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horseweb-de · 2 months ago
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awrigrace · 5 years ago
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Dionysus MF
4yo Hanoverian Stallion
Doctor Wendell MF x EM Rising Star (Rotspon)
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ilovelaica · 7 years ago
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My endless list of favourite horses: Rotspon. [Ridden by ?? ]
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kenthlampa · 5 years ago
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#Churchill week. Food he was very fond of; Roast Beef, #Yorkshirepudding, #Rotspon, #Dundee Fruit Cake infused with #whisky on our table tonight. (på/i Loddby) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-r1eWFJgRP/?igshid=1h4xjo7gi5yk4
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scarlettjane22 · 5 years ago
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Rasclalino (Rotspon/Velten III)
Serendipity Farm Sporthorses
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neocortex70 · 8 years ago
Mackmyra Nathan Rotspon, 54,3%
Mackmyra Nathan Rotspon, 54,3%
Mackmyra hat sich längst als feste Größe etabliert auf dem Whiskymarkt und ist inzwischen mehr als nur eine schwedische Kuriosität. Vor allem in Deutschland erfreut sich Mackmyra immer größerer Beliebtheit und der deutsche Markt ist so ziemlich das wichtigste Export-Ziel in Europa. Ob das nun ausschlaggebend war für die Kollaboration mit dem deutschen Weinhändler Heinrich von Have in Hamburg,…
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forrestdumb · 6 years ago
Tražio sam ga godinama.
Znao sam, on stanuje u boci,
to je bilo lako ustanoviti,
ali gdje početi tražiti?
Svijet jedna boca, boca svijet,
trbušast, lijep, i snutra unutra,
tu se svijet prao.
Libečki Rotspon
ili teži Argentinac?
Sherry od Crnog čovjeka
ili Chardonnay s platoa brda?
Znao sam nešto o njegovom izgledu,
Znao za njegovo mišljenje:
U zdravlje svijeta!
I znao sam, biću uz njega.
U Kazablanki se izgubio trag,
onda na plavom Nilu,
u Šangaju,
u suzama djevojke
kojoj je vožnju parobrodom s točkom
od Drezdena do Pirne bio obećao,
vjetropir, taj prokleti
tad je opet izronio,
njegov brod buteljki Made in China.
Čekati ja ne mogu.
Trčati mogu, ići,
mogu tebi doći.
Ali ne čekati, molim,
nemoj da čekam,
nejasna vremena, vozovi,
planovi koji su mi nepoznati,
sve ove objektivne
prepreke, molim, zaboravi,
nemoj da čekam,
toliko toga ne stoji u novinama,
toliko čitati Johna Ashberyja
ne čini mi se dobro,
čekati, to mi ne leži,
radije ležim kraj tebe
ili još drukčije
ležim radije s tobom,
ali bih radije
i doručkovao s tobom
nego da samo na te čekam
dok dan gotovo ne prođe,
to ne mogu baš nikako,
čuješ li? čitaš li?
ne, pa ne možeš sada
čitati, možda u svom vozu,
znajući da čekam,
pa ne možeš oklijevati
da se popneš u voz, znajući
da ovdje je jedan što čeka,
a čekati ne može,
daj mi neki znak,
već ću da potrčim,
ili uzmem neko sredstvo,
beamt ili tramvaj
ovdje u velikom gradu, da,
vožnja tramvajem je čulna,
e, ima smisla ako to čekanje
prekine i doveze me
k tebi, ukine čekanje
čija sam ja žrtva,
žrtva velikog čekanja,
božanskog čekanja
koje ne mogu izdržati,
za to sam premalen,
da čekam na te, boginjo,
ovdje u hramu čekanja,
koji si posvetila
ne stupivši nikad u njega,
gle, ja čekam, a
čekati ne mogu.
Mi moramo prestati.
Proljeće je, u mi moramo prestati.
Kao što sve prestaje, moramo tako
prestati, kao što sve prestaje.
Ja tvoje pismo nisam čitao.
Mi moramo prestati.
Jedno drugom nanosimo bol.
Proljeće je, i jedno drugom nanosimo bol.
Sve prestaje. S proljeća krvotok
počinje iznova. Mi moramo
prestati, moramo, mi.
Mi, dakle, to Mi prestaje.
Nije to nikakva svečana izjava.
Stravično je to. To boli.
Ali je manje bolno nego što
jedno drugom bol nanosimo ako
ne prestanemo. Pritom ne samo jedno
drugom, pritom i drugima bol nanosimo,
i nanosili smo, kad prestajanje
počine, ako to možemo.
Prestaje Mi, jer mi prestajemo.
Imamo tu moć, snagu.
Ja tvoje pismo nisam čitao.
Mi možemo prestati.
Možemo čak s proljeća,
kada, kao uvijek s proljeća,
sve počinje, u jednom takvom trenutku
možemo prestati.
To je dobro, to je veoma dobro.
To ne boli.
Čamac se kreće po vodi, mila,
i vjetar te sve po koži gladi,
čamac čija te forma žalostila
već od časa kad ga sagradih.
Po hrbatu sam ga smolom zalivo
da bi nas nosio sigurnije,
i svih ovih godina očekivo
ono što po sebi se razumije.
Al sad me, evo, odnio od tebe,
što si već vjerovala, do konca.
Brbljanje, svađe i žalbe nepotrebne,
našega smo se lišili oslonca.
Brzo me nosi iz izgubljenog pristaništa,
čamac kom nisi vjerovala ništa.
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weinundvino-blog · 5 years ago
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DAS ist schön DAS ist GEIL 🐵 JURTSCHITSCH ROTSPON 2013 85% ZW 10 % CS 5% Merlot 13,5 % ALK Natürlich BIO LANDWIRTSCHAFT Ein substanzreicher und eleganter Wein.Schöne runde zugängliche Tanninstruktur.Schöne Frucht nach reifen Zwetschken,etwas Kirsche,,dunklen Waldbeeren und ganz zarten Vanillenoten.Find ich GEIL 🍒🍇🍓 https://www.instagram.com/p/B3NlMB3ndeh/?igshid=1veuo27ow9ewj
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awrigrace · 5 years ago
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Bruce Springsteen MF
Belantis x EM Duet MF (Don Principe/Rotspon)
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ilovelaica · 7 years ago
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Hanoverian Stallion Of The Year:
Rotspon (Rubinstein I x Argentan I)
(c) by www.ll-foto.de
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prixsaintgeorge · 8 years ago
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bradgate riot act - kate tobin
photo by striding image photography, nz
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scarlettjane22 · 5 years ago
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PC Sasperilla (Salzburg / St Moritz /Rotspon) With her 2017 colt foal by Glocks Zonic
Primrose Court Warmblood Stud
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hwfarm · 4 years ago
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FEI quality, elegant and handsome - this boy can move! Magnificent HW, is a breathtaking horse of definite Champion quality, equipped with absolutely phenomenal gaits, presenting himself with wonderful self-carriage. 100% rideability and a super character. Magnificent HW, bay Hanoverian gelding by Premium stallion Martinez/Hanoverian stallion of the year Rotspon, born in 2017, standing approximately 178 cm or 17.1 hands. His stallion type (he is a gelding!!) will mesmerize everybody alike. He is a horse who casts his spell on every single person, a super fancy mover who knows to impress due to his type and work ethic. He is supple and has a ton of air time. He just floats above the ground, with his free shoulder and huge grundschwung, he swings nicely through his back, is light in the bridle and easy to sit. This extremely talented gentleman has definite international potential. A stunning horse whom has all the looks and personality a person could ever hope for. He has a super nice head and neck set, if he blinks with his beautiful kind eye, you'll fall in love at first sight. Magnificent HW has cat like movement and is as elastic as they get. His hooves barley touch the ground. He loves to please his handler and rider, to learn new things is his hobby as well as eagerly working under saddle. He does an amazing job in the dressage arena and with his quick, far reaching hind leg, passage and piaffe will come naturally to him. He is a very sweet boy, easy to handle and loves his personal grooming time and puts his head right in your lap, striving for attention and searching for treats. Uncomplicated on the ground and under saddle, easy to ride and an amateur, YR or professional will enjoy him just the same. Outstanding personality, gaits, looks and temperament. He will be the star in FEI classes and at clinics, the judges and onlookers will remember him where ever he goes ❤️Top quality, hand selected horses, all information can be found at www.HWfarm.com - we love what we do❤️ #hwfarm #dressage (at www.HWfarm.com - Horses Worldwide - Selected Quality Horses -) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGnhM3OD4qk/?igshid=6n4m9jfih6ew
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awrigrace · 5 years ago
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Belafonte MF
2yo Hanoverian Colt
Belantis x EM Duet MF (Don Principe/Rotspon)
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ilovelaica · 7 years ago
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My endless list of favourite horses: Royal Blend. [Ridden by ?? ]
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sanddancingwithanxiety · 10 years ago
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Robbie Soster on Robali Razzamatazz, by Rotspon (Rubinstein).
2012 Zilco Intermediare I at the Sydney CDI. (X)
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