dietmtndews-blog · 7 years
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dietmtndews-blog · 7 years
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dietmtndews-blog · 7 years
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dietmtndews-blog · 7 years
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dietmtndews-blog · 7 years
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dietmtndews-blog · 7 years
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TUGGING AT THE TIE around his throat, charles gave a soft exhale of relief at the feeling of the tie loosening and sat down at the long bar that ran along the diner’s countertop. court days meant shedding his comfortable and worn khaki uniform for the stiff suit; “i hate court days,” he muttered to himself before nodding to the waitress as she put a cup of coffee in front of him. movement from the corner of his eye has his attention shifting to the figure next to him. “oh! sorry— i didn’t even think to ask if this seat was taken or if you minded if i took it.” it seemed almost too late at this point and he offered a small, sheepish but apologetic smile, “was a bit distracted. guess this damn thing really was on too tight.” he gives the tie hanging loose around his neck a flick for emphasis.
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ace raised an eyebrow as the older man sat next to him, giving a little shrug. ❛ have you tried being on the defendant’s side of the court ? it makes everything a lot worse. ❜ he snickered, taking a sip of his way-too-sweetened coffee. ❛ please, it’s fine. ❜ ace waved a hand, a winning smile on his lips. ❛ its good that you and i become friends--- maybe next time i stop by the station you’ll be a little nicer then. ❜ it sounded like a joke, though it wasn’t quite one; over years of living in derry, ace had sweet talked his way around the police department, and while he was known for causing trouble, most officers would give him a smile before putting him in handcuffs. ❛ maybe you should try a clip on next time; it’s be mortifying if it falls off, but at least it won’t become a tourniquet around ya. ❜ 
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dietmtndews-blog · 7 years
It wasn’t as late as it was usually, something Aravelline realized as she looked at the time on her phone, luckily these buildings didn’t get many visitors even in the busiest times of days. With this information and a variety of paint cans tucked under her belt she started to paint. Had her music not been so loud, she probably would’ve heard the person coming up behind her before seeing the shadow and whirling around to face it… only to trip and fall flat on her face. “Ow. Jesus Christ, who just comes up behind someone like that?” She said, scowling as she sat up on her knees.
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❛ sorry, i thought you were someone else. ❜ ace offered an apologetic smile, taking a step back. ❛ are you hurt? ❜ he asked, looking down at her before offering his hand. the man looked up, raising an eyebrow once he noticed the paint. ❛ what’chu doing around here ? ❜ 
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dietmtndews-blog · 7 years
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lena found had always had trouble opening up and being vulnerable in front of people, even her own husband. there were a lot of deep rooted issues that went into that tough exterior she had developed over time. however, in this instant, she felt the need to let that emotion show in hopes that maybe it would help him understand just how serious this was. she had lost enough. her mother, her brother, and slowly but surely she felt her father slipping through her fingers too. the last thing she wanted was to bring up her own baby in a broken home. “then be a better husband, ace. be present, be here with me,” she nearly pleaded. feeling tears threatening her eyes, she blinked her gaze away from his and moved closer, being sure to hide her face against his t-shirt. “i love you too, okay?” she assured him, meaning every word of it. despite everything, lena couldn’t imagine a life without him. “i’m trusting you. i’m really really counting on you to put forth the effort that you’re promising me right now. no more working late or getting stuck in traffic,” she commented, pulling back slightly to take in his features. a moment passed and a small smile finally tugged at the edges of her lips, “oh my god– we’re having a baby. ace, we’re going to be parents.”
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ace wrapped his arms tightly around her, face burrowing in elena’s hair. his stomach twists and turns in a very unpleasant way, but he nods nonetheless, thankful that she can’t see the look on his face. ❛ i'll be the best husband that i can, i promise--- i’ll be here for you whenever you need me.  ❜ he runs one hand through her hair, eyes closing as the words leave his mouth. they feel like a death sentence, but there was really nothing else he could’ve said in a situation like that. ace laughs at her words, a small bubbly sort of laugh that he can’t tell if it comes from happiness or panic. a little bit of both, more likely. ❛ i can’t believe it. ❜ ace mumbles, pulling back to he can sprawl his large hand on lena’s stomach. it doesn’t feel any different, but just knowing what’s really there makes the hairs on his arms stand up. he leans forward, pressing a smiley kiss to his wife’s lips. ❛ we need to call a doctor. and start buying baby stuff. and start working on the nursery. ❜ he lists off, his voice as panicked as he feels. 
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dietmtndews-blog · 7 years
Bring the drugs baby I could bring my pain
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dietmtndews-blog · 7 years
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lena couldn’t suppress the desire to roll her eyes at his explanation even if she knew he had a point. their marriage was in shambles. she had spent more night curled up alone than she had with him in the last few months and because of that, it would have been so easy for her to cheat. yet she hadn’t– or at least not physically. with crossed arms, the brunette girl made the decision not to give him a response to his first words. instead she kept quiet and let him carry on, only looking over to him as he moved closer and pressed his lips to her forehead. in the moment all of her defenses melted to the ground. she yearned for his touch, for his attention, something that was rare to come by these days. and although his words were pretty, she found them hard to believe. “don’t–” she gently insisted, her gaze finding his, “don’t make promises if you can’t keep them. especially this one. you know how important this…family is to me. just like i know it’s important to you too. so please, ace, please don’t say it if you don’t mean it because i can’t do this alone.”
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ace swallowed hard at her request; he was at a crossroad, really. for many years, ace had never had the desire to change. sure, he hurt people, but in the end they were just collateral damage, and the gratification he received from his addiction were always worth it. now he was a few months away from being a father, and ace knew he couldn’t keep going the way he was. for a few more months, sure, but not after their baby was born. ❛ i'm not making any promise i can’t keep. i want to be a better husband, lena. you deserve as much. ❜ he replied, voice soft as he looked down at her. ❛ you’re not alone, okay? you’re never going to be alone. i know i’ve been a really shitty husband, but things are going to change--- i want to be a good father, you know how important that is for me. i love you, honey. ❜ the words felt strange on his tongue, not being said in many months; he wasn’t even sure if he did love her anymore, but he sure was going to make himself do it; if not for their marriage, than at least for their unborn child. ❛ and i promise you i’ll be a better husband. ❜ and although his words sounded confident, ace was already making plans on the back of his head, a silent truce with himself; he’d give into his own desires until their child was born, but after that he’d seek help. his baby deserved as much. 
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dietmtndews-blog · 7 years
allowing her line of vision to catch up with her words, she realized that the person pulling out the stool was the guy from the tinder profile. he was early, or at least earlier than she had anticipated leaving her a little unprepared for their first initial meeting. her expression mimicked a stunned look that she quickly tried to mask while nodding her head to his question. “yeah, yes, i’m hadley,” she finally managed to coax out. in attempts not to be rude, she rose from where she was sitting a little too quickly and knocked her martini over. the glowing green liquid flowed over the bar top onto his lap leaving hadley at a loss for words. inwardly cursing herself for being so clumsy, she grabbed the napkin lying next to her and began dabbing his pant leg. “i am so so sorry– i actually cannot believe i just did that.”
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ace gasped lightly when he felt the cold drink hit his lap, a small bubble of laughter escaping his lips as he gently set the glass straight, thanking god it hadn’t broken in the process. hazel eyes watched her carefully, trying to pinpoint if it had been done out of clumsiness or just drunkess; she didn’t look drunk, though, so he simply laughed, waving a hand at the bartender to ask for a replacement. ❛ it’s okay darling, don’t worry about it. ❜ he said, taking another napkin as he helped her dry the drink off. ❛ but y’know, if you want me to take off my pants already, you could’ve simply asked. ❜ 
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dietmtndews-blog · 7 years
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SHE SINKS INTO THE SEAT OPPOSITE HIM, making herself comfortable as she awaited his response, knowing wheels were turning as she scanned over his features. as he begins to speak, the brunette sits up right, a mixture of shock and confusion showing on her features as she stares at them, processing the information she’d been given. “oh shit…that’s, erm, that’s….fucking awful? i mean, yay for being a dad unless y'know…” kayla doesn’t really know what to say at the moment, gaze turning to have a quick look around at the rest of the tables before turning her focus back to him.
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ace let’s out a little laugh at her words, shaking his head; of course she was uncomfortable now, because he definitely shouldn’t have dropped all of it on her shoulders. ace wasn’t even very sure why he had told her, considering he was usually more private about his turmoils in life.  ❛ it doesn’t really matter right now. ❜ he replied, giving her an almost apologetic smile.  ❛ how have you been, though ? i don’t think we’ve spoken in a lil’ while. ❜  
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dietmtndews-blog · 7 years
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     callaghan can feel the tension in his body loosen when ace removes himself from the immediate area, but not enough to be comfortable and definitely not enough for him to try and make an escape. he listens, his chest heaving and anger quickly bubbling to the surface. “ye’don’know anythin’about me,” callaghan finally hisses, “we jus’met. in fact, ye’wouldn’t know anythin’about me if i hadn’told ye. ye’don’get t’tell me how i should feel about anythin’!” he’s making a scene now, his voice not loud enough to draw any sort of attention, but enough to make himself noticeable. “y’er jus’ome guy i met that looks like someone i watched porn of when i was a lad, tha’s all. y’er not me mum’r dad, certainly not my saint.” he’s angry, an anger he knows isn’t all ace’s fault. “y’er just some…. arsehole who fucks f’er money!”
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ace was expecting the outburst; he knew people got defensive when faced with something they didn’t like, and he was certain his words would anger callaghan. he sighs, expressionless as he waits for the other man to stop talking. ❛ you’re wrong. ❜ ace finally speaks, a lazy smile tugging at his mouth. ❛ i also fuck for free. ❜ he replies, popping a fry into his mouth. it wasn’t as if he was hungry, because he really wasn’t anymore, but he needed something to do while he thought about what to say next. ❛ i’m not trying to tell you how to live your life, callaghan. ❜ ace says at last. ❛ i’m just giving you advice. an outsider’s perspective, if you will. what you do with it is up to you--- just don’t get so defensive that you simply doesn’t listen to what i have to say because, believe it or not, i know a lot about life. ❜ 
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dietmtndews-blog · 7 years
“DANNY has been looking for my off button for twenty-one years, i don’t think you’ll ever find it,” richie replied with a shrug, and a smile. “i do!! i like sweet stuff, all sweet things are the best type of things.” he leaned closer to ace, grabbing ahold of ace’s right ear, “it’s still there, i thought i’d talked it off. i guess i’ll have to keep trying.” 
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❛ considering i’m better than him at everything i do, i’ll keep my hopes up for now. ❜ ace smiled, though the venom in his tone was clear.  ❛ can’t really argue with that--- you should see how much sugar goes in my coffee. ❜ he chuckled, yelping at the sudden pull to his ear, mouth falling open with surprise as he raised his hand, trying to swat the other man away.  ❛ oh my god get offa me, you lunatic. ❜ he can’t help but laugh, though.  ❛ don’t worry, i’m sure you’ll manage to talk it off real quick. ❜
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dietmtndews-blog · 7 years
✉️ N & A
N: lol thinking of wha
N: oh dude gross
N: after that nasty comment im gonna start charging u
A: no you won't you're not even a real lawyer you can't charge me
A: I MEAN AT LEAST THE CENTIPEDES ARE REAL but you can just... hit them with a broom... you grown ass man...
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dietmtndews-blog · 7 years
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     callaghan feels the pull in his stomach until it stops existing. he can feel himself coming undone, the very thread that makes up his person and his personality disappearing, unfurling against ace’s touch. he whines lightly, unable or unwilling to protest against ace’s slow but unyielding advances. his mind is a blur of emotions and feelings, another voice in his head that’s not his own. stay in control. stay in control. stay in control stayincontrol styancintrlo. he turns his head just enough, just enough for his lips to come into contact with ace’s, just enough for all he’s worked for to disappear. he pulls away immediately, pressing his body against the wall behind him. “please,” he whispers again. “don’t.” he wonders if ace will obey his request. if ace will even hear him with the sound of his voice falling deaf to the rest of the cafe. he wants to run, to scream, but mostly, he wants to feel like himself again.
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❛ okay. ❜ ace replied, not being able to hold back his disappointment as he pulled away, shifting so he was back on his side of the booth; he could tell that callaghan wanted him, of course, but even ace knew that words were more important than body language. ❛ for the record, i think it’s really stupid that you refuse to be happy out of fear--- and i’m not saying it to try and convince you to sleep with me or whatever, i mean it in general. ❜ he sighed, focusing on the food in front of him rather than his company. ❛ i used to do that, y’know. hold myself back; not because i was afraid of going to hell, but because i was scared my adoptive parents would send me away if i wasn’t the perfect kid. ❜  ace shook his head. ❛ that kind of pressure makes you fucking miserable. there are things in life you can sacrifice, and there are things you can’t. don’t ruin yourself out of fear, callaghan. ❜ 
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dietmtndews-blog · 7 years
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she was silent as he came to the realization and had his moment, a moment that she had pictured so differently in the years prior. she thought the news of a baby, his baby would bring her so much joy but at this point she just felt numb. crossing her arms over her chest, she allowed her thumb to smooth of her bottom lip– a nervous habit she had picked up as a child. at first, she didn’t know how to respond to stutter, but when ace questioned her loyalty to him she couldn’t help but shoot him a glare. “you did not just ask me that…” she whispered, a small lump forming in the back of her throat. she had half a mind to storm off, but was bound to where she stood out a sheer shock. “of course it’s yours and of course I’m happy. all i’ve ever wanted was to be a mother, i just– i didn’t think it’d happen like this.”
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❛ don’t get all high and mighty on me, lena. you know i had to ask--- with how things are between us right now, i wouldn’t really blame you if you stepped out. ❜ he doesn’t look at her as he speaks, though, because he can’t see the look on her face; of course it’s his baby. this is his wife, for god’s sake, and he didn’t think she’d ever be capable of going behind his back like that. like how he had done to her so many times. ❛ we’re going to make it work, ok? ❜ ace gives her a soft smile, leaning in to press a kiss to elena’s forehead. ❛ i know things have been rocky for us, and i know it’s because i’ve been giving my job more time than i should. ❜ because that was always his excuse; work, work, work. ❛ but i promise you i’ll be better, ok? and we’re going to raise this baby together and give them a happy family, just like the two of you deserve. ❜ 
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