halidomhappenings · 5 years
ANNA: “We’ve reached the final attempt at the obstacle course for today. Having had all day to prepare, we can surely expect great things from the last two up... Please welcome Nora and her wyvern Aggro, as well as Prince Xander of Nohr and his dark falcon, Arion! Both of them look eager to begin, so let’s go on ahead and get Nora to the starting line.”
EMM: “Our last fliers of the day! They certainly have a nice backdrop, with the setting sun to light their way.”
CHROM: "Prince Xander is in the air? Huh. I would have expected him to go for swords or the joust... I do think there was room when he joined, but maybe I’m mistaken. Or maybe he’s about to show us a side to him nobody expected?”
FAVOR: engraved charm; Vaike; summonedhearts SHELL: snail
First Obstacle: 8 (2 pts)
Second Obstacle: 7 (2 pts) Aggro seems very distracted by all the water spouts and the way they sparkle as the sun sets. He keeps going back and forth between trying to stay focused for Nora’s sake and wanting to play in them. Thankfully, the duo pass through without losing too much time, but Aggro can’t resist the urge to fly through the last one as they move on.
Third Obstacle: 2 (1 pt)
FAVOR BONUS: 6 (2 pts)
Fourth Obstacle: 17 (4 pts) This time, Aggro knows that the obstacle will hurt both himself and Nora if he bumps into it and speeds through the rock formations, shaving a couple of seconds off his time as he barrels through through the ring! 
Fifth Obstacle: 8 (2 pts)
SCORE: 2.4
EMM: “That’s a good start from Nora. Her favor seems to have given her some good luck.”
CHROM: “It’s from Vaike, isn’t it? An engraved charm... Sweet. I didn’t expect he would give Nora something like that, but then I guess I’m learning a lot about various people today.”
FAVOR: woven yarn bracelet from Corrine (@askrcalled) SHELL: coral
First Obstacle: 19 (4pts)
SNAIL Disadvantage: 9 (2 pts)
Second Obstacle: 12 (3pts) Looking to make up from that shaky take off, Xander urges Arion to speed through the water spouts. They weave gracefully in and out, dipping low enough to the water below for Arion’s hooves to skim against the water, and move on.
Third Obstacle: 11 (3 pts)
Fourth Obstacle: 7 (2 pts) 
FAVOR BONUS: 19 (4 pts) Xander feels incredibly confident in his partner’s ability to dodge the rock formations-- And he was right to be! They skillfully and speedily navigate their way to the rock ring, Orion even pulling off an aileron roll as they pass through! 
Fifth Obstacle: 15 (3 pts)
CORAL BONUS ROUND: 7 (2 pts) As Xander and Arion come in for a landing, Xander draws Siegfried. Black wings flare, feathers flying everywhere as he rears and whinnys triumphantly. Xander, meanwhile, raises his blade into the air and the sword gleams in the sunset.
SCORE: 3.4
EMM: “His Highness stole the match, though! Despite faltering on his take off, he’s done very well, congratulations!”
CHROM: “Has he been taking lessons from his sister? Sorry, I should stop questioning this. Xander has more than proved his ability in the air, and is through to the next round to face Araminta.”
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“A first-round victory for me, it looks like. I sincerely hope no one was surprised by that.”
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“Still, well-fought, Uther. If all the opponents present that much of a challenge, I’m going to have to make sure I stay in top form to win this out.”
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valorvowed · 5 years
@rubywilled liked your post:im thinking abt cordia giving flayn, seteth, and...
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*hands you a rock* *hands you a rock* *hands you a rock* *hands you a rock* *hands you a rock* *hands you a rock* *hands you a rock* *hands you a rock* *hands you a rock* *hands you a r
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valorinclined · 5 years
everyone explaining to hector         that he really needs to let his  over-protectiveness of lilina go                                  and stop treating roy like he’s  a criminal                                                                         hector
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of-invisible-ties · 5 years
rubywilled replied to your post ““My daughter’s ready to go to the beach? That’s great!” As he smiles,...”
uther vc brother..... please..........
“Brother, how would YOU feel if you watched a little scoundrel try to hit on your daughter?”
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“I’m doing what I have to, as her father! Nobody’s getting my little girl!”
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jasperlion · 5 years
🎉 + conrad !
>:) | Accepting
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chillres-blog · 5 years
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@rubywilled @laslow
attention all xanders: your retainers are in great danger and they need your help to wipe out the hoshidan forces, but to do this they need a couple of elixirs and a heart seal! to help them, all they need is your credit card number, the three wacky digits on the back, and the expiration month and year. but you gotta be quick, so laslow and peri can secure the epic victory royal!
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emblcmatique · 5 years
rubywilled a réagi à votre billet : “Oh, when will Dedue love me!” Fakes a pout and...
dedue vc i thought you knew i already did but :/
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“I won’t know if you don’t tell me!!!”  Now tell him!!!
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yumispelled · 5 years
“ have you ever even used a lance before? ” estinien to alphinaud,
{ @rubywilled }
{ALPHINAUD} ---- “Ah... No. I haven’t. I’ve only trained with magic.”
Was he holding the lance wrong? Probably. He had been trying to emulate how he’s seen it held by Estinien, but it seems like he didn’t exactly do a good job of that.
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audaciis · 5 years
gaiavowed: me: no fear ffxiv: all the dps classes you like...
{ I FEEL… i main summoner on crystal and our rotation is a hot mess :’D if it helps, dancer has one of the simplest rotations \o/ }
rubywilled: me: no fear ffxiv: all the dps classes you like...
im so used to dps that im scared to heal or tank bc my monkey brain just says “this is Too Simple you’re missing something”
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I am just an easily scared new player but some dps guides on yt legitimately game me a HEADACHE ( I am looking at you, ninja )
oasisbow: me: no fear ffxiv: all the dps classes you like...
Some of the easier, straightforward classes would be DNC, DRG, SAM, and BRD or RDM sorta … if you’re not looking to raid like savage or ultimate stuff (pretty much hardcore stuff), I wouldn’t worry too much about not being able to perfect complex rotations. I’d focus on what skills should be prioritized. IN that way, playstyle will be more flexible and less stressful while also maintaining passable dps to for the more casual/midcore content. :)
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gaiavowed · 5 years
✉ ​ @rubywilled ➥ “ do you even remember what it felt like to be happy? ” from helreginn to e'kusye !
       Her hand trembled from where it hovered near her linkpearl. Her mouth suddenly felt dry. Her throat couldn’t form any words. Hearing his voice cheered her up, but what she wouldn’t give to be back with him in Ishgard or the Rising Stones... 
       How long had it been since she smiled brightly and genuinely? How long had it been since those early days of adventuring, when she was the truest of free spirits? How long had it been since those naive days, exploring the world and seeing everything around her with round eyes filled with wonder?
       She still kept smiling, even if there was a lack of her usual heart in it. She kept smiling for not just her own sake, but everyone’s. A hero had to stay strong no matter what. But I don’t feel like a hero.
       ❝ ‘M fine, Helgi. ❞ E’kusye managed another one of her smiles again. ❝ Gotta help Ishgard and Eorzea first, right? How’re you holding up? And Mama? ❞
i hope this reaches her in time || accepting!
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halidomhappenings · 5 years
ANNA: “Back to lances! Next up, Prince Ephraim of Renais faces off against not himself this time, but Marquess Uther of Ostia! That armor looks very durable, but as great as it’ll be to keep him from getting too knocked around... It also looks very heavy. Ephraim will be lighter on his feet. This is bound to be an interesting match!”
EMM: “We’ve had Ephraim compete in the lances before, haven’t we? Though... which Ephraim is this again? We’ve had multiples of the same competitor before.”
CHROM: "I’m not even going to try and remember. There is always an Ephraim, sometimes two, I want to spar both of them, and they’re impossible to tell apart. That’s all we need to know.”
Uther First Strike: 17
Ephraim Defense: 12
Uther charges forth first, not willing to give Ephraim the opportunity to gain the upper hand. He holds his lance at both ends and rather than striking as normal, pushes through Ephraim.
Ephraim First Strike: 9
Uther Defense: 11
Ephraim is too winded to land his next blow despite his best efforts to pull back from Uther, the full frontal tactic coming too much as a shock.
Uther: 1 Ephraim: 0
CHROM: “An interesting tactic, but the lance did make contact with Ephraim so it counts as a point.”
Uther Second Strike: 9
Ephraim Defense: 6
Feinting to attempt the same move, he twists his lance round to catch the bend of Ephraim’s elbow.
Ephraim Second Strike: 13
Uther Defense: NAT 1
Though Ephraim seemed to see a gap in Uther’s defences, unfortunately he is at a bad angle to strike. However, an idea seems to click: before Uther can pull away, Ephraim closes his arm around the lance, right where he was hit. Not wasting a moment, he switches his lance to his other hand and strikes low at the thigh.
Uther: 2 Ephraim: 1
Chrom: "I thought maybe Uther’s beginning move would be the most interesting of the match, but Ephraim has certainly proved himself to be no newcomer to this. Who would have thought to use a disabling move against themselves back at their opponent?”
Uther Third Strike: 4
Ephraim Defense: 5
Lance still stuck in place, Uther attempts to push the blade into Ephraim, knowing even the slightest tap will score him a point. The opposing lord leans his upper half back, which releases Uther’s weapon.
Ephraim Third Strike: 12
Uther Defense: 13
SNAIL Disadvantage: 5
Ephraim is forced to take a step back to regain his balance. Fortunately, the unexpected release of the lance loses Uther his footing, and Ephraim is able to gain a point with an overhead swing aimed at the shoulder.
Uther: 2 Ephraim: 2
EMM: “A tie going into our final rounds! It’s anyone’s game now.”
Uther Fourth Strike: 6
Ephraim Defense: 7
Uther swings his lance from the side but only just manages to catch Ephraim’s own on the latter’s pull back.
Ephraim Fourth Strike: 9
Uther Defense: 2
Weapons already in contact, Ephraim is able to force the other’s down with ease, and with a twist rams the blunt end into his cheek.
Uther: 2 Ephraim: 3
"And Ephraim takes the lead! Will Uther be able to take this to a tie breaker in his next strike?”
Uther Fifth Strike: 19
Ephraim Defense: 19
Uther puts all his might into the next blow, slamming the lance down from overhead with such speed that Ephraim can barely avoid it. The latter is forced to push his own lance forward, sparks flying as Uther’s slides down it, an inch away from his body.
Ephraim Fifth Strike: 3
Uther Defense: 7
Ephraim steps forward, placing his foot in front of the lance now rammed into the ground. A risky move as a tag counts as a point, but the closing of the distance between the two competitors when they were already so close catches Uther off guard.
Uther CORAL Bonus Strike: 9
Ephraim Defense: 18
Uther attempts to use their positioning to get that easy point, but Ephraim just manages to get back in time. It’s awkward however, so he lands onto the ground just as time is called.
Uther: 2 Ephraim: 4
EMM: “Well done, Sir Ephraim! This match may have started in Uther’s favor, but you turned the tables on us all.”
CHROM "Ephraim was rather impressive there; too bad about the unelegant landing.”
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@rubywilled has received an invitation!
‘Dearest Valyx, I do hope this letter finds you in good health, though surely neither sickness nor scar could so much as slow you down. It has been quite awhile since last we shared some quality time together as siblings. Though I am aware you must be unendingly preoccupied with knightly duties, I would be ecstatic if you would join me for a simple tea party, just like when we were children. The location will be marked on the map enclosed within, along with the date. I hope to see you there!                Much love, your beloved elder sister Chelle’
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emblemcrowned · 5 years
✉  @rubywilled ➥ " ivar- i heard you were in the tourney. " if he looked closely, it was almost certain that he would see that hríd was far more excited than usual; the prince fidgets, hands fumbling to remove something from around his neck in a hurry, his face bright red like a cherry and a hint of joy in his voice. " i didn't want to lose it so i sort of... wore it here, if that's alright, " he says, handing ivar the freed world tree pendant, grooved roots stretching to the edges of the metal circle. a gift, from when hríd was young; he hands it to ivar, folding his hands over his love's as if keeping them safe. " it was my mother's, before... before everything happened. she always said it would bring me luck, and so, i wish to give it to you for the tourney, if you'll accept. "
       Astute as ever, Ivar noted the change in his liege lord. If there was one thing the snow-haired man prided himself on, t’would be his perceptive nature. Years of military training, years of working under the royal family, years of striving for naught but their protection. It was all too easy to remember the dark days after the siege, being separated from the then-prince and princesses. 
       The memory of it caused cords to tighten in his chest. It took him a couple moments to ground himself back in reality again. Clearing his throat, he glanced at the door to ensure they were alone before relaxing his stance, allowing himself to act more like a lover than the king’s trusted commander. 
       ❝ You heard correctly. ❞ He confirmed, brow furrowing. ❝ Is everything all right my l - Hrid? ❞ The man watched the other’s movements carefully, noting every fumble and the king’s embarrassed flush.
       Ivar’s eyes widened when he heard the explanation, instinct telling him to pull away from Hrid’s touch and deny the gift. But something made him pause. This was a tradition, wasn’t it? Giving a token of appreciation to a competitor for luck.
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       ❝ I cannot possibly... ❞ He began, gaze fixated on their linked hands. How could he deny his liege? His love? Even if it was something so very precious to him... Ivar took a deep breath. ❝ It would be my honor, to bring it with me. I will treasure it with great care, you have my word. It will be returned to you, safe and sound. ❞
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of-invisible-ties · 5 years
rafiel vc if i were not a holy man i would beat you senseless oliver 🗡
“Come now, dearest! There is no need to speak thus!”
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“You’re simply lashing out because you’re terrified of these ugly people spewing their threats, aren’t you? Come to Daddy! I’ll protect you, regardless of how it imperils me!”
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shieldarchitect · 5 years
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