painedprince · 3 hours
After a couple of lingering giggles, Prompto buried his nose in the back of Noctis' neck for a few seconds. Breathing in, nuzzling. "We can take turns watching the incubator. Fight over who gets to name them. You know, standard chocobo-parent stuff." Sounded great to him, anyway. "We can get a fan aimed just as you when you're too hot to snuggle." The blond half-teased, lightly poking his fiance in the side.
"Yeah... Sounds good to me."
"Ugh, but the sensation of air blowing on me sucks. So... I'll just be holding onto you a little more loosely. I can't wait until the fall. I mean, summer's fun and all, but way too hot!"
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painedprince · 3 days
The question got a sputter before something like a sharp gasp mixed with a laugh, but Prompto was doing his damnedest not to cough into the side of his fiance's neck. Gross. "I didn't mean that!" Not like he sounded all that reassuring when he was still laughing and catching his breath at the same time. "I mean. You can if you want to, if you want the whole... chocobo mom experience, but..." He'd definitely need to work on his camera quickdraw again, in that case.
The urge to laugh didn't exactly stop at Noct's explanation, but it did calm down. A little. "It's okay, husbro, everyone's got different attractions. And I know I'm just so difficult to resist when I'm provider of hot, hot snuggles..."
He smiled, pleased with Prompto's reaction. "Nah... I don't think I will. I'm sure we'd get an incubator thing or something like that."
"Yeah, sometimes too hot, but I'd rather be holding you and sweaty than not holding you and cold."
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painedprince · 4 days
Prompto got a decidedly secretive little smile on his face as he thought about his own experiences, before Noct and everyone else had come back into his life again. "Okay, I gotta see what Wiz has and what he's planning, or maybe just tell him in advance, but... you gotta be there when at least one egg hatches. 'Cause you gotta keep the chicks real close at first. Away from cats and everything else."
He hummed some understanding at Noctis' explanation, reaching to lightly run his fingers over the back of his fiance's knuckles. "Okay, I get that. But I bet I've still seen you at your dorkiest, and I still think you're hot. Just putting that out there."
"...You want me to sit on the eggs, Prom?"
"Well, yeah. Because... you love me. I feel the same way about you. Uh- I mean. I don't really think about how hot you are all the time. Mostly I just think about how I love you so much that it hurts and the only remedy is more snuggles. Or like, uh... Well. I guess that also happens to be the times I want to go down on you, but it's different! Okay?"
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painedprince · 7 days
"And as long as the cats don't try to eat the chocobos, everyone should get along fine!" Not that he'd ever expect a cat to try to eat something as large as a chocobo... but he didn't know-know all of those cats. "Plus, the cats can distract people while the chocobos pick their pockets." It was worth the joke, really.
Nuzzling into the side of his fiance's neck, Prompto took another long moment to gather his thoughts. "Man. Your whole world's gonna change when you find out you're actually hot, huh."
"I mean it might be a concern when we get chicobos... I don't know. Definitely wanna be careful with that."
"It's not even like that, Prom! I mean. I can accept that, to some people, maybe I'm hot. I don't expect people who grew up with me to think that."
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painedprince · 8 days
"As long as they don't eat cats." Which was a joke! Really! "I mean... I'm pretty sure they don't eat cats? We'd probably have heard about it by now."
Despite laying down with Noctis, Prompto's chin was just a little heavy on his fiance's shoulder. "Really? There's no way we can prove to you that we collectively think you're hot?" They'd made progress with Noct finally understanding that they all loved him, so it wasn't impossible. Probably. "No matter what I post on the refrigerator?"
"Yeah. No. They definitely don't eat cats."
"There's no way." He shook his head. "It doesn't make any sense. You can think I'm hot, but Gladio and Ignis? No way. No matter what you post."
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painedprince · 9 days
"Once they learned how to make noise, there was not going back." Prompto snickered, the joke sounding a little like one a part of human children might make. They were totally missing out on birds. "Eating mostly greens probably leaves them kinda hungry... but I know neither of us want to think about them eating bugs. Even if it is a good thing." Less bugs? Fantastic. Thinking about the chocobos being responsible for that, well...
Remaining quiet for a long time as they cuddled, the blond eventually hummed. "Is there any way you'd be convinced we think you're hot? Really?"
"They can eat bugs. We just... probably won't help them out in that department." It's probably more protein? Still. Gross.
Noctis shook his head. "Nope."
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painedprince · 10 days
"Mm, you never could ignore a hungry animal." That was just a fact, pure and simple; but the cuter the animal was, the better. "And it's kinda completely impossible to ignore them when they're all making noise because they feel like they've been waiting forever..." That wasn't a complaint, just an observation.
Prompto's grin seemed dangerously bright. "Okay, one hotness meeting. I can't promise that you can have a look over the full notes, but maybe a summary."
"It's not even that, they get loud..." Almost every morning there was a loud wark, possibly several. "They eat so much. They are so lucky they're so cute..."
"I won't be satisfied with the results if you all agree. Because it's just- not true."
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painedprince · 11 days
"Okay, there's finally a valid reason to have a million pillows: it's totally so people with octopus partners can go to the bathroom in the middle of the night." Prompto laughed, gently wrapping his arms and one leg around Noctis. Well, as best he could. "Guess you'll get up when you get hungry... or when Iggy cheats by making breakfast."
Letting go of his fiance with his leg (best for both of them, that way), the blond didn't bother to hide his giggle very much. "Okay, okay, we won't do that. You being alive is kind of important to all of us." It was true! And he wasn't going to do it anyway, but... "Not even one meeting?"
"Also for maximum comfort." He snuggled into Prompto happily. "I mean, the chocobos always wake us up, really. They get noisy in the morning."
"You can... You can have one meeting and that is only to discuss the survey results. I guess."
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painedprince · 12 days
"As long as you're not trying to pull me back into bed when I gotta get the bathroom, like, real quick." It was a fair rule! "And maybe we should kinda limit the times you get to pull me back in or I might never, you know. Get out of bed. Man, these relationship negotiations sure are tough." Prompto teased.
And suddenly the silly idea Noctis had come up with just seemed to make the blond's eyes sparkle. He had to lean as hard into it as possible. "Dude, that's perfect. We'll have weekly morning Ways That Noct Was Hot This Week meetings!"
"Yeah, sure... As long as you give me a decoy to hold onto." As long as Gladio and Ignis were there, at least. Otherwise, maybe a pillow? "No limits. Nah. Stay with me forever. I'll.. I'll wake up eventually, then you get up."
"No!! Nononono! You can't do that... Please. I will die. Do you want me to die?"
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painedprince · 13 days
"Low-level crime!" Prompto didn't quite defend. "Crime for fun! Innocent fun bird crimes!" And that definitely assured that Ignis was nowhere near them; he'd have had something to say about that.
Cackling ever so slightly, there was no way he was actually going to fully let go or move away anytime soon. "You keep the bed warm and welcoming. That's... like carrying..? At a distance..?" Sort of?
"Hm, well..." Noctis kind of had a point. A little. "Okay, the poll will mention 'just' hotness. Super hotness is available for discussion afterward, but not part of official results. Fair?"
"I could drag you back into bed when you leave. I can do that. And, I could probably carry you if I really wanted to. You're probably the easiest person to carry, anyway."
"Prom... Are you gonna like- start a book club? Except no books just. Weekly discussions about how hot I was? Because that's-" He was starting to get red now. "That's soooo embarrassing!!"
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painedprince · 14 days
"I dunno, maybe we can teach the birds how to pick pockets on command? As long as we don't tell Iggy about it?" He was joking, really. Mostly. "It's just been keys and greens so far, but they have a whole system, Noct. One of them distracts and another one goes for the pocket--" Okay, maybe he sounded just a little too enthusiastic about that, but they were smart birds! And maybe not using that intelligence for good... "Okay, fine, we'll find a way to discourage that."
The laugh could only be defined as fond. "And all that running and lifting weights made it so I can carry you around everywhere, so it all worked out." Smiling like a love-struck fool or not, Prompto did kind of have to admit, "I do kinda need to stop and rest sometimes, though."
Snorting hard, he couldn't help himself. "What? Are you offended that the idea we don't all find you hot now?"
"Teaching the children crime!? Prom, how could you!" Noctis gasped in faux horror.
"I can carry you, too, you know..." he grumbled. "Well, when you need to rest, I'm here. Uh. Waiting in bed, at least, because I'm probably also resting, usually."
"No, no, my opinion has not changed, but apparently your poll has changed from hot to super hot? That's crazy, Prom... First you tell me I'm hot, then you say I'm super hot? That's just too much! And too much to ask others to agree on, surely?"
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painedprince · 15 days
"Can't keep a fish in your pocket, Noct." Prompto responded with a surprising amount of worldly wisdom. Destroyed immediately by the follow-up, "Probably shouldn't keep candy bars in them either since the chocobos are kinda getting more successful at picking pockets, just a heads up."
Snorting, he reached to lightly muss his fiance's hair. "Hey, now, all that running made it easier for me to help out with all the hunting, right? Anxiety's a hell of a battery, who needs coffee?" At least he could joke about it at that point.
"Cool, cool, you've got time to prepare to accept that you are in fact at least extremely attractive."
"They are? We're terrible parents... We gotta teach them better. I mean, it's not like they're babies anymore..."
"I mean it's good, I guess. It's not a bad thing. I just don't get it. I want to nap. And be carried. And possibly be carried while napping."
"At least?????? Extremely????"
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painedprince · 16 days
"And stuff to make sure no one gets bored. Totally important to survival!" Not like Prompto wasn't completely aware that he was pushing the definition of "survival stuff", but. Well. It was kind off true, anyway. "Candy bars in case you need candy bars... they count as emergency rations, right?" Shame "justification" hadn't been a subject in school.
"Okay, okay, no ice cream for breakfast. And no coffee for you, either. I don't need any coffee, or at least that's what Gladio says." Not like he really wanted coffee. It was a mystery beverage the other two could keep to themselves.
Waving off the rest of their conversation, Prompto insisted, "I'll go see, okay? Do my research, take notes. See if I can get anyone to rate you on a hotness scale, that kind of thing." He was joking about that last part. Probably.
"I mean, like, we also have pockets..." Plenty of them, across the four of them. "Pockets don't really beat a magical fridge though, so..."
"Does he say that? I mean, you do have a lot of energy. It's like. Kind of insane, actually... Morning runs... Who does that? Weirdos, I think. I guess it's kind of endearing, though. When you don't wake me up."
"I... look forward to the results. I guess."
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painedprince · 17 days
"Iggy's kind of abandoned the whole 'emergency' thing too, so... I mean, we've still got first aid kits in there, anyway. The rest is a bonus." And he was going to resist the urge to glance around to see if Ignis just happened to appear out of nowhere to hear him talking. Wouldn't be the first time.
"Maybe coffee ice cream? You could totally talk your way into ice cream for breakfast!" Probably not, but it was a nice thought anyway.
Prompto laughed. "Guess you'll just have to wait to see the hotness survey results, right?"
"There's more to emergency planning than first aid... Food totally counts. And like. Survival stuff? I don't know... That's more Gladio's thing, I guess."
"I think if I ate ice cream for breakfast, I'd probably get sick. Iggy would never allow it, either way."
"...I guess..." Noctis huffed. He was certain Prompto couldn't get the other two to admit anything.
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painedprince · 18 days
"If we made a list of everything we keep in there that we probably shouldn't, we'd be here all day, husbro." Even Prompto didn't really know how he was able to say that so nonchalantly, but there was a distinctively impossible to stop snicker at the end. "I dunno, maybe we'll do morning fishing sometime, but like. As a planned thing. So there's coffee waiting." A plan! Sort of.
The offended gasp sounds a little more genuine than he means it to. "If Iggy says you're not hot then I'll call him out as a liar and defend your hotness honor. And then I'll ask about the wedding date."
"Ignis said just anything that we'd need in an emergency which- a lot of things could be that! A whole fridge, though... I don't know. Better than the food left out, I guess." He shrugged. "I don't drink coffee, Prom. Maybe if it's really really... really really really sweet? Like more sugar than coffee. Otherwise, I'd rather soda or energy drinks."
"You really don't have to do all that, Prom! This is so dumb. It's fine if they don't think I'm hot!"
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painedprince · 19 days
"Oh, husbro." Prompto lightly patted Noct's head. "If you wanted fish for breakfast you'd just tell Iggy to get some out of the 'magic ice box' and promise to catch more for him later. Then we could all sleep longer." He was teasing a little, sure, but that was also the best possible solution so he didn't have to get up early and stick with Noctis either. Win-win.
"School officially let us escape, they'll never get us back now." He snickered. "The survey's about hotness, which is obviously the most important thing, but I'll tell Iggy about wedding date plans when I get him to admit that he thinks you're hot."
"Fresh fish is best fish, Prom! Like, it's not even comparable, really... but I'd rather sleep, yeah. Ingredients arent... really supposed to go in the armiger..."
"If he says I'm not hot, will you still ask him about the wedding date?"
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painedprince · 20 days
"Happy Birthday, oh super hot soon-to-be-husband of mine! We've got a full day of activities planned and you have to get up early!" Prompto dissolved into laughter. Okay, just joking, stay in bed as long as you want, but there are gonna be pancakes, so. Like. Not too long."
He flops over and drags Prompto back into bed with him. "'m not getting up til I smell bacon..." He muttered and nuzzled his fiance's shoulder. "Love you, though."
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