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emmaflint · 9 months ago
status: for @rsrevan
"Surprise. Your favorite cousin's here to see you. And don't even try to pretend it's not me, you know I'm much better company than my brother." Emma teased as she sat down opposite to Evan. "I didn't see you at the ministry gala, were you there or did you make up some excuse to get out of attending?"
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notjeffthompson · 8 months ago
Evan was one of the people that was harder to win over, like his guard was up consistently, which made it difficult to get to know him. Still, Jeff didn't deter, knowing he needed to make an effort with all of them. "I have a target in mind. I've been working on it for a few weeks now. Alecto Carrow pointed me into the direction of Aurora Sinistra, she's rumored to be connected to the Order. I've been gaining her trust, i feel like she will tell me something soon."
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The other wizard wasn't one from the sacred pureblood families he was taught to respect, but he did stand on the Dark Lord's ranks, which was why Evan didn't pursue further discussion on the matter, it wasn't worth it. "Interesting. May I hear your thoughts on how we could do just that? Have you got any target on mind? A witch or wizard you've already noticed as a weak link they might have?"
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adbellatrixs · 5 years ago
Where: Outskirts near Malfoy Manor When: The Aftermath of Harry Potter’s death, April 15th
The murder of an innocent child... Bellatrix knew it should unsettle her, make her question the cause but no such thoughts crossed her mind. It was something that simply needed to be done. Besides, maybe they were doing Harry Potter a favor. He wouldn’t have to grow up during a war, would never live to see his family die or betray him. His end was gruesome, theatrically over the top yes, but once it was done, it was done. No more pain. No more anything... the quiet sounds of the forest were disturbed as Bellatrix apparated. Naturally, she hadn’t been far when Pettigrew delivered what was left of the boy. Their spy had done well but could this have crossed a line for him? Such brutality would definitely leave its mark on Peter, clouding his mind... potentially enough to turn on them. Uncertainty once again flowed through her veins.
Another woosh pulled her attention, a familiar figure appearing in the darkness. Her counterpart, her cousin- at least she could trust Evan Rosier. “It won’t be long now before they retaliate...” She nodded, eyes surveying the area around them. Not too far up she saw the lights of a nearby village, flickering as wind blew through pines and alders. “The Order is too thickheaded not to.” If they knew better, they’d stop playing this game they couldn’t win. “Would it be wrong to celebrate an execution?” 
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fadingobjectrp · 5 years ago
@bawdyboys​ Teddy & Evan
This was the part that Teddy hated of being the top, the shameful journey that is having to get some condoms at the last minute. He arrived to the drugstore, already horny and fortunately not hard. He was so desperate that he didn’t even care about who gives them to him all he knew was that he needed them. Clearly, this wouldn’t be happening if he would’ve stuck with his preferred role, being the one on the receiving end, but he was horny and the other guy wasn’t a top so there he was, a little red and a little flustered. 
“Hey! Umh... Can I get some condoms?” he asked the first person he saw. Smiling to try to hide how desperate he was. 
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court-mills · 3 years ago
[blackout] when: saturday 10/1 where: alcott dorm who: @court-mills
studying would have been a good excuse for why it was prime time on a saturday and yet evan was staring at the dull beige walls of his single, but he couldn’t truthfully say that was what he was doing. instead, he was mostly trying to fill his time with whatever he could figure to do, in hopes that some silly task would consume him instead of the nervous energy that currently was. it wasn’t that he was nervous about any one thing in particular, but that everything felt similarly confusing. he almost couldn’t be surprised when the lights went off and he was left in total darkness—really, it was right on cue. he thought about just going to sleep and waking up the next day like nothing had happened, but he opted to peek his head out into the hallway. when he was met with nothing but silence, he ventured one door down the hallway to look for one of the only people he’d consider an ally if ogden was to go purge level scary. “court?” he called through the door after knocking twice, listening intently for any response from the other boy. he didn’t really expect them to be hanging out on the other side of the door, but he figured it was worth checking.
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Court’s spine straightened up when the lights went out, blinking a few times as he tried to figure out what had happened, the briefest confusion coming over him - listen, being suddenly plunged into darkness would catch anyone off guard. He was just putting together what had happened when he heard a knock on his door, followed by Evan’s familiar voice calling out. So it wasn’t just his room. Or it was a hell of a coincidence. He bounded over to the door, probably looking for all the world like an excited puppy, even in a power outage, swinging it open to...well, not see Evan, but vaguely make out a dark shape. “Hey buddy,” Coco said, a hand reaching up and ruffling his hair. “What the fuck do you think is going on?” he asked, alarmingly casual considering the turn of events. 
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naughtyxprincessemira · 6 years ago
When I found you | Evan&Emira
The sun was blaring down on her, and yet all she felt, was icy cold. It just might have something to do with the thin but not at all ignorable layer of dried sweat coating parts of her body, making her shiver, even in the light of the sun. Walking across the sand with hurried steps, Emira was unconsciously rubbing her sore wrists from the journey at sea, though her mind and her eyes were fully occupied with something else. With finding that one person she both dreaded seeing, and would kill to see. Honestly she did not know what to expect if she did finally, by some random miracle, run into her fiancee. Not only was she a shadow of the girl he used to know, but she was also fairly certain being here was as close to a death sentence for both of them as they could get. Unless there was away off the island, they would most likely die here.. God that sounded so damn pathetic.. 
Rolling her eyes, and pushing strands of her hair behind her ear, Emira kept wandering. At some point she found she couldn’t walk any longer and sat down in a heap of skirts and long, matted hair, barely containing a scream that she felt as if had been building not for days, but for more than a year. Then all of a sudden a shadow fell over her, a person blocking the annoying sun that made her head ache worse than before and her eyes water from the brightness. Glancing up, she was expecting some pirate to tell her to get the fuck off the beach, though instead she found herself gazing into a pair of deep blue, painfully and blissfully familiar, eyes. “Evan..” His name came out weakly, near a whisper, yet also resembling a gasp. 
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sofiadelacroix · 6 years ago
date: July 29th  location: throne room @kingofkeigan
Every new encounter with a politician, royal or war officer wasn’t exciting anymore, at least while Sofia stood in the shadows, near Jean-Pierre, just to protect him, but this time she had to meet them all over again, show a new form of grace and power that once exclusively belonged to Jean-Pierre. Sofia knew she had to be brilliant and cunning in order to charm him, the king of Keigan, probably the only one who could even come close to her king. 
Patiently waiting in the throne room, Sofia paced along the opened windows and enjoyed the sun against her face. While some would’ve suggested an even more passive approach by letting her sit on her throne, it was her own nervous heart forcing her to move, get some of the energy out.
Finally, as the doors opened and even more sunlight lit the entire room, Sofia stopped immediately and turned to the many guards who started to fan out and stand still while the king approached her further. “Your majesty,” Sofia held her hands together in front of her belly, nodding once, though she almost bowed to him -- old habits die hard, especially those repeated within the family over and over again. “I’m glad you could make it. Please, have a seat.” she pointed at the one that had been dragged away from the table for him. “I’ll have to excuse my husband -- he’s currently in the middle of something, but I’m sure he’ll join us as soon as possible.”
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gretascatchlove · 2 months ago
Greta hadn't spent any alone time with Evan before, why would she? But then she thought, Alara was marrying him so she should probably get to know him, make sure he treated her right. Plus at the same time, she did want to bring over Alara's Christmas presents and wanted them to be a surprise, so she figured out a way to manage both. "I am. I have a few questions for you. And I wanted to sneak my Christmas gifts for Alara in without her knowing." The last years they had lived together and surprising her friend had been easier.
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where: evan's townhouse who: @gretascatchlove
The wizard sat in his study, staring in confusion at his guest as the house elf brought them some tea. "Let me get this straight, you're here looking for me?" He wondered out loud, still not wrapping his mind around the witch's visit. "Not Alara but me? On Christmas day?"
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emmaflint · 8 months ago
"Of course I am mad. What did you think? Feelings aren't rational, Evan. Especially mine. Even if I believe them, it still stings and I want to throw up at the thought of them together." Emma explained to her cousin in a matter of fact tone. She knew she wasn't being fair in holding onto her anger, but that didn't stop her. "Fine. I'll talk to him myself since you're no help.
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Evan marvelled at how complicated everyone's relationships seemed to be, all too tangled into messes created entirely on their own in the pursuit of a so called happiness. "If you believe him, then that's just it. He didn't know, she didn't know-- nothing to be mad about." He sentenced, something glinting behind his green eyes. "But you are mad, aren't you?" The wizard asked, curiousity sparking whenever possible chaos surrounded him. A chuckle as he shook his head. "I know plenty, but it's his past now, since you're his present-- therefore, you should simply ask him if you'd like to know."
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emirselwyn · 8 months ago
In their circle, it was important that everyone knew everyone, it was hard for someone new to find his footing in the midst of them. Evan had always been one of Emir's good friends and he enjoyed getting together with him for a couple of drinks every now and then. Having had a shorter day at work he decided to pay Evan a visit and see how his friend was doing. "No I am here to see your sister." He joked back, shaking his head before he continued. "I had the afternoon off so I thought I would stop by and pay you a visit. I read about Emma, how is she doing?" He'd read the Daily Prophet that morning as he drank his tea and read about the accident his friend's cousin had so he decided to check in.
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where: Rosier Manor who: @emirselwyn
A very much needed day off, Evan was spending it back at home and since his twin sister was busy with work, the Manor was awfully quiet. Not that he minded, though, silence gave him the chance to think about the future and his place on the world he was fighting to build, a world that demanded him to give even more than he currently was. There were several moments when he had to shake off the recurring thought that was the witch he spent most of his time around, a secret he tried to bury deep even in his own mind. Carried away by his own thoughts, the wizard was all too distracted to have noticed the steps reaching the study before seeing who they belonged to. Caught off guard, Evan stood up from the couch in a haste, relaxing once he acknowledge both his surroundings and the unexpected but always welcome visit. "Emir, my man." He said with a nod, sitting back on the couch and expecting his friend to do the same, he called for his house elf to get them something to drink. "Are you lost or did you come here to see me?" The blonde teased once the elf had left, glad the other wizard had come by.
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emmaflint · 8 months ago
"Apparently he didn't know she's my friend and I'm afraid I believe him on that. You know how he's always had that damned moral compass." She sighed, shaking her head. It didn't make the situation any better and she wasn't less angry and upset because he hadn't known Athena was her friend. Emma wouldn't like to see him with anyone else. It made no sense as she had no claim on him and yet her feelings towards that man had never been rational. "But you do know something, don't you? You should tell me. Family comes first. I'll keep it to myself." She had no idea what she was asking for.
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Quite the competitive witch, Evan had always enjoyed his cousin's company as he could see the shared edge between them. He knew her well and could tell there was no quivering to the statement she'd made, and while he enjoyed chaos a little too much, he didn't want to see her get hurt. "You should talk to Flint about it, he's the one who should know better than to go after your friends." The wizard tried his best to keep their conversation on a easygoing feel, only getting busy with his drink for to stall when Emma asked about her teammate's ex. Ah, he could tell her, but the Greengrass witch was a fellow Death Eater and certainly a wicked one he'd rather not mess up with. "You should probably ask her about him, it's not my story to tell, cous."
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emmaflint · 8 months ago
"I do not play games when it comes to my reputation or my pride." Evan was family he knew her better than most people did. "I don't think she knows. We were broken up for a while already when Athena joined the team. And he didn't know her and I were friends either." At least that's what she'd been told, she didn't think Athena would purposefully go for Emma's man leftovers. "Forced is a strong word, I prefer strongly encouraged. Her ex? Val mentioned something too. Do I know him?" Emma was curious and he seemed to know more than her so she'd give it a shot.
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"Spoken like a Rosier, for sure." Evan said with a dry laugh, there was an irony to how far his father had taken things when it came to jealousy and the potential impact on his reputation. "Athena Greengrass?" He wondered, a brow quirking with interest at his cousin's statement. "Yeah, I do know you're teammates, you forced me to attend several Magpies' matches. But does she know he's your ex? Don't worry though, for all I know she's still hooked on her ex." He wouldn't say more-- while he enjoyed chaos and adding to it, he wouldn't get involved in a mess that wasn't his own.
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emmaflint · 9 months ago
Emma had spent a lot of time with Evan and her brother growing up, he was on her top three favorite people in her family, the third being her grandfather. He'd gotten her her first broom. "Of course, darling. I can't let him underestimate me or think that embarrassing me is something he could get away with." She liked Thorfinn, but one could never be too careful. Especially after getting her heart broken like she did. "He did. And the first night he got back he hooked up with one of my best friends. Athena's my teammate. That makes it worse. And I know I shouldn't care and don't you dare tell anyone I do. This stays between us."
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Evan had a soft spot for his cousin, one he tended to be protective of but he also knew her to be a tough witch that could stand up for herself. Had he been a better wizard, he would've told her the rumors he'd heard plenty of times already, but he'd always enjoyed the unravelling of chaos all on its own. "Look at you go, you're already at the threatening him stage." He joked, taking a sip of his drink. "As long as you're happy, my dear. Is it ill advised to ask if I saw correctly and the older Flint sibling is back in town?"
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notjeffthompson · 8 months ago
"Of course. I wasn't trying to insinuate that you were." He raised his hands in defense, fighting the urge to mock the other wizard, his ego was so fragile surely he couldn't handle it. "Not gonna get an argument from me there. We are supposed to gather information on the Order. Find out their meeting place."
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For some reason the other man annoyed him. “I don’t get easily distracted.” He clarified, features unreadable as he studied the wizard before him. He was rather handsome, which was probably how he’d manage into their ranks, though his accent made him questionable at best. “Rockwood can be a twat. What are you here for then, other than summoning me?”
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emmaflint · 9 months ago
"I am happy." It was the truth. She was enjoying her time with Thorfinn, their weekend away had been great, it couldn't have gone better. Emma was leaning into things, wanting to give them a genuine shot. "Alright.." She trailed off, frowning, there was something he wasn't telling her. "No, thank you. I appreciate it. But I already threatened to cut his cock off should he look at another witch. Perhaps not my finest moment, but I stand by it. You know how I dislike to share." When she'd first started dating Seth one crazy fan tried throwing herself at him after a game, so with one quick flick of Emma's wand the woman was suddenly bald.
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"Well look at you so happy." He commented, a question popping into his head that he chose not to share for his own sake. He considered it better for her cousin as well, perhaps things had changed since he'd last heard an update from Val. "No one." Evan replied quickly, waving a dismissing hand. "So tell me, love, do you want me talking to him? Give him the whole caring cousin speech or can I avoid it altogether and trust you did all the warning yourself?"
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notjeffthompson · 8 months ago
"I didn't think I would be able to sneak up on you. I was not trying to be quiet, you must have been very distracted." He shrugged, his tone unapologetic. "I was sent by Rockwood. Any questions you have, take up with him. I'm not here to play games."
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Not one to mingle easily, having always remained on the weary side, Evan didn't like to see new faces in their lines-- even when the fact that their side was growing stronger each day was cause for his excitement. His face mirrored the thought that had popped in his brain, who the bloody hell was that? "There's better ways to fetch someone than sneaking up on them." The wizard sentenced, only then turning to give the stranger a good look, his accent bothering him. "Who is it exactly that sent you?"
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