#ruby rose fanfic
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rubyfunkey · 9 months ago
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comic commissioned by @bravewriting for their lovely RWBY/Nuts n Dolts role-reversal fic linked above :)
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chaikachi · 1 year ago
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"So rather than try, she throws out her hands with a growl, grabs him by the lapels of his stupid coat. Lets the conversation crash to a halt as she pulls him into her space and…"
Hey... go read Reciprocity by @sigruned if you haven't already. It's phenomenal. bonus sketches under the cut
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I sketched this in procreate initially cause I didn't think I would colour it. Ended up bringing it into sai and lost a bit of the emotion from the original sketch by having to redraw it, but oh well. 😔 Also a zoom in on the doodles in the corner inspired by another part of the fic's most recent chapter:
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I support Ruby shaking Oscar (and/or Oz) like a pringles can whenever they're being cagey little jerks.
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chaoticevilspacewitch · 2 months ago
Happy Holidays, ya filthy animals!
Enjoy this art piece, commissioned from the amazing Phinnia, for my RWBY fic We May Fall.
Yes, Weiss is an Arctic Fox faunus in this one, and Ruby is a trans woman.
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PS the version embedded in Chapter 26 doesn't have the little smilies 😉
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rwbygotcha4gaza · 20 days ago
Blank Prompts: Prompts a donor can submit, but then leave empty for people who can't afford to donate to prompt. There is a separate sheet for Blank Prompts that we open when needed!
There are 30 SFW BPs! Reply with ✋to claim one and we will then DM you with the link to the Form! We will also be advertising on our Twitter too!
This is a first-come-first-served-basis.
Please rb and share so more RWBY fans see this!!!
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nuts-and-dolts-week · 9 months ago
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Hi all! Nuts and Dolts week 2024 has its final prompts which are:
Day 1: Outfit Swap
Day 2: Married Life
Day 3: Tokusatsu AU
Day 4: NND Beacon Days
Day 5: Body Swap
Day 6: Repair & Maintenance
Day 7: Ruby kept Floating Array
Day 8: as always, our free day!
Nuts and Dolts Week 2024 is July 7th-14th. Use the tag #NNDWeek2024 for your post to be shared to the blog!! Happy posting!
Note: Tokusatsu refers to Japanese films that are live action but use heavy practical effects. Think Godzilla, Kamen Rider, Giant Robo
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anthurak · 5 months ago
You know that "Mundane super power" aspect you mentioned?
Another thing I like about crossing over RWBY characters with other settings is how easily their nature as basically coming from an apocalyptic hell-world can bleed through.
This is hard to articulate, but like.
The casual way in which towns disappear, that ruins dot the landscape, that people like Ruby & Yang grew up immersed in a culture that trended towards violence and early graves.
There's a nifty Naruto/Stargate crossover, (Its complicated) where Himawari kind of subtly disturbs the Stargate crew cos she knows exactly how best to behave in a dangerous situation, doesn't really seem bothered when enemies die and has been taught stuff like "Reading the battlefield."
I think RWBY characters would be similarly off-putting in their own way unless they were incredibly sheltered like Jaune or rich enough to have not ever encountered a Grimm until the the Beacon Test like Weiss. & even then, the lived experience, training and cultural awareness means they'd likely still come off as a little off-putting.
This also plays into how Ruby and Yang are seemingly quite... Not comfortable, but functional about the prospect of causing death or grievous bodily harm in a way most Shounen/action protags aren't.
Ruby, as far as she knew, sent Neo hurtling to her death in V3 and was at most momentarily shocked when Roman died & forgot all about it. Yang processed killing Adam in a very straightforward manner, she's not cavalier about it, but she'd made peace with it being a them or us situation right quick.
There's plenty of other examples but I think we've discussed it before.
But yeah, I just think its fun, even in series that can have similar degrees of destruction or death, their relative youth and manner with it would likely still make many locals be like (oO) & I think that's fun.
Oh yeah, this has always been a great idea for RWBY crossovers.
And one of my favorite/most interesting parts about is, as you touched on, how subtle Team RWBY’s whole vibe is and how it can potentially sneak up on others.
Like Team RWBY and really most of the show’s characters generally DON’T give off any real obvious ‘I come from a fucked-up deathworld’ vibes like being real dark, broody or even just looking anything the part. For anyone from a much more mundane setting/background, Ruby, Weiss, Blake and Yang generally come off as a friendly, likeable, good natured bunch without really anything all that offputting.
For about… eighty to ninety percent of the time.
But then you’ve got those 10-20% moments where the dark, serious ‘fantasy war-veteran’ sides of Team RWBY slip out. Like they might not even have been trying to hide it, it just comes out when things get serious.
Like maybe there is some big disaster or some other terrible event perhaps caused by the villains that leaves the more ‘normal’ characters/heroes frozen in shock and horror, meanwhile RWBY are just immediately jumping into the fray to fight or help however they can. With perhaps one or more doing the whole ‘slap the shock’ out of the other characters with a ‘We got work to do!’. And it’s just kind of… unsettling how Team RWBY takes these events in stride.
Or to build off your point on Ruby and Yang, as well as Blake and Weiss, being ‘functionally alright’ with hurting/killing people*, there’s a LOT of juicy potential there for when Team RWBY goes up against more mundane villains.
Like just picture a situation where a villain is threatening innocents in a classic ‘you’ll have to KILL ME to stop me!’ standoff that has the heroes freezing up… only for Ruby to almost immediately just shoot said villain.
She certainly looks like she didn’t enjoy or even want to do it, but both how quickly she did it and how easily she seems to role with it afterwards are just REALLY unsettling.
And then there’s what I’d call the FLIPSIDE to all this in how Team RWBY deals with being in a world that might NOT actually be filled with monsters who are an ever-present existential threat to humanity.
Like even for someone who grew up more sheltered like Weiss that is almost certainly going to be a MASSIVE culture-shock. Not to mention that the only people with a frame of reference that Team RWBY would be able to talk to about this would likely be each other.
Even in settings that might have some kind of monsters threatening humanity such as most magical girl shows, the appearance and threat that these monsters pose are almost always a very RECENT occurrence that most people might not even know about. Generally in these settings, the ‘normal, mundane world’ IS the norm, with the dangerous and supernatural merely popping up on and off in isolated places.
It could really create this interesting contrast where Team RWBY finds the mundane world that their new friends consider ‘normal’ to be just a bit uncanny and unsettling. And even finding it a bit comforting when monsters or some other supernatural threat to fight shows up because that feels more NORMAL to them.
This is actually something I tried/am still trying to explore in my Kingdom Hearts crossover fic. Like Ruby musing on how to explain her whole huntress background to Sora, Kairi and Riku when to them, monsters are things that have existed in storybooks, while for Ruby monsters have always been REAL. Or Ruby even noting a comforting ‘return to normal’ when she starts fighting the Heartless.
I’ve even got ideas for Ruby, as well as Weiss, Blake and Yang further on, idly musing on whether the Grimm or Heartless are the worse to fight, with some of their new friends being just a BIT weirded out.
And that’s not even getting into the potential of Team RWBY interacting with various Disney movie settings. Like I’ll admit that I kinda REALLY want to have Ruby boom-headshot at least one Disney villain XD
*I will say, I’ve had a theory for a while that Ruby, even more so than her teammates, has particular ideological reasons to generally avoid killing people, specifically when we consider how Ruby specifically DOESN’T use her ‘walking grimm-blender’ style of fighting against human opponents. Personally I imagine Ruby seeing it as ‘I hunt MONSTERS, not people.’ That being said, I don’t see Ruby as having some strict ‘no-killing’ ‘one rule’, but rather that she views taking a life as a last resort.
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tecnestheim962 · 10 days ago
gimme your worms your brain worms
I have thousands of those and all of them look like this
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rwac96 · 10 months ago
Original Male Stud AU
No one in Jaune's team or their sister team have ever seen him drunk. Which is why they are surprised when it does happen, he starts acting very romantic towards Pyrrha and flirting in French. Of course Yang better be careful in teasing Pyrrha... because she soon will be on the receiving end of Jaune's language of love.
"This is bad," Lie Ren grimaced at his leader, whose balance seemed wobbly. "Oh, Brothers, this is bad!"
"I didn't want this to happen!" Nora Valkyrie shouts, tears welling up in her eyes. "I just wanted Pancakes & Chicken!!"
"Isn't it Waffles & Chicken?" Blake Belladonna spoke up, flinching when the orange-haired girl hissed at the Cat Faunus.
"PANCAKES ARE BETTER!!" Nora barked, only to be held back by Pyrrha and Ren.
"Can you not?" Weiss pinches the bridge of her nose, "We already have Arc intoxicated--," she points to the hiccuping Jaune Arc.
"55 Bottles of beer on the wall, 55 bottles of beer," the leader of Team JNPR drunkenly sang, "Ya take one down, pass it around," he hiccups, chuckling. "54 bottles of beer on the wall~."
"Welp," Ruby exhaled, folding her arms over her bust. "he's officially Uncle Qrow drunk."
"Weirdly," Yang said, tilting her head to the right. "VB's more graceful than Qrow."
"We really can't let anyone see Jaune like this," Pyrrha says, her brows creased in worry. "Our team's already on shaky ground."
"Pyr," the drunk swordsman shakily approaches, "Pyr, don't worry so much, "Gladiateur glorieux (Glorious Gladiator)." Jaune spoke drunkenly in another language.
The redhead blinks, raising her brows at this. "I'm sorry?" Pyrrha inquires, confused as she felt her cheeks burning.
"You heard me," Jaune reaches out to tip her chin. "ma belle championne (my beautiful champion)~."
Her cheeks became red as her hair, realizing her leader was flirting with her in French. She turns away, her hands on her face and muttering to herself. Pyrrha would be lying if she said she didn't dream of her partner saying sweet things to her, even in his current intoxicated state. As the others look on in shock, Yang playfully jabs the Champion's shoulder.
"Wow," Yang playfully said to Pyrrha, "all it took for Jaune to flirt with ya is to get sauced."
"Yang," the drunk swordsman speaks up, softly touching the Brawler's cheek. "no need to tease her, feu de soleil (sunfire)~."
"H-Huh?" The busty blonde looks at Jaune, shifting her lilac irises to Blake. "What did he just--?"
"He called you sunfire," Blake responds with a small smile, while Yang's cheeks turn crimson as her little sister's cape.
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holybodega · 3 months ago
hello yes I hear there is rwby dgrp Au 👀 /np
yes ! i like the idea with my brain, and i've decided to try my hand at making some stuff for it!!!!
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here is the most recent color concepts for ruby's design :3
i will gush below more if you and anyone else are truly curious !!!!!!
so currently, (and hehe no spoilers for if i do make anything more for this) here is the list of students! sorgy if some faves were left out, it was very hard to narrow down to such a small list ;w;
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i have started planning the trials, but obviously those are even bigger spoilers hehe, so i won't share those just yet !! but in the meantime, i can go over the setup and what the ultimates mean >>:3
setup: so instead of hope's peak, it's beacon .... do not worry why those who are not beacon students are here, i'm sure that'll be a point of interest once the story starts ,, hehe :3
i am still in the earliest stages of this, but i do like the idea that the students are still there to train as huntsman, it's just instead of having semblances, they are ultimates. ultimates are straaaange because sometimes it's like the characters have powers unimaginable to man and then there's ultimate clairvoyant where he's just...... a guy being a dude.... so
i think the school itself will be a hodgepodge of rwby and danganronpa sensibilities. it will borrow from both and primarily follow the danganronpa rules once the killing game starts, but i like to think i'll include a good amount of beacon's influence.
faunus: at this time, i'm unsure if i want to change anything about faunus? i feel like it's not very danganronpa to have catgirls be real, but i very much intend for white fang to exist still. i think it can work? (although much love and peace, we all know how poor the writing has been for faunus racism)
aura: as far as other rwby factors, obviously aura has to go in the state its in. can't really have an interesting killing game if each character has to spar to death. well you could, but then you'd just have hit youtube series rwby again. i think if it is used, it's more like the mastermind gives everyone aura trackers or something? idk
weapons: i'm super on the fence about their inclusions, i may make it a part of the plot, may not. it may be one of the bigger changes i make from the beginning. they will not be featured in the killing game itself because y'know. that would just. negate a loooot.
grimm: will be plot relevant, but i doubt they'll be super there
timeline: imagine how every danganronpa game starts up, first day of hope's peak (or what have you). all students have a clean slate on their memories in some form or fashion, and this AU will be no different to that set up. if it ain't broke, don't fix it! the idea is, this is set from the point of "ruby's first day at beacon." it's not going to play out any bit the same as the show because......... well....... spoilers for danganronpa but...... that's not their real first day at hope's peak dawg.
POV: as for the main character, it's gotta be ruby duh!! - ultimates: some of these are semblance based, some of these are character based. i was more so trying to catch a vibe with the ultimates rather than them being one-to-one.
Ultimate Accelerator
this is ruby's ultimate. as per stated above, this is going to be setup as "ruby's first day at beacon." as we all know, ruby is let into beacon early for her expertise in fighting. academic acceleration is a term for letting students into higher education at a younger age than typical, hence accelerator. also. ruby faste. zoom. but either it's this or ultimate excellence. i like both, i think ruby would hate being called "ultimate excellence." either way, she would want to keep it all under wraps.
Ultimate Socialite
this is weiss's ultimate. i think this one is self explanatory, but of course, weiss do be a nepo baby. especially since these are going to be based primarily on the characteristics of s1 specifically, she was truly trying for that socialite attitude.
Ultimate Escape Artist
so this is where we start to take some liberties. this is blake's ultimate. i think this one will be one of those OP ultimates that you scratch your head a little at and go, "yep, i guess that make sense." my idea is that blake will play off as your kyoko type. she's not particular one for investigation, but she's an escape artist, so she sure can get the hell out of any tricky situation.
Ultimate Gunslinger
another one i'm taking some stretches with, but i think it fits. this is yang's ultimate. i am on the fence big time on the weaponry, but i do want to take the leap to make yang a cowboy. fuck it. we ball.
Ultimate Lucky Student
this is jaune's ultimate. he's definitely a lucky student. :)
Ultimate Electrician
this is nora's ultimate. another easy one, she is big electricity!
Ultimate ???
this is pyrrha's ultimate. ???
Ultimate Serenity
this is ren's ultimate. this one is a bit of a doozy, but imagine angie yonaga's gag where she holds the other students in her arms as if she's jesus and they are the lamb? yeah like that probably.
Ultimate War Machine
this is penny's ultimate. she was built to be war machine. robo of mass destruction, what can you say?
Ultimate Leader
this is adam's ultimate. shout out to running your own terror org, king. congrats on that. not as good as kokichi, but he'll do!
Ultimate Farmhand
this is oscar's ultimate. he was trapped as a farmhand and he couldn't be clarmhand, he wanted to leave this place and get himself back in space.... school... in the school system. for normal farm boy reasonsssss.
Ultimate Spy
this is ilia's ultimate. she sneake.
Ultimate Martial Artist
this is sun's ultimate. this one is a bit of a loophole all around. technically everyone in this AU is still supposed to be trained martial artist, but i think sun is deserving of the ultimate because of his semblance. unfortunately on top that, there's not actually a lot of terms to pick from when you're looking into kung fu mastery, so i had to reuse ultimate martial artist. i could've called him the ultimate sifu or shifu, but i don't feel very attached to the idea that sun would be patient or responsible enough for a title like that, especially early show sun lmao. i was thinking of going with ultimate black belt, but it just felt uninspired. it could be funny to go with sifu in the future just because of how unserious he is lololol
Ultimate Designer
this is coco's ultimate. coco is but a humble designer with her $400 coach bag
Ultimate Copycat
this is velvet's ultimate. another one that is just like "bruh there's no way." i think it's neat to translate velvet's semblance into an ultimate this way. her photography memory is separate from her ultimate abilities nonetheless. her ultimate abilities stem from her physically being able to replicate actions that she sees.
well that's all i have for now, but if i get enough together, i'll maybe start a sideblog or an insta for it hehe
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screechcat · 3 months ago
Just a big fat list of all my favorite stories/series/art on this app.
Chasing More Than Ghosts - WandaNat x Reader
Neon Lights - Nuts and Dolts comic series
A Love Lost - Natasha x Reader - Angst
Shielded 1-4 - Dimtrescu Sisters/Alcina series
You Have A Kid? - Maria Hill x Reader
A Love So Understanding - Sam Carpenter x Reader (I just have to add that this has to be one of my favorite series on this app)
Everyone But Her - Wednesday Addams x Reader (my other favorite series on this app)
New York, New Rules - Tara Carpenter x Reader
Tux/suit art help
@divinegrey Arcane Masterlist - Vanisher Series (Jinx x Reader) - Pop Rocks & Punches (Vi x Reader)
Note: I, honest to the Gods, think of both of these series multiple times throughout my year.
Road to Healing - Wanda x Reader
In Mourning - WandaNat x Reader
Can't Let Her Make That Sacrifice - Jinx x Reader (Should def read this while listening to What Have They Done to Us from season 2)
Her Heartbeat Masterlist - Wednesday x Reader (Angst) - Another absolute banger in the works
In another, another universe - Arcane art
Healing Hands - Wanda x Reader ◇
The Ghost of Lovell Hill - Cairo Sweet x Reader
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bonnibelleangelicaofficial · 3 months ago
Baby Dandelion (Jaune x Ruby Baby)
Everytime I write Time Together, I get babyfever so bad it kills me. So here, baby Dandelion for all your sweetheart needs. She is dedicated to the commenter that called her “a sweet little bean.” How did you know?
Edit: you guys haven't bonded with her yet. She’s not just a two dimensional, conflictual plot device, she gets a whole personality and much bonding time. You think I’d do whole concept art pieces and build the whole story towards her just to sit her in a pram and have her parents argue about her? We still have 14 years in the Everafter to fill.
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logar3 · 24 days ago
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Almost a year and a half ago, my friend @mr-crocodile asked me to draw some character designs for him for a crossover he was writing about two things I knew nothing about; RWBY and WarHammer Fantasy.
Turns out that I absolutely adored the character designs from the reference images I was being sent, and it got me into watching RWBY itself, and from there on, I have been obsessed... If my plethora of RWBY fan art and 6 RWBY fanfiction (so far) haven't shown that already.
Anyway, here are the designs for my friend's RWBYHammer story! These are the designs that the characters have during the PILOT ONESHOT and are not indicative of the actual fic... Except for Ruby and Weiss' outfits. Apparently, I nailed them so well that they stayed in the actual fic!
If you like these designs and the idea of an RWBY/WarHammer Fantasy crossover, check them out here! Croc is a dear friend and deserves all of the praise and support you guys can give him!
The Grand Company of the Shimmering Rose: https://archiveofourown.org/works/51401764
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temporary-tats · 11 months ago
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Enjoy some WIP cover/companion art for a new RWBY fic I'm working on! I'll share more details about the fic soon, but the basics are it's going to be a long Bumbleby-focused Band AU, likely over 100k words. Here's a look at the band!
Not pictured are Ruby, Weiss, Ilia, who will also be large parts of the (currently unnamed) fic.
Might do individual character sheets eventually? Maybe? We'll see!
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peixedobar · 10 months ago
When does it get quiet? Time was supposed to extinguish the desire But the embers won't snuff out Haunted by your smiles, the mask keeps getting heavier One step forward, two steps back.
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Finally finished this art for my Rosegarden Wild West AU fic, Mistrust & Misfortune on AO3!
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swagmagussupreme · 9 months ago
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Weiss is such great comic relief.
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