#older fractions of NYC
||Rulers of NYC; a new chapter begins||
~~Reserved Conquerors AU with @demon-blood-youths ~~
A lot of things have changed ever since the fractions of NYC has finally taken over NYC. Many of the sections have been ruled over by the devils of each one from the many different houses that watches over the people. It's goes without saying, a lot has changed in NYC. Many wouldn't really remember what it was before the fractions took over ruling over the people.
Even with them being teenagers years ago, now the fractions are older young adults ruling the city.
Even the devils were watching this with their heirs now representing their houses. The people didn't seem to mind that.
Well, being ruled over by the head family households that is. Everyone has a section they are keeping watch over so we will go to one that seems to be active or to say in short two.
"You know, I was not expecting this happening today. But I guess this works none the less. At least Yuki and Vanity are keeping a eye on how we do this! I think were are doing just fine!" a woman looks down while seeing the people growing nervous hearing her. Though, they see her keeping a look out while seeing the people. Her red yellowish eyes glowing from the thought, seeing this. She wore the head household bloodline badge showing she was head of the cursed hellish panther family.
"Hey Ink!!! What do you think we should do after this? Find new people to add into our houses or something?" she said laughing.
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bunny-banana · 3 months
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in the version of Ghosts that lives in my head, this is Mike and Alison on vacation in NYC vidcalling back home (they set up a whole construction for a phone in the ball room that's always charging and without screen lock so Julian can answer easier). It's been precisely 48 hours since they've left Britain and everyone's missed them terribly. Alison tells them about their journey and shows them impressions of New York on vidcall. Both the younger ghosts who were familiar with what a metropolis NYC is, as well as the older ghosts who weren't, are a bit in awe and feel maybe just a fraction more alive for a moment.
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another education rant under a readmore so i don't drive you all insane :)
talking about nclb being the sole reason "gen alpha can't read" literally makes zero sense to me. i grew up with the effects of nclb. like i can read. (big caveat there disclaimer!!! i am not every child. i could also go on about older gen z's media literacy & critical thinking skills but i won't.) but now the effects of nclb are so much more concentrated than when i was in school. social studies and science are now a tiny fraction of the k-6 school day which makes me heart sad.
adult illiteracy has been an issue for a really long time. incarcerated children are most likely to be illiterate or be years behind their peers. these are not new problems. the "balanced" literacy shit is a big problem in districts that serve historically marginalized students. for example, iirc, oakland, california has yet to adopt, as a district, explicit phonics instruction, despite pressure. this was a big issue in nyc as well up until recently. the issue compounds if children miss school for whatever reason, which is a problem in some districts for certain populations. lack of transportation, family issues, illness, gang violence, etc.
phonics instruction isn't enough. phonics instruction isn't enough when we don't give students the prior knowledge they need in order to understand wtf it is that they're reading. being able to decode isn't enough. while any phonics curriculum worth its salt will have exercises to help students show they actually understand the text they're reading, it deeply bothers me that we have a wealth of research that shows background knowledge (in science, social studies, cultural understanding, etc.) trumps decoding skills that aid comprehension.
idk what's going on with gen alpha and younger members of gen z. but i think it extends beyond "they didn't get phonics instruction bc of nclb!!!!" 🙄 the level of apathy we're seeing has been building for probably 20 years, which tracks with the passing of nclb. students don't care anymore. parents do not care. teachers do not care. why should they? tbh. Lol. everything sucks.
i will end my dissertation here BUT i think it is complicated. and if i see another tiktok that simplifies the science of reading into a five second clip i'll lose my mind. idk if anything i wrote makes any sense either
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resmarted · 1 year
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one of the perks of this work is meeting people with interesting stories and personalities and learning about these fascinating love stories. so many women who have been scorned by previous men in their lives meet one that changes the game and make them believe in love again.
can't stop thinking of one older woman recently who was so sweet and said i don't know if this is tmi but when we're intimate together i've never felt more beautiful in my life than when i'm with him. i felt so happy for her and wanted to cry.
one woman was a writer in her 70's living in an apartment she bought in nyc like a single sex and the city character and had this tumultuous relationship with a guy who chose a woman with money over her when they were in their 50's who "castrated him" according to her. now as the wife is dying or maybe passed, he is still in love with her. she said she isn't interested and likes her independence and besides, he is a catch for new york bc all these younger women want an older man with money, but he still calls her and wants to be with her again. it was a really intriguing reminder that life doesn't end for several decades longer than you think and people evolve and change so much over time. i told her he has really been learning some big lessons over the last couple of decades and was going to do everything he could to convince her to go back with him so they could live out the rest of their lives together in the country. i think about her all the time.
this is also very exhaustive work. it involves talking nonstop for hours on end and does a number on your voice. it is a performance on it's own, albeit sincere in nature, at least for me. i can't pretend one way or the other and imagine people who do must be so much more tired from their own performances faking it the whole time.
as much as i am not interested in doing this for the rest of my life, i do like a lot of aspects to it. specifically these older women who find hope in love again and being able to see the way men truly do change for the better.
i just don't know that i have the stamina to keep this going forever and am mostly just in it because it's considered the family business at this point.
i am considered very good at what i do but feel like a fraud in the sense that i was born into this and sort of just tumbled into doing it as a last ditch effort for employment. other people who enter this business spend a lot of their time and energy to build up their skills and respond to their own calling for this work. my mom had a very specific calling to do this whereas i tend to treat it like flipping burgers at a drive-thru. it can often feel like grunt work and nothing more than a day job.
that being said, i still don't know what my Calling is. i can never truly care about any one specific thing for long enough. i like to hold babies and make people laugh and sing sad little songs but i wouldn't say any of it is my One True Passion.
it's also hard to take the things you like and turn them into work. once they become commercialized efforts the weight of participating in it can feel very different.
i am scared all the time and never know what direction my life is going or if i even have a clear path of my own. life is very frightening in a myriad of ways and this world is so hell bent on making us lick boots for small fractions of the cost of living. i hate it and want to fight it but am also very tired and undereducated. i once felt i could inspire the masses to revolt but lately i want to hide in a cave and remain unseen for the rest of my days.
it will probably all be fine.
anyway. love you bye
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jjjjabberwocky · 1 year
out of context rtbao (jerah) lore
jerah forgets what his name was b4 he lied and said Jerah. When ppl try to look in his head there’s just a black spot where it should be (and it appears to be growing)
the Flanders Phoenix went back in time and stopped the entire story from ever beginning. Probably
Jerah has beef with the state of California
shrike burps in Jerah’s face on purpose to make him throw up
Jerah bruised a rib and consequently outed himself as trans to everyone. Nobody cared
Jerah fooled a bunch of old people into thinking that his phone was a bomb
The leviathan exists as a fictional story within Jerah’s universe, hence Montag Number 4
Montag Number 4 is first assumed to be human, then a shapeshifter, and is finally revealed to be a robot
shrike does not have a “default” body. It’s very difficult for it to maintain a static form, esp as it gets older
Jonah can’t read
the Flanders Phoenix offered Jonah a fraction of her ability to exist outside of time. He knows what tiktok is
Jerah has a plot important days long dream about being a hawk stuck in somebody’s basement
Jerah messes up a time traveling mission and lands them in Montreal circa 2009
Jerah attended (accidentally walked into) a pro-life rally with Shrike in NYC
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don-daygamerz · 3 years
Midnight Bite
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Billy Russo x Rich!Mysterious!Reader
Summary: Billy Russo gets a taste of the Duchess of Mystery and he can't get enough of it. The devilish billionaire heiress and New York's finest bachelor/CEO have themselves a thrilling and erotic night.
Warnings: Rated 18+, pure smut, unprotected sex, oral sex, spanking, mention of nudity, pure description of erotica/sex, swear words.
Word Count: 5.0K
New York City was bustling and buzzing in the dark of the night, not a single star in the sky as the vibrant and fluorescent lights of NYC filled the entire city polluting the sky and diminishing the view of the sky’s glittering freckles. Tonight was a special occasion just like any other night, especially for this young, dashing CEO. Former Marine, First Lieutenant, now one of New York’s wealthiest bachelors, William Russo, or Billy for short, is at work but in the eyes of the attendees, a fellow rich man ‘enjoying’ this lackluster gala. Billy and his company, ANVIL, were here for an important assignment or rather contract deal for providing security as well as safety for these guests.
Billy walked away from the center of the ‘ballroom’ floor; the gossiping anorexics and gold diggers, leering old and married men, trust fund brats, sketchy old money folks, judgmental mothers and aunts, and so on; Billy felt nauseated being surrounded with the types of crowds the first class consisted of these days. It felt like being in a TV drama. But these kinds of people pay him a lot of money for his company’s service.
The party also had a couple of strange guests here and there…they looked pale, some gothic vibes going about from their taste in fashion.
But he couldn’t help with how his attention was drawn towards a certain but familiar temptress. She wasn’t just the center of his attention but everyone else’s. She just walked through those doors and BAM! It was like the entire party was drawn to her. Men, old, young, married, or divorced, were lusting for her attention; the model-worthy women couldn’t help but be envious; older women craved to have just a fraction of that beauty, and the frat trust fund boys just wanted a piece of that sweet ass.
Billy couldn’t keep his dark lustful eyes off her, the way she had walked through those doors in that sinful dress; deep down he wanted to tear it off her and ravage the hidden masterpiece that was her gorgeous body. The off-shoulder dress was red satin that dragged through the marble floor like a mermaid’s tail, so elegant and with such grace. She had put up her soft (h/c) hair in an elegant bun, fitting for a formal occasion.
The dress suited her, it really did. The fabric was snug and clinging to her curves. The red dress wasn’t the only thing that made her stand out though, her jewelry added the charm to it all. Covered in the most precious diamonds around her elegant neck and soft slender fingers. And in she walked through the crowd in a pair of black strap stiletto heels with poise and with each step leaving a soft click. Billy could just imagine having her down on her knees in nothing but her diamond necklace and her little black stilettos as she choked on his cock.
Many of the people in the crowds began to gossip about the ‘newcomer’. Well, she wasn’t really a newcomer, just a mystery…and that’s what left people interested, they wanted to know her…wanted all her dirt…who exactly was she? No one knew much about her except the fact that she and her family-owned, and worked in a top-rated corporate company in the medical industry that specialized in hematology, ophthalmology, dermatology, gynecology, cardiology, neurology, organ transplantation works, pharmaceuticals, and cells research. But they championed in hematology compared to other companies. They were in high demand not only in The US but the entire world. It was also one of the oldest corporations in history.
The young lady in red stopped at the bar to order her poison, “I’ll have a martini,” she told the bartender. She then leaned her back against the edge of the marble countertop observing the party-goers. Her (e/c) orbs trailed over the familiar faces she had met and done her research on. A girl’s gotta come prepared in this kind of lifestyle. Not too long was she confronted with the presence of a wretched and vexing person that she wasn’t subtle in expressing her animosity towards them.
“My, my, I’m surprised to see you here, (Name). I thought the Ţepeș family were nonconformist especially the idea to mingle in social gatherings,” Tiffany Augustus, a young woman in her late 30s spoke. “And a good evening to you, Mrs. Augustus. I didn’t know you were invested in my family. But I’m quite flattered you have Ţepeș family close in mind. It just warms my heart to know you hold them in high regard,” she responded back with a condescending smile with her hand over her left breast which irked Tiffany.
(Name) Esmeray Ţepeș…a saint to the public and a duchess of mystery to the rich class.
“Well, we’re all just curious about the stance of your family. Here everybody knows everybody. Is it wrong to make an innocent assumption? Last I heard you’ve been building more homes here and there, and giving to the poor and orphans, then providing free healthcare services down to the orphanages…so noble of you, I must say. I’d think you’re trying to make us look bad.” Tiffany said out of hate. Now what was wrong with that you may ask? Tiffany Augustus was married to Raymond Augustus whose family specialized in medicine as well. Closely to pediatrics, that was where they profited the most from. So when (Name) decided to introduce affordable healthcare services to youths and families, it heavily hindered their competitor’s pediatrics department. Now families, clinics, and many other hospitals were cutting off their deals with Augustus.
“I didn’t know it was a crime to do the right thing especially when it put your husband’s company at risk of say perhaps….bankruptcy? Corruption? Loss of investors?” (Name) mocked Tiffany and that left her fuming inside with rage. She really thought she could corner her and gain the upper hand. The bartender came and passed in her order. She picked up the martini and took a small sip. No spill, no stain. She then looked down at her glass as she spun a manicured finger round the rim in contemplation. Before giving the finishing blow.
“All in all, Tiffany I was just doing what I was meant to do, helping people. You should try it sometime…might help erase some of those nasty ‘rumors’ of you spending more than your husband’s donations, even when you bought that sinking island instead of helping donate to the disaster relief over at Texas…yikes,” the young Ţepeș slightly smirked at her. Tiffany just gasped out of shock and embarrassment, she was furious but speechless. Having enough she turned and walked away. People turned to their companions and colleagues to gossip about the scene they had witnessed and some had chuckled at the Augustus woman’s predicament. Another thing people were aware of was that you don’t ever mess with (Name) Ţepeș.
‘Finally, some peace…’ (Name) thought and turned back to the bar.
“Now that was satisfying to watch,” a dark sultry voice came behind her as the owner of said voice now stood beside her.
“It was satisfying for everyone,” she said back.
“True, but that’s because you out of everyone know how to make her shut up,”
“And how can I be of service to New York City’s most dashing bachelor?” she spoke in a fake gushing tone as she turned her head to him and gave him one of her famous smiles. Their eyes met. Billy smirked as his gorgeous dark orbs raked down her beautiful body.
“Red suits you,”
“As it should, but you didn’t come here to compliment my dress now did you?”
“Do I really need an excuse just to be graced in your presence?”
“I guess not,” she answered back as Billy leaned in closer, his chest touching her right arm and with his left arm wrapped around her from behind, his was now hand close to her crotch.
“Now tell me why you didn’t accept my invitation back then?” he nearly growled at her.
“I was busy, you of all people should understand that. My priorities are my work and my clients,”
“And I appreciate that, but I’m losing my mind over this game of cat and mouse,” he gave a sexy smirk at his statement.
Billy Russo, CEO, and founder of ANVIL which was a private military contractor, first met the young Ţepeș over a year ago when she was adjusting her move to New York from London. Billy was having lunch with a potential client alongside a colleague of his that just happened to be Lady Ţepeș herself. Ever since he set his eyes on her, the chase began. And boy did he like how stubborn she was in dismissing his not-so-subtle advances. It made the chase all the more exciting and made him crave for more.
Never in Russo’s life did he ever lust over one woman for a long time. But honestly, what other woman could ever compare to (Name) Esmeray Ţepeș? It’s been more than a year, and since meeting her, he’s been unsuccessful in bedding her.
“What’s it got to take for you to at least meet me....” he leaned his face close, so close she could feel the prickle of his beard and even his warm breath hit her face, minty, ”halfway…you could grant me that pleasure after all that torture of running after you.”
“And what is it my darling prince requests from me? Perhaps a kiss?” she may have offered.
He leaned even closer and whispered to her, “I was thinking a little more of a compensation gift for my friend down below. Let’s test how long that red lipstick of yours can last.”
She laughed as she smacked her hand against his chest, moving back slightly but not breaking from his embrace. Billy just smiled as he enjoyed hearing her laugh. But in all truth, he really was serious. I mean, how hot it would be for her down on her knees sucking him off and then cumming all over her pretty face, mouth wide open, and well-endowed breasts.
“You are insatiable,” she said while chuckling as she played with his tie. “You really lack a filter, you know that,” she added.
“Yet you seem to find joy in it. Do you deny that?”
She looked back at him, “I don’t.” Pulling him close by his tie, she then whispered to him, “But I hate to break it to you…”
Oh man, was she really going to deny him again?
“But my red lipstick…” she smacked and licked her lips in gesture, “…are smudge-proof. NYX soft matte lip cream never fails me.”
Billy chuckled at her explanation about her choice of makeup but she did not stop.
“Then again…I can’t refuse such a tantalizing request,” her voice grew sultry and dripping with want. This got Billy smiling.
“My place or yours?” he asked.
“Yours. I live far from the city,”
“And what makes you think that I don’t?” he smirked.
“You seem the type to live in a large penthouse, hence within the city…Now excuse me while I head over to talk with my colleagues,” she tried to leave but Russo had gently grabbed her arm back to pull her in. “Why don’t you and I just leave this place now?” Billy really wanted to take her right now.
She smiled and said to him, “A tempting choice but we both have work to do. You have to secure this place while I have to mingle with my colleagues and investors. Don’t worry won’t be long now.”
He let her go and watched as her hips swayed left and right. He doesn’t want her to leave but he sure enjoys how her ass looks as she walks away. Damn, he was feeling lucky tonight. Billy couldn’t keep the smile off his face until he reverted back to boss mode to focus on his assignment.
3 hours 15 minutes later…
The charity gala was long and hectic, with all the speeches, dedications, toasts, and extravagant meals. As usual, (Name) Ţepeș placed a huge donation for the sake of improving the living standards of orphans and better provision of good meals. This did not go without notice from Billy. He was familiar with (Name)’s generosity towards orphans, fostered children, sick children, single mothers, and the homeless. That was one of the main things about her that made him drawn towards her. Despite being a billionaire, old money in fact, she was selfless, caring, respectful, and generous to those in need.
Billy had done his job and he stuck by his client’s contract. There were no unauthorized break-ins, no disruptions, no harm came to the guests. The party went smoothly. Now that it was all over, Billy had all his employees lock up ANVIL and head back home.
(Name) went to grab her fluffy white coat and sat on one of the couches in the lounge area. Not long did she have to wait as she heard a pair of footsteps headed in her direction. “Ready to go?” he offered his hand to her which she accepted. He had pulled her up from the couch and brought her close to him.
“I cannot wait to get you out of that dress,” he growled at her in pure lust.
“Just try not to tear it,” she smirked.
“No promises.”
She laughed at his response. He offered his arm to her which she looped and held close towards her bosom. Billy was a gentleman as he helped her in the car and as he drove he couldn’t help running a free hand over her thigh. He so badly wanted to finger her pussy while he drove, have her squirming in the car seat, pump in and out till she came on his long fingers…but she wore a dress without a slit…..fuck.
They had made it to his building in record time. As soon as the elevator doors closed, Billy immediately grabbed her and slammed her to the wall. Kissing and biting from her collarbone to her earlobe. He softly kissed below her ear and he released such hot words, in a deep, dark, dulcet tone, “I’m gonna destroy you…and have you begging for me…and only me.”
“Is that a promise? Or are you just all talk and no action?” the Ţepeș girl taunted him playfully. She had finally relented in letting him ravage her body, so there better be no regrets in her decision. (Name) wanted this as much as Russo did.
Her question caused Billy to grab at her face and slightly squeezed. He looked down menacingly at her then smirked lustfully before devouring her soft red coated lips. He had her caged in, chest to chest, one hand groping her plump ass and the other caressing her face. So harsh their lips melded together, Billy managed to shove his tongue in and explore her delicious mouth. He could taste her…she must have had strawberry flavored mint. Fuck was she delicious.
Their tongues then wrestled one another as if fighting for dominance. Drool started dripping down the corner of (Name)’s mouth. They pulled away. Their noses touching each other and their eyes so focused on the other. (Name) smiled, “The rumors were true then…” she breathed heavily from that hot make-out. Billy looked at her confused and at the same time wary of her next answer.
“What rumors?” he’d asked.
“That you’re a really good kisser….Now I’m really excited to see what that tongue of yours can do,” she said in a pleasing tone. This made the man beam with utmost pride from the statement she gave. It really inflated his ego. The elevator doors opened to his floor and with that, Billy pulled (Name) to his door quickly entering. (Name) walked and looked around his penthouse taking in the décor while Billy came behind her and started kissing her neck, nibbling here and there, making sure to mask her entire neck with hickies. He really felt the need to make his mark. She was finally in his grasp.
“Nice place you got here,” she complimented. But he was too busy rubbing his crotch against her ass, his dick getting harder. “What? Oh yeah…but enough talk more stripping,” he mumbled erratically, desperate to feel her naked skin. The (h/c) haired woman laughed at his needy demand. Pulled away from him, she turned and started her strip. If she was gonna strip, why not make it at least tasteful for him. Show him what exactly he’s in for. Her white coat was thrown somewhere on the couch, she then started removing her jewelry but Billy stopped her, “Wait, wouldn’t you like it if I fucked you in nothing but those precious diamonds of yours?”
“Oooh kinky, I like that. But how about we save it for next time? These diamonds don’t exactly come cheap, you know. I had to find them from a special seller…paid handsomely for it…so sorry, darling,”
“That’s fine by me…but wait next time?” he asked interested, ‘is there gonna be a next time?’ Mischief and coy swimming in his dark eyes.
“That is if you manage to…oh how you say…rock my entire world. You up to the task?” she taunted playfully at him as she unchained and unbuckled her beloved diamonds and set them aside on the coffee table. “Haha, oh I’m gonna rock your entire world, alright. Rock it so hard that your sweet pussy is filled to the brim…” he took off his dark coat, his tie, unbuttoned his shirt, “…your ass so red and bruised…” he unbuckled his belt, “…cum all over your chest and tits…” he finally pulled down his pants along with his boxers causing his long, hard dick to bounce up. Tall, hard, thick, and dripping with pre-cum, she couldn’t help licking her lips she drank in the erotic scene right in front of her. This did not go unnoticed by Billy and he by far enjoyed how aroused she appeared.
Those magazine covers and photoshoots really did no justice for Mr. Russo here. He was a true living Adonis. “Would you mind unzipping for me, I can’t seem to reach,” she begged him sweetly. He moved to unzip her dress from the back and after, she had turned to him and took a step back to give him a little show. Swift fingers moved to push the top of the dress down which revealed her two glorious round bosoms. Her nipples hardened as the cold air came in contact with them. Down the dress went to the floor until she was left in her heels and black lace underwear. Fuck did that make Billy’s cock throb.
She kicked away the dress and wrapped her arms around Billy and said these words that triggered the beast inside of him, “I’m yours. So fuck me.” His arms quickly grabbed her legs as he carried her to the kitchen counter and sat her on it. Back to kissing like their life depended on it, they had both realized that they enjoyed the feel of each other’s lips on one another. And as they kissed, Billy’s hands felt they were possessed as he grabbed, groped, scratched, and caressed every inch of (Name)’s body. He certainly enjoyed kneading her breasts and when he pinched her delicate nipples, (Name) couldn’t help the squeaks and moans coming out of her. Billy got riled up from the sweet sounds that she emitted. He loved that he was the reason for making her scream in pleasure.
Quickly the panties were torn from her but she did not care one bit. Her pussy now exposed to the world, wet and so tight, it hurt slightly as it was begging to be stuffed, to be filled, to be destroyed. Billy bent down and shoved his face down her crotch, his tongue now in the works as it flicked and flicked…hard.
“Fuck, ha ha, I was right…uhh!…about that…gah!...tongue of yours!” she could barely form a sentence while she held on tight to his dark hair with legs crossed behind him to pull him closer. He groaned at her intense pulling, his cock getting even harder. His eyes turned to look up at her. (E/c) eyes closed, mouth panting, sweat dripping down her forehead, then one of her hands ran up her chest to grope and rub her right breast. Billy watched as her head tilted upwards along with her back arching and her hand playing with her right breast. As he played, licked, and sucked at her clit, she added more to her pleasure when she began groping her large supple breast and pinching her sweet hardened nipples.
The kitchen was filled with a euphoric atmosphere. Grunting sounds and moans bounced off the expensive walls of Russo’s lavish kitchen. As Billy devoured (Name), the more she got aroused and the more she got close to the edge of impending orgasm. ‘Not yet,’ she thought when she felt close. She needed him inside her. Now and fast.
The CEO’s head was pulled away from her pussy, forced to look up at the beloved temptress, she spoke, “As much as I love being eaten out…I need you inside me……now,” she’d growled her demand like a bitch in heat. Billy chuckled at her attitude which he couldn’t deny….was so sexy. Everything she did and said really turned him on even added a throb and a twitch to his phallus friend.
“So demanding…” he stood up with arms her sides, leaning close. So much lust swam in those hypnotizing dark orbs. “Just want to savor…” kissing from her abused neck, “…every piece…” to her collarbone, “…of you…” to her chest (boy, did she smell good…daisy? lavender? coconuts?), “…I’ve waited a long time to finally have you…” Billy then finally reached to bite at one of her hard nipples, sucking and licking it. This made (Name) groan and her pussy to start tingling.
After that, Billy lifted her off the countertop and carried her straight to his bedroom. The real fun was about to begin. He threw her on his bed which caused not only her body to bounce but also her tits. Up and down they went, Billy couldn’t help but salivate at the sight of them. She giggled at the look on his face and decided to run her hands over her breasts, “You like what you see?” she asked in a sultry and intoxicating voice, giving her breasts a squeeze and push them close. Billy just smiled and crawled over her body, his cock now rubbing against her folds. He looked down at her, “You really are naughty when you’re horny. Could have mistaken you for a succubus,” he joked.
That made her laugh, “You never know. I could be a wolf in sheep’s clothing…” she dragged a finger under his bearded chin then up to his lips which in turn made him open to suck on her perfectly manicured finger. She moved to sit up to try and unbuckle her strap heels throwing them somewhere in the room without a care. Moving her body to lay her head on the pillows, she lifted her head to look at him with a smirk on her swollen red lips and then spread her legs far apart. Her fingers delved at her clit then spread her folds to further expose her lovely dripping hole.
“I’m waiting,” she said in a sexy voice but with obvious impatience.
“Such a needy little whore,” he growled at her.
Quickly he flung himself at her and had thrown her legs over his shoulder, and without warning plunged deep inside her sacred pussy causing (Name) to gasp in pleasure.
“Fuck!” she moaned aloud. “You really are packing.” That statement made Billy grin. Back and forth he went, his hard cock dragging against her wet walls. Her pussy gripped and tightened against his massive cock making Billy groan at the amazing feeling of her wrapped around him. He watched while he fucked her as she clutched hard on the bedsheets, her large tits bouncing up and down with sweat in between. Fuck was she gorgeous, with her tits exposed, panting and moaning, and his throbbing dick going in and out of her pussy.
He slammed into her hard and was now gaining speed, but he was not yet ready to cum. Not yet. He pulled out which caused her to whine.
“Uhhh…I thought you wanted to cum inside me,” she mewled at him. He bent down to kiss her.
“And I will…Now turn over and lift that pretty ass for me,” he ordered her which she complied. As soon as her bum was in the air, Billy aligned the tip of his penis on her folds teasing her. He then started slapping his cock on her clit and pussy making (Name) whimper in desperation.
“Beg for my cock,” he growled from behind.
“Put it in,”
“Ow! Ha ha ha,” she giggled as he slapped her plump ass hard making it jiggle.
“I said beg,” It was obvious he didn’t need to repeat again. So (Name) decided to be his little submissive whore, she didn’t mind that at all. Not one bit.
“Please fuck me, sir…I need your cock inside me…so bad,” she mewled in a submissive tone. Billy adhered to her begging and thrust deep into her pink, sopping wet pussy. He drilled into her hard which made her upper body collapse on the bed while her ass was supported by Billy’s hands. With his hands at her waist, he had also dragged her body back and forth, slamming his hips against her ass. He looked down and he could see how well she took him. “You’re so fucking tight,” he said to her feeling giddy at the feeling of her tight pussy. His cock glistened in her sweet juices that were coating it.
Billy fucked (Name) deep and rigorously without stopping. They explored different positions for hours upon hours but the one he enjoyed most was when she rode him like a fucking hot cowgirl. Now Billy lay on his back with his head on the pillow and slightly elevated so he could properly see the magnificent sight right before him….or rather on top of him. This woman, in all of her naked glory, with her supple round tits bouncing in the air, her legs curled at his sides, and finally her pussy squeezing and rubbing his hard cock as she bounced on it. Up and down she went, Billy watched this beautiful and tamed seductress go down on his cock, moaning, gasping, and mewling, “I’m cumming…fuck, I’m cumming!!”
Billy sat up while still inside her constricting pussy to lay her on her back so he could pound into her and cum with her. “Fuck baby, I’m so close,” he jutted his hips fast and hard, his balls slapping against her ass. And not long after did they came, both of them moaning load in their orgasmic high and in total euphoria. She felt him cumming deep inside her desecrated pussy. His semen was hot and she could also feel it to the brim. ‘He really was packing…’ she thought soundly.
Billy pulled out of her sensitive hole, his cock now limp and dripping in their juices. He looked down at her pussy and smirked seeing his semen seep out of her. (Name) sat up as well and looked down. She rubbed at her clit and swiped her fingers over her creamed pussy then brought her cum coated fingers to her lips. She gave a hum in appreciation for the taste.
“Hmmm…you taste good,” she told him exhaustively but pleased. This made the former Marine near hard again and so he grabbed the back of her head to kiss her with much gusto. Their lips melded and their tongues danced with each other. The Ţepeș girl wrapped her arms around Russo’s back as her nipples brushed against his chest. She pulled away and gave a small smile to him, “Well that was fun.”
“It certainly was,” he responded back in truth. Billy Russo really did enjoy his night. Out of all the girls he’s slept with, (Name) Ţepeș was by far the best. In fact, she was way out of their league. And man, can she last long in bed. “How many was that?” he asked her. “We went…around five or six times, I think?” she referred to the number of orgasms they’ve made. “Nice.”
“What time is it?” she asked.
“I’d estimate around 3:30…why? Leaving already?” he didn’t want to sound desperate but he really wouldn’t mind if she stayed for the night.
“You sure I’m not an amazing notch in your bedpost since I’ve been making you chase after me for a long time,” she said teasingly.
“Now who said you’re just a conquest to me?”
“Your reputation?” He just laughed.
“Yeah…but what if it was different? With you?” he asked curiously.
“And what do you mean by that exactly?” she asked him back coyly interested to hear his proposal.
“Say…you…me…dinner, lunch, even breakfast…what I’m trying to say is that I’d like to take to you out…Maybe perhaps make you mine,” he looked at her waiting to hear her answer. He'd hoped she wouldn’t refuse and forget this ever happened because he was sure as hell ain’t never going to forget how he and (Name) shared a passionate and amazing night together.
“Hmm…I have no qualms against it,”
“Is that a yes?” he smiled.
“It is,”
He then dragged her against his chest to lay side by side on his king-sized bed. Pulling up his blanket, he covered both him and (Name), and Billy tucked her in his chest while (Name) curled around him and interlocked her legs with his to find warmth. “Goodnight,” she sweetly whispered to him as she looked up at him. “Night,” he replied back warmly as he leaned in to peck her on her lips. And through the night, sleep had embraced them.
Author's note:
This took me a long time to put together. I really tried my hardest so I hope not to disappoint you. Thank you and enjoy.
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pixiedoodlein · 3 years
I’m so fucking mad that a year and a half into this pandemic I am back to 11th hour debating another year of homeschool. The first stretch of homeschool, in NYC, when the toddler was a baby, and husband was home on unemployment, was good, nice even, a quiet piece of something good when the world outside was falling apart. The next stretch, the Oklahoma stretch, with a particularly climby toddler, husband working 10 hour days, me doing remote contract work, somewhere we had no family around to help w/ childcare, was challenging. I was not always my best self. Some days were delightful, muffins and math games. Other days I was more Miss Trunchbull than Miss Honey, fractions were squeezed in between crying (usually mine) and netflix (way too much of hers), and I held on to any shred of sanity by telling myself “just a little longer, just until the vaccines.”
Well here we are. Husband & I have been vaccinated for months, but the kids aren’t yet. The upstate NY town we moved to is a very small town (pop: 838), was mostly untouched by previous waves. When we got here, I couldn’t understand why everyone was so lax about it- no masks, no panic. Our first day here, when I came home from the market and saw through the window a gaggle of unmasked kids in my living room (the neighbors coming to welcome us, they heard a kid moved in) I almost had a heart attack. In fact, I was so tired from the drive from OKC that for a moment I actually thought I was at the wrong house, that I was hallucinating, because how in the world could there be unmasked bodies in my living room.
Then I started talking to people here. And I realized that the way I thought they were insane for not being deathly afraid of covid, they thought I was insane for being petrified. Because the disease hadn’t hit here; their businesses were destroyed and their kids were out of school (in a rural area with barely functional internet, remote school = a lost year) and their lives were totally fucked up, for a disease that never arrived at their doorstep. I came to understand why they weren’t worried, why here life looked (almost) normal. I told them about what it was like to live somewhere covid tore through, the freezer trucks of bodies on the FDR Drive and my previously healthy 27yld brother so sick with it the first spring he thought he was about to die (but too scared to go to a hospital), my dad’s relative in the next NYC wave on a vent for months and lucky to be alive but may never walk again, the doctors in OKC pleading on the news to please wear a fucking mask because the hospitals were fucking full, and the neighbors stopped thinking I was psycho when I carried extra masks for their kids, and made them put them on, when I took them to town for ice cream. I never stopped masking. But we did indoor dine here (once, BBQ, it wasn’t delicious enough for how anxious I felt) and I did bring all the kids, including my toddler, to a fairly crowded children’s museum in the big (small) city an hour away, where the rest of us were masked but the one with his hands in his mouth, who was all up in other kids’ faces, the one who really should be masked, wasn’t because he won’t leave it on for more than a minute.
Actually it’s a lie to say that I never stopped masking- I have dashed into little stores here, without one, because I’m vaxed! It’s safe here! Covid felt done. We had friends come here to visit this summer. Friends who are vaxed, but that doesn’t seem to really matter enough anymore. We had the neighbors over for meals, indoors (you see, more indoor dining! A minute ago I was just thinking restaurants, but why would plagues only spread in restaurants?). They had us for meals. The girls are a crew, new best friends, making my daughter’s life here so, so much happier, constant sleepovers (their kids were at our house this afternoon; my kid is at their house right now). The parents and grandparents are wonderful, making my life here, and husband’s life here, so much easier, so much better. We help them with stuff, they help us with stuff, there isn’t a day that goes by that we don’t see each other, unmasked. Some of the adults in their household are vaxed; some of the adults in their household are not. The kids are all too young to be vaxed. But it (living, doing shit again, seeing people again) really stopped feeling scary; it really felt like everything was fine, normal-ish, normal-er. The end of the pandemic felt in sight.
I signed my child up for school here. Real school, not mommy school, school with a school bus. She was a little anxious, I had to talk her into it, I sold it hard, I bought her whatever pair of new sneakers she wanted for her new school (she hasn’t had gym class in a year and a half; for a phase in Oklahoma she wore one boot and one sandal every day, why not). She wasn’t anxious about sneakers or covid; she was anxious that maybe she hadn’t learned enough in homeschool (I am not a teacher! I did not homeschool because I am good at it or love it or wanted to, I homeschooled because I was scared of her getting covid at school and dying), that she would be behind. She isn’t behind. I followed the real school curriculum as best I could (as in: sometimes totally and sometimes not at all), and somehow, when I gave her the standardized “real school” test “at the end of the year” (aka the day I couldn’t take it anymore, I had to focus on my work or I wasn’t going to have an income, the day I’d decided we’d done as much as we could and it was time to be done), she sailed through it, this kid is smart. Smart as in needs to be in actual real fucking school to stay smart and learn and reach her potential.
She got excited- one of the neighbor kids is in her grade. The other kid is older- but the school is small, she’d see her tons. She was excited; I was excited. I registered her for school. Her new teacher sent a nice note. We all were excited. She’s never taken the school bus before but the neighbors take it and she’d be fine on the bus with her besties, the bus would pick her up in front of their house since there’s nowhere to turn around up our hill (we are VERY rural), they’d all get on and off the bus together. She has been backpack shopping. We have been discussing what she’ll have for breakfast (honey nut Cheerios), what she wants me to pack for lunch (she says just Goldfish, I say turkey sandwich, we’re working on it).
But now, 18 days before school starts here, I am thisclose to pulling her out, to embarking on another lovely (not), gratifying (not) year of homeschool, because of covid, delta. When we got to our new home in our new tiny town in June, there was no covid here. Now, our county is listed by the CDC as a high transmission area (is there anywhere in the US that isn’t?). 80% of senior citizens here are vaxed; 50% of the total population is, well below the national average. 15 cases per 100,000, in a county of 100,000. I guess this is less rampant than our previous pandemic locales, NYC (currently 25/100K), OKC (49/100K). This is splitting hairs, everywhere is bad. This is what panic does to me: are we better or worse for every decision we’ve made in the past year and a half, every decision that got us here? There are fewer cases here but fewer people and fewer vaccinated people and fewer ICU beds. We aren’t safe even here, but at least we are happy (happy aside from fear of delta death).
I don’t know whether to send my kid to school in 18 days. There will be masks but masks aren’t enough (how many masks do I make her wear? two, ten, a thousand?). This choice feels crazy— in March 2020, when that covid was mostly sparing kids, I yanked her out of school. Now, this covid does hurt kids. How much longer, how many more years, can parents be in this position to make this nightmare choice? What will hurt her more: school or no school? There are vaccines, more than enough in America. We shouldn’t be having to make this choice.
As it is, because of toddler— not because of toddler, because of being a parent to children in a pandemic— my work life, and husband’s, will be severely impacted this year, again. I can’t send him to daycare because he’s too little to leave a mask on (he won’t even leave his pants on!) in a room full of other unmasked toddlers, whose families may or may not be vaxd, may or may not wear masks (there has been a noticeable increase in supermarket mask wearing since we got here, but still not enough, is any of it enough?), may or may not be going to parties and weddings and funerals, daycare providers who may or may not be doing all the same. This means I can only apply to remote jobs, so I can be home with him. Husband has some flexibility, more than he did in OKC, but god forbid he has to work while I have a work call or meeting or work due I didn’t manage to get done at 4am or 11pm when the house is quiet. He can’t bring toddler to work with him, his work is up on scaffold, stenciling ceilings. This will be another year of me muting myself on Zooms while toddler pulls his diaper off and hurls poop at the cat. Would it really be so much harder to also be trying to teach parts of speech to our daughter at the same time? Yes, it would, but I don’t know if I can send my kids back out into the world until they’re vaccinated. I am counting the days, holding my breath, until they can be.
I used to believe in personal choice. I don’t anymore. I want this shit to be mandated, I want the government to line us up and force mRNA into holdouts’ arms, I want it to be required, to be able to function in and interact with and benefit from society in any way, shape, or form. I have been very lucky in the pandemic. Privilege stacked on privilege on privilege, to be fussing over my Zooms in my hamlet. I had been pretty pandemic perky, baking my pies and playing with my pandemic pets and (thinking about) doing puzzles, but I’ve reached my breaking point. This shit could be done, but it’s not, and I’m scared it never will be.
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celestezhao · 3 years
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[Phillipa Soo — 31 — She/Her/Hers] Introducing Celeste Zhao. Word on the street is they are a CHOREOGRAPHER FOR THE METROPOLITAN OPERA, having been around for THIRTY ONE YEARS. Though they are RESERVED and STUBBORN, they can also be CREATIVE and GENTLE. In the chaos of New York City, they’re sure to fit right in. 
Name: Celeste Mei Zhao
Age / D.O.B.: 31 / June 26th, 1990
Gender, Pronouns & Sexuality: Cis female, she/her/hers, and pansexual
Hometown: Queens, NYC
Affiliation: Civilian 
Job position: Choreographer for the Metropolitan Opera
Education: BFA in Dance from Juilliard
Relationship status: ~technically~ Single, though according to the media/the public, she’s dating Sebastían Santana
Children: None
Positive traits: Creative, Gentle, Compassionate, Grounded, Observant 
Negative traits: Reserved, Controlling, Pedantic, Stubborn, Guarded 
The second child to parents who were themselves nearly children, Celeste learned to make due for herself from the time she could walk. It was never expected of her - her parents tried to give her everything they could, but she believed in doing her part from a young age. She never wanted to worry them - and her older sister demanded more attention by nature, anyhow. It was easier to escape into her own world, and, by the time she was six, into the world of dance. 
Her studio in Queens became a second home to her, and as she grew, she did her best to find any excuse she could to spend as many hours as she could at the studio - from volunteering to clean when she was nine, to starting to teach classes on her own by the time she was in high school. It was where she felt most herself - certainly, she did well in school, but there was something different when she went to her studio. She dreamed of attending the School of American Ballet, but it was too expensive, her parents said.
Her older sister continued to dip in and out of her own struggles, but she was always someone who Celeste looked up to an extraordinary amount, someone who was one of her closest friends, and, for her entire childhood, her closest confidant - the one who she told everything, even when she couldn’t tell her parents.
Fortune, it turned out, did work in her favor at times - in the form of a full-ride scholarship to Juilliard for college - a place she’d dreamed of - a place she’d taken the subway to go visit when she was younger. It was there that she decided that although she loved dance itself, she found herself even more drawn to the art of choreography - the ability to create beauty, and to show the world so many different stories… It was a dream come true. It suited her, too - helping others, rather than being the center of attention herself. Giving others all they needed to best succeed. 
After a few years working on some Broadway shows, she finally landed a dream job - Choreographer for the Metropolitan Opera. She was only twenty-six when she started - and she knew that her co-workers sometimes gave her more than a few sideways glances, that perhaps some of them thought that she didn’t deserve the spot, but she’d never thought to mind those sorts of things. Her focus was on what she loved most of all, and once she had enough solid footing, she turned it around, starting working with underserved youth interested in the arts - kids who, like her, might have not otherwise had the possibility of exploring what was still a far too privileged world.
Her work at both the Opera and in activism led her to meet many interesting people - people who she knew that, under any other circumstances, she might have never come across. Including a man who quickly became one of her best friends - which meant that when he needed help, she offered without hesitation. It was only natural. They fit together too well for it to not be. He’d done so much for her, and if she could even give him a fraction of ease of his mind, she knew that she would do so in a heartbeat.
After all, giving back was what she did best. It was second nature to her. 
Childhood friends - if your character grew up in NYC (especially Queens but anywhere can work), they could have known one another. 
People involved in the arts - either patrons or other artists themselves. Especially theater or dance, but Celeste has an incredible appreciation for any and all of it.
Exes - she’s “dating” Sebastían right now, but anything from the past is on the table - break ups could have been pleasant, complicated, or somewhere inbetween. 
People who know Sebastían - there’s dozens of routes to go with this - be they friends of his, people who admire him, people who dislike him… Celeste considers him one of her best friends, so even disregarding that she is dating him, she very much admires and values him as a person, so she’ll never dare speak a poor word about him.
People involved in various activism work - she primarily does it with regards to youth and the arts, but I can make other things work too. So if your character participated (as a teen or younger) in work she’s done, or has helped her, or is someone she’d had to be in contact with, let’s talk!
People in Power (e.g., Wall Street, Government, etc) - simply because they are very different, at least at Celeste’s first outlook - and she doesn’t have much experience with either of those areas of the city, outside of her advocacy work (regarding government characters).
The media - there’s of course the connection with Sebastían, but they also might’ve covered the Metropolitan Opera, and either pieces she’s done or even her, specifically. Or, a character could interview her, if you’d like! :)
More tbd, if there’s anything she’d fit for your character(s), please let me know!! :)
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blaineydays1 · 4 years
So this is Part One of my fanfic about if Kurt wasn’t the only one who kept his promise and went to the corner in NYC after 6 months. What if Blaine showed too? Let me know if I should continue! I’m still new to this haha.
Kurt looked at the cieling of his bedroom. Has it always seemed so bland? Ever since his break up with Blaine, it was as if color had been drained from existence.
‘Why was that?’ Kurt thought silently. Afterall, he was the one who made the decision to part ways. It just seemed like the best idea at the time. They are both so young… but if it were the right thing then why does he feel so empty all of the time? As if half of his existence was pulled out from under his feet.
Kurt looked at his phone, already knowing what day it was. His mind took him back to exactly six months ago. He and his friends had made a vow to meet at their special corner on this day.
Kurt was disheartened that the only notification on his phone was a text from his dad letting him know that he was in DC and couldn’t make it to see him until next week.
If anyone planned on showing up today wouldn’t they text him?
Kurt pushed all his thoughts away and forced himself out of bed. He took a quick shower and skipped breakfast because he was too nervous to even think about eating. He made sure his hair was perfectly done and went to find the exact right outfit for the day.
While scavenging through his wardrobe that was in his bedroom, he decided that nothing there felt right and went to go look at the older clothes he had stashed away in the dresser that Rachel had left when she went to LA. He found a pair of pants that were a right fit for the occasion but was still struggling to find a shirt. He opened the bottom drawer in a last resort effort when he came to a complete stop. One of Blaines favorite bow ties was there in the back of the drawer.
Kurt quickly shut the drawer and decided to wear whatever he could find back in his room.  Picking a shirt was easier now that he felt numb.
Kurt checked the clock over and over throughout the morning and felt his OCD kicking in. He couldn’t wait any longer.
He grabbed his umbrella and ran out of his loft. His mind was running a million scenarios at once. What if no one showed? What if someone did? So much has changed in everyones life in the last six months. He had no idea what to expect.
Kurt got to the corner that he has avoided for so long now. The spot was just a reminder of what once was. A reminder of the past. He clutched his umbrella tighter as the rain poured heavier than before. He avoided looking at his phone. He didn’t want to see how long he’s been waiting in the same spot. Not moving even an inch.
He wondered for a fraction of a second what the people walking past him thought he was doing here, standing in the pouring rain looking as if he were paralyzed and couldn’t move. Maybe they thought he was having some kind of breakdown.
‘Well,’  he thought, ‘they wouldn’t be completely wrong.’
After hours and hours of waiting, Kurt had finally come to the realization that no one would be keeping their promise today. Well, no one except him at least.
Kurt sighed and fought back the tears that were stinging his eyes and blurring his already colorless view. He turned and took three steps before he heard someone call his name.
“Kurt? Is that you?”
Kurt stopped in his place. He didn’t turn around. Not yet. He knew exactly who’s voice that was. It has been his favorite voice for so many years now.
Kurt took another deep breath, holding it in this time as he spun around to see the man standing at the corner.
Blaine had kept his promise.
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Herd Immunity and the Anthropocene
When is getting an infection actually a good or a bad thing? Let’s start by talking about herd immunity. What exactly is it, and why have we been hearing about it so much during the Covid-19 pandemic?
Herd immunity, as described by the CDC, is a situation in which a sufficient proportion of a population is immune to an infectious disease (through vaccination and/or prior illness) to make its spread from person to person unlikely. When a group has a high enough percentage of immunity in its population, transmission becomes increasingly difficult for a disease to spread to even the more immunocompromised members of the community.
Although, herd immunity is obtained at different levels of community immunity depending on the disease. Some highly infectious diseases, such as measles, require about 94% herd immunity to stop community spread. According to the Mayo Clinic, about 70% of the US population would need to have immunity from Covid to stop our current pandemic.
So how do we even get herd immunity? Well, we can achieve herd immunity through two different methods. The first method is infection. Herd immunity can be achieved by having a large amount of the population getting the virus naturally. The downside of this method is that the population has to get sick and recover. Depending on the disease, short or long-term side effects or mortality rate can be very detrimental to the population.
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Germs have most likely existed for around 3.5 billion years (the age of the oldest living organisms, bacteria). Modern humans have only been around for about 130,000 years. Humans have only been around for a fraction of the time diseases have, but they are both a part of nature. However, in response to their presence, humans have developed immune systems that have been a part of a back and forth protecting us from harmful germs. Terrestrial vertebrates such as humans have complex immune systems that have evolved to protect them from new immunological dangers.  Getting sick is a part of life. Diseases have always been a part of nature, and that is especially true of the current time period, the Anthropocene. The Anthropocene is the current geologic age where humans have a substantial effect on their environment. During this time period, the way we interact with nature through contributing to climate change, deforestation, and urbanized lifestyles has increased the likelihood of pandemic-like illnesses to sweep over our communities. Deforestation causes loss of habitat; and with loss of habitat animals will be forced to come into contact with animals they originally wouldn’t have, including humans. This increases the chance for germs to spread to new hosts. Climate change and urbanization are also causing organisms to live closer together, allowing for diseases to spread more easily through communities. So, while diseases are a part of life and nature, occasionally there is one germ that can come around and have a profound effect on society.
I remember the news stories when NYC was first getting taken over by Covid. Medical personnel lacking PPE, hospitals overflowing, using ice trucks to store the deceased, and exhausted nurses and doctors. All of that resulted in just 22% herd immunity. At 22% herd immunity most of the population of NYC is still susceptible to Covid. If natural infection was the only way forward, so many more of NYC’s citizens would die or become severely ill. However, because this happened NYC was quick to understand the importance of instituting mitigating measures to slow the spread of the disease. Andrew Cuomo, the governor of New York, is similar to Rand Paul in that he is in a position that he can implement policies. When Andrew Cuomo, governor of New York, saw what was happening in his state, he used his ability to implement policies to follow scientific guidance surrounding closures, social distancing, masks, etc. As a result, the rates in NYC decreased. Not because of herd immunity, but because of serious measures against Covid. If we look at a different state, such as Florida, that did not take measures against Covid seriously, there were consecutive days in the state where they were having 10,000 to 15,000 new cases a day. This lacking approach to Covid caused thousands of preventable deaths. Even after months of lockdown the US is not close to herd immunity. All of the preventable deaths and long-term health complications that I’m seeing in people are going to continue with the natural spread. This is why the global race for a vaccine is so important.
The second method of reaching herd immunity is through vaccinations. By developing a vaccine for an infectious disease, we are able to reach herd immunity without having to subject our population, community, and families to the side effects and overall awful experience of falling ill. By using widespread vaccinations, we can also protect our most vulnerable members of society, like our loved ones in an older or younger age range, immunocompromised individuals, or those with allergic reactions making them unable to receive vaccines. Herd immunity is a good thing. When we have a disease like Covid, however, natural infection will cause crippling long-term effects in what were healthy people, and hundreds of thousands of preventable deaths. This is why herd immunity is good, but it depends on the method used to obtain it.
Immunity is an important part of preventing diseases in my home. Herd immunity helps me protect my family, friends, and people I come across every day. When paired with vaccines, I am able to protect more people in my community. I have a small child in my home, and older family members who I come into regular contact with. My family (my herd) and I get our vaccines and flu shots every year to help protect those more immunologically vulnerable members of our family. By doing this, my herd is creating a mutually benefiting environment where our personal actions protect those around us. The actions that we take to protect our family also protect the members of our communities and your herd too.
Humans are a part of nature, and so are diseases. Individual actions have a larger inter-connected effect on surrounding environments and society. The same thing could be said about the Covid virus spreading through the country. Society as a whole needs to develop a larger scope of thinking about how the actions of individuals affect the environment and planet. The factors I mentioned earlier, climate change, deforestation, and urbanization, are keeping steady and increasing. If these continue as they are currently, we can expect more pandemic-like diseases in our future. And when it happens, society will have to come together again to figure out the best way of adopting herd immunity to combat the disease.
As for my advice for the rest of this year, think critically, look at scientific data, vaccinations work, and in the words of Mr. Rogers, “Real strength has to do with helping others.”
Hannah Smith is an intern in the Section of Anthropocene Studies. Museum employees are encouraged to blog about their unique experiences and knowledge gained from working at the museum.
Works Cited
Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS): A medical condition where the immune system cannot function properly and…
Herd immunity and COVID-19 (coronavirus): What you need to know
Understand what's known about herd immunity and what it means for coronavirus disease 2019 ( COVID-19). Curious as to…
Vaccines Protect Your Community
Did you know that when you get vaccinated, you're protecting yourself and your community? This concept is called…
Anthony S. Fauci, M.D.
Dr. Fauci was appointed director of NIAID in 1984. He oversees an extensive portfolio of basic and applied research to…
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kristannafever · 4 years
The Private Eye and the Princess - 19
Kristanna au - NYC 1989 Rated: MA WC: 3079
Chapter Index
There were tears in her eyes as she stood on the edge of the police tape that had cordoned off the scene. It was a controlled kind of chaos at least, made to seem a lot more urgent with all the flashing lights around them and the sheer amount of the police force on scene.
Hans had been led to the back of a squad car.  Anna saw him from where she stood next to Cliff as he talked to the Police, but he hadn’t even looked her way.  He looked completely broken and Anna would have smiled at that if Kristoff were with her, but he was still nowhere in sight.
Dan had been taken away almost as soon as the ambulance arrived on scene.  She knew nothing about medicine or healthcare, but even she could tell the man was just barely hanging on.   There her feelings were conflicted.  He had betrayed Kristoff, and yet in the end, tried to help him. If he were to live, she was going to find out the truth regarding the reason he had done what he did.
Her hands came up, hugging herself against the cold night.  She had Kristoff’s hooded sweatshirt on, but it just didn’t seem enough to ward off the chill she felt in her bones.  Her nerves were a wreck, and despite evidence to the contrary, she worried over Kristoff.
Then she saw him.
He emerged from the scene like an apparition, his eyes locked onto hers.  Anna ignored everything, ignored the police tape and all the eyes around them, and ran to him.  
There was a moment of shock to see tears shimmering in his eyes before she threw herself at him, only to be quickly forgotten as soon as she was in his embrace.  He had never held her so tightly, so firmly against him. Her feet were dangling in the air he had such a good grip on her, and she relished in every second of it, hugging him back as fiercely as she could.
That’s when her tears came and there were a lot of them.
By the time she stopped sobbing, she realized that Kristoff had her in his lap, sitting on the ground, and as she slowly looked around and blinked, the scene was only a fraction of the turmoil it was before.
His gaze was steadfast as she looked at him.  His thumb came up and wiped the dampness from her cheeks in the most loving and tender way anyone had ever touched her.
“We are still going to have to give out statements before we can leave,” he said softly.
Anna nodded.  He had told her all of this beforehand.  She moved from his lap so that he could stand and help her to her feet.  As soon as she was up, he wrapped his arm around her and led her over to where his dad was talking to a distinguished looking man in an impressively decorated uniform.
“Ah, you must be Kristoff,” the man said as they approached, and stuck out his hand.
Kristoff shook it. “Commissioner Brooks.  I sure am glad to see you took my father’s call.”
The older man gave him a knowing nod of his head.  “Get yourself checked out by EMS and then I’d love to have a chat with you.”
Kristoff nodded. “What about Dan?  Did he…”
“He was in critical condition when the ambulance took him away.  I’m afraid at this point I’m not sure.”
“And his partner?”
“Ah yes, Duke Morton. We are still looking for him but it will only be a matter of time before we find him.  He couldn’t have gotten too far.”
“I can’t help but notice you’ve dropped the ‘detective’ from his name.”
Commissioner Brooks smiled brightly.  “Can’t be a detective if you are a fugitive from the law.  I listened to the tape.  I know exactly how it all went down.”
“Dan… he… he was helping me… get to the bottom of the case.  We were keeping it quiet for fear that-”
“I don’t believe a single word of that.”  Kristoff visibly slumped at Anna’s side.  “But, I’ll take the fact that you are willing to lie about it to protect him under consideration.”
Kristoff gave a quick nod, then moved towards a waiting ambulance.  Anna let him go reluctantly while an EMT sat him on the back deck of the open vehicle and began to check him over.  She had been so relieved to see him that only now did she notice that he was bleeding from several gashes and scrapes, the most alarming of which was coming from his neck and had stained the top of his white t-shirt. His leather jacket was removed and Anna was immediately shocked and alarmed again to see just how much he had been bleeding; his shirt was soaked red on that side all the way down to his waist.
She held back her tears, watching intently as Kristoff was cleaned and bandaged.  When all was said and done and the EMT had told him he had no concerns for Kristoff’s injuries, Anna threw herself at him as soon as he was back on his feet.
He held her for a moment that was too short, interrupted by Commissioner Brooks ready to get to the bottom of things with Kristoff.
Anna listened half-heartedly, growing more and more tired as the night wore on and their ordeal fell further and further behind them.   Another plain-clothed detective, older, like Dan was, pulled her away from Kristoff at one point to gather her statement.  She held onto Kristoff’s hand defensively refusing to leave his side, until he gave her hand a little squeeze of encouragement that it was okay. Reluctantly, she let go and was led to a waiting squad car where she was handed a blanket and a cup of black coffee.
She ignored the drink and told them everything that happened since the day her sister asked her to find a Private Eye to look into her fiancé, then she answered all their questions, several of them repeated only phrased differently, and finally she was allowed to return to Kristoff’s side.  He looked absolutely exhausted and Anna hoped that they would be allowed to leave soon.  Without wanting to think about what they had gone through any longer, Anna turned her ears back to what Kristoff, Cliff, and the Commissioner, were saying.
“-records will show some of the calls placed to precincts and you should be able to track down some of the dirty cops.”
“I agree with you Cliff, for once.”  The Commissioner smiled.  “You know, for being a pain in my ass for nearly twenty years, I sure do owe you a debt of gratitude for tonight and agreeing to help me uncover all the men in the force who are dirty.”
“My pleasure.” Cliff grinned.  “It’ll be a nice final feather in the hat of my illustrious career.”
“Don’t get too cocky.” Commissioner Brooks narrowed his eyes.  “I still remember when you tried to come after me because you thought I was one of those bastards.”
Cliff raised his hands in defence.  “Hey, I apologized for that.  But it was pretty bad you didn’t realize your own partner was one of them.”
The Commissioner had no comeback for that, he only smirked and offered his hand to Cliff and then Kristoff.  Both men shook it and he turned his back to walk away without another word between them.
“Come on, Anna,” Kristoff sighed.  “Let’s get out of here.”
“Happily,” Anna whispered, but could not bring herself to smile.
They followed Cliff down the alleys and streets a few blocks to his waiting car.  Kristoff did not hesitate to crawl into the back with Anna and his Dad drove chauffeured them away from the scene.
“Where to?”  Cliff asked over his shoulder.
“The Fairmont… no… no wait.” He looked over at Anna and studied her eyes.  “The Waldorf.”
Anna started into his captivating eyes, tired as they were, while Cliff took a left and headed in that direction.   “How? How did you know?”
“You mentioned making plans and eating meals and I knew there was no way in hell you would want to go back to your penthouse.”
“But the Waldorf… how did you know that was where I wanted to go?”
Kristoff smiled at her and shrugged his shoulders, then leaned back and rested his head against the top of the back seat and shut his eyes.
Anna shrugged to herself and snuggled up to his side as he hugged her tightly in return.  
~ ~ ~
It was nearly three-thirty in the morning by the time they walked into a suite at the famed Waldorf Astoria.  Kristoff slipped the unburdened bellhop a twenty from a stack of cash his dad had given him and bid the young man a good evening, then turned around and surveyed the lavish interior of the room.
Staying in such a place was foreign to him, but right now, very welcomed.  
He had slipped out of his bloody t-shirt on the way over and zipped his leather coat up all the way to hide his bare chest as they navigated the posh hotel and ignored how he was sure everyone was staring at his disheveled appearance.  Now he unzipped it and found a closet near the door to hang it in.
Anna emerged from the bathroom with a fluffy white robe.  
“As promised.”  She offered him the garment while her own lay across her arm.
“I think I need a quick shower before I slip into this,” he said, taking it from her.
“Me too.  I’ll join you.”
He nodded, glad she would be joining him, but could not seem to bring himself to smile.  “I… Anna, I just mean a shower, you know?  I can’t…”
Her eyes went wide. “No, I didn’t expect that!  At all!  Of course, maybe later, but not tonight.”  Her gaze went to the floor.  “I just… I just don’t want to leave your side right now.”
Kristoff smiled then, stepping up to her and tucking his finger under her chin and bringing it up so that she would look at him.  “I don’t want to leave yours either.  And I am very much looking forward to showering with you.”
Her face softened with understanding and they both moved towards the bathroom.  Anna started the hot water while Kristoff struggled to get his jeans off.  For ever loving fuck, he was tired.  And sore.  And relieved, and in love and scared and worried about his future and-
Anna’s hand came up and cupped his cheek.  She was bare but his eyes never left hers as she reached down and helped him out of his pants and underwear.  She then made him sit on the closed lid of the toilet to remove his socks and pointed towards the shower when he was as naked as she was.
He looked over to the steamy encloser to see it was more than big enough for two.  In fact, there was a built-in tile bench at the back that looked particularly inviting.  He got to his feet with a faint groan and stepped into the waiting shower with Anna. She must have noticed the look of longing in his eyes and made him sit on that bench while she stood before him, grabbed the hand-wand from the holder, and cleaned him.
As much as he wanted to stare at her beautiful naked form, his exhausted eyes closed and refused to open. He relished in every single feeling of Anna’s hands and the welcoming temperature of the water as she shampooed his hair.  Only when he heard the concern in her voice, was he able to look at her.
“Your bandages are getting soaked.  Maybe I-”
“No,” he sighed, letting his eyes close once more and blindly removed all the gauze and tape from his neck and then forearm.  He placed the bandages beside him and let Anna finish cleaning his skin.  
When she was finished and told him to get out and head to bed while she finished up, he shook his head to wake himself up and stood.  He remained in the shower, standing in front of Anna, as he took his turn to shampoo her hair.  She closed her eyes and hummed her approval as Kristoff washed her long, beautiful, red strands.  He aimed to wash her body as she had done to him, but she stopped him when her hair was rinsed and said that she was clean enough and just wanted bed.
It was hard to argue with that.  
Once they were dry and in their amazingly fresh smelling and soft bathrobes, they made their way to the King-sized bed and both dropped the garments they had been wearing for less than a minute to crawl between the sheets.
It was quite the distance for them to come together.  Kristoff had never slept in a bed so large.  The biggest he ever had was Queen-sized and even that was a lot larger than his lumpy double at home that his toes hung off the end of if he was sleeping on his stomach.
So much space, so much area to himself, when all he wanted to do was be as close to Anna as possible. It was unwanted and unnecessary. Would this be what Anna desired if they were to continue on?  Would she get a lavish new place with all the luxury afforded to a Royal like her and insist on only the best?  Would her place be as large as her Penthouse, or as immaculately decorated?  Who was she on her own without someone else’s influence?  Would she even be able to be that person if Kristoff and her were to stay together?
He let out a very quiet sigh as Anna snuggled her naked flesh against his.  It was troublesome, but not so much that he was able to fight off the sleep that pressed upon him immediately.
He had nightmares.
It was stupid.  He hadn’t had dreams of any sort for the past few years, and now he was having nightmares when he needed sleep more than any other time he had ever been through.
Goddamn his stupid life.
Every time he woke, Anna would stir, and he would lay perfectly still, hoping that she would re-settle into sleep while his body was covered in a cold sweat and his heart hammered away in his chest.  Then he laid awake and stared at the foreign ceiling for a moment before his exhaustion dragged him back down.
And it happened four times while he tried to catch up on rest from his and Anna’s ordeal.  Four separate trips through a hell he never wanted to think about again.  Four near heart-attacks upon waking.
Four times he felt like he needed to get the fuck out of a suite he had no business being in and never see Anna again.
And then her presence comforted him so deeply that he was lulled back into sleep, even when the back of his mind was screaming at him that he did not belong, that him and Anna would never have any sort of future he could handle, that he was destined to die a sad and lonely man.
The next thing he knew he was pulled from his sleep the last time by Anna, yawning and hugging him tightly as she changed her position, dragging a smooth calf up his legs and settling it between them.
“How did you sleep?”
He could feel her lips move against his skin on his pec as she asked.  His first instinct was to lie, only he would never do that to her.  Her life had been filled with people who withheld things and lied, and that was not what he was going to do.
But he could not call forth the words to explain.
Anna moved, lifting up onto her elbow and looking down at him as his eyes followed hers, looking unassuming and concerned at the same time.
“Not well?”
His lips refused to open. All he could do was shake his head, and her look of dismay, the way her body sagged with sadness, nearly killed him.
“Is it this place?  We can find somewhere else!  I just thought that-”
“It’s not the hotel, Anna.” His voice creaked.
“Then… what?  Is it… is it me?”
Kristoff shook his head and sighed as he sat up and swung his legs over the side of the bed.  He had his back to her now, but he could feel her eyes bore into the back of his skull.    “Nightmares,” he whispered, offering her the truth while he struggled with it himself.
Anna was silent for a while before the bed shifted under him and she sat at his side, dragging the sheet with her and wrapping it around herself.    “Let me guess, you don’t have nightmares very often, do you?”
Kristoff shook his head, staring straight ahead with unfocused eyes.  It surprised him actually, that she seemed to know that.
“Was it about what happened? Or… about what will happen?”
“I… don’t know.  I don’t really remember what they were about. Just…”  He sighed and put his face in his hands, trying to scrub away the exhaustion that remained.  “I’m sorry, Anna.  I am going to have to ruin the day you have planned.”
“What do you mean?”
Kristoff ignored her and got up, walking to where his filthy jeans lay discarded on the floor beside the bathroom door.  He slipped them on under the weight of Anna’s stare and headed for the closet to get his coat.
“Wh… where are you going?”
He paused with one arm in the sleeve of his jacket, telling himself to be firm, to be strong, then he finally looked at her and all that resolve left him to see the fear in her eyes. Dammit, he could not just walk away from this.  From her. Too many things within him had changed.
“I have some things I need to do.”   There.  He could offer her that at the very least and let her decide how to take it.
Anna stood, sheet falling at her feet to reveal her nakedness.  “I am going with you.”
Kristoff stared into her eyes, unable to stop the gentle smile that curved his lips.  
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||Rebellion: The DBT's Return!||
Reserved Rp with @demon-blood-youths
'It's been a long while hasn't it? Two years I believe..or has it become longer? I can't remember. Even from those two years, it feels like New York has changed......'
'Especially after they disappeared...'
A older young woman was looking ahead while holding a bag with some food and fresh veggies inside. She was walking down the street looking ahead but she hasn't seen many out after the small mini wars going on all through NYC. Even having a more older spiritual like jackal walking by her side now. Seems the puppy jackal grew up and is now a big boy wagging his tail happily.
Ever since that upsetting day, all the fractions have been unsure on how to feel but they keep living their lives. Even when trying to take on the new threat that seems to be hitting all the areas here. Even now, it's a quiet stand still right now. After walking, the young woman stops only to look up feeling a light breeze blowing against her.
'No one knows what caused it or who did it but after seeing the news that day and seeing the fire. We didn't know if the DBT was..killed. Even from the horrible attack on the island of Wyckoff, no one knows what could have happened. So..everyone either tried to move on but still couldn't accept their faith. But....even so I get the feeling they are not dead......he's not dead..' she thought only to slowly look ahead showing silver eyes.
'I miss you guys. We all miss you..I deeply miss you my jackal. I don't know why but even with you not being here..it still hurts. I always love you with all my heart but the others were so upset that day......even with the enemy still terrorizing the areas of NYC..'
Melinda Brooks was gripping the bag but she has indeed gotten a lot older. Her demonic power has gotten a lot more stronger now and she's already shown progress. Just like her fraction, the Cursed vixens and her demon sisters. Even the other fractions have gotten older as well but they still get stronger by the passing day. However, Melinda only knew everyone was on guard after the sudden attacks and hearing about Bradley joining on the evil side but no one knows if it's true due to not seeing him.
'Even now, I just hope everyone is staying safe or maybe Jinx has gotten word from the other demons and followers in the other areas in Central Park. Oh well...I hope we can get through this without another attack..but I highly don't see that happening. But I'm getting distracted. I better head on back before Jinx gets worried..' she thought turning to head back while passing a few people or some speaking to themselves. As for the enemy, some was in hiding and yet, none showed their position off. It was a matter of time before another strike would happen.
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endurraesa · 5 years
Reasons Loki Would Be Friends With the Avengers:
starting with the obvious; Tony.  He and Tony have extremely similar personalities and even if you’re not FrostIron trash like myself, you can’t deny the chemistry that they had on screen even for the few moments in the first Avengers movie where they conversed (Tony even feeling brazen enough to make an erectile dysfunction joke).
as much as Loki finds Steve boring and irritating beyond all measure and as much as he would never admit it, he and Steve do have at least one common stance; they don’t like bullies.  And before you come at me with ‘Loki’s a trickster god, he’s a dick, he attacked Earth’, remember that Steve got into back alley fights about people talking in movie theaters and as for NYC, Loki didn’t exactly have a choice.
another obvious parallel is Loki and Natasha.  Checkered past, being brought up by a ‘father’ that really couldn’t give less of a shit about them, being forced to carry out the will of evil and eventually being brought to the side of good by the one person that gave them a chance (Nat and Clint v Loki and Thor).
Bruce/Hulk is a complicated connection but it’s definitely there.  On some level, Loki has a respect for them not only for their strength and duality but also because it was Hulk’s ‘cognitive re-calibration’ that brought Loki out of the control of the Mind Stone in the end.  By the time Infinity War rolled around, Loki was comfortable enough to stand at Hulk’s side and call on him to help in battle all while speaking calmly with Bruce (even if he enjoys keeping the man on his toes).
Loki and Thor being raised together is the obvious but as much as the MCU didn’t touch on it nearly enough, Loki wasn’t the only one to suffer at the hands of Odin.  There are mentions aplenty in the comics and even the Avengers cartoon about how Thor fears Odin’s wrath and feels as though he’ll never be quite good enough.  In the MCU, Odin’s death showed the brothers grieving in different ways but ultimately it made them realize that they have each other, and that’s more than enough.
Wanda is still trying to get a grasp on her powers and Loki wasn’t always a master sorcerer.  It’s been shown in the comics that if a magic user is willing to take his advice and listen to his teachings, he’s more than willing to help in their journey.  His disdain for Dr. Strange is surface level most of the time even and there’s a love-hate relationship.
Sam’s sense of humor and chaotic energy would mesh very well with Loki and Sam understands PTSD.  It’s likely that he would help Loki cope with what he’s been through all while enjoying the show when Loki decides to unleash a few tricks on the Avengers as long as they’re largely harmless.
for as quiet and reserved as Bucky can be to people that he doesn’t know, there’s no doubt that Bucky would have at least heard of Loki and once he got to know the bigger story behind Loki’s torture and Thanos’ use of the Mind Stone to force Loki to carry out his mission, Bucky would empathize.  They could relate through shared experience and dark humor as well as a love for housecats.
Loki isn’t heartless and has been shown in the comics to care about children from other planets besides Asgard.  Seeing how young Peter is but the strength that he carries and the weight that he shoulders would ignite a protective instinct within him and he’d slowly become a sort of older brother figure to the spider child.
he and T’Challa can talk royal affairs and the pressures of ruling for the sake of the people while balancing out some semblance of happiness while having huge issues with the way their father’s ruled before them and the complicated grieving processes they went through.
In Conclusion: the MCU wasted a perfectly good opportunity to give Loki the circle of friends that he deserved while also nerfing him to the point that he didn’t even have a fraction of the power that he canonly has and it’s a c r i m e.
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applesayra · 4 years
Day 7 Prompt: Younger Self
Dear 16 year old Jazmine, Since that's what you went by primarily in your younger age. You are 16 and insecure, but you live such a lovely life that you'll look back on and smile about. I know you love your friends, your boyfriend, and your family, for most of those people are still in your life ten years later, though they fill different roles. Let's first talk about your family. Please stop being an asshole to your mom and dad. You're an angsty, hormonal jerk, but when you're writing college essays and grant applications next year and 10 years from now (because you will never stop going to school), you'll cry and appreciate every sacrifice they made for you. You'll want so badly to succeed during their lifetime so you could pay back a fraction of what they did for you. When you have boy problems, listen to Mom. She knows a lot more than you think, even if she did get married at 16. Dad is a fucking fighter. Next year you'll see a health scare, and they keep coming and he comes out stronger. You'll see where you get your stubborn nature from. Listen to their stories, though some will be repeated 8 million times, listen to their tone. Our parents are amazing. As for your brothers, the older you get, the more annoyed you'll get at how you were treated differently as a woman. Not their fault, but stand your ground. O is your hero, but he'll be human and need you back in 10 years. It really hurts to see, and at this point I don't really know how it ends but just be honest as hard as it is, but be gentle. You and I have more in common than you think. Ivan is brilliant. He is sensitive. Reactive. You become better friends and he is an amazing father to three babies who you love. L is still your sister, she's going through it but she's a bad ass, even though we both know that. As for E, just accept there are waves of good and bad between you. You love your siblings, but you have to grow up and draw boundaries. Friends: Tomorrow, I have a zoom chat with Bella, Janice, and Bobbie. You were a bridesmaid in Jordan and Ike's wedding. You're a groomswoman to Davis. You are going to Trey's wedding. You and Ro have a romance you slightly regret because it ends on weird terms, but y'all have that crazy emotional roller coaster of a saga kind of like the sad indie movies y'all loved. We're working on it but maybe someday we can be friends. Madeline and you go through ups and downs and in adulthood, know so much more about each other than you'd ever imagine at 16. You're all grown up in the blink of an eye and my current BF, Nando, is in awe at how much you love people you keep in touch with from a decade ago. It is beautiful and you know these people are the standard you hold everyone to forever, which is great because you move to Abq then NEW YORK CITY and meet so many aomazing people, and rekindle friendships like the ones you miss now at 16 (Beca and you make up for the 6th grade issues and she moves to NYC too!). Oh yeah, and you do not marry Tyler. You break his heart in two years bc you think you like Ike (ur dumb and hormonal for this, even though he's amazing), but it's good! You go to college, lose touch, and now you're BFFs with him and that guy he met in college, Kris. You're a lucky lady. Goals:You're insecure about being raised a little bit more poor and in a slightly different culture than most of your friends. First of all, they don't think your culture or money is that weird, and later, being raised like this will prove to make where you're headed more appreciated. You will get into every program you want, except the one you want right this moment, at 16 years old. You don't get into BAMD, you take the MCAT but you don't go to medical school. You go get your PhD. As I write this, I wait for my master's diploma to arrive. Forge your own path, go for everything steadfast and stop taking everything so seriously and thinking the next step will be better. We still struggle with living in the moment. That's why we go to therapy. Also, you are running the NYC marathon at 26 years old, just like you wanted you cheesy asshole. Also, you met someone who loves puns as much, or more than you. He's annoying AF but you love the shit out of him and he treats you like you're GOLD. Also, you never stop being nostalgic so please just embrace it, start going to therapy, and learn how to live in the moment while still being excited for the future and APPRECIATING the past without wanting to reach out to everyone you've seen naked just bc something made you think of them. I love you now, ten years later! Sayra (bc that's what we go by now)
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Manga and Women: Buying Manga for School Libraries in the #MeToo Era
When I talk to other school librarians about manga and anime, many of them voice a similar concern: the manga they see has horrible treatment of women. These are not invalid concerns, especially as school librarians are working to make their collections more inclusive and affirming. And when students are requesting series that depict sexual harassment and assault as comedic occurrences (I'm looking at you, Seven Deadly Sins), or at the very least, series which treat women solely as sexual or romantic beings, I can't blame my colleagues for their hesitation.
That said, there's a lot to unpack with this debate. There are elements of Japanese society that are inherently different from American society. Many school librarians also know nothing of the distinctions between genres of manga, or have only heard of what's most popular among their patrons. Manga is often seen as the way to get boys reading, and so masculine titles tend to be extremely popular for purchasing. What I'm going to do is try to unpack these things, piece by piece, to try and provide some context- and maybe show my peers that the stereotypes of shōnen manga are not all there is out there to purchase.
Societal Differences in the Perception of Gender
If we all work from the supposition that gender is a social construct, then perhaps it might be easier to understand that Japan's constructs are similar and different to Western constructs. Japanese media can come across as being both freer and stricter with gender roles. Here are a few things you need to understand about Japan in relation to women:
Japan is ranked 110 out of 144 countries on the World Economic Forum's annual report on gender equality.
There is only one female member of the Japanese Cabinet.
As of 2017, only 3.4% of executives in Japan were women.
The ratio of female-to-male physicians in Japan is 21%.
Japan has been trying to improve the standing of women in society, but it's been difficult.
Japan has a long history of having a traditional gender balance of labor wherein women are expected to raise children and take care of housekeeping, while men are expected to work. Japanese society generally has a very heavy line down the center in this division, much more so than there currently is in the West. Since 1986, the Equal Employment Opportunity Law has been in place to try and provide more gender equity in the workplace in Japan, but it's been a struggle. Part of the problem is that there was no penalty for employers who did not adhere to the changes.
Japan, also, has a serious problem with the way it handles and reports sexual harassment and assault. Certain occurrences which Western women consider assault are not necessarily seen as such by Japanese women. In her article, "Shifting attitudes toward sexual violence in Japan", Masami Ito describes her experiences:
When I was in junior high school, a young man who lived in the same apartment building flashed me in an elevator, blocking the entrance as he did so.
When I was in college, a middle-aged man cornered me in the box seat on a train and masturbated in front of me.
When I was in my mid-20s, a man pressed himself against me in the aisle of a convenience store and then followed me home. I had to call my father for help that time.
And, of course, I have been groped on trains many, many times.
Until recently, I never considered these incidents to be sexual assaults, nor did I ever view myself as a victim. I told myself that such things happened all the time and I was never physically hurt. I compared my experiences to those of other women and I considered myself lucky.
In Japan, there's even a word for men who grope women on crowded trains: chikan. Tokyo's Metropolitan Police Department reported 1,750 cases of groping on the trains. (I attempted to find figures on this particular crime in NYC from the same year, but was unable to find any exact report of figures.) It's such a common occurrence, it's often a plot point in manga. In My Love Story!! the protagonist meets his future girlfriend by stopping a man from groping her.
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I want to be clear, and maybe the panels of My Love Story!! do something to show this, that the problems of sexual harassment in Japan are seen as problems by people in the country. There are Japanese feminists and citizens who want things to change. Last year, the BBC released a documentary titled Japan's Secret Shame, which went into the experiences of three different women who were raped in Japan. It's not available at the moment, but if you can find a way to see it, it may give insight into the issue if you want to know more.
Shōnen, Shōjo, and So Much More
The complaints I hear the most are in relation to what is known as shōnen manga. Shōnen is geared toward boys between ages 12 and 18. There's a reason this stuff flies off the shelf with our male-identifying patrons: it's literally made for them. The longest running series in Japan are shōnen manga, and are household names here in the West (you've probably heard of Dragonball Z, I presume). Typically, these are high-action, hyper-masculine stories. And while there are exceptions, such as My Hero Academia, there's a large history of "fan service" in shōnen. There's also some pretty big issues with some of the creators of shōnen titles.
For example, the author of Rurouni Kenshin was found with an enormous backlog of child pornography DVDs. Not only did he have this material, he admitted his attraction to young girls. His manga is currently still in publication, after he paid a fine of only ¥200,000 (about $1,800 USD). No, I am not joking.
I don't want you to come away from this thinking shōnen manga is evil, by the way. What I want is for fellow school librarians to know that what they're seeing is just a fraction of what manga has to offer. Some shōnen has female protagonists (Yotsuba&! features a mostly female cast with little to no fan service, as its main character is a child). And a lot of women and girls read shōnen.
Shōjo manga is the counterpart to shōnen: manga written for girls between the ages of 12 and 18. Honestly, shōjo can have its own issues. Some titles feature girls whose identities revolve solely around romance or a desire to get married and make babies. Kidnapping and threats of sexual assault can be normal (the idea being that these girls need to be saved by their boyfriends, who frequently are much older than them). There's a whole slew of manga revolving around schoolgirls having romantic relationships with their teachers. So, I also don't want you to think that being labeled shōjo makes the content automatically appropriate for students.
I recently reread a manga I loved as a teen, Ayashi no Ceres. It featured multiple rather explicit sex scenes and the main character dropping out of school to have a baby. It was an easy decision to select other series over that one, although I still consider it a classic. I leave it to students to select series with those sort of themes at their own pace through alternate pathways such as the public library, bookstores, or manga apps.
However, I do want to point out that shōjo manga is a category in which feminine fantasy and identity is often at the forefront. And while this is the case, there are many shōjo manga which widely appeal to boys. Titles which spring to mind are Escaflowne and Magic Knight Rayearth.
There are other categories as well: seinan (for adult men), josei (for adult women), kodomo (for children), and gekiga (for adults, with a more "artistic" and "literary" reputation). The differentiation between adults and teens has more to do with the difficulty of the Japanese than the content or target demographic. Gekiga is probably the most "different", because it strives to be taken more seriously. (I have a plan to talk more in-depth about each category in their own posts).
Look For Women
When purchasing, if you are looking to move away from the pure moe that is popular among certain titles, I'd suggest looking for women who are mangaka. The likelihood that problematic behavior will be present is lower, and honestly, women creators can always use the boost. Series that are beloved by boys are written by women: Fullmetal Alchemist, Inu-Yasha, and Ranma 1/2 are examples (admittedly, the latter two were both written by Takahashi Rumiko).
Note: I kept this fairly pared down, so if you'd like to know more or have any questions, please don't hesitate to comment. If you would like me to go more in depth on any topic, please let me know, and I will do an expansion in a future blog. I have some deeper dives planned, but if I know of a direction people specifically want me to go, I’ll tackle it.
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southboundhqarchive · 6 years
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FULL NAME › Adeline Ziyi Mercier AGE › twenty nine GENDER › Cis woman (She/Her/Hers) FROM › Guangzhou, China RESIDENCE › Desert Willow Apartment Complex (Downtown) OCCUPATION › Owner of the Olive Branch Bar NOW PLAYING › The Show by Lenka
trigger warnings: implied racism, internalized racism, bullying, death
i. the first thing anyone will tell you about ethan and therese mercier is that they are good christians. church every sunday, bible study, scriptures framed on their wall christians. they can’t conceive a child of their own, but their sorrow gives way to purpose: this is all part of god’s plan. they are meant to give an unfortunate child a better life. a few trips to china and some paperwork filed later, the merciers bring a beautiful baby girl out of the orphanage and christen her adeline. it’s the american dream!
on their search for the perfect place to raise a child, they settle on the picturesque town of boot hill, arizona. it’s safe, secluded, and the desert has some charm, and when adeline turns two, they move into a one-story house with a garden. adeline is given dresses and books and toys; she is showered in love; she wants for nothing, and should want for nothing. they raise her as an all-american girl without much thought to her chinese heritage—well, there’s a chinese restaurant just a short drive away—but they do not know that will cause her to lose pieces of herself.
it is in elementary school when someone first asks her why don’t you look like your mom? it’s easy to stick out in town when you’re one of the only asian kids, and her crueler classmates mock the shape of her eyes and call her names. they never let her forget she’s different, that she doesn’t belong, and when she comes home crying, her mother soothes her and tells her to ignore them. be stronger than them. be the bigger person. it’s easy to say that when you’re used to being the majority, but every time adeline looks in the mirror, she is reminded she is not. if she wishes hard enough, will her eyes turn blue and her hair turn blonde?
but there are no fairy godmothers in boot hill. there is only a lonely girl, the fractures of her identity, and the desire for acceptance.
ii. if she will fit in with no one, then she will fit in with everyone. in high school, she flits between groups with ease, earning trust with a guileless smile and a warm demeanor. she’s a cheerleader, a pianist, student council vice president, and everyone loves her—or if they don’t, they pretend to. elementary school taunts become snide remarks in the bathroom. she acts like she’s better than us, who does she think she is? teenagers ( and adults! ) are particularly venomous when fed with the prejudices of their small world. you’re so exotic. how much do you cost? go back home. you don’t belong here. but adeline holds her head high because that is she what she’s been taught, plays the role everyone from her parents to her friends to her teachers want her to. she is so honest, so compassionate, you can’t help but tell her everything. soon, she is carrying not only the secrets of heart but the secrets of her peers too, and it is more than she ever wanted to hold. ( this is what she has learned about people: they want to be listened to. they want to be heard. but who is listening to her? )
the dissonance of the two halves of her identity, american and chinese, never quite goes away, but she shoves it down in favor of hanging out with friends at cheri’s dairy and going on dates at the drive-in. still, try as she might, she can’t ignore her curiosity. the older she gets, the more questions she has, and the desire to reconnect with the country she only knows as her birthplace grows with each year. they’ve already been to the jade flower, which adeline chooses every year for her birthday, though surely there’s more to being chinese than chow mein and general tso’s chicken. but there are no chinese schools in boot hill, no chinese new year celebrations like in san francisco, and her parents are terribly vague about answering questions about where she came from. they think she shouldn’t wonder too much, that she should be happy with what she has in the united states, with them. you’re much better off here, adeline.
iii. boot hill girls don’t go to college and they certainly don’t go to ivy leagues, but adeline mercier has always something of an anomaly. being valedictorian of her high school class, on the student council, and an avid volunteer with a sympathetic story of searching for herself in a sea of faces that don’t look like her gets her a spot at columbia. her parents couldn’t be prouder; this is what they brought her to this country for.
college is the first time in her life she’s seen so many other asians, and it feels like a piece has finally clicked into place but just not quite. the edge slips with the truth: she can’t relate. she doesn’t have them same upbringing as those who grew up in asian families and communities, doesn’t share the same inside jokes or the same struggles. this disconnect leads her to seek out other adoptees in new york, and with them, she finally can name the isolation deep in her bones, that feeling of being in two worlds yet feeling at home in neither. she can finally admit that while her parents tried, they didn’t try hard enough. during her time at columbia, she tries to look for her biological mother the merciers gave her no clues for, but her search turns up next to nothing. she tries not to be too disappointed; it’s just another gaping hole in her heart she can’t fill, just another series of unanswered questions. what’s new?
unused to the academic rigor of her classes, she nearly fails her first year. though she’s always been an intelligent girl—all a’s, model student, overachiever—, high school in boot hill was nothing compared to columbia. with the help of tutors and too many late nights, she manages to bring her grades back up, but it’s a constant uphill battle. frankly, boot hill didn’t prepare her for anything in new york—not the traffic, the subway, not the people. it’s a cliche, a small town girl moving to a big city and feeling completely lost, but god, it’s true. in boot hill, she was a shining star. at columbia, she’s simply another glimmer in a galaxy.
it’s comforting to be lost in the crowd, though, to no longer stick out because she’s different. here, in new york, she can be anyone. in new york, she blends right in. new york is terrifying but exhilarating, and she never wants to leave.
iv. life has a way of forcing your hand to play the cards you don’t want to be dealt. she’d been planning to stay in new york after graduation, but a whirlwind of events sends her back to boot hill, beginning with a positive pregnancy test and ends with death knocking at her door. when her boyfriend of two years learns she’s pregnant, he says everything will be okay, we’ll make it work, we can do anything as long as we’re together.
it’s a touching sentiment, but wishes don’t come true no matter how many stars you wish on and lovers can’t come home when they’re left bleeding in an alley. she finds out later that there was nothing that could be done and she’s left with too many questions and too little answers. rather than stay alone in city that’s growing far too cold for a young woman who grew up under the arizona sun, she returns to that small town off route 66. there, she will be safe. there, she will not worry. there, the jaws of the world will not snap her or her baby in two.
( and for all her parents’ faults, they will always be there to welcome her home. )
v. there are rumors, as there always are, whispers flying around about who the father is, what she’s running from. pretty, polished, tarnished. her mother’s friends sigh about her wasted potential ( what a poor girl! ) like being a single mother has cracked her porcelain facade. not so perfect anymore, quip snide high school acquaintances, the ones who thought she acted as if she was too good for them. how satisfying is it to see not even adeline mercier can escape boot hill? she should’ve known those who try to leave never really can.
but a month passes, and another month, and the rumor mill moves on. with the influx of newcomers coming into boot hill, there’s enough to gossip enough to keep the town sustained that it becomes like she never left ( which is to say, she still feels slightly out of place, like a puzzle piece that doesn’t quite fit ). she easily falls into a routine: she gets a job as a waitress at the schoolhouse cafe, her parents take care of raphael while she’s at work, and she saves up all her money so she can, at least, make something out of herself here.
with the knowledge gained from university and an investment from her parents, she opens the olive branch bar as a homage to her favorite haunts in nyc the summer she turns 26. it pales in comparison to the low-lit lounges of the city she could have called home, but boot hill locals don’t know that. all they see is something new, a change of pace from the bucking horse or coyote’s howl. she’s not looking to replace them—everyone knows you can’t—but simply filling a niche that hasn’t been realized until now. business is slow at first, then suddenly, it skyrockets, both newcomers and locals looking for a taste of sophistication pulled in by the wine list, handcrafted cocktails, and jazzy ambiance.
yet it is a difficult thing to be a bird whose wings have soared only to have them clipped again. when once she might have thought she would’ve worked in skyscrapers and changed even a fraction of the world, her ambitions have been cut in half by circumstance. she’s as successful as one can be in this town with a thriving bar and a wonderful, growing boy, but oh, how she yearns for the world she had a glimpse of.
it’s a shame she’ll never see it again.
❝ if she spoke, she would tell him the truth: she was not okay at all, but horribly empty, now that she knew what it was like to be filled. ❞
FACECLAIM › Gemma Chan AUTHOR › Izzie
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