novuscaelum · 10 months
Questions and Answers || @royalbratprince
Thoughts. That's what had been bugging him. One of his classmates who was the child of a dignitary explained how things worked within high-ranking families in general when Novus asked her a question. Of course, she'd answered it like it was the most annoying thing in the world but Novus got information regardless.
"You do know that you're just in the way of things for now, right?" Anna answered with a scoff as she closed her book before packing up to head home. "That you're just there as a spare in case something happens to the king. That's what happens to all the royal kids. At least that's what my brother said. Same with me. I'm just here to take over my Mom's spot when she's dead and gone. Ask your parents about it and watch what they say. The sooner you accept it the better."
It was true. Anna's explanation had proved right so far. Noctis was acting somewhat cagey in his eyes even if he was telling the truth. Letting his chin drop as his gaze became fixed on his sneakers, the boy continued quietly. "You just said you were terrified." Hearing those words from Noctis himself stung like having his heart pierced by a million bees at once.
"How do I know you didn't tell them that they had to love me once I was born?" None of the words in his mind were exactly making sense though at least for now, they were emerging like water that had broken through a dam instead of being bottled up.
"Somebody told me that I'm just here to take over in case you die or something like that." Novus was trying his best to hold back any tears for fear of his father's answer but it was growing difficult with each passing moment. "I don't care about the world right now and how it is, I just...I just wanna know if it's true. That I'm not some kind of mistake or something that I'm not here for no reason."
Were these things that a boy his age should be worrying about? Not at all, but they were beginning to fester and take a slight hold. What was he supposed to do in a situation like this? Not talk? Keep talking? "Am I?"
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writtenxbeginnings · 9 months
Continuing from [x] for @royalbratprince
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It took everything in Prompto to swallow down the hiss of pain that was threatening to leave his lips. The cut hadn't felt that bad at first, adrenaline keeping him going until he had taken out at least two more of the little fuckers. It was only when he had ducked with Noctis to hide, to take a moment to breath, that it hit just how red his pants had gotten, and just how much pain he was in. Getting the make-shift tourniquet wrapped around his thigh was impossible without him biting down on his own palm to muffle the shout that came along with it.
He had been half ready to just lay against the wall behind him and let himself stay there, telling Noct to go. He knew what the Prince was going to say, yet hearing it still made him heave out a quiet chuckle. "Anyone ever tell you how stubborn you are? Pretty sure I have, a few dozen times." The words were quiet, mumbled out as he shot his friend a small grin. Pale face even whiter with the lose of blood, he lifted himself on his good leg just enough, and with a quiet enough groan, to look over their current hiding spot. "I think I see some lights a few blocks down. Maybe... Maybe we can get their attention."
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ardynzunia · 1 year
@royalbratprince  from here "No."
It was a promise.  From Bahamut himself, it was a promise.  He only needed to do one thing, just one, and live to see the world he was to save.  One more thing, one last act, but he wasn't told what.  just sent out with a sword in his hand, familiar and unfamiliar in steps, and that no one could go with him.  Something he had to do alone.
He didn't know what he'd been expecting.  Not this.
Everyone... everyone has suffered.  And for ten long years to everyone else, barely the space of a dream to him, they've lived in darkness.  Waiting.  Waiting for their designated savior to return.  Waiting on the sacrifice of years and sunlight and so many friends and family and things familiar...  The entire world had been waiting.
"No!  Do you hear me?  I won't do it!"  Noctis' voice broke with that scream, Ardyn looking right back at him.  Terrified and tired and--
"You can't ask this of me!  Or anyone!  You can't--"
There was no echo, no answer.  No response.
Noctis could hear his own breath, his own heartbeat in his ears.  He felt the weight of expectation.
Who else knew?  Did anyone?
"I won't do this!"
There was no jolt awake, no blissful realization that it was just a dream.
There was no waking up.
The last thing he remembered was his brother being pulled into a crystal. Hearing a scream from the others, not sure if it was for their king or for him. When he woke up, it was in an abyss, no light, trapped up to his waist in ooze. 
He called for what felt like hours, his voice going hoarse from the effort. Eventually a figure came approaching in the darkness. His brother! He smiled at first, only to see that while Ardyn hadn’t aged, his brother looked at least a decade older. He looked desperate and hopeless, and he was holding a sword. Ardyn frowned. Had he been sent to kill him? But Noctis didn’t want to, and Ardyn didn’t want to die. He struggled out of the muck he was trapped in, running to his brother with no thought of the weapon. Just a tight hug as he buried his head into the chosen king’s chest. 
“Let’s just go home, you don’t have to do anything!” He insisted, “We’ll figure it out right? Like family! Lets just find everyone else, Please Noct.” 
Tears fell down his cheek as he held on tight. Not looking at his brother, just hoping they could leave. To pretend this place didn’t exist. Things had to be better if they decided to be a team, right?
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electricea · 11 months
@royalbratprince continued from here.
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"I mean, it's up to you," He was certainly glad that he wasn't going to be the one doing it - that wasn't to say he didn't have a bit of a daredevil's streak himself, but even for him, this just seemed too reckless, but on the flip side, he had to admire the guy's confidence! "Sounds easy enough - and it would definitely help me out," He was undoubtedly grateful, even underneath all his skepticism. "But how exactly does this, uh, warping thing work...? You just go from one point to the next...?"
"Cats, huh? Maybe you could spot a certain black and white one," He jokes, his friend's cat immediately springing to mind. "You much of a cat guy?"
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leorugiet · 1 year
@royalbratprince liked for a small starter
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"Your highness..." Cor carefully puts his hand to Noctis's face when he speaks, hoping to rouse the man. "I'm going to bandage you. Please stay still." Cor had ripped a large segment of his jacket apart, and held it to a fresh wound on Noctis's body. "... Your highness, do you remember what happened?"
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sharp-shot · 4 months
"I'm not giving up on you."
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the blond sighs, soft and wistful, as the prince talks to him. he knows in his heart that noctis means it because that's how noctis is. he doesn't say something if he absolutely does not mean it. but there is always that piece of prompto's mind that harbors doubt like a disease; eating away at the security he's trying so desparately to build within himself.
" what if i want to give up on myself? " he asks, not realizing that he's speaking out loud.
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cryptidsncurios · 5 months
Troubled Birds; a sentence meme ( part 1 ) | Accepting! @royalbratprince sent: "The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math."
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The boy was an utter mess upon his arrival to the hotel---and, had Kuja any emotional attachments, would have been entirely aghast with his condition: clothing reduced to tatters, usually stylish hair askew, lines of tiny cuts adorning his flesh here and there, accompanied by smears of blood.
Though Kuja imagined that such a line delivered had been more rhetorical than anything else---for he was uncertain the princeling was even aware of his presence upon the seat directly adjacent the weary traveler---nonetheless, the Messenger, casually returning his gaze to his book, responded with a tease tinting his tone:
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“If that is the case, I do hope you intend to hire a tutor.”
0 notes
themageofmany · 8 months
"It was just our turn being blamed for a world we had no power in."
hozier lyrics, unreal unearth edition
"I hate it." she stated flatly, staring off into the darkness as she tried to form another, perhaps deeper thought.
"We should have had a choice. What's the point of meaning something if it's not what you want to mean? I don't want to mean anything!" Skylar picked up a clump of dirt and threw it forward, only for the wind to blow it right back in her face.
Her eyes watered. For the dirt, for the unfairness. "Sometimes I think I wasn't really meant for anything at all."
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intxlligibility · 11 months
@royalbratprince said "Hey, Iggy. Is there... anything I can do to help..?" Was it like him to offer help making dinner? It absolutely wasn't. But he had before! Sometimes! Every once in a great while, and often after they had a disagreement or something, but... can't a guy just want to help? Be close to comforting sights and sounds and smells? And if he just happened to be able to hide any vegetables, that may or may not be a bonus.
The caffeine seeps into his bones with each sip, steadies his hands and mind in such a manner he assumes should be a concern, yet with the list of other things to turn his attention towards, this simply slips his mind as a small inconvenience.
When Noct speaks, he has resumed the task at hand; cooking, and with the kitchen knife in hand he continues his work.
"I appreciate the offer, highness, but I am quite all right. Perhaps, if you've a mind, you could aid me in cleaning some of the dishes in the sink? Or; while I've got my mind on it, I specifically remember a certain someone complaining about his laundry earlier today, it's not going to do itself after all"
Once more, he raises the can of ebony to his lips, green eyes sparkle with a certain mischief when he casts a glance Noct's way; the smallest hint of a smirk tugging at his lips.
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@royalbratprince continued from [ X ]
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The sunglasses upon his forehead were in the process of slipping back down over his eyes when Kuja was, yet again, interrupted by the little prince. Admittedly, Kuja knew very little when it came to fish and their habits in any intensely studious capacity, thus, he would simply have to fabricate something (not that the aforementioned catch was already entirely fabricated), a ponderous expression passing over his features before his reply:
“From what I have perceived, such a species appears when the sun is at its brightest and the sky utterly cloudless---” a winning smile blossoming upon pristine features, “---such as how it is currently.” Then, the sunglasses finally back over his eyes, he added primly:
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“Do hurry, before the weather might choose to rebel against your efforts.”
0 notes
painedprince · 1 year
@royalbratprince from x
"Hey." Gladio clapped his shoulder. "Look at me. You're not disappointing anyone, at least not me."
"...Only thing you could do to disappoint me is give up." He grunted. "But you won't. You know how I know that? Because you could've given up any time. You had all those chances. No one would've blamed you." Well. Gladio might...
"Instead, you keep on fighting. You walk tall. You give a shit. You give it all you got. If nothing else? You're one persistent son of a bitch."
...Clearly, he was no good at handling crying people, but- He hoped he was being encouraging, at least?
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novuscaelum · 7 months
The Prince, meanwhile, looked at his thumb with renewed interest. Personally, he'd never thought about how his thumb was made at all until this point in time. So blame Noctis for his curiosity. "Mhm! All by myself! I think..."
He paused turning his thumb like Noctis had before studying the rest of his hand. There were other fingers too but he didn't do much with those when he'd presented his 'gift' except fold them together. His eyes then went to the King's thumb. It was much bigger then his own.
"Your thumb is bigger than mine." Novus commented. "Mine's smaller." But why? Another pause. "Is it cause you're a grown-up and if it is where do babies come from?" The question, while probably random to others, would at least explain the size difference since the boy knew he was still a kid and Noctis was an adult. "Can you tell me?"
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pyrrhicpaths · 2 years
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Full Name: Emi Hester
Maiden Name: Sato
Nickname(s): N/A 
Date of Birth: Aug. 29 M.E 713
Nationality: Lucian
Ethnicity: Lucian
Occupation: Amicitia Chamberlain and Crownsguard
Religion: Hexatheon
Sexuality: Grey-Ace/Aro
Face Claim: Sonoya Mizuno
Height: 5′7″
Weight: ‎130 lbs
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Hazel 
Distinguishing Features: Sharp, angular facial features; tall but lean build; light freckles
Hometown: Insomnia, Lucis
Current Residence: the afterlife? lmfao N/A
Financial Status: The Hesters are a family of lesser nobles so they're very comfortable
Education Level: Graduated from a private university while undergoing Crownsguard military training
Father: Jared Hester
Mother: Alta Sato
Siblings: Yona Hester, Mila Hester, Noa Sato (two younger sisters, and  youngest brother)
Spouse: Andrei Corti-Hester
Children: Talcott Hester, eldest daughter, stepson (Andrei’s first-born from his previous marriage)
tagged by: @monicaelshett ages ago on Tal’s old blog LOL tagging: @amicitiaeclipse​ /@cookignis , @hartofbalamb​ (raine’s xv deets mayhaps?), @royalbratprince, @nelcu gimme ya’ll’s deets on squareenix moms pls
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ardynzunia · 1 year
@royalbratprince  from here He's so sure he has a response to that until he actually tried to answer.  All Noctis can do it open his mouth to no sound and then close it again, swallowing.  He's got a point, doesn't he?  They're half brothers, his father's sons, and to be separated as they had been feels... wrong.
But it also feels wrong to try and wish any of the pressure or worry he's felt on Ardyn.  Not that he'd have had to deal with much, Noct doesn't think; still the elder brother, the next in line, he'd still have gotten most of the... the everything.  But it might have been a kinder life for Ardyn and his mother and...
The what-ifs are awful.  Their dad... cared, right?  But he didn't... was it enough?  Did he do enough, did he--
Nocts swallows again.  Offers a slightly croaking, "Yeah.  I... think, probably.  Might have been... nicer."  Too late to worry, isn't it?
Maybe not too late to make up for it, even if it's not his responsibility.
“Maybe,” He agreed. “I still wouldn’t give up home for anything. But maybe if we’d known each other, visited all the time? Maybe it would have been better.”
He sighed and leaned back. It had been good to find out Regis didn’t know. That his mother had been protecting him. Had been good to know that it was the assistants that were xenophobic and not dad. But yeah, some part thinks family reunions would have been nice. Seeing Noctis for birthday’s every year and telling him about Altissia. Them planning to go together one day.
“At least we’re together now though,” He said. “It would have been hard, if we were separated like Iris and Gladio. And I’ll be able to show you Altissia right? Actually enjoy it while doing all the work.”
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triggerxhappy · 2 years
* important headcanons to consider.
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can they use chopsticks : He’s not bad, but he’s not the best either. His way of eating with chopsticks is clean, there’s no food all around him, but he doesn’t do it in a gracious way. He’s just normal. 
what do they do when they can’t sleep : He shouldn’t do that because it won’t help, but he takes his phone. Sometimes, he plays a bit of the video games he has on it, or he reads his social medias. If he can’t sleep for a reason, though, he overthinks about it and nothing can stop him.
what would they impulse buy at the grocery store : Anything spicy, even if he’s not sure of how to prepare it. He enjoys every possible spicy meal, but he’s not exactly good at cooking; he always needs some coaching from Iggy. 
what order do they wash things in the shower : Hair first, then he goes down. 
what’s their coffee order : He prefers ice coffee to coffee in general, but he sometimes take one with milk and sugar, especially during the World of Ruins because he doesn’t sleep as much as he should. 
what sort of apps would they have on their smartphone : His favorite app is Instagram because he enjoys posting pictures there and looking at other pictures to learn a trick or two. Other than that, he uses Messenger to stay in touch with people and he also has quite a lot of little games he can play when he’s waiting or when he’s traveling. And music app, too, of course.
how do they act around children : He loves children. He enjoys making them laugh and put a smiler on their faces. He’s always more than ready to spend time with them and play with them. 
what would they watch on tv when they’re bored and nothing they really like is on : He’d probably watch some music videoclips, depending of his mood, or maybe the news, especially once he’s officially part of the Crownsguard. 
tagged by: @leidemechanic​, thanks love 💕
tagging: @galaxywrought​ (luna) @cpirits​ (noctis) @royalbratprince​ @unworthychosenone​ @topmechaniic​ @areapermostcapricious​ & YOU ;D
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sylleblosscm · 3 years
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"Who said you’re not important?" ((An attempt was made, I have made an attempt.))
Do Wee Oo
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It is the very response she has come to expect from Noctis, yet still it throws her off-guard. While it is not exactly what she said, she still finds herself floundering most ungracefully for a response. 
 ❝I--no, it is...I simply mean that the needs of the many outweight the needs of but one. I have always known that to be this world’s Oracle is to sacrifice oneself. If not my life, then my heart and soul. It may not be my choice, but it is my honour nevertheless.❞
 Luna clasps her hands before her as if in prayer, but there is nobody to pray to on this. It is merely how she was born to be. ❝I promised you once that I would not allow your destiny to go unfulfilled. That I would ensure the path to your fate would be as inarduous as I can make it. I do not intend to go back on my word.❞
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