undyingmedium · 7 months
Who is Anika's patron? What are they like? What is their relationship like?
Straight to the point, are you not? There's sooo much to discuss about the Deep One~
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His appearance might be nightmarish to those who ignore his presence, but Anika grew up with him by her side, so she's more than used to the shadow tendrils spreading their reach on occasion, and the alien cracked skull that is his mask. It doesn't resemble any known living creature, and the shape of the mandible doesn't seem to match the one of its cranium at all, nor it seems able to move other than little tilts. And yet, his voice is deep and clear, collected and somewhat stern when he speaks, only to be cracked with sincere affection towards Anika when the fatherly attitude takes over the entity.
But who is he, really? Anika was promised an explaination in her youth when the time would be right; but the pressing investigations of a marine ally of her former party forced a complicated truth out, risking the wrath of the angels of Drana, the goddess of Light and first of the Erasian pantheon, who so strongly fought to banish him from existence centuries prior.
The water genasi known as Mikatosh, cleric of Rovan, now lies petrified at the bottom of a lake close to the city of Bazel, in Derum. He sealed a promise with the Deep One, Anika, and Eksirias, a powerful Seer that watches over Maera with the strongest forces of the continent: when the knowledge he gathered is safe to have, the Patron and his daughter will personally find him again to undo the curse and give him back his humanity, so that everyone can safely continue their lives on. Of course, such secrets were shared with Anika in hopes that she could become aware of the reality she was involved in: a special protection was applied to her instead, so that she could carry the secrets without being detected by the divine, and without losing her chance at fulfilling the pact she still strongly believes in. Besides, it doesn't matter who the Deep One used to be in his past life to her - not to the extent of turning her back on him and stand against him despite his real identity. She is still very much convinced of wanting her father in the physical world, enough to give part of her divine blood and her wings up to the cause during a special ritual which involved more than 30 people.
Today, she can proudly summon a tangible version of the phantom by her side, and fighting together has deepened their bond even further. (Summoner class of Pathfinder 2e was the best replacement for the Warlock, keeping the lore intact and developing it so delightfully~)
More fun facts:
~ At the beginning of their journey, when Anika was still a teen, she went through a phase of rebellion towards the Deep One because of the feeling of being just used. On multiple occasions, however, the Deep One proved his strong bond by putting himself inbetween her and danger: while it might have been a matter of interest over all in early times, he certainly proved his attachment when he and Eksirias saved her from insanity after being forced through a ceremony by an unknown cult praising Void, chaos and destruction. She has been calling him father since, and Eksirias a mother, despite her relationship with her is far less developed than the one with him.
~ While her duties tripled in depth, Anika often finds time to chat with the Deep One about matters of all kind, also personal ones now that she's allowed to discuss his past and condition. Her curiosity and thirst for knowledge have known little boundaries so far, and he's been happy to indulge ever since.
There is much more about him to uncover, but I'll leave you to find the details out one by one. Ask the right questions, dear Anon; pry into forbidden matters at your own risk, but don't leave any ask unanswered~
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theskyehealers · 7 months
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Abelie knew.
It was love.
She vowed never to return to Hillside, but now, as her sister Alynne and brother in law Jezyk planned, the missive in Nathaniel's hand offered a chance for reconciliation. A family reunion in The Stony Hills & Oxbow Lakes.
Abelie still didn't know if she wanted that. She was thriving with Lily by her side, and now Nathaniel.
Love and romance in Rovan had her content, and now family was calling.
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rainebowevee · 7 months
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echoingkarma · 1 year
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Tacit - Trust
Reblogs are appreciated!
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Pre-playing with lighting!! Drawing their hair was fun :D Pretty proud of this one honestly
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casadegiordano · 7 months
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Temptation was so real on Rachele's island... while he had spotted the testa rossa first, the statuesque Abelie, it was Lily Davenport that he found himself focusing on... and focus he did, even if Lily played aloof.
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ladyelainehilfur · 2 years
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my faves, okay? Rovan flew into his arms like he didn't see Bevrian literally an hour ago 💀 Rovan likes exactly one (1) person and he's darn lucky that one person likes him back
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celticsalternia · 1 year
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“Happy Quadrants’ Day, sweethearts! Don’t get too crazy now.” 
The tealblood celebrity sits upon his little stage, casually leaning back to address his crowd of adoring fans. 
“If you stay a little after the show, I’ll be doing autograph signings... you might even get a kiss, if you’re patient.” 
happy valentines’ day to the fantroll community!! 
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galehowl · 5 months
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Doodle from some days ago that was the result of an earlier silly conversation about whether or not Illithids can become were-something, which later devolved into "but what if one is bitten by a werewolf?", so I had to draw my astromancer Rovan as one just for fun lol
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my-russia · 9 months
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Kinerma, Karelia Photos: Alexey Rovan
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sobeksewerrat · 7 months
OKAY OKAY @cosmozzzz @cringelordofchaos @roryheart YOU GUYS WANTED ME TO INFODUMP ABOUT THE SILLY GUYS SO I WILL (w/o spoilers for the story and also their gach versions cuz why not) (imma split this up cuz I am tired and need to polish some.shit)
This girlie <333
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Full name: Huches Karkovedes
Species (yes species you will understand ina moment): Star-Eater, Luvusia Tribe.
Social Class on her home planet: Aristocratic
Gender: Transgirl (felt the need to specify that she is trans since it is a relevant plot point in her backstory)
Sexuality: Androsexual
Partner?: Gerses!
Special Abilities: Shape-shifting (artificial using device, not inherited)
Funfact: she absolutely hated sleeves unless they are jackets. Don't ask why. She just hates sleeves.
Simplified backstory: Huches was born as the only "son" to an aristocratic family on planet [UndecidedName]. Her family was part of the Luvusia Tribe but they distanced themselves from all of the traditions to suck up to Earth politicians and gave Huches an English first name and gave her a shape-shifting device to study on Earth (in this universe Earth is the central power).
Eventually, in one of her few holidays on her home planet, she is kinda forced to stay in the countryside and meets Kutuku and Gerses. A lot of shit goes down over the course of that holiday and she gets her trans-awakening and starts trying to reconnect with her culture (but she still feels very disconnected)
His gacha version sucks oml
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Full name: Gerses Haunem
Species: Star-Eater, Teifuaa Tribe
Social Class: working class (though eventually he gets some privileges cuz rich sugar mommy girlfriend)
Gender: Non-binary (he/they)
Sexuality: unlabeled
Partner?: Huches!
Special Abilities: Shape-shifting (artificial)
Funfact: He is autistic! And also they like funky fashion and temporary tattoos (mainly cuz he ain't allowed to have permanent ones)
Simplified backstory:(tw//ableism, abuse) He is a very distant relative of Kutuku and his family was also struggling as a result of [SPOILER]. He was generally seen as useless because he couldn't help around his family's business and his mother usually berated him when he had breakdowns or anything (because he was undiagnosed for his entire childhood) which lead to him being selectively-mute.
Eventually, he starts befriending his distant cousin Kutuku and started dating Huches. Because of Ku's family (elaboration will be added) and Huches' shapeshifting device he was able to eventually go to Earth with them to study and his family stopped seeing him as useless because of that (he still hates them)
No gacha version he is the silly short guy with goblin ears
Full name: Marko Daniella (he likes being called Markus tho, Daniella isn't hid last name I going by the Egyptian naming system, only Huches uses her family name)
Species: Human-Rovan
[Not including a social class I only did for the other two due to the classist nature of their home planets WHICH WILL BE ELABORATED ON EVENTUALLY I SWEAR]
Gender: Questioning
Sexuality: achillean, asexual
Partner?: Taifuauu [he will be introduced later alongside Kutuku]
Special Abilities: Heat Vision (inherited, controlled), great hearing
Funfact: He is black albino, and he has a generally weak immune system and anaemia due to being a hybrid [he is my punching bag btw ilovehim]
Simplified Backstory: this shit cannot be simplified honestly I made him suffer too much
I wanted to introduce the 4ht character(Ashlene) aswell but I need to draw he other 4 (Kam, Ku, Tai and Jaida'a) before because the tie into her story a lot
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theheartofrovan · 1 month
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Umberto made it to Rovan’s Palace in Evander finally. He had tried his best to return as soon as he heard Clarissa was in residence. He had not seen her since the wedding of Balveer and Sky. She was likely to be displeased for waiting so long but hopefully his sisters had made her welcome. His work in Concordia on new Aquaducts had been delay after delay and in spite of his impatience to return he was needed where he was to fine line the details. He went directly to his rooms to get cleaned up but only after first sending an invite to Clarissa to please have dinner with him that evening that he had just returned…
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theskyehealers · 11 months
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Abelie had been close to all her siblings, loving Aviva's gentle ways, Alynne's protective nature, Alden's stoic yet knowledgeable actions, but it was Arendt she missed most.
They had been raised almost like twins, always wandering about together, sharing their happiness with other residents of Hillside, but especially the kitchens, where the cooks were very familiar with the raven-haired boy and titian-haired girl .
She laughed gently at the memory, of those puffy little pastries she loved so much and just couldn't match with her own baking.
She missed being a little child with Arendt, but Rovan was home for now, and she would make the best of it.
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caspianmaxson · 1 month
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“ He’s down this way..” the guard whispered, as Henry looked out of his cell, moving his hand upward to block the sun from hitting his face. In the middle of hosting a council meeting, he had taken a small stroll to his greenhouse, and was stabbed. He counted the steps in his head, this should have been sixteen steps to the healing ward. But it was many, many more. He smelled the salt air, and felt the chopping waves carry him elsewhere. By the time he was able to open his eyes, he felt the sting of the heat against his back. As he was carried down into the long pit, of the prison that once used to be his home. He had been taken to thorncreek. He pleaded with the guards to send a message to his wife, endless letters were sent to Alexandria. But he didn’t hear anything back.
Long weeks passed when his cell door opened, and her fragrance filled the room. “ Oh Henry…” her eyes met his with sadness. Those endless letters had remained in a pocket of a guard, who had the foolishness to brag about it in a tavern. A tavern, Darius so happen to be having dinner in alone. He remembered the name Henry, and remembered exactly who he was.
The only person who had enough authority to make things happen, was Morgan. She could easily move in and out of the prison and discover why he was placed there in the first place. When Morgan received the message; she rushed as quickly as she could to get to him.
He wasn’t expecting her, as she motioned for the guard to release his chains.
“ It was Aurora.. wasn’t it.” She needed the confirmation to confirm if everything else she had heard was true. Aurora, had currently been sitting on her cousin throne, tending to business. While he was in the middle of planning his upcoming wedding. Charles had been sent to Rovan to finalized the dowry and marriage agreement. It was the perfect time for Aurora to move pieces around.
Henry sighed in relief, as his wrist became untied “ I need to get to my wife..” he had no interest in revenge, not at the moment. “ is my step mother here..”
@theheartofbarley @mistress-alexandria
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rainebowevee · 6 months
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mybrokenstories · 1 month
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She had chosen to stay on in Rovan. Now they just needed to figure out where she would be the most useful…
@theheartofrovan @casadegiordano
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casadegiordano · 7 months
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The siblings played, but Isidoro knew how to play harder, as the young maidens of Princess Rachele's court were soon to find out...
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