#// eleazar - the sacrificial lamb
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"Heyyy Rexer, I wanted to ask you a few questions before I-"
>[Bartholomew enters the office, looking around. Where is Rexer? He rarely leaves without a reason, and typically Bartholomew'd at least know a little bit about his whereabouts... Something isn't right.]
>[When he sees the unfamiliar man at the desk, he turns formless and hostile. Who is this? Why is he here? Where is Rexer?]
>[ @deadworld-fakeprotagonist]
In that moment, the world Bartholomew knew distorted. No longer were they in the Fog Zone, but rather... a typical office. Alone in their cubicle, the man turned around.
> "Oh sure, what can I-"
He stares at the entity, and at first, panick settles in. Was this one of those entities from the 4th floor? Warren always told him that those can usually be aggressive.
He gulps, leaning further back in his chair. He has to keep quiet, very quiet. For example, if he spoke another word, this thing would kill him. And frankly, Eleazar doesn't want that.
> ". . ."
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Hearing the other's sobs, it reminded Rexer that those same words were what he abided by in his past. The feeling of love just mistaken for care for Warren. Since living with the man, he feared these feelings.
But now he's dead. The Eleazar he once was has rotted away, and he was just the undead carcass of the sacrificial lamb.
> "Nonsense. Do you even hear yourself?"
Gently lifting the other's face, Rexer wiped away a few tears from Elliott's face. He is as gentle as he can be at the moment, pressing his forehead against the other's.
> "If you fear that you are unloved, then you feel incomplete. I wouldn't mind mending those broken pieces of your heart, Elliott. Even if it takes your wntire lifetime. "
With a moment, Rexer planted a small kiss upon the other's nose. It wasn't on the lips because it wasn't forced affections. Elliott needs time, and Rexer is made of it. Letting the other's head fall back I to his chest, the time keeper pets the back of his head.
> "Allow yourself to heal once in a while... You give so much to everyone else, but cut yourself out. Focus on what you want to do rather than suppressing yourself."
> "Elliott. I've come to do an inspection in your subspace. I've also heard rumors about your people... especially about you."
Rexer appears through one of the subspace entrances. Arms behind his back, he takes notice of the world around him. There are plenty of people who quickly scatter from the man, but others appear normally strolling through the village.
> "I have also taken notice that someone else has taken the time to write and warn you of me. Surely you will tell me this coward's name if he has a problem how I run things."
He seems to look around the village, snickering as those who are terrified of him quickly flee. They were mindless idiots who needed to prove their self-worth. Those too fragile and weak to take an actual stand.
> "And what's this about you saying such romantics about me? You know having a relationship with your superior isn't a good look, no? You have a LOT of explaining to do."
For most people? That was considered a scandal. However, in the endless seams of time and space? There wasn't one to complain.
>(Fuck. Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.)
“Rexer... Hey... I was gonna stop by to discuss the recent... Uh, circumstances, but I didn't want to leave the people alone with how they've been acting- you know?”
>[Technically, everything happening was out of his control. Plus, he wasn't going to make advances onto Rexer, far from it, he was planning on waiting until the feeling went away.]
“Uh... About the whole warning-me-though-letters thing, they never told their name... I think. Uh... Yeah. I don't think they told me their name?”
>[He purposefully tried to push away the topic of liking Rexer, it was the least of the genuine problems right now.]
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Porção Diária - Qua 16/05/2018
NÚMEROS 3: 1-13
Aqueles que não são levitas e sacerdotes não estão autorizados a entrar no recinto sagrado. Se alguma pessoa não autorizada invadir os lugares onde os sacerdotes executam suas tarefas, eles serão mortos (pelos guardas levíticos). וְהַזָּר הַקָּרֵב יוּמָת vehazar haqarav yumat: “e a pessoa não autorizada que se aproximar será morta”.
Isto é o que aconteceu na rebelião de Coré, quando levitas que não estavam autorizados a oferecer incenso, assumiram a responsabilidade de fazê-lo, Deus os matou. A presença de Deus na terra é perigosa. A humanidade ainda não está pronta para Deus. A Presença de Deus no tabernáculo e depois o templo é uma descida de Deus entre nós, aproximando o Perfeito dos imperfeitos e despreparados.
Os sacerdotes são treinados para lidar com a santidade com cuidado. Os levitas são uma segunda camada de proteção. Os israelitas são a terceira camada, servindo como sacerdotes para as outras nações. Dentro deste santo sacerdócio dentro de uma nação sagrada, a ardente Presença de Deus desceu à terra. Quão seriamente a nação santa, Israel, e seus sacerdotes levarão esta avançada proximidade a Deus? Quão prontos estão os seres humanos em geral para a possibilidade futura de habitar com o divino?
A proximidade de Deus só pode ser concedida por ele e não é nosso direito natural nem algo que os seres humanos são capazes de alcançar além da escolha de Deus. Nos textos que descrevem um futuro onde os seres humanos vivem em um relacionamento diferente e mais próximo da Presença de Deus, sempre lemos sobre uma transformação na natureza humana. O coração será mudado. O espírito de um homem ou mulher será renovado, transformado. Haverá um tipo diferente de conhecimento de Deus. A morte será abolida e, uma vez que a morte humana é a principal coisa que não pode entrar na Presença de Deus na Torá, os seres humanos estarão mais próximos de Deus naqueles dias.
Aarão, Moisés e a linha sacerdotal (1-4), os levitas como guardiões e obreiros no santuário (5-9), somente os sacerdotes podem receber sancta (10), os levitas como substitutos dos primogênitos (11-13).
“1 Esta é a linha de Arão e Moisés no tempo em que o SENHOR falou com Moisés no monte Sinai. 2 Estes eram os nomes dos filhos de Arão: Nadabe, o primogênito, Abiú, Eleazar e Itamar; 3 esses eram os nomes dos filhos de Aarão, os sacerdotes ungidos que foram ordenados para o sacerdócio. 4 Mas Nadabe e Abiú morreram pela vontade do SENHOR, quando ofereceram fogo alheio perante o SENHOR no deserto de Sinai; e eles não deixaram filhos. Assim foram Eleazar e Itamar que serviram como sacerdotes durante a vida de seu pai Arão.
5 Falou o SENHOR a Moisés, dizendo: 6 Avança a tribo de Levi, e põe-na ao lado de Arão, o sacerdote, para o servir. 7 Eles executarão deveres para ele e para toda a comunidade antes da Tenda da Reunião, fazendo a obra do Tabernáculo. 8 Eles devem cuidar de todos os móveis da Tenda da Reunião - um dever em nome dos Israelitas - fazendo a obra do Tabernáculo. 9 E designarás os levitas a Arão e a seus filhos; eles são formalmente designados a ele dentre os israelitas. 10 Atraire a Arão e a seus filhos a observância de seus deveres sacerdotais; e qualquer estranho que invadir será morto.
11 Falou o SENHOR a Moisés, dizendo: 12 Eu tomo os levitas do meio dos filhos de Israel, em lugar de todos os primogênitos, primeiro número da madre, entre os filhos de Israel; os levitas serão meus. 13 Porque todo primogênito é meu; no tempo em que feri a todo primogênito na terra do Egito, consagrei a cada primogênito em Israel, homem e animal, a mim mesmo, para ser meu, o Senhor.
(Números 3: 1–13 JPS)
Aaron é mencionado primeiro e apenas os filhos de Aarão são listados, embora a seção comece: “Esta é a linha de Arão e Moisés”. Cinquenta e nove vezes na Torá lemos sobre “Moisés e Arão”, mas apenas quatro vezes vemos “Aarão e Moisés ”. Em três das quatro vezes em que Aaron é mencionado primeiro, o texto é sobre genealogia. Arão é o mais velho e é assim mencionado antes de Moisés. Mas por que os descendentes de Moisés não estão listados aqui?
Nós sabemos, a partir de 3:27, que a família de Moisés é compreendida como parte dos amramitas dentro da divisão de Coate. Os descendentes de Aarão não são contados entre os levitas em geral, mas são separados deles, enquanto os descendentes de Moisés aparentemente são considerados levitas regulares. Quanto aos descendentes de Moisés não serem listados especificamente, uma teoria é que isso é porque eles trouxeram desonra à memória de Moisés. Os falsos sacerdotes mencionados em Juízes 18:30, incluindo “Jônatas, filho de Gérson, filho de Moisés”, serviram o bezerro de ouro em Dan.
A função dos levitas como guardas é um serviço a Israel. Eles desistem da vida normal que poderiam ter vivido, abandonam a propriedade da terra e têm um papel como as outras tribos na terra prometida. Sacrificialmente eles resgatam as outras famílias de Israel da obrigação de darem seus primogênitos como servos do templo, uma obrigação explicada como a devida de Israel pela salvação do primogênito no Egito. Eles guardam as coisas sagradas para impedir que as pessoas entrem em contato com o perigo da santidade divina.
Da mesma forma, a linha sacerdotal muito estreita evita que os deveres do sacerdócio sejam desempenhados por quaisquer outros israelitas, como Coré aprenderá da maneira mais difícil (Enormes 16), assim como o rei Uzias (também conhecido como Azarias, 2 Rs 15; 2 Cr 26). O povo de Israel, como o tabernáculo, é organizado em partes sagradas e santas, desde os israelitas comuns até os levitas e os sacerdotes dentro dos levitas. Os sacerdotes para os israelitas são como o santo dos santos para o pátio do Tabernáculo e os israelitas são para as nações como o pátio do Tabernáculo para o resto do mundo fora do Tabernáculo. Qualquer israelita comum ou qualquer outra pessoa que invadir as coisas sagradas será morta.
JOÃO 1: 29-34 O testemunho de João Batista: Cordeiro de Deus (29); depois de mim, antes de mim, estava diante de mim (30); não escolhido por mim mas revelado a mim (31); Eu vi o Espírito descer (32); Eu ouvi a voz celestial (33); Eu testifico que ele é o Escolhido (34).
29 No dia seguinte, João viu Jesus vindo em sua direção e disse: “Eis o Cordeiro de Deus, que tira o pecado do mundo! 30 Este é aquele sobre quem eu disse: 'Depois de mim vem um homem que é maior do que eu, porque ele existiu antes de mim.' 31 Eu não o reconheci, mas eu vim batizando com água para que ele pudesse ser revelado a mim. Israel."
32 Então João testificou: “Vi o Espírito descer como uma pomba do céu, e isto permaneceu sobre ele. 33 E eu não o reconheci, mas aquele que me enviou para batizar com água disse-me: 'Aquele em quem você vê o Espírito descendo e permanecendo - esse é aquele que batiza com o Espírito Santo.' ambos viram e testificaram que este homem é o Escolhido de Deus. ””
(João 1: 29–34 NET)
NOTAS: O que levou João Batista a se referir a Yeshua como “o cordeiro de Deus”? Duas tradições estão no fundo, a figura em Isaías 53 que é como um cordeiro abatido e o festival da Páscoa em Jerusalém com seus numerosos cordeiros sacrificais (Raymond Brown). Enquanto a seção anterior do Quarto Evangelho (1: 1-18) era sobre a identidade exaltada de Yeshua (ele é a Palavra que se tornou carne), esta seção (1: 19-42) é pontuada com referências à morte redentora de Yeshua. Duas vezes João, o Batizador, fala de Yeshua como o “cordeiro de Deus” (v. 29, 36). As duas seções se complementam e são duas maneiras de olhar para a questão: quem é Yeshua? Ele é a Palavra que preexistiu e desceu entre o ser. Ele é o cordeiro sacrificial com poderes para elevar e dar valor a todos os seres humanos.
Este tema de cordeiro abatido ocorrerá novamente, uma vez que o Discípulo Amado (o autor) apresentará na cena da crucificação alguns detalhes que comparam os meios de morte de Yeshua com a maneira pela qual os animais foram mortos. Yeshua como Passover Lamb é um tema de bookmark, perto do começo e perto do fim, unindo esta versão da biografia de Yeshua.
“Existiu antes de mim” no Quarto Evangelho é referência à existência de Yeshua antes da criação como em 1: 1-2; 8:58; e 17: 5. Mas o próprio Batizador realmente entendeu isso sobre Yeshua, e em um estágio tão inicial, quando nenhum dos discípulos entendeu isso sobre ele? A verdade é que as palavras do Batizador poderiam ser interpretadas como dizendo que Yeshua foi o prometido de antemão mais do que aquele que existia antes da criação. Mas, como é frequentemente o caso, as coisas que as pessoas disseram sobre Yeshua durante sua vida vieram a ter um significado maior depois que ele foi criado e sua verdadeira identidade revelada.
A descida de uma pomba como o Espírito em Yeshua é uma das muitas verificações de testemunhas oculares da identidade de Yeshua nos primeiros ensinamentos apostólicos. Todos os quatro evangelhos incluem isso. Em um mundo onde as pessoas queriam saber por que deveriam crer em um “messias” da terra de Israel, os sinais de que Deus havia se manifestado em Yeshua eram centrais para o ensino dos apóstolos. Esses versículos descrevendo o ensinamento do Batizador sobre a identidade de Yeshua são ao mesmo tempo judaicos em orientação e ao mesmo tempo adequados para ensinar aos gentios sobre Aquele que mostrou a Deus para nós. Há mistério envolvido quando alguém vem a saber quem é Yeshua. Como o Batizador diz, “eu mesmo não o conheço”, mas foi-lhe mostrada a identidade de Yeshua através de um poderoso sinal: “Eu vi o Espírito descer. . . permaneceu sobre ele.
Leslie Newbigin (A Luz Veio) diz que devemos perceber: "Esse conhecimento só pode ser um presente, nunca uma conquista". CS Lewis em The Silver Chair tem um protesto de caráter: "Mas nós pedimos para vir aqui", para o qual Aslan respondeu: "Você não poderia ter perguntado se eu não tinha chamado você." As coisas do céu são apenas além do nosso alcance, veladas, mesmo quando são evidentes, para que Deus deve brilhar através das janelas da nossa alma interior para completar o nosso conhecimento . Isso aconteceu com o Batizador e ele nos transmitiu a palavra dessa revelação, que s�� Deus pode completar em nossas próprias almas.
==============================================================Versículos bíblicos diários e comentários de Derek Leman chamado Daily Portion. Estas são leituras diárias da Torá e dos evangelhos com comentários de Derek Leman. http://DerekLeman.com http://TheHebrewNerd.com
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*on Rexer's desk, the tiny glass box, which had seemed like just a simple cube, uncovers it's insides, as the walls fade away and become as glass is, something to reveal.*
*revealing eleazar right before rexer's eyes*
> "."
He locks eyes with the man, seeing an uncanny resemblance to his past... Eleazar. Oh how he HATES seeing his pathetic face. His hands ball into tight fists, and a purple darkness over takes his usual black claws.

The time keeper slowly stalks up to his prey. Theres a evil smile that creeps to his face. A darkened expression as he starts to laugh almost maniaclly.
Someone needs to be put in his place. Back where NO ONE should see this weak side of himself. He's going to lock him away, FOREVER.
> "Come here... Come here. Come here you sweet, docile little lamb. Let me sink this goats horns run through your tender flesh... A worthy sacrifice to the Gods."
You are instantly revealed to the other, and immediately his presence terrifies you. How his eyes of a predator fall on your prey-like form. You feel every sin on your back, crushing your spirits, making you feel ill. How he mocks you, and brings up the word sacrifice.
His steps become louder each time he approaches. Oh God, Oh God please save me. Please save me from this revelation.

I tried to escape, but I forgot my place. I am the sacrificial lamb locked in a fragile box. Being picked up from the desk, I scream. It stares at me, like a hungry wolf about to devour one of His sheep. I bleat and cry, banging on the glass shouting. My voice is raw, I feel the blood pumping in my throat. My chest is uncomfortably tight. It's too hot in here.
I am locked in a box with no way out.
I am locked in a box with no way out.
I am locked in a box with no way out.
I am locked in a box with no way out.
I am locked in a box with no way out.
I am locked in a box with no way out.
I am locked in a box with no way out.
I am locked in a box with no way out.
I am locked in a box with no way out.
GET ME OUT OF HERE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE P̵̧͖̈́̃͒̔̇̿̇̏̂̚͝L̸̳͕͚͇̟̻̙̲̰͌̀̄͝Ë̴͎̰̥̦͈́Ä̴̢̯̲́̚͜Ś̸͍͇͔̞̱͇̤͗̇E̴͕͎̫͉̻̺̬̬̪̋̈͂̈́͑̈́̕P̵̧͖̈́̃͒̔̇̿̇̏̂̚͝L̸̳͕͚͇̟̻̙̲̰͌̀̄͝Ë̴͎̰̥̦͈́Ä̴̢̯̲́̚͜Ś̸͍͇͔̞̱͇̤͗̇E̴͕͎̫͉̻̺̬̬̪̋̈͂̈́͑̈́̕P̵̧͖̈́̃͒̔̇̿̇̏̂̚͝L̸̳͕͚͇̟̻̙̲̰͌̀̄͝Ë̴͎̰̥̦͈́Ä̴̢̯̲́̚͜Ś̸͍͇͔̞̱͇̤͗̇E̴͕͎̫͉̻̺̬̬̪̋̈͂̈́͑̈́̕ S̸͕͎̱̑̿O̷̱͚̤̹͋̇̏̑̋̒͊̅̍͊̑̐̕M̸̧̩͓̥͕̗̺̤̩̹͍̹̠͗̿̆͐͌̆͘͝ͅĘ̸̣̪̦͙̭̭͖͖̣̈́̈́͐̄̆̌̚͜B̵̤͎̳̻̩̭̖͈̮̺̹̂̄͐͑̒̀̒̉̉̈́̂͊Ơ̸̢̨̺̬̟̫̝̰̺̮̘̯̥̯̊̃̆̎̔̑̈͗͒̕͜͠Ḍ̷̢̛̛͓̰͇̰̮͈̋̂̒̽͝Ẏ̸̧̮̮̙͉̭͔̰̲̲͕̚̚ ̵̨̲̘̪̩̘͖͋̓̿̐̂̇̔̕͜͝ͅḨ̶͓͕̲̯̣̠̤͍̲͈̰͘E̶̢͖̣͇͉͖͍̺̞̹̼̔̔̆̓̌Ļ̶̡̑̚͜P̴̳̑̿̓͋͐̔̑͊͊̏̉̾̅͘͝ ̵͚̥̪̣̬͉̲͉̥̓̑̉̑M̷̧̜̱̯̙͓͇͆͂͗Ę̸̡̜͎͇͕̗͖̜͚̲̼̺͗̿̆͋͆̔͊̇́̽͆̓̚͝ ̴̯͍̖͑͂̚Ǫ̴̬̪̳͈̘̟̖̹͚͉̫͙̯͈̐͒́͘͝H̶̖̮̺͖̺͔̟̪̲̣̪̱̻͌͒̋̓͒̏̇̑͂͋͗̑͛͠ͅ ̸̖̩̯̪̔̂͆͒̚͘͜ͅG̸̟̺̈Ȯ̷̠̼̳͎̦̙̙̙̗͙̺͎̰̂͗̈́̊̈͊͆D̷̹͉̀̅́͊̈́̾͆̓̈̉͌͋̿̕
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#// protagonists catastrophe#// eleazar the sacrificial lamb#// mirror meet up rexer/eleazar int. event!
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> "Wh... What does this mean? Is this a sm-smear campaign...?! L-Leave my picture out of this..!!"
#// protagonists catastrophe#// eleazar the sacrificial lamb#// were so back chat. send asks or die(tm)#// jk. but texer will be back soon i promise
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> "Hey! Don't give it that!!"
Eleazar takes the object away from the little rodent, quick to pocket it and set the creature on the ground.
> "H-Hurry on out of here little guy..."
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Eleazar, do you live with Warren? How is it like?
> "I-It is a nice... I get to walk home with him almost every day. He let's me sleep in the spare guest room."
He won't admit it, but the man was very wealthy and generous. Being picked up from the streets and relocating somewhere warm and inviting was a rejuvenating experience.
> "He let's me stay as long as I contribute to the house chores... So... cleaning up the house, laundry, and even cooking meals! I even get an allowance!"
While he looks happy, sometimes it's not the best at Warren's home. The blonde had to go on multiple business trips lately, and it never helped that he always seemed to come back with new scars. The worse one was around his eye.
He doesn't understand why he misses him so much when he's gone. That or he's deep in the closet to not realize he misses Warren.
> "I just pray he makes a safe trip home..."
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So if you exist, then there has to be different timelines (/universes) of yourself, right?
Maybe there's a universe where nothing traumatic happened to you.
> "While yes, there are universes of me, there is none that results in a 'happily ever after'. Nothing of that sort exists."
His voice seems to distort at that last bit. Something that reveals deception.
> "All of my predecessors, regardless of time, meet one fate. We are "promoted", we are forsakened, and we become the [-PROTAGONIST-]. There is no other ending."
His voice becomes heavily distorted once again. More lies, but even if that was the case, [-COWORKER-] would have found this timeline by now.
There is no happy alternative universe.
There is no way to change fate.
There is nothing for Rexer Eleazar.
It is to be ordained that way as so.
> "I suppose it wouldn't hurt to give you all a taste. I'll only allow this special access to prove my point."
A rift has opened. A special one at that. One I to a distant past. One that will reveal his story once and for all.
An all to familiar elevator. An all too familiar man standing alone in the elevator.
> "Go ahead. Try and change his mind. See what good it'll do. You can't help him."
The elevator shakes violently, causing the man to tumble to the ground and look around panicked. Once it stops, the newbie shudders before checking the elevator buttons.
They don't seem to be working for the moment. Perhaps he should call Manuel once again for his help?
> "Th-This hasn't happened before... why now...?"
>> Eleazar is now available for asks!
#// protagonists catastrophe#// eleazar - the sacrificial lamb#// new beginnings - rp#// oOoOoOo event stuff oOoOoOo
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Eleazar! You seem better than last time
What got you so happy?
> "Ah! W-Well... it's just something simple..! Today I got a nice bouquet of flowers from Warren!!"
He moves himself and his rolling chair, revealing a basket bouquet under the desk. He pulls it out, revealing all the flowers inside. Sunflowers, blue hydrangeas, white roses, lavender, and red roses. Though, some of them appear to have their thorns intact.
But planted in the center is one flower. Surrounded by its colorful counterparts. A singular anemone.
> "It was a surprise, but I was really happy to get something from the front desk today. I think today is the anniversary Warren and I became good friends."
He hesitates for a moment before looking the flowers over. Again, he feels that heat creeping up his cheeks, a small tint of red as he admires the flowers with no clue of their meanings.
> "Mmmh... I still miss him, but I hope he comes home soon. I want to repay his kindness one day."
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tf is YGGDRASIL bro huh
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soulless. soulless beyond belief.
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oh.. oh maybe we shouldn't have done that... oh...
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Perhaps someone out there will be willing to help rewrite this fate of yours.
> "I don't know... I mean, if I'm like this in the future... Who would be willing to visit me?"
> "I can't time travel... and I can't write letters to anyone I don't know... I'm too stupid to work my own computer at times... but... maybe there's other time keepers? O-Or people...?"
> "But... there's possibilities that I'll change. My life could be different... I don't want to leave Warren's side as a result... Can't he follow me too? I don't even see him here..."
> "I have only ever met two versions of myself... and they think poorly of me... One of them seemed like a time keeper... but the other...? He was a monster... he looked like a monster... both of them had a strange violet scheme..."
> "What should I do? What CAN I do...?"
> [9/10]
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how do you know that? you weren't one. it's gross how little you are capable of empathizing with people. you spit on people who suffer in similar ways you did with problems like ones you had. all because what, you can't let go of your stupid feelings about yourself?
tw: religious trauma and implied grooming, read at your own caution
> "No one. And I mean NO ONE has suffered like I have. Those other protagonists are LUCKY to have better fates than I."
> "At least most of them had normal lives. They weren't forced to give up bigger dreams by thier families. They weren't forced into a manipulative cult, who treats you as thier object of lustful temptation. They can look other men and women in the eyes, yet I always see through them."
> "Most certainly, they weren't abandoned by the only person that they ever treated them right. I would never wish my fate upon other protagonists... I hope that never happens, believe me. You make me sound deplorable when there's far worse than a simple time keeper with a rocky past."
> "But you don't care about me or my past. You show no empathy for people like me. I learned the only way out was to disregard my last shred of humanity. I despise Rexer Eleazar for his weaknesses. I despise Bartholomew's cowardice. If he refuses to come back, that is not my problem. He can find a better place than here. It's not like he was using it anyways. Ungrateful bastard."
You feel sick, the way the other pulls up your past, your entire life uprooted right in front of you. The mention of the cult... how they treated you, how they wanted to use you... it makes you instinctively curl up defensively. Squeezing your arms tightly around yourself, you only look more terrified at his expression.
It's cold. Dead cold.
Scooting yourself into the further corner, you frantically shake your head, burying into your knees. You hate him. You hate how he speaks, how he so easily disregards others while promoting his own on a high pedestal.
> "I-I'm not... I'm not like that! I'm not like that at all...!!"
> "I-I don't want to change into this horrible beast... h-help me..!! Someone... a-anyone...!! Warren...!!"
Unwarranted memories flood back into your mind. You can't help but cry and start banging your fists against the wall. You're never one to hit things... you feel so much... rage.
Hatred for yourself.
Another sin to add to the list.
> [8/10]
#// protagonists catastrophe#// eleazar the sacrificial lamb#// mirror meet up rexer/eleazar int. event!
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Perhaps you could be able to... rewrite your fate. I am unsure of a way to do that though, but it is a possibility. Not all fates are linear, after all.
> "M-My fate?"
> "If my fate is to become... this person... then... then there has to be a way out! I-I can change it, but what should I change...?"
You ponder the impossible. What is it that you could change to avoid becoming the man you are today? There's so many options, but what will have the most impactful? You don't want to become a time keeper. You just want to be with Warren for the rest of your life... You want to make him proud of you. Your other self looks so... lonesome. Does he too have a Warren by his side?
> [7/10]
#// protagonists catastrophe#// eleazar the sacrificial lamb#// mirror meet up rexer/eleazar int. event!
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