#rottmnt fanfiction art
miicycle · 2 years
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ARTCOLLAB with @shyartz03!
Lineart by me! Colouring by Shy! Fanfiction by Nari aka @virgilisspidey
Check out Two Souls and the two creators mentioned!!
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meggahamicide · 6 months
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I realized that I never posted all of these as a set, so here you go! I think they look so good together!
Edit: Link to the fic!
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sweeneydino · 4 months
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@vanillavengeance thank you for the fluff, I needed it along with "draxum's new crush" 💀
PLEASE check out mystic malfunction it's so good I swear
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leisi-lilacdreams · 9 days
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obsessed with the background lore of En Passant by @alicat54c and @amevello-blue where leo and don are high ranking respected members of the hidden city and have taken on the job of protectors of it
basically generals
the fic isn't about that (it's also a sequel so please read both 🙏) it's about child weapons and sudden dads figuring out a new normal with lots of cute family stuff but the "blink and you'll miss it" little tidbit of lore got me in a chokehold OTL
zoomed in details under cut
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intotheelliwoods · 1 year
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If @dandylovesturtles will not give Leo a hug anytime soon then I will. Take that.
I may be invisible, but I still look good will be the death of me. Chapter 10 already gave me a stab wound.
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mrabubu · 28 days
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Vinnie’s eyes were swimming in madness, nothing masking his reeling mind as Leo’s own terror crept through his entire being. They were both plagued by each other's presence, Vinnie’s close to losing what was left of his sanity while Leo was trying and failing to come to terms that the skeletons hidden in Vinnie’s closet were also his to share. “Who are you?” Vinnie spat more than asked. “Almost every Leonardo I’ve been forced to relive has gotten the life beaten out of him or is long dead."
Anyway, another commission illustration for my friend's fic ~
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turtleinsoup · 7 months
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I drew somthin
I hope I can update my Lemonade Leak fic soon again ^^
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sarathrwizard · 3 months
I Care. Chapter 5 cover art
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Donnie can't help but feel responsible for Leos injuries. Despite his condition, he will find a way to fix or help Leo, even to the point of risking his own health.
(I know I said I would take a break but I CAAAANNNN'TTTT!!!)
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yanteetle · 9 months
Oh, you mean Yan Donnie and Yan Leo VS Y/n?? Now Let's talk about that <3 /hj
As much as I love the disaster twins fighting each other over y/n, I've seen enough of it that I've gotten a strange craving for them teaming up against y/n. They'd obviously bicker and fight each other still, but when it comes down to business, these twins don't play around <3
Imagine you slip up on an especially important rule (or try to escape) and they start looking at you like this while they decide on what punishment(s) to dish out..
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Leo would not hesitate to add fuel to the fire, and it that can only mean that Y/n is absolutely fucked. I will not elaborate any further <3
Taglist: @dynaspamm @faetaiity @fried-milkfish @milks-thoughts @hearteyedracooon @crystallinecryogenics @monster-fluffer @syrinxmeadow @zxphy @mellytumbles @nekonekoastume @sockidox @temmerlover @ramblehour @redak-ted @unnamedindividual @lampylamperson
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mossy-box · 4 months
Drew some stuff from @remedyturtles ‘s fic, Firefight.
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I definitely recommend giving it a read <3
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zeawesomeness · 9 months
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I’ve been reading The Eldest Brother fanfic by @debb987 and I absolutely adore Raph being able to hold all the 2012 children on his shell!!!
The background is stolen from the show (although I think that’s kinda obvious just by looking haha). I got the idea for this drawing when I saw a screenshot of Rise!Raph holding all his brother! So I traced that screenshot and just added the 2012 turtles on top.
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miicycle · 2 years
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i have more okay i have more, im just really tired and i wanna share this okay theres MORE okay
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an-artistic-failure · 5 months
⚠️ Minor blood and gore ⚠️
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This is fanart for chapter 12 of “firefight” by @remedyturtles or remrose on ao3
I wanted to draw something for this fic and for some reason I decided that drawing an alien creature was more within my comfort zone than drawing someone sleeping on someone else’s lap...
I based the krang dog design on the movie but I took some creative liberties
Also ignore the background I’m not a background artist okay 🫣
Anywayyyy enjoy I guess…
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sweeneydino · 3 months
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He's getting a scolding 😔
Mona, Raph, and little Y'thcorrin from @lieutenantbiscute Shellshocked au <3
I love their Mona sm 😭 She's so pretty
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kathaynesart · 5 months
will we ever see the moment donnie’s old visor bursts and gives him the injury?
Hm, that will probably be a short story I'll add into my Patreon once it's up and running!
Still in the plotting stages for what I'll be offering, but I think I'll mostly post summaries of events not integral to Replica's plot along with a drawing. As I get through the ones I have planned I'll probably make a slightly pricier tier where people can ask questions/request scenes kind of like what you did just now.
I already have the drawing and summary practically done for what happened in Shanghai with Donnie and Kendra so at least I have my first update ready to go haha.
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intotheelliwoods · 1 year
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So theres... this fanfiction,,,, I May Be Invisible, Bit I Still Look Good by @dandylovesturtles !!! And there is no fanart for it!?? Excuse me?? That is changing today. It is such a good read, and got me feeling so many emotions!
I hope my sense of humor gets across well aha
This was also just what I needed to get back into digital art and practice expressions apparently!
Sketch version of the second image under the cut!
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