#rp roadmap
miqoquest · 1 year
Season Two Ahki: The Adventurer
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(Uh, this was done by my friend Raiko who has way more filters than I do. Bless.)
I've been reworking my character for a bit because she felt a little lost and I was brand new to the lore and the game so there was some inconsistencies with her backstory and themes. So this post is solely for me to map out a course of where I want Ahki to go. Honestly, I really highly suggest roleplayers do this with their characters to help tighten their focus. Sometimes venue and social RP, while fun, can make your character feel a bit "lost" so it's always good to keep little stepping stones planned ahead for your character so that they always have goals and motivations and feel real and sound interesting and... You get it. This is not a complete fleshed out backstory of who Ahki is, just a roadmap.
Quick Changes and Retcons
I didn't have a tight idea on Ahki's family and witch coven. I originally thought I'd trace them back to the Mhachi as a descendant splinter group. The Halloween Events hint at these groups existing. But, it just ended up being really convoluted so instead of the Mhachi, I switched the coven to be part of the Lambs of Dalamud which better compliments the Black Shroud and Keeper of the Moon lore.
By roleplaying, Ahki managed to find a mentor to teach her Shugendo which is why she has the robes and all. It turned her into a weeb, which was funny, but I'm scaling that back to fit her more original concept as a Cottagecore, Cute Shroud Witch. The mentorship isn't going away, the roleplay isn't going away, what she learned isn't going away. Ahki will just begin to apply and mesh those philosophies with her witchy skills she grew up with.
I want a proper witch look for Ahki. I don't quite have the glam for that yet. I also don't think she's earned it yet. She's going to ditch the Shugenja robes and opt in for a more casual, humbled and down-to-earth adventurer look for now.
Were Season One Ahki's goals completed?
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Escape the Shroud from her Evil Family. Yes.
Get stronger to one day come back to her home and save her family from the evil voidsent pacts that curse them. In Progress.
Find friends and family and find a stable, healthy foundation to learn and grow??? Yes.
This was one of the reasons why playing her was starting to feel a bit lost on me. Her goals were vague because it was a starting point, I was brand new to the game, I didn't know the lore, I didn't know anybody. So I kept it very simple. Now that I have found more structure and have made those friends and RP connections, its time that Ahki have a mind of her own and have her own goals. She doesn't need to lean on people for help anymore. While she still preparing to save her family, she has that foundation to support herself now.
...Is learning Shugendo and other Eastern disciplines to get a better understanding of magic and the world around her. She's not completely devoted to Shugendo, but her faith has been expanded and she has a more powerful connection to the spirits around her.
...Moved to the Mist in Limsa Lominsa to work for the Dalmascan Adventurer's Guild, Babylon. She lives there, has been gaining experience through guild leves, makes potions for adventurers, and has picked up a handful of handy skills.
Season Two Goals
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Ahki needs to do more witchcraft and magic. I've been dropping the ball on this one. She just needs to be more witchy and druidy.
Ahki wants to learn more offensive techniques and learn how to fight to not only save her family in the future but to help her adventuring friends and defend the helpless! "I'm a healer, but..."
I want her to be helping out as an Adventurer a lot more. Before she was a little apathetic to wanting to go on adventures (she just wanted to save her family) but now she's grown used to it and has found that she has a bigger purpose in life.
Ahki should start a small business in potions?! A little side-hustle? This could make her a quest-giver and she can tell people to collect ingredients for her in the most hostile of territories.
I want her to defeat her evil family soon. There is a big "What Now?" moment once that goal is finished that should propel her into a more interesting character and that will bring us Season Three Ahki! (...Maybe Witch Ahki?)
Ahki in "season two" is still learning and honing her skills, but she's becoming more a capable and competent adventurer. I started roleplaying Ahki back in mid-February so that makes Ahki only 6 months old! Not bad. Maybe I'll check in 6 months from now and do this again and see where she's at.
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violant-apologia · 24 days
i like the roadmap's stance on the opportunity deck. reducing the friction between playing efficiently and playing a character/having fun is a really good aim. plus, i love the idea of each characters deck being personalised in a more deliberate way. it's pretty rare in the game as-is to be presented with acknowledgement of RP choices, and having the opportunity deck be a vehicle for that is a really cool idea.
that being said, i really hope they don't make my noman plans untenable by christmas. in my prep i've opted for a card-heavier strategy then most, as the weasle of woe can make drawing the noman card significantly easier and make turn-ins with less than 11 PtPT:tToL a feasible way to grind NF. i might have to grind more tears just in case...
(also here's the link to the roadmap if you haven't seen it)
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bobthedragon2 · 7 months
just scrawling down some roadmap thoughts for this comic I really hope I follow through on:
reread the rp (😬 it is 300k words apparently)
reread it again and take notes about what to edit
figure out approximately what the missing scenes should have
concept art + x-tra rough thumbs
figure out what the final render should look like 🙃
figure out a name + "branding" shit
actually start work on the comic lmao
maybe will post pages as I make them onto tumblr but
figure out how comic hosting works and host it after I have a backlog at least lmaooo oTL
bat and I have both spent our lives fantasizing about making comics and then not following through because we are "bad writers" so fuck it all we're just gonna see if we can do it by cannibalizing the rp I guess bc that's something we can actually do
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djnusagi · 8 months
It is 2003. I am 4 years old. Every day I'm dropped off at the daycare center in the community college my dad attends. All my friends there are girls. We play dress up with a big milk crate full of clothes. I want to wear one of the dresses. I am told it's not allowed because I'm a boy. It is 2005. I am 6 years old. I make friends with a girl in my class. She is my best friend and we are together every day. One day she says she can't be my friend anymore because I am a boy and boys are gross and I'm weird. I don't want to be friends with any of the boys. They all bully me and hit me and pin me to the ground. But that's ok because that's just how boys play. I have no friends anymore. It is 2006. I am 7 years old. I stare at a woman in an advertisement in one of my mom's magazine. She is beautiful. I want to grow up to look like her. I realize I will not grow up to look like her and will instead grow up to look like my father. The thought fills me with fear. I go up to my room and cry. I draw a picture of myself as a girl. I go to sleep praying that I will wake up as a girl named Sarah, and that my life as a boy will slowly fade from my mind. I try to kill myself through strangulation in the school bathroom. I obviously fail but my attempt on my life is discovered anyway. My parents are furious that I would be so selfish. It is 2009. I am 10 years old. I have one friend. He hits me and calls me a faggot but he is nicer than any other boys at school. I am over at his house. His mother speaks on the phone about a gay man they knew who got something called a "sex change". I do not know what this means but it piques my interest. I desperately want to know more, but I know that it's taboo and wrong.
It is 2011. I am 12 years old. I discover what "transgender" means. I spend hours on the computer, looking at websites about Male to Female Transsexuals. I treat the transsexual roadmap like a bible. I want to transition right away. I tell my school counselor. She is supportive, but implores me to consider simply being a gay male crossdresser like her son. I do not want that. I want to be a girl. I tell my parents. They tell me I have been brainwashed. That I will never be allowed to transition and that if they catch me looking at websites about the matter I will be punished. It is 2012. I am 13 years old. A year of constant begging and pleading has convinced my parents to take me to a gender specialist. I think I will finally get puberty blockers, or maybe even estrogen. I am interrogated for hours by an adult about my sexuality, sexual desires, and whether or not I like women's clothing. I like boys and girls, which I tell her, but I do not have much in the way of sexual desires, because I am 13. She takes this as deceit. At one point she touches between my legs and rubs my genitals through my pants. I do not want this. But I will endure it for the privilege of being allowed to transition. In the end she tells me there is no way I can be trans, because I am attracted to girls and interested in anime, which is a "male interest". It is 2013. I am 14 years old. Every day I roleplay in chatrooms with strangers. I do not want them to be sexual but they quickly take on a sexual nature at the insistence of my rp partners. I have been doing this for a year now. This is the only place I can be a girl. I exchange skype info with a few of these people and begin chatting regularly. A man in his late 20s asks me to be his girlfriend. I accept. At least he sees me as a girl. It is 2014. I am 15 years old. I have begun growing scraggly hair all over my neck. I have been in a daze for weeks. I cannot focus. I feel detached from my body. I am like a zombie. My dad takes me into the bathroom and shows me how to shave. He pats me on the back and tells me I am a man now. I go into my bedroom and cry. Later on my parents discover the roleplaying and my boyfriend. My ipod and my laptop are confiscated and the door is taken off my bedroom. I am placed under strict monitoring and supervision. I try to kill myself. I wake up alive in a hospital bed. I am taken to a large building where I sleep on a cot and am watched by doctors. I don't remember a lot from this time period. I went home and watched evangelion for the first time.
It is 2016. I am 17 years old. The door is put back on my bedroom. I am given back my iPod and am allowed to take my laptop into my bedroom by myself. I stay inside every day watching pirated anime because it lets me forget about reality. It is 2018. I am 19 years old. I get my first smartphone and immediately download grindr. I hook up with strange men who hide me from their wives. Being fucked by them is the closest I get to feeling like a girl. I find out about a student at my community college who sells a variety of sedative pills. It is 2019. I am 20 years old. I am spending all my money on xanax, percocets, oxycotin and similar pills. I take them more and more often and in higher doses over time. I start coming to class high. I fall asleep in the hallways from time to time. This is the only way I can numb the constant ambient pain caused by my unaddressed gender dysphoria. It is 2020. I am 21 years old. The whole world is locked down. I am forced to stop taking pills and replace it with copious amounts of weed, which is now legal. I am no longer in school. I am high all the time. I can't sleep at night. I want to be a girl so badly. It is 2021. I am 22 years old. I will start school again in September. I have started hormone replacement therapy, but I know it is too late for me. My body is mangled beyond repair by years of drugs. I have taken to excessive caloric restrictions in order to lose weight. The hormones don't do much, but they help me sleep better. I am sober now. It is 2024. I am about to turn 25 in a month. I see an article headlined: "my trans kid experienced a joyful, anxiety-free girlhod - all thanks to puberty blockers". I want to cry but the tears won't come. I know that should have been me. But it wasn't. I will never be a girl. I will never be a woman. I will never be happy.
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lady-snow-flower · 2 months
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By Laur, Clementine, Art, Laura, Scadaz, Kit, Tama, ft. @lady-snow-flower, @gem-morey, @kingofdemxns, @elliot-morey, @wolf-innsheepsclothing, @bones-weary, @ahearts-a-heavyburden, @princess-ting-ting, and guest starring @labellerose-acheron and @trip-downtheriverstyx
Author's Note: On the surface, this plot does not have the site-wide stakes of previous big plots I have done - and yet, I think this is the most complex and rewarding plot I've ever embarked on! I owe so much to my Hauntley Crew and RP partners who were game for this, who were patient with me, who asked great questions, who pushed me to be a better plotter and project manager (lol), and who filled in my rough plot skeleton(s) with flesh, blood, and heart. I mean it when I say this plot wouldn't look the same without everyone contributing and that's my favorite part - how much it changed and expanded with everyone's input. And isn't that what RP is supposed to be? Thus, here is the roadmap to My Heart Is A Haunted House. It is one of my proudest achievements. I really hope y'all enjoyed it, no matter if you read one para or all the paras. And thank you to my partners again!! Look what we did!! (Rough Estimate: This has to be at least 60k-70k words, which is a novel y'all. One day I'll make an effort to actually add it all up.)
PART ONE: Lady Miracle's Possession Frostbite Hypothermia Jackboot Jump || Gem One-Shot Stitches Undone || Snow Quartz Rigor Mortis
PART TWO: The Unbecoming of the Hauntley Manor Inn Lady Miracle Calls for a Staff Meeting The Deepest Darkest Hour || The Hauntley Staff Rise and Shine || Miracle Hadder Eat, Pray, Haunt || Miracle Bones Spit Spot || Miracle King A Work In Progress || Miracle Wolf The Way Is Shut || Hot Dog Gem vs. The House || Miracle Gem The Unbecoming of Hauntley Manor
PART THREE: The Haunting of Scarlet Rose Manor When The Dust Settles || Gelli Slow Is The Quicksand || Gelli + Fang + Helle The Captain's Lament || Bones, Wolf, Gem, Elli Keep A Light On || Gem+King+Wolf Repeating Old Habits || Wolf King The Past Is Far Behind Us || Belle, Ting-Ting and Wolf Time Loop Paras Roses Are Red || Miracle King Violets Are Blue || Miracle Hadder Dead Man’s Chest || Miracle Wolf Qui n’avance pas, recule || Bones and Yvette One-Shot Interlude: One Last Attempt || King + the Hauntleys The Flesh Calmly Growing Cold || Gem One-Shot Caught In the Undertow || Gelli Castles In The Air || Miracle Ting/ Sing-Song Interlude: Man Overboard || Gelli + Wolf + Ting-Ting How Did It End? || Miracle Gem How It Begins || Snow Quartz
COMPANION ONE-SHOTS To the Lonely Sea and the Sky || Wolf And The Captain The Wheel’s Kick and the Wind’s Song A Wild Call and a Clear Call (That Cannot Be Denied) The Gull’s Way and the Whale’s Way Through the Memory Palace || Snow And Lady Miracle Part One: The Bolter Part Two: Fortnight SOMEWHERE OUTSIDE OF TIME... (Dream Series) Once Upon a December || Snow Quartz
part one: across my memory part two: things my heart used to know part three: things it yearns to remember part four: things i almost remember part five: dim as an ember
APPENDIX: The Albatross: Soundtrack for My Heart Is A Haunted House
Reborn in Ice - This is the original draft of the Miracle Captain backstory that I wrote for myself as prep and research lol! Most of it I used in my Memory Palace series, but if you wanted the #og, maybe this will interest you lol Ghost Loop Lore Road Map To The Ghost Loop - a behind-the-scenes outline to how that was plotted lol. Again, I just think it's neat.
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xgoldenlatiasx · 2 months
Upcoming PKMN IRL blog arcs
a sort of roadmap post to organize the upcoming arcs that i currently have planned for my rp blogs. and to maybe get people excited for whats to come! will likely be updated semi frequently, just whenever i have a new plotline idea or feel like removing one. all of these are subject to change tho.
also, hey, if you see an arc you feel your character could potentially have involvement in, DM me and we can see if we can work something out!
Aura Unleashed Arc
Info: N goes digging deeper into the secrets of the past. In the process, he ends up discovering a hidden power from his lineage dormant in his veins... and now must learn to control it.
Blogs involved: @thunderblessedhero, @pinkhairandpokemon, @keldeochamp1on
Debut: Undecided (potentially quite soon after Summer Camp Arc)
Warnings: None (currently)
Rating: Drama Stakes
Family Ties Arc
Info: Blake gets an impromptu visit from their father, who's been absent from their life for quite some time. This leads Blake on a journey of figuring out their complicated relationship with their family they'd long avoided... and how their future with it looks.
Blogs involved: @pinkhairandpokemon, @thunderblessedhero (minor involvement)
Debut: Undecided
Warnings: Transphobia, misgendering, implications of past child neglect
Rating: Drama Stakes
Envious Reflection Arc
Info: A ripple in the fabric of time once again causes a mishap in the multiverse... PB finds themself in the universe of their other self. The self that has everything they wish they had. This leads to PB inevitably having to confront uncomfortable feelings they kept bottled up for a long time.
Blogs involved: @justanothercastelian, @pinkhairandpokemon, @partnersintime (minor involvement)
Debut: Undecided
Warnings: Discussion of past trauma
Rating: Drama Stakes
Icy Awakening Arc
Info: It's finally time for Paisley to come to terms with what being a chosen is actually about. And it isn't fun.
Blogs involved: @pokehorsegirl
Debut: Undecided
Warnings: Vomitting
Rating: Low Stakes
Let Sleeping Ghosts Lie Arc
Info: What starts out as a trip to Sinnoh to mourn the loss of old friends turns into a quest for answers (and potential revenge) after Auberi has an encounter with an old foe. Can they get to the bottom of their enemy's reappearance, and can Quartz stop them from attempting anything rash?
Blogs involved: @pinkhairandpokemon, @partnersintime
Debut: Undecided
Warnings: Death, discussion of past trauma
Rating: Medium to High Stakes
Hop's Alola Adventures Arc
Info: Hop finally makes his long-awaited research trip to the Alola region to discover the mysteries of Z-crystals. Obviously, Blake, N and Auberi just have to tag along too!
Blogs involved: @pinkhairandpokemon, @thunderblessedhero
Debut: Undecided
Warnings: None (Currently)
Rating: Low Stakes (subject to change)
Where Roads and Skies Part Arc
Info: Blake graduates from the Academy, and gets an offer from a far off region that causes them and N to realize it's time to consider their future... and consequently, that of the Legendary Dragons. Meanwhile, August detects odd stirrings from within the Gray Stone.
Blogs involved: @pinkhairandpokemon, @thunderblessedhero, @keldeochamp1on
Debut: Undecided
Warnings: None (Currently)
Rating: Undecided
Time Shatters Arc
Info: The consequences of jumping through time with a banished Celebi finally catch up to Royce and Lotus.
Blogs involved: @weirdcelebi, @partnersintime
Debut: Undecided
Warnings: None (Currently)
Rating: Undecided
Fading Memory Arc
Info: Blake's adventure in the Reborn region takes a dark turn.
Blogs Involved: @sword-reborn, @/pkmnrangerkaita
Debut: Undecided (soon tho)
Warnings: Death, suicide, memory loss (it... it's pokemon reborn. if you've played u know how it goes)
Rating: High to Ultra Stakes
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portalnewage · 1 year
Portal New Age of Testing [RP Server]
𝗝𝘂𝘀𝘁 𝗹𝗼𝗼𝗸 𝗮𝘁 𝗮𝗹𝗹 𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘀𝗲 𝘁𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝘀𝘂𝗯𝗷𝗲𝗰𝘁𝘀! 𝗧𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗸 𝗼𝗳 𝗔𝗟𝗟 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝘁𝗲𝘀𝘁𝗶𝗻𝗴...! 𝗬𝗼𝘂'𝘃𝗲 𝘀𝗮𝘃𝗲𝗱 𝘀𝗰𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗰𝗲!
Portal 3: New Age of Testing is a NEW literate and passionate group of Portal fans exploring and collaboratively writing out the aftermath of Portal 2's cooperative mode! Join us and bring YOUR very own unique dampening sphere, test subject, or other original character into a new era for the Aperture Science Enrichment Center, or explore past eras of Aperture and claim your favorite canonically established characters from the Portal games and mods themselves!
This server focuses on an expansion in Aperture's scope of testing beyond simple portal testing. With the success of the cooperative testing initiative, GLaDOS has begun to explore the possibilities for additional testing initiatives, as well as the return of the original singular portal testing tracks she began with.
With hundreds of newly discovered trapped subjects and a plethora of dampening spheres, turrets, and other sentient Aperture Science technologies under GLaDOS, Aperture has entered a glorious new age. One where subjects are tested under a more benevolent and human A.I, but also a simultaneously more powerful and ambitious one as well...
- A beautiful server layout and roadmap to help you navigate and join the roleplay in no time!
 - Flashback era categories for those more interested in Aperture's past than its present!
- Testing initiative categories and chambers, allowing human and android test subjects alike to think with MORE than portals!
- A supportive and loving community of talented writers that will help you fit your own characters and writing into the server's roleplay!
- Lots and lots of cake!
───────── https://imgur.com/r2R8VQA
Hello! You may know me from my main blog @chaoticcutiewhirl but this blog can be basically seen as a sort of ad. Before you Scroll, let me explain. Portal New Age of Testing is an RP server, me and my friend Fludd worked hard on, there are so many plans such as adding game elements to the RP and trying to create a world set after Portal 2 that will eventually touch upon Half-life. I will be planning to post a couple of RP snippets through my time here, as possible ideas of what you are getting into, and yes, I will mark it when it is other Writers other than me on the RP which will be almost always.  If you see this and think RP is childish, well you are kind of right, only thing is, that RP is also played as a game as well as a possibility to get better at writing. Do you want to better thrink of how to write internal dialogue, boom you have testing and having your character try to figure out what to do. Do you want to test a character idea for something you’re writing? Well as long as it fits within canon, test them in RP. Do you just want to find possible online writing friends? Well this server can also have your back. We are already on Disboard but I am trying to reach out here as well because Tumblr is mainly an artist alley, which includes writers and writing side of Tumblr, if you played Portal (and its tumblr, of course you have, its ome of the most lgbtq+ kinda games from a big company), come over and join, we will be happy to have you. We also have a fairly strong artist side of the server with members like Fludd for example creating the gif and video from above, all on his own may I add. 
Simply put, if you have an itch to write portal and you don’t want to write a fan fic, come over and join us, everyone is welcomed!
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silverghcst · 1 year
Dash game: Get to know the mun. ( repost, don't reblog please )
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name: Sasha
pronouns: She/her
preference of communication: Discord is nice
single/taken: (´▽`)
three facts.
I 'm currently working on a criminal justice degree, I'll be graduating in December, which is cool!
I have a cat named Cinnamon, she's a tortoiseshell and very cute! I've had her for 13 years now.
I play a lot of video games, and I've always been very fond of the horror genre (no surprises here I'm sure). Outlast, the evil within, what better way to wind down than being chased.
I used to write through gmail messenger when I was 12, with a childhood friend for quite a while. We made up ocs, and also added in characters from the cartoons we watched, and the video games we played. It was very simple, we only did one liners along with rapid back and forth, but it was very fun. Eventually I found Tumblr, around 2016 I think? And it took until 2018 to realize I could write on here with other people. I made my first rp blog based on this brooding entity, from a web series, and he's kind of the only one that stuck around. I've recently gotten into the RE fandom, and Leon is quite the change! In a good way! ^^
I do like the horror and thriller genre, it's fun to explore in my opinion. There's something compelling about having to claw your way out of a nightmare, a fight to stay in control, or to survive. And then, having to recover. I also like dark romance, and drama.
plots vs memes.
It really depends, I like both. Memes are good at testing the waters, or invoking an interesting idea/situation. Plotting is great too though, I love sharing ideas, and hearing them as well. It gives a nice roadmap.
long or short replies.
I tend to write long replies, it's hard to write short sometimes, I always find myself wanting to add more. I will always try to match my partner's length though! Writing short is nice too.
best time to write.
Late at night typically, but also in the afternoon. My sleep schedule is a bit wacked.
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tagged by: @captianwesker thank you for tagging me!
tagging: Anyone who wants to! c:
#☆ ノ ( dash games )
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spaceflywrites · 2 years
Spacefly’s Looking for RP Partners! [bnha/mha | email | doubling | oc x canon | 21+]
Greetings fellow earthling nerds! It’s Spacefly, but you can call me Space or H. 
Who Am I? 29, female, PST Reply Style / Expectations 
I prefer multi-paragraph replies, anywhere between 3-10 paragraphs. I don’t expect you to match length/word count but I would greatly prefer my partner to fall within the same wide spread of replies. I write third person, past tense, and fall into lit or adv. lit. If you want a sample or anything, let me know!
Genres: Fantasy, drama, romance, angst, action, sci-fi, dystopia, etc.  Rated M for Mature or R. All characters must be of age, at least 18, as I prefer to venture into mature themes including violence and s*xual situations. We can go further into hard limits, but I prefer more plot than p*rn. I’m happy to dig into smut if it comes up but I prefer it not to be the focus. I will usually fade to black and prefer some more flowery language and euphemisms personally. 
Plot: I love to plot! I love to think ahead and am happy to create a roadmap for us. I love to do big picture at first then break into chunks with more scene by scene ideas. Let me know what level of plotting you prefer and help me come up with the direction our scenes and story will take shape. Characters: I would love to play one of my OC’s and a canon character for you! Or multiple! It depends on what we’re looking for. I find I can juggle no more than three main characters or things start to get a little out of hand for me. I’m happy to bring side characters (canon or OC) in and out as needed though.  Frequency / Delivery: I will only rp over email, but am happy to chat over Discord or Google chat. You can expect at least three replies from me a month unless I let you know it’s especially crazy and don’t have time. I try my best to be weekly but sometimes it’s just not feasible.   Please don’t be shy about reminding me or nudging me to get back to you. Also, I love to chat and make friends so let me know how comfortable with out of character interaction you are. I don’t want to smother you with friendship if that’s not your style. As mentioned...I’m looking for My Hero Academia!
******* Dark!Deku timeline - please ask me more about this. I have some ideas that involve Shigaraki and Dabi as heroes. I’m really, really interested in this!
*Pro Hero
*College AU
*Fantasy AU
*Gotham-esque AU My preferred partner would be interested in writing Dabi or Bakugo. Dabi is my first choice!
I vastly prefer OC x Canon to Canon x Canon and I’m most comfortable with MxF. I’m open to writing for anyone except Mineta. I don’t have much experience writing canon characters from MHA but I’m happy to give it a go. Just ask :)
If you’re still interested, you can reach me at [email protected] or you can DM me here.
Hope to hear from you soon!
Spacefly out!
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omsri07 · 5 months
Accelerating the Transition: Policies and Initiatives for Renewable Energy Adoption
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In the face of climate change and fossil fuel reserves, the urgency to transition to renewable energy sources has never been greater. Renewable energy offers a sustainable solution to our energy needs while reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating environmental degradation. However, transitioning to renewable energy requires efforts from governments, businesses, and individuals alike. In this blog, we'll explore various policies and initiatives aimed at accelerating the adoption of renewable energy.
Renewable Energy Targets:
Setting ambitious renewable energy targets is a crucial first step in driving adoption. Many countries have committed to achieving specific percentages of their energy from renewable sources by certain deadlines. These targets provide a clear roadmap for policymakers and signal to investors that there is a stable market for renewable energy projects.
Feed-in Tariffs and Renewable Energy Incentives:
Feed-in tariffs (FITs) are mechanisms that incentivize renewable energy production by guaranteeing a fixed price for electricity generated from renewable sources. These tariffs provide long-term contracts and stable revenue streams for renewable energy producers, making investment in renewables more attractive. Governments can offer tax incentives, or grants to further encourage the adoption of renewable energy technologies.
Net Metering and Feed-in Premiums:
Net metering policies allow individuals and businesses with renewable energy systems to sell excess electricity back to the grid, effectively "spinning their meters backward." This not only encourages investment in rooftop solar panels and other distributed generation technologies but also promotes energy self-sufficiency and decentralization of the power grid. Feed-in premiums, similar to FITs, provide additional payments for renewable energy fed into the grid, further incentivizing renewable energy production.
Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS):
RPS mandates require utilities to generate a certain percentage of their electricity from renewable sources. By imposing such standards, governments create a demand for renewable energy, driving investment in renewable energy projects and technology innovation. RPS can also help diversify the energy mix, reduce reliance on fossil fuels, and enhance energy security.
Green Procurement Policies:
Governments and large corporations can use their purchasing power to drive demand for renewable energy. Implementing green policies that prioritize purchasing renewable energy or energy-efficient products and services can create a market pull for clean energy technologies, stimulating investment and innovation in the sector.
Research and Development Funding:
Investing in research and development (R&D) is crucial for advancing renewable energy technologies and reducing costs. Governments can allocate funding for R&D initiatives aimed at improving the efficiency, reliability, and affordability of renewable energy sources such as solar, wind, hydroelectric, and geothermal power. Public-private partnerships and collaboration with academic institutions can accelerate innovation and technology transfer.
Infrastructure Investment:
Building the necessary infrastructure to support renewable energy deployment is essential for its widespread adoption. This includes upgrading and expanding the power grid to accommodate distributed generation, investing in energy storage technologies to address issues, and developing smart grid solutions for better management of renewable energy resources.
Education and Outreach Programs:
Increasing public awareness and understanding of the benefits of renewable energy is critical for fostering support and participation. Education and outreach programs can help dispel myths, address concerns, and empower individuals to take action, whether through installing solar panels in their homes or advocating for renewable energy policies in their communities.
Accelerating the transition to renewable energy requires a comprehensive and coordinated approach involving policy interventions, financial incentives, technological innovation, and public engagement. By implementing targeted policies and initiatives, governments, businesses, and individuals can collectively drive the shift towards a more sustainable and resilient energy future. It's time to seize the opportunity and embrace renewable energy as the cornerstone of our energy landscape.
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babydxhl · 1 year
rest from Olive
Tumblr media
non-verbal rp prompts | still accepting.
Mary turned her face away; the back of the car was warm, the light through tinted windows flicking across her features like a bulb turned on and off by an impatient child. She closed her eyes but still it imposed on her through her eyelids. A red glow. Thin veins forming a roadmap. The end of a long, long night.
"I can't tell you it gets better than this," she said to the steadying weight pressed against the curve of her shoulder, and though it was phrased like a warning, it was, in its subtle supplication, a kind of apology. For what, she wasn't quite sure. For something bigger than both of them, maybe. "It doesn't, really." One fingertip toyed with a lock of Olive's hair that had strayed across the lapel of Mary's coat.
Just a kid. She couldn't make herself look, fixing her gaze instead on her own fingernail. Did I ever get to be this young?
"You just keep on surviving."
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dpntiimes · 1 year
Pembangunan KIPI dan PLTA sudah On The Track
DPNTimes, Tanjung Selor – Pemerintah Indonesia melalui Kementerian Investasi/BKPM RI telah membuat peta jalan untuk sejumlah proyek atau program hilirisasi sampai pada tahun 2040. Peta jalan (roadmap) untuk proyek itu diperkirakan bisa mendatangkan investasi baru senilai US$ 545,3 miliar atau Rp 8.128 triliun (kurs Rp14.900 per US$) pada tahun 2040. Peta jalan itu dibuat untuk 21 komoditas…
View On WordPress
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gordonramsei · 2 years
˚. ⋆ ̥ 𖤐  MARCH  ROADMAP .
coming  up  this  month  on  em's  patreon  :
coding  tier  :
access  to  the  rp  main  theme  
java  -  free  "  large  "  gifs  page  
theme  tier  :
rp  main  w/  social  media  tabs
abstract  minimalist  theme
mwuah  !  i  love  you  all  ,  thank  you  all  for  ur  continued  support  !
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lumenouarp · 2 years
I would love to apply but all the information is a little overwhelming. Where would you advice to start reading / read before applying?
Aww, no worries! We're excited to know that you're interested! Here are some directions/suggestions on where to start as we'd love for you to apply/join us:
If you wanted a short, step by step guide/roadmap:
Read over the our Plot.
Then the RP Rules.
Afterwards, check out our Species List and Realms List (i.e. - where they'd like to live).
Lastly, look at the Wanted Connections and/or Occupations Page.
If you have already have specific character, or faceclaim, in mind but want to join with an already requested/open connection:
Check out our Wanted Connections. This could also help you choose a species AND a realm for your character (to live in).
The Wanted Connections page may also give you occupation ideas that aren't listed on the Occupations Page.
Again, definitely read our Plot and the RP Rules.
Lastly, don't be afraid to inbox us and ask more questions! That's what we're here for. Hope that this helps!
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theashen-fox · 2 years
Name: Fox/Ash-mun (preferably the first)
Pronouns: He/him
Muse(s): Ash Vulpes/Dante, Nero, Vergil, V ( @legacyofsparda )/ Geralt ( @whxte-wxlf-xf-rivia - mostly inactive)/ Spawn ( @hxll-spxwn - mostly inactive )/ Doom Slayer ( @rxpxndtxar )/ Raiden ( @zxndxtsu )
Preference of communication: Tumblr IMs/Discord
Experience (months/years): I first started RPing here in 2017, but had RPed on a few other sites before then.
Best experience(s): Some of the best friends I’ve ever had are my RP partners. Some have, unfortunately, either moved on from RPing, or don’t do it often, but I try to keep in touch with them.
Platforms you’ve used: This, Discord, and the aforementioned “other sites.” I’d rather not talk about those sites, though; the muses I made, they were pretty ridiculous. Of course, I was still just starting out.
RP pet peeves/deal-breakers: People using asterisks (unless it’s a crack thing or a drabble or something), general RP elitism, fandom drama, etc. I have more, but I can’t think of any offhand at the moment. Edit: Not a big issue, but when RP partners don’t specify verses (if we have a regular verse that we use, then disregard this). Also, more of a secondhand thing, but if you’ve sent a reply, don’t send another after with a “@” in it. Just ping them in the reply itself.
Plots or memes: Both. I often like to use memes to get the ball rolling, so to speak, then just see what happens, but plotting does give a good roadmap for how muses can interact.
Fluff/angst/smut: I do plenty of the first and third (with proper precautions in place, of course), but for some reason, despite giving my muse a sad backstory, I’m often hesitant to do angst. A friend of mine once illuminated what they thought the reason was: because I wanted to play Ash as someone who, for all the bad things he’s gone through, still cares about people, about doing the right thing. But yeah, I tend to do fluff and smut more than angst.
Long or short replies: A bit of both.
Best time to write: No specific time; just whenever I feel like writing.
Are you like your muse(s)?: The canon ones mentioned above? No. Ash, though? I admit, I did “inject” some of my own personal beliefs, issues, and so forth into his story and personality. I’ve been careful as I can be to avoid making him a self-insert, though. Admittedly, Ash is a lot of things I wish I could be, but even so, his identity and mine are distinct.
Tagged by: @umbranstilettos
Tagging: @vendettamuses @forevermonsters @concretefantasy @frostworkxfiction and anyone else.
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stutek · 2 years
RPA Developer , Software Development Company - StuTek
StuTek provides its clients world-class RPA development services to implement projects of all sizes and budgets. Our RPA consulting solutions help you analyse your RPA readiness, and come up with a clear roadmap for smart RPA adoption strategies. Get a better understanding of your RPA solution through our automation design services. We help define RPA implementation models tailored for effective workflow. You can now create RP applications through StuTek’s RPA development solutions using Microsoft Power Automate and other RPA tools. We help you define clearcut RPA strategies to maximise profits for your business. Our reliable Infrastructure and automation support ensures the smooth performance of your automation software, and helps you profit from new automation opportunities.
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