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anoceanofbeauty · 2 years ago
Albert Toynbee, in his monumental study of world history, used
the concepts of "Challenge and Response" to explain how civilizations
they rise and fall.
The challenge that awaits a response from human civilization!
There seem to be no more Russians in the world, because if there were, they would remember the words of St. Seraphim of Sarov: "Find peace in your soul and around you thousands will be saved".
If a peacemaker saves thousands, it means that only a few million could save the world.
There seem to be no more Ukrainians in the world, because if there were, they would remember that Vasile de la Poiana Marului and Paisie Velicicovschi cultivated and taught inner peace as the basis of peace in the world.
There seem to be no more Hindus in the world, because if there were, they would remember that in the Yoga Sutra it is said that in the vicinity of the state of Yoga, conflicting tendencies no longer appear.
And only a few million could save the world.
There seem to be no Tibetans left because they would remember that the Dalai Lama said that "By cultivating the state of inner peace, we can help create a more peaceful and just world."
There seem to be no more Americans in the world because they would remember that Martin Luther King Jr. said that "Inner peace is not only a feeling of comfort or reconciliation, but it is also a practical method to prevent conflicts."
There are no Chinese because they would remember that in Hua Hu Ching: The Unknown Teachings, Lao Tzu says:
"Stay calm. Discover the harmony within your own being. Hug her. If you can do that, you will win everything and the world will become healthy again.”  
And only a few million could save the world.
Dear people from all over the world,
Regardless of your culture or religion, there is one universal message that unites us: inner peace. Today, more than ever, we need to focus on this peace, in order to achieve peace in our world.
Seraphim of Sarov, a great Russian saint, said: "Get peace in your soul and around you thousands will be saved." This is a powerful and true message that has been expressed by many other cultures and religions around the world. The Vedas, Tao Te king and many other sages have reminded us that inner peace is the key to a life full of joy and fulfillment.
Today, we invite you to make a commitment to inner peace and world peace. Please take 20 minutes each morning and evening, and during the liturgies, whenever you hear the call "With Peace to the Lord, let us pray," to focus effortlessly on your breathing and remember your inner peace. We follow the breath without influencing it and return to its awareness whenever thoughts appear. The breath calms down and inner peace appears when it is brought to a state of balance where it is neither active nor passive.
Share this message with everyone around you and encourage them to do the same.
In this way, we will begin to build a better, more peaceful and harmonious world. May peace always accompany us and be always present in our souls.
With love and peace,
Disclaimer: Research and if possible replace the framework method offered here with a method that offers you detailed instructions, which is validated by time, easy to learn and practice and whose effects in creating coherence and inner peace and in the environment are extensively validated and documented scientific and accompanied by follow up.
Why Inner peace is so important for you and for your environment?
Alpha-type brain waves are frequently low and occur during a period of calm. 
The work of the brain in a-rhythm is accompanied by the absolute calmness and relaxation of the person. Such a condition is very useful for the body, due to the fact that the central nervous system includes functions such as self-healing and self-regulating, which increases the efficiency of the brain and has a general positive effect on mood.
With a decrease in alpha brain activity, a person is more susceptible to cardiovascular disease (hypertension, angina), low immunity, oncology. At the same time, people with insufficient alpha-wave generation in the brain tend to have negative thinking. These individuals are prone to spillover ingon over their problems, which makes it difficult for them to find their solutions productively.
The brain in alpha mode is able to process large streams of information, which allows a person to look for new, sometimes original, ways to solve existing problems.
The amplitude of the alpha rhythm decreases drastically at the age of 60 and if inner silance is a nice to have for young people for elders is a must have.
In group silance we induce coherence and "in coherent systems, say lasers, the coherence elements in the system have an influence that is directly proportional to their number squared, while incoherent elements have an influence proportional only to their number." Hagelin 
"Orme Johnson et al (1982) hypothesized that changes in the 'social field' or collective consciousness could be identified by EEG (electroencephalographic) changes between individuals.
Victor Geiculescu, Filosofia fizicii, Ed Politica, 1984 says that this "coherence of wave functions at the microscopic level can also be obtained in systems that work at ambient temperature." so in the human body.
He says that a 'coherent state' of all humanity is also necessary in confronting it with the very problem of survival and for the establishment of a rational order."
Why is coherence important?
"The key word for systems characterized by coherence is communication!" informed about the entire state of the system." (p 232 - New Alliance - Ilya. Prigogine & Isabelle Stengers)
One of the most interesting aspects of dissipative structures is, without a doubt, their coherence. The system then behaves as a whole, as if it were the location of forces with a large range of action. Despite the fact that they do not exceed a sphere of the order of 10 minus 3 cm, the system is structured as if each molecule is 'informed' about the entire state of the system." (p 232) In these systems "portions of the system separated by macroscopic distances, become correlated", "local events have repercussions throughout the entire system. Each part of the system thus becomes able to "feel" what is happening in other parts. The system behaves as a whole. (p 232 - New Alliance - Ilya. Prigogine & Isabelle Stengers)
"At coherence, matter acquires amazing undulatory properties", says Victor Geiculescu in the article "Coherence as order" from the volume Filosofia fizicii, Ed Politica, 1984. He says that "the phenomena of superfluidity and superconductivity in which the properties of matter are so different from those with which our intuition is accustomed in everyday experience are examples of states in which the wave functions of an enormous number of particles are coherent." "The wave functions of all the particles that participate in this state have "settled" in phase and the matter acquires on a macroscopic scale amazing properties typical of undulators"
“Physicists find quantum coherence and quantum entanglement are two sides of the same coin."
Entanglement is the new Love say Prof. Dr. Adrian RESTIAN in “The quantum field of love”.
It's like singing together "Ode to joy" by Friedrich Schiller that "Be embraced, millions!" .
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themandatedreporterjr · 1 hour ago
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chrissymartin · 11 days ago
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yesdimablog · 6 months ago
Het vorige blogje eindigde ik met de vraag of ik mezelf als krijgskunstenaar zie. De misschien wat minder gangbare term krijgskunstenaar mag je hier ook vervangen door expert in vecht-technieken of gepokt en gemazeld in de een of andere vechtsport. Toen ik 44 jaar geleden met aikido begon was dat ook niet om te leren vechten of omdat ik een sterke behoefte voelde om mezelf fysiek te kunnen…
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judahmaccabees · 7 months ago
i am the schutz breathed from God
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slowtumbling · 8 months ago
Wind in the Aspens Blow Through Me
In the stillness of the forest, where the light dances through the quivering leaves, there is a sound that whispers of the eternal. It is the sound of the wind in the aspens, a gentle rustling that speaks to the depths of the soul. Today, as I stood amidst these slender sentinels of the wild, I closed my eyes and listened to nature’s breath, a sound that seemed to carry with it the very essence…
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thelema-fr · 2 years ago
De notre évolution personnelle avec Thelema
Post #9
Nous n’avons pas besoin de cours en biologie pour vivre, même si une telle formation peut aider à comprendre ce qui se passe dans notre corps et pourquoi. Un bébé respire et mange même si ses parents ou géniteurs ne connaissent rien en anatomie ou en physiologie. 
Une personne déficiente sur le plan psychologique n’a pas besoin de suivre un cursus en psychiatrie pour avoir sa propre idée sur le conscient et l’inconscient, même si elle est incapable de les nommer. 
Ce dont nous avons tous besoin c’est de connaissances pragmatiques, qui ont une utilité dans notre vie de tous les jours. Nous aimons en savoir plus sur la biologie pour pouvoir nous alimenter mieux. Nous aimons connaître les études sur les réactions émotionnelles d’un bébé pour aider au mieux nos enfants. Nous aimons comprendre les causes du stress pour nous en protéger et éviter l’infarctus.
Il en est de même pour satisfaire notre envie d’améliorer notre condition quotidienne et le changement (parfois radical ou douloureux) qu’il implique, dans le sens où je l’avais abordé dans mon troisième post (cliquez ici). 
Outre certaines autres notions (dont celle du temps que j’aborderai d’ici peu), une notion d’importance est celle de la différence (à première vue) entre la réalité physique et les autres (dont la réalité psychologique, par exemple).
D’un point de vue physique, l’homme est un point minuscule dans l’univers. Cela nous donne vite l’impression de notre fragilité, de notre insignifiance, voire de notre inutilité. Cela pourrait amener à des comportements inadéquats, asociaux, criminels sous cette justification que, après tout, en toute relativité, ça n’a finalement aucune importance. 
D’un point de vue psychologique, pour chacun de nous pris individuellement, tout tourne autour de l’égo et démarre de lui. “Je” peux avoir une idée sur ce Post que je lis pour l’instant, mais comment pourrait l’avoir la “personne” assise juste à côté de moi qui n’est pas là parce que “pas née” ? (Je conçois qu’il faille relire cette dernière phrase.)
Pas d’égo sans corps. Et chaque égo devient un point dans lequel se concentre l’entièreté de l’univers donné à connaître à tout individu grâce à l’intellect. Mais pas uniquement, sans quoi ce serait un repli autistique qui apporterait aussi son lot de comportements inadéquats, asociaux, voire criminels.
Tout est une question d’équilibre.
Il nous faut regarder le graphique des Séfirots (cfr. Post  #6) comme étant une interaction et un accès de Dieu (en haut) à l’Homme (en bas). Dieu (ou appelez-le “La Force”, ou le “Grand Architecte”, ou comme vous le (ou la) voulez) fait “émaner” quelque chose (les émanations ou Séfirots). Et la nature humaine se révèle dans sa création charnelle. Dans ce corps se déploie d’autres émanations. Certaines ne se déploient pas d’office et peuvent devenir l’objet de l’étude, de la construction et du développement de l’Homme. C’est ce que nous appelons “la route du retour” en Magie.
Il y a quatre grandes étapes dans la création par Dieu de notre réalité : Chiah, Neshamah, Ruach et Nephesh, Chacune de ces étapes correspond respectivement à une des quatre lettres formant le nom de Dieu chez les juifs, à savoir : Yod, Heh, Vav, He. Soit, en hébreu : יְהוָה
Ne pas développer ces quatre étapes c’est ne pas atteindre pleinement la réalisation de ce nom divin a la prononciation tenue secrète. Et donc, ce qui advient est dès lors un nom incomplet et donc différent. J’en parlerai plus loin dans ce Blog.
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Crédit photo : image par Olga Ozik sur Pixabay
Votre “devoir” du post :
A ce niveau, ce qu’il faut c’est retenir que : 
Chiah est la force de vie (élément : feu)
Neshamah est l’esprit supérieur (élément : eau)
Ruach est la conscience (élément : vent)
Nephesh est l’esprit animal (élément : terre)
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christianhomemaker · 3 months ago
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This Yeshua is the stone rejected by you builders which has become the cornerstone.
There is salvation in no one else! For there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by whom we must be saved!”
Acts 4:11-12 (CJB)
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ritualtorture · 4 days ago
Okay wait I saw your tags on the waterboarding post and like, I need more context on waterboarding but with blood? Like the persons own blood? How do you get so much blood without harming someone seriously, do you just like take it from their veins? I need to know more about this -S (pain-after-dark is also me to clarify)
first off, bloodboarding is a stupidly high-risk thing to do. you have all the risks of waterboarding and also risks of complications from blood loss, uncontrolled blood loss (including death), infection risk, and also food poisoning risk if the blood is kept outside of the body for a long time.
you mix the bottom's blood with sodium citrate (anti-coagulant) and sterile saline or distilled water. sodium citrate is approved for human consumption.
do not use animal blood unless you want to cause the next zoonotic virus epidemic. using someone else's blood is risky for bloodborne pathogen exposure, and also think about any active ingredients or metabolites that might be dissolved in the bloodstream. what if the blood source is taking antibiotics right now and the victim is allergic to penicillin?
you can't/shouldn't use straight blood for a few reasons:
you can't get enough out of someone for a visually satisfying bloodboarding scene, most people can only handle ~400mL
it's too thick - difficult to expel, easy to choke on
it will coagulate in your breathe holes. badly.
you also probably don't want to use fake blood because it stains and again, it's thick, you can easily choke on it.
don't do it. unless you do it anyway. in which case, show me :3
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scleroticstatue · 11 months ago
The Spirit is, IMO, best defined by the Jewish Rabbis. The Hebrew word for Spirit is Ru'ach, which is also the word for wind. One teaching technique is walking into the wind and walking with the wind at your back. When you're working with the Spirit, the wind is at your back pushing you; it will be easy. That doesn't mean it won't be challenging, but things will happen that you won't expect. You'll think you didn't work enough to pay your bills but the paycheck will come and you will. You'll think all your obligations will be hard to meet but before you know it it'll be hours later and it didn't actually cause you that much stress. So often, the Spirit is neutrality keeping you from the pain you're dealing with. It's peace.
So many churches are raising young people to see the Holy Spirit as a force that primarily exists to make you “feel things” in worship. That you know you’ve been Touched™ because you have goosebumps and feel like crying or whatever.
I’m not downplaying the emotional impact an encounter with the spirit can illicit. That’s real. But when we place such an emphasis on our human response, we can make people who don’t experience these heightened emotions feel like they aren’t being filled with the spirit.
I’ve seen it happen before. “I felt nothing in worship”, “I’m in a spiritual rut”, “Why aren’t I being filled?”. The spirit is so much more than what you feel on a Sunday. Look at your fruits, look at God’s work in your life. That’s where you’ll find evidence of the spirit.
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anoceanofbeauty · 2 years ago
Breath Prayer
Si Dumnezeu a suflat suflare de viata, Ruah care este si respiratie si Duh Sfant ne indica metoda prin excelenta a misticii crestine, revenirea la momentul creatiei este constientizarea respiratiei care este atentie la Spirit, la ceva imaterial si fara limite in acelasi timp. 
Se spune ca intram in viata cu o inspiratie si iesim cu o expiratie si acest ciclu este repetat toata viata. Dar Hristos a inviat deci el este mai degraba in acea pauza dintre inspir si expir, in acea stare de echilibru etern intre inspir si expir. 
Cand inspiram interiorizam nelimitarea iar cand expiram iesim din limite spre nelimitare. In momentul cand este constientizata si devine “nici activa nici pasiva”, cum spune Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in Stiinta Fiintei si Arta Vietii repiratie este limitata si nelimitata in acelasi timp. 
Limbajul universal este acelasi pentru toate religiile: pacea, linistea odihna. Nu asta au incercat sa ne spuna isihastii, sihastrii? Nu asta ne spune Sf Liturghie prin invitatia leitmotiv “Cu pace Domnului sa ne rugam”?
The linguistic connection between Spirit and Breath Prayer is unambiguous in the Bible; both the Hebrew ruach and Greek pneuma mean breath, wind, and/or spirit. The simplicity of breathing can relieve us from complicating our prayer.
Experiencing the Universal Breath: a Guided Meditation
Mindfulness in psychology - a breath of fresh air? | The Psychologist (bps.org.uk)
Voluntary slowing down of breath frequency - EEG studies show an increase in alpha and a decrease in theta power  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6137615/  
Conscious breathing can aid in stress reduction, improving breath-related conditions.  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conscious_breathing  
Petru Damaschin: “Fara atentie, fara privegherea mintii e cu neputinta sa ne mantuim.” nu e apropiat? 
“Si ia seama la cele mici facute de tine, ca si la lucruri. Si cerceteaza pururea gandurile tale si roaga-te ca sa castigi ochi.” Isac Sirul 
“Toata purtarea sa-ti fie ca o vedere, sau calauzita de o vedere, de o intelegere. Fi ca un heruvim care e intreg numai ochi.”   Isac Sirul 
“Cel ce cerceteaza sufletul sau in toata clipa isi are inima veselindu-se de descoperiri. Si cel ce-si aduna privirea mintii in launtrul sau vede in ea raza Duhului. Cel ce se scarbeste de orice imprastiere vede pe stapanul in launtrul inimii sale.”  Isac Sirul 
Metoda lui Nichifor Monahul citata de parintele Staniloaie dupa cateva recomandari generale spune:
Apoi, sprijina-ti barbia in piept si indreapta-ti ochii sensibili cu toata mintea spre tine insuti. Si tine putin si inspirarea aerului ca sa tii mintea ta si sa afli locul inimii, unde obisnuiesc sa se gaseasca toate puterile sufletesti. Mai intai vei afla un intuneric gros, de nestrabatut. Dar staruind si facand acest lucru noaptea si ziua vei afla, o minune, o fericire negraita!
Metoda rugăciunii isihaste dezvoltată de Nichifor Monahul este a doua în ordinea vechimii. Nicodim Aghioritul o numește în Filocalia greacă: Cuvânt despre trezvie și  despre paza inimii
Iata un fragment din procedeul care conform lui Nichifor Monahul de la Muntele Atos ”duce repede la nepatimire si la vederea lui Dumnmezeu”:
“Tu deci sezand si adunandu-ti mintea, introdu-o, mintea adica, pe calea narilor, pe unde merge aerul la inima si sileste-o sa mearga impreuna cu aerul inspirat, la inima. Intrand acolo va inceta lipsa bucuriei si a fericirii”, “… mintea cand se uneste cu sufletul (probabil cu intelesul de suflu, respiratie n.n) se umple de placere si de fericire nespusa”
“Fericita mintea care la vremea rugaciunii a dobandit desavarsita lipsa de forma.” “Tineti mintea pururea necolorata, neantiparita, fara chip, fara forma, fara calitate fara cantitate.”  Calist si Ignatie Xantopol
Sfantul Maxim vorbeste si el de aceasta nemiscare a mintii, dupa ce a parasit toate reprezentarile, conceptele si intelesurile. Sfantul Isac Sirul spune “Tot ce e rugaciune inceteaza si sufletul se roaga in afara de rugaciune”. “Aceasta e linistea absoluta (isihia). “Natura ramane fara miscare, fara actiune, fara memoria lucrurilor pamantesti.” Aceasta este ‘”tacerea mintii” care e superioara rugaciunii. “Este starea veacului viitor” cand sfintii, avand mintea scufundata in Duhul lui Dumnezeu, nu mai sunt in rugaciune, sau mai bine zis ei se scufunda uimiti, in slava care-i umple de bucurie.”
Cele de mai sus par a fi mai degraba stari urmarite in meditatie decat in rugacinile cu tipic? 
mindfulness - the quality or state of being conscious or aware of something
“a mental state achieved by focusing one's awareness on the present moment, while calmly acknowledging and accepting one's feelings, thoughts, and bodily sensations, used as a therapeutic technique.”
Petru Damaschin: “Fara atentie, fara privegherea mintii e cu neputinta sa ne mantuim.”
“Si ia seama la cele mici facute de tine, ca si la lucruri. Si cerceteaza pururea gandurile tale si roaga-te ca sa castigi ochi. (Toata purtarea sa-ti fie ca o vedere, sau calauzita de o vedere, de o intelegere. Fi ca un heruvim care e intreg numai ochi.”
“Cel ce cerceteaza sufletul sau in toata clipa isi are inima veselindu-se de descoperiri. Si cel ce-si aduna privirea mintii in launtrul sau vede in ea raza Duhului. Cel ce se scarbeste de orice imprastiere vede pe stapanul in launtrul inimii sale.”  Isac Sirul
Daca mergem pe etimologia Mind fulness - plenitudine mintii  
“Cand mintea, invaluita de toate revarsarile de lumina ale Duhului, e cuprinsa de ameteala si nu mai stie ce sa faca si se vede pe sine intinzandu-se si preschimbandu-se dupa cel nesfarsit si nehotarnicit, e vremea de a tacea.” “Exista o rugaciune mai presul de orice largime.” “Fericita mintea care la vremea rugaciunii a dobandit desavarsita lipsa de forma.” “Tineti mintea pururea necolorata, neantiparita, fara chip, fara forma, fara calitate fara cantitate.”   Calist Catafigiotul
Despre liniste se vorbeste in Sf Liturghie, Pacea pare sa fie cea mai inalta Fericire, linistea e maica rugacinii, unde e pace acolo e Hristos, “si o liniste adanca este o rugacine adanca” spune Arsenie Papacioc si totusi pe cea mai mare platforma de cursuri online Udemy gasim un sigur curs si acela pe bani despre Rugacinea Inimii, un autor american, dar gasim 2000 de cursuri de Mindfulness din care peste 100 gratuite si gasim aproape 900 cursuri de Yoga din care peste 60 gratuite.
“In liniste e o suprema cunoastere, pentru ca e o suprema iubire. Aceasta rapire in dragostea si cunoasterea dulcetii nesfirsite a lui Dumnezeu, Care, fiind izvorul iubirii, este chiar prin aceasta izvorul vietii, face sa paleasca toate atractiile lucrurilor si a placerilor ce le pot oferi ele, uneori in chip patimas. Acesta e continutul pozitiv al linistii.” https://archive.org/stream/Filocalia/filocalia-10_djvu.txt   SFINTUL ISAAC SIRVL https://ziarullumina.ro/opinii/repere-si-idei/cea-mai-inalta-rugaciune-62058.html  
https://youtu.be/OCoLMlPyv2Y  The Most Important Spiritual Practice | Eckhart Tolle Teachings nu ne arata oare ca ce spune Papacioc despre simtirea prezentei lui Dumnezeu si ce spune Isac Sirul este o cunoastere universala? O cunoastere nu ilumineaza alta cunoastere? Doi oameni la fel pot progresa in cunoastere sau ne cunoastem mai bine prin altul?
Ce forma, ce culoare, ce tipar si ce chip ar putea avea daca unim mintea cu respiratia asa cum spune Nechifor Monahul? 
Cu ce difera metoda lui Nechifor de “Yoga cita vritti nirodah” - Yoga Sutra Patanjali?
Desi e practic aceiasi metoda, sub numele de Mindfulness se practica in marile universitati si nimeni nu aminteste de Nechifor Monahul desi metoda este anterioara modei mindfulness.
mindfulness in universitati:
https://youtu.be/s-GRrpvc9s4  Breath Awareness | UCLA Rehabilitation Services 
https://youtu.be/YFSc7Ck0Ao0  Breathing Meditation | UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center
https://youtu.be/PKRAWbq48OY   Introduction to Mindful Awareness | Diana Winston - UCLA Health
https://youtu.be/XInJoYvy_ew  Meditation for Working with Difficulities | UCLA Mindful Awareness Research Center  
https://youtu.be/8c-1Ylieg3g   Short Mindful Breathing Exercise with Dr. Lilian Cheung
https://youtu.be/8GVwnxkWmSM   The Science of Mindfulness
https://youtu.be/0F6vIo-1t8w   Making time to meditate at MIT 
https://youtu.be/fB_yl-vnyiw   10 Minute Guided Meditation with Stephen Batchelor 
Daca citim Stiinta Fiintei si Arta Vietii - Maharishi Mahesh Yogi https://amzn.to/3IqOMky, in special capitolul Prana si Fiinta, Respiratia si Arta Fiintei si apoi citim ce scrie Biblia despre cum omul a fost creat sufland suflare de viata si apoi metoda lui Nechifor Monahul de la Athos si observatiile parintelui Dumitru Staniloaie descoperim exact ce spune Maharishi, ce spun si multi teologi crestini, ca meditatia transcendentala exista si in crestinism. Dar a fost pierdut aspectul practic.
Asa cum spune Maharishi Mahesh Yogi meditatia transcendentala a apartinut religiilor timpurii dar s-a pierdut in practica. Este acesta timpul revenirii la teologia practica? 
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themandatedreporterjr · 2 days ago
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slurpingsyrup · 3 months ago
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yesdimablog · 6 months ago
My martial art career?(5) 
I ended the previous blog with the question whether I consider myself to be martial artist. The perhaps less common term martial artist may also be substistuted here by expert in fighting techniques or tried and tested in some martial art. When I started aikido 44 years ago, it was not to learn how to fight or because I felt a strong need to be able to defend myself physically, but more to do…
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judahmaccabees · 8 months ago
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lightsinadarkworld · 1 year ago
Winds of Ruach by D.M. Griffin—Blog Tour
About the Book Book: Winds of Ruach Author: D.M. Griffin Genre: Biblical Fiction Release Date: October 18, 2022 Winds of Ruach is a compilation of five novellas fictionally traversing a period in Israel’s history that spans three hundred years. God used the prophets to speak to His people during a tumultuous time when faith was challenged and spiritual discipline was necessary. Five prophets…
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