#rp;—new beginnings
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ask-bad-end-sunny · 9 months ago
A pot with daisies appears in Church of SOMETHING
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Some light within the darkness...
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adrienvalmont · 20 days ago
Seeking a new RP FC. Who Has Use for a Hollow Knight?
A man of Ishgardian blood, bound by magic yet unshackled by loyalty, Ren is in need of a new (rp) fc home. Enforcer, patron, Ishgardian liaison, or a well-placed tool in another’s grand design. I'll consider a great deal. Coin is of no concern to him, only purpose. His personal arc is separate from FC affairs, his true chains unknown beyond Ishgard’s walls in most scenarios.
Looking for an active RP FC (mateus preferred but open to discord-based groups on other servers) where he might serve: a. As an enforcer for those who deal in shadows. b. As an Ishgardian liaison for those in need of noble ties. c. As a prestigious asset for those who desire a knight’s weight behind their cause. d. As a fighter, for blood sport or war alike. e. As a guard- for... guarding things?
RP-focused, story-driven, and flexible on themes. PvE is rare for me. It does not mingle well with my work life, but I thrive in longform storytelling and rp. Est timezone (completely) flexible, open to ideas. If you know of a fitting FC, dark, political, mercenary, noble intrigue, or an encompassing umbrella type of group that takes all types, let me know.
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the-silver-peahen-residence · 8 months ago
||Rulers of NYC; a new chapter begins||
~~Reserved Conquerors AU with @demon-blood-youths ~~
A lot of things have changed ever since the fractions of NYC has finally taken over NYC. Many of the sections have been ruled over by the devils of each one from the many different houses that watches over the people. It's goes without saying, a lot has changed in NYC. Many wouldn't really remember what it was before the fractions took over ruling over the people.
Even with them being teenagers years ago, now the fractions are older young adults ruling the city.
Even the devils were watching this with their heirs now representing their houses. The people didn't seem to mind that.
Well, being ruled over by the head family households that is. Everyone has a section they are keeping watch over so we will go to one that seems to be active or to say in short two.
"You know, I was not expecting this happening today. But I guess this works none the less. At least Yuki and Vanity are keeping a eye on how we do this! I think were are doing just fine!" a woman looks down while seeing the people growing nervous hearing her. Though, they see her keeping a look out while seeing the people. Her red yellowish eyes glowing from the thought, seeing this. She wore the head household bloodline badge showing she was head of the cursed hellish panther family.
"Hey Ink!!! What do you think we should do after this? Find new people to add into our houses or something?" she said laughing.
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bell-askblog · 28 days ago
I never thought I'd meet someone who actually knows me. He told me so much, I can finally remember everything.
Maybe I'm not so terrible, but he's telling me I'm better off not talking to so many people. I'm not so sure, but he's very compelling... the coffee was nice though.
Maybe I should listen to him! He seems to actually look out for me!
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armed-and-alxne · 2 months ago
“I know you did. But you could have ignored my texts, or said that you were busy,” Marta replied, noticing how he avoided eye contact with her. She knew why, knew that he felt guilty for what had happened. “So what have you been doing since the last time I saw you?”
"No... I couldn't have," Luther said with a shake of his head. "Busy or not, I made a promise. It's important." It was important not to shoot her husband too, but you did that anyway. He still couldn't really make eye contact with her, so he looked out at the bay instead.
Her question made him immediately wonder why she was asking. Was she trying to see if he'd gone straight? Or if he'd ended up right back in another gang or mafia family? He suddenly felt kindof embarrassed for not having much to say, but maybe that would make her happy... to know he really didn't know what to do with himself outside of life with her and her father's family.
"Uh... not much. I live outside of San Fran now. I got a small apartment, and I uh... work nights at a warehouse. It's not a great job, really, but there isn't much you can get if you don't want a background check." And with his involvement with Andrei, his rap sheet was a mile long. "Been readin' some self-help books on how to um..." ...get over being brainwashed by an abuser... "...restructure your life after a major change." He shrugged. "They don't help all that much," he admitted.
He fell silent, not knowing what to say. Usually, at this point in a similar conversation, he'd follow up with, what about you? But he really didn't think he was in any position to be asking Marta any kind of questions. Luther was just nervously waiting for the punchline, for her to say the place was surrounded by Feds, or for her to finally pull the trigger on that promise of his to turn himself in whenever she asked it of him. In his mind, there was really no other way this afternoon ended for him.
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celestialpaperhaze · 4 months ago
Me: You know what, I’m gonna write something good tonight, it’s been awhile!
What I do instead of writing:
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protagonists-catastrophe · 4 months ago
So if you exist, then there has to be different timelines (/universes) of yourself, right?
Maybe there's a universe where nothing traumatic happened to you.
> "While yes, there are universes of me, there is none that results in a 'happily ever after'. Nothing of that sort exists."
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His voice seems to distort at that last bit. Something that reveals deception.
> "All of my predecessors, regardless of time, meet one fate. We are "promoted", we are forsakened, and we become the [-PROTAGONIST-]. There is no other ending."
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His voice becomes heavily distorted once again. More lies, but even if that was the case, [-COWORKER-] would have found this timeline by now.
There is no happy alternative universe.
There is no way to change fate.
There is nothing for Rexer Eleazar.
It is to be ordained that way as so.
> "I suppose it wouldn't hurt to give you all a taste. I'll only allow this special access to prove my point."
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A rift has opened. A special one at that. One I to a distant past. One that will reveal his story once and for all.
An all to familiar elevator. An all too familiar man standing alone in the elevator.
> "Go ahead. Try and change his mind. See what good it'll do. You can't help him."
The elevator shakes violently, causing the man to tumble to the ground and look around panicked. Once it stops, the newbie shudders before checking the elevator buttons.
They don't seem to be working for the moment. Perhaps he should call Manuel once again for his help?
> "Th-This hasn't happened before... why now...?"
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>> Eleazar is now available for asks!
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sleuth-mila-young · 1 year ago
A black screen awaited any viewer who dared to tune in. Judgement here was long gone, it being passed onto the unrighteous. A sizzling, static noise struck the shadow-filled display, absent of any empathetic touch.
A shriek of pain interrupted the solitude.
To follow the yelp, a long, quiet rustle was audible on the other end. Though whatever waited on the other end wasn't visible, the panicked, hurried sounds spoke for them all the same. Rustling and rummaging hissed through the blackened screen. The mental picture could easily be put into your mind.
...After a minute or two of agonizing and awkward waiting, the camera finally took focus, colors flooding the screen. What stood in plain view was a short gentleman with tanned, bronzed skin and short, black curly hair. They smiled sheepishly, smoothing back their hair and brushing off their suit. "...It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." They nodded politely, putting a gloved hand on their heart. "We don't know each other yet, but... I hope we will come to. I'm Mila Law Young, a detective at the Royal Court Agency."
"For a back of a better word, I have gotten wind that thing's have been... risque, around these parts, wouldn't you say? An assortment of crime running in these dark, shaded backstreets, hiding under our noses... And I simply cannot live with the idea that innocent civilians are getting mixed in the middle of it."
"So... that's why I'm here!" Mila beamed, grinning from ear to ear. "To protect and serve! To get to the bottom of these terrible sins that are haunting our youth! Whatever you need, please don't hesitate to contact me. Please remember that I'm a resource, an ear to listen, and, hopefully, a friend."
The sleuth bowed, looking up with a wink. "...I'm at your service."
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@ask-a-gremlin @ask-shslpianist @ask-miu-iruma @a-perfect-wish @scxrs-will-fade @roguesinger @ask-the-ultimate-cosplayer @photographic-misery @obsolete-journalist @demons-for-darling @candy-cocktail @ultimate-class-rep @depths-of-hope-and-despair @devoted-nychta and anyone else not tagged! feel free to jump in/ignore!
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melancholicmoonlight · 2 years ago
Someone walks through the hallway, passing a half eaten corpse on the ground that's still spewing blood from lacerations and an opened chest cavity, looking at the blood covered walls as they walk past.
At the end of the hall is a man covered in blood, leaned over with his back facing them. From the sound of it, he’s crying as he heaves out whatever he has eaten last.
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truly-maddyrose · 23 days ago
//I really really really would love to eventually find more Schitt’s Creek people. I’m actually a bit surprised I haven’t found many yet. Anyway…send them my way. And consider this a starter call
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the-archive-library · 7 months ago
This is rather a new experience for me…. I never thought to do something like this. Please be nice. For this is what you consider a “RP” blog from my information.
If you seek answers simply drop your question off in the box. Besides that. This is the archive library. For those I know…. Well. I’m new.
“A new experience leads to new possibilities”, Aiden would always tell me. He really felt sorry for me. I know more than I should. Even that archivist Jonathan? Was it?…. Similar in someways compared to none with Gertrude. But one’s living while the other lies dead.
Have fun exploring.
~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~
Welcome! I’m Aiden Moss. I’ll be talking in pink, while she’s purple. Depending on what your mode is different. This a new change for me as well! So I hope things go well! I work in the artifact storage.
Weird really…. But, if here to be asked as well. I use he/him and they/them is alright to.
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belovedblossoms · 6 months ago
❛ sometimes i think you must hate me. ❜ / from @k17y for Velvette!
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( @k17y )
"...I don't necessarily hate you. I do hate if you do stupid shit to interfere with me and that's when I call over Val for your...needed correction." Whether it was Kitty getting a little too involved or nosey in her work, spilling drinks on her designs or models or just being an overall nuisance, it can easily increase Velvette's own impatience. Her temper can be raised after all but not as easily as Valentino's. Never did she glance at Kitty while she lounged back, quickly scrolled her phone on one hand with her glass of liquor in the other and briefly took a sip. "I mostly tolerate you. You're not solely my own plaything either to direct a lot my hatred to you, now that would be a waste of time and energy when you're nothing but a gadget. As much of an impulive decision he made to purchase you, we can still make use out of you...but you can also be a pain in the arse at times."
Finally those demonic reds narrowed at the robot before asking, "Now why has such a thought brought you here to tell me that?"
𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐬 (𝐭𝐨 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬?) 𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬. (accepting!)
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stella-sanguis · 8 months ago
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@aetherianxarchive sent: you're here. you're alive. — from vin ;v;
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THE vampire opens his arms wide, a grin spreading across his face. " Of course I am! Did you expect anything less from me, darling? " He knew Vin was worried sick about his new bounty hunting job, but really, how dangerous could a few thugs be after taking down a Netherbrain? Plus, he could sup all the blood he wanted from his targets; his employers didn't seem to mind that the corpses came back exsanguinated. Astarion was good at killing, and that was all that mattered to them.
" I'VE had two full meals and made plenty of gold in the process. It turns out people don't really mind murder as long as you kill the right people. " He lets out a lilting laugh before pulling Vin in for a hug, taking in their tired appearance as he pulls back a bit. " But you look exhausted. Have you been up all night waiting for me, love? "
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warriors-newbeginnings · 7 months ago
We're moving!
This page has been a side blog for a bit now, but we're finally moving up to main blog status! You can follow our new page, @warriors-new-beginnings , where all further updates about the server will be shared!
This new blog will be shared amongst the staff team from the discord server, so at times the writing styles may change depending on who's managing the blog on any given day! If you'd like to continue to see updates on the server, we'd love to see you over there!
Our Website | Our Server | Our Toyhou.se World
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wormruleroftheruinsofbabel · 9 months ago
“Men! Today is the day we have trained for, we have trained our bodies and minds in preparation for this day… the great evil of the west has lay claim to our home… they have called us interlopers, and squatters! Will we take this laying down! No! We fight for our home! For our knowledge! And for those who can not fight to protect it. We all have family here so we better dame we’ll keep those fools away from them! To flight my brothers”
*a regiment of wyverns drakes, and a Wyrm at the helm take to the air*
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swagpartyloverdiver · 7 months ago
Mm,, 'Fari's so sweet..
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