onatrip · 2 months
Abenteuer in Norditalien: Eine Rundreise durch Trentino-Südtirol und Venetien
Unsere Reise durch Norditalien begann im malerischen Trentino-Südtirol, einem Paradies für Naturliebhaber und Abenteuerlustige. Der erste Halt unserer Rundreise führte uns nach Sterzing, einem bezaubernden Ort, der mit seiner atemberaubenden Bergkulisse und charmanten Altstadt beeindruckt.
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Sterzing: Ein Traum in den Alpen
In Sterzing haben wir im Hotel Lahnerhof übernachtet. Die Aussicht von unserem Zimmer war spektakulär, das Bett herrlich bequem und das Frühstück einfach köstlich. Nach einem herzhaften Frühstück machten wir uns auf den Weg in die Altstadt von Sterzing. Hier ist das Wahrzeichen der Stadt, der Zwölferturm, nicht zu übersehen. Dieses historische Bauwerk zieht Besucher magisch an und bietet eine perfekte Kulisse für Fotos.
In einem gemütlichen Café in der Altstadt genossen wir einen Espresso-Macchiato und einen köstlichen Mohn-Apfel-Kuchen. Der Duft des Kaffees und der Geschmack des Kuchens werden uns noch lange in Erinnerung bleiben. Die Straßen waren lebendig, eine Band spielte traditionelle Volksmusik und verbreitete eine fröhliche Atmosphäre. Sterzing hat uns mit seinem grünen Umland, den weidenden Kühen auf der Alm und den einladenden Wanderwegen sehr gefallen.
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Rosskopf: Ein Gipfel für Groß und Klein
Nach der Erkundung der Altstadt zog es uns in die Berge. Unser Ziel war der Rosskopf, ein grasbewachsener Gipfel auf einer Höhe von 2.180 Metern. Mit der Seilbahn ging es hinauf, was bereits ein Highlight für sich war. Oben angekommen, entschieden wir uns für den Rossy-Walk, einen 1,5-stündigen und 3,3 Kilometer langen Rundweg um den Berg. Der Spaziergang war perfekt für mich als ungeübte Wanderin und bot atemberaubende Ausblicke.
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Ein weiteres Abenteuer erwartete uns mit der Sommerrodelbahn. Die Fahrt mit dem Panorama Mountain Coaster am Rosskopf war ein absoluter Spaß. Man kann die Geschwindigkeit selbst regulieren und genießt dabei einen wunderschönen und aufregenden Ausblick auf die Alm. Nach diesem Adrenalinkick ging es mit der Seilbahn zurück zum Ausgangspunkt, wo wir ein gemütliches Picknick am Auto genossen.
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Von Sterzing nach Mori: Ein kulinarisches Abenteuer
Nach Sterzing führte unsere Reise weiter nach Mori, einer Stadt in Venetien, die unweit des Gardasees liegt. Unsere Unterkunft war ein charmantes Airbnb, in dem wir uns sofort wohlfühlten. Nach dem Einchecken erkundeten wir die Stadt und ließen den Abend in der Restaurant und Pizzeria Terra Nera ausklingen.
Das Abendessen war in Ordnung: Wir bestellten einen frischen Meeresfrüchtesalat, Nudeln mit Tintenfisch und Garnelen sowie gegrillten Lachs mit Grillgemüse. Obwohl wir sehr hungrig waren und alles gegessen hätten, war die Kombination aus regionalen Zutaten durchaus zufriedenstellend. Satt und entspannt kehrten wir in unser Apartment zurück und ließen den Abend gemütlich ausklingen.
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Vorfreude auf den Gardasee
Am nächsten Tag freuten wir uns auf unseren Besuch am Gardasee. Mit seinen malerischen Ufern und kristallklaren Wasser ist der Gardasee ein absolutes Muss für jeden Italien-Reisenden. Wir planen, die idyllischen Dörfer zu erkunden, eine Bootsfahrt zu machen und die Sonne zu genießen.
Unsere Rundreise durch Norditalien hat uns bereits jetzt viele unvergessliche Momente beschert, und wir freuen uns auf die weiteren Abenteuer, die vor uns liegen. Trentino-Südtirol und Venetien sind wahre Juwelen, die mit ihrer Schönheit und Vielfalt jeden Besucher in ihren Bann ziehen.
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6v-theblog · 11 months
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Morgan Rosskopf
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secondskin007 · 3 days
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"Joey Rosskopf Reims 95521" by G.Garitan is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0.
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J13▪️ Witzenhausen - Bad Sooden-Allendorf
27,4 km [280,1]▫️+1 040 m [+5 690]▫️23 °C
Witzenhausen est la capitale, au moins régionale, des cerises (Kirsche). La preuve, ils élisent chaque année depuis 1967 la Kirschenkönigin (ce qui a quand même plus de panache que l’élection de la reine des Quetsches chez nous en Lorraine). Dans la salle du petit déjeuner, il y avait les photos de toutes les Königinnen de 1967 à 2003, avec leur robe rouge… cerise et leur toute petite couronne. À 20 jours près, on était en pleines festivités !
Et donc, après avoir connu le plaisir suave d’enfiler des chaussettes pas tout à fait sèches pour les placer dans des chaussures encore franchement mouillées, les premiers kilomètres nous conduisent à travers les fameuses cerisaies (à l’époque de la floraison, le spectacle doit être magnifique dans la vallée). Les dernières cerises font le délice des oiseaux et les très vieux cerisiers celui des pics épeiches. Deux vigoureux lièvres folâtrent sur le chemin. Puis les choses sérieuses commencent avec comme échauffement le Sulzberg (298 m), puis le Schnellerskopf (412 m) et enfin le Rosskopf (482 m) avant de redescendre dans la vallée de la Werra. Au fil des ascensions, le ciel passe progressivement de gris menaçant à gris troué de bleu pour terminer franchement bleu. Quel bonheur après ces jours de grisaille ! Et une terrasse ombragée et zwei große Bier bien méritée nous attendaient sur la place du village après cette longue et physique étape. La cerise sur le gâteau !
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theladyyavilee · 2 years
post/702363765380874240 omg that playlist sounds amazing specially knowing how much i love your fic , would you think of sharing it ?
aaah I don't really share my spotify stuff in fandom circles because the account is attached to my family 🙈 but I am gonna put all the songs on the playlist under a cut here so you can recreate the playlist if you want to <3 (not all of the songs are angsty tbf xD there’s also the ones for the happier scenes mixed into it, but I have an extra playlist with exclusively the sad and slow ones for writing the really somber scenes and I will bolden those songs! also I am very happy to hear that you love the fic, thank youuu 💕💕 also kalsdfkjsd I am sorry it took me a while to answer this, I was mostly away from tumblr for the last week or so <3)
Message To Bears - You are a Memory
Michael Schulte - Falling Apart
The Fray - Look After You
Plumb - I Want You Here
Journey, Steve Perry - Separate Ways (Worlds Apart)
Sleeping At Last - Chasing Cars
Tommee Profit, Sam Tinnesz - With You Til The End
Bear’s Den - Red Earth & Pouring Rain
Ludovico Einaudi - Nuvole Bianche
Hans Zimmer - Time
5 Seconds of Summer - Ghost Of You
Sigur Rós - Dauðalogn
Novo Amor - Repeat Until Death
Mattia Cupelli - Love Lost
Sinéad O’Connor - Nothing Compares 2 U
Rosenstolz - Wir Sind Am Leben
Landon Pigg - The Way It Ends
Heather Nova - Like Lovers Do
Lily Kershaw - Ashes Like Snow
Roxette - Spending My Time
Simple Plan - Untitled (How Could This Happen to Me?)
Secession Studios - Isn’t It Beautiful
Mattia Cupelli - Without
Sleeping At Last - Saturn
Hans Zimmer, James Newton Howard - A Dark Knight
Mattia Cupelli - Cerulean
Taylor Swift - cardigan
Zack Hemsey - The Way
Lifehouse - Aftermath
RAIGN - Don’t Let Me Go
Tom Rosenthal - It’s Okay (Acoustic)
Ólafur Arnalds - Happiness Does Not Wait
Ólafur Arnalds, Arnór Dan - So Far
Message To Bears - I Know You Love To Fall
Karen O - I Shall Rise
Chip Taylor - On The Radio (Music From The Netflix Original Series Sex Education)
Natalie Taylor - Surrender
Erik Jonasson - Like a Funeral
Sleeping Wolf - The Wreck of Our Hearts
Lifehouse - All In
Lifehouse - First Time
Jean-Pierre Taïeb - Theme from “The Divide“
Alexander Rosskopf - Jiraiya’s Death
Ragnar Seaholm - Steady The Ship
The xx - Angels
Snow Patrol - Don’t Give In
Leona Lewis - Run
Counting Crows - Possibility Days
James Gillespie - Beyond Today
Oh Wonder - White Blood
Trading Yesterday - Shattered
Snow Patrol - The Lightning Strike
Nick Cave, Warren Ellis - Song for Bob
James Newton Howard - Rue’s Farewell
Max Richter - On The Nature Of Daylight
M83 - I’m Sending You Away
The Hope Arsenal - Wake Your Soul
Michael Schulte - You Said You’d Grow Old With Me
Williamette Stone - Heart Like Yours
SYML -The War
Lifehouse - Breathing
Forest Blakk - If You Love Her
Hills x Hills - You Feel Like Home
Robot Koch, Julien Marchal - Care
Keaton Henson - You
Wolf Larsen - If I Be Wrong
K. S. Rhoads - Our Corner Of The Universe
Forest Blakk - Tread Lightly
 MIKA, Jack Savoretti - Ready To Call This Love
Greg Laswell - Off I Go (2010 Mix)
Book On Tapeworm - The Brightest
Phil Wickham - It’s Always Been You
Switchfoot - This Is Home  
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euroadventure · 1 month
Maurach (Erfurter hütte) - Achensee - Mariathal
Zaterdag 10 augustus
Om 6 uur is mijn kamergenoot al wakker en maakt zich klaar voor een vroeg vertrek. Ik had de wekker om half 8 gezet, maar ik kom daarna moeilijk nog in slaap. Ik rek het nog een beetje tot 7.00uur maar dan ga ik er toch ook maar uit.
Na mijn ontbijt pak ik alles in, zodat ik de kamer leeg kan achterlaten. Ik sjouw niet alles de berg op natuurlijk, gelukkig kan ik wat spullen in de hut achterlaten en straks weer ophalen.
Ik wil vandaag naar de Rofanspitze op 2250m lopen. Vanaf daar kan ik via verschillende routes weer terug wandelen. Ik bekijk dan wel wat het wordt.
Ik vertrek met een strak blauwe lucht, echt prachtig! Via route 401 loop ik door een vallei steeds meer naar boven. Onderweg kom ik naast slechts een handvol mensen vooral veel koeien tegen.
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Ik kijk uit op de toppen van de Seekarlspitze, Rosskopf en de Rofanspitze waar ik naartoe loop.
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Na een uurtje wandelen word ik 'de hoek' omgeleid en zowaar een lief klein meertje aan de voet van de Krahnsatol.
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De route is een stuk gemakkelijker dan gisteren. De route gisteren was veel steiler en er lagen veel losse keien. Bijna bij de top krijg ik nog een mooi uitzicht aangeboden op de Zireiner See.
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Vervolgens mag ik het laatste stukje steil omhoog klimmen. Maar de beloning op de top mag er weer zijn!
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Ik loop na een korte pauze weer naar beneden. De koeien zorgen op de trrugweg voor 'stau', file op de route 😂.
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In plaats van dezelfde weg terug loop ik juist weer net even anders. Dat vind ik altijd leuker, als die optie er is.
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Via de rode route nummer 15, niet de zwarte route nummer 15, vervolg ik mijn weg. Denk ik...
Ergens heb ik denk ik de verkeerde afslag gepakt...en plots loop ik overde zwarte route over de Haidachstellwand. Naast dat het best steil omhoog is (ik dacht alleen nog maar af te moeten dalen), liggen de stenen ook weer behoorlijk los. Goed uitkijken dus.
Opeens sta ik weer bij een nieuw kruis op de top. Welke top dit nu is....🤔.
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Mensen vertellen mij dat er straks een klettersteig komt. Eh...dit stond niet op de kaart in mijn route. Ze geven aan dat het niet heel gevaarlijk is en zonder klettersteig uitrusting moet het ook lukken.
Het uitzicht is wel weer tof, zeker als aan de ene kant de wolken zich aandringen terwijl de andere kant strak blauwe lucht laat zien.
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Terug lopen is al lang geen optie meer vind ik dus ik loop verder. Eenmaal bij de klettersteig begin ik wel te twijfelen hoe ik dit moet aanpakken. Ik begrijp wel wat de mensen bedoelen dat het te doen is, maar naar boven voelt toch echt anders dan naar beneden 🙈.
Gelukkig komt daar een moeder met dochter inclusief klettersteig outfit. Ze gaan voor en verkennen voor mij even de route. Het is geen lang stuk, maar toch... ze komen tot de conclusie dat het beter is om met uitrusting af te dalen. De moeder is beneden en doet haar uitrusting uit en haar dochter brengt het weer naar mij. Ik sta nog altijd boven. Gelukkig weet ik hoe het werkt en met nog wel enige onhandigheid, maar veilig vastgeklikt aan de ijzeren touwen klim ik naar beneden. De dochter rustig achter mij aan.
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Ik ben natuurlijk enorm blij met ze en bedank ze diverse keren!
We wandelen weer apart terug naar de hut, wat toch ook nog verder is dan gedacht. Maar goed rond half twee ben ik weer bij de hut. Er zijn twee berghutten naast elkaar waar je iets kunt eten. Dit keer kies ik voor een andere dan gisteren. Ik neem een groot glas limonade en kaiserschmarren 😋  mjam! Ik zit aan tafel met een Oostenrijks stel en we kletsen nog uitgebreid over hun vakantie vorig jaar in Nederland en ik over mijn eerdere bezoek aan dit gebied.
Uiteindelijk wanneer alles op is, ga ik naar de hut waar ik mijn spullen heb achtergelaten. Ik had gisteren een extra douchemuntje gekocht en neem nog gauw een douche.
Rond half vier pak ik de gondel weer naar beneden.
Het is vandaag zoiezo bloedheet...30 graden. Gelukkig boven in de bergen, maar ook beneden aan het meer staat er een lekker windje. Ik loop nog naar het Seebad Achensee. Je moet in Oostenrijk betalen om in een meer te mogen zwemmen. Dat is bij ons toch wel anders. Toch is een duik het meer nog wel lekker voor ik straks weer de warme auto in stap op zoek naar een camperplaats. Ik vind een prima plekje in Mariathal, lekker in de schaduw.
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age-nu · 3 months
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expressneww · 1 year
Orban Says Ukraine Can’t Win War as He Justifies Veto on Aid
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban dug in his heels over crucial European Union aid to Ukraine, offering sympathy for his neighbor but nothing more to help it fight off Russia’s invasion.
“Emotionally it’s tragic, all of our hearts are with the Ukrainians,” Orban, 59, told Editor-in-Chief John Micklethwait on Tuesday. “But I’m talking as a politician who should save lives.”
“There’s no chance to win this war,” he added.
Hungary, the EU nation with the closest ties to Russian President Vladimir Putin, is blocking a €500 million-euro ($540 million) tranche of EU financial aid to Ukraine. It also opposes new sanctions against Russia.
Orban’s view runs counter to the analysis of Ukrainian allies who’ve been supplying Kyiv with weapons ahead of a counteroffensive that’s expected to begin this spring. While they are sober about the chances of a dramatic breakthrough, they support President Volodymyr Zelenskiy’s plan to beat back the invaders and reclaim territory.
“The Ukrainians have already demonstrated the capability they have to liberate land and push back the Russians, and the importance of the support they get from NATO allies,” the alliance’s secretary general, Jens Stoltenberg said in Brussels in response to Orban’s comments. Stoltenberg added that he was confident that Ukraine can “ensure that President Putin does not win this war.”
The Hungarian leader reiterated his call for an immediate cease-fire — a stance panned by critics as tantamount to calling for Ukraine’s capitulation.
He also echoed the Kremlin by repeating a narrative that frames the war as a proxy conflict between Russia and the US, and said fighting can only stop when Moscow clinches an agreement with Washington. The US has said Ukraine must decide on how and when it’s ready to seek peace.
Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry denounced the comments as absolving “Russia of responsibility for its aggression.”
“Ukrainians will continue to fight until they completely liberate their territories from Russian occupation,” spokesman Oleg Nikolenko wrote on Facebook. “This is the only way not just to restore peace in Ukraine, but to guarantee security in the whole of Europe.”
Orban’s approach to Ukraine and close ties with Russia have only exacerbated tensions with Hungary’s allies in the EU and NATO. Fellow members of the alliances have long criticized his more than decade-long consolidation of power and pursuit of a self-styled “illiberal democracy” with anti-immigrant and LGTBQ polices in a rejection of multicultural values.
Last week, Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto announced Hungary would block further EU aid to Ukraine and anti-Russian sanctions, citing Kyiv’s decision to put OTP Bank Nyrt., Hungary’s largest lender, on its list of international war sponsors.
The foreign minister reaffirmed Hungary’s stance on Monday at a meeting of EU foreign ministers in Brussels, drawing rebuke from other EU members.
“I’m disappointed, or rather irritated, by the behavior of our Hungarian friends,” German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius told reporters in Brussels.
OTP maintains business in Russia and Ukraine but it has said that a presidential decree is preventing it from selling its Russian unit. It has rejected claims of supporting Russia’s war and has publicly backed Ukraine.
“It’s a question of principles,” Orban said at the forum. “If a country like Ukraine would like to get your financial support, if you need our money, please respect us and don’t sanction our companies.”
Orban added that he hopes former US President Donald Trump will win reelection next year and that, while he has been at odds with President Joe Biden, it was not good for business to criticize the US.
The government of the State of Qatar is the underwriter of the Qatar Economic Forum.
--With assistance from Arne Delfs, Natalia Ojewska, Volodymyr Verbyany, Katharina Rosskopf, Marton Kasnyik and Andras Gergely.
William Thacker
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mastermindxsl · 5 months
Hagen Rosskopf, LLC
Championing Justice: The Hagen Rosskopf Approach to Personal Injury Law
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In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, navigating the roads can often be fraught with uncertainty. Accidents happen, and Car Accident Attorney they do, having a reliable advocate by your side can make all the difference. This is where Hagen Rosskopf, LLC steps in, not just as a legal firm, but as a beacon of hope and justice for those affected by personal injury.
At the heart of Hagen Rosskopf's mission lies a commitment to serving as the voice of the most vulnerable road users. Specializing in personal injury law, particularly in cases involving car accidents, wrongful death, and motorcycle injuries, they stand as pillars of support for individuals and families during some of their darkest moments.
A Personal Touch
What sets Hagen Rosskopf apart is their unwavering dedication to personalized service. In a world where legal firms often prioritize quantity over quality, they have chosen a different path. Rather than plastering their faces on highway billboards, they invest their time and resources in building genuine connections with their clients and the community they serve.
When you choose Hagen Rosskopf, you're not just another case number; you become part of their extended family. Their approach is rooted in empathy and understanding, recognizing that behind every legal matter lies a human story filled with complexities and emotions.
Quality Over Quantity
In an era where success is often measured by the sheer volume of cases handled, Hagen Rosskopf takes a different stance. For them, success isn't just about winning cases; it's about making a meaningful difference in the lives of their clients. They prioritize quality over quantity, ensuring that each case receives the attention and dedication it deserves.
Their attorneys, often referred to as "The People's Lawyer," take immense pride in their craft. Armed with a wealth of experience and expertise, they approach each case with meticulous care and a relentless pursuit of justice. From the initial consultation to the courtroom proceedings, clients can rest assured that they are in capable hands every step of the way.
Community-Centric Approach
Beyond their legal practice, Hagen Rosskopf is deeply ingrained in the fabric of the community. They understand that true change begins at the grassroots level, which is why they actively engage in various community initiatives and outreach programs.
Whether it's raising awareness about road safety or providing pro bono legal services to those in need, they are committed to making a positive impact beyond the confines of the courtroom. Their involvement goes beyond mere obligation; it stems from a genuine desire to uplift and empower those around them.
Client Satisfaction and Referrals
The true measure of Hagen Rosskopf's success lies in the satisfaction of their clients. Time and again, they have earned the trust and loyalty of those they represent, many of whom return to them for future legal needs. Moreover, their clients are their most vocal advocates, often referring friends and family members in need of legal assistance.
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This speaks volumes about the quality of service and care provided by Hagen Rosskopf. In an industry where reputation is everything, they have earned a stellar standing based on integrity, competence, and genuine concern for their clients' well-being.
In a world where justice can often feel elusive, Hagen Rosskopf stands as a beacon of hope and resilience. Through their unwavering commitment to personalized service, quality representation, and community engagement, they have carved a distinct niche in the realm of personal injury law.
So, the next time you find yourself Wrongful Death Lawyer need of legal assistance following a car accident, wrongful death, or motorcycle injury, remember that you don't have to face it alone. With Hagen Rosskopf by your side, you can rest assured that you have a dedicated team of advocates fighting tirelessly on your behalf, because at the end of the day, justice is not just a concept—it's a promise they strive to uphold with every case they handle.
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Brandon McNulty dominates US elite men's time trial for national title
Barta holds on to second while Rosskopf third in Oak Ridge from CyclingNews RSS Feed https://ift.tt/EV1nW82
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terriohio · 2 years
Klammer hotel
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A city ski bus stops right in front of the Klammer and will take you to the Rosskopf ski area for free. Guests enjoy special rates at a sport centre with tennis court, pool and sauna set a 2-minute walk away. Both international and regional classics can be sampled in the hall with South Tyrol-style chairs. Free wired internet connection is available in some rooms.Ĭold cuts, cheese and eggs, but also cakes and fruit feature at buffet breakfast, which is served in the restaurant. Recently refurbished, superior rooms have refined light furnishings.
They are reached by a lift and include a flat-screen TV and a complete bathroom with shower. This 3-star property offers Alpine-style rooms with panoramic views and carpeted floors. Tragbare Tr Stopper Lockdown Klammer 80dB Alarm fr Home Apartment Hotel Reise Sicherheit Schutz,Kaufen Sie von Verkufern aus China und aus der ganzen.
It features a restaurant, free outdoor parking and bikes. Per person in a cozy double room € 444.Situated in a central yet quiet area in Vipiteno and facing the mountains, Hotel Klammer offers free Wi-Fi and pick-up service from the train station. 1 leisurely stop at the hotel's own Gastein Alm.1 wine accompaniment to the 4-course menu in the Hotel Klammers Carinthia.1 ski toque dish in the Weitmoseralm on the Schlossalm.3 days gourmet half board with afternoon snack Find a hotel in Telluride to match your budget from the selection of hotels offered by Accor and our partners.Of course we organize the courses for you. The ski instructor will be happy to pick you up at our hotel. Gastein also offers excellent opportunities for beginners. Over 220 kilometers of pistes await you in the Ski Amadé ski area. The Klammer hotel, not far from the historic centre of Vitipeno offers guests at the Restaurant a rich and varied menu. Where is Gastehaus Klammerschneider Hotel Zell am Ziller placed It lies approximately 25 minutes walk from Laimacher Wasserfall. You can reach the ski slope in just 2 minutes on foot and the next cross-country ski run in just 5 minutes. The hotel has its own indoor tennis court (free of charge) and offers free bike rental and a 25% green fee discount for the Gastein Golf Club. In addition to excellent cuisine, the culinary offer includes wine tastings and barbecue parties on the sun terrace in summer. Klammers Carinthia offers first-class comfort in a relaxed ambience, comfortable rooms in a cozy country house style and its own alpine hut, to which excursions are made in summer. Here you will find a panorama sauna, a steam bath, a thermal whirlpool and thermal outdoor and indoor swimming pools. According to the "Relax Guide", the wellness oasis in Klammers Carinthia is one of the best in the country. There are also special spa treatments from Bali, China and Brittany. Holistic health methods such as acupressure, Shiatsu and Feldenkrais are combined here with thermal water. You will find pure wellness in the health pavilion with beauty department, massages, fango and moor treatments as well as daily exercise training. Klammers Kärnten is an innovative 4-star hotel in Bad Hofgastein that offers an ideal combination of health, wellness and sports activities amidst a breathtaking mountain landscapeįeel the rejuvenating effect of the Gastein thermal water in the thermal spa, a true oasis for the senses.
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Rosskopf - Italy (by barnyz) 
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6v-theblog · 2 years
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Morgan Rosskopf
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secondskin007 · 4 days
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"Joey Rosskopf" by Ray's Professional Cycling Page is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0.
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fredd-and-hope · 4 years
Guten Morgen an diesem sonnigen Montag, hier das Gipfelvideo vom Rosskopf, was war das für ein gigantischer Ausblick. Viel Spaß beim ansehen des Videos. Guten Start in die kurze Arbeitswoche 😊. Grüße Freddy, Hope und Tom #dog #dogs #rosskopf #husky #siberianhusky #landscape #amazing #view #trip #tree #sky #mountain #mountains #nature #landscapelovers #landscapehunter #trees #naturelover #naturelovers #natureonly #naturephotography #picoftheday #photooftheday #berg #berge #outdoor #hiking #trekking #climbing #travel (hier: Rosskopf Spitzingsee) https://www.instagram.com/p/CAUZiA_IWEA/?igshid=f3s7oe4d8wd5
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haico76 · 2 years
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Brotzeit ist die schönste Zeit! 🍻 #rosskopf #spitzingsee #sonnenuntergang #wandern #wanderlust #wanderninbayern #wandernmitkind #wandernmitkraxe #teamkraxe #outdoorlovers #bayernistschön #bayern #rausausdemhaus #draussenistsamschönsten #draussenzuhause #spitzingseegebiet #landschaftsfotografie #sonnenuntergangsstimmung #mangfallgebirge #gipfelbrotzeit #wandernmachtglücklich #wandernindeutschland #wanderliebe #naturelovers #iphone14pro #sundown #wandergram #bergwandern #wandernmachtspaß #wanderung (hier: Roßkopf (Mangfallgebirge)) https://www.instagram.com/p/CiqHEbSoXrS/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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