#muse: hector
of-invisible-ties · 1 year
“Here’s a tip: if you’re stuck in a locked room ...”
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“Find the nearest wall and bash it in with brute force!”
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hectorfrombritain · 3 months
One thing I'll always love about growing up and maturing is the opportunity to refine one's taste and opinions about pretty much everything. Clothing, books, music, and even relationships.
With age comes knowledge and experience which you can use to continuously change as a person, recreating yourself and carving a new sculpture out of the old one in a graceful way.
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heleniad · 3 months
putting my own two cents out there: i feel like part of the reason why hector treated helen kindly was that he was a loyal, loving husband to andromache, and as a consequence, he did not see helen as a sexual object to be possessed but more as a human being. even menelaus had ulterior motives in coming to troy. he didn't come for helen because he loved her; he came at least partially because the loss of helen was an insult to his person and honor. nobody in the trojan war viewed helen purely as a person EXCEPT for hector and hecuba's wife priam. they saw beyond helen's beauty because helen's beauty did not distract them. in their eyes helen was no longer a 2 dimensional character to be demonized as some sort of siren monster but an actual, breathing, living human who did not deserve the hate so ruthlessly piled against her.
helen herself was a cunning woman who tried to keep priam's favor. she found power and agency in traditionally feminine activities; even in observation she tried to garner some agency. when priam questioned helen on the warriors from the battlefield, mentioning their stature and/or regality, helen made sure to echo exactly what he said. for example, when priam mentioned agamemnon's kingly nature helen made sure to confirm priam's assertion about agamemnon being king; when priam mentioned ajax being 'outstanding among the argives in height and broad shoulders', helen made sure to refer to ajax as 'huge ajax'. in priam's company, helen also made sure to deprecate herself to a large extent by calling herself dog-faced and deserving of death. she knew priam was probably her only hope in keeping herself safe within the walls of troy, and she acted upon this knowledge.
then, there were helen's actions in the odyssey. firstly, she drugged her guests with heartsease, which was a very cunning and strategic move by her, considering her reputation as a bitch-whore who contributed to countless deaths in the trojan war. secondly, in her recounts of the trojan war, she made sure to highlight how she had longed to go home and then how she had actively helped out odysseus when he sneaked into troy. ( also note here that she was the only one to uncover odysseus' disguise. ) in contrast, menelaus talked about how helen circled the trojan horse with the voices of the warriors' wives to lure the men out as a move against greece. this was an extremely cunning move and though helen's intent was ambiguous, i suspect it was because deiphobus was there & helen wanted to prove her allegiance to him in order to secure her own safety with the man. this trojan horse move, then, was a way to both make sure she would be safe for the remaining of her days in troy AND it was a move that could be very much countered by the greeks if they so wished. helen did NOT go around telling everyone that the trojan horse was a trap when she very much had the opportunity to, which suggests that this move was probably not because she wanted greece to lose but to secure her own safety with her new husband deiphobus.
this next part is not in the iliad or the odyssey but while we are on the topic of helen's agency, let's talk about how helen dropping her robe from her shoulders made menelaus drop his sword. in my opinion, helen very much knew what she was doing when she did that — it was a survival tactic and she was wielding her own beauty to her advantage. finally.
now despite all this, helen still suffered from the cruelty of the patriarchy. she was not even personally informed that the duel between menelaus and paris would be taking place — the duel that would determine the whole course of HER future. it was the goddess iris who had to convey the message to helen. many such cases of this are present in helen's life. she was as much a victim in the trojan war as she was an instigator. but let's also not forget that she was a woman who, despite everything, actively fought for her own agency.
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beevean · 3 months
I'm not very sure of this one. Perhaps because this is the culmination of Hector finally becoming the Hector we all know and love, and I can only hope I made him justice :)
“He changed. Or perhaps that had always been his true nature, and he lied to me from the start. I don’t think it matters anymore. I only knew that I had trapped myself, and I couldn’t take it anymore: I had to do something.”
“And what did you do?”
“I gained power.”
When the blind beggar had his sight healed by Christ, did he rejoice, or was he overwhelmed by a harsh world previously out of his reach? Did he ever miss the comfort of the darkness?
How Hector wished he could close his eyes again and wander in the castle only led by his loyalty! But Lord Dracula had pried them open, and now everything was so scarily crisp.
His home, the only place that had welcomed him and protected him and allowed him to exist, was nothing more than a cushy cage where he had let himself rot. His Lord was a small, petty man, consumed by hatred and poison, who cloaked himself in the misery of others just so he could feel anything. Respect was no longer the reason for which Hector couldn’t look at him in the eye.
It couldn’t be him. That monster wearing his Lord’s face couldn’t be the same man who had raised him, always with a smile and a word of encouragement. But the scars that adorned his body spoke louder than his fading memories. No… Hector knew better now: the monster had always worn a mask, and his praises were nothing more than a spider web, and stupid, childish Hector got tangled in it. Part of him missed the light jolt in his chest when Lord Dracula spoke to him, when he smiled that gentle smile that even touched his eyes, but there was no turning back his head anymore.
And Isaac! Isaac, his best friend, the first one who saw something in Hector beyond his curse, what had happened to him? He was no longer a real person. He could have become a shadow of his former self, but he didn’t even allow himself that much dignity: no, he had become his Lord’s shadow, duly following him without a thought, without a sound.
Was it the real reason he had grown claws and fangs to match, and he was no longer the boy who could brighten Hector’s room with his laughter?
Or would it have happened anyway, because that was what Hector did, turn humans into monsters?
No. Hector was not the one who brought Isaac’s cruelty to the light. It was always lurking under the surface. Hector’s sight had simply been too dim to notice it, because Isaac was all he had, when the winter raged outside and the warmest place in the castle was his friend’s embrace.
What am I doing?
Lord Dracula and Isaac, all that time, had gorged themselves on him. His blood fed Lord Dracula’s bottomless grief, and his flesh fed Isaac’s ever-growing need, a need he could not nor cared to express with words, but they both knew that only Hector would suffice.
And what was left of Hector, if not his carcass stripped clean?
What am I doing? I am snapping myself into pieces to fill their void.
But that was how they had been living ever since Lady Lisa had been taken from them, wasn’t it?
They were all each other had left, and that was the only reason they sank teeth and nails into each other.
Hector knew nothing of love, but he was intimately familiar with desperation.
I owe my life to my Lord, and Isaac is a good person who has been hurt like me, his mind pleaded, or perhaps it was the voice of his old demon friends, or perhaps the tattered memories of his childhood. They have never hated me like my parents. They accepted me, they care about me, I can’t be ungrateful.
Once, such words would have roused Hector’s heart, and he would have torn his chest open to offer it as a gift. But he was left without it. No, something else thumped in its place, boiling, caustic, making way inside him; and the more Hector paced around his room, sleep a luxury he could no longer allow himself, the more the reality around him sharpened into focus, and he understood what that sentiment was, and he welcomed it.
Even the reflection in the lake where he washed up mocked him.
His face looked wan and clammy, with sunken cheeks and shadowed, bloodshot eyes. When he passed a hand through his hair, clumps got entangled between his fingers – but he felt as if he moved it through the air. His senses were numbing.
His own hands revolted him: the fingertips were purplish, his nails blackened and chewed to the flesh during Hector’s worst fits of stress.
He was Lord Dracula’s favorite, most formidable General. He was a decaying body shambling around. He held in his dead hand the power he so yearned: the only price he had to pay was his own dignity.
What am I doing?
Piece by piece, he had chipped away at his own humanity, to allow to emerge the monster that everyone had always seen in him: the humans, soaked in scorn, and the demons, shining with pride.
And by the end of it, after much time and effort, he had only managed to turn himself into shapeless stone.
If you have a good weapon, you use it, don’t you?
I took you and forged you into something beyond humanity.
… To hell with them.
Hector plunged himself in the maps that he had traced, branding behind his mind every path, every obstacle, his eyes burning and tearing up but his vision clearer than ever. Perhaps, were he so lucky, he’d be able to join the runaway Prince; but even if the two were to never meet again, his escape had ignited a little flame of determination in Hector, and for that, he’d forever be grateful.
If Isaac drew comfort in shedding his self, Hector would let him do so. If Hector’s presence made him drown in resentment, he would do him one last favor. If Isaac loved his Lord more than Hector and himself, Hector would compensate.
He was not a weapon to wield, he was not a demon spawned from Hell: lies, he had been fed nothing but lies! Hector had a mind, and a soul, and desires, and hot blood flowing in his veins, and life that flapped its wings inside him.
He had sought refuge in the darkness, blind and deaf and empty of all fear; he was healed by darkness, loved like its own creation. Not anymore. He would not allow himself to be smothered and consumed anymore.
Whether he accepted it or not, whether the world accepted it or not…
Hector had the power to remain human, and it was time he used it.
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virgils-muse · 1 year
Achilles looking at Hector’s corpse like “is anyone gonna desecrate that” and not wait for an answer
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sejanuspiinth · 9 months
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mechanica1-hands · 1 year
[emerges from a pool of blood and viscera]
hi i just wrote a paper on manhood in the iliad and i didn't get to write about everything i wanted to because me and my project partner were too mentally ill about the iliad already and there was a page limit so now i have so many words about the way men will define themselves in times of war and how those aspects which are most important to their character get amplified and how their relationships to their fathers are so defining of how they view themselves as men and also how men will form bonds beyond simple companionship and how they need each other and AURGHHHHHAHFA AFLAJD [explodes]
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grav3encovnters · 8 months
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hector medina perez. 44 years old. trying to survive after the collapse of the world. ( any kind of apocalypse will do. )
setting : hector is dealing with zombies - a result of the virus that took the lives of billions all over the world.
open to all genders ( any for romantic ) .ᐟ
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as if it wasn't enough that the world had ended, now hector was stuck in this shithole with these walkers. he was walking his normal route , trucking it from the woods to the city for a supply run , when the ground began to rumble. he couldn't outrun the crack as the ground opened up and he fell in. he's been fighting his way out of the crack, but hasn't had any luck getting out of it by himself. ❝ a little help over here ? ❞ he calls out to anyone who may be around.
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milllkaa · 2 years
It was a revelation to me that Granthem has brown eyes. Like? I REALLY THOUGHT THEY WERE GREEN? That ending with Kate and Mark is the only moment in the game where they show his face so close and… yes, a person who knows color theory thought they were green. Yes.
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Looking at him like this… I don't even know which eyes are better
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zapasnoysoldat · 8 days
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Name: Hector Columbus Grant Codename: Hawk
Hector has been a recruiter and handler for The Initiative for over ten years, after a successful career in the British army that ended with a dishonorable discharge. He was recruited by The Initiative not long afterwards, recognising his talent and violence. At first, he was in the field before working his way through the ranks. He has over two hundred missions to his name. About two years ago, he began recruiting for them, both willing recruits and unwilling. He's made a specialty of finding unique POW's, imprisoned gang members, and hostages that can be broken and weaponised for The Initiative. He currently also works as a handler for three of his recruits. Within The Initiative, he holds quite a bit of influence and has contacts across the global intelligence community.
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just-jayy · 3 months
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These pretty packages all lined up by my bed Make me feel less fucking bad Make me feel alive again I fill the cracks with anything that I can find I got bits of plastic stuck between my teeth and in my eyes
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stcries · 1 year
got some motivation, so here's a mini starter call?
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hectorfrombritain · 3 months
I was making tea for my mother and myself, when my brother requested me a glass of milk for him, to which I replied in a joking manner "is that how you ask for something?"
My mom supporting me, about the recurring fact on how my brother doesn't call me "Bhaiya", and it's only I who calls him "Bhai".
He showed irritation at this, for which I just replied, "Don't worry I'll be gone after August". He asked me "where?" as if unaware.
Then the feeling hit me about how I'll be leaving him, someone who always just seemed to be around. Despite my longing to leave this place which I call my home, there's still this internal apprehension. The feeling of not knowing the whereabouts of my parents, or whether my brother needs any help with some topics, or about how's life at school, leaves a certain feeling of uneasiness inside me.
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[Muse Monday!] You know who we also haven't heard from in a while? Hector. So hello, Hector! :D *wave* Is there anything outside of the casino that you miss (other than not being stuck in a casino), and if so, what is it?
Well, look, I know what I should say, but... Is it wrong if I don't miss my wife? Maybe it's just because we've been arguing a lot recently, but the distance has been kind of nice... What I do miss though is the opportunities for quiet. Even in the hotel rooms there's constant noise, whether it be people in the other rooms or this air conditioner that I can't shut off or even the pipes. It's constantly at least a little noisy, and I can't escape it no matter what I do.
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sonofirishseas · 1 year
❛ working together again, it’s just like old times. ❜ (from Jack to Hector 🙂)
"Ha!" Hector scoffed loudly in Jack's direction as the pair fought their way through the boisterous, drunken crowd, having to pause here and there to thrust past the more rowdy and unruly of the tavern's raucous patrons. "I've agreed to nothing yet Sparrow! I'm here for the Pearl. You're just an unfortunate part of the bargain."
The taller pirate shot the other a warning look, as if to remind him he hadn't forgiven him for abandoning him on that dock in Tortuga and wasn't in the mind to do so any time soon; even if they did currently share a common goal.
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the craziness of lemony in atwq telling hector and josephine of the events that went down in atwq 1 and atwq 3, which includes bringing up ellington fient. their responses of ellington feint is along the lines of not trusting her (almost disliking her), despite not meeting her.
the craziness of lemony in atwq telling widdershins of the events that went down in atwq 2 and excludes ellington feint, only telling him of hangfire and his still not yet done treachery. in fact, the omission of ellington feint makes it seems as if she doesn’t even exist.
there’s something about this detail, but what i don’t know.
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