#rough day. something my manager did hurt me a lot and i've been trying to figure out why and i just realised it's because it triggered-
gorelesbian · 4 months
controversial take but i do not forgive my elementary school teachers. even the one who died last week
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hi! Im not quite sure if your requests are open at the moment, but I was wondering if you could possibly write a Poly! Marauders x reader? Maybe where the reader talks a lot and is ignored by parents and friends of is yelled at often for small nervous habits they do unconsciously? You don't have to ofc!
Love ur work!!
hi guys! i've been inactive for a while, trying to focus on schoolwork and things, but now i have some time so i thought i would write something! i'm sorry if i didn't respond to any requests, ill try to get those done asap. thanks so much! love u guys<3
to anon: ofc! hope i did this one right:) i kind of did it more hurt/comfort cause you guys know i love my comfort trope<3 also if you didn't want it like this, don't hesitate to send me another req if this was too over the top with the hurt, or you didn't like the tropes:)
warnings: implied and referenced abuse, mention of sirius's past trauma & abuse, feeling not good enough, insecurity, shy!reader, introverted!reader, bruises, hurt/comfort, crying
"(y/n!)" you snapped out of your daydream, blinking your eyes lazily as your focus adjusted to your surroundings. "ignoring us is not okay, (y/n). you need to tell us why you are behind in your classes. you're not doing good enough. we need you to stop getting distracted and focus on your work." your dad scolded you.
"argus, don't you think you're being a bit too rough on her?" your mother said quietly. "i'm sure she's doing her-"
"eleanor, don't interrupt me," your dad said quietly. that shut your mother up, and she said nothing else. you felt for her in that moment, being trapped in a relationship where she couldn't say anything, couldn't voice her own opinions because they would get shut down every single time.
it scared you to think of ever being in a marriage like theirs. because of your parents, you had trust issues, and you didn't think you could let anyone into your heart because of how your parents ended up.
they were high school sweethearts, fell in love at the young age of 16. as a kid, you would look through old boxes in cupboards, filled with old pictures of your mother and father at your age. it was crazy to think that they too fell in love, just like you.
but how their love ended up petrified you. how they thought their love would never end but it did, when you were born. you'd never seen your parents happy, let alone happy together.
playing with your fingers to try and distract yourself from the conversation you were having, you thought of your own relationship with your boyfriends. it was the complete opposite of your parents. they were comforting, respectful, caring and they always loved you no matter what.
your thoughts were interrupted by your father's voice. "for god's sake, stop fidgeting like that!" he yelled, and grabbed your wrists tightly, making you flinch. you could already feel the bruises forming.
"i'm sorry. i'll work harder," you murmured, eyes focused on the floor. you couldn't meet their eyes. you knew you were a disappointment to them. it just hurt too much to even look at them.
hogwarts was made for gifted witches and wizards. although you were relatively smart, you had to work really hard to get good grades, as opposed to some of your friends who barely studied and still managed to get exceptional grades. it infuriated you.
you had managed to convince two of your friends to help you study, as they were really good at astronomy.
at the library, you were excitedly telling your friends about a new book you were reading. you continued, a huge smile on your face, saying, "and so then, the she finally gets together with him, and it's just so dreamy and i-"
"oh my god, (y/n)! are you done?" your friend snapped at you. she looked extremely annoyed at you, and once you glanced at the clock you saw that you'd only been speaking for a few minutes. you didn't get why she had to be so annoyed with you. you didn't do anything wrong, did you?
your smile dissolved, and you quietly said, "yeah."
your friend then proceeded to tell you guys about her new relationship with cedric, who you didn't care about in the least. "i'm just gonna go up to the dormitories," you said quietly, excusing yourself. your friends didn't even notice your departure.
what kind of friends were they? they hurt your feelings, always making you feel worthless, just like your parents. your boyfriends had told you they were both wastes of time but you had ignored them.
'where are they, anyways?' you thought to yourself as you looked around for your boyfriends. you needed them right now. tears pooled behind your lash line as you thought about what had happened.
you felt almost guilty for wanting to see your boyfriends. you didn't want them to pity you, and so you went up to your dormitory, which was completely empty at this early hour. falling face flat onto your bed, you finally let your tears fall.
a few minutes later, you heard a knock at the door, then a soft, "baby? are you in there?" it sounded like james, and you sobbed quietly at his voice, at the comfort it brought you even without seeing him.
"c'mon, let us in," remus said through the door.
"please?" sirius chimed in. "if you don't, we'll feed you to the rats."
"pads!" james whisper-screamed. "why would you say that?"
you smiled. they could easily cheer you up, even just their voices.
you grabbed your wand off the bedside and undid the lock on the door. your boyfriends came bursting in, not expecting the sudden movement, and they caught sight of you on your bed.
"oh, sweetheart," rem said softly.
making his way over to you, he pulled you into his lap and your legs encircled his waist. you let your head fall into his chest and his hand came up to smooth your hair. "shhh," he cooed into your ear. "it's okay."
jamie was already on the other side of you, thumb stroking your palm, already warming you up. you winced slightly as his thumb pressed on your bruise from yesterday.
siri sat on the bed opposite you, and his eyes darkened protectively when he saw the bruises lining your wrists. "pup, what's this?"
for a second you were confused, then you realised what he was talking about. your eyes grew wide as you said, "it's nothing, siri, I promise." you knew about his past, you didn't want to bring it up and have him do something he would regret.
"no, sweetheart," sirius put a finger under your chin, tilting your head so your eyes could meet his. "who did this to you?"
your eyes filled with tears and the anger on his face softened, but he was still inquisitive. "dad," you mumbled under your breath. "but it wasn't his fault, i was being a brat, and-" your tears came back full force, and you whispered, "and i'm not good enough for them." you laughed wetly, then continued. "my friends ignore me. they probably think I'm stupid and useless. i don't deserve to be here. it's all my fault for being friends with them. it's my fault for not working hard enough for my parents."
the boys exchanged a look over your head. their princess, believing she wasn't good enough? well, they couldn't have that.
sirius lifted his hand from your chin to cup your cheek. you leaned against the warmth radiating from his palm, tears still silently flowing down your face. "it's not your fault," he murmured. "it's never your fault. please remember that, baby."
"you deserve everything and more," james said softly.
remus hugged you tightly against his chest. "don't let anyone ever tell you different, princess."
you cried into remus's sweater, letting out everything you'd felt the past few days. they let you cry, knowing it'd be useless to try and get you to stop. you needed a good cry.
"i'm so-"
"don't you dare apologise." sirius's eyes grew serious. "otherwise we're truly feeding you to the rats."
you giggled, hand coming up to wipe your tears but james did it for you himself. they really treated you like their princess.
"i love you guys," you mumbled, sniffling quietly.
their faces softened. "love you too, bug."
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desultory-novice · 9 months
I recently found out that “weekend Susie” is a mistranslation and it’s actually called “susie on vacation” in jpn. I’m pretty sure she’s supposed to be Susie in the future like Manager Magolor..any ideas on why shes missing her hairclip and the “Secretary” title she always has in jpn? Susie is so hard to figure out..like how she only smiles three times in the entirety of robobot (once when she takes the program controller and twice when singing the noble haltmann but ONLY when saying the words father in jpn) so I’m curious on what your thoughts are on her (and unfortunately has the worst localization ever…i had to look at the robobot translations from @/kaialone on tumblr) sorry for rambling but shes so interesting to me and it’s a bit sad seeing how a lot of the details she has in characterization never get talked about
Anon...Did you somehow know I've been replaying Robobot in Japanese?! And it's basically strengthened my confirmation that some people - though less than before - are a bit too harsh and/or restrictive in their takes on both Susie and her father. 
That said, I do I try to give people room to "safely hate" these fictional characters as, for a lot of people, it may be one of their only ways of processing a gross problem that affects the real world/so much of history that they can't do much about.
But I love the silly/tragic Haltmann family. I'm sympathetic and even semi-defensive towards 'em. Which is why I'm happy to answer any good faith Haltmann asks.
Ahem! Also, before I get into it, I wanted to say that technically "Weekend Susie" vs "Susie on Vacation" is not a mistranslation per se.
What it IS is a localization.
休日 can mean "vacation," yes. When you break down the kanji, literally it is made up of the words "rest day." So it can also be just about any day when you're not working/not at school/not busy.
For most of western civilization (not me because I'm a contractor XD ) the weekends are people's "rest days." To read 休日 as "weekend" might not even be that much of a stretch/localization!
Probably explains the lack of "secretary" title. She's literally not on the clock! As for the hairclip, who can say...? Similar reasons? I know in Susie's case, it's sentimental, though hairpins in Japan often have this association with studiousness/"time to get serious" so removing it is an easy indicator "She's allowing herself time to be silly!"
I do like to imagine that this is a post-canon Susie though. That girl deserves something nice after her trauma...
Anyway, reminder that post-FL, the localizers have been working more closely with the Japanese team to create a more accurate translation for us. I know the wounds from PR's rough translation (and SA's fast-and-loose in weird places one) still hurt, oof, but the Kirby series is getting better about its translations!!
Actually... you know... there's not THAT many cutscenes...
Maybe I will make my own "If they'd hired Dess to translate Planet Robobot" translation of the game? I've already threatened several times to do a full translation of "The Noble Haltmann" with all references/metaphors intact...
But yes! Speaking of how Susie uses her emotions, I was so moved by something in her first meeting with Kirby, I actually wrote about it! And I'm going to share it here, because you might find it interesting~
So, I had my eyes peeled for any interesting bits of characterization left behind on the cutting room floor. Immediately, I was amused by how politely Susie talks to Kirby in the beginning. She doesn't really "talk down to him" or insult his intelligence in the slightest. (One could argue that it's a false business politeness, of course. Although she only breaks that in like, the second to last cutscene) Any dismissal of him feels very "company-mandated." (And the company is run by a murderous computer but leaving that aside...)
She gently praises how beautiful the water and the air on this planet is and that's when something... starts to change in her...
Susie gets impossibly sad. And her attitude changes COMPLETELY.
I stopped for a second reading this. "Hold on. What? Why does she lose her cool HERE? Is this some indication that the place she and her dad used to live on was a really poor planet without clean air and drinking water?" And heck, maybe that is the case!
But something else struck me about her line:
"...You don't even know the value of what you have..."
It's not the snooty we-know-better-than-you "misappropriation of resources" that is triggering her. It is having something precious right next to you and you don't even recognize it.
It's about her dad. Right from the beginning.
She can't NOT talk about it. It affects all her actions. Maybe another reason while I feel like it's better to judge Susie on a whole than any one individual action she takes, because (like Magolor, oops oops oops) she is masking her intentions alllll the time.
Also, omg, I know some people are still sensitive about the Mechaknight thing but that is PEAK grim humor in Japanese! It is treated way too cold and business-like in English, imo.
In Japanese, she starts to describe him exactly like she's telling her bestie that she just met the man of her dreams and then the WHAM line: "So, I gave him a full-body modification!"
Yes, it's unhinged. But it's also wonderful. (She's so Eggman-core.)
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ficsforeren · 1 year
hii kana, hope u and your family are doing okay, if you’re okay answering this, i just wanted to ask you how was pregnancy for you, i’m so scared of all about it, and about how my body will look after, did you worried about this?
Hi, sweetheart!! My family and I are doing just great, and I hope you are too ❤️
Read below the cut cause this ended up as a super long answer LMAO
Honestly, I was so scared too, Nonnie 😭 I had a planned c-section for my second time (cause I had c-section the first time so my doctor recommended me to do so) and even then I couldn't sleep at all the night before. I don't want to lie and say it was easy cause it definitely wasn't. During my second pregnancy, I could only eat white rice and boiled eggs every single day cause that was all I could eat (I always threw up if I forced myself to eat anything else), and during the first three months, I couldn't even climb down my own bed without help. I was nauseous all the time, and very emotional. I got hospitalized for two weeks, got treated in the ICU where they took my blood three times a day even from my feet and it hurt like hell 🫠 Fortunately, my family (especially my husband) were so supportive throughout the process so it wasn't as stressful as it could've been for me.
Hmm I don't think I've ever worried about how my body would look like, probably because I was worrying more about giving birth and my baby health's condition (now THIS is stressful. as a mother, it kills you to see your baby get sick and newborns are so vulnerable so during the first month I just felt like crying all the time cause my baby had jaundice, and we had to do a surgery cause she couldn't feed properly and she lost a lot of weight, so we went to the hospital for like once every 3 days, it was a lot, both mentally and financially 😭)
when I had my first baby, I gained 15 kg (33 lbs) but I lost 13 kg in less than 6 months due to breastfeeding. I don't like exercising, all I did was taking care of my baby and doing chores but I still managed to get my normal weight back so I don't think you have to be concerned about gaining weight (if that's what you're worried about). even right now, my baby just turned two months old and I've lost 7 kg (I'm hoping I can get back to my pre-pregnancy weight in the next 4-5 months hehe)
but your body will look different, that's for sure. I got stretch marks all over my belly, some on my breasts too, and they're still there though they don't look as nasty anymore. And of course, I also got my c-section scar but they don't matter much to me. I actually feel proud to have these marks/scars on my body 😁
If you're worried/scared about being pregnant/giving birth/being a mother, trust me, you're not alone. I'm a mother of two children and I'm still scared, but also, the joy of being a mom is truly something else. I used to hate the idea of getting married, let alone having a child of my own (rough childhood lol you know the drill) but after I gave birth and I held my baby in my arms, I was so, so happy. And that was just the start. The first time they smiled, the first time they laughed out loud, the first time they called me "mama" and the first time I kissed my son goodbye before he went to school... so much happiness in every little thing and I'm so grateful for it. so what I'm trying to say is, it's normal to be afraid, but believe me, it will all be worth it 😊
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recurring-polynya · 7 months
Writing/Art Update 2.27.2024
I met all three of my goals for last week, which is good, I guess. Number one was to stop being manic about my stupid fanfic, which I did, but I half-regret, because maybe I would be done by now, if I had just shot the anxiety curl, but that's neither here nor there, I suppose. I did finish Chapter 9a, and sent Chapters 7 and 8 to the beta, which were the other things I said I wanted to do. I, in fact, managed to make a dent in Chapter 9c, as well (Chapter 9b is like a little interlude thing, which may or may not get subsumed into Chapter 9c, depending on how long it comes out)
I am so close to being done, and I feel like it ought to be easy to push it over the finish line, but it hasn't. I've been feeling pretty down on it for the last few days. I'm not super-happy with the way the last few chapters have been turning out, but on the other hand, I'm not sure I have any way to make them better. I think a lot of it may just be that I have been working on this fanfic for so long that I'm kinda sick of it. :\
I took a little bit of a break today--I finished a book I was reading, and I made sort of a rough draft version of a banner, mostly because I'm still trying to nail down the title from a couple of different variations, and I was hoping that seeing it visually would be helpful. Based on that, the current frontrunner is Damage History (the other two options are Past Damage and Prior Damage, please feel free to tell me if you have any opinions).
I just did the math and apparently I crossed the six figure mark this week: the thing currently stands at 100,731 words (+7,004 for last week...really? How did I manage that???) I have two and a half scenes left to go, one of which is supposed to be short and one of which is the epilogue. There's also at least one scene that I'll probably try to rewrite a bit, I dunno. I guess the goal for next week is to finish the thing??? All of this feels extremely unreal.
Anyway, you've all been incredibly patient with me, so here's another preview. This is from one of the flashbacks in Chapter 2, and if it seems vaguely familiar, it's because it's one of the parts that got spun out of the old Renji-breaks-an-arm story.
Much like Kitajima himself, the shop had looked a lot better the last time Renji had seen it. There was dust and cobwebs everywhere. Most of the shelves were half-empty. 
"Take off your shirt," Kitajima instructed, dragging out a stool for Renji to sit on. 
"All the damage is below the elbow," Renji said quietly.
"Oh, look who's a medic now," the old man burbled.
Renji took off his shirt.
Kitajima pressed one of his clammy hands in the space between Renji's shoulder blades. A cold, nasty feeling bled down Renji's arm. He wanted to vomit. After a few moments, Kitajima felt his way down Renji's arm, squeezing at his flesh and shooting painful little sparks into his nerves. When the old rat snake got past the elbow, his fingers pressed against the end of the broken bone and Renji nearly passed out. 
"Hey! You're hurting him!" Rukia barked, bracing her entire weight against Renji's shoulder in an attempt to keep him upright.
Kitajima ignored her.
It wasn't pain, not exactly. Well. It was painful, but it was more like Renji's body was burning through all of his energy as quickly as possible. It felt like dying.
Kitajima finished his palpitations, then fetched something from one of his dusty jars. "Eat this," he said, pressing it into Renji's hand.
Renji remembered these things all too well. He'd eaten a lot of them during the period when he was working for Kitajima. It was a pill made up of mashed rice and various dried roots and seeds. They weren't the tastiest thing in the world, but they packed a lot of energy and they lasted forever. He bit into it gingerly.
“As I told you the last time you were here,” the old man growled, “you have the demon magic in you. The shinigami use it to cast spells, but also to push their bodies past what is normally possible. Like a fool, you have done this without proper training. You have broken and healed yourself simultaneously, but with no skill, and you have made a hash of it.”
“I wasn’t trying,” Renji excused. 
“Can you repair it?” Rukia pressed.
“I can rebreak it,” Kitajima replied.
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bugbyte · 3 months
frustrated medical blabbing
Today was supposed to be an unpleasant but unavoidable thing. I had to go for a physical exam as part of the process of attempting to appeal for disability. They kept changing the date and time on me, this was supposed to get done months ago, but they set it for 9 am this morning so fuck it, let's go.
Stories about medical professionals being unpleasant under the cut. Lotsa unpleasant medical blabbing which explains why the comic will be late if I can't get my arms feeling better. 😵‍💫
Most mornings for me are slow out of necessity. It takes me a while to get moving, to feel well enough to eat something, for meds to kick in. It makes me feel awful and lazy but I've gotten better at accepting that this is what makes my body function better so I just go with it. Being nonfunctional hurts more than pushing my day around so that's what we do.
Anyway, I spent all night not sleeping well and feeling slightly worried because it's a long drive to the place, the last time I was there the building seemed non-ADA compliant and I smashed my hands trying to wheel through the doorframe, and all of that was later in the afternoon when I'd had time to be more put together. So that aspect was rough on me but not impossible.
I brought headphones because the last time I was there, there was a TV blaring the most insipid facts about "ways to deal with anxiety" and I really wanted to find the off switch and/or throw something through the screen, so instead I listened to music and didn't do that. I had to wait approximately forever to get called back and that's immediately where everything started going wrong.
The nurse was nice but immediately frustrated asking if I could stand. (For the record: I can, just not indefinitely, and prefer it to be brief in unknown circumstances like this.) Then she took my blood pressure but did something super weird with the cuff that I can't really explain because I don't understand it, and when she was done she just pulled the end without stabilizing my arm at all and ripped it off. Probably fine for most people; not fine at all for EDS joints. My shoulder was immediately on fire and I knew something was wrong. This will be like the fourth time now a medical person has injured this specific joint because they're unfamiliar with EDS and just pull on it.
So then she left, and thankfully I wasn't alone, so I explained what had just happened to my spouse (Delade) and we were both on alert.
The actual doctor comes in and is like a ten thousand year old white guy who mumbles in a way that's practically impossible to understand, and between my shoulder pain and my anxiety my brain basically shut off and had my spouse not been paying attention and asking questions I would have missed the next key thing: he muttered that he was doing an orthopedic exam, and I could say no to anything I thought I couldn't do, but the way it came out made me think that I had to do everything, and when I get stressed like that my reaction is to just do what I'm told. So I'm thankful for that.
He then barked his way through a series of basic tests about what I could bend and how far and made me get out of my wheelchair. Again, I can usually kinda manage this, but after sitting uncomfortably for so long, plus my shoulder being wrecked, I had to lean on something, and lasted about two minutes before I had to sit. During which he kindly took my chair away so if I fell I would have been flat on the floor. Great.
There were a bunch of things I had to say no to because I knew if I did them I'd be worse off, but then, because EDS is wildly unpredictable, my other arm started cramping up furiously. At this point the tests were over and he was just going through my chart being chatty and namedropping doctors he knew, and meanwhile my arm is getting more and more and more painful and I'm starting to sweat, a lot. He ignores me and starts chatting with spouse, who wants nothing to do with this either, and finally has to ask if I'm ok. I'm not.
I'm pretty sure this was another vasovagal episode because it came on fast and I was immediately shivering and drenched in sweat, completely nauseated. None of this got written down as a result of the testing, the guy had just blundered off at that point. Usually I'm able to move myself in my chair but with both arms down it wasn't happening, so Delade pushed me out and because the building isn't ADA-compliant, we had to get two nurses to help open the front doors so we could get out.
I was white knuckling it somewhere between passing out and throwing up, but getting into the outside air helped. I had to sit for a while before we could move the car. I felt somewhat better by the time we got home, but my shoulders and arms feel burnt and wrecked, like the worst lingering muscle pull combined with an angry trapezius shoving my shoulders around.
I'm just mad about the whole thing. Mad that they were so careless, mad that they didn't even know what EDS was so how could they possibly fairly judge me for it, mad that now I don't know how long it's going to take to feel better. Mad that they pushed me so hard that I was about to throw up, and then just didn't make note of that, or care. What was the point here???
Anyway, if the comic is late, I'm trying to recover physically and mentally from this. I just feel like at this point I never want another doctor I don't know to ever touch me again. Is this medical trauma? Probably???
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lavendercoatedangels · 8 months
5 Things I've Learned in 5 Years [Post Cult]
This February, particularly sometime in late February, will mark five years since the beginnings of a 1 on 1 cult I was in. Although it only lasted four months, it completely ruined my life at one point and has taken until late last year to get me to a point where I feel like my life has been rebuilt in some way.
In every way possible, it has defined my life moving forward.
But it doesn't define me as a person.
To celebrate my growth, and because I think it would help other people. In no particular order, here are the big things I've learned:
You are the master of your own beliefs. This is the most important. Whether you rediscover spirituality afterward, or you ultimately find that you believe in nothing, or anything in between that, your faith is yours. No cult or cult leader defines what you believe and how you believe it.
Look at all things with a degree of skepticism. Not so much skepticism that you ultimately lose trust in everything and everyone, there's definitely a limit. However, if you're not questioning your beliefs and doing research on it, you're more liable to fall for anything someone will throw at you. Having knowledge is a good armor against that.
When someone shows you who they are the first time, believe them and don't give them infinite chances to hurt you. Another one that's really important is this. If someone really hurts you deeply the first time and betrays your trust, don't give them another opportunity to. If someone has hurt you in a way that cannot be forgiven, assert yourself and your boundaries firmly. Tell them that you appreciate their apologies, but that you cannot welcome them back into your own life.
Healing is a long and non linear process. Sometimes, even to this day, I feel like it's rough. There's a lot of personal things that I've sorted through repeatedly to try to figure out how to manage, and sometimes I feel like I've healed to a point where I'm okay. Both are okay. It took me a very long time and a lot of therapy to get to a point where I feel like it doesn't affect my life as much as it did, I'd say the better part of four and a half years. It's okay if it takes longer or shorter, it is okay if parts of it will be something you work on healing for the rest of your life. Your healing is yours, and it is something that no one else can define or take away from you.
You may have to completely start over. It is necessary. Leaving a cult and realizing that your life has been, at least to some degree, destroyed is never an easy realization. Depending on the situation, you may have to leave behind aspects and things in your life that you've held dear because at some point, fixating on them will only do you more harm than good. In some instances, a complete do over of your life is necessary. However challenging it is and will be at times, just know that you do have the strength and power to do so. You will emerge from starting over a person that can take on anything.
I'd also like to add a few additional points: your freedom is yours do whatever you want with. The beauty of this freedom is that you can take your life in any direction you want without rigid rules, to find what really nourishes you as a human being. No one can define your story for you. You may not be able to change what happened, but you can direct how the future will go.
It is also okay to ask for help.
If you feel like the trauma from the cult has affected you in ways that are challenging to get through, and / or if you're suffering from symptoms of PTSD, please seek a therapist's / mental health professional's advice and counsel. If you are experiencing a mental health emergency, please feel free to reach out to trusted friends and people who will be there for you.
I know that a lot of this may seem a bit vague and basic, but these are things that have really carried me through the past five years, along with a LOT of support from friends, dialectical behavioral therapy to manage the emotional disregulation, four rounds of therapists (on therapist 4 now), and three partial hospitalizations mostly on the subject.
In the future, I'll write up an updated post on how to spot an internet cult leader.
Make sure to be excellent to yourself in your recovery! You deserve happiness.
Don't forget yourself in this process - you matter the most!
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spookysalem13 · 11 months
Today has been a very rough day. Half way through my work day my old boss comes into my job. My best friend and I who used to both work with him were on duty. My best friend is now the manager, which was this man's prior job when he was working with us.
He comes in, walks behind my friend and I while we're focused on working on something and he says to my friend "having fun watching the handicap work?"
For those who don't know, I'm disabled. I try to always come at it from a positive light, but it does get me down. Especially right now, I'm very down about what goes on with me.
That comment didn't sit well with me, obviously. But as I'm dealing with a lot of stress, anxiety and depression right now, I just tried to ignore him and focus on my task. But he didn't take to being ignored too well.
He stood behind me while I worked and said "well that's what you are, a handicap!" All I could muster up at that point was a simple I don't appreciate that. I don't refer to my disabilities in the way you're speaking about them right now.
Being the kind of person he is, he then proceeded to out loud list my disabilities, with customers in the store for everyone to hear. Ending that with "see a handicap!"
Accused me of trying to hide it, said I couldn't hide it from him, he worked with me, he's fully aware I'm a handicap!
Mind this man's tone was rude, was demeaning. He was trying to humiliate me. The whole time he was laughing. He's fully aware of the difference between saying someone is disabled between calling someone a handicap. Especially when mocking me and asking if my best friend is having fun in his new management position by watching the "handicap" work.
This is a man I went out of my way to help on countless of occasions. A man who made me do his own management job because he was too lazy to do it himself. He'd rather sit out in his car and nap during his shift.
Yet I still tried to see the good, I helped him whenever he asked. I was always kind, polite and understanding with him. Never strayed him wrong. Yet he comes in and completely humiliates me!
I was so upset, entirely speechless. After he left I went outside and I cried in the back of the building. One, for the cruel words. Two, for the humiliation and three for feeling so stupid for going so far to help this man.
I feel bad enough in the body I am. I struggle enough as it is. To go so far as to do what he did is disgusting! It truly hurt. It broke me down when I've already been feeling broken.
So it's easy to say today has definitely been a hard day.
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bunmurdock · 1 year
matt comforts reader with loss of purpose just some good ol' hurt/comfort bc life is hard <3
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you stare at the blank screen in front of you, the cursor blinking tauntingly as if mocking your lack of inspiration. your fingers hover over the keyboard, hesitating before they can even start typing. it's been days, maybe even weeks, since you last felt the rush of creativity that used to drive you. the sense of purpose that once fueled your every action feels like a distant memory.
lost in your thoughts, you barely notice the soft creak of the door as it opens and matt comes home. even though he can't see your face, his heightened senses detect the tension in your posture, the subtle shifts in your breathing. he crosses the room and sits on the edge of your desk, a gentle touch on your shoulder pulling you out of your reverie.
"hey," he says softly, concern lacing his voice. "everything okay?"
you give a half-hearted smile. "hey. yeah, i'm fine. just a bit tired, that's all."
he studies you for a moment, his lips forming a thoughtful line. "you don't seem fine," he counters gently, fingers still resting on your arm. you shook your head, a reflexive denial. "really, it's nothing. just a rough day."
matt's lips twitch into a half-smile, a mixture of amusement and skepticism. he knew your deflections all too well. "come on," he says, voice coaxing. “i can tell when something’s bothering you."
you look down, fiddling with a pen on your desk. a sense of vulnerability grips you, and you struggle to find the words to explain the turmoil inside. "i don't know, matt. lately, i've been feeling… lost, i guess. like i don't really know who i am or what i'm doing. i used to be so sure about everything when i was younger, but now i just feel like a shell of who i once was."
he nods with a soft hum. with a gentle touch, he closes the laptop, effectively ending your futile writing session. "come on," he said, his voice soft but resolute, hand patting your shoulder.
reluctantly, you set the pen down and follow him to the couch. with practiced ease, he settles you on his lap, wrapping his arms around you, where you felt safe and vulnerable all at once.
"you know," he begins, his voice thoughtful, "i've been in a place where i felt like i'd lost my purpose, too. a few times actually." you turned to him, surprised. matt had always been so composed, so confident.
he nods, his fingers tracing soothing circles on your back. "after midland circle, i went through a period where i felt like i had my purpose taken from me. along with two people who’d meant a lot to me. it was hard, trying to find my place without my abilities—without daredevil. and after everything that happened with fisk, i was angry. i thought i'd beaten him, but he still had a hold on me. and then there was the whole ordeal with poindexter. i battled my own demons, and faced my own darkness. it’s not easy."
your eyelids brim with hot tears, overwhelmed by both your own turmoil and his—you couldn't imagine how dark of a time that must have been for him. "how did you get through it?”
"well, i couldn’t have done it without the people around me—foggy, karen, and our other friends. accepting help… and then finding the strength from within to rise above the fear and doubt.” he pauses, as if reminiscing. “and i always remember something my dad told me: ‘it's not how you hit the mat, it's how you get up.’”
you close your eyes, a tear soaking into his shirt, as you manage a wet affirmation.
matt continues, "remember, it's okay to ask for help. and it's okay to feel lost sometimes. what matters is how you find your way back." your voice falters. "but how do i find my way back?"
matt's hand cups your cheek, his thumb brushing away a stray tear. "start by acknowledging your feelings. be kind to yourself, and don't be afraid to ask for help. surround yourself with people who support and love you, and remember that your worth isn't defined by your productivity or achievements."
you take a deep breath, his advice sinking in. "i guess i've been putting too much pressure on myself."
he chuckles softly. "you're only human. embrace your journey, even the uncertain parts. it's all part of becoming who you're meant to be."
as you sit in his comforting embrace, you realize that perhaps you're not as lost as you thought. with matt's support, you can begin to rediscover yourself and find your way back to the path that's uniquely yours.
after about a minute of comfortable silence, your spirits finally begin to lift and you raise your head. "thank you, matt."
he brushes some hair out of your eyes. “where’s my giggly girl?”
you bury your face in his chest in mock defiance, smile already forming, but then fingers brush at your ribs, pulling a gleeful squeal out of you. “matt!”
“there she is.”
with a newfound warmth in your heart, you find yourself smirking up at him. "does this mean i can add superhero therapist to your list of talents?"
matt chuckles, his fingers playfully tracing patterns on your arm. "i don’t know. did i do a good job?”
you lean into him, savoring the closeness. "hmm, not bad, though i’d prefer a cape next time you're on therapy duty."
"a cape? do i look like doctor strange to you?" he teases, feigning outrage.
you giggle. "might need to work on the facial hair."
matt pretends to ponder it. "perhaps a goatee will give me that mysterious, mystical aura."
you shake your head, still chuckling. "as if you’re not mysterious enough."
he pulls you in for a gentle kiss, his lips lingering against yours. "you know, i don't need a superhero identity to be your rock." his words send a pleasant shiver down your spine. you nuzzle closer to him, enjoying the warmth of his embrace. "i know, matt. and i'm grateful for you every day."
he grins. "good, because i'm not going anywhere."
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littlegodzilla · 2 years
Here I go again! Like I said in my Coming Soon post, I'm going to post today the second part of Our Past.
We have an asshole Daryl again but... well you'll all see.
I hope you like it!!
Our Past 2.
Daryl Dixon x Reader.
Part 2 of Our Past.
Warnings: TWD gore. Fighting. Daryl being an asshole again. Smut. Rough sex. Oral sex.
Words: 4400
Taglist: @phoenixblack89 @browneyes528 @lilythemadqueen @darylsgarden @green-eyedladywrites @srhxpci @xxtinasxxblog @hail-yourselves
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Things don't get better as the days go by. You try not to let it affect you, you know that Rick's group deserve to be in the community as much as anyone else, they are strong, intelligent, they have knowledge of the outside world that can help you defend yourselves, but sometimes you find it difficult to agree with Daryl. You know you have no right to be angry, even though his words have hurt you, he hasn't told any lies either, it's also true that you haven't known each other for more than one night, so it's possible that Daryl has always been like that, that shitty attitude is part of his personality that you didn't know. You don't understand it, because in his group it is evident that everyone admires and respects him, between Carol and him there is a more than evident connection, there is respect and affection, Rick bases all his decisions on the opinions of his group, but he always listens to Daryl to make the final decision. He is an important pillar in the group and you can only see him as a dick.
Days turn into weeks and even you feel your anxiety subside a bit as everything gets back to normal. You've had the odd run-in with Daryl on the streets of Alexandria, most of your encounters end in some sort of argument, you've tried to avoid him, but sometimes he seems to be looking to confront you.
That morning your class is interrupted by Rick. You are having a reading with the older group of kids, Rick's son Carl is among your students. You've talked to him a lot and he's told you a lot about his group, the places they've been, the people they've lost, you almost think you understand why they act the way they do. You stop the class and let the sheriff walk up to the middle of the room.
"Good morning, Rick, do you need Carl to come with you?"
"No, I'm not here for Carl, I wanted to talk to you, actually." He smiles but you look at him in surprise. "Could you step outside for a moment?"
"Yeah, sure, go on with your reading, I'll be right back." You tell your students walking out of the classroom along with Rick.
You hear murmurs behind you, you close the door leaving your children alone and follow Rick down the hallway before he stops and looks back at you.
"I'm not going to take up much of your time." He assures you and shifts nervously, you don't know what's going on but you start to feel uncomfortable too.
"Okay, what's wrong, has something happened?"
"No, not yet, it's what I want to avoid." He shrugs. "Deanna told me that you were alone before you got to Alexandria, that you survived on your own."
"Yeah... well I wouldn't call it surviving but..."
"Did you face the Walkers, did you kill any?"
"Some, yes...why?"
"I need to form a large group for a mission, I'll give you the details later, but I wanted to count on you... I count on you?"
"Of course, it's been a long time since I've been out on the road, so... I'd love to."
"Well, this afternoon, Deanna's office."
"I'll be there." You assure him and he nods letting you get back to your class.
The rest of the morning you can't get your students to concentrate on the subject matter, they keep asking what Rick wanted and why he had called you privately. They start spouting theories and gossip laughing amongst themselves as they manage to turn your cheeks red. Giving up you decide to stop the class and let them leave amidst laughter and a lot more whispering. You sigh rubbing your face feeling mentally tired, you too are curious to know what Rick wants from you, why he wanted to know if you were able to defend yourself against the Walkers. It's been a long time since you fought against any of them, that you have lost some of your reflexes and your courage, maybe, but you are still able to defend yourself, of that you are sure.
In the afternoon you return to the main house as you had agreed with Rick that morning. When you enter Deanna's office you see that you are not the only one summoned, besides the woman and Rick there are also Michonne, Glenn, Maggie, Daryl and Deanna's children. All eyes fall on you for a second, Daryl frowns and chews his lip snorting, walking away to the side of the room. You try to ignore him and close the door behind you.
"Sorry I'm late."
"Don't worry, everyone's been here ahead of time." Deanna jokes and you smile in appreciation of her comment. "What did you want to tell us, Rick?"
"It's about the Walkers." He explains. "We found a large herd not far from here."
"A herd?" Glenn asks and Rick shakes his head.
"More like a horde... They're trapped in an old quarry, but they're starting to escape and will soon come this far..."
"The walls will stop them, we'll be able to pick them off one by one." Spencer says without giving it too much importance.
"There are too many of them, if we let them get this far, Alexandria will fall."
"So what's your plan?" wants to know Deanna. "Do you think we can stop them?"
"It won't be easy, but we can re-route them, get them far enough away from the community so they don't become a problem."
"That would involve letting them out of where they're trapped."
"Yes, but under our control, we'll guide them and make sure the group doesn't break up, so they all go in the same direction."
"Okay, we'll take the caravan, I want to go there." Deanna gets up from her seat.
"Deanna, I don't think that's..." Attempts to stop her husband, but she shuts him up.
"No, I need to see it, if we're really in danger we need a specific plan to make it all work out."
"We will meet the caravan at the main gate, whoever doesn't have weapons Olivia give them."
The brief meeting over you all set off to follow the orders that Rick and Deanna have jointly given, everyone starts to leave the Monroe's house, you are pensive, the plan scares you a little, but you wish you could help. You are about to leave with the others when Daryl stops you.
"Where do y'think yer goin'?"
"What do you mean, where? I'm going too."
"No way, yer stayin' here." He says in a hoarse voice.
"Who do you think you are to decide that?" you frown releasing yourself from his grip. "Rick has asked for my help, and I'm going to help."
"It's an important mission, the last thing we need is to have to worry about yer ass." He growls and tense his jaw hard.
"Why are you so afraid of me being around your friends?"
"I'm not afraid of ya..."
"You're not? Because every time I'm with them you look like a caged animal." You advance a few steps towards him and Daryl steps back. "Are you afraid of what I might tell them? Do you think I'd tell them your past?" you smile because there's a hint of doubt in him.
"They'd know yers too..." He tries to defend himself, but you shrug.
"I don't care if your friends think I'm a whore, they don't know me, but it's clear that you do care. They are important to you, they respect you. So... What do you think they'd think of you if they found out?" You challenge him, you can't help but smile because he really does look worried now.
"If ya wanna die, ain't make too much noise." He growls one more time and walks out, but your smile of victory doesn't leave your mouth.
You walk into your house feeling like your heart is going to burst out of your mouth. You are excited, you are going to get out of those walls again. It should scare you, you should refuse because you are safe there, protected, but you have to admit that you miss being able to see more than just the houses of the community. You go up to your room to grab a backpack, it's just a reconnaissance run to make the plan work, but grab a few things in case it gets complicated, you also grab your own weapon from under your bed. A Halberd you found on your way while looking to save yourself, it has been your companion ever since and Deanna allowed you to keep it. You carefully strap it to your back after putting on your backpack with some clothes and food and set off in search of the others.
You want to show that you are useful, you want to help Alexandria as they have helped you. But most of all you want to prove to Daryl that you're not useless, that whatever he thinks about you, he's wrong. You want him to leave you alone, you live in the same community now, but you're willing to accept him as a neighbor, as long as he keeps a certain distance from you.
You get into the caravan greeting the rest of the group, leaving your backpack aside, your companions seem surprised by your equipment, it is true that you have been hiding that part of you for a long time, but it has never disappeared completely.
The trip is quiet, but all along the way you feel Daryl's gaze on you.
Getting to the quarry is easy, what is difficult to digest is what you find there. It is true that there are a large number of Walkers, too many to fight them, for Alexandria to fight them. There are trucks both above and below preventing the dead from escaping, some try and succeed, but they are hardly a threat. They won't get very far.
"As you can see; there are two trucks acting as a barrier at both the upper and lower exit, but in the upper area the ground is starting to give way, if the truck falls the whole horde will escape through there and the direction they will take will be towards Alexandria, but we can form a barrier and stop them." Rick continues to explain, everyone watches in silence, staring at all those beings.
"Reg could take care of that, with the construction team right away they could take care of that."
"We'll draw up a better plan in Alexandria, I want everyone to collaborate." Rick insists, then looks at you and calls you to come to him. "Come with me, I want to see what skills you have." He asks you, you nod your head.
"No..." Daryl then speaks, putting himself between Rick and you.
"I need to know what she's capable of out there Daryl, she clearly knows how to defend herself, but..."
"I'm tellin' ya no, she'll only give us trouble."
"Before she was the community teacher, she was out with Aiden and Nicholas exploring, you can trust her." Deanna says.
"Rick, no..." Daryl says again, but Rick ignores him and so do you.
You walk with the sheriff to the bottom from where some Walkers are managing to escape, he steps aside leaving you to show him what you can do. You swallow hard and hold your spear in front of your body. It's been a long time since you've faced one of them, but as soon as the head of your Halberd slices the first one in half and you pierce the skull so it stops hissing, it's like riding a bicycle. You never forget. You hold your weapon tighter and go for the next one without the fear of before.
You dance with your weapon as you attack a third Walker that has escaped, you hit its rotting body with your weapon to then cut its head in two, the smell is unpleasant, but you feel the adrenaline run through your body making your hair stand on end. Daryl watches you from the top of the hill biting his lip and frowning.
You all head back to Alexandria plotting a plan in the trailer, you wipe the blood and Walker remnants off your weapon while talking to Maggie and Michonne who seem curious about your Halberd. When you arrive in Alexandria Deanna and Rick are still plotting their plan, the woman is intrigued by all the ideas Grimes has prepared. You feel at ease with them, you smile and feel your cheeks flush when Abraham compliments your fight with the Walkers, you never expected that a group that had spent so much time outside could consider you useful.
And then there's Daryl.
The archer steps out of the vehicle with narrowed eyes and a tense jaw, he walks straight towards you, stomping his feet, fists clenched. He stops right next to you and grabs your arm, breaking into your conversation with Carol.
"Come with me." He says to you.
"What?" You look at him confused, but he shakes his body.
"Now." He insists, mumbling.
You struggle to understand what's wrong with him, but again your theory lights up in your head. You've spent too much time with his people, he doesn't want you talking to them anymore, not to mention you're with Carol, that woman is important to him, you noticed it the first day you got there, so seeing you with her must have set off all his alarms, but you're tired of his continuous dislike of you, of him never having a kind look for you, not to mention his hurtful words still stuck in your head. You've never considered yourself a bad person, but maybe you should draw the line at his abuse.
"I said no." You blurt out facing him, stare him down and cross your arms. "Who do you think you are to order me around?"
"Is everything okay?" Rick asks, stepping closer.
"Yeah." Daryl quickly replies, but you're not going to make it easy for him, not now that you've managed to get everyone's attention.
"No, it's not okay. Rick, tell your friend that just because we fucked one night doesn't mean he can act like an overprotective boyfriend now." You feel a thick silence come over the group, you fold your arms smiling victoriously as you see Daryl take a step back.
"Sorry, I... What?" Rick is confused and lost, he looks at both of you like someone watching a Tennis match, you can't help but smile and Daryl's anger grows more and more.
"I thought you two didn't know each other." Carol then speaks.
"And we don't know each other. It was just a dance and a quick fuck in an alley, right?" you shrug and all eyes fall on Daryl once again. "And if I may offer my opinion; it wasn't that spectacular, neither the dancing, nor the sex."
Rick needs a moment to react, he shakes his head trying to put that conversation aside, now is not the time for this, you have more important things, but Daryl steps forward grabbing you by the arm again, this time so hard that he drags you out of the group without you being able to stop him. Rick wants to go after you both, worried about his friend's reaction, but Carol stops him.
"Let them, it's something they have to work out for themselves."
"Daryl won't hurt her, but there's clearly something between them that we don't know about." Carol touches her partner's arm affectionately. "Let's give them space."
Although Rick doesn't seem too convinced, he finally gives in to Carol's words and they decide to go to Deanna's house to follow through with the plan.
The door to the house opens violently, behind it Daryl continues to pull you despite your best efforts to resist, the man pulls you once more into the living room and releases you. The two of you look at each other intensely, your breathing heavy, your chest pounding hard. Neither of you know what's going to happen now, but you're both ready to fight.
"What?" you bark, waiting for him to say something.
"Ya couldn't keep yer mouth shut, could ya?" He shifts from side to side, shoulders tensing, looking at you through his bangs.
"Is it that it was a secret? Sorry, I didn't mean to." You say with feigned innocence, but your voice sounds laden with irony.
"Yer a whore..."
"And you a stripper, maybe that's why we understand each other so well."
He stares at you, chews his lip several times, shakes and pushes his hair out of his face, but says nothing, just watches you silently.
"I don't care anymore if you insult me or growl at me every time you see me, but don't decide for me, don't protect me and then treat me like shit." You keep saying, still upset, but your nerves calm down a bit. "I don't know what's wrong with you, I never wanted to be a problem for you..."
"And yet ya couldn't keep yer mouth shut, ya were wishing ya could say it out loud, weren't ya?"
"Well... Actually? Yes, I did want to say it, because you were a dick with me unnecessarily, you insulted and humiliated me when I just wanted us to have a cordial relationship."
"I didn't say anything that was a lie; we fucked, there was nothing else."
"What is it that really bothers you, Daryl, that they know or that you wouldn't have measured up?" Your eyebrows rise curiously as you see him hesitate, fidgeting nervously. "So that's it, you don't care what they think you were or weren't before all this... What's bothering you is that someone thinks you're not good enough?"
"Shut up..." He says to you in a whisper. You can't help but laugh again.
Your laughter is nipped in the bud as you feel his body impact against yours, his mouth closes over your mouth and you groan, your back crashing against your living room wall. You wrap your arms around his shoulders, your hands tangling in his hair as you feel his hands on your ass lifting you off the floor. Automatically your legs wrap around his waist. You kiss wildly, there is biting, thrusting, your tongues tangle uncontrollably, your lips red and swollen. But you can't stop. You hear something fall to the floor and break, but your brain doesn't process it, Daryl sits you on your living room table, his mouth torturing your neck, you close your eyes gasping, you try to quiet your moans by biting your lip, tug at his clothes wanting to undress him, he lets you do it by helping you take off his vest, but when you try to do the same with his sleeveless shirt he stops you. There is a moment when you look at each other and lucidity seems to return to you, it is only a second before Daryl pushes his hips against you and you feel the bulge starting to grow inside his pants. You kick your boots off, Daryl's hands rip off your shirt and he's left watching your tits intently.
"Have they always been this big?" he growls and you laugh at his comment.
You move your hands down from his shirt to his pants unbuttoning them and pulling them down just enough so you can reach into his boxers and grasp his cock that stiffens against your palm.
"Has it always been this big?" you copy his words and he laughs too.
"Shut up."
"Make me." You challenge him and your gazes meet again.
There is so much intensity in them that the atmosphere becomes heavy around you. The heat of your bodies embraces you, the excitement becomes so strong it's almost suffocating, Daryl breathes through his nose like a bull as his fingers tangle in your hair and he pulls you down from the table guiding you to your knees, pulls down his boxers and stares at you.
"Open yer mouth." He commands you and you feel a current of pleasure run through you.
You open your mouth and feel the weight of his tip on your tongue, you look at him sideways allowing him to push his cock into your mouth until your nose brushes against his pubic hair. You hear Daryl hiss in pleasure as your lips tighten a little tighter around his length. He doesn't move, he lets you drive the rhythm yourself, you close your lips tighter around his cock and suck without taking your eyes off him, moving your mouth up and down his length, running your tongue up and down his tip, a curse escapes him and his hand tightening a little more in your hair. You have to admit you missed feeling his weight on your tongue, his taste and how he guides you without being too rough, but equally with a dominant gesture over you. Your body shudders and you feel your panties getting soaked.
Daryl pulls you away from his cock when he feels he's close to his limit, he lifts you off the floor seeking your mouth again, your kisses don't lose intensity, his fingers manage to get rid of your pants and again he lifts you in the air, your back leans against the wall again and you moan loudly when his fingers make their way inside your pussy. You hold tightly to his shoulders as you move your hips against his fingers feeling them deeper touching points that make you roll your eyes. Daryl feels you tighten around his fingers and moves them faster watching your face transform into grimaces of pleasure.
"Give it to me, girl, don't hold back." He whispers in your ear and you can't control yourself. You arch against his body and moan loudly clenching around his fingers. "Good girl..." He whispers again and bites your lobe.
You shudder again as his tongue slips inside your ear and you get goosebumps. You fail to catch your breath for when his fingers come out, they are quickly replaced by his cock thrusting in all at once. You cry out and dig your fingers into his skin, Daryl holds your ass and leaning one hand on the wall he begins to move inside you, slow lunges, searching for rhythm until he hears you moan again giving him permission to move faster. His fingers tighten on your buttock as he tightens you better over his waist while still thrusting inside you. Your body bounces with him, your mind clouded with pleasure, a knot forms in your lower belly and you know you are reaching your limit again. You moan his name in desperation and he looks at you. His eyes charged with desire.
"No, not this time, ya'll have to wait a little longer." He says and suddenly you feel his cock leave you.
A protest forms in your mouth being captured by his, without letting you utter a sound he walks with you in his arms to the couch. He has avoided your orgasm, but that doesn't mean he's finished with you. He lays you roughly on the couch. Your body bounces with inertia, your tits dance before his eyes and Daryl catches them in his mouth, playing with your nipples; licking, sucking, biting each one until they are hard. His mouth runs all over your body covering you with little kisses, nibbles and even his tongue slides across your skin until it settles between your legs.
"Daryl!" It's been so long since anyone has paid attention to that part of your body, you can't help but cry out in surprise.
He looks at you, but doesn't move, just makes sure you're okay before flicking his tongue along your little nub again feeling your thighs tremble on either side of his head. You hold yourself to the couch as his tongue runs over you, his lips tighten and suck on your clit, pleasure coursing through your body like cramps that make you moan again. His fingers part your folds and his tongue slips in, fucking you with it, your body arches, your hands tangle in his hair and your core presses against his mouth. You're about to cum again, you can feel it as his tongue moves inside you. But Daryl stops again.
"Daryl..." You gasp his name with need and he smiles.
Daryl takes off his shirt at last, sweat running down his skin, his hands grip your wrists and he lifts your arms above your head. His body lies on top of yours, his hard cock rubbing against your thigh, he needs attention too, he's holding on too long. Your legs rest on his shoulders as his cock slides back inside you, his grip on your wrists tightens as he lunges hard using you as a fulcrum, you move with him trying to keep up. Your vision blurs once more, your toes lock and pleasure bursts through you at last, your nails digging into his hands as you hear him moan hoarsely against your ear, his body crushing yours against the couch, his cum bathing your insides.
You both lie still in your position, both of you catching your breath, trying to control your runaway pulse, feeling your skin drenched in sweat, you feel Daryl move, his cock sliding out of your core, splashing the last white drops onto your skin.
You don't know at what point you blink, but you fall asleep.
When you open your eyes again the sun has already gone down and Daryl is standing in the middle of the living room, getting dressed, his back to you. Your body feels numb and your pussy is sore, but it was worth it, your memories of that night in the alley don't even resemble what just happened. Carefully you sit up on the couch hugging your knees, watching Daryl turn to look at you, already dressed.
"I'm leaving..."
"Okay..." You whisper looking at him out of the corner of your eye.
"Okay..." He nods his head chewing his lip several times, picks up the crossbow that at some point was left abandoned on your living room floor and walks away.
You don't know what's going to happen from now on, you don't even know what this was. Your heart clenches and you press your lips against your knees trying to control a gasp. Your body goes on alert when you hear his footsteps again, his head peeking through the living room door.
"He's dead..." He says to you suddenly and you struggle to understand what he's referring to, but then you frown, you don't think this is the best time for this. "But I'm still here." That catches you off guard and you're so surprised that this is reflected on your face, Daryl lowers his head for a second and then looks back at you, waiting.
"But I'm a whore..." You whisper and see him shrug.
"And I'm a stripper, maybe that's why we understand each other so well." He tells you and before he leaves a small smile graces his mouth.
You hear your door close and you hide a smile against your knees as you feel your heart racing.
The End...
Well I hope you all enjoyed it!!
See you in the next stories!!
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glowstick-cafe · 3 years
Abandoned||SBI x hybrid!reader
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SBIx hybrid!reader
Genre: Angst
Warning: Violence, Swearing, implied injury??
I use the Doomsday war to my advantage, that just feels right.
Why is everything dark?
I-Why can't I see?!
Why can't I move my wings?!
Dad! Help me, I'm scared!
"Dad! Help me, I'm scared!" Tears rolled down my face as I clung to the tree branch, "Y/n, it's ok! Keep your eyes on me and jump." Philza yelled. You were playing hide and seek with your brothers and managed to get stuck in a tree, which is why you're in this situation. "W-What if I fall?!" I yelled back, my tears blurred my vision, the only thing recognizable to me was Phil's white and green bucket hat. "I'll catch catch you. I promise." He said, his calming voice relaxing me. You took his word of it and jumped from the branch, you expecting to hit the ground or Phil's arm at least but with a small peak you saw that you were flying. "D-Dad....I'm flying!" You yelled excitedly while Philza was clutching his chest as if his heart was about to collapse on itself. If you were to ask him about it today, he would say that it was the most stressful day of his life.
"Tech, c'mon!" You whined, as your brother payed not mind to the fact that you were bothering or well at least trying to bother him. "Y/n, for chirst sake stop annoying your brother." Philza said, he just wanted some peace and quiet in the house for once and you were the only thing keeping it from that. "Y/n, I've already told you that you can't go outside with me a night, you're going to get hurt." The pink haired piglin murmured, "I can protect myself, you know this." "No, is no." He said in a stern tone making you huff in annoyance.
"Go with him, I won't tell a soul." Wilbur's voice cheered, his red beanie rested lazily on his head as he leaned on the couch. "Thank you, I'll do your chores for 3 days." "Make it a week." "Fine." After that little exchange you ran out the door to find Techno.
Deep into the forest you silently trail behind your brother while hiding behind trees and bushes, upon hearing a sudden noise that surprised you, you turned around to see your brother nowhere in sight. Your breath quicken as you looked around the forest in panick, where the hell is he?, while walking through the forest you bumped into someone, "Techno! I'm so glad to see yo-AAAA!" You cut yourself off to find out that instead stood a zombie, you backed yourself into a tree which left you nowhere to go, as much as you wanted to use your wings it was useless since the zombie could just grab you. "I can't believe I'm going to die to a zombie-" You managed to say, your terror was short lived because Techno stabbed the zombie through the heart. "Techno, I'm so sorry for following you. I almost got killed and-" Your rambling was cut short due to the sudden hug from the piglin, "I'm just glad your ok, I don't know what I'd do with myself if you got hurt." He whispered, all you could do was cry into his never as he carried you home.
"Dad, I'm not six anymore, I take care of myself. Techno gets to move out, what about me?!" You yelled, it was anthor fight between you and Phil, it's been getting more worse everytime. "The difference between you and Techno is that he proved that he can take care of himself." Phil argued back making you more annoyed. "When did it become about proving something? All I'm asking you to do is trust me, when did the become so hard to do?!" You screamed, you were at your limit, you ran out of the house and flew up to sit on the roof.
You were left to your thought until you heard a familiar voice, "It's rough in there haha..." Wilbur said, he was trying to make you feel better but he mentally cursed himself for even saying that. "You know he's trying his best right?" He sighed, Wilbur took a seat next to you and stared at the sky. Phil, Tommy, Wilbur, Techno and you used to sit on the roof and talk about the weirdest of things while watching the sunset, but not that Techno left to love on his on it doesn't feel the same. "Yeah, but I wish he'd do the bare minimum and treat me like I'm seventeen." I mumbled letting out a deep sigh, "Well, just know that I have your back no matter what, ok?" Wilbur reassured, he put out his pinky finger and you did the same, "Ok..." You gave the brunette a small smile then turning your attention back to the sunset.
"Now you've done it ya lil shit!" You jokingly yelled, you chase Tommy around the living room while Phil was making dinner and Wilbur was writing a song in his book. "Dad help! Y/n is brutally murdering me!" Tommy yelled while Phil hummed, not paying any attention to the blonde. "Imbeciles! Everyone of you in this house, imbeciles!" The blonde chanted while everyone laughed at you piled your entire weight on the boy.
Later in the night you heard a knock on your door, you utter a gentle come in to see Tommy. "What's up bud?" You ask, you sat up to look at him, "You know how Phil is finally letting you go live on your own?" You hummed and watced the boy try to find his word. "I...I don't want you to go-" He said, his voice sounding shakes which alarmed you.
"Is that was this is about? C'mon, sit." You sighed and patted a spot on you bed signaling for him to sit. "I know that you're going to miss me but just know that you'll have to get used to not having me around, I'm sure Wilbur feels the same. I believe in you, big man." I said while ruffling his hair, his expression seemed like he still wasn't read to let go. "But what about when you wake me up when I don't want to get up? What about you kicking me under the table during dinner, what about when I need you to tell me that everything is find? What about-" He paused to collect his thoughts. "Y/n, what am I without you?" His words made me halt, "Yourself..."
"You chose your side Y/n, Techno and I chose ours." Phil spoke, his tone cold and devoid of care."But, I thought- I thought we were a family." I say, Philza only wince at my words. I look up at him, Techno, and Dream as they set off the TNT dropper, with little time I tried to fly away I kept missing the TNT only by a kiss and a prayer until, "Y/n look out!" Tommy yelled, I quickly look behind me see TNT about to explode, out of instinct I use my wing to shield me.
Why is everything dark?
I-Why can't I see?!
Why can't I move my wings?!
Dad! Help me, I'm scared!
Why is no one there?
Dad-No, Phil, Techno, Wilbur, Tommy.....where are you?
My body felt like it was about the give out, I was losing a lot of blood. "I guess this is how I die...Techno can't save me this time." I chuckled to myself, "I wonder how one of Wilbur's songs go... Jubilee Line, was it?" I paused.
"Wasting your time
You're wasting mine
I hate to see you leaving
A fate worse than dying
Your city gave me asthma
So that's why I'm fucking leaving."
While I was singing a voice called out to me, it seems like I was buried under a pile of rocks...cool I guess. A hand reached and pulled me out of the dark creavis, surprising me completely.
I didn't realize how relieved I was to not die until I stole a hug from the person that saved me, he smelled of blueberries and heaven he was wear a colorful hoodie and a sea foam green swirl on the front. "It's ok, everything will be ok." Even his soft voice resembled an angel, I cried into his hoodie an. The man hugging me whispered small reassurances as my tears stain his hoodie, in that moment I've never been this scared to let someone go.
I hoped you liked this because I sure did, I shall go pass out now. It's 3:06am rn.
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links-destiny · 2 years
Marko's Laughter
Word count (1,356)
No content warnings involved
Mentioned characters - Rhino // Sandman // Diamond Spider
Notes: In this AU, Marko is selectively mute and has a difficult time expressing with the Sinister Syndicate.
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I know Marko can not be hurt. He is made of sand, simple as that now, but sometimes I find myself being his shield just as I would for anyone, but that is a quality that I still cling to, even after becoming the Rhino.
I mean, no person likes being punched across face anyway, whether you can feel it or not, da?
I block a fierce strike with my arm raised, keeping Diamond Spider distracted for just a moment more. Although it has been long while, this particular webbed hero is getting stronger, and more confident than before. Even so, his technique could use work.
Unlike some criminals, I'm not as stupid as people think I am, and I know exactly how to hold on my own. As Diamond Spider tries to kick me off balance, I manage to grab his leg, catching him off guard as I have many times before. At this point, it is really become terrible habit by now.
Still, his optics widen slightly before I toss his body towards side of building with bit more force than I intended. Even I am stunned. Doc did mention something about this uh, new strength that comes with suit...
There is no time for thinking though as Marko shoves two large duffle bags full of cash into my arms, snapping me out of my small moment of concern.
"No truck?" My eyes dart over to the wreckage, but this must be all that Marko could salvage under restricted time as he shakes his head in silence as usual.
Abandoning our transport, we immediately start to run in opposite direction as I could hear Diamond Spider cursing and getting up from the rubble left behind.
I tell myself to keep running, that anything could be better than being thrown back in Raft again, but this suit is not meant for such awful hot weather. We would not even be in this situation had things gone correctly as Doc had said but no, nothing ever does come out right.
Whether it was because of us, or whatever nonsense planning he has going on, he continues to not share the full extent of our purpose.
Heaving, I manage to choke out a thought or two. "That damn Паучок (Spider) busted our heist again! How does he keep doing that? Does he have nothing better to do?"
Marko is much faster, shifting in his sand-like form to move through streets with ease, but I can tell he is keeping close on purpose, so I am not on my own. He slides to my left and shakes one duffle bag in his hand with usual hard stare and raised eyebrow.
I've been getting better at reading his little nods and expressions but is still based mostly on my assumptions when he's not able to sign immediately. "Yes, but Doc will not be happy knowing we got less from bank. We planned for days, Marko! And we lost our truck!" Courtesy of Diamond Spider trying to jump in and steer us away from streets.
Obviously, it didn't actually work.
Instead, we slammed into the nearest street pole.
Sure, maybe we could hold our own, but that Паучок has dealt with us many times before, always figuring out new ways to take us down no matter how many times we think we have upper hand. Besides, I'd rather be a little bit of coward in order for Doc not to yell even more at us.
As I start worrying more about our predicament, I notice good hiding spot from that webbed hero, if he still happens on our trail. So I quietly point right and run straight into alley. Marko nods as he and I duck inside and hold our backs against wall, waiting for any sign that we were followed.
My breathing is heavy and rough, exhausted after running more than I am comfortable with, yet I still manage small talk quietly under my breath.
"You know, I am actually surprised in saying that I think we lost him. You would think that Паучок could spot us from mile away since we got arrested lots because of him. I mean we don't exactly blend in with crowds, you are pile of sand, and I am just some guy in dumb looking rhino costume."
I pause for a moment, reeling back to a shiver. "Oh wait, do you think he has the gift?"
Marko stares at me in confusion from behind the bandana that covers most of his face. His shoulders are tense, and his hands remain clenched. Not in the mood to sign, I see. One-sided conversations aren't easy, but I continue in a hushed whisper.
"You know! The rumors that he can use his weird powers to control tiny little пауки as his minions. чёрт побери (Damn)... is that possible, do you think?"
The nervousness kicks in. Maybe it was silly but when there are people like us existing, then surely that masked hero has similar tricks up his sleeve.
I do not expect Marko to respond to that as anyone else wouldn't bother to keep up considering I often go on and on with rambling.
Said 'Sandman' has been with Sinister Syndicate for couple of weeks now, but I have never met someone who made an active choice in living life in utter silence, like sand that he is. I didn't understand well enough, but he holds his own reasons as to why.
I peer out of the alley, seeing nobody that could resemble that purple-clad weirdo, but there's something else that I pick up. It is even bigger surprise when I start hearing laughter, coming from behind me, straight out of Marko.
As I turn, there he is, covering his mouth over hand, as he doubles over trying desperately to keep quiet. It is too much, and now, he is not even trying to hide it. I am sure if he was human, he would be crying in tears, just chuckling to himself.
I swallow any thoughts of hushing him when I note how very pretty his laugh is... Slightly cracking in pitch, rough from lack of use. This is not something I have had the privilege of witnessing.
Marko always held himself so seriously, with maybe few timid expressions here and there, but he is not one for strong emotions. Perhaps he never had many chances to freely express himself, but I do my best not to assume.
I think I like hearing his voice. To know that it is because of my ridiculous words, that his composure breaks, allowing himself to forget our situation and just release the tension he holds so closely.
While it may not be words, it is first I am able to actually listen, and I do not intend to complain, not when it is him.
I consider teasing Marko, wanting to mention how quiet he was before, and his apparent sense of humor that has decided to appear but I step back, remembering words that weren't my own.
'If he ends up feeling comfortable enough to talk in front of you, says anything at all, please do not bring it to attention and make an ill-advised comment. What he needs is a space with zero judgment and intolerance. Whatever moment he's in, let him be in that comfort, alright? That applies for you too, Octavius. Don't give me that look.'
Right, Toomes's observations...
Maybe I became too quiet in trying to remember that important piece because suddenly Marko looks up at me. I stammer to respond, trying to not make him feel singled out, but he smiles instead. It is soft and genuine even.
I clear my voice and look away, appearing more interested in the usual and boring passerby on the street. "We should head back to Doc and group now. They probably think we lost money, let us prove them wrong today."
Marko nods sharply, holding his duffle bag firmly, looking proud of himself despite our own mistakes.
Well, I could always deal with explaining ourselves on my own. It was that Паучок'c fault anyway.
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shotorozu · 4 years
Hi! Before anything I wanted to lyk I've read through some of your work and you've easily become one of my favorite writers :) I was wondering if you could do a bit of a comfort post? If not that's totally okay! If so, could it be hcs for Bakugo, Shinso, and maybe Aizawa (but not in like a relationship kinda way for him, like a student opening up to their teacher) telling them about being gender fluid? What would be their reactions? How would they adjust to the name change and using different pronouns? I recently told my bf and he didn't seem too up for it, eventually I told him to use my given name and she/her, kinda bummed lmao. I totally understand if you don't want to write for this, tysm either way! Have a great night/day :) (I'm so sorry this is so lengthy lmaooo)
reader coming out as gender fluid
character(s) : bakugou katsuki, shinsou hitoshi, aizawa shouta (bnha)
legend : [Y/N = your name, D/N = deadname] gender neutral, quirk not specific
headcanon type : hurt-comfort, fluff (x reader; platonic)
note(s) : first of all, i’m sorry about what happened with your boyfriend, if he cares about you, then he should’ve been supportive. it’s disheartening knowing that you decided to have him address you by your birth name, and by she/her. it should never be that way, especially when you felt comfortable coming out to HIM as gender fluid.
anon, i really hope this post gives you comfort, and if you want to talk— my dms are open!
»»————- ♡ ————-««
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bakugou katsuki
he wasn’t so sure on why you were acting all skittish all of a sudden, and he just wished you told him what was up
as much as he doesn’t want to admit it, katsuki really hates seeing you this down— and if only he could ‘kill those pesky emotions!!’
after a long day at school, katsuki decided to demand an immediate answer, on WHY you were acting like this
you express your concern, and even though katsuki’s rough words say otherwise— he’s willing to help (as much as he could)
but he wasn’t expecting you to come out as genderfluid
the entire pronoun thing had him confused, and it wasn’t in the “huh?? why would you want that?” type of confusion
it was rather like the “i thought they/them were plural pronouns?” confusion, but don’t be misguided! a quick google search fixed it up, and now he gets it.
with the name thing,, it took him two tries for him to get it right— but he’ll treat you like royalty if he accidentally slips up. he doesn’t mean to disrespect you
out of everyone here— he would be the most confused at first, since he hasn’t had anyone come out to him in like,, ever
katsuki feels so honored to have you feel comfortable enough to come out to him.
everyone is so intimidated by his short-tempered demeanor, to the point that no one has shared such an important, and personal detail to him
he’ll pull you in for a hug, large warm hands rubbing your back— and he’s trying to be gentle, okay?
“you really thought i was gonna say some bullshit about this, huh?” was what he first said to break the silence “i could care less about what you fucking identify with, you’re still you.”
and he means it
if anyone disrespects you, he’s blowing them up into space— enraged that anyone would try to disrespect you.
katsuki’s also very quick to correct someone if they ever deadname you “IT’S Y/N, NOT D/N!”
rip to them
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shinsou hitoshi
as soon as he notices that something’s wrong, his eyes will be on you— and only you.
he wishes he had some sort of mind reading quirk— he wants to know what’s on your mind, just so he could help you
hitoshi doesn’t want to be pushy, so he can only wait for you to come to him— but he will leave subtle hints that you could tell him anything that was on your mind.
so that’s when you decide to tell him your worries, and everything— feeling that you’re ready to come out to him as gender fluid
a small genuine smile will grace his face, pulling you into a loose embrace— “thank you for feeling comfortable enough to tell me.”
the next thing he does is ask you if you want to go by anything else— just in case you do want to be addressed differently.
you’ll still be his kitty anyway, so it’s not like this change would negatively affect him.
you’ll never catch him slipping up
i’m sure he’s probably familiar with different types of identities— so gender fluidity isn’t a stranger topic to him
so because of this, he adapts pretty easily— cooperating with the new revelations with ease
rip to anyone that has the audacity to deadname or misgender you, it’s not something he takes very lightly similar to bakugou and aizawa
he’ll understand if it’s a innocent mistake, but he still won’t be pleased with the offender— that’s strike one for him
i swear— his glare will make anyone shart their pants in a second. it’s ruthless
hitoshi won’t hesitate on using his quirk on anyone that purposely disrespects you— and for once, he doesn’t care about what others will say about him.
they shouldn’t have disrespected you 🤷‍♀️ just saying
if you wanted to buy clothes that were a lot more gender neutral, he’s perfectly fine with that too!
hitoshi doesn’t care if you strip him of every single penny and dime that was in his wallet for hoodies and sweatpants.
he just wants your happiness to be at it’s highest at all times— because a happy Y/N makes a happy hitoshi <3
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aizawa shouta
even though he has to take care and supervise 23 growing teenagers, he still manages to notice if something’s wrong with one of them it’s impressive!
of course— aizawa’s a busy man, and he’s constantly tired. but, it would make him feel a lot better if all of his students were content with themselves
so seeing you down was something he noticed since the moment you came in
it’s not like he could FORCE you to tell him what was wrong, that’s not the approach he’s looking for
and besides, if you told him that everything was fine, then he couldn’t really push it. his concern didn’t really die down though
a few days later, aizawa decides to talk to you again— basically consenting you to come talk to him when the time’s right
but he didn’t see this coming
so that’s when you decide to come out to him first, spilling out your concerns, and the worries that plagued your mind— worried that people wouldn’t accept your new identity as a gender fluid person
now, aizawa has met a lot of people in his life. from different ages, people with different quirks, and of course— different identities
he asks you why you decided to tell him first, and you told him that it’s because you felt comfortable knowing he knew first
“thank you for telling me, Y/N” he thanks you calmly with a comforting hand on your shoulder “i’m proud of you.”
he asks you if you want to go by a different name, and he’ll make sure to start calling you by that name (even though he calls all of his students by their last name)
oh, and he immediately switches pronouns! i know that should be expected but,, it’s so natural wow
of course, he won’t out you to anyone if you’re not ready to come out to the rest
and because of how natural the pronouns switch is, no one notices it when aizawa started addressing you with they/them
but if you’re ready to come out, he’ll be there— silently making sure that everyone accepts you.
okay but he’ll get so defensive if anyone misgenders you or dead names you— his capture tape will start floating, and his eyes will shine red
which is weird because.. who has the guts to dead name/misgender AIZAWA SHOUTA’s student?? anyone that does that in front of him is INSANE
in short, he’s very supportive— he won’t blow it out of proportion, because he knows how uncomfortable that’d feel if he did
but he’s glad to know that you decided to share such a important detail to him— aizawa might be always tired, but he wouldn’t dare to forget such detail
you’re his student after all, he cares about you lots— if you’re content with yourself, then that’d bring him inner peace
»»————- ♡ ————-««
likes and reblogs are appreciated, thanks for reading!
i do not own bnha/mha and it’s characters. boku no hero academia/my hero academia belongs to horikoshi kohei, i only own the writing and i do not profit off of my hobby
do not plagiarize, reupload, translate, or use my works for audio readings without permission
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genshinobsession · 4 years
okey okey but like for your sentience au thing, and in one of your recent asks
like the one where the characters finally break free, childe's part had me thinking on how they can always be with you
what if, whatever, character manages to escape but what if they were tiny. like the same character size on the device you play on.
like what if they were pocket sized, is basically what I'm saying. then they can be always with ya.
ya know.
ack, too much.
I'm really liking your writing and ideas. I've turned on my notifs, so that I can always be updated on when you post. and I just, plse continue to write. obvi ion wanna sounds like I'm forcing ya to continue writing.
drink some water, not too much nor too little, eat, takes nap and take care of yourself
This is a GREAT idea thank you!
I hope I wrote it the way you were hoping so far!
They Escape the Game (Part 1)
(Pocket Edition)
Characters included in this part:
Xiao, Diluc, Kaeya
(I may make a PC version but it will more than likely just be HC’s because the only thing that would change would be the slight change in height)
It took everything in him to finally decide to leave everything he knows behind and take a leap of faith out of the game. All he’s every known has been Genshin and ONLY genshin. So when he had finally gotten out of it he was more than surprised by what he saw.
When he had made it out, the first thing he was met by
Was you.
Except, you were h u g e.
You looked down at the tiny person in front of you who had just literally hopped out of your screen.
As you took a closer look your realized it was xiao.
HA, that can’t be right, right?
You went to poke him to make sure you weren’t just making it up but right before you did you felt his tiny hands push against yours a-bit.
“What are you doing?” He asked with his usually annoyed tone. Your eyes widened as you realized, this was in fact xiao. He just, popped out of your game.
You left the palm of your hand open as he hesitantly climbed on. You carefully raised him closer to your face as he grabbed onto your thumb to secure himself on your hand.
“Xiao?” You asked.
“Who else would it be.” He retorted, taking a quick glance at the very large objects around him. He was used to the large mountains in Liyue but nothing of this size.
Having the tiny man in the palm of your hand was such a weird feeling but you had to admit his tiny angry face did look adorable. You gently placed him back down as you began to think.
“How are you even here?”
“...” no response came from the tiny yaksha as he looked away, seemingly avoiding the question. He looked around your room a bit more and noticed that you had his mask on your wall.
“How did you get that.” He asked as he pointed to it, looking back down towards his hip where his now tiny mask still remained.
“Oh, this was a gift from a friend of mine.” You said as you carefully took it down and placed it in-front of him.
Carefully he stood on top of the mask and admired the detail, it was accurate to the one he had, which was impressive but he dare not say that out loud. He lightly hopped off the mask as he looked back at your phone that now had an empty space where he had been.
His mind did start to wander as he thought about how literally all he knew was essentially
A lie.
Not wanting to think about it to much he turned back towards you.
“Traveler... pick me up.” He demanded as his now outstretched hands wrapped around your finger as you lifted him back up to your face.
“I am now going to stay with you to protect you at all times. No, you do not have a say in this.” He proclaimed as you lightly chuckled.
“What’re you going to protect me with, a toothpick?” You joked and xiao pulled out his spear and lightly poked your finger, not enough to make you bleed but it still hurt causing you to almost drop him.
“Didn’t think that through, did you.” You laughed.
Going about daily life wasn’t too hard with Xiao always around. You found different places to hide him so if someone walked in they wouldn’t see him.
When going outside you attempted putting him in your pocket but it was a bit to much of a tight fit for him to stick his head out well. So you decided to get a small empty bag.
He’s often very quiet throughout the day, just enjoying being around you finally. He didn’t even care about how you looked he just wanted to be around you especially now that he’s in a huge world full of unfamiliar things.
At first Diluc was unsure about dropping everything and leaving, since there was no guarantee of him getting back if he felt homesick. However, this thought was overruled when you had joined the game again.
He wasn’t one to just jump head first into things but this time he was sure about what he wanted to do. And before you could even do your normal greeting he had leaped from the screen.
He didn’t think about the fact that he had no idea where he was going to end up when he jumped through but that question was quickly answered when he landed in your face.
You immediately swatted at you face, thinking it was a bug, not caring to open your eyes and look at who it actually was.
Diluc hung on for dear life as you finally swatted him off but he luckily landed on the pillow in-front of you.
As you rubbed your mouth hoping to get the feeling of what you thought was a bug off your mouth you finally heard it.
“Traveler?” The voice said. It was a strong voice and sounded, a bit far away. You looked around for the voices host, but saw no one. Until you looked down at the pillow in front of you and noticed the small redhead who was standing there.
You had no idea what to say, this isn’t real right? But it’s so convincing. He practically look as if he was actually there.
“Diluc?” You asked hesitantly as he looked back up at you. This was the first time he had ever seen you face to face, you were a lot bigger than he had thought you were going to be but he found your features beautiful nonetheless.
You carefully put your hand down for him to climb up and he did. He held onto your thumb go slight security as you lifted him up to get a closer look, and sure enough, it was Diluc, down to every last detail.
“Oh my goodness it really is you! Why are you so small?” You asked, he shrugged his shoulders and turned back to look at the thing he popped out of which was your phone.
“Well I’m assuming since I come through that portal object over there, I ended up being no bigger than that size.” He said as you put him carefully back down on the phone.
“What is this thing anyways?” He asked as he tapped the sword attack button on your screen causing your character to attack.
“Ah, so that’s how you did it. I will admit this is a little bit weird for me.” He said as he turned back towards you.
“Are you still able to bring out your weapon and everything?” You asked and he nodded and drew his weapon. You were amazed to say the least. Your favorite character literally just popped out of your game.
“This is amazing! I can’t believe you’re here, how did you even manage to get out? Do you plan to go back? How would you even get back?” You rambled on with more and more questions as Diluc just calmly watched you as a small smile graced his features.
He didn’t care about getting back right now, all he cares about was that he was finally with you.
Your day had been pretty rough. Nothing was going right from the beginning so when you finally got back home you decided to just sit down and play Genshin.
When you entered you had realized Kaeya wasn’t in his usual spot which confused you but you decided to do a few quests before questioning it.
Eventually you had just gotten to the point in the Lantern Rite where you had to talk to Kaeya and you were ECSTATIC.
You made your way from Liyue to Mondstadt as fast as you could. And from a distance you could see the marker as it counted down the closer you got to it. As you made your way to fountain there he was.
He smiled at your presence as you ran around him in circles, trying your best to say hi. You stopped in front if him and went through the quest dialogue, praying to Barbatos that he wouldn’t disappear after wards, and lucky enough for you he didn’t!
You hopped up and down out if pure joy.
Kaeya chuckled a bit at your excitement as he put his hands on your characters shoulders to stop them from hopping.
“I have a little surprise for you, I’ve been working on it for a while. I need you to wait here.” He said as he backed up from your character. You watched him as he just disappeared.
“The hell?” You asked out loud, what kind of surprise was this? You expected him to appear back in front of you in game but it never happened.
You waited a little bit expecting something to happen, yet nothing did. Until you were met face to face with the blue haired Calvary captain.
Not expecting the sudden figure to just appear in-front of you freaked out and jumped up from where you were seated, cause Kaeya to go flying.
Luckily it was that far of a distance and he managed to land safely.
“Kaeya?” You asked, thinking you might’ve just had your phone to close to your face.
“Surprise!” He said, climbing back up your chair. He landed on a space where you both could see each other as he finally got a good look at your face.
You had no idea what to say as you looked at the tiny captain in-front of you. He still did some of his idle animations as he stood, waiting for your response.
“How did you get out?” You asked him, leaning down towards him a bit.
“I have my ways.” He replied. It’s Kaeya, did you really expect a full detailed answer? He looked around your room, taking in the new surroundings. It was nothing like he had seen in Mondstadt, for one thing there was technology.
This was entirely new to him, and there didn’t seem to be any weapons anywhere.
Your entire room was practically the size of Mondstadt to him.
“I must say, I didn’t actually think this would work, but I’m glad I could finally meet you.” He smiled, you smiled back, still unsure of what was happening and questioning if you should make an appointment with an eye doctor.
“How long have you been trying for?” You asked looking down at him, he paused as he thought of his answer, the time difference in your world was drastic from that of Teyvat.
“Well it’s hard to say but I have tried maybe, 25-30 times before. I was starting to lose hope if I’m being honest.” He admitted. You had no idea he was this dedicated to getting out of the game
To see you.
It was flattering but also a bit scary to think your favorite character has wanted to meet you just as much as you wanted to meet him.
“This height difference nah be a problem though.” He pointed out with a chuckle.
“We’ll figure something out I’m sure.” You responded
(This basically just serves as an introduction to the idea and hopefully I will have enough time to come back and expand on what they do as tiny people)
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baecvlt · 3 years
Hello hello! I looove your work! I was wondering if I could requests Kazuichi taking his best friend(or lover! Just thought friend would make it more interesting) on a late night car ride to test some adjustments he made to it, could end up with some steamy car sex? Hopefully this made sense! I've been craving this kind of fic
Car Sex: Kazuichi Soda x Reader
a/n: It’d be an honor to write this. Hope you enjoy! ALso VERY WELL ESTABLISHED FRIENDSHIP HERE + projecting my interests onto reader because I get selfish AND I feel like Kaz listens to rock/alt/indie music. K byeee. ALSO READER IS FEM, pls specify next time
It was a Friday night, you were out for dinner with your best friend, Kazuichi Soda. You were glad to finally get out the house. It got lonely, plus you got to catch up with him and see him personally. He offered to pay for your meal, you allowed it since this time you were tight on money. As he paid, you notice he was excited about something.
“I know this is so last minute,” he began,“But I was wondering if you’d come back to the shop with me”
You nodded, but remained curious. “Of course, I’ll go, but why?”. He leaned toward you and he was excited. His leg was shaking and hands slightly shaking. “I’m finally finished with my car!,” he cheered,“I want you to be the very first to join me for a test drive!”. You smiled. Kazuichi had been working on this car since high school. He almost gave up on it too, so you were happy he never gave up on it. “Of course I’ll go!,” you told him, just as cheerful as he was. You both has walked to the restaurant, now walked back to the shop.
His family was there, closing the shop up. You obviously greeted them. He walked right past them and to the garage. A sheet was on top of the car. Once you were in the room, he walked towards it. He grabbed the sheet, doing a small countdown. “3..2..1-”. He yanked the sheets off, revealing a new and improved car. “So, what do ya think?”. You were excited with him now. “Jesus, the paint job on this is amazing!,” you said to him. “‘May have taken me my whole high school and half my college experience to finish it, but it was worth it!”.
“What do ya say? Should we take it out for a spin”
“You don’t have to ask me twice”
He cheered quietly, opening the passenger door for you and hopping into the driver’s side. He opened the garage door, pulling out of the driveway. He had only driven down the street and you saw how nervous he was. You grabbed his hand, he gasped when you did. “Hey, I’m sure the car is fine, don’t stress out”. He smiled, putting his arm around you. You relaxed laying back. You drove around for about half an hour, going up some hill to a mountain. “Where are we going?,” you asked him.
“We’re gonna look at the stars”
“Ooo, nice”
He parked by the edge of the mountain. It was weird because no other cars were to be seen. Usually there were. “By the way, I wanna show you the coolest thing here,” he said, opening the glove compartment. He took out a CD, Slowdive's 1993 album Souvlaki, and revealed he had a working stereo. "Holy shit, it works?," you were excited. He nodded, popping in the CD. "I love Slowdive," you mumbled. He smiled, chuckling a little.
"I know. You were listening to it the day we met"
"Oh! I was...Yeah, I remember you came up to me that day. You were so awkward"
"Right? God, I feel like I acted like a douche"
"You were like,'Hey, we shouldn't be able to hear your music'"
"Yeah, yeah. Then you were all,'Oh, sorry!'. Then, I was like,'Don't worry, but anyway, Slowdive, huh?'"
You both laughed. "God, I felt that you were trying to hit on me that moment," You told him,"But you're just...you're really nice". Smiling, he shook his head. "Do you miss high school?," he asked. You thought about it for a moment. Did you? "You know what," you began,"Partially". He was confused. "What do you mean?".
"Well, we all had good times in high school. We had good friends, all those memories. We've kinda drifted away, but that's why I partially miss it"
"So why don't you?"
"I felt like I didn't belong"
He looked at you sympathetically. "You all had an established talent. I didn't," you told him,"Sometimes, I still wish I hadn't gone". Hearing you say so saddened him. "But you're good at a lot," he said,"You were better than everyone there". "You're just saying--".
"No! I swear, you are talented at a lot. It was just never put into one thing. You aren't alone either. Hajime never had an exact talent, Nagito won a lottery...you belonged there just as anybody else. You are a Jack of All Trades—"
"—Master of None."
"NO! You are the master of all!"
You smiled. "I care so much about you. I'm really glad we met. I just know that if we hadn't met my life wouldn't be the way it is now...," he said,"So, please, never say that again! You belonged there". You lay back in your seat, trying not to cry. For the first time in forever you felt like you had a place in the world, it felt weird, but not bad. You weren't used to feeling important. "Are you even happy with your life?". He looked at his thumbs when you asked him that. You were afraid of his answer, you didn't know why, but you were.
"There are somethings I wish I didn't have to deal with, but when I think about you, I realize that it's all worth dealing with...and that makes me the happiest man in the world"
He said your name, his voice low when he did. It interrupted anything you wanted to say next and your thoughts were racing. "I..I—". He sighed. You knew whatever he had to say next was not easy for him to spit out. "You know how important this car is was for me, it took up my entire high school year to work on. I know I had fun doing it, but I didn’t build it for me,” he sputtered and you could tell he was nervous,“I made this car so that...so that I'd have something to impress you with the day I had the courage to tell you how I really feel about you. I love you and I have for so long. I don't see myself being with anyone else and I wanted you to think of me as the coolest guy you'd ever met and now you probably think I'm a chump–"
You launched yourself towards him, attacking his lips and you felt his skin radiating. He felt as if he had been kissed by an angel. "I love you too, Kaz," you whispered. You really did. Crawling onto his lap, you pushed his hair back. "I wish it hadn't taken you so long to tell me," you added, frowning,"We could have done all these cute high school couple things, then moved onto adult couple things". He kissed you this time, his hands on your hips as you nibbled his bottom lip. He managed to move you both to the passenger side in order to prevent your back setting the horn off. He stopped for a minute.
"'Adult couple things'?"
"Well, we're adults now, aren't we? And who says we're too old to do what high schoolers do"
"You're not wrong either...but are you interested in doing adult things with me?"
He blushed and looked away for a minute,"I, uh- I've never done it before. I was waiting do it with someone who loves me, y'know? But- you love me, right?". You laughed, nodding. He laughed too, shaking his head as he reached up your skirt, his calloused and rough hands rubbing your thighs. "Hoh-okay, you asked for it". He leaned forwards to kiss you, grabbing the waistband of your panties as his tongue entered your mouth. He pulled them down, allowing you to remove the rest by making his seat go further back. You kicked them off, going to unzip his jeans and pull those down too along with his boxers. He was already rock hard and made you throb just looking as his cock. It was slightly above average in both length and girth, but what did you expect from a dork like him?
You took off your entire skirt before climbing right back into his lap right after pulling them down, he smirked and lowly praised you: "Good girl". He kissed you a little more before he grabbed his cock, ready to guide it inside you. "You ready?". You were shaking, but uttered a soft,"Yes...". Before he could, the Slowdive song you were listening to when you first met started playing and you knew this was meant to happen. You melted when he heard it too. It means it meant something to him and it meant as much to him as it meant to you. "You remember this song, baby?". He pressed light kisses on your forehead as you nodded. You felt his tip at your entrance and you whined. "W-Wait! Kaz, please be careful," you begged. He nodded and kissed you again. "I'll be soft," he reassured you,"Besides, I want to take my time with you. Okay?". You took a breath and relaxed.
"Uh, wait- I should probably ask. Did you wanna do this laying down? I don't think it's fair if you're on top during our first. Plus, I don't want your back to hurt"
"Y-Yeah, my back was starting to ache a little"
He nodded, putting the seat all the way back, now mimicking a bed. You switched positions, spreading your legs for him. He put the volume on the stereo almost all the way up before picking your legs up. He positioned himself again, pushing in just the tip. You gasped quietly, breaking into a very sweet moan as he pushed in all the way, groaning lustfully. He repeatedly pushed in: deep, but slow. He only felt his erection grow harder seeing you blush. Your little moans and soft whimpers when he'd hit that one spot you thought only you would be able to reach made him twitch inside you. He tried to keep his composure, but your walls constantly pumping him made it almost impossible. He leaned forward, desperately trying to kiss you. You could've melted right then and there, seeing how this man made love to you. "I-I love you..," he whispered against your lips. God, he was so cute too.
"I love you too, Kaz, but this is a little too slow now"
"Please, tell me what you need"
"I want you fuck me harder"
"Whatever you say, princess"
His thrusts went from "slow and deep" to "abrupt and very deep". "Like that?". You kissed him in response, grabbing his hair and pushing his head to you. His hips snapped inside you, making it harder to control your breathing. At this point, the windows as fogged up, making the air around you hot. He grabbed your breast, massaging them. You did him the favor of unbuttoning your blouse. You grabbing his hand and slipped it under your bra. "They're so pretty and warm," he mumbled. You could tell he didn't want you to hear that from how low he said it, but you heard it well. He pulled your bra down to your torso, ducking his head down to be able to suck on your breasts a little. "K-Kaz! I'm really sensitive there!". He didn't respond, so entertained by your boobs, knowing playing with them made you feel good.
Your stomach was in knots and it was hard to hold anything anymore.
It took one really hard thrust, making you squirt. He didn't even know it could do that. You didn't cum all the way through, making it uncomfortable now. You felt like you were being edged. "Kaz, it doesn't feel good anymore".
"Do we stop?"
"No, no! Just...I need to cum"
"I'll get you there"
His hands went back to your hips, slamming into you fast and deep. Your body trembled, shaking as he hit your sweet spot again and again and again. "Is this okay?," his voice husky as he was nearing his orgasm too. You nodded, whining. "I-It feel so good..please don't stop," you cried,"It's so good!..". He went faster, grunting softly. You were near crying, about to release. "Are you gonna cum?". He was just as impatient as you were.
"I'm cumming, I-I'm cumming"
"I can't last anymore. C-Can I cum inside?"
"Please, baby"
He groaned you name, shooting his load in you. You knew it was a lot too, feeling it when you moved. He pulled out, laying on the other seat lazily. You were still so turned on, pumping your two fingers in and out of you, securing his cum inside you. "Good girl". You picked your braw up to cover your chest since it was getting cold. "You look so pretty," he added. You were blushing as he helped you with your clothes. Naturally, you helped him with his. "I hope this is a good time to ask, but...". "Yes?"
"I want you to be my girlfriend"
"I'm so glad you do. Yes, Kazuichi, I'll be your girlfriend!"
"Yes! Fuck Yes! Oh god, I'm so happy!"
You kissed his cheek, making him become even more giddy as he wrapped his arm around you and drove you to his home. Kissing on his bed, he hugged you tightly afterward as you shushed him to sleep.
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ethanharli · 4 years
Tumblr media
Requested: On Tumblr; May I ask for a Giyuu x male!Reader smut? Perhaps the reader being a little rough with Giyuu please?
Pairing(s): Giyuu Tomioka x Top Male Reader.
Warning(s): NSFW/SMUT, Bottom Tomioka, Energetic reader, Choking, Slight dirty talk and degradation, Hair pulling, ✨ Aftercare. ✨
DNI; if you use she/her pronouns.
A/n- I'm such a slut for this man smh
I couldn't help but smile brightly when I saw Tomioka a little ways away from me, we were assigned a mission a couple of days ago to a quiet town in the east, where a demon has been taking young drunks and since I got here a day or so before him I made sure to look around and get familiar with the area. So I gently tapped my index and middle fingers together as we approached each other, seeing the slightest of smiles tug at his lips once he saw me, "[Y/n], you burned Wisteria incense?" He asked, now looking up at me with his usual stoic expression and all I could do is let out a small 'Mm-hm!' With a quick nod and a wide grin, not being able to speak much due to my damaged vocal cords. So taking a step closer I leaned down besides his ear not noticing the sudden stillness of his body as I spoke, "Should give us a bit more time to search around" My now deep and raspy voice wasn't something I had gotten used to yet, and it didn't help that I couldn't speak any louder then a whisper. However I did catch the small hitch in his breath, causing me to frown a bit as I pulled away and looked at him, his face was flushed and his lips were slightly parted, his gaze was fixated on the ground and I could finally see just how still he was standing.
It was only when I pressed the back of my hand to his forehead that he finally looked back up at me with slightly widened eyes. "You're warm, maybe you're sick?" My throat slowly started to itch again and I had to resist the urge to scratch at the scar along my throat. It was quiet concerning though, Tomioka has been getting warm like this a lot recently, I've tried to ask others about it to but they would just give me a knowing smile and tell me everything's alright, but that didn't stop me from worrying. I'm pretty sure it started around the time I was at the butterfly estate since Shinobu was helping me with my throat and damaged vocal cords. "Maybe you should sit this one out, I don't want you getting hurt" The worry in my tone was clear, but Tomioka simply took my hand in his and leaned up to place a gentle kiss on my cheek before pulling away, "I'm fine [Y/n], now let's go look around."
Stubborn bastard.
I couldn't help but sigh and follow after him, not wanting him to get lost since he's only just arrived. So while it was still light out I showed him all the important places where the demon might be hiding or might target next, taking an occasional look around at all the Wisteria incense I put out to see how much longer we had left and finally talking with some of the residence here, which luckily didn't end to badly since Tomioka had to do most of the talking. Nevertheless we eventually came up with a plan, "So we're going to tail a drunk?" I asked, looking at Tomioka with a slightly disapproving glare, not really wanting to use a towns-person as bait and I could tell that Tomioka new what I was thinking when he rested his hand on my shoulder, looking up at me with those beautiful dark blue eyes that practically own me at this point. "I won't let them get hurt, I promise" Even though he sounded confident I still held my doubts, but with a heavy sigh I traced the back my fingers along his jawline, pulling him in for a sweet but gentle kiss, "You're lucky I love you cause if it were anyone else I'd probably strangle them for even suggesting this idea."
I could practically feel the way my heart fluttered at his sudden chuckle, the sound of it so foreign since he rarely ever shows emotions, and I couldn't help but pull him back for another quick kiss, before heading off to my station, "Stay safe." It was the only thing I could hope for as I stood at the back of the bar, I was thankful that there was only one due to it being a small town but that didn't make the situation any less dangerous. The incense finally wore off as the stars danced across the midnight sky, while I sat myself down on the roof, keeping an eye out for anything suspicious or even just someone leaving and so far everything seemed alright, until a shadow flickered from the corner of my eye.
In one swift movement I drew my blade and slashed it at the demon who managed to jump out of the way just in time, now standing from my seated position I narrowed my eyes at the ugly bastard, "So you're the one that's been eating all these people?" I asked calmly, trying to raise my voice a little higher so I could be heard, and I couldn't help but raise a brow in confusion from the way she suddenly swayed, a deep blush now coating her grayish complexion. "It's a pity your a Demon slayer, with a voice like that I'd love to have you in my bed" I couldn't help but feel slightly uncomfortable about her suggestive tone and lustful gaze, but something in the back of my mind nagged at me. So trying to brush it off I rushed at her, dodging any hit she sent my way while she managed to dodge my attacks as well, "Sorry lady but I already got a lover, and I don't plan on letting you live tonight." Her smirk only seemed to grow at my words, as I closed in on her, hoping she wouldn't notice the way I was backing her into a corner, "Then they must be real slut for you hm? Wanting nothing more than to get off to deep voice of yours-"
Blood splattered onto my cheek and clothes as I cut off her head, "Demon or not, no one talks about my lover that way" I sneered slowly feeling my anger subside as I watched her burn away. Though I couldn't deny the fact that her words got me thinking, and eventually led me to connecting the dots about Tomioka's recent actions. So when the male appeared beside me with worried eyes I couldn't help but smile and nod my head before sheathing my blade, I also convinced him to stay the night with me since we've been away from one another for so long, and maybe for the fact that I wanted to figure something out.
I didn't bother to dry my hair as I walked into our shared room, spotting Tomioka sitting on his futon with a book in hand, gently flipping through the pages as I made my way over to him, "[Y/n]?" Ignoring the call of my name I happily moved myself between his legs while pushing him onto his back so that I could rest my head on his abdomen. "It's been so long.. Since we've last seen each other" I mumbled softly, wrapping my arm around his waist so that I could hold him closer against me, while my other hand slipped under his robe and gently traced small circles along his skin, smiling when I heard a sigh of content slip past his lips. However I couldn't help but trail my hand up higher as I lifted myself onto my knees, looking down into Tomioka's slightly widened eyes with a small smirk tugging at my lips.
"And it's been even longer.. Since I heard those pretty moans of yours" I could feel the way his body shivered under my fingertips and it only caused my smirk to grow as I attached my lips to the base of his neck, dragging my teeth and tongue along his pale skin, not wanting to leave a single place untouched while my hands opened up his robe. Gently tracing my fingers along his toned abdomen and pushing my thumbs against his hardened nipples, as I bit into his shoulder, drinking in the way he moaned my name with a choked gasp. "[Y-Y/n].." The way my name rolled off his tongue nearly caused me to growl as I captured his lips with my own, dragging my tongue along his lower lip before I took it between my teeth, giving it a soft tug. While my hands traveled down to his pants, slowly pressing my fingers under the band as I pushed my tongue past his parted lips, slowly losing myself to the taste of him as he pressed his hips against my own.
"Now now baby, there's no need to rush" I whispered against his lips as I slipped off his pants, noticing the fact he wasn't wearing any undergarments and the way his cock slowly started to leak pre-cum. "Already? I barley even touched you" The teasing tone of my voice forced a whimper past his throat as I wrapped my fingers around his cock, pressing my thumb against the slit and smearing his pre-cum around it before licking it off my fingers. "[Y-Y/n] please" I couldn't help but drag my tongue along my upper lip before leaning down to kiss along his jawline, threading my fingers through his soft black hair. Tightening my grip I yanked his head back, "Ah-!" His sudden moan caused my heart to thump and my core to tighten, reminding me of the uncomfortable erection in my pants while starring into those beautiful dark blue eyes of his.
"Now be a good boy and suck" I growled, pressing my fingers to his slightly parted lips as he wrapped his hands around my wrist and wrapped his tongue around my middle finger, skillfully coating my fingers in his saliva and I couldn't help but press the pad of my finger against the back of his tongue, hearing him gag a bit as he stuck out his tongue and looked up at me with a hazy gaze. "Absolutely stunning" I breathed out, instantly moving my hand so I could capture his lips with my own, feeling our noses slightly bump against each others as I took his lower lip between my teeth and trailed my hand down to his entrance, carefully circling my finger around the rim. "Are you ready?" I asked, looking into his eyes for a brief moment, waiting for his consent, "Yes- Please hurry.." He whimpered out as I nodded, slowly pushing my finger in so I wouldn't hurt him.
His soft moans and gasps caused a slow heat to rise to my face as I pushed in another finger, moving them in a scissoring motion to make sure he's stretched out enough to ensure I wouldn't hurt him, "Hah! F-Fuck, [Y/n] pl-please just fuck me!" I couldn't deny his pleading tone and immediately went to pull off my clothes, throwing them off into some other part of the room as Tomioka wrapped his legs around my hips, causing my cock to rub against his entrance. A low whimper slipped past his lips while I hooked one hand behind his knee, pushing his leg towards his chest as I positioned myself at his entrance, looking into his eyes for a brief moment before slowly pushing it. "Ngh- Hah!" The sound of his moans and the way his walls quickly tightened around me caused a low gutteral goan to rip past my throat, and I couldn't help but bring my hand up to wrap around his throat, as I've done many times before, watching as his pale skin turned a deeper shade of red as he wrapped his hands around my wrist.
"Damn, such a slut for me aren't you?" I smirked, fully pushing myself into him as I dug my fingers into the sides of his neck, making sure not to press against his throat as I began to rock my hips, searching for that one spot that always had him trembling beneath me, "Hah- Ah, [Y/n]!" Ah, there it is. Loosening my grip on his neck I pounded into him, aiming for his prostate as his moans and whimpers echoed throughout the room, my name rolling off his tongue like a prayer, causing my core tighten from the sound and the addicting way his walls tightened around me with each thrust. "Fuck.. You feel so good baby" I practically growled out the words through panted breaths, leaning down to press sloppy open mouth kisses along his shoulder as he desperately tightened his grip on my hips, "I'm, I'm going to-" His body began to tremble under me as he looked up at me with hazy eyes and a silent plead. "Go ahead baby, cum for me" Digging his nails into my wrist he came on his lower stomach as I quickly came after him, heavy pants slipping past both our parted lips as I pressed a gentle kiss against the newly formed bruise on his neck before reaching for the towel I was supposed to use to dry my hair an hour ago.
"Giyuu, are you okay?" I asked while cleaning us both off, noticing the way he was practically half-asleep already. "Yeah, just a bit sore.. But it was worth it" Not wanting to embarrass him I merely nodded my head, pretending I didn't hear that last bit as I laid down beside him, pulling the cover over our bare bodies. However I couldn't help but smile as he snuggled against my chest while I gently traced small circles on his hip.
"I love you.."
"I love you too Giyuu."
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