#rowan and nil
needleandstory · 1 year
✵ Just fuck me up, bebby whoever you wanna.
Send ✵ and my muse will answer the following.  
Their first impression of your muse: Weird nun :/
Current impression:   A kind, generous, and delicate soul, handle with care
Are they attracted to your muse?:  Somewhat, yes. Not so much physically, but she really activates his protective instinct, he wants to see her smile and defend her from every bad thing in the world. (But in an abstract way where he acknowledges the impracticality.)
Something they find frightening about your muse: Her nervousness. The thought that he could make a wrong move and scare her and then he'd become one of the bad scary things in her world.
Something they find adorable about your muse:  Her enthusiasm over his teaching.
Would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?:  Yes absolutely in a heart beat.
Would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic:  Yes definitely. He'd love to see her excited and having fun.
One word my muse would use to describe yours:  Anxious
Would my muse slap yours if they could?: Never, not for all the money and fame and power in the world
Would my muse hug/kiss yours?: Yes, either, but she would have to initiate in some way. He wouldn't so much as lay a finger on her without her say.
Their first impression of your muse: Weird little freak. Kind of off-putting. What does Jay see in her? Super anxious too.
Current impression: Gushing and gushing and gushing. Literally the best. Brave and strong and smart and cool and caring and determined and amazing and adorable. Still a little weirdo though. <3
Are they attracted to your muse?:  Oh yeah, big time.
Something they find frightening about your muse: How much about her he doesn't understand. How adamant she was about her own death.
Something they find adorable about your muse:  Her nicknames for people generally and him specifically.
Would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?:  He's done it once and he'll do it again.
Would my muse go on a date with yours? romantic:  He would love to.
One word my muse would use to describe yours:  Funny
Would my muse slap yours if they could?: Only if needed to snap her out of something.
Would my muse hug/kiss yours?: Yes and yes, he's already looking for little excuses to touch her.
Their first impression of your muse: Touchy, obnoxious, persistent, immature, rude, holier-than-thou
Current impression: Silly and funny in a way people like. Beloved. Kind. What’s it like to want to die and have so many people come chasing after you?
Are they attracted to your muse?: Not even a little
Something they find frightening about your muse: How much better she is than him. The thought that jay might like her so much that she realizes how shitty he is.
Something they find adorable about your muse: Her enthusiasm for bugs.
Would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?: Probably not. Probably.
Would my muse go on a date with yours? platonic/romantic: Not unless someone else set them up.
One word my muse would use to describe yours: Fine
Would my muse slap yours if they could?: Yeah. Would probably feel kinda good.
Would my muse hug/kiss yours?: Don’t touch him.
Their first impression of your muse: Tired and stressed, but cool. Nosy and popular.
Current impression:   He's had some shit happen to him, huh?
Are they attracted to your muse?:  N/A
Something they find frightening about your muse: How much he tries to be cool about everything
Something they find adorable about your muse:  His lamest jokes
Would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?:  He might try.
Would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic:  No thank you.
One word my muse would use to describe yours:  Thoughtful
Would my muse slap yours if they could?: Noooope
Would my muse hug/kiss yours?: A hug, maybe? But probably not, maddox doesnt seem like a hugger.
Their first impression of your muse: Uptight and insufferable
Current impression:   Uptight and tormentable. Reliable. Uncomfortably generous.
Are they attracted to your muse?:  It's not a hard no, shockingly? I'm as surprised as you are. I'm pretty sure it's the tormentability.
Something they find frightening about your muse: How much he owes him.
Something they find adorable about your muse:  Kitty <3
Would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?:  Could go either way, but probably not.
Would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic:  Only if by "date" you mean "go somewhere and judge people"
One word my muse would use to describe yours:  
Would my muse slap yours if they could?: Yeah! For fun.
Would my muse hug/kiss yours?: No real inclination there. on either of these.
Their first impression of your muse: The most annoying kind of liar. (Thinks he's being helpful, actually just being a pain.)
Current impression:   Generous, but also overbearing and condescending. Still a liar. At least he's good at his job.
Are they attracted to your muse?:  Not at all.
Something they find frightening about your muse: The power he currently holds over Rowan's life.
Something they find adorable about your muse:  His sewing room
Would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?:  No way in hell.
Would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic:  Not a chance.
One word my muse would use to describe yours:  Insufferable
Would my muse slap yours if they could?: Gleefully
Would my muse hug/kiss yours?: No.
Their first impression of your muse: Heheh idiot can't climb a tree
Current impression:   Best friend (for now), rough and adorable <3
Are they attracted to your muse?:  Nat's not picky but Fenn's not generally their type either.
Something they find frightening about your muse: Nothing?
Something they find adorable about your muse:  How flustered she gets when they hold hands <3
Would my muse sacrifice themselves for yours?:  Never
Would my muse go on a date with yours?  platonic/romantic:  Yes! For fun! Plus they'd enjoy seeing Fenn's flirts.
One word my muse would use to describe yours:  Gruff
Would my muse slap yours if they could?: For fun, yeah~
Would my muse hug/kiss yours?: Absolutely.
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monstersandmaw · 4 months
Hello lovely friends and supporters! Thank you for your patience while I finish off this absolute behemoth of a story for you! You voted in the poll for a deep sea merman and a gn reader, so that is what I wrote for you.
All 13k words of it!
It's a new corner of my fantasy realms, with new characters I'm excited to introduce to you!
Content: gender neutral human reader becomes a part of a bandit gang made up of non-humans and struggles a little to find their place. On a new venture for the gang, the human becomes essential to the plan to smuggle a product from the Absolute Deep all the way to the capital, and in the process, they forge an unlikely relationship with a certain Deepfolk merman. Featuring some minor violence and threat to life, a near drowning, and mention of biting and very mild blood during nsfw, messy hand jobs and some oral, as well as some self-worth and self-deprecating humor on the human's part.
Wordcount: 13,324
The storm had mostly blown itself into quiescence overnight, though the air was still thick with salt and the wind carried gusts of seawater thinned with errant raindrops that spattered onto your cheeks and dribbled down your collar until you shivered with almost every step.
There wasn’t another soul out on the main Cliff Road that stretched the length of the Saraghin Coast and then dipped inland to become other roads that headed towards the capital. After close to three miles of walking in the pre-dawn gloom, you'd begun to think this ‘Arnak’ wasn’t going to show. You’d also completely forgotten about Nil trailing you until you saw the faintest flicker of a shape out of the corner of your eye and your hand went to the blade snugged in against your hip on reflex.
A lanky figure emerged from behind a gnarled rowan tree on your right and stood regarding you, motionless, for three pounding heartbeats before sliding back behind it, and you exhaled shakily. 
“Bloody hell,” you hissed, not sure if they could hear you or not, but you suspected they weren’t human and probably had really good hearing. “You scared the shit out of me, Nil.”
Something like shards of glass scraping together sounded on the wind, and you shuddered again.
Another half a mile or so down the road had you certain the selkie was going to be a no-show, but just when you’d begun to entertain the idea of turning around and heading for a warming drink, and maybe a tumble in the sheets with that minotaur barkeep to warm you up even more, you caught sight of a figure sitting hunched on a rock ahead of you, with the spotted sealskin of a leopard seal selkie shimmering in the grey light of the waxing dawn.
“Took your fuckin’ time,” the huge man growled as he got to his feet at your approach. “Avis said ‘before dawn’.”
“You didn’t give her a point to meet me. I’ve been on the road since well before dawn, friend. Shall we go?” you said with a firm but not unfriendly smile.
He just rolled his dark eyes and turned away without a word.
The man was massive, and built like the boulder he’d been sitting on, with colossal shoulders and a soft middle that belied the strength underneath. His iron grey hair was tied back in a low bun, and sections of it drifted across his eyes in the wind. He could have been anywhere from his late twenties to his early sixties for all you knew. 
Your companion said nothing whatsoever to you until you reached a tiny, switchback path in the cliff a couple of miles later, where he abruptly stopped, gestured with one salt-tanned hand, and said, “Good luck, human. If you survive this and I ever see you again, I might buy you a drink at the Three Eyed Rat myself,” and walked off in the direction of Saltwater Bite without another word.
For a long moment, you stared after him with your heart thudding in your throat, but with a deep breath for courage, and the knowledge that there was probably a shadow-less creature within earshot to help out if you got into trouble, you turned your attention to the cove below.
The slate grey sea still churned with the remnants of the storm, waves shouldering their way up the beach and raking their foaming wake down the gritty shingle shore in a relentless rhythm, but there was no sign of anyone down there. The whole thing felt horribly like a setup, but you tried to tell yourself that Avis and her crew liked you by now, and you had your uses too. You filled a niche in the group that no one else could. She wouldn’t give you up to the authorities or to a spy or even a rival crew so easily.
You hoped.
The switchback path took a while to navigate safely, and by the time you had made it to the bottom, the sun had just started to rise above the horizon, way out to sea. It cast a weak, silvered-bronze look to the water and to the wet, dark rocks, and made each of the pebbles beneath your boots glint like lost diamonds from a shipwreck. You picked one up and turned the ordinary stone over in your hand before lobbing it as far as you could out into the water.
The flat, bottom half of an empty oyster shell caught the light and you stooped to pick that up next, fitting it into the curve of your index finger and flicking your wrist so that it skimmed the waves. Well, it skipped twice, and then chopped into the waves and flipped over, disappearing out of sight beneath the water.
“Are you Avis’ human?”
The grinding, scraping voice came from the rocks somewhere to your left and you all but screeched in surprise. Your whole body jolted and you whipped your head around to stare at the rocks, but there was no one there.
“I’m not anyone’s human,” you fired back, defensive mostly out of surprise rather than any real outrage. “Where are you?”
A coarse, slightly wheezy laugh was your only reply for a moment, then, making a small bow-wave ahead of them in the water, a hand appeared around the rock.
The skin was grey and speckled, but it looked almost chitinous, and it reminded you of the kind of fancy gauntlets the armoured knights wore at jousting tourneys. As more of it appeared, you followed the line of that muscular arm, up its body to a shoulder that was equally armoured, with spiked protrusions like a fantastical pauldron, until the figure pulled itself around the boulder in the water and regarded you from pale, almost blind-looking eyes. 
The creature before you was like nothing you’d ever seen. If a sea dragon had mated with a shark, its offspring might have come close to this, but there was something of the monstrous merrow in their clearly bipedal body, and behind them in the water, like the spined tail of a sahaugin, floated a thick tail.
Your jaw must have been hanging open because the creature laughed that shattered glass laugh again and you blinked yourself back to the moment.
They had no real lips, only a slightly pinkish mouth that showed a double row of teeth, again like a shark’s, and they cocked their wedge-shaped head curiously at you. “Shark got your tongue, little human?” the creature snickered. “You weren’t expecting one of the Deepfolk in person then, eh?”
“I…” you faltered. “Forgive me,” you croaked, forcing yourself to speak. “It’s not often I find myself completely lost for words. And you’re right. I thought perhaps another selkie, or one of the shallower-dwelling merfolk would be here to deliver Avis’ shipment.”
“I’ve brought it personally for you,” the Deepfolk grinned, showing off all those teeth. It shouldn’t have been as attractive as it was to have a predator leer at you like that from the water, but it was what it was, and you hid it as best you could. “Are you going to come in and get it?”
Read all 13k words of it over on Patreon right now!
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hellcatinnc · 8 months
Character Birthday Masterlist
This is as many birthdays as I could find for all the games I have played and anime's I have watched. Trust me there are more characters but some have no birthday dates posted. I will update this list as I go but you can always find this on my pinned post to come back and check the birthday calendars for each. I did want to do a calendar itself for each month but when so many have the same birthdate I found this harder to do so chose to just do a master list instead.
There was so many birthdays I had to start a 2nd list here is the link to the 2nd one HERE
1st Natsume Asahina - Brothers Conflict
1st Yuito Sumeragi - Scarlet Nexus
3rd Wataru Asahina - Brothers Conflict
6th Herlock Sholmes - Code Realize
7th Saibara Kamui - Paradigm Parodox
9th Thoma - Genshin Impact
10th Yukichi Fukuzawa - Bungo Stray Dogs
11th Satoru Watabe - Stand My Hero
11th Eisuke Ichinomiya - Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
12th Gary - 100 Sleeping Princes and the Kingdom Of Dreams
13th Hades Aidoneus - Kamigami No Asobi
13th Victor - Mr Love Queens Choice
14th Kosuke Misaki - Tomo-chan Is A Girl
16th Vlad Garfunkel - Phantom In The Twilight
18th Henri Lambert - Piofiore Fated Memories/1926
19th Edgar Allan Poe -Bungo Stray Dogs
21st Sirius Dieke - My Next Life as a Villainess
21st Rui Sagisawa - Nil Admirari no Tenbin
23rd Camus - Uta no Prince-sama
27th Urie Sogami - Dance With Devils
28th Kou Mukami - Diabolik Lovers
29th Kanato Hibiki - Maji Kyun! Renaissance
31st Mozu - Bustafellows
2nd Lyney - Genshin Impact
4th Gin Akutagawa - Bungo Stray Dogs
5th Takamasa Saeki - My Forged Wedding
8th Allan Melville - Cupid Parasite
9th Abraham Van Helsing - Code Realize
11th Alhaitham - Genshin Impact
12th Tsukito Totsuka - Kamigami No Asobi
13th Merenice - Cupid Parasite
14th Ren Jinguji - Uta no Prince-sama
14th Hatori Otani - Stand My Heroes
15th Arashi Spring - Scarlet Nexus
17th Soryu Oh - Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
17th Fubuki Spring - Scarlet Nexus
20th Tifalia - Radiant Tale
21st Ririchiyo Shirakiin - Inu x Boku SS
22nd Kei Okazaki - Collar X Malice
22nd Yoshikazu Miyano - Sasaki to Miyano
22nd Monet Tsukushi - Magic Kyun! Renaissance
22nd Misuzu Gundo - Tomo-chan Is A Girl
22nd Louis Asahina - Brothers Conflict
26th Sophia Ascart - My Next Life as a Villainess
28th Light Yagami - Death Note
1st Ai Mikaze - Uta no Prince-sama
1st Ryuunosuke Akutagawa - Bungo Stray Dogs
2nd Raeliana McMillan - Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's/M
3rd Ukyo - Amnesia Memories
3rd Yuki Itose - Sign Of Affection
3rd Lindo Tachibana - Dance With Devils
3rd Naomi Randall - Scarlet Nexus
6th Rafayel - Love And Deepspace
7th March 7th - Honkai Star Rail
8th Carol Olston - Tomo-chan Is A Girl
9th Mayuzumi Shion - Variable Baricade
18th Tsugumi Kuze - Nil Admirari no Tenbin
19th Ion - Radiant Tale
20th Sakami Laito - Diabolik Lovers
20th Takeru Totsuka - Kamigamin No Asobi
21st Kanato Sakamaki -Diabolik Lovers
22nd Ayato Sakamaki - Diabolik Lovers
25th Rintaro Tatewaki - Magic Kyun! Renaissance
25th Shiden Ritter - Scarlet Nexus
26th Kamisato Ayato -Genshin Impact
27th Keith Powell - Sugar Apple Fairy Tale
31st Yusuke Asahina - Brothers Conflict
1st Kyosuke Tsuduki - Stand My Heroes
1st Scarecrow - Bustafellow
1st Avi - 100 Sleeping Princes and the Kingdom of Dreams
1st Kodama Melone - Scarlet Nexus
2nd Masato Hanzawa - Sasaki and Miyano
3rd Noah Volstaire Wynknight - Why Raeliana Ended Up Duke's/M
4th Canus Espada - Cafe Enchante
8th Yagami Nayuta - Variable Baricade
8th Rowan - Dance With Devils
9th Kiro - Mr Love Queens Choice
10th Takatoo Tokio - Paradigm Parodox
11th Otoya Ittoki - Uta no Prince-sama
11th Zen Wistaria - Snow White With The Red Hair
12th Toma - Amnesia Memories
12th Ota Kisaki - Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
13th Kagerou Shoukiin - Inu x Boku Secret Service
14th Jinnia - Radiant Tale
15th Jirou Ogasawara - Sasaki and Miyano
15th Hayato Ozaki - Nil Admirari no Tenbin
15th Himari Momochi - The Demon Prince of Momochi House
16th Baileu Ton - Phantom in the Twilight
17th Xiao - Genshin Impact
17th Lori Asahina - Brothers Conflict
17th Enomoto Mineo - Collar x Malice
19th Miyo - My Happy Marriage
22nd Yakumo Sumeragi - Scarlet Nexus
23rd Orlok - Piofiore
24th Ruki Mukami - Diabolik Lovers
24th Masaomi Asahina - Brothers Conflict
25th Baizhu - Genshin Impact
29th Chuuya Nakahara - Bungo Stray Dogs
29th Balder Hringhorni - Kamigami No Asobi
30th Diluc - Genshin Impact
2nd Ichiyou Higuchi - Variable Barricade
4th Tsugumi Nazar -Scarlet Nexus
5th Atsushi Nakajima - Bungo Stray Dogs
5th Shougo Ukawa - Nil Admirari no Tenbin
9th Akane Kinoshita - Loving Yamada Level 999
9th Aoi Nanamori - The Demon Prince of Momochi House
12th Mamiya Ayumu - Paradigm Parodox
13th Kaito Sumeragi - Scarlet Nexus
15th Karuta Roromiya - Inu x Boku SS
17th Leo Cavagnis - Piofiore
17th Radie - Radiant Tale
17th Impey Barbicane - Code Realize
18th Aki Myojin - Sweet Punishment
18th Gorou - Genshin Impact
21st Rosso - 100 Sleeping Princes and the Kingdom of Dreams
23rd Sosei Arakida - Stand My Hero
26th Luke Bowen - Phantom In The Twilight
28th Kaname Asahina - Brothers Conflict
1st Ikki - Amnesia Memories
1st Kotaro Yui - Stand My Hero
1st Arataki Itto - Genshin Impact
2nd Shiki Natsumezaka - Dance With Devils
5th Ibuki - Paradigm Parodox
5th Nagi Karman - Scarlet Nexus
6th Anubis Ma'at - Kamigami No Asobi
8th Sasazuka Takeru - Collar x Malice
9th Natsuki Shinomiya - Uta no Prince-sama
9th Syo Kurusu - Uta no Prince-sama
10th Kasane Randall - Scarlet Nexus
11th Lynette Mirror - Cupid Parasite
11th Eita Sasaki - Loving Yamada at Lv999!
14th Renshou Sorinozuka - Inu x Boku SS
15th Anne Halford - Sugar Apple Fairy Tale
17th Shuumei Sasaki - Sasaki and Miyano
19th Osamu Dazai - Bungo Stray Dogs
23rd Cyno - Genshin Impact
23rd Erika Shinohara - Wolf Girl & The Black Prince
24th Katarina Claes - My Next Life As A Villainess
25th Shirayuki - Snow White With The Red Hair
26th Shu - Bustafellows
26th Seto Narukami - Scarlet Nexus
27th Gilbert - 100 Sleeping Princes and the Kingdom of Dreams
28th Nicola Francesca - Piofiore
30th Shuichi Hishikura - Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
1st Gemma Garrison - Scarlet Nexus
2nd Ema Asahina - Brothers Conflict
4th Nathaniel Hawthorne - Bungo Stray Dogs
4th Kyouya Sata - Wolf Girl & Black Prince
7th Fuuto Asahina - Brothers Conflict
7th Il Fado de Rie - Cafe Enchante
7th Tomo Aizawa - Tomo-chan Is A Girl
8th Gonzaburou Tashiro - Sasaki and Miyano
9th Kaveh - Genshin Impact
7th Alice Ichijo - Scarlet Nexus
13th Mitsumori Ichiya - Variable Barricade
13th Reiji Kotobuki - Uta no Prince-sama
13th Kazu - Variable Barricade
13th Joe Sumeragi - Scarlet Nexus
16th Gill Lovecraft - Cupid Parasite
20th Tartaglia - Genshin Impact
23rd Yuma Mukami - Diabolik Lovers
24th Junichirou Tanizaki - Bungo Stray Dogs
24th Limbo - Bustafellows
26th Gilbert Redford - Piofiore
30th Michizou Tachihara - Bungo Stray Dogs
30th Rishe Imgard Wertsner - 7th Loop
1st Hikaru Asahina - Brothers Conflict
1st Apollon Agana Belea - Kamigami No Asobi
1st Taiga Hirano - Sasaki and Miyano
2nd Saint Germain - Code Realize
6th Tokiya Ichinose - Uta no Prince-sama
7th Toujou Hibari - Variable Barricade
8th Ignis Carbunculus - Cafe Enchante
10th Mitsunari Baba - Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
15th Louis Anjo - Magic Kyun Renaissance
16th Hanabi Ichijo - Scarlet Nexus
20th Alan Stuart - My Next Life As A Villainess
20th Geordo Stuart - My Next Life As A Villainess
22nd Vilio - Radiant Tale
23rd Tomitsuka Ryou - Paradigm Parodox
26th Victor Frankenstein - Code Realize
27th Kenji Miyazawa - Bungo Stray Dogs
29th Reiji Sakamaki - Diabolik Lovers
29th Zange Natsume - Inu x Boku SS
30th Doppo Kunikida - Bungo Stray Dogs
5th Yanagi Aiji - Collar x Malice
5th Zayne - Love And Deepspace
10th Maria Campbell - My Next Life As A Villainess
12th Kagero Donne - Scarlet Nexus
13th Albedo - Genshin Impact
14th Tasuku Kuresawa - Sasaki and Miyano
16th Douglas - 100 Sleeping Princes and the Kingdom of Dreams
17th Dante Falzone - Piofiore
17th Teika Ichijoji - Magic Kyun - Renaissance
17th Kasuga - Variable Barricade
17th Araki Mihaya - Paradigm Parodox
19th Yukinami - Paradigm Parodox
19th Hisui Hoshikawa - Nil Admirari no Tenbin
21st Mamoru Kishi - Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
21st Akito Yamada - Loving Yamada Lvl 999!
22nd Subaru Asahina - Brothers Conflict
23rd Dionysus Thyrsos - Kamigami No Asobi
23rd Kent - Amnesia Memories
23rd Tsuki Aoyama - Stand My Hero
28th Rindo Kaoru - Cafe Enchante
29th Ranmaru Kurosaki - Uta no Prince sama
7th Makoto Tsuduki - Stand My Hero
10th Banri Watanuki - Inu x Boku SS
10th Luka Travers - Scarlet Nexus
15th Paschalia - Radiant Tale
16th Xavier - Love And Deepspace
18th Shu Sakamaki - Diabolik Lovers
18th Shizuru Migiwa - Nil Asmirari no Tenbin
19th Hoshino Ichika - Collar x Malice
21st Ranpo Edogawa - Bungo Stray Dogs
24th Loki Laevatein - Kamigami No Asobi
24th Arsène Lupin - Code Realize
26th Sakunosuke Oda - Bungo Stray Dogs
28th Azusa Mukami - Diabolik Lovers
29th Kaedehara Kazuha - Genshin Impact
30th Helvetica - Bustafellows
31st Cecil Aijima - Uta no Prince sama
31st Junichiro Kubota - Tomo chan is a Girl
31st L Lawliet - Death Note
4th Subaru from Diabolik Lovers
4th Mary Hunt - My Next Life As A Villainess
4th Kyouka Izumi - Bungo Stray Dogs
8th Ritsuka Tachibana - Dance With Devils
11th Fyodor Dostoyevsky - Bungo Stray Dogs
11th Misyr Rex - Cafe Enchante
15th Lucien - Mr Love Queens Choice
15th Karen Travers - Scarlet Nexus
17th Rem Kaginuki - Dance With Devils
20th Zafora - Radiant Tale
21st Thor Megingjard - Kamigami No Asobi
23rd Wriothesley - Genshin Impact
23rd You Hattori - Stand My Hero
28th Luke Foster - Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
30th Shin - Amnesia Memories
30th Kaeya - Genshin Impact
30th Kyoka Eden - Scarlet Nexus
3rd Isurugi Taiga - Variable Barricade
3rd Ukyo - Asahina - Brothers Conflict
5th Tauryu - Phantom In The Twilight
7th Gojo Satoru - Jujutsu Kaisen
7th Akiko Yosano - Bungo Stray Dogs
12th Yang - Piofiore
16th Wataru Frazer - Scarlet Nexus
17th Aoi Suminomiya - Magic Kyun Renaissance
18th Neuvillette - Genshin Impact
18th Yuu Kusakabe - Wolf Girl & Black Prince
19th Soushi Miketsukami - Inu x Boku SS
20th Isaku Senagaki - A Girl And Her Guard Dog
20th Itsuomi Nagi - Sign Of Affection
22nd Keiya Uto - A Girl And Her Guard Dog
23rd Akira Kougami - Nil Asmirari no Tenbin
24th Shiraishi Kageyuki - Collar x Malice
25th Challe Fen Challe - Sugar Apple Fairy Tale
25th Akira Kagiura - Sasaki and Miyano
25th Misa Amane - Death Note
28th Keith Claes - My Next Life As A Villainess
28th Arnold Hein - 7th Loop
29th Masato Hijirikawa - Uta no Prince sama
31st Zhongli - Genshin Impact
31st Hyuga - Paradigm Parodox
31st Tsubaki Asahina - Brothers Conflict
31st Azusa Asahina - Brothers Conflict
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anonymousewrites · 2 years
A Good Day for Death (Book 1) Chapter Five
Wednesday Addams x Reaper! Reader
Chapter Five: A Good Day for Strategy
Summary: Wednesday sneaks around Rowan's dorm, Enid faces a crisis with her Poe Cup team, and (Y/N) does their best to help.
            While (Y/N) needed to finish homework, Wednesday was determined to further her investigation. She hadn’t managed to figure anything out about Rowan from Xavier, so now she needed to go to the next possible source: their dorm. Hopefully, the book was there. She waited outside the window until Xavier walked into the restroom for a post-exercise shower and then slipped inside.
            Thing rummaged through Rowan’s items, and Wednesday thumbed through Xavier’s belongings as well in case Rowan had tried to hide it where people would last suspect, someone else’s possessions. Wednesday ended on Xavier’s sketchbook and found that not only did Xavier have a sketch of the exact gargoyle that nearly killed her and (Y/N), but there was a sketch of her. Wednesday frowned but turned away. She turned out the lights and scanned a blacklight over Rowan’s stripped bed. If she could find blood or strange chemicals, it would prove that something was off about the situation.
            Crouching down, she scanned beneath the bed and found fingerprints. Tracing their direction, she found a board in the floor that could be opened. Wednesday pulled it up and pulled out a mask. It wasn’t what she was looking for, but a strange feathered mask was promising of something happening.
            “Rowan’s full of surprises,” she said. Her eyes snapped to the bathroom door as the doorknob turned and a knock sounded at the door. Wednesday dove under Xavier’s bed as he exited in a t-shirt and sweats and opened the door to reveal Bianca.
            “You’re not supposed to be up here,” said Xavier, pulling Bianca into his dorm.
            “Good to see you too,” huffed Bianca.
            “How’d you get past the Housemaster? Use your siren powers?” asked Xavier.
            “Not while wearing this,” said Bianca, gesturing to her pendant that dampened her abilities to nearly nil. “Would it kill you to not think the worst of me for once?”
            “What do you want, Bianca?” sighed Xavier, sitting down on his bed as Wednesday listened from beneath.
            “To see how you’re doing,” said Bianca. “I’m sorry about Rowan. I know you guys used to be close.”
            “Since when did you give a damn about Rowan?” scoffed Xavier.
            “You were the one afraid he’d do something to (Y/N) and Wednesday,” said Bianca.  “Is that why you’ve been following Wednesday like a lost puppy? Or is there something more?” she questioned. “Seriously, what do you see in her? You have a thing for tragic goth girls with funeral-parlor fashion sense? I hardly think (Y/N) is a reason you’d get so involved. Sure, they’re…sweet, for a literal bad omen, but they’re nothing special.”
            “Maybe it’s because Wednesday hasn’t tried to manipulate me,” said Xavier coldly.
            “I make one mistake, and you can’t forgive me,” scoffed Bianca. “She treats you like crap; you can’t get enough.”
            “Why are you fixated on Wednesday?” questioned Xavier.
            “Because she thinks she’s better than everyone else!” cried Bianca.
            Wednesday couldn’t deny she did indeed believe that she was better than Bianca. She thought that was obvious.
            “I can’t wait to crush Ophelia Hall tomorrow and watch the werewolf roommate crumble. The look on her face seeing me a winner will be priceless.” Bianca shrugged with a smirk. “And I guess seeing (Y/N) disappointed will be a fun, too. Wipe the smile off their face. It’s going to be a Poe Cup to remember.”
            “I hate to think what you’ve got planned,” said Xavier.
            “My game’s already started,” said Bianca proudly. “I like to win. Is that so wrong?”
            Wednesday and Thing looked at each other. Wednesday admired a certain amount of cunning, but Bianca enjoyed beating Wednesday too much. She couldn’t have Bianca succeed here.
            “And you wonder why I broke up with you,” said Xavier.
            “You used to love my killer instinct,” said Bianca. She linked their hands. “We were good together, Xavier.”
            “Were we?” questioned Xavier. “Or is that just how you wanted me to feel?”
            Bianca frowned and stepped back. “Trust me, Wednesday Addams is not the girl of your dreams. She’s the stuff of your nightmares.”
            And Wednesday was quite proud of that. In fact, she was going to become Bianca’s nightmare.
            She was going to enjoy this.
            “I’m sure you’ll figure something out and win against Bianca,” said (Y/N), trying to comfort Enid, who was crying on her bed.
            “What’s happened this time?” asked Wednesday as she pushed open the window and entered only to be accosted with tears.
            “Yoko’s in the infirmary!” cried Enid despairingly. “And so is Elise! Garlic bread incident at dinner.” She buried herself in her pile of squishmallows.
            (Y/N) nodded and looked at Wednesday. “They got pretty bad allergic reactions and can’t compete tomorrow in the Poe Cup. Enid doesn’t know what to do. She doesn’t have a copilot and is missing another rower.”
            “It wasn’t an accident,” said Wednesday. “Bianca’s behind it.”
            “How do you know?” asked (Y/N). They suspected she had been sneaking around, but they were curious on how she managed to spy on Bianca.
            “Doesn’t matter,” said Wednesday. “We’re going to take her down tomorrow.”
            Enid jumped up from her bed. “You’re joining the Black Cats?! You’re willing to do that.” She stepped towards Wednesday happily, but Wednesday stepped backwards. “For me?”
            “I want to humiliate Bianca so badly that the bitter taste of defeat burns in her throat,” said Wednesday darkly.
            “Yeah, but mostly you’re doing it because we’re friends, right?” asked Enid. Wednesday didn’t reply, and Enid sighed. “Fine. Okay. So I have a copilot. Now I just need a rower.”
            “(Y/N),” said Wednesday. “Bianca insulted you.”
            “She does that to a lot of people,” said (Y/N), shrugging.
            “She wants to wipe the smile off your face and said you were nothing special, just a bad omen,” quoted Wednesday.
            “That’s incredibly specific,” muttered (Y/N), uncomfortable with their insecurities being pointed out so cruelly by Bianca even behind their back.
            “Are you going to let her get away with that?” questioned Wednesday.
            (Y/N) bit their lip and finally sighed. “I did say it was time to take her down a few pegs. So let’s stick it to Bianca.”
            Enid cheered. “Yes! Both my roommates are breaking out of their shells!”
            (Y/N) smiled. “I’ll try to be bad luck for the other team.”
            “We don’t need luck. We’re going to beat Bianca at her own game,” said Wednesday. She looked intently at Enid and (Y/N). “Tell me how she keeps winning.”
            Enid shrugged. “It’s a real brain cramp. The past two years, no other boat has made it across and back without sinking.”
            “Sounds like sabotage,” said Wednesday as she considered her options.
            “No such thing as cheating in Poe Cup,” pointed out (Y/N). “Anything goes as long as it doesn’t kill other players. Not to mention, Bianca has the advantage since we’re on water and she’s a siren.”
            Wednesday narrowed her eyes. “Then we have to play to our strengths as well. We’re going to need claws.” She looked at (Y/N). “And we need your bad luck.”
            (Y/N) considered. “I could ruin my reputation as being careful all for a win against Bianca.” They grinned. “Sounds like a pretty good exchange.”
            Wednesday nodded sharply. “Good.” She looked at Enid. “Get your team. We have some work to do.”
            Enid nearly jumped up and down in excitement as she ran to the door. “I can’t wait to shove this in Bianca’s face!”
            “We better win. We’ll never hear the end of it if we lose now,” said (Y/N). “And it’ll be fun to win against Bianca.”
            “It’s high time for her to see who she’s dealing with,” said Wednesday with fierce determination.
            “You sure you can trust me not to drain anything?” asked (Y/N).
            “I’m counting on it.”
            (Y/N) finished pulling on their Black Cats costume and ears before ducking out of the tent. “We all set?” they asked Enid and Wednesday, both in their outfits as well.
            “One moment!” Enid pulled out eyeliner and grabbed (Y/N)’s face with friendly aggression. She traced whiskers onto (Y/N) cheeks and grinned before pulling back. “You are purr-fect!” she chirped.
            “Thanks,” said (Y/N), touching their sore cheeks gingerly. They grinned at Wednesday. “You get away without it?”
            “That particular cat would have lost a life if she tried that with me,” said Wednesday.
            (Y/N) grinned, entertained by the answer. Enid huffed playfully. “If you two are done ganging up on me, let’s get down to the canoes. It’s time for the race to start.” Seeing Wednesday’s piercing gaze, Enid continued, “Don’t worry, everything’s ready.”
            Wednesday nodded. “Thing’s in position.”
            “I practiced slowly draining some roses earlier,” said (Y/N). “It wasn’t great, but I did my best.”
            “Focus on weakening,” said Wednesday.
            (Y/N) nodded. Enid might be the pilot, but Wednesday is in charge. I don’t mind, though. Wednesday knows what she’s doing.
“Let’s go,” said Wednesday.
            They walked down to the canoe and got in. (Y/N) took a deep breath and picked up their oar. Some of the sirens, because, of course, Bianca had chosen other girls from her dorm that would do well on water, hissed at them, but (Y/N) did their best impression of a deadly Wednesday-glare to get them to back off. Enid waved at her near-boyfriend.
            “Focus,” reminded Wednesday sharply.
            From the same boat as Ajax, Xavier looked over at Wednesday. She caught his eye and focused back on the water before them.
            “What do we have here?” jeered Bianca, deciding to speak up herself. “The runt of the litter and the bad luck charm.”
            “For the record, I don’t believe I’m better than everyone else. Just that I’m better than you,” said Wednesday pointedly.
            “And the only bad luck you have to worry about is the one I’m bringing to your team,” added (Y/N), smirking.
            Bianca furrowed her brow in confusion. She had no idea how the pair knew the exact words she had used against them the night before. But it did make her more intent on beating them.
            On the green lawn of Nevermore, Weems cleared her throat and spoke into the microphone. “I want to welcome you all to the Edgar Allan Poe Cup. This is one of Nevermore’s proudest annual traditions, dating back 125 years,” announced Weems. “Each team must row across to Raven Island, pull a flag from Crackstone’s Crypt, and hustle back without sinking or being sunk. First team to cross the finish line with their flag wins the cup and bragging rights for a year, as well as some special privileges.” She raised the starting gun into the air. “Let the Poe Cup begin!”
            The shot rang out through the air, and the canoes were off.
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discipulusmaleficus · 2 years
Rowan hadn't thought anything of it, at first. Kalmar's requests were a refreshing blip in his days; they got him money, got him out of the house, and they were, generally speaking, things he already enjoyed doing. Kalmar got tequila; Rowan got whiskey. Kalmar got weedkiller and a lighter; Rowan got cigarettes and the knowledge Red was making bad decisions. They both enjoyed blowing up some cars. So Kalmar would get a fresh dye job, and Rowan would get Kal to pay for his.
But when Rowan found himself standing before the dye display, a strange feeling wormed in his chest. He glanced at the purples and the pinks. A brief, flittering idea--no. He still hadn't even talked to Nat yet, and at this point, he suspected they were avoiding him as much as he were them. They had been asleep when he--during Red's brief overnight visit--came down to check their room for stray plants.
He'd shaken off the feeling by the time he got back--opening the door with a slam and a grin, "Ready bitch?"--and was plenty spirited shooting jabs at Kal while they got him moved into the bathroom and made him wait while they applied bleach to their own roots.
But the time had finally come. They sat perched on the bathroom counter as they pulled his wheelchair as close as it could get, but the handles meant he was still a solid six inches away--not ideal with a bastard this tall. "Brakes on?" They didn't wait for an answer as they hooked a leg over his shoulder. There, that would give them the maneuverability they needed. "Stay still."
With that, he set to work, but he had scarcely begun when that uncomfortable, worming feeling returned. This time, he could pinpoint its origin far faster. It was the familiarity of it all. The crinkle of the cheap plastic gloves, the tingling of the bleach on his scalp, the scent of the dye, the meticulous search for virgin roots, the warmth of the body beneath him--all of it. He remembered the last time he had done this.
Golden afternoon light danced across the pavement. All they'd been able to find was the public pool--outdoor showers--after hours. It was enough. She sat on a bench with her legs wrapped around them--the only thing keeping them from wiggling--and they looked up at her and said something. (Their lips moved silently. Why couldn't he remember?) She answered (what was it?) and they laughed, a bright sound like sparkles on the water.
But, no. As much as they wanted to believe it, that wasn't the last time. A bathroom, dark and dirty. Dripping water. Cold hands. Silence. Silence. Silence.
Rowan had stopped applying dye and hadn't noticed. He began again, silently hoping Kal would keep any comments about the pause to himself. What were they even doing here, anyway? Why hadn't Kalmar asked Nil to do this, or that boyfriend of his? Surely, there was nothing about hair dye in his health plans. Evidently, he was starting to trust them, but Rowan knew better than to believe that being a reliable errand boy ever meant anything more than that.
"Hey. Turn on some music. It's too quiet in here."
@needleandstory <3
In retrospect, if there needed to be anyone, then he's glad it was someone like Rowan who got blackmailed into (gag) taking care of him.
He's an infuriating little bastard, of course. That's just the thing.
Even his person-who-definitely-doesn't-date, for all his self-proclaimed 'asshole' status, has an unfortunate tendency to care about Kal's feelings. Rowan? Rowan doesn't know a lot about Kal's little episode, but they know he was being stupid as hell, and they're perfectly happy to say as much. Rowan will do shit for him if and only if they get something out of it. They don't leave him feeling like a charity case, or like he's made of finer porcelain than he already was.
He doesn't wriggle or try to get in his way (this time), because this is a favour and he needs it done. It is also, like far too many of their jobs, weirdly intimate, and he stares at the tiled wall in staunch silence as their gloved fingers sort carefully through his hair.
(He hasn't let anybody else help him with this since he dropped out.)
Rowan's hands pause for a moment, start again, stop again. Kal squints, craning his neck (ow) to catch a glimpse of the dickwad over his shoulder. He's about to ask if they have a problem when he finds his head casually pushed back into place.
Turn on some music.
He scoffs, huffs a laugh. He still doesn't own a CD player or anything of the sort, and his phone isn't up to much more than 30-second ringtones. Maybe once he's feeling up to shoplifting. "Using what?"
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thecircusfreaks · 2 years
Let’s make a list of muses I’ve finished:
Date: 14-01-23
Finished muses
Circus ‘Unbelievable’
Matthias Maxwell/Tetzu Kazuma
Beth Magnolia
Calm 'Sharpy' Schütz
Sherri "Cherry" Stanton
Fei Xué
Jules Abattre
Lys Magisk
Marine Lazulli
Tigre Thorsen
Kimberly Pinkheart
Darcy Crys
Rowan Étoile
Matthew Davaughn
Feilong Xué
The Underground
Frederick Staut
Gösta Björn Viklund
Hiashi Hiramatsu
Lenev Kuznetsov
Negan Salvage
Jörgen Viklund
Kjell Norberg
Mai Hiramatsu
Sai Hiramatsu
Hanzo Sakai
Shunsuke Kaneta
Ben Stolly
Rosalind 'Rosie' Foly
Yaach Nachtnebel
The Ether
Angelique 'Overlord' Vlaun
Red 'King' Miller
Frank 'Hammer' Marino
Francis 'Mouse 1' Webber
Ivo 'Mouse 2' de Vrij
Tommaso 'Uccello 1' Moretti
Aksel 'Uccello 2' Nielsen
Wilhelm 'Fixer' Hofer
Greyson 'Operator 1' Lowe
Mark Winston
Yamashita Atushi
Takeo Inoue
Daiki Yamamoto
Renard Hall
Arlo Bates
Ligia Musa
Ela Lind
Dexter Pedersen
Law, Health & Safety
Ryu Murakami
Minato Tada
Nanase Iba
Toshiro Hanari
Riku Ouji
Caylee Reynolds
Stéphane Toussaint
Chouji 'Choco' Iekami
Colm Culpepper
Craig Kawano
Daemon 'Deemo' Nierling
Enyo Afuru
Fionne 'Fio' Beauséjour
Genji Shūryō
Ichika Hara
Ichilu Wenn
Konstantin Titov
Marietta Dimartino
Nils Freling
Owen Katz
Paison Argyle
Ronald Heerman
Yukiteru Ake
Zacaria Åkesson
Entertainment & Fame
Hitoshi Saihara
Kars Sundström
Art & Culture
Luxxion 'Lux' Davies
Akano Koizumi
Isamu Ashigaka
Kojiro Toyoda
Sango Oshiro
Working class
Daichi Tanaka
Kento Gogatsu
Marito Ueno
Shoi-Ming Yè
Yoko Aoki
Kwang-Sun Yun
Aimy Oshiro
Michiaki Mamiya
Takuto Nanajima
Shopping district
Makita Oshiro
Masahiko Hato
Natsuhiko Katakiri
Tatsuo Satou
Hospitality branch
Asako Mikan
Eliseo Bianchi
Fumihiro Tanaka
Howard Moore
Itou Tanaka
Kaoru Oshiro
Katashi Oda
Lovisa Kärlek
Lucas Moore
Shouji Aino
Vincent 'Vince' Davis
Xavi Alexander
Yakeru Sugasano
Yukimasa Oka
Raymond’s Café
Raymond Palmer
Henry Chesston
Amy Chòng
Cara Duvall
Mia Almeida
Botan Shūryō
Timo Ricci
Winston Griffiths
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jayther · 2 years
There are two types of smoke alarm. One of 'em ain't so good. Which one is better? Now that's a burning question. Also, don't start tearing apart smoke alarms and playing with the americium. It's mostly harmless when outside your body but if it gets in there can be trouble. Links 'n' stuff: The 60 minutes programme; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LT6pFzyAov8 Technology Connections on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TechConnectify The TC Subreddit https://ift.tt/9v0ETLH This channel is supported through viewer contributions on Patreon. Thanks to the generous support of people like you, Technology Connections has remained independent and possible. If you'd like to join the amazing people who've pledged their support, check out the link below. Thank you for your consideration! https://ift.tt/DVqUkPl Oh, and look at these wonderful patrons! Hargrimm , jay, Syber-Space, Todd Johnson, Nuki Chau, Chris & Anne Nash, Jordi Pakey-Rodriguez, Jim Moores, Ryan Wallmow, Roger Melo, AuroranFilms, RegalRegex, Michael Lehenbauer, James Manes, Mihaly Barasz, Potatoots, Mark Johansson, Lee Dedmon, Berwin Xie, Grey Hodge, Jim Kropa, Tony B, David Collins, Alex Carbone, Ben Golus, Tim Doering, Jonathan Grayum, Kodi , Colin Chan, Mark Komarinski, Jeff Groves, Ryan McLaughlin, J.P. Stewart, NADAV GERBER, Zac Schmitt, Bryce Swearingen, Nathan Fenner, Rittycat , Huub Heijnen, Joseph Dion, Jim Sells, Dustin Gilyard, KoolJBlack, nils m, Damione Moore, Jeremy Weeks, Carolyn Gerakines, Cameron Ross, samukaisan, Kyle Boreing, Ben Waxler, Jason Fortezzo, Andreas Neidlinger, Jason Stonehouse, Andy Warren, Rowan Parker, Steven Dubnoff, Keaton Mowery, Brett and Eric, Alexander Koch, Alipasha Sadri, Jimmy2Guys , Dash Buck, Christopher Schreiber, R. Anthony Lorensen, glw, Adam Zaner, Bob , Emil , Dad , Holden Higgins, Zach Orum, HJ, michael waddle, Tayler Heaney, Ryan, Nate Tangsurat, Jim Cavoli, Scott Waldron, Lars Naurath, Mike SoRelle, BabyET, Nick Blair, Richard Stephens, Ken Kasal, Bryce Chidester, Philip Buonadonna, BoneDepot, Barbara Ganschow, Amanda , Andy , Inkydink , Colin Mutter, Ray Everett, Connor Taffe, Nope, Todd Hawk, Rich Delgado, Brian Hamilton, Caius Worthen, Justin Byers, Falldog , Scott 'Funnyjk', David Guerrero, John Feldman, Ted Ledbetter, Tobias Putz, Caytlin Vilbrandt, Alex Rich, Geo (Overand), Nikhill Rao, Robert Fletcher, William PS, Douglas Geusz, Alexane Desbiens, Nick Kourpias, stateless.eth, Benhart, Sammy Newton, Lew Zealand, Shaitageth, Mason DeBord, Jarocks, Benjamin Richards, Chris Brosz, Stewart , Kyle Burton, Jonas, Woofy, Russell Grant, Dan Simon, cparks1000000 , Kyle, false, David Glover-Aoki, iPaq, Peter Murray, probnot, Mike West via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DuAeaIcAXtg
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saltyxtides · 2 years
Bayden rolled his eyes. He was clearly a movie watcher. He didn’t read all the damn comics. That was a big not. Movies were free on the tv. Comics cost money he did not have to spend on the inside of the asylum. Such was his life. He was at a disadvantage there.
He laughed when she said he said more than her liking. “Yeah well, I never promised to stay in your comfort zone, did I? No I did not.”
And no, no Bayden did not try to annoy the nurse too much despite his own annoyance with the situation. He literally just got his privileges back. He wasn’t in the business right then for getting them taken again, not over shoe strings.
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“String you down? Double A. You forget yourself and how dirty minded I am. You are not doing anything good for my visuals. You should stop whole you’re ahead.”
Her usual.
“Like I ever see you eat. I wouldn’t know what that is. OH! I may not be able to leave yet, but you know what we could do? I think can find my way back to my own house thanks. I got this. I don’t think either of us need a guide after all these years for fucks sake. These people dude.” He shook his head about the whole thing. He understood if they were new patients but come the fuck on. They’d been there for years. He guessed that’s why the nurse eventually came to her senses and just let them go.
This chick. All she ever annoyed him about the last time they argued was going out for the coffee he owed her but he lost his off property privileges. He was like hello community room free, gross, lukewarm, pot. In the middle of everything she just kept bringing it up. He couldn’t believe it kept popping out of her mouth. So, he was going to try and make some peace by fulfilling his promise somehow unless she was still going to hold out for privileges he may never get back again. He was a murderer who also had an escape on his record now. The likelihood of that was pretty damn nil. But, his mother had pulled off a lot in past. Pigs could fly and wouldn’t shock Bayden if someone said his mother made happen.
“You know I can’t take you out for that coffee but I am pretty sure there are places that deliver. Can’t promise it will get here hot but we do have microwaves. I know how to push the buttons and everything.”
The walk back to Asylum Acres behind Briarcliff Manor was actually a liberating feeling even if his heels kept slipping in the backs of his boots from lack of laces and even if they got a few stares on the way out due to Rowan’s lack of pants.
He looked over at her and grinned as they passed through the gates. He couldn’t help himself after all this time. Celestis of people had to know how much it sucked being in the hospital.
Then there they were, all the little pastel cottages, flowers, and picture perfect happiness, like a postcard. It used to be enough to make him want to puke. After having it stripped away and reminded life could be worse that puke-worthy cookie cutter image of perfect full of mental cases like him really was perfect to him. He looked at his house and then he looked at his neighbor’s house still there across the way. Rowan’s house. Now Celestis’s house. Inviting her in was a never done before, at least not really on purpose. But, now he already had.
So, up to his door he went, unlocked it, and there was his place completely empty like he never lived there. They’d cleaned it out. He saw his pile of sketch books were gone. His heart sunk. He never put a lot personality on the walls of the home to begin with. His sketch books were the only things around that made it looked like anyone lived there at all.
“Guess they really were just waiting to give this place to somebody else. Nobody thought I was coming back.”
He wondered which asshole staff did it because his mother built this place just for him. He knew it now. It twisted a knot in his stomach to consider her being the one to order the clean up. No. Some asshole did it. Right?
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“More like hoping I wasn’t. Well, fuck ‘em, right?”
Guess he was starting over from scratch. He could do that. What more could they do to him? Fuck ‘em all. He was back. Bayden Warden was back.
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       TO be fair she didn’t read them either, as she was way to poor for that as well, but g o o g l e && fandom nerd pages have just enough info to build from to keep herself in the loop.  However, that was the difference between the two of them.  She was a lot more curious about things, && where they lead.
       She looked almost annoyed at him.  The usual way her lips pressed together tight, her facial features nearly void of most expression.  “Apparently so.”  Dropping it for now.  Noticing a couple times the way Bayden looked or talked to her changed a little.  Either that was a sign of growth between the two, or something she wasn’t quite sure.
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       Parts of her did feel it was her fault Bayden was there where he was in the first place.  It would have been different if she took that night a lot more series.  So she understood why, but still, it was so worth the bad-puns.  Huffing a bit drastically “if I have to work on my p u n s, YOU have to work on that d i r t y m i n d of yours!”  
       Nearly humored by Bayden she couldn’t help but agree.  “I wouldn’t even know what that is either if I’m being honest.”  Not really sure herself anymore.  It was by all means her fault putting Rowan’s body what she did, but what Celestis has learned was recovering from turning herself into an anorexic was hard.  Hopefully, by the time she finds her body, she’ll return Rowan’s fully recovered but that’s only if she ever succeeds.  As she didn’t want to get stuck in her own head about never returning to her own body.
       She almost wanted to tease Bayden, if he ever got lost he could just use google maps.  But sensing the heat from where she stood, she didn’t say it.  “It’s just protocol Bayden.  It’s just like she said before..”  Understanding the issue both ways, but in the end there’s not much they could do about it.  Shrugging it off as they got to walk without an escort back.  Perhaps in some way, if Celestis wasn’t in the room lil-Miss Nutrix might have not even bothered with shoe-strings, && guides.  It might have only been because she was with Bayden that she took it to that level.  
       The only other option was that his mother actually ordered it, or Janet did.  If Janet wanted the upper hand in Bayden’s favoritism, all she would have to do is target the weaker Nurses.  It get’s a bit muddy when someone had the upper hand on someone else.  In theory anyway.  Celestis didn’t really think Janet was actually going about finding faults && dirt on other Nurses just to target them when they happen to be assigned to Bayden making them push his buttons on purpose.  Making her the crowned numero-uno.  That would be CRAZY.
       Forgetting how comfortable && cool it felt being bare-less along her legs as she walked side by side.  It was always her being so cautious && careful that she forgot what it felt like.  Giving those who stared at her the middle-finger along the way.  That was really out of the blue.  Wondering where all that came from all of a sudden.  Looking up as the clouds looked even more greyer then they were the last time she was outside as she wondered if that triggered the coffee conversation.
       “Eh.  Don't FRET o v e r it anymore Bayden.”  She seemed to vocally && express herself nonchalantly.  “The truth’s already out between us anyway right?”  It’s not like she could go back && change what had happened back then.  She exhaled rather loudly  “It was just me wanting to hang out with you && tell you the truth outside the Asylum properly.”  It really never was about the COFFEE.  She just became f l u s t e r e d for a while, more at herself then at Bayden.  It was her fault for lowering her guard that night anyway && not preparing better incase of the truth came out accidently.  It all happened to fast.  “You deserved better.”  
       Shrugging a bit, it’s all done for as she wouldn’t have brought it up again.  Not sure why he had.  She had the time to think about it for a while, since they stopped talking briefly.  Celestis honestly didn’t know any other way to explain it rather then that.  It was all to messy, && she held onto her own anger && frustration.  Projecting it.  && she knew it, sort of, after really thinking about it.
       Celestis felt a small tug of a smile, as Bayden looked over her && grinned.  She can’t deny the sense of relief not having to live behind locked doors again.  Depending on the program level if there were camera’s or no camera’s.  Constantly using an intercom.  Marched to a beat of there insane schedules, && there impossible many rules, along with neglect time to time.  Being in a cookie cutter puke-worthy cottage meant she never had to live with her doors locked, && yea that’s dangerous, but she rather take that risk, then live constantly LOCKED i n like she had been since she’s been in Rowan’s body.
       It was strange.  They always invaded one or the other’s space, as she’s undone his lock, broken into his cottage multiple times, to do something she shouldn’t do, like vandalize his space with artwork since he didn’t really do it himself, while her door was just always unlocked making it easy to invade her space at anytime.  However being invited?  That was new.
       Hopefully it doesn’t become a thing.  It would just be down right awkward.  Closing the door behind her softly, as she’d lean into the door.  She found herself gazing into the newly covered painted walls, the echo of emptiness surrounding them.  The same structure, as it’s old scars where covered.as she took it all in.  Same old same old build just like the one she lived in as she ran her hand up the doorframe slowly.  The little framework of art dedicated to Janus was gone around it’s frame.
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        “Maybe.  RUMOR has it the neighbor's quite a m e g a - b i t c h.  Who breaks into locked cottages, especially the one to the left.  It would be hard to find someone who can tolerate that.”  Celestis knew for a while that his place was cleaned out && gutted.  She had witnessed it after coming back from a run.  With them not talking. . .well she kept that info to herself it wouldn’t have helped either of them.  
       Unfortunately his MEGA-b i t c h of a neighbor couldn’t save everything of his either.  Having help.  Being lucky that Princeton was in a good mood, as Garrison only would budge if she owed him a favor.  Between the three of them, she was able to at least recover what she could without it being too big of a deal.  Inconspicuous as possible when they weren’t paying attention when they were cleaning && re-painting inside the house..
       “Well isn’t that the usual Princess Trope, you’re highness?”  His princess struggle was so very real as of right now.  With the Evil Queen just up && sent her minions to do the dirty clean up, as it was up to a very MEGA-g r u m p y Huntsman?  To gather up a band of idiots to help aid the distressed && upset Princess in question?  
       “Princess jokes aside, don’t be to upset, not everything was lost in the minion sweep up.  That MEGA-b i t c h of a neighbor of yours is peculiar && even useful sometimes!”  Hopefully lightening the mood just a little to ease the pain he must be going through.  She knows it can’t fix or change how he was feeling right now.  It was a lot to take in, but she hoped the hinting that there was something good to look forward to even if this all felt like a set back was still there.  His stuff that she did save would all be on his porch by early morning tomorrow, since she won’t be making that morning run since she didn’t have any shoes.
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bluskai · 4 years
ʚ gen's fic recs ɞ
꒰ tumblr ꒱
most of my fic recs on tumblr are reblogged on @smuttymccall ༉‧₊˚✧
these are just a few special ones closer to my heart :)
harry potter
one where they help you out of subspace ➸ marauders era | marauders x reader | it is exactly what it sounds like and i love it
one where they push you too far into subspace ➸ marauders era | marauders x reader | same writer as above, i just can't ok
one where you have to wear his rings ➸ golden era | bill weasley x reader | it is so bloody good, please
rowan and caleb ➸ deaf werewolf | ocs x reader | it's so fluffy i love it
telum ➸ dragon | oc x reader | it's so fucking hot jesus
ascal ➸ naga | oc x reader | this ignites something feral inside me and i can't explain it
curran and nil ➸ minotaur and orc | ocs x reader | i can't even speak
arik ➸ naga | oc x reader | i go fucking feral for this oc istg
thralest ➸ orc | oc x reader | i just can't ok, this oc makes me feel safe
kalil ➸ naga | oc x reader | i appear to have a thing for nagas, oops
merikh ➸ incubus | oc x reader | good lord this fic is so much pain but it's so hot
harry styles
il ritorno ➸ dunkirk au | alex!harry x reader | i feel too many emotions for this series
sugary sweet ➸ hybrid au | taehyung x yoongi x namjoon x reader | ugh love this fic and the way it makes me feel
peaky blinders
in the dead of the night ➸ arthur shelby x reader | this is so cute i hate it and love it
faint of heart ➸ ivar x reader | it's so good and there's some rlly decent angst in it
don't you love me ➸ steve rogers x reader | oof, this one. right through the heart
even in hades i am with you ➸ loki x reader | hades au | it's kinda dark, but ooh
game of thrones
footprints in the sand ➸ oberyn martell x ellaria x reader | ooh this one, my god...
the lion and her sun ➸ oberyn martell x ellaria x reader | another one, because you can never have enough oberyn
꒰ ao3 ꒱
harry potter
all the young dudes ➸ marauders era | wolfstar | slowburn, like ridiculously slow. but it's so good
manacled ➸ golden era | dramione | voldemort wins au, dark fic but it hurts so good
nightmare ➸ golden era x riddle era | tomione | time turner fic and it's so bloody well done
the scent of malice ➸ golden era | drarry | amorentia fic! the pining and angst, ugh
when midnight comes ➸ golden era | dramione | time loop trope meets enemies to lovers. oof, my heart
heart, kid ➸ stucky x reader | the pain, oh god the pain, but the ending is so beautiful
absolute power corrupts absolutely ➸ loki x reader | it's literally pwp, but who needs a plot right
lord of the rings / the hobbit
tiny Hobbits ➸ bilbo x thorin | the sweetest, most adorable fix-it fic ever
꒰ fanfiction.net ꒱
harry potter
eros and psyche ➸ golden era | everyone x everyone tbh | it's just a big orgy fic and i'm not complaining
persephone ➸ golden era | tomione | really dark fic, but it's good
unsphere the stars ➸ golden era x riddle era | tomione | ho ho i love this one oh god, it's a time turner fic once again
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needleandstory · 1 year
Two weeks had passed since the apology Rowan cringed to remember. He had imagined it so many times, alone in that prison cell, seeking comfort in the nostalgia of memory and the fantasy of reunion. But when at last the opportunity came, the words hadn't come out right, and the echoes of their laughter cut him open from chin to chest. They had left him feeling small and pathetic and alone and undone. (It had always been so easy for them to undo him; really, what had he expected.)
And Rowan would have been content to let it go. Nat was, after all, why Rowan had sealed up their chest so tight. And yet, evidently, the apology had had some effect. Nat had begun circling. True, there were less people in the house, leaving them fewer options for company--they were effectively sharing Fenn--but there were plenty of empty corners in the clinic. It had started small: passing each other in the hall, a question, a hello. Then, a bit bigger: showing off a trick, a request for help wrapping their cast, a shared meal. Lately, he even caught them watching him.
Therefore, it was not altogether unsurprising to hear the soft click, click, click of Nat's crutches approaching from behind while Rowan lounged on the couch, leaning on the armrest and reading. A weight settled across the back of his shoulders, pulling him away from a dense description on the ultrastructure of tendons, and he felt the smile behind him before he looked up and saw it. Their blue eyes glittered. "You're different from how i remember, you know that?"
"I sure as fuck hope so; it's been nearly five years."
"Not that different. Lately, you've been reminding me of high school, actually. You know, when you were quiet, calculating," their eyes shifted to his book, and they sighed, saying it like a dream, "nerdy."
"You're missing high school? Jesus, I didn't see a concussion on your chart, but I'll have to get Nil to check again, the fuck."
They laughed. "Come on, it wasn't all bad." One of their hands slid down and around, resting over his chest. "Everything was so new and exciting; the whole world was our oyster. We could have done anything, or gone anywhere!"
"We had to deal with your parents."
"We still had yours."
They said it so easily, so lightly, and yet the mere allusion to his father (spit on his grave, dirt on his name) dragged up a copper bitterness that filled his mouth. He missed him too. "Fuck 'em. We never needed any of them. We did do whatever the fuck we wanted, and we went where we liked."
Nat hummed and turned their head, rubbing their cheek on his hair as their other hand moved to rest across his chest too, a loose hug around the shoulders. (Rowan's breath slowed.) "Yeah, but nothing compares to when it's all just potential. We were going to make so much money and buy a house as soon as we turned eighteen. I was going to have ziplines in the backyard."
"I wanted a pool."
"Garrot was going to put a club in the basement."
"Sof just wanted a whirlpool tub. Never got that house, but you remember the place on the coast?"
Nat smiled. "That place was so nice. Didn't have ziplines, but it did have a whirlpool tub big enough for all of us."
"Can't believe the owners just left it for a month with the easiest security in the fuckin' world."
"Yeah." They nuzzled against Rowan again, forehead butting against his cheek, but this time he pulled away, pushing against their arms.
"I'm still pissed at you." Looking into their eyes, petal soft, his voice lacked the bite he wanted. He looked away. "No matter what I did, you left Garrot to die."
"Did he?"
They sagged with relief, resting their head on his shoulder. "I thought... if you all hated me anyway, then I should give myself the best chance at survival."
Self-preservation was a motive he understood too well--it wasn't as if they hadn't done the same to countless others--but the simplicity and sensibility of the answer burned in his gut and fed his rage, fending off the dark desire to melt into them. He shook off their touch, but then lamented its lack as soon as they stood. "And you fucked us all over in the process."
Silence stretched like the gulf between them. "We could start over. We both fucked up, and I don't know how long I'll be here, or why you're here. I don't think I know you anymore." Reaching across it, Nat tucked a strand of hair behind Rowan's ear. He didn't move. "So, hi, cutiepie. My name's Natalia."
"What a stupid fuckin' name."
They swatted him, and a smirk pulled at his lips. "You're supposed to introduce yourself, o' handsome stranger."
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monstersandmaw · 1 year
I have a character ask that isn't part of an existing game, but I'm personally curious: who among your characters, if any of them, is polyamorous or would be open to having multiple partners?
Non-ask-game related asks are always welcome any time!!
So far for poly stories I've got:
Werewolf lads Rowan and Caleb with their gn. reader
Mino lad Curran and orc lad Nil with their f. reader
Male selkie Minnow and male orc Thulin with their gn reader
Male naga Jhinyu and male mongoose monster Tavi and their gn reader
Male yautja-inspired alien (Croc) and his mates Midnight and their human (mentioned in Big Red's story, but no story of their own - yet?)
Rowan, my Stardew valley werewolf farmer is poly, but if his partner isn't into that, he'll happily be in a monogamous relationship.
Male selkie (Edmund) and male bucca (Cornish eel water spirit) and Nel from Laces for a Lady - 18th century Cornish smuggling story
Edit: additional story - Cerberus brothers x gn reader, with the caveat that the brothers are not in a relationship with each other.
I think that's it for specifically poly stories and characters, but I'm sure that others of mine would be open to it given the right partners/circumstances.
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longsightmyth · 4 years
You know, I'm still annoyed about Darrow and Orlon. No mention was made of them being married or anything. It was apparently news to Celaena that they were a thing.
“Darrow was your uncle’s lover,” [Aedion] added, stretching his legs out before him. “For decades. He’s never spoken once to me about your uncle, but … they were very close, Aelin. Darrow didn’t publicly mourn Orlon beyond what was required after the passing of a king, but he became a different man afterward...."
Celaena never wonders why they didn't get married. It wasn't an heir thing or political maneuver: Orlon had Rhoe as his heir and seemed pleased enough by that and by Rhoe's implicit alliance or at least connections with Wendlyn via Rhoe's marriage to Evalin and their therefore half Wendlyn child in Celaena.
Like, Celaena becomes furious and fire-threaten-y the second somebody implies there might be a problem with her marrying Rowan, but Darrow and her great-uncle? Nil. Nada. The book doesn't even present it as an injustice or irregularity that they didn't marry, and since wedlock was apparently a Big Thing in Terrasen (we know through the treatment of Aedion) you'd think they would have, since Edymion and the unnamed son of Lord whoever got married.
Anyway it's little things like that that throw into light the internalized homophobia in these books.
I mean that and comparing bisexuality to the sex trafficking and sexual grooming of children.
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thebridgehqs · 3 years
@virtuousouls - 1 on Suki, 3 on Violet richards and Yelena Belova
@rosewaterdrunk - 1 on Artemis, Cora Hale, Daphne Scott, Elektra Nachios, Flora, Kira Yukimura, 2 on Andromeda Black, Clary Fray, Katara, Kate Bishop, Luna Lovegood, Lilya Krum, Naivara Galanodel, Nimue, Nina Zenik, Rayla, Sadie Kane, Ty Lee and 3 on Leia Organa, Pam Beesley, Piper Mclean, and Sarah Wilson
@totouchthcstars - 1 on Allan A Dale, Buffy Summers, Carlos De Vil, Cassian Andor, Cedric Diggory, Charlie Weasley, Cinderella, Daniel Jackson, Hiccup, Rick Grimes, Eddie Diaz, Emily, Erik, Faramir, Grogu, Gwenyth Shepard, Johnny Storm, Kaylee Frye, Kelian Mayfair, Klaus Hargreeves, Laura Barton, Lavagirl, Oliver Queen, Pooh, Primrose Everdeen, Regulas Black, Scott Mccall, Simon Bassett, Tommy Shepard, 2 on Alice Kingsleigh, D’artagan, Damon Salvatore, Fenris, Gwaine, Gwen Stacey, Han Solo, Julie James, Lizzie Bennet, Lucy Preston, Minho, Prince Caspian, Sisu, Sybill Trewlaney, 3 on Carol danvers and Poppy Pomfrey,
@allxthingsxglxtter - 1 on Anubis, Diego Hargreeves, Gawain, Jake Stone, John Watson, Kaz Brekker, Link, Ophelia Langston, Rowan Aarden, Thomas, Uma, Yvonne Xavier, 2 on Albus Potter, Alicia Boyd, Ahsoka Tano, Avad, Beck Dunbar, Cal Kestis, Dof, Felicity Smoak, Grace, Jace Herondale, Jason Todd, Kida, Leo, Malyen Oretzev, Megara, Nile Freeman, Peter Pevensie, Quylla Vanity, Raya, Reid Garwin, Triss Merigod, Will Herondale, and Zahra Jaziri and 3 on Adrien Agreste, Barry Allen, Callum, Carl Grimes, Carmelita Spats, Charles Xavier, Chase Slater, Chidi Anagonye, Daphne Bridgerton, Dean Winchester, Dick Grayson, Eivor Wolf-Kissed, Finn, Gamora, Garrett Mckinnon, Hades, Hadie, Hermione Granger, Illya Kuraykin, Jacen Solo, James Rogers, Jeremy Gilbert, Joel Dawson, Jonathan Carnahan, Lemony Snicket, Lisa Snart, Malia Tate, Matt Murdock, Merry Brandybuck, Michael Scofield, Nil, Peeta Mellark, Rhys Adler, Robin Hood, Sara Lance, Shade Barrow, Sokka, and Tauriel
@deckersheart - 2 on Chloe Decker
@bhs-m - 3 on Hanna Marin, Simon Lewis and Trevor Wilson
@offortis - 3 on Bellatrix Lestrange and Stephanie Brown
@shxdowofdarkness - 1 on Edward Nygma, Lucifer Morningstar, and Peter Pan, 2 on Alec Lightwood, Jack Frost, and Klaus Mikaelson. 3 on Stiles Stilinksi
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sireneia · 4 years
my drafts concerning threads are pretty jugdral and valentia heavy, so here’s a small starter call! like / reply to this for a starter from one of my muses from other continents, please specify a muse or continent at least! these can still 100% take place in heroes in case we don’t have muses from the same verse for the record!
for those on mobile, under the cut are the muses available for this call:
elibe: raigh, wolt, thea, larum, zephiel, kent, nils magvel: amelia tellius: edward, pelleas ylisse+valm: stahl fates: hayato, percy, siegbert, ophelia fódlan: ashe, caspar spin-offs: rowan
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isaange · 5 years
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suite suite  Photos prisent pour un Mini Challenge photo pour le groupe Boy’s Love sur Facebook  Le thème était cocooning   Maverick et Elijah  Nils et Sander @origine1975 Yukio et Noemon @adelinestories Oliver et Daisuke @zykatekb Onyx et Khalycé  Jemery et Rake @brigittefortunefan Jared et Rohan @brigittefortunefan Rowan et Stiofan  Kristoffer et Sammy @brigittefortunefan Sasha et Xavier suite juste après 
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t-bonebunton · 4 years
Hello and welcome to “Beowulf Has Left the Building!” The purpose of this blog is really for me to share moments in my life that have been seemingly insignificant or slight at first glance, but turn out to send me in directions I never expected. I am almost 44 years old and for some reason, I think I should share some of these things and at least leave some sort of record. For me personally, it’s the small experiences that take place in the moment, that permeate and grow into greater understandings as time marches on. Oh yeah.... there will be poetry as well!
I didn’t grow up loving soccer. Where I am from, it was played by the more affluent kids from in town. I grew up in the rural county and we played basketball, baseball, and of course.... American football. No soccer loving socialist here! Or so I thought.... I’m pretty liberal, so I would laugh at that if someone said that to me!
Back to the oratory....
If I knew of anyone that played that strange sport called soccer, I made fun of them and would comment about how “I would rather watch paint dry!” Self-righteous to the core.
This went on for years and years and then early in January 2012, I was home sick on a Sunday afternoon and soccer was the only thing that was on that I hadn’t already seen. I was bored with marathon style police and home improvement shows, and the Dallas Cowboys were not on TV that day.
But that Sunday, something caught my attention....
It was the crowd....the chanting and the singing in unison was the thing I didn’t hear in American football...or the traditional “American” sports in general. The fans were also way closer to the field (“pitch” I’d later learn)...As I was laying there with a 100 + temp and trying not to cough up both lungs simultaniously, I perked up just a bit. I didn’t even know who was playing at first...Arsenal and Fulham, I found out after a few minutes. Ironically, Arsenal was playing in the first match I ever paid attention to, but would eventually become a hated rival! I refer to them as just “Arse” now, because who would pull for Arsenal? Ugggh.
I was 36 years old in 2012 and had never given soccer or football a second thought, other than the obligatory glance on ESPN during World Cup. Brazil and Holland seemed cool because of their uniforms (I would later know are called kits), but that’s about it. My friend Wellington had told me a story about visiting his home in Brazil, once during a World Cup qualifier, and hearing a collective roar through the hillside when they scored a goal that would send them on to the next round. Apparently, the folks in the village had pulled their tv sets out into the streets to watch the match communally. I always enjoyed that story, but didn’t really understand what that meant...The collective power of community and sport. In the poorest of areas, the hope of a nation can rest on one simple goal. I’ve grown to understand and appreciate so many things about the healing power of football over the past eight years.
But on that day in January, something awoke from inside me and I had an epiphany.... 36 years in the making. Every sport or sports team I followed has been assigned to me, or I liked them because of a family member or friend. This was like discovering this obscure band that no one else you knew had ever heard of.... but they were yours.... Finding “real” football...was like this.
I was entranced and mesmerized by the beauty, aggression, skill, balance, speed, and lack of scoring! I thought of this as a brilliant chess match...In later years, I love that the lack of scoring is a real problem for “Arse”, but I found it interesting that in traditional American sports, scoring is always the focus. In soccer, a 0-0 draw or a 1-0 (nil) win is just as enthralling because of the flow and strategic patterns of the game. I truly can’t explain that realization any better...it just came to me and with that observation, epiphany, the crowd chanting and singing, I knew I was hooked.... My 100+ temp seemed to break and I was sweating by the end of this prolific 1-1 draw.
Thank God for the internet and Wikipedia....that afternoon, I knew that I had to find a team....and by the grace of God, it was not going to be Arsenal! Their manager Arsene (accent mark somewhere hahaha) Wenger, looked like the old man, Mr. Burns, from the Simpsons. Probably a nice guy, but there was something about him I didn’t like.
I didn’t have a smart phone then and I was teaching English at a local high school. Before school every morning for two weeks, I read the Wikipedia of every team that was in the Premier League in 2012. I started with some criteria:
A. I wanted a team that wasn’t (to my knowledge) a household name in America. I learned later my team was VERY popular and hated! So, no Manchester United or Liverpool off the top. They are both American owned. My team is Russian Billionaire owned, it turns out, and very well supported globally.
B. They had to have a winning tradition (yep...no losers for me)
C. No red teams (my Knicks, Cowboys, Yankees, Duke Blue Devils are all blue)
D. Need to be in the southern or southeastern part of England (where my mom’s side of the family are from)
E. Must have a crazy intense fan base (I knew a little about hooliganism...Unfortunately my team had a past history with that ugly aspect in the 1980’s and more than I knew at the time.)
So with that criteria in place I narrowed it down to five teams...I have forgotten all five sadly, but three of them were Chelsea, Tottenham Hotspur (who I fortunately didn’t pick), and Queen’s Park Rangers (who were relegated shortly thereafter). Look up relegation and what it means, if you are mildly bored. I did initially!
I wrote them down and had my 5-year-old son, Rowan, pick them one at a time out of my sweat-stained Yankees hat!
Then on that glorious and beautiful day in January 2012, with his last pick, Rowan picked the mighty Chelsea Blues out of that hat!
It was all over from that point forward...I watched “real” football obsessively from that moment on. I had 5 cable channels devoted to football and European sports, and I learned the chants and songs sung from the terraces at Stamford Bridge (Chelsea’s sacred fortress). I learned the rules by reading all I could (offsides was a struggle to understand), and the points system for the many leagues and tiers associated with global football. I will say, however, that the only way to really learn about football, is to watch a lot of football. I studied the history of Chelsea FC and became educated about the legends and current superstars associated with the club...countless Facebook and YouTube clips of Chelsea’s greatest moments.
This amazing trip I’ve been on, ever since that sick and near-death day in January 2012, has given me so many great moments...Ironically in the first year of my fandom, Chelsea raised the Champions League trophy (look it up) and became the first London based club to ever win it. It’s the quintessential competition to win...It’s like winning 5 Super Bowls at once!
There is so much more that I want to say about this, or about the major moment’s I’ve had watching football with my closest Chelsea loving mate, Andrew Barlow, my 4 Chelsea FC related tattoos, my Chelsea FC adorned office, but blogs are supposed to be short, I know. I’ll close by saying that no matter how old you think you are, you are never too old to change your mind-set about something and, yes, people won’t understand it, and people like “the old me” will make fun of you, but so what?! Your internal passion about something you love intuitively will always be greater than their fear of things they don’t understand!
Next week....Meeting Herbie Hancock in a gas station! Stay riveted!
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