#rottmnt bm
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lackablazeical · 6 months ago
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I'm working on a BM backstory slowly
It would be for both my Addams Family AU and for just Rise, I think it'd be able to work lore-wise for both so why not
She lives in a village of fellow Jorogumo, long before the existence of humans. She appeared out of the forest one day, being taken in by one of the kinder women, who tended to her like a daughter.
But the girl held a dark, festering greed inside her, something the others scorned her for. And what she didn't find useful, she forced aside :)
ALSO I HAVE A TWITTER NOW ITS @/lackablazeical FOLLOW ME ✨️✨️✨️
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nikaserb · 8 months ago
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i'm too lazy to look for her references
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circusinarun · 8 months ago
We've all seen the new rottmnt comic, didn't we?
And let's be honest, Frida is slayin'
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"welp... I guess I'll be on the kitchen then..."\jjjjjjjj
Don't listen to me, just some shit that people say
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haematoclan · 9 months ago
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Jessica Jaclyn & Big Mama would make a perfect pair and no, I will not elaborate!
(ok, maybe I'll elaborate a little)
Jessica is: money and goal oriented, ambitious, manipulative, a showwoman, charismatic, a fast thinker, she won't hesitate to put kids in harms way for entertainment and profit, has Everything Goes in the ring rule, and finally:
bends the rules in her favor at the last second:
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In conclusion: Big Mama would be down for Jessica so bad, you can't convince me otherwise!
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anoddrock · 9 months ago
Rottmnt AU where they’re all human and Big Mama and Draxum are studying law, and BM is also studying linguistics (she got that ‘is that even a word’ ‘it is now’ mentality) and Drax has a chemistry ‘hobby’ and then they are both interning at the Hamato Law Firm but they’ve basically just been assigned to tutor the charismatic Yoshi Hamato on law so he can inherit the company when he is Really Clearly a theater kid who could have a natural talent for this if he gave a shit about anything other than comics and stunt acting.
Yoshi tries writing BM poetry to get out of study sessions. This does not work.
He asks to see Draxum’s experiments(in his apartment) to get out of study sessions. This does work. However it’s a group study session so BM just follows them and is like ‘bro I need this internship. What are you doing gayboy. What the hell.’
Anyways. Turns out this chemistry stuff is…way more than little experiments for fun. BM and Yoshi are both suprised by the scale. Yoshi trips. Knocks something over. Into Drax’s turtle enclosure.
They are now two tired college students literally holding back an heir to a huge law company who doesn’t really know anything except comics and stunt lore from grabbing a random test tube to chug so he can escape his inheritance and be a single father of four green toddlers because he thinks that would be easier. Than law.
Big Mama is an eldest sister and hates that assumption, espescially as she helped raise half the kids in her neighborhood as a babysitter when saving up for college.
Drax is more worried because this guy definitely doesn’t know shit about turtles, and oh fuck his pet turtles what’s going on with them are they ok do they need a vet? Can they still go to the vet? Do they need a pediatrician, oh god he’s terrible with children oh no
Anyways. Overall chaos ensues. They need to hide the turtles to protect them. But they’re kids, they need to be around other kids, and socialize! Guys what if I moved down into the sewers with them turtles like water right. Shut up Yoshi you idiot, you’ll get salmonella and die.
Basically 2 college kids are now supervising a ‘single father of four’ and making sure he doesn’t fuck up or kill the kids, while also arguing about what these particular children need. Glorious
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jadetheblueartist · 9 months ago
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@ghosty-0w0 @littlemissartemisia @bluepallilworld @turtlelinibubble @tmnt-fandom-family-reunion
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Sorry, Frida’s not interested (and I need to get through some asks ^^) thanks for these :))))
@ellieskellyartwork designed the shirt
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sillyandquest · 1 year ago
It's wild how many characters there are in the Mutant Mashup au. Here's a list, plus some extra thoughts.
Splinter (Lou Hamato)
Raphael "Red" Hamato
Donatello "Purple" Hamato
Leonardo "Blue" Hamato
Michaelangelo "Orange" Hamato
April O'Neil
Carol O'Neil
Cassandra Jones
Casey Jones Junior
"Gram Gram" Karai
Todd Capybara
Baron Draxum
Warren & Hypnopotamus
Meat Sweats
Repo Mantis
Sando Brothers
Ghost Bear
Baxter Stockboy
Ms. Cuddles
Foot lieutenants
Big Mama
BM's Assistant (Frida)
Heinous Green
Loathsome Leonard
Dastardly Danny
Malicious Mickey
Splinter (Yoshi Hamato)
Leonardo "DaVinci" Hamato
Raphael "Sanzio" Hamato
Donatello "Niccolo" Hamato
Michaelangelo "Simoni" Hamato
April "May" O'Neil
Kirby O'Neil
Casey Jones
Karai (Miwa)
Tang Shen
Mr. Murakami
Oroku Saki (Shredder)
Bebop & Rocksteady
Tiger Claw (Takeshi)
Fish Legs (Xever)
Rahzar (Chris Bradford)
Baxter Stockman
Mona Lisa (Y'gythba)
Slash (Spike)
Pigeon Pete (Nobody likes/talks about him)
Professor Rockwell
Mondo Gecko
Muckman (Garson Grunge)
I told you. It's pretty crazy. Anyway, these are almost every character that has ever interacted with the turtles whether significantly or not. Now that I'm looking at the list, I'm really blown away by how different these interactions are. It's awesome! Seriously, it looks like the the only things that stayed the same was the turtles, Splinter, April, Casey, Shredder, and Karai. The Kraang too but I'll talk about that in a second.
In the Au, Stockman might've gone to the store Stockboy works at and chatted about machines and whatnot. Tang Shen and Gram Gram Karai would also have gotten along pretty well I think (they share the same voice actor too so that's a nice touch). I don't think Draxum would've worked together with Shredder. Saki tends to boss others around and Draxum's pride wouldn't have liked that. It's possible that Shredder tricked Draxum into wearing the armor, but the chance of finally gaining the power necessary to achieve his goal would've been too good to pass up. Saki isn't above using enhancers as a last resort. He would've worn the Dark Armor on his own and become the 'Super' Shredder. One last thing to note is that technically speaking and looking back at Rise canon, the Hamato clan originally was a part of the foot clan. It's weird right?? The split happened when the leader of the Foot clan at the time wore the Dark Armor and went on a rampage. He had done so with the best of intentions but he couldn't control the armor's need to destroy. The man (who happens to also be called Oroku Saki, might name change in this au) had a daughter whose name was Karai. She would go on to create the Hamato clan and seal away the Shredder and herself. That's what happens in this Au at least and aligns closely with canon for the most part. 2012 didn't have much lore when it comes to the Hamato clan, aside from what happened to Tang Shen, so that's why I chose Rise canon as a building point.
Now the Krang is in a weird spot. In canon the 2012 Kraang are brainwashed by Kraang Prime with only a few that managed to break free of his control, calling themselves Utrom. Rise canon sees something similar to this in that the Krang are invaders that can take control of both machines and organic beings. Rise fans also know that Krang are actually the reason for Yokai in the first place through the Empyrean they brought and that they created the Dark Armor. In terms of the Au, the 2012 Kraang only want to free Krang Prime which is Rise Krang. (Brother and Sister Krang are also there but we don't see a lot of love for them so.) There were a few 2012 Kraang that decided to rebel and called themselves the Utrom. The creation of Yokai through the Empyrean and the banishment of Krang Prime and his siblings happened long ago, just like Rise canon.
No one really knows who sealed them away, time had eroded the knowledge away to the point of meaninglessness. There are definitely several legends about it that try to explain what exactly happened but it's never explained. Maybe it was the Utrom trying to atone for the sins of their past, or maybe, just maybe, it was a group of great warriors?
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seagull-scribbles · 2 years ago
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Warm up request of Bullhop for @thehunterpersian
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loverboypercy · 2 years ago
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“does being sep au mean rabbit is free of being an older brother?”
answer: no.
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circusinarun · 9 months ago
Big Mama's Dialogue
I've heard a few people lament on how Big Mama is difficult to write because of how she speaks, so I thought I'd share my tips and tricks.
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I start out by writing what I intend for her to say without the flowery language added on. For example:
"I look nice in the new jacket I bought."
Doesn't sound like Big Mama at all, but it'll help you have a place to start so you don't have to be intimidated by scrolling through thesaurus.
Now, Big M has a tendency to do the following:
Use outdated American slang (anywhere from the 1920's to the 60's)
Apply alliterations (using the same letter at the beginning of a word to the adjacent/close word)
Use adverbs, so describing words with the end suffix -ly (i.e. softly, mysteriously, quickly)
Sprinkle in a few made-up words
So let's take the base sentence I provided an shape it to Big M's standards.
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Resources for American slang:
Instead of word vomiting out all the outdated American slang I know, I'm going to link some resources/websites you all can look at and come back to. She mostly uses 20's slang, so the links are centered around that.
1920's slang PDF, alphabetically organized!!!
List of slang phrases originating from the 1920's to the 2010's
Short list of slang flapper's from the 1920's used
So let's edit our base sentence a little, now it's:
"This new jacket I bought is the cat's meow."
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Adding the next layer:
I did mention that Big Mama tended to use both alliterations and adverbs in copious amounts, but don't feel pressured to use both at once in a sentence. If it fits, it fits. If it doesn't, some trimming might be useful. This is why having a base sentence is important, so the intention behind the dialogue isn't lost under all the additions you're adding. So with that in mind, I'm going to alter our example:
"This new jazzy jacket I just bought is the cat's meow."
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The last part:
I save the "fake words" part for last, because beginning with them can make your sentences clunky or not make sense. This part really relies on your personal touch or the context and tone of the situation at hand. The example I gave make Big Mama sound like she's preening about her looks, so I'm going to lean into that.
"This newsie-woozie jazzy jackety I just bought is the cat's meow! Grr!"
And for comparison, here's where we started.
"I look nice in the new jacket I bought."
And well, that's it!!! Hope it was helpful to those that needed it!!!
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lackablazeical · 7 months ago
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It's okay for things to not look okay first try It's okay for things to not look okay first try It's okay f
Anyway BM is putting me through HELLLLLLLL I can't decide if I want her hair dark or light and have her be half spider and also what if any clothes she should have and I'm gonna TWEAK but it's fine 🧚‍♀️
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nikaserb · 7 months ago
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oh damn
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circusinarun · 8 months ago
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As we know, in 2012 TMNT Tang Shen was Yoshi's wife (?) and in rottmnt she is Yoshi's co-star... Do you think BM was jealous of Yoshi and Shen? I think so. And she doesn't care that Shen and Lou are friends from college.
Sketch for this amazing project
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travajoke01 · 5 months ago
target acquired
So. Pepper's reference sheets. I keep forgetting about them lmao. It's going to be a set, sorta. so she'll have the same base ref, just different outfits on each of them. This is finished, I'd just say that's still a WIP because it's 1 in a set.
I would post them all together once I'm finished, but I don't believe I've posted any art besides WIPs since August or September.
So here ya go
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close-ups under the cut because idk
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fabuloustrash05 · 2 months ago
What do you think of Frida aka big mama assistant? I know we only saw in a few episodes or so and saw reveal her face but still thoughts?
Honestly, there’s really not much to think about regarding her as a character cause we know NOTHING about her as a character. She appears a total of 2(?) times in the show with no speaking lines. All we get from her character is that she is mysterious, is loyal to Big Mama, and is a skilled fighter (I can’t remember if we’ve ever seen her fight, but she probably is).
We don’t know her personality, her fears/weaknesses, her likes/dislikes, her hobbies, her history/relationship with Big Mama (whether it’s a loyal servant and her boss type relationship or if BM is a parental figure towards her), how she feels about Splinter and the Turtles (does she know they are her family or is unaware? If she does know, how does she feel about that? Does she feel resentment towards them, indifference, or something else?), etc.
The sad thing is, most fans will only ever know her as Big Mama’s Assistant, being completely unaware of the rottmnt comic issue or checked out the producers old Twitter posts that reveals her true identity.
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As cool as a design and concept Frida aka Big Mama’s Assistant is, and ignoring all headcanons fans have of her, she’s sadly a nothing character. And I hate that she is a nothing character. I don’t want people to think I hate her, I love her in concept, but as a character she sadly has little to no character at all for me to love.
I just wish Nickelodeon didn’t abruptly cancel rottmnt so we were given time to get properly introduced to the character of Frida, and not “Big Mama’s Assistant”.
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soapiemomorphine · 2 years ago
My Rottmnt Separated Au!// Masterpost
(*Dj Khalid voice *: Another one ) (scroll to bottom for links to other posts)
This one’s called:
How I Met Our Brothers
And it’s an au of my own inspired by all the greats, like @daedelweiss @dianagj-art @trubblegumm @red-rover-au and more! (Seriously go follow their blogs)
Mainly by @trubblegumm and by the feral Leo from @cupcakeslushie , and you’ll soon why
With out further ado;
(Also dont worry ab my chicken scratch I have it all written down lol)
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(Click for better quality lol)
Since my writing’s shit (lol) here’s the transcript for what I wrote: the character descriptions first, then the pluses from top to bottom
Donatello Hamato:
Raised by Splinter/Hamato Yoshi/Lou Jitsu in the sewers under Brooklyn
Started looking for his bros after his dad told him about them
Met April when he was 9 (she was 11)
He met Leo when they were both 11
Baron Michelangelo:
(I hc that Baron is a title, not a name; like Lord or Lady, so Mikey inherited Draxum’s title)
He’s been training to be a mystic warrior since he was born
Muninn (the one with a larger body and the underbite) wanted him to be named Angel, Huginn (the one with a larger head and overbite) wanted him to be Michael, so they compromised with the perfect name (don’t tell Draxum they saw it in a human pamphlet )
Raised by Draxum alone until he was seven
At 7 y/o he met Raph and ever since both Big Mama and Baron Draxum have joint custody over them
BM and BD raise them like a divorced couple, they alternate houses weekly and they celebrate each holiday twice, (Big Mama and Draxum only come together for their b-days)
Besties with Raph and Cass, (met Cass when he was 10, she was 13)
Rapheal Jitsu :
Training to be a mystic warrior since he was 9
Big Mama named him what she and Splinter would have named their first son; (he proposed to her, you can’t tell me that they didn’t talk ab baby names)
Big Mama was not the only secretive one in the relationship, she didn’t know what Splinter’s real last name was, (and as a gang leader she doesn’t use her name anymore) so yes, Jitsu is Raph’s legal last name
Met Mikey when he was 9 y/o
BM and BD raise them like a divorced couple, they alternate houses weekly and they celebrate each holiday twice, (Big Mama and Draxum only come together for their b-days)
Besties with Mike and Cass, (met Cass when he was 12, she was 13)
??????? —> Leonardo Hamato:
He grew up in the sewers in Staten Island, the one who brought him there was *REDACTED*
Staten Island is full on awful people, so nobody took him in, and he learned to fear people
Donnie found him, and named him Leonardo and gave him his birthday, making him 11
Other Info:
+ because Leonardo was hella malnourished as a growing young lad, Donnie ended up being the 2nd tallest by the time of the movie
+Splinter became more proactive in Donnie’s life ever since he lost sight of the other three brothers and became more proactive in his training when he met April because he’s more paranoid than he is in the show
+Don didn’t really care for Leo (he was comfortable as an only child and Leo changed his routine), until Leo got deathly sick and nearly died
+Big Mama and Draxum (somewhat) reformed only b/c Mikey and Raph would cry and throw tantrums (they won the moral argument slay) when they would talk ab their plans and beliefs (Draxum loves his children more that he hates humanity, and Big Mama finally learned how to love with Raph)
+Mama truly loved Splinter, but was insecure about him loving her as a Yokai (she had trust issues) and b/c her morals are hella skewed, it seemed like a great idea to keep him the only way she knew how, by putting him in Battle Nexus (and she makes bank with him there! In her mind it seemed like a win-win)
(Note: Big Mama’s and Splinter’s relationship will solely be as exes, because it would be hella unhealthy for Splints to trust her after she betrayed it like it. (They both lied to eachother during their relationship in this au) Their relationship in my comics and fanfics in this au will solely be as estranged exes, they will not be getting back together)
If this post gets like, at least 30 notes then ill post a comic on how Leo and Donnie met! (Edit: oh wow. U guys did it)
Lists of HIMOB Posts:
Disaster twins post
Sunset duo post
HIMOB Donnie meets the Canon Mad Dogs // Bonus Comic
Donnie and the Stranger: Part 1 // Part 2
The name Rapheal: Part 1 // Part 2
The Caretaker: Part 1 // TBC . . .
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