The Black Swan” and “Lonely Soul, Ocean Soul” are an epilogue away from completion. And there’s the Stranger Things fix-it, which is relatively easy to write because I refuse to let myself get bogged down by details.
If all goes to plan, I would love to have 4-5 completed fics by August. Then I can focus on my Hellcheer crossover of The Crow in time for Halloween. Then once that’s done, I can crank out a modified Hellcheer Last Christmas AU.
This is all assuming I don’t burn myself out again. I’m trying to be conscious of my limitations. The temptation to force words out is overwhelming. I’m excruciatingly aware of all the WIPs I have, and all the readers left hanging on them. What I need is to find a balance between honoring my needs and my commitments. I’ll get there eventually.
Anyway! This is TMI Tuesday, which means questions! Feel free to hop into my ask box. Want to request a snippet from something I’m working on? Ask a question of me, or a character from my fics? I’m all ears!
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woodelf68 · 2 years ago
What’s a fic trope, plot bunny, or character variation that you want someone to write for Rumbelle, but no one ever has?
Some things I dug out of my 'rumbelle prompts' tag:
One from dekujin (separated by worlds, joined in dreams via magic bed)
Community theater background for Rumple
Gilligan's Island AU with Gold as the Professor and Belle as the kind Mary Ann, I suggested characters for the other roles but they can be altered to suit your preferences.
Blood Moon prompt -- for anyone who wants to write Dark Castle smut with a more 'beastly' Rumple.
Merrow!Rumple/Soul Cages
Belle turns the key of the Dark Vault instead of Neal and the price of the magic is the child she was carrying -- I am not exactly advocating for this fic, but it's a damn good prompt for someone who likes to write angst and would keep Neal alive.
Renaissance Faire!Rumbelle -- Rumple follows Bae through the portal, could either be my original idea of Rumple retaining his Dark One appearance or he does revert to normal human look but they still need somewhere where they can fit in and earn some money while learning about the modern world with Belle soon figuring out something weird is going on and Bae convincing Rumple they need to trust her with their story.
Everything's a sex toy if you're horny enough
Lighthouse keeper!Gold
Okay, that's nine for you; nine is a good magical number. Plenty of variety should anyone want to write one.
@thestraggletag, you were asking for prompts not too long ago; help yourself if you like any of these!
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eirian-houpe · 1 year ago
What’s a fic trope, plot bunny, or character variation that you want someone to write for Rumbelle, but no one ever has?
I can't at all think about one that no one has tackled. Rumbelle writers are prolific when it comes to tropes, plot bunnies and character variations in AU.
How about you?
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paradigmparadoxical · 4 years ago
OUaT Meta, Questions, and Bunnies for Adoption
Irrc, people outside the town line are unable to see people (or objects?) inside, unless they carry an object like Rumple's shawl or the Snow Queen's scroll(s), Emma and Henry being the possible exceptions.
From outside, there is no visible indication where the line is, only an empty road.  Owen knew this, and still came barreling over the line blind.  To the audience at the time, he appeared to be a random arrival, and yet there were no others after.  Owen was looking for Storybrooke.  Therefore, something kept random drivers, boaters, or hikers from wandering down the road, along the coast, or through the forest surrounding the town, even after the curse broke.
I would point out here that speeding through rural roads in the dark is incredibly reckless.  Hitting deer or other large wildlife can kill you.  How fast was Owen going?
What are the odds that the only person to drive over the line would also encounter the only people to approach the line?  There were a few of that latter in the days after the curse broke--the seven dwarves who tested the line, the caravan attempting to leave Storybrooke (headed off by Charming), Hook, Belle, and Rumplestiltskin.
What if Owen had hit any of the others on an earlier arrival?
Once Rumple crossed over the line, he was without his magic.  What if Hook had chosen to shoot Rumple instead of Belle?
When Owen's car approached Rumple and amnesiac Belle in the road, Rumple rolled them out of the way.  If Rumple had been shot, would he still be outside the line (and visible to outsiders) when Owen arrived?  Might Owen swerve and hit the sign?
(That poor sign.)
How many bullets did that little gun hold?  Would Hook even be aware that it might have more than one shot?  What if he took foolish risks because he thought the strange weapon drew infinite bullets from the ether?
Imagine Rumple crawling over the line with a bullet in him and getting shot again.  Just a few more inches....  Belle watching, unable to cross, then grabs his hand and pulls.  She's stronger than she looks.  Smear of blood on the pavement.  Tearing of damaged tissue, swallowed screams.  Magic.
Why did Emma show up with the hero crew?  Did they hear the gunshot?
What alerted Owen, Tamara, John and Michael, or Pan that the curse was broken?  Neal received August's postcard.  Did he let on to Tamara that something had changed?  Did she find the postcard?
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kelyon · 2 years ago
What’s a fic trope, plot bunny, or character variation that you want someone to write for Rumbelle, but no one ever has?
There are over 10,000 fics on the Rumbelle tag in AO3. Is there anything we haven't done?
Has anyone done a proper BATB crossover, where Rumple and Belle meet the Beast and Belle? Smutty or not, I think it'd be funny.
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peacehopeandrats · 2 years ago
What’s a fic trope, plot bunny, or character variation that you want someone to write for Rumbelle, but no one ever has?
Oh my gosh, I have so many of these. The latest plot bunny I had was a combination of Once and Manifest. Where the folks from Once were like the passengers on some sort of thing.. Plane, ship... anything. Like the curse Regina cast transported everyone to this world, but to this world it was like they were the passengers on 828.
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deliriumsdelight7 · 2 years ago
What’s a fic trope, plot bunny, or character variation that you want someone to write for Rumbelle, but no one ever has?
Ooh, good question!
So, the intersect of the Venn diagram of “Rumbelle shippers” and “people who watch Dimension 20” is probably very small. But I recently watched the “A Court of Fay and Flowers” campaign, and I think that setting would suit Rumbelle incredibly well. It’s basically fairy worldbuilding in a Regency setting - where things like etiquette, rumors, and scandals can make or break one’s reputation. Rumpelstiltskin would be either Goblin Court or the Court of Mischief. Belle’s Court is harder to determine. But it would make for a great story or some awesome art!
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basicallyunicorn · 4 years ago
I Will See You Again
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Plot Bunny: Belle follows David and Emma and Snow out of Gold’s shop when she discovers he cursed Regina with the Wraith. Whatever her feelings towards the Evil Queen, she will do what she can to help, like a hero should. Getting sucked into a hat and dumped in a ruin in the Enchanted Forest isn’t how she thought the adventure would end. Together with Snow, Emma, Mulan, and Aurora, she’ll do what it takes to get them all back to the people they love.
(So, basically a season 2 rewrite with Belle along for the Enchanted Forest ride and what that might change)
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cannibalisticshadows · 5 years ago
Working on returning to the world of the living after closing off all contact from friends but now I’m--
(how would you guys feel about a Jewish!Belle, too?)
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paradigmparadoxical · 6 years ago
That cane landed outside the line. Just in case.
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Rumple throwing things behind him (prompted by pinchtheprincess)
This is such a fucking sexy acting choice. Not something you would want to overdo but I was very happy to see him do it again last night. Like a boss, he’s the Dark One. Again.
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