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officialrailscales · 9 months ago
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Hump Day Loadout 🐫
RSB/M | Terra Bronze
- RS
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scotianostra · 1 year ago
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February 14th 1869 saw the birth of Charles Thomson Rees Wilson who became a physicist and meteorologist at Glencorse Midlothian to farmer John Wilson and Annie Clerk Harper.
The only Scottish-born physicist ever to have won the Nobel Prize for Physics, Charles Thomson Rees Wilson was inspired by the cloud formations he had witnessed on Ben Nevis.
He started out attempting to recreate clouds in his laboratory, but his invention and experiments led on to massive strides in the science of particle physics.
The search for the Higgs Boson at the Large Hadron Collider is the latest stage in the hunt for answers about fundamental particles of life, however, in the late 19th Century, very little was known about protons, neutrons and electrons. Photons, neutrinos, muons and quarks were a long way from being discovered.
Wilson was given the Nobel Prize in 1927 "for his method of making the paths of electrically charged particles visible by condensation of vapour" - but essentially it was for his invention of the cloud chamber.
Throughout his career, he got the opportunity to conduct research, teach and work as a reader and demonstrator at the Cambridge university. His most significant works include his observation on the formation of clouds and subsequent development of the cloud chamber, research on the behaviour of ions and so on.
He was honoured with several other awards and recognitions for his research and contribution to physics. Throughout his life, he remained active in the field of science and during his retirement, he shifted to Edinburgh, and later to the village of Carlops at Glencorse. During this time, he worked on his manuscript on the ‘theory of thundercloud electricity’.
He died on 15th November 1959 in Edinburgh aged 90.
If science and all that is your thing there is much more on C.T.R Wilson here https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/pdf/10.1098/rsbm.1960.0037
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baliportalnews · 1 year ago
Sekda Dewa Indra Terima Hasil Penilaian Kepatuhan Penyelenggaraan Pelayanan Publik dari Ombudsman
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, DENPASAR - Setelah akhir tahun Pemprov Bali mendapatkan anugerah Penilaian Kepatuhan Penyelenggaraan Pelayanan Publik kategori tingkat Pemerintah Provinsi, Ombudsman Provinsi Bali menyerahkan Hasil dan Piagam Penghargaan Penyelenggaraan Pelayanan Publik Tahun 2023 yang diterima langsung oleh Sekretaris Daerah (Sekda) Provinsi Bali, Dewa Made Indra, bertempat di Ruang Rapat Sekda, Kantor Gubernur Bali, Denpasar, pada Senin (8/1/2024). Secara khusus Sekda Dewa Indra menyampaikan apresiasi mendalam atas pencapaian tersebut, serta kepada Ombudsman yang merupakan mitra Pemprov Bali atas kerjasama yang terjalin selama ini. Ia pun meminta kalangan untuk tidak berpuas diri menerima hasil ini, namun dijadikan motivasi untuk bekerja lebih baik lagi, terutama di bidang pelayanan publik. Ia pun meminta ke depan penilaian tidak hanya dilakukan di beberapa OPD saja, namun semua OPD, agar kualitas pelayanan Pemprov Bali semakin maksimal. “Jika masuk kategori pelayanan kita banyak ada UPT, jika di bidang administrasi semua OPD juga bisa dinilai. Jadi semua OPD bisa berbenah, bukan hanya yang dinilai saja,” jelasnya. Lebih lanjut, ia pun mengapresiasi Ombudsman yang sudah memberikan kajian terhadap Desa Adat. Menurutnya Dinas Pemajuan Desa Adat di bawah Kepala Dinasnya sudah mengatensi langsung kajian tersebut. “MDA secara institusional merupakan dinas yang baru, dan pergerakannya belum selincah dinas lain. Sehingga masukan-masukan tentu diperlukan. Namun, saya juga apresiasi MDA yang secara cepat merespon kajian Ombudsman,” tutupnya. Sementara sebelumnya, Ketua Ombudsman RI Perwakilan Provinsi Bali, Ni Nyoman Sri Widhiyanti menyampaikan secara rinci penilaian Kepatuhan Penyelenggaraan Publik tahun 2023. Menurutnya, tahun lalu ada tiga OPD yang dinilai yaitu Dinas Pendidikan dengan skor 95.56, Dinas Penanaman Modal dan Pelayanan Terpadu Satu Pintu dengan skor 96.39, dan RSUD Bali Mandara dengan skor 97.43. “Jadi skor keseluruhan Pemprov Bali adalah 96.46, dengan kategori A dan opini Kualitas Tertinggi,” jelasnya. Dengan perolehan tersebut, Pemprov Bali mendapat peringkat ke-3 kategori Pemerintah Provinsi. Ia juga menyampaikan, bahwa berbagai masukan Pemprov Bali akan disampaikan ke Ombudsman Pusat. Terkait kajian Desa Adat, ia pun mengapresiasi Dinas PMA yang bergerak cepat menjalankan kajian. “Tanggal 28 Agustus 2023 kami serahkan kajiannya ke Dinas PMA, dan 22 November 2023 hasil kajian kami berupa pembuatan SOP hingga sosialisasi hasil Pesamuhan Agung sudah dijalankan semua. Kami apresiasi langkah cepat Pemprov Bali,” tutupnya. Acara pada pagi itu juga dihadiri oleh Asisten Pemerintahan dan Kesra Setda Prov Bali, I Dewa Gede Mahendra Putra, Kepala Dinas Pemajuan Desa Adat, I.G.A.K. Kartika Jaya Saputra, Kepala Dinas Pendidikan Kepemudaan. dan Olahraga Provinsi Bali, Dr. KN Boy Jayawibawa, serta Dirut RSBM, dr. Ketut Suarjaya.(bpn) Read the full article
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classydeergarden · 2 years ago
Read "NC teacher resigns after 11-yr-old student sends his mom a pic claiming she DUCT-TAPED his mouth shut" on SmartNews: https://l.smartnews.com/p-rSbmS/RCnkCT
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collegewebbuilders7 · 2 years ago
RDMS Software: Explore the Best Relational Database Management Systems in 2023 | College Web Builders
Get the best RDMS software services for your business in 2023. Choose from top providers offering top-notch relational database management systems, along with expert installation, customization, and support services. Make an informed decision and choose the perfect RSBMS for your organization today.
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aimo-excavatorbucket-blog · 6 years ago
RSBM Excavator Bucket manufacturer
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abhijeetw · 4 years ago
Modular Construction Market by Type, Material, Modules, End-Use and Region - Global Forecast to 2025
The global modular construction market size is projected to grow from USD 82.3 billion in 2020 to USD 108.8 billion by 2025, at a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 5.75% during the forecast year. The construction industry witnessed a significant change with the introduction of prefabricated technology, as it allows building more structures with reduced time and cost, as compared to the conventional on-site construction method. The modular construction method offers the benefits of greater flexibility and reuse, quality control, cost savings, faster build times, and environmental benefits.
♦ To know the assumptions considered for the study,
Download Detailed PDF Brochure Here: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/pdfdownloadNew.asp?id=11812894
The modular construction market has thousands of companies which thrive in their domestic market. A few of the major players are, Laing O’Rourke (UK), Red Sea Housing (Saudi Arabia), Atco Ltd. (Canada), Skanska AB (Sweden), Algeco Scotsman (UK), and Kleusberg GmbH (Germany). These players have adopted various growth strategies, such as acquisitions, investments, expansions, joint ventures, and partnerships to increase their market shares and enhance their product portfolios.
Contracts, new projects, and agreements accounted for the largest share of all the strategic developments that took place in the modular construction market between 2017 and 2020. Key players such as Laing O’Rourke (UK), Red Sea Housing (Saudi Arabia), Atco Ltd. (Canada), Skanska AB (Sweden), Kleusberg GmbH (Germany), Katerra (US), Bechtel Corporation (US), and Fluor Corporation (US) adopted these strategies enhance their market presence and strengthen their manufacturing and distribution capabilities in the modular construction industry.
♦ Request Sample Pages – https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/requestsampleNew.asp?id=11812894
Laing O’Rourke is a global construction and engineering company. The company designs, constructs, funds, and maintains the built environment by providing the facilities to educate, accommodate, transport, employ, care for, and sustain communities. It owns a number of construction, manufacturing, engineering, and specialist service companies, which combine in order to provide its clients with comprehensive investment, development, as well as management capability. The company’s key services include building construction, engineering expertise, investment and development, infrastructure construction, modular manufacturing, and support services. Laing O’Rourke follows their 70:60:30 design for manufacturing assembly, where 70% of the construction is conducted offsite, leading to a 60% improvement in productivity, and a 30% improvement in the delivery schedule. Through its wide business portfolio, it serves numerous sectors comprising buildings, power, transport, water & utilities, oil & gas, and mining & natural resources.
Red Sea Housing is a diversified organization offering affordable housing, industrial housing, and building material solutions to the world. It operates as a “Red Sea International Company” and comprises businesses of Red Sea Affordable Housing (RSAH), Red Sea Housing Services (RSHS), and Red Sea Building Materials (RSBM). Red Sea Housing Services is one of the most advanced and largest modular building solution provider throughout the Middle East & Africa, and Asia. The company operates through three business divisions: industrial housing, affordable housing, and building materials. Industrial housing involves supplying turnkey solutions in urban and remote places, worldwide. The affordable housing segment is engaged in producing modular building systems for customers in North Africa and the Middle East.
♦ Speak To Analyst – https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/speaktoanalystNew.asp?id=11812894
Red Sea’s building materials division complements the industrial housing products and is constantly growing by investing in new technologies. Its partnership with Sherwin Williams (US) has made the company the exclusive distributor of Sherwin William’s paint in the Middle East. The various sectors served by the company are infrastructure, government, building & construction, mining, defense, oil & gas, manufacturing, and hotels & hospitality.
Contact :- Mr. Aashish Mehra MarketsandMarkets™ INC. 630 Dundee Road Suite 430 Northbrook, IL 60062 USA : +1-888-600-6441 Email: [email protected] Visit Our Website: https://www.marketsandmarkets.com/
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lampung7com · 4 years ago
LAMPUNG7COM | Dewan pengawas BPJS kesehatan pusat mengunjungi rumah sakit batin mangunang kabupaten Tanggamus dalam rangka pengawasan sosial.
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cherievape · 4 years ago
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Highly Recommend it! HQD Cuive plus, Classic & Luxury! Wholesale inquires: +8613286394483 #hqd #hqdtech #hqdecigs #hqdvapes #hqdpods #vapefactory #Ecigsfactory #ecigsmanufacturer #disposablevape #disposablepod #vapedisposable #disposablevapekit #hqdcuvie #cuviedisposable #vapor #vapefam #vapetricks #vapeporn #vapeon #podvape #vaping #vapemodels #vapegirls #girlswhovape #vapeworld #vapealaska #vapealabama#vapedisposable #vapearizona #vapenc#vapecalifornia https://www.instagram.com/p/CRxjHz-rSbM/?utm_medium=tumblr
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officialrailscales · 1 year ago
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Tano Thursday Setup
RSB/M | Terra Bronze
TerraCore 2-Slot G10 RailScales | Dragon Texture
TerraCore 1.5-Slot G10 Solo’s | Dragon Texture
TerraCore 3-Slot G10 RailScales | Dragon Texture
CSMR Button | MilSpec Style | Terra Bronze
- RS
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scotianostra · 4 years ago
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February 14th 1869 saw the birth of Charles Thomson Rees Wilson who became a physicist and meteorologist at Glencorse Midlothian to farmer John Wilson and Annie Clerk Harper.
The only Scottish-born physicist ever to have won the Nobel Prize for Physics, Charles Thomson Rees Wilson was inspired by the cloud formations he had witnessed on Ben Nevis.
He started out attempting to recreate clouds in his laboratory, but his invention and experiments led on to massive strides in the science of particle physics. The search for the Higgs Boson at the Large Hadron Collider is the latest stage in the hunt for answers about fundamental particles of life,  however, in the late 19th Century, very little was known about protons, neutrons and electrons. Photons, neutrinos, muons and quarks were a long way from being discovered. Wilson was given the Nobel Prize in 1927 "for his method of making the paths of electrically charged particles visible by condensation of vapour" - but essentially it was for his invention of the cloud chamber.
Throughout his career, he got the opportunity to conduct research, teach and work as a reader and demonstrator at the Cambridge university. His most significant works include his observation on the formation of clouds and subsequent development of the cloud chamber, research on the behaviour of ions and so on.
  He was honoured with several other awards and recognitions for his research and contribution to physics. Throughout his life, he remained active in the field of science and during his retirement, he shifted to Edinburgh, and later to the village of Carlops at Glencorse. During this time, he worked on his manuscript on the ‘theory of thundercloud electricity’.
He died on 15th November 1959 in Edinburgh aged 90.
If science and all that is your thing there is much more on C.T.R Wilson here https://royalsocietypublishing.org/doi/pdf/10.1098/rsbm.1960.0037
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flexblow-blog · 7 years ago
Versatile Stretch-Blow Molder for Wide or Narrow Necks
FlexBlow reheat stretch-blow molder makes bottles with 18-to-110-mm necks and supports quick changeovers.
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UAB Terekas of Lithuania is presenting the newest version of its highly versatile FlexBlow RSBM system. The all-electric, two-cavity FlexBlow 2 WM is able to produce both wide-mouth (up to 110 mm) and narrow-neck (18-mm) containers. It can mold up to 73-mm necks in two cavities and wider in one cavity. Bottles from 1.5 to 3 L can be molded at 700 to 750/hr. Changing the bottle format, including molds, neck, and gripper parts, and fine-tuning the machine settings afterwards, takes no longer than 30 min, says FlexBlow marketing manager Gytis Sirvinskas. Changing just the mold requires loosening four bolts and takes only 5 min. FlexBlow is demonstrating live changeover daily of this machine that can mold wide-mouth jars, cosmetic bottles, and large bottles.
A number of upgrades on this model include new control functions such as an integrated operator manual and troubleshooting guide, and reporting of machine production and efficiency statistics for performance tracking. The challenge of automatically loading preforms with a wide range of neck diameters is addressed by a dual preform loading system. Adjustable feeding slides allow loading preforms with very small support rings (down to 0.8 mm), suitable for cosmetics jars. Inversed preforms with a body wider than the neck can also be handled by the feeding system. And both air and water cooling are now available to cool the neck inside the oven.
Another new feature is customized preform grippers made by 3D printing. This allows for very precise detailing for custom designs and permits quick changes, too. One FlexBlow customer ordered grippers for five different neck sizes, so Terekas color-coded the grippers in anodized aluminum.
For more information visit our site:- http://www.flexblow.com/
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baliwakenews · 4 years ago
Terima Suntikan Pertama Vaksin Covid-19 Gubernur Koster Harapkan Vaksinasi di Bali Lancar
Terima Suntikan Pertama Vaksin Covid-19 Gubernur Koster Harapkan Vaksinasi di Bali Lancar
Denpasar, baliwakenews.com Gubernur Bali, Wayan Koster menerima suntikan pertama vaksin Covid-19 di Provinsi Bali, Kamis (14/1) di Rumah Sakit Bali Mandara (RSBM), Sanur Kauh, Denpasar. Penyuntikan vaksin di bagian lengan kiri orang nomor satu di Pemerintah Provinsi Bali ini, dilakukan oleh dr. Putu Gede Surya Wibawa, M.Biomed, Sp.PD yang merupakan salah satu dokter penyakit dalam di RSBM.…
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karangasemnow · 5 years ago
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POSITIF COVID-19, CAWABUB SUKARENA SIAP TERIMA RISIKO Kondisi calon wakil bupati Karangasem I Made Sukarena dikhabarkan membaik. Bahkan pihak keluarga mengakui, politisi senior Partai Golkar itu imunitas tubuhnya kian normal. Kabar mengenai Sukarena yang terkonfirmasi positif Covid-19 diketahui setelah menjalani pemeriksaan swab beberapa waktu lalu.  Sebelumnya, politisi yang kerap tampil enerjik itu memeriksa kesehatannya setelah alami demam dan pusing, dua hari sebelum tes swab di Denpasar. Saat diperiksakan ke dokter, Sukarena dinyatakan memiliki gejala sakit tifus. Di sisi lain, Sukarena juga harus ikuti prosedur pemeriksaan swab untuk melengkapi berkas syarat pendaftaran ke KPU Karangasem sebagai pasangan calon wakil bupati mendampingi IGA Mas Sumatri. Namun dari hasil swab, politisi asal Kubu itu terkonfirmasi positif Covid-19. Putra kedua Sukarena, I Made Aditya Setiawan, mengakui kondisi terakhir ayahanda memang baik. Namun keluarga tetap meminta sang ayah fokus pemulihan. Sukarena juga diminta membatasi komunikasi dengan pihak luar demi istirahat total. "Jika ada telepon keluarga, beliau juga masih bisa angkat. Kondisi terakhir saat ini, saya belum tahu. Masih komunikasi dengan rumah sakit. Tapi terakhir memang membaik," ungkap Aditya, Minggu (6/9) malam, melalui telepon di Denpasar. Aditya membenarkan Sukarena dirawat di ruang isolasi Rumah Sakit Bali Mandara (RSBM) Denpasar. Terkait adanya informasi bahwa Sukarena lakukan isolasi mandiri, Aditya membantah. "Tidak ada itu. Beliau dirawat di rumah sakit," tegasnya seraya meminta doa masyarakat agar Sukarena cepat pulih dan bisa melanjutkan aktivitas seperti biasa. Kabar Sukarena terkonfirmasi positif Covid-19 awalnya dibenarkan Ketua Tim Pemenangan Paket Mas Sumatri-Made Sukarena (Massker), I Nengah Sumardi. Pengakuan itu dia lontarkan usai mengawal proses pendaftaran pasangan calon, Jumat (4/9). Kepada wartawan, dirinya membenarkan ketidakhadiran Sukarena pada pendaftaran karena sakit. Setelah disinggung soal hasil swab, Sumardi mengungkap hasilnya positif. Baca selengkapnya di: https://baliexpress.jawapos.com/read/2020/09/06/212530/positif-covid-19-cawabup-sukarena-siap-terima-risiko #karangasem https://www.instagram.com/p/CEzDM4ABzfG/?igshid=8bv49crip6th
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steenpaal · 6 years ago
Sir Samuel Hall Chair of Chemistry - Wikipedia
The Sir Samuel Hall Chair of Chemistry is the named Chair of Chemistry in the School of Chemistry at the University of Manchester, established through an endowment of £36,000 in 1913 by the Hall family.[1] Chairs have included the following chemists:
^ Portrait of a University, 1851-1951: To Commemorate the Centenary of Manchester University, Henry Buckley Charlton, Manchester University Press, 1951.
^ LEIGH, Prof. David Alan. ukwhoswho.com. Who's Who. 2015 (online Oxford University Press ed.). A & C Black, an imprint of Bloomsbury Publishing plc.
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(subscription required)
^ Jones, J. H. (2003). "Ewart Ray Herbert Jones". Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society. 49: 263. doi:10.1098/rsbm.2003.0015. JSTOR 3650225.
^ Robinson, R. (1947). "Arthur Lapworth. 1872-1941". Obituary Notices of Fellows of the Royal Society. 5 (15): 554. doi:10.1098/rsbm.1947.0018.
^ Brown, D. M.; Kornberg, H. (2000). "Alexander Robertus Todd, O.M., Baron Todd of Trumpington". Biographical Memoirs of Fellows of the Royal Society. 46: 515. doi:10.1098/rsbm.1999.0099.
^ Alan Cook (2004). "Heilbron, Sir Ian Morris [formerly Isidor Morris". The Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/33799.
^ Robinson, R. (1947). "Arthur Lapworth. 1872-1941". Obituary Notices of Fellows of the Royal Society. 5 (15): 554. doi:10.1098/rsbm.1947.0018.
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juwitalala · 5 years ago
Ketersediaan APD di RSUD Wangaya Mulai Menipis, RSUP Sanglah dan RSBM Mencukupi
Juwita Lala Ketersediaan APD di RSUD Wangaya Mulai Menipis, RSUP Sanglah dan RSBM Mencukupi Baru Nih Artikel Tentang Ketersediaan APD di RSUD Wangaya Mulai Menipis, RSUP Sanglah dan RSBM Mencukupi Pencarian Artikel Tentang Berita Ketersediaan APD di RSUD Wangaya Mulai Menipis, RSUP Sanglah dan RSBM Mencukupi Silahkan Cari Dalam Database Kami, Pada Kolom Pencarian Tersedia. Jika Tidak Menemukan Apa Yang Anda Cari, Kemungkinan Artikel Sudah Tidak Dalam Database Kami. Judul Informasi Artikel : Ketersediaan APD di RSUD Wangaya Mulai Menipis, RSUP Sanglah dan RSBM Mencukupi Wakil Direktur RSUD Wangaya, I Gusti Agung Putra Diana, mengatakan alat pelindung diri yang stoknya sulit didapatkan adalah hand glove yang berukuran UNIKBACA.COM
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