notdelicatc · 4 months
who: @rsrevan where: ministry of magic event: ministry spring gala 1979
Decently late into the night and yet far too early to call it one and leave; that was the only way the timeframe they were all in could be described as. Of course, a few people had already left and truthfully the witch couldn’t blame them. Apart from a few rather dramatic turns the event had been rather calm; too quiet and tame for her liking. There had been the woman seemingly cursed and, from the whispers, a drink spilled, but beyond that it seemed almost too quiet. Either a storm was brewing or this whole day was at risk of ending up entirely boring. It was good to have some friends around to make up for the lack of chaos to unfold around them.
For a few minutes now the brunette had been making her rounds, scanning the crowd as she normally would, picking up a conversation here and there without ever bothering to stay for too long. Emmeline had been just about ready to make her way back to the bar when she spotted a face that brought forth at least a little bit of a smirk as she made her way over. “Look at you, hiding out among the crowd. Almost wouldn’t have noticed you there.” A shrug, her face filled with just a hint of disdain as she let her eyes roam the crowd closest to the other. “Lucky for you; you stick out among the others.”
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Emmeline had never made it a habit of hers to open talk about these people that she felt to be in the wrong world, the wrong place. She had her opinions, very well known to those she actually cared to share them with. An occasional snappy comment, that was about the extent of her way of voicing her dislike of those lesser than them. In truth even she herself did not fit the criteria, but she was doing her best to make up for it. “Enjoying the festivities?” The brunette allowed her eyes to linger, for just a moment before taking a sip from the glass still in her hand. Lavender champagne.
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valeria-flint · 2 months
Starter for: @rsrevan
After the news had broken, Val hadn't had much difficulty in deciding where to go first. The betrothal had been lengthy. A period with a lack of physical touch, of intimacy. She knew she probably had to speak with Amycus first. Or tell her brother. But it was neither of these two doorsteps she was standing on right now.
Before doing any of that, Val was going to take care of some of the most ancient known to man urges... lust. And he was the perfect person for it. To be able to give in after all those times they couldn’t... The woman waited patiently for the door to be opened by the house elf that had interrupted them with breakfast the other day as well, stepping inside the house. It was in the hallway that she came face to face with Evan.
"I'm pretty sure you want to know what you have done to deserve this surprise visit?"
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fcrox · 3 months
who: @rsrevan where: their manor, library when: late evening/early night thread counter: 001
Days could be long and drawn out, could last until the late hours of the night if one wasn’t careful. Despite all that Leta had come to love her work at Madam Malkin, enjoyed having a say in what various of their social circles would wear. In fact, the mere idea of the control hidden within each thread, each square of elegant fabric; there was far too much joy in that. For the last ten minutes she’d been searching the manor for her brother, wondered just where he’d hidden himself away when finally, she got lucky in the library. A cough, her presence announced as she made her way over to him. Delicate fingers placed a box down. “There you are. Are you hiding or is this entirely coincidental?” Leta pushed the box toward him; the suit she’d promised to finish. Certainly, one of the nicer pieces she’d designed in his name.
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“The customers were dreadful today. Well, most of them anyway.” A few too many of the muggleborn kind, ready to shop for their Hogwarts robes and in between the adults that seemed to lack any form of social etiquette. No blame could be spoken. The world they came from simply was too different for them to grasp the basics. “Please tell me your day’s been nicer.” No mistake was to be made. When the word nicer was used she hardly meant a day full of the lushest pleasantries, no. She merely hoped her twin to have walked through more interesting chaos than a matter of which fabric to use for a new robe; a robe that would be wasted on the wrong person.
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alaraselwyn · 4 months
where: the white wyvern who: @rsrevan
Alara had seen him a few times, something about him called to her, definitely the aura he gave off, that lured her in. There were a few times that she heard that he could be found at this pub, the atmosphere giving her the creeps, but she would take the chance to see him.
Taking a chance, she steps into the pub, hues scanning the room until they find his, her heart skipping a beat finalising he was actually here. A hand comes up to tuck hair behind her ear, chewing on her bottom lip before taking a deep breath, walking over to him.
"Drinking alone?" She smiles at him, glancing at the empty seat.
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emmasvanity · 4 months
status: for @rsrevan
"Surprise. Your favorite cousin's here to see you. And don't even try to pretend it's not me, you know I'm much better company than my brother." Emma teased as she sat down opposite to Evan. "I didn't see you at the ministry gala, were you there or did you make up some excuse to get out of attending?"
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alastormagnusmoody · 10 days
Where: St Albans Cathedral, St. Albans, UK Who: @xrodolphusxlestrangex, @bellatrix-lestrxnge, @luciusmalfoyx, @rsrevan, @r-lestrcnge, @ggathena TW: Blood, Violence, Murder
With a loud crack, a large, cloaked figure appeared in the shadow of a large cathedral, wand in hand. Alastor Moody peered up at the building intently, his piercing eyes evaluating the building, from the stained glass windows lit from the inside, to the wide open front doors, seemingly calling to him, inviting him inside.
A piece of parchment had been delivered to his desk by an owl he had not recognized. Moody, working late into the night, as usual, had been the only one left in the office.
Though unsigned, Moody had recognized the messy handwriting of his head of department. The note read:
"Dark Mark seen in St. Albans, above the St. Albans Cathedral. Believed to be another muggle masacre. Head off the muggle authorities."
Another masacre? Moody had thought grimly, already reaching for his traveling cloak. Per regulations, he should have reached out at least to his partner, or the Auror team on call, but evidently his boss had known he routinely stayed late and would already be ready to go.
The Cathedral stood before him, dark and foreboding, but it was nothing compared to what was above it. Hung above the ancient structure, seemingly suspended among the stars in an eerie emerald light, a serpent protruded from the mouth of a skull, twisting and winding its way through the sky as if it was alive. The Dark Mark. Moody made his way quickly up the steps and into the building, his wand held at the ready. Each shadow could potentially hold an attacker, behind every door could be one of the masked terrorists they had been chasing. As he entered the nave, the horror of what had been done met his eyes. "Fucking hell," Moody breathed.
Bodies were strewn across the room, some slumped across pews, many lay about the floor as if they'd been killed while trying to flee. One body, the body of a priest, was sprawled across the alter at the front of the church, arms splayed out, blood slowly dripping from his fingertips to the floor. Puddles of blood littered the floor, and sprays of the crimson liquid covered the pews and walls, tinting the formerly beautiful windows a dark red in the dim lighting.
It was a massacre, indeed. Not spotting a wand among any of the bodies, Moody knew it must have been done by dark magic, as the damage to each corpse was too destructive to be done by muggle means. The masked lunatics they had been chasing had certainly shown a propensity for killing muggles for sport. But this was a whole other level of violence they had yet seen.
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It was... sadistic, for lack of a better term. There was no other way to describe it. Pure sadism.
It was likely the pure atrocity of the scene that nearly cost the seasoned auror his life. He hadn't heard the footsteps behind him, nor the whisper of the incantation-- only the rushing sound of wind warned him of the curse that had been aimed at his back. Out of pure, base instinct, Alastor Moody threw himself to the side, landing in between two pews, and the blaze of light narrowly missed him and collided with the Crucifix at the front of the Church, which burst into raging flames.
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allabbottme · 1 month
where : greta and alara's flat
who : @alaraselwyn
"Second door to the left," Anthony murmured to himself, fairly certain that those were Greta's instructions for the bathroom. Second door to the left, his mind recounted as he wandered down the hall. Head still reeling from waking up, and the numerous pints he had necked the night before. Since waking up, it had took him almost half an hour to nurse one glass of water. Needing nothing more than a splash of water across his face to wake him up, Anthony had asked to go to the bathroom
Instead, as Anthony opened the door which was supposed to lead to the bathroom. He caught a glimpse of a rogue bare (@rsrevan) arse cheek. Certainly more than what a hungover Anthony had bargained for. "What the fuck-" Anthony jumped back, shutting the door behind him with a loud SLAM. Very clear that he had caught two people in a very private situation.
Before he knew it, his feet had carried him to the furtherest point, the kitchen. "Sorry - Sorry - I thought it was the bathroom. Greta told me-" Rubbing at his chin with his hand, as he avoided the gaze of the person who walked in.
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apollinebeausejour · 1 month
where: streets of diagon alley who: @rsrevan
Apolline was grabbing bread from the bakery before heading home to meet Etienne for dinner, knowing it was the only item missing for the meal. The witch knew a short cut through the alley, that would give her a more secure place to apparate, turning down the darken space when she bump into the back of someone. "Sorry." Her accent think, taking a step back. Her body grew rigid when they turned around and she recognised the face, a wizard she may have used her powers on. "I shall go back." The blonde takes a step back.
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pandoraxrosier · 1 month
— *✰ ۫ FOR: @rsrevan/ evan rosier !
TIME: at lucius and narcissa's wedding, just after the ceremony LOCATION: outside the venue
The morning had been beautiful, love so thick and heavy in the air that one might choke on it. Luckily, Pandora loved love. What she did not love was these empty declarations of it. "I hate weddings," she said to her cousin bluntly. "How could you possibly stand there and promise you'll stay with someone under any and every circumstance, and mean it? It just seems so fake. Or short-sighted. If I get married, my vows are going to be 'I'll be with you until I don't want to'. That makes so much more sense, don't you think?"
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zafarxtravers · 2 months
where: the garden kew, london who: @rsrevan
Zafar was shocked to learn that Evan was engaged, he knew about his friend enjoying the time he spent with the youngest Selwyn, but not that it was serious enough to put a ring on it. Had he not learned of the mess he was currently in, that he would go and do the same.
A hand came to rest on his friends shoulder. "I'm going to have to borrow this bloke for a moment." He waited for the others to leave. "Did you get her pregnant?" That had to be the only reason he was now engaged.
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alectocarrowx · 2 months
where: the garden kew, london who: @rsrevan
Alecto was surprised to learn that Evan was engaged and even more so, who it was, considering what she had learned during her recovery. She did as Rabastan asked, remained out of it, but would be there for her friend, making note to check in on her once she was done with him.
"Alara Selwyn." A pause. "I will admit, I was shocked with this arrangement considering all." She understood why Emmeline and Evan could not be together, but this felt drastic. "From what I can tell, the ring is decent." A slight jab at him, the ring was beautiful, but she wouldn't admit that.
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notdelicatc · 1 month
who: @rsrevan where: arcana obscura, the shop when: evening, shortly before closing
Reality was such a bizarre thing; a world right outside your doorstep that was entirely out of your control, to the point where some of the things happening around seemed almost to cruel to acknowledge. Emmeline had, despite the internal conflict, dealt with it the only way she could; by putting on a mask even to herself. Let the world see only what they want to see. For the most part it had worked. The days spent in Italy, the intention so simple, had turned her world upside down yet again. It was just another thing the witch intended to deal with in her own time, her own.
For the most part she'd busied herself in the shop. Time off from the ministry had helped, allowed her to spend as much time as possible within those four walls she felt so very at home in. Analyzing, fixing and sorting; if nothing else she could do that. It wasn't until the doorbell announced someone's presence that the witch looked up from the book she'd been noting things down in. It was an encounter she'd dreaded for days. It had been easy to pretend all was well during wedding; to avoid the one in question the moment that her stomach began to turn and her mind to race. Answers would help no one.
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"Rabastan isn't in. I believe today is one of the days spent at Gringott's. That, or the manor. Or the town house." Emmeline put the quill down, with fingers that trembled just so much more than she cared to give away. "I can give him a message if you'd like." She had always known this day would come. Why was it so hard? "Congratulations on your engagement. Alara is a lovely and exceptional witch. And, from the rumors flying about, a stunning baker on top of that." And she meant it, every single word.
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r-lestrcnge · 4 months
Starter for: Evan Rosier @rsrevan Where: outside Rabastan & Emmeline's business When: very early morning
Rabastan had not yet slept. Neither had Knockturn Alley. It never did, thrumming instead with dark deeds at any time of day - even at this unseemly hour. He appeared in sudden silence, still enlivened by the thrill of lingering adrenaline. There was not much that could tip Rabastan from steady calm to thrilled excitement, but the progress of the war was doing a fine job. He threw himself into it wholeheartedly, fiercely committed to ensuring the correct outcome. As he pulled away from the shadowy corner in which he stood, he slipped his mask into his cloak and moved seamlessly into the steadily flowing traffic.
Evan Rosier's presence by the door of the shop was unexpected, but not undesired. Rabastan thought nothing of it, only wondering if he was there for a purpose that had not been resolved this night. He could not imagine what he had left undone before leaving the Dark Lord.
"Hello, Evan." Stepping beside him, he removed the wards from the door, pushed it open and stepped through. Leaving it ajar for the other man, he pulled off his cloak and threw it roughly towards a coat stand, whereupon it affixed itself to a hook. He waved his wand towards it, a more gentle spell removing blood and other stains. "Do you require something? And would you like a drink?"
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fcrox · 4 months
who: @rsrevan where: the white wyvern when: late evening/early night thread counter: 001
Few nights were spent walking down the path of Knockturn Alley. Even fewer within the White Wyvern. Beatrice lacked not in access to taverns and pubs. Not with her sister practically owning the Three Broomsticks as well as her being on good terms with Tom from the Leaky Cauldron. No, it was darker nights that called for the so-called walk of shame toward the tavern usually frequented by the darkest of characters. The Gryffindor did not fit in, not for the most part, but it was the best place one could go if one simply needed to forget; to get distracted from the daily shenanigans that life had a habit of throwing one’s way. Funny enough it was also the one place where, in her experience, the least talk of the war raging on in the world could be heard. It seemed almost too perfect to be true and yet its very existence was proof of just that. There was a place equivalent to the forgetfulness draught found in certain potioneer’s shops.
Beatrice found herself a cozy spot by the bar, if one did dare call it that in a place like the White Wyvern. No time was wasted as she ordered whatever strongest drink the bartender had to offer. Her mind was racing with thoughts of the previous night, the early morning hours filled with regret. There was too much she needed to forget; the leave behind, to be buried underneath layers upon layers of potentially bad decisions. Bea was no saint. Had never claimed to be but this had hit her harder than she cared to admit. Eventually she’d find someone to confide in but until then she’d rather avoid the whole thing all together.
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It wasn’t until the drink was finally placed in front of her that the brunette allowed her eyes to roam, to scan the crowd she’d landed herself in middle of. Not that it mattered. The choice was made, and no regrets were felt. Well, not about the choice of drink or establishment either way. Finally, her eyes landed on a face that was familiar. More than familiar truthfully. “Evan, hey. I didn’t see you there.” Somehow, she’d managed to overlook the one in question entirely.
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alaraselwyn · 1 month
where: eiffel tower who: @rsrevan when: august 1, 2024
Alara never thought one of the wizards she was sleeping with would want to take her away for a couple days, especially to Paris. Evan was on a whole other level and there was something about his energy that she found enduring. They had been spending more time together, in bed, but this was the first time they were out together, almost in a couple sense.
They had a wonderful dinner, Evan having to read the menu to her, that way she could order her meal. After a stroll through the streets, dusk slowly taking over, and they were ending their night at the Eiffel tower, at the top, overlooking the city illuminated by the street lights.
"It's beautiful." She smiles, turning to look at Evan standing beside her. "You know, you didn't have to take me away." They were not a couple, people who enjoyed each others company on a physical level.
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emmasvanity · 2 months
status: for @rsrevan
location: Malfoy Wedding
After her injury she had been under strict instructions to take it easy, no physical exertion and absolutely no flying. It had felt akin to torture, being forbidden from doing what she loved. Her team's staff had insisted she follow the healers orders after she had been separately checked out by the team's personal medical staff. The only good thing had been the amount of time she got to spend with Seth. He'd basically moved her into his place straight after she got discharged from St. Mungoes. Even if the healers hadn't cleared her this morning she would still be here, there was no way she would be missing Narcissas wedding. She got the confirmation that she was all good, which made today even better. So when she saw her cousin she quickly rushed over. "Evan! Stop where you are. I have a bone to pick with you."
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