#rp stuff happened and he done lost his locks
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Good news, he hates his new hair cut as much as I do.
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rainbowtransform · 3 years
Anon who asked about Foolish here's the prompt. Foolish just has enough of the server and breaks Dream out of prison with Micheal. They take him, Michelle, Punz whose is their brother to another server. Foolish takes Purpled too cus he is not leaving the boy where Quackity can manipulate him. He also yells at Puffy telling her that when she remembers she has her own children and actually wants to be in their lives to come find them cus right now they're done being neglected by her.
:) all /rp
The note he’s left for his mother is simple: this is your choice.
He once asked, years ago when his powers were just coming in again (and that’s the problem with dealing yourself, if that you’ve got to wait for the little things) who she’d choose if it came down to between her family and her job.
“You,” she said, gently pulling Dream’s arms through his pajama shirt. “It will always be my family first.”
(But then, Foolish wants to protest, why did you leave for months on end? Why do you leave Niki alone? But he refrains. He loves his family, has a brother who is close to how he is, and two mothers who love him very much. His mothers are trying their best.)
But they’re not right this time. Foolish knows this and his mother has chosen her pathway. (He’ll miss her, he’ll admit. But his brother needs to be safe.)
Purpled is a kid. He’s a kid who saw his home get blown up by TNT by Quackity, to try and build a nation that will eventually be torn down by its Own citizens. Foolish sends a calling card, and gives him coordinates. Asks him to take care of someone else.
Michael McChill is an amazingly energetic person, who has broken three blocks into the prison and is raring for more.
Michelle is hard to pull out of Puffy’s home. Puffy’s trying to keep her happy; but she’s not Michael. Michelle is not okay with staying inside and no other kids to play with.
Punz doesn’t answer, but Foolish keeps him in the back of his mind. If he ever gets back to him, Michael will be the one who deal with him.
But now, Foolish and Michael wait. They’re watching the prison. Foolish sees Quackity March in, all righteous air and chin high.
(Foolish sees him leave with blood on his clothes, cheery and waving goodbye.
Foolish sees red.)
They’re waiting at the cords when Foolish rides up, mindful of Dream in his arms. “He’s hurt.” He tells the teenager and Michelle. “But he’ll be okay.”
(There’s a brother who is most like him, laying on the floor of a prison cell crying.
There is a brother like him, who holds onto Foolish’s hands like a lifeline.)
They ride out further, away from the SMP and the blasting alarms. Sam’s lost his canon life and Foolish almost growls before he remembers the person still with him.
They go hundreds of blocks away. They Zig zag and sometimes Michael even steers his horse a different way to confuse others. Purpled is more lively the more they get away from the SMP and Michelle sniffles.
“It’ll be okay,” Foolish says quietly to her. “Papa’s… not good right now.”
Michelle nods, and keeps her eyes straight forward. She’s a brave girl, Foolish knows. Brought to the Overworld to be a friend, just to be trapped a second time without one. Foolish locks his pinkies with one of her own hooves. Michelle smiles and Foolish looks ahead.
Dream heals. Foolish coaxes him out of the house sometimes, let’s him stay outside for as long as he wants and takes him back in when it gets too loud or overwhelming.
When Dream doesn’t flinch at the tiniest movement anymore, Michelle sticks with them. She presses little kisses onto Dream’s forehead when he’s leaning down, and then kisses her fingers and pats them around his legs and arms.
“To keep you safe.” She says.
Purpled ends up rebuilding his UFO, looking up proudly at it and wiping sweat off his forehead. “I’m not going to go home just yet,” he tells them at dinner. “But I’m thinking of it soon.”
There’s a brief moment of silence before Dream says “don’t get caught in the SMP. There’s a bunch of things you need there, right?”
Purpled shrugs. “My fuel’s just there. Nothing else really. I’ve got some bread and stuff that I can eat on my journey. It won’t take long. Probably two or three weeks at best.”
“Be careful. Quackity’s still looking.” Michael says, shrugging off a coat.
“It’s been like three months,” Purpled says, annoyed. “Really?”
Michael sits down next to Dream’s seat, nudges his arm away a little bit, and then takes a porkchop. “Two people he wanted to be with Las Nevadas, one of the strongest growing nations up and disappear with a prisoner and a daughter of Puffy’s? He’s probably going to be looking for a long time. It’s only the fact that we’re so far away and that we’d basically destroyed the way up here that we haven’t moved on yet.”
“We need to, though,” Foolish says. “The UFO can move right?”
“Yeah it just can’t go to space,” Purpled reassures. “And we’re moving?”
“We were waiting until Dream feels up to it, and healed enough. We shouldn’t be going far, but we’ve got to take down anything that even makes people think we lived here.”
Michael shrugs. “The Warden won’t rest easy either. Dream was his only prisoner, and he is ready to get him back at any cost. This isn’t your fault Dream, we’re not turning you back in, don’t even think about it.”
There’s a quiet moment before Michelle asks to be excused so she can go play outside.
You whisper to FoolishGamers: we need to talk.
FoolishGamers whispers to you: no
The trees look lovely today. Sometimes Foolish remembers he was a millennial younger and when his first family took him to the park, or whatever was considered a park back then. 
Foolish is older now. He knows enough about what you must do in order to satisfy the voices in your head and how to help others. He almost lost his brother. A brother who holds more power than they can imagine together.
He watches Puffy walk out of the trees. Her hair is vibrant and colorful and Foolish remembers when he was younger and she used to live she used to let them braid it. But there’s only so much that memories can allow.
“Foolish, my son,” she says. “Will you please tell me what have you been doing.”
“I’ve been taking care of my family papa. You wouldn’t get it you abandoned Dream when he was in the prison.”
“He hurt children.”
“He did,” Foolish acknowledged. “He did. But he didn’t deserve torture. And he sure as hell didn’t deserve what the prison did.”
“It’s best for us if he goes back in.”
“I thought that you wanted to talk because you were going to apologize. But if you’re not going to wear down here you we all love you and we are your children. When you decide to love us back, when you understand why we had to do what we did. Then you can come and see us and you can stay with us.”
“Foolish,” she starts and he shakes his head.
“No. I’m not going to listen to anything anymore. I’m keeping my siblings safe. And I’m keeping Purpled safe because he does not deserve to be in Las Nevadas being manipulated by the man who let my death happened.”
And with that, he turns away.
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rpmemesbyarat · 4 years
RP Meme Lines from "AHS: Coven" Episode 9: "Head"
You get a little older, we'll add a little hooch in there.
That will really keep us warm.
There's nothing to be nervous about.
Keep your hands steady.
Just like we practiced on the range.
I don't wanna miss.
I was the same way when I was your age. Worse, even.
I couldn't keep my breakfast down. Ruined my shirt.
We've been hunters for generations.
You stay here.
You'll get a clean shot.
Put her down!
No mercy. Never forget what they are.
We need to talk.
You and I ain't got nothing to say to each other.
Take your skinny ass and that filthy thing and get out.
You don't wanna talk to me? Fine.
I won't be long.
This better be good.
That one you can keep.
What makes you think I want it?
Why'd you keep her around?
She amused me.
You thought you could use her as a bargaining chip.
What'd she say? I can't hear.
You shut up.
I came here to talk terms.
You think it's so easy. Stroll in here and expect we gonna fix this truce?
Oh, to hell with the truce.
What I'm looking for is an alliance.
Are you insane?
I told you to shut up.
You can't trust them as far as you can spit.
Now, we need to stop this petty quarreling.
We've got bigger problems than what goes on between us.
How many dead?
This concerns you and your people as much as it does mine.
You're making a mistake.
I can live with that. Not too sure about you, though.
Can't protect your own and expect me to do it for you.
You're kidding yourself if you think that after they're done with us,they're not coming after you.
I'll fret about that when the time come.
Right after I pop the champagne.
Take this filthy thing out back and burn it.
I don't ever wanna see it again.
Sweet release. At long last.
Could people please not move things?
Let me do it. It's my mess.
I need to say something, or I'll simply explode.
I need to know for certain that you don't think I did this to you.
You were like a baby bird pushed too soon from the nest.
Will you be my mother now?
I've always loved you like a daughter.
Wrap your arms around me, dear girl.
I don't need magic to tell me what I already know.
I know you would never hurt me.
I never doubted you for a second.
I thought you were in Europe.
Nothing a few silver bullets couldn't take care of.
A lot of things have happened. Some of them out of my control.
You don't take initiative, [NAME].
You follow orders.
Your only job is to gather intelligence.
You don't get your hands dirty.
You're the man on the inside.
Don't think.
You'll just end up getting somebody killed.
I'm much more capable than you think.
An innocent desk clerk and a maid lost their lives because you were sloppy.
Your recklessness puts everything we've worked for at risk.
The hunt isn't only about the kill.
A good hunter stalks his prey with care and only strikes when the time is right.
We need you back inside that house.
Tell me you don't actually have feelings for her.
You haven't forgotten what she is?
I'm part of a sacred order.
Don't think I don't appreciate the sacrifices you've made.
I know how confusing it can be to pretend to love someone who's your enemy.
What a marvelous invention.
So before we move on to our lobster bouquetière a little melon ball palate cleanser.
Should we be looking into it?
Selling it, perhaps?
Forgiveness is and always will be the high road, the preferred road.
Would that we had such luxury.
Not to worry. It's just a bit of monkshood in your balls. Causes temporary paralysis.
It's supposed to be quite terrifying. Is it?
Are you terrified? You should be.
At any rate, I'm not going to kill you. Well, maybe after dessert.
I put a lot of effort into the key lime pie.
I do love a key lime pie, even more than an île flottante.
I was never worried you'd be hapless enough to try.
[NAME], you're a fatuous fool and a drunk!
You're weak-willed, boring, and your fashion faux pas give me nightmares.
I know you had the best of intentions but you could've asked me first.
There are secrets in the flames, and I came back with more than a few.
Why do they look so familiar? The generous donors wish to remain anonymous.
Hurl your baseless accusations. They have no power now.
You're the one that should be put to the stake.
You were the one found guilty of a capital crime.
I could have you banished.
You wouldn't dare.
I hear they're not seeing anyone right now.
Stop it! Stop it right now.
The real danger is outside these doors, not inside.
I'm tired. I need to lie down.
It's dangerous out there.
We'll see to absolutely everything.
Hug me again.
Why don't you go tell someone?
Ugh, sick people really gross me out.
We've been looking everywhere for you.
Who said you could come in here?
Get out before I call security.
You brought this darkness into my home.
When did he tell you that?
You're a liar. Or a lunatic.
I don't believe it.
You're mocking my grief.
That proves you're a fraud.
How can you know that?
She doesn't deserve your help.
You bring nibbles? I'm starving.
Time for some sensitivity training.
What fresh hell is this?
I wanna die. I'm ready.
So we're gonna have a little film festival.
No, wait a minute.
What's happening to me?
You're feeling the wrath of broken promises.
Oh, wow, that's some stinky shit.
Now, you never use this unless under extreme circumstances.
Hey, can I try the incantation this time?
Damn. That is so cool.
We make a great team.
You're such an awesome leader
I've got so much to learn from you.
I meant to change the locks.
Let go of me.
I said, let go.
You're drunk.
I needed the courage to come back.
Can you see my heart? Can you see it's bleeding? That I'm living in a hell of regret and remorse? That my life has no meaning without you?
Can we have this conversation alone, please?
I've told you how I feel.
Take your stuff and leave.
No, I'm not going anywhere.
I'm filing for divorce.
All I want is to protect you.
Your shit's in a box in the closet. Get it and then get out.
You got a dog?
You hate animals, and all other living things.
We needed some protection around here.
Why do you think I came back?
Females are more loyal and aggressive when it comes to protecting their families.
What's in there?
You have to leave now.
I'm not certain
I know how to thank you.
I'm sure this isn't enough, but in truth, nothing could ever be enough.
You've given me a gift that can never be repaid.
I confess I had dark moments.
The thought of losing my son shook me to the core.
I questioned my faith in the Almighty.
Why does he say that?
God knows all.
I can't accept that.
I wanna be a good father.
We're done. Maybe one day you'll understand.
You knew you'd get away with it.
My turn.
Now it's your turn.
Like to play another hand?
Yeah, you just keep dealing till I win my money back.
What did you do to him?
What we need is a guard dog, one who will attack on command.
You kept your eyes closed your entire life.
What is that heinous caterwauling?
If this doesn't touch your soul, you don't have one.
When will my perdition end?
I gotta go.
Sit your ass down and get yourself to work.
Go back to sleep, baby.
Go back to sleep.
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nemossubmarine · 4 years
Warhammer 40k: Wrath & Glory RP #16
Larry, paralyzed, is grabbed by the drukhari, and brought to somewhere. He really can’t tell, as he can only stare at the ceiling, or the floor, depending on which way the drukhari have him face. They take off his shirt and the countess appears before him, doing something on his chest. Then he is whisked to a dark room, where he hears Ferrus’ voice, asking who he is, and then bemoans being set here with a corpse. Ferrus then realizes Larry’s not quite dead and rolls him on his side.
Larry slowly comes to. He sits up and examines his chest. There’s some kind of bumps under his skin. Ferrus had tossed his coat over him, so Larry returns and notices that Ferrus is not doing much better himself, as the eldar have affixed some kind of metal device over his eyes (all three). Larry examines him, and it does appear to be bolted into his skull. Nothing few tools couldn’t fix as soon as they get out, though Ferrus isn’t too optimistic about that. Escaping while blind doesn’t seem very likely. He also makes sure that Larry is not naked here, but no, just a shirt missing.
They appear to be in some kind of a container, and, it turns out, some kind of vehicle, as they start moving. Ferrus appears confused, saying that the light of the Astronomican that he sees is moving in erratic ways, which it shouldn’t do. Weird.
Larry says that if he helps Ferrus out of here, would he like to join his crew as a Navigator. Ferrus asks for one trip, or…? Larry says, he’s thinking something a bit more permanent, for the moment. He’s been trying to find a better Navigator ever since he met Ferrus, which makes Ferrus laugh. He supposes he could come cheaper if Larry does really save him. There’s few conditions though. One is that while they’re in Warp, he wants to be listened to, and not be argued with. Larry is a bit iffy on the second part, but sure. And the other one is that if Ferrus’ family ever asks, Larry has never met him. Not a family person, Larry notes, but sounds fine.
Their movement comes to an end, and the door to their locked room opens. Some of the eldar grab Ferrus and start taking him away. Ferrus salutes Larry as he is dragged off, and Larry calls out after him to stay safe.
Meanwhile, Coco and Alice are surrounded by the eldar. Coco slips her dataslate to Alice who hides it in her bra. The eldar take their stuff, and then they are taken to room where they come face to face with the Countess. She asks after the person they came here with, but the two can offer very little. She checks them over to see if they’re the same as Izarak, which appears not to be the case. When Alice protests being touched without her consent, she makes it pretty clear to the two of them, that they belong to her now, so any complaints are void. She then asks Alice to kneel for her, which Alice very much doesn’t want to do. So she has her whipped until her legs give out. Coco is much more willing to do some kneeling once she is asked to do the same.
The two are then taken into a ship and into a small container. They talk about whether they should try to escape. For the moment it seems best to behave (or as Alice says “we can braid our hair and discuss boys later”) Alice is very much looking forward to putting her fingers in the Countess’ eyes, and Coco very much concurs, though it’s a bit worrisome that the Countess mentioned about wanting to test them, whatever that’s going to mean. Alice worries that means they’re going to be put into a circus. She mentions that she was threatened with that as a kid and she doesn’t want to be put into a circus. They take this moment to rest and recuperate. 
Izarak also gets taken into one of the containers. And at some point the eldar drop in the Blood Angel. Izarak checks him over, and it appears that he is going to be waking soon. Which he indeed does. He asks where he might be, and upon given the explanation says that was clearly the wrong question to ask. So who is he, is his next question. It appears he has lost his memory. Unfortunately a question Izarak can’t answer (though he tells him he’s a Blood Angel). Izarak introduces himself then. The Angel lets Izarak know that he is going to pledge himself to Izarak, seeing as he doesn’t really have anything else going for him for the moment. Izarak, a bit taken aback by the sudden offer, agrees. He checks the Angel over for any remaining mushrooms, but only finds small burn marks. Izarak asks what the Angel would like himself to be called, and the Angel says he has no preference. So Izarak dubs him Michael. At some point the eldars return and take Izarak away. Izarak tells Michael to stay put for the moment and not cause too much trouble.
At this point, the party rejoins each other. They are clearly nowhere near Treshan anymore, as they exit the ship they are greeted by a city with strange architecture and no sky at all. They are also greeted by the Countess, who, having done a little costume change (she now wears a jacket made out of kroot skin), introduces them to Comorragh, the city of Dark Eldar. (also at some point Larry expresses confusion what to call her, and she tells him he can call her Mistress, to which Alice says she doesn’t know any women who are both Ladies and Mistresses). She then lets them know that as they now belong to her, they will be fighting for her in the Gladiator Pits. She encourages them to be as cruel as she knows humans can be and make her proud. But she must be off, so off she goes.
The party is led to a waiting room. Larry gets a new shirt that definitely belongs to a dead something or other. They have a few minutes to talk. Coco asks after Ferrus and Larry says he was taken away, eyes bound but otherwise alive. No doubt they’ll be forced to kill him at some point. Shame, he comments, since he was just about to start tolerating him. Izarak mentions Michael waking up as well. Alice says that if she is forced to kill any of the party members, she means nothing personal by it. Larry asks her to just make it quick. They manage to have a very quick conversation on whether to comply on what the eldar want, and for the moment they agree to do so.
Luckily there’s no particularly upsetting things to kill, just a Pit Thing (a large thing with lots of teeth and an acid breath) and some Sand Tigers (teeth-y creatures burrowing under the sand). The party manages them quite well, it helps that Alice starts the fight with an incredibly well placed thrown rock that nearly kills the Pit Thing entirely. There’s some sand-shenanigans, but the most important bit happens at the end, when, while fighting a Sand Tiger in some quicksand Coco’s dataslate slips from Alice’s bra and drops into the sand. Coco manages to locate it and hides it within the arena, knowing they will be searched if she keeps it on her.
They are taken from the arena and brought into a cell, where they meet their cellmates. Two xenos, one with a beak and leathery green and brown skin and a beak (Coco recognizes them to be a kroot) and another blue-skinned xenos with a flat face (which none of them recognizes, but it’s totally a T’au). More on that next time!
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linphd · 5 years
sad!katsuki x neutral!reader | the end of all might
katsuki bakugou x reader
gender neutral
Katsuki goes to your dorm when he comes back from his fight with Izuku, still feeling guilty that All Might has retired.
no warning except katsuki being sad and that makes my heart ache
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that also happened in that RP just so I give credit to that girl she doesn’t have a tumblr though
You were sleeping in your dorm. The door was never locked, in case someone really needed something. And even if Katsuki, your boyfriend, wasn't fond of this idea of the door being closed but not locked because of Mineta (or Mina if you're a boy lol) being a classmate of yours, he was thankful that you were doing so tonight.
          He checked the bandages on his cheeks, to see if they were still there, and entered your room, before closing the door, and this time, locking it. He would've killed anyone who would've entered and disturbed him. Katsuki tried to wake you up as nicely as he could, because he knew how grumpy you were when you weren't done sleeping. ''What ?!'' You said, groaning a bit. But then, you opened your eyes, seeing the bandages on his face and his sad expression.
         You instantly cupped his cheeks gently, making him look into your eyes. ''What happened ? What did you do ?'' He immediately climbed on your bed, you moving backwards in the process so he could've some space.
         ''I fought with Deku...'' He hugged you, and even if Katsuki was a huge cuddler behind closed doors, it was still shocking to see him this gentle with you. He was resting his head on your collarbone, so you started to rub his head to relax him a bit. ''Why ?'' You simply asked. But he didn't answer. ''(Y/N), why am I the one who had to end All Might ?''
            The first thing that shocked you was that he called you by your name. Because even as his lover, you had a shitty nickname like everyone else. The second thing was that he felt guilty about All Might retiring, even though it wasn't his fault at all. ''Kacchan, it's not your fault, baby ?'' He hated this nickname when Izuku was using it ; however, you found it cute. So when it came from you, he was actually liking it. ''If I hadn't been kidnapped, All Might would've never had to fight All for One and retire.''
          You scratched his scalp, resting your cheek at the top of his head. ''It would've happened anyway, All Might was already weakening and losing his power, right ?''
        You could feel his breathing being irregular, his chest was moving weirdly. ''But still, it was for saving me ! If I hadn't been kidnapped, if I had been stronger, he would've lost his power maybe in a few years or something ! But no, because I was fucking weak and got kidnapped !'' He had grabbed your shirt, but you could feel his grip tightening. ''Baby, it would've happened, anyway. It's not your fault that you've been kidnapped, you're not a pro hero yet, it's actually incredible that you survived and escaped without getting harmed.''
            But he didn't care. ''He has been my favorite hero since forever, and I'm the one who begot his end !'' You hugged him tighter, kissing the top of his head. ''You can cry, Katsuki. I won't say anything.'' That said, he started to burst into tears immediately.
         It made your heart ache to see your boyfriend like that, but you felt better after you cried, maybe it would've helped him too to do so ? You just kept rubbing his head and his back, hugging him tightly. You had never seen Katsuki in this desperate state and you couldn’t think of anything else than staying there, showing him your support and affection.
Katsuki kept crying, until your top was soaked. When he stopped, he sat down, looking at the blanket to calm down. And when he was done, he looked at you. ‘’Thank you.’’ You smiled at him, pulling him into a hug again. He chuckled at your actions, and that really warmed your heart to hear him.
You cupped his cheeks, so his head would be raised to look at you. ‘’You know you’re my baby, of course I would be there for you whenever you feel down !’’ That said, you pecked his lips several times, and hugged him again. The blonde himself didn’t know that it was all he needed right now.
‘’Do you feel better ?’’ You asked him, after a few minutes of cuddles. ‘’A bit, yes. Thanks.’’ He muttered. You giggled at how cute he was, and kissed him again. He rest his head on your collarbone, facing your neck. You couldn’t tell it, but Katsuki had closed his eyes. He really was much more relaxed, now.
‘’So, you fought with Izuku ?’’ He nodded. ‘’Why ?’’ He furrowed his eyebrows, moving a bit his head. ‘’Childhood stuff.’’ You snorted, hearing his answer. ‘’Did you win ?’’ You asked as well. He tsked, but he wasn’t really pissed. ‘’Of course I did.’’ It made you giggle, but he didn’t seem very softened. ‘’Why ? You wouldn’t love me anymore if I had lost ?’’ Oh no, now you felt very bad.
You caressed his hair, helping him to fall asleep. ‘’Of course not, Kacchan. You’re my baby. I’m proud if you win, but I will never leave you because you lost a fight or something.’’ You said, giving him a comforting kiss on his head -well, where you were able to reach. Katsuki hugged you tightly, nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck.
He kissed a spot he could reach, and stroked your cheek with his right hand. ‘’I love you, Katsuki. And what happened isn’t your fault. Believe me.’’ You felt him nod, before he muttered : ‘’I love you too.’’ And that was a side of him you absolutely adored. He wasn’t yelling, he had answered you with a raspy voice, still, but calm and caring. And that said, he felt asleep, soon followed by yourself.
I am proud that I made katsuki a soft baby pls don’t hurt him
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reedrph · 6 years
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As per request, I’m about to tell you how to roleplay in the Twitter roleplay community if you’re interested in starting.  This is just my take on Twitter roleplay, and I’m sure there are others with different methods. But I’ll try to break this down step by step with pIcTuReS because I fucking love pictures. 
TLDR; (Because im lazy)
Alright so if you’re unaware what twitter roleplaying is it’s roleplaying via Twitter; though you’ll find all the roleplay mains on tumblr in the ‘twitter rp’ tag.  Unlike tumblr roleplaying where you write in the third-person, for twitter roleplays you write in first-person. As it’s social media based your tweets come from a first-person perspective which means everything is ‘I’ based. However, it is not uncommon for people to roleplay out paras in the DMs just like how you’d write on tumblr.
Twitter roleplays are fast, everything is happening that day at that moment, opposed to tumblr groups where you may be doing a thread set a week ago. They’re great if you don’t have a lot of time, but still want to roleplay, or want to try out a more fast-paced environment!!
Honestly applying for a twitter group is pretty much the same as applying for an appless tumblr group. 
Now something that I tend to see a lot in twitter groups (at least the last time I checked the tag like three months ago MNXBXNBX and from my experience running them) groups drop into the tag but often won’t have their app up for 1-3 days. During that time they’re basically just building hype and gathering an audience, so when they do open it’ll be a swAMP of apps coming in in the first hour. If you like playing a popular faceclaim (like me and Jungkook) I find I rarely manage to snatch him up before anyone else.
But the actual app itself is normally easy, a lot of the time it’ll be requested you submit it opposed to using the ask box (since they may be a little bit too long for it) so prepare for that!!
Once you’ve been accepted it’s common to be given 6-12 hours to get your account in. You may think this is a short period of time, but you can put together a twitter account in 20 minutes.
A common theme, that I’ve never really experienced is people getting locked out of new accounts, though from my history using an email and cell phone verification can prevent this. (if you include your cell phone number go into your twitter settings and disable letting people find you from your phone number) As well as people say not mass following a bunch of people all at once also helps, so only follow 20 people at a time (I’ve mass followed 60+ blogs and have been fine)
If it’s a new account (or an old one you haven’t touched in a while), just like a new tumblr blog you may not show up in peoples notifs!! You need to be active first, which is why you may see people posting “//notifs” before things are even open for plotting. This is perfectly fine and the only reason you should tweet beforehand!! If you notice you may not be getting any replies the first night this is likely why, which is why you want to post ‘notifs’ and like some stuff first.
When it comes to usernames (your @) people typically play off their characters first name and try to make it funny or interesting. Some examples of my own characters past and present would be:
Alliteration is a good approach!! Pick words that share the same first letter and it’ll run smoothly. Or sometimes people's names can be turned or related to other things like:
There are also common name ‘starters’ you’ll see used like:
Really it’s very similar to how names are set up on tumblr.
Display Names
Display names are a little different than usernames, they’re found above the username and is actually what people see first. A lot of the time people will put in memes, TV characters, inside jokes, quotes, song lyrics really anything. Two examples of display names from my own accounts are:
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For one character I’ve chosen a play on his name for his display name that being ‘50 Shades of Grayson’, and for the other I chose a meme, which is ‘Do you take teardrops?’. 
Really what you put in the display name can be anything.
On every twitter account, you get a spot to put a biography this is where you can write a little blurb about your character, put in a quote, a joke, tell us their pronouns, and all that fun stuff. Though often if someone doesn’t know what to write for a bio you will see them just put “Bio for sale” as a little joke.
An example from one of my characters biographies which also includes the display name and username is as follows.
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I just included a small amount of information about him, used the ‘location’ spot to include their pronouns, and then the website spot to link back to the main group.
Icons & Banners
Depending on what kind of group you’re in changes what kind of icon you may use. For instance, if you’re playing someone famous and rich you may use a shot from a photoshoot, or a magazine. But if you’re playing someone with a less glamorous job, it’s a bit more fitting to start out with a selfie or a candid picture of your muse. (Later you may break out the more HQ pictures, I find that happens a lot)
For example, if you’re in a less glamorous setting the picture on the right would be more fitting. While if you’re in a glamorous setting you can get away with more HQ pictures. (But tbh no one’s gonna question it either way, you’ll see people post photoshoot pictures for milestones a lot!!)
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Banners can be anything, you can toss in a picture of a meme, an aesthetic (some people like to match their icons to their banners), if you’re in a ship it’s common for them to change their banner to a picture of the S/O.
Following the Main
Just follow them on twitter, sometimes people will send a little tweet with it like ‘// @.rpname character name has arrived’ or literally just “//@.rpname hi”. But for most all you have to do is follow the twitter main and they’ll follow you back, if it’s an unopened group they may not post a follow, but already opened groups always will!!
Okay so you’ve gotten accepted and set up your account now it’s time for your intro. And intros change person to person, everyone has their own style!! I love graphics so mine occasionally are a little fancier, but not always!! 
It’s also common to end off your post with ‘LMS to plot’ which just means if someone likes it you DM them to plot.
IMPORTANT: Do not post tweets or your bio before the main gives the go ahead!! (Aside from the ‘notifs’ tweets)
Option One:
No bio post, you just introduce yourself in a tweet saying something along the lines of
“//Hey my names Reed, I’ll be playing Grayson and i don’t have a bio but he’s a 20 year old solo artist who’s been around here for two years. They’re pretty chill and kind of over dramatic.”
Option Two:
The lists, since a lot of people roleplay on twitter only through their phone you’ll see a lot of bios posted through a note app where they write down some general info, sometimes in lists, sometimes in blurbs. It’s not uncommon for people to post their characters app in it.
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Option Three:
As someone into graphics a lot of the time I find myself being extra and just making pretty intros. This is not at all required or expected, but if you want to do it, you can.
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Plotting goes along with intros, it’s extremely common for someone to have a wanted connections list, or just say ‘LMS to plot”. Which means you’ll go to the DMs to plot with them. 
But there are also a decent amount of people who prefer chem over plotting, it all depends on what kind of person you are. 
If the main as given the go-ahead to start tweeting then it’s time to think of your first tweet. Now as I stated at the very beginning of this, twitter roleplaying is done from a first-person perspective (with the exception of if you para in the DMs but we’ll talk about that later.)
When it comes to OOC tweets make sure to always start them with slashes ‘//’ (one or two whichever you prefer), this is just the way of showing it’s OOC.
A lot of people tweet for their characters, like they would for themselves. This is very common in twitter groups, everyone puts a little part of themselves in their muses. But it’s also good to find ways to separate them so you aren’t playing to OOC. As it’s not uncommon for people playing more of a self-insert to feel attacked over IC drama that is not OOC, just since they’ve invested so much of their personal self in them. I personally often play characters opposite to my personality IRL to avoid this, however, if you roleplay and put a bit of yourself into the character there’s nothing wrong with that!!
Your first tweet will always feel like the hardest, which is why I typically choose to reply to other people first to take the pressure off before posting my own. But this can really be anything you could say what they had for breakfast, post something funny, or just say ‘hi’, it’s honestly up to you there’s no wrong way to start.  You can even post a selfie, typically most people do sometime in their first 100 tweets.
This is so important, because one of the most common things I see is people who do not reply to other characters, but expect people to reply to them and then they start saying the group isn’t inclusive because they don’t have a lot of threads. But the first few days the dash is always super busy, meaning a lot of tweets will get lost in it, so don’t get sad if some of your tweets don’t get replies, not all of them will. So make sure you’re replying to other people, that’s how you build connections and stay included in the group!! If you ever see anyone posting to RPTs or sending anons to the main saying things are cliquey and you’re in your first 1-5 days, almost 100% of the time it is because they are not replying to enough things themselves!! 
If you’re active, posting your own tweets, and replying to tweets you can get above 100 tweets in your first night. (I’ve gotten 500-600 on the first night before)
You may see a lot of ‘LMS for a DM’ posts too, which just means if you like it, they’ll send you a DM.
Do you see that selfie on the TL?? Go like and retweet it!! Even post a reply on it if you’re really feeling it this is a fast way to make friends. Also, retweet any milestone posts you see posted!! It’s always nice to get support on your own character, which means you need to do it for others.
Also you should get out of your comfort zone, roleplay with faceclaims you may not normally roleplay with, or characters you don’t know.
In the end you'll come to understand more how things work as time goes on, and typically very fast.
There are two types of general messages in the DMs (well three, but I’m giving the third its own category)
The first is OOC messages, used to plot, or communicate with your partner. Much like OOC posts on the timeline, you want to always start this out with ‘//’.
Now for IC messages. These are written just as you would write for DMing as yourself, the only difference is you’re doing it IC.  So here’s a fast example I made between two of my own characters to show you how it works. It really is very casual, and sometimes you’ll DM with people everyday, other times it may die out, it’s all about character chemistry.
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So paras still do exist in twitter roleplays!! They just happen in the DMs opposed to on the timeline. Now there are two different ways of acting stuff out in the DMs and one of them is the para way (my personal preference) or some people kind of just talk it, which I’ll also explain.
When it comes to para’s, I’m not going to lie the most common times I see them happen is with ships, writing out dates or smut (no smut if yoURE A MINOR). Which you may lead up to happening through messages or hint at it, and then you just ask your partner
“//hey do you want to para this?” and typically they’ll say yes, sometimes people might be too busy. If this is the case you can just headcanon it OOC!! Which just means you discuss what may have happened.
So if you’re wondering what a para may look like, it could be something like this:
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Now for the ‘talk’ version, it’s a little different, and I’m personally not a big fan of it, but if it’s my partner's preference I’ll do it. And basically you don’t write out the actions, you just hint at them in what they’re saying. 
So an example of what that looks like is the following:
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Milestones: Milestones are when you hit a big number of tweets, for example every hundred tweets. People often celebrate by posting pictures, or videos. Though I find once I pass 1K tweets I don’t do milestones for every hundred, but I at least do them for every 500.
Indirects: An indirect is when someone mentions your characters name on the timeline, this means that when you search the name and hit ‘from people you follow only’ you can see it. These are great for selfie captions, so if you see someone asking for an indirect, give them one!!  An example of one would be if someone said ‘grayson is the wORST’, since they used ‘grayson’ I can find it in my indirects. When using this for a selfie caption you typically credit the person who said it with their @ for example if I made it my characters selfie caption I’d format it as ‘@.characterurl: Grayson is the wORST’.  Notice the period to separate the @ from the username? This is so they aren’t actually are tagged and get stuck with your notifications for that post.
Quirk: Some people like quirk, some people don’t. Basically, it’s characters who post memes constantly, make a joke out of everything, and are just very extra. I find that a nice middle ground is the best place to be.  Don’t let that be the only thing you post, and don’t be too quirky in serious situations. But a little quirk never hurt anyone!!
TL: Timeline
LMS: Like my shit/stuff/status
DN: Display Name
DP: Display Picture
DM: Direct Messages
RT: Retweet
Follow your group's rules!!
Run your plots by the admins!!
Reply to other people’s tweets (as many as you can, don’t be selective!!)
Post your own tweets!!
Retweet all selfies and videos you can 
Be a welcoming person!!!
Expect people to reply to your stuff if you are barely replying to anyone else.
Take IC drama as OOC
Be a shitty person, avoid being racist, sexist, homophobic etc, etc. 
Be cliquey
Guilt trip people for ships!!
Only look for ships / faceclaim hunt ships
Tag up on characters on the dash (if you see two people arguing don’t throw your character in, it’s overwhelming)
Turn people against other players characters. Even if you don’t like them, it’s not right to isolate someone like that.
Go to RPT blogs with your problems instead of the admins. You can’t solve problems that way, if you talk to the admins, they’ll try to help.  RPT blogs can’t, which makes you part of the problem.
That’s it MNBVCXZ If I missed something you want to know, send me a message!!
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chimerabal · 6 years
Session.... what are we at four?
I lost track. Oops. Thankfully tumblr is in reverse chronological order so it’s not actually an issue.
I am So Pumped for flavoring out my new spells that I almost forgot I needed to type this play by play--- which is super important because this week was full of dark humor and stupidity.
We started the session with all the players plus a giest and Ugly, our ~8ft by ~4ft scaab, having barged into a kindly (yet grumpy) man’s house and locking ourselves in for temporary shelter from an approaching cult. We were all pretty beat; with our cleric and necro-alchemist having just kicked the shit out of each other, and a ghost having kicked the shit out of my character. No one even thought to ask this dude’s name before our dumb asses started in on our bullshit. War cleric Mikela immediately found a crack in the boarded up windows to watch the cultists pass by. Sibyl, necro-alchemist, put herself in a cozy corner to sit out the rest of her post-brawl-trauma. After sitting Ugly in front of the door as a barricade, and offering a hollow and uninterested ‘sorry’ to the guy who’s door we just damn near broke down, my scaberen Uriel got hit with a wave of paranoia and started rifling through all the guy’s stuff looking for traps to disarm or Something. Before the man got too angry Mikela came around and spoke to him some and Uriel sat their dumb ass down next to Sibyl in the quiet corner to also chill the fuck out.
Mikela asked the man some questions about the town, and the cult, and all the happenings; then hit the helpful giest with some as well. We learned that before the cult started showing up two orphans appeared in town, a young man and his even younger brother. They were from a neighboring town, and were recently orphaned by something bloody and unpleasant. Unsatisfied with these answers, Mikela did some scouting from the upstairs window, got a second wind or Something, and decided that we should immediately leave the shelter we just worked so hard to Get Into and chase these cultist jerks down. Right Now. After all, the cult was recruiting--- or something loud--- just a few streets over, and we might not get this chance again before they kill more innocents. Uriel argued against this for a bit, since shes a coward they got indoors to Rest and that it would be stupid to throw ourselves back into battle unprepared and we should Really just take advantage of Finally being under a roof for a while. Sibyl agreed, more or less, that it was probably dangerous and stupid to back out without healing. This went back and forth for a bit, as it does. I manage to get a Super Abridged version of the script I had written out for learning All Of Sibyl’s Mysterious Secrets... got basically nothing outta her :P Scripts don’t work in RP settings, I get that now. Mikela did a healing spell that brought everyone back up to full health and the party agreed to head out.
We decide to leave Ugly with the man in his home, but the guy takes a little bit of prodding to agree to that. Uriel--- not totally over the paranoia from earlier--- is a huge asshole to him and he gives the party a time limit of three hours to get the hell back and take their awful zombie abomination. She almost commands Ugly to destroy the fucking house if they’re not back in time but Ugly is a good boy and wouldn’t have done that anyways ;w;b. The party stealths on over to where the Loud Cult Noises are coming from. There’s this... ascension? of very colorful giests centered around where we are headed. Sibyl is the only one who notices this and calmly instructs Mikela and Uriel to keep cool, and for Uriel specifically Not To Look Up. Uriel apparently really trusts Sibyl because she listened... until Mikela failed her perception and fucking started screaming. That many giests simply isn’t normal so... we were all pretty shook okay? 
Mikela’s scream alerted some of the cultists and we scrambled to hide. Uriel and Sibyl hid fabulously in the alleys... the exact same alley... in the same spot... against what our plans were. Mikela went upwards and scaled a building which.... wasn’t very stealthy but the cultists never bothered to look up, so ultimately the best hiding spot. Uriel tried distracting the cultists by throwing a gold coin into their area--- hoping it would distract them and they’d fight over it. It failed, they ignored it. Sibyl tried to divert their attentions to a near by area by firing a flame spell into said area.... which also failed and blew our cover. 
The cultists were unable to hit either Sibyl or Uriel with attacks normally, BUT THEN one of Sibyl’s ghost-spells backfired a bit and she started glowing Very Brightly, blinding the enemies and also Uriel. Uriel was able to land a devastating hit on one of the cultists even when blind before backing the hell up and regaining her eyesight. Mikela got the jump (ha) on the enemies by launching herself off the building and into the fray, doing a lot of damage. Sibyl- still super glowy- electrocuted one of the cultists with a VERY COOL TASER GAUNTLET. Uriel ended the battle by strangling the remaining cultist into unconsciousness. Mikela looted the body and shouldered the unconscious dude and Uriel tried to carry the dead guy--- saying it would be disrespectful or something to just Leave It There Like That. Definitely not weird scaberen motivations no sir. We ended up giving the dead guy to Katya (who is here in spirit for this game- and here for when we can’t do things with our own bad strength stats) to carry.
The group hears the loud cultists from a neighboring road fussing over ‘that strange glow over there’ (Sibyl) and heading our way. The party runs through the town in weird ways to throw the group off our tail until Sibyl stops glowing, and then runs even more after that; we weren't able to shake them. The dead guy was leaking and leaving a blood trail. The group deliberates for a bit and decides to tourniquet the bleeding leg just above the offending wound, then cut the rest of it off and make a fake blood trail away from where we were going. The amputation is done with Great Somberness (because its so morbid on the party’s part, and because it’s ruining an other wise Lovey Corpse on Uriel’s). Uriel is then given the leg to make the fake trail with, which they do gladly.... probably having a bit too much fun splattering blood everywhere in the process.
The group returns to the grumpy man’s house with a body and a hostage and don’t immediately see the grumpy man. We find him barricaded on the top floor of his house with a spear poking out his only sight hole, ranting about how he KNEW that beastly thing was going to come after him, and trying to stab poor Sibyl who and just wanted to let him know we came back. Both Sibyl and Mikela try to talk the guy down, while Uriel is losing their god damn mind laughing at the situation. The hostage begins to awaken (Sibyl punches him), catching the guy’s attention. He disarms and sees Uriel and Katya holding a limp form, and Mikela shouldering a gagged and bound man. Pretty sure Uriel blew whatever positive progress we made on the grumpy dudes mental state with all the laughter and smirking... especially after asking What The Fuck she was holding. The group leave him alone to work with the hostage downstairs.
Mikela and Sibyl work a bit on getting the hostage to stop Screaming--- half because he’ll attract unwanted attention and half because, you just can’t interrogate like that. Uriel steps in and tells the guy that if he doesn’t shut up they’ll feed him to Ugly (who is still sitting in front of the door being a Good Boy). He stops screaming and pisses himself, which is gross on its own, yeah, but Mikela still had him on her shoulder. Uriel falls back into hysteric laughter as Mikela doffs her armor as quickly as fuckin’ possible. She then hurls all the piss covered armor at Uriel, who effortlessly dodges it. The armor hits Ugly--- making Uriel laugh even Harder--- then it tries putting ON the pissy armor--- and at this point Uriel is basically crying. Mikela is busy cleaning herself off, and Uriel is trying to regain composure, so Sibyl starts the interrogation on our prisoner. 
The interrogation is pretty long, Sibyl asks a few questions before Mikela takes over, and eventually Uriel joins the group mostly to observe. We learn that this guy had Literally Just Joined the cult today. He joined because the church’s  protections aren’t doing Shit in this crappy fucked up little town and almost everyone here is totally disillusioned. The dude Sibyl killed was the only person he actually Knew in the whole cult and he really couldn’t offer us much info on members... or really much of anything. He didn’t know the name of the demon they follow--- only that it’s name began with an N and that it was calling itself ‘the whispered one’ and ‘the heir to Griselbrand’ (which Uriel pointed out, is kinda stupid, why follow some lesser demon when Griselbrand is still in power?). Around here is when Sibyl checked out to work on her Mystery Notes... and Uriel got bored almost immediately after when the leader was described. The cult is run by a young twiggy male with long blond hair, and he often has a child with him (not even a partial demon or something cool and grotesque--- why even bother). Mikela asked some more questions and eventually came to the conclusion that it was the weird orphans from earlier who are now running the cult. I hope I got all the deets from that- this was Late Game and I’m not the best note taker lmao.
When Uriel got bored with the interrogation she noticed that Sibyl had left the room and, quietly, went to go find her. Sibyl had taken out the same note-filled bible from the other night and was flipping through it. Uriel got close enough to see the pages that Sibyl was focused on were written in code--- code that Sibyl obviously didn’t know. She startled Sibyl by asking what was up and took 3 points of head-to-jaw damage when Sibyl jumped up and bolted. Nosy persistence didn’t really pay off much for Uriel; Sibyl claimed to not know what the book was about, or if it was related to the cult-shit, and just gave some really vague and suspect answers that Uriel took at face value. And, although Sibyl is the most interesting character overall, Mikela barged into the room with her “ITS THE ORPHANS” revelation and won Sibyl some reprieve from my nosy character.
Uriel and Mikela discuss the orphans a bit, the ghost tells us that the town they are from is still there- but gives us Cryptic Horse Shit about how far away the town is from where we are. While we’re all distracted our hostage slips out of his restraints and flees the house, and we Only notice because the door is squeaky. As he leaves he says “I’m not the only one who’s heard the call” and we see a bunch more people walking towards where the cultists Probably are. Spooky.
The campaign ends here, and I shortly after realize I forgot entirely about the body I should have been working with... OOPS. I’m honestly only even mentioning that here because I don’t want to forget about it AGAIN come next week I need that for spells.
And per usual, not proof reading or anything, and I don’t trust that I didn’t miss details- I kinda check out sometimes on other peoples turns... Its the curse of an ADHD attention span without visual input  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I try.
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odrseasonone · 6 years
The Fates of My Characters
so, for many of them, i hadn’t made up my mind precisely what would happen to my characters, but for some i have.  i think it’s always a good idea to keep these sorts of things in mind when writing (and ofc just bc something worked for the rp doesn’t necessarily mean it’ll work for a series obv but yeaH) so just as a refresher, here’s what i was thinking!!  my more recent characters...idk...but w my older characters, i generally have ~some idea but yeah obv all of this can be changed!! really only cassius, charles, and avelina MUST die bc even dezod could just be locked in some ~chamber of eternal torment~ or whatever if it turns out that’s what works best.  im going to put them in two categories - decided and undecided - but really that just means ~general idea~ vs ~100% open~
vincent alainon
dies probs bc of dmitrei given his general trajectory lbr hahaha but idk
not before we get some sort of climax over his whole situation tho but whether or not that’s wrapped up happily idk
cordelia arrington
learns the truth! has a terrible fight w her bro! probs never sees him again and then feels super guilty when he’s gone *waves flag*
def eventually fights against rowena tho!!
her claim is def also always hanging over her - in both good and bad ways and both as pawn and stateswoman at different times
may or may not rule/be proclaimed queen asp
cris barret
should’ve been a dragonrider but his wife died on their wedding day so he wouldn’t be bc his bro betrayed them all #yay
has lots of fun depressing adventures
probs dies at the end and is reunited w ana in death but not before lots of suffering and angst transpires *another sarcastic yay*
but yeah not 100% decided on this either but i caN see him falling to his death from a dragon or something gratuitous like that lajsdf
avelina beaumont
dies but close to the end, having (whether literally or figuratively) lost all her daughters and everything she holds dear...
except that one thing which is dearer to her than all others: her ability to hate alex - that she will always have ;D
evie beaumont
dies, most likely (indirectly) bc of her mother and/or her claim
most likely either falls to her death or is burned at the stake bc im mean af
but not before discovering her courage and gumption and doing her utmost to help aragoth!! 
(how effective she is on a more than personal level idk but props for effort!)
i’d also like her to go on some sort of adventure incognito a la [ this post ] possibly while traveling to the south or smth
esp given how that same journey went for celia ;D
but whether or not her compatriots know who she actually is - or even that she’s not a man - or are trying to help her idk
either way hijinks and hilarity and adventures ensue and she gets to be brave and go places and see and do things <3
i actually have a whole bunch of conflicting ideas about this journey so ladjflkjdskf
may or may not end up marrying anyone after all but deF gets offered around as we already know hahaha
cedric boleyn
i was gonna kill him but then lauren wanted kate to strike a deal w dezod to resurrect him
probs dies saving someone or something heroic and tragic like that
which im cool w but if he returns, he doesn’t come back the same...
probs comes back w a mission to kill roran bc dezod isn’t a faN
then he has to be killed all over again probs so thaT’S fun too
jesper dalmas
100% dead man walking tbh
but won’t conveniently die until he’s caused lots of trouble and accidentally forced lynessa and avelina to go north etc
esp bc they can’t really kill him now bc they killed jon and they can’t have bodies piling up...
charles degrey
100% dies heroically - possibly by cassius’ hand, possibly in some way defending roran or something
dezód destriksyon
obv he dies at the end bc we know roran is his undoing (but whether or not roran is the one to kill him idk?)
but not before something climactic goes down between him and rowena and safira and ric!!
whether separately or all at once idk
cassius montagu
100% dies may or may not pull a vader and kill rowena and/or show someone else how to first tho - rhaegar also dies
may or may not somewhat redeem himself towards the end
lucian moran
dies - its just a question of hoW
possibly killed as an offering to the demon god so that’s fuN
loys mortain
cries ;D
no but i feel like he probs lives and gets to be reunited in the end w his one true love - keys <3
but his death may or may not be faked or whatever idk
also never consummates his marriage w celia but he doES (and don’t let any children read this!) hold her hand at least once!
racy stuff
rochilda thaon
dies - possibly killed as a sacrifice to the demon god, possibly by rowena or dezod or something?????
osmund urry
dies but is cool w it
i mean, he’s not suicidal, he’s just... ‘its my time’ or whatever its more bittersweet than tragic
jon valles
stabbed to death at his own wedding - it’s the best day in aragothi history
adela vipont
is forced to actually look the world in the eye asp but mostly she’s just ridiculous smdh <3
probs has to ultimately make a decision that forces her out of her comfort zone to do the right thing™
normand vipont
dies just a question of how and when
probs has some sort of entanglement w the pirates asp bc of the seafaring thing and we need a naval battle ;D
may or may not ever make any headway in his goals????
emylyna vipont
probs dies but not before somewhat redeeming herself hopefully???
edmund browne
probs ends up somehow embarking on a quest/emotional journey for which he is 100% unprepared tbqh
ivette bryant
becomes a dragonrider w a green dragon <3
does her utmost to help others gain freedom as she has done - wether literally or figuratively
her ultimate fate tho is a mystery - who knows maybe shE falls from her dragon instead of cris maybe she lives idk
lena castillon
will probs finally get to travel!!!
beyond that idk
dominick fletcher
idk but i do know that nothing good is on its way ;D
roderick fray
a hot mess, fucks around, makes things worse, eventually grows into something more hopefully
possibly dies?????
james garin
is a lil shit first, last, and always ;D
no but idk what happens to him exactly in the end hahaha
comes back to the south 
tries to become a better man!!!
tristan lanquetot
rides off into the sunset w ophelia probs to heal but idk might die to expunge all those murders #yikes
roseline l’archer
brigitte mortain
honestly probs dies doing something stupid but whether that’s before or after the story ends idk ;D
may or may not marry
if she does marry rob, she 100% runs away/tries to run away and/or tries to poison him #facepalm
radulfus osmunt
isabella quincy
can see her burning, can see her saving someone, can see her redeeming herself (those not mutually exclusive obv)
can also see her living??????? idk
andrya rience
most likely gets some kind of comeuppance/punishment but probs lives??????
lysander stafford
eventually gets his - both literal and figurative - story straight but from there idk
warin thorel
100% makes armor and/or swords or something for the new dragonriders
100% does something dramatic w those arms before them probs
beyond that tho idk?????
aymon vaux
is a dumbass till the end but idk when that’ll be - whether during the storyline of odr or later hahaha
remon vipont
undecided but im leaning towards death tbh
deF strives v much, has a whole lot of angst about his child if/when he learns of her true paternity, etc
joffrey vymont
travels all over the place!! makes tons of mistakes!!
gresilda wystan
0 notes
imagine-me-here · 7 years
I've Met Everything Except Aliens (Supernatural; Guardians of the Galaxy)
Notes: Edited RP with two internet friends.
L Adrian (Dean): https://www.pinterest.com/l4s0104/ Sky Low (Peter): https://www.pinterest.com/skylerlow12/ Me (Gamora): https://www.pinterest.com/ghostthewolf/ Summary:  Dean Winchester and Peter Quill share their love of girls, their rides, and classic tunes. Media:  Supernatural; Guardians of the Galaxy Genre: Crack, some angst Word count: 3,043 Warning: mention of parental abuse towards the end (there’s a warning right before)
Gamora’s POV
“Peter, are you trying to kill me!? I thought we were over that!” The Milano swerves and does a flip.
“No. Well, maybe…” He grins and does another flip “No.”
A set of mountains are visible through the fog and we crash into one of them, skidding along.
“Just land her already! Any longer and we’ll crash!”
“I’m trying, okay?!” He slowly lands her but hits something beneath us.
The Milano skids to a halt. Could’ve been worse, I guess. “What was that? We landed on something.”
“I don’t know… Let’s go check it out.”
I see a black car wedged under one of the Milano’s wings. Then I see the man inside. “Are you okay?! Peter, he’s hurt!”
Dean’s POV
My head hurts. I can hear muffled voices. It sounds like they’re talking to me. I open my eyes slowly and see a green woman pulling at the door.
“How did I not see a black car?!” A man’s voice says.
I feel hands grabbing me. I cough, feeling blood trickle down my chin. “Thank-” I gasp before completely blacking out.
Gamora’s POV
“We need to get him on the Milano and fast.” Peter picks him up.
I help Peter pull the man out of the wreckage. He’s really quite handsome, actually, and Peter catches me staring.
“Let’s get him in the Milano.” I repeat quickly, avoiding eye contact.
Dean’s POV
I groggily wake up to bleeping noises. Opening my eyes, I gasp. I’m in some sort of spaceship! “Where…”
I turn and see a young man with a beard looking at me. “Uh, this place yours?”
“It’s pretty nice. But a little dirty.” I sit up and run my hand through my hair. “Who was that green woman?”
“That’s Gamora.”
“Okay. Why am I here?”
“The Milano.”
“Well, we accidentally crashed your car…. and you were unconscious.”
I rub my head. “So that’s what that noise was,” I mutter.
“What noise? There’s no noise. I don’t here a noise.”
“I meant the noise I heard just before you landed on the roof of my car.”
“Uh… there was a noise?”
I nod. “Yeah. Then a crash. Then I blacked out.”
“What did the noise sound like?”
“Like a really loud engine.”
“That was the Milano.”
“Guessed that.”
“Okay, then why did you ask?”
“I can understand that.”
I lay back down. “How bad has my car been damaged?”
“I don’t know.”
“Hey. Are you okay?”
The green woman, Gamora, rushes back into the room with bandages and a first aid kit.
She’s freaking gorgeous. I close my eyes to think.
“Uh? Hello? Peter?”
I smile a little. Those are two sentences that summarize my relationship with Samny.
“Sorry. What’s your name? I’m Gamora. And, uh…yes, I’m an alien.”
I smile again, then open my eyes. “Wha-oh right. Sorry, bit lost in thought. My name’s Dean.”
“I’m Star Lord,” the man adds.
I raise an eyebrow at Gamora. “Star Lord?”
“Yes, Star Lord.” Star Lord repeats. Gamora gives him a look.
I shrug. “Okay. So, how bad has my car been damaged?”
“Come on. We’ll go out and check.” I put on my boots.
I nod and get off. Then grab the table as a nauseous feeling comes over me. “I-I’ll need help.”
Gamora rushes over and puts her arm around my shoulder. “Are you alright? You can stay in here if you’d like.”
“I’ll stay with him.”
Dean shakes his head. “No, no, I need to see how my car is. Please.”
We climb out of the Milano and into the wreckage. Amidst the crumbled asphalt road is a mangled heap of black and silver metal.
I stare blankly, slowly registering that the wreckage in from of me actually was my car. I stumble to it and touch it. “Sorry you’re so banged up, Baby.” Tears start to form. “I’m sorry.”
Gamora cross my arms and gives me another one of those death stares. Sheesh. This woman is scary. “‘Baby?!’ That’s almost as bad as Peter and 'Millie’!”
I turn around. “Look, this car was my dad’s, and it’s one of the only things that wasn’t destroyed when my mom died, okay?”
“I’m sorry…I…didn’t really have a good childhood either.” I step back and put my arm around Peter. “Actually, we’re all kind of broken here.”
Gamora’s POV
“So…” I clear my throat and step towards the car. “We’ll see what we can savage.” I reach in and pull out normal human things—burger wrappers, mixtapes (a little dated, but understandable), and…FBI badges? “Peter, could you come here?”
Dean grabs the badges. “I’m not FBI, those are fake.” He walk over to the trunk and open it. “Okay, good. The weapons aren’t damaged.”
“Fake badges? Weapons? I take it you’re not some average Joe. Would you like to tell me what’s going on?”
He smiles a little as he takes all the weapons out of the secret compartment. “My brother and I hunt supernatural beings that are causing trouble and endangering lives.”
“Don’t expect us to be surprised. We’re rogue crime fighters from Nova. Come on back to the Milano.”
“Hold on.” He grabs his tapes, badges, and the weapons and follows us back.
I lead Dean inside the Milano and hand him a flask. “Here. It’s Peter’s, but I’m sure he won’t mind.”
“I sure as hell mind!”
“Shut up. He needs it.” I put the flask down anyway and pull my own bottle from my belt. “It’s urerre. Novanian liquor. Try it.”
Dean looks at it and shrugs. “Cheers,” he says and take a deep drink. “Oh man, that stuff is good.”
“I know. I buy it in bulk. There are about 20 cases of it in the back. So, do you want to tell me about yourself? I��m not exactly the therapy group type, but I’m curious…”
“Weeeellll… I hunt monsters, I like to drink, my little brother is with our angel friend right now, I literally have been to Hell and back, what else do you want to know?”
“Met any aliens?” I snap back, not making any other reaction to Dean’s adventures except for a smirk.
“I have now.”
I take the bottle from him. “Do you want to bunk with us tonight? We do have a spare room, and your car's—Baby is sort of wrecked…”
He nods. “Yeah, and do you have a phone or something? I should call Sam.”
“Um, try this.” I take an all-glass tablet out of my pocket and give it to Dean.
He stares at it in confusion. “Uh, where are the numbers? Sorry, I can’t read this.”
“Oh, right. English.” I pull the tablet out of his hands and twiddle with it a bit. “Here.” A ten digit keypad glows in the screen.
Dean’s POV
I dial Sam and wait. Dammit, voicemail. “Hey, Sam this is Dean. So I’m, uh, going to be out for a while. I’m fine, but it might take longer to get to you.”
When I’m done, Gamora stands up and starts walking through the Milano. “Come on, I’ll show you to your room.” There’s a bed, a tablet displaying the time, and an assortment of clothes and shoes scattered across the floor.
“Sorry about this,” she tells me. “This is my overflow closet.”
I laugh. “I’ve slept in a lot worse, so don’t mind me. Do you guys have a shower on board? I feel gross.”
“Yeah. Straight down the hallway on your left. Door locks automatically.”
“Thanks.” I walk down and step in. The controls are a bit weird, but they’re easy to figure out.
“Almost done?” She knocks on the bathroom door. “Peter’s outside trying to fix the transmission, so take all the time you need.”
“Okay!” Since it’s been awhile since I’ve had a decent shower, I spend a few more minutes under the running water.
Gamora’s POV
I set towels outside the door and go into the extra room—where Dean’s staying—to get changed. My outfit is all ripped, so I pick out a leather mini dress and matching boots.
Dean’s POV
I get out and see the towels. They’re really fluffy, which is my favorite kind of towel, surprisingly. Once I’m dry, I go to the extra room (towel around waist) and walk in on Gamora changing. “Oh sorry!” I close the door and facepalm.
Gamora’s POV
I shriek as Dean opens the door. “What the hell?!” He slams it shut. “Sorry, I should’ve told you I was in here. This has happened a few times with some of Peter’s friends.” I speak to him through the door.
“Well, it’s still really awkward. You can take your time. I have a fluffy towel.”
I laugh. When I’m done changing, I cautiously open the door. “Can I look? Have you changed yet?”
He turns around and blushes awkwardly.“Uh, no. I was going to see if the room has any clean clothes…”
“Oh. Right. I’ll just…” We awkwardly shuffle through the doorway. “So, I’ll…go. Yeah. Bye.” I clear my throat and step away.
Dean’s POV
I nod and walk in the room and close the door. I let the towel fall as I slide down onto the floor, blushing furiously. This is just great. Well, better find some clothes.
Gamora’s POV
I put up my hair and walk outside the Milano, cooling off literally and emotionally. Peter is nowhere in sight, so I go back to the scene of the crime and take a peek at the car.
Dean’s POV
I find clothes that fit and walk out back to the Impala. Gamora’s there. “Anything else damaged?”
“No, I was just looking… '67 Impala, eh? Nice.”
I nod. “Yeah. Man, I love this car. Good engine, good milage, good storage space in the trunk…”
“She’s nice. Really. For an Earth vehicle. I spend a lot of time around Peter. I’ve picked it up. He still has his 80s childhood posters of Lamborghinis in the Milano.”
I nod in approval. “Not bad. I prefer Chevy, but each to their own.”
“Yeah. How do you feel? I don’t suppose you know where the nearest town is.”
“No. I don’t.”
“Do you have a map, then?”
I nod and point to the charred pieces of paper in the front seat.
Gamora’s POV
“That’ll be no use.” I calibrate my tablet. “This way. There’s a small town ahead about 10 kilometres.”
Dean nods. “Yeah, I know, but what about my weapons?”
“I don’t know. Everyone’s immobilized right now. Do you want just take a couple and get going?”
“Yeah. Hold on.” He runs to the trunk of the Impala and gets as many as he can conceal, then grabs a small but powerful handgun.
“North. Let’s go.” I secure two daggers under my leather jacket. “If we keep going without stops, we should be there in an hour.”
Dean nods. “Alright. I’m supposed to meet my brother and friend there. Want to come see them?”
“Sure. So, you said 'Angel’. How long have you been in this relationship?”
He makes a strangled cat noise. Blushing furiously, he stares at me. “I’m-we’re not- look, he is an actual angel.”
“Riiiiiight. I definitely believe you. If he’s an actual angel, why didn’t he stop you from getting into the crash?”
“Because I told him to not worry about me I told him that he needed to protect my brother at all costs, even if that meant my life on the line.”
“What’s with your brother, then?” The Milano’s just out of sight.
“Like I said, we hunt monsters. It’s not exactly a safe business.”
“Well, it’ll be nice to meet another utopian nuclear Brady bunch.”
He laughs. “Dude, that show was awesome.”
“When I was about 10, just a baby assassin, I used to wander around the streets waiting for my target. But then I’d see the Brady Bunch playing in this bar and I’d watch the entire episode and get side tracked. The nice lady who ran it knew I came every week and she gave me juice and we’d watch it together. She just liked old Terran television.
"I watched reruns when I turned 18. It was—wait, you were an assassin at ten?”
“I was an assassin at 10 months.”
“I was born with it. In my veins. My dad did it, my sister did it. it was the family…business, I guess you’d say. I was raised in a childhood that revolved around my job. Sometimes I wish I was normal.”
“Tell me about it. You know why I hunt monsters?”
“Enlighten me.”
“When I was five, a demon killed my mother. So my dad decided to get revenge. And here I am, following in his footsteps.”
“Born into a life of loss, raised with the muddy dangerous job in the world,” I mumble.
* the following contains mentions of parental abuse *
“At least your father wasn’t emotionally and physically abusive.”
This seems me into a fit of laughter. I laugh until I cry. “My God. You can’t be serious? Your dad is the Dad of the Year compared to my dad.”
“Really? Really? My dad would leave unexpectedly for weeks, giving us a bit of food and money. But there would always be a lot more days without anything. I took most of the beatings from him being drunk because I couldn’t bear the thought of my little brother getting hurt. I became a soldier when I was five. I never had a childhood. I had to keep switching schools. You want to see the products of his parenting?” He rolls up a sleeve and shows me a scar that runs up to his shoulder.
I cry a single tear and wordlessly unzip my jacket to reveal scars, bruises, cuts, burns and abrasions covering my back. “Kill the next name on the list. Never let them see the flaws. I have always buried then deep underneath the ground.”
Dean’s POV
I nod in understanding and show you my back. “Don’t mess up. Never waste a bullet. If you do, you’ll get the business end of discipline.”
“Many of my targets were children. There was one girl, eleven, same as me. I can hear her saying, to this day: 'Please, no. I know you. We’ll be friends. You won’t have to be alone. Just give me one day to show you what’s it’s like to have a friend.’ I was famous by that point, on everyone’s tablets and the news. It struck me as odd, that after all the bad I did, she didn’t want to turn me in. The reward was high and she was poor. She wanted to change me for the better, not chain me for the worse. And I just thrust the knife in her head like another piece of flesh with no meaning, gone forever.”
“I’ve had to make the decision to watch my brother fight during the literal apocalypse against our other brother while possessed by Satan. And I couldn’t do anything. It’s really horrible, watching someone you love and care about being controlled by the Devil while not being able to do anything. It reminded me of how it all started, why this was even happening to us. And I remember feeling the exact same way as I did when my mom died: angry, scared, helpless. I never saw her die, but my dad did. It must have been horrible for him to watch.”
Gamora’s POV
“I set fire to a house once,” I sob, waves of emotion washing over me. “I could’ve killed your mother! I was to kill you and you were told to kill me…” I collapse and smell the cool country air, the smell of ash and blood lingering on my clothes from so long ago. A thousand years later, and it never really seems to go away.
Dean kneels next to me and lifts my face to look at him. “No, you didn’t. My mom was killed , and the house was burned, by a demon.”
“It could’ve been me. Me, me, me! Get out, the flames are here now, flames lit by a match of mine, get out!”
He grabs your shoulders. “Gamora, listen to me. It wasn’t you. You’re already out. Breathe, okay? Just breathe.”
I take a deep breath of fresh, clean air. “I’m sorry. I should be heading back to Peter, I don’t know why I’m chaperoning you to a town that’s practically in sight.”
“Neither do I. You’re good company, though.”
I pick myself up and orient myself. “There. Just near the water reservoir.” I see something in the distance.
“Hey, it’s Sam and Cas.”
'Sam’ and 'Cas’ are moving towards us, waving. One of them is very, very tall and has long hair and a plaid shirt. The other is significantly shorter, wearing a suit and trenchcoat. “Where’s the angel?”
“Trench coat.” He runs to Sam and Cas to give them hugs. Then, he drags them over to you. “Guys, I have a lot to tell you.” “So do we. You know that haunting in Iowa?” “Why is that woman green?” “Cas!”
“Uh, hello? I’m still here. I’m Gamora, by the way. And yes, I was born green.”
Dean’s POV
“I’m Sam,” my brother says and shakes your hand. “Dean’s brother. This is our friend, Castiel. He’s an angel, so he’s not very used to human stuff.”
“Hi Cas. Can I call you that?”
“Yes. Do you have another name you prefer to be called by?” “He means nicknames,” I explain.
“No. Just Gamora.” She points to the Milano out in the distance. “Peter’s there. You can call him Peter or Star Lord.”
“Star Lord?” Sam scoffs. “I do not understand.”
“Both of you, leave it.” Dean snaps.
“I’m not explaining.” Gamora throws her hands up defensively.
Sam laughs. “Well, can we meet this Star Lord?”
“Yeah, but I don’t think he’s done yet. Do you want to head to the next town? Back to the Milano?”
“Dean, where’s the Impala?” Cas asks. I make a face. “At the Milano.” “Why?” “I think you should come see.”
We slowly make our way back to the Milano. Peter’s nowhere to be seen.
I look around. “Where is he?”
0 notes
shonikado · 8 years
I don't think the person this is meant for follows me and I don't know how well "hey here's a kind-of apology about this one thing i did, among thousands of others i never apologized for" would be taken anyway, but, I just realized I could make a post about this so, making a post
and then it devolves into D&D after a certain point, as is expected of me
"Shonikado continues to be a jerk who just wants to make everyone feel terrible about themselves."
so a while back there was an RP where there was apparently a cursed needle Character A had, and so Character B asked Character C to go grab a shonikado to test it on, and apparently it got turned into a doll, and then one of my characters apparently stabbed the doll in the face (why?? was he trying to see if it had stuffing??) and it bled and died, unless it was already dead. Also Character B made mention that she uses shonikados as ingredients in potions often
and I felt there was a disconnect in how players perceived that event, and how I perceived it
Like, to me, I'd always viewed shonikados as sentient beings on the same tier as humans - they may not be smart, they may scream a lot, they may cause a shitton of chaos and nonsense, and they may have an alarming mortality rate, but still, I thought they should be treated seriously
but I think there was a perception of them being pretty expendable and below that tier and cartoony. And I think the reason for that is because for the most part, that is actually how they were presented in canon. Which, here's the thing - included my own content. So we're left with this:
<Me> |shonikados are totally people| <Me> *acts like shonikados are not people* <Others> *treat shonikados like not people* <Me> |what are you doing, you should feel bad|
so I decided to go ahead and specifically craft an RP designed to make people feel bad for not having been mind readers. Also an unhealthy dose of "can't separate players from characters" in there, which is an issue I had in spades back then that I -hope- I'm over by now. (I don't know, though.)
so a malivari (who I knew WERE on people-tier) shows up, claims to be a detective investigating the disappearance of a shonikado named Brutton. Who, of course, was the one who got murderated, and in the process sets up characters talking about what I'd been aiming for. Which, I mean, it was specifically designed to evoke that
of course, that's a lot like designing an unfair trap in a dungeon. There's a hallway with a trapdoor that leads to deadly spikes, but you've got no way to know the trapdoor is there or even that there's any reason to suspect the hallway might be dangerous. And then the trapdoor happens and you die and it's not very fun because there was nothing you could do. Except, in this case, you've got the DM sitting there thinking, "even though this is the first trapped hallway in my campaign of 999 safe hallways, they totally should have been wary"
and also I don't want to underplay the spiteful nature here. Like, the quote above the readmore was something that I came to realize was pretty damn accurate.
what prompted me to make this post was both remembering this RP, -AND- remembering the RP I made to follow it up, that I never ended up running - this all happened when the RP community was either dying out or just winding down or maybe I was too busy with college, but point is, I never did my "apology" RP. So I'll just lay out what I remember of it.
I don't recall at all what the hook was, but I remember the heroes were supposed to end up finding out that Brutton - which is actually the name of the malivari - is actually pretty damn evil and has been collecting shonikados for the purpose of constructing a monstrous, powerful new form for himself. One of the shonikados managed to get away, preventing him from being able to complete his work, so he did some sleuthing to figure out where it ended up. After realizing it had been taken by TCD, he posed as a detective and played all the sympathy-grabbing cards he could in order to get ahold of the corpse, lying about pretty much everything. It being dead, and a doll, certainly was a setback to his plans, but it still functioned well enough to only be a small delay. And then, obviously, the heroes show up and beat him and the day is saved
I don't think that actually would have fixed anything but it was at least my way of saying "hey I know I fucked up, this'll patch over things a bit?" but, again, it never ended up happening. I do remember drawing Brutton's final form though (or maybe it wasn't his final form but his actual form and he sort of sloughed off a malivari form, that might've been it.) but the picture's probably on the mac and I have no idea where the mac is so it's basically as good as lost
but yeah, point is, I unintentionally set up an expectation, got upset when people acted according to it, and got really spiteful about it and designed an RP specifically to make everyone feel bad.
On the bright side, this experience stuck with me and has helped me avoid future issues. Here's some instances: 1. The players burned down a ratfolk village and murdered quite a lot of ratfolk. In my view, this was too extreme, but from the player's perspective, it made quite a lot of sense - the arsonist in particular is known to be a paladin whose vicious pursuit of justice leaves them morally ambiguous. So now, instead of having all the ratfolk end up in a village that goes "oh what monsters did this to you", there's gonna be a group of them that realize how horrible they were and seek redemption, while another continent doubles down on the evil. That way, the players don't feel like anyone's judging them for what they did, while still having the opportunity to think about what they should have done (which includes a possible "we should have finished them off"). 2. The barbarian found an axe that ended up turning into a monster that tried killing the party, so they killed it first, even when it started retreating. Later, she learned that the creature was part of a race that got locked in the form of weapons after an unsuccessful rebellion. She found this out by talking to one of said race members. In the past I'd probably have had them say "you shouldn't have killed them they were just really angry about imprisonment", but instead the barbarian was met with a level of sad understanding. Like, any amount of communication could have helped, but there was none, and so things went badly. 3. This is one I nearly fucked up - the flan's home city is going through issues with giants that are pretty unstable. I didn't tell the flan's player exactly what the situation was, and he did some things that, if he'd been told, he likely wouldn't have done. But in talking through this with the player ahead of time, I realized the city would not have been so unified on the issue to begin with, and that he would have a lot of people supporting him in addition to detractors. So his actions made sense, and my content became a lot more realistic.
That last one is kind of interesting to me because it spawns from the fact that even though I'm way better at avoiding spiteful consequences, I am still enamoured with consequences and can get blinded by the idea of presenting a different perspective on player actions. Like, where I think "this must be how ALL characters feel!" instead of "this is just one part of a larger picture that I think it'd be interesting to have the players consider". In addition, the flan's player was in a unique disconnect between player and character knowledge, because he was supposed to be ingrained in a city I hadn't explained to the player fully. Other player characters operate on footing approximate to their characters - you don't know what that purple axe-statue race is? Neither does your character. You don't know much about sentience magic? Neither does your character. Of course, they might do something their characters had no way of knowing that still has consequences that they'd DEFINITELY feel bad about, but if I do that without any sort of help... Well, there's the "spike trapdoor hallway" thing again.
I did catch one particularly dangerous instance regarding sentience magic - the reality-warping genie gave sentience to a monster the players had found and I had the foresight to say "hEY so your characters would definitely know sentience magic is, like, super illegal in this world" but they were like "we do it anyway", so THAT I can go unrestrained on. Although obviously I can't intentionally set up a situation to do that in anyway. (Plus, again, varying degrees. If player characters can feel this way about it, surely there's other people who agree for similar reasons. And, in fact, I have made it a note in my setting of which places feel which way on it. (Unfortunately they're likely going to be heading towards a town that's very anti-sentience magic so I will need to let them know as they go in to probably keep their new pet on the down-low there. That's info the chars would possibly be able to glean and it's more interesting to have them be aware of the risks than to try and be a jerk and surprise them.))
anyway I don't want to keep writing too much D&D-related stuff because I envisioned this post as more of a straight "sorry for the Brutton thing, btw I was going to fix it, which I guess don't matter much because it never happened, but, at least I was aware I was a jerk" sort of thing. So, cutting it here, posting
0 notes
doedipus · 8 years
LP D&D: Grand Magistrate Smith
For this session, Max’s brother Torix was invited to audition for the vacant spot in the party. He plays Zerander, goliath purple dragon knight. His horse is named “Frank.” Torix is a bit of a power gamer, but he doesn’t fall into the trap of expecting everyone to have perfectly min-maxed characters or whatever or going off on us for performing sub-optimally in battle, so it hasn’t really caused any problems of that sort thus far. He’s also the token straight guy, with everyone else but us ostensibly being gay dudes. Aside from the one or two times where he said some pretty crass stuff about trans folk, he’s been pretty solid, though, and we haven’t had any incidents since I stated being open about being trans with the group.
He, Max and I are kind of my current non-tabletop gaming group, though usually he’s playing mount & blade in the background while Max and I play Dark Souls or something. I spent a long time without a decent group after my previous one got fed up with me for being a caustic asshole, but I guess the estrogen has mellowed me out enough that I can socialize with people without chiding them over stupid bullshit fucking constantly.
Also, Escrima’s surname is “Smith,” hence the title.
...Anyway, content under the break
The gang rests up at the estate
Constanza learns everything about Amn
Fear of magic
All nobility is capable of owning land
Succession is deeds-oriented; not being a cool guy gets your title revoked
Coy attempts to train the displacer beasts
She teaches it to “heel”
Lucas continues to make copies of his spellbook
He realizes that he has become ambidextrous after absorbing Eva
Graham receives a letter from the brothel
Connie has that one dream again
She looks up at her parents
There’s fire everywhere
She’s the one “touched”
Her parents pick her up and run out of the fire
Zerander arrives at the gates of Waterdeep, City of splendors
He’s here on a mission from the leader of his order of knights to assist Rockseeker
His token looks like a dark souls character //Specifically, like some hybrid of Hawkeye Gough and Horace the Hushed
He asks a lady where the market is
“Oh my, you’re quite big”
As a giant, he attracts stares as he wanders towards the market
Zerander goes looking for an armorer
The shop attendant is predictably taken aback
Armor’s gonna cost extra for size
Zerander sells off his old chainmail to offset the cost
Measuring the giant is the armorer’s greatest trial
We’re gonna need a bigger tape!
Zerander asks the attendant about nearby inns
He is pointed towards the “flying badger”
Hey, the inn’s right next to the market!
The building smells of cooked meat
His stomach rumbles, deafening nearby guests
The innkeeper offers him some roasted phoenix, bleu cheese, and brandy
Innkeeper asks what brought him to town. Being a barmaid, she is fairly pretty, and probably hitting on him
Through mouthfuls of flaming poultry, he explains he’s a bodyguard for Rocky
Innkeeper points him towards the office
He asks about a room
It’s gonna cost extra because he’s gonna need extra beds
He attempts to hit on the innkeeper, but she’s not having it
As he enters the room, he bumps his head on the frame
He drops his gear in the chest in the corner and heads for houseseeker
He’s got his axe and shield still
Zerander searches for houseseeker //Rocky’s house. At some point, I started referring to everything Rocky owns as XXXseeker
He gets lost at first, but finds his way eventually
The 3-INT secretary takes his name down and tells him to wait for Rocky
“Can I make an insight check on the couch?”
The couch bears him no ill will
The building is busy as always
Janice floats down the stairs to bring him to Rocky
Zerander reflexively ducks as he enters the office
Rocky and Zerander attempt to shake hands, but the size differential makes it difficult
Rockseeker tells him about his mission
Also about the party
There’s a paladin
Rocky struggles with pronouns //Graham came out to the party in some semi-cannon RP we did after the session where we crashed Lord Heir’s banquet. Supposedly, he was stealth beforehand, but a couple of NPCs apparently knew what was up as soon as they laid eyes on him, which was weird as hell. I guess that’s what happens when a cis dude GMs trans characters, though
Also a wizard
A bureaucrat
A weirdo
Rocky leads Zerander towards the estate
A carriage arrives to take the party to the trial
Graham reads the letter
It’s a news letter from Mister Mister
Hey, there’s a peep show
Ooh, coupons
Rent services for a whole year for 300 gp!!!!!!!!!!!
Graham thinks. Oh no!
He remembers Lucas talking about how Esmeralda is a bad influence
Greg considers going to the trial
Lucas convinces him to come along
Connie asks for something to help her sleep better
Apparently Liza and the spirit of fire are back in town with some cargo
Graham wants to check on his retainers before going to the trial
He has Lucas send to them about the death of Osric
They’re in town already
Escrima has been shouting “mother! Mother!” for the last hour
Jeeves gives him something to subdue him
The carriage is luxury 2.1
It says Rockseeker 2 on the side
The gang heads to dockseeker
Liza went to Baldur’s gate
There’s a pair of airships there
The spirit is wanted in Baldur’s Gate. How weird.
Lucas is worth 15kgp for some reason
Liza is pissed we didn’t tell her much of anything
She returned with a shipment of rubies!
Graham goes to talk with his uncle Cedric
He tells him about the banquet incident
And the bad news about Osric’s death
Cedric is worried about succession
Graham realizes that he hasn’t had contact with the family since
Cedric tells Graham that he should’ve attended the funeral and such
Graham encounters toxic masculinity. How fun!
Verona elected to stay on the island
Lucas tries to apologise to Liza, and she forgives him
Liza “saw things”
The duke of Baldur’s gate is into some shady shit
Gnolls everywhere, walking freely
Not even working as waiters or anything
Escrima comes out of his trance
Mother wants him to take the party to Calimport
A woman was shouting in some strange language
Jeeves tells him he’s been sleeping for like a week
“Are there any garments that I should don?”
Amazingly, Escrima assumes that the trial is more important that seeing Lupe
Escrima gets some nice clothes and a hearty meal before leaving for the courthouse
Escrima gets there before the others, and Merrow is confused
They’re late?
You’re a noble, right?
You can be a judge!
What could possibly go wrong?
You’ll judge him, you’ll convict, and we’ll get to watch an execution!
Escrima does some word association to prepare
The rest of the gang heads for the trial, but there’s heavy traffic
The trial marches on
Heir is accused of high treason
Escrima gasps
A copy of Hier’s letter is passed to the judges
Judges may ask questi-
Escrima starts mumbling nonsense about wolves and mouths and meatbags
That’s a very good point, your honor!
He should seek to be more than just a meatbag
Escrima wonders where Hier learned calligraphy
The judge puts forward that the letter was forged!
Mother tells him that the letter was not a forgery
Escrima tells the crowd that it was not a forgery, and Hier is a TRAITOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR
Rocky and Zerander head to the trial
Hey, they get to see a paladin judge a trial. How cool!
Graham’s gonna be a very interesting judge to watch!
Very cool and collected
They hear Escrima shouting
Rockseeker becomes worried
The defense wants to continue with the forgery line
They call out a sister of the night as a defense witness
It’s sister Mary Anne, who was out getting takeout during the battle, I guess
She says that he’s innocent
Mary Anne says that the plot was all the sisters, and Hier was a patsy
Mother says that Escrima should forgive Hier
Hier is declared innocent and released
The gang arrives at the courthouse
It’s quiet. Weird.
Escrima, Merrow, Rocky, and Zerander are the only people there
Graham wonders what happened to the trial
Everyone chews him out
Lucas tells Escrima off
Coy and Lucas try to leave, but Rocky stops them
Rocky introduces Zerander to the party
Lucas takes 3 damage from the handshake
Zerander inexplicably clocks Graham //😒
Lucas asks Rocky about Baldur’s Gate
Rocky knows the sisters are there and that Lucas is wanted there
He worries that Baldur’s Gate will join the sisters
Lucas makes idle threats to Rocky about Greg’s safety
Rocky introduces Connie
PVP occurs, and Zerander completely believes that she’s what they say she is
Rocky can’t find Coy
He introduces Zerander to High Magistrate Escrima
“Your faces... why do they look so long? Have I done something wrong?”
Pls ask us first next time, dear
Watchu Doin’, Coy?
Coy goes looking for Hier
She asks about where he went
She borrows a horse
Hier’s not in the main hall of the inn
The bartender points her upstairs
She thinks she’s stealthed
Coy steals a ring of room keys from a housekeeper
She searches the private rooms
An alchemist opens the first door
“You’re not what I ordered!”
He slams the door in her face
She tries to listen in through another room
But there’s no answer
She unlocks the door, and finds Zerander’s room
There’s a locked chest! Watchu doin’?
Unlocking the chest, apparently
Dude, there’s a dungeoneer’s pack!
Coy leaves the room and locks everything up
Next room!
A voice answers, but she doesn’t recognize it
It’s a halfling aristocrat guy
“Sorry, wrong room”
“...could it be the right room? I have money!”
There’s a lot of rooms in here
Behind the door, she hears Hier and someone else hyucking it up
Apparently, there was some kind of setup at the trial
Hier’s paying someone 3kgp
Meanwhile, the gang wonders where Coy went
Rocky suggests she might be doing something rash
Lucas asks about fast travelling to Neverwinter
There’s some portals around, but they’re fairly expensive
The gang considers travelling by air
Connie asks Merrow about appointing a stand-in for meetings
Apparently, people do it a lot. Just leave the masks with whomever
Rocky is optimistic about Escrima’s ruling. This is slightly disconcerting
He mentions Mother by name
Lucas glares at Escrima
Escrima hears Lucas staring at him
We’re in a manga now
Lucas warns Escrima about Mother
Escrima is “Confundled”
Rockseeker gives his condolences to Connie
Coy murders Lord Hier
She draws Suzie, and leaves stealth
She opens the door to the room with Hier and the Lawyer
BANG! The door swings open wildly
The force of the door causes it to bounce off the wall and swing back in her face
She teleports into the room
Coy tells the lawyer to fuck off if he doesn’t want to die
Battle with Lord Hier the Innocent of Waterdeep
Hier draws his own sword and strikes, clipping Coy’s tail
Coy teleports behind Hier
“Nuthin’ personnel, kid...”
Suzie cuts through his body
Blood soaks the room
Hier tries to flee, but Coy teleports in front of him
She quarters him in a flurry of swings
Blood goes everywhere
Lord Hier of Waterdeep is dead
The cleaning lady she stole the keys from sees this and screams
She jumps out a window
Hey Coy, did you know that you’ve just committed a serious crime and will probably be hanged?
Coy jumps around the outside of the tavern
She fumbles a jump in front of the tavern, and lands on her face
Coy runs to the stable. The party is loitering there
Coy demands that Connie disguise her
She cleans the blood off, but that’s the best she could do
Lucas casts invisibility on Coy, who doesn’t stop talking
The gang heads off to the estate
Greg is discussing matters with some nobles
Hey Lucas, how’d the trial go?
Escrima failed us
Greg reminds Lucas that Escrima saved his life several times
Lords Valria and Haliam introduce themselves
They’re talking about organizing a campaign through the southeast
It’s gonna be a month or two before they can start
Greg wants to stay in Waterdeep to oversee the march on Beydale
Coy gives Connie the dagger of breakfast watching //Another magic item. When someone holds it, they see a brief vision of the future. the first couple of times the party used it, the vision included breakfast, hence the name.
She holds it by the blade
There’s a dank corridor
The casters are fighting
Graham charges at a monster
There’s some eggs benedict in the corner
The architecture is distinctly dwarven
Connie grabs the knife
She sees a city surrounded by steam
There’s a hangar being built
Lucas is there, but older
Graham is there, but different
Ooh, an omelette
Gee, that was weird.
A note from Rocky arrives, saying that Hier was murdered, and if they need horses to go looking for him.
No leads on the suspect, somehow
How convenient!
Zerander picks up his armor
Lucas copies spells, and Greg keeps him company
Connie visits the tower of magi
On the way there, the carriage stops in an alley
There’s a person there. She identifies herself as being sister Lake //The cult Connie allegedly belongs to is supposed to basically be the church of scientology. Sister Lake is her auditor.
Lake wants her to return to the monastery
Connie assures her that she’ll be back soon, and will definitely pay her dues
Connie hires a mage with sending to help with the sessions she’ll miss
Connie gives greg the mask, and instructs him to have Mario the sending mage contact her with information
“Aren’t there like, vampires around here or something?”
Lucas messages Rocky about the vampire problem
There’s a letter from Viper
...but Jake had moving stuff to do, so we’ll never know what it said
Escrima talks about how he trained Lupe during the week
She knows to attack gnolls now, which is cool
They could probably ride her now
Let’s go to Casa de Lupe
Zerander hears some screeches from the hangar
Frank freaks out, but Zerander calms him down
Connie tells Escrima to open the bay doors
Zerander sees the wyvern, and pulls out his longsword
“What is that?!?!?!?!”
“We caught her”
Lupe cautiously approaches Zerander
Zerander offers to “fix” Lupe
Oh! You know how to spay a wyvern?
River crossing puzzle! //Idk if it’s come up yet, but being a large party, we tend to have trouble figuring out how to transport people effectively using the items we have. obviously we could just use horses, but this is dungeons and fucking dragons! If we can fly, we’re going to god damn fly!
Lucas on broom //Magic item. It’s a flying broom. Its carry weight is pretty low, so only the lighter characters can really make use of it, but it’s amazing anyway.
Escrima on Lupe
Connie on Broom
Zerander on Lupe
Coy on the fly
Graham on the fly
Lupe launches out of the hangar, and the party takes to the skies with her
0 notes
nemossubmarine · 4 years
Warhammer 40k: Wrath & Glory RP #46
Before our heroes leave for Triplex Phall, Gimlet asks to talk with Gorm and Saef in private. He wishes to bring up the point that after all this is done, something has to be done about Vivek and the Inquisition and the AdMechs, and Gimlet would love if anyone had any ideas, they might share them with the group. Gorm doesn’t see the problem, why just not tell Inquisition he lost Vivek and be done with it. Gimlet is worried he’ll get punished for it, and he should know best on that front. Gorm asks if Vivek’s life is a cause worth dying for for Gimlet, it certainly is for Gorm and Gimlet merely mutters that here Gorm goes again with talk of dying… Gorm says he needs to tell Inquisition that he just got rid of it (the servitor), gave it to the Wolves or something. Gimlet says neither him or Vivek want any trouble to the Wolves on account of this, but Gorm says he rather have Gimlet blame it on him than lie. Anyway, as Gorm sees it Vivek’s brother already knows something is up, the question is whether he’ll care or not. Gimlet says Inquisition can’t find Vivek, but Gorm says that shouldn’t be a problem as he asumed Gimlet wouldn’t be in Inquisition anymore at that point, and Gimlet says they won’t let him out. Gorm says to not lose hope. 
Speaking of Inquisition, what is Gimlet doing to do about Inpax anyway? Gorm says Gimlet still seems not too keen on killing her. Gimlet says she’s her friend. Gorm advises Gimlet to start distancing himself. Gimlet says it’s difficult and Gorm can agree to that, having had to do the same. 
While they’re here, Saef has something he needs to ask others. He mentions Uffe having talked with him about his little party trick, and how it came kind of out of nowhere, and so Saef is now asking permission to use his telepathy in the future, only when it is deemed necessary by Saef. Gorm says Saef has Gorm’s full trust, Gimlet’s fine with it too. Gorm says that honestly Saef has never been untrustworthy, clearly Gorm was not trusting of him in the beginning, but that was prejudice talking. Before the end Gorm wants them both know that they are dear friends. Saef and Gimlet can agree to that sentiment.
Gorm also have some things to share. Firstly that Uffe has been tested for the life eater virus and the results were positive. Nothing to be done about that except to find whoever has done it and stop them before they pull the trigger. Nextly, Gorm has learned that Alex is safe. Gimlet is relieved to hear that, but curious where Gorm got this information. Gorm attempts to dissuade him from learning that, but finally has to give in, saying that he contacted Inquisitor Corrida, and learned that Alex is imprisoned by them on the account of being caught spying on them. Gorm warns Gimlet not to involved, and to stay in good terms with Corrida. Gimlet informs Lu Yan that Alex is alive, but on Gorm’s asking he doesn’t tell her the details.
After that they meet up with Uffe and Vivek and head to Eden’s old base. Vivek takes them few levels down and explains that there’s a secret part to Eden’s base, very common among AdMechs, that the Inquisition couldn’t locate, but the AdMechs will. Eden’s base is rather derelict, there's even some bones sticking out from underneath the rubble. Vivek says that those belong to Eden's dad who died when the rubble fell over. The others point out its rather cruel to leave him there, but Vivek shrugs and says Eden didn't know what to do with the body. He takes them to a secret teleporter. Before they go Vivek asks people not to talk about Eden's current condition and also for Gimlet to take out his inquisition badge (he wouldn’t wish to lie to his friends). And off they go to the secret base.
There they meet up with the rest of Eden's AdMechs. Except for one named Xia who is not doing so well, or so Vivek is informed. Vivek orders the AdMechs to get to packing, as they are leaving, and one of the people, named Bonnie to show Gimlet where the sample was kept and then he hurries off to see Xia. Demir takes over from there, introducing the AdMechs and the people that have come to see them. He then sidles up to Saef and lets him know he needs someone relatively short, but strong to help him pack. A woman named Agda (the same AdMech our heroes saved from Styria) asks if anyone with medical acumen might check on Xia, and Gorm volunteers. Uffe is instantly adopted by Iiris, who takes him away to help with packing.
Bonnie takes Gimlet down another level of the secret base, where there are several tanks filled with flesh-almost-people. Bonnie hands over a sample of genetic material that Eden had been using for a long time and then busies herself with emptying the tanks, pointing that one of the bodies was supposed to become her. Gimlet notices a surgery-area and gets a little flashback, confirming that he has been in the base before.
Saef and Demir head off to gather the AdMech’s stuff, bantering while they do. Demir asks about the party. He also notes Saef’s promotion and says that he would rather switch places with Saef, since Demir isn’t feeling very optimistic about the future currently. But hey who knows. Saef musters up the courage and asks if Demir would like to have a two-person party after all this is done, and Demir enthusiastically agrees.
Agda shows Gorm where Xia is kept there, and while they’re walking thanks him (and the others) for getting her out of Styria. Gorm says it’s all in the days work. Gorm finds Vivek talking with a Sicarian Infiltrator, who looks quite badly off. Something has happened to Xia, as there is something black spreading beneath their skin. Vivek is of the opinion nothing should be done yet, just in case it’s the virus. He suggests that Xia be taken to a rad-wasted planet the AdMechs did a mission to once, so that if things blow up, there won’t be too many lives lost. Gorm asks Xia where the virus entered them and they show a pattern of five pin-prick scars near their lower spine.
Gorm catches one of the AdMechs, a boy in his preteens who is quite extensively upgraded. This turns out to be Agda’s son, Zeki. They chatter a bit, and Zeki lets Gorm know that he’s this way because he got stuck in one of the machines at the factory and Agda kind of started a factory riot because of that. It also turns out Agda is currently together with one of the other AdMechs, Max. Zeki is a bit unsure about his future, because he needs a tech-priest to upgrade him as he grows, and currently the only one who would do it would be Eden (current whereabouts unknown). Gorm asks what Zeki wants to be as a grown up and Zeki says he was hoping on being a tech-priest, but that seems unlikely right now, since AdMechs are supposed to lose limbs in a ritual to show their dedication to Omnissiah, but he already has lost his limbs. Gorm tells the kid to keep on believing in himself and gives him the pepper shaped vape.
Now all stuff done in Eden’s base, our heroes return to Santa Maria and Vivek wanders off with his AdMechs. Before our heroes pick up Z47r and head to X56r’s base, Gimlet drops the sample off with Tabasco and asks him to analyze it. Tabasco says sure, but obviously is most useful if there’s something to compare thing with and Gimlet with a small hunch suggests that Tabasco compare it with a sample from him. Tabasco does so. It’s a match.
Well, more on the implications of that later, I suppose? Our heroes join Z47r who hands over to Gorm the servo-skull made from Snorri’s skull. Getting used to the robotic voice might take a while, but surely this will be an useful fellow to have around. 
The trio, Uffe and Z47r teleport down to Triplex Phall surface, at the bottom of a staircase that leads up to the base. Z47r tells that he was unable to reach his mentor, but that probably just means she’s currently on a mission. They can go in and grab what they need. Gorm notices that the doors of the place appear to be ajar, and asks if that is common practice. Z47r says no, and Gorm asks if he may take his weapon out. Z47r agrees and hurries his steps.
The reason for the door’s open state becomes quickly apparent as there is a body of a Skitarius laying in the doorway. Beyond there are several other bodies, including Skitarii, Servitors and Inquisitional Acolytes. Z47r asks Gimlet if he can explain any of this, and Gimlet says he can’t at the moment (though he does recognize the acolyte bodies to be people working under Inpax). Z47r instructs our heroes to look for survivors and not to touch anything.
Our heroes head upstairs first, where there are some more bodies, as well as a locked door and two open ones. The first room is the personal quarters of the skitarii stationed at the base, so nothing too interesting. The second room is the archives of the tech-priest. One wall is dominated by a star-map and Saef goes to inspect it. He spies a familiar pair of goggles nailed to the wall, and right at the center of one of the lenses is the planet Styria. Looks like that’s where Rat/Inpax have headed next. There is a computer for reading the data slates, but most of them turn out to be encrypted. There is one missive from an Ultramarine from Styria informing the tech-priest of a discovery of a Necron temple. Gorm meanwhile breaks into the locked room, which turns out to be the tech-priest’s private quarters. From there he finds more encrypted data slates, but at least he finds an extra pair of tech-priest robes so now they have a scent on the woman. Gorm asks Gimlet if any of this changes his opinion of Inpax, and Gimlet says that there must be an explanation for this. Gorm asks if Gimlet thinks Inpax is beyond corruption, and Gimlet replies that his biggest fear is that Inpax has become like Tanner.
Next our heroes head to the basement floor. There are more bodies, more closed doors (some locked, some not). Gimlet finds strange green goop on the floor and when he follows the trail he comes across an altar dedicated to Omnissiah which upon closer inspection clearly contains a secret door. No idea how to open it. 
Saef and Gorm meanwhile open random doors while Uffe keeps watch so that Z47r doesn’t catch them. There are few interesting things, for once some really old Space Wolf power armor and wolf-claw, which Gorm confiscates. There is several locked doors. Behind one is a servitor, which starts making noise, so Gorm knocks it out and stuffs it into a storage room, which is by the way filled with xenos-stuff.
Z47r finally reaches our heroes and lets them know that no survivors were found. Gimlet points out to him the secret door beneath the altar and asks if the tech-priest could open it. Certainly the tech-priest could, but would he? No. They have what they came here for, the means of locating Rolf, and so they should leave. Z47r will let the proper Mechanicus know what has happened, so they can clear the place out. 
Well, that’s no good. Gimlet argues that maybe there’s someone down there who needs saving and Z47r scoffs, saying he won’t do any such thing such as breaking in based on gut feelings. Gorm attempts to argue with backing from his apprentice-wolf-priest position, which doesn’t move Z47r an inch. Saef points out that they actually know X56r to be involved in some shady stuff, but when Z47r presses they are unable to come up with sources. Finally Gorm admits to breaking into one of the storage rooms and shows the xenos’ artifacts.
This evidence of X56r’s xenos’ connection (or to use a fancy term, her being a xenorite) manages to convince Z47r to help. He opens up the secret door beneath the altar, and our heroes and him head down the now opened stairway. They come to a room dominated with tanks, some filled with people, some empty, one broken. And in those tanks there are some familiar faces: Ahram, and two of Gorm’s brothers’ Snorri and Uffe.
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nemossubmarine · 5 years
Warhammer 40k: Wrath & Glory RP #13
I really thought this would be the last session of this particular campaign, but some things happened and suddenly there might be half a session more in store, or something. A smooth transition to the next campaign? Well, we’ll see about that next time. Let’s see what those some things are that happened.
We pick up straight from where we left off, with Gorm having found his old packmate Harald and his wolves within an icy cavern. 
Harald is busy making a neat little pyramid out of severed heads, as one does. 
He looks real bad, fused into his armor and a piece of his helmet stuck to his cheek. 
Gorm doesn’t really wait for the others to arrive, instead stepping out, growling at the wolves and Harald, and making a little speech, talking about the great death wolf Morkai coming to claim Harald, and Fenris eating the weak. 
Although Harald greets him as a brother, Gorm says that the creature who he is talking to is no longer Harald. 
Harald mostly just laughs. 
Also takes a bite out of a head? 
Anyway, after his speech is done, Gorm backs off. 
The wolves and Harald move in, and one of the wolves gets an insane hit off on Gorm (18 wounds, yikes). 
Meanwhile the others have arrived to the cave, thanks to the very good piloting skills of Cayenne, and they’re moving in to provide assistance. 
Gorm mauls a wolf and wounds another, but drops his vape at the same time. 
Cayenne kills one of the remaining wolves, but gets bitten. Gimlet wounds another.
Saef uses his psyker powers to deal with the wolf Gimlet started on, and moves in to help with Gorm. 
Both him and Gorm get hits in on Harald, but neither can bring the mountain of a man down. 
Gorm is extremely bloodied, and Saef can’t help but notice he looks a bit more… wolf-like than usual. 
Harald picks up Gorm and smashes him into the ice, bringing him down. 
Gimlet slides in and blasts Harald’s head with his bolter all cool-like, thus finishing the battle.
Gimlet rushes to stabilise wounded Gorm. Also notcing the wolf-like qualities of his friend. 
Unfortunately Harald fell over on top of him, and teleporting Gorm from under him is extremely hard. 
Saef texts Vivek about getting Uffe to help with the heavy lifting. 
Cayenne goes to pick the boys up.  
While Saef and Gimlet keep watch, they spot some strange blue lights that appear and disappear further in the cave but don’t investigate them further. 
Uffe and Vivek get to the spot, and Uffe goes to lift Harald up, which he impressively enough does manage. 
While looking over Gorm, Gimlet notices Saef handing something to Vivek, who stuffs it into his jacket. 
Quietly Vivek asks for Saef to meet him later. 
Uffe asks Cayenne if he may accompany Gorm up to the ship. Cayenne says it’s fine. 
Vivek will not come with, instead saying he’ll take the ship and hide until Uffe gets back.
Gorm wakes up in the infirmary some time later to find Uffe sitting next to his bedside. 
Gorm is mostly doing okay, only he has lost one of his canines, and it has torn his lower lip when it broke. 
Gorm tells Uffe about how cool he was and how he totally needs to come up with a new nickname based on his meeting up with the Death Wolf, Morkai. 
Uffe said that Harald’s body has been taken care of (aka he rolled it into a ditch) and he also took some souvenirs for Gorm, one of the pelts off the wolves. 
Uffe tells that Rolf is no longer on the planet, nor is Cptn Pepper’s mother. 
Based on the tracks, at least the ship the cultists (presumably) took isn’t made for proper space travel, so they’re most likely on Dew Mountain. 
Rolf, Uffe isn’t so sure about it, but he has an idea. 
Their conversation is interrupted by arrival of Layla who has heard that Gorm is in hospital and wants to check in on him. 
Gorm tells Layla to wait outside while he dresses (wolf t-shirt). 
He also tries to stand up, but that doesn’t go great. 
Luckily Uffe is there to catch him. 
When Layla comes in, Uffe excuses himself. 
Layla comments on how awful Gorm looks. 
Gorm tells Layla of Morkai and how people who are in danger of death sees his shadow. 
Layla complains about school being boring, mostly she doesn’t want to learn about different kinds of peppers, but Gorm tells her to stay in school. 
He then asks whether she has learned about money yet, and Layla is more than happy to provide answers.
Gimlet, upon getting back to the ship, goes to visit Inpax, where he lets her know that Vivek is currently alone, and that he has put a tracker on his ship. Inpax questions whether he is sure about this, since it might be hard to keep his cover after that. Gimlet says it seems to be the only way. Inpax shares some news regarding her study of Eden. She has found several road blocks in the form of inaccesible files, that have been locked away. It’s quite possible that Vivek has those keys with him.
Saef makes clear of his promise to Vivek and pops by to visit him on his ship. 
Or rather outside it as Vivek is smoking on its staircase. 
Saef asks if Vivek is alright, and Vivek asks in general or right now. 
Saef says both. 
Vivek says he hasn’t been fine in general for like 30 years, but that’s beside the point. 
He has done some thinking, about why Eden wanted Saef to ask Vivek about his brother. 
Well, here’s what he has. What was done to Theo was completely legal, but as his brother ”gets his rocks off on two things; torture and signing forms”, it means there’s a paper trail of who ordered it and why. 
So that might be something Saef should look into. 
Saef thanks for the information. 
Before they can talk much more, there’s suddenly a handful of Inquisition’s people in the clearing, guns trained on them.
Saef steps between the newcomers and Vivek, and is harshly ordered to step aside. 
Vivek asks whether the people followed Saef here, and Saef says probably, and that he is sorry. 
Vivek suddenly grabs his eye prosthetic and starts tearing it apart. 
Immediately the Inquisition’s people surround him and teleport him away. 
Saef picks up the pieces of Vivek that were dropped, his cellphone and the ship’s keys and returns to the ship, where he first goes to talk with Cayenne (but as Cayenne’s player wasn’t present, we’ll leave that report for next time).
Gorm is again alone in the infirmary when Uffe bursts back in and tells that someone (looks like Inquisition) has taken Vivek. 
Apparently Uffe’s grand plan of finding Rolf heavily involved Vivek, so now they have to get him back. 
Gorm is all ready for gonking some Inquisition head’s together, and manages to stay standing now that he tries it again, so all is going well. 
Gorm suggests they go pick up Saef for the mission. 
Uffe has some doubts, as he is quite sure someone ratted Vivek out, but he isn’t quite sure who. 
He does tell Gorm that Gimlet threatened Vivek. 
Gorm says Saef should be fine, not a friend of the Inquisition etc. 
So they go. 
Saef actually wanted to see Gorm too, so nice. 
When the situation is explained to him, Saef admits that he was there when Vivek got captured. 
He also hands over the ship’s keys to Uffe. Uffe clearly wants to say something not-so nice, but Gorm tells him to thank Saef first for the keys, so the matter gets dropped. 
Then the three of them are off to do some jail breaking.
Meanwhile Gimlet goes to have a chat with Cayenne’s brother Tabasco, the doctor. There’s several things he wishes to discuss. 
First is the matter of Saef having eaten the possibly xenos-infected fruit. 
Tabasco is apologetic, as he can’t really talk with personal matters of someone else with Gimlet. Patient confidentiality and all that. 
There’s a definite impression he does give that something is happening, but perhaps slowly. 
Tabasco says he wants to discuss the matter with Cayenne and Saef and also possibly use the expert they have currently locked up on their ship, although he still doesn’t know why exactly is he being held. 
Gimlet admits that it is a weird situation. 
He asks if Cayenne asked Tabasco about survivors from Limestow. 
Tabasco says that it was mentioned, although they did talk about a lot of other things. 
He says that he visited the Estate a lot with his mother, more than Cayenne ever did, as he was always more of a Blossom at heart. 
At which point Gimlet calls him blossoming, which seems to please Tabasco. 
Tabasco says that people got really scared to talk about Limestow, as its destruction seemed so pointless they feared talking about it might call the destructive force back upon it. 
And well, now Pomegranate Estate is gone (from different forces, admittedly). 
Tabasco got the impression some of the children made it, but apparently Aunt PomPom got upset if asked about it.
He also mentions that there was a lot of migrant workers, especially from Dew Mountain, and since Limestow was destroyed in the fall, some of them might have already returned home, and may or may not have returned back to Orchard Mountain for work. 
There’s lists of workers in the Aunt’s cabin, as she was quite resistant to technology. 
Tabasco says Gimlet is free to go and pick it up, he certainly won’t be going back to the Estate. 
Gimlet thanks Tabasco and calls him handsome in the same breath. 
Tabasco laughs and tells Gimlet to call him Doctor Handsome from now on, which Gimlet says he will.
And that’s all for this session. Next session is Gimlet’s adventures in finding old paperwork (like any good archivist would) and others, more classically, attempting a prison break. :D We’ll see which party Cayenne joins, or if she has stuff of her own to do.
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nemossubmarine · 8 years
DA RP Write-up #12.4
Should I change this title? Since there’s now two games I’m reporting on on this blog. Ah well. So our DA RP has kicked off its spring semester. Last we saw, we were kinda getting locked up in the magister’s house.
And that is where things kick off. We each get put in a cell.
Since we are very much unsure about how things are going to go, we decide to wait and see what’s up.
So we go to sleep.
About an hour passes and people come to take Boshara to the magister Mareud. Only Cahair wakes up to notice this, but he does nothing, except hide a dagger in his cell, since he hears the guards talking about how the prisoners’ things should be taken away from them.
Boshara is led even more down in the house, to a room with an altar and an elvish looking door. Mareud is there.
Boshara confuses her for the demon Mareud, but she and the magister learn that the demon is just someone who has used Mareud’s look as her own.
Mareud asks Boshara about Brett, and when Boshara is less than co-operative, she uses blood magic on her.
Mareud also asks about the necklace Brett had, but luckily Boshara hadn’t seen Cahair steal it and give it to Elspet, so she can readily tell she doesn’t know.
Since Boshara says that she won’t be a threat to Mareud, at least not for the moment, Mareud says that Boshara could be useful to her.
Then this elf comes to Boshara and starts trying to tattoo Boshara with a mixture made from ink, Mareud’s blood and lyrium.
Boshara isn’t having any of this, punches the elf, shocks few guards and tries to escape.
She doesn’t get far before Mareud uses her blood magic to return Boshara back to the chair and take the tattoo on her face.
She explains that this is something that will allow her to keep a check on Boshara.
After this Boshara is returned to her cell.
We all wake up from our naps and are shocked to find tattooed Boshara.
Boshara is mostly worried about how it looks, to which Randy tries to console her. (It’s bright red tattoos of the elven god Dirthamen)
Cahair wants to talk more about the fact that they’re elven tattoos, but since that is not the concern for the moment, he goes to scream in a pillow for a while.
When Boshara is ready, both Elspet and Cahair check over the tattoos. They can’t rly figure out the magic in them, but they clearly are magical.
People come take away our stuff.
Randy claims that Jelaina is our second mage instead of Elspet, so that the guards won’t hopefully frisk her and find the necklace, which they don’t.
Boshara tries to resist her stuff being taken, claiming that they had already taken everything from her, but that doesn’t work.
Randy and Cahair both stuff some important things down their pants (”höpö”-powder & sleep powder respectively). Randy gets caught by the man who ordered us to give up the stuff. So he flirts with him, as you do. Powder still gets taken.
Our stuff gets taken and we are left alone for a bit. Just long enough to scheme.
At first Randy tries to break his cell’s lock, after Boshara freezes it, but it doesn’t really work.
Elspet turns into a bird and hides in Boshara’s cell.
Randy starts acting like he’s sick, and we all start making noise.
People come to check on the noise. Well, apparently they were going to come to take us to Mareud anyway, the noise was just a plus.
The man Randy was with checks on him, and he miraculously gets a bit better, so he can ask for his “scent sands” back, for his illness. (meaning the powder). He gets it.
People start questioning Elspet’s empty cell, but Boshara lies that it was always empty and everyone believes her.
We get taken to Mareud. Elspet follows in bird form. Randy continues flirting. Mareud makes a deal.
Since we killed Brett Harrimann, and since this is the magister’s jurisdiction, she needs to do something about it. She doesn’t want any hassle, so she offers us a deal. We should go find four of her escaped elven slaves from the forest and in return she’d let us go and would remove Boshara’s tattoos too.
 It very quickly becomes apparent that the deal is not something we can readily say no to. So we say yes.
We are led outside where some of our crew members, Humbert in front are demanding to see us.
Humbert is quite shocked about Boshara’s tattoos and Randy’s burn marks.
We get back to the ship and tell Humbert what had happened.
As the first thing we let Humbert and Konstantine take look at the necklace Elspet has. Konstantine says that it appears to have some kind of powers which would allow it to draw magic from a mage and then release it. It has probably been used by Tevene people to kill other mages.
Then Humbert tries to neutralize magic in Boshara’s tattoos (Konstantine, of course, leaves first). Doesn’t seem to work.
Then we get to planning. Cahair makes very clear that he isn’t returning any slaves.
Boshara says that she does want to get rid of her tattoos, so they should return the slaves for long enough that that happens and that we can get our ship to sailing order.
Mareud has stopped the ship’s repairing for the moment, as well.
Since there are four of Mareud’s people coming with us to the forest, something has to be done about them. We know one of the people is Kuisma, Lumme’s mother, who we met in Denerim. We know she is very into booze, so getting everyone drunk sounds like a good idea.
It is decided that the others will wander aimlessly in the forest, while Cahair takes off on his own and tries to get in contact with the Dalish, who supposedly have the elves.
He also thinks it necessary to try to figure out what Mareud might be after, from these slaves, or from the Dalish, since they are doing digs and the door Mareud was trying to get through was elven in design.
Cahair starts on his own journey, and the others go meet up with the people who will be assisting us.
Aside from Kuisma they are two dwarves, twins by the looks, who are very impressed by Randy’s noble status, and a very hot qunari man, who both Randy and Boshara decide to hit on.
Kuisma is very happy to meet everyone, although she doesn’t seem happy to be in Tevinter and amidst the reminiscing, our heroes convince everyone to have a drink or two before leaving for the forest.
Next time it’s off to forest we go! Will Cahair find the elves he had hoped he would not have to meet again? Can the others stay lost while some very determined help tries to keep them on track?
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