emmasvanity · 4 months
status: for @rsrevan
"Surprise. Your favorite cousin's here to see you. And don't even try to pretend it's not me, you know I'm much better company than my brother." Emma teased as she sat down opposite to Evan. "I didn't see you at the ministry gala, were you there or did you make up some excuse to get out of attending?"
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adbellatrixs · 4 years
Where: Outskirts near Malfoy Manor When: The Aftermath of Harry Potter’s death, April 15th
The murder of an innocent child... Bellatrix knew it should unsettle her, make her question the cause but no such thoughts crossed her mind. It was something that simply needed to be done. Besides, maybe they were doing Harry Potter a favor. He wouldn’t have to grow up during a war, would never live to see his family die or betray him. His end was gruesome, theatrically over the top yes, but once it was done, it was done. No more pain. No more anything... the quiet sounds of the forest were disturbed as Bellatrix apparated. Naturally, she hadn’t been far when Pettigrew delivered what was left of the boy. Their spy had done well but could this have crossed a line for him? Such brutality would definitely leave its mark on Peter, clouding his mind... potentially enough to turn on them. Uncertainty once again flowed through her veins.
Another woosh pulled her attention, a familiar figure appearing in the darkness. Her counterpart, her cousin- at least she could trust Evan Rosier. “It won’t be long now before they retaliate...” She nodded, eyes surveying the area around them. Not too far up she saw the lights of a nearby village, flickering as wind blew through pines and alders. “The Order is too thickheaded not to.” If they knew better, they’d stop playing this game they couldn’t win. “Would it be wrong to celebrate an execution?” 
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fadingobjectrp · 4 years
@bawdyboys​ Teddy & Evan
This was the part that Teddy hated of being the top, the shameful journey that is having to get some condoms at the last minute. He arrived to the drugstore, already horny and fortunately not hard. He was so desperate that he didn’t even care about who gives them to him all he knew was that he needed them. Clearly, this wouldn’t be happening if he would’ve stuck with his preferred role, being the one on the receiving end, but he was horny and the other guy wasn’t a top so there he was, a little red and a little flustered. 
“Hey! Umh... Can I get some condoms?” he asked the first person he saw. Smiling to try to hide how desperate he was. 
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When I found you | Evan&Emira
The sun was blaring down on her, and yet all she felt, was icy cold. It just might have something to do with the thin but not at all ignorable layer of dried sweat coating parts of her body, making her shiver, even in the light of the sun. Walking across the sand with hurried steps, Emira was unconsciously rubbing her sore wrists from the journey at sea, though her mind and her eyes were fully occupied with something else. With finding that one person she both dreaded seeing, and would kill to see. Honestly she did not know what to expect if she did finally, by some random miracle, run into her fiancee. Not only was she a shadow of the girl he used to know, but she was also fairly certain being here was as close to a death sentence for both of them as they could get. Unless there was away off the island, they would most likely die here.. God that sounded so damn pathetic.. 
Rolling her eyes, and pushing strands of her hair behind her ear, Emira kept wandering. At some point she found she couldn’t walk any longer and sat down in a heap of skirts and long, matted hair, barely containing a scream that she felt as if had been building not for days, but for more than a year. Then all of a sudden a shadow fell over her, a person blocking the annoying sun that made her head ache worse than before and her eyes water from the brightness. Glancing up, she was expecting some pirate to tell her to get the fuck off the beach, though instead she found herself gazing into a pair of deep blue, painfully and blissfully familiar, eyes. “Evan..” His name came out weakly, near a whisper, yet also resembling a gasp. 
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sofiadelacroix · 5 years
date: July 29th  location: throne room @kingofkeigan
Every new encounter with a politician, royal or war officer wasn’t exciting anymore, at least while Sofia stood in the shadows, near Jean-Pierre, just to protect him, but this time she had to meet them all over again, show a new form of grace and power that once exclusively belonged to Jean-Pierre. Sofia knew she had to be brilliant and cunning in order to charm him, the king of Keigan, probably the only one who could even come close to her king. 
Patiently waiting in the throne room, Sofia paced along the opened windows and enjoyed the sun against her face. While some would’ve suggested an even more passive approach by letting her sit on her throne, it was her own nervous heart forcing her to move, get some of the energy out.
Finally, as the doors opened and even more sunlight lit the entire room, Sofia stopped immediately and turned to the many guards who started to fan out and stand still while the king approached her further. “Your majesty,” Sofia held her hands together in front of her belly, nodding once, though she almost bowed to him -- old habits die hard, especially those repeated within the family over and over again. “I’m glad you could make it. Please, have a seat.” she pointed at the one that had been dragged away from the table for him. “I’ll have to excuse my husband -- he’s currently in the middle of something, but I’m sure he’ll join us as soon as possible.”
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