#rp; blood on the pages
lieblxng · 11 months
@strebcr | Closed Starter
[ Dark clouds gather in the endless midnight sky, obscuring the guiding stars and leaving the rest of the sky murky and tenebrous. It even started obscuring the moon, which was in its new form at the end of its typical cycle so it wasn’t visible much anyway. The night would be quiet if not for the bustling city underneath its wake–loud music bursts from the cracks of a building in the heart of the city, meant to distract those who enter from how awful life could be. A tall man with black and red hair and a sharp punk attire that color matches his hair leaves said building from a side exit that goes behind it. It was Ethan Dorian, a college student steadily focused on the future ahead of him while also enjoying the frivolities of existence, lest he lose his faith in life like all eventually do. Coming out here for a small fifteen-minute break, he takes out a cigarette from the pack he had and sets it ablaze with the lighter in one of his pockets. ]
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[ The vitality of the party was a rejuvenating one to him, but there were a few moments where he needed to regain his energy to continue. The perks and shortcomings of being an ambivert, for sure. It wasn’t even a full five minutes before the heavens began to weep; droplets of water sprinkling onto anything below, including him. Groaning that he couldn’t enjoy his cigarette fully, he smashes the lit part on the wall he was leaning on and inserts it back into his pack so he might be able to save it for later. This was a good time to leave since he had classes in the morning anyhow. He ponders for a second about which route he should take, but he decides to take the alleyways right now because it is the quicker route home with the current weather going on. It’s been done a couple of times before, so he knew his way home without much issue. ]
[ However, little did he know that he wasn’t the only person in the alleyways. ]
[ Some time deep in the heart of the city, only a few street lights illuminating the path just barely enough not to trip in front of oneself, Ethan walks on ahead. He even checks his phone real quick and uses it to start texting someone while he shields it from the rain. Maybe his friend was asleep with it being past midnight, but he wanted to go off about the amazing time he had at the concert. They even had a mosh pit, he adored mosh pits with how wild and fun they were. ]
[ While he’s occupied with this, shadows move from behind, stirring and bending unnaturally. A person cloaked in darkness sinks and moves with calculated stealth, stalking the man in front of them; any movement silenced by the pouring precipitation. The young man slowed down unknowingly, trying to make sure he was texting legibly and distracted with what he was typing. That’s when he felt something amiss, like his sixth sense was trying to inform him about trouble, so he turned his head around to see…a stranger, taller than him–dressed in the finest of silk, a short but sweet red dress and heels, reaching out a clawed hand towards him.
“Run.” is all they said, their set of abnormally sharp teeth showing on full display and their intimidating red eyes digging daggers into his skin. And for some reason, every letter was pronounced in such a way that invoked the biggest of fears in him.
So he ran, as fast as he could muster, phone in hand, text unfinished. Usually, Ethan wasn’t the one to get scared, but something about the way they looked into his core made him absolutely terrified. It was almost unnatural, perhaps inhumane, on how seemingly easy it was performed, but he had no time to question any of this extensively–he just needed to run. Water from the puddles underneath his boots splashed up like waves of the ocean when he sped by, but he wasn’t phased at all. He couldn’t go home because that could lead him into more danger later on, he had to lose them from his tracks. ‘Faster Ethan, faster!’ was the only clear enough thought he had racing in his head. ]
[ The figure behind him only smirked at his reaction, finding it utterly adorable how their victim thought he had a chance. They gave chase, quickly catching up to Ethan without any problems, despite what they were wearing. They also took this moment to enjoy the hunt more, not yet striking, but savoring their prey’s reactions. ]
[ A fence was spotted up ahead. Maybe he could lose them by climbing it! He didn’t hesitate to latch onto it and start scaling it as quickly as he could. His accessories almost got caught between the wiring, but due to his panic when he got on top of the fence, he lost balance and dropped his phone–shattering on the ground when it fell, only to get further crushed when Ethan fell on top of it. He growled, hurting his arm in the process and getting somewhat soaked, but he couldn’t give up now. He scrambled up from the ground, too much in a rush to pick his broken phone back up as he dashed off. ]
[ The person enjoying the chase soon came to the fence, but instead of climbing it as well, they grabbed onto the wiring and ripped it apart–tearing a giant hole in it for them to go through. Then they resumed running after him, as if nothing bothered them. Without any sign of struggling, nothing, just pure superhuman strength. ]
[ Ethan saw this and almost screamed, the fear flowing through his veins making him run even faster. He didn’t know what his religious belief was, regardless of being raised in a mostly Wiccan household, but he was trying to cry out to whatever may be up there and internally beseech for help. He was getting desperate, his joints and muscles shrieking to stop, but he couldn’t. If he did, who knows what would…! His legs would come to a screeching halt, a barrage of emotions to experience when he saw the dead end he was at. No, there had to be another way! He attempted hastily looking around him, but he couldn’t…he couldn’t find anywhere else to go. He was…he was doomed. He turned around to face his killer, hugging the wall behind him in some hopeless attempt at comfort. Seeing those eyes penetrate his being once more made him tremble like it was below zero outside, which was yet again out of character for him. ]
“Please! Don’t!” [ he whined out, trying to beg for his life. ] “Why are you doing this?! Wh-what did I do–?!” [ He didn’t understand any of this! ] “Haha,” [ the hunter finally spoke out once more, walking slowly up to its prey. ] “I’m doing this for your own good. You’ll see…” [ When they were close enough, they grabbed onto both of Ethan’s wrists with one hand, pinning him down and using the other hand to hold his head down. He freaked out and squirmed, but no matter how much he struggled, he couldn’t get out. His pleas of mercy fell on deaf ears, as they proceeded to…–! ]
[ A piercing cry of agony was heard, breaking through the vibrant sounds of the urban area, poison and pain filling his body in tandem. Whether from the blood gushing out of his neck, the trauma, or the entirety of it all, his vision went black as he collapsed onto the cruel, uncaring pavement; the aggressive downpour of rain drenching his now lifeless body in some twisted sense of pity. ]
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[ Weeks had passed since Ethan Dorian’s disappearance, and the last text he texted anyone was to some friends like Streber and Leon, saying: ‘goin to a cool concert tonite will tell u the deets later’ sometime around eleven in the evening. He didn’t show up for his college classes in the morning. No one knew where he went, many calls and texts to his phone would go straight to voicemail. There weren’t any reports of anything concerning going around the venue either, and those who did see Ethan at the concert saw him depart midway through it. Typically he went to these types of events with friends, but he went alone this time. People were getting worried, especially his loved ones–his mother openly cried whenever it was brought up with her husband comforting her every time. Sure sometimes he would disappear for hours, but nothing like this, and he would always come back. There were a couple of attempts at an informal search party, but there weren’t any notable updates in the missing persons case. ‘Where was he?’, most thought. ]
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[ Very much aware of what was going on with him but wanting to protect those he loved, Ethan was avoidant of them on purpose. He wasn’t human anymore, he couldn’t go near them. In his mind, it was best if he was believed to be missing or dead. His career, ruined. His relationships, ruined. His everything, ruined. Maybe to grieve and process what he lost, he sat against the brick wall, the very same alley where his life was taken. He buried his face into his knees, it all sinking in that this wasn’t some long nightmare. That this was this reality. He wanted to sob so badly. What did he do to deserve this horrible fate…? ]
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fdragon-art · 9 months
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Day 51 (30 Days | Homestuck - Day 29) - Fantrolls/Fankids time! ("Made of Rage (WIP)")
"The Mage of Rage can be especially volatile. Even while knowing their rage so fully, they're still unable to truly stop it. Handled well, and they may tear a path through enemies as easy as a knife through grub sauce.
Handled poorly? Well...let's not dwell about that, shall we?"
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ask-the-boogeyman · 2 years
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This is an official plotting call post, liking this and interacting with this post shows me that you are interested in writing. I'll send you memes, asks, we can plot out threads, etc.
I really want to know who is interested in the Boogeyman. Please specify the verse in which you want to write in as it makes things a lot easier. If you specifically want to ship? We can discuss that as well, it just can't touch the following verses: [[Clawed Skies of ferality]] [DBDm.v] [[Spiders Venomous webbings]] [DBDm.v]
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bloodofthefates · 2 years
x. open starter
     While her father understood her thirst for adventure, it was her mother who had doubled the amount of guards sent to watch over her even until the early hours of dawn while she slept to ensure both her safety and her captivity. It had taken Saenehra months to learn the various rotations, weeding out the more diligent among the negligent and the ones that could be easily plied with  a bit of extra coin or ale if that’s all it took. Calculatory by nature, Saenehra meticulously matched which guards worked in set pairs and which stood watch alone and she knew the moment was right when the opportunity presented itself late one summer eve. It was late enough she knew the rest of the Keep was dreamlessly asleep but nearing the darkest pitch of night with no worry of sunrise in sight. It meant for at least the window of an hour, she had only one sentry at her door and one that she could easily manipulate by means of a simple distraction in the form of a handsomely paid kitchen boy with instructions to create a ruckus at the far end of the hallway with nothing more than a serving tray and several empty goblets but enough to send the guard to investigate any potential threat or danger. On cue, the boy did as she’d instructed and forced him to memorize, reciting the plan back to her until she was sure he understood his role on pain of violence if he should ruin her plan but as she heard the footsteps leave her door in a hurried fashion she wondered if she shouldn’t owe the boy more money. Draped in only a dark colored cloak she’d stolen from another servant and armed with the pin excuse of a dagger at her belt, Saenehra slipped through the smallest crack of opening her chamber door as she could comfortably fit through before retreating into the shadows of the winding hallways down to the lower levels of the tunnels she’d taken to exploring and memorizing when hiding from the Septa for lessons in being a proper lady she never cared for. Once safely below the Keep, she found the nearest torch attached to the wall and allowed the low cast of light to lead her way through the maze of turns until she could smell the fresh scent of summer sweeping in through a draft. Banking her torch, Saenhera knew she’d made it far enough in her escape plan as soon as her boots hit the stone of the stairwell leading down into the heart of Flea Bottom; the seedy entrails of King’s Landing and her intended destination for the night to see what all the fuss was about. Making her way through the surprisingly crowded streets given the hour, Saenehra kept the shroud of her hood firmly tucked over her face lest anyone recognize her, but soon a stranger bumped into her with enough force she had to catch herself on the nearest wall to keep from falling over before someone else forced a tankard of questionable substance sloshing over the sides into her hand as some kind of recompense. Sniffing the liquid, Saenehra was quick to make a face but forced a sip down before coughing and sputtering into her elbow that earned a round of laughter from the men gathering around her cast in the shadows of the nearest fire pit. “Surely poison or piss is better than this…”
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greywoodrpg · 7 months
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𝕛𝕒𝕔𝕠𝕓 𝕔𝕠𝕒𝕥𝕖𝕤
he appears as though he was born thirty years ago but is actually two hundred and twenty four, is a vampire, lives in acacia heights as a crime scene cleaner and is in sanguine liguria coterie. he looks an awful lot like regé jean page.
"I always liked to play with fire."
tw: death, murder, dysfunctional family, injury, blood
He was born in the beginning of 1800's and he died as a 30 year old. Or should I say, he was murdered at 30 by his own family. Well its hard to call them family truly, considering the murderer was the widowed new wife of his father, who she killed herself too to gain his fortune. It was his lover, a painter and vampire who turned him after she had pushed him from a fleet of stairs. His ribs broken and him bleeding out on the floor which she had yelled him to clean. Oh how he had feared her. But the thing was when he got turned he was boiling with anger, his eyes flared red and before he knew it his home the one he was raised in, the one he swore to protect was going on in flames, and he who had been broken by his stepsisters and stepmother was heading for those witches (without them being actual witches but puny weak humans who couldn't survive a knife wound or two - or thirty) He made sure no trace would lead to him, he vanished from the mansion he grew up at and started a new life. His lover disappearing but leaving a medallion with his picture in it behind so Jacob could remember him. To this era Jacob has been wearing it hoping the paths would cross again. He went to Greywood because he felt he'd find his former lover there, or perhaps a new lover would appear for this handsome man. A man who wasn't easy to trust others, and who believes no one would ever hurt him again.
“what power did he attain when settling in greywood?”
He got elemental magic, especially keen on his fire powers. His eyecolor indicates what kind of element he uses. Green for earth, Red for fire, Blue for water, Yellow for electricity and purple for mist/fog.
penned by... naomi
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pochunts · 1 year
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— ✰ on the page linked below in the SOURCE LINK, you will find ( FIVE HUNDRED AND SEVEN ) hq gifs of SAVANNAH LEE SMITH sourced from her role as KIM SUMMERS in DRUNK, DRIVING, AND 17 (aka Smashed) (2023). savannah is 22, identifies as bisexual, and is of african ( unspecified ) descent, so please cast her accordingly. all gifs were cropped at 245x145 and were made from scratch by feifer for roleplaying purposes only. therefore, i am taking full credit for these.
gifs feature: Michele Michael, Antonio Davis, Sydney Bullock, Chantal Jean-Pierre.
warnings/triggers: Kissing, alcohol (beer), open flames (fire), underage drinking, enactments of of s.a. and suicide attempts (any visuals have been removed), baseball bats, driving under the influence, car accident, blood, hospitals, getting arrested, cells, bullying, cyberbullying, death threats, courtrooms.
DO: LIKE or REBLOG if you found these helpful or have any intention of using these.
add or compile into other sources ( gif hunts, gif sets ).
edit or claim in any way ( redistribute or resize into smaller forms - gif icons. giftangles, etc ).
use to portray the faceclaim in smut rps or real-life celebrity groups.
use these gifs as imagery/visuals for smut writing.
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gifsbyharley · 1 month
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#43 gifs of 𝐬𝐚𝐛𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐜𝐚𝐫𝐩𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 in her "taste" music video have been added to her gif page, bringing the total to #304. you can access these gifs by clicking the source link. all gifs were made from scratch by me, so please DO NOT redistribute or claim as your own, edit in any way, turn them into gif icons, or use them in other gif hunts! please like/reblog if you found these useful in any way! tw: blood, violence, gore, knives, guns, fire 
these gifs are mainly to help those struggling in the celeb rpc, but feel free to use them however you wish. all i ask is for you to NOT use them to portray minors, use them in taboo rps, incest rps, to fetishize the LGBTQ+ community, to race bend, etc. commissions and free requests are currently closed, but if you enjoy my work, feel free to leave me a tip on ko-fi! 
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lookinghalfacorpse · 4 months
Thinking Affections again, and idk if this counts as a prompt or not, but in itwall you mentioned how cPhil constantly touches cDreams hair to calm him down and is just sth he likes so just that being a their thing they do when cuddling or sth is just phil petting and massaging his head
anything can be a prompt if i brainrot hard enough
/dsmp /rp
Dream wasn't sleeping well.
Sleep was always a fickle, delicate thing with him. There were plenty of nights where his exhaustion would take over and he would sleep soundly, especially early on during his time at the cottage, but there were also long periods where he'd barely sleep at all. He would wake from nightmares and seizures, or he'd simply tremble on his mattress for hours and hours, unable to slow his heartrate from its anxious pace. Em helped him to feel safe those nights, but even she couldn't keep his fears at bay completely. For as loving as the dog was, she couldn't stop someone from coming in the night to drag him back into the hell he escaped from. The hell he planned to return to someday. He laughed, sometimes, at the odd predicament he created for himself.
He procrastinated sleep by reading in the living room.
Techno gave him some shitty novel about an underground culture of elves. It was entertaining enough. He sat on the floor with a dog on his lap, leaning against the couch, and pulled his hair from his face. He had to tilt the book forward so the dim light of the fireplace could illuminate the page.
He heard Philza sit on the couch behind him.
The old man hummed thoughtfully before threading his fingers through Dream's long hair, pushing it behind his ears. "Might be less annoying if I braid it," he offered.
"I'm gonna take it out before bed," Dream replied, "but go ahead."
"It's my pleasure, mate." Phil's voice edged close to a whisper. He began carefully selecting some strands of hair from Dream's hairline and drawing them back, letting his fingertips trail along the boy's scalp. Dream shivered at the touch, feeling his skin erupt into goosebumps. "You should be sleeping," Phil continued.
The offer to braid his hair was a trick from the start; Phil wasn't doing anything that seemed close to a hairstyle. Instead, he rubbed and massaged along Dream's head, sometimes scratching with his fingertips. The book slowly dropped to his lap as he couldn't focus on the words anymore. His eyes fluttered closed.
"In... In the prison," Dream started, "Quackity liked to grab my hair. He'd grab it, like, in the front, and slam my head on the ground."
Phil's fingers trailed softly along the back of his skull. "Dream..."
"Sam hated when he did that. My skull would crack, and it would bleed a lot."
Phil could surely feel the bumps and valleys along his skin. They were hard to miss. He would feel rough scars and some patches of flaky, dry skin. Maybe some sharp lines where a crack healed. Dream's hair has been a source of frustration and humiliation for a long time; he hated that Quackity could feel the thick mats, the tangles, the spots of blood he couldn't wash out.
He felt Phil plant a kiss on the top of his head.
"Join me on the couch?"
Dream would spend the night there, on the couch, lying on top of Philza with his head on the old man's chest, sighing at the sensation of his head being massaged until he fell asleep.
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lynnlovesthestars · 11 months
Masterlist- Baldur's Gate 3.
Hello my stars, since my brain went from somewhat sane to "How can I live without Astarion" I decided to put everything I've been posting in a masterpost.
Also I'm opening my requests, right now I'll be writing only about Baldur's Gate, but later I might venture in other fandoms. At the bottom of this masterpost, I'll leave the requests rules.
This being said, whether you are here to look for a treat, or to request your fantasies, what can I do for you?
My prompt list. (currently under maintenance)
Kofi, patreon for those who'd like to tip!
dd:dne infos for those who might be interested in finding out how it works.
Requests questions!
Taglist form. for those who wants to get tagged.
Work in progress page.
Other places where you can find me:
@ask-karlachbear (karlach rp blog) currently inactive, for roleplaying please dm. (now moved to @wisterias-in-bloom)
@lynnloves-thestars (the one where the follows come from aka my primary blog)
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Astarion Acunin:
Scars: Astarion x Reader. Angst. Set in act 3. "When your fears catch up to you"
Blood: Astarion x Reader. Part 2 of scars. Angst, fluff. Set in act 3. "How long does it take to heal those scars?"
One and Only. Astarion x Reader. Smut, fluff, lil of angst. Post act 3. "No one will ever love me like you do"
The sun, the moon and the stars. Astarion x Reader. part 2 of One and Only. Angst, fluff, smut (kinda). Post act 3. "When he thought he couldn't ask for more, you gave him back his freedom."
I wandered lonely as a cloud. Astarion x reader. Hurt, comfort, fluff, eventual smut. Set in act 2. "Let's pretend just for a few hours that we are okay, that we fell in love."/ Golden Daffodils (chp 2)
Why? Astarion x reader. Angst, hurt/ comfort, something similar to fluff. "Why? Why? Why?"
-Tick, tack, ah.- Astarion x OC (Lynn). Hurt no comfort.
Amygdala- Astarion x OC (Lynn). fluff, angst, a bit of confort?. "pain comes in many ways"
Serendipity - Astarion x OC (Lynn) fluff?. "astarion was supposed to have a meal and ended up catching feelings- or something like that."
Golden- Astarion x Tiefling!reader. angsty?, lots of thinking, self-doubt, avoidance. "the huge tear in his shirt caught your eye again, and you decided to give him a reminder that someone cared about him." (somewhat pt 2 of "Why")
Avoid- Astarion x Wyll. Angsty. Prompt 11.
Wisteria- Astarion x OC (Lynn). Fluff, smut, angst. Set post game. "In an universe where they don't end up together while tadpoled, Lynn comes to the conclusion that he loves Astarion."
Sleep tight- Astarion x OC (Lynn) fluff.
Lesson One- Astarion x GN!reader. Fluff.
other beginnings
kiss me slowly
dadstarion crums
stealth check failed
the veil- prologue, 1,
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Karlach Cliffgate:
Bedsheets. Karlach x reader. Requested. Fluff. Post act 3. Ticklish adventure.
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Wyll Ravengard:
Sleepless. Wyll x Reader. Smut, fluff if you squint. "Everyone is asleep, and all he can think about is not next to him."
Headcanon: anal. Smut.
Something. Wyll x reader x Gale, poly, fluff. They are something.
Avoid Astarion x Wyll. Angsty (check under Astarion)
Seasalt. Wyll x reader, smut
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Gale Dekarios:
Arabella - Songfic, fluff. Prompt: 169 “Oh, fuck. Do that again.” 
Something. Wyll x reader x Gale. Fluff. (look up!)<3
Tea- Gale x reader. Drabble. A tea to fall in love.
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Dinner is served. smut.
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other characters:
"Let me show you how this will benefit you"- Gortash x OC (see more on post), smut- check TWs.
HC bg3 men with caring Tav
HC bg3 x durge, refusing bhaal
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Request rules:
My requests are currently open, of course there's some rules I'd like to enforce so all of the readers, as well as me, are comfortable.
-no nsfw from anons or ageless accs
-no abuse from the romantic interest with the intent of having them fall in love (I see you Stockholm syndrome lovers, but this is not the place), while the mcs trying to murder each other before kissing it's our fav trope here, abuse it's not.
-no dubcon or noncon
-no b3stiality, no inc3st, or minors characters, even if aged up.
-and yk the usual do not interact warnings.
-can definitely use prompts, one liners, tropes, whatever comes to your mind for the request, and I'll try my best to fulfill them.
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Navigation tags:
#lynn: updates ☆ (updates on what im working on, or published content)
#ask: lynn ☆ (answers to the asks I get)
#lynn: i wandered lonely as a cloud (ff related tag)
#vault: lynn ☆ (what I posted)
#asklynn☆: request (requests fulfilled)
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softberrybi · 3 months
A quick note...
Hello from your local AuDHD switch verse bisexual. I'm on this corner of the internet to have fun and spiral into whatever current hyperfixation has me by the throat.
Minors, please don't interact. My blog is for people 18+. I'm a big advocate for sex education and curiosity, and my particular Tumblr page just isn't the space for that. If you're looking for an age appropriate resource, I highly recommend checking out Scarleteen. It's a wonderful site dedicated to providing medically accurate and queer inclusive information about relationships, sex, identity, and so on.
My asks and messages are open. Wanna be friends??? Feel free to message me any timmmmme. If you’re looking to be flirty, please be respectful. Opening with nudes or demanding nudes or sexting is just not the move, okay? I've been involved in the kink community for many years and have met so many wonderful people, so my tolerance is very low for people who hide behind kink as an excuse to be shitty. Also, I have a queue going, so posts appearing doesn’t mean I’m actually online.
Please note I’m wary of porn blogs with no other content, and I hear the Jaws theme song in my head whenever I get one word messages in my inbox because those “hey” or “hi” openers tends to escalate quickly without my consent. Again, be chill. If I get a weird vibe at all, the block button and I are besties.
Be a kind person, okay? Transphobes, terfs, swerfs, antifeminists, racists, ableists, fatphobes, bigoted jerks DNI. Honestly, get well soon and cut that shit out.
If I ever accidentally interact with something I shouldn’t or tag something in a way that doesn’t feel good, please let me know so I can edit or delete immediately. I respect you.
🌶️ spicy info under the cut 🌶️
Being a verse switch is so fun, okay? I'm attracted to people regardless of gender, and it's just so fun to make people feel good.
I use the traffic light system (💚💛🛑) for consent check-ins. Here is my Yes/No list for both giving and receiving unless otherwise specified:
Yes - praise/worship, puppy play, edging/denial, overstimulation, biting/marking, teratophilia rp, impact play (just not face slapping/hitting), gfd, daddy/mommy kink (just no age play or incest rp), strap play / pegging, breeding kink
I think it’s also worth mentioning that there are types of play that I’m happy to engage in even if I’m not personally turned on by them. Examples include foot fetish / nylon fetish play and tickling (as long as I’m not the one getting tickled; that’s a hard no for me)
Sometimes - I don’t really post about any of these on this blog, and if I do, I will be sure to tag those posts. I sometimes enjoy objectification, degradation, humiliation, light CNC, helping a partner enjoy some light CBT, e-stim, watersports (especially during primal/possessive play)
No thanks - Heavy CNC that involves genuine fear play, scat, age play, race play, pro-ED anything, misgendering/detrans, vore, gore (some blood is okay, but gore makes me feel faint), intox/chem, permanent harm/scarring, incest rp
Obvious no (and instant report and block) to actual assault or endangering anyone who can’t consent (e.g. anything to do with minors, bestiality, and so on)
This should go without saying, but if you have a partner / partners who will be hurt by you playing with someone else, please don’t flirt or try to play with me. I’m only down to play with folks engaging in ENM or single folks, okay? Be nice to your partner(s).
Also, since this has been coming up in my asks and dms quite a bit, I’m not looking for a sugar situation. I will just delete the ask/message 🤷‍♀️ Thanks!
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miss-guided-muse · 3 months
It’s my first post!
Look at me go! 😂 But yeah hi! I’m Sara and I like to edge to words and conversations and that’s kinda the main reason I have this blog 😅 I have other pages for other things but that’s kinda what I hope to use this one for. I think of tumblr as my version of interactive porn. I mean I like to talk to people and get off that way. IFYKYK 🤷‍♀️ If you’re interested send me a message and let’s see where this goes! No guarantees well mesh and I’d ask you not be a dick about it if we don’t. If we do get along, I’m very open to getting kinky!
“No nudes”
- Ghandi
I love sending nudes but only to people I play with and I only play with people I like and I only like people I talk to regular like so yeah 😅
The things I’m into and love to RP
GFE (girlfriend experience)
Cheating gf
Sexy intern
Bully (I can be mean, I promise!)
Being a huge slut, idk
What I’m not into
Toilet stuff
Animal stuff
Blood stuff
I’m open to talk about anything though just hmu! I hope to hear from nice people on here! Love you all, you beautiful people!!!
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ask-the-boogeyman · 2 years
Update on Verses, Adding, and Explanation
#Verse;; Spiders web and bloodied fog
This is the Dead by Daylight verse, the main verse Michael is featured in for this blog. After the events of Halloween Kills climax, the Entity grabs Michael directly after killing Karen, taking him into the Fog for its own plans. There is a tag to this verse that is specific to a ship with @bastardstandard.This is the default ship for this tag, but I am a multi-ship blog. If someone specifically wants to attempt getting close to Michael in the DBD verse, it will be disconnected from this ship verse and be tagged differently. So stay tuned for a possible tag to be added, should anyone wish to attempt this brave feat. Ship tags associated with this verse: [[Clawed Skies of ferality]] [DBDm.v] [[Rabid hearts]] FrankxMichael [DBDm.v] @lettherebemonsters is the writer of Harry, another ship featured in this verse! verse;; Valentines and Halloween collide [[Valloween]] HarryxMichael [DBD.v]
#Verse;; Evil Never Dies
This is the Halloween Kills timeline verse, from the moment he is in the fire, up until the massacre of the mob and Karen. Anything from Halloween Kills, novel-wise or movie-wise, is included for the most part as well as some own headcanons. Some primary examples of differences are the lack of Cameron in this timeline as well as adding Corey into the 2018 rendition. This is only my own personal headcanon and can be adjusted during RP. More information on the Corey fix is here: Link There are no current ships on this tag.
#Verse;; Rot and Decay Upon the Masses
This is the Halloween Ends timeline verse, from after killing Karen, to the years leading up to the movie and novel, and the eventual ending. Everything in between is here and there are some differences sprinkled in. Some primary examples of differences are the lack of Cameron in this timeline as well as adding Corey into the 2018 rendition. This is only my own personal headcanon and can be adjusted during RP. More information on the Corey fix is here: Link There are no current ships on this tag.
#Verse;; White Walls and Static Laced Lies
This is specific to Michael's days in the Sanitorium AFTER he is 21. After being re-captured by Loomis, Michael is put under high-security risk and put in an even more strict environment. This does not bode well for his mental health already, and it deteriorates as the years go by into a cold, calculated rage, and festering bitterness and eventually what you see in 2018. A far more brutal Michael than what he ever was before. There are no current ships on this tag.
#︶꒦꒷☠꒷꒦︶ : ̗̀➛ {{Beating Hearts & Coursing Brains;; Experiment Verse/Resident Evil}}
Direct information on this verse can be found on this post right here: LINK There are no current ships on this tag.
#Crossover, Halloween Kills x House RP (Paging Dr. House and the Medical Mystery)
This is a fun little verse specific to an RP ongoing with @formulated-lie. It's set sort of after Halloween Kills, not quite Halloween Ends, but not directly on the night of Halloween Kills. There are no current ships on this tag.
#Franchise Original Night - RP (Blood drowned eyes and venomous scowls)
This is not only the original movie timeline, but also his days in the Sanitorium. Yes, that means you can meet a child version of Michael, up until he is 21 and breaks out and just directly after he is captured. So this covers from the age of 6, to the age of 21. There will not be any ships on this tag. If you want 21-year-old Michael, that would be the White Walls and Static Lies tag. This one mostly covers his malpractice and medical trauma over the years of his youth.
#Verse;; White Walls && Gnarled teeth [Asylum AU]
This is a special verse crafted with @bastardstandard which is set in 1996-1997. At the very beginning of it, Michael is 20, and in a year he'll be released to be tried as an adult similar to the main timeline. However, he is not the only special patient that Dr. Loomis has to deal with. After a transfer from Canada, both Frank and Michael are in the man's care and begin to bond... And plot their escapes. Plotted ship in this tag.
#Verse;; Long Road Ahead [Therapy AU]
The timeline is very flexible for this and can range from being in the '70s, '80s, '90s, or even modern times. Michael got fucking therapy. He got therapy after Loomis was fired after the other staff realized he was essentially treating Michael like the devil. Dr. Loomis loses his medical license, Michael is moved out of Smith's Grove, and he is actually able to get proper help. By the time he is 21, he is nearly entirely rehabilitated. He is an outpatient, still has therapy, and has a bit of a goth fashion sense yet he still has every capability of killing if pushed. Just like anyone.
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linkito · 3 months
I mean I will ask both eventually but I figured one at a time, y'know? that's why I said today xD
So for hhau... you guys have mentioned a couple times Grian having a fever after the arrow wound? The wound from the confession fic I assume? Anything you're willing to share on that? Can I offer bribes for that?
I imagine it was a very not fun time for Scar...
Oh not fun at all!
Yes, it was due to blood loss and fatigue and a number of other things after that leg wound from the confession fic.
This is actually more or less where we left off on our Big RP Document™ before we got addicted to just randomly rambling and mini rp-ing LOL but that means I’ve got some snippets I could share!
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^ but firstly this, from our notes at the bottom of our like 200+ page doc pfffff—
anyway here you go 💕
“Hey, hey,” Scar murmurs, pressing his lips to Grian’s head as he speaks. “Shhh, it’s okay, I’ve got you.”
Grian’s skin is warm beneath his kiss, but he’s shivering into Scar’s hold, and it doesn’t seem to be entirely due to whatever nightmare he just woke from. Scar’s blood, as if in tandem, also runs cold at the realization.
He has no idea how to treat a fever.
Well, that’s not completely true. He’s an expert at nursing sick hermits back to health when he has access to everything he needs. But there are no fluffy beds, warm towels, hot soup, and soft cats to curl up against anyone here. He has no oversized jackets to offer, no tacky blankets, no obscene number of furnaces to tuck under his bed. At best, Scar has a fire, some gross pond water, and a half-eaten fish.
And himself.
He always has himself to offer.
“C’mere,” Scar soothes, wrapping his arms around Grian wholly, his hands meeting his own forearms as he holds on tight and secure, engulfing Grian in what little warmth he has to offer.
Right now all they’ve got is a crummy box of a room made of terracotta and clay in a dark, damp cave, a small fire, some water, and a few scraps of food. Grian is weak and often struggling to speak, leaving Scar to somehow, hopefully, find a way to make them survive.
And while we haven’t necessarily written it all out yet, I basically see this time as Scar’s transition from a bumbling, goofy hermit to someone capable of providing and defending.
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firetfly · 7 months
˙   ៹    ♡   𝐍𝐀𝐌 𝐉𝐎𝐎𝐇𝐘𝐔𝐊 gif pack ,
𝐬𝐞𝐦𝐢-𝐩𝐫𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧! you will be redirected to a payhip page with 200 medium gifs ( 268 x 151 ) of nam joohyuk in vigilante. every single one of these gifs was made from scratch by me and for roleplaying purposes. do not: repost the gifs, include in your gif hunts, claim as your own or edit in anyway. like or reblog would be greatly appreciated if you found this useful.
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content warning: blood, eating, flashing lights, kissing.
important note: please do not use my gifs if you were blocked by me, for sm*t situations, celebrity rp as themselves or ‘t*boo’ rps.
if you enjoy my work, considerbuying me a☕ or take a look at my commissions information.
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chevvy-yates · 1 month
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/// gaining access_ scanning file_ …
/// CH02_ENCOUNTER_IN_THE_AFTERLIFE.file breaching_ ⇢ data is safe_ ⇢ LOW-RES file extracted_ ⇢ no malware detected_ ⇢ savely accessible via shared cloud 'G-Drive'_ ⇢ no account needed_ /// —
If you are not content with Cyberpunk's canon specific violence, horror-like scenes, mention of blood, death, drugs and some explicit sexual mlm content throughout the story, it might not be of your interests. I orientated a bit on ao3's content ratings and warnings and will update it for every new chapter so you will know when e.g. there's gonna be smut. Feel free to reach out to me if I should add something to it.
We are happy about comments/feedback. Feel free to post them in this post, reblog with a tag-comment or send a private message. I won’t post/upload it anywhere else than here. I would be very happy not to find it anywhere else either other than saved onto your devices — so please no re-uploading, thank you.
Best viewed on a computer as the pdf is exporterd as print sheet to give the feel of a book. If a bunch wish to have single pages I will see I can add those as well but it will take me a bit of refining the pages again as they are fit for double paged layouts.
Make sure to follow the tag #Cyberpunk 2078 – Pandemonium if we got you hooked so you won't miss out for the next chapter. We/I are not fast in converting our rp chapters so future chapter posts won't happen on a regular basis.
Cyberpunk®/Cyberpunk 2077® belongs to CD Projekt©/CD Projekt Red®. Original characters belong to @nervouswizardcycle and @chevvy-yates.
Content & VP by @nervouswizardcycle and @chevvy-yates. Artwork & Graphic Design by @chevvy-yates. Used fonts/textures are bought/open-source-material/free for commercial use.
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usertiff · 13 days
— CHRISTIAN BALE GIFS ! this gif pack was a commission (09/08/2024)!
in this pack, you’ll find exactly #83 gifs of CHRISTIAN BALE in out of the furnace. he is white, please cast accordingly. all of these gifs, including the psds, were made from scratch by me. if you’d like to use these gifs, you can find them on kofi in the source code! if you have gotten the pack, and want the page and not just the dl, pls dm me. if you plan on using them or found them useful, please give this a 𝐫𝐞𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐠
note: it's come to my attention that christian was arrested in 2008 for shoving his mother in a hotel during a familial argument. they have since reconciled. as it is a requested commission, i will still be posting the pack (mostly because in my research i found that he is mentally ill, and he's doing a lot of important work lately, including a foundation for foster children which is something i'm personally passionate about), but the event is something you may want to make note of.
DO NOT edit ( resize, re-color, crop, etc. )
DO NOT use to rp anything gross, taboo, actual people / celebs, or minors
DO NOT claim as your own or redistribute them
TRIGGER WARNINGS: crying, blood, alcohol, gun, bruising
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