#royal marine private
maridemira · 2 months
William Braine: Before the Franklin Expedition
He was a marine, a seaman, a husband, son, a crew member....What was life like for him prior to the famous Franklin Expedition? Who was he?
In this essay, we're gonna look at the life of William Braine, who was famously one of the Royal Marines in the Franklin Expedition. In this post, we're gonna look at Braine's life before the Franklin Expedition. Now, a disclaimer here, most of the information comes from sources found by @radiojamming and @entwinedmoon , so shout out to them. And usually, what we all know is technically mostly about his death and post-mortem, but we do know what year he was born. So stick around as we dive deep into the life of William Braine.
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William Braine was born in the village of Oakhill in Somerset on March 1814. He was the third son of Shadrach and Honor Braine (nèe King), and is one of 7 children, 6 boys and 1 girl, though his oldest brother Thomas had died when he was two months old. He was baptised on May 28, 1815, in the parish of Ashwick. His father was a quarry worker and according to a biography of Braine, Shadrach Braine probably came to Oakhill to secure a job, and once he was able to and rent a two roomed cottage, he brought his wife with him to the village and thus, it was here that William was born. Almost nothing is known about Braine's mother, Honor, except for the fact that she died on August of 1823, when William was 9 years old and his father married a spinster named Elizabeth Bun. We also don't know anything about Elizabeth Bun either except for the fact that she became William's stepmother. We may hypothesise that Shadrach needed someone to take care of the children but whatever the reason may be, we'll never know.
William never had the benefit of schooling,this was evident when he came to Yeovil to join the Navy as a royal marine, instead of signing his name, he signed with an X. In fact, he left his home on late 1833 and arrived in Yeovil, Somerset to sign up as a royal marine private. The journey was rugged that time, according to Parson Skinner, the weather that December was incredibly snowy and rugged. Nevertheless, William and the other Marines who signed up travelled to Plymouth to begin their training. They would then be placed in Stonehouse Barracks where they would have been given their basic training.
On July 1834, 7 months after signing up and training as a Royal Marine Light Infantryman (RMLI), Braine was then transferred to the 8th Company Woolwich Division. This division reportedly was made of one battery, meaning troop, of the Royal Marine Artillery (RMA). However, according to the biography, Braine might have taken two routes to complete this journey, either by sea or by land, though the biography also sides with the former stating that it would have been a much swifter journey. It is certainly possible though, that in 1837, Private Braine had been involved in the burial of King William IV and the coronation of Queen Victoria. This same biography also states that Braine might have had the chance to see the action in the First Spanish Carlist War which happened in 1833 to 1840, though we are actually not certain if Braine indeed get to see the action, but he may probably have learned of it. In 1839, the First Opium War started and many detachments were sent to fight. It would be more possible that Braine was one of the detachments sent and may have fought alongside Thomas Hartnell Jr., John Hartnell's younger brother (Though really, they were probably on different ships and locations, and probably never met until 1845 in the Franklin Expedition). The British had won the war in August 29, 1842.
In October 31, 1841, 27 year old William Braine married Eliza Wood in Woolwich. We know very little about Mrs. Braine except for the fact that her father was William Wood. She too was illiterate, and by this point, both of the couple's fathers had been general labourers. There were no known children that resulted from their marriage, although it's possible that the couple did conceive, but they either had a miscarriage or their child was short lived and no information has survived, or it was probably because William was frequently away for them to be able to have children.
The years between 1841 and 1845 had been a peaceful time for William, except for the fact that according to Ralph Lloyd-Jones' paper on the Royal Marines of the Franklin Expedition, on March 9, 1844 William Braine had "Run from Furlough" which meant that he had exceeded a period of leave. We may not know why, maybe because of family affairs, we just don't know. But Lloyd-Jones suggest that this may be the reason why Braine, despite his 10 years of service as a Royal Marine Private 3rd Class, never received a promotion. One more fact is that he never appeared in any court martial or Defaulters book which suggest that he had a clean service record, but because the life of Royal Marines were not recorded until the 1880s, we may probably not know for certain what he had really done between 1833-1845.
In May of 1845, William Braine was one of the seven detachments of HMS Erebus of the famous Franklin Expedition. However, he never alloted his pay to anyone, not even his wife, but it is unknown why, but we may think that he probably is not on good terms with his family, or that something else was going on, either way may be a reason or it could be because of a completely different reason. Either way, we don't know. This is the final service that Royal Marine Private Braine would perform, because he died just after the first wintering of the expedition on April 3, 1846, at just 32 years old possibly of ailments unknown and was buried next to 20 year old Petty Officer and Lead Stoker John Torrington of the HMS Terror and 25 year old Able-bodied Seaman John Hartnell of the HMS Erebus in Beechey Island. As we know, the Franklin Expedition then sailed south to King William Land (now King William Island) which turned into a disaster and the rest is history.
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William Braine was one of those who came from low backgrounds, yet made a significant impact in the history of the fate of the Franklin Expedition. Even though he is gone, he is not forgotten.
Sources: The Life of William Braine, The Royal Marines on Franklin's Last Expedition by Ralph Lloyd-Jones, Buried in Ice (1988)
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moonbaby26 · 6 months
Title: The Nest
(Chapter 7 of Doflamingo’s Marine Series)
*Crossposted to AO3 Here*
Chapter Pairings: Doflamingo x Reader, Aokiji/Kuzan x Reader (referenced), Smoker x Reader (referenced)
Chapter Warnings: non con elements, fingering, oral sex (male receiving), unprotected vaginal sex, possessive/controlling relationship, hint of exhibitionism, implied past physical and/or sexual abuse to reader
Chapter Synopsis: You must now fulfill your previous promise to Doflamingo, beginning your stay on the island of Scylla with him. Alone with the warlord again at last, he’s further becoming everything you’d feared and needed all at once.
Chapters: 1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7, 8
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The days back at sea came and went one after another. Thankfully, Vice Admiral Momonga was someone you got along with well. He was a bit serious, but clear in any expectations for his crew, which made life easy for you. Because there was then more doing than thinking, regardless of the twisting emotions still inside of you.
And with Momonga being your interim commanding officer, you had also put in your request for shore leave direct with him. He’d told you that even HQ was having trouble reaching Tsuru except for the shortest status reports now. So you had no chance for contact with her anyway.
On orders of the world government, Tsuru and your normal crew had pushed the rebels on Lyra even higher into the mountains there. Unfortunately, it’d also become more of a waiting game of starving those remaining freedom fighters out as the marine blockade had cut off all other supplies to the island.
But the extreme terrain of peaks and valleys there also made it difficult to get out proper transmissions, save for the briefest bursts with weather permitting. 
Though you weren’t worried. Because someone like Tsuru wouldn’t be outsmarted by the rebels’ untrained forces. It was only a matter of time before the world government accepted the enemy’s surrender to reinstate the previous royal family there instead.
And nobility like that was actually the only reason Momonga’s ship would be stopping at the island of Scylla as well. Once you’d been aboard, you’d found out those additional details that that part of the voyage would be an escort mission.
Some high blooded man and his two sons were all heading to Scylla for a few days of rubbing elbows with their fellow upper crust. All of them wealthy and connected enough to have a vice admiral like Momonga at their beck and call as a bodyguard at least.
The vice admiral had given you no trouble with your own request either though. Three days and nights of shore leave had all been approved. After safely delivering the escorted nobles, Momonga would be docking at the nearby marine port on one of Scylla’s satellite islands. And you would get to stay on the mainland and then reconvene with his crew when they came to recollect that same royal family a few days later.
But the closer the start date drew, the more anxiety gripped you. Until the night finally came where you found yourself still unable to properly sleep, standing on deck again just before sunrise to the lower ranks’ surprise. 
The wind was somewhat cold, bringing up an ocean spray along with it as you’d stepped against the ship’s railing to view those distant lights of Scylla becoming sharper and sharper on the horizon at last.
You could hear the skeleton crew of the night watch calling out their standard protocols. Announcing land in sight, and determining the headings for the helmsman to begin turning the ship towards harbor.
But something in your stomach had tightened even further as the port did begin to become visible. Because from even there you could recognize the docks already full of other ships in the dim moonlight. Ones clearly from all makes and nationalities.
You were wondering if one of them was discreetly Doflamingo’s. Even though he’d given you his supposedly private, most direct number what was now weeks ago, you had not used it yet for any late night “check in” as he’d called it.
Because Momonga had approved the exact dates you’d first told the warlord. Nothing had changed on your side. 
And you’d been correct in your assumption too that there’d be no private quarters for you on this ship. You’d hardly been alone the entire time, and never felt comfortable enough to try and force the chance to be.
You’d wanted to do more than just talk with Doflamingo as well. A call alone would not have satisfied you even if you’d had the time.
Yet what if the pirate wasn’t even here yet? Or what if he was just jerking you along the entire time? You knew you would have to call him today to confirm a meeting time at the church regardless.
And later that morning you finally had made an excuse about needing to call the mainland to verify arrival with a place you would have rented a room at. But in reality, there was no such reservation. Your intent had always been to stay with the warlord only, just as you’d promised him.
Yet if Doflamingo ditched you, you would have then changed the story to say that the imaginary room had been double booked and given away already. A believable notion for as high traffic as this island was currently.
As it was then though, you’d somewhat hid away in an armory room. Rifles were racked up behind you while you’d dialed the number Doflamingo had given you, standing with your shoulder pressed to the wooden wall as the marine snail rang and rang.
The level of anxiety that returned to you as that phone continued to ring for far too many times was embarrassing too. Almost enough to make you hang up and just assume you were on your own before the click of a connection made you stand up straighter within the dark room.
“What?” Came the familiar male voice, albeit still sounding as if he’d just been woken up and wasn’t at all pleased about it. He didn’t even say his name either. But he must not need to if this was really such a direct line.
“Our ship has docked.” You said instead of any greeting either. “If you still want to meet me, I have an escort assignment I have to finish first for some duke and his kids. And then I’ll be free to go into town off duty. I should be able to get to the church by eleven hundred.” The shorter you could keep this conversation, the better as you’d just dumped all that information immediately onto him.
There was an uncomfortably long pause as well. And then, “Well good morning to you too.” Finally came as a rather snide retort. Followed by, “So in other words…you’re waiting for some other man to wake up just so you can play servant girl to him?”
You frowned immediately at his fresh attitude. What was he so pissy about already? “Sounds like you were still sleeping yourself” You countered.
But there was an additional irritated grunt at that as Doflamingo’s voice got even sharper. “I was awake until just three hours ago making every call possible so that I could clear my schedule for you today, brat.” 
“So you’re here already?” You asked for that confirmation anyway, choosing just to disregard the rest to keep this conversation moving.
“Of course I am.” And he did sound somewhat more awake there before continuing. “So you said eleven? Fine. I’ll meet you in the church by then.” It was the easiest landmark you’d both agreed to before.
“Alright. I’ll be there. The upper level.” You still suggested more specifically next. That gallery would hopefully be less crowded than the main floor today. And a better view for you truthfully, who had still never seen any of it.
“Yes. Don’t keep me waiting.” Was his only additional reply though. Terse really before the connection ended in another loud click.
For the nobles you were with, they had indeed slept until the very last moment. Only by almost ten did they suddenly have more sense of urgency to disembark. They wanted off the “dirty” marine vessel and to get to whatever higher end accommodations they’d made on the island. 
You’d had to listen to them berate one another as well as you’d still waited while they gathered their things. The father was insistent with his sons, telling them to put their masks on as per carnival traditions. And all other kinds of comments as he urged them to look presentable and in fashion for the holiday.
Because they would not shut up about it, you knew they were attending some ball tomorrow night and the duke was expecting his boys to find equally high born dates today to invite there. All with the goal of said dates becoming political wives of significant dowry apparently. 
But the boys were young and too busy whining about the cold, about the dampness of the fine mist still coming off of the sea, and any other matter of trivial things.
One of the other sailors made eye contact with you amidst it all and you saw him roll his eyes dramatically at their persistent complaining.
And you’d finally smirked a little at that, just before another heavy bag was thrown on top of the other two you were already balancing for the nobles. 
“Do not drop that! The contents are fragile.” One of the boys scolded you. 
Then why had they thrown it at you? “Yes, my lord.” You answered in feigned respect, though they couldn’t even be bothered to glance at your face to notice the insincerity of your expression.
More than one marine was trying not to laugh by then too though. But the naive royals, cousins to some king or something, still didn’t pick up on any of that mockery before they finally exited the gangplank. 
Though still complaining all the while as the fancy heels on their boots then tried to catch on the seams between the wooden slats. Especially with the ship still bobbing up and down slightly as the waters shifted against the dock.
The fools had no sea legs at all. You would have taken them by the arm like children to assist them, but you didn’t want to be yelled at either for daring to ever touch them with your filthy peasant hands.
So you just had to watch as they stumbled and bitched while you and the rest of your marines walked down smoothly even with balancing the ridiculous amount of bags and boxes they’d saddled you all with.
A horse drawn carriage awaited your guests once on land though. And it was a blessing as soon as they were in it with the door shut to not have to hear them any longer.
That was when one of those other sailors looked back to you. A lieutenant just below your own rank. “Captain, we can take it from here. We’ll play as bell hops the rest of the way to their villa. The Vice Admiral said you had shore leave starting today. So get out of here and go enjoy it.”
“You sure?” You asked anyway as you’d handed off the bags you’d been carrying. They were now being loaded, some on top and some below the carriage.
“Positive. This is a waste of time enough already.” He answered, then somewhat purposefully throwing the bag they’d specifically said was fragile roughly to the carriage’s bottom storage.
“Alright then. See you all in a few days.” You certainly weren’t going to argue with him if escape was finally offered of course.
So as the other marines followed that carriage, still acting as security for it, you had backtracked to board Momonga’s ship again instead. You quickly changed out of uniform and gathered your single small duffel bag before heading alone back down the gangplank and towards town.
It did feel a little surreal just walking on your own once you got further into the city however. Everyone ignoring you as you had to turn this way or that not to strike shoulders when the crowds of tourists bottlenecked in some areas.
You were far more accustomed to being in formation with your crew, and always all in uniform whenever you moved through places on patrol. People tended to give marines a wider berth. Either from respect or fear depending on which side of the law they found themselves on.
So to be disregarded so fully was still strange as you kept moving through the narrow streets trying to take in everything while you passed one new thing after another.
You could smell the different street foods being cooked and sold. And the fresh flowers and decorative garlands as well that many were purchasing to wear in addition to their masks.
Carnival had begun in full force on the island. But you were just an observer here, not a participant. You were only appreciating the elaborate spectacle and decorations that you doubted you’d ever get the chance to see again.
Because so many stars had had to line up just to make this visit happen. And as you rounded another corner, walking along one of those clear canals and the gondolas ferrying people up and down them, you had at last found the main square.
Lights were hung up on strings between the many lamp posts. Leaving you to imagine  what it must look like up close at night as you’d passed additional booth after booth of food and other carnival vendors.
But this town square was massive, large enough for all of it and more as you realized some people were already dancing even this early in the day. Musicians were playing as you watched couples enjoying themselves, moving together to the music. 
Others sat at the outdoor tables, drinking and laughing. What you assumed was likely sparkling wine was in bottles already open, sitting in buckets of ice even in the cool air as they snacked on antipasti plates of all kinds of foods.
You saw some sort of stuffed pasta that looked amazing too when you’d yet to eat a thing today, but you had to remember the mission at hand.
Which was still rather impossible to forget as you now stared up to the towers of the old church at the center of it all. Just like the photos in your book from years ago, those spires and the flying buttresses supporting them seemed to scrape the sky. 
And even from here, the stained glass took up so much of the remaining surface area, as you wondered if it’d really be the rainbow of colors inside that you’d always envisioned.
Once within those walls, it was crowded there too. But far quieter as people milled about, taking in the intricate stonework, tapestries, and marble statues of the saints. Yet those statues were only newer additions of course. Works commissioned by the world government within just the last five hundred years or so. Each statue honoring one of the founding families of Mariejois.
The legends were that this building had once been used to worship something far older than even those Celestial Dragons though. But you didn’t care about any of that today as you finally got to look up at all the still original stained glass above you.
The largest main window was a representation of the sun, with hues of yellows, oranges, and reds mixing with the light from all the other windows. But races from all over the world were represented in those many secondary windows too, like weaving a story long forgotten. Fishmen and merpeople, giants, minks, and more. Even those humans with wings that you had been told by Tsuru really existed on islands somewhere in the sky.
Candles were lit here and there too, though not really needed for all the light still being cast across the limestone floors in the daylight.
And as you looked further up, the vaulted ceilings were painted blue like the sky, with gold leaf stars peppering throughout to reflect that sunlight from the windows even further. 
But while you walked beneath so much history, you were also already heading towards one of the spiral staircases that lead up to the gallery. This was a large balcony that was thought to accommodate even more worshippers in the extremely distant past.
Your watch said it was a quarter until eleven when you’d climbed the stairs. You knew your feet had slowed while you’d been taking in all the sights. But you weren’t late. And as you’d sat on the closest pew to the railing, you left your bag beside you while you still looked out over everything in a bit of disbelief.
Clouds must have been shifting in the real skies outside as the sun danced through the windows now. You were not religious by any means, but sitting alone here as you watched those colors moving across the floors, you finally had some of that moment you’d been seeking.
You were seeing something you didn’t think you’d ever deserve or be able to. Because as you’d been told so very many times, you were no one, nothing. And this place and its beauty was not for your kind. But somehow you’d finally made it here regardless.
Even if it wasn’t with Kuzan, or Smoker, or anyone else who could have shared this with you and actually understood the significance.
You’d swallowed at that lonely thought too, just watching the people wandering below who now looked so much smaller to you. No connection really felt with them as you used the back of your hand to wipe that faintest hint of new moisture from your eyes.
If the warlord did come, he’d surely think you an idiot if you were emotional before him yet again. He’d caught you crying in Mariejois. And he’d made you cry in Sabaody. Here in Scylla, it didn’t need to become three times to make it a habit.
But it was turning into one, wasn’t it? Despite your best efforts. A dangerous cycle too, as if this growing weakness alone was what truly summoned and fed that man. The way you kept feeling more detached and unsated from any thought that wasn’t about him. 
And your breath did still catch when this game suddenly began again, that instinct of fight or flight becoming just another familiarity to you too as long fingers wrapped around your throat.
Doflamingo had arrived early.
But you could feel the warmth in his grip as well. Even with his nails pushing against your pulse point. Your heartbeat literally in his hands as he stood behind you then.
It wasn’t the same as Mariejois or Sabaody though. If he wanted to fight you here, he already would have. 
You were only being tested now as the words finally came.
“You never called me in all these weeks, woman…not until this morning. Have you really been so busy?” Was the very first thing he asked. That tone of insult as clear as the sunlight all around you.
And only then did you finally understand his earlier attitude.
This goddamn fragile man.
“They would have been suspicious if I’d segregated myself. I was never alone.” You spoke with quiet purpose, even with your throat still pressed by his hand.
“You found time this morning,” he reminded you.
“Barely a few minutes. That wouldn’t have satisfied either of us.” You contended sincerely next. You knew he had to notice your escalating heart rate against his hand though.
Maybe even the growing heat too. Some might be your haki just under the surface, readying to defend your throat by reflex alone. But there was definitely more to it. You felt it in your chest as those same fingers of his loosened enough to briefly stroke your jaw instead.
“I missed you.” He said.
And your lips parted in a little surprise as his fingertips ghosted across them. Just before he released you entirely, then walking around the end of that pew to slide in to sit beside you. 
Like this was just the most natural thing in the world when Doflamingo’s hip pressed against yours and his arm hooked around your shoulders. 
The warlord pulled you against him in one fluid movement, the two of you then sitting tightly together while he looked past the balcony railing as well, taking in the view of everything now below you both.
But you were only looking at him. He was in an all black suit for once, the fabric perfectly tight and tailored to his long frame. No feather coat to speak of either.
The only two pops of color were a crimson red tie tucked into the vest beneath his suit jacket. And the matching blood red carnival mask which covered his eyes and the bridge of his nose in replacement of his usual glasses.
The mask had built in lenses though, still hiding him regardless even as he finally smiled darkly down at you, realizing your obvious stare.
“You’re looking a bit smitten, woman,” He taunted, taking your chin again with one hand. “I clean up well. Don’t I?”
But he didn’t care if you actually answered that. It was clear what kind of greeting Doflamingo really wanted as he leaned further down to capture your mouth with his already.
And you didn’t resist him. Not this time. Neither of you caring that this was still a church either as his tongue had quickly slid inside your mouth.
Though you did pull back again as soon as the demon’s surprisingly sharp teeth had nipped your bottom lip next. Hard enough to hurt, but not enough to bleed this time.
“Once bitten, twice shy?” He mocked through a chuckle regardless. And his arm that had still been around your shoulders shifted enough for him to bring a hand over one of your breasts to squeeze it harshly.
Painfully in fact, right through your shirt as you made a noise of discomfort.
He straightened back up as you did, but still looking down at you. Those white teeth glinting as he smirked. “I’m just hungry is all. Can’t I have a bite?”
“There’s plenty of food outside.” You finally spoke in a huff then, but continuing to look at him with an odd fascination. It was just so different seeing him dressed this way, no matter how brutish he was already behaving.
It did remind you of the suits he used to wear in the North Blue. But you hadn’t thought of him as anything but a thug then. Though he was far more dangerous and much stronger today.
“It’s rude to stare without following through, lover.” He broke that new silence though, simultaneously moving his hand lower to slip it beneath the bottom edge of your shirt as he said so. 
And before you could even protest, he’d forced that same hand past the waistband of your pants as you felt his fingers dig in over the top of your underwear. 
He squeezed your mound possessively as he still smiled at you. “This treasure is getting all of me later, healed or not. I hope you understand that. I’ve been celibate for fucking weeks now, woman. It has not been fun.”
And in that single moment his words were somehow more shocking than the literal handful of you that he was now molesting for any onlooker who may walk by on the balcony.
“There’s no way that’s true.” You still managed to say as his fingers started to push aside the thin strip of fabric between your legs and touch flesh next. In your mind, there was no way in heaven or hell that a man like this would willfully abstain.
But his head tilted as his smile faded at that. “You really do have a lot of nerve…first brushing me off, because you’re just so ‘busy’ on your new ship. And then calling me a liar as well?” His fingers hooked a little harder at those words, already edging your entrance.
And as you tried reflexively to close your legs at the additional aggression, you still didn’t back down from him.
“Well what reason would you have? That doesn’t make sense.” 
But he just pulled you even closer then, forcing your legs further open with his other arm as he brought you into his lap.
“Because I wanted to fast before my next feast. So quit being such a bitch. This is what you wanted isn’t it? Me all to yourself?”
And you tensed as one of his fingers did slide inside of you. He wasn’t being gentle now at all as he started thrusting it in and out of your resisting channel soon after.
“Yes. I want it…” you finally relented though. Realizing some other people were starting to come up the staircase to the balcony. You would let him do this if he would just take it somewhere more private. “But not here.” You purposefully let your tone go more into that pleading range at that. Trying to appeal to his ego then if it meant being spared this public exhibition. “Please.”
And that ploy actually worked. “Then clean this off.” Was the command that came next as he growled slightly, hand pulling out of your pants just as abruptly at your change in tone. But he brought those now wet digits in front of your face for you to follow through with his new order.
The logical side of your mind knew that saliva would be no cleaner than the slick of you already on his fingers. But it was clearly the demeaning act itself that he wanted from you. 
You knew too that in moments you’d be in view of those strangers still rounding the staircase. So you could either comply, or you were sure he’d make you do it in front of them instead.
There were mere seconds to decide as you opened your mouth and he immediately slid his fingers inside. The taste was strange while you sucked them just long enough to appease him. And just before those other tourists reached the top of the steps to walk past you.
He withdrew his hand with a chuckle before being seen, as if it really all was so fun. “See? Now that wasn’t so bad was it?” He was still grinning too, even as you felt him wipe his hand dry of your spit against your clothed thigh afterward.
Regardless of your non answer though, he did seem more relaxed after this display of submission, looking back out to the church again as his arm went around your waist.
“So are you going to tell me why you wanted this place so badly? You don’t exactly strike me as the pious type.”
The pirate’s tone may finally be more neutral now as well. Yet you still knew that if he thought you were hiding anything from him, it was just going to put him into a terrible mood all over again. And that version of Doflamingo was not the one you wanted to spend your shore leave with.
So you had no choice but to answer. And truthfully at that. 
“It’s not important. There was just this book I had when I was a kid. It had so many pictures of this island and the church. So I’d always look at it whenever I needed to be somewhere else for a while. That’s all.”
And you waited afterward, just for some snide or cruel comment in response to that childish admission. Ready for his next barb as your eyes went back to those radiant windows.
But the warlord’s hand had moved up, rubbing your back almost gently instead as he simply responded.
“Then this was your escape.”
“Yeah.” You just agreed. And you could feel his stare on you. That way you were already getting used to when he was truly analyzing you. “What else do you want to know?” You still asked next under that scrutiny.
You saw the slight upturn of his mouth in the corner of your eye as well. A smirk that didn’t fully form. Maybe you had surprised him a little there. But it wasn’t an offer he was going to pass up either.
“Tell me what you did before Tsuru then. Before you were a marine.” 
And his hand was under your chin again, capturing it and turning your face so that you couldn’t look away from him either as he awaited your answer.
Why he should give a damn about your past was as nonsensical as anything else to you though. You knew there was nothing unique in the things you’d suffered. 
“The same as anyone from my town…I stole to eat. I hid to live.”
“Hid from who?” He insisted regardless. His grip on your jaw tightening a little again.
“My mom’s bosses. And her customers.” You just replied plainly. The emotion to those memories a lot more numb after this many years. “But she’s dead.” You were still quick to clarify though. You had no living family if he was thinking there was anyone else to exploit. “She worked in a brothel.”
You saw Doflamingo’s expression change, if ever so slightly. And as insane as it was, you swore it was that flicker of jealousy again. Even if he did ask more carefully then. “Did they make you work there too?”
“No.” You were also quick to confirm. Though trying not to show your discomfort in the idea that he may still care more that someone else had hypothetically had you, than the immorality of an underaged girl being a victim there at all.
“But they tried to….didn’t they?” He was definitely making the right assumptions none the less though. It took an evil man to understand another one you supposed.
“Sometimes.” You admitted. Yet you’d always managed to slip away before clothes could come off or anything could truly happen. And if not, you’d go to plan B with those men. “I’d make them so mad that they would rather hit me instead. That worked if I couldn’t get away otherwise.”
Doflamingo shifted on the pew, and you couldn’t tell if he was actually finally bothered by this as he smiled. The smile was definitely not a happy one.
“You’ve always been clever, haven’t you?” He told you.
No, you’d just done what you had to. 
But he rubbed your back one more time before sliding you out of his lap so that he could stand up again.
You watched him straighten his suit jacket and tie too, a clear vanity still evident there before he slid one hand into his pants pocket. 
His other hand then stretched out for you to take it and stand up beside him as well. But he didn’t let go of it afterward either, wanting you to follow him as he held your hand in his own. “Let’s go get you decent, and then we’ll go eat some fucking food already. I’m starved.”
You’d put the strap of your bag over your shoulder to go with him. And of course you were already wondering what he had in mind for making you “decent”. Yet your concerns on that did fade a little as you’d noticed him hesitate once back on the first level of the church.
Doflamingo was still walking with you. But his gait had slowed when something to the right caught his eye.
And you tried to follow his gaze as he pulled you along really, but the only thing there were the statues of the saints which everyone had to pass back through in order to exit. Nineteen of them in fact for each of the original families.
You heard a low chuckle emit from him just as you thought he’d been looking at one statue in particular. But another tourist had stepped in front of it before you could read the dedication plaque as you passed.
And then you were both outside again in the sun.
Doflamingo had had you leave your bag with some lackey of his that’d been waiting out there. They would take your things back to wherever it was that he was staying on the island.
But you didn’t really focus on any of that in this moment, still feeling like you’d fallen into some bizarre alternate reality as the warlord continued to lead you so personally by the hand.
In truth, there was still a power dynamic you could feel in that gesture even now. Not the simple affection it may be for any other couple. But on the outside at least, it was a convincing facsimile to that more innocent kind of attention.
A kind of care you couldn’t remember really experiencing before. Because Smoker was far too gruff to ever do such a silly thing as hold your hand. And Kuzan hadn’t liked public displays of affection either. Even as casual as the now admiral could be in uniform, he didn’t feel comfortable showing too much with you back then. At least not in front of the other enlisted. It was only a private thing for him, not something to be lauded over others.
But Doflamingo’s hand was tight around yours without hesitation in front of everyone as you kept up, walking side by side together through the cobblestone streets.
The first place he brought you to was some fancy store too. Evidently what he had meant by that earlier comment of making you more presentable as you’d crossed the threshold with him and realized just how out of your depth you immediately were here.
Because this was the kind of place those idiots you’d been escorting earlier would have shopped. Only for those people who had inherited far more money than sense as you immediately stared at some of the dresses and the intricate jewelry sparkling from locked cases.
You even moved closer to Doflamingo, feeling like you were only in the way as some women who you were certain were princesses from one country or another moved past with their servants in close heel behind them. 
But the pirate let go of your hand, sliding his arm around your waist instead when that had happened. Not paying any mind to the twittering of those girls as you did notice them look back at him.
They looked him over just as you had in the church actually before giggling back at each other. You were far from the only one thinking him distressingly attractive in that dark suit today.
But you realized he was only waiting for an attendant as one of the store employees quickly walked up to offer their assistance.
“My girlfriend here needs enough outfits for the rest of this week.” Doflamingo’s voice was a little different then, and you realized this must be his ‘talking to the help’ tone. Which as quickly as he shifted to that made you also wonder how a pirate, even a disgustingly rich one, would have learned to fit in so well in this type of place.
Though of course that heat immediately warmed your chest too at what he’d called you. Said as if it were actually true, not even a mocking smile as he’d called you his in front of these strangers.
And before you could fully accept any of that, he’d continued with even more, instructing the attendant.
“I want to pick the colors. And at least one dress needs to be good enough for the ball tomorrow.”
The what? Oh hell no.
You looked up at him, ready to argue then. But he just eased you forward, towards that shop worker as they’d pulled out a tailor’s tape to quickly begin taking your measurements. 
You didn’t have time to fight back then as you felt more like a damned show dog instead for as rapidly as the process went after that.
They’d had you in and out of the changing rooms as they pulled one dress after another. This necklace or that, these shoes or those.
And each time you were dressed again, you were being stood in front of Doflamingo. The man now sitting in his typical fashion, leaned back on an equally expensive looking couch as he’d judged each new ensemble.
You had no idea what he was truly looking for. But you could tell when some of the dresses met his approval more than others. His knees had spread open more from his place on the couch for a few of them. Likely no coincidence that they were usually the much tighter fitted ones on your body.
It was still hard to keep track of which dresses he’d asked them to box and which he’d asked them to put back. But you knew there was no way this wasn’t costing thousands of beri when it was all said and done.
You heard him tell the staff to have the accepted ones all delivered to where he was staying too. Save for the outfit and accessories which he wanted you to wear out of the store.
That one to wear now was a shorter dress than some of the others, but still high class you guessed. But then again, what did you know as you were already trying to get used to the heavy necklace and bracelet, plus the skimpy heels they’d paired with it. Everything else you’d came here with would also be sent back to his place.
You did see him pull out a large wad of paper beri from one pocket by the end, putting it on a silver tray they had brought with his receipt.
Of course your mind instantly wondered how many illicit dealings had it taken to acquire that cash as he’d only stood and rejoined you, taking you by the hand again.
As always, you couldn’t see his eyes, but you felt them moving over you as he finally smirked again when the attendants weren’t hovering as closely anymore.
He leaned down to speak lowly in your ear as well. “I’m tempted to just bring you home right now and fuck each other until tomorrow morning, woman.” 
And that smirk of his grew into a grin as he actually nipped that same ear of yours before whispering further into it.
“But as nice as your pussy is…” He’d moved the hand that was holding yours so that they both brushed low across your front then. “Eating this cunt alone won’t give me calories to burn. And I’ll need that energy for us tonight, won’t I?”
The renewed heat in your face to these lewd promises didn’t help anything of course. But, “I haven’t eaten anything today either,” was all you did agree with out loud at least, though leaning your head away a little for concern of him biting your ear harder the next time.
Once back outside again, there was one more detour that he wanted to take before finally looking for food. He’d walked you up to one of those large booths selling all variations imaginable of the carnival masks.
“There were still marines here earlier. It couldn’t hurt to cover you up a bit more.” He mused, starting to look at the different ones. “…What kind of animal are you anyway, woman?”
Getting your own mask wasn’t a terrible idea given the circumstances. But you didn’t know how long you could tolerate something stuck to your face either as you looked back up at his crimson one.
“What is yours supposed to be then?” You asked him.
“Why the red death of course.” And the dark smile he gave in accompaniment to those words did give you pause.
But that unease swiftly dissolved again as he’d grabbed a black mask with a few feathers next and abruptly shoved it in front of you. “Here. The black swan.”
“You’re the bird, not me.” You immediately protested, even as he pressed the thing right over your eyes anyway. 
It didn’t have the built in lenses like his mask though, your eyes still able to be seen as you glowered up at him a little. 
But he didn’t care about that as he spoke, something about that mask seeming to trigger these new words. “Have you ever actually pissed off a swan, darling? They’re mean as sin once provoked. Especially if you come between them and their nest. Hissing beasts bit the shit out of me once.”
And he was just talking as he unstuck and restuck your mask to make it perfectly straight across the bridge of your nose. Some kind of light adhesive already lining the backing of all of them.
But you were listening of course. Because what a random thing for him to admit. “You had swans? Wouldn’t it make more sense to have flamingos?” You asked somewhat rudely, that bit of irritation in you needing an outlet anyway with the stupid thing now pressed on your face.
He’d paused at your question too, as if he really were considering how much to divulge in answer. But he only frowned a little, before still responding with an even deeper tidbit. “The swans were a long time ago. They were only my mother’s. And yes, I know. Some pirates get all into the animal theming, but I don’t have the time anymore. If we kept flamingos at the palace, one of my crew would forget to feed the fucking things and I’m sure they’d end up dead.”
“Which would end up dead, your crew or the birds?” You dared to quip right back. And maybe it was because you didn’t know what else to do as you realized Doflamingo actually had a mother who he remembered.
He hadn’t just spawned from a pit somewhere after all. But if she’d kept swans, was it some sort of a farm he’d come from then? Or could she actually afford them as just pets?
You had so many questions you knew were not yet time to ask. But your boldness about his potential punishments for his crew’s mistakes only made him smile again. Even as he reached in his pocket to pull out some more beri to pay the booth worker for your mask.
“Very funny, you brat. But I don’t harm my actual officers just for failure. If I put them on a task above their ability, then that fault is mine.” Which was a rather level headed notion actually. Though he did finish with something far more what you would have expected. “In my inner circle, only betrayal is an instant execution. As I’ve warned you before I’m sure.”
And his hand squeezed yours a little tighter there as the two of you still walked on together.
But this was not a subject you wanted to put him back on. Too much of a risk when you still had days potentially alone together.
“There was some kind of pasta thing I saw someone with earlier. It looked really good.” You offered, trying to redirect the conversation to safer waters as you glanced around towards the food booths again. He’d already said how hungry he was more than once.
“An oversized ravioli wasn’t it? It looked like lobster inside.” He did answer you too, clearly having noticed that same dish at some point. But adding. “Lobster’s my favorite food if it is.”
This was good. He hadn’t put back up his full walls then. Though at the same time, him offering even these smallest details might only be a ploy to make you lower some more of your own defenses. One never knew with him. 
But despite all the overthinking you still had to do, you did like the feel of his hand still around yours. And the sometimes jealous stares of the strangers looking at you both as you’d passed them. They didn’t know he was actually a monster of course. Just as they didn’t know the two of you were supposed to be natural enemies instead of lovers.
To any outsider, you must look like just another couple enjoying the day. Especially when Doflamingo did smile again at the revelation that it really was generous portions of lobster tail meat stuffed into those ravioli. 
He’d ordered a large basket of it, or rather almost a bucket of the things to share. You had carried the basket while he and you both speared the individual pasta shells one after another with the forks they’d given you. Eating gladly at last as you’d walked and talked more together of unimportant things. Commenting about the city around you mostly, no more of those personal details just yet.
“You want a beer?” He’d asked you though once the ravioli was gone through later. Him even licking the remainder of that rich cream sauce from his fork before leaving it with the rest of the dirty plates and utensils that bus boys were continually clearing from the outdoor tables.
“I thought you were more the champagne, top shelf kind of guy.” You contended, referencing back to his previous teasing of you from that call weeks ago when these plans had first been laid.
“I am. Though I prefer the Cava from Dressrosa if we’re being specific.” He smirked, of course remembering that previous conversation as well. “But they have their own brewery here. It’s not that piss in a can shit you drink in Marineford I assure you.”
And so before you knew it, you were also sharing high dollar beers with the Heavenly Demon on this outdoor date together.
Adding alcohol to any fire was not the safest choice. But part of you really wanted to know what a buzzed Doflamingo could be like too. He’d already heard you plastered before. So there was no mystery there, though you swore you would not get that bad again anytime soon.
But the alcohol certainly helped maintain this growing comfort level as you’d seen him even perk up when one of the bands had started another song. One he apparently knew well as he started pulling you towards it.
“Oh, no. I am not going to dance right now. No way!” And not in heels like this surely as you tried to pull the opposite direction just as quickly.
“It’s a waltz, you idiot. There couldn’t be anything simpler.” He answered, one vice like hand still on yours as he drug you regardless. His other hand tilting up the rest of yet another bottle of their specialty beer as he downed it. 
He chunked the bottle after, which landed so perfectly in a far off trashcan that you were certain it’d had some string assistance.
Which that was the first time he’d used his powers since meeting you today that you’d noticed. And maybe it made him remember how easy cheating with them would be as well.
“Don’t make me puppet you.” He’d threatened when you’d still resisted. “I’ll lead, all you have to do is move your feet. If you can fight me and fuck me, then you can dance with me too. It’s just in the timing, woman.”
But again…how did a pirate even know how to waltz? This, plus the swans, and the way he’d talked down to the people in that fancy clothing store, like it was just as natural as breathing to him. The puzzle pieces just weren’t fitting. 
Because he could be so vulgar and unhinged in one moment, and yet moving with more authority and class than you’d seen from most royals in the next. Even though you did keep forgetting that he was also a king himself.
That title was just so hard to label him with in your own mind, when you’d all known him as only a pirate for far longer than the couple of years he’d now ruled Dressrosa.
But as he did take you into the area where the other couples were already dancing to that waltz, there was no denying that a real king likely would dance just this way as you felt his arm slip around your waist again.
You tried to copy him as he did lead with your hand raised in his other hand. But when you realized he was looking down at you as he easily went through the footsteps, you looked away in renewed awkwardness.
It was not like fighting him despite his suggestions. Because you were confident when fighting, even if losing. Here you just felt like a child trying not to step on his comparatively graceful feet.
You heard him sigh at your non commitment though, before he jerked his fingers up even without letting go of you and abruptly your feet did begin moving on their own.
“Stop it!” You fussed, trying not to let anyone else hear. Being controlled now was just as disconcerting as it’d been in Sabaody, even if the stakes felt lower here.
“Then quit half-assing this. I’ve seen you move those legs plenty of times. You’re far more coordinated than most. You’re just being stubborn.” But even with him chiding you and doing that work for you both then, he still had time to lean down and steal yet another kiss as you’d tried to bitch at him further.
Your additional protest was then muffled of course. But he didn’t stop there as that lewd tongue filled your mouth yet again. And even that wasn’t enough for him as he’d then withdrew it just to nip your own tongue sharply in his next movement.
Yet this time you did bite right back, enough to make a point at least. It was about all you could do after all, unable to move much otherwise below the neck with his parasite ability still in control.
Oh, but your returned aggression only backfired. Because he absolutely liked it, escalating things that much more as you felt your hand which had been on his back get pulled down and around against your will next. You were just a marionette again as your hand slid between the two of you instead and right over his crotch.
“Doflamingo.” You warned lowly, unable to stop your fingers from then cradling him just as he wanted.
“Doffy,” He corrected you this time though. “That’s what my family calls me.”
“I’m not your crew.” You reminded.
“I didn’t say that you were,” he agreed, even as he made your hand tighten on what was clearly the bulge of him beneath that fabric. 
But he was smirking hungrily yet again as he purposefully twitched his cock within his pants just enough for you to feel it too. Your hold on him still concealed from the others the way he now had your bodies pressed together.
“Are you ready to head back to my villa now, woman? I think I’ve had enough of this restrictive suit for today.”
“Take off your strings and we’ll go.” You replied.
“Well, are you going to be a good girl and call me Doffy like I’ve asked while you take all of this?” He purred back, twitching his still mostly soft length against your hand again.
Your eyebrows raised. It felt weird to say, but you were sure it would be far from the worst thing he’d ever ask you to repeat.
“Yes, Doffy.” You submitted again on this at least, letting him have another win as you looked up at him expectantly.
His lips pulled back in a decidedly wicked response at that too before he’d kissed you roughly again and the strings fell back away.
“Come on then. I’ll show you the way home,” He breathed against your ear before yanking you back from the band and the other still dancing couples.
And as the two of you started to walk again, you were just realizing how dark it was already getting. Vaguely you remembered now about Scylla having shorter daylight hours than most islands.
Yet as you were still thinking that, a sudden boom and a flash of colors had you looking further up. And Doflamingo did as well as the next firework went off and then another and another.
They were pretty, but he’d already made up his mind of the only thing he wanted now as he pulled you along again.
You could watch it all though as he lead. You now looking up at him and the Scyllian architecture passing to the left and right under the continued pops and hisses of the multicolored fireworks.
More people were walking on every street, some pausing to watch the show above as music and scents came and went as you still passed different musicians and vendors even now. The scope of carnival here extending well beyond just the center of the city.
You realized how many days it really would have taken to see it all, more than you had time for before he finally brought you to the high gate of a villa which faced one of the canals. 
He fished in his pocket for a moment before pulling out a key to unlock the gate which was nearly flush to a stone archway above, then guiding you through it beside him before shutting and locking it again.
Gas lanterns burned to light another cobblestone path beyond as you realized the villa was far deeper than it was wide. The entryway going back into a private courtyard with a fountain and what looked to be olive trees and even grape vines in planters. But you barely had time to appreciate any of it before he was pulling you up an outdoor staircase that went to the upper levels of the home from the outside.
“It’s beautiful.” You couldn’t help but say anyway as he’d opened a double set of glass doors into a long hallway.
“I thought you’d like it,” he did answer you though.
It even smelled good you realized. There was probably a kitchen downstairs. But then he’d opened another door after he’d lead you down the hall and you realized you were already standing in what had to be the master bedroom as he shut the door back behind you both. 
The room was gently lit with a couple of oil lanterns already burning. And you very briefly recognized your own duffel bag on the floor near a dresser. There was another large set of glass doors already opened onto a different balcony as well, the curtains on those doors shifting in the cool breeze coming in.
The scent of the ocean carried on the wind, and the sounds of the city as well. There was a table and chairs on that new balcony. It looked both elegant and cozy all at once.
But that was the last attention you were able to give the outside for now as you felt Doflamingo’s arms close around your waist soon after.
You took a breath, knowing he was done waiting. Yet as much you wanted this too, your body still remembered the pain of him. You couldn’t help but be nervous as you felt his mouth bear down on your neck all over again.
And his teeth too, but he didn’t bite hard. Not yet anyway before his hands were already deftly undoing his tie. The red fabric hit the floor, his black suit jacket not far behind it. 
At about this point you finally began helping. And when he’d realized your fingers were now working on his vest buttons, he went to his pants instead.
He was wearing a real belt this time through the black slacks as he unhooked it. But he didn’t bother to slip the belt from the loops as he was already unbuttoning his pants soon after.
You had gotten his vest out of the way as he slid it off. His lips were back over yours too as he started moving you both towards the bed. 
He was bent over enough to kiss you all the while as you were reaching up to undo the buttons of his shirt one by one. And yes, you finally had to admit that he wasn’t entirely wrong when he’d said how much easier his normal attire was to get past.
All dressed up like this, he looked ridiculously good. But it was so many more layers to deal with. And yet it did make the payoff all the more gratifying as you finally freed the last button and your hands immediately ran under his then open shirt.
He made a pleasured sound against your mouth as you mapped out his abdominal muscles and then his chest while he remained in your reach. You bid him to slide the entire shirt off next. Which he did.
And finally it was then your turn to push him. Even if you were smaller than him, you were strong relative to your size. And you knew how to move larger opponents around, now leading Doflamingo by the mouth, and turning him so his back was to the bed instead. Just before you shoved him down onto the mattress in on one fluid movement. It was actually made easier by his height, for the leverage that created for you. Like felling a tree really.
Of course he was allowing it, but you highly doubted his other female playthings ever moved him around roughly this way at all.
But you needed him laying down as soon as he could be. Because once his back hit the bed, it was much easier to reach everything that way. Even as you pulled away to get a good look at him laying below you afterward.
At last you could see him fully shirtless. Something that shouldn’t have been as big a deal to you as it was.
Tight, lightly tanned skin, lean and muscular all the way through as you moved back in. You pushed your high heels off, crawling forward onto the bed to kiss down his flat stomach while you felt his muscles tensing beneath your lips.
As you’d thought, there was not a scar to be seen on this man. He wasn’t a coward, but he knew which fights were worth it and which were not. You’d heard he could repair and stitch himself back together to a degree as well with his strings.
That likely accounted for the lack of even smaller scars as you felt him raise his hips for you.
He was sliding off his pants too now. You backed off a little, giving him the room to toss them. No underwear as usual. But he pulled off his socks too, throwing them wherever his shoes now were.
And with that the king of Dressrosa was now fully nude beneath you on these silk sheets. Already fully hard and bared to you except for that red mask still covering his eyes.
You took in this alluring sight as his lips remained parted, breath coming in shorter pants for you.
He wanted so badly to be fucked by you. Somehow that thought pulsed deep into your brain, as strange as it felt to think this when you knew that in pure physical strength alone, he was absolutely the better of you two. 
You’d argue that in a prolonged fight, you’d still be creative and fast enough to give him real grief and pain. But that wasn’t the point right now.
“Doffy,” you tried that nickname he’d requested earlier, lowering yourself to begin kissing down to his waist once more. You knew what you wanted to do for him now. You just didn’t know if he could behave enough not to hurt you. 
He groaned softly at each new touch, clearly enjoying the attention as your mouth kept getting lower and lower. 
His thighs he spread so easily too as you massaged them with your hands. “Can you control yourself for me, Doffy? I’ll use my mouth if you can do that for me, baby.” You promised him, trying to work in both the nicknames he’d seemed to like the most. “But you can’t choke me. I can’t finish you if you just choke me...you realize how big you are compared to me, don’t you?”
You had no idea if this would work. But you were willing to try. You did want to try.
You wanted it badly.
“I know.” He panted a little more, chest moving up and down as you saw that precum already forming on his tip as you took his shaft into your hand.
You could see his thigh muscles tensing too, as you now stroked him before blowing just the slightest bit of air across his tip as he took in another sharp breath.
But you weren’t much for teasing, kissing the head of that terribly large cock right after as he shifted almost desperately. Your tongue followed behind as you licked the sensitive underside at the bottom edge of the head. Flicking it with your tongue really the same way as he had once done to your clit that day in Mariejois.
And oh, he definitely liked that as you heard a quiet curse escape him and felt one of his hands moving down into your hair.
Yet you still knew the danger. If he tried to deep throat you, you’d probably puke honestly. His length would be far beyond the threshold of your gag reflex.
“Easy…please,” you reminded him. You did keep one fist around the base of his shaft, ready to move it further upward almost like a stop to keep from taking him too deep. But you also stroked him with that hand as you did let in what you could of him past your lips then.
You wouldn’t say you were an expert by any means. But you’d done this before. You knew what Kuzan and Smoker had both liked. You had to imagine it was universal to a degree as you tried to suck Doflamingo now while bobbing up and down enough to be somewhat satisfying without choking yourself.
A fine line as you did gag once or twice, trying to find that edge as his hips did start to move, reflexively pressing further into your sucking.
You reached under to take a hold of his sack too. He was just inviting to be touched anywhere you chose as he kept his legs wide open for you.
When you massaged that heavy sack as well, then giving them a light squeeze, he full out moaned for you at the bit of over stimulation.
That was a surprise for how much it made you react too, his sounds making you so very wet. No outlet for you yet, still trapped in the tight dress he’d bought you as you just kept sucking him as intensely as you could. 
His hand had tightened almost painfully too in your hair by then, in tandem with the harder and harder his hips were trying to move against your mouth. 
“(Y/N)…” he groaned again as he thrust raggedly. “…I want you to swallow me. Go ahead…I’ll get hard over and over for you. We aren’t even close to done...”
His back was even arching a little as you did comply to try and force him over the edge already. Kinder than you had to be when he obviously wanted this first release as soon as possible. 
So you started licking that sensitive spot at the base of the head once more, giving his balls another light squeeze too for good measure.
The pirate’s breath shuddered with the additional flicks of your tongue and he groaned again as you plunged your mouth down onto his shaft once more after.
Your one hand stayed around his sack, but the other now gripped against his hip. Which he responded to that too, liking the bit of pain as your fingernails dug in for purchase.
He was humping upward, his dick riding in your mouth as he made sounds of even further desperation.
“I wanted this…suck me harder…” He was still panting as you saw his other hand fisting tightly into the bed sheets. 
And you did use your mouth even rougher at that, your eyes flitting up to see what you could of him. He was biting his bottom lip again. His jaw clenched as you saw his adam’s apple jump when he swallowed.
A tremble ran through Doflamingo’s legs as he pulled them up, his thighs flexing before his back arched again and you knew what was imminent before he finally let go within your mouth.
Even if you hadn’t been touched between your own thighs yet, you actually felt your channel briefly contracting too, almost like a contact high for how much pleasure he was clearly experiencing. 
And you did swallow as much of that salty heat as you could. Of course some of his seed couldn’t help but escape you too though as it ran back out along the length of him, and you coughed a couple times while pulling back to regather yourself. He’d thrust up deeper right as he’d cum, just as you’d expected, finally jabbing you hard as you’d had to fight that instinct to gag his ejaculate right back out of your throat.
And even in the resulting haze of his orgasm, he still noticed when you’d pulled away from him even that much. His arm reaching out to grab you just as quickly, pulling you down against his still heaving chest as he grinned up at your cum stained lips.
Doflamingo was absolutely his own type of man, always reminding you of this too as he kissed you without hesitation then, the remnants of his own arousal not bothering him in the slightest.
“You’re such a good girl,” he purred in that special tone of his as well, kissing you again in even further approval before his long tongue ran out to clean your lips and chin for you in just two quick licks.
The gesture was weird, but truly affectionate in a way you would have never been able to explain to a normal person.
And he laid his head back afterward, steadying his breathing for another long moment as he stroked your back and down to your still clothed ass.
The sun had fully set now, darkening the bedroom even more save for the firelight of those oil lanterns while the two of you lay there quietly for several more minutes.
You thought he was just wanting that brief recovery period, if he’d been serious at least about getting hard for you again soon enough to continue. Even a man like him was somewhat restrained by the basic rules of biology after all. It’d take a bit for his weapon to reload so to speak.
But you realized he was actually laying there thinking too in the new dark before he started something that was not at all what you would have expected right now.
“(Y/N)…I want to see you.” Doflamingo said abruptly, sitting up in the bed then as he grabbed you by your wrists to pull you up with him. You were now sitting in front of the warlord on the bed, his legs around you as he looked down at you.
You still didn’t understand what he meant at first of course, making him have to clarify as his hands tightened more against your wrists. “Take off my mask, (Y/N).” He tried ordering next instead. “It’s too dark for it now…I want to see you all the way. And if you’re staying with me, then you’re going to sleep beside me too. I want this off tonight.”
Your own eyes had long since adjusted to the lantern light, you watching him with a little disbelief. 
But despite his words sounding confident, you could see his mouth was now tense. No mocking grin at all as your fingertips did touch the sides of his mask, albeit cautiously when he pulled your hands closer.
Of course you had wondered many times what he hid beneath his usual glasses. Being intimate with a man without ever seeing his entire face was a bit of a mindfuck in it’s own right. And yet, that secrecy was also just part of who he was. Behind a mask of one kind or another was the only way you’d ever known him.
The sudden request had you very nervous too. Because it felt like what seeing a new partner nude for the very first time was like in a normal relationship. But for Doflamingo, this was actually a more vulnerable situation than even his long cock just resting soft against you in this moment.
And what would happen if you somehow didn’t react how he wanted you to when finally seeing him?
“Are you sure?” You heard yourself asking, even as he was the one that still held your fingers against the edges of that mask.
“Yes. I’m sure.” And even as he answered that, it did sound like just the smallest hint of uncharacteristic stress had finally entered his tone.
He wasn’t going to tell you again though, not without getting angry you knew. So you did your best to keep your hands steady as you slipped your fingertips beneath the mask to begin peeling it gently away from his skin.
And as it did come off, you felt you weren’t allowed to look away. But the first you saw of that new skin was both his eyes shut defensively as the mask pulled fully away.
He did have eyelashes was the first mundane detail you noticed. Like an actual human…and thin blond eyebrows that were tightly lowered then just before his right eye did open to make true eye contact with you for the very first time.
And even in the lantern light, you could tell the iris there was a deep shade of red. Cautious, maybe even concerned in its focus now as he tried to determine your reaction.
But he was still hiding the left eye, keeping it closed as you dared to let your fingers stroke down his temple and cheek in what you hoped was a soothing gesture.
Because there on the other eyelid was finally the flaw he’d been concealing. Something that marred what would have otherwise been an entire body’s worth of perfection. You could see the thick scar tissue over that closed eye.
The strike through the smiling face and one eye of his jolly roger now made all the more sense in the world too as you finally put two and two together.
“Doffy.” You called gently up to him. And you got to see his right eye react just to that softness of his name from your lips.
He wanted to be comforted. This was obviously something he almost never showed anyone. Was it that difficult for him?
And gods, if that thought didn’t do something to you as well as you ran your fingertips across his lips next.
“Look at me, Doffy…it’s okay.” You still kept this going as your heart moved into your throat. It shouldn’t feel this different already. 
But he did respond positively, kissing your fingertips just as that left eye finally opened. 
And to your surprise, that eye wasn’t missing at all. You’d expected the worst, based on the damage to the eyelid. But his left eye was actually intact, even tracking you in tandem with the right. He could move it.
But could he see from it?
The iris of the left eye was different. Noticeably larger than the right. Possibly once red too, but too difficult to tell now in the cloudy white that mostly obscured it. 
Who would have ever been so brazen or lucky enough to get that precise of a debilitating hit on the Heavenly Demon? 
And did they live to tell the tale?
But that story wasn’t really what you cared about in this moment either as you couldn’t stop yourself from looking at him now. That strange warmth just building and building as your mind tried to understand that this truly was still the same person in front of you.
He was starting to suck your fingers slightly now too, already tired of just kissing them alone as they remained near his mouth.
Yet you couldn’t contain what you finally said after seeing his true face for just this long.
“You really are gorgeous.” You breathed even as his teeth had now started to nip your fingertips.
And you’d gotten to see both his eyes widen slightly at that sincere declaration. His mouth pausing its toying with your fingers as he looked down into your own eyes again.
He looked confused if just for that moment, unsure even before he finally pulled your wrists enough to take your hands back away from his face.
But for once the warlord couldn’t find the matching words. He just looked at you, something new and unidentifiable briefly in those eyes before he let his body do the talking for him. 
His mouth was back over yours so quickly. So entirely needful as the taste of him filled you again.
He was unzipping your dress too, but with such a fervor that you thought it might rip before he’d slid it from off your shoulders.
Your own mask he reached up to pull away too. But not near as gently as you’d done for him. It stung a little as he’d yanked it off. 
The same was done with your bra. His nimble fingers unhooking it with ease. The mask, and the dress, and the bra joining your shoes on the floor then.
He left your jewelry on, either liking the aesthetic, or just too impatient to deal with it as he’d now been the one forcing you onto your back on the mattress.
His fingers hooked into the sides of your underwear, yanking it roughly from your hips and off of your legs too before he was then leaned back in to start licking a wet trail straight down your chest.
You were essentially along for the ride at this point. But you were able to grip into that short blonde hair along his scalp as his head came back up to bite one of your breasts.
The sound you made in response simply encouraged him of course as he did it again even harder to the other one.
But just when you thought you were going to have to engage some armament coating for self preservation’s sake, he started sucking your chest instead.
You couldn’t stop your resulting gasp at that new sensation when he worked one of your nipples far more carefully in his mouth while it hardened at the attention.
And now you could see the intensity as his eyes glanced up at you while he squeezed your other breast beneath his hand.
Making true eye contact while being ravaged by him put things on a whole new level. And he still didn’t give you time to accept this at all  before you felt his other hand move between your legs almost simultaneously.
He went back to sucking and biting your breasts as he thumbed your clit hard, making your thighs try to slam closed as you writhed beneath him.
Of course, closing anything to him was no longer allowed. So both his hands were below your waist then as he grabbed your knees to force your legs back open before you felt him release one hand again to push his fingers right inside you once more.
He was finger fucking you immediately too, continuing what he had started at the church as you whined desperately.
“I’m going to take this. Again and again, you understand? I’ve waited too long.” You heard him growl as he’d risen back up to straddle you. Your hands were then forced back above you as he grabbed your wrists again next. “But if you’re good, we’ll keep using lube each time.” 
And as he said this, he’d let go of you again just enough for his strings to pull open the drawer of the nearby nightstand. Another string lifted a small bottle out of that drawer and into his hand. 
He was already fully hard again as he’d poured some of that bottle’s contents into one of his palms. Then spreading that liquid entirely over his waiting cock before the bottle dropped back onto the nightstand.
Even if you’d said no, it wouldn’t have mattered to him. You could only brace yourself, yet fighting to relax all the same before Doflamingo had forced his then freshly slick cock past your entrance once again.
He was already panting, his eyes absolutely full of that yearning for you as he immediately started to thrust.
Even all the lube in the world couldn’t let you stretch fast enough though as you cried out in return.
“That’s it…come on, scream for me. Scream for your man.” He breathed out regardless, that suction already starting as you could hear the additional wetness of the lube making those god awful sounds through the room as his hips pumped in and out against you.
“Bastard!” You arched and cried out again as you fought the pain of that pressure, the bed protesting as well as his weight shook it.
But every time your legs tried to close around his hips, he’d just grab you by the thighs and force you open again though.
After about the third time, he dug his fingers into that flesh of your legs, enough to pierce it slightly.
“I want to watch this wet cunt while I fuck it. So keep these goddamned thighs open.” He briefly scolded.
You glared up at him, but that only drew out an additional nasty smile from the pirate as he angled his hips further at that, changing the pressure to scrape more against that special, sensitive spot inside of you.
As you moaned immediately too, he was looking so smug again. “Are you going to cum for me this time, love?”
And in the pain of it all, you still caught that slight difference in his wording. 
But he didn’t stop there. “I want you to. Cum for me, (Y/N).”
And as he said this, he was still pounding in and out of you, sometimes hitting against your cervix, sometimes not. He knew the farthest depth he could fit by now, but that didn’t mean he never overshot that point in the haze of his own pleasure.
You felt like you were burning up too. Even if he was doing all the work right now by his own volition. The bedroom smelled like sex and sweat. That change so fast as you did feel your muscles trying to contract again.
“Then rub me. If you want me to cum…” you suddenly had found your voice again.
You saw his eyes go back to your face at those words, he really had been watching you stretch around him down there just as he’d said he would.
“Rub what?” He asked darkly though, wanting to hear you say it.
“Rub my clit,” you replied a little more irritably.
“Beg for it.” He just countered right back.
You flinched when he hit your cervix again and you thought that time had really been on purpose.
But clearly your pride still exceeded your discomfort as you did refuse to beg for your own release. Not yet.
And he was fine with that too.
Abruptly Doflamingo had pulled all the way out of you before roughly flipping you onto your stomach as he got on his knees behind you and pulled your ass back up to him.
“I guess you’re declining another shot of the lube then.” He taunted, just before plunging his cock into your aching channel all over again.
It was still plenty wet naturally, but the lube absolutely would have helped as he started thrusting desperately into you all over again.
And now it did feel wholly animalistic, you on all fours momentarily before he’d reached forward to shove you back down into the bed by the back of your neck.
Just your ass still up as his pelvis humped it like a bitch being bred by her mate then.
And the sounds he made as he did so. He was fully consumed in that moment as his hand tightened even further on your neck from behind.
Either the spine or the throat was always what he went for when he sought to better control you.
But the worst thing was that you still felt yourself contracting anyway around him. Body trying to coax his second release from him whether or not you had even had your first.
You were as sweaty as him too from just the intensity of the body heat and the peak of arousal that made you feel like you were burning from the inside out.
Even when it hurt, you were still keeping up on your knees for him too, letting this man continue to ride you even as he kept you gasping with your chest and neck pinned into the mattress.
“That’s right…you love this don’t you?” His voice almost sounded close to breaking then in response to your own sounds.
He slammed in even harder again for emphasis. “This is all for you….I did wait for you. I haven’t fucked anyone. So take what you’ve earned.”
Your expression still showed surprise at this confession, even while it was difficult to look back at him as he finally orgasmed again and you felt his body shudder harshly before his seed filled you to the brim.
You could feel him still trembling, not hiding that weakness at all either as he kept himself sheathed inside you to survive what seemed like even more than one additional orgasm afterward for him.
That sticky overflow did drip from your folds and down onto the bed too as he pumped his hips slowly a few extra times just for good measure.
It was as if he absolutely didn’t want you to miss a single drop of him.
And you mostly didn’t even as he stayed inside, just letting go of your neck in favor of your waist as he pulled you all the way down into the bed, laying on your sides then with him still breathing rather raggedly behind you.
You felt him hugging you to him. That grip still wholly possessive as he rested a few minutes again.
And you didn’t mind the new silence, fully appreciating that cool night air still coming through the open balcony doors as it ghosted across you both.
But after a while, he must have wanted to look at you. Because he at last slid his softening length back out before again forcing you to turn. This time the two of you facing one another as his arm went tight right back around you.
The Heavenly Demon actually nuzzled you then, before you felt him chuckle.
“I’m still burning up, woman. What poison are you made of anyway?”
And you could see that look of almost exhausted contentment in his eyes as he looked you over. 
He was actually sated. If only for this moment as you couldn’t resist reaching back up to touch his uncovered face. He’d allow you almost anything right now, you knew that instinctively too.
And he did turn his face further into your renewed touch, letting you pet him as his eyes softened with that rare comfort.
He really was beautiful like this. Though you knew no one else would ever believe it.
But you didn’t care about anyone else right now. Not at all as you brought your lips together again to kiss him gently.
The type of kiss you wondered if he even understood the meaning of. 
Whether he did or not though, he still liked it. And he returned that softness before a loud pop from outside had you both looking towards the open balcony doors again.
You stared as suddenly the bedroom was awash with color. More fireworks beginning again outside as you realized you were truly smiling.
“What?” You heard Doflamingo ask, voice still tired as he put his head back against you. “It’s just noise.”
But it was far more than just that as you still watched the multiple hues flaring across the room one after another. 
It was such a similar effect actually to that sunlight coming through the stained glass in the church earlier today. It made you realize that you’d always thought your fantasy of sanctuary would only ever look a certain way. 
But that wasn’t true. Because this place was becoming a sanctuary too. Somehow, someway, you did feel needed as this man gripped you harder when you hadn’t yet answered him.
“It’s just pretty.” You finally offered, unable to really put this to words of course. Your eyes met his again as you finished though. “It’s what I wanted.”
He made a sound at that, putting one long leg over your hip as if to wrap you up even further against him in this makeshift nest.
“Agreed.” Was all Doflamingo said as his attention never left you then. And that spoke volumes.
Because neither of you were talking about the fireworks any longer. It was all about this new feeling. Something that you feared not being able to carry on without again.
    T⨂  BE 
Thanks for reading!
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blacklegsanjiii · 7 months
Sanji's birthdays and how it's celebrated throughout the AUs
Happy birthday to the most easily transferable child in all the blues!!!!!! 🥳🎂🎉🎈
It's long and it's not every au but!!!!! It's most of them that are more fleshed out and
Warlord!Sanji: Zeff knows he should ban them all but he made Mihawk take the kid so this is penance, and Sanji is smiling so brightly and calling them all his parents as Boa sticks a party hat on him and the family photo is a photo no one is ever going to believe a poor waiter took as they insisted "Uncle Zeff should be in it"
Golden!Sanji: It's a quiet affair, there's not even cake, it's just a normal day. Sanji finds a present on his bed and it's a book of tales specifically about the All Blue. He hugs Mihawk and thanks him.
Golden!ASL(Sanji's the s, RIP Sabo): It is very much a big thing. All their birthdays are. Luffy and Ace help Mihawk make and decorate the cake(Ace helps make it and Luffy does most of the decorating), put up decorations("Luffy please don't snap your limbs like rubber bands, Ace these are flammable-quit flying around!"), and a present they all picked out. It's a knife set in a chef roll. Sanji hugs them all and thanks them.
Shirohige!Sanji: Gets to make the menu and not the food. He is banned from the kitchen for the day. When Ace joins it's much easier because they're in so much fucking love you don't understand, Sanji is willing to take a day off for this boy, even if it his birthday(when it's Ace's he makes sure Ace only eats the food he makes)
Trafalgar!Sanji: They don't celebrate anything, he only celebrates it because Luffy found out and made him. Law thinks it's ridiculous they now have to celebrate living thanks to Sanji's boyfriend/captain making them. Ridiculous.
NBL!Sanji: it's a medium affair, there's cake and a present but no decorations and it's far more mellow than Golden!ASL but just a bit bigger than Golden!Sanji.
Hancock!Sanji: It's a royal affair of course they go all out, who do you take them for? Marines?
ASL+S: They bring home Sanji's preferred animal somehow, someway. In all of the ASL+S AUs.
Blue!Sanji: The quads always loved spicy seafood pasta. Sanji eats it every birthday. Judge always made something sweet for it, usually a pudding.
Clown!Sanji: Buggy's crew loves throwing parties, Sanji's first birthday with the crew is the biggest party they've ever thrown. Sanji's not sure how they could ever top it. And every year they do.
Redhair!Sanji: Shanks puts his coat on Sanji and lets him be captain for the day. It's the only day of the year that mutiny is not threatened.
Croc!Sanji: Oh he's blowing money. And everyone is swooning for the little prince of Baroque Works. Even Daz is smiling.
White heart!Sanji(Trafalgar+Shirohige): The crews all get together to celebrate Ace's and Sanji's birthdays and their wedding. Law lets Bepo be protective as hell. But the feast is grand and they party like there's no tomorrow.
Fishman!Sanji: Cookbooks and maps from almost the whole island. He spends the whole day reading(and the next several months)
Revolutionary!Sanji: they don't celebrate, Sabo and Sanji do not know each other's or Koala's birthdays. They do celebrate Sabo and Sanji's anniversary and Dragon tries to make sure they can be together for that(the Okama start giving them lube soon as the know, Sanji has the biggest stockpile in the blues)
Donquixote!Sanji: The four Cs: Cocaine. Cake. Cigarettes. Chaos.
Loved!Sanji: He used to spend it with his family. He still does. A royal party and a birthday shared with his brothers. But at night it's just him and Luffy and a spare cupcake Sanji snagged just for them.
Nico!Sanji: The celebration is an exchange of stories about their moms every year, private and calm.
Charlotte!Sanji: Katakuri visits him and they catch up. Katakuri loves his little brother and how free he is. He doesn't give Sanji a present, never will. Just wishes him happy birthday and receives a letter for his.
Friend!Sanji: Spends a birthday in a town with one of his friends every year. Gets woken up with breakfast and sent out to play and be a kid. He brings whoever it is back to the Baratie for dinner and cake.
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anohai · 1 year
A big issue with Seyka’s character arc in Burning Shores...
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*clicks tongue* Fuck it. 
I debated over writing this out and posting it. Decided I might as well for not only my personal catharsis, but because it's been over 3 weeks since Burning Shores came out, I have had the time to mull things over more, talk with some friendly people who came to the some of the same conclusions I did, and really analyze everything. I’ve seen a sprinkle of other people expressing something similar to what I am about to cover, but I felt this deserved its own topic of conversation. 
And forewarn, there be spoilers. 
Of course, we're back to Seyka. I promise I'm not trying to pick on her. She actually has loads of potential, and I don't think she's a bad character. It's just she deserved better than what was shown in her overall character arc.
Last time, I wrote about the Seyloy romance, and why it is difficult (for some more than others) to feel good about it. This critique isn't going to be about that again in case you are wondering if I'm simply yelling louder in the echo chamber, but there will be some correlation to it. The more I played the DLC, the more I realized that while I still wasn’t sold on the romance, it wasn’t the root of why something felt off with Seyka’s story to me. So once the adrenaline of having a new shiny DLC to run around in wore off and was able to properly take my time soaking things in, this was the conclusion I came to: 
The biggest issue with Seyka's entire character arc is that they tried way too hard to make her near-exile situation comparable to Aloy's when it very, very much is not. 
In any capacity whatsoever. As to why? 
Seyka tells us at one point that she loves her tribe, her community, and has always felt she's had a place in it until recently. The reason she's in any hot water at all when we meet her is because she ran off and stole a diviner's focus. Seyka is a marine, not a diviner so we know this is considered a huge taboo among the Quen. They are a sovereign tribe with a classicist system where the people are allowed to know only what is deemed necessary based on their role and/or rank. Should rules be broken, we are left to assume based on our conversations with Alva and even interactions with the Ceo & Overseer Bohai in HFW that the royal family and those in charge are imposing & unforgiving enough that normally there are severe consequences. 
Luckily for Seyka, this isn't the case. 
The first time we follow her back to Fleet's End, we're met with those who are referred to as Compliance Officers who are wanting a nasty word or two with our new friend. We are brought to Admiral Gerrit, the real person in charge, and he is....actually quite understanding of Seyka's actions. He gives her a quick verbal slap on the wrist but proceeds to give her full permission to continue her search for her sister and their other missing people with the stolen focus on hand. He's humble enough to tell Aloy in a private conversation afterwards if you choose to talk to him that their faction of the expedition has been spread thin enough as it is and Seyka has already proven herself to be a valuable and skilled member. Enough so that he admits he’s become increasingly reliant on her regardless of only being a petty officer in title. This assessment is fair and kind. It’s more than I would have expected out of someone with such a high position among the Quen of all tribes. 
Seyka is given a huge safety net thanks to this swell guy. The compliance offers themselves can't do anything, and from what we see in the side quests, they are seemingly nothing more than a few school-yard bullies without any real authority to their position. They are annoying & petty at worst. All bark, no bite. As far as the rest of the Quen go, most individuals we come across seem either pretty cool or neutral with Seyka. It's not until later that we get any indication  there are some who are calling for her exile afterall, but we only know this because we hear it from Seyka instead of seeing it happen. People are talking, as they will, and she's furious about it. 
But really....the threat still isn't there. It never was. At least not to the extent I think we are supposed to believe it was. 
All things considered, Seyka was placed in a very privileged, advantageous position amongst those in her tribe. Along with the lack of visible threat, there is never any real tension shown minus a few grumblings expressed in the background when we first arrive in Fleet’s End. And despite how Aloy perceives her, Seyka isn’t exactly a black sheep here. Especially when you consider she never had any personal turmoil with the rest of her tribe until not long before the events of Burning Shores and happily tells you herself she has always felt like she’s belonged. She's pretty much allowed to do what she wants without much pushback, and I found myself rolling my eyes during the final scene where she says she's unsure of where she stands with her tribe. Seyka is not an outcast, and I, for one, was never convinced or afraid she was at real risk of becoming one. 
Which makes this all the more confusing when Aloy says she's an inspiration. An outcast in all but name. I'm willing to chalk some of this up to hormones talking and Aloy's growing infatuation taking a choke hold as most first time crushes will do. Except the problem here is that the writing clearly felt like we were meant to connect Seyka's strife with Aloy's on some level; carry the same sympathy for her that Aloy expresses, and see more of where their similarities hold up. 
And yet...
I felt more for Kotallo who was kicked from his initial clan because his leader saw him as a threat and then later, might as well have gotten demoted for losing an arm because his tribe sees him as near useless for it..
And Zo who lives among the most pacifist, peace-loving tribe and was admonished when she not only went to fight back in the Red Raids, but wanted to do something about the blight and their broken Land Gods..
And Talanah who had to fight against blatant sexism that many carry in her tribe and an actual attempt for her murder all because she wanted to move up in the Lodge and make things better..
And Aloy, herself, who was outcast at birth for simply being born without a mother. And spent her entire life with only the man who raised her for company. In one small valley. For 19 years. Because there was no choice for her. 
But somehow, we're supposed to see Seyka the same way Aloy does? Like no one she's ever met??
I'm sorry, but I don't buy this rebel fighter, near-outcast ploy here. And saying she's unlike anyone Aloy has ever met feels like a slap in the face to not only Aloy, herself, but to some of her companions we have come to know & love in the first two games. Most of whom I'd argue have been through more hell because of their own tribes long before they even met her. Seyka's plight is trivial, inconsequential in comparison and no where near as crippling as Aloy's was or her friends. It's honestly frustrating that it feels suggested it is. 
What's worse is that this plotline is used as one big narrative tool to bring Seyka and Aloy closer on standing grounds outside of ability and personality. This essentially means Seyka and her entire character arc were written for the sole purpose of the romance. A character built for Aloy to quickly fall head over heels for and add progress in her own arc. I wrote last time that I can see this growth as an opportunity to explore romance further for Aloy with a pre-established character or two in H3. If I’m right & that happens to be the heart-wrenching, long-term, master plan Guerilla is going for, they have my applause (and my stress). Great for Aloy. In my opinion though, being created to be a love interest (lasting or not) for the main hero is a bit unfair to Seyka. 
She's clever, she's badass, and she isn't afraid to take action without permission and help where she can. Next to Aloy, however, she stands as a self-reflection of her. A spotless mirror as to who Aloy could have been had she grown up under a community as well. I would love to see Seyka break out on her own as an individual character that isn't in the context of romance if ever given the opportunity. 
Heck, if Guerilla wanted to in the eventuality they will be finished with Aloy's story, the Quen have easy potential to have an entire spinoff game revolved around them. We have a whole side quest in BS where a small group of Quen want to sneak focuses to non-diviners for the sake of knowing what's usually kept hidden from them. Hello, is that the beginnings of a rebellion, I see? And the world of Horizon has yet to be explored in places outside of the North American continent. Other tribes, different machines, more Old World locations, etc. Loads of potential everywhere. And guess what!? We practically have a budding main character on a silver platter: Seyka! She obviously has big enough main character energy. Might as well utilize it outside of a DLC if you can, and I don't mean for the next game. 
It's hard say for sure whether or not Seyka will remain a DLC character. No matter what fans say, the ending was left ambiguous. Not only because of the romance but also where Seyka's future lies. She knows about Nemesis, yet she tells Aloy she's unsure of what she wants to do after her faction reunites with the other half in San Francisco, whether it's going home or something else. I would think if Guerilla had solid plans to include her in H3 while they were developing Burning Shores, they would have written the ending where she either offers to stay behind in Legacy’s Landfall for a time like Alva does or Aloy asks for her aid to help fight against Nemesis. Something to make it more clear she's here to stay. We don't though, so as far as anyone outside of Guerilla is currently aware, Seyka is not guaranteed to play a big part in H3 if any at all. And remember, DLCs are meant to be an extension of the main game and are primarily optional. They are typically not a requirement for playing the next big installment as far as understanding the story goes. 
If she does show up in H3, the only thing I dread is the idea of her coming up and saying she's basically denounced her tribe because she still feels out of place and doesn't think she can belong afterall. Not to mention she has her sister, and after what happened with Kina, it would be a really bad look if she just decided to permanently leave her behind when her tribe isn't or never was trying that hard to push her away in the first place. And Seyka said it herself. She’s “not some weak-kneed sailor who abandons ship when the seas get rough,” and I’d like to believe she means it. It'd be one thing if she actually is forced into exile, but after the events of the DLC, she has too good of a repertoire for that to happen now. At least while she's outside of Quen homelands. 
(Btw, don't even get me started on Aloy's convo with Kina over "remember Seyka's been through a lot too" as if we didn't just rescue this poor girl from A CULT and nearly groomed into becoming this centuries-old dude's image of his dead wife. Like honey, I know you're in love but have some thought & tact here.) 
That’s about it. I will reiterate that as a character, I do actually like Seyka. As a self-imposed outcast? No. As Aloy’s love interest? That…needs some serious work. But as an individual who loves her tribe but will fight for what she believes in even if it means going against the royal, societal grain? Absolutely! And special kudos to Kylie Liya Page for bringing her to life. 
Also, if you want to read a review that summarizes everything I just ranted about better than I could manage, along with everything good and not-so-great when it comes to the DLC, I recommend this essay here by ariseis. 
If you made it to the end of this long rant, thanks for reading~ 
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I think it's fair to say that by the finale, No Time To Die is a complete mess. To wit:
It makes no sense why MI-6 would send two OO agents (one retired) to storm an enemy compound and not the Royal Marines.
Safin has no plan.
Bond's death is confusingly overwrought and silly. Is he really mortally wounded? Is he committing suicide because of the nanobots; he's not even going to try to find a workaround? Does he have no choice but to sacrifice himself? Why is it so important that the naval bombardment happens right now? They're the British Navy--they can't just seize these cargo ships full of bioweapons that everyone's so scared of?
That one scientist declaring he hates black people and then getting killed in cold blood by a black government agent who yells "It's time to die!" is almost schizophrenically dumb--as we all know, civil rights don't apply to bad people--but, you know, pick your battles)
Here are my fixes.
Bond and Nomi aren't the only attackers, they're just sneaking in to lower the defenses from the inside so the Royal Marines can get in and take on Safin's private army. They did this all the time back in the day--including in On Her Majesty's Secret Service, which NTTD hugely references--so I see no reason why Eon can't mount a large-scale battle sequence today.
Safin's plan--as he, of course, explains to Bond--is that he blames pretty much the entire world for collaborating with and enabling Blofeld. Either by being outright under his influence, as is the case with the national leaders and wealthy who were part of Spectre--or by being even average citizens who tolerated corrupt governments and the One Percent. His plan was to demonstrate the efficiency of Hercules on Spectre and then kick off a biological arms race among world governments as everyone scrambles for either Hercules or a counter for Hercules. This will kill millions as Hercules is used, then retaliated against, ad nauseum. It's inevitable. Even now, Nomi is no doubt under orders from M to secure Hercules for further development by the British government. "The bigger picture," Bond mutters, remembering Le Chiffre telling him that he could get away with torturing and killing him.
Bond realizes Safin is right--and kills him, natch--and decides he can't allow ANYONE to take possession of Hercules. It is simply too dangerous a weapon for even his own government to have. He sets the base to self-destruct and defends the control room from the Royal Marines who are now trying to take him out to stop the countdown. Would it be too cynical to give him a 'old versus young' showdown with Nomi? Personally, I think it'd be a better final fight than Bond taking on one tiny nerd, but what do I know? At any rate, M orders the Marines to pull out at the last minute and Bond is presumed killed in the blast, which irrevocably destroys Hercules and all knowledge of how to recreate it.
M is, naturally, pissed about Bond's last act of defiance, but still toasts him and respectfully declares 'Well-played, 007.' We'll leave it ambiguous as to whether Bond actually died or if he survives to reunite with Madelaine, now having completely severed himself from MI-6.
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cain-e-brookman · 1 month
i was tagged by @illarian-rambling! thanks!
Rules: post brief descriptions of some characters and a poll, then get people to vote on their favorite
okay i've done this for the main cast of book one, lets see how much i can give away for book two characters
propaganda under the cut
Hesperos is a Sky Mage of Clan Galanis who worship the eldest of the Sky God's children: Khrou the Messenger, Goddess of Lightning. Exiled from his clan at a young age, for reasons he won't speak on, he was found off the coast of Vizia on a half-destroyed vessel by a young merchant lord after being abandoned at sea. Although he grew up alongside the carefree culture of the Sea God's children, he keeps to his clan's disciplined philosophy, as to never lose the grace of his goddess. Despite the strict adherence to his religion, Hesperos is, well, a ham. A performer from a young age, he loves nothing more than music, theater, and being the most dramatic person in any given room. He's enjoyed the wealth of his guardian, but never puts on airs and it polite to a detriment. His manners are his shield, as there's much he hides behind a charming word and easy smile.
You have two options. If you want to know her as a friend, you know her as Miss Belle, the owner of the most bustling tavern in Crescaeya: The Sunk Gator, home of the most authentic Marsher cuisine this side of the border. If you want to know her as an enemy, it's General Isabelle Duplantis-LaBoef of the Shadow Kings Army. During the war, she was known as the most ruthless defender on the home front. The only person in history who had ever sunk even a single Vizian ship, let alone three. After the heated peace talks ended, and the Vizian Armada broke their embargo, Miss Belle stayed on with the army long enough to get her sash of medals from the Shadow King, then move north to Uslaria for her restaurant. It's better not to ask too many questions; all good Marshers know this. So no one questions the late night shipments at her door, or how the large woman who always has the private table upstairs resembles a particular Vizian Fleet Admiral...
Anyone who's been in a room with Tavi knows he's royal, no matter what blood or title say. A merchant marine made guild leader, he's known to be as two-faced as they come. In balls and social events, the picture of grace and charm, funny and social. Anyone on the business side knows this is a lie. He's a controlling, stubborn, and hard business man who knows how to get things done. No one can deny he gets results, though, and through a friendship (or more if the rumors are to believed) with the duchess, he's managed to worm himself deep into the inner working of the largest trade city in Uslaria. After years of watching him slowly take control, most now understand why his family signet is an octopus.
Silas was once a carpenter who lived deep into the wild lands tucked into the heart of the Marshes, the Dark Waters, but was pulled from his life during the war with the Fire Mages. Marked by the Silver Moon as the most true Mage in his small town, he was drafted the moment the Marshes were attacked. His time in the Shadow King's army brought him far from home and ended when his unit was attacked in an ambush as they pushed their way through enemy lines in the middle of the night. He spotted the attack before his sleeping camp had, sounded the alarm and held back the assault long enough to give his men a fighting chance. In doing so, he sacrificed himself to the fire, and that night, under the light of the Silver Moon, he died. Or so the casualty report would say. The healers didn't think he'd survive the hour from the burns, but he did, becoming the only living person to ever hold the medal for a sacrificial death in defense of the people of Ixoryn. (He made it very clear when he made it home, he wasn't giving it back.) Now, he lives in Crescaeya as Tavi's live-in bodyguard, able to intimidate most before they even think of hurting his lord. The burn scars on most of his body sends a very clear message: You're gonna have to do worse than this to take me down.
and i'll tag @spideronthesun @skullduggeryandfilibuster @emrowene @topazadine! as always no pressure!
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skamenglishsubs · 1 year
Hi, what is this badge on Erik's jacket? A Viking badge? Is it a Swedish royal thing?
He's wearing a military parade uniform of some sort, but I never did military service, that's for straight people or something, so I can't tell at a glance if it's real or fake.
The uniform is navy blue, but single-buttoned, and it looks like an army uniform, which is a bit weird, because Swedish royals traditionally go in the navy. His epaulettes mark him as a private, but it doesn't look like an army one, more like a marine one maybe?
But the exact same uniform makes an appearance again at the funeral, the soldiers carrying Erik's casket are all wearing it, same epaulettes, same chest badge, and no stripes or stars signifying officers anywhere. Their green berets and their presence marks them as members of the Life Guard, but it would make absolutely zero sense for Erik to belong to that regiment, so it's all weird.
So my best guess is that the whole military uniform is fake on purpose. It uses elements of real ones, but adds fake things, and I think that that viking helmet chest badge is just made up for the show by the costume designers, I can't find anything that looks like that in the real world.
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acheronist · 3 months
HI ISABEL i was thinking abt ur beechey boys + peglar/armitage extended cinematic universe while doing my laundry earlier (<- normal guy behaviour) and now i'm curious if u've thought of any actors/face claims for them – beechey boys especially bc we don't even have terror versions to use lol 👀🎤
HI GENEEEE 🖤 this is interesting.... honestly i've never been very good at fan casting shit because my default is always just going "x character should be played by riz ahmed" which ummmm would not work here i fear.
anyways everyone watch out there's gonna be mummy images below the cut
okay i really don't care about actors enough to do this well ummm LMAO johnny bertchtold YOU🫵🏻 are now john shaw torrington!! except johnny's way too tall and also ripped to be jorts.... i will say tho, as annoying as the john torrington/david young erasure is in the amc show, they did kind of nail it with alfie kingsnorth... now that's a skinny blonde bitch who looks half dead! he's got the right big round eyes + prominent cheekbones as jorts
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if we could get some mutton chops and the uniform of a royal marine private onto ferdinand kingsley i think he'd be fantastic as william braine..... actually now that i'm looking at this i kind of feel like a genius for this one LMAO??
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john hartnell is a little harder because i've already decided in my heart that this daguerreotype is 100% undeniably him even though the chances of it are actually probably very low. in actuality. but i have tried to match up the daguerreotype "hartnell" with the mummy hartnell and i do think it's a super close match.... i just wish mr. daguerreotype hadn't tucked his hair over his ear so i could compare the shape of john's ear.... but anyways there is actually one bg dude from terror amc who i have also kind of decided could be jarts!!! he was one of the dudes who voted to stay on terror and die there instead of out on the shale before everyone abandoned ship... he's got the right haircut for it <3 but also i think rob james-collier could be kind of a slay for jartnell if we can get him back to his downton abbey prime
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and then thomas morgan hasn't really made his debut in the beechey boys cinematic universe (yet. chapter two still cooking......) and we also haven't exhumed HIM so this is really just like throwing a dart and calling it good. i did draw a little version of him here tho . so do with this as you will i guess. me when i'm just making up whatever the fuck. he should be kind of sickly looking as well though because my dude was going THROUGH it (+ he had one million pre existing conditions) before he died.
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and for like... henry & thomas theyre much more nebulous in my brain..... maybe i'll try and draw them later!? i did do fanart here of henry tho but i fear it's got a heavy amc casting influence on what he looked like.
real life facts: thomas (5'9") is 2 inches taller than henry (5'7"), henry probably had broad/strong arms and shoulders due to climbing around in the rigging for his whole career, both of them had brown hair, and thomas was older than henry enough that he was probably starting to get salt-and-pepper grey during the miserable stressful parts of the expedition. henry's id papers describe his complexion as "sallow" and based on how many captains said he had a shitty/indifferent/bored attitude while working leads me to believe my king had chronic resting bitch face + looked vaguely exhausted and pale and unwell even when he was healthy.
also in my heart amc nailed it with giving thomas curly hair tho... charlie kelly is cute to meeeeee... unfortunately he isn't 40 years old enough. no source no facts anyways i just want to believe in curly girl armitage supremacy. ALSOOOO in my heart (again) henry has sailor tattoos-- HOLD FAST on his knuckles for good luck in the ropes + two swallows on his chest under each collarbone to mark his 10,000th mile at seas. i forgot what i was talking about. i think do think k*vin g*thrie's face was honestly too conventionally attractive for henry though. i just know my man was mid as fuck. frown lines from scowling, ink stains on his fingers at all times, never worn sunblock ever, thinks splashing water on his face counts as moisturizing etc.... MY henry peter peglar is pretty weather-beaten and looks like a mean cunt and sometimes he snarls at people like a badly trained dog. amen.
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loominggaia · 3 months
I return with a dumb idea directly involving Evangeline's royalty once more: You know Six: The Musical? The one where the six wives of Henry VIII sing about all the BS he put them through? Yeah, since Sapphire of Evangeline has 8 ex-husbands, why wouldn't there be a chance in the future of a Six alternate in Looming Gaia about Sapphire's 8 husbands? Also, Skylie is a precious child and must be protected. Same with Cobalt and Marine. Marine's just trying her best.
I've never heard of this, but it sounds hilarious and it's perfect for Sapphira!
Legally, Evangelite citizens aren't allowed to publicly criticize their royalty. But you just know it happens in private...and I could easily imagine foreign kingdoms putting on a production like this, especially in Folkvar Kingdom!
I always feel bad for the kids in these shitty royal families. They are innocent, they don't deserve all this dysfunction. Skylie, Cobalt, and Marine have no malice in their hearts now, but I'm sure Indiga and Cerulea didn't either when they were kids. Growing up in such an environment can make monsters of people.
I think there is still hope for them though. Look at Azura! Despite all the propaganda around her, she was free-spirited enough to see through it all, and brave enough to take action against it. Maybe the other royal Evangeline kids will follow in her footsteps.
Lore Masterpost
Read the Series
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i12bent · 11 months
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Louise Bonfils (Nov. 3, 1856 - 1933) was a Danish marine painter. She was the first woman in Denmark to register to train as a marine painter and she studied at Kunstskolen for Kvinder at the Royal Academy and later with Tuxen and Krøyer at Kunstnernes Frie Studieskoler.
Above: Langebro set fra Ryssensten. Diset vejr, 1889 - oil on canvas (originally shown at Charlottenborg, now privately owned)
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celticcrossanon · 7 months
It is my opinion that there is a great deal of over-reaction about POW absence yesterday. That  was not a State function or a Royal function, that was a private family function. Why can’t he submit his regrets to the family for a family matter and not go, if he has a more pressing situation? I do not get the outcry. When I think back of the events Harry cancelled with his patronnages that he did not attend, and did not inform them until he was told to, last minute, when he of course always lies and said that he never got the invitation, he chose the Lion King premier over the Marines event. The Dumbarton school kids Well Child event where he was a no show. I believe in PW and if he could not go, he had a pretty good reason.
Hi Nonny,
I think this is the media trying to stir things up against Prince William again. They couldn’t take a picture of him at the memorial and use that for clickbait, so now they have to do something else to get people to read their articles. Their abuse of him is never ending at this stage.
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birb-boyo · 1 year
Thank you guys for asking about my Linksona(that word sounds so weird)
This is a very long post just so you all know
Everything is under the cut
The Hero of the Seas (:
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My Link would probably fit sometime after Wind Waker, when there are still seas and actual pirates. I guess that I will start with the backstory
Before they were born, at least five hundred years, there was a prophecy, though, through the years, the prophecy has been lost to time.
The only part that Hyrule remembers is,
“A forsaken prince will redefine what it takes to be a hero”
Soon after that prophecy was heard, the king of Hyrule made a law that stated that any and all Gerudo princes were to be treated as royalty.
Time skip to soon after my Link’s birth, the current king of Hyrule disregarded the law and set it aside as if it never existed. This king put a bounty on the newly born Gerudo prince.
When Link was five, his home was stormed and raided by pirates. Link’s mother was murdered and he was stolen.
These pirates were only the first ones to see them out of many. They were traded, bartered, and sold into slavery many times until they were fifteen years old. When they were fifteen, another pirate crew bought them, though, they treated them like they were a human. They fed them nicely, told them thank you, they even cleaned and cooked their own stuff. It took them a full year to realize that they were free and that this crew bought them to free them of their shackles, even though they took off the chains as soon as he left the auction.
It took them a while to learn how to love and to learn how to smile again.
Their adventure started when they were seventeen. It started when the crew bought another slave. They looked to be Link’s age and they never spoke. They told the crew, in sign, that their name was Faro. It took a full month for them to speak, but when they did, it was in private with Link.
“It’s you, isn’t it?” Link’s eyebrows furrowed at the new, foreign voice.
“I’ve never heard you speak before…”
“You’re that forsaken prince, aren’t you?” At this point, Link had no idea of the prophecy. He’d never heard of it before.
“I’m no prince, Faro. I was a slave until two years ago, princes do not scrub decks.”
“The world has forsaken a Gerudo prince. You are the forsaken prince.” Faro extended their hand to Link. “I need you more than anything right now.”
Link looked around the deck. It was the dead of night. Link and Faro were on night watch tonight. It was just the two of them tonight. Link wondered if this is what Faro came here for, just for him.
“What do you need me for?”
“The king is a tyrant. I only recently found out why he disregarded such an important law.”
Link tilted his head. “What law?”
Faro stood up straight and looked at Link with dumbfounded eyes. “What do you mean, “What law?!” That law would’ve protected you! You’d still have your family if my father was such a-“ Faro paused.
“Your…father?” There was a strict rule on the ship. A rule everyone knew but didn’t speak of. Pirates are outlaws. If any royal found out that pirates had bought the princess, their ship would sink in hours. The Marines were no joke. They did not allow anyone important on this ship, no matter how much they said that they would pay.
Faro grabbed Link’s shoulders. “Please! He is tearing this kingdom apart and we need a hero to stop him!”
“I’m no hero! The ones you compare me to all fought a Gerudo man named Ganondorf! If you really needed a hero, go find a Hylian to do it!”
Faro let go of Link. They took a deep breath before get on one knee in front of Link. Faro grabbed Link’s hand and pressed the back of it to their forehead. “Please, Link. I truly believe that you are the only one who can defeat him. Just please, you must help me…”
Link felt a tingle on the back of his hand and drew his hand away from Faro. Sitting a beautiful gold on the back of his hand, were three triangle. The one on the bottom right glowed brighter than the other two. He stared at it in awe. “…What?”
Faro jumped up and cheered. “I was right! It is you!” They laughed and giggled, but Link stared at his hand, a feeling of giddiness and dread filling him to the brim.
“What is this?”
“The triforce of courage Link! You are the next hero of Hyrule!”
Faro told the crew about everything on the next day, it didn’t help that the triangle still glowed brightly on his hand.
“Well, as I hear it, the king tried to murder his next hero. Why?” Nan, basically the crew’s mom, asked.
“Because he is the one the hero must fell.”
Link turned to Faro, his confusion evident on his face. “Aren’t the heroes supposed to serve the king?”
“There is a lot of things wrong about my father. One of those things are his name. His name wasn’t originally Rhodes. It’s a family secret, but he was born with the name Ganondorf.”
Nan hummed. “So the king needs to be dethroned. Tell me, Faro, does that mean that you’ll be leaving us after this?”
Faro sighed. “I would love to stay, really, but this kingdom needs a ruler. I don’t trust my father’s advisers with the throne. I find that my duty is more important.”
Link nodded, a new fire in his eyes. “Where do I start?”
Nan scoffed. “You mean, “Where do we start?”
Fast forward through two of his temples and puzzles and he now stands inside a water temple, the ship near the opening of the cave.
He defeated the boss and opened the chest. He saw a bracelet with what looked like a sapphire embedded on it. It was shiny, maybe made of silver. He could sell this for a good amount of money.
“What is that?” Faro asked beside him.
“You would think that I know?”
“Put it on…?”
Link thought about it for a few seconds before putting it on. Nothing happened. He even felt like the silver and blue didn’t match his darker skin ton. Gold paired with it better.
“Noth-!” Link stood up and grabbed Faro’s hand. They dragged Faro out of the way. Where they stood, a wave of water hit. The splash hit the both of them.
The two of them blinked more times than they could count. “…Did the water just attack us?” Faro asked. Link shrugged.
“The ship.” Link said as they made their way toward the ship.
Link explored this bracelet and found that it was an old relic of the Zora’s. It used to be a Zora heirloom. Did he return it? No. It was a very helpful item. Maybe he’d give it back after his adventure…anyways-
Link’s final fight took place inside Hyrule Castle. His crew stayed at the docks.
Nan decided that she was too old to lead a crew of pirates mid adventure, so she declared that Link was the new Captain.
The king knew that Link was coming, and yet, the king was alone in the throne room. The king laughed, stating that he couldn’t be the hero of he didn’t wield the sword of legend. He said that Link was too scared to touch it because Link knew that he had that same darkness inside him that the sword banished.
In truth, Link drew the sword, he was just better with his usual weapon, which was a double edged staff.
But don’t forget, Link had to go to Gerudo for a temple. They met their sisters and heard the whole story behind his childhood suffering. He knew that all of his problems, all of his trauma, was this king’s fault.
They fought with a straight face the entire time, letting all of that anger and frustration and pain that he held within their twelve year old body out.
He decapitated the king. It was an accident, but it felt so right.
Faro took the throne and left the crew. They were apparently called “Zelda” to the rest of the kingdom.
Link lead his crew through storms and sea monster attacks. Link knew that the crew loved monster hunting, so that’s what they became. His crew became monster hunters who slayed the horrid monsters that threatened the seas that Link called his home. It had been a year since his adventure ended when it happened.
Link stared at the ceiling. It was night, probably midnight. He should be asleep right now. The monster that they had just fought required him to go under water. The Zora bracelet allowed him to breathe underwater as long as he wore it, that wasn’t the problem. It was how much he had used the bracelet to command the water around him. It took a toll on his body. However, it wasn’t a big one, it only made him tired.
He heard a knock on the door before one of his crew mates opened it. It was Jasper, his right hand man. He was on night watch tonight.
“You might wanna see this Capt’n.” Link was on his feet in seconds.
“What is it?”
Link and Jasper stood on the deck. In front of them, on the firm wooden boards was a triangular shape. Link stepped closer to it and walked around it.
“It looks like a portal of some kind…?” Link mumbled to himself. It was a swirl of purple and black. It also blowed an ominous purple. It almost looked like the stereotypical poison.
“That’s what I was thinking.” Jasper said. “It’s been here for quite some time now. What should we do about it?”
“I’m going to go inside of it.” Something was pulling Link toward the portal.
“Wha-“ Jasper sighed. “Okay, just bring weapons and potions with you. You don’t know where it’ll take ya.”
Link chuckled. “I take my staff everywhere I go. Don’t worry about me.”
So, Link gathered his stuff. Potions and their weapons and some spare clothes and stepped through the ominous darkness of the portal.
*Cue Linked Universe*
Pause…I found a picrew with a Gerudo nose and lips?!?!?? You also know that all Links have worn eye liner
The only thing that let me down is that there were no scars…I loved everything else
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@cal-the-duende @phthalo-ocorina @mishwanders (:
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emiliasilverova · 1 year
Day 2 of Fest... time to unleash one very big post 👀
You've seen the title on the link above, today I bring you an Alec playlist. But me being me, there's a tiny bit more to it than just being a selection of music I love (it absolutely is, though, don't get me wrong). This is a narrative playlist—in other words, each song represents a moment in Alec's life, in chronological order, and based on my interpretation of (and expansions on) the GoldenEye canon. Oh and... although I didn't put that much thought into this aspect of the playlist, it happens to be mostly British songs, some Russian ones and a few others. Pretty fitting, I would say.
See you below the cut for the full story behind each song :D
Pink Floyd, Another Brick in the Wall pt. 1
Our story starts with Alec being a little orphan in 1950s-60s Britain. Therefore, my choice went to a song about a very similar little orphan—Pink, the protagonist of The Wall. Although circumstances are different, the song tells the same story for both kids: they're lonely and deeply resenting of their father's (or parents') absence... which will be the root of all the ills in their lives.
David Bowie, Life on Mars?
There was a joke between @prismatic-bell and I once. Since Bowie and Alec are so similar in terms of appearance, Bowie must have been Alec's first crush (and therefore, bi awakening). Therefore, there has to be some Bowie in here—and this song in particular is perfect to describe Alec growing up, looking at the depressing Cold War world from his young eyes.
David Sylvian, Forbidden Colours
Speaking of bi awakenings, well this is it. At this stage of the story, young Alec has realised ‘[his] love wears forbidden colours’. And just like in the song, he'll ‘[try] to show unquestioning faith in everything’, from public school to the army. Another brick in his wall, as somebody else would sing.
John Barry, Theme from the Persuaders
The only instrumental in this playlist, but perhaps the name of the composer alone tipped you off on why I chose it. By now Alec is a Royal Marine, and he meets a certain Navy commander—a fellow named James Bond, you might have heard of him. So why the Persuaders and not a classic Bond theme? Easy, just watch the opening of said Persuaders. The parallel editing between the lives of Roger Moore's and Tony Curtis's characters... I dream we could have that for Brosnan!Bond and Alec.
Pet Shop Boys, This Must Be the Place I Waited Years to Leave
So Alec is an MI6 agent now (probably under James's influence). The point here is, he actually loves his job—being in the shadows, not having to be around handsome men in uniform all the time anymore... He's found his place, and he can look back on his younger years as a bad time that is finally over (or is it?) Fun fact by the way, this song could have been the Living Daylights' theme song. It didn't go too far into that process, but still I highly recommend this edit of TLD's credits with the song over it.
Frankie Goes to Hollywood, Relax
‘Not having to be around handsome men in uniform all the time anymore’... yeah. Well, there is still is one ridiculously handsome man Alec is around all the time—James. Cue more bi panic, growing jealousy, and, of course, sharing everything absolutely everything. Doesn't help that Relax, an extremely gay song (enough to be banned by the BBC when it came out...), is the hot thing on the radio back in those days...
Tears for Fears, Shout
Alec has just earned his 00 status, and he has many scores to settle with life... so he's going to shout, and life is going to hear him. Case in point, his bullets.
a-ha, The Living Daylights
A continuation of the previous song. This is Alec and James living the high life as 00 agents, full of broken gadgets, expensive food and clothing, private jokes and other code phrases. An excuse for me to shoehorn my favourite Bond song in the playlist? Absolutely. a-ha's synth version of it, too—as much as I love Barry's version (the one used in the movie), I have to say this one is vastly superior.
Public Image Ltd, The Order of Death
Oh no. Alec has been too curious and got his hands on his MI6 file. Now he knows everything. The Lienz Cossacks and their betrayal by the British; his parents' survivor guilt; the fact his name shouldn't be Trevelyan but his parents' Russian name (Trailin, in my headcanon); the fact MI6 knew his origins and still got him to work for them (if it didn't have a say in how he was brought up...) He wanted to know, now he's got his answer. Whether he likes it or not.
Secret Service, Flash in the Night
Alec is depressed. He doesn't really know yet what to make of everything he learned in his MI6 file. He looks at James but he knows he can't tell him anything. James is part of the system that betrayed his parents, then betrayed him in turn. James can't possibly understand how it feels like. Yet again, Alec is alone. The scar once healed forever dissolves in the rain, as the song has it.
Кино, Спокойная ночь (Kino, Spokoynaya noch'—Calm Night)
Not too long later, a still depressed Alec is wandering in Soviet streets during a mission. Moscow or Leningrad, who knows (one day I'll have to choose, because I really want to write a one shot based on this song). Ideas are coming to him, but they aren't really clear. The only sure thing in all this is that he's starting to feel a lot more Russian than British... hence the inclusion of the first (and not last) Soviet rock song in the playlist.
C.C. Catch, ‘Cause You Are Young
Probably the same night, Alec stumbles on an underground nightclub blaring Western songs. After all, it is the mid-1980s, and Gorbachyov's USSR slowly starts to allow such music within its borders (censorship is still there, though, as proved by the blurb on the Soviet edition of Frankie Goes to Hollywood's second album not mentioning a single thing about Relax. Western music, okay, but gay? How about nyet) Anyway, my point: Alec hears this obscure German pop song, and suddenly everything starts to fall into place in his mind. A wake-up call, if you will. What he needs now is to catch his freedom from MI6, whatever the cost.
Depeche Mode, Personal Jesus
Janus is born. Alec's Personal Jesus, the persona that will give him his freedom from—and revenge on—Britain. The inspiration behind this choice of song comes from Brigada, the most famous Russian TV show of all time. Basically, the story of a group of friends in the late 1980s who go on to become a powerful mafia group in the 1990s. In the first episode, the protagonist decides to commit his first crime over Personal Jesus... and commits said crime in an underground nightclub that blares ‘Cause You Are Young. Small world, I know.
Peter Gabriel, We Do What We're Told
Alec is preparing his plans to fake his death and truly become Janus, but in the meantime he has to pretend everything's fine. So he does what he's told... like in his childhood, like in the army. He absolutely hates it, but he knows his patience will pay off.
Propaganda, p:Machinery
One word: Arkhangelsk. The planning phase is over, the day has come for Alec to make his move and disappear from the face of the Earth. Except that, as we all know, not everything goes according to plan... Fun fact, I just learned that this song was greatly influenced by David Sylvian, of Forbidden Colours fame. The world doesn't get any bigger, does it?
Pink Floyd, Hey You
In a Soviet hospital, Alec recovers from his Arkhangelsk wounds... and falls deeper into depression. But with Janus on board, depression takes on a much more threatening face. Alec is despaired, but he also wants to kill. That should distract him from despair.
Nautilus Pompilius, Воздух (Vozdukh—Air)
As the USSR slowly dies, a new organisation comes to be—the Janus Syndicate. It's only the early days, and it probably doesn't really ressemble what we see of it in GoldenEye. But it comes at a time Soviets themselves are growing disenchanted from their world. as everything crumbles down, even law enforcement doesn't see any point in catching criminals anymore (as told by the lyrics). Exactly the kind of fertile ground the Syndicate needs to grow.
The Rolling Stones, Sympathy for the Devil
There's a newcomer in Alec's life—a certain Xenia Onatopp. Is she a cis or trans woman, I'll let you choose. What she definitely is, at least, is someone who wants absolute freedom, even if it means harming others (a cause Alec can relate to). That, and the kind of untamed energy that would greatly benefit from being given a direction. For instance... working for Janus? Unless it is dominating Janus in the bedroom... my Alec is bi for a reason, after all.
Depeche Mode, Never Let Me Down Again
Do you know Scarface, and more specifically the Push It to the Limit segment? Well picture that, but with Alec as Tony Montana, Xenia as Manny Ribera, the freshly renamed St Petersburg instead of sunny Miami... and Depeche Mode instead of Giorgio Moroder's music (with the caveat that Alec clearly didn't get married back in those days, because there's only one person he'd marry: James). These are the heydays of the Russian mafia, when some people who previously knew nothing of capitalism became dizziyingly rich overnight... and fought each other to death for more power. The days of the Gulf War, also—when the Janus Syndicate sold stolen Red Army weapons to Iraq. Pop quiz, do you know what the mafia bosses who survived those turbulent times are called today? Oligarchs. Kinda sheds a new light on Alec, I won't lie.
Tina Turner, GoldenEye
I had to include it. There's no two ways about it, this is the ultimate, canon Alec (Bondalec, even) song. Just look at the lyrics, and tell me this isn't Alec spitting all his jealousy on James. Xenia would be just as menacing, yes, but nowhere near as salty. So where are we in our story for me to include this song? Well, just at the beginning of GoldenEye proper: Xenia has met James in Monte Carlo, and tells Alec as they prepare to steal the Tiger (yes, Xenia's accomplice in that scene is Alec. Fight me). Cue a very sour laugh from Alec, who cannot believe fate has put James on his path again. Not that it really matters to him at this point though—all he's focused on is his upcoming revenge on Britain, and if James has to be a bystander, then so be it.
Midge Ure, The Man Who Sold the World
James wanted to be set up with Janus... well, he's got what he asked for. Janus, in person, at the statue park. Alec, alive and with a murderous intent. Again a song with a connection to Bowie, as you might have noticed... but unsurpringly I prefer the very 1980s, synth-heavy version by Midge Ure. Bowie, hmmmm... a hint towards renewed bi panic on Alec's part? You'll know soon enough.
Nautilus Pompilius, Нежный вампир (Nezhniy vampir—Tender Vampire)
A little interlude before we enter the endgame. The tender vampire here is Janus, of course—dragging Alec's better self into the abyss, being so jealous of James he starts circling around Natalya like a hungry shark. The absolute creep we see in the train scene, in short. For the record, I know this song from Brat, another very famous Russian movie about the 1990s mafia (I'll probably run a watchalong for it later during this Fest, so stay tuned 👀).
Propaganda, The Murder of Love
Train scene, act 2: the Mexican standoff. Alec and James face each other again, but James still doesn't really have the upper hand. So Alec (well, Janus) spits more poison at him, this time a lot more personal and hurtful. And yes, the bi panic is firmly there, as smug as Alec tries to look. He knows he can't kill James, but he also knows he can't let James talk to him. Alec can't be diverted from his revenge on life itself, because that would be acknowledging that all the time and effort he put into that goal was a waste. Therefore, he prefers to gloat at James... in other words, to be the victim who's become the judge, and to make James plead for mercy.
Pet Shop Boys, I’m Not Scared
Well, this particular one originally wasn't in the playlist. But the moment I first heard it, I knew I had to include it. This has to be James's answer to all of Alec's venom in GoldenEye and The Murder of Love. James has always loved Alec, and doesn't understand how Alec could have grown so scorned and spiteful. Are Janus and Alec really the same person? Will he have to kill Alec? If he does, will James ever be able to forgive himself? If only he and Alec could talk heart to heart... as @3nigm4art commented about this song, Alec would cry if he heard James singing it to him. Perhaps he could even be reasoned... So what I envision here is the beach scene, with James looking at the sea asking himself all those questions—and Alec, somewhere in his lair, being unable to take James out of his mind.
Leonard Cohen, First We Take Manhattan
We are now in the Janus control center in Cuba. Xenia is dead by now, but Alec probably hasn't really processed that yet. After all, he has other things on his mind: his scheme coming so close to completion... and James right in front of him, watching and commenting what he sees. Alec likes this, in a way—what better witness to him becoming a literal god than James? He's not jealous anymore at his point, because in his mind, he's won. He's done the impossible: destroying Britain, and beating James. But there's an issue here... being so drunk with his triumph, he forgot that James won't let himself be just a passive bystander. Which surely won't come back to bite him in the arse, will it?
Pet Shop Boys, It's a Sin
As everything explodes around him (literally), Alec loses it. James has stolen the triumph he deserved to get. Therefore, James will die. By Alec's hand. Ensues the fight on the antenna. Alec probably knows he won't survive it, but he doesn't care anymore. All his rage, all his jealousy, all his frustration are what fuels him at this point—with glimpses from his past flashing before his eyes, as the song suggests. He has wasted nine years of his life, and the rest of it in fact. His whole life has been nothing but sin, from his origins and attraction to James to becoming a spy then a mafia leader. So if there's no turning back... at least he'll go out with a bang. And hopefully take James with him.
Кино, Легенда (Kino, Legenda—Legend)
The story ends here. Alec falls to his death after James lets him go, and James has to live with the memory of Alec haunting him. But is it what really happens? If anything, this song is here to be an open ending. It is an elegy, yes, but it could be Alec singing it. Since death is worth living, but love is worth waiting, maybe he survived and has to piece himself back together at James's side. Or maybe it's James who fell. You decide, but at least there's one thing we can all be sure about. Credits might roll, but Alec's legend never ends.
(Thank you so much for reading, and listening ♥️ I put a lot more energy into this post than I thought I would 😅)
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dancingwithflames · 3 months
the queen's news
The news spread like fire across the castle.
The maids shared the information in wistful, relieved whispers. The Royal Guard dispersed it as a precaution, knowing heightened security would be needed once their adversaries became privy to the knowledge. The King’s advisors drink full glasses of wine and ale to combat it, knowing they would now not be able to make a widow out of the King for the fourth time when the public became aware that Queen Estelle had sired an heir for her husband. 
A feat the previous three had not managed before their heads landed themselves on a pike. 
King Valentin marinated in the information of the supposed fruitfulness of their labors as he was dressed. He disregarded the felicitations from his steward and the gracious smiles of the maidservants as he traversed the grand corridors toward the formal dining room. She was already there when he arrived, disdainfully dismissing the anxious attentions of her ladies-in-waiting with a flick of her hand.
“I assure you I can sit on my own.” She sighed, then eyed him skeptically as he sat to dine. “Good morning, Your Grace.” 
His crown sat heavy on his head, but his posture never relented. Food appeared in front of him, yet he ignored it in favor of returning a dubious stare of his own. 
“My Queen,” The King acknowledged, jutting out his chin. “I understand congratulations are in order.” 
She cocked her head to the side, raising a quizzical brow. 
“Aye, Your Grace. With the arrival of Spring, we shall welcome a babe of our own.” 
The King leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms across his chest, watching her. The Queen did not squirm under his unrelenting stare. In anything, his eyes only appeared to give her confidence. 
“At long last, an heir to the Crown. It is such a miraculous blessing that I so scarcely believe it.”
She smiled mirthlessly, understanding his words. Her eyes slipped away from his to survey the room. The nameless faces of their servants dutifully averted her gaze, yet he sensed their watchful eyes on their every move, their ears attuned to pick up on every breath they took. They were not alone, and each word they spoke would be broadcasted across the castle in whispered gossip before their meal was completed. The Queen sensed this, surely, as a moment later she spoke:
“Leave us. I should like a private moment with the King to celebrate our most fortunate news.” 
The room cleared in an instant, leaving them alone. Silence sat between them as they watched one another, waiting for one to say something. Finally, breaking their competition, he spoke.
“When our marriage was arranged, we talked of the importance of siring an heir to the throne.” King Valentin explained. “Maybe I unjustly assumed the heir would be mine.”
The Queen had the audacity to appear affronted, her eyes widening and a flush of indignation rising to her cheeks. Her lips parted slightly as if she were on the verge of an undignified retort, yet she maintained an air of regal composure as she thought, her posture unwavering despite the palpable tension in the room.
“That is a treasonous accusation you place upon me, Your Grace.” Queen Estelle scolded. “Surely you have proof of my infidelity, then? Because I am sure the maids who change our linens would attest to your enthusiasm in sharing my bed these past months.”
The King twisted his features, his barely-concealed anger at the verge of breaking the surface. His hands clenched into fists, the knuckles turning white as he fought to maintain his composure. Valentin's eyes blazed with a cold, calculating intensity as he stared at his wife. The glint in her eye was all-knowing, and he sighed in contempt.
“Have you always known?” He whispered venomously. 
“Have I always known what, husband?” Queen Estelle retorted coyly, stretching out forward. Her elbows sat on the table, her chin pressed into her hands. 
“Do not toy with me.” 
The Queen sighed, removing her chin from her hands. She smirked as she stood from her chair. Slowly, patiently, she walked along the table until she stood beside his seated figure. Forced to look up at her, his glare intensified. 
“There were others before me. Not one, not two, but three wives that did not bear you children. Not even a whisper of the loss of Royal fruit or a stillborn babe. And your whores? How many of them have been sent away to avoid a discovered bastard? None.” Queen Estelle revealed, clicking her tongue. “You have proven your proficiency at performing the marital act so we know the problem does not lie there– No, Your Grace, the women have never been the problem.” 
“Estelle–” The King began, but she cut him off.
“Your seed is barren, not their wombs.” 
A tense silence followed, heavy and suffocating. The King's face reddened with a mix of shame and fury. He opened his mouth to retort, but the words died on his lips. Estelle continued, her voice now laced with a cold determination. 
“It is a tragedy that they died for your misfortune, but I refuse to share their fate.” She said, shaking her head. “I have done what I must to ensure my safety.” 
“I can just as easily reveal your ruse. Your head could be on the end of a pike by the end of this very day if I desired it.” He retorted.
The Queen laughed, infuriating him. 
“You shan’t do that though, hmm? Because you hear the whispers, too. You feel the tension brewing. You are the only living member of your house left. Your subjects are wary of the absence of an heir, but your enemies rejoice in the knowledge. You are weak without this child– The whole kingdom is. It is only a matter of time before someone makes an attempt on your life to get that crown on your head.”
The legs of the chair scraped loudly against the floor as he stood to his full height, towering over her. She had gone too far–
The Queen held her hands out in a placating manner. 
"I do not attempt to threaten you,” she replied calmly. "I only speak the truth. Our legacy depends on this ruse. Our people must believe in the legitimacy of this heir, and that can only happen if you accept this child as your own flesh and blood. I took care in finding someone of your likeness to ensure the babe would hold a resemblance. You must play your part lest you risk losing everything you have fought so hard to protect." 
The King’s hands trembled with the force of his suppressed rage, but already it dimmed in the reality that she was correct. Executing her while the public believed she with his child would only further strain the rumors. If he was to secure himself against his precarious position, he had little choice but to concede. His eyes met hers, a reluctant acknowledgment of her victory.
"Very well," he said through gritted teeth. "But do not think this will be forgotten, Estelle. One day, you will answer for this deceit."
The Queen smiled, a cold, triumphant smile. "Until that day comes, Your Grace, we shall both play our parts to perfection."
She turned to leave, but he caught her forearm. 
“What of the child’s real father?” He asked quietly. “Will he be a problem?”
“Trust that the man shall be, and remain, a non-issue in our future.” She said simply. “I made sure of it.”
Queen Estelle pulled her arm from his grasp, reaching forward to take his chin in her fingers. She leaned forward, kissing the corner of his lips. 
“Finish your breakfast, Your Grace.” She said, pulling back. “The whole Kingdom may well know of our child by the time you are done.” 
With that, turned and gracefully left the room, leaving King Valentin to seethe in her victory. 
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laresearchette · 14 days
Friday, September 13, 2024 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
WHERE CAN I FIND THOSE PREMIERES?: HOW TO DIE ALONE (Disney + Star) IN VOGUE: THE 90S (Disney + Star) CHOPPER COPS (Paramount+ Canada) DORA (Season 2) (Paramount+ Canada) UFO COWBOYS (The Roku Channel) THREE WOMEN (Starz Canada) 10:00pm
DISNEY + STAR HOW TO DIE ALONE (four-episode premiere) IN VOGUE: THE 90S (first three episodes) LEGO STAR WARS: REBUILD THE GALAXY (all episodes) FX’S THE OLD MAN (Season 2, two-episode premiere)
MLB BASEBALL (SN Now) 6:30pm: Mets vs. Phillies (Apple TV+) 6:30pm: Dodgers vs. Atlanta (Apple TV+) 6:30pm: Red Sox vs. Yankees (SN) 7:00pm: Cardinals vs. Jays (SN1) 7:00pm: Rays vs. Guardians (SN1) 10:00pm: Rangers vs. Mariners
AUTUMN AND THE BLACK JAGUAR (Crave) 7:15pm: After years in New York City, 14-year-old Autumn returns to the Amazon rainforest to save her childhood village and beloved jaguar friend.
WNBA BASKETBALL (TSN3/TSN4) 7:30pm: Aces vs. Fever
THE REAL CROWN: INSIDE THE HOUSE OF WINDSOR (CBC) 8:00pm/9:00pm: Members of The Royal Family wrestle with the ultimate dilemma: whether to choose love over duty to The Crown. In Episode Two, the Royal Family come face to face with danger. Heir to the throne Prince Charles has yet to find a bride, placing the future of the monarchy in peril.
REPOSSESSED (History Channel Canada) 8:00pm/9:00pm (SERIES PREMIERE): On a trip to the Deep South, Moe and his team visit a giant limestone cave that is the namesake of this haunted town. In Episode Two, Moe brings the team to Eastern Ontario to the scene of one of his most terrifying previous investigations.
FRIDAY NIGHT THUNDER (APTN) 8:30pm: Rookie Allan Downey races in the faster, fiercer and more expensive 360 class for the first time; on a rough and wild track, he contends with numerous challenges that test even the most experienced drivers.
THE CASES OF MYSTERY LANE (W Network) 9:00pm: Alden and Birdie Case find a new way to keep the mystery in their marriage alive; Alden takes classes to become a private investigator and Birdie may hold the key to solving one of his mysteries.
SEAGRASS (Crave) 9:00pm: A Japanese-Canadian woman grapples with the death of her mother as she brings her family to a retreat. When her relationship with her husband begins to impact the children's emotional security, the family is forever changed.
CFL FOOTBALL (TSN/TSN3/TSN4/TSN5) 10:00pm: Argos vs. Lions
RORY SCOVEL: RELIGION, SEX AND A FEW THINGS IN BETWEEN (CTV Comedy) 11:00pm: Scovel takes the stage at Minneapolis' Goodale Theater to offer his observations on disparate subjects.
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oppvenuz · 2 months
 The Best Event Venues in Mumbai: Elevate Your Celebration to New Heights
Mumbai, the city that never sleeps, is a hub of culture, business, and entertainment. Whether you're planning a wedding, corporate event, or a social gathering, the city offers a plethora of venues that cater to every style and need. From luxurious hotels to unique spaces, Mumbai's event venues provide the perfect setting for memorable celebrations. Here’s a guide to some of the best event venues in Mumbai, each promising to make your occasion truly special.
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Click Here For More Deatils:https://www.oppvenuz.com/vendors/venue/?city=mumbai
 1. Luxurious Hotels with Grand Ballrooms
   - The Taj Mahal Palace, Colaba: A symbol of luxury and heritage, The Taj Mahal Palace is one of Mumbai’s most iconic venues. Located in the heart of the city, this hotel offers several grand ballrooms and elegant spaces that are perfect for high-profile events. Whether it's a wedding, corporate function, or gala dinner, the Taj Mahal Palace ensures an experience of grandeur and impeccable service.
   - The St. Regis Mumbai, Lower Parel: Known for its opulence and sophistication, The St. Regis Mumbai offers versatile event spaces, including grand ballrooms, terraces, and private dining rooms. The hotel’s event planning team specializes in creating bespoke experiences, making it an ideal choice for weddings, social gatherings, and corporate events. With stunning views of the city and top-notch amenities, this venue is a favorite among Mumbai’s elite.
 2. Boutique Venues with Unique Character
   - The Royal Opera House, Girgaon: For those seeking a venue with historical charm and architectural beauty, The Royal Opera House is a magnificent choice. This restored heritage building, with its stunning interiors and grand stage, is perfect for cultural events, weddings, and exclusive gatherings. The venue's regal ambiance adds a touch of old-world charm to any celebration.
   - The Great Eastern Home, Byculla: Housed in a former industrial warehouse, The Great Eastern Home is a unique venue that combines vintage elegance with modern amenities. The space features a mix of antique furnishings, art, and contemporary décor, making it an ideal setting for creative and artistic events. Whether it’s a wedding, product launch, or fashion show, this venue offers a distinctive and memorable backdrop.
 3. Open-Air and Scenic Venues
   - Dome at NSCI, Worli: Overlooking the Arabian Sea, Dome at NSCI is one of Mumbai’s most sought-after open-air venues. With its retractable roof and panoramic views, this venue is perfect for large-scale events such as concerts, weddings, and corporate parties. The versatile space can be customized to suit different themes and requirements, ensuring a spectacular event experience.
   - Marine Drive Promenade: For a truly iconic Mumbai experience, the Marine Drive Promenade offers a breathtaking setting for outdoor events. With the sea on one side and the city skyline on the other, this venue is ideal for intimate gatherings, photo shoots, and cultural events. The natural beauty and vibrant atmosphere of Marine Drive make it a popular choice for those looking to create unforgettable memories.
 4. Versatile Banquet Halls and Convention Centers
   - Nehru Centre, Worli: A versatile venue that can accommodate a wide range of events, Nehru Centre is known for its state-of-the-art facilities and convenient location. The venue offers several halls and auditoriums, making it suitable for conferences, exhibitions, weddings, and social events. With ample parking and professional event management services, Nehru Centre is a reliable choice for large gatherings.
   - Bombay Exhibition Centre, Goregaon: As one of India’s largest exhibition centers, the Bombay Exhibition Centre offers vast spaces that can be tailored for various events, from trade shows and exhibitions to large corporate events and concerts. The venue’s expansive halls and modern infrastructure make it a go-to destination for hosting large-scale events in Mumbai.
 5. Cultural and Artistic Spaces
   - Prithvi Theatre, Juhu: Known for its intimate setting and artistic vibe, Prithvi Theatre is a beloved venue for cultural and artistic events. While primarily a theatre space, Prithvi also hosts weddings, private parties, and corporate events that seek a creative and unconventional atmosphere. The venue’s café and garden add to its charm, making it a unique choice for those looking to infuse their event with a touch of culture.
   - Mehboob Studios, Bandra: A historic film studio with a legacy of Bollywood magic, Mehboob Studios offers a creative and versatile space for events. The studio’s large sound stages and outdoor areas can be transformed into stunning venues for weddings, product launches, fashion shows, and more. With its rich cinematic history and spacious environment, Mehboob Studios is a favorite for those looking to create a cinematic experience.
Mumbai’s diverse event venues offer something for every occasion, whether you’re planning a grand celebration or an intimate gathering. From luxurious hotels and open-air spaces to cultural landmarks and creative studios, the city has it all. By choosing one of these top venues, you can ensure that your event in Mumbai is not only successful but also unforgettable.
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