#ruby x hyde
s0n1cdrag0n · 2 years
Night Rose head-cannons. Hyde Kido x Ruby Rose.
Ok because of BBctb. I kinda started to ship this two. I think there is potential and it could work. Plus what better than dork. Two dorks!!!
-While Hyde isn’t extrovert, he tries to get Ruby talk with more people. Thought he does take it slow, one by one.
-As couple most of their dates mostly video game marathons, movie nights, cooking lessons and going out (but its kinda rare).
-Hyde speciality is main dishes and salads. Ruby specialty sweets. So their number one cooking couple among friends.
-Sometimes for fun of it Ruby wears Hydes jacket. Image of Rwby wearing his jacket just too cute for Hyde.
-Zwei occasionally joins their date.
-Yang is ok with Ruby dating Hyde. Because blondes can’t be bad guys. Name one bad single blonde person.
-Different story with Tai and Qrow. There was always an strange awkward feeling.
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pupsmailbox · 5 months
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NAMES ⌇ ac!d. acid. adder. adrian. aisling. alex. alice. alix. amethyst. annabelle. ash. ashlee. ashley. aspen. avril. axe. ayesha. bates. bell. bella. belladonna. bellatrix. billy. blade. blair. blitz. bloodie. bloodscene. blythe. bow. bree. candi. celeste. chase. checkerz. clarity. coraline. couture. crow. cyril. cyrus. demi. demonia. devin. dizzy. dominic. ebony. electra. elliot. emery. emmett. emo. erin. evan. gavin. gerard. ghostie. gloom. gray. grayson. grim. gutz. havoc. hazel. heyley. hunter. hyde. ink. iris. ivory. ivy. jade. jason. jasper. jax. jet. jett. julie. kai kandi. kandiz. kat. kayden. killer. kitt. kobi. kyler. lapis. lee. lexie. luna. lynx. lyxzen. mace. maddox. madeline. mae. malice. marceline. marcie. mars. mavis. midnight. mika. neo. nina. nora. nyx. obscene. octavia. onix. onyx. opal. orchid. pearl. phantom. phoenix. pierce, pitch. pixie. punk. rain. raine. rainer. rave. raven. raver. razorz. reaper. ripley. river. rogue. ronnie. rose. rouge. roux. rubi. ruby ruby. sable. salem. sally. sapphire. sash. sasha. scythe. silvi. silvia. smoke. smokey. snow. sonya. soot. sparrow. spike. splatter. stella. stripe. sunny. suzi. suzie. suzy. taffi. taffy. tempest. travis. trend. tyler. vesper. vivi. wentz. wesley. willow. wound. xander. z!m. zach. zack. zade. zaire. zak. zander. zara. zero. ziggy. zim. zircon. zoe. zyair.
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PRONOUNS ⌇ 3rr0r/3rr0r. 666/666. 2000/2000. 3ds/3d. :3/:3. ?!/!?. ay/aym. bark/bark. bi/bim. bite/bite. black/black. bling/blingee. blood/blood. bone/bone. bow/bow. brace/bracelet. bright/colour. byte/byte. cat/cat. cata/catatonic. ce/cer. check/checkered. chem/chem. cir/circut. cos/cos. cry/cry. cut/cut. dead/dead. death/death. die/die. dino/dino. e/e. emo/emo. epic/epic. ev/ev. exe/exe. ey/em. eye/strain. fang/fang. fringe/fringe. ghost/ghost. gir/gir. girr/girr. glit/glitter. glitter/glitter. gloom/gloom. glow/glow. glow/stick. gore/gore. grr/grr. gun/gun. gut/gut. h3/h1m. hor/horror. hx/hxm. it/it. ix/ix. kan/kandi. kand/kandi. kandi/kandi. kill/kill. kit/kit. knife/knife. lix/lix. luv/luv. mask/mask. meow/meow. mew/mew. mlp/mlp. mon/monster. music/music. neo/neon. neon/neon. net/net. nya/nya. nya/nyan. nyan/cat. pika/pikachu. pix/pix. pixel/pixel. plur/plur. pony/pony. pop/pop. pop/tart. queen/queen. quiet/quiet. rain/rain. rainbow/rainbow. rave/rave. rawr/rawr. raz/razor. red/red. rei/reina. scene/scene. scene/scenester. scream/scream. sh3/h3r. si/silent. skull/skull. slash/slash. slice/slice. spi/spider. spook/spook. stab/stab. stick/sticker. sticker/sticker. stud/stud. thxy/thxm. tutu/tutu. txt/txt. vamp/vamp. video/game. x3/x3. x]/x]. XD/XD. xe/xem. xey/xem. xy/xyr. ze/zem. ze/zer. ze/zero. zi/zim. zim/zim. zom/zombie. zomb/zomb.
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ssplague · 6 months
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Benighted Beloved
Chapter One 
(Read the PROLOGUE first)
Dragon King Bakugou x Moon Princess y/n
Warnings: A/B/O themes, soulmates, mating, sex, manipulation, power and control.
Oh how can one’s feelings
spin a tale so profound? 
For only true love shall
Determine whether darkness 
Or light shall abound?
The clouds of mist stemming from your shaky panting breaths resemble tendrils of smoke unfurling from the snout of a dragon. The vapors dissipate as they flow up towards the darkening sky. You had been running for at least an hour now, with no thought of stopping. Regardless of how much distance you’d put between yourself and the castle which you had escaped from, it would never be far enough. Sweat stung bleary e/c orbs as it slipped from your forehead down into them. The mud that you had carefully packed over the scent glands on each side of your neck was becoming itchy as it flaked off. It wasn’t just on your neck though; Each wrist had so much mud caked around them it almost resembled an earthy colored bangle. As well as the insides of your thighs, they were coated in it as well. Now that it was getting dark out you would have to be even more careful of getting tangled up in thorn bushes or slapped by jagged branches. The tiniest drop of blood would have him centered in on your location as soon as the breeze carried its scent to him.
All of these precautions were necessary when you were fleeing for your life. The gigantic disadvantage of just who was sure to begin pursuing you at any moment, already meant luck would be the only thing on your side.
Slivers of moon light forced their way between gaps in the tree tops.
He has to of returned by now.
Once that man steps a single foot inside the castle, your absence will be made instantly apparent. Not from the fretting of the structures hired occupants as they frantically searched for you, or threw themselves at the king’s feet pleading for mercy, shrieking apologies. None of that noise alerted King Bakugou of your disappearance, nothing so trivial. 
It was the sudden feeling of emptiness that caused tightening in his chest, the return of that lonely longing in his soul.
Ignoring the idiots prostrating themselves before him, the beast of a man turned on his heel and exited the castle. Anger was coursing through his veins, white hot fury made his blood boil, sparks began emitting at random from clenched fists as he lost control of his thoughts. The hulking physique of the Dragon King was always imposing, but as his cloak billowed behind him in the night air, the man seemed to be growing larger. Anyone who had previously been out on the castle grounds was nowhere to be found, and good thing because even the bravest man’s heart would have given out as his eyes caught sight of the approaching ruler. 
Katsuki Bakugou could easily be mistaken for the devil himself as he storms across the court yard. Muscle began swelling beneath the flesh of expanding limbs as they grew larger. The teeth that were clenched in a snarl elongated and sharpened, horns sprouted from the king’s skull to accompany the wild blonde hair atop his head. Smatterings of Glittering gold scales could be seen mixed into the majority of the inky black ones that made up his protective hyde. The now large ruby irises were iridescent as they shined with what resembled hellfire itself. Where the king had been standing, a dragon of monstrous proportions now stood. Leathery wings expanded outward as the beast threw back its head to release a bellowing roar. With that, it launched itself skyward and zoomed off into the night.
You were kneeling down at the bank of a small stream, gulping down handfuls of water as you tried to catch your breath. The soft rustling of bushes across the way had you frozen in fear, ready to spring up and start running again.
The head of a doe pokes out from a bush, you and the animal blink back at each other for a moment.
Your body sags in relief, deeming you not to be a threat, the doe and her fawn come to stand on the opposite bank. Both dipping their heads down to drink, you watch them with a small smile on your face as you begin to reapply mud atop your scent glands.
The fawn watches you with its head cocked to the side, curious as to what you were doing. All of the sudden both deer’s are on high alert and that was a good enough cue to you that it was time to get going. The three of you all bolt off in separate directions. Your legs were practically screaming in protest, feet were undoubtedly swollen inside your soaked slippers.
The one thing you were thankful for was the thick cloak you’d thrown on before making your daring escape.
You had never wanted this life to begin with, you’d merely been minding your business walking down the beach when you stumbled across him. Seeing such a beautiful man laying there with such grievous injuries, you were compelled to help him.
One year prior
The people of this village had a shrine erected to the moon goddess Selene. Upon entering their midst, the island dwelling folk took one look at the crescent moon on your forehead and immediately welcomed you. Their crops were flourishing and nets were bursting with fish ever since you had taken residence within the shrine. It was far from easy to lug such a heavy man to your current home, but you inevitably succeeded. At first Katsuki was anything but grateful for your help. He scoffed at your efforts and cursed you out while doing your best at nursing him back to health. You took it in stride, never hesitating to clap back at the man with a gorgeous face and terrible attitude. As time went on you two had grown fond of each other, he knew you were the only one in this life for him.
Eventually the day came where he needed to return home, not once had he ever mentioned his title.
So when the young monarch confessed his feelings to you as he gripped your hands tightly, informing you that you were to be his future queen and he would soon return to bring you home, you were shocked. When he released his hold on you to step back and became a giant dragon, you screamed in terror, falling to the ground. Shrieking even louder as you attempted to scramble backwards when the beast leaned down to rub its snout against you.
I’ll be back for you soon, I promise.
You heard it clear as day inside of your head, lifting a shaky hand to caress the beasts sparkling scales. 
The magnificent creature closed its eyes for a moment, savoring the feel of your touch. Then it was gone, leaving you standing there with misty eyes and a trembling lip. That was the first time you had experienced grief that stemmed from loneliness. All the while you remained silent. Watching the dragon flying on the horizon until you could no longer make out its shape.
“We wanted to tell you…but felt it wasn’t our place” the village priestess and wife of the chieftain says, coming to stand by your side.
“Tell me what? That he was royalty? Or a dragon?” You attempted to joke, failing to notice how grave the other woman’s expression was.
“To tell you that he is a monster, goddess born please you must flee from here, that man has caused rivers of blood to flow across these lands ever since he came of age”she pleads with you,“Katsuki Bakugou is more beast than he is man, his soul has been permanently darkened by all of the lives he’s taken and misery he’s sewn”.
“Please elder tell me more about this dragon king…I need to know what exactly I’m up against…”
A short time later you’re seated around a table of other women, a few men are leaned up against the walls of the chief’s home, including the man himself. Every person in attendance has told you the frightening stories of the dragon king’s cruelty, how he revels in the blood of his foes, commands a massive army made up of both beasts and men. You sit silently, soaking all of this information in, thinking back on the time you’d spent with Bakugou.
“I know what you must be thinking my dear, the man from our stories couldn’t be the one you’d helped…It’s only natural for a kind soul like yourself to want to see the good in others” a very old woman addressed you softly, reaching her gnarled hands across the table to gently grip your’s “Selene shines through you in every aspect of your life, you are a strong, smart, beautiful woman with an aura as pure as snow….A treasure that no mere mortal could ever create”.
The women at the table all chime in:
“Those reasons are surely few of the things that lead to the beast’s fascination and resulting infatuation with you…” 
“A pure soul reaching out to one that’s grown so dark over time….”
“A beacon of light shining across a blackened ocean, a diamond hidden amongst coal” 
Then the men speak:
“Dragons are self serving, stingy, beasts; Anything that shines beautifully they can’t help but be drawn too”
“They will obsessively seek out whatever it is that they desire, disregarding rationality and consequence”
“Once they get ahold of whatevet is they hide it away, if they can keep from destroying it beforehand that is, they may treat their hoard delicately, but how many of those treasures do you think were crushed under foot? Speared by talons?”
The villagers were right.
The man that you met was on deaths door, Bakugou was probably more vulnerable with you than anyone else had ever seen him. Anger is a result of fear, now the man’s crude language and sharp tongue made sense. Unfortunately, now that he was back to his beastly self, there was no telling what would happen between the two of you. 
Or what would happen to you…
So you agreed to leave, accepting hugs and parting gifts from familiar faces, promising to return when it would be safe to do so. As you set sail on your one person raft, you admired the beauty of the moon shining down on you.Thankfully the mainland was only a day’s journey from here, and once you reached the shore you set off again. The best plan of action was to head west, but your journey towards the neighboring kingdom still took you through Bakugou’s territory.
Maybe I jumped to conclusions?
You couldn’t help but wonder as you rest atop a down tree within an unfamiliar forest. The village folk had no reason to mislead you, they were sad to see you go after all…
Still, the monster they described was nothing like the Man you had spent time with. How unfortunate would it be if all of this turned out to be a complete misunderstanding?
Seven moons later a red dragon soared over the vast ocean with ease, but the person atop its head was riddled with anxiety.  Katsuki opted to have Kirishima fly him back to the island, that way the king could enjoy holding you close during the ride back.
Back home both people and creatures alike were all excited and joyfully anticipating the crowning of a new king, as well as a queen. After all this time thinking they wouldn’t ever have another one.
The current Queen Mitsuki was thrilled at the prospect of finally being a grandmother, she had just about forced her idiot son to at least reproduce with one of the now out of work concubines. Katsuki may hold the title of “Dragon King”, but he has yet to officially take the throne. It was traditional for the first in line to be mated before being granted the right to rule. The kingdoms oracle had foretold the young monarch’s eventual meeting with an ethereal beauty capable of soothing the savage beast residing inside of him, and the two of them would rule together over their prosperous kingdom for many decades to come. At least that is the official part of the prophecy the public was privy to…
“Land here Shitty hair, we don’t want to frighten her” Bakugou commands his companion, making an effort to mask the excitement in his gruff voice. Once the king dismounts, the crimson dragon begins to shrink and soon a red haired man of similar stature appears in its place. Both men walk through the now silent village, so focused on the task at hand they fail to notice the lack of activity or occupants. On the edge of the village a short forest path leads to the shrine where the king stayed with you. Kirishima stops short and allows Bakugou to walk up the short staircase alone.
“I’ve returned for you, just as I promised I would” Bakugou announces before sliding open the door. Instead of the beautiful woman he was expecting, the shrine was empty…a single insense burned beneath the painted moon.
No sign of the woman he loved.
Sensing the distress of his best friend, Kirishima comes to peek inside, seeing the empty space makes his heart ache for the man beside him.
“Maybe she’s out enjoying the sun? Why don’t we walk around a bit, I’m sure we’ll find her!” The red head 
suggests, always the optimist.
The suggestion is met with silence, and now the absence of this island’s inhabitants dawns on both of them.
Unbeknownst to the dragon shifters above, the villagers had fled down into the island’s underground cave system.
It was the best shot they had at avoiding the vengeful Dragon King’s retaliation. Yes all of them were far beneath the surface where they planned to reside for some time to come. Well all of them with exception of one…
“Did you really believe she would wait for you after finding out all of the awful things you’ve done?  After she learned the truth about you?” A voice calls out from behind the two shifters. They turn to see a man similar in age but his build was drastically smaller than each of there’s. He was the village chief’s eldest and most arrogant son, Shindo. The newcomer shows no respect to the royalty before him, his eyes are narrowed and he sneers at the king he hates so much.
“A monster has no right to claim one that is goddess born, your darkness will suffocate her light, the blood on your hands will sully her pure heart, im sure you know that though…but you don’t care do you, your majesty?” Shindo taunts.
“Where is she?”
Three words are all he gets in reply to his mockery of the king.
“Where is she?”
The question is repeated, gradually becoming more aggressive and louder than the time before.
“Somewhere you won’t be able to reach her” the dark haired man replies with a shrug, all he’d wanted to do was get under Bakugou’s skin and obviously he’d succeeded.
Just as Shindo turns his back on the Dragon king, does he feel something yanking him backwards. A shocked cry follows the agony of sharp talons stabbing into his shoulder.
“Tell me where she went and maybe I’ll be merciful and make your death quick, or I can peel your flesh off In tiny little strips, before I roast you alive on a stick like a pig” 
So began an interrogation turned execution, the screams resulting from it had all of the birds on the island taking flight. 
Kirishima watched as Bakugou washed the blood off of himself in the ocean, the kings cape hung off his faithful companion’s outstretched arm. Flames shot up towards the darkening sky as a raging inferno engulfed the empty village behind them. A rare grimace had replaced the red head’s usual shark toothed smile, beads of sweat lined his brow and dribbled down his broad back. The only sympathy within the red dragon shifter’s heart was for his best friend; Not an ounce was spared for the people that had now lost their homes, nor the bastard that had his life snuffed out by royal hands. This was the price to be paid for causing the king such immense grief. They got off easy honestly, maybe the two dragons would return when the rats thought it was safe to come out of wherever they were hiding. Only to end up being massacred by unforgiving talons and teeth. Once the blonde exits the water he takes his cape back, fastening it, and giving his comrade a simple nod before both of them begin to shift. Neither one of the massive dragons spared the burning island a glance as they took off toward home. 
“Oh what should I do now? I have no idea” you huff, somehow you ended up in a picturesque meadow.
Various types of flowers are surrounding you, all of them are so colorful and vibrant. You apologize to each one you plucked from the earth, nimble fingers setting to work on weaving a crown to set atop your head. “Id gotten so comfortable with life at the village I’d almost forgotten that I’m not originally from this world…nor am I used to such solitude…” Your whispers are carried away by the wind as it begins to blow rather harshly.
“I think that’s good enough to replenish my stock for now, guess I’ll head back and drop these off before I go back to the capital, better hurry if I want to make it in time for Kaachan’s return” the green haired male says to no one in particular, wiping the sweat from his freckled brow. “Oh no looks like a storm is approaching” Izuku mumbles as he exits the dense forest and takes in the darkening sky over head “Damn”. Upon reaching the floral meadow the first drops of rain begin to fall, just beyond the flowers hidden by a clump of trees, sets a small house his deceased mother used to call home. It now serves as a miniature library, as well as a laboratory that the greenette uses to practice his alchemy. The spontaneous down pour is surprising in itself, but the sudden boom of thunder, and flash of lightning is unnerving. What could have caused such a sudden severe change of weather? Another loud boom sounds above but a frightened scream comes from somewhere in the meadow.
Emerald eyes squint against the pelting rain as they scan the surroundings, and then he sees her.
A lone figure shivering amongst the flowers, hands clasped over her ears and eyes squeezed shut.
Midoryia wastes no time hurrying over to the frightened woman, “Hey there! Are you out here all alone miss? Have you been injured?”.
Your eyes open as you hear the concerned tone of a stranger, opening your mouth to reply a bright strike of lightening hits a tree mere yards from where you sit.
A yelp escapes you and suddenly you have one of the man’s arms in a tight hold. “Oh no you’re soaked, c’mon I have shelter just ahead and I’m sure you would appreciate a change of clothes” the green haired stranger gives you an infectious smile that you do your best to return, allowing him to lead you out of the storm. 
A/N: Thoughts? Should I open a tag list? 
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honey-minded-hivemind · 6 months
Pssst... pssssssst...
I have another Platonic Yandere Wings of Fire/X-Men AU ~ ! How about an au where Reader is a dragonet who is an outcast of their tribe due to a rare condition in their tribe that they hatched with? (a la Chameleon from Book 8: Escaping Peril)
They were outcasted, looked down upon, ostracized, possibly bullied and abused, due to their rare condition... Yet one day they either leave or are banished or chased away, and they stumble on a rare animus-touched item that can grant them a power they've always wanted...
To be a normal dragon with normal powers, or even a dragon with rare, mighty powers.
They end up creating a form/mask for each tribe, one that is enchanted to highlight certain parts of their personality in that form and to be able to fit in without sticking out too much... They keep the enchantment in a necklace or bracelet that is always on them, and has a different gem or charm that will spread its color to the rest, to indicate they are that tribe that at the moment (ex. red ruby or garnet means a SkyWing, opal means a RainWing, orange/yellow amber for HiveWing, etc.)
Ideas for what rare condition they could have ranges like this:
MudWing: blood red egg makes them fire/burnproof; snout deformity makes it so they can't hold their breath for an hour; was born without fire; hatched without sibs...
SandWing: hatched without their venom barb; hatched with albino/melanistic/dark golden scales; hatched with six claws...
SkyWing: hatched with too much fire/hatched with too little fire; has crippled/deformed wings; has paler scales than most SkyWings...
SeaWing: hatched with a deformed tail; has trouble swimming; hatched with odd scale colors (bright acid/lime green, indigo, extremely pale blue/green, etc.)...
RainWing: snout deformity where they can't change colors; inability to produce acid/venom...
IceWing: melansitic/darker scales; difficulty breathing frostbreath; odd patterns/eyes/colors...
NightWing: albino/pale scales; not hatched with any full moon powers; hatched under three full moons...
HiveWing: odd scale colors (bright gold-green, greenish-black, reddish-pink); albino/melanistic, odd power or no powers...
SilkWing: melanistic; deformed wings/wingbuds; inability to produce silk/is a flamesilk...
LeafWing: odd scale colors (amber brown, pink-red, gold); odd leafspeak/no leafspeak; deformed tail or wings...
Reader would have a mask (enchanted form) of each tribe, with its own name, color, size, abilities and personality, all a little different if not completely different, and each with a carefully crafted backstory. Reader made sure each of these forms were more or less "perfect" (undeformed/common/accepted). Some forms have fun powers, some are more down to earth, but all are crafted to match Reader and hide them, transforming them into a new dragon each time they change.
I'm going to call this the 🎭Jekyll and Hyde🐉 AU... And it's 🥚Tiny Talons🐉 variation is called the 🥚Tiny Rainbow🌈 AU...
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tobegiggledat · 2 years
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That Which She Alters
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✦pairing: Shapeshifter!Mirko x gn!reader
✦warnings: no quirks au, background Fuyumi x reader, uncanny valley, identity crisis, brain-washing, dubcon, angst, cheating (done by reader sorry), memory gaps, possession?, kissing, oral sex (f.receiving) aphrodisiacs, Jekyll Hyde type shit
✦word count: 3.4k
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“Fuyumi!” The name bursts from between your teeth, and it's sharp; leaving a tingle across your aching lips as it passes into the dark labyrinth of trees amidst you, bouncing from leaves to bark then seeping within roots.
Yet, those very trees were ample of life the morning your trail began, a net of rich, blooming green, filtering the slivers of sun through webs of sticks and meshing with grey wisps across the sky—but as night struck, those features soon became suffocating.
The innocent path of wood is tall and menacing, but you persevere in hopes of finding your girlfriend, long lost among the thicket despite her claiming she’ll return back to camp in a few.
It's been over half an hour.
A dimming light flashes from between your fingers, trembling with each twitch that strikes your nerves, its yellowish hues illuminate a small distance ahead of you, revealing the layers of rock and mud caked on the ground and at your feet.
The air is dry and stagnant with faint crunches of leaves fluttering through the breeze, but nothing more, not a hoot, not a breath nor a shutter…
For a moment, you assume the forest lacks any inhabitants, devoid of nests, footprints or any other indications of wildlife—that is, until a small, pale animal appears on your trail; a bunny with two reflecting rubies that watch with intrigue, but it makes no effort to close the distance.
You're uncertain if you want it to though, its pupils emanate a foreign knowledge, a profound understanding of this wilderness and the motives of those who engage with it—the sight of that unwavering gaze stirs something within you, fear or curiosity, you can't quite place.
But as it makes small leaps deeper into the dark, you inch closely behind, shining your flashlight just ahead of it to make sense of the direction it's leading you.
Unlike a hare, it moves slow and steady; short furry limbs navigate the land with familiarity, ears propping upright when rounding certain areas and body stilling to sense the terrain.
Whether it's best to trust your own instincts or those of a random rabbit, you'll find out, but as of now it's better than complacency.
Eventually its pink paws stop at the edge of a cave, and it swiftly turns to face you with its narrow eyes returning to your form just as it did in the beginning.
Thick patches of moss gather along the inside, glistening with dew drops and stretching way past the end of your light and further than your eyes can see.
“Is this where she is?”, you ask hushedly as if it withholds a secret from you.
Though, the bunny remains still, whiskers flaring and nose making the slightest twitches, it eyes you more intently and you think it may have only blinked now and never before.
Twitching, flaring, twitching, then nothing.
It blinks once more, and the result that follows is bizarre; its limbs suddenly expand outward while molting to become flesh-like, curving into human shapes and branching into five individual digits, sharp and darkened at the tips.
The creature unfolds itself until upright to expose it's nude form, snow-white strands crown its head in waist-length wisps with additional sprinkles of smaller hairs adorning the rest of its bronze features. Perky breasts protrude from its chest while a milky bush is gathered at the center between its thighs, but to call it a woman wouldn't be quite right.
And its alien scleras are the biggest give away, black with those same red gems and swirls of gold at its center.
It's a mockery of human form that has you reeling backward, unease settling in your gut and swarming throughout your intestines in a disturbed churn, your nerves alight and jittering across your bones.
As you stumble further and further away from it, it creeps closer in awe like an infant; wobbling and touching and gawking to make sense of the world around it.
The sudden extension of exploratory fingers toward you finally gives you the muster to turn away completely, legs bolting the way you came without a moment for your head to follow.
“Fuuyuumii!”, you breach the air with more shouts, words slurring between the heavy breaths that escape your exasperated lungs.
Though, you don't feel the creature on your heels, in fact, you think the creature may have never moved at all, but you fail to gather any courage to look back.
Your flashlight catches a distant figure, which you quickly make out as your girlfriend, her pale skin and locks illuminating from the brightness as flashes of turquoise gaze in your direction.
You dash to wrap her tightly against you, she's rigid in shock initially but her shoulders droop as she returns the gesture, softly. “Where have you been?” you question meekly against her shoulder, cheeks pressed deeply into her collar before pulling away so that you can face her.
“I’m not sure, I got lost on the way back to camp”, her tone has an edge of shakiness, while her fingers tug at your shoulders as she anxiously glances around. “I’m just glad I was finally able to find you.”
“We should head back home”, you quickly follow up. “After everything that’s happened—It’s too much for one trip, and I miss my bed.”
“Yeah, I’m with you on that”, she says against you.
“Good. I know the way back to camp.”
It was supposed to be a break from long hours at office desks, just a moment with yourselves and nature, but the ride back to your shared condo is plump with tensity and confusion as you process the events of tonight’s trip—especially the pressing oddity that lurked in that forest.
Was that creature a mere figment of your fatigued, panicked brain or was it another one of the universe’s many secrets?
You don’t know, but you can’t bring yourself to get Fuyumi involved- not that your encounter sounds believable in the first place.
Some mysteries are better left unsolved, the forest is long behind now, and the moment your body emerges past that final line of stifling oak you purge yourself of all the moments that manifested from it.
An immediate sleep is in order; no shower nor drastic change of clothes, you plunge beside Fuyumi onto your queen-sized mattress and leave the fate of laundry and unpacking, for tomorrow morning.
Sleep inevitably takes hold of you in a violent storm, but an odd dream accompanies it.
Fuyumi is there, and so is another you, yet you watch things unfold like an outsider, viewing the entirety of “yourself” as if that body weren't the very one you inhabited.
Fuyumi tenderly cups your face, much like she does when you're awake; with dainty but careful fingers, while her lips mesh into yours in a messy collision, wet and dripping past the sides of your teeth.
Her eyes flicker open when she senses you—the observer—near, and she beams at the sight, exultant in how her movements do the utmost to petrify you.
The blotches of red throughout her hair begin to fade away as the strands fall past their usual shoulder length to rest against her waist. Sapphire irises become crimson, yet her insidious grin remains painted across her mouth.
She's shifted into that awful thing from the forest—the wretched creature has even followed you into your slumber and embedded itself within your subconscious.
The other you doesn't seem to have the slightest inkling of protest as its eyes remain transfixed on the creature’s lips, welcoming of the change and begging for more of the creature's affections.
It's those upturned lips that stain your psyche as you jolt awake into the next morning.
The sheets are stirred and empty where Fuyumi once laid, the distant clatter of pans and fizzles of running water give you an idea of what she's been up to while you were dreaming.
The eerie display from the night before rests fresh on your mind, but it's just a dream and nothing more.
At least, it's what you tell yourself as you dally toward the source of the racket, trailing after the aroma of freshly-brewed coffee, and settling at the table before a plate.
“Morning”, you chirp, eyeing the array of your favorites, each prepared in an individual tray for consumption.
“Hey, how'd you sleep?”Fuyumi smiles before settling in a seat across from you, her hands swiftly reaching for a fork and knife.
“I slept okay”, you bring a bit of food to your lips and she follows suit.
“Really? I’ve been up since 3 a.m. trying to make sense of everything”, she chimes, and you realize her eyes reveal just that, with slight discoloration at the base and protruding veins evident from beneath her lenses.
“Now that I think about it, I did have a weird dream”, you say quietly.
“What was it about?”
“Nothing special, it was similar to what happened yesterday.” You decide to exclude the much odder details. “What about you?”
“Well, with the little time I did sleep I don’t think I dreamed at all.” Fuyumi swipes at the edge of her left eye.
You hesitate, lips pursing before you speak. “Did you see or hear anything weird when we were separated?”
Fuyumi takes a moment to ponder. “No…it’s more weird that I didn’t hear a peep, not even the crickets or anything”
“Yeah, I didn’t hear much either…” Your gaze travels to your half-eaten meal, transfixed on the ridges of your plate, your fingers gripping the edge of it tightly.
Your focus starts to strip from you in small, light waves.
“I think I was only………but…..” Fuyumi’s voice becomes distant, background noise to the flurry of thoughts that begin to surge your mind. “so dark…..”
Why did that thing in the forest lead you away? What would it have shown you had you stayed?
You want to go back to it one day…
“Did you hear me?”, she finally snaps you out of your haze.
You stare at her blankly. “No, sorry.”
“I said I think I was only gone for around 20 minutes or so, but it felt like hours really—especially since it was so dark, I might’ve been walking in circles.”
“Oh, right..”, you respond quietly, yet Fuyumi seems to catch on to your abrupt change in attitude.
“Are you okay, you seem pretty out of it?” A worried glance follows her question.
“Yeah, Yeah. I’m fine, I—“, you shut your eyes for what feels like a few seconds.
Just a few seconds, you’re certain…
“What?” Fuyumi’s mouth is slightly agape now, eyebrows retreating to her hairline and the whites of her eyes exposed.
“I’m fine”, you repeat but it feels like you’ve forgotten something—like time has passed but you're not sure how much.
“No, before that—I’m confused, what made you say that all of a sudden.”
“I didn’t say anything—”
“You did. I asked what you were thinking about and you said ‘someone else’ with a disgusted look on your face.” Her lips quiver a little at that.
“That can’t be”, your head begins to shake on its own. “How could I have said that when I don’t remember you asking that question in the first place?”
For a moment, her features twitch toward the center, but she soon looks away, eyes glistening and ear tips glowing crimson.
“I don’t even understand what you meant by that a-a-and now—”, her voice cracks as she's cut short by tears. “You’re acting as if you never said it.”
You can only watch at first, too befuddled to string together the right words.
“I’m sorry”, you finally attempt to ease her worries. “Everything’s been…so weird since the trip, but I’m not lying to you. I may not remember, but I know I’d never say anything to purposely upset you.”
She seems temporarily appeased by your response, but you don't want to trouble her any further.
“I’ll take care of the cleaning, you should get some sleep”, you offer, hastily gathering the dishes to begin cleaning them straight away, she returns to bed at your advice.
The scorching water that passes through your fingers does little to keep you grounded in reality as you comb through your memories to process what transpired.
You don’t remember.
No—what Fuyumi claimed you said doesn’t sound like you at all.
It couldn’t have been you. Something or someone must’ve taken hold of your body—you felt it, a brief fog before you faded away to the backseat of your mind.
And the albino rabbit is the first culprit you can think of, but to pin it all on a creature you aren’t sure even exists is absurd.
It’s too early to tell, but the feeling of alienation that accompanies the idea of having a secret side of yourself is one you’ve never felt before.
What if you have more instances of you potentially uttering words that go against your ideals while never knowing what led you to say them, or sometimes what was even said?
Losing control is…frightening.
It can’t happen again, you mustn’t speak until you regain control, or at least determine the root of it.
Despite your suggestion, Fuyumi still hasn't gotten a wink of sleep, tossing and turning beside you in silent increments.
You want to say something, but every attempt you make to reassure her is quickly caught between your cheeks, after all you don't have an answer. What good will false understandings do in the end?
It’s best to sleep you think, and you drift beside her, at last.
Rumi. Rumi. Rumi.
Her name sticks and drips from your tongue like syrup.
You feel as though it’s been intrinsic to you all along.
You just hadn’t noticed it yet.
She smiles, teeth pointed and glistening, and your skin flushes to life as if you’ve been dead since the beginning.
You arouse from your dream only to wish your eyes never parted.
But then the warmth of your girlfriend beside you snaps you right out of it.
That couldn’t have been the real you—you would never betray Fuyumi.
You love her, more than you’ve ever loved anyone before.
It was just a warped reality crafted by your fear-stricken mind—yes, dreams tend to implant and intensify feelings that never existed initially.
That must be it.
It's evening. Fuyumi stirs gently in her sleep suspended between unconsciousness and consciousness but she ultimately reaches the cusp of being awake.
“Hey, you up?”, you whisper, trying to rouse her.
“Mhmm”. She faces away from you with her eyelids still closed.
“I’m gonna get us something to eat, any suggestions?”
“Mmm”, she grumbles softly once more.
“Rumi?” You ask in hopes she answers this time.
She replies just as sleepily, “Ruumi?”
Your heart nearly swoops from your chest. “Yumi, I meant.”
“I’ll just look for something downtown, see you in a bit”, you say lastly before taking off on the road.
When you get there, the streets are brimming with stationary cars, some returning from another day's work while others roam the roads with the same intentions as you.
Driving allows another opportunity for wandering thoughts, and your mind welcomes the most grievous of them despite your refusal.
The stoplights gradate from bright yellow to just as bright ruby when you decide you feel…empty.
Your true home isn't confined within cement structures and walls—being amongst the woods is what you crave, and while it was scary at first, leaving it gave you time to realize how much you miss it.
You hear the tree's gentle coos as they ride the breeze from somewhere far away, urging you back in convincing whispers, traveling from your ear to your synapses and welding themselves there.
But the thought of leaving Fuyumi behind fills your heart to the brim with stone, your chest heaving to rid the weight of betrayal.
Maybe home isn't too bad as long as she's there as well…
You return with dinner a half hour later, just as promised, steaming rice and curry in hand. Fuyumi has already placed the silverware and she begins plating a portion for the both of you.
The kitchen lamp above casts a halo along the ivory strands across her cheeks as they shape her delicate, yet furrowed features, and it has you smiling gently despite her never noticing it.
She’s always been so…lively, and it’s so easy to see, especially up close; glowing blue-bordered irises so enthralled by the littlest of things.
Dinner will be calm, you think as you gently shut your eyes once basking in the scenery….Yes, the day will end as smoothly as it began…
Your hand rests tightly on a steering wheel the moment you part your eyes.
A gap in your memory is evident, but you can't bring yourself to care.
Flashes of Fuyumi's wet, sticky cheeks ring behind your eyes, her lips parted and nose blemished with scarlet hues.
You can't bring yourself to care.
You drive for hours, following the roads despite not knowing where they’ll take you.
Little do you know, you are unconsciously guided to the forest she inhabits.
Her essence flows throughout your body, silky and smooth.
You can't feel the ground beneath you as you drift toward her in avid steps, weightless as all doubts slip from your limbs—you'll reach her any minute now.
The path to her seemingly unveils itself; branches twisting and coiling away from certain parts, and rocks tumbling to collect at the edges.
You reach her terrain, and go rigid; your nerves jostling beneath your skin at the sight of her while your insides knot in a mixture of glee and awe.
Her nude form stands proudly on a rock amidst a sea of glowing moss, which stretches past the cave's entrance and illuminates her figure and the pale hairs across her body.
“I’ve been expecting you”, she purrs softly, yet her voice still lingers in your ears like an echo way past the moment it trickles from her lips.
“What did you do to me?”, you meekly manage to muster the question while under her intimidating glare.
Her lips become upturned, with her pointed fangs most prominent.
“Come”, she beckons you without raising a finger.
Your body moves mechanically toward her, and upon closing the distance, she seems to hover over you akin to a deity, gloriously granting you an opportunity to relish in her presence, her assertive aura unwavering.
Your lips are at level with her core, the glossy folds twinkling with golden undertones and emitting a potent, unfamiliar aroma. The first waft is sweet and sharply so, sending a tingle up your nostrils with each breath, but it fades away into something you can’t quite place—addicting in a way that keeps your thoughts looping for what it may be.
“You want this, don't you?” Her palm delicately rests against your check, and the clashing of her skin with yours sends heat flaring across your features.
“Yes, please.” The plea slips along your tongue without so much as a thought, lust-blown irises batting upward for approval.
“Say it, and you'll be mine”, her tone droops, low, husky and into the wind.
And with the growing heat inside you, you have no choice but to follow her command. “I want you, Rumi, no one else”, you utter, relinquishing your fate to the whims of a borderline goddess.
She obliges with tender but swift movements, claws interlocking at the base of your skull to pull you forward, and you're overwhelmed with her scent, nose burrowing into the hair near her clit as your lips become slick with her juices.
Her intoxicating fragrance surrounds you in a thick cloud, permeating your better judgement with want.
A bit of her arousal seeps past your teeth and onto your tongue. The taste is entrancingly tangy as it satiates a hunger that is unknowingly subdued deep within you.
With more eager smacks and slurps, your mouth is increasingly sticky with spit and her fluids, you gather her flavor hoping to quell the damp spot that’s also growing between your legs. It amplifies into a near untamable throbbing, yet your hands scramble to find purchase on her thighs, too enraptured by the task at hand to ever relieve yourself with a fumble of your fingers.
Your tongue makes desperate motions across her cunt, chasing the rush of endorphins that accompany each of her half-murmured praises and gasps.
As she inches toward climax, the grip on your scalp becomes bruising, but the pain isn’t enough to dissuade you from bringing her to release, in fact you welcome it as it meshes with your pleasure in a masochistic manner.
She lets out an appreciative cry that makes your skin tingle before clamping around you in a final arch of bliss. She twitches gently as you continue to lap at her throughout it, then releases you from her hold with a smile.
The view from below is alluring; her clumped wisps clinging to her glowing, damp skin, plump lips parted and heaving while her hungry glare mimics the sparkle of rubies in a pool of black.
You get it now—those moments where she can never seem to leave you be.
This has always been the true you.
You’ve felt this way since the beginning, you just hadn't noticed it before.
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Characters: Ruby Rose x Hyde Kido
Fandoms: RWBY | Under Night In-Birth
Relationship: Romantic
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livelysonletour · 9 months
If you guys know Cat, you know she LOVES an unavoidable disruption to her meticulously planned itinerary! But I suppose there are worse places to be stuck than London.
After deciding to book a hotel as close to the epicenter of London tourism as possible, we minded the gap and took the tube to Hyde Park. The weather was exactly as you'd imagine London in the winter, but we ventured through rain and crowded streets of Carnaby over to a very popular and busy Indian restaurant, Dishoom. Undiscouraged by the hour long queue, we waited outside in the drizzle and made friends with the doorman.
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We were finally seated inside around 4pm, so we delved into what would be our lunch and dinner. We had some delicious and bottomless house chai, fried okra, black Daal, ruby chicken and whatever the chef's special was. Even for combining the two meals, our eyes were bigger than our stomach could handle, and whatever we were able to finish up was ultimately the dagger that ruined any plans of us making it past 7:30 awake.
It was dark by the time we left the restaurant and the rain had picked up, but we took the long way back to the hotel making detours to the Green Park, Buckingham Palace, and the Victoria Memorial.
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We made it back to the hotel and jetlag and the Indian food caught up to us. We were both snoring seconds after hitting the pillow with plans dashed to read a new book and watch the Chelsea game.
We're currently back at London Heathrow hoping for an on time departure to get into Lisbon a day late and more than a few euros short. Security knocked us both for a loop... An unsuspecting security agent forced us to check our bags. We obliged him with the ignorant American tourist schtick. My TSA pre-check conditioning had me holding up the line as literally every single item was taken out of my bag and resent through the X-ray machine. And Cat, still cursing my namesake for the chain reaction that led to her bag being checked, forgot to pull her film out before sending it through the X-ray. ☹️
Stay tuned to see if the conspicuously named Storm Gerrit further wreaks havoc on our American privilege!
Dog check:
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(Charlie pictured with his daycare bestie, Hank.)
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tazzmanian-devil · 7 months
Lost, Star VS, MP100, MHA(up to s7), Owl House, LMK, Dragon Prince, Infinity Train, Tangled, Breaking Bad, FMA:B, The Twilight Zone, House MD, The Good Doctor, Grey's Anatomy, Arcane, Fiona and Cake, Adventure Time, Dungeon Meishi, Dorohedoro, Chainsaw Man, Scrubs, SpyxFamily, Letterkenny, It's Always Sunny in Philidelphia, Serial Experiments Lain, Russian Doll, The Great Canadian Pottery Show, lucky star, nichijou, Mysteries of Mental Illness, Gurren Lagann, star trek, one punch man, scavengers reign, the cyberpunk anime, the good place,
Moulin Rouge, FNAF the Movie, 57 Seconds, the Hulu Fyre Festival documentary, The Colourful Mr. Eggleson, The Blair Witch Project, Uncle Buck, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, The Day After Tomorrow, bill and ted, last night in soho, Green Room(2015), sinbad, the Oceans movies, world war z, speed, speed 2, the big short, too big to fail, the florida project, kung fu panda 4, jerry maguire, dnd movie, challengers(2024), the bad guys, shark tale, the descent, the descent part 2, mothers' instinct, sting, burn after reading, michael clayton, being john malkovich, oppenheimer, die hard(SERIES), cocaine crabs, Mutant Mayhem, the shining/doctor sleep, abigail, baghead, tarot, the first omen, my oni girl, jaws, 28 days later, missing, fall, ready or not, 10 cloverfield lane, pearl(2022), raw(2016), the autopsy of jane doe, the cabin in the woods(2011), The Wolf Man, an american werewolf in london, rabid, thelma the unicorn, RUBY GILLMAN, boeing documentary, i saw the tv glow, we grown now, if, bedtime stories, everest, goodnight mommy, the caller, the invisible man, PERFECT BLUE, tcm 1 and 2, bambi II, gremlins, how to lose a guy in 10 days, the wedding planner, the boy and the heron, in the heights 2021, despicable me 4, inside out 2, the boy,monica and david(2009), BYE BYE TIBERIAS, Dude, Where's My Car, skinamarink, The Rocky Horror Show, Kinky Boots, Spiderverse 1 and 2, The Celluloid Closet, Vivian Meyer, Jeff Wall, The Fruit Machine, The Third Care Bears Movie, baby garfield, need for speed, payback, fast and furious, tomorrowland, gravity, the ides of march, one cut of the dead2017, king kong1933, halloween1978, shaun of the dead2004, Diabolique, the invisible man2020, nosferatu1922, invasion of the bodysnatchers1956, rosemary's baby, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari, Eyes Without a Face, Train to Busan, the ring, night of the living dead, his house, talk to me, repulsion, frankenstein, vampyr, freaks1932, night of the hunter, dawn of the dead, scream(SERIES), peeping tom, godzilla1954, a girl walks home at night, the fly, suspiria, zombieland, the birds, the innocents, whatever happened to baby jane, x(2022), the amusement park(1973), it follows(2014), dead of night1945, dracula1931, carrie 1976, the host2006, kwaidan1964, dont look now1973, thelma2017, barbarian2022, evil dead, evil dead 2, eraserhead, hereditary, return of the living dead, TCM, phantom of the opera1925, the conjuring, cat people, the thing, house of wax, dr jekyll and mr hyde, mandy, the cat and the canary, let me in, tenacious d the pick of destiny, village of the damned, duel, the wicker man, dead alive, you wont be alone, beast, poltergeist, the evil dead(SERIES), fear street(1,2,3), theater of blood, the haunting, the witch, annihilation, the dead zone, the others, rare exports: a christmas tale, santa sangre, the night house, the black phone, the endless, the exorcist, the mummy, dead ringers, day of the dead, the omen, predator, fright night, crawl, fresh, better watch out, the abominable dr phibes, candyman, carnival of souls, halloween, warm bodies, sisters, house of usher, the house of the devil, smile, 1408, innerstellar, failure to launch, jason x, existenz, scanners, the brood, fast company, mission impossible, ella enchanted, the princess diaries, brokeback mountain, charlies angels(SERIES), oceans 8, cocaine shark, the bourne ultimatum, mad max, citizen kane, gone with the wind, the shawshank redemption, lord of the rings, its a wonderful life, cassablanca, blade runner, rocky, saving private ryan, edward scissorhands, better watch out, cam(2018), extremely goofy movie, planet of the apes, scream 2022, your monster 2024, bed rest 2022, southbound, v/h/s, devil's due, 1993 mario movie, Immaculate, labrynth, the dark crystal, the neverending story, narnia, ma, shorts, jennifer's body, the boy
(annabelle, saw 2, The Scott Tibbs Documentary, saw 3, saw 4, the rest of the saws, mlp g5, ex machina, fraggle rock, defunctland fraggle rock, onward, lightyear, m3gan, the orphanage2017, childs play, upgrade, hatching, videodrome, frailty)
Welcome to Night Vale, The Magnus Archives, Red Valley, Creepy Podska, qanon anonymous, Stuff You Missed in History Class, wayne radio tv,
Under the Dome, Gideon the Ninth, Dungeon Meishi, The Celluloid Closet, Harrow the Ninth, Nightmare at 20,000 Feet, The Fox and the Hound, House of Leaves, Stone Butch Blues, Wool, The Slow Regard of Silent Things, that photo book, For Folk's Sake, the ROTTMNT Comic Book, The Prince, Discourses, The Art of War, Five Rings, this is how you die, The Rescuers, asops fables, the raven cycle, reanimator, watership down, the wizard of oz, beastars, the most dangerous game, how Europe underdeveloped Africa, sappho
0 notes
thyele · 2 years
【貴族】Shinpei Mörishigeさん「Rest in peace,David Bowie. ボウイの命日か…もう7年。 去年は、俺が聴いてたあたりだとdepeche modeのフレッチや、PILのキースや、アシュラのシュルツェやマヌエルゲッチングも旅立った…。 最近聴いてるストーンズのチャーリーもか。こんな世界は想像つかなかったです。元気は大切な財産ですね。 https://t.co/IU9TfTOI9H」https://twitter.com/KIZOKU_0927/status/1613093070526087173
SUGIZOさん「[INFO] 本日、オンラインサロン「#THEONENESSWILL」がオープン致しました‼ ただいま初月無料にて、#SUGIZO と共に、手を取り合い、学び合い、日常の中でいいことを行い、少しずつ世界を変えていく仲間を募集中です‼ ▼詳細はこちらをご覧ください。 https://t.co/dl07EGQ31o @THEONENESSWILL」https://twitter.com/SUGIZOofficial/status/1613098433791004672
Hydeさん「[STAFF] HYDERoomのSTAFF DIARYにてJINさんによる"黑ミサ 2022 in Furano"のスペシャルレポートを3部作で公開!今日は1部を公開しました。 会員の方は是非チェックして下さい! https://t.co/f990BBZyYC #HYDE #HYDERoom #黑ミサ2022 #JIN」https://twitter.com/HydeOfficial_/status/1613098518348189696
Ryuichi Kawamuraさん「音源投票スタート!! ブログ更新しました! https://t.co/KlCkKp0e2G」https://twitter.com/RyuichiKawamur2/status/1613099556648128513
seekさん「MIMIZUQリハーサル初め。 15日柏PALOOZAにて行われる 新企画「SINGER'S喫茶CAT'S EYE」 今日はゲストのYOSSY×YOSSYさん、CUTTさん、生熊耕治さん、田澤孝介さんの曲を中心に。 それぞれの楽曲を森の動物色に彩ります。 お楽しみにー。 https://t.co/uJIFCe3jek」https://twitter.com/seek_bonshisya/status/1613113388070236160
横須賀歌麻呂さん「『YARIMAN HUNTER』まだまだ���るよ! 週末は福岡と大阪で上映します! 小倉名画座 1/13(金) 12:30 18:00 21:30 1/14(土) 12:30 大阪ロフトプラスワンWEST 1/15(日) 12:00 13日初回上映後の舞台挨拶には首振りDollsが登場! 詳細は公式サイトにて↓ https://t.co/V6gIlwzLp9 https://t.co/XPzuHyWE3V」https://twitter.com/yokosukautamaro/status/1613080042854322176
幻覚さん「. 幻覚 ライヴDVD『始動。』 予約特典付き受付が迫っております!! ご予約はお早めに。 WeROCK STORES! ※予約期間:~23年1月15日 ストアサイト  https://t.co/Ib8AgAGT8z」https://twitter.com/genkakuoffical/status/1613114664304660481
takuto_さん「リハーサルでした。退出時cinema staffの機材搬入手伝いました。みんな元気にしてますかね。名古屋でworld's end girlfriendとの2マン懐かしくも楽しい思い出。そう言えばあの時会場にSHIGEMORIの方が来てくれてRUBY STONE takutoモデル頂いて。それ以来ずっとめいんの歪みです。 https://t.co/TS8YTmuzaO」https://twitter.com/takuto_/status/1613114700153384961
高橋 浩一郎(Kaiki)さん「俺の考え方、間違えてもいい、ドラムがとまりそうになってもいいよ、このメンバーが集まるからいいんだよ、それだけでいいよ、おはるさんイベント今やれる事を全力で 福岡も名古屋もね https://t.co/8boktNd0nl」https://twitter.com/STakahashi0823/status/1613117476149276677
Prime Video(プライムビデオ)さん「◤◢◤◢◤超 特 報◢◤◢◤◢ "待望の1曲”が追加配信決定! ◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢◤◢ 1月18日(水) 00:00 『L'Arc〜en〜Ciel 30th L'Anniversary』に“あの曲”を追加したスペシャルエディションが登場! さぁ、どの曲が降臨する? 続報をお楽しみに🌈 #プライムビデオにラルク降臨 https://t.co/EHmli7uE8v」https://twitter.com/PrimeVideo_JP/status/1613113521994170368
Tomoiさん「名古屋へ帰省中のあれこれ 港の写真は左が自分です 先輩とシーバスを狙ったんですが 釣れたのはサクラマス??? 20cmくらいでした。 前回はエイを引っ掛けたので 獲物以外の魚ばかり釣れてます https://t.co/UOYCmOnkEl」https://twitter.com/C4Tomoi/status/1613122388669136897
PALOOZAさん「1/15 日 (前売り残り僅か) MIMIZUQ presents SINGER’S 喫茶CAT’S EYE 出演:HOST : MIMIZUQ ゲストシンガー:生熊耕治 CUTT 田澤孝介 YOSSY x YOSSY 全席自由席 前売り予約受付中 https://t.co/Iq7D6MibcF 配信視聴券¥3,000 ■購入ページURL https://t.co/Vul2R5Q05x https://t.co/6xGgKwdN9R」https://twitter.com/palooza_com/status/1613136015929270277
THE ONENESS WILL SALONさん「【#THEONENESSWILL からお知らせ】 本日1月11日、サロンがオープンしました。 SUGIZOと一緒に日常の中でいいことを行い 少しずつ世界を変えていく仲間を募集中です。 https://t.co/BTobKUgJS5 ただいま初月無料となっております。 入会者はSUGIZOからのスペシャルメッセージ動画もご覧いただけます。」https://twitter.com/THEONENESSWILL/status/1613026798786449409
luin officialさん「【luin】 2023/2/3(金)池袋手刀 『The MOUNTAIN BOOK 2023』 出演: 稲山梢 IOLITE-アイオライト- luin 枯レタ井戸ノ底。 (O.A) Siyng(Vo.山本伸彦、Support AGt.青木淳平) DJ 永山銀 open 17:45/start 18:15 前売 ¥3,500(D代別)/当日¥4,000(D代別) 前売御予約受付中↓ https://t.co/LZ4zykhzVE https://t.co/IuwNpOUYHq」https://twitter.com/luin_official/status/1613143597104365568
luin officialさん「new!!【luin】 2/11(土祝) 吉祥寺CRESCENDO 『YOU KNOW ME? Night! 2023』 -Line Up- luin WeaJ HADES grace period AIR KISS Marilyn Marathon and more..!? イヴェント詳細、チケット発売等は後日! https://t.co/xADpSJks0f」https://twitter.com/luin_official/status/1613143710514176001
清春さん「【Live】 清春『30TH DEBUT DAY』 2/09 (木) LIQUIDROOM プレイガイド先行受付スタート ◼︎e+ 1/11(水)12:00 ~ 1/22(日)23:59 https://t.co/8SfkJbZiIq… ◼︎ローチケ 1/11(水) 12:00 ~ 1/18(水) 23:59 https://t.co/wn4VQm499q… #清春 #30thdebutday https://t.co/jbHwNb6MAS」https://twitter.com/ki_spring/status/1613144294810091523
ヴィジュアル博士のる@監修オムニバスCD2種発売中さん「【ever free/KNOCK OUT MONKEY】 ロックバンド、KOMがhide with Spread Beaverの往年の名曲をカバー。メンバー全員がhide氏をリスペクトしているだけあって、原曲に忠実かつ敬意を残しつつもはっちゃけるところははっちゃけるアグレッシブなアレンジになっている。 数多くあるhideカバーの中でも抜群。 https://t.co/x3GdHk0FNO」https://twitter.com/vr_noru/status/1613144872609009664
ヴィジュアル博士のる@監修オムニバスCD2種発売中さん「新バンド「CHAQLA」解禁です。 Vo.ANNIE A Gt.のあか  Gt.kai Ba.鷹乃助 Dr.Bikky (敬称略) 2/22 日本国内にて第零回CHAQLA.単独公演の開催も決定。 https://t.co/P1YfOgHJQa https://t.co/jzbZ6kLkL1」https://twitter.com/vr_noru/status/1613145364810600458
ANGM RECORDSさん「西日暮里でイベントやります!! 2023/2/3(Fri) ANGM RECORDS presents TGIF -Acoustic party- 西日暮里スクランブル 1F くらやみざか Fallsheeps_mini 松永祐太朗(naboo) メレ start 20:00 charge free 投げ銭制 https://t.co/rzjNY67wLb」https://twitter.com/ANGMREC/status/1613143699457986560
恐さん「血は 最高の装飾品であり 最高の化粧」https://twitter.com/bpmkyo/status/1613146705482100736
YOUさん「【開催決定】 YOU KNOW ME? Night! 2023 at Kichijoji Crescendo 2023年2月11日 -Line Up- luin WeaJ HADES grace period AIR KISS Marilyn Marathon and more..!? イヴェント詳細、チケット発売等は後日! https://t.co/xnHxpdTCih」https://twitter.com/YOU_official/status/1613143705778786305
キリ(luin) 1/20池袋手刀単独公演さん「YOUさんのお誕生日イベントにluin参加いたします〜🎂豪華対バン…! 初めてのKichijoji Crescendoです◎ 土曜日祝日✨ 2月は2/3(金)池袋手刀『The MOUNTAIN BOOK 2023』と併せて、どうぞよろしくお願いします🙆‍♀️」https://twitter.com/kiri_drums/status/1613148064226897920
ヴィジュアル博士のる@監修オムニバスCD2種発売中さん「ダメあたしこういうのに弱いのwww >RT」https://twitter.com/vr_noru/status/1613151562326761473
ヴィジュアル博士のる@監修オムニバスCD2種発売中さん「ちょっと実験、すぐ消す https://t.co/FfVb4IJLNC」https://twitter.com/vr_noru/status/1613158619570405383
luin officialさん「【luin】 2023.1.20㈮release 2nd full album『syy』(※シーと読みます) ◎全曲トレーラー公開💿🎧 https://t.co/Skt0JOPsG7 収録曲: 1. enigma 2. 哀しみ道化師 3. catastrophe 4. Rascal 5. paraiso 6. 斑 7. break the apocalypse 8. Black Swan 9. dirt 10. ヤンデレラ 11. doppler (¥3000) https://t.co/ExwbY8sPMe」https://twitter.com/luin_official/status/1613158862848393216
luin officialさん「【luin】 2023/1/20(金)池袋手刀 https://t.co/URUu86RRE4 2nd full album『syy』release💿 luin単独公演『十三月、王莽が時』 open 19:00/start 19:30 前売 3,400円+1d/当日 3,900円+1d 前売御予約受付中↓↓ https://t.co/QbMcAgYoYQ https://t.co/o6FV35aovl」https://twitter.com/luin_official/status/1613158871304122371
UNCLOCK LOVER 頼田陵介さん「懐かしい写真が送られてきたw 17の時、メンバー募集で出会った仲間と今もちゃんと繋がってるとはね〜 縁って不思議だわ😊 左俺、右ミズカ✌️ にしてもどーゆー顔してんだ?笑 https://t.co/7slPgPBoAp」https://twitter.com/yorita_ryosuke/status/1613159311945138177
lucy〜中村真悟@1/20luin単独公演さん「luinネオアルバム 全曲トレーラー公開!(ΦωΦ) 是非チェックしてくださいまし!!!」https://twitter.com/lucy_peter/status/1613166063050690563
luin officialさん「【luin】 ◎new album『syy』1/20 release💿 trailer🎧→https://t.co/Skt0JOPsG7 Live ・1/20(金)池袋手刀◎レコ初ワンマン https://t.co/yuU6LOwcwz ・2/3(金)池袋手刀 https://t.co/LZ4zykhzVE ・2/11(土祝) 吉祥寺CRESCENDO ・3/3(金)池袋手刀 https://t.co/1Rv4RJsYid https://t.co/3MdkD3z2mI」https://twitter.com/luin_official/status/1613166968412196864
luin officialさん「『doppler』MV https://t.co/WQ6pAPeRNm 配信→→https://t.co/NN3pabeviu https://t.co/MitxHmcpCf」https://twitter.com/luin_official/status/1613167021654708232
ヴィジュアル博士のる@監修オムニバスCD2種発売中さん「ダメだ、PCでGoogle driveのアプリが開けない。何でだ。PCに疎いおじさんは今日はもう店じまいだ」https://twitter.com/vr_noru/status/1613169203921702914
Shintaroさん「Next Gig 1/13 MUNIMUNI at Neo Tokyo Chop Dome https://t.co/3KkDHWaiRP 1/15 MUNIMUNI at 名古屋MUSIC FARM https://t.co/CL4wEreEeb 🌅🌅🌅🌅🎍🌅🌅 https://t.co/QGwGJu4DEj」https://twitter.com/Shintaro_iod/status/1613169609968091138
🐈浜崎容子🐈(アーバンギャルド)さん「本日のアーバンギャルドは13日のダウトさんとのツーマンライブのリハでした!🔥安心してください🔪死にません! なんというか"咲いて"ほしいです🙌✨声出せないからリアクション期待してます💖 疲れ切った兵士たちのお写真を… 前売り明日の18時まで! https://t.co/RU75DzKpJK https://t.co/t5lMdTTUKp」https://twitter.com/macaron_gall/status/1613169944098918401
SOPHIA_OFFICIALさん「🌻グッズ情報🌻 大阪城ホール公演から販売した BLACKボディのTシャツのEC販売が決定しました🙌 ⏰販売開始 あす1/12(木)18:00~ ※無くなり次第終了となりますので予めご了承ください 一部グッズの再販売もございます❗️ お買い逃がしのないよう、ご利用くださいませ🌻 #SOPHIA #SOPHIA大阪城ホール https://t.co/6bXDc3XJOG」https://twitter.com/SOPHIA_OFFICIAL/status/1613172132502208512
Always with you~to おはる ♡~さん「出演アーティスト紹介⑯ 20日出演 血糊と包帯 Vo.みざりおーる Gt.ユキ(LuLu/Anatomy) Gt.MANAMIX Ba.准(ex.UnsraW/ex.Ms.LIAR) Dr.ハクヤ(NightingeiL/Rysrh) 2016年活動開始... あの時代の意思と音楽を継承し活動中... 血糊と包帯(公式)Twitter https://t.co/vBIMdCGTL2 https://t.co/MfVVeJ3E2c」https://twitter.com/oharuevent/status/1613173034428534784
YOSHiPON※luin1/20池袋手刀単独公演さん「【 luin 】 1/20(fri)池袋手刀 単独公演!! 2nd full album 『syy』release 最高なニューアルバムの楽曲達と 最新であり、集大成的なライブ 是非とも体感してほしいです!!! 前売御予約受付中↓ https://t.co/RVbO6t8MfP 『syy』トレーラー↓ https://t.co/Eppynd32ac pic by toyo @maruto71 https://t.co/kkvW1eghiR」https://twitter.com/YOSHIP0NxxxTOR/status/1613170368180817920
eisukeさん「今年も超楽しみなイベント!🤘 祝い倒そうぜ🤘」https://twitter.com/eisuke_gp/status/1613192719396143104
eisukeさん「新年grace period1発目! 乞うご期待😊」https://twitter.com/eisuke_gp/status/1613192930138935296
lucy〜中村真悟@1/20luin単独公演さん「仮歌おじさん初(ぞ)め。 https://t.co/DmUmD7jQJD」https://twitter.com/lucy_peter/status/1613196606161170432
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asadfangirlbitxh · 3 years
Hello for December. I'm going to be annoying and make posts everyday till Christmas.
December 1st_
- Spotify Wrapped Songs-
In honor of Spotify wrapped, I'm going to take different couples and the songs remind of from my 2021 top songs playlist
1) Monster in me - Little Mix
Joker and Harley
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2) Paper Rings - Taylor Swift
Jackie and Hyde from that 70s show
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3) Pov - Ariana Grande
JR and Petra
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4) Green Light - Lorde
Nick Miller and Jess Day
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5) Defenceless - Louis Tomlinson
Jess and Rory - Gilmore Girls.
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6) Small Talk- Niall Horan
Ruby and Otis
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7) strawberries and cigarette
Simon and Bram
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8) They don't know about us- One Direction
Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger
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9) Sweat - Zayn Malik
Morticia and Gomez
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10) Best Friend- Doja Cat and Saweetie
Santana and Brittany
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s0n1cdrag0n · 2 years
UNIB x RWBY Fanfic.
Basic idea. Unknown actor aka Hyde Kido, get transported into world of Remnant.
Yeah it seems pretty generic story, with X character in Y world. And it does actually play that way, until V4.
You see after Beacon Fall Hyde joins RNJR/JNRR. While everything follows plot as usual. One thing changes. Hyde Kido get to become host of Ozpin.
Yeah while thinking about how this hypothetical story would go. I thought hey can this work. Also no offence Oscar, at lest in this timeline you don’t need to deal with bs of two gods mistake. So you maybe having question why?
Well 1) I think it’s interesting if Ozpin posses someone who is not from Remnant. An idea worth exploring. 2) Hyde himself familiar with reincarnation. Particularly he knows Linne who going though similar process Linne. 3) Hyde dual wielding Insulator and Long memory. So kinda going full circle.
I think this hypothetical fanfic. Is good way to explore lots of ideas. What would Ozpin do if Insulator was in his hands? Would he regain hope, would he stay with group, what team RWBY reaction to Salem is immortal be with Hyde around?
So yeah I think this story does have potential. At lest I believe it to be.
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mystech-master · 5 years
So Hyde Kido x Ruby Rose is one of the most popular BBTAG crossover ships I have seen, and I realized something about it.
Some backstory stuff, Hyde and Yuzuriha used to hang out a lot and the relationship was definitely not heading in a platonic direction, then Hyde did something stupid which resulted in them not hanging out anymore.
Now, Semblances and EXS abilities both come from the user’s Personalities.
Ruby’s Semblance, Petal Burst/Speed, lets her “move at inhuman speeds that are nearly too fast for the eye to catch, making it appear as if she can teleport. And, rose petals are often seen in her wake when Ruby uses her Semblance. “
Yuzu’s EXS ability, EXS of Falling Flowers: Ainsel Lost, makes it possible for Yuzuriha to dash at high speeds to resemble teleportation, leaving behind glowing flower petals. 
This makes me think that Yuzu is how Ruby will be like when she’s older. I mean they both have this kind of pluckiness to him, with Yuzu being a bit more skilled/in-control.
Just saying this might be an interesting thing to consider for you Hyde/Ruby shippers. Maybe Hyde notices the similarities and starts flashing back to that event and that keeps him from doing anything to pursue the relationship.
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azure-alchemist · 5 years
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...Official BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle [Early Purchase Bonus] Mobile Wallpapers given to those who preordered(?), uploaded by Festivity (Source)
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BlazBlue: Cross Tag Battle crossesover characters from BlazBlue: CentralFiction, Persona 4 Arena, Under Night In-Birth Exe:Late[st], RWBY, Arcana Heart, Senran Kagura and Akatsuki Blitzkampf Art by Higuchi Konomi. Released for PlayStation 4, Switch and PC via Steam on May 31st in Japan and Asia, Out now in North America and  Europe..As well as having Dual Audio..Soon to be available in Arcades(JP)..2.0 releasing on November 21, 2019.
(BlazBluePR twitter) (Cross Tag Battle Logo/Promo Art) (Famitsu interview translation) (Dengeki PlayStation Vol.643 Scan) (Cropped Dengeki Scan) (Teaser Screenshots) (Released Character Art) (Released Character Art 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6) (Command List Toushinsai Translations) (Limited Box collaboration Artwork) (Arc System Works Official BBTAG page(US) (DualShockers Screenshots)(Rachel Tapistry Buy Bonus Sample - Samples 2)(Cover Art - High-res) (BBTAG Limited Box(JP)(Lobby Avatar Screenshots)(BB:TAG April 1st) (English Dub Trailer Screenshots) (BBTAG NA - Limited Edition) (Nintendo Switch HORI Controller) (EVO2018 Roster) (BBTAG Famitsu Scans - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5) (BBTAG Artbook Sample Pages)(BBTAG Highlight Trailers)(GamerNeJP BBTAG Beginner Clips)(BBTAG Movelists - UNIST(PS4/NS)(BBTAG PSN Theme)(BBTAG Official Wallpaper)(Countdown Sketches 1-2 - 3 - 4)(BBTAG Yoshihara Seiichi Illustration)(BBTAG Rice Digital CE(UK)(BBTAG Weekly Famitsu Cover)(DLC #2 #3 and Yang Trailer)(Voice of Hyde Plays BBTAG(ENG)(BBTAG Steam Banners)(WonderGoo SE Buy Bonus)
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merrywaanderer · 3 years
before sunrise
ethan torchio x non-specified!reader
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synopsis: he’s there, in every city you’ve ever been to, every time. but he does not know your name, and you know equally little of him. perhaps it’s coincidence. or maybe it’s fate.  
warnings: tw a description of blood (very brief!), mentions of alcohol use, swearing, my terrible attempts at roman dialect/italian in general, allusions to smoking 
word count: 5.4k
a/n: cannot believe i am writing for every single member of this band, but dammit i’m so in love with them all. so here we are. reblog if you enjoyed! big love to you all xx
As a photographer, mainly for fashion magazines and the promotional photoshoots of the odd musician, you found yourself travelling a lot. And somehow, along the way, you found yourself in London.
Sunny days were not abundant in London, as anyone would have told you. 
But the place had an indescribable magic about it. You couldn’t explain it; no one could. Either you felt it or you didn’t — something in the way the air moved through the city, glittered in the nighttime between the trees, like stars. There was something serendipitous about stepping outside in the morning, to see cars and taxis rushing past, people alone and people with friends or lovers, bikes and motorcycles, passengers leaving the Underground or entering it, the whir and hum of voices and the Thames and the traffic, blurring together as one to become a sort of music; the sound of the city. A testament to the interconnectedness of humans, rather than the isolation all are born into.
It was London, and it breathed as though the city itself was the thing which was alive. 
Every day, you saw people that you’d never seen before, and likely never would see again. But though this thought carried a melancholy undertone to it, there was something beautiful and strange about catching glimpses into the happinesses of strangers, whether they passed you on the tube or the street, in the park, or by the river, where you often stood staring out across the rushing water. 
You lived a little life for every person you saw, delighting in how a girl’s green gumboots matched the summer leaves of the abundant Hyde Park trees, in how a dog bounded toward its owner after they returned outdoors from a cafe, in how a young man was throwing flowers into the Thames as he laughed, and apparently sang, with his friend. 
You were standing further along the riverwalk, leaning against the concrete retaining wall when the man and his friend passed. 
He had still one flower left, which struck you as odd, but though you enjoyed the occasional people-watching, you were not one to pry, and turned your head in the other direction as they came nearer. 
But before you could divert your attention to something else entirely, in the space of mere seconds, occurred the following. 
The man winked at you, and pressed the last of the flower into your hands. He smiled, just barely, and then swept away as quickly as he’d first approached you. 
The flower was a rose. A thornless rose. 
But his fingertips had glinted in the afternoon sun, tiny ruby pinpricks of blood on his skin. The wind blew, and a trail of thorns settled at your shoes. 
He’d picked the thorns out before giving you the rose.
You stared after him and his friend, wide-eyed and open-mouthed. 
His friend, a petite blonde woman, sharply-dressed, laughed as he said something. You watched them go, the dark hair that tumbled past his shoulders tousling in the early evening breeze, the sun low in the sky but still shining for all its worth. 
There had been something like sunlight in his eyes. 
Gazing after him, you wondered who he had been, what little life he lived.
You lifted the red-petaled rose to your face and breathed in its fragrant, dusky smell. It smelled like summer nights, bottled into the fibres of a plant.
The laughter of the stranger echoed down the quiet boulevard, and silently, you mourned the loss of a friend you’d never made. 
After only a year of living in London, you’d moved to Amsterdam, hungry for a new adventure, and chasing a job with Vogue Nederland. It was not that the magic of the English city had lost its touch, but simply the idea that if one such city was magic, then there would be others too, calling your name, tugging on your sense of adventure like a rope, in a game of tug o’ war. 
In the end, Amsterdam had won out.
Amsterdam was a riot of colour in autumn, the leaves turning lively as the people crowded indoors for extended periods of time, wary of the coming cold. 
The bustle of the crowds was the same as London, though instead of underground, the traffic was mostly overground, bikes and bikes and bikes, pedestrians and dogs. Rainclouds dappled the sunlight as they did in London, but there was something fairytale-like about Amsterdam, in a manner which London had not possessed. 
Amsterdam was potted plants in windows and flowers on the streets, flowing coats and dresses and hair tangled by the wind. Golden light shone through the night in place of bright white or neon, homely and unlike anything you’d ever seen before. Rickety buildings in every colour of the rainbow — like Copenhagen but more closely built, lower to the ground; like trees bending to pass whispers between their leaves, the houses and shops of Amsterdam huddled close and told stories of goblins and golden fleece when day bowed to night. The canals bubbled and burbled as though telling a tale of their very own.
It was in Amsterdam that you saw him again. Fleetingly. 
The incident was almost forgettable — had it not been him. But it was him, and you could not forget.
It was you leaving a crowded bar after watching the Netherlands’ women's team annihilate their opponent, and you were tipsy, but not drunk. Not on alcohol anyway, but there was something so utterly intoxicating about sitting surrounded by people with no affiliations, abruptly unified in their desire for precisely the same simple thing: a winning goal. These strangers became nameless friends, when the short, feisty university student with purple streaks in her hair had hugged you so hard that she’d lifted you off of the floor in her excitement, when the bartender himself had declared that all drinks subsequent to the night’s win were on him, when the fellow on your left had smiled at you with tears in his eyes, when the little old lady in the polka dot vest had attempted to converse with you on goal-scoring techniques — despite the fact that you very obviously did not speak Dutch. 
Because even language was not a barrier when you were united in this way; there was an unspeakable bond forged between everyone in the room cheering on eleven women in orange jerseys.
So when you left the bar that night, drunk on laughter, you were not paying much heed to the world around you. 
Until you bumped into someone and apologised, in a shoddy attempt at Dutch. 
You glanced up from your shoes to nod a further apology to the person you’d run into, who for his part had also apologised, and were shocked to find obsidian eyes, fringed by darker lashes still, staring into your own. 
You gasped, fumbling for a name, but with nothing coming to your mind because he had never given you his name, you settled for,
You thought he said Me, in an equally surprised tone of voice, his long hair fluttering over the lapels of his maroon suede jacket. But then in a wave, the crowd behind you surged, cheers and droplets of champagne filling the air, and with another gasp, you closed your eyes, a mist of liquid falling over you like tiny sparkles of confetti. 
When you opened your eyes again, the crowd had carried him away.
Paris, the city of light.
Seemingly endless with life, each corner of the city was crowded, friends and newfound acquaintances sharing stories and drinks beneath the shelter of trees, breathing the crisp winter air as it cooled the evening for the arrival of night. Laughter and music drifted from cafes and bars, and the Parisians, like the people of Amsterdam, appeared to have a fondness for warm light, decorating fences and walls with hundreds of strung up lights, candles, lanterns, so that the whole city glittered as brilliantly as its people.
You were in a new country, a new city, on a boat on the Seine, in the throes of dusk and a work-trip, attempting to make one of the biggest decisions of your lifetime. 
None other than the biggest photographer in the European music industry had seen your work in the Vogue Nederland issue where you’d shot sunset photography of a local band, and had thus inquired after a year-long collaboration with you, starting April, in central London.
But returning to London meant abandoning Amsterdam after living there for only five months. Worse yet, it meant returning to a place you’d already been, for though you loved London, you loved the endless adventure of chasing after new cities more.
And so you were carried along the river, your chin leaned on your hand, and stared out over the water, feeling dèjá vu wash over you like the water that lapped at the sides of the boat. 
The view was lovely, but you couldn’t concentrate, plagued by the decision you had to make by the end of March, and preferably before then, leaving time for another cross-continent move if that was what you wanted.
Another boat was coasting through the water, travelling in the opposite direction to the vessel you were aboard, and you watched it as it approached. Watched the people drinking champagne, talking, writing their books and their songs on the deck in the setting sun; the couples sitting together, cocooned in each other and unaware of the world around them; the families, both of blood and found. You felt untethered to the world, without friends, and little family to return to if you ever decided to go back home. 
And then suddenly, like an anchor wrenching you in place, you locked eyes with another person leaning on the railing, directly across from you, though they were a boat away. 
You began a friendly smile, but then your jaw slackened. 
Dark hair. Dark eyes. Collared shirt embroidered with eyelet lace, and a long coat.
He pushed off the railing, and, seemingly just as baffled as you, he lifted a hand in a slow, half-wave. 
The water rushed in your ears, loud and dulling out the world, for all but him. 
You smiled back, fully, as the boat sailed on by, carrying the beautiful stranger away from you once more.
The calendar winter had come and gone for the Northern Hemisphere, but it was still bitterly cold in Europe when you found yourself in Berlin, alone and floating through art museums like a will o’ the wisp, through nightclubs and dance halls as though possessed by the ghost of some extroverted teenage girl who’d been fond of parties; you could not help but be drawn toward the nightlife.
You were riding bikes in yet another European city that seemed to have an obsession with them, drinking beer like a local and learning to swear accordingly in German, standing beneath lampposts and staring up at historic architecture that breathed old stories and newer histories into anyone who dared to listen, to look.
But you were still no closer to a decision about the job you had been offered in London.
The trees were bare and did not whisper so much as shout when the snow tumbled down from the thick clouds to strike their branches.
People huddled close for warmth beneath twinkling lights, bundled up in layers of sweaters and coats, glasses fogging up with warm breath and cafe windows with warm drinks, the smell of pastries abundant and welcoming — the Pandora’s box of the cold wet streets, calling to you every time you passed a shop front. 
The snow was coming down heavily by the time you came to a halt by the bus stop, thick and frozen enough to stay in your hair as tiny, intricate flakes, but still fragile enough that it melted on the collar of your coat and thus soaked you slowly through. 
The man standing on your right had an umbrella. You envied him deeply, spared of the chill which wracked your flesh and bones, protected beneath his black polyester overhang. 
You shivered, looking forward to the hot dinner you would prepare when you arrived home.
“Excuse me,” began the man, and you turned. “But would you like to share — ”
He stopped dead in his tracks, and abruptly, you did too.
It was him. 
It was the man from London with the roses, the man from Amsterdam in the crowd, the man from Paris, passing you by on the Seine like a ship in the night. 
The man standing before you now, offering to share his umbrella with you in face of the bitter cold. 
“Hi,” he said breathlessly, the smile spreading across his face bleeding warmth into your heart, as though you suddenly sat before a fire with a cup of tea held in your hands. 
“Hi,” you answered, equally breathless, blinking the snow from your eyes as it continued to flutter down. Strange how snow fluttered rather than fell, when you saw it in the right light. 
You were silent, your breath billowing in a cloud of white equal to the hue of the snow. 
“Oh!” he exclaimed then, and rushed to extend the umbrella over your head. 
“Thanks,” you said, rubbing your arms because whatever spell had briefly enthralled you was now broken, and the cold had begun to seep through once more.
“How…” he shook his head, sighed, and you tilted your head looking at him, taking note of his thick, lovely accent. “I don’t know where to start! How’ve you been? Why do we, us, keep meeting?” He laughed amiably, and you smiled in return. 
“I’ve been well,” you replied. “All this travelling is good for the soul, y’know. Sense of adventure. And meeting? I don’t know. Pure chance, I suppose.”
“Luck,” he said, adjusting his grip on the umbrella handle. “It’s luck.”
You couldn’t help but smile again. “Well then, Mr. Lucky. What’s your name? And,” you added, having guessed at his accent, “what’s an Italian doing in Berlin this time of year?”
He chuckled. “Ah, so you’ve noticed. Is my English that bad?” There was a slight wince on his face, and you quickly shook your head; English was clearly an insecurity for him, and from living all across the continent amongst a multitude of languages you did not speak, you understood the feeling.
“No, it’s wonderful. You speak perfectly.” 
It was true. You’d wager that if he believed a little more in himself, he’d find that he was as fluent as any native speaker. 
He was smiling again, and extended a gloved hand. “I’m Ethan,” he said, and you told him your own name and shook his hand. He had a gentle grip, not one a grandfather would have thought suitable for a handshake, but you’d much prefer a soft hand than a crushing one any day of the week. Anyway, you got the feeling that Ethan did not particularly care what others thought of him.
Then he winced properly. “Madonna, your hands are cold.” He inclined his head in the direction of the shops and other businesses that lined the street. “I’ll buy you a drink, yes? Indoors.”
 You nodded gratefully, and with another gentle hand on your arm, not unwelcome in the persistent cold, he led you to what seemed to be a cosy little restaurant and bar tucked in between a hundred others, on a road named Bergmannstrasse.
Beneath the light of paper lamps, with benches and colourful tablecloths all about, you could see why he was drawn to it; the place looked almost Italian. 
After collapsing his umbrella, Ethan addressed a waiter, in near-perfect German. 
“You speak German?” you asked him as the waiter searched for a table. 
“No,” he murmured, the corner of his mouth turned up, “but I try.”
The waiter returned, apparently, because Ethan touched your shoulder and gestured toward the window. 
In the window there was a nook, and in that nook was nestled a little table, complete with a candle at the centre of its cloth. 
Before you took your seat, Ethan wordlessly took your coat and hung it over the chair; it was much warmer inside and the coat would dry better anyway if hung. 
Then he went one step further and pulled out your chair. 
You felt like royalty when you finally sat down, Ethan across from you. 
The waiter handed you menus, and probably informed you that he’d be back in a little while. 
Ethan nodded, “Danke schön.” 
He looked back at you. A fluttery feeling hummed through you; how strange, to now be sitting across from a person you’d seen only twice, but thought about far more often than that.
“Have you eaten?”
“No, I was actually on my way back to where I’m staying, to cook dinner.”
“Well, I’m paying now. I hope the things in your pantry won’t spoil.”
“You don’t have to — ”
“I insist.”
You smiled, and changed the subject. “So, you never answered my question.”
“Ah, yes,” he said conspiratorially, setting down his menu. “What brings an Italian to Germany in the cold? I’m… scouting? For venues? To play concerts at.”
“My friends and I have a band,” he clarified. 
“What sort of music do you play?”
He mimed drumming, “Good old rock ‘n’ roll.”
“Ah, so you’re the drummer, then?” you asked. “And therefore the prettiest of the bunch?”
You thought Ethan’s face pinkened, nose and cheeks. He laughed softly, “Oh, tesoro, you should see the other three.”
“How’s your bassist? Maybe I should have run into him instead.”
“She,” he corrected, “would love you, so if you’d like, I can go fetch her..?”
“Don’t you dare.”
He grinned. 
“Any chance I’ll get to see you play, then?”
Ethan shook his head. “Not for a while, at least. We’re still writing the latest album. You’ll have to meet me in Rome when it’s done.”
You inhaled softly, imagining the city, the smells, the sounds, the food, the people. “I’ve never been to Rome.”
He brushed hair from his dark eyes. “Roma would love you too.”
You held his gaze for a moment and felt almost tempted to reach over and take his hand, before the waiter arrived unceremoniously and inquired as to what you’d like to order. 
With an apology, the two of you were forced to admit you had not yet looked at the menu.
“And then before I know it, Damiano is running down the street singing from the top of his lungs, Thomas behind him with a guitar under his arm, and Victoria at his heels! And I’m nearly getting run over by a taxi, honking at us like we’re playing bad music!”
You were laughing at his story and wild hand motions over a German beer and Spanish tapas, the combination of cultures so vivid and random that you felt as though you were suddenly experiencing Europe all at once.
“You’re awfully sure of yourself,” you teased. 
Ethan pshaw-ed at your remark. “I’m not sure of many things, but I’m certain that we are good musicians.”
“I can’t wait to find out.”
By the start of dessert — chocolate cake — Ethan had finally managed to turn the conversation to you. You had never been too fond of talking about yourself to people you’d only just met, from those frightful get-to-know-you games played during the first week of school every year, to team-building exercises at work, to small talk in general. But Ethan felt little like a stranger; talking with him felt more like reuniting with an old friend after many years spent apart.
“So,” he said, leaning his elbows on the table, his fingers folded neatly and the whole of his attention on you. “How many countries have you lived in, or been to?”
You scrunched up your nose as you chewed, thinking. It was beginning to be difficult to recall all of the places you’d been — how lucky were you, that you’d been so many places that you couldn’t remember them all?
“Well,” you began, “I’m working as a photographer, mostly for magazines, so recently, there’s been London and Amsterdam, Paris for a work-trip, and now I’m here in Berlin on holiday.” You paused, smiling to yourself. “I never know what’s next.”
“That sounds like a very exciting way to live,” Ethan mused. 
Looking back up at him from your cake, you saw the candlelight was playing across his face, painting him with all the movement of a Van Gogh piece. His own eyes were not on you, but the candle itself, giving him a faraway ethereal air. 
With a jolt, you wished suddenly and most desperately to have your camera in your hands, so as to capture the way he looked now, forever. 
But you had no camera with you, and so you instead gazed at him, willing yourself to imprint the image upon your memory, to take it for safekeeping and remember it when you felt alienated from the world on the often lonely days of your travels. 
The London decision loomed over your head. 
Abruptly, you found yourself staring into his eyes, instead of at him. 
“What are you looking at?” he asked softly. 
You bit your lip absently. “Just you.”
Ethan narrowed his eyes. “And something else that you are not telling me. Something troubling you.”
Though you were loath to admit it, he was of course right — and he knew it.
“I have a standing job-offer with one of the biggest photographers in all of Europe, and I have to make my decision about it by the end of the month.”
“Oh,” Ethan said. He frowned. “And you do not want it but feel you should take it?”
“No,” you replied. “Not that. It’s more about where it is. It’s in London.”
Understanding suddenly clear upon his face, Ethan leaned back in his chair, considering you. “And you want to go somewhere new.”
You nodded. 
A smile flickered across his face. “The adventure in your heart is brighter than the sun.”
The words sent a shiver down your spine. 
You opened your mouth to reply. 
And then that damned waiter — only doing his job, yes yes — swept in again and offered the bill to Ethan. 
You tried to take it, but Ethan waved a hand at you without even looking up, and fulfilled his insistent promise to pay for dinner. 
Back outside, it had stopped snowing, but there was still a heavy chill upon the air. Heavier still, though, was the chill in your heart, at the thought of what happened next. Would the two of you part ways again, goodbye, good riddance, your relations over now that you had finally exchanged names and a proper conversation? Were you truly to leave and never see him again?
“Are you staying far from here?” Ethan asked, tearing you from your sullen reverie as he buttoned up his coat. You shook your head. “So we could walk?”
“In theory, yes. I just always take the bus because walking home alone…”
You didn’t have to finish the thought; Ethan was already nodding. 
“I’ll walk you home,” he said.
Whether he had read your mind or shared your sentiment, it appeared that he would not leave you yet. 
You walked with him in silence, suddenly shy of yourself, but Ethan did not appear ill at ease with the quiet. Instead, he smiled whenever you dared to look at him, and bumped shoulders with you as you carried on down the road. 
“The cold is getting to you again,” he said, as you motioned that the two of you should make a left down the next road.
Again, he was right. 
He slipped his arm through yours and pulled you closer, so that you now walked with your side flush against his. In moments, the warmth of his body became yours, and you felt your muscles relax, your neck no longer stiff with cold. 
You were tempted to simply drop your head to his shoulder and go to sleep. He was so lovely and so warm, and you could not have fathomed wanting to be anywhere else in the world but beside him. 
All too soon, you reached your temporary residence, an apartment building, and you touched Ethan’s hand softly. 
“We’re here,” you said quietly, as you came to a halt.
And then you knew not what to say. The journey had come to an end, and it was time for goodbyes, but despite the simplicity of the word, you knew not what to say. 
As fate would have it, Ethan spoke first. 
“I leave tomorrow morning, at sunrise.”
Your heart clenched. You would not have the chance to see him again. “You’re going back to Rome.”
He hesitated. Then, 
“Come with me.”
That was not what you had expected him to say. It was doubtful that you’d had anything in mind at all, but it most certainly was not this. 
You wanted to go, desperately. 
You yearned to see Rome, towering citadels and the Trevi Fountain, laid-brick paths and cobblestone alleys, sun-soaked lanes and bustling cafes. 
You could almost smell the food, just thinking about it — pizza and pasta and bruschetta and gnocchi — and the wine. Freshly-bottled wine — rosé, white, and red — from regions only slightly farther up from Rome. 
Little shops along the sides of the streets, marketplaces where people gathered to converse and trade. 
And Ethan.
Ethan and his smile. He was always so quick to smile, and to understand exactly what you were thinking, without ever saying a word. 
He was quick to make you smile. 
“I can’t,” you whispered. “I’m sorry.”
He gave a resigned nod. “You’re taking the job.”
“It’s the opportunity of a lifetime. I can’t miss it.”
“No, I understand,” Ethan waved a hand. “Really. We’ve only just met. But,” he took a tentative step toward you, “at least let me kiss you goodbye.”
You inhaled sharply as he touched your chin with his thumb, fingers calloused, eyes wide and bright. But he paused. 
“Please,” you said. 
That was all it took. 
He pressed his lips to your own with great care, but the moment you reciprocated, he kissed you with renewed fervour, as though he had waited forever for this and now dared not let you go for fear of losing you. You tasted nicotine and chocolate, and pulled him closer by the lapels of his coat, slid your fingers into his hair, relishing the tiny moan that escaped him at your actions.
He was roses, thornless like in London; droplets of champagne in Amsterdam, glittering in the night air; lights across the Seine beneath the blushing Paris sky. 
But he was not Berlin, frozen over and dark beneath the clouds, because never had you felt so warm and light as you did now, bundled up in Ethan’s coat, wrapped around you with his arms where he cradled you against his chest. 
But it was over all too soon. 
Mournfully, his gaze trailing over you, he touched your cheek, and kissed your temple. Then he disappeared down the boulevard. 
You blinked away tears. Staring after him, you pushed your hands into your pockets.
Something crinkled.
Frowning, you pulled your left hand back out of the pocket. 
20:00, 30th July, Ex Forlanini, Rome.
Ask for Leo. They’ll let you in.
— E xx
You smiled.
London, July 
You had booked the plane ticket the moment you’d gotten home from Berlin, a year before you were to board the flight, a year before your new job would return you to your old job. 
Though little had you known of all that would come to pass within the space of that year. 
That the biggest photographer in Europe would decide to keep you permanently employed was one thing. 
His suggestion to move you to Rome was quite another. 
Of course, it was a suggestion you welcomed. 
With your things being transported from London, free of charge because said photographer and his company were paying for it, you travelled ahead.
You had a concert to catch. 
It was hot in Rome, and you were glad to have dressed from head to toe in cotton. There would be no survival for anyone in polyester here, that was for sure. 
You arrived at eight on the dot at Ex Forlanini, a former hospital converted to a concert space, and faced a line of at least two hundred people. 
But you squared your shoulders, Ethan’s note clutched in your hand, and marched past the line to the security guards at the front.
“Scusi,” you addressed them. They turned in your direction, looking wary. “Sono qui per Leo.”
“Ah,” said the guard on the right. “This way. English better, no?” 
You laughed awkwardly “How did you guess?”
The security guard shrugged as he opened the door for you, and you got the distinct impression that behind you, people in line were suddenly scrambling to see who you were and why you had been let in. “He said you spoke English. And your accent is… un po… off.”
Your heart leapt at the thought of Ethan talking about you. Yes, he had organised for you to be here, one year down the line, but in your mind, he’d forgotten about you. You were frankly surprised that you were being let in at all.
The guard led you past a front desk and down a hall. 
He stopped at a door, and knocked. 
It was flung open, and immediately, a scraggly-haired guy glanced over you. 
“Mio Dio, so you’re Ethan’s lover!”  
You flushed instantly. 
The security guard only chuckled and left. 
You cleared your throat, and smiled at the energetic young man in front of you. “You must be Leo?”
“Yes,” he said, the s’s rolling into a long line, “that’s me. I’ve been with the band forever. Old friends. But come on,” he beckoned, “show starts in half an hour and you’ve got a front-row ticket!”
And then you were being ushered out in front of a stage, and before you knew it, the lights were being dimmed and the people around you had begun to jostle and shout excitedly. 
The stage lit up like a star, and four shadows walked on, to a wave of cheers. 
A charming, enigmatic lead, the bassist and guitarist like two sides of the same coin — 
And Ethan. Waving shyly at the crowd as he took his place behind the drums. 
Then the concert hall exploded into sound, like the crescendo of an orchestra before the start of a ballet, and a shiver ran down your spine.
The concert had ended, but you still stood before the empty stage in the dark, your mind wrapped in the music they had played, the chords ringing in your ears, the songs in your head.
And then suddenly the silence around you was torn away by the sound of your name, shouted, loud and clear. 
You turned around, and before you could react, Ethan was running forward. 
He threw his arms around you and held to you tightly, stepping from foot to foot and rocking you gently in his hold. You felt him bury his face in the crook of your neck, and a tingly feeling skittered down your spine as his sigh tickled your skin.
You wrapped your arms around him and breathed in his familiar smell — soap mingled with flowers and nicotine, and now, a prickle of sweat. 
“You’re here,” he murmured. “I hoped… but I didn’t.... I didn’t know that you would be.”
 You pulled back, and found Ethan smiling at you, gently. 
And to think that you had doubted him.
“How could I not?”
With wistful eyes, he asked you, “How long are you staying?”
You smiled. “Well beyond sunrise.”
In a moment, the shy gaze he reserved for strangers and acquaintances disappeared. He leaned in for a kiss, and without hesitation, you melted into him. 
When you eventually parted, you drew back to find that he was smiling properly, bright and warm as the sun. 
There was the smile you knew. 
There was the smile you would, and had, crossed oceans for.
taglist: @tabi-toast, @hazypoppy, @aprilaady​
send me an ask to be added to my taglist!
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monstersmutpeddler · 3 years
Momo Lady’s Collection of Short Stories
Aka the Mother of Monsters
Tumblr media
Monster Scale
Her short stories can range anywhere from Level 01 to Level 05! You get to pick your own adventure! 
My Overall Rating For These Shorts
“I Bought The Book/Series And Want Them Signed Please Holy Shit”
This review is a bit different because not a lot of these are actual books (except for maybe two? They’re only available digitally on Gumroad). Instead these are a bunch of short stories written by Momo Lady on Tumblr! 
Never in my wide search for good Monster Boyfriends/Girlfriends did I find an author who has written so many stories featuring such lovable and diverse love interests and leads. 
If you’re wanting to read a bunch of short stories with some of the best Werewolves, Orcs, Rakshasa, Dragons, Venom Like Symbiotes, Robots, Fae and more, THIS IS THE PLACE FOR YOU! 
I swear, if Momo writes a book series featuring her wide range of settings I will BUY IT UP SO FAST. I want to own physical copies of these in an anthology or something, they are so good! 
(Personal Favorites is Heatherway Hollow, Obresh Village, Ruby Empire, Mr. Faire’s Carnival and the Hero’s/Villain’s series) 
Overly Simplified Summary
Do you want to read short stories with some of the best werewolves of all time? Orcs that DON’T act like straight up monsters all the time? Dragons? Vampires? Rakshasa? Robots? LGBTQ+? And a whole lot more?! This is the place for you! 
If you’re wanting something specific, Momo Lady also takes commissions! I don’t know if they’re open right now (things can change a lot from the time I’m writing this and the time you’re reading this), but go run and give your support!
Here’s some socials: 
Momo’s Tumblr
Momo’s Twitter
Momo’s Master List of Stories
Momo’s Patreon
Keep reading for ‘This Book Has Everything’ and possible Trigger Warnings.
This Book Has Everything
Depends on the short you’re reading, but here’s some different things you can find:
[x] Touch them and I’ll kill you vibes
[x] Big buff love interest 
[x] Soul mates or fated mates
[x] Smut first plot second
[x] Love interest goes on a rampage when main character is either hurt or kidnapped
[x] Love interest has a Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde thing going on 
[x] Straight 
[x] M/M
[x] F/F
[x] Reverse Harem or Poly
[x] One’s a sunshine and the other is a grump
[x] Forced proximity 
[x] Dude got an interesting dick
[x] Main character and love interest talk about their problems or tragic pasts and heal together
[x] The side character steals the show and makes you want their own book
[x] Holiday season vibes
[x] Society where men have drank respect women juice 
[x] Open communication 
[x] Love interest is a villain
[x] Enemies to lovers
[x] Lead has a superpower of some kind
[x] Kinky af sex
[x] Love interest is an absolute cinnamon roll  
[x] Lead or love interest has a disability
[x] Lead or love interest gets injured and the lead or love interests drop everything to take care of them
[x] Happy Ending Guaranteed
[x] They purr like a FUCKING CAT
[x] Super scary/dangerous but very gentle and sweet with the one they love
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shippersinc · 3 years
What is your favorite ship from each of the fandoms you listed?
(≧▽≦)We are very happy for the question anon, you all are more them welcome to ask anything, maybe we won't be able to have all the answers but we certainlly gonna try our best (。•̀ᴗ-)✧ - Sayu
Heyy thank you so much for the question I really hoped someone did so I could write and simp over this beautiful list with these beautiful ships I love so much!! I’m so excited, so here we go, prepare yourself for a long af post! - Alya
Avatar: The Last Airbender Alya: Tokka (Toph x Sokka) My forever OTP Sayu: i'm gonna watch but still not quite there , but o already love Suki
Teen Titans Alya: BB/Rae (Raven x Beast Boy) and Flinx (Kid Flash x Jinx) Sayu: Kid Flash x Jinx 🌹
Young Justice Alya: Spitfire (Artemis x Kid Flash) Sayu: Kid Flash x Artemis ( ◜‿◝ )♡
Over the Garden Wall Alya: Beatrice x Wirt
Infinity Train Alya: Jesslake (Jesse x Lake)
Noragami Alya: Yatori (Yato x Hiyori)
Hey Arnold Alya: Shortaki (Arnold x Helga)
RWBY Alya: Flower Power (Ren x Nora), Whiterose (Ruby x Weiss), Rosegarden (Ruby x Oscar) I’m a mix of don’t see Ruby with anyone, but still find the dynamic really cute Sayu: Still only watched 2,5 but i like Flower Power (Ren x Nora) and Checkmate (Weiss x Blake)
Trollhunters Alya: Stricklake (Barbara x Strickler) and Steli (Steve x Eli)
The Dragon Prince Alya: Rayllum (Rayla x Callum), the way season 3 handled it disappointed me a little, but I still like it
My Little Pony: FiM Alya: Rarijack (Applejack x Rarity) everything to me
Miraculous Ladybug Alya: Marichat (Marinette x Chat Noir) and Lukanette (Marinette x Luka). I actually ship the whole Love Square, but Marichat stands out Sayu: Alya x Nino
The Legend of Korra Alya: Kainora (Kai x Jinora) and Boleska (Bolin and Eska), Ik, kinda weird
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Alya: Leorai (Leo x Karai)
Star vs the Forces of Evil Alya and Sayu: Marcapoo (Marco x Heckapoo) <3
Steven Universe Alya: Sadie x Lars and Lapidot (Peridot and Lapis) platonically Sayu: Ruby x Saphire (ʃƪ^3^)
Disney Alya: This one's hard to choose one but if I have to, Tiana x Naveen and Judy x Nick Sayu: ヘ(。□°)ヘ Soo many choices and i don't remember even one(;~;)
Kung Fu Panda Alya: TiPo (Tigress x Po)
Wordgirl Alya: Tobecky (Tobey x Becky)
Doctor Who Alya: I have many, specifics with different Doctor, but generally, it's Thoschei (Doctor x Master)
DC Comics   Alya: Oh boi, hard too, but let's go with Selina x Bruce, cause I'm basic, Gar x Raven, Tim x Steph
That 70's Show Sayu: Hyde x Jackie o((^▽^))o
Detentionaire Alya: Lee x Brandi
She-Ra and The Princesses of Power Alya: Catradora (Catra x Adora) and Entrapdak (Entrapta x Hordak)
Ducktales Alya: Goldie x Scrooge and Magica x Gladstone, Webby x Lena is also pretty cute Sayu: Goldie x Scrooge (◡ ω ◡) Louei is their heir
Carmen Sandiego Alya: Red Crackle (Carmen x Gray)
Barbie Alya: There are many possibilities as well, but let's go with Anika x Aiden, Elina x Nori and Erika x Dominic (maybe Anneliese and Julian too) Sayu: 乁| ・ 〰 ・ |ㄏ Barbie x Ken in life in a dreamhouse(?)
Haikyuu Sayu: Bokuaka (Bokuto x Akaashi)♡(˃͈ દ ˂͈ ༶ ) love them wayy too much
Card Captor Sakura Sayu: Sakura x Syaoran, Sakura x Tomoyo and Touya x Yukito ✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧ Gotta love them all
If you want us to make specific posts about these ships and explore more what we said about them, feel free to ask! =D
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