#rp development
melamemea · 1 year
send me "be honest..." with a question your muse has been dying to ask mine and they'll answer truthfully.
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judasrpc · 1 year
a collection of character development questions based on the arcana and their themes !! this is part of a collection of tarot-themed asks. if multi, please specify which muse(s) the question is directed toward !!
[THE FOOL] - Do they weight their options when making a decision, or do they impulsively make a choice?
[THE MAGICIAN] - Are they resourceful? What skills do they possess that help them navigate the world around them?
[THE HIGH PRIESTESS] - Do they meditate? Would they be considered "in tune" with themselves, or do they struggle with personal growth?
[THE EMPRESS] - Do they participate in or have a self-care ritual? If so, what does their routine look like?
[THE EMPEROR] - Is your muse a leader? If so, what kind of leader are they? Do they take a hands-off approach, or do they micromanage?
[THE HIEROPHANT] - What are important traditions to them, if any? Do they stay true to these traditions, or do they adapt them to fit their current situation?
[THE LOVERS] - What do they consider to be the "perfect partner", be it romantic, platonic, alterous, etc.? Is there someone like that in their life?
[THE CHARIOT] - Are they confident? If so, what makes them the most confident in themselves/their abilities?
[STRENGTH] - What are they determined to accomplish the most?
[THE HERMIT] - What does their inner voice sound like? Is it self-reflecting and introspective, or domineering and judgmental?
[WHEEL OF FORTUNE] - Do they believe in destiny/fate? If so, what do they believe their "purpose" is in this life?
[JUSTICE] - Are they a mediator, or do they prefer to step away from potential conflict?
[THE HANGED MAN] - Would they sacrifice themselves, literally or metaphorically, for those close to them? If so, what kind(s) of sacrifice would they make?
[DEATH] - What is their view on the cycle of life? Do they believe in reincarnation?
[TEMPERANCE] - Are they a patient person, or do they tend to act on impulse?
[THE DEVIL] - Which of the capital vices is your muse tempted by? (Pride, Greed, Wrath, Envy, Lust, Gluttony, Sloth)
[THE TOWER] - Are they a destructive individual (be it literally or metaphorically)? If so, how?
[THE STAR] - What is their health like? Do they consider themselves healthy, or do they feel like they could make improvements to better their health?
[THE MOON] - If they had to choose one trait to describe themselves, what would it be? Is it a genuine answer, or the illusion/persona they put on for others?
[THE SUN] - What makes them feel good? This can be happy, energized, revitalized, etc. It's all about good vibes, so what gives them to your muse?
[JUDGMENT] - What was an epiphany/awakening they recently had? Did they realize something that they've been naive to? Did they discover something about themselves? What happened?
[THE WORLD] - How would they define a utopia? What would it consist of, and do they see it as something achievable?
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mistfallenmemes · 1 year
Send me hc + a word of your choosing and I’ll write a headcanon relating to that word!
Or send hc + two words and I’ll try and come up with one that links those two things together!
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visvivathms · 1 year
do they drive? if so, do they enjoy driving or do they hate it? or somewhere in between?
if they drive, where is their favorite location to drive to?
if they drive, do they own a vehicle? if so, what make and model?
what bumper stickers do they have on their car?
what paintings and/or posters are on their walls?
what is a song they listen to with the windows rolled down, turned all the way up, on the highway?
is there an artform they've always wanted to try (glassblowing, woodworking, painting, ect) but never have? if so, what about that artform speaks to them?
what time of day do they usually start getting sleepy?
do they catch a second wind? if so, what is their method for catching it (napping, drinking coffee, exercising, ect)?
are they a nap person? if so, how long are their naps? do they set a 20 minute timer and wake up before it? or set no timer and wake up in the middle of the night?
what is the most obscure book they've read?
what is a book that interested them so much they took it with them to the bathroom?
what did the air smell like during their childhood?
what is a core memory from their childhood that they look back on fondly and for comfort?
when was the last time they were held, and truly held, for several minutes? who was it with?
do they meditate? if not, have they ever tried? how did it go?
how many pennies and quarters do they have in their couch?
how dusty is their home? spotless, lived-in, dust bunny haven?
what is their favorite chocolate bar?
do they like their brownies fudgy or cakey? or not at all, and only want the crusts?
whats that one weird food combination that everyone else thinks is gross but they think is delicious?
where do they put their shoes when they come home from a long day?
after a vacation, do they immediately unpack or slowly retrieve items from their suitcase until its empty?
how often do they do self-reflection?
are they more afraid of being alone with themselves or with others?
have they ever had a near death experience? if so, what was it?
out of all the subjects in school, which was their favorite? which one did they excel at?
how many alarms do they have set on their phone? what is their alarm ringtone?
do they fart in front of other people? or do they hide their farts?
do they have to see any specialist doctors? if so, do they have a strong bond with their doctor or do they dislike them?
what is their favorite seasoning?
what is their favorite sauce?
how spicy is spicy for them? (pepper, jalepeno, ghost pepper, ect)
how long do they let the dishes go unwashed?
how much laundry do they accumulate before doing it?
what shampoo, conditioner, cologne/perfume and deodorant do they use?
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shinsources-archived · 9 months
Character Development Q&A
I thought I'd look up some questions online to get a couple of ideas for the sake of character development. I've also thrown in a few of my own because #whynot??
Do they have a catchphrase?
Do they see the glass as half full or half empty?
What are their hobbies?
Are they an introvert or extrovert?
Are they a forgiving person?
What makes them laugh?
Do they have any daily routines?
What is their love language? How do they show affection?
Do they have any disabilities (physical, mental, etc.)?
What do they want others to think about themselves?
How does your muse view themselves?
What song best describes your muse?
What is their character alignment?
What is their strongest aspect? What is their weakest aspect?
How competitive is your muse?
What happens if someone praises their work? What happens if someone criticizes their work?
What is their enneagram?
What is their greatest fear or phobia? Is it rational or irrational?
What is the biggest secret that they have or haven't told anyone?
What do they think is the purpose of life?
When did they last cry?
What haunts them?
Do they prefer the indoors or the outdoors?
What is their MBTI?
What is their guilty pleasure?
What personal trait do you rely on the most?
What is their biggest regret?
What is their favorite color?
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juniemunie · 3 months
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"Why am I still doing this?"
"Don't you get it?"
"This is all just a show... and we're playing parts~"
#junie art post#utmv#ink sans#swap sans#dream sans#yea that lyric is from the undertale musical... it was fitting#anyways#you know how back then star sanses were 'fight evil (bad sanses) do good!!' i mean... it still is. but back then it was more...innocent?#*looks at the steven universe star sanses cover i saved on my phone*#ultimately tho...how much do u think ink plays along with that as nothing more than a script given to him#because really. ink is more of a stagehand than a stage performer#and for ink that job comes with knowledge that makes it hard to perform#like you guys ever think more about how ink struggles to view the people around him as “real” (like him) and not characters?#i think about it a lot.#especially. in his 'star sanses' era#to me theres always this nonchalance(?) he treats other sanses 'backstory' and maybe the character themself if he interacts with them#because he cant really treat them as 'real' people#you get what i mean???#THAT DOESNT MEAN HE STAYS LIKE THIS FOREVER. HE CAN GET DEVELOPMENT. LOOK AT ZEPHYRTOP RP. PRIME EXAMPLE.#you see i imagine star sanses as like this cute tv show like madoka magica. starts off cute. ends with you in a crisis#dream is easily the protag in my eyes. comes out with no clue how long its been and explores with fresh eyes. meets swap. meets ink#then they fight evil! cool multiverse exploration! undertale shenanigans!!!!#dream and swap go thru their character arcs#and ink stays suspiciously stagnant#until we get THIS reveal and theres that implication that hes been also behind the scenes nudging things along to 'improve the story'#'anything for the entertainment of the Creators!'#ISNT THAT MESSED UP?? ISNT THAT G R E A T#utmv fanart#ink!tale#underswap
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rainyprompts · 1 year
send a symbol and i’ll give you a corresponding song for the prompt!
🎼 A song that reminds me of my muse’s vibes
🎶 A song that reminds me of my muse’s backstory
🎧 A song used for writing my muse
🥁 A battle song for my muse
🎭 A sad song for my muse
🎉 A happy song for my muse
📣 A song for when my muse is upset or angry
⚡ A song that my muse would listen to
🎆 A song my muse would sing or dance to
🎺 An instrumental song for my muse
✨ A theme song for my muse
🔊 A leitmotif for my muse
🌠 A song for our muses
🖤 A song for our muses’ ship
🔮 A random song from my muse’s playlist
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agronzky · 8 months
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under the cut you'll find a list of 56 diverse outings and trips to use in starters or replies withing plots. this can be used to bring new cenarious to plots, starters and rps, helping to differ threads and put characters in new experiences.
Walking in nature
A bicycle ride
Visit to an art museum
Historical city tour
Boat trip on the river/lake
Mountain trail hike
Visit to a botanical garden
Picnic in the park
Bird watching
Gastronomic tour of the city
Hot air balloon ride
Cave exploration
Visit to a zoo or aquarium
Shopping itinerary in local stores
Winery tour
Panoramic train ride
Visit to historical sites
Trip to a neighboring city
Kayak/canoe trip
Tour of movie locations
Drive-in cinea
Walk on a beach
Visit local fairs and markets
Photo expedition
Horseback riding
Visit to an astronomical observatory
Urban art trail tour
Excursion to a theme park
Traditional cooking class
Helicopter ride
Camping trip
Visit to a cultural festival
Tour of haunted places
Surf lesson or other water sport
Motorcycle ride
Exploring historical ruins
Regional dance class
Treasure hunt tour
Tour of panoramic viewpoints
Rollerblading or skateboarding
Day at an amusement park
Visit to a nature reserve
Quad bike ride
Participation in a local marathon
Wildlife watching
Zip line ride
Tour of architectural monuments
Participation in a spiritual retreat
Sailing boat trip
Motorcycle ride
Visit to a contemporary art exhibition
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mimble-sparklepudding · 9 months
Sweets and Puddings OC Questions.
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A little list of OC questions based on the symbolism of sweets and puddings in dreams and the imagination. Please note that the information in this list is for entertainment purposes only!
Chocolate: Comfort, Warmth, and Love.
How good is your OC at comforting others? Do they feel comfortable around someone who is crying? Does it depend on the age or gender of the person in question?
Do other people experience your OC as being particularly warm and approachable on first meeting them? Or do they initially (or even permanently) come across as cold or stand-offish?
What does your OC find comforting when they are distressed or anxious? Are they able to ask for this comfort from others? Or do they need to be alone?
Does your OC have someone in their life who makes them feel safe and comforted during difficult times? Is this person aware that your OC feels this way about them? Would your OC ever admit to doing so?
Does your OC ever comfort eat when they are unhappy? If so then what food do they find most comforting and why? If not, then what might they do instead?
Candy: Indulgence and Excess.
Does your OC have any "guilty pleasures"? Are they at all secretive or embarassed about these?
Is your OC ever prone to excessive indulgence in food, alcohol or other vices? Do they personally consider it excessive? Or is this purely the view of those observing their behaviour?
Does your OC find it easy to resist temptation? Are they always strong-willed and abstinent? Or does it depend upon the nature of the temptation in question?
For what (if anything) is your OC most greedy? Perhaps fame? Sexual satisfaction? Knowledge? Power? Or something else entirely?
Does your OC believe that it is possible to have too much of a good thing? Or is there no limit to their appetite for certain pleasures or luxuries?
Ice Cream: Playfulness and Childhood.
How accurately does your OC remember their own childhood? Was it a generally happy time? Or are there aspects which are painful or even traumatic to recall?
Does your OC take themselves particularly seriously? Are there times when they can take themselves lightly, but others when they demand respect? Do those around them ever view them as excessively dour and serious? Or even inordinately flippant and frivolous?
Does your OC have a good sense of humour? What kind of jokes do they find funny? Do they have a favourite joke themselves?
Is your OC inclined to play games of an evening? Or do they consider themselves rather above such diversions? Do they enjoy gambling? Or do they prefer games that allow them to perform?
At what point did your OC consider their childhood to be over? Was it a milestone in terms of age? Or did it follow a particular event? Did they feel ready for adulthood at that point?
Lollipops: Shortcuts and Risk of Failure.
Does your OC tend to plan things in meticulous detail? Or do they prefer to jump straight in and work things out as they go?
To what degree does your OC fear failure? Are they something of a perfectionist in all things? Or can they accept a chance of failure in some situations?
Does your OC place a lot of importance on doing things "properly"? Or are they more than willing to take shortcuts to achieve their goals?
What does your OC see as being their greatest failure? Does the memory of this still fill them with feelings of guilt or shame? Are their feelings of failure justified?
How willing is your OC to gamble? Are they more than happy to rely upon luck? Or will they only take a chance once they have stacked the odds in their favour as far as possible?
Cheesecake: Inner Healing and Realisation of Potential.
Has your OC fully realised their own potential? If not in their own view, then perhaps in the opinions of others?
Does your OC believe that people are marked for greatness from birth - perhaps by destiny, noble birth or cultural origin? Or do they believe that anyone can rise to renown through the quality of their character or the value of their efforts?
Has your OC fully healed from any historical experiences of loss or trauma? If not then do they believe it will ever be possible for them to do so? Conversely are they in denial regarding their own trauma and need for healing?
Is your OC someone who counsels or helps others heal themselves from abuse or trauma? Is this something they do consciously? Or is there something about their personality or presence that others experience as comforting or nurturing?
To what extent does your OC recognise the significance of emotional or spiritual harm? Are they able to recognise when another person is in distress? Or do they discount emotional suffering as being something that the strong should simply manage in silence and overcome alone?
Doughnuts: Recuperation and Reward.
Is your OC someone who finds it easy to relax? Or do they tend to always be busy and in need of external stimulation?
How would your OC reward someone who did a good deed for them? Do they feel comfortable being helped? Or do they hate feeling indebted to others?
Does your OC take the time necessary to recover fully from exertions or strain? Or do they sometimes push themselves to get back out out into the fray (literally or figuratively) before they are truly ready?
What has been the most emotionally rewarding experience for your OC so far? Have they admitted this to others (or to themselves)?
Does your OC believe that good deeds should be their own reward? Or do they prefer that appreciation be shown through generous material compensation?
Cupcakes: Joy, Celebration and Success.
How does your OC respond when they are feeling joyful or celebratory? Are they inclined to whoop and cheer? Or are they more understated and subdued?
Does your OC enjoy parties and festivals? Or do they find them somewhat overwhelming? Or even pointless or frivolous?
Is your OC able to acknowledge or celebrate the achievements of others? Or do they sometimes begrudge not being the centre of attention?
How would your OC choose to celebrate a major event or milestone (if they would celebrate it at all)? Would they prefer a quiet occasion with a friend or partner? Or would they enjoy as big an occasion as possible? Perhaps with many guests and much revelry?
How would your OC respond to being thrown a surprise party?
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the-kipsabian · 2 months
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justaz · 8 months
lance as the blue paladin (former or current, doesnt matter) being a black widow. lance swallowing/killing his pride and letting himself be seen as nothing more than a flirt, an airhead, a blonde bimbo. lance being the teams secret weapon during meetings with planets to get them to join the coalition. lance sniffing out the right guard or advisor or royal that knows everything, getting them wasted and flirting for hours to get them to spill all the dirty secrets. lance being able to alert the team ahead of time if a planet is truly interested in joining the coalition or if they have an agreement with the empire and they lured voltron there as a trap.
lance swallowing/killing his pride and letting himself be seen as weak and stupid. lance playing up the airhead persona so their enemies don’t view him as a threat, them taking out the rest of the team first in their order of who would pose more of a threat to them and them always leaving lance for last bc they underestimate him. lance annihilating their enemies bc he actually is smart and strong and capable.
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celestialprompt · 2 days
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⭒⭑⭒⭑⭒ — send me 📷 or "snapshot" and i'll share photos of your muse my muse has saved on their phone!
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judasrpc · 1 year
a collection of character development questions based on the arcana and their themes !! this is part of a collection of tarot-themed asks. if multi, please specify which muse(s) the question is directed toward !!
[THE FOOL] - Do you consider them naive, or disconnected from the world aronud them? If so, what do they need to step back and reflect on to get them "in the zone"?
[THE MAGICIAN] - Do they self-sabatoge, or do they sabatoge others in their lives? If so, how?
[THE HIGH PRIESTESS] - Do they easily trust others, or do they listen to their gut more? Are they distrusting?
[THE EMPRESS] - What economic background did they grow up in, or are a part of now? Has their situation gotten better or worse?
[THE EMPEROR] - Where do they stand in the social hierarchy of their group (e.g., are they at the top of the chain, or are they subservient to those around them?)
[THE HIEROPHANT] - Do they often abide by social norms, or do they reject institutional values in favor of flexibility/independence?
[THE LOVERS] - Are they a good communicator, or do they tend to crack under pressure?
[THE CHARIOT] - Do they feel like they belong anywhere, or do they feel outcast in comparison to their peers?
[STRENGTH] - Are they jealous/envious? If so, what makes them jealous/envious of those around them?
[THE HERMIT] - Is solitude a good or bad thing for them? Do they like being alone, or do they have no choice?
[WHEEL OF FORTUNE] - Are they lucky, or does misfortune tend to follow them wherever they go?
[JUSTICE] - What do they need to be held accountable for? What actions, if any, do they deny responsibility for?
[THE HANGED MAN] - Do they feel "stuck" in any aspects, or as if they're falling behind their goals?
[DEATH] - What are they holding onto, and are they refusing to let this go?
[TEMPERANCE] - Do they tend to think in a polarized manner, or do they attempt to navigate the nuance of whatever troubles them?
[THE DEVIL] - What is their go-to recovery plan? Do they take time for themselves, or do they jump back into action without a second thought?
[THE TOWER] - What is the most disastrous thing that could happen to them? How would they navigate that situation/event?
[THE STAR] - Are they faithful? If so, to who/to what, and how do they show it?
[THE MOON] - What is one question they would do anything to get an answer to, no matter the cost?
[THE SUN] - Is it hard for them to stay positive? If so, why is that?
[JUDGMENT] - What is one thing they harshly judge themselves for? What creates doubt and self-loathing for them?
[THE WORLD] - What are they missing in life? What one thing, if anything, is the "key" to their success?
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mistfallenmemes · 1 year
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Send me a ♡ plus a ship and I'll tell you...
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("Hello" = Sign language)
(the characters are from my AU in progress, I didn't publish anything, because I want to finish the drawings/comics, sorry for any confusion)
(English is not my first language)
Dogday/Sunflower: *walking through a portal, dragging Moonshine* come on, Moonshine, this is a new adventure for us
Catnap/me/Moonshine: "No, I want to go back to my bed" *tired face*
((Don't worry about it!))
The portal was in the living area. DogDay was on his knees, tears streaming down his cheeks as he stares at the threshold leading to the upstairs.
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jane-lynndrake-t · 23 days
We have a 42 year old woman with the same carefree fuck the system attitude of a recent college graduate. This is fucking hilarious
I mean, my 5 year plan was to seduce Jack Drake and revitalize Drake industries to the point where even the mob couldn't influence our dealings.
Unfortunately for me, he figured me out this year—or, uh, the last year I remember.
He said he would take me out for drinks to talk about my thoughts on his company. And the little jerk didn't even take me out to drinks.
So you're not completely wrong with your assertion of my character.
Now let's stop using the number "42" to refer to me, love
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