rainebowevee · 7 months
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ladyelainehilfur · 2 years
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my faves, okay? Rovan flew into his arms like he didn't see Bevrian literally an hour ago 💀 Rovan likes exactly one (1) person and he's darn lucky that one person likes him back
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lesbienbys · 2 years
tacit chapter 66 discussion, spoilers obviously! Also I don't know if this needs a warning or not but just in case, I am gay so I will read certain characters as lgbt and if you don't like that then maybe this isn't the blog for you <3
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So here are my thoughts about this scene because these two make me go insane. I think it's pretty fair to assume that we know bevrian is lying to rovan here, because it doesn't make sense to bev's character (who we know wants to protect the kids). And I'm just so confused as to why he lies and keeps lying to him. Like wtf is rovan going to do if he says no?? Explode??? Bestie he can handle it he's a grown ass man! And I think rovan's reaction to bev saying this is him realizing he's lying. I don't know if this is the first time he's realized or if he's known since the beginning, since this webtoon relies more on expressions/body language than dialogue to tell its story (which I love 99% of the time but UGH I want to know).
There's just been this undertone to these two (not the gay one) where it feels like rovan doesn't communicate his plans which makes him seem distrustful, and bevrian who seems to be lying to him for some reason. My theory is that he doesn't want him to leave because he wants ruby and arvan to survive, and maybe also because he feels bad about abandoning him back when he was ousted from amina. Which is like come on man I've been waiting for bev to pop off for so long now because rovan treats arvan so cruelly, and then he says this shit and I'm like BRO seriously 😭 communicate your actual feelings I am begging! If something happens to arvan because of them treating him like shit I'm blaming the both of them. He's already fucked up mentally from all this so if he dies,,,,,,,,,,,
Total tonal shift because I'm like that, but was I the only one who felt so weirded out that these two were so close to each other during this entire conversation lmao?? If you took the entire dialogue away it feels like they're going to kiss. But the topic of the conversation is so morbid so I'm just like... this feels so inappropriate babes!! Why are your sides touching and your faces two inches apart from each other!!! Like I love you two but this is not the time maybe 😭 Plus the way the author draws their expressions doesn't help because they constantly look at each other Like That which is why I've been shipping them since chapter 28.
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(I need someone to validate me because I can't be the only one who thought about this parallel and went crazy.)
Anyways can't wait for the next chapter where everything goes to shit once again! Love this series for always making me anxious about who's going to die haha <3
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zsocca55 · 2 years
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Bevrian is No.1 Best Dad while Rovan is No.1 Worst Dad of the series so far. Change my mind.
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sketchyjaybird · 2 years
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He's the best dad and I love him. Honestly, I feel like I've gotten to know him a lot better since he and Rovan split off from Ruby and Arvan and I'm loving the character development.
More Tacit!
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ladyelainehilfur · 1 year
So this new chapter of Tacit, amirite 🥹
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rainebowevee · 6 months
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rainebowevee · 6 months
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TACIT chapter 73: I'll always come back for you
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rainebowevee · 6 months
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some bevro doodles <3
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rainebowevee · 7 months
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rainebowevee · 7 months
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rainebowevee · 7 months
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fic: Stay As You Are my short BevRo illustrated drabble ♥
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lesbienbys · 2 years
tacit season 2 ep. 67 discussion!
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yall have no idea how much anxiety last chapter gave me about arvan's safety, so I'm super glad bevrian is actually doing something to keep him safe. Like rovan is my favorite character but no fucking way am I about to let him permanently change arvan into a monster (similar to himself actually).
also the way that bevrian is drawn in this panel 🥺 he always feels so warm when he smiles I love him so much! I'm really glad he's able to stun rovan in times like these because he's the only one who can for arvan. And bevrian is right! Arvan can literally keep the zombies away so idk what potential rovan is talking about and frankly idc 😭 he's already doing so much for the gang, figure the rest out yourselves smh
and then pasco saying he was much more afraid of what rovan would do if he betrayed him than lia is..... very intriguing.
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lesbienbys · 10 months
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I'm going to miss this webcomic so much I'm so sad it's over T-T
it's such a bummer that the ending was rushed and that all the character tension and dynamics that made this comic so interesting disappeared. Here's my comment that summarizes my main grievances (warning long post)
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sorry but I'm the type of person to definitely complain when something I really love lets me down. I just feel like nothing really mattered at the end?? All the development the author built up for the individual characters and their relationship with each other was just suddenly gone.
rovan and bevrian had so much tension building up that I was expecting one of them (mainly bev) to blow up at some point which would lead to a falling out of the group. That or one of them would have died. And tbh either one of those options would have been a better outcome imo.
arvan and ruby kind of fell to the back at one point which sucked and I really wished we could have seen them interacting more, especially after realizing ruby is immune. It just would have been really nice to see them talk about it ;-;
rovan was also horrible to arvan and I WISH that was explored more. Like are we going to forget what he did or....? Is he not going to have any repercussions at all, honestly for anything he did during the series, because that is so uninteresting and boring. But no he got his happy ending with lisa because happy ending is always good :)
speaking of rovan and lisa oh lord. I don't mind that they get back together like as a concept (and I was kind of expecting it as soon as she showed back up). But the way it was executed... was not it. I made a comment saying that it would have been so much better for lisa to have been more hesitant with rovan and Maybe at the end have them talk about starting over. It sucks that lisa turned into a shounen love interest at the end like where did her entire character go bro 😭
also love how everyone forgets powell is a cannibal at the ending and they all frequent his home that's so <3 sexy of them <333
I talk a lot about how this story is very character-driven so to take that away just ruins everything built up. I'm trying so hard not to let the ending affect how I feel about the series because I LOVE the series so much. When I first started reading this webcomic two years ago I thought it'd be your standard zombie action story but then rovan stole the show and it became heavily centered on him and bevrian. And I didn't complain because, if you know me, rovan is the type of pathetic fictional man that I'm drawn to. I saw that bitch and from day one I was like oh yeah this guy has so much trauma in him *becomes my fav.* He's also so so bisexual. Rovan and bevrian's dynamic is like watching a trainwreck, they're so horrible for each other but you can't take your eyes off them. like toxic doomed yuri in a way.
I could go on about their dynamic forever so I won't, but my point here is that they had such a complex and interesting dynamic that went nowhere in the end. Bevrian was written and portrayed as a kind person but there was clearly something brewing in him about rovan that wasn't all that nice. I understand that bevrian felt bad about letting rovan get kicked out of amina and wouldn't kick him out of the group that easily but. I'm going to be honest I genuinely thought the way rovan treated arvan would have been the last straw. Because in my mind, bevrian's parental instincts would have outweighed his guilt for rovan. I think the angst that would have come from bevrian kicking him out of the group just like amina did to him would have been sooo 👁️
anyways I think I'll stop here because I could really ramble on forever about this series. I'd also love to hear other people's opinions on the series and where they wanted/thought it would have gone. Mostly because I don't have anyone to talk about it with lol
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zsocca55 · 2 years
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Let me recommend you a webtoon I really like guys because this story needs a bigger fandom.
TACIT by KimDazzi is a brilliantly drawn and written comic. It got me hooked even though I’m a picky webtoon reader and I don’t like the zombie-apocalypse genre. But this one is chef’s kiss. 👌
Unique art? - check
Intriguing plot? - check
Cleverly built world? - check
Well-written characters? - check
Entertaining? - check
Have I said the art is beautiful? That was the first thing that caught my eye. (My try at it doesn’t make it justice…T-T)
Plus Rovan is so relatable to me right now that he became my emotional support character despite being an asshole 99% of the time. And his friendship with Bevrian is another chef’s kiss. 👌
Anyway, check it out if you like zombie stories with a crime-mystery storyline, peppered with wholesome romance and bromance and a unique artstyle.
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sketchyjaybird · 2 years
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He's terrible ❤️
... No, but really he's such a fascinating character. He's snarky and brilliant, and completely amoral, but he clearly cares deeply about Bevrian. No one else really though lol
More Tacit!
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