#ruby health benefits
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Minun and Plusle, assuming that you do not separate them. I would assume separately it's a bad idea but the pokemon do seem to do better together...

[While their pokédex entries do differ, I’m going to cover both plusles and minuns in a single post, since you asked about them both in your request!]
Plusles and minuns, perhaps surprisingly compared to many Electric-type pokémon, would make fairly good pets! Of course, you’ll need to take into account that they have a pretty unique set of needs, and could be dangerous in certain circumstances, but all-in-all their not a bad option among their typing and can even provide you with certain health benefits.
Both plusles and minuns are the perfect size to be a house pet. They’d have no difficulty getting around most living spaces, and transporting them without a pokéball would be no problem at all. They have a great temperament to be pets as well, given their incredibly social nature. Both plusles and minuns are natural cheerleaders; both pokémon are known for cheering on their partners and other pokémon by forming pom-poms out of electricity and cheering loudly, so rest assured that a pet plusle or minun would always be by your side, rooting for you whatever you do (Ruby - Plusle, Emerald - Plusle, Ruby - Minun, FireRed/LeafGreen - Minun). You really must keep in mind, however, that you shouldn’t let a minun get too hyped up in these cheering displays. While there’s little indication of this being a problem for plusles, minuns are known to shun their own safety (Ruby - Minun). Their little cheerleading displays are adorable, but make sure to keep an eye on them to make sure they don’t get too riled up and hurt themselves!
Now, like I said at the top, these two species of pokémon have some pretty unusual behaviors and needs, which may make their ease-of-care a little too low for some owners. For one thing, as has been alluded, these little ones are NOISY. They can short out the electricity that they carry in their bodies to make a variety of loud noises and brilliant sparks of light, and are known to do so even more when whoever their cheering for is losing or struggling (Ruby, Sapphire). If you live somewhere where you need to be wary of noise complaints, I’d consider a different pokémon. Additionally, bathing plusles or especially minuns is a whole ordeal: not only is it already pretty hazardous giving any south of bath to an Electric-Type pokémon without the proper equipment, but minuns have a distinct dislike of water, making it a whole lot more difficult to keep them clean (FireRed/LeafGreen - Minun). Finally, feeding either of these pokémon can be a chore. Like a lot of pokémon of their type, plusles and minuns feed off of electricity, which can get pricey. Peculiarly, wild plusles have a particular preference for electricity from telephone poles: using their impressive climbing abilities, these pokémon routinely drain power from their tops (FireRed/LeafGreen - Plusle). Keeping either of these pokémon happy and healthy isn’t going to be as easy as popping over to the pet store for food, which is going to make them too much of a handful for some owners.
Both of these pokémon, naturally, could be pretty dangerous in certain circumstances. Moves like Thunder Wave and Nuzzle can allow them to temporarily paralyze targets with electricity, which could easily prove deadly to those with certain medical conditions. Other Electric-Type moves like Electro-Ball and Thunder are no joke as well. Thankfully, it seems that neither of these pokémon are particularly violent and get along well with humans. That being said, you should always keep these kinds of risks with Electric-Type pokémon in mind when making a decision about adoption.
On the bright side, the passive electricity both plusles and minuns carry within their bodies does not seem to pose much of a threat to humans. In fact, pokémon academics have determined that exposure to the types of electricity each pokémon carries can have really positive health benefits for humans, such as muscle relaxation and an improvement in blood flow (Emerald - Minun, HeartGold/SoulSilver - Minun). These pokémon are surely used in tandem for different kinds of physical therapy for humans, and you could probably see some positive vitality outcomes if you adopt one of each species! There doesn’t seem to be any indication that keeping plusles and minuns apart has any negative impact on their biology or psyche, but the benefits of keeping together make them a great package if you’re willing to adopt two pets at once.
While, due to their typing, both of these species bring certain risks and difficulties to the table, their perfect size and personality, as well as the potential health benefits you may see after exposure to both, these pokémon could make a pretty good pet for the right owner.
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Tehe drew my fucked up scientist <3
I'm also putting their whole backstory below uhh
Cw for self harm, suicide attempts, human experimentation and death
Name: Vespa Rubedo Valentine
Age: 26
Gender: Agender, they/them
Sexuality: Pansexual
Severe phobia of the cold
Loves bugs :3
Vespa was born in a very science focused Vault- mostly focusing on inducing mutations in various species in order to forcibly adapt them to a post-nuclear environment.
Ves' mother, Dr. Ruby Valentina focused primarily on crop species and inducing harmful mutations in pests as a way to prevent crop loss.
Ruby wasn't married, didn't have a partner nor did she intend to have either, but wanted a child- Both for the benefit of the vault and a means to have a tangible legacy, so agreed with a fellow vault dweller that he’d help give her a child- but would have no familial contact with Ves.
Ves’ early childhood was mostly uneventful. Ruby gave Vespa the nickname “Cricket” due to how energetic and chatty they were.
However, Vespa was about 4 they got infected with an experimental microbe after sneaking into the labs to visit their mother at work (it was not intended to be a pathogen but alas) and made them INCREDIBLY sick, causing permanent damage to their lungs, immune system, blood platelets. Ves was essentially bedridden for years, being constantly monitored, subjected to experimental treatments, almost dying several times. The microbe didn't affect adults severely, but given the example Ves was providing- was pretty devastating to kids. They were essentially home schooled by their mother and kept isolated from the other children until one of the experimental treatments proved toxic to the microbe and Ves was able to leave isolation.
At the age of 10 Ves was cured of their infection, and found in good enough health to go to school. However due to being the "new" kid in a Vault, and well known for being really sick/unhealthy/’diseased’ Ves struggled to make friends, or connect with the other children.
They were subjected to significant bullying- the other children purposefully playing games that Ves couldn't join in with, being pushed and hit, having things thrown at them- etc, etc. As they aged the bullying just got more violent and aggressive.
Ves became jaded and bitter, choosing to isolate themselves- not trying to make friends, focusing exclusively on their studies.
They would sit with their mother in the lab while she worked- learning about the various insects that would blight crops, and what insects could be used as natural pest control (start of their bug obsession), assisting with her research more and more as they aged and their own scientific knowledge improved. Their mother was the only real social contact they had.
When they were 17, around 3 months before Ves’ 18th birthday- Ruby decided to leave the Vault and take her research to the NCR- people needed it, this could save lives by preventing food shortages but she didn't want to expose Ves to dangers of the wasteland, and as they were almost an adult make the decision to leave them behind for their own safety. She knew her child was determined and headstrong so decided not to leave any clues as to where she went, or why, in the hopes of dissuading Ves from following .
She left instructions to the other adults in the Vault on how to help Ves cope with this change, hoping Ves would be forced to interact with others and develop a healthy social life now she wasn’t there for Ves to cling to. Ves did not give them the chance, isolating themselves in their home/ their mothers lab. Thinking that it was something THEY did that caused their mother to leave. They decided to forgo human contact entirely, it was something that had only caused them pain- As far as Ves saw it humanity was inherently cruel and inherently flawed, studying the social behavior of insects (ants and termites primarily) and comparing the “community focus” to what they’d experienced in the vault . They turned their interest towards solitary predatory insects (Tarantulas, Centipedes, parasitic wasps) as an example of how to be- fierce, independent, successful on their own and on their own merit. Any attempts to reach out by fellow vault dwellers were rejected- didn't need it, they would be okay on their own, these people were below them.
Ves only left the lab at night to steal food from the canteen, the rest of the time they stayed locked away. Obviously the isolation and abandonment issues did some major damage to their mental health, they started self harming, and experimenting on themselves. They used the excuse of trying to make themselves tougher, conditioning themselves to have a high pain tolerance, so they can be strong, and only rely on themselves.
In this time period they tried to take their own life by drinking random chemicals several times, fortunately their mothers work didn't involve hazardous chemicals so being unwell for a few days was the worst that happened (To this day being unwell is majorly upsetting to them- reminding them of both their childhood, and attempts on their life). Inspired by both their existing knowledge of invertebrates, and reading about the strength of ants, the toughness of carapace, etc Ves’ desire to be more like an insect branched out from just emotional resilience and solitary survival and into somehow gaining these physical characteristics.
That in order to survive humanity had to be like insects- driven, independent, not beholden to emotional attachment, with the strength and sturdiness to allow them to thrive on their own. They began experimenting with attempting to forcibly mutate mammals via chemical exposure, genetic manipulation, on turning mammals into insects (or at least giving them all of the desirable features of them)
After a series of very successful tests on lab mice, and having no larger test subjects Ves thought they'd do the residents of the Vault a favor, granting them the gift and the mercy to be free of suffering that is being human, deciding to test their formula on them.
Maybe other people would be grateful, and Ves would get the adoration they secretly desired if they saved them from being mammals and made them stronger.
Ves snuck out in the night, spiking the food and the air supply with their formula, and routing clean water and air to their own quarters- They were a good scientist, needed to observe the effects if they were ever going to be able to reproduce this on a larger scale (The world). They could wait- the formula had to be perfect before they’d use it on themselves.
To put it bluntly the test was a disaster- the changes started within hours, but the other Vault dwellers did not survive the physical stress. It took months of living with excruciating mutations, organ failures, and open wounds but eventually the whole Vault was wiped out.
Ves decided it was their vault, they simply didn't want to be better than what they were. They hated Ves so much they'd rather die than watch them succeed. Ves took over the whole Vault, cleaned up the half mutated corpses and started again. After this failure Ves attempted to take their own life- again, but after waking up alive they went back to work- determined to not leave their great work incomplete, nor fail again.
They Set traps for innocent wastelanders so they could serve as test subjects, and continue working to find the perfect formula to free people from the shackles of humanity.
#WOOF thats long#If you read their lore dump I am kissing you#oc: Vespa#vault dweller oc#my art#oc art
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Your Month's Magical Gem ✨💎
Ever wondered about the special stone tied to your birth month? Dive into the sparkling world of birthstones and their mystical meanings!
🗓️ January - Garnet 💗
Deep red passion and vitality
Boosts self-confidence and success
Protective energy against negativity
Symbolizes eternal friendship and trust
🗓️ February - Amethyst 💜
Regal purple for peace and sobriety
Enhances intuition and spiritual awareness
Calms the mind and promotes clear thinking
Guards against drunkenness and overindulgence
🗓️ March - Aquamarine 💙
Serene blue of sea and sky
Soothes fears and sharpens intellect
Promotes clear communication
Brings courage and calm
🗓️ April - Diamond 💎
Brilliance and unbreakable strength
Amplifies energy of other stones
Symbolizes purity and eternal love
Brings clarity and abundance
🗓️ May - Emerald 💚
Lush green of spring renewal
Symbolic of rebirth and love
Enhances memory and increases mental clarity
Believed to grant foresight and good fortune
🗓️ June - Pearl & Alexandrite 🤍💠 Pearl:
Luminous orb of the sea
Symbolizes purity and integrity
Calms and centers the mind
Eases digestive discomfort
Color-changing marvel
Strengthens intuition
Encourages creativity
Brings good luck and fortune
🗓️ July - Ruby ❤️
Fiery red of passion and power
Stimulates heart chakra
Brings courage and strength
Symbol of love and royalty
🗓️ August - Peridot 💚
Vibrant lime-green vitality
Cleanses and stimulates
Protects from nightmares
Brings good health and restful sleep
🗓️ September - Sapphire 💙
Deep blue of wisdom and royalty
Attracts prosperity and success
Protects from envy and harm
Symbolizes loyalty and trust
🗓️ October - Opal & Tourmaline 🌈💗 Opal:
Multi-colored fire of emotions
Amplifies feelings and unleashes creativity
Enhances cosmic consciousness
Brings good fortune
Available in a rainbow of colors
Grounds energy and dispels fear
Promotes understanding and confidence
Deflects negative energy
🗓️ November - Topaz & Citrine 💛 Topaz:
Golden warmth of the sun
Brings joy and abundance
Releases tension and promotes harmony
Balances emotions and attracts love
Sunny yellow optimism
Energizes and invigorates
Attracts wealth and prosperity
Encourages generosity and sharing
🗓️ December - Turquoise, Zircon & Tanzanite 💙💎💜 Turquoise:
Sky blue of infinite possibilities
Master healer stone
Protects against negative energy
Brings good fortune and success
Variety of colors, often blue
Brings wisdom and confidence
Encourages compassion
Promotes restful sleep
Rare violet-blue beauty
Facilitates spiritual awakening
Enhances communication
Stimulates insight and perception
🔮 Birthstone Magic Tips 🔮
Wear your birthstone for amplified benefits
Meditate with your stone for deeper connection
Gift birthstones for personalized, meaningful presents
Collect all 12 for a full spectrum of energies!
#Birthstones#CrystalMagic#Gemstones#AstrologicalJewelry#BirthdayMagic#crystals#astrology#astro community#zodiac#magic#sprituality#birth stone#birth sign#energy healing#healing crystals
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Designated Driver (1/2)
summary- one of rio's ladies gets too drunk to drive herself home, and all she wants is for him to come pick her up.
warnings- 18+. alcohol use, eventual smut.
word count- 4.6K

"What are we celebrating?" Annie asked, raising her shot glass to cheers.
Beth looked to her sister, then at Olivia, and she shrugged. "Surviving."
Olivia was drunk already, and that one word made her laugh. She nearly dropped her own shot glass in the process.
Even Annie was surprised. "Jesus, lightweight much?"
"Hey, I don't get out very often anymore. I never got the time," Olivia said, shooting back the tequila and quickly reaching for a lime slice on a plate in the center of the table.
The three of them were at a seedy strip club on the wrong side of town. They'd all agreed to go somewhere no one knew them, far away from their own establishment, where they wouldn't bump into anyone in Rio's crew or any husband's of the wives from the PTA or carpool list. It was such a rare thing for them to get just one whole night away from work and responsibilities. Usually their nights out consisted of meeting up with clients, passing off cash, or recruiting. So, it was a special occasion worth celebrating.
"How's Kai doing?" Beth asked Olivia, turning in her seat so she could hear better. "Is he sleeping through the night?"
Olivia still considered herself a new mother. Her son Kai, had only just turned two years old, and he'd been experiencing sleep regression. It was exhausting, but she was grateful to have Beth and Annie who always seemed to have an answer for her questions.
"Mm, sort of. Some nights he's perfect, and then others, I'm up crawling into his crib with him just so he can babble on for hours while I doze off from sheer exhaustion."
Olivia reached for another shot and took it without hesitation. It burned like none other, but she took it like a champ. It was her only night with a babysitter, so she was going to live it up.
"It'll pass. I know it doesn't sound helpful right now, but Kenny went through the same thing. Just when I thought I was going to have to throw myself off the roof, it stopped. He started sleeping through the night again, and it was like it never happened," said Beth, and Annie agreed, waving their waitress over for another round.
"I hope it ends soon," Olivia slurred. "These shifts at work plus no sleep are going to be the death of me."
"You really need to find something during the day," Annie said.
"What I do pays well if you consider the health benefits, and it keeps me close to the cops."
Olivia worked for dispatch, night shift, but she was hoping to get moved to days in the next couple of months.
"Face it," Olivia said, just as her phone started to vibrate in her pocket. "We need an inside man, and without Stan, I'm all we've got."
Annie and Beth started talking about Ruby and Stan amongst themselves while Olivia opened the new text message.
Anyone sticking their nose where it doesn't belong tonight?
He must be out getting into trouble, doing business. They were the same thing for a guy like him. She typed out a quick response and hit send.
Not sure, I'm not at the station. Night off.
Her stomach did a nervous somersault, but she wasn't sure why. He was no threat to her here. It wasn't like he tracked their phones, or at least he never insinuated that he did. She tucked her phone away again and rejoined the other two ladies at the table. The waitress dropped off another round of shots as well as three draft beers, and Beth passed them one of each.
"Take advantage of this, ladies. We might not get the chance for this again anytime soon," Beth said with a frown. "We're about to be very busy."
Olivia went to ask why that was when her phone buzzed again.
Where you at then
Olivia stared at the text for a moment. She had the sudden urge to tell him, to see if he would pop up unannounced like he so often did, appearing out of the shadows like some ominous dark entity. It was so strong she started to type the club name, but she froze.
"Earth to Liv," Annie said, pulling her attention.
"Sorry, what?" Olivia took a sip of her beer, trying to wash away the taste of tequila.
"How's Dakota doing?"
Ah, Olivia's bouncing baby nephew. The prodigal son of her brother, Greg.
"Good, as far as I know. Nancy's really taken the title for World's Most Anal Retentive Mother."
That made Annie crack up, and Beth just raised her brows, looking at each of them. "What, she's my sister in law," Olivia said. "I can make fun of her all I want to."
Beth raised her hands in defense. "I didn't say anything."
"She tries to make me feel inadequate just because I let Kai have gluten."
"She tries to do the same thing with Ben. Even now, like a hundred years later," said Annie.
Lucy's shoulders slumped. "She tried to tell me that's why he doesn't sleep at night. Because of all the chemicals he eats." Her phone buzzed again, and her body flushed hot.
"Who on earth is blowing you up?" Annie asked, taking another shot.
"No one," Olivia said quickly. "Just a group text for some of the people at work."
Not doing anything I wouldn't do I hope
Me? Never, she responded.
He'd been dropping subtle hints for weeks, so subtle Olivia thought she might be crazy. A hand graze here, lingering stare there, a slight nod of approval when she walked into the room.
The two of them were never alone long enough for her to do any real investigating. Beth or Annie were always right around the corner, and Rio dealt mostly with Beth. She was their spokesperson. Olivia was just the artist who happened to work at the police station. Any information Rio might need from her, he could get secondhand from Beth.
Olivia found him attractive. There was no doubt about that. He was everything she'd never had, but everything she desired. Kai's father had been the safe option, the standard All American guy who was just that—safe. Predictable. Until he left her, moving in with an old college girlfriend he married two months after abandoning Olivia and Kai.
Rio was not predictable in any sense of the word, and she wouldn't necessarily consider him safe either. Unless she counted the way people looked at him when he walked in the room. It wasn't lost on her—the fear, the caution. Everyone that ran in their circle knew him, and they all knew what he was capable of. She felt that same fear every time she was in the same room as him, every time he fixed his stare in her direction.
She tucked her phone away again and turned back to her friends, trying her very hardest to focus on something other than their boss, but it was tough. Nothing good could come from it, so it was best to pretend it wasn't there.
Hours later, Olivia was too drunk to know how many, all she wanted was her bed and about a gallon of water. Beth and Annie were making friends with a stripper named Dallas, and both seemed perfectly content to talk until the sun came up. While standing in line for the bathroom, a terrible idea popped into Olivia's head, and she pulled out her phone with sloppy hands before her rational mind could tell her no. If Beth or Annie could see her, they'd rip the phone out of her hands and shame her until she was red in the face, she knew it, but she did it anyway.
Thank you, Jose Cuervo.
I need a ride, she managed to type and send with squinted eyes and slow fingers to ensure there weren't any typos. The letters on her keyboard all started to blur together, but luckily she had it memorized well enough to get it done. The response came quicker than she thought it would. She'd barely moved up one spot in line.
Her stomach did a nervous flip, but she held firm and sent her location to his phone. She waited, but nothing came through, and she wondered if he was just playing with her. There was only one way to find out, and that was to wait to see if he showed.
It took nearly fifteen minutes just to make it into the bathroom, and once she was finished looking herself over in the mirror, making sure she didn't look too crazy, she headed back out to their table. She was nearly there when she caught a glimpse of him. He was standing just inside the entrance to the club, his hands in his pockets and a beanie on his head.
All black, typical, she thought, but then her heart leapt into her throat. If Annie or Beth saw him, they'd never understand. Olivia rushed over, and when Rio caught sight of her, his focus turned in her direction. She tried to play it cool, to pretend she wasn't drunk, but she definitely wasn't known for her acting skills.
"They can't see you," she said, trying to nudge him backwards, but he was an immovable object.
"Who, your date?"
She scoffed. "Be serious. Annie and Beth."
"Ahh, I see. You uh, come here often?" he asked, looking around with a one sided smirk. There were naked women everywhere they looked. Their club didn't do full nudity, but this one did.
"Can't say that I do. I didn't even think you'd show up," Olivia said, getting flustered, brushing the hair off her sweaty neck. She didn't miss the way Rio's eyes tracked the motion. She didn't know what to do or say now that he was here in front of her, but one thing was certain—Beth and Annie couldn't see them together.
"Why wouldn't I?"
"I don't know. Because we're enough of a headache during the day?"
Rio laughed. "You aren't my headache, Olivia."
"But I'm also not your problem."
He said nothing for a moment, and then, "You ready to go?"
"Uh, yeah, I just have to tell them I'm leaving. Wait right here."
Olivia turned and weaved through the crowd, glancing back over her shoulder to make sure Rio didn't follow. She didn't trust him enough to not try and incite some drama, and she hoped he didn't see which direction she was headed.
"Hey, my Uber's here," Olivia said when she got back to their table.
Annie frowned. "What? I thought you were just going to the bathroom."
"Sitter texted me. Kai's awake and she's not sure what to do." She didn't know where the lie came from, or why it came out so easily, especially after all the tequila she'd drank.
"Oh, damn, I'm sorry. Text me when you get home?"
Olivia suddenly felt guilty about lying to Annie, one of her oldest and dearest friendships, but she kept her nerve. "Yeah, of course."
She gave them both quick hugs, and then hurried back to where she'd left Rio. He was leaning against the wall, looking down at his phone. What she found interesting was the way he hardly even glanced at the women around him. There was temptation in every direction, but he seemed to have no interest in it.
"Ready," she said as she made her way back over, and he tucked the phone away in his pocket.
"Let's go, then."
Rio guided her through the crowd toward the door, keeping just a step in front of her, parting the sea of people so they could get through. As they reached the exit, he slowed and placed a hand at the small of her back, nudging her onto the path of least resistance. Olivia was very aware of that hand and the way it felt against her skin through the thin material of her blouse. He couldn't see her face, but she couldn't contain the smile. The alcohol in her system wasn't helping matters. As soon as they were outside, Rio dropped his hand, and Olivia did her best to wipe the emotion from her face.
"I'm parked over here," he said, pointing toward the street, and she followed along beside him quietly, not sure what to say now.
They remained like that until they were in the car. She looked over at him and raised her eyebrows. "You're in pajamas."
"You're wearing pajamas," she said again, blank faced and confused, the liquor slurring her words a little. He was in all black, but he was in sweatpants and a sweatshirt, a beanie on his head. His sharp edges and prickly demeanor were no where to be found, and in their place he seemed.. soft. It was jarring.
"I mean, yeah, I guess. It's three in the morning."
"I've never seen you in pajamas."
Rio rolled his eyes and started the car. "Put your seatbelt on."
She did as he told her to, and he pulled out onto the street. Once they were moving, he took one hand off the steering wheel to turn the radio on. Hip-hop filled the space between them, but not too loud to where she couldn't be heard if she wanted to be.
Inside the closed space, Olivia was very aware of the smell of his cologne in the air, a delicious scent, and the close proximity of their bodies. She'd never really been this close to him before, never ridden shotgun while he drove or had his arm resting on the console, his free hand on the gear shift so close to her knee he could brush his fingers over it if he wanted to without moving. Her face burned at the thought, and she couldn't seem to look away from his hand, as if she could will it to close the distance.
"Your kid at home?" Rio asked, nearly making her jump out of her skin. She'd been so lost inside her own head, the sound of his voice was startling.
"Kai, yeah, he's with the sitter." She was very aware of how the words didn't come out clear.
The silence resumed, but she noted the way he looked over at her every so often, and she shifted her legs so her knee nearly brushed against his hand. Rio wasn't stupid or oblivious. He knew what that meant, and her heart rate increased when he closed the distance, sliding his open palm over her knee and up to rest on her thigh.
Olivia had to turn her face to the window to keep him from seeing just what that did to her, but by the hum that came from his chest, he already knew. To prove she wasn't a coward, she slid her arm through his, and he flipped his palm to lace their fingers together. His thumb brushed soft lines over the skin of her knuckles. Neither of them said a word, and by the time they reached Olivia's street, her heart had slowed a little.
When Rio parked the SUV in the driveway and turned off the ignition, neither of them moved. Olivia soaked up every bit of the seconds she had left with him, the quiet seconds when he wasn't quite so scary. She looked his way and saw that he was staring up at the front door, his head resting back against the seat. The lights in the living room were on, the porch light too, but other than that the house was dark. Leah must be working on homework on the couch, and Kai was sleeping for once. Rio felt her gaze and rolled his head slowly her way, his face neutral.
"Thanks for driving me," she whispered, eyes flickering down to his perfectly plump bottom lip.
"You're welcome."
Olivia started to pull her hand away, but Rio squeezed it softly, his expression never changing. He let go then, and watched her open the door and hop out onto the pavement, heart skittering like a newborn deer.
"Do you want to come in?" she asked before she could stop the thought from taking physical shape, turning back with her hand on the door.
Rio sat up and ran his hand over his chin, scratching at his facial hair. "What for?"
She shrugged. "Watch a movie, drink a glass of wine, smoke a joint, whatever."
Rio laughed. "You smoke weed?"
"Sometimes, why, do I not seem like the type?"
He looked her over slowly, sending a chill down her spine. "No, not really."
"Well, I do, so if you want to, the offer stands. Otherwise, goodnight."
She shut the door, giving him a second to think it over, and her a chance to get control of her nerves. She headed for the front door, digging through her purse for her house keys as she went, refusing to look back over her shoulder for fear of seeing him starting up the car and leaving.
Before she got the door unlocked, Olivia heard the sound of a door closing. She smiled softly, forcing herself to remain calm and cool on the outside even though she was screaming on the inside. She felt his presence at her back a moment later, but Rio didn't say a word.
Leah—Kai's high school babysitter, was sitting on the floor in the living room with her school books spread out on the carpet. She looked up and smiled, her pink and purple braces on full display.
"You're back early," Leah said, glancing behind Olivia at Rio who stood quietly.
"I was tired," Olivia said while kicking off her shoes. "Kai asleep?"
Leah started gathering up her stuff. "Yeah, he's only woken up once. I gave him milk and he fell right back to sleep."
Olivia laughed. "I'm jealous. He keeps me up for hours lately. It's amazing I'm still standing."
Leah shoved her books into her bag. "I'm sure it'll pass. Have a good night, Miss Walton."
She headed out the front door, leaving Olivia alone with Rio again. It felt even more strange to be inside her home with him, in her safe place. He moved away from her without saying a word, heading for the bookshelves lining the far wall where she had her collection along with photos and keepsakes. Most of them were of her and Gregg as children, but there were quite a few of Kai.
"He's a cute kid," Rio said, his back to her. "He looks just like you."
She sat down on the arm of the couch and watched him. "Thank god for that."
"Where's his dad?" He turned, pinning her with his brown eyes.
"Not in the picture."
He took a few steps closer, never dropping her gaze, and tucked his hands into the pockets of his jacket. "Why am I here, Olivia?"
She sat up a little straighter, forcing a confidence she didn't naturally possess, and refused to look away. "I don't know. Why did you get out of the car?"
Rio took a few more steps forward. Now, he was only one or two decently sized ones from her, and the way he watched her was like a predator analyzing its prey long before an actual attack. It was darkly curious, almost undecided in a way. He didn't know why he'd come inside. It made butterflies take flight in her stomach. It was full of possibilities.
Before Rio could answer, she stood and moved toward the stairs. "Come on, I think I have enough weed for a joint to share."
She didn't wait to see how he reacted, and headed up the wooden staircase to the landing up above, careful to avoid any of the creaky spots that would wake Kai almost instantly. Rio followed. She could hear his quiet, carefully placed footsteps, the kind only someone who has lived in a house with small children knows how to achieve.
The master bedroom was at the end of the hallway. It was dark aside from the bedside lamp still switched on, the door cracked, and her stomach did a nervous somersault at the thought of Rio inside of it. It was such a foreign concept to her still drunken mind, but it was also exciting, and she bit at her bottom lip. Rio followed her in, and just like in the living room, he moved around slowly, taking in the decor, the discarded shirts and pants she'd decided against when she was getting ready earlier that evening, the neatly made king sized bed.
Olivia opened the top drawer of her dresser where she kept a small jewelry box she'd made in a pottery class when she was just a kid. It was misshapen and imperfect like most kids crafts, but she loved it just the same. Inside it, she kept a bottle of anxiety medication she'd been prescribed shortly after she had Kai, a loosely wrapped plastic baggie of pot, a few rolling papers, and a lighter.
"Do you know how to roll?" Rio asked.
"I'm sure it's hard to believe, but yes, I do." She gave him a sarcastic smile, her eyes nearly closing altogether, and he chuckled, raising his hands in defense.
Olivia hopped up onto the bed and patted the spot next to her. Rio just shook his head, like he couldn't believe where he was and what he was doing, before sitting beside her. After he took off his beanie and stuffed it into his pocket, he laid back flat on his back, hands behind his head, and she was very aware of the way his sweatshirt rode up. The motion exposed a strip of his stomach, and she had to pry her eyes away to focus on the task at hand. Rio stared up at the ceiling without saying a word while she rolled a pretty decent joint for someone who was drunk.
She lit it and took a deep inhale, eyes closing at the way it filled her lungs and dissipated out into her limbs. She blew out the smoke and hummed a soft sigh of contentment before passing it to Rio. When she opened her eyes, he was watching her. He took the joint and pressed it between his lips, and she held his gaze as he inhaled and held the smoke for a few seconds before blowing it into the space between them.
They remained like that for a while, quietly passing the joint back and forth until she was perfectly at ease, her limbs loose and mind clear. She fell back to lay beside him, and she felt his hand shift closer before taking hers, lacing their fingers together just like they had been in the car. She smiled, unable to hold it back, and felt her neck flush with heat. When she rolled her head to look at him, he was staring right back, and without thinking, she leaned forward and kissed him.
Maybe it was the tequila, or maybe it was the weed, but a shock of electricity ran through Olivia's body at the contact. It lit a fire in her belly, and instead of pulling away like she intended, she pressed into him harder when he kissed her back. His free hand ran up her arm to cup the back of her head, and she shifted so she could lean over him, slipping her tongue between his lips to tangle with his.
His lips were soft and warm, everything she imagined they'd be. She wanted more of him, and she slid a leg over his hips, breaking the kiss only to get a read on his reaction when she straddled his waist, palms flat on his chest. His eyes darkened as they moved down her body, taking in their new position. With just the soft lamplight illuminating his features, he looked irresistible to her.
Olivia bit her bottom lip, shifting back just enough to feel him growing hard in the confines of his sweats. The butterflies in her stomach fluttered, their wings beating rapidly when his eyes snapped shut, his hands running up her legs to squeeze her thighs tight. They kept moving up, palming the flesh of her ass, and when his eyes opened, the same fire she was engulfed in was burning there. Olivia was emboldened by the way she felt, the way she wasn't afraid of him here and now.
"What are you doing?" Rio said lowly, pinning her with his eyes.
The sound of his voice made her flush hotter, but she didn't answer verbally. She ran her hands down his torso to the hem of his sweatshirt, slipping her fingers beneath the fabric to the warm skin beneath it. Her movements were tentative and cautious. Even after all the alcohol, she wasn't sure how he would react. The thought of meeting his gaze was too much to bear, so she kept her eyes trained on her own movements instead. When she sat back and ghosted just the tip of her index finger into the band of his sweats, Rio snatched her up by the wrists, ending the exploration of his body, and sending her heart racing.
"What are you doing, Olivia?" he asked again, firmer this time.
He swallowed, adams apple bobbing. "This isn't nothing." He squeezed her wrist, flexing his fingers around it, watching her closely.
Olivia was frozen, but the longer the silence stretched on, the further her mind drifted, and she shifted her hips forward. A sharp exhale left Rio's chest, and she risked a look at his face. He sat up quickly, still holding her wrist, and forced it behind her back. His lips were so close now, and her heart leapt into her throat.
"You're drunk, and you need to watch yourself," he said lowly, his chest vibrating against her own and she leaned forward to kiss him, ignoring his words completely, but she stopped when she saw the muscle jump in his jaw. "Olivia."
"Okay," she whispered, forcing herself back to the reality of their situation. This was Rio, her boss, a man who terrified her in the daytime. But right now he was touchable, less frigid.
Rio shifted, lifting his hips and tossing her down onto the mattress like it was nothing. Olivia couldn't help but laugh loudly, but she slapped a hand over her mouth to keep from waking Kai. With a growing smirk, he leaned over her, switching their positions to straddle her waist. "Close your eyes and go to sleep," he said, getting so close to her lips that she felt frozen for a moment, certain that he would close the distance.
"I'm sorry. Just ignore me. I'm not myself after three tequilas."
Rio sat back, staring down at her. "Fuckin' lightweight. Jesus Christ."
He rolled off and resumed his position beside her, but this time he laid on his side. Olivia dragged one of the blankets up over her body and nestled into them, turning slightly into her side to get comfortable. The longer they laid there, the further she drifted toward sleep. She tried to keep her eyes open, but they were so heavy and she was so comfy.
"You tired, Olivia?" Rio asked, his voice so quiet in the subtly lamp lit room she thought she dreamed it for a second. A beat later, he ran a finger softly against her cheek, brushing a few strands of hair behind her ear before caressing her chin with the palm of his hand.
"Yeah, kids will do that," she mumbled back. “You’re really not so scary, Rio.”
He continued to run his thumb back and forth against her cheek, and she couldn't resist the pull of sleep any longer. Her eyelids dropped closed, and she nestled in closer to the wall of his chest.
“Chris,” he said. “You can call me Chris.”
#rio good girls#netflix good girls#manny mayans#manny montana#good girls fic#beth boland#annie marks#Spotify
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I have a lot of feelings about the whole Ruby Franke thing obv, primarily that she is an awful mother and deeply sick/irresponsible individual, but I find some irony in the way people are talking about her in the sense that she did the things she did because she's just pure "evil". And I get that a lot of times when we're faced with these situations where we can't even fathom how and why someone would do something, sometimes there just aren't a lot of words that feel fitting enough for the situation.
I'll also say that I think Ruby and Jodi both have some serious mental health issues that contributed to all this (morality OCD for Ruby on top of.... many other things) and that their religion alone didn't contribute to their actions. But it did introduce the black and white perspective that life is primarily a struggle between good evil whose outcome will affect where your soul is for eternity.
And you can hear in that clip that that's exactly where Ruby's thinking was/is in regards to the situation with her kids. People are comparing her a lot to Lori Vallow bc they were both Mormons who got into the fringe areas of the religion, which is very frustrating as someone who can name at least 5 similar situations that involve other flavors of Christian, it is *not* an exclusively Mormon issue, it is conservative Christian issue.
And it just really feels like we're missing the point if we boil Ruby down to just being "evil" and ignore all of the influences in her life that made her what she was, like being a part of a religion that gives little attention or care to: 1. children's individuality and autonomy 2. mental health 3. nuanced conversations regarding morality.
So I just feel like we'll all benefit from having a deeper conversation about why and how this happens as opposed to just writing Ruby off as a one off evil mother, because she absolutely is not a one off. And children can't stop being mistreated in this way until we understand how these parents actually come about in the first place.
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Hyena!Faunus Ruby SUPERPOST
Ruby: Me~!
Blake: Urp! Did you roll around in trash?!
Ruby: Yup~!
Yang: Uh, why?
Ruby: Because I am the leader~!
Fun Fact! Hyenas will roll around in dung and carcasses they've found. The exact reason is unknown, though one theory states that the action serves as a means of improving their status within the group.
Weiss: Ruby, I need you to stay away... I'm incredibly sick, and-
Ruby: (Finishing Weiss' soup) Pah! Sorry, did you say something, Weiss?
Weiss: ...I'm gonna throw up.
Fun Fact! Hyenas are immune to almost every disease, including anthrax and rabies. It is believed this was a development in their evolution to improve their role as scavengers. There have even been cases in which trash consumed by the hyenas helps improve human immunity by removing harmful pathogens and preventing them from spreading, such as anthrax and bovine tuberculosis.
Ruby: You gonna eat that?
Yang: (Hands over steak bone) Nah, you go ahead.
Ruby: (Crunches bone)
Blake: ...Wow.
Yang: You think that's impressive? Wait 'til it comes out!
Ruby: (Mouth full of bone shards) Yeng, dun be grosh!
Fun Fact! Hyenas will eat and digest bones. This diet results in their dung not only being nearly completely white, but also rich in calcium, which is good for soil, and contain bone shards used by birds for nests.
Yang: Ruby Rose!
Ruby: (Gulps)
Yang: I thought you grew out of your teething phase!
Ruby: I did!
Yang: (Holding up a half-eaten rubber eraser) Then what's this?!
Ruby: ...Treat?
Fun Fact! Although there are health benefits to having hyenas around, they are still considered a pest for their tendency to chew on and eat rubber, such as from tires of airplanes. This is especially enticing to hyenas when there is dung on them. This behavior can negatively impact humans to the point plane wheels are protected with barbed wire!
Ruby: Jaune! Jaune!
Jaune: Mm, what? (Yawns) What time is... (Looks around, Atop Beacon Tower) HOW-?!
Ruby: C'mon! C'mon! Let's play!
Fun Fact! There are reports of hyenas attacking humans, including an elderly man who was dragged from his bed over 80 miles away from his home, and when the search party found his body, his lower half was completely missing. Authorities urge residents to stay indoors at night with all openings shut.
Ruby: (Crying)
Blake: Are you okay?
Ruby: I'm sorry, baby. I-I have to. Forgive me. (Pulls out screwdriver, Holds down Magnhild)
Yang: Yeah, she... gets like this every time she upgrades a weapon.
Ruby: (Pries open casing, Blubbering) F-F-Forgib me, zwee behbeh...
Blake: That's... uncomfortable.
Nora: No kidding.
Fun Fact! Hyenas will practice infanticide to improve their status within the group. A female will always be a member of the group, and this heirarchy is usually determined by violence. An observed hyena targeted and killed her sister's two cubs to establish herself higher in the pecking order.
Ruby: One day, Jaune and Ren will leave, and they'll find their own harem of sexy girls to fall in love with.
Pyrrha: Uh, that's not going to happen.
Ruby: Why not?
Nora: Renny is gonna stay with me, forever and ever!
Ruby: What about Jaune?
Pyrrha: W-Well, hopefully, he can stay as our leader.
Ren: Huh?
Jaune: What do you mean?
Ruby: I am disgusted, and revolted, and even though I dedicate my life to the ways of our Huntress ancestors, THIS is the thanks I get?! (Climbs into garbage can)
Jaune: Ru-
Ruby: (Slams lid shut)
Fun Fact! Hyena males will be given a choice at adulthood, aka 2 years. If they choose to stay in the pack, they will maintain the status their mothers have achieved, though their choice of mate is severely limited by other females to prevent incest. Males who leave will have more females to choose from, though they will have to fight for their place in a heirarchy. It should be noted that the highest ranked male is still lower than the lowest ranked female.
Ruby: (In the pool)
Blake: (In the pool)
Ruby: ...
Blake: ...
Ruby: (Smiles)
Blake: ...Oh, that's nasty.
Fun Fact! During the dry season, hyenas will sit in any water mud puddle they can find. They will remain in this water, even while using it as a bathroom.
Dino Krakata Gigantia Faunus Summer
Summer: (Towering over her classmates) Hm... I see no foes...
Summer: ONLY PREY.
Fun Fact! Dino Krakata Gigantia was the megafauna ancestor of hyenas, weighing more than 800 pounds and standing more than 6 feet long. Evidence shows they too shared a powerful set of jaws for crushing and eating bones.
#rwby#hyena!faunus Ruby#ruby rose#yang xiao long#weiss schnee#blake belladonna#jaune arc#nora valkyrie#Dino Krakata Gigantia!Faunus Summer#summer rose
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Othala, Fate
Othala was also known as Odin's Rune.
"The well-known Oþala/Odal/Othala rune, originally meaning homeland, ancestry, and inheritance (inherited property), has been known to symbolize free peasants in medieval times, who went on to use the symbol in their house marks but is also seen on several churches. It may have been seen as a symbol to fend off evil." --Folk Wisdom & Ways
Today, 29th of May, the Othila rune manifestation period starts, it will last until 14th of June
The Othila Runa ( or Odal,(Othil) is associated with family property, or heritage, it symbolizes the fence that delineates property and innate qualities both spiritual and material. it represents the power to obtain and predicts favorable answers to all questions concerning your property, and family or social life interests, as well as Freedom, Achievement of objectives and therefore Success.
To make dreams come true, Othila offers some wise advice: you need to keep the goals you want to achieve in mind, in order to channel your energy correctly.
You don’t need to force destiny: everything has its own time, so Othila encourages not to despair and to have faith in your own possibilities.
If the Runa Othila is in the phase of divination, Dritta warns that it is time to concentrate your efforts towards the goals you most want to achieve: a job, the love of a person, the realization of a project.
If energies are scattered in multiple directions, you won’t be able to conclude anything and you will feel frustrated.
So it tells us that, maybe we are in a period of renewal, that it’s time to get rid of all those relationships that lead to nowhere, and then, to start new projects and that all of this could be very positive.
You need to accept that life removes some things to offer new ones. It’s good to own this truth to stay open to changes.
Overturn, on the other hand, can mean loss of property or exclusion from a community. It may also indicate diatribes related to probate or probate, or a sudden request for repayment of a loan. In any case Othila toppled indicates a problem that not even money or an inherited position can solve.
Informs, then, that excessive attachment, either to people, material, cultural or social goods, is not a good advisor.
If you accept that everything is subject to change, that everything changes, and that losses can mean new gains, you will feel more free and able to live according to your own way.
You need to learn to adapt to circumstances and learn from every experience. This way you will make the most of situations and you won’t suffer when your wishes are not met, when you have to face a separation (in your personal relationships and work), when you don’t achieve the desired success or, simply, when you realize that you have wrong.
Regarding love, the Runa Othila tells us that it is a moment of great sensuality. Your attractiveness increases and you will have many opportunities to meet new people and then start interesting relationships.
Othila advises to take advantage of this situation. If you have a partner, the relationship with him will get stronger.
While in the Laboratory Field Othila tells us that, you will be offered the opportunity to work with new colleagues or to introduce significant changes in the development of your professional activity: something that, sooner or later, will bring benefits.
While regarding Health: The Runa Othila recommends learning to control stress. To this end you need to devote some time every day to yourself, to do some physical exercise, to read or listen to music, or just to chat with friends.
Syllabus : o
Associated with Ragnarok, "inevitable destiny".
Tree : Thorn
Herb : Clover
Crystal : Ruby
Colour : Gold
Zodiac sign : .
Animal : Lion
Tarot cards: XXI major arcano - The World
Astrology: Sun in Aquarius / Moon in Taurus
I Ching: 64th Exagram, Wei Chi - Before completion.
SOURCE the power of the runes the magic of the runes Runica paths of light Source From: --L'Antro celtico
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Hi Clyde, I adore your metas. I can't help but feel that the way team RWBY has been handling Jaune's situation is eerily similar to how thet behaved with Ironwood back in V7: withholding trust and compassion to an ally who needs both, being dismissive of them and their plans while benefitting from them (getting shelter, weapons, licenses, a possible way out of the Ever After), and then making decisions that shatter the foundations of their trust and potentially trigger their trauma (hide crucial information, leak secrets to an opponent, celebrate the mass 'sacrifice' of the people Jaune sought to protect and questioning important knowledge he's been holding onto for years).
There's also this repeated mistake of listening to someone random for two seconds (Robyn, the cute paper person) and then quickly deciding that they know better than the ally who's been working on this for decades.
I really hope the writers take at least one simple scene to make the protagonists acknowledge that they've been in this situation before and maybe learn from their mistakes in Atlas so they don't repeat them in the Ever After with Jaune, but they've already given that 'that's how Ironwood thought' line like sharing his POV is such an outlandish thing, when to me that was the perfect opportunity to reflect on how perfectly decent people can reach that conclusion too when faced with difficult circumstances. But idk, what do you think, Clyde?
I'm so glad you enjoy them, anon! <3
Oh man, I feel like you've just articulated one of the reasons I have little faith in this Jaune vs. Ruby argument going somewhere, despite the argument itself giving me a lot of what I've been waiting for. This does feel like we've seen it before, which likewise generates the feeling that it will end the same way as Volume 8 . To summarize + add to what you've listed above:
The group enters Atlas, a foreign culture to all but Weiss / The group enters the Ever After, a foreign culture to all but Jaune
They spend time wandering aimlessly until a battle results in their arrest / They spend time wandering aimlessly until a battle results in their rescue
They're immediately given food, shelter, and weapon upgrades / They're immediately given food, shelter, and Crescent Rose back
The group learns that Ironwood has been shouldering everything alone, resulting in mental health struggles / The group learns that Jaune has been shouldering everything alone, resulting in mental health struggles
They express discomfort, annoyance, and a low-key fear rather than sympathy / 🔁
Ironwood admits that not everything is solved yet, but he has a plan to re-establish communications / Jaune admits that not everything is solved yet, but he has a plan to try and find a way out
The group is frustrated that their problems aren't solved now that they've arrived / 🔁
Ironwood promotes them into a new position of authority, huntresses / Jaune promotes them into a new position of authority, defenders of the Paper Pleasers
Doing everyday Huntsmen activities is met with more frustration and a casual dismissal of its importance / 🔁
The girls immediately trust Robyn with no evidence despite being wary of allies / The girls immediately trust this one Paper Pleaser despite being wary of their ally
Ren calls the group out on their horrific mistakes and is immediately dismissed / Jaune calls Ruby out on her horrific mistakes and immediately apologizes
There's a lot of questioning about Penny's worth as a person until Ruby decides she needs to be human / There's some questions about the worth of the Paper Pleasers as people until Ruby decides they're "make believe"
Penny commits assisted suicide and that's celebrated by the story (via her happy reunion with Winter / The Paper People commit suicide and that's celebrated by the story (via Ascension)
Atlas is left in ruins, regardless of how 'necessary' that was to escape / The village is left in ruins, regardless of how 'necessary' that was for them to Ascend
Obviously there are going to be some similarities due to Volume 9 continuing the themes and questions of Volume 8, but yeah, it really feels like the group is walking the same path and making the same mistakes: find someone knowledgeable, powerful, and compassionate, doubt them because they haven't fixed every problem, further doubt them because their struggles have led to deteriorating mental health (the fact that we're supposed to be feeling for Ruby in the same episode that Jaune is labeled crazy...), dismiss the personhood of non-human entities (WHAT HAPPENED TO "SQUISHY GUTS" BEING UNNECESSARY? My Nuts and Dolts heart aches for old Ruby), then shrug off leaving a place destroyed because hey, you've gotta do what you've gotta do. Rinse and repeat, I guess.
All that's left is for Jaune to unexpectedly go off the deep end in a completely OOC manner, resulting in him trying desperately to do some good in his final moments while Team RWBY escape the Ever After, presumably leaving him to die :/
(Obviously idk what they're going to do with Jaune - it's a tricky situation, to say the least - but if they don't go the easy route of, "Then the tree magicked him young again and we'll never mention that he's mentally in his 50s!" I honestly wonder if they'd kill him off. I have problems with how Jaune is written, specifically in how he's prioritized by the plot over the girls, but I do not want him to meet an Ironwood-esque end.)
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fucking stressed beyond belief right now
TL;DR: My savings? fucked. Family drama? Ongoing and getting worse. My health? Going down the fucking drain, apparently. The election? I really don't like waiting to find out if my friends and I are going to have our rights stripped away, or if we are going to be in danger because the fascists lost and think the answer to that is terrorism.
I'm going to put these in order of most to least important, but this is going to be a long one.
I am obviously extremely stressed about the election. I am a disabled (unilaterally deafblind) queer afab person whose friend group is made up almost entirely of people who are some variety of queer/neurodivergent/disabled/etc, and I am in a ruby red state. I desperately need Kamala to win because my local and state government isn't going to do anything to benefit my community, so I am 100% reliant on the federal government to restrict how badly they can fuck us over (or, you know, do things to help, but at this point I am willing to just accept "minimally fucked over.") My state is 100% ready to start stripping my friends and I of our rights as soon as they can, and if Trump wins they have the green light to do that, and I am fucking terrified of that happening. Between what he has done in the past, Project 2025, and what Trump himself has promised to do, I don't want to live in an America where Trump gets a 2nd term. You know what else I am terrified of? The fact that, if I get what I want and Kamala does win, these fascist assholes are going to throw a temper tantrum about it. We have already seen people threatened with machetes for voting, ballot boxes lit on fire, and bomb threats sent to polling places in GA. Just imagine how bad it will be when you tell these assholes they lost. I live in a state with 37 federally recognized active hate groups and I have run into members of 7 of them (thankfully, I have only had one coworker dumb enough to brag to me about being a member of one of these groups, and I don't work at that place anymore). (sidenote, but I highly recommend everyone familiarize yourself with the symbols associated with the hate groups active in your state). So even if Kamala wins the election and I don't have to worry about the president taking away my basic human rights, I have to go to work tomorrow and worry about these people looking to take their anger out on someone. I don't exactly look like a cis/straight/christian/republican woman, so I will probably look like a good target for them. I know two of my friends have to work tomorrow, so I have to worry about them being targeted (especially since they work nights and crime does tend to spike at night).
Now onto more personal issues. My sister decided to throw a full-blown temper tantrum over wanting to see a specific dentist for her jaw pain and, because she is one of my mom's favorites, my mom throws a fit until I just handed over the $2,250 for her to get her fucking dental splint and botox. This took a huge chunk out of my car savings ($1,500 from car savings, $750 from my "I get to actually go out and hang out with my friends now" fund). She promises she is going to pay me back, but given that she has "borrowed" $12k from me in just the past two years (so not counting the whole year when I first got a job, after being kept at home against my will mind you, and she took my card and spent anything that didn't go to bills/grandma's funeral payments) and hasn't paid any of it back (but can get mini fridges for my younger siblings rooms while complaining about her electric bill) I don't really have any hope of that happening unless a certain other family member (who I have contacted, and I am waiting to hear back from) pressures her into it. So now I'm just here, working on commission after commission hoping to make back my car money by the end of the year (although I may still have to ride out the whole commission season like this if I want my "fun with friends" fund back.) and find a way to convince her to give back my driving privileges or let me get lessons from someone else (something I also covered when I contacted that other family member). I know my mom is going to have a fit if that family member does choose to address this stuff with them, but I am left with no other choice. I can't just keep living in a hostage situation where I am led on by false promises while I watch her spoil other people, literally at my expense. I wish I could just throw a fit like they do where they hit, slam doors, break things, and yell at people until I get my way, but I have a feeling I wouldn't get the same results they do. Regardless of what happens, I am going to have to do "committing arson at Bath & Bodyworks" levels of burning the candle at both ends if I want to have any hope of having a car by the end of January. Now, there is some mental illness stuff that actually makes doing that much work easier for me (lets just say when I am home alone with no way of getting out for anything other than work, a part of my brain just starts compulsively working on anything to distract me from the fact that I am trapped here) but it's still a lot to have to deal with.
What isn't helping is that my health is just going down the toilet at a pretty rapid pace. I have always had issues with sleep, but I have started experiencing new difficulties with that, so sleep and I are almost entirely divorced. Additionally, I have been having issues eating, or, more accurately, my issues with eating have gotten worse. I have always experienced heartburn when I eat certain foods, but that used to be managed by just taking meds as needed/if I plan on eating something I know triggers a reaction. You know, normal people shit. Now it happens if I eat anything in any meaningful quantity, so I have been having to take more meds, and even then it doesn't always work. There have been too many nights in the past couple of weeks when I have to play "heart attack or heartburn." Additionally, I have been having issues just swallowing. This is a thing I have had issues with for a while. One of the downsides of not having a gag reflex is that sometimes things will just get stuck in your throat, and you just have to keep swallowing until it goes down. Before, it only happened every now and then. Now, it seems like it happens towards the end of every meal, and it's so fucking annoying. Thankfully, I should be getting my insurance card soon, so I should be able to get that checked out, but I still fucking hate it.
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Would Slowpoke or Slowbro be good pets? I think they're so cute!

[I’ve already covered slowpoke, so I’ll link that one at the bottom of this post!]
Slowbros would indeed make a pretty good pet to some very specific owners, but it’s difficult to give them a blanket recommendation for a few reasons. Let’s have a little test: can you tell already what one of the more significant issues is?
Their size! Five feet tall?! Woah! This was surprising to me as I was reviewing the data on slowbros. As you may already know, slowbros evolve from slowpokes when the latter is bit on the tail by a shellder, another aquatic pokémon species (Red/Blue, Yellow). The individual’s slowbro classification is entirely reliant on this symbiotic relationship, as if the shellder is shed the pokémon reverts back to a slowpoke (Yellow). Clearly, the presence of this shellder allows the slowbro to grow significantly larger. Unfortunately, this is likely to be an issue in the way that it interacts with the other affects of this symbiosis.
Let’s clear something up real quick: I’ve said a few times now that the relationship between the slowbro and the shellder is symbiotic. It’s complicated. While at first glance it appears that the shellder is a parasite, as it feeds off of the fluids contained in their host’s tail as well as their leftover food (Red/Blue, Crystal). However, when you observe the slowbro, you find that they have become stronger and more powerful as a result of this relationship. Since the shellder prevents the slowbro from using their tail to fish on the shore like a slowpoke, it pushes the slowbro to become a more proactive hunter (Ruby Sapphire). While slowpokes are known to be pretty dull-witted, in slowbros’ case their shellders’ bites stimulate their brain, giving this species an occasional boost in intellect (Diamond/Pearl/Platinum). These effects have led to slowbros being better able to protect themselves from threats, which is a benefit to their survival. They don’t feel pain from the bites of the shellder, as the shell-like pokémon’s venom has an intense numbing effect (Silver). This is great for battle, but not the best when it comes to the slowbro’s overall health and well-being. In the end, both the slowbro and the shellder seem to benefit from their relationship.
So what does this all mean for slowbros’ pet compatibility? Well, their ease of care is significantly lower than a slowpoke’s. While you won’t need to feed the shellder, since it receives all the sustenance it needs from its host, you will need to provide the slowbro with some aquatic space to exercise. While you may not want to provide your pet with live prey to hunt, you will want to provide them space to move around to that they don’t become restless or out of shape. Given their size, providing this space may be beyond some owner’s means.
Given slowbros’ lack of pain sensation due to the venom of their shellders, you will really need to keep an eye on your pet’s health. A slowbro might not be able to let you know if they are injured or not feeling well, since they don’t experience any pain sensation. A slowbro’s healthcare needs may be higher than a lot of pokémon pets.
Slowbros, while more fit and dangerous that slowpokes, aren’t significantly more dangerous. They make use of many psychic-type special moves, which, while they may be inconvenient or even painful, are unlikely to be lethal. The chances of a slowbro attack are pretty low, however, so long as both they and their shellder feel happy, healthy, and unthreatened.
Keeping a slowbro as a pet is far from impossible, but in most cases a different pet might be a better choice. I’d recommend a slowpoke over a slowbro to most owners.
The Slowpoke Post:
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Hi!! Anon 🐷here.
I would like to say that you should take off as much time as you need we'll be here waiting, no need to rush things. I understand how it is giving your all on something and then just feeling drained, I told you how it happened to me. So please, don't feel the need to say sorry cause your mental health and your feelings are valid and much more valuable than any story that people might feel entitled to.
I personally will swing on anyone who pressures you. :D.
We love you ruby, rest my love <3
I definitely feel burnt out when it comes to writing series.... I started writing the friends with benefits one shot and was feeling guilty... hated thay feeling 🥺 I need to slow down a bit and write what makes me happy.
I'm still excited for the new series, but I have so many smutty scenarios in my head 😭 I need to let them all out in fanfiction form instead of spamming everyone's dashboards with my horny thoughts 😳
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full name — Opal Zamora faceclaim — Priscilla Quintana gender & pronouns — cisfemale, she/her age — 29 birthday — 4/1/1995 occupation — clerk at crystal clear/ "tarot reader for hire" (she's faking it) neighborhood — Cardinal Hill length of time in blue harbor — a few weeks marital status: single on this earthly plane. engaged to satan in the nine hells. moral alignment: chaotic neutral
tldr. tw: parental death, cancer (full bio can be found at the bottom of the intro)
opal was born sofia estelle zamora to a very young mother and an absent father. without family to fall back on, the duo suffered financially. this led to many odd jobs that barely made ends meet.
but crime pays, baby!
a little petty theft here, a pickpocket there, some light manipulation and at least they went to sleep with full bellies
and like mother, like daughter, little 6 year old Opal began to dip her toes in the shallow end of the crime pool. because honestly, she’d just blink those big, innocent green eyes and they’d just assume she didn’t know any better
eventually, opal’s mom got an actual job– though they refused to give her full time which meant she got zero benefits– but opal didn’t feel it necessary to stop. she was good at it. and they still needed the money.
together, they managed to buy a house. it was the first real, solid thing they owned and it finally felt like they were getting somewhere
then opal’s mom got sick
without health insurance, treatments went unsought and bills went unpaid and when opal’s mom eventually passed, the state came for those unpaid bills in the form of her estate.
left with absolutely nothing, opal moved (ran) away from miami, got a job as a cocktail waitress at a strip club in orlando, and called herself ruby.
and because gross old rich men are idiots, it was almost too easy when a patron took a liking to her, thinking himself clever as he gifted her a ruby. when she left town and pawned the gem, she’d hatched a new plan
the next place she lived, she was pearl and she found another sucker to fall into the same trap. and on it went: saffron, jade, diamond. it was too easy. and opal loved it.
the only real wrench in her plan was trying to run her little game on the wrong person in the beginning. he was not as stupid as he looked and instead of turning her in, he offered her a deal instead: work with him and he would provide all the fake documents and inside information she needed to make more money with less risk. it wasn't an offer she felt she could turn down, though it soured her work a little bit. instead of feeling like partners, she just felt owned.
it was at some point in atlanta where fate finally dealt her a hand she could play with. pure coincidence had the son of her mom’s old boss (that asshole that wouldn’t give her fulltime and health benefits? yeah, him) and so opal ran the con of her life. she made him fall in love, relished in every second of it, and then took him for everything she could as she slipped away into the night. her only regret? not being there to see his face when he realized what she’d done.
she made her way to nowhere, illinois, because her "partner" hadn't appreciated the fact that she'd gone rogue and now she's not only hiding from her last job, but from him, too. in this town, she's decided she's connected with the metaphysical and offers tarot readings, fortune telling, and the like to make a little bit of money. but old habits die hard.
she’s kinda evil and she kinda likes it
but she’s fun
come play with her
wanted connections.
partner who is not happy with her atm
the last con she ran who is also not happy with her atm
anyone who she might do her fake little readings on
people who don't buy her bullshit
people who DO buy her bullshit
maybe a hook up or two. something that wasn't supposed to be complicated but is for whatever reason
more tba!
full bio.
tw: cancer, parent death
Sofia Zamora has worn many faces. Opal is simply the newest one, crafted and honed by years of learning to fight back against a system that was put in place to knock down people like her– and make sure they stayed there.
Born Sofia Estelle Zamora to a mother who was barely eighteen and a father so far out of the picture he’d never been there to start with, Opal was not provided with the tools to succeed. She and her mother had no support system, no family to fall back on. Daycare was too expensive and no one wanted to take a chance on a high school dropout with unreliable child care– at least, none of the places that offered a living wage. Her mother tried to make it work for a while, having several jobs that were questionable at best with irregular hours. It felt as though no matter how hard she tried, it was always one step forward and two steps back.
So she took matters into her own hands. Opal grew up watching her mother lie, cheat, and steal her way to a life that just managed to scrape by. That was, until Opal turned six and she was deemed old enough to take care of herself. Her mother found a job, one that paid enough– though they refused her full time– and Opal fed herself Spaghetti-O’s straight from the can while she waited for her to return. But young and impressionable as she was, she’d begun honing her own craft of manipulation. A tiny hand finding its way into a purse on the bus? Well, who could be mad at the dirt smudged, wide and teary eyed little girl when she was caught with a few jewels or a small handful of cash?
As Opal grew, so did her hauls, and she became the provider while her mother’s check was the supplement. It was a lot of responsibility that she wore on her shoulders, bearing down on her when money got a little tight. And then her mother got sick.
Mary Zamora had always been the strongest woman Opal had ever known, but watching her wither away with cancer while she begged for full time work for the chance at healthcare that might help was excruciating. Opal couldn’t steal or con her way into enough money. While the bills piled up, she watched as her mother was worn down, etched into another creature entirely by the end. She’d worked so hard to provide a home for her daughter, had tried so hard to do right by her. She repeated the sentiment in a raspy whisper the night she closed her eyes for the last time.
Opal felt lost and untethered without her mother and partner in crime. They’d been such a unit her entire life that she’d never imagined what it might be like without her other half. The home they’d created together felt both entirely too empty and far too small. But life seemed poised to take care of that problem for her. Those unpaid medical bills? They were to be paid for by her mother’s estate. The house that her mother had left her, the only thing she’d ever been able to provide– gone. Just like that.
So, left with nothing, Opal turned to what she was good at, the only thing she’d ever known: using her affinity for reading people to get what she wanted. She did a small stint working as a cocktail waitress at a strip club under the alias Ruby. An older gentleman and a regular patron of the club became a regular of hers, spoiling her with gifts if she gave him a little extra attention. When he gifted her with a real ruby (worth $8k– she checked), an idea began to form. Men were idiots– that she’d always known– and they always thought themselves clever. With nothing keeping her in Miami, she quit the club, pawned the ruby, and set off on a new adventure.
She took on personas like Diamond, Pearl, and Saffron, and her targets always fell into that clever little trap. They lavished her with gifts, always thinking themselves the most charming and the most clever when they chose a jewel based on her name. And once she’d grown bored or gotten what she needed, she moved onto the next place. It was sustainable, and honestly? It was fun.
And then life threw her another curveball. But this time she was poised to catch it. The company her mother worked for, who had denied her full time work and health insurance, had been based out of Atlanta. It hadn’t been a spot she’d sought for that reason, but fate had a funny way of working itself out. She’d been enjoying the spoils of her latest con, drinking a martini alone at the bar, when she was approached by her mother’s old boss’s son. It was as though he’d been offered up on a silver platter and it was not an opportunity she was keen to waste. She’d been Jade here, and introduced herself as such. He was young and handsome and incredibly naive because he fell for her hook, line, and sinker. And when she made off with as much as she possibly could, her only regret was that she hadn’t been there to see his face when he’d realized what she’d done.
The job hadn't come without its own set of risks, however. All it had taken was choosing the wrong person to con, someone who was far more insightful than he looked. When he caught her red handed, she'd thought for sure her jig was up. But instead, he proposed a partnership of sorts. He was a skilled hacker with a laundry list of vendettas. He would point her in a direction, give her all the information she could possibly need, and together, they'd ruin lives. It was a match made in heaven. Until she found an opportunity to take revenge for herself. She'd been in town for a different job entirely and he became irate when she went rogue. So with her latest job satisfying a blood lust she'd lived with for years and angering someone with far more resources than she'd ever imagined a person could have at their disposal, Opal adopted a new identity and decided to lay low in a middle-of-nowhere town in Illinois. Here, she'd be the fresh faced newcomer who was sensitive to the spirit realm. She'd believe in the power of crystals and the powers of the universe. She bought a tarot deck and schooled herself on YouTube. Maybe she'd even do some fortune telling for funsies. Her first reading is free: Beware the green eyed drifter with the saccharine smile.
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Rosaries and Rubies
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/imkN7yE by teeth_of_god “Selina,” Bruce said, clearing his throat, “it’s been a while.” Selina raised an eyebrow, taking her time to look Bruce up and down. He stood with his arms crossed, tattoos peeking out from the collar of his shirt and the sleeves of his jacket. “Bruce,” she drawled in return, her eyes flicking back up to his, “it certainly has. You here of your own account, or your uncle’s?” He searched her face for an indication of what the right answer was. “You still work for Penguin?” He asked instead, shifting his weight. Selina rolled her eyes. “You’re here for your Uncle,” she sighed, stepping back. “If we’re gonna talk business, then just come in.” ——— Tl;dr: Canon suggests the Falcones and Waynes might’ve been closer than we thought. What if Bruce went to live with Carmine Falcone after his parents died, growing up in the mob? Words: 1483, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Batman - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M Characters: Bruce Wayne, Selina Kyle, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake (DCU), Carmine Falcone, Oswald Cobblepot, Talia al Ghul, Ra's al Ghul Relationships: Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: Alternate Universe, Mafia/Mob, Italian Mafia, Canon-Typical Violence, Explicit Language, Explicit Sexual Content, No smut (yet?), alluding to sex, FWB, Friends With Benefits, fwb to lovers, Murder, Implied/Referenced Character Death, Character Death, minor Catholicism, References to Catholicism, Mental Health Issues, references to s/h, Implied SA, Bruce Wayne/Selina Kyle - Freeform, Bruce Wayne Loves Selina Kyle, dick is still a wee bab, italian Catholicism, some Italian/Italiano read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/imkN7yE
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Could I ask what your meditation practice is like? Like how did you start? And do you find it helps you stay more present? You’ve mentioned it a few times and I’m very curious.
This ask intrigues me because tbh I didn't realise I'd spoken about it so many times! The reason I got into it is a long ole complex story but I'll sum it up. About ten years ago I suffered from a fairly severe breakdown for about a year (I think due to a cocktail of undiagnosed ADHD, mild family-related trauma and, tbh, a lifetime of emotional neglect). I was suffering with exam stress but having never been shown or taught how to tackle my fears / anxiety, the whole house of cards fell down. My response to the anxiety was to dissociate completely, like - permanently. I'm still kind of coming to terms with the fact that until I was 17 years old I'd been dissociated more or less my entire life. I think this was a stress response to things going on in the household that I won't disclose here.
At the time, by sheer coincidence, I ended up seeing someone recommend Ruby Wax's book 'Taming the Mind,' on Instagram, which completely revolutionised the way I think about everything to do with mental health, and also what meditation and mindfulness actually is. Until then I thought meditation was like sitting still and breathing deeply. And that was it. The book taught me that so much of what was happening to me was about my lack of attention (and tons more about mental health, generally - I loved how much Wax goes into neuroscience and relates that to real-world examples). I was so thoroughly dissociated from everything (including myself) that meditating for the first time felt like being born. I felt like I'd gained consciousness for the first time. I can remember it like it was yesterday.
So that's a bit of a backstory; I do continue to forget that I'm just inclined to zone the fuck out or become extremely avoidant when I'm stressed or upset. Practising mindfulness meditation just prevents this unhealthy trauma response I gear towards and steers me back to what 'is', rather than what might be, should be, could be, once was, etc. Practice-wise I either just follow my own breath or listen to Youtube videos, there's loads of really good ones out there. I'm pretty sure Wax said in her book that just ten minutes of MM a day has drastic benefits (I wish I could say I practice daily but it does tend to be when I'm wound up or tight). I've had a lot of hard times in those ten years but have, thankfully, never gone back to that place I once was.
Sorry this was so long, I hope this was useful in some way.
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The Humble Beetroot: A Root Vegetable Packed with Powerful Benefits
Beetroot, a vibrant ruby red vegetable with earthy undertones, is more than just a colorful addition to your salad. This root vegetable, also known as red beet or simply beet, boasts an impressive nutritional profile, making it a valuable asset to a healthy food fitness tip. From boosting athletic performance to promoting heart health, the benefits of beetroot are numerous.

A Nutritional Powerhouse:
Beetroot is low in calories and fat, making it a perfect choice for weight management. It's an excellent source of essential vitamins and minerals, including:
Vitamin C: Strengthens the immune system and promotes collagen production for healthy skin.
Potassium: Essential for regulating blood pressure and maintaining healthy muscle function.
Beetroot is low in calories and fat, making it a perfect choice for weight management and potentially beneficial for people with diabetes (is beetroot good for diabetes?). This is due to its high fiber content, which helps regulate blood sugar by slowing down the absorption of carbohydrates. Additionally, some studies suggest that beetroot may improve insulin sensitivity, further aiding in blood sugar control for people with diabetes.
Folate: Crucial for cell growth and development, especially important during pregnancy.
Manganese: Plays a role in metabolism, bone health, and wound healing.
Unique Nitrate Content:
Beetroot is rich in nitrates, which are converted into nitric oxide in the body. Nitric oxide relaxes blood vessels, leading to several health benefits:
Improved Blood Flow: Enhanced blood flow benefits overall cardiovascular health by lowering blood pressure and improving circulation.
Exercise Performance: Nitric oxide improves oxygen delivery to muscles, reducing fatigue and potentially enhancing athletic performance.
Cognitive Function: Increased blood flow to the brain may improve cognitive function, memory, and focus.
Additional Health Benefits:
Beetroot offers a range of other health benefits:
Antioxidant Powerhouse: Beetroot contains betalains, powerful antioxidants that protect cells from damage and may reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
Anti-inflammatory Properties: Beetroot's betalains may also have anti-inflammatory effects, potentially benefiting conditions like arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease.
Detoxification Support: Beetroot may aid detoxification by stimulating bile production and supporting liver function.
How to Enjoy Beetroot:
Beetroot's versatility allows you to incorporate it into your diet in various ways:
Roasted: Roasting brings out the sweetness of beetroot. Enjoy it cubed as a side dish or sliced on salads.
Pickled: Pickled beetroot adds a tangy flavor to sandwiches, burgers, or salads.
Sautéed: Sautéed beetroot pairs well with other vegetables or protein sources.
Juiced: Beetroot juice offers a concentrated dose of nutrients. Blend it with other fruits or vegetables for a refreshing and healthy drink.
In Conclusion:
Beetroot, a delicious and nutritious root vegetable that deserves a place on your plate, is a fantastic healthy food fitness tip. Packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and unique compounds like nitrates, beetroot offers a range of health benefits, from improved blood flow and exercise performance to cognitive function and overall well-being. So next time you're at the grocery store, don't overlook the humble beetroot. Explore its culinary versatility and unlock the power of this vibrant root vegetable.
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Navaratan Gems at Giri Collections with Lab Certified Proved in Delhi. Lab-certified Navratan gems are a popular choice for those seeking the beauty and astrological benefits of these nine precious stones. Each stone is associated with a different planet and is believed to bring good luck, health, and prosperity to the wearer. Giri Collections - The nine gems of Navratan are:
Ruby (Manikya) Pearl (Moti) Emerald (Panna) Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj) Diamond (Heera) Garnet (Gomed) Blue Sapphire (Neelam) Topaz (Topaz) Coral (Munga)
When choosing lab-certified Navratan gems, it is important to ensure that the stones are genuine and untreated. A reputable gemological laboratory can provide a certificate of authenticity that states the type, weight, and quality of each stone.
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